The site of the first seminary in the United States will be home to a new discernment program when a regional house of formation opens in Baltimore at St. Mary’s Spiritual Center and Historic Site on Paca Street. According to the Sulpician provincial, Father Daniel F. Moore, the former convent on the site will be renovated to accommodate up to 16 men discerning a vocation and two Sulpician priests who will assist in their human and spiritual formation.
The new regional house of formation will be named for Blessed Michael McGivney, founder of the Knights of Columbus, who studied at the original St. Mary’s Seminary for four years before his ordination in 1877. Baltimore Archbishop William E. Lori, the Knights’ supreme chaplain, noted, “The preparatory year is a relatively new feature of priestly formation that will be implemented on a very
historic site in the history of priestly formation in the United States. It is a return to our roots.”
In a letter to Father Moore, Supreme Knight Patrick Kelly wrote that it was “especially fitting” to name the new center after the Knights’ founder since he “was formed at St. Mary’s when it located on North Paca Street.”
The current site includes a historic chapel; classrooms and meeting rooms; a visitors’ center; the Seton House, where St. Elizabeth Ann Seton once lived; and an inside garden. “The place is built for spiritual reflection, study and
God, our Father, protector of the poor and defender of the widow and orphan, you called your priest, Blessed Michael McGivney, to be an apostle of Christian family life and to lead the young to the generous service of their neighbor. Through the example of his life and virtue, may we follow your Son, Jesus Christ, more closely, fulfilling his commandment of charity and building up his Body which is the Church.
Let the inspiration of your servant prompt us to greater confidence in your love so that we may continue his work of caring for the needy and the outcast. We humbly ask that you glorify Blessed Michael McGivney on earth according to the design of your holy will. Through his intercession, grant the favor I now present (here make your request).
Through Christ our Lord. Amen
community,” Father Moore said. The convent that will house the formation program was built in 1898 and has been renovated over the years, most recently in 2009 (Excerpted from Catholic Review).
You can play a key role in advancing Father McGivney’s cause by joining the Guild for free and praying for his intercession and canonization. May Father McGivney intercede for you!
The Father Michael J. McGivney Guild serves as a source for information about the life, works and spirituality of Father McGivney. The Guild publishes a quarterly newsletter and offers a weekly Mass for the intentions of members.
October falls during the liturgical season known as Tempus per Annum or Ordinary Time (formerly Time After Pentecost), which is represented by the liturgical color green. Green is a symbol of hope, as it is the color of the sprouting seed and arouses in the faithful the hope of reaping the eternal harvest of heaven, especially the hope of a glorious resurrection. The liturgical color green is worn during the praying of Offices and celebration of Masses of Ordinary Time.
October, as in all of Tempus per Annum, or Ordinary Time (formerly known as Time After Pentecost), the Liturgy does not focus on one particular mystery of Christ, but views the mystery of Christ in all its aspects. We follow the life of Christ through the Gospels, and focus on the teachings and parables of Jesus and what it means for each of us to be a follower of Christ.
October usually is an enjoyable time of the year in the United States. The autumn season manifests itself with wonderful fall foliage in many parts of the country. The temperatures are cooler, inviting people outdoors for nature walks, apple or pumpkin picking. School routines are more established and football season is in full swing. The celebrations of the Church for the month of October are also wonderful and unique. The feasts of some of the most popular saints of the universal Church are celebrated during this month: St. Thérèse the Little Flower (France), St. Francis of Assisi (Italy) and St. Teresa of Avila (Spain). These saints come from different countries, and in honoring these saints we can include cultural dishes or activities from each country to make the feast day even more special. Read more about the lives of these saints. Perhaps the family can pick one virtue that each saint practiced well and try to implement it.
The feasts in October also include two of the most popular, time-honored devotions of Catholics, the devotion to the Holy Rosary (October 7) and the Guardian Angels (October 2). In October 2002 St. John Paul II wrote the Apostolic Letter Rosarium Virginis Mariae (the Rosary of the Virgin Mary)."
