APRIL 2024
The founder of the Knights of Columbus, Father Michael J. McGivney was a central figure in the growth of Catholicism in America, and he remains a model today. His example of charity, evangelization and empowerment of the laity continues to bear fruit and guide Knights of Columbus around the world.
In his Apostolic Letter that was read at the Mass for Beatification on Oct. 31, 2020, Pope Francis stated that Blessed Michael McGivney’s “zeal for the proclamation of the Gospel and generous concern for the needs of his brothers and sisters made him an outstanding witness of Christian solidarity and fraternal assistance.” The Holy Father set his annual feast day for Aug. 13, the day between Father McGivney’s birthday (in 1852) and the day he entered eternal life (in 1890).
The beatification ceremony in the Cathedral of Saint Joseph in Hartford, Conn., was a high point in a long process that began with the opening of the Cause for Canonization in December 1997. Shortly after Father McGivney was named a Venerable
Servant of God in March 2008, Pope Benedict XVI cited him as a key figure in “the impressive growth” of the Church in the United States, stating, “We need but think of the remarkable accomplishment of that exemplary American priest, the Venerable Michael McGivney, whose vision and zeal led to the establishment of the Knights of Columbus.” Through the spiritual genius of Father McGivney, the Knights of Columbus has become a way for Catholic men to transform friends into brothers brothers who care for one another.
Just as those in need sought Father McGivney’s help in life, understanding that he was a “Good Samaritan” figure, more than 2 million members of the Knights of Columbus and their families, and many others around the world, continue to seek out Father McGivney as a heavenly helper in times of need today. On May 26, 2020, Pope Francis approved a decree for a miracle attributed to his intercession, opening the way for Father McGivney to be beatified. A second approved miracle is needed for him to be canonized as a saint of the Catholic Church.
God, our Father, protector of the poor and defender of the widow and orphan, you called your priest, Blessed Michael McGivney, to be an apostle of Christian family life and to lead the young to the generous service of their neighbor. Through the example of his life and virtue, may we follow your Son, Jesus Christ, more closely, fulfilling his commandment of charity and building up his Body which is the Church.
Let the inspiration of your servant prompt us to greater confidence in your love so that we may continue his work of caring for the needy and the outcast. We humbly ask that you glorify Blessed Michael McGivney on earth according to the design of your holy will. Through his intercession, grant the favor I now present (here make your request). Through Christ our Lord. Amen
Those who knew him best in life saw in him both a “genial” countenance and a man with an “indomitable will” to achieve the good. In sum, his founding of the Knights of Columbus “attests to the love in which he held his brother man.”
In these pages, you will get to know Father McGivney better, and join us in praying for his intercession as well as his canonization. You also can read accounts by contemporaries of Father McGivney about his life, works and virtues.
Retrieved from Father McGivney Guild
You can play a key role in advancing Father McGivney’s cause by joining the Guild for free and praying for his intercession and canonization. May Father McGivney intercede for you!
The Father Michael J. McGivney Guild serves as a source for information about the life, works and spirituality of Father McGivney. The Guild publishes a quarterly newsletter and offers a weekly Mass for the intentions of members.
The entire month falls during the Easter season. The liturgical color is white the color of light, a symbol of joy, purity and innocence (absolute or restored).
As our Lenten journey comes to a close we prepare to follow Christ all the way to the cross and to witness His glorious Resurrection. Hopefully we have sacrificed and prayed so that we are now able to more fully reap the fruits of a well spent Lent. After our solemn commemoration of the last days and death of Our Lord we will spend the remainder of the month of April celebrating. As Spring breaks forth even nature will join us as buds and blooms begin to surface and we spend this month basking in the joy of the Resurrection. We continue throughout the entire month our cry, "Christ is risen, Christ is truly risen."
