November 2021 Newsletter

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All members and their families

BBQ. We are also excited to offer

are invited to join us this

our members an opportunity

Saturday, November 6 from

to dispose of their confidential

10 AM - 1 PM for our FREE

documents securely with a FREE,

REALTOR® Appreciation Day

onsite shredding truck!

• RPAC Committee

and Vital Industry Partner (VIP)

Members will have the chance

• Realtors® Care Committee

Showcase in the Association’s

to connect with and learn more

• Brokers’ Zone

courtyard. This is our way to

about the exclusive offers our

say thank you to our members

VIPs have for OSCAR Members.

and highlight our Vital Industry

We look forward to seeing all of

• September Market Statistics

Partners and their services.

our members and their families

• November Class Calendar

The event will feature bounce

for this FUN & FREE event. No

• Vital Industry Partner Directory

houses, prizes throughout

registration is required to attend.

the day, family fun and food

Stop by this Saturday and join the

provided by Big John’s Rockin’


IN THIS ISSUE • Realtor® Appreciation Day/ VIP Showcase • 2022 Renewals • Welcome new VIPs

• Global Alliance Committee • Commercial Alliance Comm. • 2021 Awards & Installation

• 2021 Realtors® Conference • Welcome New Members


President’s Message

Hello everyone, I’m Donnie Martinez your 2021 President. We are excited to announce the launch of our new and revitalized website. I encourage all members to visit our new website, at www., and browse through the updated resources we have available. The new website has been designed to offer the ultimate user-friendly experience with improved navigation and functionality for our members, while also allowing visitors to see what membership with OSCAR has to offer. Members can easily register for classes and events, access all membership forms, search for a Vital Industry Partner or Realtor®, and learn more about all the programs the Association has available. Additionally, members and visitors can translate the website with one click to their preferred language by using the language translator right on the page.


Please feel free to share our new website with your clients and potential members. We are excited about this launch and hope that you enjoy your new, refreshed website! Now, for this month’s joke: A Realtor® said to her managing broker, “I need a raise. I have three other companies after me!” “Oh, really?” asked the managing broker. “What other companies are after you?” The Realtor® replied, “The electric company, the telephone company, and the gas company!” Have a safe Veteran’s Day and Thanksgiving!


2022 Membership Renewals will open November 8. It is almost time to renew your membership and continue your investment with the Osceola County Association of REALTORS®. We are happy to offer our members a variety of early bird incentives! If you renew by December 15, 2021 you will be entered into the Membership Monday weekly prize drawings for $100 gift cards and the drawing for a FREE annual membership. You will also receive a $100 education voucher to be used for 2022 classes. There are multiple ways you can renew your membership: 1. Log on to the members portal located on our website, and pay online. 2. Call (407) 846-0117 and one of our membership specialists can assist you in the renewal process.


3. Visit our office and renew in person.


4. Mail your renewal check to 1105 Cross Prairie Pkwy, Kissimmee, Florida 34744

Early Bird Deadline:

Tips for Paying:

December 15, 2021

• If a broker wishes to pay for their agents, they must be done on an individual basis.

Renewal Deadline:

• We highly recommend paying your dues online. Our phones will be busy during the renewal period. We appreciate your patience. • Before you process your payment, verify that it is your record! On behalf of the Osceola County Association of REALTORS®, thank you for your membership. We look forward to a successful 2022!

December 31, 2021 Renew: renew-membership

Early Bird Incentives • $100 education voucher for 2022 classes • Weekly drawings for $100 gift cards • One drawing for a FREE annual membership RENEWAL FEES MUST BE PAID BY DECEMBER 15 AT MIDNIGHT TO QUALIFY FOR EARLY BIRD INCENTIVES. Education Voucher

$100 Education Voucher for any paid class in 2022.

Membership Monday!

$100 Gift Card Weekly Drawing on Facebook.

Annual Membership Drawing

Drawing for a FREE Annual Membership!

