2010 NAR Annual Convention Highlights by Veronica Malolos From November 4-7th, the OSCAR Leadership Team comprised of myself, Tim Weisheyer (President-Elect), Carol Platt (Association Executive), Mike Levine (2010 Florida REALTORS® (FR) Leadership Academy Graduate and Past President), Chris Florence (Communications Director) and Yessica Colon (Member Services) attended the National Association of REALTORS® (NAR) Annual Convention held in New Orleans, Louisiana. Aside from the numerous Governance, Education and Information Sessions that were attended by the Team, we were able to use this time to continue to strengthen and build strategic relationships with Local, State, Regional and National Associations. These are key in advancing OSCAR’s 3-Year Strategic Plan. Even if it were just walking the long halls with other Leaders, sitting beside another at a session or the shuttle bus, stopping at one of the booths and meeting another Leader in the Expo Hall, sharing a meal/cup of coffee or just an occasional handshake, these were crucial to connecting our local Association to the larger picture that make up the National Association of REALTORS®. We attended the Inauguration of 2011 NAR President, Ron Phipps, and we were moved by his passion for REALTORS® and their communities. He spoke about the push for a strong message to our elected Officials that “Home Ownership Matters” since we are now faced with a generation who might be convinced that renting is a better alternative due to the current foreclosure crisis. Homeownership contributes to the stability of neighborhoods helping reduce crime and supporting neighborhood upkeep and maintenance. According to NAR, “Children of homeowners do better in school and stay in school longer. Every home purchased pumps $60,000 into the economy for furniture, home improvements and related items. Housing accounts for more than 15% of the Gross Domestic Product, a key driver of our national economy”. During the General Session, 2010 NAR President Vicki Cox Golder so very eloquently spoke of the sound state of the National Association. The heartwarming presentation of the “Good Neighbor” Awards to REALTORS® who contributed to their communities through various charities were resounding of how such contributions are a big part of what REALTORS® stand for.
The Florida Caucus and Region 5 (Alabama, Florida, Georgia, Mississippi, Puerto Rico and Virgin Islands) Caucus were good opportunities for OSCAR to connect with our neighboring State and local Associations. Our very own Florida member and 2011 NAR President-Elect Moe Viessi was on hand to address and motivate our group. Florida REALTORS® (FR) Past President Cynthia Shelton took the gavel that day as 2011 Region 5 Vice President. FR President Wendell Davis updated us on the Gulf Coast BP Oil Spill. We also heard from the other five State and Territory Presidents. As a special treat for the Convention Attendees, a 1.5 hour concert by famous 70’s Band “Earth, Wind and Fire” was included in the conference registration fee. Since OSCAR was recently an NAR Awardee for promoting the Annual Convention (Congratulations to Chris Florence and the OSCAR Staff!) we received 2 VIP Passes that put us within spitting distance from the Band! It was an awesome concert where thousands of REALTORS® were on their feet dancing and singing along (OSCAR Leadership Team included)! It was also a delight to have shared a meal with current Osceola WCR (Women’s Council of REALTORS®) President Riva Alexander and 2011 WCR President-Elect and OSCAR member, Cindy DeCoster. During “International Night Out”, we celebrated with our very own OSCAR member and 2011 NAR President’s Liaison to Argentina, Carlos Thurdekoos, and his lovely wife Maria. We also shared a meal with neighboring Lakeland Association and had a chance to make a lasting impression with their Leadership Team. During a ride back to our hotel on the shuttle bus I sat beside CFCAR (Central Florida Commercial Association of REALTORS®) 2011 President Chere Roane and had an opportunity to network with her. We joined the Orlando REALTORS® Association (ORRA) Leadership Team in several general meetings. ORRA, CFCAR and OSCAR make up Florida’s District 12 and strengthening our ties with our District 12 colleagues’ benefits OSCAR members in the areas of Education and Public Policy to name a couple. The highlight of the convention for me as your President was the NAR Delegate Body Meeting. This is where every local Association has an opportunity to vote on proposed NAR agenda items that affect every REALTOR® member. I voted on your behalf as your 2010 OSCAR President (special thanks to our AE, Carol Platt, for ensuring that we were represented). Any local Association who did not send a delegate was represented by their State President. One of the important items on the agenda was a proposed amendment to the NAR Code of Ethics Standard of Practice 10-3.This amendment adds “sexual orientation” to the
December 2010
article as a protected class in addition to the already federally protected classes (race, color, religion, sex, handicap, familial status and national origin). Here are a few of the valid points expressed in opposition of the amendment during the discussion phase of the motion:
transaction without violating the Code of Ethics. • The group with which the class “sexual orientation” intends to protect statistically belongs to some of the highest paid, highly educated and most successful segments of the US population.
• “sexual orientation” is a broad term without specific definition and therefore includes everyone
The motion was carried with a 94% paper vote.
• “sexual orientation” is not a federally protected class therefore if a Principal (Landlord, Seller, etc.) makes a decision not to rent or sell based on their moral principles and values (which is their right), this amendment prohibits the REALTOR® from participating in the
I am proud and honored to have represented you in the National Association of REALTORS® Annual Convention. I also thank the rest of the OSCAR Leadership Team for their valuable time and dedication to advancing OSCAR’s goals and Strategic Plan on behalf of every OSCAR member. ■
Congratulations We are very proud to announce that the Osceola Association of Realtors® is the first Association in Central Florida to have the entire staff E-Pro Certified! President Veronica Malolos announced that the Osceola Association of REALTORS® office has become completely 100% e-Pro certified! She congratulated staff members: Carol K. Platt, CRB, Bob St. Gordon, Chris Florence, Yessica Colon, Anneris Rivera and Eli Perez on completing the program, as part of OSCAR’s strategic plan to provide valuable service to their members. They received their certificate of completion, e-Pro pin and the right to use the e-Pro logo on October 31st, 2010. This certification helps to provide individuals with a roadmap to help build their business and serve the hyper-connected consumer (member) of today and tomorrow. Students who receive this designation learn about the changing market, how to connect with consumers, manage their online reputation and generate leads and gain referrals. The e-Pro certification gives busy real estate professionals tools and tactics to help them be more profitable and more effective. The course teaches foundational technology and emerging technologies, as well as, how these technologies impact consumer behavior, which is significant. As e-Pros, OSCAR staff will keep current in technology skills through their ongoing updates from the e-Pro organization and receive invitations to other advanced courses like the National Association of REALTORS® Social Media Marketing Institute.
Yessica Colon
Chris Florence
Eli Perez
Carol Platt, CRB
Anneris Rivera
Bob St. Gordon
Congratulations to our office staff for successfully completing their e-PRO certification in November: Yessica Colon, Bob St. Gordon & Carol Platt.