The Feast of Divine Mercy offers us the opportunity to begin again as though we were newly baptized. The unfathomable mercy of God is made manifest today if we but accept His most gracious offer. Easter is the feast of feasts, the unalloyed joy and gladness of all Christians. This truly is "the day that the Lord has made." From Sunday to Sunday, from year to year, the Easters of this earth will lead us to that blessed day on which Christ has promised that He will come again with glory to take us with Him into the kingdom of His Father.
April boasts the most solemn and sublime events of human history: the Passion, Death, and Resurrection of Jesus Christ – the Paschal mystery. Though the way to the Resurrection was the Via Crucis, the Sacrificial Lamb of God is now and forever Christ our Light, the Eternal high priest of the New Covenant. And his sorrowful mother, the Stabat Mater of Good Friday, is now the jubilant Mother of the Regina Caeli.
The month of April is dedicated to The Holy Spirit
For the role of women: We pray that the dignity and immense value of women be recognized in every culture, and for the end of discrimination that they experience in different parts of the world.
We the members of Christ’s Mystical Body exalt in the mystery by which we were redeemed. If in Baptism we were buried with Christ, so also will we share in his resurrection. By his death we were reborn; “by his stripes we were healed.” (Is 53:5) Easter, the epicenter of time, is the event that links time and eternity. It is indeed “the day the Lord has made; let us be glad and rejoice in it.” (Ps 118:24).
The Spirit of the Lord hath filed the whole earth, alleluia.
I apologize for the tardiness of this newsletter. There has just been a lot going on lately.
On behalf of my wife, Kathy, and my family, we hope that you are having a blessed Easter Season and rejoice in the risen Lord!
It is hard to believe but we are now in the last quarter of the fraternal year. What it year it has been and there is still plenty to go.
April is going to be another busy month for our councils. First, Divine Mercy Sunday, Confirmation Masses, Bishops Brunch, 4th Degree Exemplification, Council Breakfasts and Dinners, Prep for State Convention, and … oh yea … Super Ca$h Bonanza tickets. You all are doing such a fantastic job. Thank you for all you do for your members, parishes, and communities.
Congratulations to all of the state free throw winners. Unfortunately, the Cleveland Diocese was shut out for the second year in a row. I know that the participants did their best and certainly made Cleveland proud.
Congratulations to Fr. Carl Anthony Council #3213 in Wadsworth who will be celebrating their 75th Anniversary on April 8.
Growth in the diocese continues at a feverish pace. We might not be Columbus, but we are certainly making a name for ourselves. The recruiting that you all are doing is
out of this world.
Supreme has asked our Worthy State Deputy, Jeff Kiliany, for Ohio to hold district or diocesan recruiting drives followed up with a CUF exemplification. For that, Mike Incorvati and I will be planning three prong approach targeting our East, West, and South regions. More details to follow but we would looking to kick this off for the Summer of 2024. Stay tuned for more info.
It’s almost here-the AM 1260 The Rock Spirit Drive! Tune in April 10-11-12 to hear from Debbie Georgianni, Fr. Brown, Bishop Malesic, local priests, program hosts and more. Hourly drawings for great gifts, all to support your Catholic radio station. Or, click on www.am1260therock.com and make your gift today! St. Adalbert Council 15901 has laid down the first challenge of $250. Who is going to match or top it?
State convention is just a little over a month away and we are planning to through a party for the 125th Anniversary of the Ohio State Council. You planning to join us? Please make sure that you get your registration in ASAP and book your hotel rooms before the special discount goes away at the end of April. I will be looking for committee members here in the next couple of weeks. What a great way to participate on the ground floor of the convention. Finally, we will elect a representative from Caucus Area #3. This year, it is
the WEST’s turn. Here is the list of councils that are eligible this year.
The Supreme Convention is in Quebec City, QC north of the border. Therefore, if you are interested in being a delegate, you WILL NEED A PASSPORT.
Supreme Convention is August 6-8, 2024.
Finally, as if that is not enough, council elections are coming. Start planning now so that you can have the elections in either May or June.
