The appointed archdiocesan Historical Commission compiled a 700page document on all aspects of Father McGivney’s life and times, and a Tribunal was convened in Hartford to take testimony and assess the evidence related to the cause. Father O’Donnell then set out to write the positio – an authoritative biography of Father McGivney and an exposition on his virtues of faith, hope and charity, with emphasis on his spiritual character and holiness of life. Running more than 1,000 pages, the document was delivered to the Vatican in the summer of 2000 and the cause officially began its Rome phase at the Congregation for the Causes of Saints.
A new postulator based in Rome, Dr. Andrea Ambrosi, was appointed.
Father O’Donnell currently serves as Vice-Postulator of the cause and Director of the Father McGivney Guild.
After a period of meticulous study and assessment of Father McGivney’s life and virtues, the Congregation for the Causes of Saints announced on March 15, 2008, that Pope Benedict XVI had approved a decree of heroic virtue and Father McGivney was declared Venerable Servant of God.
The decree reads, in part:
Concerning the theological virtues of Faith, Hope, and Love both toward God and neighbor as well as the cardinal virtues of Prudence, Justice, Temperance, and Fortitude, and those others joined to them, they existed to a heroic degree in the Servant of God Michael McGivney, Diocesan Priest and Founder of the Fraternal Order the
God, our Father, protector of the poor and defender of the widow and orphan, you called your priest, Blessed Michael McGivney, to be an apostle of Christian family life and to lead the young to the generous service of their neighbor. Through the example of his life and virtue, may we follow your Son, Jesus Christ, more closely, fulfilling his commandment of charity and building up his Body which is the Church.
Let the inspiration of your servant prompt us to greater confidence in your love so that we may continue his work of caring for the needy and the outcast. We humbly ask that you glorify Blessed Michael McGivney on earth according to the design of your holy will. Through his intercession, grant the favor I now present (here make your request).
Through Christ our Lord. Amen
Knights of Columbus.
Two extraordinary healings were reported to the Congregation but neither was accepted as miraculous according to the Vatican’s high standards of proof.
Knowing that these setbacks were simply a sign of the Vatican’s high standards and the integrity of the sainthood process, the Father McGivney Guild continued to receive reports of extraordinary favors and finally came across one that would be judged miraculous. The healing of an unborn baby from a fatal condition proved to be the miracle opening the way for the beatification of Father McGivney (Father McGivney Guild, 2023).
Retrieved from: A Saint in the Making-Father McGivney | Knights of Columbus
You can play a key role in advancing Father McGivney’s cause by joining the Guild for free and praying for his intercession and canonization. May Father McGivney intercede for you!
The Father Michael J. McGivney Guild serves as a source for information about the life, works and spirituality of Father McGivney. The Guild publishes a quarterly newsletter and offers a weekly Mass for the intentions of members.
The month of June falls within the liturgical season of Ordinary Time, which is represented by the liturgical color green. This symbol of hope is the color of the sprouting seed and arouses in the faithful the hope of reaping the eternal harvest of heaven, especially the hope of a glorious resurrection. It is used in the offices and Masses of Ordinary Time.
As we begin to feel the warmth of summer, we can reflect that we celebrate the feasts of Trinity Sunday (June 4), Corpus Christi (June 11), the Sacred Heart of Jesus (June 16) and the Immaculate Heart of Mary (June 17). God is Love and the Sacred Heart of Jesus present on earth in the Blessed Sacrament is the human manifestation of God's Love for men. Appropriately June is considered the month for weddings where human hearts join and cooperate with the Creator in bringing forth new life. The family they create is a human reflection of the Blessed Trinity.
The saints that we will focus on this month are:
St. Justin (June 1), Sts. Marcellinus and Peter (June 2), St. Charles Lwanga & Companions (June 3), St. Boniface (June 5), St. Norbert (June 6), St. Ephrem (June 9), St. Anthony of Padua (June 13), St. Romuald (June 19), St. Aloysius Gonzaga (June 21), Sts. John Fisher and Thomas More (June 22), St. Paulinus (June 22), the Nativity of St. John the Baptist (June 24), St. Josemaría Escrivá (June 26), St. Cyril of Alexandria (June 27), St. Irenaeus (June 28), the Solemnity of Sts. Peter and Paul (June 29) and the First Martyrs of the Church of Rome (June 30). The feast of St. Barnabas (June 11) is superseded by the Sunday liturgy.
