The Arch

Celina - Coldwater - St. Henry - Fort Recovery - Sidney - Versailles - Greenville - Russia
Covington - Wapakoneta - St. Marys - Minster -Russells Point - McCartyville - Springfield
Urbana - Bellefontaine Fairborn
Eaton - Huber Heights - Vandalia
bulletins or just put a blurb in their “Knights Corner” of their bulletin. And don’t forget the other parishes in
Please keep Fr. Schmitmeyer in your prayers as he
churches within a week AND INVITE the entire parish to attend and witness it! So yes, let’s bring back the October Blitz this year.
In the September issue of The Arch I wrote about the honor of presenting Fr. Dan Schmitmeyer with a check from the Support Our Seminarians program which he will be using to supplement the Arch seminarians school book costs.
Although we “Pass the Jug” there are other ways to collect donations. A few years back I started hosting a table in my parish’s narthex during Vocations Week, traditionally around the first week of November. The table included materials the Archdiocese Vocations Office provided and some business cards I made with the QR code to the archdiocese vocations website, plus our “jug”. Father made an announcement about our table at the Masses and said that donations were gladly accepted. It worked out very well.
The 2024-2025 Catholic High Scholarship program has . Please, please promote this program run by the Ohio Charity Foundation (our 501c3) The scholarships are available to Catholic high school students attending Ohio Catholic high schools. You can find details at:
The Matching Funds program continues and we need to get our donations supporting the Archdiocese Office of Evangelization and Faith Formation in ASAP! Remember, the first $25,000 donated (sent to State Advocate Chris Sarka, see address on last page) will be matched dollar for dollar by the Ohio Charity Foundation - our 501c3. Many councils make this a budgeted item to get their checks in quicker based on their charity fundraisers from earlier this calendar year. The check will be presented to the diocesan representatives at the January District Deputy Meeting in Columbus.
Michale Felerski - State Secretary
Mark Kosobud
Although the leaves haven’t begun to change yet, the colorful carpet of mums and the sight of roadside pumpkin stands are a sure sign of Fall to come. And like Fall, the arrival of October brings the first of our two major recrui@ng efforts – the October Blitz! Now is a great @me to start geGng into the recrui@ng mindset and focus on invi@ng Catholic men to join our ranks! Remember, recrui@ng is not a date, it’s a mindset.
While any approach your council favors for recrui@ng is great, one super tool is the Delta Church Drive. As men@oned, if done correctly, Supreme data suggests that you can expect at least three new members out of your councils Delta Drive. Let me stress that Supreme’s confidences rests on your council following the program to the leOer! That said – it’s not hard at all! Set a date with your parish. Then ask several Brothers (or maybe even Father!) to do a pulpit talk. The biggest commitment your council needs to make is to be sure you’ve signed up enough of your Brother Knight’s to provide adequate coverage on the day of the Drive. Ensuring pre- and postDrive bulle@n ads are in place is a maOer of downloading the appropriate materials from the Supreme website and watching the calendar. And that’s the prepara@on, your council is ready for the good part.
The good part? Yes, you see it’s a magical process. Those who’ve inves@gated Delta Church Drives already know this, but the process hinges around three magic steps. First, meet and greet the poten@al candidate and find out if he would be interested in being a Knight. Second, ask him to fill out an interest card (or fill it out with him!). Note that this is just a card offering to provide more informa@on about the Knights, nothing more. Then, step number 3 –geGng the poten@al members first and last name plus their email address (from the interest card) into the Online Prospect Form – a step you can assign to one dedicated member. This should be done between every Mass / or as soon as you possibly can.
This is where the magic really happens. As soon as you’ve submiOed the poten@al candidate’s informa@on, he gets a personalized email thanking him for his interest in the Knights of Columbus and asking him to verify that he’s interested. His verifica@on is then followed up by several more emails of the next several weeks sharing informa@on and encouraging him to join. Addi@onally, his verifica@on lets your council know he really is interested so you can follow up with him. Here, with this mul@-point approach, is the pathway to securing for this man the benefits of being a Brother Knight.
Those of you who tried the Delta Church Drive in its early days may remember that the Online Prospect Page was o^en the biggest headache of the plan. It had to be asked for from Supreme and o^en took two to four weeks to be assigned. Not so anymore. The new system makes it easy to use right out of the box (and here’s a liOle undocumented plus – you can use it for all your recrui@ng, even if you aren’t doing a Delta Drive). The Drive kits are available from Supplies Online, they’re free, as is the shipping! Maybe this is the year to put one to use.
