Davie Our City
JA N UA RY 20 2 1
Giving New Hope to Those with Pancreatic Cancer FEATURED ON PAGE 20
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Not intended to solicit currently listed property. Š Compass Florida, LLC. Equal Housing Opportunity. All information furnished regarding property for sale or rent or regarding financing is from sources deemed reliable, but Compass makes no warranty or representation as to the accuracy thereof. All property information is presented subject to errors, omissions, price changes, changed property conditions, and withdrawal of the property from the market, without notice.
“My Mother can’t wait for this year to end… but not for the reason you think.”
It’s because she can finally move in to the new Palace in January! “She can’t wait to leave that big, lonely house and get to a warm and safe place, where she’s part of a community of neighbors like her, doing all the things she loves to do. We feel great about the luxury and comfort of the new Palace at Weston Senior Living. But right now what we love most is the careful, intelligent way they have set up their programs to meet or exceed every standard for health safety. We’ve talked to their team members, we’ve seen how they are trained, and our entire family has peace of mind with Mom living there. I tell all my friends who have older parents like me… go see the Palace at Weston. Their Leasing Center and models are fabulous.”
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Committed to giving your child A Higher Level of Care & Education
Happy New Year! Tree of Life
The faith-based preschool grows with the addition of Kindergarten
court that rep ican Airlines A curriculum, a Tree of Life h Facility’ awar
from Weston’s Premier PreSchool! A Brand New Kindergarten
Remarkable Campus & Facilities
Tree of
Infants thru Pre-K
For centuries, children have learned about the ‘Tree Of Life’ from the Book of Genesis. At the Tree of Life Christian Academy Preschool in Weston, children are learning many of life’s lessons in a thriving, mod- That magic will expand to Tree of Life’s ern school.2020 As Tree of Life approaches their brand-new kindergarten program. Their (Science-Technology-Engineering-Art-Mathematics) one year anniversary, owners Gabriel and kindergarten will be in a separate room Marcy Buitrago are celebrating what they that will not be attached to the preschool, have accomplished while looking ahead to and they are looking to reach a 9-1 stuthe future. dent-to-teacher ratio. With kindergarten starting on August 18th, Tree of Life has already reached fifty percent enrollment, and placements will be filling up quickly. There are already wait lists for two- and three-year olds who want to enroll in those programs, and administrators are confident that kindergarten will also prove quite popular. Kindergarten will be open to all children, regardless of whether or not they attended preschool at Tree of Life.
The faith-based with the additi
Included in monthly tuition: • Accelerated Reading Program • STEAM Program
E E R F Month Tuition
Voted Best Preschool in Weston 7 YEARS IN A ROW!
• Low student to teacher ratio • Bilingual curriculum (English/Spanish) • Computers and iPads® • Organic & natural lunches • We teach moral & family values • Nurse & clinic on premises • Indoor play area • Latest in high security & surveillance • 13,000 sqft building on 2 acres • 4 outdoor playgrounds
New students
“We feel like our formula for success is to be different than all the other preschools. Our intention was to create a feeling so that when a child enters our school, there’s a sense of wonder,” said Gabriel Buitrago. “The children are still going to be learning a lot, but we also wanted them to feel like they are in a magical place.” 20
Kinderga Tree of Life’s campus has been thoughtful- A Brand NewAnnivers ly laid out to make the most of the 13,000 As Tree of Lif square foot building. The classrooms surting plans tog JASON round an by indoor playZAUDER area where a custheir own cele tom-made wooden Tree of Life serves as the For centuries, children have learned about events for the hub. classroom private theEvery ‘Tree Of Life’ fromhas thetheir Book own of GenToys for Tots bathroom and drinking fountain, as well as esis. At the Tree of Life Christian Academy to the comm in Weston, children are learning an Preschool exit to the playground. Students can take theTree sc many of life’s lessons in a thriving, modThat magic will impact expand to advantage of a bilingual curriculum, learn ern school. As Tree of Life approaches their brand-new kindergarten living up to ou progra sign language, and utilize the latest computone year anniversary, owners Gabriel and kindergarten willoften be incry a separ at th Marcy Buitrago are celebrating what they that will not be attached to the p ried that their have accomplished while looking ahead to and they are looking to reach a cryingWith becaus the future. dent-to-teacher ratio. kin
starting on August 18th, Tree of L ready reached fifty percent enroll placements will be filling up quic are already wait lists for two- and t olds who want to enroll in those and administrators are confident dergarten will also prove quite Kindergarten will be open to all ers and iPads. All of these features are proregardless of whether or not they tected by a state-of-the-art security system, preschool at Tree of Life.
Operating in compliance & strict Covid-19 safety rules for the “That kindergarten transition is very tough on both the parents and the said protection ofkids,” students & families Buitrago. “Many parents have been asking us to start a kindergarten; and with such a low student/teacher ratio, our teachers will have more than enough time with each child.”
which includes security cameras throughout and two separate passcode-protected doors one must pass through before entering the building’s interior. When students need a break from learning, they will find organic lunches “We likeday our to formula for success brought infeel every provide the fuelis they Tree of Life to be different than all the other preschools. need to explore the expansive outdoor area. ed at 1250 Our intention was to create a feeling so “That kindergarten transitio A miniature fieldour wasschool, just completed cantheb that when a soccer child enters there’s tough on both theThey parents and to aadd to oftheir four said playgrounds and sport at www.tr sense wonder,” Gabriel Buitrago. Buitrago. “Many parents have been
Security Officer on Premises “The children are still going to be learning
to start a kindergarten; and with s
TOour ADVER a lot, but we also wanted them to feel like student/teacher ratio, ISSUE #304 • AUGUST 2014 • CELEBRATING 25 YEARS DRWMAG.COM teacher
are in a magical place.” more than enough time with ea • Bulletprooftheyentry doors 20 ISSUE #304 • AUGUST 2014 • CELEB • HD security surveillance cameras
1250 SW 160th Ave. Weston, FL 33326 • 954.440.0174 treeoflifeacademy.com
January 2021
COMMUNITY NEWS 16 18 24 28
When Life Gives You Lemons…Raise $80,000+ 22
Graphic Designer Alana Brodie Advertising Sales Manager Nancy Koval nancy@ourcitymedia.com
GoldFellow Offers a Safe, 34 Secure & Convenient Way to Sell Gold, Silver, Platinum & Diamonds
3Natives Acai & Juicery
Home Prices Are Appreciating, But For How Long?
Thanks 2020!
31 37
Crossword and Sudoku Answer Key
36 37
Estate Planning, Let’s Get Started! Thoughts For The New Year
Ankle Fractures Understanding Ankle Pain
Account Executives John Brodie, Denise Caligiuri, Adrienne Collins, Mariem Garcia, Kenny Rodgers, Silvia Silva Contributing Writers Terry Jaillet, Beverly Perkins, Evan Baron, Jon Duka, Dr. Robert Donoway, Bruce Iden, Amelis Lopez, Dr. Charles Messa ,Dr. Michael Cohen, Dr. Isabel Suate, Mayor Wayne M. Messam, Frank C. Ortis, Mayor Judy Paul, Dr. Warren Windram
Contributing Photographers Emily Harris Photography, Kim Ruoff, PhotographyByLuigi.com, Victoria Genova Photography, Davie Photography Studios, Weston Photography Studio Advertising Info sales@ourcitymedia.com Visit Us Online ourcitymedia.com 954-306-1007 400 Sawgrass Corporate Parkway Suite 200C • Sunrise, FL 33325
BUSINESS SPOTLIGHT 40 There’s Always Something to Smile About at Super Smiles Pediatric Dentistry & Orthodontics
8 / January 2021 / OurCityMedia.com
There’s No Disguising It... MLE Makes Learning Fun!
