Pastr y Chef Creates Plant-Based Butter For Foodser vice Baking, Pastries
Creating a plant-based butter is one thing Creating a plantbased butter that gives pastries and baked goods the same taste and texture as those made with dairy butter is a game-changer
“There are so many challenges with plant-based products geared toward baking,” said Susannah Schoolman, CEO and founder of Tourlami plant-based butter for foodservice “Most products take the approach of applying one size fits all ” Schoolman, a professional baker and pastry chef, has worked
nered with the esteemed Noma restaurant
“Six years ago, I decided to go fully plant based,” Schoolman said “I don’t know why I didn’t do it sooner My personal and professional lives were at odds It took time to decide what I wanted to do ”
At the time, Richard Hart, having been the head baker at San Francisco’s esteemed Tartine Bakery, asked Schoolman to join him in Copenhagen as he opened
FDA’s Closer to Zero Reaches Anniversar y On Reducing Contaminants in Baby Food
Last April, the U S Food and Drug Administration launched an ambitious action plan, Closer to Zero, which seeks to protect babies and young children from exposure to toxic elements in foods they commonly eat by reducing the levels as low as possible
While FDA testing shows that children are not at an immediate health risk from exposure to toxic elements at the levels found in foods, Closer to Zero was launched immediately, with
short- and long-term goals for achieving continued improvements in reducing levels of toxic elements in these foods over time
Americans want zero toxic elements in the foods eaten by their babies and young children In reality, because these elements occur in our air, water and soil, there are limits to how low these levels can be, according to the
Demand for ‘Free-From’
The outbreak of the COVID-19 pandemic has considerably affected the global economy and industries in many ways The socioeconomic situation due to the pandemic led to changes in the food consumption pattern of consumers as well
Restrictions in public mobility and governments’ lockdown forced people to stay at home This factor led to an increase in snacking trends among consumers
However, their growing health consciousness spiked the demand for guilt-free snacks Sales of food products with “free-from”
y 6 4 p
and mercury in these foods to the greatest extent possible The FDA said requiring levels that are not currently feasible could result in significant reductions in the availability of nutritious, affordable foods that many families rely on for their children The plan outlines a multi-phase, sciencebased, iterative approach to achieving the goal of getting levels of toxic elements in foods closer to zero over time
Torani Toasts ‘Nutty’ Second Flavor of Year
“I make things crunch with a delightful crisp I make marshmallows around fires on camping trips I’m a way to prepare food that we ’ ve all learned You might light me light, medium, heavy or burned ”
“I am full of light, but others say a lack thereof I help keep things warm when the sun is above You can see me best looking at unlit coals ”
“I am crunchy with a ton of flavor I’m found on buns, in stir-fr y or whatever you savor I’m rich and nutty, used in sweets and more I’m part of a magical phrase that opens a door ”
Given those clues and some matches and a luggage tag – part of syrup company Toriani’s promotion for its Pourmaster Flavor of the Year – what would you guess?
If you guessed Toasted Black
Thriving, Driving Market Size
o f
c o n -
u m e r s i n t h e U n i t e d S t a t e s p re -
e r re d c o n s u m i n g s n a c k s a s n o u r i s h m e n t f o o d , w h i l e 5 6 p e rc e n t s e e k h e a l t h f u l s n a c k i n g o ptions Furthermore, the snacking t re n d h a s g ro w n w i d e l y p o p u l a r, e s p e c i a l l y a m o n g t h e m i l l e n n ials, as they seek convenient, safe a n d n u t r i t i o n a l l y e n r i c h e d p ro du c t s , w h i c h p o s i t i v e l y a i d s i n d r i v i n g t h e g l u t e n - f re e p ro d u c t s m a r k e t A report from Fortune Business
Insights projected that the global gluten-free food market size is projected to grow from $5 72 billion in 2021 to $9 99 billion in 2028 at a compound annual growth rate of 8 29 percent during the 2021-2028 period
“Gluten-free food is primarily designed for people who have celiac disease and gluten allergies, as consuming gluten can lead to several damages, such as swelling in the intestine,” according to the report “However, its popularity is significantly rising even among people not suffering from gluten allergies due to the health benefits offered by the gluten-free diet
“It is mostly found in baked items, as it gives texture and shape to the products, but the protein offers no nutritional benefit Hence, consumers are looking to avoid gluten in their diets as it helps in promoting healthy weight loss, improves digestion and increases energy,” the report states “Additionally, increasing consumer demand for functional foods and rising product innovation in ‘free-from’ food segments are projected to fuel the gluten free food market growth over the forecast period ”
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meals with snacking options A c c o
t o a s u r v e y b y M
claims increased as they replaced
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VOLUME 88 • NUMBER 2 FEBRUARY 2023 • $7.00 GOURMET NEWS T H E B U S I N E S S N E W S P A P E R F O R T H E G O U R M E T I N D U S T R Y ® FEATURED PRODUCT: Stonewall Kitchen SEE PAGE 21 FEATURED PRODUCT: Ariston Specialties SEE PAGE 20 FEATURED PRODUCT: OMG! Pretzels SEE PAGE 20 www gourmetnews com
of the most prestigious bakeries in the world, including
Continued on PAGE 18
in some
b patisserie in San Francisco and Honolulu and ser ved as head of pastry and viennoiserie at Copenhagen’s Hart Bageri, which is part-
• Better Juice Launches First Commercial Full-Capacity Sugar-Reduction Plant PAGE 4 • Could Beverages Get Any Better? For ‘Friends’ Fans, Central Perk Tops These New Drinks PAGE 6 • Trust in Grocer y Retailers Stays Steady Despite Inflation, Private Labels Help PAGE 7 • ASM Global, Wicked Kitchen Expand Options for Plant-Based Offerings Across Network PAGE 8 • HowGood Launches Scope 3 Emissions Reporting for Global Food Brands PAGE 8
Clean Water Volunteer Program Wine To Water Resumes Operations After Pandemic Pause PAGE 11 • Greene Concepts, Metatron Make Progress Creating Hydration Tracking App PAGE 12
Featured Products PAGE 19
Advertiser Index PAGE 22
The FDA’s goal is to reduce the levels of arsenic, lead, cadmium
Do you like puzzles? I do I often wake my brain up in the morning by doing some kind of online puzzle (no, not Wordle), whether it’s finding matching Mah-Jongg tiles or doing a crossword pEuzzle If you ’ ve been on Facebook, you probably remember the Words With Friends crossword competitions I loved those, too Only people got tired of playing with me because, hey, words are what I do for a living and I know a lot of them Back in the olden days when I was in school, we had vocabulary tests I was the weird kid who loved them
I’m not always good at some puzzles, I admit Last year, Torani Puremade Syrups started a Pourcast Flavor of the Year and promoted it by sending a series of puzzles to media folk like me Certain packages would arrive on certain days to open It was fun, but I was clueless I mistook a piece of car ved wood they sent as a drawer handle, which really threw me off It was actually an egg holder and a big clue to the flavor, Salted Egg Yolk Oh OK T h i s y e a r, I w a s p r i m e d b y t h e t i m e t h e e m a i l f ro m To r a n i a rr i v e d a s k i n g i f I w a n t e d t o p a r t i c i p a t e i n g u e s s i n g t h i s y e a r ’ s Pourcast Flavor of the Year This time, they sent a small box with v e l v e t p o u c h e s a n d t a g s w i t h i n s t r u c t i o n s o n w h e n t o o p e n e a c h o n e N o , I d i d n ’t c h e a t a n d o p e n t h e m a l l a t o n c e I n a d d i t i o n t o t h e r i d d l e s t h a t I i n c l u d e d i n o u r c o v e r s t o r y o n t h e P o u rc a s t F l a v o r o f t h e Ye a r, t h e y s e n t a c u t e j a r o f m a t c h e s ( m y c a t b a t t e d i t s o m e w h e re u n d e r t h e c o u c h ) a n d a l u g g a g e t a g I t h o u g h t i t would be fun to take my Facebook friends for the puzzle journey, p o s t i n g e a c h c l u e a n d s e e i n g t h e i r g u e s s e s S o m e w e re f u n n y S o m e w e re w e i rd S o m e o n e s a i d t h e y t h o u g h t t h e f l a v o r w a s s t i c k H m
Only one person guessed the correct flavor before the final clue and the reveal arrived: Me Yeah, I was as surprised as anyone Al-
most everyone thought from the clue about campfires and s ’ mores that it would be a roasted or toasted flavor To me, the luggage tag meant it was an exotic flavor I thought about the Black Sesame flavor of Gallivant Mawa Ice Cream I’d tasted earlier this year and couldn’t get that out of my head, and black sesame seemed to match the clues So I won bragging rights for guessing Toasted Black Sesame When the sample bottle arrived, I couldn’t wait to make something, I tasted it straight: YUM! It left such a nice, nutty flavor in my mouth I’ve used it in my tea, and also a small touch added some zip to a rum and coke If you read our story last year on Salted Egg Yolk, I asked a bartender friend, Ty Young, to create some recipes for that He’s experimenting with Toasted Black Sesame now
When I was a teenager, I used to love to bake Cookies, cakes, pies, etc I did make hot cross buns for Easter one year, but that’s as far as I ventured into pastries But when Susannah Schoolman emailed me about the plant-based butter for baking she created, Tourlami, I was intrigued I knew enough about baking and pastries to know that butter and its fat are a critical element in making pastries not only delicious, but producing the same consistency as the dairy butter does with croissants, crusts and such I’m looking forward to seeing how she progresses with Tourlami
As I’m writing this, the Gourmet News team is preparing to go to the Winter Fancy Food Show in Vegas Already, my daily calendar is packed on Sunday and Monday I’m looking forward to learning about (and tasting) flavored butter, sugar-free chocolate, bacon jam, shortbread, lamb prime rib roast and lots and lots of cheese We’ll have highlights in the March issue, of course Until then, stay safe! GN
AJ Flick • Senior Editor aj
2 GOURMET NEWS // FEBRUARY 2023 GOURMET NEWS OSER COMMUNICATIONS GROUP FOUNDER Lee M Oser MEMBER OF: Periodicals postage paid at Tucson AZ and additional m a i l i n g o ff i c e G o u r m e t N e w s ( I S S N 1 0 5 2 - 4 6 3 0 ) i s published monthly by Oser Communications Group 1 8 7 7 N o r t h K o l b R o a d , Tu c s o n , A Z 8 5 7 1 5 ; 520 721 1300 Publisher assumes no responsibility for u n s o l i c i t e d m a t e r i a l o r p r i c e s q u o t e d i n n e w s p a p e r Contributors are responsible for proper release of proprietar y classified information ©2023 by Oser Communications Group All rights reserved Reproduction, in whole or in part, without written permission of the publisher, is expressly prohibited B a c k i s s u e s w h e n a v a i l a b l e c o s t $ 7 e a c h w i t h i n t h e past 12 months, $12 each prior to the past 12 months Back orders must be paid in advance either by check or charged to American Express, Visa, or Master Card Gourmet News is distributed without charge in North America to qualified professionals in the retail and dis-
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Better Juice Launches First Commercial Full-Capacity Sugar-Reduction Plant
Sugar-reduction FoodTech start-up BetterJuice, Ltd has launched its first full-capacity manufacturing plant, setting the wheels in motion for full commercial production of its proprietary sugar-reducing immobilized enzymes The new facility will enable the Israeli company to fulfill current commissions from juice producers globally, as well as respond to anticipated new demands
The groundbreaking technology developed by the Israeli start-up produces proprietary beads composed of non-GMO microorganisms that naturally convert the juice’s composition of fruit sugars including sucrose, glucose and fructose into better-foryou prebiotic and other non-digestible fibers
The new site, located in the Nes Ziona science park south of Tel Aviv, is replete with commercial-scale equipment, including an industrial fermenter and industrial immobilization processor The specialized equipment is used for growing and harvesting the beaded microorganisms used in producing Better Juice’s immobilized sugarreducing enzymes
The site also houses pilot labs and the company ’ s new headquarters The new plant has a production capacity to support sugar-reduction of 250 million liters of juice per year Better Juice has entered into commitments with a number of juice companies to reduce the sugar loads in various fruit juices, including apple, orange and pineapple juices
Better Juice’s technology can reduce up to 80 percent of the simple sugar content
in fruit juices and fruit-based condiments without any degradation of naturally occurring nutrients, including vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants It does not dilute the product, maintaining the body and full flavor of the juice and only gently reducing the sweetness
Better Juice’s groundbreaking technology decreases the naturally occurring simple sugar loads in a versatile range of products, including juices, jams, yogurts, ice creams, sorbets, and more, to the food and beverages manufacturer’s desired levels
“This move marks a major leap for ward in our commercialization efforts,” said Gali Yarom, co-founder and co-CEO “We project that the new plant will accommodate our production needs for the next four years
“As interest and demand in our technology continue to flourish in the global fruit juice sphere, we will expand our production capabilities outside of Israel as well ”
Wired magazine recently rated Better Juice as one of the 10 most promising startups in Israel
Better Juice’s facility and operations also maintain high alignment to environmental, social and corporate governance principles
The biodegradable polymer beads are rechanneled to livestock feed after being used in the production phase, minimizing waste
The bioreactors, which have a 20-year lifespan, can be controlled remotely, reducing the company ’ s need for travel and its subsequent carbon footprint Only a small amount of energy is required to activate the bioreactors On a social level, the company boasts a 50 percent female workforce and assists manufacturers of fruit-based prod-
for waste treatment, water recycling, and energy efficiency,” said Henry Elkoby, Chief Engineer of Better Juice
“Better Juice was founded with the vision of promoting the overall well-being of people globally,” said Eran Blachinsky, cofounder and co-CEO of Better Juice “The realization that also naturally squeezed fruit juice can harbor high quantities of simple sugar is what sparked the creation of the Better Juice technology
“It has been an incredible journey seeing our concept evolve into fruition, and onto the global market so that more people around the world can enjoy the full flavor and nutritional benefits of fruit juices ”
Better Juice was founded in 2018 as one of the first startups to be nurtured by The Kitchen FoodTech Hub
ucts to comply with the various “ sugar tax” regulations in the regions where they operate
