Out Bristol March 2016

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Katya @ESDR March 2016




Out People Cover by Nicolas Derby

March 2016

Liane Bradbrook

National Office Lead / Environment Agency

Festival of Ideas: End of Free Speech. KATYA @ ESDR Queenshilling

International Jazz and Blues Festival

What is Gender? The Politics of Identity: LGBT Representation in Public Life

Manifesto LGBT LGBT History Project

Scene Listings Contact Out Bristol To comment on any articles or if you wish to write for the magazine please contact Leighton de Burca Editor or to advertise leighton@deburcamedia. com

My role in the Environment Agency involves knowledge management, communications and infographics - basically I like ideas, creative thinking, visual communications and I help our environmental scientists to share their knowledge about our environment and how we manage it. I get to apply those skills not only to facilitate and share knowledge about the environment but also for our LGBT Network as I lead on our communications. I’m the LGBT Network Lead for our Head Office in Bristol so I’m also responsible for organising our stand at Pride here, making connections with other public sector lgbt networks in Bristol, as well as supporting our lgbt staff and keeping our network, and network friends actively involved in our Bristol office. I love that we have a workplace that enables and encourages us to be who we are.

Ausform Micro-Fest

Pride Comedy Night 9 July 2015 @ 18:00 Join us for the Bristol Pride Comedy Night. Truly one of the highlights of Pride Week it’s been a sell out night for the last 2 years. Jayde Adams A regular at several major comedy and arts festivals across the UK (Edinburgh Fringe Festival, Brighton Festival, Electric Picnic, Glastonbury Festival and Bestival.) Joe Sutherland London based and fresh faced, Joe is a stand-up comedian who will bring us some camp cattiness to our Pride Comedy Night. Zoe Lyons Award winning comedian Zoe Lyons has been “selling her comedy wares” on the comedy circuit since 2004. In 2009, much to her astonishment, she was ranked 81st in the Independent on Sunday’s “Pink List” of Britain’s 100 most influential gay and lesbian people. Venue: Bierkeller Theatre

©Timothy Jones http://www.jonesmrjones.co.uk/ www.bristolticketshop.co.uk

Price: £10/£8


Eat Sleep Drag Repeat (ESDR) https://www.facebook.com/eatsleepdragrepeat

Why did you start your night?

Eat Sleep Drag Repeat (ESDR) bring those stars of popular US drag competition RuPaul’s Drag Race to the UK stage. It’s the first time these stars have been seen in Bristol. We’ve so far hosted Latrice Royale, Milk, Raja and Alaska 5000. With Season 8 about to start we are excited to have a whole new set of queens to shout about.

Who goes to your night?

ESDR has a large mix of audiences. RuPaul fans are a very diverse bunch of people.

What can a new person expect?

Our shows often play out in two acts. Our amazing host Alfie Ordinary keeps it on the road and performs a few numbers of his own and an audience lipsync game. Our support queens are chosen for their conceptual and artistic drag. The headline star usually performs a number in each act and then meets fans for photographs afterwards.

What Music is played at your night

We play a mix of pop and indie with a few RuPaul songs for good measure.

What can people wear to go to your night?

You can wear whatever you like... come in sweatpants or full drag. Essential Info Who is your LGBT+ Market Coak Check Entry Cost Challenge 25 Do I need ID Credit: Alexandra Moon-Age Public transport Nearby car park Photographer: Emmett Green Gender neutral toilets


Lesbian YES Gay YES Bi YES Trans YES Plus YES Straight YES

Photo: Holly Revell.

International Womens Day

The Politics of Identity: LGBT Representation in Public Life Written by Lauren Bond / Twitter @ASAPBond / Written for www.bristolwomensvoice.org.uk /

As part of the 50:50 campaign I met with two female councillors, Carla Denyer and Ani Stafford-Townsend, to discuss the representation of LGBT women in Bristol City Council. Ani represents the Cabot ward, and runs a shop called Milliners’ Guild in St James Arcade. It was here, surrounded by Ani’s designs, that we met to discuss their experience of equality in the council. CLIFTON EAST Ward

Carla DENYER - Party Whip Council Body Membership Development Control Committee (B), Full Council Meeting, Role: Neighbourhood Partnership - Cabot, Clifton and Clifton East, Role: Member, Neighbourhoods Scrutiny Commission, External Organisation University of Bristol - Court, Role: Charity Trustee, End Date: 16 Jun 2016


