November ReView

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What is effectiveness and are we achieving it? effective (ih-fek-tiv) – adjective adequate to accomplish a purpose; producing the intended or expected result. We are all working hard to serve our customers, overcome the challenges of this economy, and care for our families and businesses. Further, I know we all want to achieve success and ensure our lives are making a positive difference. Yet, we are so often pulled in so many directions we find ourselves struggling to achieve real effectiveness. TIM WEISHEYER 2011 PRESIDENT


With that in mind, I would like to share with you one of the many books I have studied and worked to implement in my life. I hope you will consider studying it too and use it as a tool to help you achieve your purpose in life and success in your business.

Stephen Covey’s best-selling book, The Seven Habits of Highly Effective People, has sold more than 10 million copies since being published in 1990 and is recognized on a global level. Below you will find a summary of Covey’s ‘Seven Habits’. Habit # 1: Be Proactive Instead of reacting to life as it happens to and around us, this habit focuses on our ability to choose our responses to conditions and circumstance instead of being controlled by them. Habit # 2 Begin with the End in Mind When we know where we are headed, we can remain focused on how to get there. As the name of the habit implies, this is about remaining mentally focused and avoiding distractions. Habit # 3 Put First Things First As we begin with the end in mind, we must then discipline ourselves with personal management. Putting first things first is about moving from mental concentration on relevant activities to the implementation of relevant activities. Prioritize! Habit # 4 Think Win-Win If we are honest, we will all admit cooperation is more effective [and appealing] than confrontation. A win-win approach acknowledges achievement is more likely, and rewarding, when we seek a cooperative approach. Empathy and confidence must both be brought to the table. Habit # 5 Seek First to Understand and Then to be Understood Positive relationships require effective communication and effective communication requires real understanding. If you want to be understood, you must first understand where those you are communicating with are coming from – LISTEN… Habit # 6 Synergize Synergy is about seeing the potential in other people and recognizing the value they bring to process. This habit reminds us the sum is greater than its parts and two heads are better than one. Habit # 7 Sharpen the Saw If we fail to take care of ourselves, we will limit our ability to help others and make a positive difference. We must create a balanced approach to caring for our whole being – physical, social/emotional, mental and spiritual. There is an 8th habit, From Effectiveness to Greatness, but until we implement the first seven we will struggle to achieve the 8th – GREATNESS! Wishing you Greatness,

Tim Weisheyer President

“The key is not to prioritize what’s on your schedule, but to schedule your priorities.” – Stephen R. Covey

November 2011

Quarter Three with the OSCAR Board of Directors by Carol K. Platt, CRB

Our third quarter of 2011 continued to offer OSCAR members the responsible oversight and swift progressive actions that it expects from its elected representatives. Here are a few highlights: n Reviewed and approved the 2010 Financial Audit by Affiliate, LarsonAllen which stated “In our opinion, the consolidated financial statements referred to above present fairly, in all material respects, the financial position of Osceola County Association of REALTORS®, Inc. as of December 31, 2010 and 2009, and the changes in their net assets and their cash flows for the years then ending in conformity with accounting principles generally accepted in the United States of America.” n Reviewed and approved charitable donation of obsolete equipment. n Reviewed and approved the IRS form 990 toward Sarbanes-Oaxley compliance. n Approved Presidential appointments to the 2011 Candidate Screening Committee and subsequently approved the committee’s recommendation for RPAC support of Naomi Norris and Mickey Hopper for election to the St. Cloud City Council. n Recommended representation by President Elect, Renee Clark and Association Executive, Carol Platt at the Florida Chamber’s 2011 Future of Florida Forum. n Recommended disposal of inactive web domains toward strategic implementation of .mls domains in the future. n Approved participation in the Florida REALTORS® Industry Data and Analysis reporting by Florida REALTORS®’ economist, John Tuccillo. n Approved capital expenditures for facility remodel to improve membership services operations. n Approved Affiliate, American Income Life’s request to offer OSCAR members $2,000 free accidental death and dismemberment benefits. n Approved purchase of flood insurance for association premises. n Held Board of Directors meeting at the City of Kissimmee and heard presentations from City Manager,

November 2011

Mike Stiegerwald and City Planner, Craig Holland who commended OSCAR Board Members for a positive and collaborative relationship with city government. n Recommended support of Mike McGraw for District 12 DVP at the upcoming Florida REALTORS® elections. n Approved door prizes and giveaways to OSCAR booth attendees at the Welcome Back – Back to School, Back to Business Expo community event. n Approved recommendation of OSCAR’s My Florida Regional Multiple Listing Service Shareholder Representative, President Tim Weisheyer’s to support lower directorship threshold at October’s MFRMLS Shareholder’s meeting, plus approved support of additional bylaw changes at MFRMLS. n Approved exclusive agreement with CoreLogic for data services within My Florida Regional Multiple Listing Service. n Reviewed and approved Professional Standards recommendations in ethics cases brought before the association. n Approved no increase in the My Florida Regional Commercial Real Estate Multiple Listing Service service center fee and approved only one service center fee charge for members belonging to both My Florida Regional Multiple Listing Service and My Florida Regional Commercial Real Estate Multiple Listing Service for facilitate fairness to members and participation in the MFRCRE for real estate business growth and inventory exposure. n Approved Listingbook agreement amendment for continued benefit to members. n Approved sponsorship and booth at the Women’s Council of REALTORS® District 12 Forum. n Approved twenty-three new REALTOR® and twelve new Affiliates for association membership. We are all looking forward to sharing our year-end accomplishments with all of you at the December 7, 2011 OSCAR General Membership Meeting at 9:00 am sharp! n

November 2011

I’m sure you’ve seen the headlines about banks beginning to charge their checking account holders $5 per month for debit card access. Remember that as a member of the REALTORS® Federal Credit Union there is no monthly fee for MasterCard debit cards. Plus, their debit card can be used at thousands of surcharge free ATMs all across the country. Their checking account is also free with no minimum balance requirement. They now have a handy switch kit that can be downloaded from their website to make it easier for you to move your checking account to the credit union. Visit this website for more details: The Osceola County Association of REALTORS® continues to grow its credit union members! We are now #6 nationally! Yessica Colon Communications Director Here are the top Associations with the greatest percentage of credit union members nationwide: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10.

