Celina - Coldwater - St. Henry - Fort Recovery - Sidney - Versailles - Greenville - Russia
Covington - Wapakoneta - St. Marys - Minster -Russells Point - McCartyville - Springfield
Urbana - Bellefontaine Fairborn - Eaton - Huber Heights - Vandalia - Englewood - Piqua
Troy - Tipp City - New Carlisle - Dayton - Xenia - Beavercreek -Centerville - KetteringHamilton - Fairfield - Harrison - North Bend - Monroe - West Chester - Carthage - Sharonville
New Burlington - Norwood - Shandon - Wilmington - Morrow - Mason- Lebanon - Milford - Loveland - Springfield Middletown - Miamisburg - Franklin - Trenton - Cincinnati - Ripley - Fayetteville - Hillsboro - Greenfield - West Union - Waynesville
I am dedicating this month’s issue of The Arch to guest articles on how we, the Knights ARE making a difference here in the Cincinnati Archdiocese:
Our guest authors include Bob Burns and Gene Courtier of the Dayton and Cincinnati Chapters with their respective involvement in the upcoming Honor Flights. I have had the honor of attending these events in Dayton. You do not have to be a Fourth Degree member in uniform to attend and support your veterans. But if you do own the uniform make sure to wear it.
author and Vocations Director Father Dan Schmitmeyer offers his thanks for your support in this issue.
You will also find an article from State Faith Director Tony Offenberger on the importance of the month of August and our founder Blessed Michael McGivney.
Now I realize we went way over time this year (but not as long as Toledo)…
I am working with State Program Director and my fellow officers on [how to shorten things up].
You will also find information on upcoming regional online training by Jon OlsonAssociate Regional Growth & Training Director for the mid-west.
FAITH takes center stage in the form of supporting Catholic Education through the Matching Funds Program here in the Archdiocese with an article from Sean Ater, the Director of the Center for the New Evangelization in the Cincinnati Archdiocese. Sean explains what the funds are used for and how much the Knights and our program really mean to our diocesan community.
As Pope Saint John Paul II stated in his Letter to Priests on Holy Thursday, 2004, "There can be no Eucharist without the priesthood, just as there can be no priesthood without the Eucharist”. And we Knights know all too well the importance of our future priests the seminarians. This of course is why our S.O.S. program is so important. Guest
First off I would like to thank everyone who attended this year’s State Tour held at Bainbridge Hall, home of Dayton 500 Council. As always, there was plenty of space, airconditioning, and food. We counted 112 brother Knights in attendance which was the largest gathering of any stop in Ohio.
Now I realize we went way over time this year (but not as long as Toledo). Part of the the reason was due to all of the AWARDS we handed out – congratulations! Proof we are “doing things”. I am working with State Program Director and my fellow o ffi cers on alternate ways of distributing these, i.e. Chapter meetings, etc.
PSD Gary Eckstein had a lot of fun during his Football Sweeps talk because: 1) He grew up in the great northern part of the Arch and, 2) He loves coming “back home” to the most interactive and awake audience in the state (no kidding) and, lastly 3) He’s passionate about the Football Sweeps. Give the football tickets a try if your council typically does not sell them. I have yet to hear of a council who has lost money on the program.
I am really excited about this fraternal year here in the Archdiocese and we’re off to a great start. Fasten your safety belts, this plane has taken off!
Vivat Jesus!
Michael J. Felerski State Treasurer
Sean Ater – Director
The Knights of Columbus Matching Funds Campaign will have a real and lasting impact on the future of the church in the Archdiocese of Cincinnati
Beginning July 1, 2022, the Archdiocese embarked on an ambitious project called Beacons of Light. This year’s Matching Funds campaign will contribute to the successful implementation of this multi-year process of pastoral planning for the Archdiocese of Cincinnati. Groupings of parishes will come together as one faith community. These new “Families of Parishes” will be stronger, with the resources to focus more on mission than on maintenance. Pastors and parish leaders will then plan for the future of their Family of Parishes.
Part of the vision for Beacons of Light is that every Family of Parishes will become centers of missionary outreach. Families of Parishes will find new ways to foster missionary discipleship among all the baptized. Schools, parishes, and indeed the domestic Church itself will be centers of this essential work.
In order to become centers of missionary outreach, Families of Parishes will create an evangelization plan attending to the following vision points:
Missionary Discipleship: Implement a simple and clear discipleship process for all ages that ultimately equips and commissions missionary disciples for personal apostolate and vocation
Grounded in Discernment: The pastor, staff, and lay leaders prioritize prayer, formation, and discernment in order to allow the Holy Spirit to inspire their evangelization efforts.