December 2010
The Cheapest, Best, Easiest Web Site for Realtors® by Kemp Howland, GRI, SFR OSCAR Technology Committee What is the simplest, easiest, cheapest way for a Realtor® to create and maintain an internet presence today? Like so many things, it depends. If you are fortunate enough to work with one of the major brands, they have probably already provided you with a web page, at little or no cost. It is just basically functional, and may send your customers off to a national, branded web site, where they will forget all about you, but it is an option. Plus, if you change brokers and brands, your website simply disappears! The Mid-Florida MLS provides each of its members with a great website option. It is included with your membership dues, and it is a good choice if you want to help your customers search the MLS without your direct involvement. You can even track what homes they are looking at, so you are always ready when they call with questions. Dollar for dollar, the MLS member web site is, arguably, the best internet value for a Realtor® today. The price is right and the tools are first class. Let’s not forget the social networking sites. Facebook is the biggest and the best. You can create a “Fan Page” on Facebook, which will allow your customers to stay in touch with you all the time. You can feature listings and offer services, as well as involve your “fans” in dialog regarding the industry, the market, etc. However, unless you are extremely adept at writing in a non-adversarial manner, a Facebook site can get you into trouble, especially if you open yourself to comments and dialog. But it is a viable choice for getting your name and your listings out in front of people who either know you, who know someone who knows you. Researchers believe that social networking is effective through three degrees of separation. After that, the value is nebulous. It has been shown that your opinions can affect the decisions of your friends, the people you come into physical contact with on a regular basis. It has also been demonstrated that friends of your friends can be similarly affected by your ideas and opinions. However, as we start looking at friends of friends of your friends (the third degree of separation) the affect begins to deteriorate. Those friends of friends of friends don’t necessarily want, need or even value your opinion or ideas. And by the time we get to the fourth degree, it is simply ineffective.
Here’s why you want a network of friends. Let’s say you know and have influence over 20 people (your friends.) And each of them has the same influence over 20 friends. And each of those people has the same influence over 20 friends. If you can communicate well enough for your ideas and opinions to trickle down through all three levels, you will be working with a network of about 8,000 people. That’s a fairly respectable network! So, what does this mean to the practicing Realtor®? Let’s do the numbers. If the average family moves once every five or six years, and you have 8,000 people with whom you share your real estate ideas and opinions, that works out to about 1,300 of your friends moving this year, and 1,300 moving next year, etc. I know…we’re in a terrible market, and not everyone who would like to move can actually make it happen. So let’s say only 25% of these people can actually pull the trigger and make their dreams come true. That still gives you 325 prospective buyers and sellers every year. And maybe half of them already have a Realtor® or are planning to handle their sale or purchase without assistance. You still have a pool of 160 prospects from your network of friends. And that leads us to the obvious question: Did you have 160 transactions last year? This is why you need to be on the internet. It really doesn’t matter whether you use a service like Facebook, a product like the MLS website, or do your own thing with a BLOG/CRM site such as is offered by WordPress© (also practically free!) The point is, you cannot afford not to be on the internet. The simplest, easiest, cheapest way for a Realtor® to create and maintain an internet presence today is the one that allows him or her to leverage the three degrees of separation described above. Maybe it’s Facebook. Maybe it’s a WordPress© site. Maybe it’s your own hybrid concoction or a mash up of several different site options. Realistically, if a web presence can generate 160 or more transactions for you, it’s cheap, no matter what you have to pay for it. In fact, the most expensive web site in the world is the one you don’t have. ■ Kemp Howland is a career-long member of OSCAR. His company, Howland International, helps real estate professionals understand and implement web-based video and audio technology.
December 2010
Amendment 4
Why we were successful in a political rarity — an uphill landslide! by Carol K. Platt, CRB On November 4th, 2010, I received a memo from John Sowinski, General Consultant to the Amendment 4 defeat effort, recognizing the enormity of what happened and the tireless work of so many who put themselves and their money on the line to victory. These were the key strategic decisions that led our coalition to success: 1. The threat was recognized early and a plan, along with the resources to back that plan, were put into place. 2. A single campaign was organized to defeat it. 3. While many tactics were employed, the “end game” assumed a ballot showdown. 4. We took advantage of the 2008 peace dividend and
built a historic bi-partisan/non-partisan grassroots army. 5. The campaign decided on a “peace through strength” approach. 6. We got an early start developing a campaign plan, identifying our financial needs and sought and secured financial commitments early. 7. Our opponents overestimated the extent to which voters agree with them, and underestimated the extent to which they agree with us. 8. We had a powerful case study to punctuate our message. Having been a part of the effort to defeat this Amendment for four election cycles, this has been the greatest issue campaign that I have worked on where all parties came together, no one entity took “the credit” and each and every person, at all levels of contribution was valued. This defeat proved once again that Jefferson was right when he stated that democracy is upheld through an “informed and involved electorate”. ■
Daily Real Estate Daily RealNews Estate News REO Specialists Wrestle With Big Challenges Real estate professionals who specialize in selling REOs say foreclosure issues bring new challenges. Dorothy Buse, a foreclosure specialist for Coldwell Banker, Ackley Realty in Orlando, says that of the 200 foreclosures she has listed for sale, 40 are frozen with 12 under contract, but on hold. Nick Chaconas, a real estate associate with Redfin, says he was about to close on the sale of a $470,000 property in Potomac, Md., when he got an e-mail from the title company saying the moratorium on foreclosure by lender PNC would put the sale on hold. Chaconas says his client hasn’t walked away, but adds that the “underlying feeling is caution. Extreme caution.” “We always warn the buyer that the down side [to buying a foreclosure] is that stuff can pop up at the last minute,” says Paul Sliwka, a Coldwell Banker associate who represents lenders with properties across the Washington region. “That risk has always been there, and now it’s come to the fore. These issues that people think are new are issues that have been around forever, but now they’re under a magnifying glass.” ■
December 2010
Associated Press, Michelle Conlin, and The Washington Post, Dina ElBoghdady (10/09/2010)
Congratulations to the following candidates that Florida REALTORS® and OSCAR supported for elected office: Representative Steve Precourt Representative Darren Soto Representative Mike Horner City of Kissimmee Commissioner
Cheryl Grieb
Osceola County Commissioner
John Quinones
Osceola County Commissioner
Frank Attkisson
City of St. Cloud Councilman
Thomas Griffin
City of St. Cloud Councilman
Russell Holmes
Carol K. Platt, CRB
Association Executive ae@osceola-realtors.com
Chris Florence
Communications/Technology Director communications@osceola-realtors.com
A Nichol’s Worth of Information by Nick Nichols
Bob St. Gordon
Controller accounts@osceola-realtors.com
Anneris Rivera
Membership and Educational Administrative Services memberservices@osceola-realtors.com
Yessica Colon
Membership and Event Services membership@osceola-realtors.com
Eli Perez
Leader and Member Services assistant@osceola-realtors.com
Florida law prohibits that when you advertise (or offer) anything for FREE, not actually free to the consumer, or similar terms to the consumer, you must do the following: “To avoid being misleading, the ad must include a clear and “conspicuous” statement of what the person must do to receive the gift, and any limitations or exclusion, such as an offer expiration date. Under Florida law “conspicuous” has been found to mean printing in a contrasting color, all caps, italics, underlines or bold face; in letters on smaller than the largest type of the page; at least 10 point type and separated on all sides from other type and print.” See Florida Realtors.org ■
1105 Shady Lane Kissimmee, Florida 34744 www.osceolarealtors.org communications@osceola-realtors.com 407.846.0117 • 407.846.0217 fax In order to share the wealth of information contained in this newsletter in an efficient manner, please submit your articles via e-mail or fax by the 10th of the monthly. Please clearly indicate that submission is for the Osceola ReVIEW. Articles: communications@osceola-realtors.com Advertising: accounts@osceola-realtors.com For advertising inquiries please contact Bob St. Gordon at the Association Office. Your advertising defrays the cost of publishing. Thank you for your support. The Osceola ReVIEW is published exclusively for the Association by The Baker Press Orlando, Florida 407.290.5800 • 407.290.5977 fax www.thebakerpress.com Disclaimer: The Osceola ReVIEW is published for the member and affiliates of Osceola County Association of REALTORS®, Inc. by The Baker Press, Inc. as a courtesy. The Baker Press, Inc. nor the Association assume any responsibility for article content or advertising message as submitted for inclusion in the newsletter. Advertising and articles are not endorsed by the Association, nor is there any implied warranty by the Association or its staff.
