Summertime Treats!
Members of the Greater Cleveland Chapter providing sno-cones at Rainbow Camp in July 2023!
Members of the Greater Cleveland Chapter providing sno-cones at Rainbow Camp in July 2023!
Nearly 70 Knights of Columbus state deputies attended the annual organizational meeting in New Haven June 8-11, and 47 state chaplains participated in their own meeting June 7-9. Throughout the week, the deputies and chaplains participated in fraternal events, workshops and planning sessions. State chaplains also took part in a pilgrimage to several Connecticut sites related to the life and ministry of Blessed Michael McGivney. The two groups came together June 9 for a Mass at St. Mary’s Church celebrated by Supreme Chaplain Archbishop William Lori of Baltimore, after which Supreme Knight Patrick Kelly installed newly elected deputies with the medal of office. The Mass was followed by a eucharistic procession on Hillhouse Avenue, passing by many buildings belonging to Yale University. Later the same morning, Kelly and Archbishop Lori delivered keynote remarks to the assembled state deputies and chaplains. The supreme knight reflected on the Order’s longstanding witness of coresponsibility represented by the clergy and laymen present. Coresponsibility “means recognizing and
taking shared responsibility for the mission of the Church,” he said. “This what the Order has done throughout our history. … It’s ‘how’ the Knights of Columbus approaches all that we do.” The “why,” Kelly continued, is rooted in the example of Blessed Michael McGivney. “Father McGivney truly lived and loved with the heart of a father, a heart completely dedicated to the service, protection and formation of those in his care.” Knights, especially K of C leaders, Supreme Knight Kelly said, are called to the same self-giving love. “I am convinced that if we become more and more formed and fashioned by the heart of God, we will continue to grow in both good men and good works,” he said. “We have to inspire a new generation of men to have the heart of a father.”
Speaking of Father McGivney’s
God, our Father, protector of the poor and defender of the widow and orphan, you called your priest, Blessed Michael McGivney, to be an apostle of Christian family life and to lead the young to the generous service of their neighbor. Through the example of his life and virtue, may we follow your Son, Jesus Christ, more closely, fulfilling his commandment of charity and building up his Body which is the Church.
Let the inspiration of your servant prompt us to greater confidence in your love so that we may continue his work of caring for the needy and the outcast. We humbly ask that you glorify Blessed Michael McGivney on earth according to the design of your holy will. Through his intercession, grant the favor I now present (here make your request).
Through Christ our Lord. Amen
enduring vision and mission for the Order, Archbishop Lori said, “[I]f we look carefully at Blessed Michael McGivney’s life and ministry, we will see that his first concern was for the spiritual well-being of the men of his parish. He could see that some if not many of them were on the path to becoming nominal Catholics –practicing the faith sporadically if at all. He could see the challenges of marriage and family life that many of the men of his parish were undergoing, and these in an era before easy and frequent divorce. Blessed Michael also saw the pull of the thensecular society upon his men, whether it was the anti-Catholic bigotry that was afoot at the time or the lure of secret societies which were so popular at the time. In other words, with a wise and loving pastor’s heart, Father McGivney understood the centrifugal forces that threatened the spiritual well-being of the men of his parish. In my opinion, this was Blessed Michael’s most fundamental reason for founding the Knights of Columbus and giving us the principles of charity and unity, and later on fraternity. All of this flowed from the holiness of his priestly heart.”
(Retrieved from Father Michael J. McGivney Guild | Knights of Columbus (
September falls during the liturgical season known as Tempus per Annum or Ordinary Time (formerly Time After Pentecost), which is represented by the liturgical color green. Green is a symbol of hope, as it is the color of the sprouting seed and arouses in the faithful the hope of reaping the eternal harvest of heaven, especially the hope of a glorious resurrection. The liturgical color green is worn during prayer of Offices and Masses of Ordinary Time.
During September, as in all of Tempus per Annum, or Ordinary Time (formerly known as Time After Pentecost), the Liturgy does not focus on one particular mystery of Christ, but views the mystery of Christ in all its aspects. We follow the life of Christ through the Gospels, and focus on the teachings and parables of Jesus and what it means for us to be a follower of Christ. During Ordinary Time we can concentrate more on the saints and imitate their holiness as Christ's followers.
