The Merging Magazine

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The Magazine of the Origin Psychic Line HAPPY NEW YEAR!!! Call our free call numbers below...

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HAPPY NEW YEAR! One of the things I never tire of living in the Northern Hemisphere is the amazing impact of the seasons. I grew up and lived much of my life in a sub-tropical area of Australia - very hot and humid for most of the year. I’m writing just after the winter solstice - this year it was very significant as it fell on the same day as the Full Moon, and a solar eclipse. And so, the days are now growing longer again. The earth, especially here in the UK, is frozen no obvious sign of the change which is to come. And yet, it’s there - an almost imperceptible subtle change in the energy deep in the earth, hidden away from the icy and snow. This beautiful seasonal flow is one of the things I love about living here. It’s a sign of the vitality and spirit of everything around us. It reminds me of an experience I had not long after I’d come to live here. I had been feeling quite low and if I’m honest, quite lonely. I had found a place I really loved to sit in the garden, under the most magnificent and very old Hornbeam tree. One day I had almost drifted off - I was definitely in that space somewhere between awake and asleep, with my head resting against the trunk of the tree. And it spoke to me! It was a very reassuring

experience - and what was really obvious was that this tree had its own spirit, its own voice. I continued for some time to visit the tree, and I have to say that I learned a great deal from him. Only last year I had another, quite synchronistic experience while visiting Roslyn Chapel - I bought a bookmark for my celtic birth tree - and it was a Hornbeam. This really added quite a personal element to my experiences with that particular tree. These sorts of experiences I’m certain are really quite common - we just don’t really talk about them openly with each other. This is one of the things I’m very excited about with our new Facebook page - that this will become a forum for all of us to share these sorts of affirming experiences - experiences which remind us that the universe is alive and very friendly, if we can rediscover our ability to communicate with it. Say hello on Facebook, or share your own stories with us through our New Year’s competition. It’s got the potential to be a great year!


Competition! Win a two day personalised retreat at the Origin Educere Retreat Centre on the magical Isle of Skye. Write to us about ‘Your Psychic Story’ - entries need to be at least 800 words, and describe your own personal story of encounter with something you’d describe as a psychic experience. Send your entries to or by post to Caladh, Kensaleyre, Isle of Skye, IV51 9XE. Entries close February 28th, 2011.

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THE KEY TO HAPPINESS... by Rod Nicholson We are all broken and hurt to varying degrees and levels. As we pass through life there are many things happen which leave us wondering what life is about. We struggle to live and make money, we struggle with our relationships. We get married and have children full of hope for happiness and often it eludes us. We meet many disappointments and sad experiences. Life at times becomes a vale of tears. We live in fear and anxiety, never sure where we are going and what life is going to turn up next. Our story is the story of mankind. We achieve happiness for a while and then it disappears as we receive the blows of life in all its sad and sometimes tragic forms. Today, I read about the murder of a fifteen years old girl by a fifteen year old boy. I do not know the details and I really do not want to know. However, my heart goes out to the parents of both children who will be in shock and unable to believe what has happened in their lives. They will be devastated and their hearts full of pain and misery. These are the hammer blows of life that come to us in many different forms. This is where we can end up believing life to be nothing but rubbish and misery with a few moments of relief and happiness thrown in occasionally. We cannot go into a dream world and believe these terrible things do not happen because they do and each week we see many things that happen to people on the news. These two young people are real and their parents are real. What has happened is real. IS THERE AN ALTERNATIVE? THIS IS THE BIG QUESTION.

Can things be different? Does it have to be this way? Are we as a human race stuck in this cycle? Why is life like this and can we do something about it? There is a way that is so simple it is hard to believe. We have become so complicated in our thinking that we find it hard to have the simple faith required. What is the way?

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It is a returning to faith in the Sacred Oneness of all things. When we actually believe in the Oneness then separation disappears and with the dissolving of separation and merging into the Oneness then we begin to live in a different universe. This is a universe of confidence and power where everything works together in harmony. If we examine carefully our real moments of happiness in this world we will find that they were moments of merging, of becoming One with something. We can start with our feeling of family. Whenever, we have a family celebration together then people feel happy and not just because they might be having a drink but because they feel to varying degrees they are at one with one another. Remember how you feel when you hug a baby or even stroke an affectionate dog. We can go on a make a very long list here of our moments of happiness and we will see always that they are about merging and bonding, becoming One. If we have few moments of happiness it is because we have few occasions of merging and bonding in our lives. So, if there is a secret of happiness it lies in our ability to fill our life with merging experiences. We do not have to battle and struggle with fear and anxiety. All we need to do is to bond and nourish this most powerful energy every day and every moment we can. If we begin to do this and put our faith in the Oneness that our lives will be transformed and we will enter a magical universe.