Once Upon A Time
Managing Editor Christy Jaillet Art Director Tom Rowe
Model Canine Citizen – Meet Lily What’s All the Racquet About? Mitigating Flood Events in Davie
Publishers Christy & Terry Jaillet publisher@ourcitymedia.com
Meet “Emma”
Our City Media of Florida, LLC publishes FREE monthly, local community news magazines throughout South Florida. Our City Media Magazines are mailed monthly to affluent single-family homes, condos and businesses in their respective communities. Monthly mailings are verifiable by USPS postage statements. Additional free copies are available at selected locations throughout the communities served and upon request by contacting the publisher. Opinions expressed by the writers are their own and do not necessarily reflect the opinions of the Publisher. Our City Media of Florida, LLC reserves the right to edit and/or reject any editorial or advertising content. Our City Media of Florida, LLC is not responsible for errors in advertising beyond the cost of the space or for the validity of claims made by advertisers. Entire contents copyrighted 2021 by Our City Media of Florida, LLC. Reproduction in whole or in part is forbidden in any media without prior written permission from the publisher.
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BROWARD TUTORIAL SERVICES “BTS was extremely helpful with the whole process of taking standardized tests. From choosing the test that was best well suited for me, to introducing time-saving strategies and providing criticalthinking skills. I wouldn’t have been able to do it without them! ”
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We are looking for new tutors. CallDrive to inquire. University Offi ce Park 5400 S. University Suite 503, Davie, FL 33328 (954) 645-PREP • (954) 667-6500
January 2021 Calendar JAN 9 Plantation Farmers’ Market
Broward’s most attended farmers market featuring fresh local & organic produce, local honey, fresh herbs, plants,orchids and flowers as well as Florida-produced products such as fresh breads, pastries, kettle corn, ice cream, BBQ, teas & coffees, marinades, hot sauces, smoked fish and dips, sauces, pet treats , jams & jellies, spices, hummus, beef jerky, guacamole and other dips, fresh pasta, pickles and olives, cheese, yogurt, butter, grass fed beef, seafood, soaps and other skin products, aromatherapy, and fresh made food products, and much more. Volunteer Park, 12050 Sunrise Blvd. 8:00 am - 2:00 pm
New Years Day
Ring in the New Year with those closest to you. The CDC suggests keeping your group as small as possible in order to prevent the spread of COVID-19. What better way to ring in the new year than with just those you love. Happy New Year from everyone at Our City Media!
JAN 12 Virtual “Spices of the Caribbean”
The Friends of the Stirling Road Branch Library are thrilled to have Chef Allen Susser return as a Guest Presenter for an exciting 3-part series to be featured via Zoom. Chef Allen will introduce us to the “Spices of the Caribbean,” and challenge our taste buds while sharing his knowledge of Caribbean cooking. Register in advance at www.hollywoodfl.org/calendar
JAN 9 - 13 Flipany Fun Run 5k/10K
JAN 4 - 9 Davie Bulk Trash Pickup
Free bulk pick-up will take place on your regularly scheduled garbage collection day. Households are limited to 15 cubic yards. All items should be curbside by 7am. Condominiums and multifamily homes with dumpsters will have have bulk pickup during January. Those households will have bulk pickup on February 4- February 6. For questions regarding bulk pickup, please call Waste Management at 954-9747500 or visit www.davie-fl.gov. 12 / January 2021 / OurCityMedia.com
2021 will be the 16th year of joining together in physical activity to benefit the children of our community. Only, this time we are going VIRTUAL! Run, Walk or bike your way to supporting one of the greatest organizations in South Florida. All proceeds support Flipany’s programs to fight childhood obesity and hunger. FLIPANY’s programming includes Physical Activity, Soccer, Biking, Nutrition and Cooking Education, and USDA Afterschool and Summer Meal Programs. Register at www.flipany.org/fun-run.
JAN 15 Rumours
Don’t be a Gypsy! Come enjoy the sweet sounds of Fleetwood Mac as cover band Rumours takes the stage. They are sure to play all of the standards like Gypsy, Don’t Stop and Rhiannon. Tickets start at $15. COVID controls will be in place. Show starts at 8:00pm and is at Stage 954 at the Dania Beach Casino. For tickets, visit www.casinodaniabeach.com
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January 2021 Calendar (continued) JAN 23 Pegasus World Cup
Come out to watch the ponies run in one of the richest horse races in the world. Horse people will be out and about in their finest, watching to see which thoroughbred to place their bet on. Arrangements have been made to accommodate social distancing. The gates open at 10:00 am with racing all day. Races held at Gulfstream Park. For more info or to purchase tickets visit pegasusworldcup.com.
coalesced in recent months,” says Obrist. This new version of the project is a growing selection of instructions distributed online, and simultaneously through over 30 collaborating art spaces from within ICI’s international network. It contains existing and newly commissioned contributions by artists, currently available in English and Spanish. do it (home) will take you away from your screens, and recreate an art experience at home. You will respond to the artist’s call, follow their lead, enter their world, and realize an artwork on
JAN 16 & 17 Flamingo Fest
Make your Plastic Flamingo tell a story! Your flamingo can be feathered, painted, sequined or accessorized to your taste. Enter this flamingo decorating contest to have yours displayed on the Flamingo Gardens grounds. Make sure your submission is weather-proof since they will be subject to the outdoors. The contest is FREE. Awards will be given to winners in a number of categories & age groups. Event is at Flamingo Gardens, 3750 S. Flamingo Rd., Davie. For more info visit www.flamingogardens.org.
JAN 28 NSU Museum of Art - Do It (Home)
JAN 18 Martin Luther King Jr. Day
Celebrate the life of the Christian minister and activist who became the most visible spokesperson and leader in the civil rights movement. Join your neighbors and friends in reflecting on the incredible advances our society has made and what more needs to be done in order to have a truly free and equal country. 14 / January 2021 / OurCityMedia.com
As many around the world are experiencing social distancing and orders to stay at home, ICI is relaunching do it (home). A version of do it envisioned by Hans Ulrich Obrist in 1995 and produced by ICI, do it (home) assembled a set of artists instructions that could easily be realized in one’s own home. Since then, “do it has always taken place in public and in private—spheres of life that for many have
their behalf. Visit www.nsumuseum.org to participate..
JAN 29 Drive-Up Movie Night
Cooper City will be hosting a Drive-Up Movie Night at the Park featuring The Goonies at the Suellen H. Fardelmann Sports Complex! Gates open at 6:00 p.m. & the movie starts at 7:00 p.m. Space is limited, and it will be first come first serve.
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Model Canine Citizen – Meet Lily
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16 / January 2021 / OurCityMedia.com
By Beverly Perkins
or the past 30 years, “The VCA Walk for the Animals” has been the largest fundraising event for the Humane Society of Broward County (HSBC). Besides raising funds and gathering with other humans and their furry friends, many vie for their beloved four-legged family member to be selected as the event’s “Cover Dog”. The chosen canine will be featured on all promotional materials for the annual walk including 40,000 printed brochures which will be distributed all over the county. The winner for the coveted 2021 spot is Lily from Davie. Ten years ago, Janet McLaughlin adopted the sweet Maltese-mix after she lost her husband of 31 years. Janet took great comfort from the little dog who is now eleven years old. The intuitive and attentive pup helped her human get through such a difficult time. “I do believe she sensed that I was going through a tough period in my life, and knew I needed her special love to face each day,” shared the proud animal lover and regular volunteer at the HSBC. Janet wanted to get the compassionate canine some company, so she went back to the shelter and got Lily a Havanese sister named Roxy. Together the trio raised $3,000 in donations during the 2020 walk which allowed them to be placed in the 2021 Cover Dog drawing. Those thinking that the annual “VCA Walk for the Animals” will be cancelled due to the ongoing pandemic are barking up the wrong tree. The anticipated walk to raise funds for a great cause will commence in the safest way possible at Huizenga Park in downtown Fort Lauderdale on March 6, 2021. The HSBC will make every effort to put COVID precautions in place and will continue to monitor the situation as the event nears so that all participants, staff, and volunteers are safe. However, those uncomfortable to attend are encouraged to collect funds and walk in their neighborhoods on the official “walk day”. “I hope everyone can come out and support the shelter and meet Lily. But, if anyone is unable to walk, any donation would be extremely appreciated and helpful to keep our Humane Society of Broward County doing all the good and kind work they do for so many animals,” added McLaughlin. ⊲ To participate visit www.walk4theanimals.com to register and start collecting donations. Or, if you would like to support Janet and her pup Lily, just search for Janet’s name on the walk website. For more details or for sponsorship information contact Rachel at 954-266-6817.