Since man is both a spiritual and physical being, the Church provides for the needs of man in his everyday life. The Church's liturgy and feasts in many areas reflect the four seasons of the year (spring, summer, fall and winter). The months of August, September, October and November are part of the harvest season, and as Christians we recall God's constant protection over his people and give thanksgiving for the year's harvest.
The September Ember Days were particularly focused on the end of the harvest season and thanksgiving to God for the season. Ember Days were three days (Wednesday, Friday and Saturday) set aside by the Church for prayer, fasting and almsgiving at the beginning of each of the four seasons of the year. The ember days fell after December 13, the feast of St. Lucy (winter), after the First Sunday of Lent (spring), after Pentecost Sunday (summer), and after September 14, the feast of the Exaltation of the Holy Cross, after the Third Sunday of September (autumn). These weeks were known as the quattor tempora, the "four seasons."
Since the late 5th century, the Ember Days were also the preferred dates for ordination of priests. So during these times the Church had a threefold focus: (1) sanctifying each new season by turning to God through prayer, fasting and almsgiving; (2) giving thanks to God for the various harvests of each season; and (3) praying for the newly ordained and for future vocations to the priesthood and religious life.
Since the reorganization of the Roman calendar in 1969 after the Second Vatican Council, Ember Days are still retained in principle, but how and when they are to be observed is at the discretion of each country's Episcopal Conference. There is no longer set Mass readings for the Ember Days in the current Roman Missal.
Another harvest feast is September 29, the Feast of the Archangels Michael, Gabriel and Raphael. Before the revision of the calendar, this used to be only the feast of St. Michael. In many countries this day was referred to as "Michaelmas" and celebrated with traditional foods and customs.
The month of September is dedicated to Our Lady of Sorrows, whose memorial the Church celebrates on September 15.
The Holy Father's Intentions for the Month of September 2023
For people living on the margins: We pray for those persons living on the margins of society, in inhumane life conditions; may they not be overlooked by institutions and never considered of lesser importance.
O afflicted Virgin, O soul great in virtues, as in sorrows, both the one and the other spring from that great fire burning in they heart for God, the only love of thy heart! St. Alphonsus Ligouri
August was another great month as we are starting to see our councils come out of the summertime blues. Plans are be made and evaluate as councils look to 2023-2024 as we ignite our passion for the Gospel and each other.
I hope that you got to see some of the 141st Supreme Convention from Orlando, FL on EWTN,, or Salt and Light TV. The opening mass is such a great sight as all of the cardinals, bishops, chaplains, process down the main aisle. The Ohio contingent was right there and your delegates saw something that they will not soon forgot. All of the Masses just resonant within in you and really help push you forward. If the Masses were not doing it for you, Supreme Knight Patrick Kelly’s State of the Order Address highlighted all the great things that we are doing in His name around the world . Specifically, Mr. Kelly mentioned Ohio and the battle ground that has been set with Issue 1 on the November ballot. State Deputy Jeff Kiliany personally invited the Supreme Knight to join us on Friday October 6, 2023, in Columbus for the Ohio March. Hope to see you there. The business sessions were like normal resolutions and election of the board of directions. The highlight for me, as State Secretary Mike Felerski and I were able to talk with Tom McCafferty, Vice President of Fraternal Operations. We took a selfie too! I know that I have seen a lot of Tom through the pandemic via the webinars and other online meetings. So, it was great to see and talk with him.
A lot of your councils has some fundraisers this month. I hope that
they were all successful and hope to attend some of them next year. Timing is challenging, but I will do my best to be there to support your causes.
September is here and we are almost through the first quarter of the fraternal year. Have you made your calendar of events? Has your council budget been approved? Have you submitted your 185, 365, and 1295 yet? There is never a rest for those of us in leadership positions. Learn to delegate and communicate. Life will get easier.
Matching Funds starts September 1
please contact me. I will give you the $20 to donate to Matching Funds. I would love to see all 70 councils participating.
