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Dealing with false guilt

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Letting go

Then one of the seraphim flew to me with a live coal in his hand, which he had taken with tongs from the altar. With it he touched my mouth and said, “See, this has touched your lips; your guilt is taken away and your sin atoned for.” —Isaiah 6:6–7

If Satan, the great accuser, can burden us with guilt for serving and loving others, he will find a way to do it. So we need to learn to recognise whether we’re dealing with true guilt stemming from an offence, or false guilt from selfcondemnation or the weight of other people’s expectations. When you feel guilt pressing in, take your feelings to God in prayer, consult His Word, and be honest—and fair—to yourself. Ask yourself: • Does my guilt come fr om a sinful action or attitud e? • Hav e I violated a principle or command of Scripture? • Am I trying to meet an unrealistic expectation? • Am I trying to be perfect?

• Is the guilt coming from the condemning attitude of others or myself ? • Am I relying on m y works and service to gain approval? • Am I willing to rest in the knowledge that my sufficiency comes from God? If your honest assessment uncovers sources of true guilt, it is a signal to confess, repent, and seek reconciliation. But if you discover that your guilt is false, then consider building boundaries to protect yourself from the unnecessary burden of unrealistic expectations. You can st art by establishing healthy, God-honouring priorities. Your first priority should be your spiritual life: seek God in prayer and through His

Word constantly, live out His Word, and remain in the body of believers. Then take time to think through other priorities and sort out the “have-to’s” and “wantto’s” with your family. Ultimately , when you are better able to identify and understand your duties as a caregiver, you will be able to focus more on the duties that you can fulfil—and leave those that you cannot to God.

Father, help me to silence the voice of false guilt with the truth of Your Word. Teach me to establish priorities that honour You and to lay my false guilt at Your feet, knowing that it is not from You. Thank you for giving me Your empowering love and the grace to walk in freedom.

Fighting false guilt: Do’s and don’ts

• Do take a step back and think of what advice you would give a friend in your situation. • Do cut yourself some slack. • Do humble yourself and ask for help. • Don’ t be harder on yourself than you would be on others. • Don’t expect perfection from yourself or others. • Don’t think you can do everything alone.

Source: Different Dream Parenting

Rely on God for the things you can do, and trust Him for the things you can’t.

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