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What’s All the Racquet About? By Beverly Perkins
sually when mentioning pickles in South Florida, one thinks of the nearest deli. However, pickleball is not an edible item, but a truly up and coming paddle board game. Regardless of age, skill level, or ability, the game is easy to learn and fun to play. In the past few years, it has become increasingly popular with tournaments popping up everywhere. The rules are simple, and the fun sport combines many elements of tennis, badminton, and ping-pong. It can be played both in and outdoors on a badminton-sized court with a slightly modified tennis net, paddle, and a plastic ball. Beginners have been known to grasp the concept quickly and
then develop into experienced players who want a quick, fast-paced, competitive game. Recently, a Pickleball Charity Round Robin at Plantation Central Park raised more than $10,000 for the Wounded Warrior Project. The third annual 2-day event included men’s and women’s doubles, and mixed doubles with games running 12 hours each day. An overwhelming total of 130 teams came out to play to support the cause. The Wounded Warrior Project was founded in 2003 and serves veterans and service members who have suffered a physical, mental injury, illness, or wound while serving in the military on or after September 11, 2001. According to Wounded Warrior Project Community Fundraising Resource Development Coordinator Julian Willis, more than 52,000 servicemen and women were injured in recent military conflicts, another 500,000 are living with “invisible
Andy and Cinthya Rubenstein Courtesy of Andy Rubenstein
wounds,” from depression to post-traumatic stress disorder, and 320,000 have experienced debilitating brain trauma. The Plantation event was organized by Andy Rubenstein. He and his wife Cinthya gathered the community to empower these warriors by participating, donating, and giving a voice to those on their journey to recovery. “It was wonderful to see so many people in the pickleball community come together to play the game they love,” said Andy Rubenstein, of Plantation, the tournament director.
⊲ For more information, please visit
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18 / January 2021 / OurCityMedia.com
Quickly Resolve Divorce & Paternity Issues with PEACE Parental Responsibility E quitable Distribution A limony C hild Support E verything Else! Ann-Marie Ginsberg Giustibelli, Esq.
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A divorce shouldn’t have to destroy your family and your bank account. Contact us for more information or schedule your FREE Consultation!
GoldFellow Offers a Safe, Secure & Convenient Way to Sell Gold, Silver, Platinum & Diamonds
By Christy Jaillet
o you have an old piece of jewelry around the house? Maybe it’s a broken bracelet or a ring you just don’t wear anymore. For many of us, those items simply sit in a drawer or a safe, collecting dust, never to be worn or seen again. That is where the folks at GoldFellow can help! GoldFellow will purchase unwanted gold, platinum, silver and diamond jewelry at very competitive prices. The company was founded by Robin and Michael Gusky. The couple previously owned one of the largest manufacturers and distributors of karat gold jewelry in the United States for 30 years before selling to Warren Buffett’s Berkshire Hathaway in 2007. They’ve taken that vast experience to create a firm you can trust. We sat down with the company founder, Michael, to learn more.
Tell us about GoldFellow We purchase consumers’ unwanted gold, platinum, silver, and diamond jewelry at very competitive prices. We also purchase fine Swiss timepieces such as Rolex, Patek Philippe, and Cartier. We have been in business since 2008. We are proud to have earned an A+ rating.
How does the process work? At GoldFellow, the process is totally transparent. Your items are tested right in front of you, using XRF x-ray technology, which shows the exact amount of precious metals it contains. The testing takes less than 10 seconds! Based on that reading and the weight of the item, we make you an offer on the spot. GoldFellow has the financial strength to pay its clients immediately regardless of the amount.
Is it a good time to sell precious metals? Yes! In fact, with precious metal prices at record high prices, one of our fastest-growing areas is purchasing gold and silver bullion, bars, and coins.
Can people trust your firm? We have been in business since 2008. We are proud to have earned an A+ rating from the Better Business Bureau, and have hundreds of 5-star reviews. Our customers are throughout the United States. We are family owned and have been in the gold jewelry business for 40 years. We offer total transparency, a strong reputation for fairness, and have been family-owned since our founding. n
GoldFellow is located at 1930 N Commerce Parkway, #5 in Weston. Stop by today for a no-obligation, in-person evaluation of your precious valuables. There is no appointment needed. For more info call 954-888-9500 or visit www.goldfellow.com
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(954)584-8888 January 2021 / OurCityMedia.com / 19
Robert B. Donoway, M.D., F.A.C.S., F.S.S.O. Diplomate American Board of Surgery Diplomate, Society of Surgical Oncology Former Medical Director Memorial Cancer Center Medical Director, Atlas Oncology: Institute for Pancreatic Cancer IRE/NanoKnife Ablation
Patients diagnosed with Pancreatic Cancer have few treatment options. However, a new procedure called Irreversible Electroporation or IRE for short has changed that for many patients who are seeing a doubling and tripling of their life expectancies. Dr. Robert Donoway, who has one of the largest International experiences for performing this procedure on the pancreas and liver is a Hollywood based, Sloan Kettering trained Pancreatic Surgical Oncologist, and former medical director of two of the local cancer programs remains among a very small handful of Pancreatic surgeons who perform the procedure which is done in the operating room as an outpatient. During the procedure, Dr. Donoway places fine needle probes under direct ultrasound guidance into and around the pancreatic tumor while carefully avoiding critical structures. High voltage current up to 3000 volts is then delivered in 90-microsecond pulses synchronized with the patient’s heart rhythm to avoid any cardiac problems. The pulses destroy the cancer cell membranes which then causes the tumor to die and be absorbed by the body. The average procedure lasts approximately 1-2 hours and the patients may be discharged the following day. A brief recovery means the patient can start chemotherapy and radiation that much sooner. Dr. Donoway is participating in several clinical studies identifying the best chemotherapy and immunotherapies to be used along with IRE. Dr. Donoway states, “The results so far have been very encouraging and we have begun using it for other select cancers. The longest survivors are now out over 5 years and without evidence of cancer recurrence. In the past, without IRE they would have been likely to have only lived a year and so this technique opens the whole new avenue for treating those eligible patients in a more targeted fashion.”