I am looking forward to seeing all of you at the state convention in May and state tour meeting in July. I am here to assist you in any way possible. Feel free to call, write, or … well you know. LOL
Vivat Jesus. Jim MaslachOhio Brother Knights, The Lord is risen, Alleluia!
As we enter the Easter Season and fourth quarter of the fraternal year. Let us take time to reflect on what it means to be Catholic. The times have changed since Jesus died on the cross for our sins, but the problems are still here. This is where the Knights of Columbus comes into play. We need men to stand up and help our Church and Community. We need to ask every man in the pew sitting next to you to join our Order. Explain to him that we need his help to keep the Knights the strong right arm of the Church. Our Pastors, community and those on the fringe need our help. The Knights need to be role models so that young children can take notice and have someone to look up to. Thanks to you Ohio, had a strong third quarter of Growth, we only have 3 months left in our fraternal year to bring in 450 new Brother Knights to make our growth goal of 1,860 new members. The men are out there, they just need to be Asked. You never know: the next man that joins, might become a council leader, and give your council a new program that will generate interest to council members.
The fastest way to sign up a new member is using the E-Membership (www.kofc.org/JoinUs ) website or scan the QR code, men can join any time and become a member instantly. Click blue “BLESSEDMCGIVNEY” promo code for free membership for an entire year.
Andrew Nuckols State Growth Director
As of March 30, 2024
Ohio July 1: 54,834
Ohio Growth: 1,365 (73.39%)
% Growth: 2.49%
Cleveland July 1: 8,162
Cleveland Growth: 230 (82.88%)
% Growth: 2.82%
% Growth is a measure of the YTD gain compared against the July 1st membership number.
YTD Gain against the July 1 Membership
1. 8320 John Carroll (39.29%)
2. 15901 St. Adalbert (12.82%)
3. 13984 Brook Park (9.76%)
4. 3410 South Akron (8.22%)
5. 3213 Father Carl Anthony (8.21%)
1. 3410 South Akron (24)
2. 774 Elyria (15)
3. 4847 Brunswick (14)
4. 10936 Father Maruskin (12)
5. 8320 John Carroll, 3213 Fr. Carl Anthony (11)
1. DD #19 Tom Goodhart (43)
2. DD #24 Tom Donovan (29)
3. DD #20 DeWitt Gober, DD #21 Patrick Gale (27)
4. DD #25 Mike Rauh (22)
Worthy Fraternal Leader and District Deputy-
Greetings. Hard to believe Lent has come and passed. Which means we have little over 90 days until the end of the Fraternal year. Several items to complete. If a Council has not yet provided their Affiliated Membership Initiative list to their District Deputy, clock is ticking, please ensure your councils have provided this list no later than April 30th and sent to Supreme.
State Council Program form will be offline, unavailable after April 15th and won't be brought back online until after July 1st for the next fraternal year. Although the State Program will be closed, Councils should continue to host Council programs to qualify for the McGivney award. Also, if you have a Council that has completed enough programs to complete the SP-7 or McGivney award, there is no restriction when to submit that form to Supreme. Encourage any Council to complete and submit their SP-7 when ready.
April 15th is also final day to submit Council donations for Support Our Seminarians.
Councils should also be crafting next year's slate of officers. Council elections may begin on May 1st and should close June 15th. Encourage your Council's to host their elections
sooner so that the next council administration may begin on July 1st. This will also allow planning of Council Officer Installation.
This is a nice segue, on April 1st within Member Management under Council Administration, the Next Fraternal Year option is now available for both Chosen Officers (form 185) and Service Program Personnel (form 365) . Please encourage your Councils Financial Secretary or Grand Knight to choose "load current year" and save. Next Fraternal Year entries may be changed at any time. This will prevent a delay for newly elected officers accessing Member Management on July 1st.
