Our City Weston: October 2021

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By Frank Dreier, Rotarian

n Sunday morning, December 5th, 2021, the City of Weston will be the place to be for fun and friendly competitions. The Rotary Club of Weston and the City of Weston will present its 24th Annual Joe DiMaggio Children's Hospital Run for Tomorrow Half Marathon, Half Marathon Relay, 10K and 5K runs, and the 1 Mile Family Walk. Following the Runs and Walk, the Fun & Health Festival is opening to the public with many activities and the opportunity to win Get Fit Challenge prizes. Over the years, the Rotary Club's Run for Tomorrow has realized over $1,000,000 in proceeds for charities serving local needs, as well as humanitarian projects in other countries and polio eradication programs through The Rotary Foundation. "The Rotary Club of Weston is honored to have Joe DiMaggio Children's Hospital return as our generous title sponsor for the 2021 Run for Tomorrow and Commission Cup Challenge," said Frank Dreier, Weston Rotarian and Run Chair. "The way the community keeps coming together for this event, year after year, is so rewarding. The sponsors, runners, City of Weston, volunteers, and families who turn out to enjoy the day may not realize the difference they're making by participating in the fun. But I can tell you; it's huge." The Runs will start in front of Cypress Bay High School between 6:20 AM and 7:30 AM. All Run participants will receive a beautiful die-cast participation medal, a

Dri-fit runner's shirt, and medals for the The City of Weston Mayor, Margaret “Peggy”Brown (center); best runners. The 1 Mile Walk will begin Commissioner Chris Eddy (left); and Commissioner Henry Mead (right) around 8:30 AM. Participation is free and required to enter into the competition for the Commission Cup trophy by Weston's elementary schools. All registered kids will receive a Commission Cup T-Shirt. In addition, the citizens of Weston are invited to join the "Get Fit Challenge" by participating in multiple fitness activities throughout the City of Weston. The challenge is to collect 1 Million Get Fit The City of Weston Mayor, Margaret “Peggy”Brown, (speaker); minutes starting November 6th until Joe DiMaggio Children’s Hospital Administrative Director of the Fun & Health Festival on December Community Relations, Milin Espino (2nd right); and Rotary Club 5th. All participants will enter into the of Weston Run For Tomorrow Chair, Frank Dreier (right) Get Fit Challenge raffle. For more event The Run for Tomorrow is the oldest, details and registration for the Runs, the largest, most successful health and wellness Commission Cup, and the Get Fit Challenge, event in Weston. Several generous sponsors visit westonrotaryrun.com. stepped up, including Diamond Sponsors "There is something for everyone at our DynaServ and UKG and Platinum Sponsors festival events," added Jesus Sanchez, felDr. Jaffer Foundation, with many more low Rotarian and Co-chair. "Friends, Families, signed up since. If you or your company are and children will be welcomed by many interested in participating in this premier booths with fun & health activities and raffles community event, contact sponsorships@ for great prizes. Kids can help their elemenrotaryrunfortomorrow.com for more informatary schools compete for the Commission tion on available sponsorship opportunities. Cup by joining the 1 Mile walk and completEveryone is invited, so join us on December ing a minimum number of activities. Their 5th and make a difference for many tomorschool may win a $1,000 cash prize. You rows to come. won't want to miss this family-friendly event The Rotary Club of Weston meets weekly at that has become a Weston holiday season 7:30 AM on Thursdays at The Club at Weston tradition while being for a great cause and Hills and via ZOOM and Facebook Live. Visit helping many people in need."

www.westonrotary.com to learn more

The City of Weston, The Rotary Club of Weston, and Joe DiMaggio Children’s Hospital team up again for the 24th Annual Rotary Run For Tomorrow.

54 / Our City Weston / October 2021 / OurCityMedia.com

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