April ReView

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hope this newsletter finds you all doing well and off to a great start this year; time certainly seems to fly by and it is hard to believe we are already a quarter of the way through 2011.

Realtors® are known for being informed, engaged and innovative. Thus, as you can imagine, there are many things our association is engaged in and initiatives we have undertaken to lend to your success. I would like to take a moment to bring two of them to your attention at this time, as both are time sensitive.

Tim Weisheyer 2011 President

Osceola couNTy association of realtors®, inc.

First, I am proud to let you know about a new College Scholarship Program being sponsored by the Osceola County Association of Realtors® for graduating high school seniors residing in Osceola County. As an association focused on educating our membership and making a difference in our community, this program is a natural fit for our group. We are all aware of the importance of education in our society and the key role it plays in economic development. Not only will this program make a difference in the lives of numerous students in our community, but it will also provide our members with an additional point of contact with their customers and increase the value proposition of working with an Osceola Realtor®. Keep your eyes open for information coming from OSCAR on this wonderful opportunity and help us spread the word throughout the community… The second item I would like to mention is our Public Policy and Government Affairs involvement. Since the inception of the National Association of Realtors®, and subsequent state and local associations, Realtors® have always understood the importance of being engaged in public policy at all levels of government. If you read any newspaper, follow a RSS feed or watch the news, you know private property rights, taxes, mortgage liquidity, and insurance (to name few) matters are constantly being discussed and the American Dream of homeownership is always in the balance. The good news is our association is always engaged in the discussions and constantly following local ordinances, state and national legislative policy and regulatory issues to ensure consumers are protected and your businesses can remain vibrant. To that end, our association has two very important endeavors before us. 1. Great American Realtor® Days - April 12 - 13, 2011 - Tallahassee, FL I invite you to join myself, members of your leadership team and fellow members as we travel to our state capitol to meet with legislators regarding proposed legislation that will affect the future of Florida and your businesses. Whether you are a seasoned legislative pro or a new to the process, we welcome you to join us and help bring the face and voice of Osceola County to our elected officials. 2. NAR Mid-Year Meetings and Legislative Days - May 9 -14, 2011 - Washington, DC Every year, your president, individuals from our leadership team and members make the trip to the United States Capitol to meet with our Senators and Congressmen regarding national legislative matters. This year is no exception and our efforts will be a key factor in what takes place in Washington, DC regarding extremely important issues. As you know, the future of FHA-insured loans, the Mortgage Interest Deduction and GSE (Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac) reform is at the forefront. The decisions made on these, and many other, matters will determine what the future of homeownership, and your businesses, will look like. As “The trusted Voice of real estate” Osceola Realtors® must be engaged in these conversations. I hope you will consider joining us as we bring our collective voice to our lawmakers. In closing, I want to thank you for your membership with the Osceola County Association of Realtors® and I wish you success in your endeavors. I hope to see you soon. With Appreciation,

Tim Weisheyer President “Leadership requires the courage to make decisions that will benefit the next generation.” — Alan Autry

April 2011

First Quarter Living with the 2011 Board of Directors!


Enhanced member REALTOR®.com exposure by allowing Public Remarks, Commercial Remarks, Open House Remarks and sold data to be displayed at member’s option.


Voted to purchase round tables for OSCAR auditorium to facilitate interactive classes and diversify event capabilities. Established rental rates for OSCAR auditorium.


Approved leadership development request for Leadership Osceola.


Voted to purchase Osceola County Association of REALTORS® branding apparel for staff functions.


Voted to maintain member reinstatement fee without increase.

Voted to relocate the security system and move the air conditioning handler to facilitate a quieter, more functional classroom.


Voted to maintain MFRMLS Local Center Service fee without increase.

Voted to allow members’ assistants to attend MLS “Learn and Earn” meetings twice per year.


Voted to expand website infrastructure capabilities to match increased usage and data demands that have exceeded strategic goals.


Ratified twenty – one committees for 2011 and over one hundred forty-six committee members!

by Carol K. Platt, CRB The first quarter of 2011 has been an exciting time for leadership. Your 2011 Board came to the board room prepared to collaborate, cooperate and make decisions that are in the best interests of the association. They are ready, willing and able to serve this industry, this association and this community with their time and talents. They are great supporters of RPAC as well! Here are a few first quarter highlights: n



Voted to reappoint Tim Weisheyer as a Class 1 Director for MFRMLS, term to continue 6/11-6/13.


Voted to participate in community, public policy and business alliance events at the Kissimmee-Osceola Chamber of Commerce, as an Apple Bronze Sponsor for the Education Foundation, Osceola Lincoln Day Dinner with Lieutenant Governor Jennifer Carroll.


Voted to obtain .mls website domains for future member benefits. Merri Jo Cowen, CEO of My Florida MLS praised the Board as “forward thinking” in this endeavor.

30-Day Hit Count for Osceola County Association of REALTORS®= 4,414 Visitors! by Chris Florence Technology Director

April 2011

We are fortunate to have dedicated leadership and volunteers! ***A note from your REALTOR® Advocates – We appreciate the kind words that many of you have sent us this year - please use your association and take advantage of your benefits– we care about your success!

I would like to say thanks to you the members for breaking a new record for the board’s website from the dates of 2/23/20113/23/2011. 4,414 hits within a 30-day period!! The highest day’s volume on March 1, 2011 was 326 visitors in one day. These statistics are more than double the volume over last year. Keep it up, I think that this shows our members are excited about what is happening at the association and that you all care about being the best you can be in this industry. Seriously, thank you all and those of you who don’t frequent the site as much, give us a chance to add value to your business. I think you will be glad you did.