This letter introduced five new mysteries, called the Luminous or Mysteries of Light, which are:
1. Jesus' Baptism in the Jordan
2. Jesus' self manifestation at the wedding of Cana
3. Proclamation of the Kingdom of God, with the call to conversion
4. the Transfiguration, and
5. the Institution of the Eucharist.
Try to make a more concerted effort to pray the Rosary together as a family during the month of October, read the Apostolic Letter to understand the beauty of this devotion more deeply, and pray the Luminous mysteries.
The Holy Father's Intentions for the Month of October 2023
For the Synod: We pray for the Church, that she may adopt listening and dialogue as a lifestyle at every level, and allow herself to be guided by the Holy Spirit towards the peripheries of the world.
(See also http:// www.popesprayerusa.net/)
Thou, O daughter, art blessed of the Lord, for through thee have we been made partakers of the fruit of life.
that we had no clue were coming. So, I recommend that all your council, assembly, and chapter leaders take a look and see what you need to change.
Jesus loves to teach us through parables and we start October off with one of my favorites. In the parable of the two sons, Jesus reminds us that our actions speak louder than words. How often do we run across people or situations at home, work, or out in the community that usually say one thing, but do just the opposite.
As members of the Knights of Columbus and leaders at home, work, parish, or community, we are always under the microscope. We are expected to have answers, but more importantly, to do what we say because there are others out there, right or wrong, that just want to see failure. As leaders, always think before you talk and do what you say you are going to do. You will find that there will be more followers, just like the father in the parable and Jesus, who will be there for you when you need help.
Brothers, the first quarter of the fraternal year is now in the rearview mirror. It is time to take stock of where you are and where you plan to be. The plans that you made back in June and July, do they still apply today? From a diocesan and state perspective, we do that exact thing. We all know that we live in a dynamic world that is constantly shifting priorities or introducing new items
You might be aware that every year we put together a Strategic Plan for the state that goes to Supreme and I do one for the Diocese. This plan looks at the various diocesan wide activities the KofC are involved, growth, faith in action programs, insurance, 4th Degree, and training. This plan outlines where we were in previous years, where we are today, and where we want to be by 2031 when I am done as a state officer. There are action items along the way to help move the diocese in the direction that correlates with Supreme and State plans. It is a challenge and there are a lot moving pieces. With this plan, I am looking to see what has changed. Most significantly is the introduction of Cor to the diocese and the appointment of Ty Tyjewski as the Director of Evangelization and Faith Formation for the Cleveland Diocese for the Knights. I need to integrate Cor into our plans. Change is always present.
September was supposed to be that quiet month where we can relax and just do standard things. Instead, it was another great month for the KofC in Cleveland. Growth was outstanding as we surpassed our monthly goal of 26 by 1 and have an overall growth of 0.77% since July 1. Councils are having programs and activities, Cleveland leads the state in the number of Exemplifications, and we continue to show the light of Christ to others. I am so proud of the great job you all are doing. So, keep it up!
October is here and it is time for our semi-annual growth drives. So, get with your pastors and arrangement a time that your council can do a Delta Church Drive. If you have not heard about a Delta Church Drive, than give Mike Incorvati or myself a call. We will be more than happy to work with you. With successful church drives, you should be scheduling your live, inperson Exemplification of Charity, Unity, and Fraternity. Cleveland continues to have more and more live Exemplifications. But we need more councils to do these on a regular basis. If your council would like to start a team, call your DD or one of us. It is a lot easier than in the past. You can do this!!
October is Right-To-Life Month and it all gets started with the March for Life on October 6th. I will be there with a lot of brother Knights from the diocese showing our support for life. Let us also not forget about the pending constitutional amendment that will be on the ballot this November. Please do your research, read the information in this newsletter, visit the Catholic Conference of Ohio website, talk to your pastor anything that will help you be an informed voter. And, most importantly, get out and vote!
Finally, Football Crazr tickets are due to the state by the end of the month for the full 10-week sweepstakes. If you need more tickets, please contact PSD Gary Eckstein. However, there are only a limited number left.
Remember, your actions speak louder than your words.
God Bless you all! Vivat Jesus!