Technology versus Old School by Chris Florence Tech Director I had a chance to attend the 2010 NARdiGras Convention and it was incredible what keynote speakers are encouraging REALTORS® to look into for technological tools. Information and the communication of that information is what give us an edge in the business world. There are a lot of advantages to the face-to-face exchange that can never be replaced by passive technological advances. However, there are ways to touch that potential client initially to get to that face-to-face whether you’re talking about a buyer or a seller. Peter Knight was one of NAR’s keynote speakers and shared how technology can be either a winning proposition to customers or an opportunity to be seen as a miserable failure in your clients eyes. We have to remember to keep our messages simple and free from the clutter of everything that is new and shiny in the tech world. In Peter Knight’s presentation, “Something Old Something New” he shared about the pitfalls of communications. Rather than have me ruin his eloquent talk by regurgitating it let me show you how you can watch this and other keynote speakers from the convention if you didn’t have the privilege to go. If you pull up your browser and type in http://www. narconferencelive.com/ and click on Videos On Demand you can view all the days from there. There are tons of great tips found here! ■
December 2010
Hey Noread, I do not pay much attention to what other people think about me or I would run and hide!! What someone else thinks of me is none of my business. :) Just joking, Noread. Yes, I read, but still enjoy life as well. I check out OsceolaRealtors.org, FloridaRealtors.org, OsceolaClerk.org, to name a few. I call MFRMLS if I have a problem, I call FAR Tech 407-587-1450 if I have a computer problem. Dear Oscar; I often read your stuff that you write in our Oscar Review magazine. I wonder bunches of times where you get all that stuff. I thought that you was smart, but I have met you personally and you seem to be looking at notes while you are speaking or telling somebody some new stuff or news. So, I think that you are not really smart but just reading all that stuff. Right? I do not have time to read all that stuff because I have TV programs that I watch and movies to go to and emails to write and IM’s to chat with as well as my FACE BOOK. Thanks, Noread Nibs
December 2010
I firmly believe in attending every education program that is FREE at our OSCAR. I firmly believe in attending every Tuesday morning’s MLS Marketing meeting (gonna change that name to LEARN AND EARN) to see what I am missing in the real estate world as well and learn how to make money and stay out of trouble by learning and building up my confidence because I KNOW MY JOB! Always your friend,
NARdiGRAS Wrap-Up by Carol K. Platt, CRB If my first National Association of Realtors conference and expo with OSCAR is indicative of the future, then we certainly have a great future ahead. In fact, since Mardigras in New Orleans is known for endless parties, then NARdiGRAS should be known for endless education, motivation, innovation and the creation of new and exciting networks and resources. For me, the excitement began with the selection of Yessica Colon as our Realtors Federal Credit Union Ambassador and our win of NAR’s co-marketing contest by our Technology and Communications Director, Chris Florence. Any association executive would love having their staff trained by NAR, but training under NAR’s expenditure is even sweeter! Both leadership and staff scattered in an attempt to cover the myriad of presentations, educational sessions, events and meetings during this five day conference. I had scheduled meetings with Donna Garcia, NAR’s Human Resource director and spent most days juggling association executive and government affairs director meetings. I was honored to be selected by NAR’s Governmental Affairs Directors leadership to participate in a focus work group on political candidate schools. Our facilitator was Joe Goode of American Strategies, Inc., a respected Washington based grassroots activation and technology firm. Although the group was small, the discussion was turbo charged with 2010 election successes and fallout and needs and concerns for 2012 (as if it wasn’t two years away). I was fortunate to have lunch with one of my favorite Florida GAD’s, Cliff Long from Emerald Coast. I respect his non-confrontational coalition building style and, as usual, I garnered a few more great ideas!
Our leadership team was there to support Florida Realtors as they met to bolster the efforts of the BP Oil Spill Compensation for Gulf Coast Realtors and to support the installation of Florida’s past president and 2010 Commercial Realtor of the Year, Cynthia Shelton, as our national regional chair. Our hotel was shared with the Women’s Council of Realtors, which certainly helped us in sharing a few moments and even a dinner at Antoine’s (America’s oldest restaurant) with our local WCR members, Riva Wallace and Cindy DeCoster. Perhaps it’s no coincidence that our alliance with the Osceola Women’s Council of Realtors will resemble Antoine’s – long standing and successful! Of course our leadership’s “power brokering” did not stop there, as we enjoyed dinner at one of Wall Street Journal’s top 10 “power tables”, Dickie Brennan’s Steakhouse, with the Lakeland Association of Realtors President and President Elect as well. Although half our size, LAR has similar strategies to enhance its services to members and their leadership and association executive are always willing to share and brainstorm. They are great central Florida alliances. If I could “theme” the benefits of the 2010 NAR conference, the sessions focused on four areas: public policy, education, technology and international alliances. Our conference wrapped up with a terrific international night out and once again, our leadership was there to proudly support one of our own. Carlos Thurdekoos (accompanied by his lovely wife and business partner, Maria) was in attendance as NAR’s Ambassador to Paraguay as part of NAR’s Global “Your Business has no Borders” initiative. As my first NAR conference and expo with Osceola County Association of Realtors, I came home exhausted and proud of the dedication and hard work shown by your volunteer leadership. For 2011, I believe NAR’s President Ron Phipps, has a challenge to make the 2011 conference as outstanding as 2010! ■
December 2010
December 2010
OSCAR Wins National Co-Marketing Award
celebrating unique and progressive NARdiGras promotions to our members.
An initiative to help get the word out about the businessbuilding focus of the REALTORS® Conference & Expo, Nov. 5-8, in New Orleans, OSCAR enhanced conference promotions in all communications to its members.
