Fellow Realtors®, As the year progresses we continue to see improvements in the marketplace and are taking small steps toward a market recovery.
Tim Weisheyer 2011 President
Osceola couNTy association of realtors®, inc.
In the month of April residential sales remained strong, inventory decreased and the median home price has effectively remained unchanged since the beginning of 2011. Although I am expecting to see inventory climb again during the summer months, it is always good to see positive momentum and share with our community the great work our Osceola Realtors® are doing to help families, businesses and bring about real economic recovery. As you remain focused on growing your businesses and serving your customers and clients, our Board of Directors and Realtor® Advocates (staff) remain committed to lending to your success. We are always seeking new ways to save you money, bring you the latest technology and ensure you are the most informed professionals in Central Florida. To that end, the OSCAR Board of Directors recently spoke out on your behalf and sent a letter to the National Association of Realtors® regarding the Realtor® Party Political Survival Initiative; we asked that our national dues remain unchanged in 2012. Although our voice was heard, the NAR Board of Directors felt too much was at stake and voted, on May 14, 2011, to move forward with the initiative. Thus, beginning in 2012 our national dues will increase by $40.00 annually. I recognize every dollar always counts, but especially during the current economic climate. However, I also recognize the tremendous value we receive as members of this organization and the difference Realtors® continue to make in lives of our members and the communities we serve. In the end, we have to remember the important message Realtors® bring to our lawmakers, the work we do to protect private property rights and the value we bring to Americans seeking their piece of the American Dream. Not the least of these is what makes you stand out from non-Realtors® and ensures Sellers, Buyers, Renters and Investors alike seek a Realtor® when they are ready to transact business. I am willing to invest 11 cents per day to protect our customers and our professionalism… Continued Success,
Tim Weisheyer President
A sincere and heart-felt thank you to all who have served our great nation to protect the freedoms we all enjoy. Thank you and Happy Memorial Day!
“This nation will remain the land of the free only so long as it is the home of the brave” — Elmer Davis
June 2011
OSCAR… We’re On Your Professional Survival Team! by Carol K. Platt, CRB One of the most important actions that a REALTOR® can take involves assessing one’s strengths – capitalizing and utilizing your assets! As a member of OSCAR, our six REALTOR® Advocates (our staff) belong to you. We are your advocates! You also get over 1600 REALTOR® members to utilize as resources and selling networks. Here are a few tips to help you maximize your investment… 1. Attend seminars to assist you in valuating and pricing your listings to sell! We have statistics on our website, in an easy to pull Reality software format and in our monthly ReView publication. 2. Take all those leads generated through the various technology programs provided in your OSCAR memberships (look under membership benefits on our website or call our technology director, Chris), your MFRMLS subscription and the social media that you’ve established while attending
June 2011
our social media classes here at the association and do something special – call them, meet them and build that important buyer/seller/referral relationship. 3. Using technology and informational seminars and classes – establish a program for prospecting and actually do it! Leads are us – and don’t forget to kindle those reciprocal relationships at our residential and commercial marketing sessions where putting the REALTOR® with the buyer and the REALTOR® with the seller together is one of the many reasons we exist. Whether you are surviving your first year in the real estate profession, a change of focus or office or flexing with the ever-changing economic cycles, membership in this professional real estate association provides you with options, information, education and networks to survive, change and refocus. Use your assets! Use your membership in the Osceola County Association of REALTORS®! ■
Antitrust Per Se by Robert St. Gordon Controller, Professional Standards Coordinator The penalties for violating antitrust are very severe. For criminal violations, fines can reach $1 million and three to ten years in prison. For civil violations, a person who has suffered a loss may recover treble damages (triple the actual loss) plus attorney’s fees and costs. Court injunctions may apply as well. Compliance with Antitrust laws doesn’t involve a lot of expense and rigorous documentation. It does require that you and your company’s salespeople and employees have a clear understanding of the law, sensitivity to potential problem areas, and a consistent commitment to avoiding circumstances that might imply violations. Courts have labeled certain restraints of trade to be so plainly anti-competitive that they have been deemed illegal per se. That is, per se violations can be determined illegal on their face. Thus, if a court determines the act is a per se violation, the defendant may not be able to claim the restraint of trade to be reasonable. Additionally, a potential per se violator may not even be able to present a defense as to whether the act was damaging, whether it restrained trade or not. Such defendants are only left with a determination as to whether they committed the offense or not.
brokers charge the same commission does not necessarily mean an antitrust violation occurred, as long as each competitor set their prices independently. To Avoid Price Fixing, consider establishing your company’s fees, commissions, listing terms, and business models independently and without any such discussion with competitors. Avoid even informal conversations regarding prices/commissions, where you have no intention of actually setting prices as these discussions could be misinterpreted as the basis of a price fixing agreement. You may additionally want to consider documenting the analysis of market conditions, costs and income to justify your company’s prices or fees. Such documentation should allow a better defense against inferences of conspiracy when competitors services and prices are the same or similar to yours. When discussing fees, commissions with consumers, you should be able to clearly convey that you price your services independently. Geographic Market Division occurs when two or more competitors agree to stay out of each other’s way and reduce competition in the agreed-upon territories. Other competitor agreements to divide the market by price range, type of property, or some other form of segmentation could be considered anticompetitive because they conspire to establish dominance in a particular market. This isn’t the same as an individual’s or an individual company’s practice of specializing in certain properties such as historic buildings or custom-built housing. The key here seems to be competitor agreement.
… price fixing, geographic market division, group boycotts, and tying arrangements to be illegal per se regardless of the reasonableness of such actions..
The United States Supreme Court has, in the past, determined activities such as price fixing, geographic market division, group boycotts, and tying arrangements to be illegal per se regardless of the reasonableness of such actions. Price Fixing is an agreement and or discussion among competitors to sell the same product or service at the same price. An example of potential price fixing would be when two or more competitor real estate brokers discuss or agree to only list and sell real estate at a certain commission rate. The fact that two or more
To Avoid Geographic and other Market Divisions, document your individual decisions to focus on certain property types with marketing and demographic studies. Do not conspire with other competitors to only work within a designated geographical area. Avoid discussions with competitors regarding your business model and market area. Group Boycotts occur when two or more businesses agree not to do business with a particular party. A potential example would include two or more brokerages that have discussed or agreed to refuse to cooperate, or to cooperate on less favorable terms with
June 2011
another brokerage firm. Another form of boycott could occur if two or more companies discussed or agreed not to use a particular service provider. The intent is usually to reduce completion or to force the party to abandon certain practices. To Avoid Group Boycotts, consider independently make your decisions on whether to do business with other businesses based on your company’s own judgments, goals, and experiences. Consider documenting such decisions. Avoid agreements or discussions which imply a boycott or not utilizing another business. Tying Arrangements are the practice of making the sale of one good or service conditional (tied) upon the purchase of a second distinctive good or service. A potential example would be a real estate broker, who owns a title company, and will not provide real estate brokerage services unless the consumer also utilizes the services of the title company in that transaction. This could be considered a tying arrangement.