RPAC Gifts: FREE Gift with any $25 fair share contribution FREE Gift with any $99 or more contribution


Welcome New VIPs

Are you close to your next RPAC level? If so, take advantage of this special offer while

Kristie Gilford

supporting political advocacy

Stewart Title

efforts! • For a $300 contribution, receive a $100 gift card.


• For a $150 contribution, receive a $50 gift card. • For a $75 contribution, receive a $25 gift card. For more infomation on becoming a Vital Industry Partner (VIP), please contact Nancy Hubbard at


Email if you would like to know your RPAC contributions* to date. *Contributions to RPAC are voluntary and will be used for political purposes and support of state, local, and federal candidates and political parties and in issue initiatives. Making a contribution is not a condition of membership in the Association and a member may refuse to contribute without suffering any reprisal. Seventy percent of each contribution is used by RPAC-Florida and RPIC Florida to support state and local candidates and state and local issues. Consult your local Association /Board for the exact percentage going toward each. The balance is sent to National RPAC and is charged against your contribution limits prescribed by 2 U.S.C. 441a. Contributions are not deductible for federal income tax purposes.

Are you familiar with the Certified International Property Specialist (CIPS) Designation? The CIPS designation is the only international designation recognized by the National Association of REALTORS®. Only REALTORS® who have completed the coursework and demonstrated considerable experience in global business can call themselves a


CIPS designee, and use the name and logo. By earning your CIPS designation, you will gain access to the CIPS Network, which is comprised of over 3,500 real estate professionals in 45 countries. We are excited to offer CIPS Designation courses for our members this month and, at a reduced rate! Registration for the full 5-day course, CIPS: Day 1, CIPS: Day 2 , CIPS: Day 3 has closed. But, it is not too late to register for CIPS: Day 4 and CIPS: Day 5. Visit and start earning your CIPS Designation!



Thank you to our members who gave their time and efforts by supporting our local community. We are proud of your commitment and are pleased to recognize your hard work! Did you know that volunteering can help your career? Volunteering shows employers you can take initiative and that you are willing to give your own

time to help improve the community. Volunteering also allows you to expand your skillset by practicing teamwork, communication, problem solving, planning and organization. If you are volunteering in our community, we would love to feature you on the Association’s social media! Please use the hashags #OsceolaRealtorsCare and #RealtorsAreGoodNeighbors to share your volunteering efforts with us and your fellow members!

Brokers’ Zone

Thank you to all of the OSCAR Broker-Owners who attended last month’s Osceola Brokers’ Committee’s hybrid symposium “Power Your Mind, Knowledge & Business.” We had the opportunity to learn more about new technology trends for the real estate industry from keynote speaker, Jeff Turner. Best-selling author, Todd Speciale, motivated us to strive for success. We also received a legal update from Florida Realtors Vice President of Law & Policy and General Counsel, Juana Watkins. And, Tim Weisheyer spoke to our attendees about the Commitment to Excellence (C2EX) Program. We hope all of those who attended enjoyed the event! We look forward to seeing you at one of our upcoming events in 2022!


November Member Benefits Guide Brand your business with the ® logo & gain credibility with clients! You have earned your REALTOR® designation and now it is time to brand your business products. Many potential clients now know to look for the signature ® designation when they are researching who they want hire to buy or sell a property. The National Association of REALTORS® has an online store dedicated to supplying you and your business with REALTOR®-logo branded products and Thats Who We R merchandise. The REALTOR Team Store® also offers fully-customized promotional items, and can work with any logo. PLUS, When you make your first purchase of $25 or more, enter the promo code NARmember in your shopping cart or at checkout to save 10%. To learn more and take advantage of this offer visit:

Commercial Alliance Committee TERESA REILLY-O’DOHERTY COMMERCIAL ALLIANCE TASK FORCE CHAIR Representatives from the Association’s Commercial Alliance Committee were proud to represent our members at last month’s C5 Summit. The 3-day summit provided an opportunity for networking and learning among top leaders in the industry. Many Associations were present along with a mixture of commercial brokers, economic development organizations, and government officials. One of the most influential individuals we met was Jamel Sowell, Florida Secretary of Commerce and president/CEO of Enterprise Florida, Inc., who spoke about the growth and endless opportunities the Commercial Real Estate industry has in Florida — specifically, Global trade and development. We also had the privilege to hear from engaging speakers, including NAR Chief Economist, Lawrence Yun, and investor and MLB All-Star, Alex Rodriguez. This first C5 Summit was a big success! We hope you can join us for next year’s event scheduled for August 15 – 17, 2022. I highly encourage all Commercial Agents to budget for next year’s attendance.


All Properties Market Statistics

Check out more market statistics on our website! Visit:



Certified International Property 11/2021 8:00 am-5:00 pm Specialist (CIPS) - Full 5 Days: In-Person Only — $249 Members | $284 Non-Members


The Certified International Property Specialist Designation (CIPS) course curriculum offers you hands-on experience with international real estate transactions, as well as five full days of study focusing on the critical aspects of transnational transactions. CIPS: Local Markets 11/1/2021 In-Person Only — $50 Members | $85 Non-Members

8:00 am-5:00 pm


This course introduces real estate professionals to the basic skills and knowledge necessary to facilitate international real estate transactions. CIPS: Global Real Estate 11/2/2021 8:00 am-5:00 pm Transaction Tools - In-Person Only — $50 Members | $85 Non-Members


This course introduces real estate professionals to the tools needed to present investment information to international clients. Master the Paperless Real Estate Transaction


9:00 am-12:00 pm


After taking this class students will be able to: Identify the computer equipment necessary to run the Form Simplicity program, learn time saving configurations within the Form Simplicity program, keep your personal profile updated, set up email notifications, create an email signature, and import contacts in the cloud. Reduce Risk & Remain Complaint for Brokers


1:00 pm-3:00 pm


After taking this class students will be able to: successfully navigate electronic web-based transaction software, identify system requirements to ensure a reliable platform, complete the client’s state approved real estate related paperwork in an electronic format, disable/enable forms in the blank form’s library, upload the brokerage logo to personalize the forms, enable broker authority features for an agent or assistant, and set up permissions for agents and other team members. Preparing & Navigating a Listing Contract - Virtual Only


1:00 pm-5:00 pm


Listing Contracts are an important part of the real estate business. They effectively communicate who is responsible to do what, give a time for those items to be performed, and guarantee the listing broker to be paid for these services. We will discuss the various types of listing contracts, the difference between them, and some other options to guarantee compensation while working to effectuate a sale of a property. CIPS: Asia/Pacific and 11/5/2021 8:00 am-5:00 pm International Real Estate- In-Person Only — $50 Members | $85 Non-Members


This course introduces real estate professionals to the basic skills and knowledge neccessary to facilitate international transactions with Asian clients. iCE - Elements of Successful Selling Virtual Only


9:30 am-11:30 am


In this course you will learn: the steps of the sales cycle, the importance of the sales cycle in your success, the importance of a positive self-image with your customers, the meaningful purpose of setting goals for you and your customers, how communication affects all steps in the sales cycle, “people skills” and why they are important, and the additional qualities needed for success.

Working with Residential Investors


1:00 pm-4:00pm


After taking this course, Realtors will be able to prove to investors that they are the agent to do business with! The material was developed using actual circumstances that involved the instructor and investors and will help agents understand what it really means to become an investor, how to effectively work with investors, and how the changes in the market and population have affected the relationship between investors and Realtors. Stellar MLS Basic - Spanish In-Person Only


9:00 am-12:00 pm


This required class teaches every new Stellar MLS subscriber the basics of how to use the Matrix MLS System to power their real estate business. Topics include navigating the system, setting up a property search, direct and auto emails, managing contacts, and personalizing the Matrix system. Stellar MLS Compliance 101 - Spanish In-Person Only


