Naturally Healthy @ NPEE 2023

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w i c h e s .

A v a i l a b l e i n p e a n u t b u t t e r

a n d s u n f l o w e r seed butter flavors, these onthe-go, single-serve snacks are the only

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i m p e r f e c t veggies and c r o p s u rp l u s e s t o reduce food w a s t e , a n d c e l e b r a t e s

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i t s m o r e t h a n

4 0 y e a r s o f o p e r a t i o n . A s t h e p o p u l a r i t y of plant-based p r o d u c t s c o ntinues to grow,

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real simple i n g r e d ie n t s , i t takes guiltfree snacking to a whole new level. These artisan rice-based snacks are crafted with some serious love and a

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S E P T E M B E R 2 0 2 3 • S P E C I A L S H O W I S S U E A S P E C I A L S H O W I S S U E O F G O U R M E T N E W S • T H E B U S I N E S S N E W S P A P E R F O R T H E G O U R M E T I N D U S T R Y


Fiorucci ’s Italian-Inspired All-Natural Line

Fiorucci is the brand of specialty meats that delivers the true taste of I taly. For over 170 years, Fiorucci has used oldworld recipes to produce a full line of flavor ful I talian deli meats, using only hand-tr immed cuts of premium por k and the finest ingredients, then slowly aging them to per fec tion. Since 1850, the Fiorucci family has been creating

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Once Again’s Organic Graham Cracker Sandwiches

BOOTH #1405

Once Again Nut Butter is mak ing its high- qualit y, sustainably sourced nut and seed butters super snack able with 100% glutenfree graham cracker sandwiches. Available in peanut butter and sunflower seed butter flavors, these on-thego, single -ser ve snacks are the only

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Liquid I.V. – Hydration with an Impac t

An inter view with S ean Lavin, Vice President of Impact at Liquid I.V.

NH: What produc t does Liquid I.V. sell?

SL: Liquid I.V. sells a functional hydration powder that, when added to water, promotes increased

NEW! Sweet S outhern by Bone S uckin’ S auce

BOOTH #1949

Ford ’s G our met Foods is introducing a new twist on their flagship Bone Suck in’ Sauce®. Ford’s Gourmet Foods is the Master Distr ibutor for B one Suck in’ Sauce. B one Suck in’ Sauce Sweet S outher n™, available in both original and hot, br ings all the flavor that BSS fans expec t with the unique addition of pure cane sugar. This creates a savor y

Nuts Meet S uper foods: Elan S pecialty S nacks

BOOTH #2518

A recent game changer in the nuts and d r i e d f r u i t s s n a c k i n g i n d u s t r y, E l a n o ffe r s a w i d e r a n g e o f o r g a n i c, g l u t e nf re e, k o s h e r, n o n - G M O a n d ve g a n

s n a c k s. E l a n

i s a n e xc i t i n g

c l e a n l a b e l

t h a t a l s o

m a s t e r s t h e

fusion of nuts


n d s u p e r -

fo o d s. S a y

g o o d b ye t o

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Confetti Foc used on Zero -Waste, Zero -Hunger

BOOTH #2909

Confetti Snacks are award-winning marvelous vegetable chips dressed in adventurous chef-inspired world flavors to celebrate diversit y and inclusion The M ichelin-featured scrumptious plantbased gourmet snacks are crafted from i m p e r f e c t veggies and crop surpluses to reduce food waste, and c e l e b r a t e s

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New Look Tofutti S till Going S trong

Fans of Tofutti might have noticed some changes recently I n August 2022, the company, which began producing dair yfree produc ts in 1981, debuted brandnew pack aging. This was the first rebrand that Tofutti has under taken in its more than 40 years of operation. As the popular it y of p l a n t - b a s e d produc ts continues to grow,

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Introducing Zany Bites –Ar tisan Rice Baked S nacks

BOOTH #1237

Say hello to guilt-free snack ing! Take a break from the ordinar y and dare to indulge in something bold and different with Zany Bites. Made with real simple ingredients, it takes guiltfree snacking to a whole new level.

These ar tisan r ice -based snacks are craf ted with some ser ious love and a

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S E P T E M B E R 2 0 2 3 • S P E C I A L S H O W I S S U E A S P E C I A L S H O W I S S U E O F G O U R M E T N E W S • T H E B U S I N E S S N E W S P A P E R F O R T H E G O U R M E T I N D U S T R Y

The S pice L ab C reates Exclusive S easoning Blends

Creating and sourcing a line of pure spices and spice blends that are cleanlabel was never a change, but an assumption, from the ver y beginning for the founders of The Spice Lab. “ We’ve never used any fillers or ar tificial colors or flavorings in any of the blends that we create” said Brett Cramer, one of the founders of the company.

The Spice Lab recently debuted a new line of organic spices.

“ We were pleasantly sur pr ised by how well the complete organic set has been selling,” admitted Cramer. The organic spices are sold both individually and in sets and pack aged in handsome glass French jars with stainless steel tops. The complete set makes a great graduation, wedding or new home gift.

Another project that The Spice Lab has been work ing on is creating a set of lowsalt blends that include MSG MSG is naturally found in many foods, including cheese, tomatoes and mushrooms and acts as a flavor-enhancer Fiona Kennedy, the chef from The Spice Lab, is excited about the prospec t of developing spice

blends that help to reduce people’s sodium intake without sacrificing flavor Fiona also feels that, “ there is so much misinfor mation about MSG and I want us to be par t of the conversation where we help to remove some of the myths and show people how delicious this ingredient can be.”

A womanowned and family-run business,

The Spice Lab specializes in creating exclusive custom seasoning blends and pack aging organic spices. With its recent expansion of over 50,000 square feet and additional produc tion lines, The Spice Lab can now produce over 100,000 units a day in its SQF- cer tified manufac tur ing facilit y. I t is also USDA NOP Organic cer tified to pack age organic spices as well as OU cer tified I ts ex tensive produc t line includes ar tisan salts, Spice Lab -branded award-winning seasonings and rubs, premium spices and dr ied her bs, natural sugars,

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Today, coffee isn’t just caffeine in a cup, it ’s an exper ience that is defined by where the coffee beans are sourced from, how they are prepared, the technique used to brew the coffee and what is added to it Dripdash® recognized two impor tant fac ts: The experience of enjoying coffee has undergone an unbelievable evolution and time has become a precious commodity Dripdash’s vision was simple: to create a bold, smooth and convenient coffee

Kyoto Coffee was invented by Dutch sailors in the 1600s, re - engineered by Japanese ar tisans the following centur y, and reimagined by Dr ipdash in 2018

Kyoto Iced Coffee is a brewing process made using one drop of water at a time for 16 hours to ex trac t the most pleasant flavors in coffee. I t ’s k nown for having nuanced high-notes, a balanced body and a shock ingly smooth finish. Dripdash is proud to be the first wholesale manufac turer of this style of coffee

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NH 4 NATURALLY HEALTHY GOURMET NEWS // SEPTEMBER 2023 Publisher Kimberly Oser President Tara Neal Vice President Abeer Abiaad President of Sales Anthony Socci Art Director Yasmine Brown Senior Editor AJ Flick Editor JoEllen Lowr y Customer Ser vice Heather A brecht Sales Manager Marcos Morhaim Show Logistics Riley Usser y European Sales Enrico Cecchi Publishing office : 1877 N Kolb Road, Tucson, AZ 85715 520 721 1300/ Fax : 520 721 6300 Subscriber ser vices : Gourmet News P O Box 30520 Tucson, AZ 85751 Naturally Healthy is pub ished by Oser Communications Group ©2023 All r ghts reser ved Founder Lee M Oser www gourmetnews com

L a Preferida Unveils a S izzling Addition to O rganic Lineup: Enchilada S auces in Tetra Rec ar t

La Prefer ida, a keystone brand in the Mexican food industr y, announced the launch of its latest culinar y masterpiece: organic enchilada sauces in Tetra R ecar t®. These chef- craf ted sauces are set to revolutionize the way families and food enthusiasts enjoy enchiladas and other Mexican-inspired dishes in the comfor t of their homes.