Following Pentecost, the Church begins her slow descent from the great peaks of the Easter Season to the verdant pastures of Ordinary Time, the longest of the liturgical seasons. She pauses briefly, to praise the Holy Trinity Creator, Redeemer, and Sanctifier; and then the Sacrament of the Body and Blood of Christ, Corpus Christi. Like the lush June growth all around us, the green of the liturgical season points to the new life won for us by the Redemption of Jesus Christ, the new life of Charity. For Our Lord came to cast the fire of His love on the earth, and to that end, sent His Holy Spirit at Pentecost in the form of tongues of fire. Therefore, the close of the Easter season marks not the cessation but rather the beginning of Ordinary Time is the commencement of the Church’s activity. Ordinary Time is the hour to “go out to all the world and tell the good news.” The feasts of June highlight this expansion of the Church. At least ten times, the Church vests in the red of the martyrs whose blood is the very seed of her growth. She also celebrates the feasts of the Apostles Peter and Paul, and the birth of St. John the Baptist, protodisciple and prophet.
We, too, are called to be witnesses like the apostles and martyrs. May the Heart of Jesus inflame our hearts so that we may be worthy of our Baptismal call to holiness. Immaculate Heart of Mary, pray for us.
This item 12552 digitally provided courtesy of CatholicCulture.org
The Holy Father's Intentions for the Month of June 2023
For the abolition of torture:
We pray that the international community may commit in a concrete way to ensuring the abolition of torture and guarantee support to victims and their families.
(See also Apostleship of Prayer)
Sacred Heart of Jesus, I place my trust in Thee.
What an amazing month the Knights of Columbus had in May! Council elections, programs and activities, Measure Up, Mother’s Day Breakfasts, first communion masses, state convention, memorial day, Super Cash, and so on. I bet you are ready to sit back for the summer and enjoy a cold one?
Not the Knights of Columbus!! We are just heating up!
Thank you to all of the delegates and attendees that came out to the 124th Annual Ohio State Council State Convention in Columbus on May 1921, 2023. New venue, new experiences, and yes some new hiccups along the way.
Congratulations to all of the councils that won state awards for the Cleveland Diocese these include:
• Youth of the Year: Gavin Fronek (13984)
• Family of the Year: Matthew & Amy Wright (13984)
• Chaplain of the Year: Fr. John Mullee (3970)
• Knight of the Year: Teran Taggart (15901)
Gavin won State Youth of the Year as well. There were a total of 5Administrative, 9-Bronze, and 2-Gold Council Award Winners. Great job. I know that the Knights of Columbus are alive in the diocese and putting their faith into action. How are you eligible for state awards? Easy, report your program or activity.
Congratulations to your new state officers for the 2023-2024 Fraternal Year. They include:
• State Deputy-Elect: Jeff Kiliany (YOU)
• State Secretary-Elect: Mike Felerski (CIN)
• State Treasurer-Elect: Jim Maslach (CLE)
• State Advocate-Elect: Chris Sarka (COL)
• IPSD: Mark Siracusa (TOL)
The delegates at the 124th Annual Convention elected Anthony Offenberger from the Steubenville Diocese as the new State Warden. He will be stepping into a big set of shoes as Immediate Past State Deputy Robert Byers, after 24-years on state staff, is moving over to the Past State Deputies and joining his brothers. Thank you to Bob for all of the years of service and I am sure there is more to come. Good luck to Tony has he accepts the new position. There will be trials and tribulations, but Tony has a good set of officers in front of him that will help him adjust to his new duties.
Thank you to Mark and Beth Siracusa for the past two years as State Deputy. There were a lot of ups and downs but under his direction, the state continues to grow and shows why Ohio is a top-player in the Knights of Columbus.
Thank you to Chris Sarka, Columbus Convention Team, and the State Officers for putting on a great weekend for all to enjoy. We are looking forward to 2024 when we will be celebrating the 125th Annual State Convention in the Queen City.
I want to personally thank all of you for the support and prayers as I continue on this journey and for allowing me to be your representative on the state council. Without all of you, doing the great work that you do, it makes my job just a little easier. I look forward to working as your State
Treasurer just as hard as I did as Warden and Advocate. Kathy and I thank all of you!