“A few of the special ways that we communicated the benefits of attending this conference to our members included,“liking” NARdiGras on their Facebook page, posting NARdiGras on OSCAR’s facebook wall, linking NARdiGras to OSCAR’s facebook, prime banner placement on OsceolaRealtors.org, print advertisement in our association’s October magazine, NARdiGras posters in our association classroom, tweeting and re-tweeting NARdiGras, signing up as a NARdiGras follower, blogging about NARdiGras on the association blog, embedding a NARdiGras speaker on OsceolaRealtors.org, plus distributing flyers and making announcements at the association MLS Marketing meetings,” explains Carol Platt, Association Executive for OSCAR.
National Association of REALTORS® to REALTOR® Association Executives nationwide contest previous winners include; Bay East, Hawaii, and Spokane. Associations of REALTORS® in a monthly co-marketing campaign
The mission of the Osceola County Association of REALTORS® is to provide a dedicated success to its membership consisting of real estate professionals and affiliates, while adding value to the community. ■
by Wendi Jeannin www.osceolarealtors.org The Osceola County Association of REALTORS® (OSCAR) wins the co-marketing contest hosted by the National Association of REALTORS® to REALTOR® Association Executives.
by Antonio Vega-Pacheco, P.A. As a Realtor I learned early in the career that finding prospects was task #1. So I began to explore systems available and to join them. Originally I began doing floor time and calling expired listings, so I joined RedX. Then watching TV learned about House Values and joined them, that was the first lead generation system. They had great training and kept them for about 3 years. Then I got really active with Zillow and Trulia, began to purchase advertising via both. Briefly subscribed to RealtyTrac, that was disappointing. Then came Program 3648 from BGS3 for short-sale leads...promising, but within a few months everyone was learning about short-sales so I moved on. Zurple out of California promised Internet lead generation and and great interphase for clients, but they were not upgrading their platform fast enough, it looked incomplete compared to our basic MLS. Then looking for a better website tried Agent Advantage, but they failed to purchase data from MLS in Florida and all I was getting was framed IDX, so they
got cancelled fast. For the last 2 years Vision has been the best contact management and lead generation system I’ve used. Looking back my monthly expense has fluctuated from $200 to $600 per month, depending on how many systems I was using at any one point for lead generation. From what I have seen from Listingbook so far, it will take care of all my needs. The best part, OSCAR has decided to offer it to all members for FREE. Over 70% of my past clients started with Internet contact and more than 60% of them are from out of state. I develop a relationship with them via e-mail and phone, have them pre-qualified ahead of their arrival, make sure they have escrow in hand and the idea of “I will have a contract in place before the flight back home”. I have created a “by schedule only” service and it has been working great. Listing book will help to tighten up the remaining few loose ends and keep money in my pocket. I see a great future ahead. ■ Antonio has been serving the residents of Osceola county for 21 years. He holds FL licenses in Real Estate and Mental Health Counseling. He works full time as a Realtor, and one evening a week he facilitate a program for men who have abused their partners, “I have been state certified to evaluate men and run Batterer’s Intervention Program for over 13 years.”
December 2010
What I learned From My Trip to NardiGras 2010 by Yessica Colon The main reason for my participation at the National Association of Realtors® Conference & Expo was to attend the Virtual Realtor® Federal Credit Union( RFCU) Ambassador class. I was selected to be the Ambassador for the Osceola Association of Realtors® and this class was dedicated to educate an Association staff member on the benefits for our members to join the RFCU. So you may ask, what does “Virtual” Realtor® Federal Credit Union mean? It means freedom, extra time on your hands and security! It means no mad dashes to the bank at 4:45 PM in a Friday afternoon traffic jam! That’s right my Realtor® friends! You can deposit your closing checks right from the comfort of your office or home computer. How convenient is that?! RFCU is a nonprofit credit union which is member-owned. This means you’re entitled to one vote on changes within the organization and you own a share of the credit union. Your very own Realtors® organize and run this Credit Union with volunteer Board of Directors. The VFCU products and services offered are as follows:
Association Leadership Veronica Malolos President Tim Weisheyer President-Elect Renee Clark Vice-President Gerald Kelley Treasurer Kim Goodwin Secretary Jose Alvarez Past President Directors Daisy Cid Richard Knapp David Courtney Nick Nichols David DeLoach Angel Ortiz Karen Dierickx Denise Sacks Susan Graves Legal Counsel Danny Villazon
December 2010
- Personal or Business Share (Savings), Checking Accounts, ATM Access, Electronic transfers, Bill Pay, and Remote Deposit - Money Markets Savings - Certificates - IRA Savings: Traditional, Roth and SEP IRA’s - Multiple type of Consumer Loans - eStatements, myAlerts, myNotices, myNews and much more coming in the near future! To get additional information on RFCU or to open an account please go to https://www.realtorsfcu.org/. You may also call me if you have any questions at 407-846-0117 ext. 224. Aside from the Ambassador training sessions I had the privilege to attend multiple other training sessions. In the Something Old, Something New: Communication Magic class we went over the do’s and don’ts of Association Communications and tips on Realtor® marketing strategies. I was also able to attend a Supra meeting in which they discussed the new Bluetooth Electronic Lockbox and other new services they are introducing to local Associations. At the Expo, I was able to see and test the new Bluetooth Electronic Lockbox and explore other vendor products and services with over 365 booths to visit. Attending the 2010 NAR Conference & Expo has given me knowledge and experiences that I can share with my coworkers and to all of you, adding value to your membership with the Osceola Association of Realtors®. ■
A Note from Memb er Services Just a remin der th
at you shou invoice in N ld have rece ovember of ived an 2010 via em 2011 Realto ® ail for the y r annual m our ember rene your contin wal. We va ued membe lu e rship and h renew by D ope that yo ecember 31 u w il l , 2 0 10 to avoid of member interruption services/late fees. Please contact us if feel free to you have a ny question s. Thank yo u!
Florida REALTORS Essay Contest
by Wendi Jeannin www.osceolarealtors.org The Osceola County Association of REALTORS® announces the Florida REALTORS® 2010-2011 Scholarship Essay Contest for High School Seniors. In late November, Florida REALTORS® will mail materials for its scholarship essay contest to the public and private senior high schools across the state – this year marks the 11th year for the state association’s successful essay contest, which is a community outreach program. The essay contest is open only to high school seniors who reside in the state of Florida and plan on continuing their education at any college, university, technical school or some other institution of higher learning. The college or institution does not have
to be located in the state of Florida. However, children whose parents or guardians are licensed real estate practitioners are not eligible for contest entry; nor are children whose parents are employed by any local Realtor board/association or by the state association. Scholarship essay contest materials, including eligibility criteria and the required official cover form, also will be posted in late November to the Florida Realtors Media Center website at: http://media.floridarealtors.org. Realtors, students, parents, teachers and anyone can go to the site to find out more about the essay contest, which gives eligible students the opportunity to win up to $6,000 to help realize their college dreams by writing on the topic, “How Does a Realtor® Professional Benefit the Community?” The mission of the Osceola County Association of REALTORS® is to provide a dedicated success to its membership consisting of real estate professionals and affiliates, while adding value to the community. ■
A Message from GE Security Profit from Supra’s Showing Information Did you know that Supra will send you an email after a Showing Agent opens a keybox at your listing? The email includes the Showing Agent’s contact information, making it easier for you to follow up on the showing to obtain feedback and better market the property. And, since ActiveKEYs and eKEYs can transmit showing information immediately after a keybox is opened, showing emails can be current.