‘Experience the power of your mind through the Origin Way. The Origin Way is the journey of the return to the origin mind. It is a journey far more fabulous than ever made in any Star Trek adventure. Just as in space travel, we talk of light years, so in order to return to the origin mind we have to become a traveller within the space of our own mind. We have to learn how to propel our consciousness light years beyond the limitations of the conditioned mind.’ ORDERS BEING TAKEN NOW - ONLY £12.95 + P&P

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It feels real, but I hardly know him.

by Bede Nicholson Camera zooms in. Man sees woman sitting at tube stop. She looks distant and almost ethereal. In the bustle and commotion of the crowded station she stands alone. Beautiful and stunning. His world has stopped. Woman sees man. Fumbling and clumsily trying to work his way through the mad push of the tube, his vulnerable and child-like innocence seems completely at odds with the world around him. She stares. Her life has changed. Camera Pans out. Love at first sight. Instant connection. The spark of cupid’s arrow. These are all names for this not so uncommon phenomena.Yet, finding yourself in love with someone you don’t even know doesn’t always work out so easily as in the Hollywood movies. The initial high of that instant connection can turn sour as insecurities and uncertainties begin to emerge. Is he attracted to me? Did he notice me today? What does he think of me? Does he even notice me? As our insecurities build and our initial feelings start to be less certain then we can begin to feel more and more fearful of rejection.

A case in point… A client of mine Suzy had been having some marital problems, but overall was not seriously unhappy. She had a good group of friends and was generally getting on with her life. One day during her lunch hour she happened to notice a guy who was staring at her. It was very strange because she UK 0808 120 9695

was sure his face looked familiar. As such she couldn’t help staring back also. His penetrating stare disarmed her totally. She felt completely vulnerable, like he was looking right into her soul. On one hand she felt like a giddy adolescent, and the other hand, she felt this very deep and strong stirring for something she couldn’t quite put a name to. Suzy turned away (or more likely fled), feeling quite embarrassed. Later that night she couldn’t help but think about him. It awoke in her very old feelings that she felt she had lost a long time ago. After years living with her husband she had accepted the reality that relationships were more like friendship, but this man was entirely something different. Over the next month she saw the man a number of times. Each time the same thing would happen, and each time the stares would become more obvious. She found out through colleagues that his name was Paul and he worked in the same building in another department. He was married also and had two kids. That was all she knew about him. As the month progressed Suzy found herself thinking about Paul more and more. She chided herself for being silly, but at the same time, she secretly fantasised about something happening. She rang a number of psychics, who told her she had past life connections with Paul. This further confirmed her feeling that something significant was happening. Nevertheless, she was paralysed by a fear that stopped her from approaching him. She desperately hoped that at one point he might approach her, but it just never seemed to work out that way. By the time Suzy rang me she was in a very desperate state indeed. 3 months had passed since their first meeting and the whole issue was beginning to consume her. She knew it was becoming unhealthy, but she felt totally stuck. She just couldn’t shake the feeling.

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During my psychic readings with Suzy I was able to help her confront some important blocks to resolving the situation. Part of the reading was about helping Suzy to recognise that the connection with Paul was a catalyst for an awakening in herself. In this sense, it wasn’t about Paul at all, but about helping Suzy see how she had become stuck in a mundane and routine relationship with her husband. Paul didn’t happen by co-incidence. Suzy attracted Paul into her life to help her face her deeper feelings of restlessness and discontentment in her own marriage. Until she faced this, Paul would always just be a fantasy in her mind, serving as a distraction from a deeper unhappiness. Intellectually, Suzy was already aware of this problem, but her belief was that she really couldn’t leave her relationship with her husband. The real block to things happening was not Paul but her. Her relationship with Paul was a fantasy because underneath it all that’s what Suzy really believed it was. As Suzy became clearer and clearer about this her fear of rejection from Paul began to lessen. She was able to see that there was in fact a strong attraction between them both, but she was able to be more pragmatic about it. She realized that her nervous and intense reactions to Paul were creating a block. So instead of going blushing and staring back, she simply started to smile back. It was only a matter of time before a conversation was struck up and they started to form a friendship.