Pasadena-Foothills Association of REALTORS® Southern Maryland Association Jackson Association of REALTORS® Anne Arundel County Association of REALTORS® Northeast Atlanta Metro Association of REALTORS® Osceola County Association of REALTORS® Greater Capital Area Association of REALTORS® (MD) Montgomery County Association of REALTORS® Greensboro Regional REALTORS® Association Savannah Board of REALTORS®

I am very pleased to report that REALTOR® Darla Furst has been elected chair of FREC and REALTOR® and Past President Chip Boring has been elected Vice Chair. Their terms begin next month. Real estate licensees in Florida are in good hands with Darla and Chip at the helm. We are proud to have two top REALTORS® in these critically important positions for our industry. If you wish to congratulate them personally they can be reached at darlafurst@michaelsaunders. com and John Fridlington, RCE, CAE Chief Executive Officer | FloridaRealtors® 7025 Augusta National Drive Orlando, FL 32822

November 2011

Carol K. Platt, CRB

Association Executive

2012 Osceola County Association of REALTORS® Board of Directors

Bob St. Gordon

The slate was elected with 91 members voting for your 2012 Osceola County Association of REALTORS® Board of Directors.

Yessica Colon

The elected candidates will be joining 2012 President Renee Clark. President Elect Susan Graves Vice President Kim Goodwin Treasurer Denise Sacks Secretary Wanda Linscott

Controller Communications Director

Eli Perez

Member Services Coordinator

Kim Wagar

Executive Assistant

Dorothy Campbell

Director of Professional Development

ASSOCIATION OFFICE 1105 Shady Lane Kissimmee, Florida 34744 407.846.0117 • 407.846.0217 fax

NEWSLETTER SUBMISSIONS In order to share the wealth of information contained in this newsletter in an efficient manner, please submit your articles via e-mail or fax by the 10th of the monthly. Please clearly indicate that submission is for the Osceola ReVIEW. Articles: Advertising: For advertising inquiries please contact Bob St. Gordon at the Association Office. Your advertising defrays the cost of publishing. Thank you for your support. The Osceola ReVIEW is printed exclusively for the Association by The Baker Press, Inc. Orlando, Florida tel 407.290.5800 • fax 407.290.5977 Disclaimer: The Osceola ReVIEW is printed for the member and affiliates of Osceola County Association of REALTORS®, Inc. by The Baker Press, Inc. The Baker Press, Inc. nor the Association assume any responsibility for article content or advertising message as submitted for inclusion in the newsletter. Advertising and articles are not endorsed by the Association, nor is there any implied warranty by the Association or its staff.

3-Year Term as Directors: Mary Cooper Arlene Conow Sue Foels William Nick Nichols The newly elected Officers and Directors will join the following Directors whose terms have yet to expire: 2012 Continuing Directors Karen Dierickx Daisy Lopez-Cid Angel Ortiz Cheryl Grieb Richard Knapp Immediate Past President Tim Weisheyer Congratulations to our OSCAR members that were elected for the Women’s Council of REALTORS® 2012 Election Slate: President President Elect V.P. Membership Secretary Nominating Chair

Cindy DeCoster Wanda Linscott BrendaTerrell Veronica Malolos Sue Foels

OSCAR BOD CANDIDATE RECOMMENDATIONS Upon recommendation of the 2011 Candidate Screening Committee, the OSCAR Board of Directors highly recommends the following candidates for your consideration and vote in the upcoming St. Cloud Municipal Election to be held on November 8, 2011: MICKEY HOPPER – City Council, Seat 4 NAOMI F. NORRIS – City Council, Seat 5 These candidates answered questions developed by OSCAR’s Public Policy Committee regarding issues of importance to REALTORS.®

November 2011

Syndication is becoming one of the fastest growing listing advertising mediums on the Internet today. Giving your listings maximum exposure just makes sense and Point2 Agent has the largest syndication network in the real estate industry, with new partners being added frequently. Enter your listings once and watch them spread automatically to some of the highest trafficked search sites on the Internet. Point2 provides the largest syndication network in the industry, with over 40 syndication partners, displaying listing on over 300 destinations. INCREASE YOUR REACH AUTOMATICALLY Point2 Agent allows for your listings to be advertised across multiple popular home search sites with just a click of the mouse. You determine which websites you prefer your listings to be advertised on and we take care of the rest. THEN STAY INFORMED Once your listings are being syndicated, you need to know just how well they are doing out there. Point2 Agent doesn’t just fire and forget your listings. We provide you with detailed statistics and reports from all of our supported syndication partners. These reports are also available to show your sellers from within their own private Seller Login area. HAVEN’T JOINED YET? FREE tools for all members! Point2Agent has partnered with OSCAR to bring you a one stop post tool that pulls your data from MLS once the listing is created. Now you will be able to show your prospective listing clients where their property will receive exposure without more work from you to make it happen. This is a very powerful tool! If you are having trouble getting your MLS to syndicate your listings properly you may want to contact Point 2 directly at or 1-866-977-1777 Learn more from the comfort of your own computer. Go to http://point2events. com/Point2.aspx?st=FL for upcoming webinars!!!

