Origin Psychics Connections Magazine - September 2012

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The Magazine of the Origin Psychic Line Free Call UK - 0808 120 9695 Free Call USA - 1800 963 0094 Free Call Australia - 1800 620 446

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Welcome, to our new look Connections magazine! I make no secret of the fact that I just love mysteries - murder mysteries, that is! I read my first Agatha Christie novel at the age of 12, and regularly watch all manner of detective programs, spy stories, and anything with a 'legal' theme. A good friend has even suggested at times that I’m a bit obsessive, but that’s just unkind! I guess that for me, these stor ies satisfy that fundamental urge to see justice done, good triumphing over evil - I find it reassuring I think that at least in fiction, the good guy usually wins. Or at the very least, some kind of re-balancing can occur. Just recently, there has been showing in Britain a television program with a bit of a twist on that universal theme. It was called 'Eternal Law' - the basic premise was that two angels had been sent to earth AS LAWYERS, believe it or not, to help us poor mortals along the way. No offense intended towards my friends out there in the legal profession - the opening credits are even a little tongue-incheek about this seemingly unlikely scenario! Well this program has really had me thinking.

Despite the plethora of books and oracle cards about angels which are available today, it’s good to remember that angels are, after all, simply the 'messengers of God'. There are many psychics today who offer quite beautiful messages through the medium of ‘Angel readings’. But more particularly, I think many of us have encountered people who have helped us to connect with the grace of the Divine, to re-discover faith and the mystery of life. In essence - we’ve been offered an experience of grace.

We once again hear the achingly beautiful song which sounds just out of earshot, and then we remember to listen with our heart of hearts. Is it so difficult to imagine that grace flows through the hearts and minds of seemingly ordinary human beings, such as lawyers? To me, it's the very unlikely humanity, wit and humour of the characters in this story which brings it to life. I'll leave you with one of my favourite lines, delivered with perfect timing by the more seasoned and ‘ear thexperienced’ of the two angelic lawyers, on discussing whether they should get a dog: 'I must warn you, that as the ACTUAL personification of heavenly grace on earth, I refuse to pick up dog poo!'

It's not the first time that a fictional story has been written around the concept of angels walking here among us. Quite frankly, I really like the idea! And as with most of these so-called 'fictional' concepts, I believe that there's an element of truth Have a great month! embedded within it.


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heart therapy


by Senior Reader, Cathy Cox

As a professional reader for over a decade now, you probably won’t be surprised to hear that I’ve collected a variety of Tarot decks by now! My current favourite is one, which is based on the Arthurian legends. And one


of my favourite cards in this favourite deck is the card for Temperence – in this deck, it is called ‘The Cauldron’. Traditionally, Temperence is an archetype with a message about flexibility, gradual change, and real patience – letting a process of change unfold, rather than trying to force it to happen according to our own timetable.

If you’d like to be in the running to win a free 500 word email reading (Valued at £59.99) with Or igin Psychics’ most experienced Senior Reader, Cathy Cox, just send an email to cathy@originlife.com . In the subject line, put ‘CONNECTIONS SEPTEMBER COMPETITION’. Write your

There is a potent alchemy, which can take place in our lives when we allow the time and space for change to happen. The whole universe operates on alchemical processes - everything and everyone is connected, and our connections allow an infinite number of possibilities to flow between and among us. This alchemical process is particularly significant when it comes to relationships – I see the interconnections quite plainly in relationship readings. And this is where the symbolism of the Cauldron can be so supportive.

question in the body of the email - please include dates of birth and a general outline of the situation you are seeking guidance on. Runners up will qualify for a £12 discount on a half hour reading with Cathy, normally valued at £60.00.