Measure Up is done and should be starting to receive your checks here in September. These checks will go to the financial secretary on record. Thank you again for supporting our flagship charity.
SOS is also up and going with IPSD Mark Siracusa. Last year we gave the vocations office a check for nearly $14,000. Again, very little participating across the board. So, please budget at last $20 to donate to SOS. The first turn -in is December 15.
Football Crazr tickets are out and you should be selling them. If you need more, please contact PSD Gary Eckstein at 614-679-4238 or via email at The state is working some different organizations to help increase sales so to help our councils save on the per capita.
and runs through November 15. Last year, the state raised over $75,000 to provide the six diocese offices of religious education and evangelization with funds to help them. Cleveland did not do as well as we could. Only 29 councils and one assembly donated over $6,000. With the matches from the Ohio Charity Foundation and Ohio State Council, we were able to present the Diocese of Cleveland with a check for $10,425. This year, I want to give every council and assembly the opportunity to donate. Please budget or approve a minimal amount like $20. If your council cannot afford $20,
Speaking of per capita, it is due if you have not sent in the check to State Secretary Mike Felerski. Please do so. As soon as you do, we will turn around and send you a check for your delegates to the state convention.
Thank you again for all that you are doing for your members, families, parishes, and communities. I am so proud of you all. May God continue to bless you and your families.
Jesus, Jim MaslachThe first two months of the fraternal year are behind us and Cleveland currently has 35 new brother Knights. That puts us at 12.61% of our goal and in third place behind Columbus and Youngstown. We do not suspect Youngstown to be able to maintain the pace that we have here in the diocese, but glad to see them have a great start.
Exemplifications of Charity, Unity, and Fraternity are starting back up live and in-person. There are the normal councils that have them but we need more. Therefore, we are having a diocesan challenge for September and October. For any live and in-person Exemplification done by a council, they will be entered into a drawing to win to a $50 gift card to KnightGear. So, if you need help getting started, please contact your District Deputy (see the last page for contact info), Mike Incorvati, or Jim Maslach. Cleveland led the state with the number of Exemplifications. Schedule them now and recruit to the Exemp!
Another challenge that we are running is the total number of new Knights and the percent growth over the July 1 membership. Do you know where your council is at in the standings. The next page has the listing through 8/31/2023. You can see the top-5 directly to the right here.
Last year, Cleveland led the state with nearly 80% of the active councils recruiting at least one (1) new member. We are bit behind that mark. Only 16 councils have recruited so far this year. I am sure that will change as the year goes on.
eMembership continues to work for the state and Cleveland. Please recruit through the JOIN US on the state website. BLESSEDMCGIVNEY continues to provide free dues for the first year. If you have any questions on eMembership, please feel free to contact Mike or Jim.
Never too early to start planning that October Recruitment Drive. Be sure to order your kits ahead of time and plan, plan, plan. We recommend having an exemplification in mid to late October so all those new eMembers can transfer into your council.
As of August 31, 2023
Ohio July 1: 54,834
Ohio Growth: 260 (13.95%)
% Growth: 0.47%
Cleveland July 1: 8,162
Cleveland Growth: 35 (12.61%)
% Growth: 0.43%
% Growth is a measure of the YTD gain compared against the July 1st membership number.
YTD Gain against the July 1 Membership Total
1. 16137 St. Charles Borromeo (3.85%)
2. 3304 Geauga (3.45%)
3. 7970 North Ridgeville (2.88%)
4. 2362 Cuyahoga Falls (2.59%)
5. 15942 St. Mary of Chardon (2.56%)
1. 10792 St. Francis of Assisi (4)
2. 3304 Geauga (4)
3. 7970 North Ridgeville (4)
4. 4168 Medina (3)
5. 774 Elyria (3)
6. 2362 Cuyahoga Falls (3)
1. DD #23 Jim Maslach (7)
2. DD #20 DeWitt Gober (7)
3. DD #24 Tom Donovan (7)
4. DD #25 Mike Rauh (6)
5. DD #26 Teran Taggart (2)
% Growth Cleveland Diocese
Total New Members Cleveland Diocese
Council Audits are now due.