A sample email showing notification
To set showing emails: log onto SupraWEB. After logging in, please select Settings, and then select General Email. Enter your email address and check each type of notice you want to receive. It is also helpful if you assign your keyboxes to your listings. For more detailed instructions on how to do this, please refer to page 4 in the SupraWEB Guide.
December 2010
Dealing with Office Gossip Did You Hear? Three Surefire Steps to Minimize Gossip at the Office It starts out innocently enough with someone in the break room saying, “Isn’t it a shame about Jack?” Clueless, you reply, “What about Jack?” “Don’t you know about his wife?” When you answer in the negative, your colleague seizes the moment to fill you in on all the gory details of Jack’s wife’s ongoing affair with none other than your boss’s husband, and poor Jack is now in rehab because he started binge-drinking to drown his misery. Of course, since your boss’s husband is the party of the second part, you just have to know if she knows about her husband’s infidelity, which would account for her showing up to work lately looking like a subject in a sleep-deprivation study and biting everyone’s head off for no good reason. And before you’ve finished pouring your coffee, you’ve enabled a gossip to perpetuate the vicious cycle of rumor mongering that too often contaminates a workplace.
you may be credited as the source at some later point just because you were present.People’s memories aren’t always accurate.
The consequences of participating in office gossip are far ranging and always affect at least two or more people. First, consider the person who is the gossip spreader. Why is this person presenting the information? Can any good come from it? Will the information benefit you or the office in which you work? What’s in it for the gossip?
1. Don’t do it yourself-ever. No, you aren’t talking about people for their own good. You’re gossiping. If you really want to help someone, talk to the person directly.
If the answers to these questions are fuzzy, you can probably assume the news bearer is reveling in knowing something others don’t yet know. Such “news,” whether accurate or not, provides a momentary feeling of superiority and control that the gossip probably lacks otherwise. If this person’s work performance isn’t sufficient cause for recognition, then the next best option is to stake a claim as the one with the latest inside dirt. Unfortunately, a gossip isn’t satisfied just possessing the information. After all, knowledge that isn’t shared is wasted, right? How would others know the value of this soul unless the intelligence is disseminated? This is where others get implicated without necessarily being willing participants. Even the “innocent” are drawn in to the gossip’s web by merely listening. For a few fleeting moments, this person has everyone’s undivided attention, and this is “reward” enough. While gossips themselves might not immediately suffer for their loose tongues, eventually they will be found out. The consequences may include poor performance reviews, no pay raises, reprimands from supervisors, or possibly dismissal because of their involvement in destroying office morale or committing slander. Gossips are usually proactive in sharing their wealth of information, so others have little trouble knowing who they are. Smart coworkers will learn to avoid them any way they can, even though this is not always easy or possible. Even if you yourself don’t initiate gossip, just listening to it takes a toll and carries consequences. Guilt by association immediately comes to mind. If several people are present when a gossip leaks a juicy tidbit,
December 2010
Of course, the one who suffers most is the subject under discussion. Even if the rumor proves to be just that, the damage has been done. Those who have heard the gossip will be unable to completely erase it from their minds. The consequences for this person might be devastating. Since no one benefits from gossip, here are three easy steps you can take to avoid this career-killing behavior:
2. When someone tries to gossip with you, you can: • Walk away. • Change the subject. • Directly state, “I’m not comfortable talking about ______.” • Directly state, “I don’t like talking about other people because I don’t like them talking about me.” That’s a conversation ender for sure. • Reply, “I hadn’t heard that about ______. Let’s go ask him/her.” (Watch a gossip disappear when you say that. Gossips are notorious cowards and dread confronting their subjects.) 3. When someone is gossiping about you, you can: • Go with the direct approach. Say something such as, “I heard that you’ve been saying the following about me.” Then briefly summarize what you have heard. Next, say, “While I wasn’t there to hear you, I would appreciate your coming to me directly with any questions or comments rather than talking with our coworkers/friends/family/etc.” • Go with the indirect approach. Say something such as, “I don’t know if you’ve heard the rumors going around about me or not, but they’re really disturbing. If you hear of anyone talking about me, I would appreciate it if you would ask them to stop.” Just remember, if you don’t gossip, you don’t have to worry about someone betraying your confidence and telling other people what you said. Remember, too, to distance yourself from gossips since you are known by the company you keep. www.businesstrainingworks.com/Etiquette/Stopping-Office-Gossip.html
Orlando Sentinel Communications
A Better Choice Pools
Laura Kohler 633 N. Orange Avenue, Orlando, FL 32803 Office 407-420-6126 Fax 407-420-5201 Email LKohler@orlandosentinel.com Website www.orlandosentinel.com
Osceola News Gazette
Paula Stark 108 Church St., Kissimmee, FL 34741 Office 407-846-7600 Fax 407-846-8516 Email pstark@osceolanewsgazette.com Website www.aroundosceola.com
The Real Estate Book
Tammy Birchler 2305 NewPoint Parkway, Lawrenceville, GA 30043 Office 407-581-1490 Fax 407-581-1491 E-mail tbirchler@nci.com Website www.realestatebook.com
The Real Estate Book
Doreen McGauvran 412 Loblolly Court, Longwood, FL 32750 Office 407-581-1490 Fax 407-581-1491 Email dmcgauvran@treb.com Website www.realestatebook.com
Attorneys Charles P. Castellon, PA Law Firm
Michael Evans 3213 13th Street, Saint Cloud, FL 34769 Office 407-414-7379 Fax 407-870-9978 Email m_abcpools@yahoo.com Website www.abetterchoicepools.com
Frank’s Air Conditioning Inc.
Dean Bullock 800 Armstrong Blvd., Kissimmee, FL 34741 Office 407-870-7755 Fax 407-846-1312 Email dean@franksac.com Website www.franksac.com
Servpro of Osceola County
Dan Hougaard 1710 Kelley Avenue, Kissimmee, FL 34744 Office 407-933-0707 Fax 407-933-5014 Email dhougaard@servprooc.com Website www.servprooc.com
ENGINEERING/SURVEYING/PLANNING Hanson, Walter & Associates, Inc. Diane Salisbury 400 Emmett St., Kissimmee, FL 34741 Office 407-847-9433 Fax 407-847-2499 Email dsalisbury@hansonwalter.com
Johnston’s Surveying, Inc.