November 2011

INTERNATIONAL ALLIANCE COMMITTEE International Alliance Committee Canadians – Florida’s Largest Foreign Buyers! by Imran Mohamed Co-chair of the International Alliance Committee According to the most recent data from the National Association of REALTOR®s; total residential sales in Florida for 2010 were estimated at approximately $48.8 billion, and sales to foreigners were estimated at $12.7 billion. Approximately 25 percent of total Florida residential sales are estimated to have been to foreigners in the 12 months ending June 2011 This report provides insights into the international segment of Florida’s residential real estate market. Nationally, the level of international sales is relatively small—in the neighborhood of 3 percent of all transactions; however, for Florida international sales is a major portion of the market: Approximately 25 percent of all sales in Florida are to foreigners. Nearly all sales are all-cash. Foreign purchasers buy upper end homes – median approximately $174,700. Foreign purchasers bought because of good values in U.S. housing market, helped by the weaker dollar. Canadians lead, with the UK now less important. Brazil and Venezuela have become more important. Canada accounted for 39% of buyers, up from 36% in 2010. The United Kingdom accounted for 7% of buyers, down from 15% last year. Other countries with large numbers of buyers included Brazil (8%, up from 3%), Venezuela (7%, up from 3%) and Germany (5%, same as last year). 57% of Canadian buyers chose Condo/Apartment type of housing, and 32% purchased detached single family homes. Armed with this knowledge, I decided to visit our neighbors to the north. There is nothing like actually going to a country to learn about it. After all, you want

to have a better understanding of how they live, work and play. You want to build new relationships and strengthen existing ones. Flights directly to Toronto are expensive, so I flew to Buffalo, rented a car and drove over to Canada. Niagara Falls is one of Canada’s famous landmarks and is within easy reach; it’s a must see for those who have never been there. My focus was the Ontario region; Mississauga, Scarborough, Toronto, Markham, Pickering and Ajax. From the QEW I took the 401 which is like the main highway running east west across Ontario; the 407-Toll is an alternate. A word of caution: be weary of using the 401 in rush hour, it’s a huge parking lot. I spent most of the first 3 days meeting with past customers, strengthening relationships and meeting their friends and families. They took me out to lunch at various restaurants including the Mandarin, an all-youcan-eat buffet (I definitely recommend it). They insisted that I taste their traditional dishes, so they cooked dinners for me, and when I thought it was done… they took me sightseeing in downtown Toronto. While there, I visited the CN Tower which provides a lovely panoramic view of Toronto, especially at night…it was amazing! I had a number of meetings with potential clients at Tim Hortons. It is the place where most people who don’t actually know you would want to have their initial meeting. There are many convenient locations, kinda like Starbucks; but they swear by their Tim Hortons. Subconsciously, almost for the entire trip I analyzed things through the eyes of a REALTOR®. There are no HOA’s; all common areas are taken care of by the City, so I can understand their difficulty in understanding why we have HOA fees. I was amazed at the prices of their homes; they can sell the average home there and buy four in Florida. The average price is over $475K, with townhomes from $200K. Land space is a premium and so homes are built closer together, almost all the homes

November 2011

Latest Data Of Foreign Buyers’ Nationality Brazil 8%

Canada 39%

Types of Properties Purchased by Canadians

Australia 2% India 3%

Condo/Apartment 57%

Other 18%

Single Family 32%

Venezuela 7% UK 7%

Colombia 3% France 4% Germany 5%

Spain 2%

are two stories. Their mortgage rates are extremely low, around 2.75% and total real estate commissions are based upon the negotiated norms of Canadian communities, including their cooperative agreements. I spent some time meeting with local REALTOR®s to get a firsthand overview of their market, etc. From Mississauga to Ajax there is a huge diversity of nationalities, religions and culture. There are large populations of Indians, Chinese, Sri Lankans, West Indians (from the Caribbean), Canadians, Muslims, Sikhs, Hindus, Protestants, Catholics, etc. From what I saw there was great tolerance, understanding and integration amongst the peoples. In conclusion; if you are targeting an unfamiliar market it is worth the time and effort to learn more about it and nothing can replace actually visiting it. Here are some fun facts about Ontario: n n n n n n

By population, Ontario is the largest province of Canada. Toronto, the capital of Ontario, is the largest city in Canada. The capital of Canada, Ottawa, is also located in Ontario. Ontario is the only Canadian Province that borders the Great Lakes. Four out of five Great Lakes, which Ontario borders, are Lake Superior, Erie, Ontario and Huron. Lake Superior is the biggest of the five Great Lakes and is the world’s largest body of fresh water.

November 2011

Other 5% Townhome 6%

Mexico 2%



n n n n n

n n n n n n n n

The province of Ontario is said to take its name from Lake Ontario, which in turn is believed to have derived its name from Ontario, a Huron word meaning ‘great lake’. Ontario is the leading manufacturing province of Canada, accounting for over 50% of the total national manufacturing shipments. The world renowned geographic feature, Niagara Falls, is also located in Ontario. Toronto, the capital city of Ontario, is the center of Canada’s financial services and banking industry. Highway 401, running through Ontario, is the busiest highway in entire North America. The official flower of Ontario is white Trillium. Henry Hudson was the first European to touch the shores of present-day Ontario in 1610, after whom the Hudson Bay was named. The official gem of Ontario is Amethyst, which is a rich purple semi-precious stone. The official tree of Ontario is the Eastern White Pine. The official bird of Ontario is the Common Loon. The highest point in Ontario is Timiskaming district, while the lowest point: is Hudson Bay shore. The largest rivers flowing through Ontario are St. Lawrence River and Ottawa River. Water covers about one-sixth of the total province area of Ontario. Two-thirds of the provincial area of Ontario is covered by forest. Ontario is Canada’s largest producer of fruits, vegetables and other agricultural products n