For more information about Dr. Donoway and the Pancreatic-IRE/NanoKnife Program and clinical trials call 305-682-1995 and visit www.AtlasOncology.com
4000 Hollywood Boulevard • Suite 160 North • Hollywood, Florida 33021 Phone: 954-986-6366, 305-682-1995 • Fax: 954-986-4355 www.AtlasOncology.com
ATLAS ONCOLOGY Robert B. Donoway, M.D., F.A.C.S., F.S.S.O. Surgical Oncology & Pancreatic Surgical Oncology Practice specializing in Cancer of the Pancreas, Liver, GI Tract, Sarcoma, Adrenal, Thyroid, Parathyroid, and Melanoma. Laparoscopic and Image Guided Cancer Surgery, IRE/NanoKnife for Non-Resectable Pancreatic and Liver Cancer.
r. Donoway is a board certified Fellowship-trained Surgical Oncologist who received his MD and Surgical training at the University of Pennsylvania. He completed his fellowship in Surgical Oncology at Sloan-Kettering where he was the General Motors Cancer Research Fellow. He has taught on the faculty at Penn, Sloan-Kettering, University of Miami and Nova Southeastern. Dr. Donoway is the former Medical Director of the Memorial Cancer Institute and Chairman of the Cancer Committee for the Memorial Healthcare System as well as Chief of Surgery and Surgical Oncology at Memorial Regional in Hollywood. Dr. Donoway served on the Board of the American Cancer Society & Gildas Club. He has also served as past President of the American Cancer Society Broward County Chapter. Dr. Donoway is active in the Society of Surgical Oncology and the American Pancreatic Association. His accomplishments include being the first Surgeon in Florida to perform Radio Frequency Ablation as well as Laparoscopic Liver Resection. Dr. Donoway is a recent recipient of the South Florida Health Award for the use of Micro-Endoscopy for the detection of early stage Breast Cancer. Dr. Donoway is the Medical Director of the Institute of Breast Cancer Prevention and has been repeatedly named to “TOP DOCTORS IN AMERICA” by Castle Connolly. Dr. Donoway is the ONLY surgeon in Florida performing specialized Pancreatic and Liver ablation therapy for non-resectable tumors. Dr. Donoway is the Former Chair of the Aventura Cancer Committee at Aventura Hospital and Medical Center. Dr. Donoway has privileges and operates at Aventura Hospital, Memorial Regional, Memorial South and Memorial West. Continuing to care for our patients during the Coronavirus cirsis
• Now Offering Telemedicine • Office maintains strict disinfection protocol • Dr. Donoway is still operating on patients four days a week
There’s No Disguising It... MLE Makes Learning Fun! By Beverly Perkins
and smiles could still be seen under s everyone knows, the 2020-2021 school year got off to a quite differ- every mask as the students received their goodies. ent start. Virtual learning has been challenging for educators and students “Recognizing students is extremely alike, but the staff at Mirror Lake Elementary important. The ‘Drive-By Awards’ was a (MLE) still want to keep their students safe clever way for us to recognize our kids and happy. During the first quarter, the as well as get together as a school family Plantation elementary school has gotten while adhering to all CDC guidelines,” creative to keep their dolphins engaged and explained Andi Gresham, 2nd grade excited about learning. Gifted Teacher and Team Leader. After each quarter, the dedicated teachAnother exciting happening has been ers always celebrate their hard-working stu- “The Principal’s Self-Care Challenge”. This dents with an awards assembly. But unforbegan in October in an effort to support tunately, the usual ceremony could not take one of MLE’s teachers who was recently place, so an alternative plan was needed. diagnosed with breast cancer. Principal Veliz An Oscar-themed drive-thru celebration was created scratch off cards with a self-care the perfect solution. Kindergarten through activity to complete. fifth graders were instructed to decorate These self-care challenges are as simple their vehicles to represent their grade and as giving a compliment to a friend, walking then drive through the car loop to accept in nature, dancing to your favorite song, their award and prize. The excitement was meditating, watching the sunrise, surprising beyond what anyone could have imagined. someone special with a coffee, and the list Horns were honking, hands were waving, goes on. Those participating must take a
photo of themselves engaging in the activity and then post it on the school Instagram page to be entered into a raffle. The generous principal paid for all prizes on her own and her staff is forever grateful. “Everyone benefits from a self-care challenge,” added Gresham. “Educators often forget to take care of themselves and this was much needed during these difficult times.”
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Mitigating Flood Events in Davie By Mayor Judy Paul
n the past three years, we have seen storm events that historically only occur once every 50 years. The increasing severity and number of storms impacting South Florida lead us to believe that we will continue to see a rise in storm events. The past few weeks are supportive of these concerns as the Town has experienced two significant rainfall events. During the first event in late October, the Town received approximately 15 inches of rainfall over a week’s period. The Town’s drainage system handled this rainfall relatively well; however, there were areas of the Town that experienced roadway and private property flooding due to the lack of a conveyance system and storage capacity. Additionally, as a result of Tropical Storm Eta, the Town received on average 15 inches of rainfall in a 48-72 hour period. Prior to the arrival of Eta, the regional drainage districts including South Florida Water Management District, Central Broward Water Control District, and South Broward Drainage District actively lowered the secondary and primary canals. Following the storm, all pump stations were operating at maximum capacity and flood gates were open to drain out the floodwaters. Nonetheless, many neighborhoods dealt with flooded streets that were impass-
24 / January 2021 / OurCityMedia.com
able and properties were underwater for days including Oak Hill, Little Country, and Grove Estates, Park City East, Vista Filare, and the State Rd 7 Transit-Oriented Corridor to name a few areas. The Town rapidly responded and pumped out approximately 30 million gallons of water to make these areas accessible as quickly as possible to the residents and for public safety response. As a Town, we can either be relegated to responding to these rain events and living with the misery of the aftermath or we can take a more aggressive approach to mitigate them. If we continue to be only reactive the potential of property devaluation, flooded homes, and health impacts will only increase. Therefore, I have proposed a multi-pronged approach to address these conditions. In the past few years, we have discussed implementing a stormwater assessment to fund comprehensive maintenance and improvements of the Town’s drainage system which starts at the drainage basin and ends at the outfall in the canals. We would utilize the funding for drainage system maintenance and small-scale drainage projects. Dialoguing with the local drainage districts to discuss and implement short- and long-term strategies to mitigate flooding. Contacting South Florida Water Management District to discuss how the
Town’s basins can be lowered faster prior to and after storm events. Working with our State and Federal lobbyists to seek state and federal funding for stormwater improvement studies and capital funding. During the days of Eta, the town’s Public Works Department received over 400 calls from residents and businesses. 305 residents left voice messages and out of the 305 residents that left voice messages 231 residents were called back (74 residents did not leave a contact number). We closed multiple roads to create no-wake zones and to expedite pumping, removed five (5) trees at various locations that fell on the road, and in addition to the flood response, we concentrated a lot of our efforts post-flooding, in completing temporary pothole repairs throughout the Town. We will be completing an After Action Report for the response to Tropical Storm Eta. We will evaluate the major strengths demonstrated during the incident, areas that require improvement, and lessons learned. We will also meet with the Central Broward Water Control District to coordinate short and long-term improvements to the drainage system. Happy New Year and continue to stay safe and follow the CDC guidelines. If you have any questions or concerns, please contact me at 954-797-1930
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Now is the time to get healthier and feel better. At our new wellness and medical complex, a plethora of services and resources await you. Urgent care, primary care and diagnostic imaging are just a few of the many services offered here, all provided with the quality care and personalized treatment you expect from Baptist Health.
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When Life Gives You Lemons…Raise $80,000+ By Beverly Perkins
ake one passionate organization, I Care I Cure (ICIC), and add another, Alex’s Lemonade Stand Foundation (ALSF), mix them together, toss in a golf tournament, and it is the perfect recipe to raise funds to find a cure for childhood cancer. I Care I Cure (ICIC) recently merged with Alex’s Lemonade Stand Foundation (ALSF) in an effort to make a larger impact to find a cure for childhood cancer. Sadly, both were founded by parents who suffered a loss of a child to cancer. Each organization has a deep understanding of the needs for better treatments and more cures for all kinds of cancer. This year Wes Holston & Steven Greenbaum, Co-Chairs of I Care I Cure’s Leadership Counsel. has been an
extremely challenging to raise funds for every charitable organization. But cancer does not care about a pandemic or take a break, so the fight must continue. Today, ALSF is one of the leading funders of pediatric cancer research in the U.S. and Canada raising more than $200 million so far, funding over 1,000 research projects, and providing programs to families affected by childhood cancer. Last month I Care I Cure hosted its annual golf event at Grande Oaks Golf Club (the site where Caddyshack was filmed twenty years ago). The Club, all golfers, vendors, and volunteers had to abide by the strictest COVID-19 precautions per Broward County rules and procedures. The 4th annual event began with lunch, a shotgun start with one golfer per cart, followed by a 19th hole socially-distanced cocktail hour and awards dinner. Long drive champion and trick shot artist, Rocky Shipes, also made an appearance after a
one-year hiatus. “I Care I Cure’s 4th annual golf outing was a smashing success, raising more than $80,000 to fight childhood cancer,” said Wes Holston, Co-Chair of I Care I Cure’s Leadership Counsel. Mr. Holston added, “The weather was terrific, allowing our masked and socially-distanced Brad & Beth Besner, Co-Founders of I Care I Cure. attendees to enjoy a fantastic day on the links, thanks to our wonderful sponsors and supporters.” Proceeds will help fund research for targeted and less toxic cures and treatments for childhood cancer.