Ani STAFFORD-TOWNSEND - Leader Green Group Council Body Membership Full Council Meeting, Neighbourhood Partnership - Cabot, Clifton and Clifton East, Public Safety and Protection Committee, External Organisation Bristol Harbourside Forum, Standing Advisory Council on Religious Education (SACRE), The Bristol Shopping Quarter Forum

Carla, who is the representative for Clifton East, starts by telling me that she knows of a few people on the council who identify as LGBT, but are unsure whether their colleagues are aware of this. She goes on to say that she feels it is ‘less critical’ to get more LGBT people on the council than it is to get a gender balance; she suggests that it is more likely that your gender will affect the way in which you vote than your sexuality.

Carla feels it is ‘less critical’ to get more LGBT people on the council than it is to get a gender balance; she suggests that it is more likely that your gender will affect the way in which you vote than your sexuality.” Both Carla and Ani identify as LGBT themselves but explain that they haven’t openly talked about it on the council. Carla puts this down to it simply not being relevant: ‘if there was a specific political issue it was relevant to I might mention it.’ They both agreed that the more pressing issue was having representatives from varied backgrounds. Carla finds that ‘their perspectives rub off on you’, and Ani adds that without consulting people from other walks of life it is ‘very hard to comprehend the effect that a decision may have on someone whose world is completely different to your own.’ Ani tells me that she considers herself an intersectional feminist and recognises that we all have inbuilt biases created by our backgrounds. We talk about how councillors can bring their own personal experience to the table when standing on committees. It is in these situations an equal male and female perspective is vital. One issue that Ani tells me comes up on public safety is the licensing of taxi drivers. Councillors have the task of deciding if a person is fit to be a taxi driver; a decision which clearly has great implications for people’s safety. A decision which is made considerably harder by the fact that they are only allowed access information about the person’s life eight years prior to the application. Ani says that ‘there are a quantity of councillors who probably wouldn’t think twice about the ramifications the decision would have on a woman’; she goes on to explain that she doesn’t believe this is intentional but it goes back to the ‘inbuilt biases’ that we all have.

Men’s Group! Terrence Higgins Trust West are hosting a film night on the 30th of March 2016. Film Choice: ‘CheMsex 2013’ & Discussion. The Men’s Group was re-established in May 2015 and is open to men age 18+ living with HIV from all backgrounds. Come and join us at the Trust.

Date: Wednesaday 30 March 2016 Time: 6 – 8pm Call on 0117 955 1000 or email me Pamela.hampton@tht.org.uk for more information

Refreshments provided! All men living with HIV are welcome! photo by Lee Morgan

International Womens Day

The Politics of Identity: LGBT Representation in Public Life Written by Lauren Bond / Twitter @ASAPBond / Written for www.bristolwomensvoice.org.uk /

On the topic of representation Ani believes that ‘transgender people are a demographic we should be actively encouraging to become part of the council.’ Carla tells me that there have been trans Green Party candidates elsewhere in the country. Charlie Kiss, for example, was a parliamentary candidate for Islington South and Finsbury. However, Ani and Carla are not aware of any transgender councillors in Bristol, and agree that his may be due to the negative media and public attention a person may face. Ani believes ‘a lot of progress has been made’ in this area but trans people still face a lot of negative press. They both agree that there is little the council can do to combat this; despite equality procedures being in place you cannot make people change their own intrinsic views or control the media. Ani goes on to suggest that ‘a lot of trans people have enough of their own personal battles to deal with’ without taking on the pressures of becoming a councillor.

“A lot of trans people have enough of their own personal battles to deal with’ without taking on the pressures of becoming a councillor.” Ani STAFFORD-TOWNSEND I ask Carla what the council is doing to consider the specific needs of LGBT people in Bristol and she tells me that ‘whenever a motion goes to council or cabinet for a decision there is a section in the report that looks at the impact on various characteristic groups, for example sexuality, disability and race.’ Carla recalls one motion thought to impact LGBT people; the piloting of swipe card access to public libraries because of the possibility of hate crime if vulnerable people were in the library alone. Although the likelihood of this is fairly low, it is positive that the council actively considers the issue from this angle. Finally, I asked Ani and Carla what they are doing to get the voices of LGBT people in their wards heard. Carla, whose ward incidentally has the highest concentration of gay men in the city, finds that people in her ward are very proactive and gets contacted a lot. She also hopes to have regular surgeries where a variety of different people can express their views. Ani’s ward is very central so she hopes to connect with various student LGBT groups from both UWE and Bristol University. We end by discussing the impact the 50:50 campaign will have. Carla remarks on its success: ‘It seems to be doing really well so far’ and says she likes how it is being explored from many different angles. Both agree that it will help get more women into the council and Ani adds that it is ‘good to raise visibility of it as an issue.’ For more information about the 50:50 campaign, see www.bristolwomensvoice.org.uk

