May 2018 Voice of the Spirit

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MAY 2018

State Deputy News and Notes Kevin Miller My Brother Knights:

Knights should sit down and discuss these matters with their officers and As we approach the end of our fraternal program directors. Always make sure year, I would like to take this to speak with your Chaplain, Pastor, and opportunity to thank you for all your Knights of Columbus insurance field hard work and efforts that will be agents. They may also have valuable supporting the Knights of Columbus in insights and input in assessing your your councils and parishes throughout overall performance and have great idea the state of Ohio. Our order and church on how to move forward. are truly blessed by your dedication to our important cause. Plan -- With that information in hand, your council leadership team can begin As this year concludes, this is a most to structure a plan and calendar for the opportune time for all of us - councils upcoming fraternal year. This should and State Council alike -- to review and include all meetings, activities, and assess our progress, determine what we events, both old and new, that you plan can improve on, and begin to make to hold during the upcoming year. plans the upcoming fraternal year. We During this process, be sure to consider should be mindful of the words of other important factors, such as parish Benjamin Franklin: "By failing to and diocesan activities; Holy Days of prepare, you are preparing to fail." Obligation, holidays and other With this in mind, I'd like to briefly Liturgical events; local school activities review a few ideas to assist you in and breaks; or any other event or moving forward to a successful year in happening that may cause a scheduling 2018-19. conflict. Make absolutely sure to use Supreme's Star Council program and Assess -- First, it's critically important our state program as an overall planning to comprehensively review your efforts guide. Both are designed to provide a over the preceding year. What programs model for success and will ensure a or activities worked extremely well? strong and focused council throughout Which ones fell short of your the fraternal year. expectations? What ideas arose over the past year that you may want to integrate Budget -- Another important planning into this year's planning? Grand feature is to consider how to maintain

the overall financial stability of your council. Now that you have a plan, you may want to think about budgeting -how much revenue you plan to earn through fundraising activities, council operational costs, and how much you plan to donate to anticipated charitable activities. This process allows councils stay "on track" financially and gives members a better understanding of how council monies are being used, allowing for more responsible discretionary spending for all those needs and requests that inevitably arise during the fraternal year. Promote -- This is where effective communication comes in play; any great plan is no better than people that you need to support it! It's important that


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