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heart therapy So often in relationship change,

cauldron? What is bubbling away

divorce, or negotiating a new

we feel quite powerless. The vast


relationship. But they are also

majority of relationship readings

simple examples of a powerful

at some point or another will

Don’t assume for one moment

framework each and every one

focus on how to negotiate the

that what is inside you only

of us has at our disposal. In

changes, which seem to be being

exists within you. It is an

psychic readings, we enter into

imposed upon us. Or the

incredibly potent brew. And new

the flow of that change process

seeming lack of change in a

ingredients are being added all

with you, and we explore the

situation we are waiting to

the time. The universe is an

movement of energy at a very


interactive place. We interact all

subtle level. To understand the

the time, and we are 'changed'

external events - the

No matter what the

by those interactions. Seemingly

misunder standings, crossed

circumstances, we are

everyday occurrences will seep

wires, fears, arguments, ‘changes’ -

always in charge of what

into the mix in your inner

you need to explore the 'hidden

goes on within our own

cauldron - you're sitting on a

realms'. The layers of life that are

heart and mind – our

train on a bleak gray late winter's

not immediately apparent to

inner cauldron!

day.... and you receive a text

your rational mind. I believe that

from someone important to

this is one of the reasons that so

How we choose to respond to

you. You're listening to a piece of

much mystery has been created

another’s actions, where we

music and somehow you drift off

around psychic phenomena in

direct our attention, the thoughts

into a more relaxed state,

general, and how readings, in

which pass through our mind,

without even trying to. You're in

particular, work.

what we communicate in words,

a bad mood and then you hear a

feelings and energies – these

news repor t about an

things are absolutely and

earthquake on the other side of

completely our own. If you find

the world, and suddenly your

yourself in circumstances over

problems don't seem so

which you feel you have no

important. You're grateful for the

control, pause from struggling for

simple things in your life.

a few moments, and focus your attention on something over

These may seem like small

which you can take charge. What

things, and insignificant if you’re

have you put in your own inner

going through the trauma of a - Page 4 -


heart therapy

This can be anything from a career change to dealing with the loss of a loved one. There is no doubt about it - in order to really effectively handle or bring about change in the 'outer world', we all of us need to take charge of what is happening in our 'inner world'. Seeing our inner world as a cauldron supports us to recognise our own power, even in circumstances where we seem powerless. In a reading, you are able to step away from the business of every day life, and enter into another space. I have the privilege to enter into that inner world every day with my clients. It can sometimes feel a bit intimidating, but to be honest, it is amazing to me how beautiful, subtle, and complex our inner landscape is. And our inner cauldron really is quite magical.

CALL US and have 15% off a 20 minute reading during September... AND, our most popular reading: Have a 40 minute reading for the price of 30 minutes! These discounts are valid with any reader, and you can use each of them once during the month. The discounts are valid until September 30th.

Free Call UK - 0808 120 9695 Free Call USA - 1800 963 0094 Free Call AUS - 1800 620 446 - Page 5 -


YOUR SEPTEMBER HOROSCOPES Beyonce Knowles - Celebrity Virgo

HAPPY BIRTHDAY VIRGO! Well Virgo, September is here, and it’s your month! As a rule, your birthday will usually move things along with a little more ease. Now Mercury is no longer in retrograde, and mid-month transiting Pluto will be going in a direct motion, and with them, an energy which opens up many new projects and opportunities for you. In truth, you can hardly have anything negative happen to you this month! This is a good time to start new projects and succeed with them. Financially, you will feel that your monies are finally more balanced out in the coming month. In the area of love, you may be a bit more cautious than usual. But whatever you begin love wise will have very positive results. Have a great month and HAPPY BIRTHDAY!


start a little slow for you, but not to worry, soon enough you will see the rewards of the Mercury and Pluto transits. Both planets were holding you back for a bit, and frustrating you in previous months. You felt you could not move ahead, or start something new. Finally, that phase is all done, and you will be amazed at how easily things will be happening for you right now. So keep the positive attitude going. Now financially you will probably have to watch your money for the first half of the month, then you can ease off mid-month. In regard to love and romance, you will actually be doing very well in that arena, perhaps to your surprise!