Reminder, Council Visitation reports should be submitted within 7 days of your visit and expense reports should be submitted monthly within a week of the end of the month. Without those visitation reports, State and Supreme, does not know the status of Councils nor the health of that Council. You should visit your Councils (at a minimum) of once per quarter. There are a few councils who have not been visited since last year.
Finally, if you have not met with the Diocesan State Officer, please schedule a meeting to discuss your District and the up-coming Fraternal Year.
Thank you, Teran
It is that time of year again when the state convention is coming around and we take a brief look back on the accomplishments of the year but also look to the future.
On April 9-11 and 16, I am open to talk with each of you concerning the events of this year and look at next year. Thank you to those of you that have already reserved your times. If you have not, please note that the only times open now is April 11 at 8:30 PM and April 16 from 7PM to 9PM.
Please either reserve your spot online or contact me at 440-785-9838.
Do you feel like you were called to do more? Do you have a servants heart and the patience to teach, mentor, and guide our councils?
If so, the Knights of Columbus in the Cleveland Diocese can use you as a District Deputy.
For more information, please feel free to contact Teran Taggart, DDC, or Jim Maslach.
We spend six weeks each year during Lent fasting, praying and almsgiving. We hope to unite our fasting and praying with Jesus’ 40 days of fasting and praying in the desert, to focus on preparing both our inner and outer selves to celebrate the great Easter feast. We give alms to identify with that great sacrifice of God giving His only begotten Son.
With Easter on March 31 this year, I hope this finds that you had a very blessed celebration of this central Christian feast! Easter certainly brings thoughts of newness and renewal. We hope our fasting, praying and almsgiving renews our closeness to God. As Spring settles in, I observe the many rituals of the season. I think
of newness and renewal. Outside beds are prepared for new planning. I see the new blossoms on trees and flowers reaching full bloom, lengthening of daylight, and a rush of sounds and sights not seen for many months. Schoolchildren begin to count down the days to summer vacation. Parents do the same counting down…perhaps without the joy of the children! Spring seems to elicit looking forward.
As my team I look forward this Spring, we are renewed in our mission to meet with my members. We want to keep you apprised of any changes you might want to consider in your insurance program. We hope you will keep us apprised of any changes in your
circumstances. Adjustments can be made to make sure that you are on the path to reach your goals. The Order offers a diverse array of products and services to help you do that. Together we can complete or update your financial needs analysis. This can show where you stand and helps discover any gaps in protection you might have. Our products: life insurance, retirement annuities, long-term care insurance and disability income insurance, are our core products to help protect you and your family.
Worthy Brothers it’s now crunch time.
When you get this today April 1st you will have until midnight to get those of the years into the directors.
The next important deadline is April 15th. Yes, this is Tax Day, but it is also the last day of reporting. At midnight our Worthy Web Master will be turning off the website. Before the deadline make sure all your programs are reported. This means if you are doing programs in May or June, you must report them before April 15th.
Lastly these two very important programs must be completed for your council to be star council and to max out the State Program. First you must have complete two Fraternal Benefits nights with the council under 100 members having 10 eligible members in attendance. (This is total for both Fraternal Benefits Nights. example 5 one night and 5 the second night.) Council with over 100 members must have at least 14 eligible members attend. (example 7 first night and 7 the second night).
The final program that council need to do is to make sure that they are Youth Compliant. You can see this on Brother Ken Girts Star council report. This report is sent out no later that the
Brother Knights of the Diocese of Cleveland,
Thanks to those councils that are holding prayer services with the Silver Rose while it is in the Diocese of Cleveland from July 4th through July 7th. Brothers check the State website for the schedule and attend one of these services as we continue to defend life here in Ohio.