Other related questionable activities are covered in part by the Realtor®’s Code of Ethics. Violators of the Code of Ethics can be, in part, fined up to $5,000 and/ or suspended from membership. Article 3 of the Code of Ethics states in part that Realtors® shall cooperate with other brokers except when cooperation is not in the client’s best interest. The obligation to cooperate does not include the obligation to share commissions, fees, or to otherwise compensate another broker. Article 15 of the Code of Ethics states in part that Realtors® shall not knowingly or recklessly make false or misleading statements about competitors, their businesses, or their business practices. If you have any questions regarding antitrust violations, please consult with an attorney or contact the Florida Realtors® Legal Hotline at 407-438-1409, or go online at FloridaRealtors.org. ■ Article Sources/Excerpts from: 2010 Antitrust presentation to Osceola Assn. of Realtors® Leadership-by Margy Grant, Florida Realtors® Association;
To Avoid Tying Arrangements consider not tying one service to another and provide lists of those businesses providing other services in a real estate transaction. Consider not leading or coercing a client to use a particular third party for service in a transaction.
“Real Estate Brokerage”, Cyr, Sobeck and McAdams, 5th edition, Dearborn Financial Publishing, 1999-as found on the National Assn. of Realtors® Magazine Online;
Antitrust issues can arise at Associations and other Meetings. Realtor® Associations are groups of competitors who come together to promote common business interests. As such, they are vulnerable to allegations of agreements by members to use identical business practices are illegal conspiracies. Remain alert to discussions at meetings relating to commission rates, pricing structures, listing policies, business models, or marketing practices of other brokers, businesses. A member who merely sits in a meeting while others engage in an illegal discussion may render themselves liable, even though they did not actively participate in the discussion. Mere attendance at such discussions may be enough to imply acquiescence in the conspiracy, making the passive person just as liable as those who actively engaged in the discussion. If you’re in a meeting or even a social setting, and the conversation turns antitrust, you should consider leaving the area immediately. It would also probably be wise to make it known that the possibility of an antitrust violation is the reason you are leaving.
“Disclosure and Antitrust Issues in Real Estate” Norm Willoughby, 2009-02-10, Illinois Assn. of Realtors®;
June 2011
“Antitrust” Allen Sakai, Washington Realtor®, October 1992-as found on the National Assn. of Realtors® Magazine Online;
“Per Se Antitrust Actions in the Real Estate Brokerage Business”, James Kimmons, About.com Guide; “Antitrust Compliance Guidelines for the American Wind Energy Association” online; “Code of Ethics and Standards of Practice of the National Association of Realtors®” effective 01/01/2010.
Carol K. Platt, CRB
Association Executive ae@osceola-realtors.com
Chris Florence
It is illegal to abbreviate your company name in an advertisement.
Communications/Technology Director communications@osceola-realtors.com
Bob St. Gordon
Controller accounts@osceola-realtors.com
by Nick Nichols
Anneris Rivera
A licensee’s name does not have to appear in an ad.
Yessica Colon
If a licensee’s name does appear in an ad, the last name of the licensee must appear at least once, then you can use the first name only.
Membership and Educational Administrative Services memberservices@osceola-realtors.com Membership and Event Services membership@osceola-realtors.com
Eli Perez
Leader and Member Services assistant@osceola-realtors.com
1105 Shady Lane Kissimmee, Florida 34744 www.osceolarealtors.org communications@osceola-realtors.com 407.846.0117 • 407.846.0217 fax
In order to share the wealth of information contained in this newsletter in an efficient manner, please submit your articles via e-mail or fax by the 10th of the monthly. Please clearly indicate that submission is for the Osceola ReVIEW. Articles: communications@osceola-realtors.com Advertising: accounts@osceola-realtors.com For advertising inquiries please contact Bob St. Gordon at the Association Office. Your advertising defrays the cost of publishing. Thank you for your support. The Osceola ReVIEW is published exclusively for the Association by The Baker Press, Inc. Orlando, Florida 407.290.5800 tel • 407.290.5977 fax www.thebakerpress.com Disclaimer: The Osceola ReVIEW is published for the member and affiliates of Osceola County Association of REALTORS®, Inc. by The Baker Press, Inc. as a courtesy. The Baker Press, Inc. nor the Association assume any responsibility for article content or advertising message as submitted for inclusion in the newsletter. Advertising and articles are not endorsed by the Association, nor is there any implied warranty by the Association or its staff.
Viii Vii
A phone number does not have to appear in a an ad.
An owner/Realtor® must disclose their license or Realtor® status in an ad.
V You may not advertise another broker’s listing without their permission.
You may not fax unsolicited advertising material to the public without their permission.
A seller cannot offer compensation to cooperating broker through the MLS, it must be through the listing broker.
To transition from Single Agent to Transaction Broker, the Consent to Transition to Transaction Broker form MUST be signed or initialed.
It is not mandatory to have an escrow account.
June 2011
Dear OSCAR, How have you been? Okay…okay…I don’t want to hear about your aches and pains, so I’m going to get right to the point. I have had a bunch of talks with a lot of different folks and the talking sometimes gets pretty hot. We get to talking about the differences between a townhouse and a condominium. I try to tell the difference, but as usual, they won’t listen to me. Seems like you or somebody told us the difference a few years ago. Can you help them and me understand? Thanks, Dense Dennis Hey Dense, Don’t put yourself down because the difference is a little difficult even for me…the Oldest Living Realtor®…to understand. Hey, I was just kidding about the oldest. Anyway I found this is an old Oscar County Review and I will share it with you. I hope it helps folks. Always Your Friend, Oscar
June 2011
What iS the difference between a townhouse and a condominium? A townhouse is a style of construction, whereas a condominium is a type of ownership. A townhouse is basically a building or unit that shares a common wall with the building or unit next door. The walls are usually straight and entry is usually from the ground floor. Townhouses usually have two or more stories. A townhouse sits on the property which is owned by the owner and is usually a zero lot line. Recently, the term townhouse has been applied to certain types of row houses, whether planned unit developments or condominiums. A condominiums is a structure or unit, the interior space of which is individually owned; the balance of the property (both land and building) is owned in common by owners of the individual units. The size of each unit is measured from the interior surfaces (exclusive of paint of other finishes) of the exterior walls, floors, and ceilings. The balance of the property is called the common area.