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28 / January 2021 / OurCityMedia.com
1/31/21 SFLD
1/31/21 SFLD
January 2021 / OurCityMedia.com / 29
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Thanks 2020!
his year 2020 has been for sure an unseen, unpredictable, and unexpected year for all of us, especially due to COVID-19. One day we were living our regular lives and another day we saw on the news something about a new virus that was spreading really fast and then suddenly: no more schools, we were making lines at the supermarket and desperately trying to learn how to make our way through online grocery shopping. Most of us were forced to stop working and with that followed, no more soccer games, no more dance classes, no more group activities indoor or outdoors. We all started new routines or had no routine at all while forced to stay at home. As a mom of a 1st grader, a 6th grader, and a Senior, our world was shaken completely leaving all of us, including my
husband, at home going from being working parents to teachers, to full time parents and full time husband and wife. and enjoy good quality family time, to value Every day was a new challenge but as all we have, to think about new desires, each day passed I started to enjoy my family priorities or goals in life and be excited and even more and more, I started looking at ready for the good things to come. my children with a mindful heart again, we Thanks 2020. Even though it was difficult started to play game boards again, spent for millions of people, through the trials you time doing crafts and working on things we taught us to stop and really appreciate our never had time for before. We finally had lives and the world around us. It was defithe whole day just to be at home together nitely an unforgettable year full of learning without the rush of our previous life. experiences! Of course this pandemic brought hard ⊲ Amelis Lopez has been a resident of the city of times for all of us, losing our jobs with bills Weston since 2009 and a mother of 3 children to pay, being enclosed and unable to visit ages 6, 12, and 18 years old. She earned her our loved ones or losing a loved one, not bachelor’s degree in Business Administration having the freedom of going out without and has more than 15 years experience in the field. Her passion for children drove her to being scared of getting seriously sick and work in Early Education when she became a of course having the uncertainty of the near mon and now has over 8 years of experience future; all the plan that people had just went working in Preschool and has earned her away. Yet, through all of this new experience, Director’s Credential & National Administrator we received the gift of time practically Certificate. She became a part of the Tiny Planet Preschool family in 2016. coming to a halt, we had time to reconnect
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January 2021 / OurCityMedia.com / 31
Once Upon A Time By Beverly Perkins
nce Upon A Time not too long ago a second-grade teacher in the City of Plantation was determined to shed some light during the darkness of the global pandemic. Andi Gresham, 2nd grade Gifted Teacher and Team Leader at Mirror Lake Elementary (MLE) began a weekly Facebook Live “Storybook Time”. “Back in March, when everything shut down. I wanted a way to stay connected with my students and give parents a few minutes to relax,” explained Gresham. “I was also worried about both my current and former students, I wanted them to see me and feel comfort. I would wear wings and silly headbands to help get their attention while reading the story.
Although, I was doing something fun, I was sure to sneak in a vocabulary ‘Word of the Day’ and comprehension questions about the book.” The dedicated educator began this fun project during what was scheduled to be Spring Break and continued through the last day of school. It became so popular that many families started watching and interacting together each week. The response was overwhelming with anywhere from 100-260 views of each story. “I like when Mrs. Gresham does themes and does crazy things to her hair. Other kids should come to story time because she is funny,” exclaimed Jordan, a current student. When school finally resumed,
Gresham received an abundance of requests from former MLE students, staff, and parents, as well as her own family urging her to keep “Storybook Time” going. So, she created a Facebook page called “Teach Gresham” so anyone and everyone can join in on the fun. She reads every Thursday night at 6:30 pm. Stories are consistently posted on the page in case anyone missed the live event or want to watch again. “I have kids and adults all over the United States and my family in Canada that tuning in. My hubby laughed when I put new wigs on my Christmas wish list. It has been so rewarding doing story time especially during the pandemic. My favorite part is also sharing that time with
my one-year-old baby boy. He closes out each story time with me as we do a special virtual hug and send kisses to everyone,” added Gresham.
*Expires 01/31/21 SFLD
32 / January 2021 / OurCityMedia.com
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January 2021 / OurCityMedia.com / 33
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34 / January 2021 / OurCityMedia.com
he appreciation of residential real estate is well above historic annual averages, according to Steve Harney, Real Estate prognosticator. According to the Federal Housing Finance Agency (FHFA), annual appreciation since 1991 has averaged 3.8%. Here are the latest 2020 appreciation numbers from three reliable sources: • FHFA: 7.8% • CoreLogic: 7.3% • Case-Shiller: 7% We need to keep everything in perspective with regards to home appreciation. Following the housing crash, home values depreciated dramatically from 2007-2011. Values are still recovering from that unusually long period of falling prices. We must also realize that normal inflation has had an impact. The pandemic caused many households to reconsider whether their current home still fulfills their lifestyle. Their needs on the inside of the home have changed. People now want home offices, gyms, and living rooms well-suited for video conferencing. Barbara Ballinger, a freelance writer and the author of several books on real estate, recently wrote: “While homeowners continue to want their outdoor spaces that offer a safe retreat, that appeal has shifted into other parts of the home, coupling comfort with function. In other words, homeowners want amenities for work and leisure, and they plan to enjoy them long after the pandemic.” At the same time, concerns about the pandemic have caused many homeowners to put their plans to sell on hold. Realtor.com just released their November Monthly Housing Market Trends Report. It explains: “Nationally, the inventory of homes for sale decreased 39.2% over the past year in November…This amounted to 490,000 fewer homes for sale compared to November of last year.” More people buying and fewer people selling has caused home prices to escalate. However, with a vaccine on the horizon, more homeowners will be putting their houses on the market. This will better balance supply with demand and slow down the rapid appreciation. That’s why major organizations in the housing industry are calling for much more moderate home appreciation next year. Here are the most recent forecasts for 2021: • National Association of Realtors: 4.5% • Freddie Mac: 2.6% • Fannie Mae: 2.1% • Mortgage Bankers Association: 2% This Is NOT 2006 Lawrence Yun, Chief Economist at the National Association of Realtors (NAR), explains why this is nothing like 2006: “Such a frenzy of activity, reminiscent of 2006, raises questions about a bubble and the potential for a painful crash. The answer: There’s no comparison. Back in 2006, dubious adjustable-rate mortgages taxed many buyers’ budgets. Some loans didn’t even require income documentation. Today, buyers are taking out 30-year fixed-rate mortgages. Fourteen years ago, there were 3.8 million homes listed for sale, and home builders were putting up about 2 million new units. Now, inventory is only about 1.5 million homes, and home builders are underproducing relative to historical averages.” With the end of the health crisis insight, we will see price appreciation return to more normal levels next year. However, we cannot time the market. Who would have ever predicted 2020 and in some cases, total lifestyle and workstyle changes? It’s always a great time to sell in South Florida. Zona Horton has been successfully selling Real Estate in South Florida for over 30
years. She works for the international Keller Williams family of companies and serves Davie, Cooper City and surrounding cities. Call her for all your Real Estate needs. For information, visit www.ZonaHorton.com or send an email to zonahorton@gmail.com. ZONA HORTON, P.A., Your Resource for All Things Real Estate.
