Aroa Seijas Meizoso Gabriel Novo Vila Teo Rascado Pérez
Pecha Kucha
Introduction This is an English project about sustainability “A sustainable Fene”.Sustainability for us is the process to conserve our planet for other generations doing things as recycling or using public transport instead of going by car for example. This term we started with the individual part and when we finished it, we went to “Aspaneps” in Fene to live in first person a sustainable life mode. Politicians of Fene came to our Secondary school, IES de Fene, they had 6 minutes to expose what they have on their platforms about sustainability. CxG, BNG, PP, PSdeG - PSOE, and EU-IU were the parties that came to our Pecha Kucha. We asked questions to them too, and they answered with their opinion. To promote sustainability we can: open more clean points, improve public transport, save water when we brush our teeth, put solar panels, eliminate plastic bags and plant vertical gardens.
Pecha Kucha CxG: He told us about the differences between two words that are the same in English but in Spanish aren't, this is Sustainability. He also mentioned the 17 objectives of the EU for 2020 although he didn’t tell us anything about the objectives on sustainability in their platform.
BNG: He said that the most important thing is to educate people for the future we all should be concienciated about the contamination problems.
PP: He said that he would put brown containers to make compost, They would be collected daily and we could throw out the leftovers or branches. When we visited Aspaneps we learned that it's a vicious circle because with the organic parts we could make compost, to fertilise our vegetable garden and so we could cultivate our own food.
EU: The spokesperson of this platform told us about solar panels, education, the good model of buildings thermally isolated and those buildings need to have those solar panels.
PSdeG - PSOE: He talked especially about the economic costs to transform all the energy systems into renovable ones, we asked him if he would open the clean space and his answer was that he would.
Opinion It looks like an interesting project for us. In the school trip we learned some things, for example we haven't ever seen so many solar kitchens, just only like 4, one was made with a low budget, the other one was a parabolic kitchen, in this we cooked popcorns, one is perfect for camping, because of its small size and the other was a box with black walls to conserve the temperature. In general the project conscienciated us about the consequences of climatic change and with this we learned the meaning of sustainability.
Problem We want to work on the Ría’s issue because Navantia has been throwing out residues practically since its foundation in 1944, when Astano was created. Actually, there is a purifier working on that but this isn’t a solution because the old residues are on the sea bottom and we cannot clean it because the residues will expand all along the Ría.
Solution Our solution to solve that is to pave the bottom full of those residues with sand to cover them, this way it shouldn't go out and expand all along the Ría.
Conclusion Sustainability is the process that we must follow to could live on a natural environment for some more generations.
Bibliography (2019, June 6). Albúm “Pecha Kucha "Por un Fene sostible" ” by Loly Lago. [Photos album]. Retrieved from