Drawing upon decades of culinar y exper tise and a commitment to providing the finest organic ingredients, La Preferida has crafted these new enchilada sauces with a focus on delivering exceptional flavor while adhering to its highest standards of qualit y and sustainabilit y Made with premium, organic ingredients, these sauces offer impressive flavor that will delight the palates of consumers

The organic enchilada sauces come in t wo distinc t and mouth-watering varieties, each designed to bring an authentic touch to ever y recipe:

• The Traditional Red Enchilada Sauce is bursting with the rich flavors of ripe organic tomatoes, bell pepper and savor y spices, to deliver unforgettable flavor in ever y bite

• The Green Enchilada Sauce is infused with tangy tomatillos, roasted, and is a per fec t blend of garlic, cilantro and cumin This sauce offers a refreshing and zingy twist to your favorite dishes

Each sauce is carefully crafted and packaged in a convenient Tetra Pak , which not only preser ves the freshness and quality of the ingredients, but also offers an eco-friendly alternative to traditional pack aging La Prefer ida remains committed to sustainabilit y, and the Tetra

Paks are 100% rec yclable, fur ther reducing the brand’s ecological footprint

“Lovers of M exican cuisine deser ve the ver y best, and that ’s precisely what La Prefer ida Organic Tetra Enchilada Sauces br ing to the table,” said M ar io

M orales, Cor porate Chef – R&D at La Preferida. “ We are thrilled to introduce these authentic, organic sauces, carefully craf ted with love and tradition to

Trace Minerals L aunches Zerolyte D rink Mix, Magnesium Glycinate Liquid and Capsules

Trace M inerals, Amer ica’s No 1 selling trace mineral, liquid magnesium and per formance nutrition brand according to SPINS and the leading provider of trace mineral-based supplements for 50 years announced the launch of three new produc ts


After the successful launch of three flavors of ZEROLyte at Expo West in March, the company is now launching a ZEROLyte Var iet y Pack that includes 10 packets of all three flavors: salt y citrus, salty orange and salty watermelon.

on muscles and throughout the body

Additionally, it suppor ts the hear t and cardiovascular system, promotes bone health and ner ve func tion, suppor ts a healthy liver and intestinal trac t and helps the body utilize essential vitamins and minerals

Magnesium glycinate capsules come in 180 count and 90 count sizes The capsules are easy to swallow and are convenient for travel or on-the -go They are cer tified vegan, gluten free and third-par t y tested MSRP is $24 99 for the 90 count bottle and $39.99 for the 180 count bottle.

Suzanne’s Specialties has been supplyi n g a l t e r n a t i v e s w e e t e n e r s t o t h e h e a l t h f o o d a n d i n d u s t r i a l f o o d m a rk e t s s i n c e 1 9 8 4 I t s o f f e r i n g s i n c l u d e b r o w n r i c e s y r u p, c l a r i f i e d r i c e s y r u p, r i c e m a l t o d e x t r i n s y r u p a n d s o l i d s , t a p i o c a s y r u p, t a p i o c a m a l t o d e x t r i n a n d s o l i d s , a g a v e s y r u p, i n u l i n , c a n e s u g a r, i nve r t s y r u p s, m o l a s s e s, h o n e y, r i c e m i l k p o w d e r a n d c o c o n u t s u g a r a n d s y r u p T h e c o m p a ny a l s o h a s t h e

elevate the dining exper ience for our customers ”

La Preferida has also developed a collec tion of creative and tantalizing recipes that showcase the versatility of the Organic Tetra Enchilada Sauces From traditional beef and cheese enchiladas to innovative plant-based and comfor t food classics, there’s a recipe to suit ever y taste and dietar y preference

Available at selec t grocer y stores and specialty food retailers, La Preferida Organic Tetra Enchilada Sauces promise to transpor t consumers on a culinar y adventure while staying true to their organic and sustainable values

La Preferida has been a pioneer in the M exican food industr y since its inception in 1949 Committed to producing the finest M exican food produc ts, La Preferida remains dedicated to quality, authenticit y and sustainabilit y With a wide range of produc ts that cater to diverse tastes and lifest yles, La Preferida continues to be a beloved brand for families and food enthusiasts alike

For more information, go to w w w lapreferida com or stop by booth #2135

ZEROLyte is a sodium-based electrolyte drink mix aimed at replenishing essential electrolytes lost through exercise and other daily activities to keep your body hydrated and full of energy. I t promotes body fluid regulation, suppor ts proper ner ve and muscle func tion and is full of high- quality ingredients including ancient sea salt, coconut water, potassium, magnesium and a full spectrum of ionic trace minerals from ConcenTrace®.

The Ancient S ea Salt used in ZEROLyte isn’t your typical table salt or ordinar y sea salt. The company uses sea salt that is rich in trace minerals and is pure, unrefined and unadulterated ZEROLyte is cer tified vegan, sugar free, gluten free, paleo friendly, keto friendly and third-par t y tested MSRP is $37 99 for a 30-packet box

Magnesium Glycinate

The company is also excited to be launching two magnesium glycinate products: a liquid and a capsule Unlike other forms of magnesium that can have a laxative effect if too much is consumed, magnesium glycinate is ver y gentle on the stomach and intestinal tract

M agnesium glycinate is k nown for promoting qualit y sleep and natural sleep patterns and for its calming effec t

Liquid magnesium glycinate comes in an 8- ounce, 30-ser ving bottle and has a lemon lime flavor that makes it enjoyable for k ids and adults alike. I t is cer tified vegan, gluten free and third-par t y tested. MSRP is $21.99.

Remineralizing the World

One Produc t at a Time

The mission at Trace Minerals is to “Remineralize the Wor ld.” M inerals facilitate impor tant biochemical reac tions in the body, help with growth and development, suppor t the blood system and are building blocks for many enz ymes Over t wo billion people are suffer ing from mineral deficienc y globally, and Trace Minerals is tr ying to do its par t to reduce that number

Trace M inerals is remineralizing the world by putting a full spectrum of Ionic Trace M inerals in ever y produc t it sells The company is confident that as you star t to fuel your body with the minerals it needs, you’ll feel a difference, guaranteed or your money back

For more information, go to w w w trace minerals com, call 801 731 6051 or stop by booth #3723

a b i l i t y t o m a k e c u s t o m b l e n d s a n d s we e te n e r s ys te m s.