3Natives Acai & Juicery By Jaclyn Barrella
Natives - Acai & Juicery takes a healthy twist on the “fast food” mindset by serving healthy and convenient food at an affordable price. This healthy lifestyle café is well-known for their fresh and flavorful acai bowls, smoothies, salads, wraps, cold-pressed
juices, and more! 3Natives makes a bulk of what they serve in-house and on a daily basis to ensure freshness and help you easily live a healthy lifestyle. With over 17 locations across Florida and another to open in 2021, The Pembroke Pines location is the first and only location thus far to break ground in Broward County. Each 3Natives is locally owned and operated. The Pembroke Pines location, established in December 2019, is operated by siblings Frank & Jaclyn along with
their father Frank’s guidance. This year tested them but with good faith, hard work ethic and a strong family bond they are determined to push through these trying times. 3Natives Pembroke Pines is thankful
for the community supporting their small business this past year. You can follow them on their social media pages @3NativesPembrokePines & @3Natives for the latest updates, newest offerings and events they are participating in our community! With the New Year here this healthy lifestyle café is one you must check out!
January 2021 / OurCityMedia.com / 35
Estate Planning. Let’s Get Started. By Bruce Iden, Esquire
ost clients who initiate estate planning do so to provide for their loved ones’ needs, and to avoid burdening their family after they are gone with probate and administration expense and delay. But, no matter your reason for initiating estate planning, it is imperative that you understand what your options are, and how a thoughtful estate plan can work for you. Your plan may be simple (just a will), or more complex (a revocable living trust). Let’s examine the estate planning process by exploring the areas we refer to as the three p’s of estate planning. People - Who are the important people in your life? Your important people likely include your loved ones: your spouse or partner, children and grandchildren, and perhaps your parents, siblings or other relatives. Beyond these people, other important “people” could also include charities, special causes, colleges or universities, or churches or temples to which you are connected. For some, important people may also include pets. Spend some time thinking about the impact others have had on your life. Make a list and jot down notes. This is where the planning process begins. Property - By property, we are referring to your assets in general. Compile a list of the assets you own or control. At this point, you do not need to identify policy or account numbers, or exact dollar values. Rather, think about your assets in terms of their nature (including cash, stocks, bonds, businesses, real estate), their value, and your ownership interest. Do you own assets in your name only, in joint tenancy with someone else, or through some other arrangement? Be sure to include often-overlooked assets such as life insurance (death benefit), money owed to you, and any inheritance you may expect to receive. Plans - After identifying the important people in your life and your property, the next step is to consider plans for those people (including yourself), and your property in the event of your own incapacity or death. Whom would you select to make decisions if you could no longer do so yourself? Would the same person handle your finances and your personal and health care decisions? Who would care for your minor children? Who will run your business? How would you distribute your assets to your “people”? Would you like to minimize the impact of estate taxes, or maximize the impact of a charitable bequest? Is there a member of your family with special needs whom you would like to provide for? And finally, is there someone who perhaps should not receive an outright inheritance, without a third-party to manage investments and distributions? These are just a few of the issues to consider when approaching the planning process. An experienced estate planning attorney can help you explore all of these areas and work with you to develop a plan for your unique situation. Life can change in an instant. What are you waiting for?
⊲ Bruce Iden earned his J.D. from George Washington University
National Law Center and his L.L.M in taxation from the University of Miami School of Law. He has been practicing in the areas of estate planning, real estate and business law for over 30 years. For more information, or to schedule a consultation with Mr. Iden, contact Iden Law Offices at 954-885-0085.
36 / January 2021 / OurCityMedia.com
Our City Media 1/19 Sudoku
By Evan H. Baron, Esq.
To solve the Sudoku puzzle, each row, column and
think we can all agree that 2020 has box must contain the numbers 1 to 9. been a difficult year in so many ways. The first time our generation has had to experience a Pandemic and all of the issues that it brings. I’m sure most of us have had time to think about what in life is really important. Hopefully when all goes back to normal or whatever the new normal turns We Remain Open & Able To Assist You During These Difficult Times out to be, we will remember just what is important in all of our lives. In my practice, I have seen people spend years and thousands NOW RESOLVING FAMILY of dollars fighting over issues which often are really not worth LAW ISSUES VIRTUALLY TRAINED IN THE fighting over. If we stop to think and realize how precious our time COLLABORATIVE LAW PROCESS At EHB & Associates, we are prioritizing the health and safety of our is perhaps we can avoid disagreements which can be resolved Divorce • Relocation • Custody clients and their families by providing by simply talking to one another with respect. In spite of the fact Child Support • Domestic Violence alternative ways to communicate during this time of social distancing. that I make my living in representing individuals involved in these Continuing to serve theWeston, Davie and disagreements, I can assure you that I do my best to focus on Pines areas with over 30 years of experience. Visit us online at www.DivorceBroward.com what is important. Sometimes I am successful in this endeavor and To Schedule a Virtual Consultation sometimes I am not. With the beginning of a New Year, perhaps a worthwhile resolu2111 North Commerce Parkway, Weston 33326 tion would simply be to try and work things out before the fighting Law@DivorceBroward.com begins. As my website states “Adversaries litigate, Families collaborate”. Nobody anticipates getting divorced but unfortunately, it is a reality in many marriages. If a divorce is either pending or about The hiring of a lawyer is an important decision that should not be based solely upon advertisements. Before Our City Media you decide, ask us to send you free written information about our qualifications and experience. PuzzleJ to begin, or issues from a previous divorce have arisen, think about1/19 Crossword what is important in your life as well as your children’s lives. Focus on the big picture and not the mini battles. Many couples will not agree to a time-sharing schedule. Copyright ©2018 PuzzleJunction.com Solution Sometimes the reason for not agreeing is valid, oftentimes it is not. What every child needs is the love of both parents. This doesn’t always have to equate to equal time with both parents. I have had G P S H A T E L I L individuals refuse to settle a case and continue to litigate over one A D E N O D E A L O E C O S T E L L O L O O N or two days a month with a child. Instead of a 50/50 time-sharing A L L E N A T T A C K schedule, it becomes a 48% to 52%. Logically it would seem that B U S H I F I a compromise can be reached with these facts. Often times it is in S C A L D P A L P U N reality a power struggle and nobody wishes to give in. The interT E G S O S O T U N E ests of the children remain secondary. You must ask yourself, is the G A P H O P E D Y E A extra day worth the battle? C O O P F E N Personal property can also result in petty disputes. Unless O D O R S I N N I N G Sudoku Solution the items in question have either sentimental value or significant E V I L N I N E P I N S value because they are rare, most items are easily replaced. I can E D I T T A C O E N D never understand couples who spend significant attorney’s fees L A P S N E W S E A to litigate over items that have less value than the fees they are 1 6 8 7 9 2 5 3 4 paying, but couples routinely do. I am not suggesting that all disputes that occur in the process 5 2 4 3 8 1 9 7 6 of a divorce can be resolved by talking it out. More often than not, 3 7 9 4 5 6 1 2 8 the issues to be litigated are of major significance to the parties 6 1 7 9 2 5 4 8 3 or the minor children. When issues like these cannot be resolved then the Judge will be asked to decide. Hopefully, the next time an 4 5 3 8 6 7 2 1 9 issue arises either during a divorce or after the divorce is final, the 9 8 2 1 3 4 7 6 5 parties can simply ask themselves is this dispute really benefiting anyone or perhaps they can make better use of their time. 7 4 6 5 1 3 8 9 2
6 2 8
1 8 954-385-9160 4 5 6 7
⊲ The law firm of Evan H. Baron and Associates is located at 1655 North Commerce Parkway, Suite 201, in Weston. If you have any questions concerning this issue or any other family law matter, call the office at 954-385-9160.
