Origin Psychics Connections Magazine - July 2012

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Origin Connections The magazine of the Origin Psychic Line

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RELATIONSHIP ADVICE: How Will I Ever be able to Move On?


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‘The teacher who is indeed wise does not bid you to enter the house of his wisdom but rather leads you to the threshold of your mind.”

Wisdom and insight are things which we greatly value at Origin Psychics - it’s what our clients tell us repeatedly they find supports them the most in their readings. So I thought I’d do some googling, and see what I could find others’ have said about wisdom. I was actually quite astonished - if you decide to do this little exercise for yourself, you’ll find whole websites dedicated to the sharing of the wisdom of great minds. Everyone from Socrates to Robert Louis Stevenson, Lao Tzu to Einstein. But the one I’d like to share with you just now is from the great Lebanese poet and artist, Khalil Gibran:

“The teacher who is indeed wise does not bid you to enter the house of his wisdom but rather leads you to the threshold of your mind.”

I think this particular statement appeals to me so much because it encapsulates for me what working with the intuitive mind is all about. It is widely accepted, even amongst the more materialist in our society, that there is an incredible resource that we can work with, lying in our subconscious, and accessed through our intuition. Work with it as much as you can, with us or in your own personal space, and I have no doubt you’ll discover an incredible wealth to support you in your journey. Have a great month!



How will I ever be able to move on? B y S en io r O r i g i n P sy c h ic , C ath y Cox image came to me 'loud and clear' today - an image not unlike 'The ‘Seems like a An Tower' archetype in the Tarot. Paradoxically, it came while I was enjoying a quiet disaster and cup of tea in the sunshine! For anyone with even the most casual acquaintance chaos on the with tarot cards, you'll understand the irony. The Tower archetype usually surface, but expresses anything BUT peace and quiet and sunshine! It's usually an image of - of the tower being hit by lightening, perhaps fire - sometimes the there is now destruction image is verging on violent carnage! But one thing is also always present in the room for Tower card - look at the bottom of the tower and you'll see something solid restoration remaining. and Well fortunately I know my own internal renovation to language well enough not to have been occur; accept shocked or dissuaded from exploring the that you are image further. And so I entered the image, in the midst even before the dust had settled, and explored it with a little bit of lucid dreaming... of a big change and relax as best Thankfully this particular fallen tower had no bodies strewn about (as some you can - you tarot decks do)! Parts of the rubble hadn't really settled; there was still some will see movement going on, a bit like I imagine an earthquake would be - I simply stayed away from there. But I felt quite safe to walk amongst certain parts of differently what had been the tower, and to work with what was there. before too long.’


I found what had been an underground fountain of sorts - it didn't take much to unclog the drains, and amazingly water began to flow from a pipe I hadn't seen before - the water was beginning to wash away the dust and there was the most beautiful image made from coloured tiles at the base of the fountain! The whole thing looked like it had been long forgotten, and before long, the colours began to show through more and more as the dust and grime washed away.

I walked then into what had been a walled garden, before the collapse of the tower had broken down 2 and a half of the walls. In the corner of the garden was a tree which was almost bare, but for one small flower. Before the collapse, the tree had been almost totally in shade, except for the branch which had the flower - it had stretched up into sunlight. Now the whole tree was bathed in sunlight, and I couldn't help but think that before long, the whole tree would be in bloom. I must admit that the flower surprised me - something so beautiful in the midst of all this rubble! I spent some time simply watching this flower - it seemed to awaken something in me, even though I couldn’t quite articulate what that may have been.

After a time, I walked further then, into an area with what had been a beautifully manicured lawn. It had been so tidy, that I felt compelled to begin to move some of the rubble, to attempt to bring some order to the disorder all around. As I laid out the pieces of rubble, they began to form a pattern of sorts - I could see that I could, if I chose to, build a courtyard or a path of sorts, from the pieces of rubble. I wasn't sure yet, but I could see the possible outline.

I wanted to share this particular experience of lucid dreaming with you because it was so symbolic of what I see happening with clients who have been through, or

who are going through, a particularly difficult, seemingly destructive period in their life. It can be so incredibly difficult to face the prospect of rebuilding one's life in the midst of this kind of experience, let alone after the dust has settled. The metaphors may seem a little simplistic, even cliched, but you'd be amazed at just how powerful such images can be, when you experience them yourself in your own personal story. Here are a few key points to remember if you've been going through such a period: * GIVE YOURSELF TIME I find that clients often have feelings of desperately wanting to move on with their life - to get beyond the painful period they're going through. Sadly, painful emotional experiences need to be worked through so that they won't continue to effect you long afterwards. Really try not to make major decisions during this time if it's at all possible. Deciding to move house for example won't necessarily help you to feel renewed; nor will it effectively get you away from the painful emotions you're experiencing. Like the fountain in the dream above, you need to let your emotions flow for a little while, until they begin to 'run clean' and fresh and in a way which is soothing rather than painful.