April 2011

Great american realtor® Days april 12 and 13, 2011 challenger learning center, tallahassee, Fl

registration form To register for the 41st Annual Great American Realtor® Days using VISA, MasterCard or American Express, call Eli Perez at Osceola County Association of Realtors® Register at 407-846-0117 or fax this completed form to Osceola County Association of Realtors® at 407-846-0217. To register by mail, complete this form and send it with payment to: Osceola County Association of Realtors® Registrar, 1105 Shady Lane, Kissimmee, Florida 34744. After April 5, all registrations will be handled on-site at the Florida Realtors registration desk at the Challenger Learning Center, 200 South Duval Street, Tallahassee, FL 32301

Complete the Following: Name _________________________________________ Nickname (for badge) __________________________ License number ________________________________ NAR-approved designation (only one) _______________ Name of firm ________________________________________________________________________________ Mailing address ______________________________________________________________________________ City ____________________________________________ State _________ ZIP __________________________ Office Phone (_______) _____________________________ Fax _______________________________________ Primary Board/Association of Realtors® ___________________________________________________________ E-mail _________________________________________________________

For FAR Use Only

Registration Fee: o $155 - includes lodging, dinner and in-town transportation. o If received by April 5, the cost is $50. On-site, the cost is $55 for event attendance only.

Select a Payment Method: o Check for $ ___________________ made payable to Osceola County Association of Realtors® o Charge $ _____________________ to my: o VISA

o MasterCard

o American Express (check only one)

Card number __________________________________________________ Expiration date _________________ Signature of cardholder (required) _______________________________________________________________ Pursuant to the Americans with Disabilities Act, I require specific aids or services during my visit.




If so, please identify your special needs:_____________________________________________________________ Registrations are non-transferable. If registrant cannot attend, the amount paid by registrant may be refunded only if registrant’s written cancellation notice is received by registrar on or before April 5. Notice to cancel should be sent to the OSCAR registrar by fax (407-8460217), mail (1105 Shady Lane, Kissimmee, Florida 34744) or other delivery (7025 Augusta National Drive, Orlando, FL 32822). After April 5, all registrations will be handled on site at the Florida Realtors Registration Desk at the Challenger Learning Center, 200 South Duval Street, Tallahassee, FL 32301. Presentation of this event may be postponed, rescheduled or cancelled. If such action is taken, registrants will be notified by phone, fax, e-mail or mail and will receive a full refund of paid tuition/registration fees. Expenses incurred by the registrant, including but not limited to transportation, lodging and meals, are the responsibility of the registrant.

April 2011

Carol K. Platt, CRB

Association Executive ae@osceola-realtors.com

Chris Florence

Communications/Technology Director communications@osceola-realtors.com

Bob St. Gordon

Controller accounts@osceola-realtors.com

Anneris Rivera

Membership and Educational Administrative Services memberservices@osceola-realtors.com

Yessica Colon

Membership and Event Services membership@osceola-realtors.com

Eli Perez

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Sheriff Bob Hansell Osceola County Public Lands Manager Speaker

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Charli Phelps, IFREC Importance of Diversity Speaker

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Turner Wallis Survey Successes and Pitfalls, 2011 ALTA Changes Speaker

For advertising inquiries please contact Bob St. Gordon at the Association Office. Your advertising defrays the cost of publishing. Thank you for your support. The Osceola ReVIEW is published exclusively for the Association by The Baker Press Orlando, Florida 407.290.5800 • 407.290.5977 fax www.thebakerpress.com Disclaimer: The Osceola ReVIEW is published for the member and affiliates of Osceola County Association of REALTORS®, Inc. by The Baker Press, Inc. as a courtesy. The Baker Press, Inc. nor the Association assume any responsibility for article content or advertising message as submitted for inclusion in the newsletter. Advertising and articles are not endorsed by the Association, nor is there any implied warranty by the Association or its staff.

REALTOR® Day Forum

Tuesday, May 10, 2011 Speaker Leslie Zimmerly,

First Home Warranty

Home Warranty Update

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Speaker Ben Crosby, CCIM, ALC

REALTORS® Land Institute” Speaker Panel

NAR Mid-Year Meeting Forum

1105 Shady Lane Kissimmee, Florida 34744 www.osceolarealtors.org communications@osceola-realtors.com 407.846.0117 • 407.846.0217 fax

Articles: communications@osceola-realtors.com Advertising: accounts@osceola-realtors.com

Moderator Tim Weisheyer

Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Leader and Member Services assistant@osceola-realtors.com

In order to share the wealth of information contained in this newsletter in an efficient manner, please submit your articles via e-mail or fax by the 10th of the monthly. Please clearly indicate that submission is for the Osceola ReVIEW.

Tuesday, May 3, 20111

OSCAR Member Member Feedback Feedback Hello Chris, I wanted to thank you for visiting the Watson Kissimmee office a couple of weeks ago to present information on the technology tools available to us as members of the Association. I particularly want to mention that I downloaded the mfr.kurio. mobi application to access MLS information on my Blackberry and the weekend following your presentation I showed homes to a customer and utilized that technology. The customer was very impressed that I was able to look up a set of properties on the spot that we were not originally scheduled to see. Thanks in part to this new mobile feature I was able to get an offer and a signed contract. I thought you would appreciate knowing that your efforts clearly make a difference in a very positive way. Thank you, Fran Bove

If you would like more info on what Fran is excited about just visit our website @ www.osceolarealtors.org and then click on news.