photo by Paul Samuel White


KATYA 18 March 2016 / Queenshilling / www.facebook.com/eatsleepdragrepeat

Russian prostitute and fan favourite KATYA is a very busy woman. Hailing from the narrow, dim streets of the Soviet town of Boston, Massachusetts, Katya brought a unique blend of glamour, humor and filth to season seven of RuPaul’s Drag Race, and has since travelled the world performing. Katya placed fifth in the competition (whuttttt?) and also won Miss Congeniality, an indication of just how much she resonated with fans. SUPPORT: Legendary #manchesterqueen VIOLET BLONDE will be turning a legendary look for #esdrbristol. Violet likes to be known as “the ugliest fifth of the Family Gorgeous”. She is an unpredictable drag chameleon, and one of the UKs most prolific tranimal drag queens. The Family Gorgeous have gained an international reputation for transforming drag by shying away from ‘traditional’ femme looks and redefining what drag itself could be. HOST: ALFIE ORDINARY is the son of a drag queen and a clown. When he isn’t doing his paper round, he likes to sing and tell stories about his time at ‘Madame Le Coq’s Preparatory School for Fabulous Boys’. Alfie identifies as fabulous and we hope you think he is, too. Doors: 18:30 Show: 20:00 Meet & Greet 22:00 NB: This event is 18+ only and the venue operates a Challenge 25 policy. NBB: Sometimes drag queen shows run a little later than advertised. Because drag queens. Soz. TICKETS £20 General / £30 VIP

Sean M Thompson

To book to see this amazing show book online. http://bit.ly/1ncsVAaets-22420729004


The Last of England Beacons,Icons & Dykons Presents: The Last of England Dir: Derek Jarman, 1988, UK, 97 mins, Cert: 18 Sat 19th Mar | Open at 8:00PM Starts at 8:00PM Tickets: £5/ £4 The Cube Microplex, Bristol We’re back at The Cube to honour Derek Jarman The Last of England is a poetic, nightmarish journey through a dark landscape of totalitarianism and despair.” Part documentary, part home movie, Jarman’s film diary is a mournful depiction of what he felt was the loss of traditional English culture in Thatcher’s Britain and he rails at the sick and merciless society that emerges. Stars Tilda Swinton. The night will have performances exploring these themes from artists Bird La Bird, Rachael Clerk, Liz Clarke, Catherine Hoffmann and compered by Tom Marshman. Following the performances and screening there will be an afterparty with DJ’s Jim Carna and Bronco from Horseplay playing music inspired by Jarman’s cinema and aesthetic. Beacons, Icons and Dykons is an ode to gay and queer cinema. A film is screened alongside performances, talks and a diverse range of entertainment inspired by the theme and heroes. From Dolly Parton to Diana Ross, John Waters and Kenneth Anger, we’re honouring them all, one by one. Tickets from https://www.ticketsource.co.uk/date/FFEJMM


Festival Of Ideas: The End of Free Speech? With Julie Bindel, Sarah Ditum, Maryam Nazaire and Sian Norris Sat 19 March 18:00 Tickets: £5/ £4 Watershed Bristol

Are we facing a crisis in free speech? Are there limits on what we can talk about, campaign for, criticise and debate? Recent topics of discussion – ranging from the provision of safe spaces in educational institutions and work places, through ‘no-platforming’ policies to religious fundamentalism and the ideology behind the attacks in Paris and elsewhere – lead some to call for limits on freedom of speech and some areas of campaigning. Four speakers – all of whom have faced freedom of speech issues – debate the boundaries and how freedom of speech might be protected and extended in the future: Julie Bindel, writer and journalist; writer Sarah Ditum (recently removed from a panel by Bristol University Feminist Society); Maryam Namazie, political activist, campaigner and blogger; and Sian Norris, writer, feminist activist and director of the Bristol Women’s Literature Festival.