I would like to thank all of the district deputies that work with you this past fraternal year. Their dedication and determination to make sure you were going on the right path or answering those questions late at night, is worthy of high praise. Most of the District Deputies are returning for the 20232024 fraternal year except Cris Drugan (DD #25). Cris was instrumental in getting the councils in his district to become active and reporting. Cris, thank you very much. Later on in this issue, the new DDs and their councils are listed as reference.
As we turn toward the next fraternal year, please take note that the State Tour Meeting for the Cleveland Diocese will take place on Saturday, July 15, 2023 at 1PM at St. Ambrose in Brunswick. A traditional KofC lunch will be served starting at 12 Noon. Please note that this is a change from the past. Usually, Cleveland is on Sunday afternoon. Our Worthy State Deputy-Elect is making a couple of changes. So, check out the state website under ACTIVITIES for more information.
I am so looking forward to all of the great things that you and your councils will be doing in this upcoming year. I continue to thank God daily for your prayers and support. Remember, your diocesan team is here for you. You need anything, please do not hesitate to contact us. Working together, we will be strong and courageous.
Vivat Jesus! Jim Maslach, State Treasurer-ElectGrowth in the diocese has been trending in a very positive direction the last couple of months. Currently, we are almost 87% of our adjusted goal with 270 new brothers. We are remaining steady at 3.62% growth since July 1’s membership numbers. Ohio is just under 87% of adjusted goal with 1,483 new members. There is still 30 days left of the fraternal year. So, keep the pedal to the metal and bring in those new members.
As far as we know, the free dues promo will end on June 30, 2023 unless Supreme decides to continue the program. This is a perfect opportunity to as that brother sitting next to you at Mass or helping out with the planning of your church festival, to come and join the Knights of Columbus. Where else can you put your faith into action and have fun doing it at the same time!
As our Worthy State Membership Director reminds us, “If you don’t ask, they will not join.” Ask time so that you can all share in the experience of a life time.
The Wednesday Online Exemplifications will continue through June 30. Councils are encouraged to start their own Exemplification Teams. However, if you would like, our Diocesan Team is always available. Joe Vallowe (15901) would be glad to coordinate with you. Let us know!
As of May 27, 2023
Ohio July 1: 54,710
Ohio Growth: 1,483 (86.62%)
% Growth: 3.13%
Cleveland July 1: 8,612
Cleveland Growth: 270 (86.51%)
% Growth: 3.62%
% Growth is a measure of the YTD gain compared against the July 1st membership number.
YTD Gain against the July 1 Membership Total
1. 8320 John Carroll (20.83%)
2. 15056 Holy Family Parma (11.76%)
3. 2726 Windermere (10.68%)
4. 4168 Medina (9.52%)
5. 16373 St. Ladislas (8.75%)
1. 774 Elyria (20)
2. 3410 South Akron (18)
3. 4168 Medina (16)
4. 310 Gilmour (15)
5. 4847 Brunswick (14)
1. DD #24 Tom Donovan (43)
2. DD #20 DeWitt Gober (36)
3. DD #33 George Metz (31)
4. DD #19 Tom Goodheart (30)
5. DD #21 Patrick Gale (26)
June is here and hopefully, your councils are having your elections for officers for the 2023-2024 fraternal year. What better time to get the Form 185 and 365 done and sent to State and Supreme but when the election concludes? Try it, you might find it easier to do than you think especially if you are using Member Management. LOL
Please make sure that the Report for Council Officers (Form 185) is completed by July 1, 2023. The new administration can then select members to help run their service programs and submit the Form 365, also due on July 1. If your FS or GK are using Member Management, you can go into the system, assign the names to the NEXT FRATERNAL YEAR, and you are done. Do the forms early and they you will not have to worry about them later. Plus, it helps the state as we can update our contact database sooner.
The final form due for the fraternal year is the Columbian Award Application. A couple of councils have already taken me up on the automatic SP7. I will have their reports to them no later than the state convention. If your council reported programs via the Form 10784, then we can help assemble the report. Just let Jim Maslach know and we ill assemble that for you.