All of Suzanne’s Specialties industrial products have been verified by the NonGMO Projec t

Suzanne’s Specialties offers an I nfantSafe® version of all of its rice syrups This unique produc t contains less than 10 ppb for arsenic and lead, meeting the FDA standard for dr ink ing water I t is available in all DE levels

The company packs its industr ial produc ts in pails, drums, totes and tank wagons All products are available in organic with most available in a conventional version as well Suzanne’s promises that all of its produc ts are made with only the highest quality organic and all-natural ingredients Each one is sure to give your for mulas and applications “Sweetness the Way Mother Nature Intended™ ”

Suzanne’s Specialties also provides a line of retail produc ts These include flavored rice syrups and traditional offerings such as organic wildflower honey and organic rice syrup Pack sizes on its

retail line range from jars to gallons to tubs to pails

Suzanne’s can ser vice the needs of a household, restaurant, small baker y or institution Visit w w w suzannesspecialties com for more information on these produc ts or to shop in its easy-touse online store

With distribution facilities on both the East and West coasts and a diverse produc t line, Suzanne’s Specialties has the abilit y to ser vice your company ’s specific needs

For more information, go to www suzannes-specialties com


Ariston’s Newest Arrivals from Greece

Tr y Ar iston’s newest ar r ivals from Greece. These gorgeous, infused salts come with their own adjustable stainless-steel mill. They are both a gourmet food item and a little k itchen tool all in one – a must in ever y k itchen and store counter!

They come in the following flavors:

• Plain S ea Salt from Greece. Classic sea salt that enhances any dish. G oes with all of its oils and vinegars.

• Greek Salad Infused Sea Salt (beautiful blend of rosemar y, oregano and sundr ied tomato), pairs well with Ar iston S elec t Ex tra Virgin Olive Oil or M editer ranean Her b infused Olive Oil

Takes you to Plak a Athens Greece or the Greek Islands without the passpor t

• Garlic & Basil infused Sea Salt Excellent with the traditional balsamic, caprese salads, cheeses, and great with pasta and I talian dishes, too I t has a beautiful color as well

• Lemon & Turmeric infused Sea Salt

Excellent with chicken, seafood, rice, potatoes, eggs and any where that needs the brightness of lemon flavor and the healthy and ear th flavor of tur mer ic Pairs well with Ar iston’s Black Pepper, Ariston Extra Virgin Olive Oil and Ariston White Balsamic vinegar

• Black S ea Salt (sea salt with all natu r a l c u t t l e f i s h b l a c k i n k ) K e e p yo u r g u e s t g u e s s i n g w h a t ’s yo u r s e c re t i ngredient Tastes like sea salt with a subtle hint of seafood Also works excellent a s a s a l t r i m fo r a c o c k t a i l o r B l o o d y

Get the Per fec t Balance of Heat & Sweet

New B one Suck in’ Hot Honey and Bone Suck in’ Extra Hot Honey is the perfect balance of heat and sweet. Wake up your favorite dish or tr y something new tonight! Bone Suckin’ Hot Honey & Bone Suck in’ Ex tra Hot Honey are made with honey, chili peppers and apple cider vinegar. This is the per fec t c o m b i n a t i o n to make your food come alive!

and cucumbers.

• Cocktails: Add a splash of B one Suck in’ Hot Honey to your favorite cocktail, such as a Margarita or Bloody Mar y.

• Charcuter ie B oards: Pour over the cheese and meats and enjoy all the compliments and oohhs and aahhs!

CII recognizes that its customers want qualit y produc ts from a company who cares CII is proud to create food ingredients that not only look great, but have a delicious and wholesome taste The company ’s food par ticulates add flavor, color and charac ter to numerous food applications such as baked goods, cereal, confec tioner y and ice cream Unlike most fat-based or sugar-based par ticles, CII’s Flav-R-Bites® and Flav-RSwir l® stand up to heat, moisture, are shelf stable and they make your produc ts look and taste better!

Flav-R-Bites don’t have to be sweet

They can add color and flavor accent to chips, pizza, frozen dinners and even

M a r y Tr y i t o ve r w a t e r m e l o n , o r seafood and pasta

• Smoked Sea Salt Excellent with all meats and seafood I t tastes like you have been smoking your foods for hours without all the work With excellent and bold flavor, a little goes a long way and pairs well with the infused olive oils like Garlic Infused and Chili Infused, as well as its Balsamic vinegars. Ideal for barbecue and salads!

• Plain Pink H imalayan (from the H imalayan mountains). Pairs well with oils and vinegars, and is great on meats, salmon, salads and any where you need Himalayan salt.

For more information, go to w w w or email orders@

“ We have used honey in our recipes for decades so we decided to br ing customers t wo new items this year focused just on the amazing honey that we use in a lot of our produc ts,” said Sandi Ford The resulting new items Bone Suck in’ Hot Honey and Bone Suck in’ Ex tra Hot Honey have the per fec t balance of heat and sweet! B one Suck in’ Hot Honey & Bone Suck in’ Ex tra Hot Honey are versatile and can be used on a var iet y of dishes They are delicious on chicken wings, pizza and other appetizers I t can also be used as a dipping sauce for fruits, vegetables and crackers The Hot Honeys can even be used to add a touch of heat and sweetness to cocktails

Here are some of the ways to use Bone Suckin’ Sauce Hot Honey:

Bone Suck in’ Hot Honey and Bone Suckin’ Extra Hot Honey are delicious and versatile condiments that can be enjoyed on a variet y of dishes. I t is a great way to add a touch of heat and sweetness to your food.

Here are some additional fac ts about B one Suck in’ Sauce Hot Honey :

• I t is gluten free, no high fruc tose cor n syrup, non- GMO and kosher

• I t is pack aged in cases of 6- and 12- ounce bottles

• I t has the great quality that you expec t from Bone Suck in’ Sauce

• The flip top lid makes it clean and easy to pour!

What people are saying about Bone Suckin’ Hot Honey: “Delicious!”“Great on pizza!”“I would put it on ever ything!” “Per fec t for avocado toast!” “Delicious on chicken!”

dog treats Create flavor and swir l effec ts in bread produc ts by adding FlavR-Swir l, CII’s pre -blended mixes The company ’s produc ts are fully customizable regarding flavor, color, size and texture All of CII’s produc ts can also be customized to meet any ingredient restric tions that your projec t might have like natural, gluten-free, non- GMO, organic or no sugar added

Plant-based proteins are increasingly impor tant to consumers and CII manufac tures a full line of custom plant-based protein cr isps and Textur ized Plant Proteins ( TPP) for the health and wellness and plantbased meal mar kets S ome of the sources that CII utilizes are chick pea, fava, wheat, rice and other specialty plant proteins

New as of Fall 2022, CII is also offering clusters, granola and panned items at its new facilit y in St Joseph, M issour i B y combining whole - grain goodness with health and wellness components, such

• Chicken wings: Toss your favor ite chicken wings in Bone Suckin’ Sauce Hot Honey and bake or gr ill until cooked through

• Pizza: Dr izzle B one Suck in’ Sauce Hot Honey on your favorite pizza before or after bak ing

• Appetizers: Dip your favorite appetizers, such as carrots, celer y and crackers, in Bone Suck in’ Sauce Hot Honey

• Fruits and vegetables: Drizzle Bone Suckin’ Hot Honey on your favorite fruits and vegetables, such as apples, pears

as SlimBiome®, the company ’s cluster produc tion will add new produc t offerings with limitless possibilities These produc ts will fit well into the cereal and snack mar kets to add value to your items

I n its new St Joseph facilit y, CII has the capability to run your raw flours and ingredients through its Heat Treatment Processing equipment to significantly reduce pathogens to an acceptable level in your ingredients. Flour products can be wheat, pea, soy, r ice, cor n and many others.

CII is unique in its ability to innovate

B one Suck in’ Hot Honey and B one Suck in’ Extra Hot Honey are available for purchase online and at selec t retailers I t is a great addition to any k itchen and is sure to become a favor ite of hot honey lovers ever y where Bone Suck in’ Sauce is the award-winning Wester n Nor th Carolina st yle tomato based bar becue sauce and marinade The serious barbecue, grilling and marinating sauce for land and sea I t is rated No 1 in Newsweek and A+ in Health M agazine Use amply for that Bone Suck in’ Flavor!

