for thee everlasting joy and eternal peace.
At a memorial service for Father McGivney, with delegations attending from nearly all of the 57 local councils that had been chartered in the Order’s first eight years, this tribute was given by a brother Knight who later became a priest:
He was a man of the people. He was zealous of the people’s welfare, and all the kindliness of his priestly soul asserted itself more strongly in his unceasing efforts for the betterment of their condition ...Oh, Reverend Founder. . .that act alone which gave life to the Knights of Columbus has surely secured
On the occasion of the centennial of the Knights of Columbus in 1982, initial steps were taken for the canonization cause. The body of Father McGivney was exhumed
God, our Father, protector of the poor and defender of the widow and orphan, you called your priest, Blessed Michael McGivney, to be an apostle of Christian family life and to lead the young to the generous service of their neighbor. Through the example of his life and virtue, may we follow your Son, Jesus Christ, more closely, fulfilling his commandment of charity and building up his Body which is the Church.
Let the inspiration of your servant prompt us to greater confidence in your love so that we may continue his work of caring for the needy and the outcast. We humbly ask that you glorify Blessed Michael McGivney on earth according to the design of your holy will. Through his intercession, grant the favor I now present (here make your request).
Through Christ our Lord. Amen
from the family burial plot in Waterbury, Conn., and reinterred in a polished granite sarcophagus in St. Mary’s Church in New Haven, where he had founded the Order. There the faithful could visit his tomb, pray for his intercession and invoke his spiritual strength. Following years of preparation, the canonization cause was officially opened December 18, 1997, in the chancery of the Archdiocese of Hartford, under the care of then Archbishop Daniel A. Cronin, and the Knights of Columbus became the leader or actor of the cause. Dominican Father Gabriel B. O’Donnell was appointed as the postulator (promoter). With approval from the Vatican (“nihil obstare”), Father McGivney was given the title “Servant of God,” the first step toward sainthood.
Father Michael J. McGivney Guild | Knights of Columbus (fathermcgivney.org)
You can play a key role in advancing Father McGivney’s cause by joining the Guild for free and praying for his intercession and canonization. May Father McGivney intercede for you!
The Father Michael J. McGivney Guild serves as a source for information about the life, works and spirituality of Father McGivney. The Guild publishes a quarterly newsletter and offers a weekly Mass for the intentions of members.
As Spring blossoms forth and we are surrounded by new life, we spend this month full of the joy of our Easter celebration and in anticipation of the coming of the Holy Spirit, our Consoler and Advocate.
The saints that we will focus on this month— those who have already shared in the rewards of the Resurrection are St. Athanasius (May 2), Sts. Philip and James (May 3), St. Damien de Vuester (May 10), St. Nereus & Achilleus, St. Pancras (May 12), Our Lady of Fatima (May 13), St. Matthias (May 14), St. John I (May 18), St. Bernadine of Siena (May 20), St. Christopher Magallanes (May 21), St. Bede, St. Gregory VII and St. Mary Magdalene de Pazzi (May 25), St. Philip Neri (May 26), St. Augustine of Canterbury (May 27) and the Visitation (May 31).
The feasts of St. Joseph the Worker (May 1), St. Isidore the Farmer (May 15) and St. Rita of Cascia (May 22) are superseded by the Sunday liturgy. The Solemnity of the Ascension (May 26) is celebrated on May 29 (Sunday) in most dioceses in the United States.
The world is resplendent with Spring's increased light and new growth. It is Mary's month in the Easter season and all of nature rejoices with the Queen of heaven at the Resurrection of the Son she was worthy to bear. During the remainder of Easter time, let us endeavor through the prayers of the Holy Liturgy and the Holy Rosary to deepen our gratitude for the mystery of our Baptismal rebirth in Christ.
Pentecost, the birth of the Church, is also among the celebrations of May. Though sprung from the side of Christ on the Cross, the Church marks as her birthday the descent of the Holy Spirit on Mary and the Apostles. At the 'birth' of the world, the Holy Spirit the Breath of God was the "mighty wind [that] swept over the waters" (Gen 1:2); at the birth of the Church He is present again "like the rush of a mighty wind" to recreate the world in the image of Christ through His Church (Acts 2:2).