Title Insurance Vital to Protecting Homebuyers by Dana R. Ward
As recently as this past fall, some purchasers of real estate questioned the value of title insurance, suggesting it was an unnecessary expense when purchasing a home. Yet over the last few months, reports that paperwork in the foreclosure process could be invalid have raised questions about the validity of title to foreclosed properties and sparked fear that new homeowners who purchased in good faith could possibly lose their home. Today more than ever, consumers are reminded that in order to have peace of mind, they should purchase an owner’s title insurance policy whenever they buy a home. This is especially true when buying a property that has been foreclosed. Anyone who purchased an owner’s title insurance policy when they acquired a foreclosed property will be protected if ownership issues arise due to a lender’s foreclosure documentation practices. An owner’s policy provides assurance that your title company will stand behind you if a covered title problem arises after you buy your home. The bottom line is that your title company will be there to pay valid claims and cover the costs of defending an attack on your title. Title insurance compensates and provides legal representation to real estate owners and lenders against any financial loss that might arise because of undiscovered liens, encumbrances or defects in the title to the property. These defects can result in total losses, where a defective foreclosure or forgery means legal title is not actually conveyed, or they can result in partial losses where a neighbor’s garage or fence encroaches on the insured property. There are two basic types of title insurance policies. A lender’s policy, usually based on the dollar amount of the loan, protects only the lender’s interests in the property should a problem with the title arise. Similarly, an owner’s policy, usually based on the home’s total purchase price, protects only the homebuyer’s interests in the property should a problem with the title arise. An owner’s policy will provide protection against ownership challenges, errors or omissions in deeds,
mistakes in examining records, missed liens, forgery and undisclosed heirs, among other things. Unlike most other types of insurance, you pay a onetime premium at the time of your home purchase for coverage that continues as long as you or your heirs own the property. Depending on where you live, the cost of an owner’s policy is marginal when a lender’s policy is also being issued. This “simultaneous issue” discount means you do not pay full premium for owner’s and lender’s policies. In all transactions, a search of public land records affecting the property is conducted to make sure a homeowner has clear title to their property. The title agent will scrutinize prior deeds or mortgages, divorce decrees, court judgments, delinquent taxes and child and spousal support payments, vesting, covenants, conditions and restrictions, general encumbrances, and utility or other kinds of easements. A history of ownership of the property is created, called an abstract, and steps may be taken to cure title issues that are discovered. This may include correcting recording and indexing errors in the public record, correcting misspelled names or incorrect legal descriptions. According to the American Land Title Association, the title insurance industry cures defects in public records in more than 35 percent of all transactions. Some examples of documents that can present unexpected title issues include: n Deeds, wills and trusts that contain improper wording or incorrect names; n Outstanding mortgages and judgments, or a lien against the property because the seller has not paid his taxes; n Easements that allow construction of a road or utility line;
June 2011
n Pending legal action against the property that could affect a purchaser; or n Incorrect notary acknowledgements. Some examples of issues which can present title claims under your policy include: n A forged signature on the deed, which would mean no transfer of ownership to you; n An unknown heir of a previous owner who is claiming ownership of the property; n Instruments executed under an expired or a fabricated power of attorney; or n Mistakes in the public records. The majority of the one-time title insurance premium covers the cost to discover, identify and repair issues caused by events that occurred in the past. Because of these preventive measures, title insurance is fundamentally different from all other forms of insurance, which charge annual premiums to provide insurance protection for future events. The curative work performed by title agents minimizes the fear, disruption and distress that title claims have on homeowners. When property changes hands in the United States, it is through a private contract that is recorded in the public record. No matter the type of purchase, but especially a foreclosure, it is important that all documentation is in order. Commitment to accuracy and quality assurance
June 2011
is the foundation of title insurance. This commitment ensures fewer problems for homeowners and provides assurance that they won’t lose their investment. Consumers have a choice shopping for the best price and in selecting the provider of their title insurance and closing services. Asking specific questions of your Realtor® or lender about who will be handling your closing can save you money the next time you buy or refinance a home. When refinancing with your existing lender, get a copy of your original lender’s title insurance policy. When purchasing a home, ask your real estate agent or the home seller for a copy of any existing owner’s title insurance policy. When placing a title order, provide your settlement agent with a complete, legible copy of any prior title policies. Finally, ask your settlement agent if any discounted title insurance rates are available based on your situation. The American Land Title Association helps educate consumers about title insurance so that they can better understand their choices and make informed decisions. Homebuyers, regulators and legislators are encouraged to check out the website, www.homeclosing101.org, to learn more about title insurance and the closing process. ■ Dana R. Ward is a former Senior Vice President of one of the nation’s largest title underwriters. Dana is a twenty-four year veteran in the title and closing business and is the owner of Real Estate Closing Solutions, LLC, a closing company and independent title agent in Orlando, Florida. Dana can be reached for comment at dward@recsfl.com or check the company’s web page at www.recsfl.com .
OSCAR President Reappointed To Regional Board by Wendi Jeannin
Tim Weisheyer, President of the Osceola County Association of REALTORS® was recently reappointed to serve on the Board of Directors for My Florida Regional MLS. With a term through June 2013, Weisheyer and his fellow real estate professionals will volunteer many hours of service to ensure that MFR remains on the leading edge of MLSs nationwide. Aside from meeting each month to govern the affairs of the MLS, the Directors are very active in various committees, such as Finance, Technology, Policy and Education. As real estate practitioners, their leadership and experience provides a solid foundation to meet the needs of the MLS members by providing value for the subscription dollar with innovative products and tools while ensuring the longevity and integrity of the organization. My Florida Regional MLS is Florida’s largest multiple listing service with approximately 30,000 subscribers. Owned by 15 Shareholder REALTOR® Boards and Associations in Central and Southwest Florida, MFRMLS offers a comprehensive suite of productivity and marketing tools to professionals in the real estate industry. The mission of the Osceola County Association of REALTORS® is to provide a dedicated success to its membership consisting of real estate professionals and affiliates, while adding value to the community.
Broker, is your office MARS Compliant? by Veronica Malolos 2011 OBC Chair Just recently, the Osceola Brokers Committee (OBC) held its first Broker Round Table event this year at the OSCAR Headquarters. There were around 20 Brokers present to discuss Short Sales and MARS (Mortgage Assistance Relief Services). On hand to assist with the discussions were Ryan Parker, Florida Realtors (FR) Director for Legal Member Services and Atty. Lew Oliver of Quiñones and Oliver, P.L.. The discussions were robust and offered great information to Brokers regarding coping with the recent MARS rules and regulations that affect all REALTOR©s. FR has a resource on their website with recommended MARS disclosures. For Brokers, it is imperative that you implement an office policy regarding the handling of short sales by all Associates. These sample documents can be found at http://www.floridarealtors.org/LegalCenter/ HotTopics/index.cfm.