1:00 pm-2:15 pm


This required class for new subscribers reviews the MLS comprehensive Rules & Regulations to ensure that all users have access to the best data possible. Stellar MLS Adding & Editing - Spanish In-Person Only


2:30 pm-3:45 pm


This class is mandatory for agents who will be adding and modifying listings in the MLS. We will walk through the process of gathering listing data, entering listings into the MLS systems, adding photos and attachments, and modifying listings. We will also share valuable tips and techniques in the listing entry process. The Commercial Contract: 11/11/2021 Street Map to a Successful Transaction - Virtual Only

1:00 pm-4:00 pm


This course provides a general overview of the Florida Realtors Commercial Contract and Riders as well as the important similarities and differences between residential and commercial real estate transactions such as due diligence matters, and items required to close the transaction. The Perfect Tenant - In-Person Only


1:00 pm-4:00 pm


Take this class and explore your relationships with tenants, as property managers handling management on behalf of the landlord/owner. We will discuss some of the major problems that property managers face and how to handle them. We will also explore some examples of real situations and in workgroups, find solutions to them. Property Management for the Real Estate Practioner - Virtual Only


1:00 pm-4:00 pm


This is the course for a Realtor® that wants or needs to know enough about Property Management to get by – whether to manage a property or two now, or as an introduction to property management if they are considering possible investment down the road. REALTOR® Professionalism and Follow Thru - Virtual Only


1:00 pm-5:00 pm


This course will provide a guide on how to influence prospects and win in every crucial conversation, the process from contract through closing, and our fiscal and legal responsibilities and how that can affect the way we do business. CIPS: Europe & International 11/29/2021 Real Estate- In-Person Only — $50 Members | $85 Non-Members

8:00 am-5:00 pm


This course introduces real estate professionals to the basic skills and knowledge necessary to facilitate international transactions with European clients, and is designed to benefit both experienced real estate professionals as well as those just getting started. CIPS:The Americas & International 11/30/2021 Real Estate- In-Person Only — $50 Members | $85 Non-Members

8:00 am-5:00 pm

This course offers students practical information on working with regions of the Americas and provides historical and cultural influences, regional relationship, and investment opportunities from that region.


VITAL INDUSTRY PARTNERS 2020 Inspection Solutions A&P Inspection Solutions LLC A Clear Choice Title & Escrow A.C.F. Home Inspections, Inc. Acosta, Moore & Shrader, PLLC American Ad Specialties, Inc. Americas Homes Inc. ANB Inspection Services, Inc. ARB Home Inspections, Inc. Atlantic Bay Mortgage Group A-Z Team Title, LLC BPG Inspection, LLC Budget Professional Services Butler Mortgage Celebration Title Group Champion Bin Cleaning, LLC Chief Inspection Services Choice Home Warranty Closer Look Inspections, Inc. Cunningham’s Inc. Cutco Closing Gifts Dirk Webb and Friends Double S Home Inspection Excellence at Cleaning First American Home Warranty Frank’s Home Inspection, LLC Gold Coast Schools Hanover Family Builders Home Inspectors Group Home Warranty of America Homebridge Financial Services, Inc. Housemaster Home Inspections Infill Consulting Integrity First Title Land Title Professionals, LLC Luis A Martin’s Home Inspections Moneycorp, Inc.

My Florida Mortgage Solutions NorthPoint Mortgage, Inc. Old Republic Home Protection Oliver Title Law Osceola County Property Appraiser Paramount Residential Mortgage Group, Inc. Patricia L. Daugherty, Atty. At Law Photography by Skip Stowers Pillar to Post Home Inspectors Platinum Title of Central Florida Positive Edge Real Estate Academy of Learning Pro-Master Home Inspection RBC Bank USA Real Estate Photography Specialists Reliable Building Inspections, Inc. RiteStart Home Inspections, Inc. SBC–CPA Seibane Doyle, PLLC Snap Air Photo Solano Home Inspections Inc. SouthState Bank Stewart Title Company Systeco Services, Inc. The Grove Resort & Water Park TrustCo Bank Two Men and a Truck ValueCast, Inc. Wayne’s Home Inspections, LLC Widerman Malek PL