The Life of a Professional Standards (Ethics/Mediation/Arbitration) Case by Robert St. Gordon, Controller Professional Standards Coordinator The Life of a Professional Standards (Ethics/Mediation/ Arbitration) Case By Robert St. Gordon, Controller, Professional Standards Coordinator. The Professional Standards Coordinator has an exacting and detailed responsibility for each and every professional standards matter. I have been involved in many such matters over the years, and each and every case seems to evolve into a unique set of circumstances due to the personalities and circumstances involved. As a result, each and every Professional Standards matter must be dealt with great care. The role of the Professional Standards Coordinator is to provide an administrative channel for the appropriate parties to carry out their respective roles and functions as they relate to a Professional Standards issue. This involves contact and correspondence with the Complainant, Respondent, Association Attorney, Party’s Attorneys, Witnesses, Grievance, Mediation, Professional Standards Committees, Association Executive, Board President, and Board of Directors. The Professional Standards Coordinator receives and distributes all related correspondence such as ethics complaints or arbitration requests from receipt to conclusion to the appropriate parties and committees. The Professional Standards Coordinator is responsible for all records and recordings relating to such matters. The Professional Standards Coordinator gives advice regarding appropriate and required procedures, and coordinates all meetings and hearings. The Professional Standards Coordinator does not make determinations nor express an opinion regarding the decisions or outcome of such matters. Based on my experience, and it has been quite the experience, it generally takes between four and nine months for a Professional Standards case to run its course. The timing of a case depends, in part, on the complexity of the case. Additionally, the process is designed to ensure a fair outcome for both parties. This includes receiving a written ethics complaint or arbitration request, requesting and distributing a response, and review by the Grievance Committee. If the case is undergoing legal proceedings, it

is put into abeyance (frozen) until such legal proceedings are completed. The Grievance Committee can amend, and/or forward to hearing, or dismiss the case. If the Grievance Committee amends or dismisses a case, the parties then have the right to appeal the Grievance Committee decision to the President/Board of Directors. If the Grievance Committee decision is appealed, we then have an Appeal Hearing before the Board of Directors or special Committee delegated by the President. If the case is forwarded for hearing, we must select a hearing panel and the parties then have the right to challenge hearing panelist. If a panelist is successfully challenged, then we go back to panel selection. If a case is going to hearing, we then attempt to establish a hearing date which is practically an Act of Congress itself. We must establish a mutual date for both parties involved, hearing panelists, attorneys and witnesses, while considering staff and room availability. We then provide the notice of hearing procedures and the date of hearing. At this time we also request that all parties involved are provided with a list of witnesses and attorneys who will attend. After a hearing date is set, a continuance or postponement may be granted by the Panel Chairperson under extenuating circumstances. At hearing, both parties and witnesses give testimony, in many cases under the guidance and scrutiny of attorneys. Both parties and/or attorneys also have a right to cross examine each person giving testimony. After both parties are satisfied that they have had ample opportunity to give their side of the story, the hearing panelist go into executive session and make a decision. Most hearings take between four hours to all day. The hearing panel decision is then reviewed and finalized by our Association Attorney, signed by the hearing panelist, and sent to both parties. Both parties then have a right to appeal the hearing panel decision to the President/Board of Directors. If appealed, then we have an appeal hearing. If there is no appeal within the allowed timeframes, the hearing panel’s decision for Arbitration becomes final. The hearing panel’s decision regarding an ethics complaint

November 2011

does not become final until after the appeal process is completed and until formal review and approval by the Board of Directors. If an Osceola REALTOR® member has been found to violate the code of ethics, they are automatically assessed an administrative fee of $250 and can be fined up to an additional $5,000. The hearing panel can also require education, write a letter of reprimand, and/or suspend membership. Arbitration issues usually occur as a result of a dispute regarding entitlement to compensation in a real estate transaction. A deposit of up to $500 is required for arbitration from each party and can be retained by the hearing panel to help defray Association Attorney and other costs involved. In most arbitration cases, there is usually a 100% award of the commission in dispute by the Hearing Panel to only one party. The other party usually gets nothing. Mediation is a fantastic and less formal alternative to Arbitration. Mediation can be accomplished as soon as both parties voluntarily agree to a Mediator and when to mediate. In mediation, both parties get together with one Mediator to try and come to a friendly resolution. Both parties can agree to spit the commission disputed in any way or percentage they mutually feel is fair. And if mediation does not result in a mutual agreement, both parties can then go back to the arbitration process. Any matters previously discussed or offered during Mediation are not allowed in the arbitration hearing. After arbitration or successful mediation, if the party in question does not pay, the prevailing party’s recourse is court and/or to file a non-payment of commission

complaint with the Florida Real Estate Commission. Once an arbitration award or mediation agreement is finalized, these documents are more than likely to be upheld by the court system and the prevailing party is usually awarded legal costs in addition to the amount in dispute. Additionally, the Florida Real Estate Commission can suspend or revoke a Broker’s real estate license for failure to pay a commission. The number one complaint I hear on almost a daily basis is: “the REALTOR® and/or Broker in question is not responding to my phone calls, faxes, or emails and I can’t get resolution of my issue”. If a person cannot communicate or resolve their complaint directly with the REALTOR® and/or Broker, then their only other recourse is to file a complaint with the Association, Florida Real Estate Commission, Multiple Listing Service, and/or go to court. Once a complaint is filed, the REALTOR®(s) in question can be required by any and/or all of these organizations to respond to the complaint. And as you can imagine, this can involve lawyers, become very expensive, stressful, and time consuming. I have seen all too often that many difficulties between real estate professionals and/or the public result from misunderstanding, miscommunication, or lack of adequate communication. If you have a problem with a fellow REALTOR® or member of the public, you may want to speak with them and/or the broker of the firm. Open, constructive discussion often resolves the issue(s), eliminating the need for further action. If the issue cannot be resolved in such a manner, then the unsatisfied party has the right to file against a REALTOR® an ethics complaint and/or request for mediation/arbitration. The life of a Professional Standards case is a lengthy and complex set of processes designed to ensure fairness to all parties. The length of each case depends in part, on how quickly and/or adequately the parties involved respond to the process. Additionally, the degree of preparation of the parties involved will also play a key role in the timing and conclusion of the case. Such preparation will also greatly enhance the likelihood of that party’s success. Should you have any questions regarding Professional Standards, please feel free to contact me or visit our website at, under “Downloads” then “Professional Standards”. You can also obtain additional information on the Florida and National Association of REALTORS® websites. n

November 2011

November 2011

November 2011

Join us in congratulating President Tim Weisheyer and Immediate Past President Veronica Malolos on completing Leadership Osceola County 2011.