For more information, call 800 446 0497, email sales@bonesuckin com or stop by booth #1949

beyond standardized food produc ts The company is dr iven to craf t unique solutions for each of its customers and have designed its innovation processes to adapt to customer needs

Even as CII expands its operations, it maintains an agile, entrepreneur ial mindset that sets the company apar t from larger producers who do not share CII’s passion to create. CII’s patented manufac tur ing processes allow for greater efficienc y and returns on ever y dollar its customers invest.

For more information, go to


Liquid I.V. Provides $1.3 Million in Grants to Expand C lean Water Access

Liquid I V is investing $1 3 million in three organizations focused on funding innovative solutions for and expanding access to clean water

The company ’s goal is to expand access to clean and abundant water for communities in need, leading to universal water secur it y by 2050 and to help the 771 million people globally, including t wo million in the United States, who do not have access to clean drinking water These organizations align Liquid I V ’s passion with the exper tise required to create durable impac t for communities worldwide

MAP International

Liquid I V par tnered with MAP International for several years to provide the Hydration Multiplier produc t for use in disaster and humanitar ian response

Liquid I V ’s H ydration Multiplier meets the World Health Organization’s ( WHO) standards for an Oral Rehydration Solution (ORS), which is much needed by those with limited clean water access

Now Liquid I V is tak ing its suppor t one step far ther by providing $300,000 in funding for MAP International’s work in Liber ia and Bur k ina Faso Here are these countries’ current situations:

• Liber ia is one of the wettest countr ies in the wor ld with its average annual precipitation exceeding 5,000 millimeters, but a lack of infrastruc ture and ser vices leaves over 90% of the population without access to safe drinking water

• Burk ina Faso is seeing an increasing number of internally displaced persons (IDP) due to violence, drought and famine

Liquid I V ’s suppor t will provide installation and implementation of hand pumps and water filtration in targeted communities, with effor ts focused on women, children and IDPs

International Rescue Committee

This year, Ethiopia’s people have experienced the most ex treme drought in the

countr y ’s histor y, with 24 million people already affec ted The International Rescue Committee (IRC ) began its work in Ethiopia over 20 years ago, and this year, Liquid I V is providing $500,000 to restore and expand access to clean water sources for over 38,400 drought-affec ted individuals This funding will meet cr itical water, sanitation and hygiene needs by rehabilitating infrastructure and providing training to local community members within the South Omo Zone

University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA) Sustainable LA Grand Challenge

While Liquid I V continues to suppor t global populations affected by crises, its team also recognizes the oppor tunit y for clean water access innovation in its own back yard – Los Angeles

The UCLA Sustainable LA Grand Challenge tackles climate change by leveraging interdisciplinar y, university-wide research, expertise and education with its public and private partners to help transform Los Angeles Liquid I V is supporting the challenge by providing $542,986 to fund three water security projects:

• An Undergraduate Research Scholars Program

• An Equit y, Diversit y and I nclusion Graduate Fellows Program

• A Faculty Research Projec t

The company believes these programs will suppor t the development of nex tgeneration climate and sustainabilit y solutions

Liquid I V ’s approach to expanding water security is driven by the values of community empowerment, innovation and equit y to create long-lasting, sustainable impac t These grants mar k a bold new chapter for the company ’s Impact work, which couldn’t be done without the suppor t of the Liquid I V community

For more information, go to w w

Paesana’s Premium Organic Pasta Sauces have all the delicious sautéedto -per fec tion flavor that ’s been in the S caramelli family since 1902 And because they ’re organic, these nutrient-rich sauces contain only qualit y ingredients including 100 percent impor ted I talian tomatoes, 100 percent ex tra virgin olive oil, garlic, onions and spices that are slow-kettle cooked Finally, the sauce is jarred at peak freshness to seal in the flavors per fected over generations

Paesana puts the same care in labeling its jars as it does in preparing its sauces Discerning organic shoppers look for the USDA organic seal, which the company proudly displays on the front of its transparent labels Paesana is also happy to share that these sauces are gluten free, kosher certified and (with exception of its Vodk a sauce) Non- GMO Projec t Verified

Beyond the label, and for in-store convenience, the company has packed its jars in display-ready trays, which make for an attrac tive store end cap display This eye - catching store setup is unique and appealing, mak ing the produc t it-

self the per fec t in-store adver tisement

While an attrac tive end cap display of Organic Tomato Basil or Organic Vodk a Sauce is an attention grabber, having six organic varieties on-shelf to choose from would inspire a customer to grab a favor ite or t wo Paesana’s most popular sauce flavor is Organic Tomato Basil, with its fragrant flavor of basil Organic Marinara has a traditional recipe reminiscent of Sunday dinner at Grandma’s The crowd favorite Organic Vodk a sauce is made with organic heav y cream to achieve a rich and creamy texture Paesana wouldn’t forget those who like a little k ick ; hence, the company offers Organic Fra Diavolo For those who crave a richer sauce, there is Organic Sicilian Grav y And garlic lovers can’t get enough of Paesana’s Organic Roasted Garlic sauce

Each delicious variety of Paesana Organic Pasta Sauce delivers a taste of the I talian countr yside I t ’s an organic sauce like no other – full of flavor!

For more information, go to w w w paesana com, email sales@paesana com or call 631 845 1717

Tor tuga Tennessee Whiskey S pice Cake

Tor tuga is a world-renowned brand that continues to lead the gourmet and spirit cakes categor y by heavily focusing on innovation and ensur ing that its consumers are presented with innovative and new options

Tor tuga has been doing business with the cruise channel, major big box retailers in Nor th America, depar tment and grocer y stores and the gif ting sec tor for over 35 years Given the company ’s recent success with evolving from its worldfamous rum cakes and creating a new cake with bourbon, the Kentuck y B our bon Butter Cake, Tor tuga continues to explore the spirits world

From this evolution, Tor tuga’s Southern Trio range was born, which consists of Kentuck y B our bon Butter Cake, M oonshine Apple Pie Cake and the newest addition, Tennessee Whiskey Spice Cake I t is carefully craf ted with Tennessee Whiskey ’s r ich aroma and complex flavors and the distinc t notes

that emerge from the spices All three flavors are available in the standard sizes – 4 ounces, 16 ounces and 32 ounces

Tor tuga’s new selection of spirit cakes are inspired by America’s oldest and traditional delec table recipes and give consumers the oppor tunit y to exper ience unique flavors charac ter ized by bold notes and magnificent richness

For more information, call 786 817 6880 or go to www.tor tugaimpor


C hic ago’s Tempesta Ar tisan S alumi Continues Growth and Embraces Even Greater Recognition

Upon arriving in Chicago from his native home of Spilinga, Italy, Agostino Fiasche embarked on another journey : to rediscover the full-flavored, spreadable salami ‘nduja (en-DOOja) of his native Calabria

The search proved fruitless S o naturally, Agostino did what any other enter pr ising immigrant would do in mak ing his own American dream With his son Tony, he created his own signature ‘nduja using only her itage B er kshire por k from midwestern producers

That was over a decade ago.

I t ’s probably safe to say their first customers may not have realized just how much they longed for a traditional Calabrian salami. The fier y culmination of fresh por k , local peppers and sea salt renders ‘nduja irresistible, after all. Made to be spread like butter or added to sauces and other accompaniments, its versatility is nearly limitless.