We, the members of Christ's Mystical Body, are the present-day disciples sent by the Holy Spirit to bring Christ to the world. May we go forth as did Mary, who set out in haste to assist St. Elizabeth (feast of the Visitation, May 31). Come upon us, O Holy Spirit, so that, with Mary, we may proclaim the greatness of the Lord who has done great things for us for his mercy endures forever!
The month of May is dedicated to The Blessed Virgin Mary.
The Holy Father's Intentions for the Month of May 2023
For church movements and groups: We pray that Church movements and groups may rediscover their mission of evangelization each day, placing their own charisms at the service of needs in the world.
The entire month of May falls within the liturgical season of Easter, which is represented by the liturgical color white — the color of light, a symbol of joy, purity and innocence (absolute or restored).
How do you describe a leader? There’s the steadfast leader, who guides with unwavering confidence. There’s the quiet leader, who listens to learn before considering the way forward. There’s the unassuming leader, who might not hold great power, yet leads by example.
The lesson of this exercise is not that there is one way to lead. In fact, there are many. But what makes a great leader, no matter the approach, is the trust that they earn in their motivations, actions, and goals.
On Good Shepherd Sunday, Jesus explained that a leader is like a shepherd. Every night, the shepherd herds his flock through a gate to rest safely. His sheep follow him and him alone. They know their leader and they trust him.
In this story, Jesus is both the shepherd, our leader, and the gate, our entryway into eternal life.
Throughout the Gospels, we experience Jesus as a leader in many forms. He has been steadfast, he has been quiet, and he has been unassuming. Through every version of his leadership, his actions earn our trust, and we follow him through the gate.
As leaders, we know how important trust is to our mission. Without trust, we would not be working within our parishes and communities to drive change and improve lives.
May is a month that is full of elections and the promise of the future. For all of the councils, it might be the reassuring the current leaders that they will get another year or it might be bringing in a new leader. For the state, this May we will be electing a new State Warden from the Diocese of
Steubenville. Your council’s presence at the state convention on May 19-21 in Columbus, will help to shape the direction of the state for the next 12years. Your vote counts and is EXTEMELY important. Please register for the state convention.
If you are interesting in meeting the candidates for State Warden, join us on Friday, May 12, 2023 at 7:30PM at Garfield Council #4130 where the Greater Cleveland Chapter will be hosting Meet the Candidate Night. This is open to ALL councils in the Cleveland Diocese. You will have the option to talk with the candidates and ask questions about the direction and future of the Knights of Columbus here in Ohio. Please, join us that evening.
At the state convention in Columbus, we will be electing new state deputy, state secretary, state treasurer, and state advocate. We will also have the opportunity to say thank you to IPSD Robert Byers has he ends his tenure as a state officer and begins the life as a Past State Deputy. You truly will have a voice in the future of the Knights of Columbus in Ohio.
Thank you to all of the councils that offered to host the State Tour this coming July. This is a great opportunity for us to come together as a diocese and celebrate our successes but also to look to the future. After considering the mileage all of the councils would need to travel to attend, I have selected Brunswick Council #4847 to host the July 15th meeting. More information will be available soon.
Your Super Cash Bonanza tickets are due by May 12th to State Treasurer Mike “West Side Mickey” Felerski. If you have any additional tickets after that you want to include, you need to
get those tickets to me by Wednesday, May 17th. I will be leaving for Columbus on May 18.
If you are looking for something fun to do this summer, join us on August 19th for a Lake County Captains game. District Deputy Pat Gale was able to arrange a picnic and game ticket for $25 each. There is an option for just the game as well. There is a flyer in back of the newsletter for you check out.
Even though the fraternal year is winding down on the calendar, we never really stop. Columbian Award Applications are due to Supreme by June 30th. Membership continues until June 30th and then will reset by July 4th. So, there is still the option to obtain Star Council. Continue to keep asking men to join and get them to an Exemplification of Charity, Unity, and Fraternity before June 30th.
Congratulations to Ohio District 1 Master Brandon Robinson and his staff for hosting and putting on a great Exemplification of Patriotism. There were a total of 55-new Sir Knights and Ladies. The 4th Degree continues to be the visible arm of the Order. If you are interested in learning more, contact a 4th Degree Member in your council or Faithful Navigator. Congratulations also to Gilmour Council #310 as they celebrate their 125th Anniversary!
Join Kathy and I at the State Officer Hospitality Room at the state convention. We would love to see you all again to celebrate our success and look forward to the future.
Vivat Jesus!
