El asesinato del profesor de matemáticas
Name: Miriam Otero Martínez Group: 2º ESO Date: 28-2-2013
Table of contents:
1. A short biography of the author and illustrator… p.2 2. A short summary… p.2 2.1 Description of the plot… p.3 2.2 Setting… p.3 2.3 Conclusion… p.3 2.4 Main character… p.3 3. Language and techniques… p.3 4. My personal reponse to the plot… p.3 5. List of sentences, quotes… p.4 6. My favourite paragraph… p.4 7. Theme… p.4 8. Biography page… p.5
1. A shortbiographyoftheauthor and ilustrator: Author : JordiSierra I Fabrawasborn in Barcelona in 1946. He was an excellentwriter and he stand out forthe varietyofnovelsthat he wrote. He started to writesince he waseightyearsold and hisfirst long novel of 500 pageswaswritingbyhimwhen he wastwelveyearsold. In 2004 he created “ La Fundación JordiSierra I Fabra” in Barcelona topromotethecreativityofyoungspanishwriters.
Illustrator: Pablo Núñez Plazawasborn in Madrid in 1963.He is degree in Arts, in Facultad de Bellas Artes de San Fernando. Now, he works in Departamento de Diseño de la Editorial S.M. And he drawsbythenewspaper “EL PAIS”
2.Summary: Thisbook is aboutthreepupils, Nico, Adela and Lucwhocannotpass themathsexamsbecausetheydidn'tunderstand it. But itis the last examofthecourse and theyhave to pass it becauseifanyonefailshis director couldlay off hismathsteacher. The nextday, they did theexambut for 0,5 theycouldn't pass it. The teacher, who is calledFelipeRomero, toldthemwhatwasgoing to happen. The bellssound and theyhave to go to thebreak. They are verysad, so theystay in thehall. Suddenly, theylistened to hismathsteacher and the director is talkingabouttheexams, butthe director getsangry andhits to theteacher. Fewminutslater, the director leavehisoffice The pupilsgo to seewhathappened and theyseethat theirmathsteacher has been killed in theroof. So theysolvetheclues and find out what has reallyhappened -2-
Plot: theplot is whentheymeetwithhisteacher in theoffice. 2.2
Setting: The highschoolbeforetheendofthecoursebeforesummer. 2.3 Conclusion :thepupils find out thattheteacherdidn´tdead and he prepared it for them to could do wellmaths. 2.4
Maincharacters: Well, maincharacters are thepupilstheyare two boys and onegirl. One ofthem, who is calledLuc is a Star Wars Fan and ofcourse,thecharacterwhoinerpretsLukeSkywalker. Theotherboy is calledNico, he is veryfunny and nauthy. And the last onepupil, is Adela, she is an excellent pupilbutshehatesmathsbecauseshecan'tunderstand it. Luck->lovescomics Adela->gangsternovels. Nico->lovesvideogames. Then, theteacherofmathswho is calledFelipeRomero. He is veryhandsome, modern and he loveschildren. And the last one is the director, who is verygrumpy. He is theantagonist. 3.
Language and techniques: Destacar Variedad Ilustrador Promover Creatividad Misterioso Intrigante
stand out. variety. illustrator promote. creativity. mysterious. intriguing.
4. Mypersonal reponse to theplot: I chosethatbookbecause I thinkthat it is veryintriguing.
5. Listofsentences, quotes. “ El profesor aparece muerto” “ Suspenden siempre matemáticas”. “ Todo era una artimaña para demostrarles lo listos que eran. I chosethatsentencesbecause I thinkthatthey are thekey to do thisbook.
6. Myfavouritesparagraphs: Well, myfavouritesparagraphs are: •Paragraph 1: ( page 144) -No vale la pena. No da. -Hazlo. A lo mejorNico y yo... Adela se encogió de hombros. Sacó el bolígrafo que había guardado en el bolsillo antes de hechar a correr y, tomando una gran bocanada de aire, empezó a escribir al dorso de la hoja de papel cuadriculado con el enunciadode la última pregunta. •Paragraph 2: ( page 156) No podían pensar y correr, así que dejaron de pensar. Hicieron los últimos metros a una velocidad de infarto, sobre todo para Nico, y se precipitaron sobre la puerta del colegio, todavíaabierta, en el mismo instante en que el campanario cercanosonaba la primera de las seis campanadas horarias. •Paragraph 3: ( page 157) Porque allí estaba el asesinado, o mejorllamarloya el presunto asesinado, más sano que unas pascuas, igualmente sonrientesólo que acentuándolo de oreja a oreja, y con un aspecto de felicidad que contrastaba de todas todas con el que le imaginabandespués de haberlevistocosido a balazos antes.
7.Theme: Well I thinkthatthe moral ofthisbook is neversaynever. Bacauseifyoureallywantyoucould do all.
Libro: JordiSierra I Fabra. El asesinato del profesor de matemáticas. ANAYA. 1º Edición , 13º impresión. Madrid.( 23-1-13) Ilustrador: Pablo Núñez.
Biografías:http://sole.com/bancorecursos/museo.php?letra=N&idtabla=214 3&seccion=Biografía(15-2-13) http://es.wikipedia.org/wiki/JordiSierra i Fabra (15-2-13)
http://www.google.es/url?sa=i&rct=j&q=&esrc=s&source=images&cd=&cad=rja&doci d=8EEHGn1bGfiSM&tbnid=J8dfL9ieVrj3zM:&ved=0CAUQjRw&url=http%3A%2F%2Fjtrepat08.blogsp ot.com%2F2011%2F08%2Flas-voces-del-futuro-jordi-sierrai.html&ei=53YuUbuPOOrJ0QWDx4HoDA&bvm=bv.42965579,d.d2k&psig=AFQjCN HHQVOLFQ5DqgbAkWjOq09j7orDgA&ust=136208575171735 . ( 2-2-13)
http://darabuc.files.wordpress.com/2009/02/darabuc-pablo-nunez-jordi-sierra-ifabra-asesinato-profesor-matematicas-grande.jpg. ( 2-2-13)
http://www.google.es/url?sa=i&rct=j&q=&esrc=s&source=images&cd=&cad=rja&doci d=6GRtINRPXupcM&tbnid=BPQy7pVWYPbCuM:&ved=0CAUQjRw&url=http%3A%2F%2Fsole.com%2Fbancorecursos%2Fmuseo.php%3Fletra%3DN%26id_tabla%3D2143%26secc ion%3DBiografia&ei=m34uUaaJJIqU0QXO3ICICQ&bvm=bv.42965579,d.ZG4&psig= AFQjCNFLxbpOZ7eosfzJMPySURkyr6cZCg&ust=1362087952732662 (2-2-13)