“We had to design and construct specialized systems from scratch to support our unique production processes while taking environmental considerations into account and adhering to the strictest requirements
“Better Juice brings a new hope for juice manufacturers and consumers, by reversing the perception of natural fruit juices as overly sugary products and turning juices into better-for-you beverages, ” said Amir Zaidman, chief business officer of The Kitchen Hub and a Better Juice board member “The company offers a truly better juice product by reducing the sugars while maintaining their natural profile of vitamins, minerals and fibers ” GN
UNFI, CoupDog Partnership to Invigorate
Digital Coupon Experience for Shoppers
Grocery wholesale distributor United Natural Foods, Inc and CoupDog have teamed to allow UNFI retailers to realize significant benefits from state-of-the-art digital coupon technology CoupDog is a digital coupon provider specializing in innovative support to independent retailers as the industry transitions to a new standard Universal Digital Coupon
CoupDog’s groundbreaking blockchain technology will provide UNFI retailers access to an easy-to-use and reliable digital coupon that can be integrated into mobile wallets such as Apple Pay and Google Wallet, or even printed on paper CoupDog’s patented solution also fully supports the new 8112 Universal Digital Coupon format
Coupons provide attractive value to consumers through discounts and deals and drive traffic to stores, especially as shoppers continue to face inflationary pressure and other economic concerns Historically, retailers have had to balance these benefits with fraud concerns related to traditional coupons
CoupDog’s innovative technology ad-
dresses those concerns while making it simple and hassle free for consumers to discover and redeem valuable digital coupons from national, regional and even emerging consumer goods companies By leveraging its network of suppliers, UNFI will be able to enhance supplier marketing and m e r c h a n d i s i n g while improving overall deals and offers This, in turn, can help UNFI’s more than 30,000 customer locations drive increased participation in manufacturer-funded coupon redemption
“Retailers rely on UNFI to help them discover what’s next, introduce them to new opportunities to drive growth and efficien-
cies, and deliver insights and expertise that help them succeed in their market To that end,
These technologically advanced coupons not only deliver a more reliable and secure transaction, but they are also structured to reduce costs, improve cash flow, increase shopper loyalty and drive retailer profits ”
CoupDog digital coupons easily integrate with a retailer’s point-of-sale, e-commerce and marketing platforms to create a seamless omnichannel experience for shoppers
The complexity of coupon acceptance, validation and redemption is completely managed by CoupDog, with no additional labor required from retailers This should result in substantial cost savings when compared to other platforms, according to UNFI Additionally, integration with UNFI’s existing paper coupon clearing service facilitates a quick and seamless payment to retailers
“We are very excited to be working with UNFI to empower independent grocers to deliver a modern, simple, easy-to-use digital coupon platform,” says Rob Balfour, CoupDog CEO “We are proud to provide these retailers with best-in-class promotional tools, allowing them to deliver compelling promotions and significant cost savings to their customers ” GN
we ’ re excited to be working with
CoupDog to unleash the latest in digital technology to redefine coupons for grocery retail,” said Chris Testa, UNFI president “Our focus is on solutions that empower retailers to grow and thrive while improving the customer experience for shoppers
Could Beverages Get Any Better? For ‘Friends’ Fans, Central Perk Tops These New Drinks
So no one told you drinks didn’t have to be boring At least, no one told International Delight, Rasa and Nick’s Near Beer, all of whom debuted innovative beverage products to liven things up International Delight has partnered with Warner Bros Discovery Global Consumer Products to create a creamer inspired by the
beloved sitcom “Friends,” the limited-edition Manhattan Hazelnut Mocha creamer Diehard “Friends” fans may have noticed the Manhattan Mocha on the fictional Central Perk coffee shop’s chalkboard menu To bring the flavor home, International Delight says its creamer has “hints of hazelnut, mouthfuls of mocha and all the excitement of Manhattan ”
The new flavor is available in a zero sugar variety
OK, I’ve padded a bunch of “Friends” references in here, but this one I’ll give full credit to International Delight: “This creamer is the perfect company if you ’ re ON A BREAK a coffee break, that is ” Ba-dum-bum
“‘Friends’ is one of the most iconic and mostwatched TV shows of all time,” said Kallie Goodwin, vice president of marketing for International Delight “On a mission to deliver collaborations our consumers will love, the choice to create a creamer flavor inspired by ‘Friends’ couldn’t have been
any clearer
“As Americans are looking to recreate their favorite coffeehouse experiences at home more and more, International Delight Hazelnut Mocha creamer is Central Perk approved ”
“Friends” Hazelnut Mocha marks International Delight’s third limited-edition creamer collaboration with Warner Bros in two years In December 2020, the creamer brand released a seasonal line of creamers inspired by Buddy the Elf from the classic holiday movie, “Elf ” In 2022, International Delight debuted Wonka Whipple Scrumptious Fudgy Caramel creamer, with the iconic “Willy Wonka and The Chocolate Factory” as its muse
Both bottles of Hazelnut Mocha creamer feature show-inspired iconography, the Central Perk sign and silhouettes of everyone ’ s favorite six friends on a purple backdrop – matching the paint color in the girls’ apartment
International Delight “Friends” Manhattan Hazelnut Mocha creamers are available in 32-ounce bottles with an SRP of $3 99 at major retailers nationwide for a limited time
Classic and Café Rasa, which it heralds as groundbreaking adaptogen and mushroom beverage mixes, will encourage coffee-alternative and coffee drinkers to enjoy a functional beverage anywhere, anytime, instantly
“We believe Classic Rasa is the most coffee-like coffee alternative out there,” said Lopa van der Mersch, founder and chief executive officer “I’m excited to see us enabling more use occasions, and these two new mixes open new channels of distribution and opportunity for everyone to drink Rasa ”
Classic Rasa is described as robust, roasty and rich The dark richness of roasted chicory root, sweet coffee notes of roasted date seed and earthy, nutty flavor of roasted burdock root make up the base of these blends, while the adaptogenic herbs add further roundness, sweetness and herbal notes, according to the company
Classic Rasa features six adaptogens: red Asian ginseng, cordyceps, rhodiola, gynostemma, shatavari and maca
Café Rasa blends certified organic and Fair Trade freeze-dried coffee from Chiapas, Mexico, with adaptogens that soften the downsides of coffee (less stress, fewer jitters, better sleep), while supplementing
coffee? Hate coffee? Rasa is betting its
the fatigue-fighting abilities of caffeine, according to the company
“What this entailed was far more complex than ‘powdering’ our existing Rasa Brew products that our customers have been loving for five years, ” said Ben LeVine, chief herbalist and co-founder “It took us years of development to crack the code on the trifecta of flavor, function and form Our process includes brewing the herbs over several hours like a standard decoction – a process used for millennia – then drying it and granulating it to produce a supremely delicious, dissolvable, and bioavailable mix There’s nothing like it in the industry ”
Still resolute to be healthier in 2023? The sports- and active-nutrition company 1440 Foods has launched four product innovations from its best-selling Pure Protein line of bars and Body Fortress line of high-efficiency protein powders We’ll start with the powder, since we ’ ve
got a beverage theme going here
Body Fortress, a brand best known for its portfolio of protein powders, has entered the preworkout market with a new beverage mix, Body Fortress Elite Laser Start PreWorkout Powder Powered by ZümXR caffeine for sustained energy, betaalanine for boosted intensity and electrolytes to promote hydration, this ketofriendly pre-workout mix comes in a tangy Fruit Punch flavor with 30 ser vings per package
1440 Foods has expanded its line of Pure Protein Bars by three
Fuel a fuller life with the latest flavor from Pure Protein’s lineup of pre- and postworkout gluten-free bars, Chocolate Mint Cookie Bar, a refreshing mix of mint and chocolate It has just 2g of sugar, 180 calories and 19 grams of high-quality protein for lasting energy
Protein Plant-Based Nut Bars, the brand’s first line of plant-based nut bars, contain 10 grams of protein, 4 to 5 grams of sugar and 5 grams of fiber Flavors include Peanut Butter Dark Chocolate and Caramel Almond Sea Salt
The gluten free, low-sugar, snack-size Pure Protein Candy Bar Bites are a fun and nutrientpacked alternative to traditional candy bars They come in delicious flavors including Chocolate Almond Fudge and Chocolate Peanut Caramel
“Brands like Pure Protein and Body Fortress have a long histor y of supporting active consumers with a range of high protein, low sugar, energy-boosting products for pre-workout and recovery, ” said 1440 Foods Chief Executive Officer Azania Andrews “We are pleased to extend these best-selling lines with a range of new flavors and products that address the needs of today’s consumer while delivering high quality nutrition and great taste – and we look forward to introducing even more innovations in the coming year ”
Rick’s Near Beer has expanded its lineup of non-alcoholic craft beers with Rick’s Hazy, which the company describes as “refreshingly hoppy and juicy” with less than 0 5 percent ABV
Rick’s Hazy, full of citrus and tropical fruit flavor and aroma, is brewed with premium malted barley, flaked wheat, loads of Pacific Northwest hops and Rocky Mountain water
Founded by Certified Cicerone Josh Hare, the entrepreneur behind Texas-based beverage brands Hops & Grain Brewing and Pint & Plow Brewing, Rick’s Near Beer launched in December 2022 with its initial low-strength offering, Rick’s Original
“We’re brewing a lineup of beers that can
be enjoyed morning, noon, and night,” Hare said “Rick’s Hazy is for ever y beer lover, whether you ’ re celebrating the New Year with a resolution to cut back on your alcohol intake, or you ’ re looking for a delicious beer to enjoy during happy hour before a commute home after work ”
Six-packs of Rick’s Hazy ($12) and Rick’s Original ($10) are available online Rick’s Near Beer will be in the beer aisle of retail stores throughout Texas in early 2023 GN
Trust in Grocer y Retailers Stays Steady
Labels Help
Private label brands will continue to attract inflation-weary consumers, who continue to trust grocery retailers, according to the BrandSpark International’s fifth annual grocer y edition of Most Trusted Awards, as voted by American shoppers
“Now that the holidays have passed, retailers need to work on building a strong 2023 by prioritizing trust building initiatives with consumers, ” saud Adam Bellisario, AVP BrandSpark Most Trusted Awards
“As inflation continues to hit grocery categories heavily, conventional stores with strong private label offerings are going to be popular with consumers because they can meet their needs in terms of price and effective options,” said Philip Scrutton, vice president of Shopper Insights, BrandSpark International “We are already seeing retailers like Walmart and Aldi performing very well nationally
“Both brands not only have an extremely strong presence but offer consumers attractive private label options offering greater value than national brands, which is very attractive to consumers who will continue to see their grocer y budgets being
stretched,” Scrutton said
“Despite inflation, the trust drivers are remarkably stable – suggesting that retailers should stick to their strategies Even with shoppers’ increased focus on prices, quality-driven conventional grocers still rank highly in each region, including Kroger (South and Midwest), Safeway (West), Publix (South) and ShopRite (Northeast)
BrandSpark’s Most Trusted Award for grocery retailers is done in partnership with Newsweek and Winsight Grocery Business BrandSpark surveyed 10,082 Americans to capture real opinions of which grocer y stores they trust the most Trust leaders were identified by eight store formats nationally and in four major regions and across 36 key attributes as well as the top five grocery retailers nationally
After a year of spiking prices for household groceries, BrandSpark said the list can help Americans choose a store that is trusted by other shoppers and best suits their needs in 2023
According to the study:
• Aldi, H-E-B and Walmart are most trusted for affordability
• H-E-B, Walmart and Kroger are strongest for store brand/private label products
• H-E-B, ShopRite and Kroger deliver on fresh produce
• H-E-B is most trusted for quality fresh food and an enjoyable in-store experience
• Kroger, H-E-B and ShopRite deliver the most valuable circulars
• Walmart is No 1 for curbside pickup while Amazon Fresh leads for delivery
Aldi is the most trusted discount and small format grocer, according to the study Walmart is the most trusted conventional grocer nationally, but faces some stiff competition regionally where ShopRite is No 1 in the Northeast and Kroger is No 1 in the Midwest
Rapidly expanding “dollar store” retailers Dollar General and Dollar Tree had the highest shopper reach increase in 2022, with Dollar General topping the list as most trusted dollar store chain
In 2022, 44 percent of shoppers ordered groceries online, consistent with 45 percent in 2021 Half of these shoppers ordered from Walmart versus one in six from Amazon Fresh, but Amazon Fresh achieved the
greatest growth
Club stores strengthened trust with existing members who relied on them even more in 2022 for bulk orders at fair prices BJ’s Wholesale Club, Sam’s Club and Costco Wholesale all increased trust with their own shoppers
Grocer Food Lion built trust with fair prices and loyalty rewards, and it paid off: achieving the highest trust growth, increasing its trust score and jumping from No 7 to No 4 for most trusted grocer y retailer for value since 2021
H-E-B has an impressive lead in trust, compared with all other grocery stores covered in the study
Trust plays an integral role in the decision of where to shop, especially during these challenging inflationar y times, according to BrandSpark There is a risk that if customers switch retailers now they may not return even when cost of living pressures ease
“This is an important moment for retailers to build trust with shoppers, and they can do so by communicating why they are trusted and how they plan to help Americans through this,” Bellisario said GN
Despite Inflation, Private
ASM Global, Wicked Kitchen Expand Options
For Plant-Based Offerings Across Network
ASM Global and plant-based food provider Wicked Kitchen will increase the selection and availability of vegan food options throughout its network of arenas, stadiums, theaters and convention centers