Hello Aries, welcome to September and a month filled with one quick change after another! Both transiting Mercury and Pluto are going in a direct motion, and this has brought, and will continue to bring, many positive opportunities your way. Although at first you may be a little hesitant, jump in there and roll with the changes being offered to you by the Universe this month. It will all turn out better than you may think it would in the end. Financially, your monies will begin to improve slowly and very steadily, so “ hang in there”. In regards to love and romance, this may be a bit of a slow month, but you will be Gemini Gemini, this dealing with so much, you’re not month may be a even likely to notice. bit of a challenge for you in some ways. Many of Taurus the issues you have been Well Taurus, the choosing to ignore, may be month of coming to the forefront in your September may life. So this will mean that you - Page 6 -

PSYCHIC INSPIRATION will be forced to look at many issues and situations in your life honestly. Naturally that is not always an easy or fun task. But you will recover better from it, than you might expect. Financially, this month will be about getting your money in order for the long term. In the area of love and romance, you may feel that not everything is going as you had wished for. Just slow down a little bit and consider your options for the future.

Cancer Well Cancer, you are no doubt hoping this month will be a better one for you, which it actually will be, and in many areas. You have been thinking of a possible career or work change, but don’t know if this is the time to do so. What is most important is that you write down these desires and plans this month, and in the future, put them into action. If you approach it this way, the results will be great! Financially, it is time for you to begin tucking money away again - although you have enough coming in, it is leaving quickly. Now in the area of love and romance, this will be a very good month for you as you are getting in touch with many feelings that were dormant for to long. Enjoy the ride of “LOVE”!

Leo Leo, you have been feeling that things

have just not been moving along quickly enough for you. Well, that is definitely changing in the month of September. All of the plans you have been making, have felt like they were in limbo, but not any longer. So keep planning but also get into “action” and you will see the results almost immediately. You have been waiting a long time to put your plans into action, so “go for it”, you will get what you desire. Financially, you are beginning to save money, and will continue to do so for some time. Now in the area of love and romance, you are not entirely such of what you want at this time, so don’t make any quick decisions this month.

Libra Hello Libra September will be a fairly good month for you also. It seemed just as you got things started in a positive manner, that pesky Mercury retrograde hit last month. Well, now that both transiting Mercury and Pluto have gone direct this month, you can take a deep breath and enjoy yourself. This is the time to start the projects you could not begin last month. Financially, you will see and feel a positive increase, so enjoy the moment. In the area of love, you are feeling quite romantic so follow that desire and spend some prolonged time with your true love, finally.

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Scorpio Scorpio, you will have a surprising extra bur st of energy this month. With both transiting Mercury and Pluto being in direct motion this month, you will feel very inspired indeed. In some areas of your life, you will feel as if you could accomplish anything! Actually, that is partially true, so start and finish your goals and projects this month. Now financially, you may have to cut down on your spending a little bit, but nothing too drastic. In the area of love and romance, you may be feeling a bit more self-contained, and more interested in achieving your goals in other areas of your life. Just don’t ignore your lover.

Sagittarius Well Sagittarius, this is a month where you will be guided to do what is for you’re “highest good”, and to put your needs first. Yes, you are a lw ay s h e l p i n g p e o p l e a n d attempting to make them happy, but this month is about you. If you do this, you will see many issues clear up in your life and your goals being closer to fruition. Financially, this month will be a month to reevaluate your spending habits, and tone them down to some degree. In the area of love and romance, it is time for you to let go of a past love, and start anew. You will be

PSYCHIC INSPIRATION surprised how well this works for you for the future.

Capricorn Capricorn, the month of September will be a month of major changes for you! And actually you are more prepared than you think to embrace these changes. Many of the goals, projects and issues you have been trying to achieve will appear to move along at a faster pace than in the past few months. You will feel an extra boost of confidence this month, which you will be very glad to access. Now is the time for you work for your goals, straight ahead, without stopping, and you will be very pleased with the results. Financially, you will get an extra influx of money mid-month which will no doubt bring a smile to your face. Now romantically you will feel way more confident than you have in the past, which will work to your advantage in this department.

Aquarius Hello Aquarius, what an easy flowing month September will be for you. You have been letting many things and issues slip by you this last few months. You

were thinking and wishing that they might go away. But that is not the case this month; you are to take on these issues head-on. If you do this, you will notice that the negativity will quickly slip away. Financially, there have been some good and not so good opportunities in the past, and now is the time to leave the past in the past. In regards to love and romance, this is a month of non-motion, and recharging yourself - of course this will re-charge your love life for the future!