Jim Maslach, State AdvocateGrowth in the diocese has been trending in a very positive direction the last couple of months. Currently, we are almost 82% of our adjusted goal with 251 new brothers. We are remaining steady at 3.58% growth since July 1’s membership numbers. Ohio is just under 80% of adjusted goal with 1,348 new members. There is still two months left of the fraternal year. So, keep the pedal to the metal and bring in those new members.
As far as we know, the free dues promo will end on June 30, 2023 unless Supreme decides to continue the program. This is a perfect opportunity to as that brother sitting next to you at Mass or helping out with the planning of your church festival, to come and join the Knights of Columbus. Where else can you put your faith into action and have fun doing it at the same time!
As our Worthy State Membership Director reminds us, “If you don’t ask, they will not join.” Ask time so that you can all share in the experience of a life time.
The Wednesday Online Exemplifications will continue through June 30. Councils are encouraged to start their own Exemplification Teams. However, if you would like, our Diocesan Team is always available. Joe Vallowe (15901) would be glad to coordinate with you. Let us know!
As of April 29, 2023
Ohio July 1: 54,710
Ohio Growth: 1,348 (79.76%)
% Growth: 3.09%
Cleveland July 1: 8,612
Cleveland Growth: 251 (81.47%)
% Growth: 3.58%
% Growth is a measure of the YTD gain compared against the July 1st membership number.
YTD Gain against the July 1 Membership Total
1. 8320 John Carroll (20.83%)
2. 15056 Holy Family Parma (11.76%)
3. 2726 Windermere (10.68%)
4. 4168 Medina (9.52%)
5. 14111 Prince of Peace (8.54%)
1. 774 Elyria (20)
2. 3410 South Akron (18)
3. 4168 Medina (16)
4. 4847 Brunswick (14)
5. 310 Gilmour (12)
1. DD #24 Tom Donovan (43)
2. DD #20 DeWitt Gober (36)
3. DD #19 Tom Goodheart (30)
4. DD #33 George Metz (28)
5. DD #21 Patrick Gale (25)
May is upon us and it is time to start the council elections for the 2023-2024 fraternal year. What better time to think about forms then now???
With councils holding elections between now and June 15, please make sure that the Report for Council Officers (Form 185) is completed by July 1, 2023. The new administration can then select members to help run their service programs and submit the Form 365, also due on July 1. If your FS or GK are using Member Management, you can go into the system, assign the names to the NEXT FRATERNAL YEAR, and you are done. Do the forms early and they you will not have to worry about them later. Plus, it helps the state as we can update our contact database sooner.
The final form due for the fraternal year is the Columbian Award Application. A couple of councils have already taken me up on the automatic SP7. I will have their reports to them no later than the state convention. If your council reported programs via the Form 10784, then we can help assemble the report. Just let Jim Maslach know and we ill assemble that for you.
If you need any assistance with the forms, accessing the online information, or just a general thought, please feel free to contact your District Deputy. Their contact information is on the last page of this newsletter. Otherwise, feel free to contact Jim Maslach, George Metz, Mike Incorvati, or Jerry Nowesnick for help.
The work is not done till the paperwork is submitted. Remember, to be early is to be on time. God Bless.
FORMS AVAILABLE ONLINE @ www.kofcohio.org
#185 Report of Officers Chosen for Term - PDF - Online - due 6/30
#365 Service Program Personnel Report - PDFOnline - due 6/30
#1295-1 Semi-Annual Council Audit - due 8/15
#1728 Annual Survey of Fraternal Activity - PDFOnline - due 1/31
#1728A Survey of Fraternal Activity Individual Member Worksheet - No due date
#1295-2 Semi-Annual Council Audit - due 2/15
#SP-7 Columbian Award Application Requires access to Supreme Website Officers Online due 6/30
8:00 PM EST
8:00 PM EST
There is only ONE (1) week left to register for the state convention. Registration will close on May 4th at 11:59PM. There will be NO onsite registration. We need you to come out and attend the convention to help chart the course for the Knights of Columbus in Ohio.
This year the Convention Committee has lined up a delightful new experience for our brother knights, families and guests as we change venues in Columbus. Welcome all to the Hilton Columbus Downtown, part of Hilton Hotels & Resorts, as it boasts the states only 1,000 guest room hotel, over 75,000 square feet of meeting and ballroom space, and 4 additional restaurants including the Stories on High, located on the 28th floor, will be the tallest rooftop bar in Columbus, boasting two outdoor terraces offering expansive 360-degree views of the city. In addition, our convention host has numerous activities planned to offer you, your family and/or guests for an event to remember!