June 2011
Hope Andrews Appointed NAR Director by Wendi Jeannin Prior to the National Association of REALTORS® Mid-Year Meetings in Washington, D.C., Osceola County Association of REALTORS® Past President, Hope Andrews, was appointed to represent Florida REALTORS® as Director for 2011. She fulfills the role previously played by newly installed 2011 NAR President Moe Viessi. A 2010 graduate of NAR’s Leadership Academy, Hope also serves on NAR’s Communications Committee. The motto for 2011 is “Seize the Day”. This committee is particularly tasked with communicating the value of homeownership to our families, our communities and our nation. Hope has also been selected to represent Florida’s REALTORS® during May’s strategic planning session. This session will be facilitated by Leslie AppletonYoung, Chief Economist for the California Association of REALTORS® with contributions by Sean Snaith, the economist from the University of Central Florida. In preparation for the strategic planning session, Hope is focusing on two books: “Switch: How to Change When Change is Hard” and “All the Devils are here: The Hidden History of the Financial Crisis.” “At the Osceola County Association of REALTORS®, we strive to encourage past presidents who have served our membership association to take their skills, and carry our collective voice, to leadership positions at Florida REALTORS® and NAR. We are certainly proud of Hope’s accomplishments.”
NAR Director Hope Andrews and NAR President Ron Phipps Touring on Homeownership Matters Bus in DC
Florida Realtors® Vice President Dean Asher, NAR Director Hope Andrews & FPC Don Asher at Major Donors Reception
executive committe Friday, June 24, 2011 8:00 AM - 9:30 AM
BOARD OF DIRECTORS Friday, June 24, 2011 9:30 AM - 11:00 AM
2011 Association Leadership Tim Weisheyer, PA President Renee Clark President-Elect Veronica Malolos Immediate Past President Susan Graves Vice-President David DeLoach Treasurer Kim Goodwin Secretary Danny Villazon Legal Counsel Directors Daisy Cid Arlene Conow Karen Dierickx Cheryl Grieb Richard Knapp
June 2011
William Nichols Angel Ortiz Denise Sacks Hemendra Thakkar
Cash is King! by Imran Mohamed Co-chair of the International Alliance Committee imrobin@earthlink.net Will you be financing or buying cash? “Oh, I’ll be paying cash”, she replied and inwardly, there is a sense of joy that overtakes you and there is anxiety in the air. You think to yourself wow, now I have a really good chance of getting this offer accepted and like a fire breathing dragon, you rush to get the offer submitted before some other agent beats you to the punch. …Cash is exciting... isn’t it? If you have worked with customers who were getting financing, chances are that you would have at least one horror story to tell; one commission check you were looking forward to that did not materialize; one disappointment you wished did not happen. As strong and persistent as you are, you get up, you dust it off and you plug on and sooner or later you will get lucky and one will close. Don’t get me wrong, cash offers do not always work out, however the reasons they don’t are generally related to inspection, title issues on foreclosures which sometimes have to be re-foreclosed or buyer’s remorse. Cash buyers come from both domestic and international markets; however today I would like to address some of the rewards of “Targeting foreign buyers”.
real estate website Realtor.com plans to add features, including a translation service, to help the influx of international buyers find real estate. “They’re feeling that investing in U.S. real estate right now may be a more stable option than investing in their home countries,” Julie Reynolds, a Realtor.com spokesperson said. Although home buyers come from all over the world, a few regions and countries account for a majority of home sales to international clients. According to the survey of Florida REALTORS®, Canada had the largest share of buyers of any country accounting for 36 percent of recent sales. Buyers from the United Kingdom accounted for 15 percent of foreign home buyers, virtually unchanged from 16 percent the previous year. The rest of Western Europe accounted for an additional 14 percent. Latin America, defined for the purposes of this report to include Mexico, the Caribbean nations, Central America and South America, accounted for 16 percent of recent sales to international clients, down from 23 percent the previous year. In addition to Canada and the United Kingdom, countries with a small but significant share of sales included Germany (5 percent), Venezuela (3 percent), Brazil (3 percent) and France (3 percent). Overall, the Orlando-Kissimmee area came in as the most popular destination in Florida for foreign buyers:
Nationally, a record 33 percent of existing-home sales were made to cash buyers in February, the National Association of REALTORS® recently reported. The proportion of cash deals could hit 40 percent by the end of this year, predicts Thomas Popik, research director for Campbell Communications in Washington, which conducts monthly surveys of 3,000 real estate brokers. (April 11th, 2011)
Miami-Fort Lauderdale-Miami Beach
Tampa-St. Petersburg-Clearwater
Cape Coral-Fort Myers
According to NAR’s Home Buyer Seller Survey 2009, 92 percent of U.S. buyers financed their homes with a mortgage. In contrast, foreign buyers are reported as paying cash 55 percent of the time.
Naples-Marco Island
All other areas in Florida
Foreign buyers are turning to the U.S. to buy “trophy properties,” according to a recent Wall Street Journal blog which added that demand is so strong, leading
June 2011
Cash Vs Financed By Country
In our next issue I will talk about some of the things you can do to increase the percentage of foreign buyers that you attract to your business.
From these statistics it is evident that the OrlandoKissimmee area is a hot bed of activities for foreign buyers and on average, 82% of them are paying cash. Hello! Yes you… start “targeting foreign buyers and build wealth” there is a hungry market out there and they are looking to purchase in your area.
Let’s make learning fun; please email me if you have ideas or questions about international issues, I would certainly appreciate it and we can all learn and grow together. ■
n Financed 11% 89%
n Cash 27%
12% 88%
24% 76%
60% 40% 20% 0%
United Kingdom
Western Europe
Latin America
Breakdown of all Cash purchase by country / region
n Orlando-Kissimmee
n Miami-Ft. Lauderdale-Miami Beach 17%
5% 9% 10% 13%
n Bradenton-Sarasota-Venice
FOREIGN buyers that BOUGHT IN the orlando-kissimmee area come from: n United Kingdom 31%
n Latin America
n Other Countries n Canada
n Western Europe
Popularity of the Orlando-Kissimmee area by country / region
Country Destination
% Area Popularity
United Kingdom
Latin America
2nd - Miami-Ft. Lauderdale- Miami beach being 1st @ 34%
2nd to Bradenton-Sarasota-Venice @18%
Western Europe
5th - Miami-Ft. Lauderdale- Miami beach being 1st @ 25%
June 2011
Double Your Income with REality FREE! by Chris Florence Technology Director REality has an amazingly easy to navigate statistical tool that breaks down the numbers into bite size pieces that lets a user drill down to a decision. Numbers are numbers that tend to lead to more confusion but with REality’s tools they make it much easier to arrive at a conclusion about your next business move. OSCAR has negotiated FREE access for the members to this amazing tool that gets its results and data from MFRMLS database so you know the information will be accurate. Go to the association website to create your own account! www.osceolarealtors.org then click on tools>member benefits>Reality.