If you’ve done the Delta Drive or want to try a more robust approach, consider holding a month-long church drive. Yes, I mean having a presence at your parishes Masses for four weekends, being “visible” as Brother Vic would say (KofC shirts, other gear), being friendly and joyful, and being willing to answer repe@@ve ques@ons @me and again. The advantages of this approach? The first week plants the thought. The second week allows a man to ask a few ques@ons. The third week allows you to add more details. The fourth week – hopefully they’re in the eMembership app signing up! If a month-long church drive might be a bit tough on your manpower think about joining forces with other nearby councils! This would work especially well in Beacon’s Families that have mul@ple councils across their area. Continued on page
Mark Kosobud
…Continued from page 2
October also sees us shi^ing our focus to the month-long Pro-Life ac@vi@es. These, along with you councils COR programs, offer mul@ple opportuni@es to proudly proclaim our Faith and encourage men to join our ranks.
As always, don’t overlook the basic, though more mundane, techniques of recrui@ng a new Knight – simply asking someone to join, holding a membership social at your parish, maybe just an open house. LeGng the broader parish family around you know of the advantages of Knighthood is always and everywhere a posi@ve recrui@ng ac@vity! This Fall, Supreme will be addressing these areas with a new program called Becoming Fishers of Men. Watch for more details in the weeks to come.
Remember to use the eMembership system, either the app or at, to begin your recruit’s journey as a Brother Knight! The eMembership process is quick, easy, and gets him recruited and onto your Prospect Tab right away. Then, help him obtain his Exemplifica@on of Charity, Unity, Faith Degree as soon as possible. Do the Exemplifica@on in your council if you can, use a local Degree Team, heck, use the online versions if you have too. GeGng your new candidate to an Exemplifica@on quickly helps to secure that member as a full Knight of the Order and gets him involved as quickly as possible.
Please keep recrui@ng, don’t stop for anything! Remember, always and everywhere, recrui@ng is not a date, it’s a mindset! Every Catholic man should have the opportunity to be a Knight of Columbus! Someone once asked each of us to join - now it’s our turn to go out and ask someone else!
Till next month – Vivat Jesu!
Mark Kosobud
Arch District Deputy Coordinator John Hoffman
Date: Sunday 13 October 2024
Time: 1:00 PM Sign-in 1:30 PM Start
Location: St. John XXIII Catholic School 3806 Manchester Rd. Middletown, OH 45042.
District Deputies remember to mail or scan/email you district’s score sheets to Arch District Deputy CoordinatorJohn Hoffman
Jason Staas
General Agent Je
Cummons – Assistant General Agent
Chad Muhlenkamp – Assistant General Agent
Ernst and Young, a global consulting organization, conducted a comprehensive study on integrating insurance products into a retirement strategy. To access the EY study, click here. Their analysis evaluates five model retirement strategies and describes their process to determine the outcome metrics.
The five strategies reviewed in this analysis were:
✢ Investments only
✢ Term life insurance + investments
✢ Permanent life insurance + investments
✢ Deferred income annuity with IIP1 + investments
✢ Permanent life insurance + deferred income annuity with IIP + investments
Their findings demonstrate the potential benefits of integrating insurance products into investors’ retirement preparations. Strategies incorporating permanent life insurance and deferred income annuities with increasing income potential with investments compared well in some cases against investment-only strategies for retirement income, according to E&Y’s simulations2 forecasting in some cases to have better overall expected performance.
We included the complete report and insights for your convenience. We invite you to review these findings and consider their implications for your retirement strategy. If you would like to discuss the potential benefits of integrating life insurance products and investments to meet your retirement savings and protection needs, please contact your local financial advisor to schedule a call or visit.
Knights of Columbus Asset Advisors (KoCAA) and Knights of Columbus (KofC) are entities that each provide separate and distinct products and services. KofC is not recommending or endorsing KoCAA. KofC is not a Registered Investment Adviser and does not provide investment advice. Persons interested in KoCAA’s investment advisory services should contact KoCAA directly. KoCAA does not ofer insurance, and all insurance related inquiries should be directed to KofC. Information provided herein is educational in nature and is not intended as legal, tax, financial, or other professional advice. This information is intended for current or prospective investors in the U.S. only.