In gratitude to our Affiliates & Friends who work to make the American Dream come true all year.

November 2011


JOSE ALVAREZ Realtors Political Involvement Committee JAIME BUSTAMANTE Young Professionals Network Advisory Committee DAISY CID Key Contacts Subcommittee MICHELLE CLARK Insurance Subcommittee Legislative and Regulatory Business Issues Subcommittee REALTORS速 Political Involvement Committee CHERYL GRIEB Key Contacts Subcommittee State and Local Taxation Subcommittee MICHAEL LEVINE Leadership Academy Committee Chairperson Property Management Committee

November 2011

VERONICA MALOLOS Legislative and Political Forum Great American REALTOR速 Days Forum Curriculum Development & Instructor Subcommittee WILLIAM NICHOLS Risk Management Committee Legislative and Political Forum MARILYN PHELPS Curriculum Development & Instructor Subcommittee Property Management Committee CAROL PLATT

Land Use, Property Rights, and Sustainable Development Subcommitte Association Executives Council HEMENDRA THAKKAR Communications Committee DANIEL VILLAZON Local Board/Association Attorney Council

Osceola County Market Dynamics Osceola County Market Dynamics SUPPLY & DEMAND - # UNITS (FS) 2 YEARS (MONTHLY) 09/01/09 - 09/30/11


Monthly Charge

Monthly %

Total Change

Total % Change





MLS: MFRMLS Period: 2 Years (Monthly) Price: All Property Types: Residential: (Single Family Home) Counties Osceola

Construction Type: All

FOR SALE 37.5%

Bedrooms: All

Bathrooms: All

Lot Size: All Sq. Ft. All



Monthly Charge

Monthly %

Total Change

Total % Change





MLS: MFRMLS Period: 2 Years (Monthly) Price: All Property Types: Residential: (Single Family Home) Counties Osceola

Construction Type: All

MSI SOLD 47.8%

Bedrooms: All

Bathrooms: All

Lot Size: All Sq. Ft. All

November 2011

Osceola County Market Dynamics Osceola County Market Dynamics MEDIAN PRICE (SOLD) = HIGH, LOW, AVERAGE, MEDIAN 2 YEARS (MONTHLY) 09/01/09 - 09/30/11


Monthly Charge

Monthly %

Total Change

Total % Change





MLS: MFRMLS Period: 2 Years (Monthly) Price: All Property Types: Residential: (Single Family Home) Counties Osceola

Construction Type: All

SOLD 13.8%

Bedrooms: All

Bathrooms: All

Lot Size: All Sq. Ft. All


This data is dependent upon timeliness of sales and totality of information reported by participants. The data reflects only the sales published through the Mid-Florida Regional Multiple Listing Service (MFRMLS) and does not include all sales in reported areas. Neither the Association nor the MFRMLS is in any way responsible for its accuracy. Data: Total Sales = all MFRMLS Osceola Single Family Housing (SFH) & Planned Unit Development (PUD). (SFH), (PUD)-REO/Bank Owned/Short Sale from Special Sale Provision. Average Days on Market is: Days to Closed

November 2011



Orlando Sentinel Communications Kim Collins 633 N. Orange Avenue Orlando, FL 32803 Office 407-420-6126 Fax 407-420-5201 Email Website

Charles P. Castellon, PA Law Firm Charles Castellon 12934 Deertrace Ave., Suite A Orlando, FL 32837 Office 407-851-0201 Fax 407-847-5618 Email Website

Osceola Shopper/Gazette Paula Stark 108 Church Street Kissimmee, FL 34741 Office 407-846-7600 Fax 407-846-8516 Email Website

Keating/Schlitt, PA Nancy Campiglia 250 E. Colonial Drive Orlando, FL 32024 Office 407-425-2907 Fax 407-425-6345 Email Website

The Real Estate Book Tammy Birchler 2305 NewPoint Pkwy Lawrenceville, GA 30043 Office 407-581-1490 Fax 407-581-1491 Email

Law Office of Daniel Villazon Daniel Villazon, P.A. 1420 Celebration Blvd. Celebration, FL 34747 Office 407-483-0041 Email Website



Concordia Film Studios Div. of Howland International, Inc. Kemp Howland 355 Falling Waters Dr. Kissimmee, FL 34759 Office 407-222-4847 Email Website Mitigation Marketing Victoria Colangelo P.O. Box 540285 Orlando, FL 32854 Office 407-481-0677 Fax 407-648-3866 Email PIP Printing & Marketing Dale Bohman 929 W. Oak Street Kissimmee, FL 34741 Office 407-847-5565 Fax 407-847-2698 Email Website

A Better Choice Pools Michael Evans 3213 13th Street St. Cloud, FL 34769 Office 407-414-7379 Fax 407-870-9978 Email Website All Seasons Pool Service, Inc. James Watts 185 E. Airport Blvd. Sanford, FL 32773 Office 407-871-2020 Fax 407-407-3215 Email Website Metro Door Service Joe De Lorie 2182 Cypress Bay Blvd. Kissimmee, FL 34743 Office 407-414-4756 Email