The facts were that if it took longer than 78 days to sell, he would lose money. Suspecting that there was predictability in the housing market; Leon used the available data to predict short-term market trends. He used the same data to determine which segments of the real estate market were moving. He used data to help him select the right professionals to market his homes. Leon’s renovation and resale business thrived, at a time when others faltered. The most amazing part of Leon’s story is WHY? Amazed to find that less than half of 1% (0.05%) of Brokers and agents use widely available real estate statistics, in their day to day operations, IMS Incorporated was born.
Their other tools include mobile apps for the iPad and the iPhone! Search for REality in the app store today!
Listening closely to what the professional really needs to reach a higher income plateau, we went from the printed page to the internet many years ago and just kept getting better.
It all began in 1985. Putting his capital to work Leon d’Ancona would buy homes, renovate them and sell them at a profit. Not content to simply guess at which homes would bring the highest return in the shortest amount of time, Leon set out to optimize his opportunities using his statistical background.
Leon d’Ancona B.T.L, M.T.L is acknowledged as North America’s leading authority on statistical real estate intelligence. His knack for teaching Real Estate professionals how to earn more income through the use of statistical services is well known. ■
Member Feedback Member Feedback I want to say thank you and tell you that I ABSOLUTELY LOVE the layout of the Affiliate’s listings. Thank you for hearing us! - Betty Dobbie Dear Chris, My experience with OSCAR over the past year has been wonderful. I have met some great people who are professional and very good at what they do. I have gained many new clients and business relationships as well as new friends that I am grateful for. I am a proud Affiliate Member of OSCAR. - Sarah Near
Hello Chris. I wanted to thank you for visiting the Watson Kissimmee office a couple of weeks ago to present information on the technology tools available to us as members of the Association. I particularly want to mention that I downloaded the mfr.kurio.mobi application to access MLS information on my Blackberry and the weekend following your presentation I showed homes to a customer and utilized that technology. The customer was very impressed that I was able to look up a set of properties on the spot that we were not originally scheduled to see. Thanks in part to this new mobile feature I was able to get an offer and a signed contract. I thought you would appreciate knowing that your efforts clearly make a difference in a very positive way. Thank you. - Fran Bove
June 2011
Sharing With Our Members Sharing With Our Members Groupon This! by Chris Florence Technology Director
I took a double take recently when reading an article by a gentleman named Jared James who is a real estate trainer and speaker extraordinaire. He told a story of a Real Estate firm in Chicago who successfully used a new method of drawing in buyers with the use of Groupon?! It has truly never occurred to me to think of using that technology in Real Estate. Not only did they use it but they got buyers to respond! 219 people to be exact in one month! Now that you’ve picked yourself up off of the floor welcome back. The way that they used this marketing technique was they offered anyone who was looking to purchase a house $1,000 at closing if they used their firm to buy or sell a home with them. The home had to exceed $150,000 and they closed within the next 12 months. Not too shabby for a $25 investment if you ask me. Groupon is a fairly new company that first started in Chicago coincidentally in 2008 and has grown to serve the world markets since then. Their specialty is electronic commerce sending subscribers coupon deals digitally to their email daily. Jared writes, “Now Groupon is only available in major cities, but if you are considering using such a tactic as [nameless firm] you may want to check out Livingsocial. com or the newest site that actually focuses on secondary markets and was created by the popular ActiveRain.com founder, Jon Washburn, called www.dailyticket.com,” Jared continued, “There is even a coupon site created specifically for real estate deals called housetipper.com.”
June 2011
Ja re d James makes a good point about all of this that you don’t have to be the best REALTOR® but you have to become the best at marketing yourself. Don’t be afraid to try new things. Oftentimes, the most successful marketing tricks come from other segments of the market. If you always are getting your ideas from others within the same industry the market tends to ignore those techniques after some time. Find out what is working for other service based industries and try to set a new trend for your industry. This doesn’t always mean spending lots of money either. We here are the association are always looking for ways to add value to our member’s businesses. You have to be willing to take advantage of what we offer though. Who knows maybe you’ll be able to leverage a product similar to Groupon and then I’ll be writing about your success. ■ Note: if any of you have a success to report we would love to publish them!
At Home With Diversity OSCAR
Trusting in Your Future Forum - Judy Taylor, Sami Qubty, Chair Angel Ortiz, Sarah Near
Andrew Robinson - Mary Cooper, ABR Designs
May New Member Welcome
Political Dinner - Carol Platt and Kissimmee Commissioner Wanda Rentas
2011 OSCAR President with Sheriff Bob Hansell
2011 President Tim Weisheyer, Osceola County Public Lands Manager Bob Mintick 2011 Vice President Susan Graves
May New Member Welcome
Commissioner Fred Hawkins, Commissioner John Qui単ones, 2011 President Tim Weisheyer, Commissioner Frank Attkisson
Political Dinner - Carol Platt and Osceola County Tax Collector Patsy Heffner
June 2011
Supra’s enhanced eKEY® Professional application is available on available Supra’s enhanced eKEY® Professional application has been May 6, 2011 to 2011 bringto powerful mobile tools to real estate agents since May 6, bring powerful mobile tools to real estate agents
pra’s eKEY Professional application brings new mobile tools to more martphones than ever, so you can harness the power of real-time ormation.
ownload eKEY from your app store to gain: • Fast MLS searches with easy-to-save custom search criteria • Larger rosters with fast text search • Significantly more MLS data stored on your phone • A preview of operations in Demo mode before you sign up for service
ep the latest listing and showing information at your fingertips because EY updates itself through your phone’s Internet connection. You can show ings at a moment’s notice; answer client questions quickly; and know right way who is showing your listings so you can follow-up while it’s still fresh in e buyer’s mind. You can even turn your phone into a lockbox key – all with e eKEY Professional application on your smartphone.
plore eKEY Professional and what it can do for you at www.ekeyprofessional.com.
ownload the application and get a preview of its operations through the Demo mode. When you’re ady to use eKEY, just ask your board to upgrade your level of service in their SupraNET system. Get ur application from: Android™ Download eKEY for Android directly from the Android Market at https://market.android.com/details?id=com.utc.fs.ekey. The eKEY for Android User’s Manual is available at: http://www.utcfssecurityproducts.com/Site%20Assets/ekey-android-uman.pdf iPhone® Download eKEY for iPhone directly from the Apple App Store* at: https://itunes.apple.com/app/ekey/id379909266?mt=8 The eKEY for iPhone User’s Manual is available at: http://www.utcfssecurityproducts.com/Site%20Assets/eKEYiPhoneUserManual.pdf Blackberry® and other smartphones: eKEY Professional for BlackBerry® and other smartphones is available at www.ekeymobile.com
*May 6 availability in the Apple App Store is subject to approval by Apple. Android™ is a trademark of Google, Inc. iPhone® is a registered trademark of Apple, Inc. Blackberry® is a registered trademark of Research in Motion (RIM).