April 2011

Florida Brokers CoBrokering with Foreign Brokers by Nancy Campiglia A foreign broker is one who is licensed or registered under the laws of a jurisdiction other than Florida, such as another state or foreign country. Section 475.25(1)(h), Florida Statutes, provides that a Florida broker may pay a referral fee or share a real estate brokerage commission with a foreign broker, provided the foreign broker does not breach any law of Florida. In practice, the language of the statute triggers an important question: what constitutes a breach of Florida real estate license law by a foreign broker. Two Florida district courts have addressed this issue. In Tassy v. Hall, 429 So.2d 30 (Fla. 5th DCA 1983), the foreign broker brought the foreign client into the state, entered into an agreement with a Florida broker, and sold the domestic broker’s listing to the foreign client. There, the appellate court held that when a foreign broker, co-brokering with a domestic broker, performs some services in Florida, coupled with bona fide services in the foreign country, no law has been breached. The court reasoned that “under any co-broker arrangement the Florida licensed broker will be legally and professionally responsible for the acts of the cooperating foreign broker as well as for his own acts”. Notwithstanding the court’s ruling in Tassy, foreign brokers should refrain from performing services of real estate, for another, for compensation, in the State of Florida. In an analogous case, Previews, Inc. v. Murff, 502 So.2d 1317 (Fla. 1st DCA 1987), the First District stated its agreement

April 2011

with the Tassy court. However, the Previous Court also held that where a foreign broker directed its activities toward the solicitation of a purchaser in Florida, a breach of Florida law occurs. In Previews, the Florida broker listed a property about which it contacted a Georgia broker. The Georgia broker then proceeded to contact the Florida Department of Natural Resources, Division of State Lands, who purchased the property. Had the Georgia broker entered into an agreement with and referred the buyer to the Florida broker instead of contacting the seller directly, the foreign broker would have had entitlement to the agreed upon fee. To ensure maximum protection, when sharing compensation with foreign brokers for performing the services of real estate, the Florida broker should request copies of licenses or registrations from foreign brokers, ascertain that the licenses are current and active, and include in the co-broker or referral agreement a provision that the foreign broker agrees to abide by Florida law. In addition, the Florida broker should retain complete control of the transaction. The controlling statute, in its clear language, permits the Florida broker to share a real estate fee only with foreign brokers who are licensed or registered in another jurisdiction. Some foreign countries do not require licensure or registration for a person to perform the services of real estate. Florida law provides no guidance in this regard. In Florida, the unlicensed practice of law is punishable as a third degree felony. You should consult with an attorney who understands real estate license law prior to endeavoring to pay a referral or co-broker with unlicensed persons who are not parties to the transaction.

OSCAR 2011 COMMITTEES Affiliates Council The Affiliates Council is made up of members of the Osceola County Association of REALTORS® which offer affiliated business products and services to REALTOR® members. The council works to promote the interests of the Association while providing opportunities for REALTOR® members to gain a greater understanding of the products and services offered through affiliate members. Chair: Betty M. Dobbie Vice Chair: Shelly Kiker Awards Committee The Awards Committee is responsible for raising the awareness and participation level of members in the association. Additionally, the Awards Committee reviews award nominee applications, ensures nominee qualifications and recommends award recipients to the President. Chair: Kim A. Goodwin Vice Chair: Karen P. Dierickx Bylaws Task Force The Bylaws and Policy Committee performs an annual review of the Association Bylaws and Policies and Procedures which is submitted to the Board of Directors for final approval. The committee meets on an as-needed basis. Chair: Karen P. Dierickx Vice Chair: Josephine K. Williams Commercial Marketing Team The purpose of the Commercial Marketing Team is to coordinate and host monthly meetings which provide members with opportunities to network; share/pitch listings; solicit specific properties for customers and clients; and to provide members with up-to-date and relevant information pertaining to the commercial real estate industry. Chair: Wanda Linscott Vice Chair: Zachary C. Parsons College Scholarship Task Force The purpose of the College Scholarship Task Force is to conduct a review of all college scholarship applicants and submit recommendations to the Board of Directors on scholarship recipients. The Task Force shall assist the President and association staff in

promoting the opportunities available through the scholarship program and identify viable ways of bringing about community awareness of this initiative. Chair: Tim Weisheyer Vice Chair: Michelle R. Clark Community Involvement The purpose of the Community Involvement Committee is to seek, develop and promote opportunities for the Osceola County Association of Realtors® and its’ members to be engaged in the community in which we serve. The committee shall actively identify such opportunities, work to identify members involved in community activities and organizations, and encourage involvement from members throughout the organization to promote the Realtor® brand, image and mission of the organization. Chair: Michelle R. Clark Emerging Technology Committee The purpose of the Emerging Technology Committee is to provide members with education about those emerging technologies that can be utilized to save time and money within the real estate profession; to assist association management in implementing technology which can improve operations; and to identify technology-focused education for recommendation to the Knowledge Services Committee. Chair: Kemp Howland Vice Chair: Paul Antonelli Facilities Committee The purpose of the Facilities Committee is to review and assess the needs of the association as it pertains to the association real estate holdings. The Facilities Committee will be responsible for making recommendations to the Executive Committee and Board of Directors on capital improvements, expenditures and acquisitions deemed necessary to fulfill the mission and goals of the association. Chair: Cheryl Grieb Vice Chair: Michelle R. Clark Grievance Committee The Grievance Committee reviews complaints, filed by members and the general public, to determine whether a full hearing is warranted. When appropriate, the Grievance Committee forwards cases for

April 2011

OSCAR 2011 COMMITTEES hearings to the Professional Standards Committee. This committee also promotes to the general membership a constant awareness of, and conformance to, the Realtor Code of Ethics. Chair: Jose A. Alvarez Vice Chair: Denise E. Sacks

new members in identifying way of becoming acclimated with the association structure and provide information on volunteer opportunities. Chair: David E. Courtney Vice Chair: Angel L. Ortiz

International Alliance Committee The purpose of the Central Florida International Alliance is to position Osceola County Association of REALTORS速 members internationally as the most influential and authoritative representative of the Florida real estate business and profession; to provide members with exposure within the international arena as well as an opportunity to be part of an international network that will generate business and contacts; to open new international real estate markets for members; to raise awareness among members of the impact and opportunity of international real estate with their local domestic markets and of the tools available to them to support this business and help them recognize risk; and to minimize barriers to U.S. REALTORS速 operating abroad and foreign investment in Florida real estate. Chair: Angel L. Oritz Vice Chair: Imran Mohamed