CenterState Bank Central Florida, N.A Scott Johnson 920 N John Young Parkway, Kissimmee, FL 34741 Office 407-847-3800 Fax 407-847-5704 Email sjohnson@centerstatehomeloans.com
Equilliance Mortgage, Realty & Title Nancy Knapp 4417 13th Street, Saint Cloud, FL 34769 Office 321-624-1560 Fax 407-957-6892 Email nancy@nancyknapp.net
Farm Credit
Regina Thomas P.O. Box 8009, Lakeland, FL 33802 Office 863-682-4117 Fax 863-688-9364 Email rthomas@farmcreditcfl.com Website www.farmcreditcfl.com
Fifth Third Bank
Walter Alvarez 3801 Pleasant Hill Road, Kissimmee, FL 34746 Office 321-697-5800 Fax 407-931-0112 Email walter.alvarez@53.com Website www.53.com
MortgageOne Financial Services Graham Aistrop 1637 E. Vine St., Ste D, Kissimmee, FL 34744 Office 407-870-9090 Fax 407-870-2809 Email graham@m1fs.com Website www.m1fs.com
Charles Castellon 12934 Deertrace Ave., Suite A, Orlando, FL 32837 Office 407-851-0201 Fax 407-847-5618 Email ccastellon@centralflattorney.com
W. Turner Wallis 900 Shady Lane, Kissimmee, FL 34744 Office 407-847-2179 Fax 407-847-6140 Email turner@jsurveying.com Website www.jsurveying.com
Keating Schlitt, PA
Entertainment Services
John Smoley 1637 E. Vine St., Ste D, Kissimmee, FL 34744 Office 407-870-9090 Fax 407-870-2809 Email john@m1fs.com Website www.m1fs.com
Elegant Entertainment DJ Services
Qubty Financial Group
Nancy Campiglia 250 E. Colonial Drive, Orlando, FL 32827 Office 407-425-2907 Fax 407-425-6345 Email ncampiglia@keatlaw.com Website www.keatlaw.com
Law Office of Daniel Villazon
Daniel Villazon, P.A. 1420 Celebration Blvd., # 200, Celebration, FL 34747 Office 407-483-0041 Email dvillazon@yahoo.com Website www.frecattorney.com
Joe Marolis 7812 Fern Leaf Drive, Orlando, FL 32836 Office 407-414-6239 Email joem15@earthlink.net Website www.elegantentertainment.org
Financial Services/Institutions Butler Mortgage
Harry Urban 1012 W. Emmett St., Ste. B, Kissimmee, FL 34741 Office 407-931-3800 Fax 407-931-3801 Email hurban@butlermortgage.com
MortgageOne Financial Services
David Qubty 7680 Universal Blvd., Suite 405, Orlando, FL 32819 Office 407-370-3030 Fax 407-370-2040 Email dqubty@qubtyfinancialgroup.com Website www.qubtyfinancialgroup.com
Qubty Financial Group
Sami D. Qubty 7680 Universal Blvd., Suite 405, Orlando, FL 32819 Office 407-370-3030 Fax 407-370-2040 Email squbty@qubtyfinancialgroup.com Website www.qubtyfinancialgroup.com
December 2010
RBC Centura Bank
Robin Burnett 1818 N. John Young Parkway, Kissimmee, FL 34741 Office 407-428-3403 Fax 407-428-3405 Email robin.burnett@rbc.com Website www.rbc.com
Trustco Bank
Sarah Near 1525 East Osceola Parkway, Kissimmee, FL 34746 Office 407-932-0398 Fax 407-932-0719 Email GC-573@trustcobank.com Website www.trustcobank.com
KB Home
Amanda Parah 9102 South Park Center Loop, #100, Orlando, FL 32819 Office 407-587-3403 Fax 407-587-2386 Email aparah@kbhome.com Website www.kbhome.com
Maronda Homes
Olga Ortega 955 Keller Rd., #1500, Altamonte Springs, FL 32714 Office 407-846-4397 Fax 407-846-4398 Email oortega@maronda.com Website www.maronda.com
Maronda Homes, Inc. of Florida
Inspection Services Amerispec Home Inspection Services Mike Woodard P.O. Box 233, Eagle Lake, FL 33839 Office 407-846-0083 Fax 863-294-7773 Email mwoodard@amerispec.net
Budget Services, Inc.
Ed Hogan 3617 Crosley Ave., Saint Claud, FL 34772 Office 407-892-8811 Fax 407-892-8516 Email budgettermite@earthlink.net Website www.budgetservicesfl.com
Jordan Keathley 955 Keller Rd., #1500, Altamonte Springs, FL 32714 Office 407-475-9112 Fax 407-475-9115 Email keathley@maronda.com Website www.maronda.com
Buy-Your-Side Home Inspections
Standard Pacific Homes
Chief lnspection Services, Inc.
Judy Taylor 111 E. Monument Avenue, Kissimmee, FL 34741 Office 407-931-2872 Fax 407-933-2176 Email jtaylor@benefit-advisors.com
Jesus Alvarez 200 S. Orange Avenue, Suite 124, Orlando, FL 32801 Office 407-304-2803 Fax 407-304-2835 Email sbower@stanpac.com Website www.standardpacifichomes.com
Home Builders/Developers
Standard Pacific Homes
Envirotect Building & Termite
Ardyss International
Martha Elena Parra 2490 Quail Run Blvd., Kissimmee, FL 34744 Office 407-279-0018 Fax 407-315-0015 Email marthaelena.parra@gmail.com
Benefit Advisors
DR Horton, Inc.
Fabian Chiriboga 2520 T.G. Lee Boulevard, Orlando, FL 32824 Office 407-556-2100 Fax 407-556-2106 Email andrechiriboga@hotmail.com Website www.drhorton.com
DR Horton, Inc.
Nelson Garcia 2520 T.G. Lee Boulevard, Orlando, FL 32824 Office 407-556-2100 Fax 407-556-2106 Email ndgarcia@drhorton.com Website www.drhorton.com
ICI Homes
Allison Pope 3400 W. Osceola Parkway, Kissimmee, FL 34741 Office 321-219-0304 Fax 407-943-1904 Email apope@icihomes.com Website www.icihomes.com/HomeBuilder
December 2010
Hilton Ayala 200 S. Orange Avenue, Suite 124, Orlando, FL 32801 Office 407-304-2803 Fax 407-304-2835 Email hilton.ayala@stanpac.com Website www.standardpacifichomes.com
Home Warranty 2-10 Home Buyers Warranty
Coco Johnston 1188 Mesa Verde Court, Clermont, FL 34711 Office 321-437-8765 Email cojohnston@2-10.com Website www.2-10.com
Globe Home Warranty Company Alex Peyton P.O. Box 620395, Orlando, FL 32862 Office 800-842-2177 Fax 800-597-3630 Email apeyton@globewarranty.com Website www.globewarranty.com
Tommy Joynes 1101 Pennsylvania Avenue, Saint Cloud, FL 34771 Office 407-780-0911 Email info@homeinspectorskissimmee.com Website www.homeinspectorskissimmee.com Jeff Clair P.O. Box 700937, Saint Cloud, FL 34770 Office 407-383-7241 Fax 407-891-7410 Email jclair@chiefinspections.com Website www.chiefinspections.com
Steve Rohal 1501 Alabama Avenue, Saint Cloud, FL 34769 Office 407-460-4450 Email reliablepest@cfl.rr.com
Wayne Home Inspections
Wayne E. Glover 1533 Trumbull Street, Kissimmee, FL 34744 Office 407-935-1127 Fax 407-935-1483 Email wayne.glover@netzero.net Website www.wayneshomeinspections.com
Wind Mitigation Inspections Randy Cooper 5 Wisconsin Ave., Saint Cloud, FL 34769 Office 407-892-9661 Fax 407-892-9661 Email compurvc@aol.com
Real Estate Schools/Education Giumenta School of Real Estate
Ric Giumenta 4871 NW Palm Coast Pkwy #2, Palm Coast, FL 32137 Office 386-246-3131 Fax 386-246-3162 Email ric@ricgiumenta.com
IFREC Real Estate Schools
Robin Pickett 5029 Edgewater Drive, Orlando, FL 32810 Office 407-644-7277 Fax 407-647-5227 Email robin@ifrec.com Website www.ifrec.com
MCT Real Estate & Mortgage School
First American Title
Deborah Dudley 1101 Miranda Lane, Suite 101, Kissimmee, FL 34741 Office 407-273-1955 Fax 866-621-6816 Email ddudley@firstam.com Website www.firstam.com
Health Insurance Store, Inc.