The Annual Measure up campaign to benefit people with mental disabilities is fast approaching. Brothers this is our flagship program here in Ohio. I know it keeps getting harder to find places to collect money but let's get creative with our measure up drive this year and help these individuals with mental disabilities. The drive dates are April 25-27 and May 2-4, however money can be collected anytime until the final turn in date of August 1st. Once your collection is done go to the State website and fill out the grant form and send the form and check made out to Ohio State Council to Tony Offenberger 15200 Muskingum River Rd Lowell OH 45744. A copy of the insurance policy will be available on the website as well. Any questions contact Tony at tonyoffenberger@gmail.com
Vivat Jesus, Tony Offenberger State Warden
5th of the month. Brother being youth compliant is very important since we stress doing Family activities. Council we do the soccer challenge, basketball free throw and many other activities that involve the youth.
Asking all councils between now and April 13 to make sure that your point total is correct.
I pray that you all had a very Blessed Easter. He is truly Risen and is working in our lives daily.
Vivat Jesus Mike Jordon General Program DirectorMy Brother Knights, what can I say? We put the plan out to you in February as we traveled around the state and boy have you responded! More tickets than ever before have been put out, flooding the state. The Accountant and his Henchman are trying to make it difficult for you to raise any money for charity. Food, gas, rent … everything is going up and there seems to be no end. Rest assured, The caped crusaders for Charity in Ohio are on the case!
If you have not turned your tickets in, please plan to do so ASAP. Follow the instructions given to you previously. If there are any questions, contact Ca$hman via the Ca$h Phone at 440-785-9838 voice or text.
Just because the first turn-in is here does not mean we stop. We must foil the Accountant and save Ohio’s Charity. Keep watching the state website for updates on our progress toward $1 Million. Stay tuned for more action from Ca$hman…
Bud Tetzlaff, St. Ladislas Council #16373
The passing of Issue 1 in November was not surprising. Very disappointing for many of us, but what was shocking is that 74.42% of voters in Cuyahoga County voted yes.
Ultrasound machines make a difference. They save lives! The statistics vary, but when a pregnant woman sees the ultrasound image of her baby, 80 –90% choose life.
There were 5,877 abortions in Cuyahoga County in 2022. With Issue 1 passing, the Ultrasound Initiative is more important now than ever before.
The Ultrasound Initiative is going strong at St Ladislas Council 16373. The council has placed 5 ultrasound machines thus far, and are working on 2 more machines for 2024. A huge key to that
quantity of machines placed to date, valued at $206,209, is the phenomenal support by numerous councils in the Cleveland Diocese. These councils include: 16376, 310, 15056, 3269, 2643, 15614 and 7970. What a great example of charity and unity! We are grateful for the support of this life saving program.
2024 is a new year and we cannot let up in the fight for life. St Lad’s Council 16373 still needs your help to accelerate the installation of
these ultrasound machines in the Cleveland Diocese. To save lives. Please contact Bud Tetzlaff at budtetzlaff@aol.com or 216-5339754 to help out. Perhaps now is the time to budget some funds toward ultrasounds from the Super Cash Bonanza Raffle.
God Bless. Vivat Jesus!
Save lives by helping women choose life by giving them the opportunity to view their unborn children on ultrasound machines at pro-life pregnancy centers. This initiative is funded by Knights of Columbus state and local councils with matching grants from the Supreme Council’s Culture of Life Fund.
The Knights of Columbus works together as an organization to purchase ultrasound machines for qualifying pregnancy centers. Discounted prices for select machines are offered through preferred pricing agreements arranged by the Supreme Council. The list of preferred machines is provided to sponsoring councils after the pregnancy center is approved for funding by the local diocese and the Supreme Council. After the state and/or local council raises 50% of the cost, the Knights of Columbus Supreme Council will provide the other 50% to complete funding for purchase of an ultrasound. Or, if the council raises 100% of the cost of a vehicle outfitted to serve as a mobile medical unit for a pregnancy center, the Supreme Council will provide 100% of the funds for an ultrasound machine to be used in that vehicle. For more information, visit Supreme website at www.kofc.org or click HERE
In honor and memory of the two former District Deputy #27, Michael Kalal and Bill O’Brien, there are going to be 2 charitable foundations formed. “Michael C Kalal Heart of Gold Charitable Foundation” and the “God’s Tiny Miracles Charitable Foundation”. “Michael C Kalal Heart of Gold Charitable Foundation” will focus on safety equipment for first responders which are not covered or “under covered” by budgets of the departments; including but not limited to, Fire Departments, local Police Departments, Sheriff’s Departments and the Ohio State Highway Patrol along with canine units of each department. Along with the canine officer’s safety equipment, we are going to reach out to Chewy or other major pet organizations to see about food and treat donations for these officers or at least at a discounted price.