Nominating Task Force This task force is just what it sounds like. This task force reviews new applicants for leadership roles within the association for the various open positions. Chair: Veronica C. Malolos

Leadership Academy Task Force The purpose of the Leadership Academy Task Force is to assist in the development and implementation of a comprehensive leadership program designed to identify, train and groom potential servant leaders in the organization. Chair: Tim Weisheyer Vice Chair: Michelle R. Clark MLS Marketing Committee The purpose of the MLS Marketing Committee is to coordinate and host weekly meetings which provide members with the opportunity to network; share/pitch listings which are part of the Multiple Listing Service; solicit specific properties for customers and clients; and to provide members with up-to-date and relevant information pertaining to the real estate industry. Chair: Angel L. Oritz New Member Welcome The purpose of the New Member Welcome Team is to engage new members in a caring and welcoming way. The team will participate in New Member Orientation classes and assist

April 2011

Osceola Brokerage Cooperative The Osceola Brokerage Cooperative works to bring Brokers together through networking, education and business development opportunities. This committee is exclusive to members holding a Broker or BrokerAssociate license and members that work as the manager within their firm. Chair: Veronica C. Malolos Vice Chair: Alexandra M. Arena Gil Professional Development This committee is to provide guidance and background information regarding continuing education offerings; to act as an advisory committee regarding educational offerings; to ensure up-todate and relevant education is offered to members; and to assist in identifying delivery methods for course offerings. Chair: Arlene Conow Vice Chair: Susan S. Graves Professional Standards The Professional Standards Committee conducts hearings; is the Associations agency for enforcement of the Realtor Code of Ethics. Their additional duties include advising and making recommendations to the Board of Directors on matters relating to the Code of Ethics; upon request, the committee advises members on interpretations on the Code; upon receiving notice of possible lack of adherence to the Code of Ethics by the Grievance Committee, the Committee makes inquiries into the situation, seeks remedial action and, if necessary, implements recognized sanctions for violations. Chair: Hemendra Thakkar Vice Chair: LaRue Allen OSCAR 2011 COMMITTEES continued on pg. 16

OSCAR To Host International Alliance Forum by Wendi Jeannin The Osceola County Association of RELATORS® (OSCAR) plans to host an International Alliance Forum for its members and their guests on April 21st from 11:00 am – 2:00 pm.

“We are extremely thrilled to have two highly qualified and respected gentlemen from the real estate industry speaking at our event”, says Carol Platt, OSCAR’s Association Executive.

Speakers for the event will include Mr. Carlos Fuentes and Mr. Dave Garrison. Mr. Carlos Fuentes, CCIM, CIPS, is from Lutz, FL and is a commercial realtor. Mr. Fuentes has received many national and international awards dating back to 2003.

The International Alliance Forum will be held at the OSCAR Auditorium, located at 1105 Shady Lane, Kissimmee, FL 34744. This is event is free to OSCAR members and they are permitted to bring one guest, non-members have a $35 fee. To register, visit www.osceolarealtors.org or call 407846-0117.

Mr. Dave Garrison, CPA, CAE, RCE, TRC, AHWD is the VP Finance and Internal Operations for Florida REALTORS®. Mr. Garrison is responsible for the management of financial activities investment portfolio, physical assets and risk management for the state’s Association.

The mission of the Osceola County Association of REALTORS® is to provide a dedicated success to its membership consisting of real estate professionals and affiliates, while adding value to the community. ■

OSCAR 2011 COMMITTEES Property Management Council The purpose of the Property Management Council is to provide the property management members opportunities to meet and discuss issues and matters that affect their business and ability to do business. It also provides a mechanism for input to Osceola County Association of REALTORS® regarding the development of programs, products and services as it relates to the property managers. The Committee is also a vehicle to educate members about the value of working with property managers. Chair: Julie S. Carberry Public Policy Committee The purpose of the Public Policy Committee is to coordinate and refine policy developed on public policy and regulatory issues, discuss, report, and recommend action on matters of public policy and regulation as they affect the real estate profession, private property rights and other issues the committee determines proper and to recommend to the Board of Directors positions on public policy issues. This committee mobilizes REALTORS®

continued from pg. 15

and Affiliate members to advocate for local, state and national industry issues. Chair: Daisy Cid Vice Chair: Tim Weisheyer RPAC Task Force The purpose of the REALTORS® Political Action task force is to raise funds and to make contributions to political committees and activities consistent with local, federal and state election laws. Chair: Susan S. Graves Young Professionals Network The purpose of the Young Professionals Network is to bring together members of the Osceola County Association of REALTORS® through social networking, professional development, and volunteer opportunities. YPN seeks to ensure members are abreast of the latest tools, resources, and networking opportunities. Chair: Matthew D. Rogers

April 2011

April 2011

April 2011

April 2011

Osceola County Market Oscecola CountyDynamics Market Dynamics Supply & Demand - # Units (FS) 2 Years (Monthly) 02/01/09 - 02/28/11


For Sale

Monthly Change

Monthly %

Total Change

Total % Change







Property Types:

Residential: (Single Family Home)

2 Years (Monthly)





Construction Type:

FOR SALE -29.0% All





Lot Size: All Sq Ft:


Months Supply of Inventory (Sold Calculation) 2 Years (Monthly) 02/01/09 - 02/28/11



Monthly Change

Monthly %

Total Change

Total % Change







Property Types:

Residential: (Single Family Home)

2 Years (Monthly)





Construction Type:

MSI SOLD -42.2% All





Lot Size: All Sq Ft:


April 2011

Osceola County Market Oscecola CountyDynamics Market Dynamics Median Price (Sold) = high, low, average, median 2 Years (Monthly) 02/01/09 - 02/28/11

KEY INFORMATION Monthly Change Sold


Monthly % Change -0.66



Property Types:

Residential: (Single Family Home)

2 Years (Monthly)



Total Change -19,775.44


Total % Change

SOLD -15.8%



Construction Type:






Lot Size: All Sq Ft:


Osceola SINGLE FAMILY HOME Distressed vs. Total Sales Units Sold - FEB 2009 to feb 2011

This data is dependent upon timeliness of sales and totality of information reported by participants. The data reflects only the sales published through the Mid-Florida Regional Multiple Listing Service (MFRMLS) and does not include all sales in reported areas. Neither the Association nor the MFRMLS is in any way responsible for it’s accuracy. Data: Total Sales = all MFRMLS Osceola Single Family Housing (SFH) & Planned Unit Development (PUD). (SFH), (PUD)-REO/Bank Owned/Short Sale from Special Sale Provision. Ave. Days on Mkt is: Days to Closed

April 2011

Advertising/Publication Osceola Shopper/Gazette

Paula Stark 108 Church St., Kissimmee, FL 34741 Office 407-846-7600 Fax 407-846-8516 Email pstark@osceolanewsgazette.com Website www.aroundosceola.com

The Real Estate Book

Tammy Birchler 2305 NewPoint Parkway, Lawrenceville, GA 30043 Office 407-581-1490 Fax 407-581-1491 Email tbirchler@nci.com

agent marketing services Concordia Film Studios Div. of Howland International, Inc.

Kemp Howland 355 Falling Waters Drive, Kissimmee, FL 34759 Office 407-222-4847 Email kemp.howland@gmail.com Website www.concordiastudios.com

Attorneys Charles P. Castellon, PA Law Firm

Charles Castellon 12934 Deertrace Ave., Suite A, Orlando, FL 32837 Office 407-851-0201 Fax 407-847-5618 Email ccastellon@centralflattorney.com

Keating/Schlitt, PA

Nancy Campiglia 250 E. Colonial Drive, Orlando, FL 32024 Office 407-425-2907 Fax 407-425-6345 Email ncampiglia@keatlaw.com Website www.keatlaw.com

Law Office of Daniel Villazon

Daniel Villazon, P.A. 1420 Celebration Blvd., Celebration, FL 34747 Office 407-483-0041 Email dvillazon@yahoo.com Website www.frecattorney.com

Construction/Repair/Renovations A Better Choice Pools

Michael Evans 3213 13th Street, Saint Cloud, FL 34769 Office 407-414-7379 Fax 407-870-9978 Email m_abcpools@yahoo.com Website www.abetterchoicepools.com

All Seasons Pool Service, Inc.

Qubty Financial Group

Metro Door Service

Trustco Bank

James Watts 185 E. Airport Blvd., Sanford, FL 32773 Office 407-871-2020 Fax 407-407-3215 Email admin@allseasonspools.com Website www.allseasonspools.com

Joe De Lorie 2182 Cypress Bay Blvd., Kissimmee, FL 34743 Office 407-414-4756 Email metrodoors8@aol.com

Servpro of Osceola County

Dan Hougaard 1710 Kelley Avenue, Kissimmee, FL 34744 Office 407-933-0707 Fax 407-933-5014 Email dhougaard@servprooc.com Website www.servprooc.com


Sami D. Qubty 7680 Universal Blvd., Ste 405, Orlando, FL 32819-8998 Office 407-370-3030 Fax 407-370-2040 Email squbty@qubtyfinancialgroup.com Website www.qubtyfinancialgroup.com

Sarah Near 1525 East Osceola Parkway, Kissimmee, FL 34746 Office 407-932-0398 Fax 407-932-0719 Email snear@branch.trustcobank.com Website www.trustcobank.com

United Mortgage Partners

Nancy Knapp 3660 Maquire Blvd., Orlando, FL 32803 Office 321-624-1560 Fax 407-957-6892 Email nancy@nancyknapp.net


W. Turner Wallis 900 Shady Lane, Kissimmee, FL 34744 Office 407-847-2179 Fax 407-847-6140 Email turner@jsurveying.com Website www.jsurveying.com

Benefit Advisors

Financial Services/Institutions

Home Builders/Developers

Butler Mortgage

KB Home

Farm Credit

Harmon Homes

Brad Rhoden P.O. Box 8009, Lakeland, FL 33802 Office 863-682-4117 Fax 863-688-9364 Email brhoden@farmcreditcfl.com Website www.farmcreditcfl.com

Pamela Cameron 4501 Hills & Dales Rd. NW, Canton, OH 44708 Office 813-681-5117 Fax 813-661-9036 Email Pamela.cameron@harmonhomes.com Website www.harmonhomes.com

Qubty Financial Group

Harmony Development

Harry Urban 1012 W. Emmett St., Ste. B, Kissimmee, FL 34741 Office 407-931-3800 Fax 407-931-3801 Email hurban@butlermortgage.com Website www.butlermortgage.com

David Qubty 7680 Universal Blvd., Orlando, FL 32819-8998 Office 407-370-3030 Fax 407-370-2040 Email dqubty@qubtyfinancialgroup.com Website www.qubtyfinancialgroup.com

Judy Taylor 111 E. Monument Avenue, Kissimmee, FL 34741 Office 407-931-2872 Fax 407-933-2176 Email jtaylor@benefit-advisors.com

Amanda Parah 9102 South Park Center Loop, Orlando, FL 32819 Office 407-587-3403 Fax 407-587-2386 Email aparah@kbhome.com Website www.kbhome.com

Tim Hultgren 3500 Harmony Square Drive West, Harmony, FL 34773 Office 407-891-2605 Fax 407-891-0459 Email thultgren@harmonyfl.com