JimWith September behind us, we have hit the quarter mark of the fraternal year. With that in mind, I would like to acknowledge those councils that have started the year off on fire! Leading the diocese thus far with 7 new members is #8320 John Carroll. They are already at 140% of their Supreme goal. There are five other councils that are over 50% that are looking to reach their goal by Christmas. They are #2362, #2643, #3213, #3304, #4168, & 7970. Also worth mentioning, are five more that are at least 33% of their Supreme goal: #774, #10792, #10936, #15942, #16137, & #16376. That makes 11 councils on pace to reach their goal by the end of March! Unfortunately, every Browns fan knows what happens when you ease up after a great first quarter. So, let’s keep up the great work!
On the other hand, we still have 39 active councils that have yet to bring in a new member. I know that there are many councils that have church drives scheduled for October. I’m sure that many of those 0s will be erased very soon. I would like to encourage you to use e-membership instead of the paper form100s. This will speed up the processing time from weeks to minutes. Also, please make sure that your DD and insurance field agent are aware of your church drive. They are assets to your council that would be foolish waste.
Keep reaching out those e-members on your prospect tabs. These potential new members could erase several of those “0 new members”. Many of the abovementioned councils have thrived on e-membership. Please keep me updated on your progress on those gentleman, whether it’s good or bad news.
Finally, I want to remind you about the Cleveland Diocesan team is having a drawing for councils hosting live degrees through the month of October. If you’re having a church drive, it would be ideal to also plan on hosting a degree ceremony as well. A good schedule that works for some is to have the church drive a week or two before you general meeting. Vote on any new members at the meeting. Host the degree ceremony 3-7 days later. If you need help in forming a team, let your DD, myself or Jim Maslach know. We will be happy to assist you.
“If you’re not growing, you’re dying.”
Mike Incorvati Growth Coordinator,Cleveland Diocese
As of September 30, 2023
Ohio July 1: 54,834
Ohio Growth: 389 (20.91%)
% Growth: 0.71%
Cleveland July 1: 8,162
Cleveland Growth: 63 (18.68%)
% Growth: 0.77%
% Growth is a measure of the YTD gain compared against the July 1st membership number.
YTD Gain against the July 1 Membership Total
1. 8320 John Carroll (25.00%)
2. 3304 Geauga (4.31%)
3. 2362 Cuyahoga Falls (4.31%)
4. 16137 St. Charles Borromeo (3.85%)
5. 2643 Lakewood (3.70%)
1. 8320 John Carroll (7)
2. 2362 Cuyahoga Falls (5)
3. 3304 Geauga (5)
4. 774 Elyria (5)
5. 4168 Medina (5)
1. DD #24 Tom Donovan (11)
2. DD #20 DeWitt Gober (10)
3. DD #23 Jim Maslach (8)
4. DD #33 George Metz (8)
5. DD #25 Mike Rauh (6)
Ohio Brother Knights,
Are you on track to make Star Council? Our goal, one Star Council in each district this fraternal year. Now three months into the fraternal year, you should be at least 25% towards your Growth goal! Hopefully you have scheduled Church Drives during the month of October with your Pastor. If you have not contacted your field agent yet for hosting a Fraternal Benefits Event (FBE), now is the time. Grand Knight’s don’t forget to submit form #11077 after the Fraternal Benefit Event, the #11077 can be found under “Forms and Emails” at state website https://kofcohio.org/forms/
Two online Fraternal Benefit Events are occurring in October, Please see information below:
Aligning Financial Decisions with your Catholic Values
Presented by Anthony Minopoli, President & Chief Investment Officer, Knights of Columbus Asset Advisors. Join us to learn more about insurance, investment and charitable solutions that align with your Catholic values.
• October 17th 8:30 PM EDT: Register at www.tinyurl.com/KofCOct17
• October 26th 7:00 PM EDT: Register at www.tinyurl.com/KofCOct26
Andrew Nuckols State Growth DirectorPlease find attached the most recent Ohio State Council Score Card. Note slowly but surely, the last of the Form 365s are being submitted. Currently 15 Councils have not submitted their report: 4664, 7970, 733, 2643, 2790, 4217, 3529, 2886, 14255, 14054, 4893, 11831, 789, 8320, 15737
Please emphasize to your Councils to complete the Form 365, the Council will need to select five required members (Program Director generally the DGK, Family Director, Community Directory, Membership Director and Retention Chairman) I know it may be difficult to find members to fill the Community Director and Family Director due to the "background check" and Safe Environment training. Just know, once they select and input the five directors, the Council will no longer appear on the Supreme "Councils not submitting service program personnel report".