Osceola Cleaning Services Nelson Cepeda 142 Fox Loop Davenport, FL 33837 Office 407-508-1261 Email Property Preservation Experts John Canonico 1809 E. Broadway Ave Oviedo, FL 32765 Office 407-588-7443 Email Sara’s Painting & Cleaning Services Fabian Dominguez 2476 Augusta Way Kissimmee, FL 34746 Office/Fax 407-931-2715 Email Servpro of Osceola County Dan Hougaard 1710 Kelley Ave. Kissimmee, FL 34744 Office 407-933-0707 Fax 407-933-5014 Email Website The Dryer Vent Sweeper Rick Raines 1350 Beechwood Drive St. Cloud FL 34772 Office 407-470-7077 Email Website

ENGINEERING/SURVEYING/ PLANNING Johnston’s Surveying, Inc. W. Turner Wallis 900 Shady Lane Kissimmee, FL 34744 Office 407-847-2179 Fax 407-847-6140 Email Website

FINANCIAL SERVICES/INSTITUTIONS 1st Florida Lending Corp Sylvia Marchese 2151 Consulate Drive, Suite 8 Orlando, FL 32837 Office 407-401-8522 Fax 877-401-9555 Email

November 2011

OSCAR OSCAR Affiliates Affiliates Butler Mortgage Barbara Bowling 1012 W. Emmett Street, Suite B Kissimmee, FL 34741 Office 407-931-3800 Fax 407-931-3801 Email Website Butler Mortgage Harry Urban 1012 W. Emmett Street, Suite B Kissimmee, FL 34741 Office 407-931-3800 Fax 407-931-3801 Email Website Farm Credit Brad Rhoden P.O. Box 8009 Lakeland, FL 33802 Office 863-682-4117 Fax 863-688-9364 Email Website Pact Prosperity August Byllot P.O. Box 470654 Kissimmee, FL 34747 Office 863-255-5858 Fax 866-744-6886 Email Qubty Financial Group David Qubty 7680 Universal Blvd. Orlando, FL 32819-8998 Office 407-370-3030 Fax 407-370-2040 Email Website Qubty Financial Group David Qubty 7680 Universal Blvd., Suite 405 Orlando, FL 32819-8998 Office 407-370-3030 Fax 407-370-2040 Email Website Qubty Financial Group Sami D. Qubty 7680 Universal Blvd., Suite 405 Orlando, FL 32819-8998 Office 407-370-3030 Fax 407-370-2040 Email Website

November 2011

RBC Bank Edna Light 2500 13th Street St. Cloud, FL 34769 Office 407-892-7137 Fax 407-892-3775 Email RBC Bank Nora Pierce 2500 13th Street St. Cloud, FL 34769 Office 407-892-7137 Fax 407-892-3775 Email Trustco Bank Sarah Near 1525 East Osceola Pkwy Kissimmee, FL 34746 Office 407-932-0398 Fax 407-932-0719 Email Website Trustco Bank Patricia Del Bagno 2300 Deer Creek Commerce Lane Davenport, FL 33837 Office 863-424-9493 Fax 863-424-1449 Email W.J. Bradley Nancy Knapp 121 S. Orange Avenue, Suite 1500 Orlando, FL 32801 Office 321-624-1560 Email Wells Fargo Home Mortgage Cliff Frohn One Home Campus Des Moines, IA 50328 Office 515-213-4291 Fax 515-213-6520 Email

HEALTH Benefit Advisors Judy Taylor 111 E. Monument Avenue Kissimmee, FL 34741 Office 407-931-2872 Fax 407-933-2176 Email

HOME BUILDERS/DEVELOPERS KB Home Amanda Parah 9102 South Park Center Loop Orlando, FL 32819 Office 407-587-3403 Fax 407-587-2386 Email Website Harmon Homes Pamela Cameron 4501 Hills & Dales Road NW Canton, OH 44708 Office 813-681-5117 Fax 813-661-9036 Email Website Harmony Development Tim Hultgren 3500 Harmony Square Drive West Harmony, FL 34773 Office 407-891-2605 Fax 407-891-0459 Email Maronda Homes Olga Ortega 955 Keller Road, #1500 Altamonte Springs, FL 32714 Office 407-846-4397 Fax 407-846-4398 Email Website Royal Oak Homes Matthew Orosz 911 Outer Road Orlando, FL 32814 Office 407-206-9300 Fax 407-206-9333 Email Standard Pacific Homes Jesus Alvarez 200 S. Orange Avenue, Suite 124 Orlando, FL 32801 Office 407-304-2803 Fax 407-304-2835 Email Website

OSCAR OSCAR Affiliates Affiliates


First American Home Warranty Corp Leslie Zimmerly 3281 Settlers Trail St. Cloud, FL 34772 Office 407-902-5237 Email Website HMS National Home Warranty Tony Fletcher P.O. Box 701857 St. Cloud, FL 34770 Office 407-709-1717 Email Old Republic Home Protection Jeffrey Saindon PO Box 5017 San Ramon, CA 94583 Office 800-445-6999 Email Website

INSPECTION SERVICES A.C.F. Home Inspections, Inc. Luis A. Figueroa 509 S. Chickasaw Trail Orlando, FL 32825 Office 407-466-8921 Fax 407-381-5556 Email A.C.F. Home Inspections, Inc. Wanda Figueroa 509 S. Chickasaw Trail Orlando, FL 32825 Office 407-466-8921 Fax 407-381-5556 Email Budget Services, Inc. Ed Hogan 3617 Crosley Avenue St. Cloud, FL 34772 Office 407-892-8811 Fax 407-892-8516 Email Website Gary Oakley Home Inspector Gary Oakley 256 Preston Avenue Davenport, FL 33837 Office/Fax 863-424-7780 Email