Examples of safety equipment
• Noise cancelling head phones for Fire Personnel
• Upgrade of Bullet Proof vests for both human and canine officers
• Flashlights for police officers (I was informed that officers are issued A flashlight upon the start of the job and are expected to keep this for the entire career)
• LifeVac for police officers to carry in their vehicles for responding to choking victims
• Body cams and Dash cams
“God’s Tiny Miracles Charitable Foundation” will focus on pro-life and securing much needed “Safe Haven Baby Boxes” to be installed in local communities where there are facilities manned 24/7 in order to keep the precious unwanted babies safe and out of harm’s way and to give them a good start in life. Also, to support organizations to assist women with unexpected pregnancies or in a difficult situation.
I am approaching the Knights to see if there is anyone within the organization that would be able to help register these names with the State of Ohio at a nominal cost. I am also going to be speaking to a couple of State Knights to see what, if any role the Knights of Columbus can play in helping us with these organizations as I have been told to keep them in the loop and they will see what they can do to help us. I have heard there is some “partnering” we would be able to do and looking forward to learn more how we can complement each other.
Volunteer (or a nominal charge) Positions available
Both Charities
• IT Manager – Build and maintain websites
• Accountant with knowledge of charity do’s and don’t’s, etc.
• Grant writer
• Graphic artist to assist in developing logos for both charities
God’s Tiny Miracles
Attorney to sit on the board
Additional Board members for God’s Tiny Miracles
We are working with “Grandma Janet”, who makes beautiful crocheted baby blankets. Those interested in purchasing can either purchase a blanket only OR a blanket, baby beanie and scarf. Or donate for the blankets to go to organizations dedicated to helping women in need. We are working to duplicate Michael’s famous sweet BBQ recipe and will sell bottles with all proceeds going to the Heart of Gold charity.
To volunteer or to learn more about our efforts, please contact Amy Kalal at 1.440.552.4275 or akalal2014@outlook.com. Thank you for taking the time to read this information and hopefully help in keeping both Michael’s and Bill’s legacy alive. Both were amazing people and Knights and followers of God, both living their faith every minute of each day.
Rudy Breglia
After the courageous action by the Board of Lorain County Commissioners to pass Resolution #24-167, I decided that the time was right to formally propose a $15,000 Grant to one of the Lorain County school districts for a Seat Belt Pilot Program. The "competitive" Grant Application (See Below) was distributed to all the Districts on March 25th. The Application had almost no conditions and was meant to have sufficient funds to cover the additional cost of equipping one new school bus with lap-shoulder seat belts in one Lorain County school district. This funding approach was meant to avoid any possible objections by school districts to conducting a seat belt trial.
I am fully committed to funding this Grant to do what’s right but I’m hoping that another sponsor will provide the funds for some or all the cost of the Grant I would like to know if some part of the Ohio Knights of Columbus would be willing to consider providing directly to a school district some or all the funds, i.e. $15,000 needed for this Grant. I’m hoping that with this incentive a school district will take advantage of this funding opportunity to conduct a Pilot Program and serve as a model for other school districts. Also, having a school bus equipped with lap-shoulder seat belts as a trial will allow the selected school district to gain practical experience, learn the benefits of seat belts and the needs for training and communications for a successful implementation plan.