Now that we have your attention to an exciting new venue, please read all the information in this packet and follow the instructions carefully to make your convention stay enjoyable. Your council should benefit itself with full representation at this convention by having two (2) accredited delegates attending. The success of the work of our Order in Ohio and your council depends on your council’s full participation at the annual convention.
If you have not already, elect your delegates and alternates, register for the convention, and make your hotel reservations. All of the information is available on the state website (State Convention | Ohio State Council (kofcohio.org) ). If there are any questions or concerns, please contact Christopher Sarka, State Warden, and Convention Chairman at 614-546-6357 or via email at c_sarka@hotmail.com
The National Eucharistic Revival is a massive, three-year initiative that will bear fruit for years to come. Within this large movement, there are a few key moments you and your family won’t want to miss!
On the Parish Level
We are currently in the Year of Diocesan Revival. So far, much of your opportunity to join the Revival has been digital. But this is about to change! As we enter the Year of Parish Revival this June, there will be more ways to join expressions of revival near you.
A Playbook for the Year of Parish Revival will be released in the coming weeks to provide inspiration and support to communities as they plan their response to the Holy Spirit’s invitation. Watch the Lead page on our website to learn more when the Playbook is released and help lead the Revival at your parish. And keep an eye on your parish bulletin and our upcoming events page to see what’s happening in your local community.
On the National Level
Registration is live for the long-awaited 10th National Eucharistic Congress, hosted in Indianapolis. The rebirth of this legacy will be an important milestone within the Revival, and you are invited to attend! What is a Eucharistic Congress? Discover the history of this legacy and see the schedule for this generational moment. Groups get a discount at registration. Click here to learn more about registering a group for the National Eucharistic Congress.
In the Streets
Another major moment within the Revival will be the National Eucharistic Pilgrimage one of the largest Eucharistic pilgrimages in history. Together, we will process with our Eucharistic Lord along four routes, departing from the north, south, east, and west edges of our country. Visit our website to see which route will pass closest to you, or plan your own pilgrimage in solidarity. The four branches of the Pilgrimage will meet in Indianapolis in July 2024 for the National Eucharistic Congress.
Please share the good news of your Council’s activity with the Diocesan Eucharistic Revival Team. You may email me at Gregory Coogan, gcoogan@dioceseofcleveland.org.
Gregory Coogan Secretary for Catechetical Formation Catholic Diocese of Cleveland Member of St. Hilary Council #14551Regional Training Directors are a resource for councils in the United States and Canada. Regional Training Directors provide training for council and district leaders, both in person and online. Jon Olson is the Associate Regional Growth & Training Director for the Midwest Region.
All training below is currently being held via GoToWebinar. Click the date to register and GoToWebinar will send back to the email address YOU provide the meeting link.
Presented by Jon Olson, Associate Regional Growth & Training Director
Phone: 203-506-4120 | Email: jon.olson@kofc.org
Supreme offers a wide variety of training opportunities online for you. Some of the topics that are available include:
• Member Management
• Member Billing
• Communications
Come learn how to do the Delta Church drive method. this highly effective process of growth through communication will help you go from prospects to members and answer the why of growth.
The presentation will help Fraternal leaders resolve to leave councils, parish, and community better than how they found it. Leader should also learn how to develop a simple, specific, year-round plan in place for growing council membership, that involves participation from the whole council. Attendees should commit to work with their pastor(s), field agent, and DD to accomplish their goals.
Understand the council’s perception by fellow parishioners, particularly that of inactive members and future potential members and develop programs to advance your council.
We will cover in this training: Understand what’s meant by the terms membership experience and membership engagement and how the two terms are related, Complete the Council Engagement Assessment to assess their council’s strengths and weaknesses with regards to member engagement,.
Grand Knight 101, 102 and 103
Council Officer Overview
District Deputy Overview
Council Growth
Council Meetings
Leadership Training
Grand Knight Halftime
Just to name a few!