June 2011
Osceola County Market Dynamics Osceola County Market Dynamics Supply & Demand - # Units (FS) 2 Years (Monthly) 04/01/09 - 04/30/11
For Sale
Monthly Change
Monthly %
Total Change
Total % Change
Property Types:
Residential: (Single Family Home)
2 Years (Monthly)
Construction Type:
FOR SALE -29.2%
Lot Size: All Sq Ft:
Months Supply of Inventory (Sold Calculation) 2 Years (Monthly) 04/01/09 - 04/30/11
Monthly Change
Monthly %
Total Change
Total % Change
Property Types:
Residential: (Single Family Home)
2 Years (Monthly)
Construction Type:
MSI SOLD -35.5% All
Lot Size: All Sq Ft:
June 2011
Osceola County Market Dynamics Osceola County Market Dynamics Median Price (Sold) = high, low, average, median 2 Years (Monthly) 04/01/09 - 04/30/11
KEY INFORMATION Monthly Change Sold
Monthly % Change
Total Change
Property Types:
Residential: (Single Family Home)
Total % Change
2 Years (Monthly)
SOLD -13.9%
Construction Type:
Lot Size: All Sq Ft:
Osceola SINGLE FAMILY HOME Distressed vs. Total Sales
Units Sold
Units Sold - APRIL 2009 to APRIL 2011 480 450 420 390 360 330 300 270 240 210 180 150 120 90 60 30 0
Osceola SFH Distressed vs. Total Sales - Units Sold
Apr 09 324
May 09 361
Jun Aug Jul 09 09 09 402 426 361
Sep 09 388
Oct 09 370
Nov 09 355
Dec 09 370
Jan 10 257
Feb 10 287
Mar 10 372
Apr 10 373
May 10 358
Jun Aug Jul 10 10 10 440 337 408
Sep 10 401
Oct 10 310
Nov 10 306
Dec 10 361
Jan 11 319
Feb 11 346
Mar 11 453
Apr 11 431
243 REO,Bank Owned 206 Short Sale 37
Total Sales Total Distressed
This data is dependent upon timeliness of sales and totality of information reported by participants. The data reflects only the sales published through the Mid-Florida Regional Multiple Listing Service (MFRMLS) and does not include all sales in reported areas.
Neither the Association the totality MFRMLS is any way responsible for it's accuracy. This data is dependent upon timeliness of salesnor and ofininformation reported by participants.
Data: Total Sales = all MFRMLS Osceola Single Family Housing (SFH) & Planned Unit Development (PUD).
The data reflects only the sales published through the Owned/Short Mid-Florida Regional Multiple Listing Service (MFRMLS) and does not include all sales in reported areas. (SFH), (PUD)-REO/Bank Sale from Special Sale Provision. Ave. Days on Mkt is: Days to Closed Neither the Association nor the MFRMLS is in any way responsible for it’s accuracy.
Data: Total Sales = all MFRMLS Osceola Single Family Housing (SFH) & Planned Unit Development (PUD). (SFH), (PUD)-REO/Bank Owned/Short Sale from Special Sale Provision. Average Days on Market is: Days to Closed
June 2011
Advertising/Publication Orlando Sentinel Laura Kohler 633 N. Orange Ave., Orlando, FL 32803 Office 407-420-6126 Fax 407-420-5201 Email lkohler@orlandosentinel.com Website www.orlandosentinel.com Osceola Shopper/Gazette Paula Stark 108 Church Street, Kissimmee, FL 34741 Office 407-846-7600 Fax 407-846-8516 Email pstark@osceolanewsgazette.com Website www.aroundosceola.com The Real Estate Book Tammy Birchler 2305 NewPoint Parkway Lawrenceville, GA 30043 Office 407-581-1490 Fax 407-581-1491 Email tbirchler@nci.com
agent marketing services Concordia Film Studios Div. of Howland International, Inc. Kemp Howland 355 Falling Waters Drive Kissimmee, FL 34759 Office 407-222-4847 Email kemp.howland@gmail.com Website www.concordiastudios.com
Attorneys Charles P. Castellon, PA Law Firm Charles Castellon 12934 Deertrace Avenue, Suite A Orlando, FL 32837 Office 407-851-0201 Fax 407-847-5618 Email ccastellon@centralflattorney.com Website www.centralflattorney.com
Construction/Repair/ Renovations A Better Choice Pools Michael Evans 3213 13th Street, St. Cloud, FL 34769 Office 407-414-7379 Fax 407-870-9978 Email m_abcpools@yahoo.com Website www.abetterchoicepools.com All Seasons Pool Service, Inc. James Watts 185 E. Airport Blvd., Sanford, FL 32773 Office 407-871-2020 Fax 407-407-3215 Email admin@allseasonspools.com Website www.allseasonspools.com Metro Door Service Joe De Lorie 2182 Cypress Bay Blvd. Kissimmee, FL 34743 Office 407-414-4756 Email metrodoors8@aol.com Servpro of Osceola County Dan Hougaard 1710 Kelley Ave., Kissimmee, FL 34744 Office 407-933-0707 Fax 407-933-5014 Email dhougaard@servprooc.com Website www.servprooc.com
ENGINEERING/SURVEYING/ PLANNING Johnston’s Surveying, Inc. W. Turner Wallis 900 Shady Lane, Kissimmee, FL 34744 Office 407-847-2179 Fax 407-847-6140 Email turner@jsurveying.com Website www.jsurveying.com
Financial Services/Institutions
Keating/Schlitt, PA Nancy Campiglia 250 E. Colonial Drive Orlando, FL 32024 Office 407-425-2907 Fax 407-425-6345 Email ncampiglia@keatlaw.com Website www.keatlaw.com
Butler Mortgage Harry Urban 1012 W. Emmett Street, Suite B Kissimmee, FL 34741 Office 407-931-3800 Fax 407-931-3801 Email hurban@butlermortgage.com Website www.butlermortgage.com
Law Office of Daniel Villazon Daniel Villazon, P.A. 1420 Celebration Blvd. Celebration, FL 34747 Office 407-483-0041 Email dvillazon@yahoo.com Website www.frecattorney.com
Farm Credit Brad Rhoden P.O. Box 8009, Lakeland, FL 33802 Office 863-682-4117 Fax 863-688-9364 Email brhoden@farmcreditcfl.com Website www.farmcreditcfl.com