Family Partnership: The domestic church is the primary place of evangelization of young people and is well supported by the parish.
Prioritize Adult Formation: The principal form for evangelization and catechesis is directed toward adults and is given priority
Effective Schools: Parish schools become an essential ministry of the parish by being an “effective vehicle of total Christian formation” for young people and their parents.
A Culture of Vocation: Prepare individuals to discern and embrace their vocation. Support parents as they cultivate vocations within the family, help single young people actively discern their vocation, and accompany couples through the marriage catechumenate.
This year, the Knights of Columbus matching funds will have a direct impact on the fruitfulness of the Beacons of Light Pastoral Planning process. These funds will be reinvested by the Archdiocese of Cincinnati into the Beacons of Light Pastoral Planning Process especially in the planning for evangelization.
Beacons of Light will inevitably impact the local church for the next century. The Knight of Columbus have always been the backbone of parish life. Your donation today will help shape the church in the Archdiocese of Cincinnati for the one hundred years
Sean Ater Director, Center for the New Evangelization
Archdiocese of Cincinnati
My fellow Knights of Columbus in the Great State of Ohio. I am going to give you a current update on where the Membership is as of Today 7/23/2022. New Fraternal Year
Total Membership: 54,701 and 1,750 is our New Circle of Honor Goal. It gets reduced by 1 for every 10 New E-Members that sign up. We have an INTAKE of + 56 New Members since July 1, 2022, that puts us at 3.20% of our Goal of 1,750. And currently we are at #36 Order wide.
As of 7/23/2022, the Current Diocese Standings are as follows:
1. Columbus has 6.09% of their Membership Goal Met
2. Cincinnati has 4.02 % of their Membership Goal Met.
3. Cleveland has 2.91% of their Membership Goal Met
4. Steubenville has 2.86 % of their Membership Goal Met
5. Youngstown has 1.29% of their Membership Goal Met
6. Toledo has 0.84. % of their Membership Goal Met
July 1, we started a New Fraternal Year. We MUST Get Off to a FAST START right away. There is no doubt in my mind and the State Officers that THIS Year 2022-2023 we WILL make our GOAL of 1,750
The JULY Membership Incentive is The First 12 Proposers that bring in 2 New Members into their Council will be picked to receive an Ohio State Council “Fast Starter” Challenge Coin. We want to start the New Fraternal Year Off FAST !!
Additionally for the 1st Quarter. Supreme Council is awarding $7.00 for each new member brought into our Order.
In order to claim the membership incentives email to mcfreil2019@gmail.com the name(s) of the new member as soon as possible
Keep Asking Men in your Parishes to Join our Order. If You Don’t Ask them to Join…they will not Join Us. We can do this Brothers…Keep Asking Men to Join Our Order.
The crowd begins to file in to Greater Cincinna8 Airport (CVG) around 7 pm. It gains strength literally every minute therea;er. Every age, men and women, boys and girls, gather for a common goal. One sees ‘Welcome back, Grampa”, or “Thank you for your service’ on signs ten Gmes over. There are Boy Scouts, Girl Scouts, men and women in period ouJits, George and Martha Washington, Ben Franklin, and WW2 military uniforms of various branches of the service.
By 9 pm the crowd anGcipaGon grows, the recepGon area is packed. Literally thousands of people of all sizes and stripes, with one common reason, anxiously await the hundred or so veterans and their escorts, returning from a trip to Washington D.C. The veterans are escorted off the planes, sGll out of sight of the crowd. Once they have all disembarked, they proceed to the recepGon area. Once in view, the bagpipers begin to play, and they lead the veterans through the crowd, which is standing, clapping, and cheering, welcoming the Veterans back home. The thunderous enthusiasm conGnues unGl the last veteran, smiling ear to ear, perhaps with a tear or two, makes his way through the crowd, many on wheelchairs pushed by their escorts. You want to be a part of this.
There are two more of these incredible, encouraging events leJ this calendar year: September 20 and October 25. Nothing is missing, except you, fellow knight. If you want a li; to your spirit, get a boost to your patrioGsm, then make your way to CVG on one or both of these dates and welcome back our veterans. Excuses unaccepted; it’s free other than parking. For more informaGon go to www.honorflighZristate.org.