Maria ThurdeKoos P.O. Box 691089, Orlando, FL 32869 Office 407-236-0120 Email info@mctgroup.us Website www.mctrealty.com
Wes Fischer 1007 E. Vine Street, Kissimmee, FL 34744 Office 407-932-0023 Fax 407-932-0068 Email wes@4insurancestore.com Website www.4insurancestore.com
Title/Escrow/Insurance Services
Infinity Abstract & Title Company
A-Z Team Title, LLC
Bernard S. Edwards 102 Park Place Blvd., Suite A-3, Kissimmee, FL 34743 Office 407-932-0529 Fax 407-932-1587 Email bernie@azteamtitle.com Website www.azteamtitle.com
Accu Title Agency
Kathy Cape 22 W. Monument Avenue, Kissimmee, FL 34741 Office 407-738-8852 Fax 407-641-9731 Email kathy@accutitleagency.biz Website www.accutitleagency.biz
Allstate Insurance
Kristy Bolin 2785 Wrights Road, Oviedo, FL 32765 Office 407-657-5867 Fax 407-657-5961 Email bolininsurance@gmail.com
Finest Insurance Agency LLC
Nick Nafpliotis 3207 13th Street, Saint Cloud, FL 34769 Office 407-892-5000 Fax 407-892-5000 E-mail finestnick@gmail.com
First American Title
Cara Brown 1101 Miranda Lane, Suite 101, Kissimmee, FL 34741 Office 877-833-1731 Fax 866-722-5957 Email carbrown@firstam.com Website www.firstam.com
Eva Gordon 720 N. John Young Parkway, Kissimmee, FL 34741 Office 321-251-8745 Fax 321-251-8746 Email eva@infinityabstracttitle.com Website www.infinityabstracttitle.com
Mason Title & Escrow Company
Shelly Kiker 1101 Miranda Lane, Suite 113, Kissimmee, FL 34741 Office 321-443-6901 Fax 866-326-2097 Email skiker@masontitle.com Website www.masontitle.com
Osceola Title Insurance Agency, Inc.
Shopsmart Insurance, Inc
Jonathan Reich 1201 Emmett Street, Kissimmee, FL 34741 Office 407-933-7866 Fax 407-931-0083 Email jdreich2@msn.com
Southeast Professional Title, LLC
Yaritza Logrono 2699 Lee Rd., Suite 120, Winter Park, FL 32789 Office 407-539-0781 Fax 407-537-3416 Email ylogrono@southeastprofessionaltitle.com Website www.southeastprofessionoltitle.com
Stewart Approved Title, Inc. Becky Sheive 1201 Emmett St., Kissimmee, FL 34741 Office 407-846-7477 Fax 407-846-6573 Email bsheive@stewart.com Website www.stewart.com
Stewart Approved Title, Inc. Jolene Sheive 1201 Emmett St. Kissimmee, FL 34741 Office 407-846-7477 Fax 407-846-6573 Email jsheive@stewart.com Website www.stewart.com
Stewart Approved Title, Inc.
Marianne Conerly 109 North Beaumont Ave., Kissimmee, FL 34741 Office 407-847-4077 Fax 407-847-4393 Email mc@osceolatitleins.com
Rayelynne Ketchum 1201 Emmett Street, Kissimmee, FL 34741 Office 407-957 -9000 Fax 407-957-8055 Email rwoeste@stewart.com Website www.stewart.com
Premiere Title Agency, LLC
Total Title Solutions
Vickie Deaton 113 E. Monument Avenue, Kissimmee, FL 34741 Office 407- 350-4401 Fax 407- 350-4414 Email vdeaton@premieretitleagency.com
Prominent Title Insurance Agency, Inc. Betty M. Dobbie 827 Cypress Parkway, Kissimmee, FL 34759 Office 407-343-1560 Fax 407-343-1561 Email bdobbie@prominenttitle.com Website www.prominenttitle.com
Real Estate Closing Solutions
Heidi Foster 7575 Dr. Phillips Blvd., Suite 140, Orlando, FL 32819 Office 407-615-8550 Fax 407-615-8555 Email hfoster@recsfl.com Website www.recsfl.com
Tina Johnson 8 Broadway, Suite B, Kissimmee, FL 34741 Office 407-847-0412 Fax 407-847-0429 Email tinamjohnson@embarqmail.com Website www.totaltitlesolutionsinc.com
Solar Energy Allsolar Service Company, Inc. David Bessette 1507 Damon Avenue, Kissimmee, FL 34744 Office 407-846-7830 Fax 407-847-5013 Email Dbessette1@cfl.rr.com Website www.allsolarFlorida.com
December 2010
Waldorf Astoria Golf Club’s 2010 Salute to the Armed Forces Golf Tournament was held on Veterans Day, Thursday, November 11, 2010.
Players had the opportunity to win a BMW 3-series from Field’s BMW on the picturesque Hole #16, as well as other contests throughout the course. A lunch and awards reception followed the tournament with more opportunities to win prizes such as roundtrip airline travel, rounds of golf at some of Orlando’s most prestigious golf courses, and much more.