April 2011

Maronda Homes

Olga Ortega 955 Keller Rd., #1500, Altamonte Springs, FL 32714 Office 407-846-4397 Fax 407-846-4398 Email oortega@maronda.com Website www.maronda.com

Standard Pacific Homes

Jesus Alvarez 200 S. Orange Avenue, Suite 124, Orlando, FL 32801 Office 407-304-2803 Fax 407-304-2835 Email sbower@stanpac.com Website www.standardpacifichomes.com

REALTOR速 SERVICES Final Negotiation, LLC

Rhonda Owen 1201 Emmett Street, Kissimmee, FL 34741 Office 407-846-0978 Fax 407-846-6573 Email rowen@stewart.com Website www.stewart.com

Prominent Title Insurance Agency, Inc. Betty M. Dobbie 827 Cypress Parkway, Kissimmee, FL 34759 Office 407-343-1560 Fax 407-343-1561 Email bdobbie@prominenttitle.com Website www.prominenttitle.com

Real Estate Closing Solutions

William Carberry 5790 Leon Tyson Rd., Saint Cloud, FL 34771 Office 407-832-7957 Email otgservices@gmail.com

Heidi Foster 7575 Dr. Phillips Blvd., Suite 140, Orlando, FL 32819 Office 407-615-8550 Fax 407-615-8555 Email hfoster@recsfl.com Website www.recsfl.com


Title/Escrow/Insurance Services

Shopsmart Insurance, Inc.

First American Home Warranty Corp

A-Z Team Title, LLC

Leslie Zimmerly 3281 Settlers Trail, Saint Cloud, FL 34772 Office 407-902-5237 Email lesliez@firstam.com Website www.firstam.com

Old Republic Home Protection Jeffrey Saindon PO Box 5017, San Ramon, CA 94583 Office 800-445-6999 Email jeff@orhp.com Website www.orhp.com

Inspection Services Budget Services, Inc.

Ed Hogan 3617 Crosley Ave., Saint Claud, FL 34772 Office 407-892-8811 Fax 407-892-8516 Email budgettermite@earthlink.net Website www.budgetservicesfl.com

Wayne Home Inspections

Wayne E. Glover 1533 Trumbull Street, Kissimmee, FL 34744 Office 407-935-1127 Fax 407-935-1483 Email wayne.glover@netzero.net Website www.wayneshomeinspections.com

Real Estate Schools/Education IFREC Real Estate Schools

Richard Fryer 5029 Edgewater Drive, Orlando, FL 32810 Office 407-644-7277 Fax 407-647-5227 Email robin@ifrec.com Website www.ifrec.com

April 2011

On The Go Services

Bernard S. Edwards 102 Park Place Blvd., Suite A-3, Kissimmee, FL 34743 Office 407-932-0529 Fax 407-932-1587 Email bernie@azteamtitle.com Website www.azteamtitle.com

First American Title

Cara Brown 1101 Miranda Lane, Suite 101, Kissimmee, FL 34741 Office 877-833-1731 Fax 866-722-5957 Email carbrown@firstam.com Website www.firstam.com

First American Title

Deborah Dudley 1101 Miranda Lane, Kissimmee, FL 34741 Office 877-833-1731 Fax 866-722-5957 Email ddudley@firstam.com Website www.firstam.com

Mason Title & Escrow Company

Shelly Kiker 1101 Miranda Lane, Suite 113, Kissimmee, FL 34741 Office 321-443-6901 Fax 866-326-2097 Email skiker@masontitle.com Website www.masontitle.com

Premiere Title Agency, LLC

Vickie Deaton 113 E. Monument Avenue, Kissimmee, FL 34741 Office 407- 350-4401 Fax 407- 350-4414 Email vdeaton@premieretitleagency.com

Jonathan Reich 1201 Emmett Street, Kissimmee, FL 34741 Office 407-933-7866 Fax 407-931-0083 Email jdreich2@msn.com

Stewart Approved Title, Inc. Becky Sheive 1201 Emmett St., Kissimmee, FL 34741 Office 407-846-7477 Fax 407-846-6573 Email bsheive@stewart.com Website www.stewart.com

Stewart Approved Title, Inc. Jolene Sheive 1201 Emmett St., Kissimmee, FL 34741 Office 407-846-7477 Fax 407-846-6573 Email jdreich2@msn.com Website www.stewart.com

Stewart Approved Title, Inc.

Rayelynne Ketchum 1401 Budinger Ave., Saint Cloud, FL 34769 Office 407-957-9000 Fax 407-957-8055 Email rwoeste@stewart.com Website www.stewart.com

Total Title Solutions

Tina Johnson 8 Broadway St, Ste 225, Kissimmee, FL 34741 Office 407-847-0412 Fax 407-847-0429 Email tinamjohnson@embarqmail.com

APRIL 2011 At Home With Diversity Certification Wednesday, April 20 9:00 am to 4:00 pm CE Credits: 7

(This does not apply to eKey holders.) Don’t forget to pay for the renewal for your Supra ActiveKey by April 17th directly to Supra! You should have already received your invoice from them. If you still have not received it please log on to Supras website at https://supraweb.suprakim.com or call them at 877.699.6787 to notify them and/or to make your payment. Thank you!

Conflict Resolution Thursday, April 28 9:00 am to 12:00 pm CE Credits: 3

MAY 2011 Become A Real Estate Email Expert Tuesday, May 3 1:00 pm to 5:00 pm CE Credits: 4 Quick Books Thursday, May 5 9:00 am to 1:00 pm Creating A Professional CMA Wednesday, May 11 9:00 am to 12:00 pm Quick Books II Thursday, May 12 9:00 am to 1:00 pm Commercial Marketing Session Thursday, May 19 8:30 am to 10:00 am Body Language & Negotiation Thursday, May 26 9:00 am to 12:00 pm CE Credits: 3

Association Leadership Tim Weisheyer, PA Renee Clark Veronica Malolos Susan Graves David DeLoach Kim Goodwin Danny Villazon

Friendly reminder for Supra ActiveKey users only.

