Our City Weston: October 2021

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he City of Weston is home to a number of sports leagues. With the school year in full swing, many families are looking for activities for their little ones. Luckily, you won’t have to drive far to find programs in almost any sport. There are baseball, softball, basketball, field hockey, flag football, tackle football, cheerleading, lacrosse, rugby, and soccer programs for most ages and skill levels.

Here are a few options!

BASEBALL, SOFTBALL & T-BALL Weston Athletic League (WAL)

westonathleticleague.org 954-270-4514 The Weston Athletic League has programs for kids beginning at age 7 all the way through high school. Players are slotted in divisions based on their age, experience and skill level to ensure every player has a great time and learns the game.


YMCASouthFlorida.org 954-424-9622 The Weston YMCA Family Center offers a full range of competitive youth sports options – t-ball, basketball, soccer, volleyball, flag football, martial arts, swimming and gymnastics. The “Y” is a great place for kids to try new sports and get top-notch instruction.

Weston Explosion Softball

westonrecsoftball.com The Weston Explosion softball club runs two seasons each year: September through December and January through April. Players are slotted into divisions starting with 4-6-year-olds in T-Ball all the way up to 15-18U competitive teams.

Weston Travel Baseball

In addition to recreational leagues, Weston is home to travel teams at almost every age level. Weston Travel Baseball has fielded some of the best teams in the state. For more info visit their facebook page @westontravelbaseball

Weston Sports Leagues Offer Something for Everyone By Jon Duka


YMCA Basketball

YMCASouthFlorida.org 954-424-9622 The Weston YMCA Family Center offers a full range of competitive youth sports options – t-ball, basketball, soccer, volleyball, flag football, martial arts, swimming and gymnastics. The “Y” is a great place for kids to try new sports and get topnotch instruction. YMCASouthFlorida.org


Weston Field Hockey

westonfieldhockey2017@gmail.com Field Hockey is the fourth most popular sport in the world. The folks at Weston Field Hockey have the knowledge to get your athlete playing like a star. For more info, visit @WestonFHC on facebook.


YMCA Flag Football

YMCASouthFlorida.org 954-424-9622 The Weston YMCA Family Center offers a full range of competitive youth sports options – t-ball, basketball, soccer, volleyball, flag football, martial arts, swimming and gymnastics. The “Y” is a great place for kids to try new sports and get topnotch instruction.

Weston Warriors Tackle Football & Cheer

www.westonwarriorssports.com 954-900-6050 The Weston Warriors offer divisions from age 5 up to 14. Their teams compete in Pop Warner’s Gold Coast Division with games held on Saturdays during the fall. The program focuses on teaching the fundamentals of football and cheer while encouraging kids to have fun.

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Weston Warriors Lacrosse

westonwarriorslacrosse.com 754-264-2405 The Weston Warriors offer both boys and girls lacrosse programs beginning with U6. It is a great way to introduce the sport to young ones in a less competitive environment. As players move up levels the teams get more competitive. The club also has boys and girls travel teams for more advanced players.


AYSO Recreational Soccer

ayso644.org AYSO Region 644 is one of the most active soccer clubs in the country. The program is organized around AYSO’s six philosophies: Everyone plays, balanced teams, open registration, positive coaching, good sportsmanship, and player development. They always welcome new players at all skill levels.

Weston FC Travel Soccer

www.westonfc.org 954-349-7261 Weston FC is dedicated to providing the best training environment for all levels of competitive players so they can achieve the highest level of play. Formed in 1998 with 100 players, Weston FC has grown into one of the largest and most respected competitive soccer clubs in the nation.


Okapi Wanders Rugby Club

okapiwanderersrugby.com 954-870-4241 The game of rugby teaches discipline and teamwork while also giving players a good workout. Players are placed on teams by age with two practices a week during the season.

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