So did Suzy and Paul get together? For the moment, I will leave this as a mystery, other than to say Suzy was a much happier woman as a result of connecting with Paul. The real story behind this story is that an ‘instant connection’ is only the first step on an emotional journey. If we become too focussed on the feeling of the connection it is likely just to become an obsessive fantasy rather than a real relationship. The only way to make that ‘instant connection’ mean something is to work with you are at here and now, and to begin relating to the person as they really are, rather than how you imagine them to be. If you are both married then focus on developing a friendship rather than getting into romantic fantasies. If you are both working together focus on nurturing a healthy professional respect for each other rather than playing flirting games. Bring practical substance to your connection. If you are not interested in this, and you are only interested in finding out whether he has romantic feelings for you, then you need to ask yourself whether you are more interested in the fantasy than you are in the person themself. Often when you let go of the fantasy and open up to the real person you will find a much richer and deeper experience of the relationship, and you will find the real purpose and meaning of the ‘instant connection’ start to unfold.

Why not try... Our powerful new Channeling Relaxation Consultations with Cathy Cox! The sessions last up to 40 minutes and cost £75.00 / $149(USD) / $199 (AUD) This price includes your personalized channeling recording.

For bookings call our free numbers below... ‘I have greatly appreciated the visualization sessions run by Cathy at Origin Psychics. At a time when I was experiencing high levels of stress and associated heightened anxiety, the wonderful calming time through the visualizations has helped me step out of the anxiety and given me time out to become grounded, and energized. The first time, I felt an enormous sense of relief that there was a place where this anxiety did not exist, I was allowed time away from the fearful sensation in my heart area. It moved me to tears.’

Lorna Dilley

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Hindsight is a wonderful thing! by Gaye Wright I never thought an article could take so long to

that our metabolism and even our cells can reverse

write as this one has. For something so short, it has

conditions and illness is one earth shattering moment of

been a bit of a nightmare to sit down and get it finished.

revelation. How can we do this?

I am actually a prolific writer but this has had me beaten

The truth is revealed in the little we (wee ) word.

for days! Does this happen to you too? Perhaps not

We don’t accomplish anything on our own. None of us

writer’s block, but some other thing that has taken ages

live alone in a bubble. We are all interconnected and

to complete? And for no apparent reason either. It’s a bit

weaving our way through the tapestry of life in constant

of a mystery. I’m kind of hoping that I can do the

communication with everyone and everything. Just

hindsight thing and look back and know why this has

because it is not all known to us in every moment does

happened. At least that’s some sort of compensation for my loss of pride in having to reveal this tarnished part of

not take away the power that we have to call upon the help and support that is our birthright in this wonderful

myself! But it’s a process we often revert to when we

universe of harmony that we call home.

have no other explanation for why something goes the way it does.

Now, the last amazing thing I have to share is that my writer’s block has well and truly gone. I could write

So, what ‘s your take on this? I’m sure you have all

on forever and bore you to tears. Writer’s ramble has

looked back in hindsight and had a Zen moment of

now taken hold of my hand and I’m off and running like

understanding. I may not have an enlightenment

the 1:15 at Ascot on a Tuesday afternoon. Life is a such a

experience that shocks the world over my writer’s block

hoot! Gaye Wright’s ‘Deep Body

but I am sure some greater good is going to come out of this. As I’ve grown older, matured I think they call it, I’ve

Relaxation’ CD

looked back and seen a lot of sense in the way the

and deeper states of relaxation and receptivity

universe has supported me to stay true to myself. At the

so that you enter a flow of communication

time I might have baulked and even cursed life for being

that escapes your everyday think-about mind.

so mean to me. I probably blamed a lot of other people.

This Meditation CD teaches your body to accept effortlessness

I may have even stretched my imagination to make out that what was happening was nothing really to do with

as a natural way of being. The gap between what you want in your mind and what happens in your body dissolves when

me. All in all, on many an occasion, I didn’t so-operate

you realize that all you have to do is speak with authority and

with the universe. The really amazing thing is that the

your body follows. In this CD, you experience the power of

universe co-operated with me. The other amazing thing is that we can learn to

non-doing and deep body relaxation as the foundation of an

change our perspective, and it doesn’t have to take years or even that much maturity to make the change. It can

Meditation is about going down into deeper

effortless and stress-free life.