8 3 1 2 4 9 6 5 7 2 9 5 6 7 8 3 4 1 January 2021 / OurCityMedia.com / 37
Ankle Fractures (Broken Ankle)
By Dr. Michael M. Cohen, DPM, FACFAS
nkle fracturesotherwise known as broken ankles are common injuries in people of all ages and lifestyles. They may occur during any sport involving a twisting or jumping motion such as football, basketball, ballet, and running. They may also occur as a result of a motor vehicle accident, slip or fall from a height. People (particularly post-menopausal women) with osteoporosis may be susceptible. When one breaks an ankle, they have fractured one or more of three bones which make up the ankle. If treated improperly the injury could lead to long-term disability. The ankle joint is made up of the tibia (shin bone) the larger of two bones in the lower leg and flares out at its lower end forming a knob on the inside of the ankle called the medial malleolus and another flare in the back known as the posterior malleolus. The smaller of the two bones in the leg is the fibula and flares out on the outside of the ankle to form the lateral malleolus. The tibia and fibula rest on the talus, a wedge-shaped bone connecting the foot to the leg. We think of the ankle as a room with three sides and a roof. The tibia forms the roof, the medial malleolus (inside wall), and the posterior malleolus (backside wall). The lateral malleolus forms the outside wall of the room. Ligaments connect these structures together to guide movement and assure stability. If a major ligament such as the Deltoid or Syndesmotic ligament is torn the ankle is generally considered unstable. A syndesmotic tear may involve a fracture of the fibula near the knee (Maisonneuve fracture). The lateral malleolar ankle fracture is the most common, and bimalleolar (lateral and medial) the second most common. When all three sides are fractured (medial, lateral, and posterior) the injury is referred to
38 / January 2021 / OurCityMedia.com
as a trimalleolar fracture. As the number of fractures or level of impact increases so does the risk of long-term damage to the ankle joint. Ankle fractures may be nondisplaced (in correct position) or displaced (misaligned). High velocity fractures are known as Pilon fractures and have the worst long-term prognosis because of the extensive comminution and damage to the joint. These fractures inherently pose the worst long-term prognosis reduction using specialized plates and because the ankle shatters in many pieces screws. A foot and ankle specialist may wait and quite often lead to chronic disability and one to three weeks for swelling to resolve arthritis regardless of how well the ankle before the ankle is surgically repaired. After was repaired. Many of these patients will surgery, patients must remain non-weight inevitably require additional surgery in the bearing for a period of anywhere from future to eliminate pain. The procedures 4-6 weeks to a few months depending on may include fusion where the bones are the severity of the fracture. A graduated welded together or an ankle replacement. rehabilitative period is prescribed during the X-rays of the ankle and knee are postoperative period to allow the patient required to diagnose an ankle fracture. to regain movement, strength, and balance. More advanced imaging such as CT or Risk factors for poorer outcomes in proper MRI is often necessary to determine the healing of ankle fractures include smoking, extent of the injury. With modern imaging diabetes (especially if under poor control), techniques, a three-dimensional recreation age, and peripheral neuropathy. of the fracture can be obtained with a CT ⊲ Dr. Cohen is a published author, is on faculty scan allowing the surgeon to fully assess at several South Florida residency programs, the fracture. Treatment is based on the podiatric medical colleges and frequent lecturer. alignment and stability of the ankle with the He practices with the Foot, Ankle and Leg goal being to heal the fracture(s) as close to Specialists of South Florida specializing in lower perfect as possible. A fracture displaced 2 leg injuries and reconstructive surgery of the foot and ankle. The practice includes Robert or more millimeters can result in long term Sheinberg DPM, Al DeSimone MD, Fernando problems and often necessitates an operMoya MD PhD, Alexander Bertot MD, David ation. Unfortunately, arthritis may develop Shenassa MD, Carlo Messina DPM, Franz Jones even when the ankle has been placed in DO and John Goodner DPM. The South Florida good alignment because of the irreparable Institute of Sports Medicine in Weston is located damage done to the bone and cartilage at at 1600 Town Center Blvd., Suite C, (954) 3895900 and in Pembroke Pines at 17842 NW 2nd the time of injury. Not all fractures require surgery. Simple nondisplaced fractures may Street, (954) 430-9901 The practice website is be treated with a cast or walking boot. More www southfloridasportsmedicine.com severe injuries however require surgical
Understanding Ankle Pain By Dr. Warren Windram D.P.M. Foot & Ankle Surgeon
nkle arthritis occurs when the protective cartilage between bones gradually wears down, causing bones to rub together. This bone-on-bone contact causes pain and makes it more difficult to move. Ankle arthritis can range from less severe to more severe with various degrees of lifestyle restriction. MoveWright™ Total Ankle Replacement is a treatment for severe ankle arthritis. Symptoms of Ankle Arthritis • Tenderness Or Pain • Reduced Ability To Move, Walk, Or Bear Weight • Stiffness • Swelling Main Causes of Ankle Arthritis • Previous injuries: Either a single trauma or a series of small, repeated injuries, such as sprains and strains endured over years of exercising and activity • Osteoarthritis (OA): Results from aging and gradual wear on the ankle over time Rheumatoid arthritis (RA): An autoimmune disease causing joint inflammation Total ankle replacement is for severe ankle arthritis. In ankle replacement, the physician replaces damaged cartilage with an implant
that bends and flexes easily, similar to a healthy ankle. Ankle replacement relieves ankle pain and increases mobility, allowing you to get back to activities you love. And it can take half the recovery time of the traditional procedure, ankle fusion. MoveWright™ Total Ankle Replacement procedures are the only to feature a personalized preoperative navigation system option. Using a CT scan of your ankle in advance of your surgery, MoveWright™ can create a plan for sizing and aligning the implant to your unique anatomy, for the most natural fit possible. Comparing Traditional Treatments For Severe Ankle Arthritis Non-Surgical Options Used for Less Severe Arthritis • Pain medications such as aspirin and ibuprofen • Shoe inserts such as pads and arch supports • Ankle-foot orthosis (AFO), a plastic brace worn on the lower leg and foot • Steroid injections into the ankle
For severe arthritis • Ankle fusion: Ankle bones are fused together. Because the joint cannot move or bend, there is less pain, but there is often an irregular gait (walking stride) • Total ankle replacement: An artificial implant allows the ankle to move and bend without pain. The person regains a more normal gait (walking stride). In fact, four out of five doctors surveyed agree that patients who undergo total ankle replacement have a better quality of life after the procedure!* Before Total Ankle Replacement, most patients would get an ankle fusion to help relieve end-stage ankle arthritis pain. While ankle fusion is still an effective option for relieving ankle arthritis pain, it prevents motion and many studies have shown benefits of Total Ankle Replacement over ankle fusion. ⊲ Dr. Windram specializes in foot & ankle reconstruc-
tive/trauma surgery, with a particular interest in total ankle joint replacement surgery. He has always been involved with podiatric surgical training, working as the podiatric surgical residency director at Memorial Health Care System. Dr. Windram is the current director of the Foot and Ankle Fellowship program at Westside Regional Medical Center and a clinical instructor at Westside and Memorial Health Care System’s podiatric surgical residency programs. South Florida Institute of Sports Medicine 220 S.W. 84th Avenue, Suite 102, Plantation, FL 33324
Surgical Options For Less Severe to Moderately Severe Arthritis • Debridement: Procedure removes bone spurs and loose pieces of cartilage if these are causing ankle pain
South Florida Institute of Sports Medicine
• Flat feet • High Arches • Fractures • Growing Pains • Warts
• Toe Walkers • In Toe • Out Toe • Limping • Ingrown Nail
FRACTURES Why go to an Emergency Room? All Foot, Ankle, and Leg Fractures in Children and Adults! FOOT AND ANKLE ARTHRITIS Total Joint Replacement, Ankle Replacement, Arthroscopy, Fusions, Joint Realignment
CARTILAGE INJURIES Microfractures, Cartilage Transplants, Osteochondral Grafting RECONSTRUCTIVE FOOT, ANKLE AND LEG SURGERY Flat Foot, Bunions, Hammertoes, Ligament Repair, Achilles Tendon Tears, Arthritis Surgery SPORTS MEDICINE Tendon and Ligament injuries, Heel Pain, Shockwave Therapy, PRP & Stem Cell Injections, Arthroscopy and Tendoscopy, Shin Splints, Compartment Syndrome
Dr. John Goodner, D.P.M.