The Fiasche’s offer ings have continued to grow along with their recognition. B ecause the qualit y of each and ever y produc t gets better with ever y passing year.

For Tempesta Ar tisan Salumi, this year has been par ticular ly produc tive and equally as celebrator y. I t star ted with the G ood Food Awards bestowing praise upon the flagship produc t that star ted it all. In doing so, Tempesta became the first (and only) company in the United States to receive an award for its ‘nduja I t ’s true what they say : being first really does feel good

Since 2016, the company’s Finocchiona, Speck, Pistachio Mortadella, Culatello and Wagyu Bresaola have all received honors by the Good Food Awards, sofi™ Awards and Charcuterie Masters, to name a few Tempesta’s handmade salumi is often the

“house-made” offering for some of America’s most celebrated restaurants Specialty retailers ranging from Zingerman’s to Whole Foods, Eataly and Wegmans stock their cases with Tempesta Bon Appétit magazine refers to Tempesta’s offerings as “legendary ”

“ We are so grateful that the mar ket has found our offerings as enjoyable as we have in providing them,”

Tony Fiasche says “ There is a place for old wor ld craf t to be reimagined I t ’s what keeps us motivated to make the ver y best. And it ’s especially fulfilling when retail and wholesale customers, as well as our colleagues in the industr y, so clearly recognize the Tempesta difference.”

As demand grows, so does Tempesta’s footprint. The company is construc ting a new 20,000 square foot facility, greatly expanding cooking capacity for foodservice and retail, and for the first time, a dedicated slicing line. A focus on snacks marks greater expansion to Tempesta’s product roster in the new year. The company is on target to extend its streak of 25 percent growth year over year.

Named af ter the Roman goddess of storms and sudden weather (and a nod to The Windy City) Tempesta Ar tisan Salumi is the culmination of more than 100 years of family exper tise. Rooted in the rich Calabrian legac y of mak ing unapologetically authentic and inspired products, Tempesta embraces local relationships, exceptional quality and an uncompromising focus on ar tisanal craf t

The Fiasche family commitment endures in producing a full range of traditional Italian salumi of the highest standard

For more information, go to www tempestaar tisansalumi com

O Olive O il & Vinegar L aunches

O California O rganic Premium Reser ve Extra Virgin Olive O il

O Olive Oil & Vinegar®, Califor nia’s premier ar tisan olive oil and vinegar maker, announces the release of its first batch of O Califor nia Organic Premium R eser ve Ex tra Virgin Olive Oil, a robust, freshly pressed olive oil using Californiagrown, 100% organic Picual olives

’s award-winning Premium Reser ve i s a s m a l l - b a t c h o l i ve o i l c r a f t e d f ro m

O ’s l o c a l f a m i l y f a r m s’ h a r v e s t T h e

Pi c u a l v a r i e t y o f o l i ve i s k n ow n fo r i t s t o m a t o e y n o t e s , w i t h h i n t s o f a r t ic h o k e a n d h e r b s t h a t w i l l p a i r w e l l w i t h t o m a t o s a l a d s , r e d m e a t s a n d s u m m e r s o u p s

O is especially excited to announce that O California Premium Reser ve Extra Virgin Olive Oil has been recently awarded prestigious medals from t wo international olive oil competitions The

Holy Perogy! makes a line of premium frozen perogies prepared with top-qualit y ingredients for U S consumers to enjoy their Uk rainian family recipe at home The sibling team behind Holy Perogy!, President Tony R abinovitch and CEO and the face of Holy Perogy!, Diana Hecht, took their cue from the family ’s Canadian restaurant to launch the CPG.

What sets Holy Perogy! apar t is both the way they are made with premium ingredients. The thin dough is packed with flavor ful freshly cooked mashed potatoes and other real, whole foods prepared with love using a longtime family recipe. The

perogies are made, but not cooked, then frozen and pack aged in a resealable standup pouch that maintains freshness in the freezer The two -step process for preparing them at home takes minutes and results in authentic flavor and tex ture ever y time.

Each of the Holy Perogy! flavors are sure to be a crowd pleaser, including Fully Loaded Potato with Cheddar & Bacon, Oh! S o Cheesy with Potato & Cheddar, Sizzlin’ Fr ied Onion with Potato, K ick in’ Jalapeño with Potato & Cheddar.

For more information, go to w w w

Buholzer Brothers Muenster C heese from K londike

K londike Cheese Company ’s Buholzer Brothers Muenster cheese is crafted by Wisconsin cheesemakers, at a familyowned plant that has been mak ing cheese at the same location since 1925 The secret to K londike’s exceptional qualit y is the combination of using state - of-the ar t equipment, proprietar y recipes and time -honored traditions of cheesemaking S ourcing local cow ’s milk and highquality ingredients, made in Wisconsin, so you k now it can only be the best Muenster is an orange r ind cheese that is semi-firm with a creamy tex ture that gets even creamier with age Per -

New York International Olive Oil Competition awarded gold to this produc t and the Los Angeles International Ex tra Virgin Olive Oil Competition awarded a silver medal These judges chose O ’s robust olive oil, from a blind-tasting, as one of the best olive oils from around the globe.

A d d i t i o n a l l y, O O l i v e O i l & V i n e g a r a n n o u n c e s i t s m e r g e r w i t h t h e w e l l -

k n o w n I t a l i a n o l i v e o i l b r a n d

C o l a v i t a ® . A t r u s t e d b r a n d , f a m i l y -

o w n e d C o l a v i t a s t a r t e d o u t i n I t a l y

m a k i n g I t a l i a n E x t r a V i r g i n O l i v e O i l ,

a n d n ow o f fe r s t h e w i d e s t s e l e c t i o n o f

f i n e I t a l i a n p r o d u c t s i n o n e p l a c e .

C o l a v i t a U S A , h e a d q u a r t e r e d i n E d i -

s o n , N e w J e r s e y, h a s b e e n i m p o r t i n g

fec t for grilled cheese, scrambled eggs or pizza Buholzer Brothers Muenster comes in a 6-pound loaf, 15-pound long john, 2-pound slices, 8- ounce chunk and an 8ounce retail slice pack

The family of Buholzer cheeses, which includes Muenster, Br ick , Havar ti, Dill Havar ti, Jalapeño Havar ti, Horseradish Havar ti and G ouda Now you can have a full line of Buholzer Brothers Brand in your deli and dair y cheese cases

For more information, go to w w w buholzerbrothers com

a n d d i s t r i b u t i n g p r e m i u m p r o d u c t s s i n c e 1 9 7 9

O Olive Oil & Vinegar olive oils are craf ted from 100% Califor nia- grown olives and family farmed with love They are crushed within hours of har vest to ensure high polyphenol and antioxidant r ichness. I ts produc ts have been featured on The Food Net wor k , Top Chef, Good Morning America and in multiple publications such as Bon Appétit, Food & Wine, G our met and The New Yor k Times. O’s produc ts have been honored with 17 sofi Awards by the Specialt y Food Association.