Visit the State Website Training Opportunities page listed under FOR MEMBERS to register for any of the courses listed above (Training Opportunities | Ohio State Council (kofcohio.org) )
3970: Knights of Columbus lend a hand at St. Michael Holy Name/Altar Rosary Society 2023 Fish Fries
George L. Schimek, Lafayette Council #3970
Once again the St. Michael Fish Fries were lead by the Holy Name/Altar Rosary Society. Many members of Holy Name are also brother knights in the Knights of Columbus. Thank you for your volunteer efforts putting on this successful parish based Lenten event. Lafayette Council extends its sincere appreciation to NH/ARS for allowing the Knights to sell their spring Super Cash Bonanza tickets at the fish fries. How many Knights can you spot in this series of photos from the March 31, 2023 fish fry?
Patrick Kent, Lecturer, Council #847
Ohio is now a target of the abortion industry. They propose that we place a change to Ohio’s Constitution on the ballot this November.
If you are asked to sign the petition to put this amendment on the ballot in November, please be kind to the worker, but decline. Then ask the person asking for your signature if they have read the amendment.
Likely their script teaches them to emphasize that they are only asking you to support the right of Ohio citizens to vote on an amendment to Ohio’s Constitution. Perfect democracy in action, they may say. But ask what are they asking us to sign?
Ask them if their daughter, under 18, can obtain a library card without parental consent. The answer is: no. The daughter cannot get the library card. Yet the amendment would allow any pregnant girl, at any age, to walk into any abortion clinic and obtain an abortion without parental
notification. Further, the clinic cannot contact the parents or tell them what is happening to their daughter.
This is just one provision of the proposed amendment to the Constitution. Decline to sign the petition.
For more information: GCRTL.org/ STOP
Nick Gresko, Brookpark Council #13984
33 colorful, sawdust carpets, known as the Carpets of Holy Week. In Spanish, they are called Alfombras de Semana Santa. The handiwork was done by individuals, families, parish organizations, nonprofits and other groups. Brook Park Council #13984 took part this year when their Founding Grand Knight Nick Gresko and his wife Alicia were asked to come up with the design. The council is out of Mary Queen of the Apostles Parish in Brook Park. When looking up where did the Name Mary Queen of the Apostles come from the following was found:
Our Lady in the Upper Room: After the Ascension, the Apostles returned to the Upper Room to await the coming of the Paraclete, as we read in Acts 1:13-14:
When they entered the city they went to the upper room where they were staying, Peter and John and James and Andrew, Philip and Thomas, Bartholomew and Matthew, James son of Alphaeus, Simon the Zealot, and Judas son of James. All these devoted themselves with one accord to prayer, together with some
women, and Mary the mother of Jesus, and his brothers. Mary joins the Apostles in the Cenacle. She provides a model of prayer, and encourages the Apostles to wait and pray for the Holy Spirit and pray for the Holy Spirit. She models how to
be active in preparing for the Holy Spirit.
A group of volunteers tinted sawdust and sand that was used by the groups to create their carpets. Volunteers go to a sawmill in Amish country to pick up 15-20 large bags of sawdust for the carpets. The sawdust is divided into large, aluminum trays, moistened and tinted with paint. The volunteers also tint several colors of sand.
Groups creating the carpets select the colors they need and get to work filling in the design. It’s similar to a paint-by-number project, except they use sawdust, sand and flour.
From this the first image above shows Mary praying with the Apostles in the Upper Room. This picture was submitted to La Sagrada Familia for our design. Volunteers enlarged and sketched the design on a large square of plastic. This is shown in the second picture. 6
Brother Knights, Including Father Rob Reidy, Parochial Vicar of Mary Queen of the Apostles who was Pastor of La Sagrada Familia from 2009-2021. State Advocate Brother Jim Maslach, three wives, one niece and three grand children helped start the project on Palm Sunday and was finished on Tuesday of Holy Week. The final picture shows the completed Carpet of Holy Week the council made. Brother Nick Gresko said “It was amazing seeing everyone work on these carpets together from across our Diocese. This shows the bigger picture of the church. It really is a community and church event.”
On Good Friday a three mile long procession walks over these carpets. The procession symbolizes the sacrifices made through Christianity. "It's a sacrifice," said Nick Gresko. "We put our art, our time and then the carpet gets walked all over. We're not destroying, we're giving up something that we like, like Jesus gave his life for us." “Our sacrifice is extremely minor compared to the sacrifice He gave us all!”