Special Offer - Only $12.95, normally $15.95

happen in an instant. And the even more amazing thing is U K 0 8 0 8 1 2 0 9 6 9 5

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Did you know?

by Natalie Arkins Did you know - There is much more around us than meets the eye... Humans understand the world around them through their senses - the usual “five” are sight, hearing, taste, touch and smell. The sixth sense is associated with psychic or paranormal sensory perception. Basically, if we can’t sense it with one of the five senses, then it just doesn’t exist for many people. This is a very limited view of the world, and as humans have increased their ability to detect other energies through instrumentation from microscopes to MRI, we find that previously held beliefs about the world change, and our limits increase. Unfortunately, still only up to a point. Once we enter the realm of psychic phenomena, I believe that a lot occurs outside or on the edges of the visible light range, and is detected by sensing it with our psychic or “third” eye. Our physical eyes are very limited in what they can detect and transmit to the brain. Visible Light is a part of the electro-magnetic spectrum - just as are radio waves, microwaves and Gamma rays. We don’t usually think of radio waves as being light - but they are! Radio waves are just longer

Snakes can sense and see infrared (infrared is what we can see with night vision goggles, and is an EM energy produced by all objects, as heat), which helps them hunt their prey. More recently, Biophotons, created by all living cells through their DNA, are being studied by German biophysicist Fritzl-Albert Popp, as a way of explaining cell communications, healing and even paranormal activity. So, the next time you are looking at the world around you, remember that there is much more there than meets the eye. Try using your third ‘psychic’ eye, and see beyond what your physical eyes are seeing.

wavelength that are not detectable to our eyes. Humans see only a small part of the EM spectrum, from 300-nm to 700 nm, which is the visible light range. Even more intriguing is the fact that its our brains that “see” and make a picture of the reflected light off surfaces that the eyes detect. Indeed, there is no colour it is all caused by surfaces reflecting different wavelengths of light. Insects can see in the UV range - flowers have

‘In my first reading with Natalie she really empowered me in a moment of feeling at a low point in my selfesteem. She told me a mantra to say to myself, to empower me through my confusion. I really used this mantra and I have a great deal of gratitude to Natalie who helped me through this particular episode in my life. I would recommend Natalie as an insightful and compassionate reader.’

UV patterns on their petals to direct insects to the nectar. U K 0 8 0 8 1 2 0 9 6 9 5

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Shaman Graham Watt


My Personal Shamanic Journey

I am often asked about how I got into Shamanism, so this month I’d like to share my personal story of that journey.

worlds, meeting spirit guides, and experiencing sweat lodges with an almost hallucinogenic effect. One of the most memorable was witnessing a release of spirit from the body of a recently departed Elder of the village. My teacher sat in circle with the rest of the Elders, they drummed and chanted for what seemed hours around the body - it was a deeply moving experience as I had also known this person fairly well. Although I was feeling emotional, I recognized that this was a moving on ceremony and could not help but notice that the rest of the circle seemed to rejoice with the experience. I will always remember even with sub zero temperatures the room seemed to get warm and a cloud of what looked like black smoke started to emanate from the body, the drumming and chanting got quicker, with the elders now all smiling, the smoke or what I now know as the spirit worked its way around the room, apparently touching all of the circle. Whilst experiencing a slight fear the spirit stopped in front of me and I could feel something warm touch my forehead and instantly any fear had gone. My body felt alive and full of what I could only explain as an unconditional love. Unfortunately my teacher has since passed away and is no longer with me on the earthly plain, but I know in spirit, he is always with me. This is something we all have to remember: that when we are going through the rough patches in life, spirit is always with us and all we have to do is ask. So reach out, open your heart,connect with spirit, because deep down we are all worthy souls.