Wayne Home Inspections Wayne E. Glover 1533 Trumbull Street Kissimmee, FL 34744 Office 407-935-1127 Fax 407-935-1483 Email Website

REAL ESTATE SCHOOLS/EDUCATION IFREC Real Estate Schools Richard Fryer 5029 Edgewater Drive Orlando, FL 32810 Office 407-644-7277 Fax 407-647-5227 Email Website Pact Prosperity August Byllot P.O. Box 470654 Kissimmee, FL 34747 Office 863-255-5858 Fax 866-744-6886 Email

REALTOR速 SERVICES Final Negotiation, LLC Rhonda Owen 1201 Emmett Street Kissimmee, FL 34741 Office 407-846-0978 Fax 407-846-6573 Email Website Good Samaritan SocietyKissimmee Village Ken Lyons 4250 Villiage Drive Kissimmee, FL 34746 Office 407-933-1999 Email Larson Allen LLP Amy Chapman 420 S. Orange Avenue, Suite 500 Orlando FL 32801 Office 407-802-1200 Fax 407-802-1250 Email

Larson Allen LLP Kate Fishers 420 S. Orange Avenue, Suite 500 Orlando FL 32801 Office 407-802-1200 Fax 407-802-1250 Email On The Go Services William Carberry 5790 Leon Tyson Road St. Cloud, FL 34771 Office 407-832-7957 Email Sprint Wireless Sojeila Orengo 851 Trafalgar Court Maitland, FL 32751 Office 407-575-8837 Fax 404-948-0900 Email

TITLE/ESCROW/INSURANCE SERVICES A-Z Team Title, LLC Bernard S. Edwards 102 Park Place Blvd., Suite A-3 Kissimmee, FL 34743 Office 407-932-0529 Fax 407-932-1587 Email Website American Income Life Tracy Little 1200 Wooded Acre Drive Waco, TX 76797 Office 321-436-1596 Email First American Title Cara Brown 1101 Miranda Lane, Suite 101 Kissimmee, FL 34741 Office 877-833-1731 Fax 866-722-5957 Email Website First American Title Deborah Dudley 1101 Miranda Lane Kissimmee, FL 34741 Office 877-833-1731 Fax 866-722-5957 Email Website

November 2011

OSCAR OSCAR Affiliates Affiliates

Mason Title & Escrow Company Shelly Kiker 1101 Miranda Lane, Suite 113 Kissimmee, FL 34741 Office 321-443-6901 Fax 866-326-2097 Email Website

Real Estate Closing Solutions Heidi Foster 7575 Dr. Phillips Blvd., Suite 140 Orlando, FL 32819 Office 407-615-8550 Fax 407-615-8555 Email Website

Prominent Title Insurance Agcy, Inc. Betty M. Dobbie 827 Cypress Pkwy Kissimmee, FL 34759 Office 407-343-1560 Fax 407-343-1561 Email Website

Shopsmart Insurance, Inc. Jonathan Reich 1201 Emmett St., Kissimmee, FL 34741 Office 407-933-7866 Fax 407-931-0083 Email

Quality Title & Escrow LLC Lisa Bennett 1801 Lee Road Winter Park, FL 32789 Office 321-304-3906 Fax 321-304-3009 Email

November 2011

Stewart Approved Title, Inc. Becky Sheive 1201 Emmett St., Kissimmee, FL 34741 Office 407-846-7477 Fax 407-846-6573 Email Website

Stewart Approved Title, Inc. Jolene Sheive 1201 Emmett St. Kissimmee, FL 34741 Office 407-846-7477 Fax 407-846-6573 Email Website Stewart Approved Title, Inc. Rayelynne Ketchum 1401 Budinger Ave. St. Cloud, FL 34769 Office 407-957-9000 Fax 407-957-8055 Email Website Total Title Solutions Tina Johnson 8 Broadway Street, Suite 225 Kissimmee, FL 34741 Office 407-847-0412 Fax 407-847-0429 Email

NOVEMBER 2011 Old School vs. New School Financing Tuesday, November 8 1:00 pm to 4:00 pm 3 CE credits Lunch & Learn Session (Bites of Life) Thursday, November 10 11:30 am to 12:30 pm Tips on how to navigate the upcoming holiday parties and family get-togethers without gaining a pound!

NOVEMBER 2011 Mitch Ribak, A Q & A Session on Internet Marketing and Lead Conversion — Get Your Answers! Tuesday, November 15 8:30 am to 9:30 am

Marty Mann, Florida Fish & Wildlife Conservation Tuesday, November 22 8:30 am to 9:30 am

SPEAKER: Gina Wetherington Ligouri, Certified Health & Wellness Coach LUNCH SPONSOR: First American Title Insurance Company

DECEMBER 2011 Economic and Real Estate Market Forecasting Conference Tuesday, December 6 8:30 am - 12:00 pm Florida REALTORS® will hold an economic and real estate market forecasting conference. Speakers will include Lawrence Yun, Chief Economist of NAR, Mark Vitner, Senior Economist with Wells Fargo and John Tuccillo, Chief Economist of Florida REALTORS®. In additional, a panel of REALTORS® will discuss their views of the residential, commercial and land markets in Florida. We have arranged for a live video cast of the conference to be available to all members at no cost.