Qubty Financial Group David Qubty 7680 Universal Blvd. Orlando, FL 32819-8998 Office 407-370-3030 Fax 407-370-2040 Email dqubty@qubtyfinancialgroup.com Website www.qubtyfinancialgroup.com Qubty Financial Group Sami D. Qubty 7680 Universal Blvd., Ste. 405 Orlando, FL 32819-8998 Office 407-370-3030 Fax 407-370-2040 Email squbty@qubtyfinancialgroup.com Website www.qubtyfinancialgroup.com Trustco Bank Sarah Near 1525 East Osceola Parkway Kissimmee, FL 34746 Office 407-932-0398 Fax 407-932-0719 Email snear@branch.trustcobank.com Website www.trustcobank.com United Mortgage Partners Nancy Knapp 3660 Maguire Blvd., Orlando, FL 32803 Office 321-624-1560 Fax 407-957-6892 Email nancy@nancyknapp.net
HEALTH Benefit Advisors Judy Taylor 111 E. Monument Avenue Kissimmee, FL 34741 Office 407-931-2872 Fax 407-933-2176 Email jtaylor@benefit-advisors.com
Home Builders/Developers KB Home Amanda Parah 9102 South Park Center Loop Orlando, FL 32819 Office 407-587-3403 Fax 407-587-2386 Email aparah@kbhome.com Website www.kbhome.com Harmon Homes Pamela Cameron 4501 Hills & Dales Road NW Canton, OH 44708 Office 813-681-5117 Fax 813-661-9036 Email Pamela.cameron@harmonhomes.com Website www.harmonhomes.com
June 2011
Harmony Development Tim Hultgren 3500 Harmony Square Drive West Harmony, FL 34773 Office 407-891-2605 Fax 407-891-0459 Email thultgren@harmonyfl.com Maronda Homes Olga Ortega 955 Keller Rd., #1500 Altamonte Springs, FL 32714 Office 407-846-4397 Fax 407-846-4398 Email oortega@maronda.com Website www.maronda.com Standard Pacific Homes Jesus Alvarez 200 S. Orange Avenue, Suite 124 Orlando, FL 32801 Office 407-304-2803 Fax 407-304-2835 Email sbower@stanpac.com Website www.standardpacifichomes.com
HOME WARRANTY First American Home Warranty Corp Leslie Zimmerly 3281 Settlers Trail, St. Cloud, FL 34772 Office 407-902-5237 Email lesliez@firstam.com Website www.firstam.com Old Republic Home Protection Jeffrey Saindon PO Box 5017, San Ramon, CA 94583 Office 800-445-6999 Email jeff@orhp.com Website www.orhp.com
Inspection Services Budget Services, Inc. Ed Hogan 3617 Crosley Avenue, St. Cloud, FL 34772 Office 407-892-8811 Fax 407-892-8516 Email budgettermite@earthlink.net Website www.budgetservicesfl.com Wayne Home Inspections Wayne June E. Glover 1533 Trumbull Street, Kissimmee, FL 34744 Office 407-935-1127 Fax 407-935-1483 Email wayne.glover@netzero.net Website www.wayneshomeinspections.com
June 2011
Real Estate Schools/Education IFREC Real Estate Schools Richard Fryer 5029 Edgewater Dr., Orlando, FL 32810 Office 407-644-7277 Fax 407-647-5227 Email robin@ifrec.com Website www.ifrec.com
REALTOR速 SERVICES Final Negotiation, LLC Rhonda Owen 1201 Emmett Street, Kissimmee, FL 34741 Office 407-846-0978 Fax 407-846-6573 Email rowen@stewart.com Website www.stewart.com
Premiere Title Agency, LLC Vickie Deaton 113 E. Monument Avenue Kissimmee, FL 34741 Office 407-350-4401 Fax 407-350-4414 Email vdeaton@premieretitleagency.com Prominent Title Insurance Agency, Inc. Betty M. Dobbie 827 Cypress Pkwy, Kissimmee, FL 34759 Office 407-343-1560 Fax 407-343-1561 Email bdobbie@prominenttitle.com Website www.prominenttitle.com
On The Go Services William Carberry 5790 Leon Tyson Rd., St. Cloud, FL 34771 Office 407-832-7957 Email otgservices@gmail.com
Real Estate Closing Solutions Heidi Foster 7575 Dr. Phillips Blvd., Suite 140 Orlando, FL 32819 Office 407-615-8550 Fax 407-615-8555 Email hfoster@recsfl.com Website www.recsfl.com
Sprint Wireless Sojeila Orengo 851 Trafalgar Ct., Maitland, FL 32751 Office 407-575-8837 Fax 404-948-0900 Email sojeila.orengo@sprint.com
Shopsmart Insurance, Inc. Jonathan Reich 1201 Emmett Street, Kissimmee, FL 34741 Office 407-933-7866 Fax 407-931-0083 Email jdreich2@msn.com
Title/Escrow/Insurance Services
Stewart Approved Title, Inc. Becky Sheive 1201 Emmett Street, Kissimmee, FL 34741 Office 407-846-7477 Fax 407-846-6573 Email bsheive@stewart.com Website www.stewart.com
A-Z Team Title, LLC Bernard S. Edwards 102 Park Place Blvd., Suite A-3 Kissimmee, FL 34743 Office 407-932-0529 Fax 407-932-1587 Email bernie@azteamtitle.com Website www.azteamtitle.com First American Title Cara Brown 1101 Miranda Lane, Suite 101 Kissimmee, FL 34741 Office 877-833-1731 Fax 866-722-5957 Email carbrown@firstam.com Website www.firstam.com First American Title Deborah Dudley 1101 Miranda Lane, Kissimmee, FL 34741 Office 877-833-1731 Fax 866-722-5957 Email ddudley@firstam.com Website www.firstam.com Mason Title & Escrow Company Shelly Kiker 1101 Miranda Lane, Suite 113 Kissimmee, FL 34741 Office 321-443-6901 Fax 866-326-2097 Email skiker@masontitle.com Website www.masontitle.com
Stewart Approved Title, Inc. Jolene Sheive 1201 Emmett Street, Kissimmee, FL 34741 Office 407-846-7477 Fax 407-846-6573 Email jdreich2@msn.com Website www.stewart.com Stewart Approved Title, Inc. Rayelynne Ketchum 1401 Budinger Ave., St. Cloud, FL 34769 Office 407-957-9000 Fax 407-957-8055 Email rwoeste@stewart.com Website www.stewart.com Total Title Solutions Tina Johnson 8 Broadway Street, Suite 225 Kissimmee, FL 34741 Office 407-847-0412 Fax 407-847-0429 Email tinamjohnson@embarqmail.com
JUNE 2011 Completing the Purchase & Sales Contract (NEW) Tuesday, June 14 1:00 pm to 5:00 pm Working With The Consumer & Option Contracts Thursday, June 16 1:00 pm to 4:00 pm Fair Housing Course Tuesday, June 21 1:00 pm to 4:00 pm How to Help Avoid Foreclosure Wednesday, June 22 9:00 am to 12:00 pm
CRS Panel - Surviving in this Market Tuesday, June 14 8:30 am to 9:30 am Moderator Charli Phelps “Powerful Conversations” Tuesday, June 21 8:30 am to 9:30 am SPEAKER Kim Dickey sponsored by First American Title