KoCAA is an SEC-registered investment adviser that maintains a principal place of business in the State of Connecticut. For information about KoCAA’s business operations, please consult the Firm’s Form ADV disclosure documents, the most recent versions of which are available on the SEC’s Investment Adviser Public Disclosure website at KoCAA is a wholly owned subsidiary of KofC, one of the world’s largest Catholic Lay Organizations. Investing involves risk and you may gain or lose money on your investments. KoCAA’s status as a Registered Investment Adviser does not imply a certain level of skill or training. For additional information, visit or write to
Life insurance, annuities, long-term care insurance and disability income insurance products are ofered through Knights of Columbus, One Columbus Plaza, New Haven, CT 06510 1-800-380-9995. For costs, terms, conditions, and complete details regarding these products, please contact your agent or the Knights of Columbus. Product features may vary by state. Insurance solutions are available to eligible KofC members in the U.S. and Canada.
The whitepaper by Ernst & Young has not been customized or altered. Not all strategies presented by Ernst & Young are available through KofC or KoCAA. Neither KoCAA nor KofC ofer Financial Planning.
Fees used in E&Y’s simulation, fees ofered by KoCAA investments models, and fees of insurance providers could vary significantly. Models used for E&Y’s investment scenarios should not be considered a exact replication of models available through KoCAA. KoCAA ofers a wide variety of investment models at varying risk levels, and the deviation from E&Y’s investment example may vary drastically in some cases.
1 Deferred Income Annuity (DIA) with IIP refers to a DIA with increasing income potential. Knights of Columbus does not ofer an increasing income potential feature with its annuities.
2 E&Y’s results are based on model simulations, and not actual client returns over time. Every client situation is diferent and no potential outcome illustrated in the paper is guaranteed. In all cases, the inclusion of investments into a portfolio mix may result in a wide range of outcomes from significant losses to significant gains. We strongly encourage you to read E&Y’s disclosures on the limits of simulations and model forecasting, which begins on page 15.
KoCAA IAR’s will not accept trade requests via e-mail or voicemail. Trade requests must be made verbally, either over the phone or in person. We will facilitate the execution of trades as quickly as possible. KoCAA cannot guarantee trades will be executed on the same business day.
If you would like to reach out to my Supervisor directly with any questions or comments you may do so by writing to our “IAR Supervisor Group. One Columbus Plaza, 19th Floor. New Haven, CT 06510”. Additionally, you may also contact my Supervisor by emailing Please include the name of your Investment Adviser Representative in your message.
This communication is provided by Knights of Columbus Asset Advisors, LLC (KoCAA) for informational purposes only. Investing involves the risk of loss and investors should be prepared to bear potential losses. No portion of this communication is to be construed as a solicitation to buy or sell a security or the provision of personalized investment, tax, or legal advice.
KoCAA is an SEC registered investment adviser that maintains a principal place of business in the State of Connecticut. For information about KoCAA’s business operations, please consult the Firm’s Form ADV disclosure documents, the most recent versions of which are available on the SEC’s Investment Adviser Public Disclosure website at KoCAA is a wholly owned subsidiary of Knights of Columbus, one of the world’s largest Catholic Lay Organizations. KoCAA’s status as a Registered Investment Adviser does not imply a certain level of skill or training. For additional information visit Investment related information is intended for current or prospective investors in the U.S. only.
Life insurance, annuities, long-term care insurance and disability income insurance products are offered through Knights of Columbus, One Columbus Plaza, New Haven, CT 06510. For costs, terms, conditions and complete details regarding these products, please contact your agent directly or the KofC Insurance office at 1-800-380-9995. Products may vary by state. Insurance solutions available to eligible members of the KofC in the U.S. and Canada.
Knights of Columbus representatives are not licensed to provide specific legal and/or tax advice. Before purchasing one of our products or making a withdrawal, surrender, exchange, transfer, or other change to an existing insurance or annuity contract, always consult with your personal legal and/or tax professional to discuss how this will affect your specific financial situation.
CONFIDENTIALITY NOTICE: This message and any attachments may contain confidential, proprietary or legally privileged information and is intended only for the use of the addressee or addressees named above for its intended purpose. If you are not the intended recipient of this message, this message constitutes notice that any review, retransmission, distribution, copying or other use or taking any action in reliance on the information in this message and its attachments, is prohibited. If you receive this communication in error, please immediately advise the sender by reply e-mail and delete this message and its attachments from your system without keeping a copy. Unless expressly stated in this e-mail, nothing in this message may be construed as a digital or electronic signature. Thank you.