MLS CLASSES NOVEMBER 2011 DECEMBER 2011 MLXchange Basic Wednesday, November 2 9:00 am - 12:00 pm

MLXchange Basic Wednesday, December 14 9:00 am - 12:00 pm

MLS Listing Maintenance Wednesday, November 2 1:00 pm - 3:00 pm

MLS Listing Maintenance Wednesday, December 14 1:00 pm - 3:00 pm

Agent Web Page Setup Wednesday, November 9 9:00 am - 12:00 pm MLS Advanced Wednesday, November 9 1:00 pm - 4:00 pm

OSCAR General Membership Meeting Wednesday, December 7 9:00 am - 10:00 am (Hot breakfast)

2011 OSCAR LEADERSHIP Tim Weisheyer, PA Renee Clark Veronica Malolos Susan Graves David DeLoach Kim Goodwin Danny Villazon

President President-Elect Immediate Past President Vice-President Treasurer Secretary Legal Counsel

DIRECTORS Daisy Cid Karen Dierickx Richard Knapp Angel Ortiz Hemendra Thakkar

Arlene Conow Cheryl Grieb William Nichols Denise Sacks

November 2011



Happy Thanksgiving 6


7 Public Policy, 3:00 pm - 4:00 pm Toastmasters, 5:30 pm - 6:30 pm



November 2011



Executive Committee, 8:00 am - 9:30 am


MLS Learn and Earn Marketing Session, 8:30 am - 9:30 am

MLS Listing Maintenance, 1:00 pm - 3:00 pm



MLS Learn and Earn Marketing Session, 8:30 am - 9:30 am Affiliate Council Meetings, 9:45 am - 10:45 am Old School vs. New School, 1:00 pm - 4:00 pm

BOD Meeting, 9:30 am -11:00 am


Agent Web Page Setup, 9:00 am - 12:00 pm MLS Advanced, 1:00 pm - 4:00 pm







MFRMLS BOD Meeting, 10:00 am - 12:00 pm

















WCR Board Meeting, 8:00 am - 9:30 am

WCR Fun Night, 6:30 pm - 9:00 pm






Professional Development Committee Meeting, 10:00 am - 11:30 am Toastmasters, 5:30 - 6:30pm

Best Wishes To You From OSCAR 4

5 Public Policy, 3:00 pm - 4:00 pm



New Member Welcome 9:00 am - 12:00 pm

New Member Welcome Code of Ethics Video 1:00 pm - 4:00 pm






13 MLS Learn and Earn Marketing Session, 8:30 am - 9:30 am

WCR Board Meeting, 8:00 am - 9:30 am


MLXchange Basic, 9:00 am - 12:00 pm

Executive Committee, 8:00 am - 9:30 am BOD Meeting, 9:30 am -11:00 am

MLS Learn and Earn Marketing Session, 8:30 am - 9:30 am



27 MLS Learn and Earn Marketing Session, 8:30 am - 9:30 am




International Alliance Committee Meeting, 9:45 am - 10:45 am

Toastmasters, 5:30 pm - 6:30 pm


OSCAR General Membership Meeting, 9:00 am - 10:00 am

Affiliate Council Meetings, MLS Listing Maintenance, 9:45 am - 10:45 am 1:00 pm - 3:00 pm

Toastmasters, 5:30 pm - 6:30 pm




MLS Learn and Earn Marketing Session, 8:30 am - 9:30 am

Economic and Real Estate Market Forecasting Conference, 8:30 am -12:00 pm

Toastmasters, 5:30 pm - 6:30 pm

December 2011


Monthly Lunch & Learn Session (Bites of Life), 11:30 am - 12:30 pm


International Alliance Committee Meeting, 9:45 am - 10:45 am

Toastmasters, 5:30 pm - 6:30 pm


Affiliate Trade Show, 3:00 pm - 7:00 pm



MLS Learn and Earn Marketing Session, 8:30 am - 9:30 am

MLS Learn and Earn Marketing Session, 8:30 am - 9:30 am


MLXchange Basic, 9:00 am - 12:00 pm

Property Management Meeting, 9:45 am - 10:45 am

Toastmasters, 5:30 pm - 6:30 pm







Final Day to Pay 2012 Dues






NEW AFFILIATE OFFICES Larson Allen LLP ....................................................... Amy Chapman Larson Allen LLP .......................................................... Kate Fishers A.C.F. Home Inspections, Inc. ................................ Wanda Figueroa 1st Florida Lending Corp .......................................Sylvia Marchese RBC Bank..........................................................................Edna Light RBC Bank........................................................................Nora Pierce

NEW REAL ESTATE OFFICES Keller Williams Advantage 2 ....................................Lori A. Tyrrell 12301 Lake Underhill Drive, Suite 111, Orlando, FL 32828 Office: 407-393-5901 Fax: 407-393-5911 Email: MBT Homes ................................................................Marcus Truett 1910 Greenside Drive, Kissimmee, FL 34746 Office: 407-908-2326 Fax: 407-557-3273 Email:

WELCOME NEW MEMBERS Sharon A. Baker .................. Gold Star Realty & Management Suzette Durant-Mas .......... Century 21 All Homes & Properties Carmen Flores Espinoza ............................ Luxury Realty, Inc. Maria E. Gomez .................................. Easy Home Realty Inc Lindell S. Hughes ................................... Watson Realty Corp. Madhavi Kotturo ........................ Platinum Realty International Migdalia Maldonado .................................Top Saving Realty Tatjana Mendez .................................... Watson Realty Corp. Lesbia J. Moreno .......................... P&S Property Financial, Inc Ibrahim M. Mroue .......... 1st Orlando Real Estate Services Inc Ricardo Nieves ....................................... Overton Realty, Inc. Rebecca S. Purvis ............Century 21 Real Estate Professionals Tebi E. Ramos ...........................................La Rosa Realty LLC George O. Reyes ..............................Prudential Results Realty Marcus Truett ..................................................... MBT Homes Lori A. Tyrrell .............................Keller Williams Advantage 2 Joseph Vasi............................. Coldwell Banker Ackley Realty William J. Williams ..................... Frontline Florida Realty, Inc.

EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE Monday, November 21, 2011 8:00 AM - 9:30 AM

BOARD OF DIRECTORS Monday, November 21, 2011 9:30 AM - 11:00 AM

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