Speaker biographies Julie Bindel, a freelance journalist and political activist, is a founder of Justice for Women. In 2010 she entered The Independent ‘s “Pink List” as one of the top 101 most influential gay and lesbian people in Britain. Her first book, Straight Expectations, was published in 2014. She writes regularly for The Guardian and is the co-editor of Gaze: A Modern Review. Follow her on Twitter @bindelj Sarah Ditum writes about feminism, politics and books for the New Statesman, the Guardian, Grazia, the Spectator and other titles. She is also on the executive committee of Abortion Rights, the UK’s pro-choice campaign. Because of her critical views on gender, she’s had one feature spiked and in December was removed from a panel by Bristol University Feminist Society. Follow her on Twitter @sarahditum Maryam Namazie is a political activist, campaigner and blogger. She is Spokesperson for Fitnah, Equal Rights Now, One Law for All and Council of Ex-Muslims of Britain. She hosts a TV programme in Persian and English called Bread and Roses. She is on the International Advisory Board of the Raif Badawi Foundation for Freedom; is a Central Committee member of the Worker-communist Party of Iran; a National Secular Society Honorary Associate; and a member of the International Advisory Board of Feminist Dissent. The Islamic regime of Iran’s media outlets has called Namazie immoral and corrupt and ran an ‘exposé’ on her entitled ‘Meet this anti-religion woman’. She was awarded the National Secular Society’s Secularist of the Year Award, amongst others. Follow her on Twitter @MaryamNamazie Sian Norris is a writer and feminist activist. She is the founder and director of the Bristol Women’s Literature Festival, and runs the successful feminist blog sianandcrookedrib.blogspot.com. She has written for the Guardian, the Independent, the New Statesman, and is a regular book reviewer at Open Democracy. Her first novel, Greta and Boris: A Daring Rescue, is published by Our Street and her short story, The Boys on the Bus, is available on the Kindle. She is currently working on a novel based around the life of Gertrude Stein. Follow her on Twitter @sianushka


Bristol International Jazz & Blues Festival

We’re back with another jam-packed weekend of free and ticketed concerts, dancing, jam sessions and workshops from March 18th to March 20th. This year’s line-up of over 50 concerts takes us on a toe-tapping journey through a century of jazz and blues: starting off with the birth of jazz in New Orleans and the great blues men of the Mississippi Delta, taking in the wartime swing era and the growth of the beat generation’s jazz scene, swinging by the ‘60s and ‘70s for an education in funk and finishing up in the present day when the world’s biggest jazz and blues stars are heavily influenced by these past eras. We’ve dipped into every genre and traversed the globe to bring you a line-up dedicated to the incredible musical legacy of jazz and blues; from swing to funk, bebop to blues, Gypsy jazz to Gospel, soul to rock ‘n roll. Headlining the festival we have no less than three members of James Brown’s original line-up including the ‘King of Funk & Soul’ himself, Maceo Parker; the phenomenal and supremely talented, Melody Gardot and the UK’s own ‘King of Jazz’, Courtney Pine with a very personal project featuring musicians from Africa, the Caribbean and Europe. As always, our artistic director Denny Ilett is curating a number of special one-off events for this year’s festival including: our legendary Big Swing night with the world’s premier swing band King Pleasure & The Biscuit Boys and our ‘house band’, the 17-piece Bruce/Ilett Big Band; a unique tribute to Frank Sinatra featuring Clare Teal, Joe Stilgo, the Big Buzzard Boogie Band and a 350-strong chorus and a trip down memory lane with Pee Wee Ellis and Fred Wesley who will revisit the great jazz standards and be-bop classics that sparked their musical passion as youngsters.


Bristol International Jazz and Blues Festival 18 - 20 March 2016 / www.bristoljazzandbluesfest.com This year’s line-up is bursting at the seems with living legends including the four-time Grammy award winning guitarist Larry Carlton and master of the solo guitar Martin Taylor. Lisa Simone will echo the tradition of her mother – musical icon and pioneer Nina Simone – with her own innate skill for lyrical interpretation and a soul-deep understanding of music as a means of healing, empowerment and celebration. And that’s just for starters! To see our full line-up visit the website