Further, per today's reports, the Cleveland Diocese council's are missing the following forms:
* Form 185's from the following two (2) Councils: 3529 and 8320
* Form 365's from the following (21) Councils: 4664, 637, 4891, 7970, 733, 2643, 2790, 4217, 14714, 3529, 13517, 2886, 3164, 14255, 14054, 4893, 11831, 789, 3541, 8320, 15737
Please emphasize to your Councils to complete the Form 365 the Council will need to select five required members (Program Director generally the DGK, Family Director, Community Directory, Membership Director and Retention Chairman) I know it may be difficult to find members to fill the Community Director and Family Director due to the "background check" and training. Just know, once they select and input the five directors the Council will no longer appear on the Supreme "Councils not submitting service program personnel report"
Reminder completed Form 944 is due by September 15th. Please see the State Website under District Deputy forms. You may submit your Council Status form at anytime.
Also, DD visitation reports are due within seven days of visits. Further, I know some of you have visited councils but have not entered, PLEASE ensure you are entering those visits. This is the only way State knows what the Council is up to.
Finally, RSVP: on Saturday October 14th (time TBD) All District Deputies are requested to help out packing and stuffing posters, flyers and prayer cards for Priesthood Sunday. This is just like in previous years. We are unsure of time but believe it will be 9 AM.
If you have any questions, please do not hesitate in asking. Thank you,
Teran Taggart440-665-4078
#185 Report of Officers Chosen for Term - PDF - Online - due 6/30
#365 Service Program Personnel Report - PDFOnline - due 6/30
#1295-1 Semi-Annual Council Audit - due 8/15
#1728 Annual Survey of Fraternal Activity - PDFOnline - due 1/31
#1728A Survey of Fraternal Activity Individual Member Worksheet - No due date
#1295-2 Semi-Annual Council Audit - due 2/15
#SP-7 Columbian Award Application Requires access to Supreme Website Officers Online due 6/30
The new fraternal year started July 1.
Beginning September 1st thru November 15th our program incentive is Complete 8 programs in the Faith in Action portion of the programs.
Have a Fraternal Night
Bring in at least one new growth member who must show up on your council rooster on or before November 28th .
Finally, you must have sent in your Matching Funds donation. Fulfill all these requirements and the State Council will Donate $50.00 to matching funds in your Councils
My contact information
Mike Jordon 330 540 7317
Vivat Jesus
Chris Sarka, State Advocate
We are all called as part of the New Evangelization and with new energy to spread the Gospel and to bring the joy of the Good News of Jesus Christ to a world in desperate need of authentic hope. Matthew 28:19 “Go, therefore, and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the holy Spirit.”
The Ohio Knights of Columbus Matching Funds Program encompasses the potential of each local Council to raise funds to support their respective diocese with increasing catholic education and building a culture of evangelization. As Knights, our contributions have a direct impact on religious education and equipping pastors, parish staff, and leaders in the church with the necessary support
and formation to help build a culture of evangelization. Your support, along with the matching contributions from our Ohio Charity Foundation, Inc. of the Ohio State Council, will help us sustain the growth and presence of our faith for generations to come.
In 2022, a total of $75,589 was raised to support the many diocesan departments and programs throughout Ohio. This is an amazing work brothers, you have shown that the Knights lead the way! With the 2023 program fast approaching, I ask that each council prayerfully consider meeting this challenge again and helping me obtain a goal of $100,000. With increased council participation, we will easily achieve this objective and possibly more!
The Matching Funds Campaign will run from September 1, 2023, through November 15, 2023. The Ohio Charity Foundation, Inc. of the Ohio State
Jordon, State General Program DirectorCouncil is once again able to match the first $25,000 donated to this year’s program. All contributions from your council and participating councils from your diocese, as well as any amounts matched, will go to the Religious Education / Evangelization Departments of your Diocese.
If you have not set a plan or budgeted for this program in your council, do not worry. Every amount raised, even if not matched, has a major impact. Any questions, or assistance in this program, please contact me at 614-546 -6357.
My fellow Brother Knights, I thank you for all you do and look forward to working with you this fraternal year to grow our faith through Catholic education and continue Christ’s own mission.