Reminder, DD Council visitation reports are to be submitted within seven days of the visit and any DD expense should be filed by the fifth of the month. Per today's report there are several DD's I know either visited or conducted the Council installation but still have not entered the requisite Council Visitation report. Any interaction with a Council whether official business meetings or attending a council event, please enter them. State would like to know the Council activities and whether a DD was present.
Reminder, anytime a Council hosts a live Degree please ensure a form 450 is submitted. Regardless whether you are in attendance or not. Ideally you should be present as their Council DD. State and Supreme needs to know if a Degree occurred. Anyone can input the 450 but either Council Grand Knight, Membership Director or Financial Secretary should ensure the 450 is entered in lieu of the DD. Further, even if there are no candidates a 450 must be submitted.
Finally: Reminder, Saturday October 14th (arrive before 9am to setup, 10 am assemble) This is just like in previous years, we will help out by packing, stuffing posters, flyers and prayer Cards for Priesthood Sunday at the Center for Pastoral Leadership in Willoughby. This is a mandatory DD event. If you cannot attend, please find a member from either your Council or a Council within your district to attend. Please RSVP: I know Mike, Jim, Bob, Ron, Kevin, Tom and George will be unable to attend.
Thank you, Teran
AVAILABLE ONLINE @ www.kofcohio.org
#185 Report of Officers Chosen for Term - PDF - Online - due 6/30
#365 Service Program Personnel Report - PDFOnline - due 6/30
#1295-1 Semi-Annual Council Audit - due 8/15
#1728 Annual Survey of Fraternal Activity - PDFOnline - due 1/31
#1728A Survey of Fraternal Activity Individual Member Worksheet - No due date
#1295-2 Semi-Annual Council Audit - due 2/15
#SP-7 Columbian Award Application Requires access to Supreme Website Officers Online due 6/30
The new fraternal year started July 1.
The Knights of Columbus empowers Catholic men to live their faith and serve their family, parish, community, and country.
Why? Because families need strong husbands and fathers, and the world needs courageous witnesses to Jesus Christ. Through Cor, men will be formed and sharpened as disciples of Jesus, who are committed to serving him and willing to boldly live and share their faith. It is the mandate of every Catholic man to bring Jesus to a broken world. To live his faith and engage in this mission, every Catholic man needs a strong relationship with God that is rooted in prayer and the sacraments. Catholic men need to proactively invest in their on-going faith formation, to be a part of a dynamic brotherhood that supports, sharpens, and strengthens them to be holy men, husbands, and fathers, and to engage in the mission of the Church.
The mission of Cor is to refocus Catholic men on Jesus Christ and to form and strengthen them in faith and virtue through a brotherhood committed to prayer, formation, and fraternity. The goal of each Cor gathering is to provide the opportunity for men to encounter Christ, to pray together, to be formed in their faith, and to strengthen their bonds of brotherhood, preparing them for courageous leadership and the mission of evangelization for their families and communities.
Cor consists of three key elements which must be present for every gathering: prayer, formation, and fraternity. The word ‘cor’ is Latin for heart and the root of the word courage. Prayer, Formation, and Fraternity all begin with the heart and direct the heart in relationship to God and each other. These three elements build and strengthen each other and help provide consistency.
Prayer: Lifting of our minds and hearts to God Through prayer, we encounter Christ and animate our faith and relationship with him. We must first know Jesus and receive from him before we can share him with our families and communities. Shared time in prayer will help men focus their minds and hearts on God and give depth and life to formation and fraternal brotherhood. Like all relationships, prayer requires commitment and consistency.