If you need any assistance with the forms, accessing the online information, or just a general thought, please feel free to contact your District Deputy. Their contact information is on the last page of this newsletter. Otherwise, feel free to contact Jim Maslach, George Metz, Mike Incorvati, or Jerry Nowesnick for help.
The work is not done till the paperwork is submitted. Remember, to be early is to be on time.
God Bless.
#185 Report of Officers Chosen for Term - PDFOnline - due 6/30
#365 Service Program Personnel Report - PDFOnline - due 6/30
#1295-1 Semi-Annual Council Audit - due 8/15
#1728 Annual Survey of Fraternal Activity - PDFOnline - due 1/31
#1728A Survey of Fraternal Activity Individual Member Worksheet - No due date
#1295-2 Semi-Annual Council Audit - due 2/15
#SP-7 Columbian Award Application Requires access to Supreme Website Officers Online due 6/30
The new fraternal year starts July 1. Are you ready?
8:00 PM EST
You have the month of June to make Star Council award. Please make sure to submit your Columbian Award (Form SP-7) by June 30, best to submit early and use the online method from Supremes form site. You can use OSC summary at https:// kofc-ohio.web.app/council-summary to make sure you don’t miss any programs you entered via #10784 this past fraternal year. For councils still needing Founders Award (hosting or attending online two Fraternal Benefit Nights, Form #11077) the last online Webinar will be June 27 at 8 pm by Jim Effner “Importance of Whole Life as part of Retirement Plan” you can register at following site https:// goto.webcasts.com/starthere.jsp?ei=1596214&tp_key=15f6434dbe&sti=mahonagents6-27-2023, Please make sure your council is still fully complaint with Safe Environment (Youth Protection) requirements.
Now is also a good time for Councils to conduct their 2022-23 fraternal year in review, to discuss what lessons were learned this past year, what can be improved upon for the next fraternal year. Successful planning and effective implementation will lead to a year strong in Charity, Unity, and Fraternity, putting your Faith into Action.
Next Supreme Webinar will be on Thursday June 22 at 8 pm, “Planning for Next Fraternal Year” https:// goto.webcasts.com/starthere.jsp?ei=1618411&tp_key=ad9f8745b8
Silver Rose is in Ohio From June 25 to July 22, more information https://kofcohio.org/pilgrim-icon-program/
Due June 30:
Columbian Award Application (#SP-7) Form
Report of Round Table Coordinator (#2629) Form
ASAP Grant Application
RSVP Refund Application (#2863)
Food for Families Refund Application (#10057)
Report of Officers Chosen for the Term (#185) Form
Service Program Personal Report (#365) Form
As we look to accomplish our goals and grow the Order in June, the most important things we can do are to be active, be engaged, and be engaging. Conducting more activities - even just one or two more in the next 90 days – will have a ripple effect that will propel your council to higher levels of activity and engagement. As Supreme Knight Patrick Kelly said last August at the Supreme Convention, “Step into the Breach” and put your Faith into Action!
As we continue to celebrate the October 21, 2020 Beatification of our founder, Blessed Michael J. McGivney, please enter the Promo Code BLESSEDMCGIVNEY for 12 months of free online membership, scan QR code below with your phone (scan while on camera mode) or go to kofc.org/JoinUs
Fraternally, Anderw Nuckols, State General Program Director
State Tour 2023
Join us through out the month of July as your New State Deputy and his team will make the tour throughout Ohio. Friendship and fellowship will be on the forefront as we come together to discuss the future of the Knights of Columbus here in Ohio! Spread the word. Plan to Attend. Find a location near you and come out and see us! Watch for more information via email!
Saturday July 15, 2023
Lunch: 12:00 Noon
Meeting: 1:00 PM
Brunswick Council 4847
Hilkert Hall
929 Pearl Road
Brunswick, OH 44212
Please share the good news of your Council’s activity with the Diocesan Eucharistic Revival Team. You may email me at Gregory Coogan, gcoogan@dioceseofcleveland. org.
Gregory Coogan
Secretary for Catechetical Formation Catholic Diocese of Cleveland
Member of St. Hilary Council #14551
We appreciate everything you do for your council, your district and the Order. To assist you and all fraternal leaders, we are pleased to introduce a new Officer Training Webinar series, designed specifically to help you succeed. If you will not be the District Deputy for the upcoming 2023-2024 Fraternal Year, please send the registration links to your successor. Click on the links below to register. And remember, you should register even if you can't join us live - a link will be sent after the live viewing that will allow you to watch the training webinar on-demand.