Pisces Hello Pisces, this month you will feel the transits of Mercury and Pluto very strongly, as both planets have effected you tremendously lately. You will be noticing many positive changes in your life during September, and trust me, it is finally time for this to happen. So accept all of these changes and help from other people in your life, with an open heart and hands. Financially, you are on the edge of great things happening, and many changes, finally. In the area of love and romance, you have been thinking about a past love a lot. Now is the time to let go of all of this, and open up to a new romance entering your life, if you’ll allow it to.

Gold cannot be pure & people cannot be perfect! (Chinese proverb) In Greek mythology, the goddess Persephone personifies Virgo - she is the goddess of the Spring season. When she was a young girl, her father Zeus offered her to his brother Hades, the God of the underworld, as his wife. Upon discovering this, Persephone’s mother Demeter, the goddess of the harvest, ruined the harvest in her despair and as retaliation. From that time on, the Spring goddess, Virgo, could only return to aid her family with the harvest for a six-month period, as Demeter and Hades were forced to share Persephone. This coincides with the constellation Virgo being visible for only the months of March through August. Virgo is considered the caretaker of mankind through her fertility - the constellation Virgo is seen as a woman holding a spike of corn, reinforcing the ‘Harvest Mother’ mythology. One of the key phrases for Virgo is ‘I analyze. Often Virgos can be real perfectionists even though in fact it’s quite impossible to do. It’s no surprise then that Virgos sometimes suffer from anxiety and issues of the nerves, because of their critical and perfectionist nature. On the more positive side of things, Virgos can be very sweet, caring and kind. They are sometimes known as the ‘helpers and service’ workers of the zodiac, and you’ll often find them in some part of the medical community or in one of the caring professions. - Page 8 -


Be Your own Psychic Using An Oracle Trees, angels, dolphins, unicorns, animals, goddesses, and fairies - this is just a taste of the ‘oracles’ available even in the most generic of online bookstores these days! According to Wikipedia: ‘In Classical Antiquity, an oracle was a person or agency considered to be a source of wise counsel or prophetic predictions of the future, and inspired by the gods. It is a form of divination. The word oracle comes from the Latin verb ōrāre "to speak" and properly refers to the priest or priestess uttering the prediction.’ Oracle cards and their accompanying books can be a rich source of insight, and a wonderful method for connecting with your inner wisdom, even on a daily basis. Here are a few hints if you’re feeling drawn to using an oracle...

*Visit a store and look at some of the different oracles available ‘in the flesh’. Your oracle needs to suit your particular needs at that particular time - trust your instincts and intuition in this process.

*Take some time to connect with the imagery of the cards you choose. Gaze at the detail in the cards without necessarily reading all the ‘meanings’ given by the author. This will help you to make your own intuitive connection with the cards.

*After taking some time to relax your body and mind, shuffle the cards, and when you’re ready, place them face down, cut the deck once, and turn over the top card. Gaze at this card to see what it communicates to you, before reading what the author says about this card.

Once you’ve found an oracle that you connect with, take some time each day to get to know the cards. Follow the steps above, and see what the oracle has to tell you about what’s important for you each day, until the wisdom begins to flow easily... - Page 9 -


Merle Hurley

Natalie Arkins

Sandy Johnson

Manisha Godbole

Sheila Jones

Marissa Muratore

Lynne Leslie

Charli Haines

Lyn Middleton


Did you know that all of the readers on the Origin Psychic Line must complete a formal interview, as well as complete a reading for one of the leading psychics on our line, before they are considered?

PSYCHIC INSPIRATION Each of our readers has years of professional experience, and must exhibit qualities of warmth, compassion, and a genuine care for our clients, as well as being skilled in the Psychic Arts.