The multiyear partnership sets Wicked Kitchen, a 100 percent plant-based, flavorfor ward global food brand, as the “Preferred Plant-Based Food Partner” of ASM Global venues and “Exclusive Plant-Based Food Provider” across all catering, suite and concessions managed by Savor, the industr y-leading, chef-driven culinar y division of ASM Global
Wicked Kitchen also becomes an official partner of the ASM Global Acts Foundation, the corporate social responsibility platform of ASM Global
Featured menu items in concessions, catering and suites will include a diverse range of sandwiches, sausages, burgers, pizzas, pastas, appetizers, main dishes and ice cream, made entirely of plant-based ingredients The chef-created menu offerings appeal to a wide variety of palates, while also following the momentum of more guests, athletes and performers globally seeking plant-based foods enticed by a healthier choice and reducing environmental footprint
“We’re proud to be a part of the solution for ASM Global’s large-scale venues to meet
their sustainability goals and to provide plant-based foods that appeal to everyone, ” said Pete Speranza, chief executive officer of Wicked Kitchen “With the product variety and insights that Wicked Kitchen brings, we see this as a major game-changer for the food service industry ”
Wicked Kitchen menu items have recently been made available at the Savor-managed Toyota Arena in Ontario and Los Angeles’ Greek Theatre with select U S -based venues set to participate in the initial rollout, including PayCom Arena, home of the Oklahoma Thunder; Long Beach Convention Center in California; Wintrust Arena; and McCormick Place Convention Center, located on the McCormick Campus in Chicago; and many more
“This partnership between ASM Global, Savor and Wicked Kitchen is an integral part of ASM Global’s commitment to establishing the most sustainable venues in the world,” said Shaun Beard, Savor senior vice president “Our plant-based food offerings will immediately increase, providing our guests with more diverse choices that have also a positive impact on our planet Addi-
tionally, Wicked Kitchen’s product offering is delicious, and we are confident that all of our guests, no matter their food preference, will be drawn to these menu items ”
meat eaters and vegans alike,” said Sarno “As a culinary-first brand, we are especially thrilled to partner and work with the incredible culinary team at Savor that prioritizes taste and experience for all customers ”
In addition to its recent launch into food service, Wicked Kitchen has the largest variety of any plant-based CPG brand in the United States with a portfolio of products available in more than 8,900 retail stores
Savor is the culinar y division of ASM Global, the world’s leading producer of entertainment experiences that spans five continents and more than 350 arenas, stadiums, convention and exhibit centers, and performing arts venues
Chef Chad Sarno, chief culinary officer and co-founder at Wicked Kitchen and a highly regarded pioneer of plant-based cuisine, applauds ASM Global and Savor for their commitment to sustainability by choosing plant-based foods for their venues
“We are so excited to partner with ASM Global and Savor to push the boundaries of traditional venue favorites for bold-flavored, plant-based offerings that are good for the planet and provide tasty options for both
Created by chefs and brothers Derek and Chad Sarno, Wicked Kitchen is on a mission to improve the lives of humans and animals globally by inspiring the world to eat more plants The Sarno brothers have created a pioneering, chef-driven range of 100 percent animal-free foods that unleash the power of vegetables Wicked Kitchen provides convenient meal solutions across multiple supermarket departments, available at Kroger stores and its banners across the United States along with retailers in Finland, Thailand and the United Kingdom GN
HowGood Launches Scope 3 Emissions
Reporting for Global Food Brands
HowGood, an independent research company with the world’s largest ingredient sustainability database, has released its Scope 3 Emissions Reporting feature for CPG food brands and foodservice companies to meet the growing demands of ESG reporting The new feature will allow organizations in the food industr y to accurately measure and report on their Scope 3 greenhouse gas emissions, the indirect emissions produced in the upstream agricultural supply chain
HowGood’s Scope 3 Reporting draws
from the robust data available within its SaaS platform Latis, the leading sustainability intelligence platform featuring impact analysis on over 33,000 ingredients across eight environmental and social impact metrics
Emerging regulations in the United States and Europe, such as those proposed by the Securities Exchange Commission, are expected to mandate that companies report on their Scope 3 emissions With nearly 87 percent of a food company ’ s GHG emissions in the Scope 3 categor y, CPG
food brands and foodser vice companies can face unique challenges in gathering the needed data from their various suppliers to provide an accurate report
HowGood’s Scope 3 Reporting removes the barriers of supplier data collection by drawing emission factors from its database of over 600 vetted data sources, including Life Cycle Assessment research, peer-reviewed environmental impact studies, government and NGO publications, and aggregated commercial databases
Instead of relying on global average
emissions data or the spend-based method – practices commonly used to estimate scope 3 emissions – the specificity of HowGood’s ingredient database accounts for crop- and location-based emission factors and consideration of specific growing practices As the database is designed explicitly for food companies, this approach brings a level of granularity that is essential for companies looking to not only report on their emissions, but also measure and manage their impact over time using more accurate data GN
Innophus Launches Website for Asia Pacific’s Rapidly Growing Food & Beverage Market
Innophos recently launched a website dedicated to the Asia Pacific market The website supports the rapid growth that Innophos has experienced in the Asia Pacific region during the last few years and features dual-language functionality to reach both Chinese- and English-speaking customers
“As a global leader in phosphate solutions for the food and beverage industr y, our launch of innophos cn is an important step for Innophos,” said Migue DeJong, commercial director, global food & bever-
age business “I look forward to seeing the continued growth of our business in Asia and around the world ” I n n o p h o s A s i a P a c i f i c o p e n e d i t s m a nu f a c t u r i n g s i t e i n Ta i c a n g C i t y, J i a n g s u , C h i n a , e i g h t y e a r s a g o F ro m t h i s l o c at i o n , I n n o p h o s p ro v i d e s s o l u t i o n s t o a d iv e r s e c u s t o m e r b a s e , i n c l u d i n g m u l t i n a t i o n a l , re g i o n a l a n d l o c a l f o o d m a n u f a c t u re r s a c ro s s t h e A s i a P a c i f i c reg i o n a n d t h e M i d d l e E a s t I n n o p h o s A s i a P a c i f i c o f f e r s a c o m p l e t e r a n g e o f f o o d a n d b e v e r a g e p h o s p h a t e s , n o n - p h o s -
p h a t e b l e n d s a n d a l l e rg e n - f re e p ro d u c t s t o p ro v i d e o p t i m u m t e x t u re , t a s t e , n u t r it i o n a l v a l u e a n d s h e l f - l i f e s o l u t i o n s f o r v a r i o u s a p p l i c a t i o n s “ O u r b u s i n e s s g ro w t h i s d r i v e n b y a deep and wide understanding of our cust o m e r s ’ n e e d s a n d t h e d e v e l o p m e n t p ro c e s s , ” s a i d L a u re n t D u b o i s , g e n e r a l m a n a g e r, I n n o p h o s A s i a P a c i f i c “ We a re p ro u d t o a d d v a l u e f o r o u r c u s t o m e r s i n this region, with our fully equipped applic a t i o n s l a b o r a t o r y, c u s t o m s o l u t i o n s a n d our commitment to quality and continu-
ous improvement ”
The new Innophos website highlights applications across various food and beverage applications including baker y, meat, seafood, dair y, noodle and plant-based products
I n n o p h o s i s a l e a d i n g i n t e r n a t i o n a l p r o d u c e r o f s p e c i a l t y i n g r e d i e n t s o l ut i o n s t h a t d e l i v e r v e r s a t i l e b e n e f i t s f o r t h e f o o d , h e a l t h a n d n u t r i t i o n m a r k e t s I n n o p h o s h a s m a n u f a c t u r i n g o p e r a t i o n s i n t h e U n i t e d S t a t e s , C a n a d a , M e x i c o a n d C h i n a G N
Klever Develops NSF Food Zone Certified Safety Cutter
Klever has extended its signature line of Klever Kutter safety cutters with its NSF Food Zone, which the company says is the only concealed safety cutter that is NSF Food Zone Certified The new Klever Kutter NSF Food Zone cutters come in HACCPaligned colors and are infused with the company ’ s Kleen Antimicrobial properties
“In kitchen environments, there is always a need for a cutting tool to open various food packages from vacuum sealed packaging, to bagged goods to film or shrink wrap, ” said Laura Calder, vice president of marketing for safety products global “Typically, kitchen staff are inclined to use whatever cutting tool is most convenient like a sharp knife, scissors or a utility knife, all tools with exposed blades that
create the risk of laceration injuries or damaged products, especially when you factor in the conditions of the working environment where users may have slippery, wet or gloved hands
“The Klever Kutter NSF Food Zone provides an efficient cutting solution that meets the needs of common kitchen uses, but also with the built-in safety feature of a protected, concealed blade as well as an entire cutting tool that can be properly cleaned and is dishwasher safe,” she said “Moreover, in commercial kitchen settings, there are strict regulations regarding the tools and equipment that may be used around food and our NSF Kutter is NSF Food Zone certified and is made of FDA approved materials that are explicitly food
safe Also, this unique line of cutters are available in colors aligned with HACCP guidelines to prevent food cross contamination ”
The NSF Kutter is made with a high quality, rust-resistant stainlesssteel blade for strength and durability, Calder said
“This Kutter is disposable and is meant to be replaced once the blade dulls after extended use ”
The Kleen Antimicrobial technology prevents the growth of bacteria on this high touch-point product, which is commercial dishwasher and autoclave safe
The concealed blade design helps prevent product damage during cutting and shields the user from the blade, saving op-
erations thousands of dollars each year in damaged merchandise and medical costs
The cutter can be used in many food preparation processes and is designed to cut through vacuum skin packaging, multilayered bags, shrink-wrap and single-wall corrugate GN
Global Culinar y Tourism Market to Grow
By $126.28B Through 2027, Report Says
The global culinary tourism market size is estimated to increase by $126 28 billion from 2022 to 2027, according to a new report by Technavio The market’s growth momentum will accelerate at a compound annual growth rate of 17 45 percent
Technavio categorizes the global culinary tourism market as a part of the global hotels, restaurants and cruise lines market The parent global hotels, resorts and cruise lines market covers companies engaged in operating hotels, resorts and cruise ships, including travel agencies, tour operators and related services
The global culinar y tourism market is concentrated, with the presence of several global as well as regional vendors, according to the report
The global culinary tourism market is at its growing stage, according to the report This implies that the market in focus is characterized by a rising preference for culinary tourism, an increase in integrative culinary and cultural events, and the positive influence of digital media on culinary tourism
The world’s culinary tourism market was dominated by the food festival categor y, which Technavio believes will last throughout the forecast period Food festivals offer
tourists a new level of experience that focuses on attending culinary events and enjoying various food festivals People who travel the world in search of culinary experiences to deepen their understanding of food culture or lifestyle also participate in food festivals Thus, the food festivals market category in the global culinary tourism market is expected to grow throughout the forecast period due to rising food tourism activities
Europe will account for 32 percent of the market’s growth during the forecast period, the report states Culinary tourism is growing in popularity, particularly among leisure and recreational travelers The top countries in Europe for culinar y tourism are Germany, France and the United Kingdom
The main reasons propelling the market’s expansion in this region include the rise in the number of culinary tourists visiting and the accessibility of luxur y cruise experiences During the projection period, the overall market in Europe is anticipated to rise due to the rising desire for travel experiences, particularly among baby boomers and millennials
The rising preference for culinar y tourism is notably driving the market
growth, according to the report Many people are switching from traditional tourist activities to luxurious tourism, which includes gourmet tourism
Some of the most popular travel locations are the United States, the United Kingdom, Germany, France, China, Australia and Spain During the projection period, it is anticipated that these nations would have an increase in domestic and international travelers from all over the world, which will help the market develop The development of tourism infrastructure in developing nations such as Sri Lanka, India and Mexico is also anticipated to boost market growth throughout the forecast period
A f o c u s o n d a t a h a r n e s s i n g f o r p e r s o nalized guest experience is the key trend in t h e m a r k e t I n o rd e r t o m a i n t a i n t h e i r m a r k e t s h a re s a n d o ff e r c u s t o m e r s f re s h , cutting-edge ser vices, restaurants and hot e l s a re c o n s t a n t l y c o m i n g u p w i t h n e w s t r a t e g i e s
Additionally, some hotels look up the social media accounts of VIP guests to learn more about their tastes Similar to other businesses, hotels use sur veys, internet browsing habits, purchase histories, marketing engagement and loyalty programs to
draw in and keep customers Several hotels are making accommodations for late or early arrivals so that tourists can get right to work on their plans without having to lose time These actions performed by hotels are anticipated to increase demand during the forecast period, according to Technavio
The growing threat of terrorism among tourists is the major challenge impeding market growth The growing incidence of terrorism has a negative impact on the worldwide travel and tourist industry, according to the report Terrorist attacks have been common in Manchester, London and Barcelona over the previous five or six years