District Deputy is a critical role to the successful operation of local councils and the order. This webinar will cover the significance of District Deputies and ways to be a successful District Deputy. We will also highlight important issues for this upcoming fraternal year.
June 3, 2023, 10:00 AM EDT: District Deputy 101
June 5, 2023, 8:00 PM EDT: District Deputy 101
June 12, 2023, 7:00 PM EDT: District Deputy 101
June 28, 2023, 8:00 PM EDT: District Deputy 101
This webinar is designed to help you become a successful leader. You will learn duties and responsibilities, how to engage your fellow officers, the method to form your council into a team, tips for working with other councils on larger initiatives, and what it takes to be the “go-to guys” for your pastor. In addition, you will discover what it takes to make charitable works the focus of your council and make it the premier parish organization for all eligible Catholic men to join.
June 26, 2023, 9:00 PM EDT: Grand Knight Training
July 8, 2023, 12:00 PM EDT: Grand Knight Training
July 11, 2023, 9:00 PM EDT: Grand Knight Training
This webinar will show councils how to adopt the current guidelines and learn best practices to host an informative, efficient, and effective Council Meeting. Using ‘The Guidelines for Council Meetings’ we will walk you through the steps and procedures of council and officer planning meetings to give you the confidence to prepare and host council meetings that will benefit your Council and help maintain strong, healthy and engaged membership.
June 19, 2023, 10:00 PM EDT: Council Meetings
July 24, 2023, 10:00 PM EDT: Council Meetings
This informative webinar will teach you the basics of planning a council program. We will touch upon the successful Faith in Action model and discuss the tools you will need for each step of the process, including planning, executing the event and follow-up.
June 1, 2023, 9:00 PM EDT: Program Planning
July 13, 2023, 9:00 PM EDT: Program Planning
Join us for this webinar where we will cover the basics of the Member Management & Member Billing applications. This training will show you the ins and outs of this online membership management tool. Learn how to use this simple and secure platform to manage your council’s membership and financial records. In addition discover how to use the integrated email system, to easily communicate with your council.
June 29, 2023, 7:00 PM EDT: Member Management/Member Billing Basics
July 25, 2023, 8:00 PM EDT: Member Management/Member Billing Basics
This webinar covers the relationship between those officers entrusted with the financial management of the council. We will cover their roles and responsibilities, management of council finances, checks and balances, and the proper flow of money and bills. We will share some practical advice on money management and reporting responsibilities.
June 13, 2023, 7:00 PM EDT: Financial Officer Training
July 18, 2023, 8:00 PM EDT: Financial Officer Training
Make your plans to attend! The 55th Annual Ohio Knights of Columbus Family Campout has been scheduled for Tuesday July 25 thru Sunday July 30 , 2023 at the Mercer County Fairgrounds in Celina, Ohio, hosted by Ohio KofC District 1 Join us for a weekend of fun, food and friendship!
Come early in the week and enjoy some local attractions on your own….Maria Stein Heritage Museum, Maria Stein Shrine of the Holy Relics, 39 Mile Scenic Byway featuring The Land of the Cross Tipped Churches, CelinaColdwater Biking/Walking Path, Franklin Township Greenway Trail for biking or walking, Grand Lake St. Marys, Niekamp Farm & Flea Market, Tony Stewart’s Eldora Speedway Kings Royal Race, Bicycle Museum of America, Armstrong Air and Space Museum, Saturday Farmers Market.
Camping for Friday and Saturday is $60 with $30 for each additional night. Indoor activities will be held in the airconditioned Jr. Fair Building. All sites are electric. Picnic tables will be provided. A hose will be available to fill your water tank if you do not bring water with you. Firewood will be available. Ice available for purchase.
Anyone local not camping but wishing to visit and enjoy the Friday and/or Saturday activities and meals must preregister as a Visitor so we have enough food available. The fee will be $10 per person per day. If you are not camping folk and live farther away but want to join the festivities following are a few local hotels: just be sure to preregister as a Visitor.