For more information, go to w w w


Get to Know Le Gruyère AOP

Le Gruyère AOP is produced using rawmilk and is natural – there are no additives, no GMOs and no preser vatives

Le Gruyère AOP is naturally gluten and lac tose free Each wheel of Gruyère AOP is aged for a minimum of five months before being released for sale and can be aged for between 14 and 18 months

I t can be kept for more than 24 months, for cheese lovers look ing for an even stronger flavor A wheel of Gruyère AOP weighs between 25 and 40 k ilograms What does AOP mean? Protected Des-

Aussie S elec t Australian L amb

ignation of Or igin To be considered AOP, you have to have a tradition, a limited produc tion zone, a name, a k nowhow and a histor y and a produc t Produc tion process has been maintained since the origins of Gruyère AOP back in the year 1115 and is stric tly respec ted by the milk producers, the cheesemakers and the affineurs who follow the rules of the AOP specifications

For more information, go to www gruyere com

Ready for a SLICE of the ac tion? Aussie S elec t® is a trailblazing brand of handcrafted, premium charcuterie featuring all-natural, pasture -raised Australian lamb A car t-stopping new flavor exper ience for your customers, available in three flavors, pre -sliced and 4ounce/pack : Lamb Pastrami, Agave Rosemar y Lamb Ham and Tik k a Masala Lamb Ham

All produc ts are Cer tified Halal, chefdeveloped and answer the call for unique food that reflec ts today ’s desire

for new flavors and great taste, health and wellness and sustainabilit y Need more? Eight y-nine percent of consumers stated they definitely or probably would buy Aussie S elec t produc ts Lamb is outgrowing all traditional meat offerings and the total fresh meat categor y, and charcuter ie interest has increased 428 percent in the past five years

For more information, go to w w w world selectcuts com

the company feels that the rebrand puts Tofutti in a better position to compete in a mar ket becoming increasingly crowded with rival brands

“ Today ’s natural foods mar ket is flooded with competitors, so we k new it was time to reassess our branding,” says Steve K ass, Chief Executive O fficer of Tofutti “ We want consumers to recognize all Tofutti produc ts as Tofutti produc ts ” K ass, who has been with the company since 1986, is confident that Tofutti ’s new pack aging will make it even easier for consumers to spot Tofutti on store shelves

To f u t t i ’s n e w b l a c k p a c k a g i n g w i t h

c o n f u s i n g i n g re d i e n t l i s t s : t h e b r a n d champions minimally processed foods that are deliciously good for you ®

Elan has existed for 12 years in Nor th America but was successfully launched on the U S market in 2021 With a growing presence in stores, Elan is also distr ibuted nationally through KeHE and UNFI The brand offers a wide variety of unique snacks, including specialt y glazed nuts and blends, and most recently, grab -and- go options for busy snackers

Elan’s innovative snacks combine the dynamic tex tures and nutrients of nuts and super foods Fan-favor ites include Açai Blueber r y Cashews, Coconut

b o l d l e t t e r i n g w a s d e s i g n e d t o n o t b l e n d i n “ E v e r y o n e u s e s g r e e n s a n d b l u e s o n w h i t e I t ’s p l a y e d o u t a n d b o r i n g , ” e x p l a i n s G e r r y P u g l i e s e , M a rk e t i n g a n d P u b l i c R e l a t i o n s M a n a g e r a t To f u t t i “ We we n t fo r b o l d w i t h a b i t o f e d g e ” P u g l i e s e a d d s t h a t f e e d b a c k o n t h e n e w b r a n d i n g h a s b e e n m o s t l y g o o d “ S u r e , w e’ v e h a d a f e w c r a n k s t h a t d o n’ t l i k e c h a n g e , ” s a y s P u g l i e s e , “ b u t m o s t c u s t o m e r s g e t i t T h e y l i k e o u r n e w i n - y o u r - f a c e a pp r o a c h ”

With the rebrand, Tofutti is focusing on its core markets Company research revealed that near ly 90 percent of its customers are people with dair y allergies and/or those who identify as vegan

Cashews and the Oh M ega M ix These nutritious snack ing options are ideal for snackers on the go and health enthusiasts

• Organic Açai Blueber r y Cashews feature gently roasted cashews coated in organic açai powder and organic blueber r y powder Prepare to be amazed by the naturally vibrant color of these super food infused nuts The attractive pack aging also reflects the benefits of its contents: you will discover a tangy and sweet snack full of nutrients

• If you also love a tropical twist, the Coconut Cashews are sure to transpor t you to a sunny island Organic whole cashews are coated with an addic tive blend of organic coconut powder and Himalayan pink salt, for a nutritive and

or vegetarian “I t jibes with people who follow us on social media,” adds Pugliese “ Vegan and dair y-free foodies are the bulk of our followers; that ’s why we post a ton of vegan recipes using our produc ts ” This is likely a safe bet for Tofutti Ipsos research found that 9 7 million Amer icans identify themselves as vegan or vegetarian, and that number is expec ted to grow Tofutti has also seen the rebrand ’s positive effec t on brokers and retailers

“A lot of buyers are happy to see that we updated ever ything,” says Car ly Saladino, Customer Account Specialist at Tofutti “ We’re a new Tofutti to them ” Saladino has been with the company for 18 years O thers have been with Tofutti

wholesome treat

• The Oh M ega M ix is a memorable blend of nuts, dried fruits and, most surpr isingly, decadent vegan dar k chocolate The best par t? The walnuts are covered in a health boosting blend of antioxidant-packed goji ber r ies and omega-rich chia seeds

All of Elan’s unique mixes and superfoods are made from superior quality ingredients produced through organic far ming Elan pr ior itizes sustainable farming methods that use no pesticides and embrace the soil’s natural c ycles As a clean brand, Elan meticulously sources its ingredients to provide a guilt-free exper ience, so you can snack all while being mindful of the planet

for over 20 years, and some over 30 years All of this collec tive exper ience gives Tofutti an edge against competitors who have only recently arrived on the scene

Whether it ’s called vegan or plantbased, Tofutti’s tight-k nit team remains committed to mak ing the highest quality dair y-free foods, which has been the company ’s mission since 1981 M r K ass summed it up in August by saying, “we might look different, but inside is the same delicious produc t and passion for dair y-free foods that has fueled us for over 40 years ”

For more information, go to w w w tofutti com

Elan’s versatilit y and strategic approach continually expands its horizons

Elan is strong in the East while its presence in the West is gaining momentum: the brand is attrac ting the attention of retailers and chains interested in its organic offerings Look ing for ward to 2024, Elan plans to significantly enhance brand awareness and achieve greater growth among snack enthusiasts

Find Elan snacks online at Elanbio com and Amazon com or at a growing list of established grocer ies and health food stores across the countr y

For more information, visit booth #2518 or email Elan’s sales team at sales@ elanbio com

Elan Spec ialty Snacks (Cont ’d. from p. 1) Tofutti (Cont ’d from p 1)

White Coffee an Industr y Leader

White Coffee is a family-owned, cer tified woman- owned business, star ted in 1939. As third- generation impor ter of fine Arabica coffee, White Coffee sells the finest coffees to thousands of residents in New York and across the United States each year. As the company has

Bone Suckin’ S auce (Cont ’d from p 1)

sweetness that will be an exciting addition to your grilling pantr y

“Although most customers consider BSS their favor ite bar becue sauce, Sweet Southern is probably the closest we have come to a traditional barbecue sauce,” said Patrick Ford, Vice President of Ford ’s G our met Foods “Using cane sugar versus molasses and honey adds to the depth of caramelization and creates this incredibly unique flavor that still lets you k now it ’s B one Suck in’ Sauce but has a personality all its own We’re excited for our customers to tr y it ”

Like all Bone Suck in’ Sauce produc ts, Sweet S outher n is non- GMO, gluten free, contains no high fruc tose cor n syrup and is kosher cer tified Ford’s will present Sweet Southern and the rest of its full produc t line in booth #1949 at

color ful plants to feed the hungriest people in the world with a Robin Hood approach Confetti has been awarded “Best Gourmet Snack of 2021” by APAC I nsiders, and “ Tast y Singapore Brand Ambassador ” Confetti is Upc ycled Cer tified by the Upc ycled Food Association and has been featured on CBS News, Food & Wine Magazine and is 100% woman and minority owned

Once Again (Cont ’d. from p. 1)

sandwich crackers that are cer tified both organic and gluten-free They ’re also, vegan, Kosher Cer tified, Non- GMO Projec t Verified and par t of the brand’s Honest in Trade program

O ffer ing a wholesome t wist on a snack-time favorite, the graham crackers possess all the sweet, k id-fr iendly taste of their conventional counterpar ts but are made with a wholesome blend of organic sorghum flour, organic oat

grown, White Coffee has helped pioneer the growth of the specialty coffee industr y.