Te r ro r i s m l e a d s t o i n c re a s e d b o rd e r c l e a r a n c e , i n c l u d i n g d e l a y s a n d m o re t h o ro u g h i n s p e c t i o n s I t a l s o r a i s e s t h e p r i c e o f re i n s u r a n c e a n d i n s u r a n c e P a ssenger fares also rise due to the rising mili t a r y, t e c h n o l o g i c a l a n d o t h e r e x p e n d i t u re s f o r b o rd e r a n d a i r p o rt s e c ur i t y, a s w e l l a s f o r i n t e l l i g e n c e a n d l a w e nf o rc e m e n t T h e re f o re , t h e h i g h c o s t o f t r a v e l i n g c o m b i n e d w i t h p e o p l e ’ s l i f et h re a t e n i n g w o r r i e s m a y h i n d e r t h e m a rk e t ’ s a b i l i t y t o i n c re a s e i t s re v e n u e t h ro u g h o u t t h e p ro j e c t i o n p e r i o d GN
DYMA Brands to Distribute Portion-Control
Welch’s Jams, Jellies for Foodser vice
DYMA Brands, an industry leader in foodser vice manufacturing, is partnering with Welch Food Inc to be the exclusive foodservice distributor for Welch’s portion control jams and jellies
DYMA will serve as an end-to-end partner to Welch’s for foodservice, responsible for packaging design, production, fulfill-
ment and more The jams and jellies, which will come in Concord grape, mixed fruit, strawberr y and apple flavors, will be offered in DYMA’s signature single ser ve pouches and cups, enabling operators to serve customers that eat on the go
In particular, DYMA looks forward to offering Welch’s Concord Grape Jelly, known
for its bold, straight-off-the-vine flavor made from U S -grown Concord grapes The jams and jellies will be available at foodservice and convenience venues across the nation
“We are excited to partner with Welch’s on their jams and jellies that are so wellloved by Americans,” said Diego Rondon,
chief commercial officer of DYMA “This partnership enables us to combine our foodser vice expertise with a high-quality product that has strong brand value We look forward to bringing Welch’s jams and jellies to more meals ”
Under this exclusive partnership, the products will be available in early 2023 GN
Star Olive Oils Certified by American Heart Association Heart-Check Program
The Star line of olive oils, a Borges brand, have been certified by the American Heart Association’s Heart-Check Food Certification Program The Heart-Check mark on food packaging helps take the guesswork o u t w h e n re a d i n g N u t r i t i o n F a c t s a n d label information, signaling to consumers the product meets the nutritional requirements of the American Heart Association’s l o n g - s t a n d i n g p ro g r a m a n d c a n b e i ncluded as part of an overall healthy eating pattern
The Heart-Check mark will be prominently displayed on Star Olive Oil packages as of December Star Olive Oils also feature the North American Olive Oil Association seal and validation of authentic olive oil content Star line of olive oils includes Extra Virgin Olive Oil, EVOO Robust,
EVOO First Har vest, EVOO Organic and Light and Original testing olive oils All STAR Extra Virgin olive oils are made 100 percent cold extracted olive oil from premium olives Extra Virgin and Robust oils yield rich olive flavors, while Original and Light are ideal for those who desire the healthy benefits of olive oil without a pronounced olive taste
“By participating with such prestigious and well-respected associations such as the American Heart Association and NAOOA, we at Borges strive to guarantee the kind authenticity and quality of our olive oil products that consumers have come to expect,” said Francisco Cuenca, chief operating officer at Borges USA
The American Heart Association recommends replacing saturated and trans fats
with healthier monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fats as part of an overall heart-healthy diet to reduce the risk of heart disease and stroke Olive oil contains monounsaturated fat that if consumed daily can help lower LDL (low-density lipoprotein) or “bad” cholesterol levels –keeping LDL cholesterol low may reduce the risk of coronary heart disease
Additionally, the Food and Drug Administration has determined that there is credible evidence to support a qualified health claim that consuming oleic acid in edible oils, such as olive oil, may reduce the risk of coronary heart disease
Borges USA is a leading importer and marketer of Mediterranean specialty food products The company is a member of the Borges International Group, a 125-year-old
Spanish food company with distribution in more than 116 countries
The NAOOA is a not-for-profit trade group of olive oil marketers in North America The North American Olive Oil Association conducts the nation’s largest and most complete olive oil testing and certification program from oils GN
Global Specialty Foods Market Estimated To
The global specialty foods market is expected to grow from $158 87 billion in 2021 to $170 21 billion in 2022 at a compound annual growth rate of 7 1 percent, according to a new report from Research and Markets The market is expected to grow to $224 88 billion in 2026 at a compound annual growth rate of 7 2 percent
The market for specialty foods consists of sales of specialty foods and their related services, according to the report Specialty foods are made from high quality ingredients and have limited distribution with unique or beautiful packaging The specialty foods consist of cheese and plant-based cheese, non-RTD cocoa and coffee, refrigerated and frozen poultry/seafood/meat, yogurt, candy, pretzels/snacks/chips, bread &
in 2026, New Report Shows
baked goods and others
The main product types are cheese and plant-based cheese, frozen or refrigerated meat, poultry and seafood, chips, pretzels and snacks, bread and baked goods, chocolate and other confectionery and others
Asia Pacific was the largest region in the specialty foods market in 2021, according to the report Western Europe was the second-largest region in the specialty foods market The regions covered in the specialty food market are Asia-Pacific, Western Europe, Eastern Europe, North America, South America, Middle East and Africa
The growth in the number of millennials preferring at-home and healthy meals coupled with growing interest in having nutritious food for a healthy lifestyle is
increasing the demand for specialty foods
According to the Specialty Foods Association, millennials are twice as likely to plan at-home meals and have high preferences for specialty products to create interesting and healthy eating experiences
According to the research from the NDP Group in 2019, millennials, gen X and baby boomers are expected to eat more meals at home Thus, growth in at-home cooking activities of millennials and preferences for healthy foods is anticipated to boost the revenue for specialty foods market over the forthcoming years, according to the report
The high cost of specialty food is likely to hinder the growth of the specialty foods market during the period, the report states Specialty foods are made from high-quality
ingredients such as gluten free, non-GMO and ingredients rich in vitamins and minerals, which results in a higher cost of raw materials According to the SFA, the high cost of ingredients, certifications and production is increasing the prices of specialty foods, making it unaffordable for many consumers The high cost of specialty foods is predicted to hinder the growth of the specialty foods market
The launch of high-quality and innovative products such as plant-based, convenience, better-for-you, non-GMO products with authenticity and products with attributes such as low fat, low calorie, low sodium, high protein, no dairy and organic is a major trend shaping the growth of the specialty foods industry GN
Clean Water Volunteer Program Wine To Water Resumes Operations After Pandemic Pause
More than two years ago, global clean water nonprofit, Wine To Water was forced to put a growing volunteer program on pause due to the global pandemic The program is open again with an expanded reach, bringing water filtration and well construction, thereby reducing bottled water dependence or a complete lack of clean water The program is led by Texas A&M educator and anthropologist Judy Nunez
“The Wine To Water team springs into action whenever there is a need for clean water, but the pandemic made it challenging for many nonprofits to recruit and support volunteers outside of their own communities,” said Doc Hendley, a CNN Hero and the founder and international president of W|W “Volunteers are critically
important to the work of nonprofits because the donation of services allows other donations to go further and be applied to the cause served ”
W|W went to the Dominican Republic in December, where volunteers built filters in the local factory They also delivered a filter to a home and shared in the experience of the family taking their first sip of clean water
On a recent trip to Nepal, the mission included rehabilitating a well, painting a water tank and visiting with school children These experiences are designed to immerse volunteers in the community and culture in a way that is enriching for both the volunteer and those receiving the services
A water emergency is occurring somewhere in the world at this moment, so there
are ongoing relief efforts in the United States and around the world requiring volunteers Wine To Water’s volunteer program involves students in a broader way Nunez is working to grow student programs in colleges across the country, especially for domestic relief projects
W|W leads emergency response to water crises Part of their ongoing mission is the Filter Build program, which provides another volunteer experience These filters have increased the capacity of W|W to provide clean water to those in immediate need
Wine To Water is a nonprofit global clean water organization committed to preserving life and dignity through the power of clean water It has helped over 1 4 million people in 51 countries gain access to
safe and clean water
Founded in 2004, W|W seeks an end to the root cause of global poverty by providing sustainable water solutions in communities around the world To accomplish their mission and vision, it developed WASH (water, sanitation, hygiene) solutions in direct partnership with local leaders through water access, water filtration, hygiene education and sanitation
W|W programs are active in Nepal, the Dominican Republic, the Amazon and Tanzania Disaster response efforts by W|W are ongoing in the United States and around the world
Its clean water projects and filter builds are catalysts for environmental sustainability, education, women ’ s empowerment, healthcare and economic growth
Greene Concepts, Metatron Make Progress Creating Hydration Tracking App
Greene Concepts, Inc and Metatron Inc are progressing in the creation of a hydration tracking app that logs water intake and encourages consumers to drink water regularly until they reach their recommended daily water intake goal, which the app automatically calculates “Water is the most important and vital nutrient for the human body, is involved in ever y bodily function, and makes up 70 to 75 percent of your total body weight,” said Metatron Chief Executive Officer Joe Riehl “The new hydration water tracker app will remind you to drink more water which
helps you to maintain body temperature, metabolize body fat, aids in digestion, lubricates and cushions organs, transports nutrients and flushes toxins from your body This app assists the user to drink enough water in an attempt to reach or maintain optimum health ”
“Our app will be a simple-to-use yet sophisticated health application with a sleek interface,” said Amy McNally, vice president of sales and marketing at Greene Concepts “It will enable users to aggregate and report the trace minerals from water consumed and compare that amount against their recommended daily allowance, which is in part based on weight, gender and activity level App users will be
able to identify their target volume, track their water consumption and create reminders to encourage hydration for optimal health ”
Additional features include the water log reminders and timer, a personalized water intake calculator, 3D touch support, predefined and customized cup sizes for quick tracking, weight/height units support (pounds, kilograms, centimeters, inches, feet, etc ), water units support (ounces, milliliters, liters), HealthKit integration, a histor y and graph dashboard to see progress, and functionality/support on multiple platforms
“You will be able to subscribe via an annual subscription to allow for the tracking of multiple beverages and unlimited access to all features of the hydration app with no ads,” said Greene Concepts Chief Executive Officer Lenny Greene
“The new app offers real-time accountability and encourages improved health,” Greene said “Consumers can choose a goal and enter amounts as they drink the beverages The app will feature an audible water
sound as a reminder and designed to limit intrusion while encouraging a peaceful experience
“The app is currently in development,” Greene said, “and we are excited about its upcoming release ”
Metatron Inc has developed more than 2,000 apps on iTunes and Google Play Areas of focus include web properties, mobile applications, artificial intelligence and the NFT/Metaverse
Greene Concepts, Inc is a publicly traded company whose purpose is to provide the world with high-quality, healthy and enhanced beverage choices that meet the nutritional needs of its consumers while refreshing their mind, body and spirit The company ’ s flagship product, Be Water, is a premium artesian bottled water that supports total body health and wellness Greene Concepts’ beverage and bottling plant is located in Marion, N C The water is ethically sourced from seven spring and artesian wells that are fed from a natural aquifer located deep beneath the Blue Ridge Mountains GN
Forever Cheese Acquires Japanese Food Product, Ingredient Importer W. A. Imports
Forever Cheese, a leading specialty foods importer of cheese, nuts, cured meats and other gourmet products, has acquired substantially the assets of W A Imports, Inc
W A Imports is an importer and manufacturer of premium Japanese food products and ingredients sought after by chefs, mixologists and consumers including Haku Mizunara Whisky Barrel Aged Shoyu, CalPAC Black Garlic Molasses and Yakami Orchards Yuzu Marmalade
“W A Imports shares with Forever Cheese an incredibly high standard of qual-
ity, strong producer relationships and a passion for artisan products The acquisition of W A Imports establishes Forever Cheese as a leading cheese and specialty food platform,” said Tyler Hawes, chief executive officer of Forever Cheese
“In my initial meetings with Tyler and Eric Vorchheimer, Forever Cheese chief financial officer, I knew they understood our vision,” said Dave Vohaska of W A Imports “We share the same passion in bringing exceptional Asian ingredients to our foodservice and retail customer base ”
W A was founded in 2006 and has grown it into a premier source of the finest Japanese and Pacific Rim ingredients Sourcing high-quality products, W A Imports has a network of suppliers with unparalleled products representing generations of artisan food culture Taking pride in being the liaison from some of the most talented craftsmen of Asian products to prestigious North American restaurant kitchens W A Imports is based in Hebron, Ill
Sweets & Snacks Presents Review of Easter Sales
Easter was the first of the candy seasons to be disrupted by the pandemic in 2020, but it made a ver y strong comeback in 2021 and 2022 – setting new records in many performance areas The 2023 Easter season was one week shorter, emphasizing merchandising and sell through in the final weeks
How did the season fare? How did inflation affect dollars versus volume, and what did consumer engagement look like?