Vivat Jesus!
The Knights of Columbus empowers Catholic men to live their faith and serve their family, parish, community, and country. Why? Because families need strong husbands and fathers, and the world needs courageous witnesses to Jesus Christ. Through Cor, men will be formed and sharpened as disciples of Jesus, who are committed to serving him and willing to boldly live and share their faith. It is the mandate of every Catholic man to bring Jesus to a broken world. To live his faith and engage in this mission, every Catholic man needs a strong relationship with God that is rooted in prayer and the sacraments. Catholic men need to proactively invest in their ongoing faith formation, to be a part of a dynamic brotherhood that supports, sharpens, and strengthens them to be holy men, husbands, and fathers, and to engage in the mission of the Church. The mission of Cor is to refocus Catholic men on Jesus Christ and to form and strengthen them in faith and virtue through a brotherhood committed to prayer, formation, and fraternity. The goal of each Cor gathering is to provide the opportunity for men to encounter Christ, to pray together, to be formed in their faith, and to strengthen their bonds of brotherhood, preparing them for courageous leadership and the mission of evangelization for their families and communities.
Cor consists of three key elements which must be present for every gathering: prayer, formation, and fraternity. The word ‘cor’ is Latin for heart and the root of the word courage. Prayer, Formation, and Fraternity all begin with the heart and direct the heart in relationship to God and each other. These three elements build and strengthen each other and help provide consistency.
Through prayer, we encounter Christ and animate our faith and relationship with him. We must first know Jesus and receive from him before we can share him with our families and communities. Shared time in prayer will help men focus their minds and hearts on God and give depth and life to formation and fraternal brotherhood. Like all relationships, prayer requires commitment and consistency.
Formation: Becoming like Christ
As disciples of Christ, the goal of Catholic formation is to become like Christ, taking on his character and virtue, his life of prayer, and his mission. He is the model of holiness. Formation is life-long and requires an intentional commitment. Alongside prayer, formation helps increase our knowledge and love of God and of neighbor. Intentional and structured times of formation help direct fraternity toward the shared pursuit of Christ, of holiness, and a life of faith and missionary discipleship. Formation requires the animation of prayer and the accountability of fraternity.
Fraternity: Centering brotherhood on Christ
Fraternity is not just friendship or hanging out, it is a true brotherhood centered on Christ. This type of brotherhood has depth and trust, where men sharpen one another and accompany each other as disciples of Christ. Brotherhood made up of Christ-centered friendships is necessary for men to grow in holiness, as leaders, and as missionary disciples. Like prayer and formation, fraternity must be intentional, requires proximity and consistency, and the shared mission of evangelization.
For more information on the cor initiative, consult Form 11500 which is available on the state website under PUBS&RESOURCES. You can also reach out to Ty Tyjewski at 440-867-4503 or Jim Maslach at 440-785-9838 or via email at
The dignity of life in its earliest stages is threatened by proposed Ohio Constitutional amendment, to be voted on in the November 7th election, to expand and enshrine abortion at the expense of protections for preborn children and women. As Catholics, we cannot remain on the sidelines when confronted with such a clear threat to human life. Visit Protect Ohio for more information!
On November 7, the people of Ohio will have the opportunity to demonstrate how our state views the sacredness of life and the dignity of women. Bishop Edward Malesic is asking Catholics to carefully consider how they will vote on the amendment that will expand and enshrine abortion in Ohio’s constitution. Click the video to watch.
For additional information, click the links below.
The Catholic Church in Ohio and across the U.S. has long accompanied and supported women facing unexpected pregnancies, struggling to provide for their families, or suffering from trauma after an abortion.
This November, Ohio will vote on whether to put the socalled “right to abortion” into our constitution. We have unfortunate numbers of radical activists who are focusing on key states by pouring millions of dollars into this battle of life and death. As Knights, we are charged with the spiritual and public show for the right to life! As Catholics, we are called to cherish, defend, and protect those who are most vulnerable, from conception to its natural end.