Having being involved in complementary therapies for over 15 years, initially as with most people, I was a searcher, moving from therapy to therapy, evaluating which one was the best and constantly comparing my experiences. I would go to every workshop or seminar I could find, and spend many an hour sitting in well known bookshops pondering over a cappuccino which book was next to go onto my shelf. I went on a Holistic therapy weekend and was curious when I saw a talk advertised by an Inuit Shaman, and thought to myself that if nothing else, it would certainly be different. I sat and listened, and after two hours, I thought to myself that this was so incredibly different. No longer was I being asked to imagine or perceive something happening - this was real. I could see the facets of Shamanism involved actually working with tools, getting out in nature, working with fire and the elements of nature. Having always been a lover of nature, this was for me! I had heard people say so many times that learning Reiki was like coming home - this was my path and my journey home. Not only did it mean the beginning of a life long journey, it was also the start of an incredible relationship with my Shamanic teacher. The desire to learn meant I gave up everything at that point in my life and headed to Ikpiarjuk, Baffin Island near Canada and spent a total of nine months living under my teacher’s roof with all of his family. No one could have asked for more - living in a beautiful country, working daily with a man I had great respect for. No course could give you this, never again was I ever to learn knowledge with such deep compassion and intensity. The first time I sat in circle with a group of Inuit Elders, I could also see the respect that others had for him, and everyone would listen intently. Sometimes it was difficult as I could not speak the language and relied upon his eldest son to translate for me. I had some incredible experiences whilst in the presence of my teacher, which included witnessing some remarkable healing, shapeshifting, deep meditations and journeying to other U K 0 8 0 8 1 2 0 9 6 9 5 USA 1800 963 0094

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THE UNIVERSE IS ALIVE by Cathy Cox When you look around yourself at the world, what you see are solid things that seem to be inhabiting empty space. Most of us think our body is solid.Yet every second there is water flowing through our bloodstream, air is moving in and out, into and through our lungs, our heart beats and sends a vibration of sound through our flesh and bones.

Everything in the universe is energy in different forms.

The view from modern physics... ‘The Field’, by Lynn McTaggart, explores the basis of an energy universe by examining the way in which subatomic particles operate in relationship to one another: “Our natural state of being is a relationship – a constant state of one influencing the other. Just as the subatomic particles that compose us cannot be separated from the space and particles that surrounding them, so living beings cannot be isolated from each other.”

Take a moment to examine your own perspective... * Do you believe that things must be seen to be believed? * When you start to feel sick do you immediately reach for the medicine? * Do you believe that people can read your thoughts? * Do you feel that your mood and expectations affect how things work out in your life?

Energy - The Heart’s Language

If something can’t be measured...

The whole essence of health and well-being changes when you see it from the understanding that everything is energy. Think about this: Two people are sitting on a roller-coaster. One is terrified; the other feeling exhilarated. The emotional energy of each person triggers off a totally different bio-chemical reaction in their bodies.

Modern science teaches that if something cannot be measured, then it does not exist. This limits us to the measurement and observation of manifest things.

It seems that we have lost our connection with our sense of Oneness. In our modern world, we live with a

Several studies of heart patients have shown that isolation - from oneself, one’s community and one’s spirituality - rather than physical conditions, is one of the greatest contributors to heart disease. It has been known for some time that new-born babies seem to need touch almost as much as other nutrients - perhaps we aren’t so different as adults as we think!

The more we are able to track the energy of any situation, the more we are in charge of our lives!

belief that we are separate from ourselves and separate from the universe. Just think for a moment about the ways in which we are interconnected. Our senses, most importantly, our intuitive sense, allows us to experience the world directly, not through the filter of rational thought. And the more directly we can experience this, the more directly we experience our relationship to others, on all levels. U K 0 8 0 8 1 2 0 9 6 9 5

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Ancient Cultures In ancient cultures, the ability to perceive and name energy was very strong. Chinese cultures, Native American people, New Zealand Maori people, Australian Aboriginal people, and various African cultures all talk about ‘ancestors’. These people are honoured and made a part of ritual life in the here and now. Australian Aboriginal people name the energies in the land and have sacred spaces which have special properties. The land itself is sacred. They believe, as do many other traditional cultures, that rocks, stones and mountains are alive, and that we ‘sing’ the world into being – that we are creating as we name things. Traditional cultures seem to have retained the knowledge to communicate with beings of all types, in the physical realms, and in other dimensions.Very simply, they can do so because of their perception of energy. Try the following exercises to reconnect with your own innate sensitivity to energy, and rediscover the world the more traditional cultures still experience!

Psychic Sensitivity Exercise We are aware of other people’s bodies around us, but how often do we stop to think about what feelings you are sharing in these encounters of a close kind? Most of us can recognize the heavier emotional presences such as the black cloud that descends over the place when a certain person walks through the door.Then there are the not so

obvious vibes which affect you but you are not sure why. They are the more subconscious ones that may affect you more deeply than others because of some old pattern that can be triggered off without you even knowing it.Try the following exercise to help you become more aware of how different people influence your field of awareness.