The 2023 Easter Sales Review webinar, sponsored by Peeps Brand, will highlight the total seasonal opportunity, Easter chocolate and non-chocolate sales as well as the largest channels of food, drug and mass
Join NCA and Anne-Marie Roerink, president at 210 Analytics, on May 16 at 1 p m ET to take a closer look at: seasonal highlights, market review and shopper engagement, sales results and drivers, merchandising performance and 2023 preparation and recommendations Details are at sweetsandsnacks com
Roerink is a Principal at 210 Analytics, LLC, providing customized research with a specialty in food retailing for clients such as the Food Marketing Institute, National Grocers Association, National Confectioners Association, North American Meat Institute and many others Through countless consumer studies, Roerink has developed an excellent perspective on the ever-chang-
ing wants and needs of the grocer y shopper in a onesize-fits-no-one world
Roerink offers a diverse and in-depth view on food retailing strategies, financials and operations She understands the challenges and opportunities in the food business today as well as the drivers of success tomorrow Prior to founding 210 Analytics, Roerink was the head of research for the
cheese and accompaniments from Italy, Spain, Portugal and Croatia, was founded in 1998 Driven by a passion for fine foods, the company has grown into an industr y leader, with its products in many upscale retailers, restaurants and specialty food shops nationwide With a focus on authenticity and creativity, Forever Cheese seeks out the best of the Mediterranean and educates customers on what makes its products special The company is headquartered in New York City with a warehouse location in Secaucus, N J GN
authors studies in meat, produce, deli prepared, frozen, SmartFood, bakery, confections and other categories GN
Forever Cheese, importer of artisan
Food Marketing Institute
Roerink designs and
WeighPack Launches VF1200 Machine, High-Speed Continuous Motion Bagger
WeighPack has launched its newest vertical form, fill and seal machine for high-speed applications, the VF 1200 continuous motion bagger Debuted at Pack Expo International in Chicago, this bagging machine can produce up to 150 bags per minute in varying sizes up to 16 inches in length
The VF 1200 can handle multiple package formats and produces a wide range of package sizes providing flexibility for both retail and club size packaging for industries ranging from snack foods and confectionery to frozen foods and baked goods
This continuous motion bagger features vertical sealing bars that are continuously
to receive its vertical seal This provides an advantage over vertical, form, fill and seal machines with intermittent motion seal bars that only open and close in full sequence, resulting in lower production rates
Engineered with an open-frame design for easy operator access, the VF 1200 features stainless steel construction, vacuum pull belts, second film roll support, film splice table, Omron motion controller and ser vos, a 15-inch color touchscreen and tool-less removable vertical seal bar, horizontal jaws and forming shoulder
WeighPack can customize a turnkey system to meet almost any weighing, filling and bagging need Their multi-head weighers, linear net weighers and bagging machines are used across many industries It also offers a variety of labeling machines and end of line solutions
in motion, so the film does not need to stop
Options available include full sanitar y washdown, bag gusset attachment, integrated printer, hole punch and more
P a x i o m i s t h e n a t i o n a l s a l e s , s y s t e m i n t e g r a t i o n a n d s e r v i c e p ro v i d e r f o r t h e s t a t e - o f - t h e - a r t p a c k a g i n g m a c h i n e t e c hn o l o g y m a n u f a c t u re d b y We i g h P a c k , Va lTa r a a n d E n d F l e x F r o m w e i g h i n g , f i l l i n g , b a g g i n g a n d w r a p p i n g t o c a r t o ni n g , t r a y f o r m i n g , c a s e p a c k i n g a n d p a ll e t i z i n g , P a x i o m h a s d e
Global Vegan Food Industr y Expected to Reach
$91.9B by 2027, Driven by Consumer Interest
Consumer demand is driving demand for vegan food items, which is driving up demand for producers of plant-based goods, according to a new Research and Markets report, which estimates the global vegan food market will reach $91 9 billion by 2027
Consumer interest in vegan food is fueled by several factors, including expanding research into the health advantages of plant-based diets, rising support from medical professionals and expanded media coverage of these advantages
A decision by the U S Food and Drug
Administration favoring health claims about plant-based protein products and the growing availability of vegan food products in mainstream supermarkets as more mainstream processors enter this market are two more important factors driving growth, according to the report Pea-based vegan meat also has a sizable market share The pea is an excellent source of plant-based meat due to its reasonable price, versatility and nutritional profile, as well as its widespread availability and applicability New developments in the vegan sector
emerge ever y year, paving the way for a global transition to a much more just, safe and sustainable food system The vegan industry experienced its most active growth in 2021, and many signs point to this as the beginning of a race for new vegan products on a global scale, according to the report Customers can lessen the adverse effects of the food system on the environment, reduce the risk of zoonotic disease and antibiotic resistance, the report states, and feed more people with fewer resources by producing meat from plants, fermentation
or cultivation of actual animal cells
Additionally, by adopting a vegan food diet, consumers can help minimize air and water pollution, slow biodiversity loss and protect the oceans, according to the report Vegan diets are the future of the food industry, just as renewable energy sources are the future of the energy industry As the international community works to reduce climate risks, vegan foods represent a vast opportunity to help humans achieve netzero emissions, however, more funding and open-access R&D are required GN
has signed on to roll out the entire Logile Inventory Management Solutions suite across its organization
Logile IMS is a solution suite that delivers a complete fresh and center-store inventor y management ecosystem focused on each store Logile’s IMS, combined with its highly accurate forecast and Workforce Management solution suites, offers retailers a fully unified solution suite – from item management to forecasting to ordering, to receiving to in-store production to service execution – for both center store and fresh departments on one platform
Retailers have had to deal with the persistent problems associated with multiple, disconnected business forecasts and various point solutions cobbled together from different providers Despite many efforts to make it all work, industry out-of-stocks remain high, shrink levels remain unacceptable, service levels and productivity are not optimized, regulatory compliance risks remain high, and profitability remains both constrained and under increasing pressure Re-
tailers have long been searching for a single, unified solution set that will help boost sales, reduce shrink, optimize productivity and yield improved service levels and earnings
The official release of IMS marks a major expansion for Logile and solidifies its position as the only company to provide retailers with a comprehensive suite of fully integrated solutions for store-level planning, scheduling and execution
Vallarta already leverages Logile for its workforce management needs, and with Logile’s IMS rollout, achieves One Platform for One Store, One Forecast, One Labor and One Inventory Vallarta will roll out all 16 modules ranging from Vendor and Item Management, to Order Management, Recipe Management and Production Planning to Shrink Management, Food Safety and full integration with WFM Labor Scheduling and Task Management
“Vallarta operates a format that emphasizes ‘Fresh,’ so the ability with Logile IMS to accurately anticipate demand and production capacity while providing fresher products for our customers is an outstand-
ing value proposition,” said Steve Netherton, chief information officer and vice president of continuous improvement at Vallarta
“We will now be able to leverage Logile’s superior, multi-layered forecasting accuracy across critical parameters like price, promotions, weather, events, holidays, business trends and seasonality IMS will help us optimize inventor y management along with store-level production planning and labor and task management to most efficiently deliver our brand promise ”
“Building upon our long-standing partnership with Vallarta, first in Workforce Management and now with IMS, Logile could not be prouder to collaborate with such a for ward-thinking retail leader in bringing this unique and much-needed solution to market,” said Purna Mishra, Logile founder and chief executive officer “Logile’s Inventory Management Solution represents the next step in completing our vision to provide retailers with a singlepoint solution for store planning, scheduling, production and service execution ”
“The current retail environment, including rising wages, hard-to-find employees and less experienced managers and associates, requires the right tools to fulfill production needs efficiently and attack out-of-stocks, over-production and shrink, which directly erode profit We are pleased to deliver IMS to cover all aspects of inventory management and honored to work alongside Vallarta as a partner in their continued success, ” said Dan Bursik, senior vice president of product management at Logile Logile is a leading retail labor planning, workforce management, inventor y management and store execution provider deployed in thousands of retail locations across North America, Europe, Asia, Australia and Oceania
F ro m l a b o r s t a n d a rd s d e v e l o p m e n t a n d m o d e l i n g t o u n i f i e d f o re c a s t i n g , s t o re w i d e s c h e d u l i n g a n d t i m e a n d a t t e nd a n c e , t o i n v e n t o r y m a n a g e m e n t , t a s k m a n a g e m e n t , p ro d u c t i o n p l a n n i n g , f o o d s a f e t y a n d e m p l o y e e s e l f - s e r v i c e , L o g i l e
transforms retail operations with a unified s t o re - l e v e l s o l u t i o n GN
l i v e re d m o re t h a n
, 0 0 0 p a c k a g i n g s o l u t i o n s t o o v e r 3 0 c o u n t r i e s G N
Southern California-based retailer Vallarta Supermarkets
Logile’s IMS Suite With WFM
Across Organization
‘The Food Guy’ to Host Pizza City Fest Los Angeles
Steve Dolinksy, a 13-time James Beard Award-winning food reporter and “The Food Guy” at NBC 5 Chicago, will host the inaugural Pizza City Fest Los Angeles, April 29-30 at L A LIVE
The event will offer fans the opportunity to sample pizzas from Southern California’s best pizza makers all in one location over two days
Dolinsky has written two books on pizza, launched a weekly tour business, hosts and produces the “Pizza City” podcast, and last summer introduced the first Pizza City Fest in Chicago The sold-out event showcased the region’s unsung pizza
artisans and styles, while also showing guests what goes into great pizza making
“I’ve seen the L A pizza scene explode recently, having visited about 60 places while researching over the past year, ” said Dolinsky “But with so much great pizza spread out from Santa Barbara to San Diego, there needed to be a way to highlight these artisans all in one place Not only will we do that, but we’ll also bring together some of the most talented local pizza pros to share their knowledge and expertise with home cooks ”
In choosing to host the Los Angeles event at L A LIVE, Steve found a partner
venue that is not only known for hosting world-class sports and entertainment happenings, but also has a rich tradition of staging iconic culinary events “We are incredibly excited to welcome the inaugural Pizza City Fest Los Angeles to L A LIVE,” said Lee Zeidman, president, Crypto com Arena, Microsoft Theater and L A LIVE “We pride ourselves on bringing unique first-time events to downtown Los Angeles, partnering with Steve made perfect sense ”
Dave’s Gourmet Helps Pink Sauce Land at Retail
D a v e ’ s G o u r m e t h a s p a rt n e re d w i t h a young entrepreneur to help bring her vision from TikTok to the commercial market
Chef Pii, the creator of Pink Sauce and a popular social media influencer, attempted to launch her creation to a wanting public, selling out of her initial stock in days However, a lack of commercial food production knowledge led to significant obstacles Production was paused, leaving a lot of customers waiting for their product with no immediate solution to satisfy the overwhelming demand for her Pink Sauce last
Dave’s Gourmet discovered this situation soon after Pink Sauce went viral on social media and decided to offer help and expertise Pii and Dave’s Gourmet entered into an exclusive partnership in which Dave’s Gourmet assumed responsibility as the exclusive supplier and distributor of Pink Sauce
D a v e ’ s G o u r m e t i s p ro d u c i n g P i n k S a u c e o n a c o m m e rc i a l s c a l e u n d e r t h e re q u i re d f o o d s a f e t y m a n u f a c t u r i n g g u i d e l i n e s a s w e l l a s s e l l i n g t h e p ro d u c t t h ro u g h re t a i l , f o o d s e r v i c e a n d e - c o m -
m e rc e c h a n n e l s i n t h e U n i t e d S t a t e s a n d o t h e r c o u n t r i e s P i i c o n t i n u e s t o d r i v e s oc i a l m e d i a a n d o t h e r a s p e c t s o f P i n k S a u c e
Walmart is the exclusive retailer to carry Pink Sauce until July 2023 It is available in more than 4,300 Walmart store locations and online Consumers can now purchase a vegan- and gluten-free version of the sauce that Pii had developed in her Miami kitchen
The sauce is manufactured under FDA guidelines in an SQF-certified facility and is shelf-stable GN
Tickets to Pizza City Fest Los Angeles start at $95
Panel discussions and demonstrations include: The Doug Whisperers, Perfect Pan Pizza at Home, In Conversation with Chef ’ s Table: Pizza; What Is L A Style Pizza? and From Clicks & Likes to Bricks & Lights: Building a Pizza Brand GN
FrieslandCampina Ingredients has partnered with specialist biotechnology company Triplebar Bio Inc to develop and scale up the production of cell-based proteins using precision fermentation The partnership reaffirms the commitment of both companies to develop innovative and futureproof protein solutions that improve human health
The world’s population is predicted to reach nearly 10 billion by 2050 This means more protein sources are needed to keep people healthy and active throughout all stages of life With close to 100 years of experience in dairy protein processing, FrieslandCampina Ingredients uses its experience and expertise to develop much needed solutions to the world’s protein challenges with best-in-class nutritional value, taste and functionality This latest partnership follows the company ’ s launch of its first plant protein range, Plantaris, in partnership with AGT Foods in November 2021
California-based biotechnology company Triplebar specializes in bioengineering at
speed to develop solutions for the nutrition and healthcare industries The company takes an integrated approach, using hardware, software, biology and biochemistr y to develop products and biological production systems that replicate and accelerate evolution found in nature
FrieslandCampina Ingredients and Triplebar will produce microbial cells through precision fermentation that can create bioactive proteins that support human health and nutrition in early life and adulthood The ambition of both companies is to manufacture high quality proteins for various applications at scale and with a limited land, water and energy footprint
FrieslandCampina Ingredients has been using precision fermentation since 2016 to produce human milk oligosaccharides The company will leverage its unique combination of protein experience alongside its innovation, processing and technical expertise to produce highly nutritious, alternative protein
the same time, we are continuously exploring new ways that technology and nature can be harnessed to support consumers with special dietary needs – at every stage of life Together, I’m certain that FrieslandCampina Ingredients and Triplebar will accelerate the use of precision fermentation as a nutritious and sustainable source of protein By offering a full range of dairy and alternative proteins side by side, we aim to give people access to the nutritional solutions they need now and for generations to come ”
“ We n e e d t o l e v e r a g e s c i e n c e a n d t e c hn o l o g y t o m a k e h i g h - q u a l i t y f o o d a ff o rda b l y a n d s u s t a i n a b l y, ” s a i d M a r i a C h o , C E O o f E m e r y v i l l e , C a l i f - b a s e d Tr i p l eb a r “ B i o t e c h n o l o g y c a n re d u c e p re s s u re o n t r a d i t i o n a l f o o d p ro d u c t i o n s y s t e m s w h i l e m a k i n g t h e f o o d s y s t e m m o re rob u s t a n d b o o s t i n g n u t r i t i o n f o r e v e r y o n e , f ro m b a b i e s t o a d u l t s T h ro u g h t h i s m u l t i - y e a r, m u l t i - p ro d u c t a n d m u l t ic o u n t r y a g re e m e n t w i t h F r i e s l a n d C a m pi n a I n g re d i e n t s , w e w i l l h e l p m a k e t h i s a m b i t i o n a re a l i t y ” G N
solutions using the latest precision fermentation technology