President President-Elect Immediate Past President Vice-President Treasurer Secretary Legal Counsel

Directors: Daisy Cid, Arlene Conow, Karen Dierickx, Cheryl Grieb, Richard Knapp, William Nichols, Angel Ortiz, Denise Sacks, Hemendra Thakkar

If you no longer want your ActiveKey please bring in your key no later than April 17th to avoid any penalties accessed directly from Supra. Our office hours for Supra returns are Monday-Friday 8AM-4:30PM. Thank you!

Real estate professionals who purchased equipment such as computers, telephones, cell phones, office furniture, cameras and lockboxes in the past year can deduct the cost as a business expense. Computers, office furniture and other equipment with a useful life longer than one year typically must be depreciated over time. However, Section 179 of the tax code entitles filers to the full deduction in one year for tangible personal long-term property purchased for business. To qualify, the equipment must be purchased from an unrelated party and used more than 50 percent of the time for business. The annual limit on the deduction is $500,000 for 2010 and 2011, dropping to $25,000 in 2012. In addition to a limit on the deduction, the provision also restricts the amount you can spend on qualified purchases in one year to get the deduction, though it’s a lot: $2 million for 2010 and 2011. If you spend over that amount, you must shave $1 off the deduction for every $1 above this limit. The Section 179 deduction cannot exceed net taxable business income for the year, and those who have a net loss cannot take deductions under the provision. Those whose incomes were too low to benefit from Section 179 can deduct 50 percent of the cost of new business property placed in service last year under the bonus depreciation provision. For information specific to your business, consult a tax advisor.

Source: Inman News (03/11/11) Fishman, Stephen © Copyright 2011 INFORMATION, INC. Bethesda, MD (301) 215-4688

April 2011







Happy Easter 3

4 New Member Welcome 9:00 am - 12:00 pm Toastmasters 5:30 pm - 6:30 pm


MLS iMAPP Spanish 9:00 am - 12:00 pm


Creating a Professional CMA Spanish, 1pm - 4pm

April 2011




Administrative Professionals Day Executive Committee 8:00 am - 9:30 am

Commercial Marketing Session 8:30 am - 10:00 am


BOD Meeting 9:30 am - 11:00 am

Toastmasters 5:30 pm - 6:30 pm


Toastmasters 5:30 pm - 6:30 pm



MLS Learn and Earn Marketing Session, 8:30 am - 9:30 am





(OSCAR Closed)



4 Bylaws & Policies Committee Meetings 1:00 pm - 4:00 pm

Become a Real Estate E-mail Expert 1:00 pm - 5:00 pm

Good Friday

Conflict Resolution 9:00 am - 12:00 pm


MLS Learn and Earn Marketing Session 8:30 am - 9:30 am





MFRMLS BOD Meeting 10:00 am - 12:00 pm

International Alliance Luncheon Forum 11:00 am – 2:00 pm

At Home With Diversity Certification 9:00 am - 4:00 pm

WCR Board Meeting 8:00 am - 9:30 am

14 Bylaws & Policies Committee Meetings 1:00 pm - 4:00 pm


MLS Learn and Earn Marketing Session 8:30 am - 9:30 am

Professional Development 10:00 am



Affiliate Council Meetings 9:45 am - 10:45 am


Easter Sunday

MLS Listing Maintenance 1:00 pm - 3:00 pm

Property Management Committee Meeting 9:45 am - 10:45 am

Toastmasters 5:30 pm - 6:30 pm


MLS Learn and Earn Marketing Session, 8:30 am - 9:30 am


MLXchange Basic 9:00 am - 12:00 pm

MLS Learn and Earn Marketing Session 8:30 am - 9:30 am

Great American REALTOR® Days April 12 & 13

Toastmasters 5:30 pm - 6:30 pm






7 Education in the Park 2:00 pm 7:00 pm

Quick Books 9:00 am - 1:00 pm GRI 2 (ORRA)



Toastmasters 5:30 pm - 6:30 pm

Affiliate Council Meetings 9:45 am - 10:45 am

New Member Welcome 9:00 am - 12:00 pm

MLS Learn and Earn Marketing Session 8:30 am - 9:30 am Property Management Committee Meeting 9:45 am - 10:45 am Scholarship Taskforce 1:00 pm - 5:00 pm

Creating a Professional CMA 9:00 am - 12:00 pm

12 Quick Books ll 9:00 am - 1:00 pm





WCR Board Meeting 8:00 am - 9:30 am

NAR Mid-Year Legislative



Toastmasters 5:30 pm - 6:30 pm

May 2011


Executive Committee 8:00 am - 9:30 am BOD Meeting 9:30 am -11:00 am


Memorial Day

MLS Learn and Earn Marketing Session 8:30 am - 9:30 am



19 Commercial Marketing Session 8:30 am - 10:00 am

RLI Course 1031 May 18 & 19, 8:00 am - 4:00 pm


25 MLXchange Basic 9:00 am - 12:00 pm

International Alliance Committee Meeting 9:40 am - 10:45 am

Toastmasters 5:30 pm - 6:30 pm

(OSCAR Closed)