Tools - Selling Commercial Properties Tuesday, June 28 8:30 am to 9:30 am SPEAKER Rick Orr, Totalcommercial.com Note: Great info for “Resimmercials” too. The Osceola County Housing Program Tuesday, July 19 8:30 am to 9:30 am SPEAKER Danicka Ransom, Osceola County
JULY 2011
JUNE 2011
JUNE 2011
HAFA Short Sales Course Thursday, July 7 8:00 am to 5:00 pm
MLS Advanced (Spanish) Monday, June 13 9:00 am to 12:00 pm
MLX Change (Spanish) Monday, July 11 9:00 am to 12:00 pm
Smart Growth Wednesday, July 13 8:00 am to 2:00 pm
Design Web Page (Spanish) Monday, June 13 1:00 pm to 4:00 pm
MLS Listing Maintenance (Spanish) Monday, July 11 1:00 pm - 3:00 pm
No Victims Thursday, July 14 9:00 am to 12:00 pm
MLXchange Basic Wednesday, June 29 9:00 am - 12:00 pm
Realtor® Safety & Security Thursday, July 14 1:00 pm to 5:00 pm
MLS Listing Maintenance Wednesday, June 29 1:00 pm - 3:00 pm
Increase Your Commissions: Buying and Selling Using an IRA Thursday, July 28 9:00 am to 12:00 pm
June 2011
Happy Father’s Day 5
Scholarship Task Force Meeting 9:00 am - 12:00 pm Public Policy 3:00 pm - 4:00 pm Toastmasters 5:30 pm - 6:30 pm
June 2011
New Member Welcome 9:00 am - 12:00 pm New Member Welcome Code of Ethics Video 1:00 pm- 4:00 pm
July 2011 June 2011
MLS Listing Maintenance 1:00 pm - 3:00 pm
ReBar Camp 6:00 pm - 9:00 pm
Affiliate Council Meetings 9:45 am - 10:45 am
MLS Learn and Earn Marketing Session 8:30 am - 9:30 am
HAFA Short Sales Course 8:00 am - 5:00 pm
MLS Learn and Earn Marketing Session 8:30 am - 9:30 am
International Alliance Committee Meeting 9:40 am - 10:45 am
MLS Learn and Earn Marketing Session 8:30 am - 9:30 am
MFRMLS BOD Meeting 10:00 am - 12:00 pm
Toastmasters 5:30 pm - 6:30 pm
BOD Meeting 9:30 am - 11:00 am
Smart Growth 8:00 am - 2:00 pm
WCR Board Meeting 8:00 am - 9:30 am
14 No Victims 9:00 am - 12:00 pm
Executive Committee 8:00 am - 9:30 am
Realtor® Safety & Security 1:00pm - 5:00 pm
BOD Meeting 9:30 am - 11:00 am
21 Commercial Marketing Session 8:30 am - 10:00 am
Property Management Meeting 9:45 am - 10:45 am
Toastmasters 5:30 pm - 6:30 pm
MLXchange Basic 9:00 am - 12:00 pm
Executive Committee 8:00 am - 9:30 am
No MLS Learn and Earn
MLS Basic (Spanish) 9:00 am - 12:00 pm MLS Listing Maintenance (Spanish) 1:00pm - 3:00pm Public Policy, 3 pm - 4 pm Toastmasters 5:30 pm - 6:30 pm
How to Help Avoid Foreclosure 9:00 am -12:00 pm
No Toastmasters
RPAC Recognition Social 4:00 pm - 6:00 pm
OSCAR CLOSED 8:00 am - 9:00 am
Commercial Marketing Session 8:30 am - 10:00 am
Celebrate Independence Day!
WCR Board Meeting 8:00 am - 9:30 am
Working With The Consumer & Option Contracts 1:00 pm - 4:00 pm
Listingbook Training 10:00 am - 12:00 pm
MLS Learn and Earn Marketing Session 8:30 am - 9:30 am International Alliance Committee Meeting 9:40 am - 10:45 am Fair Housing Course 1:00 pm - 4:00 pm
Generation Buy Course 8:30 am - 5:00 pm
MLS Learn and Earn Marketing Session, 8:30 am - 9:30 am Affiliate Council Meetings 9:45 am - 10:45 am Completing the Purchase & Sales Contract (NEW) 1:00 pm - 5:00 pm
MLS Learn and Earn Marketing Session, 8:30 am - 9:30 am Property Management Committee Meeting 9:45 am - 10:45 am
Toastmasters 5:30 pm - 6:30 pm
PAG and Professional Development 8:30 am - 10:00 am
Toastmasters 5:30 pm - 6:30 pm
7 MLS Learn and Earn Marketing Session 8:30 am - 9:30 am
Father’s Day
3 Osceola Brokers Committee Meeting 9:30 am - 10:30 am
MLS Advanced (Spanish) 9:00 am - 12:00 pm Design Web Page (Spanish) 1:00 pm - 4:00 pm Toastmasters 5:30 pm - 6:30 pm
28 Increase Your Commissions: Buying and Selling Using Osceola Brokers an IRA Committee Meeting 9:00 am - 12:00 pm 9:30 am - 10:30 pm
International Festival 5:00 pm 10:00 pm
new real estate offices
welcome new members
NewMark Investment Group.................Soenid Roman 2554 Brookstone Drive, Kissimmee, FL 34744 Office: 407-485-6468 Email: soenid12@aol.com
Alberto C. Gonzalez Lemes......Keller Williams Homestead Real
Rijo Real Estate Group LLC......................... Viterbo Rijo 2712 Bartlet Drive, Kissimmee, FL 34741 Office: 407-409-5056 Email: viterborijo@msn.com
Eric T. Hudson............................... Nextage Diversified Realty
Easy Home Realty Inc............................ Jose L. Collado 2400 N. Forsyth Road, Orlando, FL 32807 Office: 407-574-7804 • 866-532-9747 Email: jcollado@easyhome-realty.com Website: www.easyhome-realty.com American Realty Group of USA....Krishna R. Korapati 836A N. John Young Pkwy, Kissimmee, FL 34741 Office: 407-569-2166 • Fax: 407-569-2167 Nextage Diversified Realty.....................Eric T. Hudson 507 East Street, Longwood, FL 32750 Office: 407-772-2274 • Fax: 407-650-3119 Email: thudson@nextagerealty.com Website: www.nextageddiversifiedrealty.com
Charlton A. Walker.................................Preferred Real Estate David M. Scherer................................. A Plus Appraisals, Inc. Doris K. Feliciano................................... Watson Realty Corp. Kristi Savage..................................... Prudential Results Realty Oscar D. Roldan...........................Frontline Florida Realty, Inc. Robert Jamison...................................... Watson Realty Corp. Ronald C. Dinunzio.................... Coulter Team Realty & Assoc.
new affiliate offices Sojeila Orengo...............................................Sprint Wireless