* LEARN OR REDISCOVER HOW TO LISTEN TO YOUR OWN NEEDS I've found that clients often need to rediscover, or learn, how to access parts of themselves which have been hidden or repressed during the difficult period they've been going through. In relationships, sadly we women in particular do have a tendency to resonate with our partner and their needs, rather than harmoniously also fulfilling our own. This is more likely if you've been going through the break down of a relationship. Rediscovering your deepest sense of your identity can be an incredibly healing experience, even if


you're not sure about any other decisions in your life! Like the tree, you might have parts of yourself that have been hidden in the shadows - all they need is some conscious focus and attention from you to bring them back to growth. * FOCUS ON SOMETHING CREATIVE This may seem like a strange piece of advice, especially if you're focused on saving your marriage! But I've found in working with clients over time that even the most simple act of creativity, in the midst of a destructive time, can begin the process of reconnecting with your creative spirit. This can be something as simple as arranging some flowers! 'Creative' doesn't equate with 'artistic'. But by consciously putting your attention onto something you are 'bringing into being', you're simultaneously sparking off something incredibly powerful within your heart of hearts - you're activating your own creative fire. This is going to be a very important resource for you when you move more actively into the phase of rebuilding your life.

HAVE AN HOUR’S READING WITH CATHY THIS MONTH FOR THE PRICE OF 50 MINUTES. CALL OUR FREECALL NUMBERS TO BOOK... ‘I have been having readings with Cathy Cox at different times over the past ten years. She has helped me at crisis points in my life. She has helped me deal with many complex and challenging situations and relationships and she is brilliant. Firstly, she has the most amazing recall despite the fact that she must perform hundreds of readings, I have rarely had to remind her of a situation about which I am calling - even if the readings are spaced apart. She has a true warmth, kindness and empathy which always makes you feel as though you are talking to your best friend. She has an amazing ability to tune into your life by picking up the energies and vibrations of people and situations around you which she is able to describe in real detail. She has a fine emotional intelligence and is extremely patient - I have returned to her to go over the same issue many times when I am really struggling and being obsessive and she will help me unpick situations until I am in a position to move on. By doing this she has also taught me the ability to forgive by understanding what was actually going on at a deeper level in the other person, and this is a fundamental gift. Cathy is a truly special reader and I can't thank her enough for the help and insight she has given me, and the lessons I have learnt from that.’



The Virtual Healing Room By Lynne Leslie - Origin Psychic I’ve noticed both when working with holistic therapy and psychic reading clients, that I seem to get clusters of people with similar problems or situations coming to me at the same time. This usually tells me that the universe is giving me a lesson of some sort - there is something here for me to learn. The similarities in readings allow me to get a feel for what is helping the clients get through their problems, so that I am more conscious about it with the next client. Recently I have had a few very anxious clients on the phone - anxiety is one of those emotions which shares itself so easily, especially with sensitive and empathic people! It can be a challenge for anyone not to be affected by that energy. In a reading, I have to stay very grounded, so that I don’t get into that anxious energy with them, as I would be no help at all then!


Before every reading I create a sacred healing space around my client, which is protected and safe, and I hold the intention for them to receive help in whatever way they need. I also start the flow of healing energy for them to use if they wish - it’s there for their soul to decide if they want it or not. When someone is very anxious, I focus on holding that special healing space for them, and during the reading they are held in this space. Sometimes they need to talk and just let their anxiety disperse, taking advantage of that healing energy transforming the anxiety into calmness. Sometimes they are the kind of person who can’t offload onto anyone else, and so the healing is in actively listening to them at particular points in the reading. This means focussing my attention on the client and nothing else, and at the same time, linking into their energy field so that they can actually sense the communication is happening at a deeper level than their normal day to day interactions. A healing workshop I attended some years ago had a tradition of sitting in circle after a sweat lodge or firewalk, and one by one, we talked about what we had learned or experienced. For some this was a very emotional experience, and there were many tears.