Our Supreme Knight, Patrick Kelly, stated in his report for the 141st Convention, “The powers that be said Roe was settled law. They said it would never be overturned. But the pro-life movement kept the faith. And we carried the day. And the Knights of Columbus will continue to fight until the right to life is fully restored!”
Once again, we have the opportunity to peacefully demonstrate our support as Knights of Columbus. This coming October 6th, in partnership with March for Life, Ohio Right to Life, Center for Christian Virtue, Catholic Conference of Ohio, and many more, the Knights of Columbus are being called to serve along our brothers and sisters.
The first step in participating and joining this effort is registering for the March. This can be done by visiting the following website and completing the requested information. We are asking all who attend or volunteer to please go to https://
Secondly, begin promoting within your parish and council the need for a large attendance. Our presence and voice will be heard by the numbers we demonstrate. In efforts to help with the event logistics, it is very important to register each bus that is planning to drop off groups at the Statehouse. Please complete the following document with information regarding the planned trip by bus. viewform
Finally, we are in great need for 2023 Ohio March for Life Marshals. Last year, dozens of Knights of Columbus answered the call. This year, we are looking to triple the number due to projected crown size. The duties of a Marshal are detailed in the attached letter.
Any questions, please feel free to contact me. K of C vests will be loaned out for those who volunteer as marshals. Many of the details about the March are still being developed. Once updates are available, I will send out a new communication. For more information on the Ohio March for Life, you may also visit
Let’s show our state and the world Ohio loves life and our Knights are here to defend it!
Fraternally, Christopher Sarka State Advocate, Ohio State Council C_Sarka@hotmail.com614-546-6357
2023 September is Life Insurance Awareness Month. It’s the one month each year that the life insurance industry coordinates a campaign aimed at educating folks about the importance of life insurance and helping them get the coverage they need. Christopher Kauffman, the historian, spent several years at the Supreme Office and at the Museum, researching the book that he wrote on the 100th anniversary of our founding. That book, Faith and Fraternalism, notes on page 35, “…he [Fr. McGivney again] spent his energy in promo ng the insurance feature…his emphasis on business was his pastoral concern for the social and financial security of the family.” Fr. McGivney lived both the social and the financial insecurity of a desperate family, with the breadwinner suddenly taken, that had to be supported. He left the seminary to work and support his mother and siblings. As a pastor, he didn’t want other Catholic families to find themselves in such a predicament. That, and uniting men of faith, was the impetus for establishing our Order. Everyone who joined in those first years was insured; that was part and parcel of being in the organization.
Now every member has a choice. I’d like every member to know what we do, and how we do it. Here’s the process I use when I meet with families:
1. Discover – Identify their current insurance situation and financial goals
2. Gather Data – Collect facts & figures based on their current situation
3. Analyze – Conduct an Insurance Needs Analysis (Input data, run calculations, identify shortfalls)
4. Recommend – Propose appropriate KofC products to help them meet their needs and goals
5. Implement – Work with them to implement the product solution they select (take the application, etc.)
6. Periodic Review – Review regularly (at least annually) for changes in their needs and goals and make appropriate recommendations based on those changes.
This is a painless process. But it can help any family, at any age, determine if they have blind spots in their coverage. It can help you avoid the pain of being underinsured. With a variety of life insurance products we offer, we can help find solutions that fit within almost any budget. I don’t know about you, but I don’t want to buy life insurance…I want to buy what life insurance can provide: protection from the risk of a significant change in lifestyle for the survivors, including not being able to stay in the house where they want to be of not being able to give your daughter the wedding she’s been promised, or a child the college education he or she has been promised and much more.
What does life insurance provide? Peace of mind. That’s where I can help.
Vivat Jesus!
Meet Jason Staas, an Investment Advisor Representative helping clients to grow their portfolios responsibly through faithbased investment strategies.
Knights of Columbus Asset Advisors (KoCAA) can help you and your family pursue your financial goals using a wealth of investment products that may suit your life and your faith. With an investment portfolio over $28 billion strong and a commitment to the socially responsible investment guidelines set by the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops, KoCAA offers clients a variety of investment products designed to assure clients that their personal funds are invested in companies committed to sound ethical, environmental, social, and corporate governance practices. We provide “value with values” by helping clients grow their future with faith-based investing.