Today, White Coffee continues to be an industr y leader in sourcing and roasting the finest coffees available as well as featuring world-famous licensed brands

the show

About Ford’s Gourmet Foods

Ford’s Gourmet Foods is a fourth generation, Raleigh, North Carolina-based family business that creates and distributes some of the world’s greatest tasting non-GMO, gluten-free, kosher-certified foods including Wine Nuts and Fire Dancer Jalapeño

Peanuts and the internationally acclaimed Bone Suckin’ Sauces – the only barbecue sauces rated No 1 by Newsweek, Food & Wine and many others

Bone Suckin’ Meatloaf

The best meatloaf recipe ever!

Yield: 4-6 ser vings


Bone Suck in’ Sauce Sweet Southern, 1/2 cup

Ground beef, 1 1/2 pounds

Confetti Snacks is cur rently distr ibuted in leading super mar ket chains, convenience, specialt y stores, foodservice, schools, universities, healthcare, vending machines, luxur y hotel mini bars and office pantries of MNCs

In America, Confetti is listed in the largest food distributors of UNFI, US Foods, Gordon Food Service, Pod Foods and seeing strong traction and growth in grocery channels, C stores and specialty stores across the 49 states These include Central

flour and organic cassava flour Crafted in small batches at an SQF- cer tified baker y, the crackers are filled with dr y roasted blanched organic peanuts or dr y roasted organic sunflower seeds milled to creamy per fec tion The cleaningredient produc ts utilize RSPO cer tified palm oil to stabilize the spreads and are made with sustainably sourced cane sugar A classic cracker divider creates two sandwiches in each pack age

Shared Gael J B Orr, Direc tor of Marketing at Once Again Nut Butter, “Our

such as newly added Peanuts, Baileys and Mars Wrigley, to name a few The company has built its business one customer at a time, cup by cup, with excellent quality and attentive customer

Onion, 1 medium, diced Breadcrumbs, 1 cup toasted Egg, 1 beaten Salt, 1 1/2 teaspoons Pepper, 1/2 teaspoon

Instruc tions

1 Preheat the oven to 350 F

2 Combine all ingredients in a loaf pan

3 Place the loaf pan in the oven for one hour at 350˚F

4 Baste with additional Bone Suckin’ Sauce Sweet Southern during cooking time

5 Enjoy!

Bone Suckin’ Chicken

Super easy and Bone Suckin’ Good!

Yield: 4-6 ser vings


B one Suck in’ Sauce Sweet S outher n, 1 18- ounce jar

Market HEB, HomeGoods, 7-11, Shell gas stations, Mulberry Market NYC, Purple Carrot and specialty stores across the United States, and featured on Michelin Guide, Food & Wine, CNN, Business Times, The Straits Times and Channel News Asia Confetti is the finalist in Cartier’s Women Initiative to elevate female entrepreneurship and global changemakers

Confetti is committed to a zero-waste, zero-hunger world Confetti elevates rescued colorful produce to tasty nutritious

nut and seed butters have always been an excellent ingredient choice for creating plant-based snacks, so we couldn’t be more excited to introduce these ready-to - enjoy graham cracker sandwiches to market Until now, there have been no sandwich crackers that are both organic and gluten-free cer tified D esigned to appeal to all ages, the por table snacks can be eaten straight off the shelf, no peanut-butter stir r ing or sunflower-butter spreading needed, and they ’re surprisingly filling and tasty ”

ser vice

White Coffee is based in Long Island City, New York, and is a third-generation, cer tified woman-owned business, in operation since 1939 I ts produc ts are available in retail outlets throughout the United States and online

For more information, go to w w w whitecoffee com

Whole chicken, quar tered or eighths

Instruc tions

1 Preheat oven to 350 F (set oven rack to middle position)

2 Pat chicken dr y with paper towels and place on bak ing pan lined with aluminum foil

3 Season both sides of chicken with salt and black pepper

4 Bake chicken for 45 minutes

5 Po u r B o n e S u c k i n’ S a u c e S we e t S outher n over the chicken, tur ning the p i e c e s o ve r w i t h t o n g s t o c o a t b o t h sides

6 Bake for about 15 more minutes, until the internal temperature reaches 165˚F 7 Enjoy!

For more information, visit w w w bonesuckin com, call 919 833 7647 or stop by booth #1949

snacks with a longer shelf life to protect food security Top line growth is pegged to ending global hunger with partners like UNICEF, Red Cross and UN’s World Food Program, homeless shelters, orphanages and refugee camps to provide emergency food aid to communities facing severe malnutrition due to poverty, war, refugee crises, drought, famine or natural disasters

For more information, go to www confetti snacks com or stop by booth #2909

Once Again’s new graham cracker sandwiches are available for retailers nationwide to car r y for an SRP of $1 69$1 89 or $13 52-$15 12 per retail box of eight The sunflower butter sandwich crackers were recently selec ted as a winner in G ood Housekeeping’s 2022 Healthy Snack Awards

For more information, go to w w w once againnutbutter com, call 888 800 8075, email gorr@onceagainnutbutter com or stop by booth #1405

authentic I talian deli meats, passed down from three generations, honoring traditions from the I talian dinner table Fiorucci’s por tfolio includes a variety of pre -sliced and whole piece meats, including Prosciutto, Pancetta, Salami, Pepperoni, Sopressata, Calabrese, Finocchiona, Capicollo, M or tadella, Chorizo, Coppa, Variety Packs and other specialties, including an assor tment of snacking options like meat and cheese protein packs, all-natural, aged, dr y-

cured Stick ados and its best-selling Paninos, Festalinos and Appetaggios lines

Fiorucci offers a full all-natural line of I talian-inspired deli meats and snack ing options I ts all-natural produc ts are made with pork that ’s 100% vegetarianfed with a vitamin- enr iched diet from bir th and never ever administered antibiotics, chemical additives or growth hor mones, which helps deliver a cleaner, more pristine flavor Each ser ving contains no ar tificial flavors, colors, ingredients, preser vatives, nitrates or ni-

trites Great for those following a keto, paleo or M editer ranean diet, its products are gluten free, low- carb, low-sugar and high in protein and calcium

The Fiorucci all-natural line utilizes breeds of pigs from a single genetic origin, raised sustainably in smaller herds that are fully traceable from far m to table; this approach yields better muscle development for r icher flavor, uniform color and marbling Fiorucci cures its all-natural meats with just sea salt and I talian-inspired seasonings – nothing else And its traditional methods of

slow curing meat take more time, allowing the meat to develop its authentic flavors

Ideal for charcuterie and grazing boards, try Fiorucci’s assortment of produc ts as a quick snack , appetizer or as a main ingredient in a variety of ar tisanal recipes from pizzas, pastas and salads, to sandwiches, soups and casseroles With Fiorucci, you can truly experience “Old World For The Modern Age ”

For more information, go to w w w fioruccifoods com

Fiorucc i (Cont ’d from p 1) Confetti Snacks (Cont ’d. from p. 1)

S unday Night Foods Desser t S auces

R ich, velvet y, luxur ious M ade from the h i g h e s t - q u a l i t y i n g re d i e n t s o n E a r t h , S u n d a y N i g h t Fo o d s’ a w a rd - w i n n i n g p re m i u m d e s s e r t s a u c e s a re p u re chocolate ganache in a jar. Using a class i c Fre n c h t e c h n i q u e, S u n d a y N i g h t Fo o d s m a k e s e a c h s m a l l b a t c h w i t h

absorption of water and other added vitamins and minerals to promote proper hydration, which may help whole body health and wellness

NH: When did you star t work ing for Liquid I V ?