“Precision fermentation is a fast-developing technology that will shape the future of the food and nutrition industry,” said Anne
Peter Lindeboom, managing director, innovation at FrieslandCampina Ingredients
“Dairy ingredients will continue to play a vital role in the future of nutrition as a source of high-quality proteins and prebiotics and these remain our core
offering At
FrieslandCampina, Triplebar Partner to Develop Cell-Based Proteins
Music Star Clarkson Joins Jonas Brothers’
Rob’s Backstage Popcorn for New Flavor
Rob’s Backstage Popcorn, founded by the Naked Market and the Jonas Brothers in 2021, has partnered with global pop sensation Kelly Clarkson to release an all-new product SKU: Kelly’s Classic BBQ, a Southern spin on Rob’s signature recipe inspired by Clarkson’s Texan roots
The first celebrity collaboration from Rob’s Backstage Popcorn and The Naked Market, Kelly’s Classic BBQ will offer those who have fallen in love with the brand’s sweet and savor y seasoning a new snack sure to excite their taste buds
C l a r k s o n f e l l i n l o v e w i t h R o b ’ s B a c ks t a g e P o p c o r n l a s t y e a r a n d t h e b ro t h e r s shortly after appeared on her daytime talk s h o w t o a n n o u n c e t h e b r a n d ’ s re t a i l launch in April 2022 Her authentic intere s t & e x c i t e m e n t i n t h e p ro d u c t m a d e i t c l e a r t h a t a p a rt n e r s h i p w a s u n d e n i a b l e , C l a r k s o n ’ s f i r s t f o r a y i n t h e C P G s p a c e To g e t h e r w i t h t h e b ro t h e r s a n d T h e N a k e d M a r k e t , C l a r k s o n d e v e l o p e d a s w e e t a n d s m o k y b a r b e c u e f l a v o r t o c rea t e a p o p c o r n u n l i k e a n y t h i n g c o n s u m e r s h a v e h a d b e f o re
“ I l o v e R o b ’ s B a c k s t a g e P o p c o r n a n d I a m t h r i l l e d t o b e s h a r i n g t h i s n e w f l a v o r w i t h y ’ a l l , ” s a i d C l a r k s o n “ C o l l a b o r a t i n g w i t h R o b , K e v i n , N i c k a n d J o e h a s b e e n s o m u c h f u n ! I a p o l o g i z e i n a d v a n c e f o r not being able to put a bag of Kelly’s Clas-
Plant-Based Butter
Continued from PAGE 1
his own bakery, Hart Bageri There, she had the facilities and capabilities to work with food scientists to test recipes using plantbased butter for foodservice
The big achievement was using Tourlami plant-based butter to create a croissant that was every bit as good – Schoolman will say even better – than one made with dair y butter
“The internal structure was there,” Schoolman said “It was flaky It tasted great ”
Tourlami is on track to be launched in early 2023
“We want it to be the gold standard of plant-based butter,” Schoolman said
Besides the challenges inherent in creating a plant-based butter for pastries, Tourlami’s path to market included the COVID pandemic
“The pandemic slowed things down,” Scoolman said “Some ingredients were hard to get And we were figuring out how to work within the COVID restrictions
‘Free-From’ Foods
Continued from PAGE 1
North America accounts for the “lion’s share” of the global “free-from” marketplace, according to Fortune Business Insights
“North America is to dominate the mar-
s i c B B Q p o p c o r n d o w n I t ’ s t h a t g o o d , y ’ a l l I c a n ’t w a i t f o r t h e w o r l d t o g e t a t a s t e o f w h a t w e ’ v e b e e n c o o k i n g u p t og e t h e r ”
“We’re thrilled to be partnering with Kelly Clarkson on this new addition to the Rob’s Backstage Popcorn lineup We’re grateful that she has been such a vocal supporter and fan of Rob’s since our retail launch last year Kelly’s BBQ flavor leans into her Southern roots to create a truly unique spin on Rob’s original flavor profile We couldn’t be more excited to share it with the world!,” said Nick Jonas, co-founder of Rob’s Backstage Popcorn
With the support of The Naked Market, a n e x t - g e n e r a t i o n C P G b r a n d i n c u b a t o r, Rob’s Backstage Popcorn has captured the a t t e n t i o n o f n a t i o n a l re t a i l e r s S i n c e l a u n c h , t h e b r a n d h a s b e e n s o l d n a t i o n -
“But it was an interesting time It fueled further thought about trends not only for plant-based butter, but for functional healthy eating and how the foods we are eating are affecting our bodies,” she said
“Fifty-five percent of the global population is lactose intolerant and that’s not represented in the food space, ” Schoolman said “We wanted an inclusive brand that makes people feel they haven’t sacrificed ingredients to get a healthy product ”
The pandemic also meant Schoolman couldn’t take Tourlami to trade shows and sampling opportunities, which is something that will be done this year, of course
“We’ve made incredible connections with chefs who want to use our product,” she said “It’s been well received ”
While trade shows were paused during the pandemic, social media sure wasn’t Tourlami took advantage of the digital word of mouth, with chefs also posting videos using the plant-based butter in recipes
“Thankfully, when our product is ready, we’ll already have that brand trust ”
There’s something to be said about the
ket owing to high awareness of gluten-free products,” according to Fortune Business Insights “The global ‘free-from’ food category is witnessing a robust increase in demand across the globe
“ I n re c e n t y e a r s , t h e g ro w i n g c o ns u m e r s ’ k n o w l e d g e a b o u t e a t i n g h e a l t h y h a s t r a n s f o r m e d t h e c l e a n l a b e l a n d ‘ f re ef ro m ’ c a t e g o r i e s f ro m n i c h e t o m a i n -
wide in Walmart, and will be available nat i o n w i d e a t A l b e rt s o n s , K ro g e r a n d S a m ’ s C l u b , a m o n g o t h e r s i n t h e n e x t f e w m o n t h s T h e s e n e w re t a i l e r s w i l l i n c re a s e Rob’s Backstage Popcorn’s brick-and-mort a r p re s e n c e t o 8 , 0 0 0 d o o r s , m a k i n g i t e a s i e r f o r t h e b r a n d ’ s l o y a l f a n s t o f i n d
The idea to bring Rob’s Backstage Popcorn to life came to Nick Jonas in 2011 when he got his first taste of the popcorn during an evening spent at the Garbowskys’ home and convinced Rob to make the popcorn for the Jonas Brothers crew The unique flavor quickly made it the entire band’s go-to snack and has been in their pantries and on the road with them ever since
w h e n a c r a v i n g h i t s
Rob’s Backstage Popcorn has been perfected over the past three decades by Rob Garbowsky, the father of Greg Garbowsky, friend, former bass guitarist and current member of the band’s management team
appeal of a mouthwatering pastry photo to promote a plant-based butter brand
Tourlami goes beyond just making a perfect pastry, though
“We’re thrilled to announce this partnership, the first official collaboration for Rob’s Backstage Popcorn, between Kelly and the Jonas Brothers as it stems from the group ’ s longtime friendship Kelly brings her authentic love for the product and a unique Southern spin on the popcorn ’ s signature seasoning – making it a flavor unlike any other on the market We look forward to what the future holds for this partnership, and anticipate similar collaborations down the road that will excite many, ” said Harrison Fugman, Co-Founder and CEO of The Naked Market GN
volved “ a lot of trial and error ”
“I wanted to think about how butter is made and worked that way backward,” said Schoolman, who also broke down how cheese is made
“It’s all so exciting in some respects I can’t believe Tourlami works as well as butter does for food manufacturers, for pastries in a kitchen setting,” she said
“It was
goals to have a product that can be spread on toast and put in a cookie recipe Yes, it’s got the same flavor profile, not to mention it’s soy free, nut free, palm oil free and kosher ”
Schoolman admits creating Tourlami in-
s t re a m C o n s u m e r s t u r n t o w a rd f o o d t h a t h e l p s t h e m m a n a g e a n d m a i n t a i n t h e i r o v e r a l l h e a l t h T h e y s e e k a l t e r n a t i v e f o o d a n d b e v e r a g e f o r m u l a t i o n s t h a t a i d i n a v o i d i n g f o o d a l l e rg i e s a n d a l i g n w i t h t h e i r d i e t s M a n u f a c t u re r s a re a l s o a d a p ti n g t o t h e s h i f t i n g c o n s u m e r p re f e re n c e s b y i n t ro d u c i n g p ro d u c t s t o c a t e r t o t h e r i s i n g d e m a n d F o r i n s t a n c e , i n J a n u a r y
“It’s ver y exciting, but I’m also relieved for my waistline,” Schoolman said, laughing “I’m not eating pastries and cookies all the time I don’t need to make croissants every day Now, it’s having a support system and learning to make new industry connections with people in foodservice ”
Schoolman isn’t finished with innovating plant-based butter for baking this year
“We’ve got some twists and turns we ’ re adding in,” she said GN
l e rg e n s
Growing research and technological advances allow the scope of improvement in the “free-from” foods category, which is expected to augment the market growth in the following years GN
2 0 2 1 , P a r t a k e F o o d s l a u n c h e d a m u l t ip u r p o s e b a k i n g m i x i n t h e U n i t e d S t a t e s , f re e f ro m d a i r y, g l u t e n a n d e i g h t m a j o r a l
Thundercomm Unveils Smart Vending Machine Solution That Helps Operators Reduce Costs
Thundercomm, a global IoT product and solution provider, introduced its all-new Smart Vending Machine Solution at CES 2023 This new solution is designed to bring consumers a more convenient purchasing experience and also help vending machine operators improve their operational efficiency and reduce costs
With the rapid development of various innovative technologies, smart vending machines are gradually replacing other retail methods and becoming the best choice for unmanned retail terminals The Smart Vending Machine Solution released by Thundercomm adopts advanced dynamic vision technology, which can capture, identify and analyze the whole purchasing process through the video record, and then accurately identify the purchased goods
and quantity This brings consumers a convenient shopping experience so they only need to open and close the door to complete their purchase
The solution also supports dynamic update of SKUs, which relieves vending machine operators from the retraining of commodity data and significantly simplifies the process of new goods on shelf This not only improves the operational efficiency, but also lowers the restrictions on container commodity display, so that container space can be fully utilized, thereby reduc-
ing operating costs
“The Smart Vending Machine Solution is Thundercomm’s new achievement in the edge computing application field,” said CEO Hiro Cai “Based on the profound accum u l a t i o n , Thundercomm has come out with a wide range of edge computing products, including Edge AI Stations, AI intelligent cameras, IoT Harbor, ModelFarm, as well as various algorithms and solutions, which enable us to provide full-stack turnkey ser vices to clients
around the world
“In the future, we will continue our efforts in the field and empower the digitalization of industries through advanced technologies and professional services ”
Thundercomm, a joint venture between ThunderSoft and Qualcomm, was established to accelerate innovation in the Internet of Things and automotive industr y, providing one-stop solutions powered by Qualcomm Technologies Through its capabilities in operating systems including Android, Linux, and others, abroad software and on-device AI technology portfolio acquired from ThunderSoft, and a global sales and support network, Thundercomm ser ves global customers aiming to build high-quality, next-generation products and shorten time-to-commercialization GN
JUST Capital Names McCormick & Company
One of America’s Most JUST Companies
live, work and source, and the planet we all share As an industry leader, we care about the issues impacting our stakeholders and we ’ re actively working to help improve the world around us ”
first year in the JUST 100 coming in 57th overall out of 951 companies
“McCormick is honored to be recognized as one of America’s Most JUST Companies,” said Lawrence E Kurzius, chairman and CEO “This ranking demonstrates our continued commitment to doing what’s right for people, communities where we
The JUST Capital rankings evaluate the 1,000 largest public U S companies across 20 issues identified through comprehensive, ongoing public opinion research on Americans’ attitudes toward responsible corporate behavior Each company is ranked based on its work to serve its employees, customers, communities, the en-
vironment and shareholders
McCormick’s progress toward its ambitious goals, which include emissions reduction targets to achieve 1 5oC as part of its long-term commitment to reaching Net Zero by 2050 and other goals to champion equality, develop their employees and increase the resilience of over 35,000 smallholder farmers, is just a small part of the company ’ s work factored into this year ’ s JUST ranking McCormick was also recently named to Fortune’s 2022 Change the World list
With over $6 billion in annual sales
across 170 countries and territories, McCormick manufactures, markets and distributes spices, seasoning mixes, condiments and other flavorful products to the entire food industry including e-commerce channels, grocery, food manufacturers and foodser vice businesses The most popular brands with trademark registrations include McCormick, French’s, Frank’s RedHot, Stubb’s, OLD BAY, Lawr y ’ s, Zatarain’s, Ducros, Vahiné, Cholula, Schwartz, Kamis, DaQiao, Club House, Aeroplane and Gourmet Garden GN
Spearheading the BBQ revolution from her hometown of Chicago as a leading pitmaster, Chef Dominque Leach has launched her own line of Wagyu Dogs nationwide, along with her wife, Tanisha Griffin, and Vander Farms
Leach owns South Side’s Lexington Betty Smokehouse (named “The Best BBQ in Chicago” by Good Morning America) Vander Farmers is a family-owned company and the leading source of F1 American Wagyu in the Midwest
The premium gourmet product received the USDA stamp of approval to distribute in a retail setting and is available online for nationwide shipping through Lexington Betty’s online
The release marks the first of multiple BBQ products to be announced for national distribution in 2023 by Leach and Vander Farmers The LBS x Vander Farmers team pledged a percentage of sales of all Wagyu Dogs sold for the first month of the launch to Chicago’s 501C3 charity, Coffee, Hip Hop & Mental Health founded by Christopher LeMark, to help further mental health advocacy work across the city “Mental health in the chef and restaurant industr y is an important topic to me personally, knowing how hard it has been in my journey and what I’ve
seen others endure as well, particularly in marginalized communities, which is why I’m supporting CHHAMH with this launch,” Leach said
The Lexington Betty Smokehouse x Vander Famers Wagyu Dog, which retails for $18 99 per pack of eight, completely breaks the mold on the traditional hot dog Made from premium F1 Wagyu beef (50 percent Japanese black cattle, 50 percent HolsteinFriesian dairy cow), the uncured and uncased dog has a heartier density and flavor without losing the beautiful snap you come to expect from a gourmet sausage
With a slightly salty-smokey and sweeter flavor profile than a normal hotdog due to the inherent and delectable marbleization of Wagyu, these dogs complement Leach’s famous BBQ sauce, can be dressed up with Tex-Mex ingredients like pico de gallo and jalapeños, or make for a show-stopping twist on the classic Chicago dog Leach, a classically trained chef turned
nationally recognized pitmaster who was catapulted into the national spotlight on The Food Network’s “Chopped: Playing with Fire” season in 2021 as a judge/contestant, on Food Network Canada’s “Fire Masters,” has a personal mission to make the BBQ world more inclusive and hopes to inspire others like her to take on the field
“I want to reclaim a space in the BBQ cooking world,” Leach said “This line is exposing my craft in a whole new way, plus I get to honor my hometown of Chicago –the true home of the dog I couldn’t be more thrilled to work with the wonderful Vander family again and excited to introduce the Wagyu Dog to everyone near and far ”
Vander Farmers, located in Sturgis, Mich , prides itself on producing premium meats through humanely raised cattle, radical transparency and sustainable practices Look for more announcements from Leach and Vander Farmers soon GN
McCormick & Company, Inc , a global leader in flavor, was recognized as one of America’s Most JUST Companies by JUST Capital The company ranked No 1 overall within the food, beverage & tobacco industry and entered its
Chef Dominique Leach
Retail Line of Wagyu
Dogs Nationwide
Sesame, you ’ re right!
“Where most people have encountered it is if you ever go to a Japanese restaurant, it’s in furikake, you’ll find it on a sushi roll or at least around here, in shabu-shabu,” said Andrea Ramirez, consumer and customer market insight manager for Torani
And don’t be surprised to find black sesame on ice cream or as ice cream
“We started to see it several years ago or so, when there was a proliferation of softserve ice cream places,” she said “We’d see soft-serve ice cream and frozen yogurt with black sesame We see it happening more and more on Instagram ”
Black sesame also is a key ingredient in the Indian dessert ladoo (or black til ladoo)
For the second year, Torani has unveiled a novel flavor of its popular syrups The new Toasted Black Sesame syrup wasn’t an overnight idea
“This certainly was many years in the making,” Ramirez said “We asked ourselves, ‘Is there a way to bring in that black sesame flavor that’s delicious and more acceptable?’”