• Best Western, 2020 Holiday Drive, Celina, Ohio 45822; 419-586-4919
• West Bank Inn, 1055 West Bank Road, Celina, Ohio 45822; 419-584-3625
• Romer’s Westlake Hotel Villas, 1100 S Main St, Celina, OH 45822; 419-584-1444
• Americas Best Value Inn, 1421 State Route 703, Celina, OH 45822; 419-586-4656
• The Gels Home Bed and Breakfast, 507 N 2nd St, Coldwater, OH 45828; 419-678-3288
We hope to see you at the 55th Annual 2022 State K of C Family Campout! Register by mailing the registration form before July 1, 2023. Reservations after this date cannot be guaranteed a site. We are accepting donations to help defray the cost of the campout and would greatly appreciate any monetary or raffle gifts you may be want to send. For more information you may call Joe Bruns 419-852-2361 or ohio2023kofcfamilycampout@gmail.com.
Visit state website (www.kofcohio.org) and click under ACTIVITIES > State Family Campout for schedule and registration forms. Looking forward to seeing you July, 2023!
Patrick Kent, Council #847
Do you have to sign any document that a person asks you to sign? Would you sign a petition that asks for a wall to be built between Ohio and Michigan? Maybe so, probably not, so why sign a petition to put a constitutional amendment on the ballot when you disagree with the content of the amendment.
What does the proposed constitutional amendment permit? Here’s another example: If a 14-year-old boy decides he wants into the “girls” locker room, his plan would be legal under the proposed constitutional amendment. Without telling his parents, he goes to a sex-change clinic and tells them he wants to be a girl. They prescribe drugs and give him instructions. He can tell the school nurse that he is transitioning to a female and wants to use the girl’s facilities. No one can question him about this and his parents cannot be notified about the situation. He can come to school, dress in a female manner, use the female facilities, change clothes, and then go home as a normal male. Unfortunately, this is not fiction, but can become a reality under the proposed constitutional amendment. Already, we are reading news reports of young men exposing themselves to the girls in the “girls” locker room.
If you dislike this potential scenario, politely decline to sign.
1 Religious Night Dinner (6PM, 3410)
3 Exemplification CUF (12 Noon, 4847)
4 Eucharistic Procession (12 Noon, Cuyahoga Falls)
7—State Exemplification CUF (7PM, Zoom)
9 Cleveland Chapter Meeting (7:30PM) (Garfield)
13 KofC Luncheon (2PM, Fuji Buffet, Parma)
14 State Membership Team Meeting (7PM, Zoom)
16, 17, 18 State Organizational Meeting (Geneva)
20 State Growth Meeting (7PM, Zoom)
21—State Exemplification CUF (7PM, Zoom)
22 Exemplification CUF (7PM, 10936)
23, 24, 25 State District Deputy Meeting (Columbus)
28 State Exemplification CUF (7PM, Zoom)
For details concerning the events above, please check out either the state calendar or the diocesan calendar. To submit events, visit www.kofcohio.org and click on Events and Exemplifications.
Looking for a live, in-person Exemplification of Charity, Unity, and Fraternity but do not have enough team members for the team. Contact Joe Vallowe at 703-839-3591 or via email at vallowej@gmail.com to schedule our Diocesan Team to assist. If you are interested in starting a council team, contact your District Deputy or any member of the Diocesan Team to assist.
Attending to the needs of our community by providing spiritual care to patients, families, and staff through direct and indirect services.
We put people first by caring for their spiritual and emotional needs during the most important moments of their lives. You can help us achieve our mission by participating in our 2023 CP Golf Benefit.
Board Members:
Jim Maslach, Vice-PresidentScott
Metsch, SecretaryFind out more info by visiting chaplainpartnership.org
Deputy #23
District Deputy #24
District Deputy #25
District Deputy #26
District Deputy #27
District Deputy #30
3304, 14714, 15942
4847, 10792, 11464, 14769
3529, 4664, 5613, 10936, 13517
3970, 14406, 15056, 15614, 16137, 16279
2886, 3164, 4498, 4801, 5405, 13755
interested, call George or Jim!
interested, call George or Jim!
2803, 4130, 4893, 5106, 5559, 11831
District Deputy #31 Bob Walsh