Honor was founded in 2005 with a mission of honoring our naGon’s veterans by bringing them to Washington DC to visit the memorials and monuments dedicated to their service. Veterans from WWII, Korean War and the Vietnam War era are currently being served. ParGcipants have the opportunity to share this momentous occasion with other comrades, to remember friends and comrades lost, and share their stories and experiences with other veterans. Qualifying veterans travel at no cost. Since its beginning 245,000 veterans have parGcipated.
Most Honor Flights depart Dayton InternaGonal Airport about 6:00 AM and return around10:30 PM. WaiGng to greet them on their return are hundreds of their family, friends, and neighbors.
The veterans Pass In Review. Some in wheelchairs, others walking with assistance, and others with a not so steady stride. All with heads held high, walking to the beat of the Air Force Band. As they pass each group online, you will not see a dry eye in the place. This is a very patrioGc way for the Knights of Columbus to honor and show our support to our veterans. Once you have taken part in the Honor Flights Welcoming Home, you will return to support another scheduled flights. Thank you for all you do for our veterans.
Qualifying veterans can apply to parGcipate in a future Honor Flight by going to www.honorflightdayton.org
The 2022 schedule for flights arriving at Dayton InternaGonal Airport: 27 August and 15 October. All flights return to the Dayton InternaGonal Airport at approximately 10:30 PM.
Honor Flight Dayton is sponsoring a RecreaGonal Vehicle Convey (RVC) 10 – 12 September.
By Tony Offenberger – Faith Director
Greetings Brother Knights of the Arch,
August is the month of our Founder Blessed Father Michael J. McGivney. As we plan our faith activities for the year, we must not forget our founder, as the Knights of Columbus would not exist without him. August is a huge month in honor of Blessed Michael McGivney. August 12 is the day of his birth, the 13th is his feast day, and the 14th is the date of his death.
May I suggest a holy hour on Saturday August 13th before or after the vigil mass in honor of Blessed Michael McGivney’s feast day? Perhaps the vigil mass does not have a petition yet at your church and you can purchase a Mass card from your church for a Mass to be said for him. Any kind of special recognition for him during the month of August would be a great thing.
Blessed Michael McGivney had incredible foresight and because of that we owe him a debt of gratitude, honor, and thanks.
God bless.
Your Brother in Christ,
Tony Offenberger
Ohio State Council
Dear Brothers,
By Jason Staas Advisor
Please find the most recent issue of Knights of Columbus Asset Advisors’ Market Insights a=ached.
In my role as an Investment Advisor RepresentaCve, I think it’s essenCal to share our firm’s perspecCve as we conCnuously monitor our investment porFolios so that you understand our approach. By sharing this informaCon, I seek to equip you with the tools and knowledge to pursue your financial goals. As you review this piece, please do not hesitate to contact me with any quesCons or to discuss any themes further.
By working in partnership with clients, we can make wellinformed decisions together that reflect your personal preferences and develop strategies that align with any short and long-term goals.
My “door” is always open. Please let me know if I can be of service to you and your family.
GK 101 (overview)
Monday 8/1/22 at 7PM CDT (8PM EDT)
I have been elected Grand Knight. Now what do I do? MeeGngs, Appointments, Star Councils, Growth, and many other things a Grand Knight has in front of him. How do I do it? This webinar will cover duGes of a Grand Knight and keys to success that will help Grand Knights be the best they can be.
Tuesday 8/2/22 at 7PM (8PM EDT)
My State Deputy just called; my Appointment as a District Deputy has been approved. Now what do I do? This presentaGon will help overview some of the things a District Deputy should be aware of. From simple duGes to where can I get answers to local council quesGons. This under an hour presentaGon will give you a good first foot in the role as District Deputy
GK102 (Mee8ngs and Protocol)
Monday 8/8/22 at 7PM CDT (8PM EDT)
In this second segment of the Grand Knight series, we are covering MeeGngs and Protocol. A brief walk through on meeGng and key things a Grand Knight should be doing in the meeGng to make it worth the Gme of the member to aZend it. We will also run through some Protocol that will help you with the why and what of the council.
GK103 (Forms, Adver8sing and Marke8ng)
Monday 8/15/22 at 7PM CDT (8PM EDT)
In this third segment of the Grand Knight series, we are covering Forms, AdverGsing and MarkeGng. Who should fill out the forms? How the flow of money should go through the council. How we can take a form and make it a press release. How to market the Council beZer.