After all, the Kit Kat candy brand came out with a black sesame version as well as the Texas-based Gallivant Mawa Ice Cream producing a black sesame ice flavor using its Indian-style artisanal method
The pandemic also played a role in developing Torani Puremade Black Sesame syrup While there are many international stores in Torani’s hometown of San Francisco, the Torani team was unable to browse shops in person and relied on online grocery service and flavors they were familiar with
The Toasted Black Sesame syrup is de-
Closer to Zero
Continued from PAGE 1
The FDA prioritized babies and young children because their smaller body sizes and metabolism make them more vulnerable to the harmful effects of contaminants
Exposure to arsenic, lead, cadmium, and mercury, from foods depends on the levels of the elements in the food and the amount consumed, according to the FDA The levels of these elements in foods depend on many factors, including:
• the levels of these elements in the air, water, and soil used to grow the crops, which var y depending on factors such as natural geographical differences and past or current contamination,
• the type of food crop and how much “uptake” there is of specific elements from the environment and
• industrial, manufacturing and agricultural processes
According to the FDA, the action plan has led to “meaningful reductions in exposure to toxic elements ” Further reductions in the levels of arsenic, lead, cadmium, and mercury in foods will be made by:
• advancing the FDA’s research on and evaluating changes in dietary exposures to these elements,
• setting action levels, with input from stakeholders,
signed to be used in lattes, cold brews, cold foam toppers, milkshake, mochas and more As with other Torani syrups, it’s made with pure cane sugar, all natural flavors, color from natural sources, no preservatives and no GMOs
“Our team tracks trends from many different spaces, ” Ramirez said, “looking at flavors that appear on grocery store shelves to fine dining menus, and ever ywhere in between
Torani Toasted Black Sesame is a balance of sweet and salty flavors
“Sweet makes it approachable,” Ramirez said “Salty makes it craveable Salt also helps amplify the flavor When you think of saltiness and craveability, think of caramel corn It’s popcorn, fine, but nobody wants it without salt on it Salt whets the appetite in a certain way so that you somewhat want to mindlessly or mindfully snack on it It provides better balance ”
Black sesame seeds tend to have a nuttier, richer flavor than white sesame seeds Toasting brings out the nutty flavor even more
Last year ’ s inaugural Pourcast Flavor of the Year, Salted Egg Yolk, was a big success, Ramirez said The company is banking on Toasted Black Sesame to follow in its wake
thing from bright, eye-catching food and drinks and ones that are more mysterious and alluring ”
Consumers have been educating their palates to accept, even crave, a wider range of flavors For instance, tajin’s spicy, sour saltiness has made it one of the fastestgrowing condiments in the foodservice industry, Ramirez said
“It speaks of the strong desire by people to experience new flavors, new ideas, new cuisines,” she said
The vast diversity of flavors available to consumers is in stark contrast to yesteryear
“My childhood,” Ramirez said, “when I grew up, at the grocery store, there were no tortillas Can you even imagine that today? Or salsa Now, they’re staples ”
Supply chain improvements have brought exotic flavors to smaller towns – if not in the quantity of big cities, at least the choices are better
“We also research categories well beyond the realm of beverages, including confection, baker y, ice cream, snacks and even condiments From all this research, patterns begin to emerge that help us narrow down our Flavor of the Year We want Torani’s Flavor of the Year to be a flavor that is ready to join the big leagues ”
The Torani team took note that there has been a steady incline in online searches for black sesame over the last few years, according to Google Trends data North American consumers have become more familiar with black sesame with products such as Humphr y Slocombe’s popular Black Sesame Ice Cream, which won the Specialty Food Association’s sofi Award in 2018, and Starbucks Canada’s Black Sesame Tea Latte, which debuted in 2019
• encouraging adoption of best practices by industr y to lower levels of toxic elements in agricultural commodities and products,
• increasing targeted compliance and enforcement activities and
• monitoring progress of levels over time
Action levels are a level of contamination at which a food may be regarded as adulterated within the meaning of section 402(a)(1) of the Federal Food, Drug and Cosmetic Act The FDA considers action levels, in addition to other factors and scientific evidence, when considering whether to bring enforcement action in a particular case
Reducing levels of toxic elements in foods is complicated and multifaceted It is crucial to ensure that measures taken to limit arsenic, lead, cadmium and mercury in foods does not have unintended consequences, such as eliminating from the marketplace foods that have significant nutritional benefits or reducing the presence of one element while increasing another
To make continual improvements, the FDA’s action plan follows a four-stage iterative approach that includes research, regulatory and outreach efforts
T h e f i r s t s t a g e i n v o l v e s e v a l u a t i n g t h e scientific basis for action levels The cycle of continual improvement starts with the FDA evaluating existing data from routine t e s t i n g o f t h e f o o d s u p p l y, re s e a rc h a n d
“We wanted something that was really different to bring into beverages, especially for the average person, ” Ramirez said about Salted Egg Yolk, which was chosen above something like a duck egg or chicken egg profile “The American palate wants something not too gamey or earthy “We wanted something that would really mix well in coffee and tea beverage-type drinks and particularly in ice cream beverages, milkshakes ”
The two flavors of the year also build on the culinary tourism trend
“These flavors take consumers on a journey, a chance to experience other cultures,” Ramirez said “People are seeing a lot more interesting ethnic flavors
“Then there’s the trend behind the Instagrammable experience We see Gen Z using imagery to communicate that food is a central experience that we all enjoy – ever y-
data on chemical analytical methods, toxicological assays, exposure and risk assessm e n t s , a n d o t h e r re l e v a n t s c i e n t i f i c information
Through a process that may include eng a g e m e n t w i t h s t a k e h o l d e r s , a d v i s o r y c o m m i t t e e s , p u b l i c w o r k s h o p s a n d c o ns u l t a t i o n w i t h s c i e n t i f i c e x p e rt s , f e d e r a l a g e n c y p a rt n e r s a n d o t h e r s t a k e h o l d e r s , the agency will establish interim reference levels for certain toxic elements as approp r i a t e A n I R L i s a m e a s u re o f e x p o s u re from food that the FDA may use to determine if the amount of exposure to an individual element across foods could result in a specific health impact
The second stage, which is where Closer to Zero is, will propose action levels The IRLs may be among the key factors that inform the development of the FDA’s proposed action levels for certain toxic elements in categories of baby foods (such as cereals, infant formula, pureed fruits and vegetables) and other foods commonly eaten by babies and young children
In the third stage, stakeholders will be consulted on proposed action levels, including the achievability and feasibility of action levels For each individual element in ever y identified categor y of food, the FDA will gather data and other information through a process of consultation which could include workshops, scientific meetings and collaboration with federal partners
“Nowadays, consumers have access to so many more cuisines, flavors and ingredients,” Ramirez said “It certainly makes eating more fun ”
While Torani Pourmaster Toasted Black Sesame makes its way into beverages and foods, Team Torani is still scouring sources, looking for the next big idea
“We have a big meeting that happens in late summer, early fall where we come together and get going on kicking off the Flavor of the Year,” she said “Things are happening all over the world All kinds of flavors are trending All kinds of beverage applications are trending ”
T h e t e a m ’ s b i g s e s s i o n m a y c o m e u p with 100 ideas They write down what the f l a v o r i s , h o w t o u s e i t a n d w h e re t o f i n d i t T h e n t h e h a rd p a rt : w h i t t l i n g t h a t l i s t d o w n t o 1 0 f l a v o r s a n d t h e n , o f c o u r s e , the gold standard that becomes the Flavor o f t h e Ye a r
“It’s fun,” Ramirez said GN
to assess, among other things, the achievability and feasibility of the proposed action levels and the timeframes for reaching them
The fourth stage will finalize action levels The FDA will use the information gathered from stakeholders, updated scientific research and routine monitoring of data to make any needed adjustments and finalize action levels
Once the FDA has published final action levels, the agency will establish a timeframe for assessing industr y ’ s progress toward meeting the action levels and recommence the cycle to determine if the scientific data support efforts to further adjust the action levels
The FDA plans to support the cycle of continual improvement with ongoing activities related to monitoring levels in foods; research on chemical methods, toxicological impacts, exposures and risk communication; and routine compliance and enforcement efforts
The FDA will evaluate information as it becomes available to determine whether any foods are adulterated or otherwise violative and take action as appropriate The FDA intends to make information about monitoring, research and enforcement actions publicly available The timeline and deliverables included in the plan will be updated periodically as new data, information and resources become available GN
® S U P P L E M E N T T O F E B R U A RY 2 0 2 3
Urb an Accents Creamy Garlic & Chive Standout Sides S easoning
Urban Accents, an exceptional member of Stonewall Kitchen’s family of brands, thoughtfully crafts products to help home cooks succeed in the kitchen The new collection of seasonings elevates fresh veggies and tur ns them into sides that stand out from the crowd – just take the new Creamy Garlic & Chive Standout Sides Seasoning Blend!
Complete with aromatic garlic and onion-y chives, this blend adds a perfect umami punch to customers’ favorite produce The packaging includes a recipe for restaurant-worthy mashed potatoes, but this incredibly versatile mix can also be used to flavor cauliflower, squash and
more All customers need to do is combine the seasoning with a bit of cream and butter to create generous servings of classic sides to pair with any main meal
Stonewall Kitchen
OMG! Pretzels S avory & S weet Variety Pack
Customers love this collection that includes three popular seasoning blends –Garlic, Lemon Pepper and Salty Butterscotch Bundle them on your shelves for a gourmet food offering that is sure to wow any snack lover OMG! Pretzels’ flagship flavor Garlic offers the perfect blend of savory garlic and fresh herbs The Lemon Pepper variety is tangy and bright; each bite starts off sweet and ends with a peppery finish Snacking with the Salty Butterscotch Pretzels provides some good, old-fashioned nostalgia Each flavor is mouthwatering on its own, plus people can dip them for some extra indulgence OMG! Pretzels uses wholesome ingredients and carefully crafted family recipes
to make delicious, bite-sized, sourdough pretzel nuggets that are perfect for every occasion It’s the premium quality and unforgettable taste that make OMG! Pretzels the obvious choice for customers in search of a superior snack
The Savory & Sweet variety pack makes a wonderful gourmet gift for any foodie and is great for spring entertaining promotions Once you pop one in your mouth, OMG! comes popping out! For more information on becoming a retail partner with OMG! Pretzels, send an email or find the company on Faire
OMG! Pretzels
Halladay’s Har vest Barn Burger and Grill Blends
For customers looking to step up their grilling game, Halladay’s Harvest Bar n has the perfect selection of tasty blends to make grilling easy and delicious The best-selling Steakhouse Burger Blend is simply added to fresh ground beef One package contains enough seasoning to make 16 thick and juicy burgers that are full of flavor Other popular burger blend flavors include Maple Bacon, Farmhouse Onion and Buffalo Blue Cheese With people staying home more frequently, and entertaining from
New Hard S eltzer from Sp arkling Ice
home, Halladay’s has seen the entire line of grilling blends double in sales for retailers Halladay’s Harvest Bar n Vermont Maple Grill Glaze is a new and popular addition to the grilling lineup Simply marinate chicken, pork or salmon and a delicious glaze will form as you grill Include the Barbeque Rub for Chicken and Ribs and Sweet & Spicy Jerk Chicken Blend to round out your grilling selection
Halladay’s Har vest Barn
Sparkling Ice SPIKED™ is Sparkling Ice’s entry into the burgeoning alcoholic bubbly beverages category The new full-flavored spiked seltzer is offered in four flavors: Cherry Lime Cooler, Lemonade Refresher, Ruby Fizz and Strawberry Citrus Smash, each with 4 percent alcohol, zero sugar and only 80 calories It’s offered in slim 12-ounce cans in a 12-can variety pack Sparkling Ice www sparklingicespiked com
Ariston 4-Leaf Organic & Infused Balsamic Vinegars
Ariston’s line of organic balsamic vinegars are characterized by a perfect balance between sweet and sour This product is made exclusively with GMOfree and organically farmed grapes, without pesticides involved The entire production process is certified in order to guarantee consumers the compliance with highest organic farming standards, guaranteed by the CCPB certifying body
This balsamic is naturally dark and dense, with a 5 percent acidity content The balsamic is sweet with a very light pungency and an extremely thick consistency They have tasting notes of raisins, plum and some smoothness from oak bar-
Pairs well with any fine cheese or fruit Finishing all dishes including salads, filet mignon, seafood dishes, grilled vegetables, certain desserts, vanilla ice cream, Greek yogurt, gelato and many more Also, great for salad dressings and entertaining guests Even delicious in drinks and seltzer water!