Dr. Robert Sheinberg, D.P.M. - In Loving Memory -
Dr. Carlo Messina, D.P.M.
1600 Town Center Blvd.
17842 NW 2nd St.
Dr. Michael Cohen, D.P.M.
220 S.W. 84th Ave., #102
954-720-1530 SATURDAY HOURS
Make Your Appointment Online at www.SouthFloridaSportsMedicine.com
FOOT, ANKLE & LEG QUESTIONS? EMAIL THE DOCTOR! DrJohnGoodner@gmail.com (Don’t Send Protected Health Information)
IMEs • Personal Injury • Worker’s Compensation Most HMOs/PPOs • All Foot Ankle & Leg Emergencies Same Day Appointments • Saturday Appointments Early Morning & Evening Appointments
SELF PAY RATES (Procedure cost is in addition to office visit.) New Patient . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $200 Surgery Consult . . . . . . . . . . . $200 Injections . . . . . . . . . .$75 per shot Casts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .$175 Follow Up Visit . . . . . . . . $50-$100 Orthotics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $350 Ingrown Nail . . . . . . . . . . . . . .$125 X-Rays . . . . . . . . . . . . $50 per area PRP . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .$600 Shockwave (3 sessions) . . . . $500 Laceration Repair . . . . . . . . . $250 Wound Care . . . . . . . . . . .$75-$125 (FOR CHRONIC HEEL PAIN & TENDONITIS)
SPORTS MEDICINE ASSOCIATES (Self Pay Rates Do Not Apply To This Practice Below)
Dr. Al DeSimone, M.D. Board Certified SHOULDER & KNEE SPECIALIST
Dr. Fernando Moya, M.D. Board Certified SHOULDER & KNEE SPECIALIST
Dr. David Shenassa, M.D. Board Qualified HAND & WRIST SURGEON
Dr. Alexander Bertot, M.D. Board Certified SPORTS MEDICINE SPECIALIST
Dr. Franz Jones, D.O. Board Certified SPINE SPECIALIST
January 2021 / OurCityMedia.com / 39 39
There’s Always Something to Smile About at Super Smiles Pediatric Dentistry & Orthodontics By Beverly Perkins
uper Smiles Pediatric Dentistry and Orthodontics is a team of certified dental specialists in pediatric dentistry and orthodontics. They offer dental care for children ages one to 18, and orthodontics for children, adolescents and adults. Their primary goal is to make a positive difference in the lives of children, adolescents, and adults by offering the highestquality dental care in a comfortable, relaxed and friendly environment. Dr. Buscemi and Dr. Maruri (a husband and wife team at Super Smiles) answered some commonly asked questions about their practice.
When should I first take my child to the dentist? The American Academy of Pediatric Dentistry (AAPD) recommends that a child go to the dentist by age one or within six months after the first tooth erupts. The idea of such early dental visits is still surprising to many new parents. However, national studies have shown that preschool-aged children are getting more cavities. More than 1 in 4 children in the United States has had at least one cavity by the age of 4. Many kids get cavities as early as age 2. To prevent early childhood cavities, parents first have to find out their child’s risk of developing cavities. They also need to learn how to manage diet as well as make a proper hygiene regimen. What should my child expect at his/her firstdental visit? At your first dental visit, I (Dr. Buscemi) will examine and clean your child’s teeth, but more importantly I get a chance to assess your child’s oral health and how to best care for their teeth before any problems may occur. We will discuss the best way for you to clean your child’s teeth, the proper way to use fluoride and oral habits such as finger and pacifier sucking. The main goal of the first dental visit is to make it a positive experience for the child so they perceive going to the dentist as fun as opposed to the negative reputation that going to the dentist has. 40 / January 2021 / OurCityMedia.com
What is the difference between a pediatric dentist and a family dentist? Pediatric dentists are the pediatricians of dentistry. Pediatric dentists are primary oral care providers which receive an additional two to three years of residency training beyond dental school making us specialists in treating infants and children through adolescence, including those with special needs. How can parents help prevent tooth decay? The first step is to not share bottles, utensils or anything that goes in your mouth with your child. When your child is born, their mouth is free of the tooth decay causing bacteria Mutans Streptococci (MS). Multiple studies have shown that infants are first inoculated with MS via mother-child transmission. While it is impossible to keep your child totally free of disease causing pathogens like MS, having a regimented hygiene and diet plan is the first place to start. Simple things such as not letting them fall asleep with a bottle and cleaning their teeth as soon as they erupt with gauze and water will greatly decrease their risk of getting tooth decay. Do you offer laughing gas and sedation dentistry? Yes, part of the specialty training that pediatric dentists receive is in pediatric analgesia. Though most children do very well with just behavioral management techniques, a child with uncontrollable body movements can be unsafe in a dental treatment room. The lightest and most common form of analgesia is nitrous oxide (laughing gas). Then the next level of sedation is conscious oral sedation, where oral sedatives along with nitrous oxide are used to make your child sleepy but still awake with the ability to respond when spoken too. If a child is extremely uncooperative and has a severe medical/dental condition, I have hospital privileges at Joe DiMaggio Children’s Hospital where a pediatric anesthesiologist will provide the proper anesthesia. When should my child be evaluated for orthodontic treatment? Traditionally, treatment with dental braces begins when a child has lost most of his or her baby (primary) teeth, and a majority of his or her adult (permanent) teeth have grown in, this is usually between the ages of 10-14. However in circumstance where a malocclusion may hinder growth or orthopedic expansion of the jaws is needed, orthodontics may be started earlier. The American Association of Orthodontist (AAO) recommends getting your first orthodontic evaluation by age 7. What types of braces do you offer? We offer four types of orthodontic appliances in our office. The majority of our younger patients choose traditional metal braces so they can change colors every time they come in for an adjustment. Our more aesthetically concerned patient can choose between ceramic braces, Invisalign™ and lingual braces (braces placed on the inside of the teeth).
Can adults get orthodontic treatment in your office? Absolutely, actually around 25 percent of our orthodontic patients are adults. Adult orthodontics nationally has increased 40% in the last decade. Currently over 1 million adults receive orthodontic treatment each year. There are special considerations for adults such as periodontal disease and missing teeth that children usually do not have. Therefore, you will need good communication with your general dentist and orthodontist to make sure all aspects of your oral health are being addressed. How often do I have to come in for orthodontic adjustments? The length of time between braces adjustments for my patients is typically every 6-8 weeks. It is important to understand that the length of time between your orthodontic adjustments does not correspond with how fast your teeth are moving. Modern braces use wires that are a mixture of metals (alloys) originally designed by NASA for outer space. This combination of metals allows the wire to apply gentle forces for a long period of time. Unlike older stainless steel wires that typically had to be adjusted every month, modern alloy wires can be effective for serveral months. n Super Smiles Coral Springs is conveniently located on N. University Drive just South of Royal Palm Blvd. For information, call (954) 473-6900 or visit www.SuperSmilesFL.com
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