Formation: Becoming like Christ. As disciples of Christ, the goal of Catholic formation is to become like Christ, taking on his character and virtue, his life of prayer, and his mission. He is the model of holiness. Formation is life-long and requires an intentional commitment. Alongside prayer, formation helps increase our knowledge and love of God and of neighbor. Intentional and structured times of formation help direct fraternity toward the shared pursuit of Christ, of holiness, and a life of faith and missionary discipleship. Formation requires the animation of prayer and the accountability of fraternity.
Fraternity: Centering brotherhood on Christ Fraternity is not just friendship or hanging out, it is a true brotherhood centered on Christ. This type of brotherhood has depth and trust, where men sharpen one another and accompany each other as disciples of Christ. Brotherhood made up of Christ-centered friendships is necessary for men to grow in holiness, as leaders, and as missionary disciples. Like prayer and formation, fraternity must be intentional, requires proximity and consistency, and the shared mission of evangelization.
For more information on the cor initiative, consult Form 11500 which is available on the state website under PUBS&RESOURCES. You can also reach out to Ty Tyjewski at 440-867-4503 or Jim Maslach at 440-785-9838 or via email at kofcjkm@gmail.com.
CCO on Issue 1
The Catholic Conference of Ohio firmly opposes Issue 1, which would enshrine the “right” to abortion in the Ohio Constitution. This extreme amendment endangers the health and safety of women, threatens parental rights, and allows for abortion through all nine months of pregnancy.
CCO's Resources
• 4 Things You Need to Know (Video)
• Frequently Asked Questions (English | Spanish)
• Where Does It Say That? (English | Spanish)
• 54-Day Novena (pray54ohio.org)
Other Resources
The Columbus Dispatch: Opinion: My son was tortured, kidnapped and murdered. Abortion, death penalty easy answer| Mother Catholic News Agency: Catholic imagery doesn’t belong in pro-abortion Ohio campaign ad, critics say
Visit www.ohiocathconf.org/protect to access all resources from the Catholic Conference of Ohio to defeat Issue 1.
CCO Opposes Issue 2
The Catholic Conference of Ohio encourages Catholics and all people of good will to Vote NO on Issue 2, "An Act to Control and Regulate Adult Use of Cannabis,” which would legalize recreational marijuana.
Issue 2 would:
Threaten Public Health - per the Catechism of the Catholic Church, "The use of drugs inflicts very grave damage on human health and life." (paragraph 229)
Endanger Children - marijuana use by youth has risen considerably in states where recreational use has been legalized, harming child development, especially neurologically.
Endanger Communities - studies show legalization of marijuana increases traffic accidents and fatalities as well as increasing rates of workplace accidents and injuries.
On November 7, the people of Ohio will have the opportunity to demonstrate how our state views the sacredness of life and the dignity of women. Bishop Edward Malesic is asking Catholics to carefully consider how they will vote on the amendment that will expand and enshrine abortion in Ohio’s constitution. Click the video to watch.
The dignity of life in its earliest stages is threatened by proposed Ohio Constitutiona l amendment, to be voted on in the November 7th election, to expand and enshrine abortion at the expense of protections for preborn children and women. As Catholics, we cannot remain on the sidelines when confronted with such a clear threat to human life. Visit Protect Ohio for more information!
VOTE NO in NovemberYard Signs are now available! Please click here complete short form to receive a sign or email us at Contact@MCRTL.org
Fraternal Trainers provide important support for Fraternal Leaders; training can be tailored to meet the needs of both new and seasoned officers, as well as any members who are interested in advancing to officer roles in the future. Fraternal Trainers provide officer training at both the district and council level, online and in-person.
To sign up for training sessions from Supreme, visit the state website (www.kofcohio.org). Under FOR MEMBERS, click
Opportunities. Visit the Fraternal Training page on the Knights of Columbus website to view our complete schedule of training webinars, the archive of On Demand Webinars, the Fraternal "How To" Video Library, Officer Resources, and more. All Supreme training is via webinar and computer access is necessary.
Join us for this webinar where we discuss the relationship between the Pastor and the Council. One of the identities we hold as Knights of Columbus is the ‘Strong right arm of the Church.’ This speaks to the necessity of building strong relationships with our pastors, so that we can assist him in strengthening and growing parish communities. In this session we will examine why we need each other, how to work together towards common goals, and how to build strong communication.