Scott Metsch, North Olmsted Council 4731
We had three Sir Knights for the Good Friday Procession turnout:
• SK Deland Whitson – Archbishop Paul J. Hallinan Assembly – 1767
• SK Miguel Colon – Bishop O’Reilly Assembly –0816
• SK Scott Metsch, PFN – Bishop O’Reilly Assembly - 0816
The Procession was well attended by the community. Bishop Malesic gave a moving Homily after the reading of the Passion at St. Coleman’s. The weather was perfect for the walk. The bishop and several priests (including Fr. Caroli) marched with us. The community really appreciated our presence; some even greeting us and thanking us for our help. Looking forward to next year!
God Bless you all during this Easter season.
The First Friday Club of Cleveland provides a wonderful opportunity for nourishment of mind and spirit.
Come and listen to inspiring and thought provoking speakers as you enjoy lunch and the fellowship of friends and colleagues.
Please join us and invite a friend, relative or colleague to a First Friday Club program. The Club meets on the Thursday before the first Friday of the month at The City Club at 850 Euclid Avenue in downtown Cleveland.
Join us and be part of this unique forum for Catholic thought and inspiration.
For additional information, call 216-712-1022 or email firstfridaycleveland@gmail.com.
• May 4, 2023 Christopher Check, President of Catholic Answers
• June 1, 2023 Fr Nathan Cromly Dare Great Things
• July 6, 2023 Archbishop Timothy Broglio Archdiocese of Military Services & USCCB President
• August 3, 2023
• August 31, 2023Fr David Pivonka TOR President of Franciscan University of Steubenville
• October 5, 2023 A Family Faith Journey. Business Leader Rick Schultz & Son Fr. Pat Schultz
• November 2, 2023 Alan Miciak President of John Carroll University
• November 30, 2023 Mark and Christi Tripodi Cornerstone of Hope
Attending to the needs of our community by providing spiritual care to patients, families, and staff through direct and indirect services.
We put people first by caring for their spiritual and emotional needs during the most important moments of their lives. You can help us achieve our mission by participating in our 2022 CP Golf Benefit.
Board Members:
Jim Maslach, Vice-President
Scott Metsch, Secretary
Find out more info by visiting chaplainpartnership.org
3 State Exemplification CUF (7PM, Zoom)
5 Measure Up Weekend #2
10 State Exemplification CUF (7PM, Zoom)
12 Super Cash Bonanza Second Turn-In Due Date
12—Meet the Candidate Night (8PM, Garfield)
12 Cleveland Chapter Meeting (7:30PM) (Garfield)
16 State Membership Team Meeting (7PM, Zoom)
19, 20, 21 State Convention (Columbus)
23 Exemplification CUF (7PM, Gilmour 310)
24 State Exemplification CUF (7PM, Zoom)
26 District Deputy Appreciation (TBD)
27 Cleveland Diocesan Team Meeting (9AM, Zoom)
28—State Officer Meeting (7PM, Zoom)
31 State Exemplification CUF (7PM, Zoom)
For details concerning the events above, please check out either the state calendar or the diocesan calendar. To submit events, visit www.kofcohio.org and click on Events and Exemplifications.
Looking for a live, in-person Exemplification of Charity, Unity, and Fraternity but do not have enough team members for the team. Contact Joe Vallowe at 703-839-3591 or via email at vallowej@gmail.com to schedule our Diocesan Team to assist. If you are interested in starting a council team, contact your District Deputy or any member of the Diocesan Team to assist.
Our Lady Queen of Peace, Grafton OH is hosting a Marriage Enrichment Date Night. Terri Yohman will be the presenter for this relaxing evening with your spouse.
Topics covered will include "The Five Love Languages" and Couple Prayer. The Five Love Languages is a great tool to use not only with your spouse, but also your family.
Mass starts at 4:30 PM if you choose to join us. Dinner will be served following the Mass in the Parish Center. Please note any food allergies in the registration.
Click HERE for more information.
District Deputy #24
District Deputy #25
District Deputy #26
District Deputy #27
District Deputy #30
District Deputy #31
3304, 14714, 15942
4847, 10792, 11464, 14769
3529, 4664, 5613, 10936, 13517
14406, 15056, 15614, 16137, 16279
2886, 3164, 4498, 4801, 5405, 13755
interested, call George or Jim!
interested, call George or Jim!
REWALSH731@AOL.COM 2803, 4130, 4893, 5106, 5559, 11831