Team Red Cross President Veronica Malolos with Joel Hass Red Cross Mid-Florida Region CEO
Stationery/Printing St. Cloud Stationers Bill Coughtry 423 13th Street, Saint Cloud, FL 34769 Office 407-892-1319 Fax 407-891-0695 Email scstationers@netzero.net Website www.scstationers.com
REALTOR SERVICES Final Negotiation, LLC Rhonda Owen 1201 Emmett Street, Kissimmee, FL 34741 Office 407-846-0978 Fax 407-846-6573 Email rowen@stewart.com Website www.stewart.com
December 2010
Final Negotiation, LLC Rebecca Sheive 1201 Emmett Street, Kissimmee, FL 34741 Office 407-846-0978 Fax 407-846-6573
VACATION RENTAL Perfect Orlando Vacation Homes Steve Blakovich 8297 Championsgate Blvd, Ste 34, Davenport, FL 33896 Office 877-248-5678 Fax 863-232-7130 Email steve@povh.info
Perfect Orlando Vacation Homes Jim Perno 8297 Championsgate Blvd, Ste 34, Davenport, FL 33896 Office 877-248-5678 Fax 863-232-7130 Email jim@povh.info
Web Design & Marketing Howland International, Inc. Kemp Howland 355 Falling Waters Drive, Kissimmee, FL 34759 Office 407-222-4847 Email kemp.howland@gmail.com Website www.seminaronsite.com
Leadership is an inclusive activity that unites diverse individuals in a common purpose by Mike Levine
Inclusive Groups consist of individuals. Individuals are unique. Leaders must consider the interests of all individuals within their organization. Individuals with similar characteristics form communities within an organization. Leaders must consider the interests of all of the communities within their organization. Leadership must be inclusive. Activity Leadership is an activity. It is not a state of being or a title. A person is not a Leader because of something that a parent did, or something that anyone else has done for them. Leadership is not a right of passage. Leadership is not a title. It does not automatically happen when someone wins an election, or when someone receives an appointment. To lead one must act. Unites Leaders identify commonality between individuals and communities and then assist those individuals and communities in the adoption of certain premises. Unity plays a powerful role in the achievement of objectives. The more unified a group is, the more likely it is that the group will achieve its objectives. Leaders Unite Organizations.
Diverse The individuals, and therefore communities, within a group often have differing needs and expectations. Each individual in an organization brings unique experiences and perspective to the group. Diversity challenges a leader to know and understand its members. Diversity illuminates possibilities that would otherwise be overlooked. Diversity in an organization minimizes risk and contributes to the decision making process. Every voice in the organization must be heard. Diversity is strength. Individuals Individuals are unique. Each one has values, perspectives and characteristics that differ (sometimes slightly sometimes greatly) from each of the others. As different as individuals may be, there must be some element of commonality in order for communities to exist. Common Extremely diverse individuals frequently find that they have critical interests in common. World history provides example after example of unlikely bedfellows uniting around common interests. Leadership is critical in these situations. Individuals and communities must have common interests or leadership cannot occur. Purpose Purpose is the reason for the organization. Without purpose, individuals and communities stray to other activities and organizations fail to exist. Leaders identify and emphasize purposes that are significant to groups of individuals. Purpose is the meaning of life.
December 2010
WCR Installation 2011 8:00 am - 9:00 am Generational Financing 9:00 am - 1:00 pm
Point 2 Presentation 6 9:00 am - 10:00 am Public Policy 3:00 pm - 4:00 pm OSCAR Toastmasters Club 5:30 pm - 6:30 pm
MLS Marketing Meeting 8:30 am - 9:30 am Annual Membership 10:00 am - 11:00 am
OSCAR Toastmasters Club 5:30 pm - 6:30 pm
MLS Marketing Meeting 8:30 am - 9:30 am
8 New Member Welcome 9:00 am - 12:00 pm
Executive Committee Meeting 8:00 am - 9:30 am
December 2010
OSCAR Toastmasters Club 5:30 pm - 6:30 pm
MLS Marketing Meeting 8:30 am - 9:30 am
WCR Meeting 9:00 am - 11:00 am
Christmas Day
OSCAR Toastmasters Club 5:30 pm - 6:30 pm
MLS Marketing Meeting 8:30 am - 9:30 am
New Year’s Eve 31 31
Happy New Year! 2
3 OSCAR Toastmasters Club 5:30 pm - 6:30 pm
10 OSCAR Toastmasters Club 5:30 pm - 6:30 pm
January 2011
Pizza & Perfect FL Contract 12:00 pm - 3:00 pm
BOD Meeting 9:30 am - 11:30 am
EPRO Presentation 10:00 am - 11:30 am
9 Types of Loans and How They Perform for the Buyer 9:00 am - 1:00 pm
Martin Luther King Day
OSCAR Toastmasters Club 5:30 pm - 6:30 pm
23 30
December 2010
OSCAR Toastmasters Club 5:30 pm - 6:30 pm
OSCAR Toastmasters Club 5:30 pm - 6:30 pm
1 New Year’s Day
MLS Marketing Meeting 8:30 am - 9:30 am
11 MLS Marketing Meeting 8:30 am - 9:30 am
12 Training on Quickbooks 9:00 am - 1:00 pm
MLS Marketing Meeting 8:30 am - 9:30 am
Entering and Updating Listings 1:00 pm - 3:00 pm
20 Commercial Marketing Session 8:30 am - 10:00 am
MLS Marketing Meeting 8:30 am - 9:30 am
MLXchange Basic 9:00 am - 12:00 pm
MLS IMAPP 26 9:00 am - 12:00 pm Creating a CMA 1:00 pm - 4:00 pm GRI 1 9:00 am - 5:00 pm
27 GRI 1 8:00 am - 5:00 pm
GRI 1 8:00 am - 5:00 pm
new real estate offices Columbus Realty...................................... Linda Brown 5235 Cape Hatteras Drive, Clermont, FL 34714 Office: 321-624-8195 Email: lindacolumbusrealty@cfl.rr.com Evista Resources Realty Corp......... Daniel Hernandez 4683 Caverns Dr., Kissimmee, FL 34758 Office: 407-557-3040 • Fax: 407-201-8511 Email: dhernandez@evistaresources.com Executive Assets Realty...........................Robert Gress 1975 S. John Young Parkway, Kissimmee, FL 34741 Office: 800-276-3680 • Fax: 800-276-3680 Email: rgress5183@aol.com Global Elite Solutions, LLC.............. Daniel Hernandez 6063 Strada Isle Way, Orlando, FL 32835 Office: 407-870-7103 • Email: dnnyher@yahoo.com Invest Realty Group, LLC.................Vicente E. Virgilio 12701 S. John Young Parkway, Orlando, FL 32837 Office: 407-401-7447 • Fax: 407-674-2250 Email: vicente@investrealtygroup.com
welcome new members Alan Woolf........................... Engel & Voelkers Celebration Brian Edward Ramirez............... Keller Williams at the Vista Clarine Huet................................. Prudential Florida Realty Dacia Dixon................................. Invest Realty Group, LLC Daniel Hernandez.......................... Realty Group USA, LLC Elsa Fuentes......................... The Florida Realty Shoppe Inc Insoon Rim....................................Coldwell Banker Feltrim Julio A. Salgado..........ROBLES REALTY INTERNATIONAL LL Linda Brown..................... Century 21 All Homes & Propert Matthew D. Rogers.................. All Star Properties of Central Nadim Nassar..................................... Dinamic Realty LLC Vicente E. Virgilio........................... Bristol Real Estate, Inc. Virginia J. Silva................................ RH Construction Corp
EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE MEETING Wednesday, December 15, 2010 8:30 AM - 9:30 AM
Wednesday, December 15, 2010 9:30 AM - 11:30 AM
December 2010