Oscar Alvarez - Ordy Vargas Realty Group, LLC Iliana Apolinario - Agent Trust Realty Corp. Melissa Barrios - HomeTrust Realty Group Donna Campbell - Zarzuela Realty, LLC Flor de Maria Fatima Cardenas De Noguera Watson Realty Corp Giyusmari Carmona - Agent Trust Realty Corp Godi Carvajal Garcia - La Rosa Realty Lake Nona, Inc. Carlos Castro - Fortex Realty, Inc. Maria Chavez - Homes Unlimited Real Estate Co. Mary Chinchilla Alvarez - VS International Properties Cristian Contreras - EXP Realty, LLC Miranda Corbett - Citrus Realty & Management, Inc. Maria Diaz - Forex Realty, Inc. Soraya Dos Santos - Uno Realty Group, LLC David Feliciano - Weichert Realtors Hallmark Pro Daniela Fernandez - More Homes LLC Mariela Flores Ginez - Fortex Realty, Inc. Erik Franco - La Rosa Realty Kissimmee Marcelino Garcia - EXP Realty LLC Oscar Gomez - Empire Network Realty Evalu Gonzalez - V Properties, Inc. Arlene Hernandez Martinez - Casa Nova Realty Group, LLC Valentina Hincapie Echeverry - Ordy Vargas Realty Group, LLC Hsiaochi Ho - Keller Williams Realty at The Lakes Michelle Hollis - Keller Williams Realty at The Lakes David Howell - Uno Realty Group, LLC Carlos Lopez Combariza - La Rosa Realty Internacional, LLC Paola Lopez - Agent Trust Realty Corporation Renee Lorde - Zarzuela Realty, LLC Catherine Lovette Williams - MTR Homes & Rental Services, Inc. Melody Lugaro - Exp Realty LLC Ines Madera - REMAX Pioneer

Karen Marrero - Athens Realty Professionals, Inc Marlo Martinez - La Rosa Realty Lake Nona, Inc. Jorge Melendez - Harvest Real Estate Professionals, LLC Hamelin Merejo - EXP Realty, LLC Fredy Millan - Century 21 Four Corners Realty Yudisley Molina Loo - Fortex Realty Inc John Molina - Watson Realty Corp Angel Moraza - Better Homes Realty Premier Edgardo Olmeda Colon - EXP Realty LLC Shalimarie Padro - EXP Realty LLC Purvi Parikh - Charles Rutenberg Realty Orlando Joselyn Perez Rodriguez - Athens Realty Professionals, Inc. Jorge Pinillos - Athens Realty Professionals, Inc. Pamela Price - Charles Rutenberg Realty Orlando Gabriele Profeta Caicedo - EXP Realty, LLC Angel Ramirez - Fortex Realty, Inc Marisabel Rangel Atencio - Agent Trust Realty Corp. Maria Reyes De Rodriguez - Watson Realty Corp. James Riley - Century 21 Carioti Dante Rivera - La Rosa Realty Kissimmee Natalie Rivera - Centry 21 Carioti Elsa Romero De Kassar - Agent Trust Realty Corp. Hector Rosario - La Rosa Realty Kissimmee Glorianyel Sandoval Bravo - EXP Realty LLC Nelson Santiago - Weichert Realtors Hallmark Pro Maria Silva - Agent Trust Realty Corp. Celina SIerra - Golden Key Homes Realty, Inc. Jose Sifontes - EXP Realty LLC Jose Velez Molina - HomeTrust Realty Group Renny Villalon Arteaga - EXP Realty LLC Kimberly Vogler - Exit Realty Champions Enzo Zitella - Valstar Realty LLC Ivez Zubillaga - LIV Realty Inc

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