I will keep you abreast of developments. I allowed consideration by the school districts until August 1, 2024, for their Application's submission. Please let me know if you have any questions or concerns. Appreciate your thoughts. Let's discuss, when convenient.
Thanks Rudy Breglia
(610) 883-2863 or (440) 930-0251
Say good words, do the right things and think happy ideas.
Fraternal Trainers provide important support for Fraternal Leaders; training can be tailored to meet the needs of both new and seasoned officers, as well as any members who are interested in advancing to officer roles in the future. Fraternal Trainers provide officer training at both the district and council level, online and inperson. To sign up for training sessions from Supreme, visit the state website (www.kofcohio.org) under FOR MEMBERS and click on Training Opportunities or click the registration links below.
April 17, 2024
8:00 PM Advertising Council Events
Topic/Registration Link
This webinar will be looking at how councils can use newsletters, church bulletins and social media to inform the community of an upcoming event and thank them for attending. We will also work on what information will attract positive attention to the message in your promotions.
Click HERE to Register.
Completing the SP-7 for the Columbian Award
April 25, 2024
8:00 PM
April 29, 2024
10:00 PM
In this session we will share best practices for recording the Council's Program activities. We will discuss how submitting the 10784 Form after each Council program makes this easy. We will also touch on the Council personnel that can help make this a smooth process to gaining the Columbian Award.
Click HERE to Register.
Financial Officer Training
This training covers the relationship between those officers entrusted with the financial management of the council. Grand Knights, Financial Secretaries, Treasurers and Council Trustees should take this training. We will cover their roles and responsibilities, management of council finances, checks and balances, and the proper flow of money and bills. We will share some practical advice on money management and reporting responsibilities.
Click HERE to Register.
State Council Officer Succession Planning
April 30, 2024
8:00 PM
Presents key steps in establishing a succession path for your State Councils, covering topics such as: What is a Succession Plan? How do we identify possible successors? How do we approach them? What is the best way to train and onboard them? Succession Planning can provide the groundwork to create a culture of sustainable leadership development now and into the future.
Click HERE to Register.
To have events added to the diocesan calendar, visit the state website at www.kofcohio.org and scroll down till you see UPCOMING EVENTS. Click on the RED button to submit your event.
If your council would like to host an Exemplification of Charity, Unity, and Fraternity but does not have a team ready or available, contact Jim Maslach at 440-785-9838. The Diocesan Exemp Team is ready and willing to come to you. We will need at least two weeks prior notice to make the appropriate plans.
State Deputy
Immediate Past State Deputy Support Our Seminarians 2024
State Secretary State Per Capita
State Treasurer Super Cash 2024
State Advocate Matching Funds 2024
State Warden Measure Up 2024
College Council Coordinator / DD #33 310, 2726, 8320, 15023, 15737
Growth Coordinator / DD #28 Inactive Councils
Diocesan DD Coordinator / DD #26 3970, 14406, 15056, 15614, 16137, 16279
Council Rejuvenation / DD #32 789, 3541, 5506
Jeff Kiliany 559 Walnut St Leetonia, OH 44431 jtktg@yahoo.com
Mark Siracusa 15398 Silver Pine Ct Perrysburg, OH 43551 cuzza52@gmail.com
Mike Felerski 1580 Gelhot Dr. #234 Fairfield, OH 45014 mfelerski@icloud.com
Jim Maslach 4927 Autumnwood Ln Brunswick, OH 44212 440-785-9838 kofcjkm@gmail.com
Chris Sarka 7239 Winterbek Ave New Albany, OH 43054 c_sarka@hotmail.com
Tony Offenberger 15200 Muskingum River Rd Lowell OH 45744 tonyoffenberger@gmail.com
George Metz 440-449-0081 georgegmetz@aol.com
Mike Incorvati 330-671-1490 mbaincorvati@hotmail.com
Teran Taggart 440-665-4078 ADM5893@YAHOO.COM
Robert Walsh 216-533-1134 rewalsh731@aol.com