Council Officer Overview
Monday 8/22/22 at 7PM CDT (8PM EDT)
The Leadership of the council is important to the success of it. Good leaders make good council and to pick good leaders we must first know what the responsibiliGes of each posiGon. During the webinar we will cover the main responsibiliGes of each officer posiGon. This will be an overview to help us select the next leaders for our next successful year
Delta Drive
Tuesday 8/23/22 at 7PM CDT (8PM EDT)
Come learn how to do the Delta Church drive method. this highly effecGve process of growth through communicaGon will help you go from prospects to members and answer the why of growth.
By Father Dan Schmitmeyer Director of Vocations Cincinnati Archdiocese
Father Schmitmeyer was presented with a check in the amount of $17,369.32 by State Treasurer Michael Felerski during the 2022 State Tour stop in Dayton on July 16 in support of Archdiocesan seminarians.
The Knights of Columbus SOS program helps the seminarians in the Archdiocese of CincinnaG in so many ways. As seminarians, the men are not allowed to have outside jobs, except in the summer and then only for some of their years in the seminary. Seminary typically takes 7-9
finish. The funds from SOS allows the vocaGon office to help the seminarians when unexpected expenses occur such as medical emergencies, automoGve issues and other issues.
God speaks in whispers and we live in a loud world. Hearing God’s voice amidst the noise and busy-ness of our lives can be difficult. It is our hope that this web site will help you listen for God’s whisper in your life.
As you discern who God is calling you to be, it is helpful to spend time in prayer, being quiet with the Lord, and talking with others about your vocation. These efforts and desires will demonstrate your readiness for the vocation.
We also use the funds to help seminarians who are studying a second language in order to beZer serve the people of God. Over the years these funds have helped a great number of our seminarians who thought they had to drop out of the seminary in order to meet their financial obligaGons. Thanks to all of the Knights who so generously support the men who are discerning who God wants them to be.
The Support Our Seminarians Program starts July1 and continues through April 15th of the following calendar year.
Formerly called “Pennies for Heaven” this program supports the seminarians of the Archdiocese through the Vocations Office. The program chairman state-wide is IPSD Robert Byers, and Steve Feist is the Cincinnati Archdiocese coordinator for S.O.S.
Web Sites…
State Council Website: www.kofcohio.org
Facebook Page: www.facebook.com/OhioKnightsOfColumbus/
Dayton Chapter: www.daytonkofc.org Cincinnati Chapter: www.cincykofc.org
Facebook Page: Search for: ArchCincykofc
About The Arch…
A newsletter featuring relevant news and information for Knights in the Archdiocese of Cincinnati published twelve times a year! It can be viewed and downloaded at: http://www.daytonkofc.org/DayCh_Arch_Newsletter.html Or at kofcohio.org > For Members > Diocesan Pages > Cincinnati
To subscribe for delivery directly to your email inbox, please contact Michael Thomas at: michaeldthomas@aol.com
State Deputy
Mark Siracusa 15398 Silver Pine Court Perrysburg, OH 43551-1261 cuzza52@gmail.com
Matching Funds*
State Advocate Jim Maslach 4927 Autumnwood Ln Brunswick, OH 44212 kofcjkm@gmail.com
Measure Up*
State Warden Chris Sarka 7239 Winterbek Ave New Albany, OH 43054-9097 c_sarka@hotmail.com
Super Cash Bonanza*
Support Our Seminarians*
Immediate Past State Deputy Bob Byers 565 Indian Run Rd Marietta OH 45750-6693 robert_byers@hotmail.com
Will Return in winter 2023 Form 100 Questions? Contact Michael or his team below In progress
State Treasurer Michael Felerski 1580 Gelhot Dr. #234 Fairfield, OH 45014 mfelerski@icloud.com
State Per Capita Payments*
State Secretary Jeffery Kiliany 559 Walnut Street Leetonia, OH 44431 jtktg@yahoo.com
Starts September 1st 2022-23 statements mailed
State Membership Director Michael Freil mcfreil2019@gmail.com
Archdiocese Membership Team
Will return in April 2023
Dan Tebbe: I-70 North dtebbe1@outlook.com
Vic Lauterbach: Dayton [Chapter area] vslauterbach@gmail.com
Rich Bischof: Cincinnati [Chapter area] richbischof@outlook.com
District Deputy Coordinator Tim Mangan tjmangan@icloud.com
State Program Director
Andrew Nuckols anuckols@cinci.rr.com
FYI: To Supreme Form #1295 semiannual audit PAST due #185 and #365 PAST due
*Make Checks payable to: Ohio State Council Knights of Columbus