At a quiet time during your day, close your eyes and take your awareness to where someone else is. What they look like is not as important as what they feel like. Your intention is to experience their body energy. Breathe in and out quietly and softly and let your body relax. As you relax, imagine your body softening and your awareness expanding further and further. Let your body expand with every breath in and out. Be aware that your body energy field is expanding towards the other person, becoming more and more focused on merging with their body awareness. The closer you get in your mind, the closer you will get in your body awareness. If at any time, you feel a resistance, pause and focus more consciously on your breathing. Then resume your body expansion practice. With practice, you will begin to feel when you are making contact with the other person’s body energy field. Have no expectations about what you are meant to feel. This practice is about becoming aware of different energy fields that other people are generating around you. U K 0 8 0 8 1 2 0 9 6 9 5

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Merle has recently been made a Senior Reader on the Origin Psychics Line. She is warm-hearted and loving, always willing to give of herself and her time, and clients can rely on her to give them an honest yet very sensitive and empathetic reading. Merle has many years experience and has demonstrated her gifts on our psychic line time and time again and her impressive group of followers gives testimony to that.


With Merle's support I am moving forward in my life and getting great insight into myself and also this relationship with this man. She is very giving caring and insightful. I have been an ongoing regular client of Merle and would not hesitate to recommend you turn to her for answers to your questions or guidance towards which direction to go. (Elizabeth, Sydney) Merle Hurley

Anne loves to work with Tarot, Clairvoyance, Clairsentience and Astrology - her readings offer a wonderful fusion of these. She has a deep belief in the power of psychic readings to uplift and inspire us, and the feedback we receive from clients about her readings demonstrates her commitment to do just this! she aims to always leave her clients feeling positive and with a sense of empowerment in their lives, no matter what their circumstance. Anne was friendly and professional and had quick insight into my personal predicament and current difficulties. She successfully reassured me and made me feel more positive and optimistic about the future. Anne

Sharon is a highly intuitive psychic, tarot reader and Reiki master, whose readings are accurate, caring and insightful. Sharon is able to uncover emotional issues and relationship dynamics, and helps people to gain the confidence they need to make positive change. She is already becoming very popular with our Origin Psychics’ clients - her style and care for her clients is obviously something many of our clients are already responding to. Sharon’s readings were chillingly accurate. She has a calmness and knowing-ness which immediately put me at ease. (Kylee Evans)

Sharon Johnson

And Introducing...

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Jody Cassady

Rose Rubbo-

Jody is a reader who connected with her gift at a very young age she has been reading professionally for over 30 years now! Her expertise lies in the area of psychic tarot readings, and with a particular sensitivity to the subtle dynamics of our relationships. Jody is very acute you’ll feel much more hopeful after your reading!

Ferraro Rose’ particular strength and interest lies in clairvoyant readings. But, in her own words: ‘My clairvoyant readings are not just readings. I work from my heart and my goal is always to assist in guidance where reconnection to one’s higher self can be acheived.’

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NEW YEAR Specials So many ways to save this January... UK Clients: Have £5 discount on any 20 minute reading. USA Clients: Have $10 discount on any 20 minute reading. Australian Clients: Have $10 on any 20 minute reading. And no matter where you are located... Have an extra 10 minutes for free with any 30 minute reading. Have a 60 minute reading for the price of 50 minutes.

USA BOOKINGS - 1800 963 0094 UK BOOKINGS - 0808 120 9695 Australia BOOKINGS - 1800 333 007 No time to have a phone reading? Have you thought about having an email reading instead? It’s very simple - just go to and follow the links to order an email reading through our online shop. Here’s what one of Cathy’s email reading clients said: ‘Every time I have received a reading from you I feel that the picture of what is concerning/surrounding me is a clearer and more hopeful one. It is like the most confident part of me is getting some support and affirmation. At times you have been so precise in giving light to the process I am going through, that I have felt rather touched’.

During January, you can have an email reading with Cathy and receive a 15% discount. Just enter the code ‘CathyNewYearOffer’ when you place your order, and the discount will be applied. U K 0 8 0 8 1 2 0 9 6 9 5

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