Although it was often difficult, we were guided not to physically comfort each other, and the reason for this was that sometimes the “there there” approach can halt the healing crisis they are going through, and so they don’t get the full benefit of being able to release that energy. So instead we sat in circle, holding the healing space for them, and sending them love to help them to go through this process of releasing the pain energy they had been holding onto. This is similar to what goes on in readings - my intention is not to try to make it all go away, but to allow clients to experience being held in that loving space, so that they can let go of what it is they need to

On Rhythm & the Road... reproduced from ‘Like the Flowing River - Thoughts and Reflections’ by Paulo Coehlo “There was something you didn’t mention in your talk about the Road to Santiago,” said a pilgrim as we were leaving the Casa de Galicia, in Madrid, where I had given a lecture only minutes before. I’m sure there were many things I didn’t mention, since my intention had been merely to share something of my own experiences. Nevertheless, I invited her for a cup of coffee, intrigued to know what this important omission was. And Begona - for that was her name, said: “I’ve noticed that most pilgrims, whether on the Road to Santiago or any of life’s paths, always try to follow the rhythm set by others. At the start of my pilgrimage, I tried to keep up with my group, but I got tired. I was demanding too much of my body. I was tense all the time and ended up straining the tendons in my left foot. I couldn’t walk for two days after that, and I realized that I would only reach Santiago if I obeyed my own

let go of - whether that is anger, pain, hurt, anxiety. This is a natural part of the healing process, which can be forgotten about in today’s busy world. When people say that they feel better after just talking to me, what they have experienced is me holding this healing space for them to participate in their own healing process, and I feel both grateful and humble to have been allowed to take part too.

by Lynne Leslie

rhythm. I took longer than the others to get there, and for long stretches I often had to walk alone; but it was only by respecting my own rhythm that I managed to complete the journey, Ever since then, I have applied this to everything I do in life: I follow my own rhythm.”

Itʼs some time since Iʼve read Paolo Coehlo, and the last book of his I read was fictional. This is one of those beautiful books you can pick up as youʼre having a cuppa, when youʼre ready for bed and tired, but not quite ready for sleep, or on a relaxing summerʼs day. Each little ʻreflectionʼ is very brief, but with one of those little nuggets of wisdom, for which Paolo Coehlo has become so famous...

Cathy 7

DID YOU KNOW? Plants may be able to hear some levels of sound...

Plants have many of our senses and abilities- they can smell chemicals and respond to them, they can mount an immune response, they respond to touch/wind, and also respond to abiotic factors such as drought, heat, cold and salinity. In the 19th century, it was claimed that plants could hear and so began the talking to your plants phenomenon to help them grow. More recently, there was some research about plants responding to sound and the presence of sound responsive genes, that turned on in relation to sound. Many scientists did not believe this was a real effect, but those of a spiritual nature were always talking to plants, and continue to do so. Recently, this research into whether plants do respond to sound and have the capacity to hear was looked into by Monica Gagliano and others at the University of Western Australia in Crawley, link to the full article (http://www.plosone.org/article/info %3Adoi%2F10.1371%2Fjournal.pone.0037382) titled “Out of Sight but not Out of Mind: Alternative Means of Communication in Plants”. Their basic hypothesis is that chemical, light and contact related communication has been investigated in plants, but not hearing and sound. The experimental design was simple. Fennel plants will inhibit the germination of seeds growing around it-and this has been shown to be chemical and light induced. Many plants will accelerate their seedling germination if they sense competition around them, to counteract the

competitive chemical signal. In this experiment, all communication was blocked out: above ground and below ground communication was blocked. The fennel plant was sealed in a box and masked so that no chemical or light cues would be given to the seeds. The seeds were grown in separate petri dishes so there was no below ground or root communication. Yet, the seeds still picked up the presence of a “competitor” in the sealed box near them, and grew faster. When there was another adult chilli plant in the sealed and masked box, the growth rates were normal. This left the researchers with the option that the plants could hear the vibration (sound is an energy wave caused by matter, which we perceive through hearing) of the Fennel plant, knew that there was a competitor near, and accelerated their growth rates accordingly. I feel that this is a beautiful study on the subtle communication that goes on around us. Just because it is not loud and brash and bold, as we animals are, does not mean there is no communication happening through sound and hearing. We need to learn to value the subtle communication, in ourselves and other beings that cohabitate this planet with us. Plants may be communicating to us in many ways, we may not hear it with our ears, but some aspect of us may be responding, listening. In return, Plants can hear what we have to say to them too, and we should listen for their response using other senses than just our ears, tune into them using our psychic senses. Then the communication becomes alive, just like a shaman does when communicating with plant spirits.