Cat Muratore

Victoria Eastburn

Mike Muratore

Charles Russell

Ruvae Reedy

The Hierophant, our Tarot of the Month for September. The Hierophant is a great reminder that there is the most extr aordinar y wealth of knowledge, information, and wisdom available to us, gained from those who have lived and explored life before us. We need to extend ourselves beyond our own experience, beyond the boundaries of what we already know, but without abrogating the responsibility we each have to be our own authority in our own lives. Seek insight; read; meditate and find the myriad of wise counsels who are accessed by stepping beyond our normal everyday consciousness. Find a mentor - talk to an elder. Whatever you can do, now is the time to expand what you know and understand.

Wisdom Leaning / Teaching Real Knowledge - Page 11 -

It takes courage to follow the message of the Hierophant this is not simply about exploring new ideas, or information. It’s about extending your view of the world, and perhaps even your view of yourself! As your consciousness expands, your view of the world may just appear quite different to what it had before you set out on this path. It’s an exciting time! But remember, the more you know, the more you’ll realize how little you know!

energy universe

Couples Therapy could help patients with PTSD! by Natalie Arkins Ph D.

DID YOU KNOW... In a recent article in the Journal of the American Medical Association (August 15, vol. 308), by Monson et al, trials were run on how Couples Therapy could help patients with PTSD. PTSD, or ‘Post Traumatic Stress Discorder’ is caused by traumatic experiences, and can include combat, sexual and physical assaults, car accidents and natural disasters. People with PTSD can be withdrawn, numb, angry, exhibit avoidance behavior, be irritable and they can have serious problems maintaining personal relationships. Previous research has shown that one-on-one therapy does not always help with relieving these sometimes intense symptoms.

drug or alcohol addiction, and they were in relatively stable jobs and relationships. Cognitive-Behavioral therapy is a psychotherapy based treatment. It is goal orientated, working with the ‘here and now’, rather than the past, and works towards reducing symptoms. Conjoint is where both partners receive the treatment together. The therapy had three phases: ✴

Education on PTSD

Avoidance to Approach: making lists of things that they are avoiding, and start to include them into their lives. Avoidance tends to reinforce the fear and symptoms, so by including these they were overcoming the fear.

Beliefs: focus on each partner’s beliefs about PTSD and how it affects the partnership, trust, emotions, intimacy.

The researchers found a 50% decrease in PTSD symptoms through this approach. They found that with the support of the partner through the therapeutic process, the person with PTSD was better able to handle the negative symptoms associated with PTSD. While the trial focused on patients only with PTSD and not other accompanying symptoms (drug/alcohol/physical abuse) this is a positive step forward for those in relationships to deal with PTSD.

The study looked at 40 couples and placed them into two groups: One group with Cognitive-Behavior Conjoint Therapy (CBCT) and the other group without this therapy, but they were allowed to continue personal one-on-one therapy if they were currently doing that. These couples did not have other accompanying issues such as

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soul healing

Are you raging at life?

THIS MONTH IN THE VIRTUAL HEALING ROOM, LYNNE LESLIE OFFERS SOME PRACTIC AL SUGGESTIONS TO EFFECTIVELY DEAL WITH FRUSTRATION & ANGER... We all know the feeling of being stressed out whether the situation is relationship-based, linked to money, or perhaps career or business challenges. We want and expect things to happen in a particular way and life simply does not comply. When things are out of our hands, out of our control, and not allowing themselves to be

manipulated according to our desires, we can become frustrated and stressed. We want things to be different, but despite all our best efforts, we can’t seem to change them, and the more we try, the worse it seems to become. This is a problem that every human being on the planet experiences - the desire to change something, and with that desire, the powerlessness to make that change. It can make you want to scream, stamp your feet, rant or cry. We can twist things around, trying to get around it mentally “maybe if I try another way I’ll get a different outcome”. Or, “maybe if I tried harder...”. These are comments I hear a lot either during readings or healing sessions - clients wanting to