Ariston’s 4-Leaf & Organic Balsamic Vinegar comes to you in a beautifully packaged box
Ariston Specialties 860 263 8498
www aristonspecialties faire com
Darrell Lea Fabulicious S our Candy Stix Range
Darrell Lea Brands remains the home of premium licorice and the only authentically Australian licorice in the United States In the United States, the company’s heritage has been built on licorice; in Australia, the company is a market leader across the wider candy category including chocolate tablet, chocolate panning, sugar panning, starch mould, sours and seasonal Darrell Lea is excited to introduce a wider candy offer to the U S market starting with the unique, high inclusion chocolate tablets (available now) and then expanding into sours and chocolate panning in 2023 – all proven and market leading SKUs back in the Australian market
Darrell Lea is the go-to brand when seeking premiumization that provides unique differentiation The brand is built on quality and authenticity with best in market
Fall River Wild Rice
Interest in plants and grains is soaring, as shoppers look for new ways to eat healthy High in protein and fiber, nutty and with a striking visual appeal, wild rice is one of the healthiest grains available It was a staple food of several Native American tribes, who called it “manoomin,” or “precious grain ”
Fall River Wild Rice brings this culinary gem to your store shelf This naturally cultivated wild rice is great in salads, soups and stir fries However, it also works well in mixes for pancakes and muffins and even in chocolate and desserts Fall River’s Fully Cooked Wild Rice is high-protein goodness in seconds
claims as well as ingredients Darrell Lea is proud to use natural colors and flavors, no preservatives, nonGMO ingredients (many certified Non-GMO Project), sustainable cocoa (Cocoa Horizons) as well as being 100 percent palm oil free Live the sweet life with the new Darrell Lea Fabulicious Sour Candy Stix Range available in three exciting flavors –Raspberry, Apple and Mixed Flavor – launched in November These soft, tangy tubes filled with a sour sherbert center are guaranteed to make taste buds tingle! Darrell Lea Fabulicious sour candy stix are palm oil free, no artificial colors or flavors and no preservatives
Darrell Lea Brands
The only cereal grain native to North America, wild rice is not even a rice at all It is the seed of Zizania palustris, a tall, blooming water grass that prospers in the Great Lakes region, as well as in the fruitful valley in the shadows of the Sierra Nevadas and the Rockies Fall River Wild Rice is a small grower-owned cooperative in the Fall River Valley, a rural mountain valley nestled between the Cascade and Sierra Nevada ranges
Fall River Wild Rice 800 626 4366
Howard Wax-It-All is a food-grade paste wax that is safe for any surface where food contact may occur This thick, smooth blend of beeswax, car nauba wax and food-grade mineral oil helps to revive, seal and protect surfaces in and around your home
Use Wax-It-All on butcher block, concrete, stainless steel, granite, marble, soapstone, slate and laminate countertop surfaces; metal, plastic fur niture and painted cabinets
Features and benefits:
• Enhances the beauty and protects surfaces to make them look better and last longer
• Easy to use – simply rub the wax on, let it absorb and buff off any excess
• Safe for indoor and outdoor countertop surfaces
• Helps delay tarnishing and oxidation of bronze, copper, brass and even wrought iron
• Gives finishes a soft sheen and a smooth feel
• Locks in the oils and waxes after using Howard’s other foodgrade products
• Great for woodworkers who need a hard, car nauba wax finish
• Made in the USA with food-grade ingredients under strict quality controls
Howard Products 800 266 9545 www howardproducts com
The Per fect Purée of Nap a Valley Lime Zest
Fancy Food Show to celebrate the start of its 35th year as a leading U S producer of premium fruit purées, zests and specialty blends for culinary and bar professionals
Lime Zest (35 ounces) completes The Perfect Purée’s zest collection by joining favorite pantry staples Orange Zest and Lemon Zest Lime Zest is an aromatic icon made by finely mincing the outer peel of fresh premium limes (no pith!) with 50 percent sugar Crafted to enhance flavor, it adds a punchy tang to desserts like key lime pie and lends more intense lime flavor to cocktails It also brings vibrant color and flavor to savory recipes
Founded in 1988 by culinary entrepreneur Tracy Hayward, The Perfect Purée of Napa Valley combined Hayward’s French culinary arts training and visionary spirit in the first American company of its kind making purées that
captured the fresh flavor of real fruit with no artificial colors or preservatives All flavors are vegan and GMO-free Unwavering in its commitment to quality and taste, the company’s products have helped chefs achieve the color and flavor of fresh purées when they couldn’t afford to make them from scratch
Now entering its 35th year, The Perfect Purée continues to ensure customers consistent, high-quality pantry staples such as Cherry, Strawberry and Red Raspberry while also responding to evolving tastes with innovative blends including Mango Passion Fruit, Yuzu Luxe Sour and Red Jalapeño With the addition of Lime Zest, The Perfect Purée expands its line to 41 products and helps busy chefs solve the produce puzzle no matter what the season
The Perfect Purée of Napa Valley
Cafe Spice Chicken Tikka Masala
L o c a t e d i n N e w Yo r k ’s H u d s o n Va l l e y, Cafe Spice prepares authentic global cuisine for retail grab-n-go and foodservice T h e c o l l e c t i o n o f r e s t a u r a n t - q u a l i t y m e a l s i n c l u d e s s o m e t h i n g f o r
everyone: GAP Ani m a l We l f a re C e r t if i e d c h i c k e n , v e g e t a r i a n , p l a n tb a s e d , d a i r y - f re e and gluten-free opt i o n s , a l l f u l l y c o o k e d a n d re a d y t o h e a t a n d e a t w i t h i n m i n u t e s W i t h b r i g h t i n g re d i e n t s a n d f re s h l y g ro u n d s p i c e s , t h e a u t h e n t i c C h i c k e n T i k k a M a s a l a re c i p e w o n t h e S p e c i a l t y Food Association’s sofi Award on numero u s o c c a s i o n s ! Te n d e r p i e c e s o f c h i c k e n a re m a r i n a t e d , ro a s t e d a n d t h e n s i m -
mered in a signature Tikka Masala sauce, p a i re d w i t h B a s m a t i r i c e t h a t ’s d e l i c a t e l y i n f u s e d w i t h s a ff ro n , c a rd a m o m a n d b a y l e a v e s C h i c k e n T i k k a M a s a l a i s o n e d e l e c t a b l e d i s h a m o n g s t m a n y – B u t t e r Chicken Meatballs, C h i c k e n V i n d a l o o a n d P o t a t o & C a ul i f l o w e r C u r r y, t o n a m e a f e w o t h e r s W i t h c h e f - c r a f t e d re c i p e s , C a f e Spice brings boldly d e l i c i o u s f l a v o r s t o
y o n e , t o e n j o y a n y w h e re – n o t r a v e l
Tor tuga Tennessee Whiskey Spice Cake
Tortuga is a world-renowned brand that continues to lead the gourmet and spirit cakes category by heavily focusing on innovation and ensuring that its consumers are presented with innovative and new options
Tortuga has been doing business with the cruise channel, major big box retailers in North America, department and grocery stores and the gifting sector for over 35 years Given the company’s recent success with evolving from its world-famous rum cakes and creating a new cake with bourbon, the Kentucky Bourbon Butter Cake, Tortuga continues to explore the spirits world
From this evolution, Tortuga’s Souther n Trio range was bor n, which consists of Kentucky Bourbon Butter Cake, Moon-
shine Apple Pie Cake and the newest addition, Tennessee Whiskey Spice Cake It is carefully crafted with Tennessee Whiskey’s rich aroma and complex flavors and the distinct notes that emerge from the spices All three flavors are available in the standard sizes – 4 ounces, 16 ounces and 32 ounces
Tortuga’s new selection of spirit cakes are inspired by America’s oldest and traditional delectable recipes and give consumers the opportunity to experience unique flavors characterized by bold notes and magnificent richness
Tortuga Spirit Cake Company 786 817 6880
www tortugaimports com
Urb an Accents S weet Maple Standout Sides S easoning Blend
There’s no reason for customers to fear stepping into the kitchen, and that’s all thanks to Urban Accents, your culinary wingman! A proud member of Stonewall Kitchen’s family of brands, they create products like spice mixes to infuse vegetables and more with bold, exciting flavors The Sweet Maple Standout Sides Seasoning Blend joins a brand-new collection that is dedicated to showcasing customers’ favorite produce
Featuring a mix of maple, brown sugar, black pepper and herbs, it makes for a wonderfully sweet ‘n’ spiced bite Each tent includes a recipe for bacon-wrapped Brussels sprouts, which are finished with a delicious, buttery glaze that is created
using this blend And the delicious a p p l i c a t i o n s don’t end there: customers can win anyone over by flexing this versatile seasoning to craft warm candied bacon or decadent caramelized root vegetables like carrots!
Stonewall Kitchen
Enstrom Almond Toffee Petites
Good things come in small packages Individually wrapped, Enstrom Almond Toffee Petites are the gold standard of snacking This artisan Almond Toffee is crafted from the perfect blend of fresh Califor nia almonds, sweet cream butter and pure cane sugar and covered in a generous layer of rich chocolate to create a treat unlike any other
For 60 years, the Enstrom family has crafted Almond Toffee with only the finest, freshest and sustainably sourced ingredients Every batch is still made in Grand Junction, Colorado, using founder Chet Enstrom’s original recipe,
BeBOLD Energy Bars
Trivia: What’s the hottest new womanowned, plant-based product launched by Stacy of Stacy’s Pita Chips? Refrigerated BeBOLD energy bars! Not only delish and created with the same integrity as the pita chips, but they’re gluten and dairy free, plant-based and a simple combination of nuts, nut butters, oats, chia, wildflower honey and maple Soooo good! They come
lovingly handed down through four generations Enstrom Almond Toffee is made with all-natural ingredients and certified gluten free and kosher dairy It’s quality you can taste in every bite
Visit www enstrom com to lear n more about these buttery Almond Toffee Petites, as well as other premium offerings in Enstrom’s wholesale toffee line
Enstrom Candies 800.252.5498
www enstrom com
in two flavors: Chocolate Chip Almond Butter and Chocolate Chip Peanut Butter
BeBOLD 855.623.2653 www beboldbars com
e v e r
re q u i re d ! Cafe Spice 845.863.0910
Ho ward Wax-It-All
(dates subject to change)
March 2-3
Tastemaker Conference Chicago, Illinois
www tastemakerconference com
March 5-7
International Restaurant & Foodservice Show of New York New York City, New York
www internationalrestaurantny com
March 5-7
Coffee Fest New York City, New York www coffeefest com/new-york
March 5-7
Healthy Food Expo New York City, New York www internationalrestaurantny com
March 7-11
Natural Products Expo West Anaheim, California www expowest com
March 22-24
PLMA Annual Meeting & Leadership Conference Orlando, Florida www plmalive com
March 28-30
International Pizza Expo Las Vegas, Nevada www pizzaexpo pizzatoday com
April 18-19
Ingredient Marketplace, SupplySide East Secaucus, New Jersey east supplysideshow com
April 29-30
Pizza City Fest Los Angeles, California www pizzacityfest com/events/los-angeles
May 7-10
Craft Brewers & Brew Expo America Nashville, Tennessee www brewersassociation org
May 8-11
Food Safety Summit Rosemont, Illinois www foodsafetysummit com
May 22-25
Sweets and Snacks Expo Chicago, Illinois www sweetsandsnacks com
June 4-6
Dairy Deli Bake Seminar & Expo Anaheim, California www iddba org
June 6-8
Global Pouch Forum Rosemont, Illinois www packingstrategies com
June 16-18
International Society of Sports Nutrition Fort Lauderdale, Florida www sportsnutritionsociety org
June 25-27
Summer Fancy Food Show New York City, New York www specialtyfood com
July 9-11
School Nutrition Association Denver, Colorado www schoolnutrition org
August 28-30
Western Foodservice & Hospitality Expo Los Angeles, California www westernfoodexpo com
Oct 11-13
Food Automation and Manufacturing Symposium and Expo Bonita Springs, Forida www foodengineeringmag com
Export Initiative ‘Pure Flour from Europe’ Lands in US
From panettone to orecchiette, organic soft wheat flour or durum wheat semolina from Europe are behind the finest in baked goods, bread, pasta and pizza The EU initiative, “Pure Flour from Europe: Your Organic and Sustainable Choice!” highlighted both sought-after flours at the Winter Fancy Food Show
ITALMOPA, the Italian Association of Millers, is leading the effort in partnership with the European Commission Flour and semolina companies from throughout Italy including Molino Casillo, Molino De Vita and Molino Grassi will showcase their organic lines at the specialty food trade show to buyers from restaurants, retailers and manufacturers
Offerings include organic soft wheat flour, a favorite of bakers for delicate cakes, bread and pizza, and organic durum wheat semolina, which lends itself perfectly for pasta
“Europe has strict laws protecting the quality of its agricultural products and a proud tradition of milling expertise which
make for exceptional certified organic flours that meet most any culinary need,” says ITALMOPA President Andrea Valente “Our organic flours and semolina are made with only high quality grains grown to strict pesticide-free standards and nourished by the earth and sky Quality and sustainability have always been central to our members’ efforts ”
Founded in 1958 and based in Rome, ITALMOPA is an important industrial flour association of the European Union and represents 82 flour milling companies across Italy Member companies mill soft and durum wheat for the production of pasta, breads, pastries, pizza and more ITALMOPA is overseeing a three-year information and promotion program for agricultural products called “Pure Flour from Europe: Your Organic and Sustainable Choice!” - Acronym “POS EU FLOUR”intended for the United States and Canadian markets and co-funded by the European Commission The program runs through 2024 GN
Veroni Presents New Charcuterie Offerings, Specialty Products
Veroni, the historic Italian deli meats producer, has introduced brand-new products ranging from different types of Salami Chubs and their sliced versions, Italian Rollini (the Italian word for rolls) paired with cheese, and a restyled Enjoy AperiTime line – a ready-to-share charcuterie board that combines deli meats with cheese and dried fruits Designed to bring a touch of the Italian lifestyle to the United States, consumers will experience the authentic taste of Italy with every savory bite
The new products were launched at the Winter Fancy Food Show
“While our mission is to produce highquality cold cuts, our goal in the United States is to adapt our products to those of the American consumer, but always with an all-Italian touch,” said Marco Veroni, president of Veroni USA “The Winter Fancy Food Show 2023 represents the first important trade show of this new year in which we expect to repeat the results and successes of the previous year and continue to be the Italian leader of the US luncheon meat industry, where we aim to be importers of new culinary styles and trends, too ”
The new Chubs range includes different types of salame: Milano: long aging, finely ground fat, intense red color, and particular sweetness to the palate; Parma: mild salami seasoned with salt and pepper; Truffle: sweet aroma, strong flavor,r, and delicate fragrance, with hints of porcini mushroom and hazelnut, given by the black summer truffle; Salame Calabrese for all the spicy lovers, produced according to the traditions of the Calabria region These different and typical Italian salami are also available in the sliced version, ready to serve and taste
Veroni’s Italian Prosciutto and Salame Milano with Provolone cheese offer two de-
licious combinations for the new Rollini (rolls literally translated from Italian) Authentic Italian deli meats paired with cheese hand rolled and packaged in the USA They are a perfect way to taste a 100 percent Italian snack or an original addition to an Aperitivo plate
AperiTime Line, the all-in-one charcuterie board experience in four pairing variations, has a new pairing option available The new entr y features Imported Italian soppressata and salame paired with olives, provolone and almonds
This line, perfect to enrich the authentic Italian Aperitivo experience and crafted tasteful charcuterie boards, has been restyled in the packaging in order to optimize shelf space The new rectangular trays and the new ingredient combinations represent the effort of Veroni to meet the American taste while offering the opportunity to enjoy an Italian aperitivo without having to leave their homes
Maxi Platters, ideal for large gatherings and celebrations, include 12 ounces of the best Italian specialties including Speck, Coppa, Salame Toscano and Salame Calabrese This is the new combination that joins Veroni’s Maxi Platters It’s a very successful combination that registered the best-selling performance among Veroni’s products The other pairing options of the line feature a large range of deli meats paired with cheese, ideal for large gatherings and celebrations
Veroni is an Italian company that offers genuine Italian-made products to the United States, including prosciutto, salami, mortadella and other fresh, cured meats The company was founded in 1925 by the five Veroni brothers, in the small town of Correggio in Emilia-Romagna, Italy GN
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