by Natalie Arkins Ph D Origin Senior Psychic 8

Your Monthly Horoscopes HAPPY BIRTHDAY CANCER! Hello there Cancer - it’s your month finally! July will bring many changes, both positive and some that may be a little more challenging, as transiting Pluto will be in opposition to your sun sign for the first two weeks of July. This could bring about a lot of confusion for you, and a feeling of being unable to move ahead in the areas you would like to. Financially, this is not a month to invest, or to be frivolous with your money, especially so because transiting Mercury will go retrograde on July 16th. The message is not one to be fearful of - just proceed with caution for now. In regards to love and romance, don’t ‘rock the boat’ for now - you have much to appreciate and His Holiness, the Dalai Lama - enjoy. A deepening of your feelings will come later in the month, from the very Celebrity Cancerian stable place you’re building. HAPPY BIRTHDAY!

Aries Hello Aries - this month you may feel a bit stalled emotionally, and may find yourself wondering how to shake yourself out of it. That will be simple enough - just get out your journal and start writing your feelings down. This may be something that you absolutely despise doing, but that simply means there’s all the more reason to do so! Actually you will be surprised at how much it frees you up emotionally by the end of them month. Financially, try to keep your spending at a minimum; take your time with money decisions for now. In regards to love and romance, love is just around the corner for you, so ‘hang in there’.

Taurus The month of July will be a very good month for you Taurus, with many new business opportunities coming your way. It will be important for you to take your time with any business decisions you make, as they will affect you for the long-term. That ought not to be an issue for you, as you always take time and care with decisions of this sort. Financially, you will be surprised at the up swing in this area during July. In regards to love and romance, you are ready and open to finding a true love. This month will see you make real progress towards your goals!


Hello Gemini - the month of July will hold many unique experiences for you. This will be a good time for you to take some

time and settle into just which direction your life is headed. July will not be a month of action, as much a period to slow down, relax and do some personal writing. Transiting Mercury will be going retrograde on July 16th, which will force you to deal with issues you have been ignoring up until now. Financially, it is wise to use some caution and not be too frivolous with money for now. In regards to love, just hang in there, and watch the changes which are going on silently. They will soon become much more obvious!

Leo Hello there Leo - what is ahead for you in July will be an interesting adventure, for sure. You like to have things in your life ‘just so’, and to be able to stay in control. Well, because of the retrograde Mercury, beginning on the 16th of July, you may be in for a few surprises. Just hang on to your seat for now and ‘go with the flow’ as best you can. Continue to work on your projects, as you will see the fruit of your labours, and sooner than you expect. Financially, you will have some positive surprises. In regard to love, the message for you is to, ‘love the one you’re with’.

Virgo Well Virgo, the month of July will be a series mountains and valleys, but happily, mostly mountains! The length of the valleys will depend upon how positive you remain within yourself, about the many changes you will experience this month. 9

This will basically be a month of growth for you, both emotionally and spiritually. Take on the period from July 16th, with Mercury going retrograde, as a period to reevaluate your long-term goals. Financially, you are on the verge of many positive changes. In your love life, you’ll be enjoying all the fruits of your labours, finally!

Libra Well Libra, you will be busy trying to take in and adjust to the many different issues that will be facing you this month. The transit of Mercury in retrograde will be a period of much reflection for you this time around, and it would be a good time to journal your thoughts and emotions. Financially, this will be a very good month for you, and you may very well start some new projects. In the arena of love, July would be a good month to put your heart in neutral for the time being. It won’t be long until the conditions are right for you to move forwards again!


Hello Scorpio - the month of July will be a very good month for you! The sign of Scorpio is very comfortable with the Sun in Cancer, because both signs are water signs, and rule the emotions. So basically, you will be coming to terms with some emotions you have been unwilling to let go. Once you do this, you will experience a wonderful sense of freedom emotionally. Financially, you will intuitively know what to do with your monies this month. In regards to love and romance, you have not felt this open and positive, in a long time, so follow your heart this month!


Well Sagittarius, the month of July will be a month full of adventure and fun for you! At least for the first two weeks, you will feel totally wide open to whatever comes your way. You will be surprised how easily you are letting things flow along. After the 16th, you will be in a more contemplative mood, but still happy and content. Financially, don’t invest in anything new until mid-

August - from that time on you’re in a much more positive flow. In regard to love, you are in a really good place emotionally, and very open, so enjoy the ride!