Contact Jason at 800-484-0304.
Christopher Winston Knights of Columbus 4401 Rockside Road Suite 201 Independence, OH 44131
(440) 973-8288 - Office
Fraternal Trainers provide important support for Fraternal Leaders; training can be tailored to meet the needs of both new and seasoned officers, as well as any members who are interested in advancing to officer roles in the future. Fraternal Trainers provide officer training at both the district and council level, online and in-person.
To sign up for training sessions from Supreme, visit the state website ( Under FOR MEMBERS, click on Training
Opportunities. Visit the Fraternal Training page on the Knights of Columbus website to view our complete schedule of training webinars, the archive of On Demand Webinars, the Fraternal "How To" Video Library, Officer Resources, and more. All Supreme training is via webinar and computer access is necessary.
District Deputy is a critical role to the successful operation of local councils and the order. This webinar will cover the significance of District Deputies and ways to be a successful District Deputy. We will also highlight important issues for this upcoming fraternal year.
This webinar is designed to help you become a successful leader. You will learn duties and responsibilities, how to engage your fellow officers, the method to form your council into a team, tips for working with other councils on larger initiatives, and what it takes to be the “go-to guys” for your pastor. In addition, you will discover what it takes to make charitable works the focus of your council and make it the premier parish organization for all eligible Catholic men to join.
This informative webinar will teach you the basics of planning a council program. We will touch upon the successful Faith in Action model and discuss the tools you will need for each step of the process, including planning, executing the event and followup.
This webinar will show councils how to adopt the current guidelines and learn best practices to host an informative, efficient, and effective Council Meeting. Using ‘The Guidelines for Council Meetings’ we will walk you through the steps and procedures of council and officer planning meetings to give you the confidence to prepare and host council meetings that will benefit your Council and help maintain strong, healthy and engaged membership.
Join us for this webinar where we will cover the basics of the Member Management & Member Billing applications. This training will show you the ins and outs of this online membership management tool. Learn how to use this simple and secure platform to manage your council’s membership and financial records. In addition discover how to use the integrated email system, to easily communicate with your council.
This webinar covers the relationship between those officers entrusted with the financial management of the council. We will cover their roles and responsibilities, management of council finances, checks and balances, and the proper flow of money and bills. We will share some practical advice on money management and reporting responsibilities.
Join us for this workshop on how to ensure that all council members have a positive and fulfilling membership experience that leads to a greater involvement in your council, parish, and community.
Our communities need active Councils. What is your Council doing to support the parish and community? Are you supporting your priest’s vision for his parish? The programs we do are so needed. If not us, then who? “What you do for the least of my brothers, you do for me” (Matthew 25:40). Together we will discuss the value and share some ideas on how growth can help your Council follow the teachings of Jesus & follow the path of Blessed Michael McGivney.
Membership Growth is critical to the longevity of the Knights of Columbus and our impact on local parishes and communities. What does successful recruitment look like? This session on Church Drive recruitment will help guide you and your council in making a positive appeal to the men and families of your parishes. We will walk through practical planning and organizing tips, review materials available, and responding to the “No’s.”
State Deputy and Treasurer Attend Assumption Pilgrimage
State Deputy Jeff Kiliany and State Treasurer Jim Maslach attended the 58th Assumption Pilgrimage on August 14 and 15, 2023, at the Basilica & National Shrine of Our Lady of Lebanon in North Jackson, OH.
Attending to the needs of our community by providing spiritual care to patients, families, and staff through direct and indirect services.
We put people first by caring for their spiritual and emotional needs during the most important moments of their lives. You can help us achieve our mission by participating in our 2023 CP Golf Benefit.
KofC Board Members:
To have events added to the diocesan calendar, visit the state website at and scroll down till you see UPCOMING EVENTS. Click on the RED button to submit your event.
If your council would like to host an Exemplification of Charity, Unity, and Fraternity but does not have a team ready or available, contact Jim Maslach at 440-785-9838. The Diocesan Exemp Team is ready and willing to come to you. We will need at least two weeks prior notice to make the appropriate plans.