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soul healing make changes but feeling so stuck and powerless to do so. What I find in my experience is that the first step towards healing this situation is to recognize that no matter how hard we try, if we are trying to change something outside of what we can do ourselves, we have no control over it. The second step then is to accept this with a sigh of relief, or with a few tears, and thus let go of the tension and frustration built up inside of us. This is when the real healing starts, once the tears have cleared out the old stuck and frustrated energy, and we are in space where we’re ready to accept a different approach. Then we discover a space for new ideas, new inspirations to come in. Suddenly, everything can become clear as to what needs to be done - or more often - what not to do. If you find yourself in a position where you’ve tried literally everything to fix a problem - maybe it’s time to look at it a little differently - and stop trying. Acceptance is the key to unravelling the knots. There is an exercise I find works really well with this kind of problem, it doesn’t take long to do but is very effective. Find yourself a quiet place, where you won’t be disturbed, light a candle and dedicate it to your healing. Place your feet flat on the floor, and imagine that you are surrounded by white light. You might also like to ask your guides, guardians, angels, or other higher beings to protect and assist you during this process.

We discover a space for new ideas, new inspirations to come in. Suddenly, what needs to be done becomes clear - or more often - what not to do. - Page 14 -

HEALING MIND SPACE... Take a deep breath in and imagine it flowing to the part of your body where you feel the tension most, allow the breath to flow through this part, taking with it any hurt or tension or frustration that you feel, and send this breath, along with these energies, out through the soles of your feet, where the energies can disperse into the earth. You might need to do this several times before you feel all the tension leave your body. Then, imagine once more that you are surrounded by white light, but this time see it surround your body and wash through it, cleansing and energizing you as it moves from the top of your head right down to the soles of your feet. Do this for as long as feels right for you. Once you are finished, sit for a few minutes, paying attention to any thoughts that pass through your mind - not trying, just noticing. Then once again, become conscious of your feet, feel the solid ground underneath you. Start to move your fingers and toes, and when you are ready, bring your attention back into the room. In the space after you have released the tense, frustrated energy - where thoughts float across your mind - this is where you will find the answers. But there is no need to try hard to reach or remember them - they will come to you. All you need to do is to be willing to allow them.


WE BELIEVE IN RESTORING THE POWER OF THE PSYCHIC ARTS... At Origin Psychics, we recognize that the psychic arts were once a respected form of wisdom, used by people from the most powerful kings, the most esteemed philosophers and thinkers, through to the most humble person in their kitchen. And we believe that they are needed in the modern world now more than ever. With war, environmental crisis, the breakdown of family units

and relationships, and the failure of politics and religion, it is clear that we have become lost, both as individuals and as a society.

personal awakening in our hearts, inspired by connecting to our own psychic wisdom and power.

The psychic arts, when understood not as fortune telling, creepy ghost hunting or other faddish gimmicks, but as a pathway to connect with our deep intuitions and insight, is a means to feel the interconnectedness of life, and the wholeness of all things - they have the potential to radically transform our lives and the society we live in.

We wish to support all of our friends, to discover this psychic power within, through our readings, psychic development, and whatever loving means is available to us.

This is the path to personal change, not led by a religion, political party or guru, but by a

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We invite anyone reading this to join our Origin Psychic Community and become part of something we feel can be a very powerful force for positive change in the world.


Become an Origin Psychics Facebook Fan! Our community on Facebook is growing all the time! Become an Origin Psychics’ Facebook Fan, and not only do you receive a fantastic discount on a telephone reading this month, but you receive inspirations, tarot messages, channellings, meditations, links, and of course articles and interesting information on all manner of psychic phenomena and personal development matters. Just type in ‘ORIGIN PSYCHICS’ in the search function on Facebook and then click the ‘Like’ button. And say hello if you wish to.....

Morning is when I am awake, and there is a dawn in me! (Henry David Thoreau)

Become a fan of our Facebook page during September and you’ll receive a 20% discount on your next phone reading with us. - Page 16 -

Channeling from Seahorse Spirit I dance in the depths of the ocean, to the song and rhythms of my soul - they merge with every other song - no dissonance, just the sea, salt and grasses, always moving, breathing the water. If you want to dance like me, you must listen for the gentle song - silent to everyone else, but loud and clear in your soul. This is what makes my colours so bright; this is what allows me to live here, just out of view - joyfully living in the pulse of everything, being and dancing and singing my life into being.


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