Capricorn Hello Capricorn - you are totally ready for whatever changes July may bring your way. Although you may feel caught between a number of different decisions this month, whatever you do decide, spend some time in silent contemplation. Don’t make any hasty decisions, as they will not serve your ‘highest good’. Financially, be cautious and thrifty when you can. In regard to love and romance, you never think it is your time; well you may be pleasantly surprised during July!

Aquarius Hello Aquarius, you may be met with many different challenges within the first two weeks of July, all of which you will handle with complete ease and wisdom. If only the entire month would go that way. Just as you start feeling settled, transiting Mercury in retrograde, will sneak up on you. Not to worry, just relax, and “go with the flow”. Financially, this is a month to pull in the reins a bit, no one but you can to it, so do it. In regard to love and romance, just relax and let things be as they are for the time being.

Pisces Well Pisces, this month will be a month of ease and relaxation for you. Finally, you are realizing how important you are to yourself. I know this is a new, unusual concept for you, but it is one worth learning. This is a time to start putting your needs first, and demanding what is rightfully yours. Financially, you will be making some decisions that will affect you for the long term, so take your time this month. In regard to love and romance, you may just find and begin a new love relationship this month. Enjoy yourself!

by Sandy Johnson


And the moonbeams kiss the sea... By Sandy Johnson In ancient mythology, the Moon ruled side by side with the Sun god or goddess, and was often considered to be more important than the sun, because of its wisdom, guidance and spiritual knowledge. The Moon affected so many aspects of life and the personality, that it was often considered to have much power - she was given several different names throughout history because of this. Here are just a few of the names that the Moon has been called: Selena, Phoebe, Cynthia, Artemis, Hectate and Diana. Artemis is considered the absolute female archetype, and the most complete mother and nurturer of the planet. This is best seen through the three phases of the Moon, wherein the waxing Moon represents the youthful maiden, the full Moon is the mother goddess, and the waning Moon is the wise old woman. Hence all the ancient lore associated with the several phases of the Moon. In astrology the Moon rules the sign of Cancer, is exalted in the sign of Taurus, and in its fall in Scorpio. 11

The Moon represents the side of you that you keep hidden, unlike the Sun, which represents what others see of you outwardly. It rules the subconscious in the individual, the Mother and the home. The Moon also rules the fourth house in the astrology chart, which represents the “dark night of the soul”, where the individual must come “face to face” with their innermost emotions and past memories, and how these issues affect them on a day-to-day basis. Also, what truly drive’s the individual subconsciously”. So wherever the Moon is placed in the chart and other planetary aspects to the Moon denote the emotional issues and situations you experience throughout your life. The Moon and the sign of Cancer are associated with femininity, fertility, emotions, maternity, family bonds, sensitivity and memory. Actually, you might say that Cancer individuals never forget a thing. I like to call them the “family historians”. The cycles of the Moon have always been connected to the ocean, and the movement of water and it’s nurturing powers. Thus the Cancer individual is often a very sensitive and compassionate person. They can sometimes be sensitive to the point of being too easily hurt. Cancerians are also considered “psychic sponges” because of their strong intuition and empathy. But luckily they have their hard “crab” shell to protect them, on those occasions when they need it!

Tarot of the Month - The Chariot By Manisha Godbole, Origin Team Psychic

The Chariot is a message for you that it’s time to really take charge in your life, and especially so where your emotions are concerned. You may have been feeling comfortable in the flow of your feelings, even if those feelings are not healthy or positive ones for you. But the best way forwards for you at this time is for you to steer your way, rather than for your feelings to steer you. One of the aspects of the archetype underpinning the Chariot, which isn’t always acknowledged, is the need for focus. Too often, intense feelings pull us in conflicting directions, or at the least, create confusion about the best way forwards. The Chariot encourages us to gather our resources together, instead of allowing them to pull us all over the place. It will require concentration, and seemingly in a contradictory way, you mights even need to be a little patient with yourself to really experience the benefit of the Chariot in your life.