April 2011



MLS Listing Maintenance 1:00 pm - 3:00 pm


FR Spokesperson Training MFRMLS BOD Workshop 10:00 am - 12:00 pm



Body Language & Negotiation 9:00 am - 12:00 pm

HONOR their memory




new affiliate offices On The Go Services.......................... William Carberry 5790 Leon Tyson Rd., Saint Cloud, FL 34771 Office: 407-832-7957 • Email: otgservices@gmail.com Old Republic Home Protection........... Jeffrey Saindon PO Box 5017, San Ramon, CA 94583 Office: 800-445-6999 • Email: jeff@orhp.com First American Home Warranty Corp....Leslie Zimmerly 3281 Settlers Trail, Saint Cloud, FL 34772 Office: 407-902-5237 • Email: lesliez@firstam.com

new real estate offices Remax Premier Properties II.........................Daisy Cid 2075 Town Center Blvd., Orlando, FL 32837 Office: 407-480-2183 • Fax: 407-480-2184 Email: daisylcid@gmail.com • Web: www.dlc-realty.net Coulter Team Realty & Associates....... Joni K. Coulter 700 Celebration Ave., Kissimmee, FL 34747 Office: 407-222-3966 • Fax: 888-741-0940 Email: joni@coulterteam.com Web: www.PremiumPropertiesNearDisney.com Exclusive Villas Florida..........................Darren Coxon 4533 W Irlo Bronson Memorial Hwy, Kissimmee, FL 34746 Office: 407-396-0172 • Fax: 407-731-9818 Email: darrencoxon@aol.com Elson Investments LLC.............................Amy O. Elson 1130 E. Donegan Ave, Ste 4, Kissimmee, FL 34744 Office: 321-624-7030 • Email: amyelson@ymail.com Web: celebrationpremierproperties.com 1st Orlando Real Estate Services Inc... John Huebner 564 N. Semoran Blvd., Orlando, FL 32807 Office: 407-380-2800 • Fax: 407-380-7206 Email: john.huebner@century21.com My Florida Property Store LLC..........James McCarthy 1420 Celebration Blvd., Kissimmee, FL 34747 Office: 407-566-2029 • Fax: 407-566-2001 Email: jm@myfloridapropertystore.com Morris Williams Corporation................ Steven Morris 17000 Picketts Cove Road, Orlando, FL 32820 Office: 407-568-4772 • Fax: 407-566-2001 Email: smorris@morriswilliamsrealty.com Picou Margaret LLC............................. Margaret Picou 2618 Mill, Kissimmee, FL 34744 Office: 407-414-3258 • Email: margaret.picou@gmail.com Julie M. Prather........................................ Julie Prather 195 Bucksin Lane, Osteen, FL 32764 Office: 407-402-4901 • Email: julieprather@hughes.net Sequoia Realty USA LLC.............................Cris Ramos 569 Water St., Kissimmee, FL 34747 Office: 407-301-0934 • Fax: 863-419-4429 Email: cnathalyramos8@yahoo.com

International Business Services Group LLC.. Luis A. Rivera 12211 Regency Village Dr., Orlando, FL 32821 Office: 407-465-2260 Email: lrivera@tuinversionenflorida.com Cindy Tanada Realty......................Cynthia R. Tanada 1644 Witney Isle Dr., Windermere, FL 34786 Office: 407-407-9731 • Email: ctanada@cfl.rr.com Z House Realty Group.................. Janice Marie Ziesig 829 Woodbury Rd., Ste. 104, Orlando, FL 32828 Office: 407-208-1221 • Fax: 407-208-0111 Email: janice@ziesig.org

welcome new members Aiden J. Lynch.................. Central Florida Leasing & Management Angeline N. Plaza.................................. Prudential Results Realty Astrid A. Jean-Paul................................................ CJ Realty, LLC Benjamin B. Deal........................................ Watson Realty Corp. Cari L. Patterson......................................................PACT Realty Carol E. Zawodnik.............................Centurion Realty Group LLC Christine Knight........................................... Zarzuela Realty, LLC Darren Coxon...........................................Exclusive Villas Florida Eliceo Berume...................................Celebration Executive Realty Evangeline L. Soriano......................................Kingdom First, LLC Fan L. Wu.............................................World Land Partners Inc. Frank Shortt.................................................... Randall West, Inc. Gail L. Morgan.................................... The Real Estate Team, Inc. Heather Ann Gonzalez........Merhrlich Properties & Real Estate Inc Ivan A. Rivera................................... Property Outlet International Janice Marie Ziesig................................... Z House Realty Group Jeremy J. Smith.................................. Bustamante Real Estate Inc, John Huebner.......................1st Orlando Real Estate Services Inc Jose Luis Gerena.................................... Jose Orlando Rodriguez Joseph B. Rogers...................................Florida Scandi Realty LLC Joseph J Conti............................ TLC HOME MANAGEMENT LLC Juliette C. Bertin-Maurice....................Celebration Executive Realty Lisa M. Wilmoth...................................... Olde Kissimmee Realty Louisa Ghali.............................. TLC HOME MANAGEMENT LLC Lukasz J. Dudek.........................................Godwin Realty Group Maria P. Perez.......................................... Homestead Realty Inc. Melissa M. Estevez...................................... Watson Realty Corp. Michael A. Manning................................Solivita Properties INC. Michelle Thomas............................ Southeast Orlando Realty, LLC Miriam Clarisa Cruz.................................... Watson Realty Corp. Mora Perez................................................... La Rosa Realty LLC Natasha G. Rivera.........................Coldwell Banker Ackley Realty Nicole D. Nichols............................... Renters Choice Homes LLC Norma Kincaid.......................... TLC HOME MANAGEMENT LLC Pablo Bernal.......................................... Orlando Reo Group Inc. Reynaldo Izaguirre................................. Invest Realty Group, LLC Ronald DeCarlo........................................Destination Realty, Inc. Shanna B. Halfon....................................Florida Pines Realty, LLC Steven Morris.................................. Morris Williams Corporation Steven Robertson........................................C. Munns Real Estate Tracey Hayes...................................................... Direct Sell, Inc. Xianguan Li................................................... La Rosa Realty LLC

April 2011

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