I have some exciting news to share! Catholic Answers has just launched a fully translated Spanish website. Now, all of our written content is available in Spanish. If you or someone you know would benefit from this, simply visit, click on the menu, and select "Español" — or go straight to
Our president, Chris Check, put it beautifully when he said, “The same expertise, charity, and joy that have driven our work for nearly fifty years are now available to the entire Spanish-speaking world.”
In addition, we’ve also introduced Respuestas Católicas, a brand-new YouTube channel featuring audio and video content tailored to the Hispanic community. From AI-powered translations to Spanish voiceovers of our best videos, we're committed to helping Spanish-speaking Catholics find clear and faithful answers to their questions.
Visit and check out Respuestas Católicas on YouTube. It’s a big step forward in our mission to bring the beauty of the Catholic faith to more people around the world.
Pax Christi,
Cy Kellett Host of Catholic Answers Live
10:00 a.m. – Pre Rally Concert
11:00 a.m. – Rally
12:00 p.m. – March for Life
Vic Lauterbach & Mark Kosobud
Council Growth Directors & Financial Secretaries,
To the right is a list of councils who have at least one eMember in the portal (as of September 27). Some of whom you may already be aware of who are waiting to attend a Charity, Unity and Fraternity Exemplification.
Financial Secretaries, if you see your council listed and you are not aware of these potential men for transfer (from eMember to council), please log into Membership Management and check out your prospect tab.
Council Growth/Membership chairmen please reach out to these men to invite them to transfer/join your council. If they do not wish become a member of your council you can “reject” them to remove them from the prospect list. Maybe they would prefer a different council due to location or parish.
Remember each eMember you transfer into your council who completes his Exemplification counts toward your council’s NEW MEMBER GOAL!
The 2024 St. Remy Men’s Prayer Walk was a great success!
We are glad to see so many men embracing their faith and leading the way - St. Remy Council # 3890 (Russia/Covington)
Measure Up Chairman Joe Kuebler presents 2024 check for $800 to Special Olympics
bowling participants - Fr. James O. Byrne Council #1592
Knights volunteering
The Knights are presenting "My Mass Book" to the Holy Rosary Second Grade, pre-First Communion class. This is a personalized gift that guides the child through the parts of the Mass with particular attention to the responses. This book is designed for being taken to Mass and keeping the child focused on the celebration. - Fr. James O. Byrne Council #1592
Web Sites…
State Council Website:
Facebook Page:
Dayton Chapter:
Cincinnati Chapter:
Facebook Page: Search for: ArchCincykofc
About The Arch…
A newsletter featuring relevant news and information for Knights in the Archdiocese of Cincinnati published twelve times a year! It can be viewed and downloaded at: Or at > For Members > Diocesan Pages > Cincinnati
To subscribe for delivery directly to your email inbox, please contact Michael Thomas at:
State Deputy
ffery Kiliany
559 Walnut Street Leetonia, OH 44431
Matching Funds*
State Advocate Chris Sarka 7239 Winterbek Ave New Albany, OH 43054-9097
Measure Up 2024*
State Warden Tony Offenberger 15200 Muskingum River Rd Lowell OH 45744-7115
Super Cash Bonanza*
State Treasurer Jim Maslach 4927 Autumnwood Ln Brunswick, OH 44212
State Per Capita Payments*
State Secretary Michael Felerski 1580 Gelhot Dr. #234 Fairfield, OH 45014
Started September 1st Get your checks in ASAP
Support Our Seminarians*
Immediate Past State Deputy Mark Siracusa 15398 Silver Pine Court Perrysburg OH 43551-12613
Checks may be sent at any time during the fraternal year however the first turn-in is Dec 15
Program now finished for 2024, see you next year.
State Growth Director
Andrew Nuckols
State Program Director
Michael Jordan
State Membership Retention Coordinator
Michael Freil
2024-25 invoices are DUE Returns February 2025
Archdiocese Growth Team
Vic Lauterbach: North
Mark F. Kosobud: Cincinnati
District Deputy Coordinator John Hoffman
Your Delta Church Drive Experts!
They are ready to help you with your recruitment efforts.
*Make Checks payable to: Ohio State Council Knights of Columbus