The Chariot Taking Charge Change Decisions

If your mind strays, or you break your new routine, diet, commitment - anything, for that matter, just gently bring your mind back to the point of focus you have decided upon in your life, and keep going. Finally, the Chariot is also a message that you have the internal resources and energy you desire to achieve yours goals - now is the time to trust that internal source, and to GO FOR IT! When this card appears, there’s little room for contemplation - your instincts will guide you without you needing to over-analyze or meditate on your choices. It’s important to remember that the Chariot’s message is that it is likely to be a little uncomfortable to start with, but before you know it, you’ll be feeling more enlivened and energized than you have for some time. Manisha Godbole Manishaʼs readings are founded on her psychic gifts o f Ta r o t , C h a n n e l i n g , Clairsentience & Empathy. She aims to leave you feeling clearer, empowered, & more in touch with yourself & your situation. 12

Be Your Own Psychic Frequently in readings, the insight and guidance we receive pushes us to a deeper sense of selfknowledge - this is much more often the case than there simply being messages of circumstantial knowledge. Consult any kind of oracle with a genuine intent to be receptive, and it will channel real insight, and put you in touch with your own inner source of wisdom. This month, we've chosen to consult the Rune Stones, and the message we've collectively received is MANNAZ.

Mannaz is the rune of the self there could hardly be a more appropriate message for selfawareness! It's message is literally 'look inwards to discover your self.' In its broadest sense, Mannaz represents all of humanity. In more practical terms, though, it is those with whom we have personal connections, from our immediate circle of family and friends to the wider community around us, reminding us of our nature as interactive, communal beings, with a deep need for companionship. It also represents our connection with the Gods and with nature - in short, our interconnectedness with the Oneness of the universe. So Mannaz reminds us of those we affect with our deeds in life. Male and female merge - in fact the whole web of mutable, vital human relationships are represented in this rune. Its message is for us to be aware of this fundamental aspect of our identity, when making our choices. But also, this message says that we can expect help and co-operation in our endeavours, when we hold this reality in our consciousness.

Key Words Mannaz The Self Man, Mankind Individual Humanity Awareness Divine Order Social Order Friends

Unity Meditation By Natalie Arkins In Yoga, there is a breath meditation where you breathe in love and light, and release negativity darkness - on the out breath. This is very common, to breathe in the goodness and release what we don’t need. A not so well known Buddhist meditation by Atisha, a bodhisattva from the 9th or 10th century (his

The UNITY Meditation and Breath: * Breathe in, saying to yourself “I am taking in light, love and goodness.” * Breathe out saying to yourself “ I am releasing Light, love and goodness.” * With each breath in, feel each cell and organ in your body taking in the love and light. * With each breath out, feel each cell release what it no longer needs, but is still light, love and goodness. * You can do this during a set meditation practice, or just anytime that you remember during the day. * Be mindful with your thoughts and words that whatever you are saying, in any state, it is with love and light and for the highest good. This is true if you are angry, upset, sad, happy, delighted, whichever state you find yourself. It is still all in love, held in love, and releasing love to others. Be in Unity, not in duality.

exact birthdate is debated) conceived of a breath meditation that is the opposite of this, to help take the misery out of this world for others. In that meditation, misery, negativity, darkness is breathed in, and transformed by the heart, and love, kindness and light breathed out. Osho also wrote about Atisha’s heart meditation. But in both of these practices, duality is still in place - darkness versus light, positive versus negative, goodness versus evil. After a spiritual journey to Peru in 2009, while doing a drumming session, a new breath meditation came to me, and I would like to share that meditation with you. This meditation is about everything being love, and that unity consciousness is what is important, so we don’t focus on judging and creating more duality. In the journey to spirit, I met the Elders/Masters around a campfire. They told me that it was time to stop the judging and creation of duality. By labelling things good and positive, and other things labelled negative, we were actually sowing the seeds for more negativity. To move forward, where we have a more positive and accepting outlook, we need to stop creating negativity. In reality, all is love, everything is made in love at the beginning. Yes, things decay and change, become toxic, decay and die. But that is just a different state, 14

and to some beings and energies, what is toxic to one is not toxic to them. Take the example of the dung beetles, which were sacred to the Egyptians, since they were able to take dung, roll it, and create life out of it (they placed their eggs in the dung). Science is continually finding that life can exist in extreme cold, extreme heat, extreme salt, even among poisons and toxins. Since we are creators, each thought and word is the seed for the future, where it will ripen and manifest, this is the idea behind karmic seeds. But what if we changed the karmic seeds and only created love? What is no longer good and positive to us, does not need to be labelled negative, only no longer useful to us. In this breath, what is released is still love, not negativity. I hope you connect with this meditation, and see the power held within this simple unity exercise. We are

powerful creators, and by creating a world more filled with love, one breath at a time, is a loving thing to do for all beings.

By Natalie Arkins Check out all our meditation tools on: www.originshop.com * * *

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