SL: I star ted wor k ing at Liquid I V in March 2016 I was one of the first 10 employees at the company

NH: So, you’ve watched Liquid I V grow from a startup to a well-established brand

SL: I have! I t ’s been incredible to watch a brand with such focus and dedication grow. Liquid I.V. has grown more than 400% since 2020 due to the creativit y, dedication and hear t of its team.

NH: 400% since 2020 is quite significant! How do you think that your sustainability and clean water access work affec ts the company ’s growth?

SL: Liquid I.V.’s produc t wor ks, and in some ways, it feels like it sells itself. But we also live in a time where most consumers want to k now that the produc t that they ’re buying is not just good for them, but good for their communities and planet. I think Liquid I.V.’s produc t donation work , clean water access projects and dedication to sustainable business prac tices make consumers feel good about buying Liquid I V produc ts

NH: Why is Liquid I V so committed to responsible, sustainable business operations?

Dripdash (Cont ’d. from p. 4)

in the countr y with three distinct flavors options:

• Kyoto Iced Coffee: the original black coffee that star ted it all I t offers a rich body, triple -strength, and a shock inglysmooth finish

• Black Sesame Oatmilk Latte: tak ing

l e g e n d a r y G u i t t a rd c h o c o l a t e a n d cocoa, cane sugar, fresh cream and butt e r, p u re N i e l s e n - M a s s e y v a n i l l a a n d s e a s a l t t o c re a t e chocolate euphor ia

Founder Eileen G annon created the brand so people can easily enjoy feeling comfor t, care and kindness on any day of the week . The company wor ks with the national Alliance on Mental Illness in the hope that, through bak ing, ever yone can stay present, find pur pose and create joy within and around them.

For more information, go to w w w

SL: Liquid I V believes ever yone deser ves access to proper hydration and overall wellness We can’t operate a company dedicated to wellness while ignoring the wellbeing of our planet It ’s our dut y to ensure we are focused on mak ing a positive impac t on the world

NH: Liquid I V just released its first public sustainability repor t What motivated your team to do that?

SL: That ’s right! The Liquid I V team released its first public sustainabilit y repor t in O c tober 2022, cover ing Liquid I.V.’s 2021 sustainability effor ts. I’ve been pushing to compile and publish a sustainabilit y repor t for Liquid I.V. for several years now. We released this repor t to benchmark our current sustainability effor ts and to publicly commit to making our business operations sustainable and responsible.

NH: What are some of the most impressive statistics you’ve released in the Liquid I.V. 2021 sustainability repor t?

SL: At the end of 2021, we were 69% of the way (by weight) towards our 2025 packaging goal, which is for 100% of our final product packaging to be post-recycled, reusable, recyclable or compostable. We also conver ted one -third of our cartons to thinner cardboard material with a bleach-free inner layer as part of that goal

NH: Liquid I V refers to itself as a purpose - driven company What is the purpose that drives Liquid I V ?

SL: Liquid I V believes that water security is a human right, and so our impact

Japanese flavors and adding sustainable alternative milk as the base, to create a keto -fr iendly latte using sugar alter natives such as monk fruit Tastes like a milkshake, but with only 2 grams of sugar

• Lavender M aple Oatmilk Latte: for the plant-based folks, using a dair y alternative and maple syrup as the vegan

Tabletree C herr y Juice

Turns out the state best known for its big skies also has something to brag about on ground level, too Tabletree Montana’s Cherry Juice uses Flathead Lake cherries, a touch of honey and a dash of cinnamon as its natural preservatives for an award-winning juice gaining attention worldwide Gary and Susan Snow have developed a proprietary system that produces quality, healthy and nutritious products (expect new products soon) Taken alone, the Cherry Juice has nutritional benefits, but is great for cooking and cocktails

For more information, go to w w w tabletreejuice com

work is centered around hydration aid and funding clean water access projects

NH: When did your team star t doing pur pose - dr iven wor k? What was the first example of that work?

SL: We star ted our produc t donation program in 2015 and gave the Los Angeles M ission shelter 500 ser vings of Liquid I V to its houseless population To date, we have donated over 36 million ser vings to those in need

NH: What has changed since the team first began doing purpose - driven work?

SL: In 2021, Liquid I.V. star ted to expand its impac t work beyond produc t donations and into funding water secur it y and clean water access projec ts.

NH: Can you tell me about your clean water access projects? What par tners do you work with? What k ind of work does Liquid I.V. suppor t?

SL: In 2022, we helped fund piped water connec tions to provide clean water access for hundreds of families in West Virginia that had intermittent water access and experienced poor water quality due to 100-year- old infrastruc ture.

NH: What comes nex t? What is the Liquid I V team looking for ward to in 2023?

SL: In 2023, look out for our grant programs, including a series of grants to expand clean water access and our signature program, called The Confluence, where our team selects a cohor t of 12 vetted organizations to receive fund-

and unprocessed sugar substitute Tastes like a meditation that will keep you moving

Dr ipdash craf ts its beverages in small batches The most sought-after ingredients are used from dair y-free/glutenfree milk to plant powered sugar alter natives, to the carefully sourced

ing for their water security work Confluence grant recipients are invited to an annual event to connect with each other and problem solve for water insecurity

For more information, go to w w w liquid-iv com

heaping dose of attitude, guaranteeing an undeniably fun snack ing experience Zany Bites are a r ice -based, better for you snack , made with real ingredients that have just 35 calories per ser ving Wholesomely made with sustainable ingredients, Zany Bites has an exciting lineup of flavors, including Chocolate D ouble Dip, Cinnamon Chur ro, Pizza Zingers and Taco Blasts. All ingredients are 100% clean and sustainably sourced. All Zany Bites are non- GMO, gluten free, ar tificial free, egg free, nut free, sustainably sourced and fully traceable.

For more information, stop by booth #1237.

H imalayan salt shot glasses, custom blends, private label and a wide array of corporate gifts

The Spice Lab’s carefully curated line of sea salts, spices, seasonings and related produc ts are sold by gourmet and specialty shops, major retailers and online through Amazon com and at w w w spices com

For more information, go to w w w spices com or email Gar y Oliver, National Sales Manager, at sales@thespicelab com

coffee beans Dr ipdash puts all of this into its brewing machine and the result is an elevated coffee exper ience that you can enjoy any where you are Bold Smooth Convenient

For more information, go to w w w, email or stop by booth #1039.

Zany Bites (Cont ’d. from p. 1) Liquid I.V. (Cont ’d. from p. 1) The Spice Lab (Cont ’d from p 4)

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