This informative webinar will teach you the basics of planning a council program. We will touch upon the successful Faith in Action model and discuss the tools you will need for each step of the process, including planning, executing the event and followup.
Please join us as we conduct a walk through on conducting an effective inperson Exemplification of Charity, Unity & Fraternity. We will take you through the process step-by-step to show you everything you need to do to put on a great Exemplification.
This webinar will show councils how to adopt the current guidelines and learn best practices to host an informative, efficient, and effective Council Meeting. Using ‘The Guidelines for Council Meetings’ we will walk you through the steps and procedures of council and officer planning meetings to give you the confidence to prepare and host council meetings that will benefit your Council and help maintain strong, healthy and engaged membership.
Join us for this webinar where we will cover the basics of the Member Management & Member Billing applications. This training will show you the ins and outs of this online membership management tool. Learn how to use this simple and secure platform to manage your council’s membership and financial records. In addition discover how to use the integrated email system, to easily communicate with your council.
This webinar covers the relationship between those officers entrusted with the financial management of the council. We will cover their roles and responsibilities, management of council finances, checks and balances, and the proper flow of money and bills. We will share some practical advice on money management and reporting responsibilities.
Join us for this workshop on how to ensure that all council members have a positive and fulfilling membership experience that leads to a greater involvement in your council, parish, and community.
Our communities need active Councils. What is your Council doing to support the parish and community? Are you supporting your priest’s vision for his parish? The programs we do are so needed. If not us, then who? “What you do for the least of my brothers, you do for me” (Matthew 25:40). Together we will discuss the value and share some ideas on how growth can help your Council follow the teachings of Jesus & follow the path of Blessed Michael McGivney.
Membership Growth is critical to the longevity of the Knights of Columbus and our impact on local parishes and communities. What does successful recruitment look like? This session on Church Drive recruitment will help guide you and your council in making a positive appeal to the men and families of your parishes. We will walk through practical planning and organizing tips, review materials available, and responding to the “No’s.”
Northeast Akron Council 3529, FDD Cris Drugan & GK John Conley, attended the annual Night For Life benefit for Embrace Clinic last night at the St. George Party Center in Akron. Embrace Clinic & Care Center exists to educate, support, and empower women and families facing unexpected pregnancies in Summit County. We provide accurate information, free services, and practical support with a holistic and compassionate approach. We give each of our clients the care and attention they need, empowering them to make an informed decision for themselves and their future.
St. Ladislas Council 16373 said thank you to their previous pastor, Father Don Synder, and welcomed Father Mark Latkovich at a ceremony and Mass in August 2023.
The Greater Cleveland Chapter of the Knights of Columbus would like to cordially invite you to attend our Columbus Day Dinner Honoring
Immediate Past Chapter President
Nate Sabo, PCP, PGK on Sunday
October 8th, 2023. The doors open
4:00 PM with dinner starting at 5:00 PM. The dinner is being held at Garfield Council #4130 at 10806 Granger Rd, Cleveland, OH 44125. The menu is as follows:
• Salad with Ranch/Italian Dressing
• Roll & Butter
• Lemon Chicken
• Pasta with meat and cheese
• Hors d'oeuvre: Cheese & Crackers
• Dessert: Pastry
Price: @$25.00 per person for member councils $30.00 for non-member councils. Pay at the Door:
RSVP no later than October 3, 2023 to kofc.great.cleve.chap@gmail.com or call 216 346 0071
Vivat Jesus
SK John McQuillen
Grand Knight, St. Charles Borromeo, Knights of Columbus Council #16137
Purser, Archbishop Hoban Assembly #1407
President, Greater Cleveland Chapter Knights of Columbus
To have events added to the diocesan calendar, visit the state website at www.kofcohio.org and scroll down till you see UPCOMING EVENTS. Click on the RED button to submit your event. If your council would like to host an Exemplification of Charity, Unity, and Fraternity but does not have a team ready or available, contact Jim Maslach at 440-785-9838. The Diocesan Exemp Team is ready and willing to come to you. We will need at least two weeks prior notice to make the appropriate plans.