Festival and Venue Information Where is the Festival taking place? Bristol International Jazz and Blues Festival takes place at Colston Hall in Hall 1 and The Lantern, with fringe events taking place in the Foyer and Top Bar. Where is Colston Hall? Colston Hall is on Colston Street in Bristol city centre. Our address is: Colston Hall, Colston St., Bristol BS1 5AR. Which train station is closest to Colston Hall? Bristol Temple Meads is the closest train station. The No. 8 or 9 buses run regularly between Bristol Temple Meads and the city centre, or it takes approximately 20 minutes to walk. Which bus can I get to Colston Hall? It depends where you are coming from, but any bus passing through the city centre would be perfect for coming to Colston Hall. Where can I park? If you are driving to Colston Hall we recommend Trenchard Street car park Trenchard Street car park is open 24 hours a day, seven days a week. Which opposite the Hall. On sell-out show nights, or if there are other events in the city centre, the car park can get quite full, so please allow plenty of time. The ground floor level of Trenchard Street car park has a designated disabled parking area. Are there any age restrictions? Colston Hall does not impose an age restriction, but we would expect under-14s to be accompanied by a responsible adult. Sometimes certain shows will impose restrictions, most commonly for comedy shows, in which case it will be stated at the time of booking. If in doubt, please call the Box Office on 0117 922 3686. Where is the nearest cash machine? The closest cash machine is a Link machine in the convenience store on St. Augustine’s Parade. A little further is the Alliance & Leicester on the corner of Baldwin Street. Where can I store my coat and other such items? There is a Cloakroom next to the Box Office/Tickets an Information on Ground Floor Level, and it costs £1 per item.

photo by Paul Samuel White


Puckoo Couture Stokes Croft / independent boutique /http://www.puckoo.com

A UK independent clothing label based in the creative back streets of Bristol... We specialize in stretch wear and paneling. All their items are designed and handmade in our Bristol studio here in the UK. We believe in quality over quantity and aim to bring our followers creativity and beauty in a wearable fashion for whatever occasion they see fit!!

Silver Sequinned Hooded Jumper Perfect gift any time of year a Puckoo voucher.

Black Hooded, Tasselled Swimsuit/ Playsuit Extra Highwaist Black & Blue Croc Leggings


Straight Expectations Author: Title: Publisher: ISBN-10:

Julie Bindel

Straight Expectations Guardian Books 1783560002

Synopsis From picket line to picket fence - what does it mean to be gay in the era of same-sex marriage and equal rights? More than four decades after the start of the gay liberation movement, lesbians and gay men can legally marry, adopt children, and enjoy the same rights and respect as heterosexuals ... or can they? In Straight Expectations, Julie Bindel, an out lesbian since 1977, tracks the changes in the gay community in the last forty years and asks whether fighting for the right to marry has achieved genuine progress. Drawing on extensive original research into changing attitudes towards sexuality, as well as interviews with scientists examining the ‘gay gene’, gay liberation pioneers, religious figures and key players of all political persuasions, Straight Expectations asks: - Is sexual orientation learned or latent? - Do lesbians and gay men have anything in common? - Have we now reached a stage where the ‘only gay in the village’ mentality no longer has any place in society? About the Author Julie Bindel, a freelance journalist and political activist, is a founder of Justice for Women. In 2010 she entered The Independent ‘s “Pink List” as one of the top 101 most influential gay and lesbian people in Britain. Her first book, Straight Expectations, was published in 2014. She writes regularly for The Guardian and is the co-editor of Gaze: A Modern Review. Follow her on Twitter @bindelj

Retail Therapy Bristol A City of Urban Villages.... Recycle, re love, refresh, revamp, revisit, redo, reuse. Swing by and explore the rails of pre loved ladies designer wear. The Rag Trade Boutique Spoil yourself with labels, from 2 Upper Maudlin St BS1 8DJ Whistles to Westwood, Monsoon 0117 376 3085 ragtradeboutique.co.uk to Mulberry. Opening Times Sun - Mon Closed Tue - Sat 10:00-18:00

Come and have fun and get dressed up in the shop. We have a huge selection from sparkly frocks, to coats, boots, bags and belts. All at a fraction of the original price, You never know what you’re going to find! Indulge, invent, inspire, invest.........

The Bird Cage

28 Clare Street BS1 1YE 0117 929 1130 www.birdcagebristol.com Opening Times Mon-Tues 08:00-22:00 Wed-Fri 08:00-23:00 Saturday 10:00-23:00 Sunday 10:00-18:00

Bursting with vintage charm, The Birdcage is a destination where music, fashion and cafe culture collide in the heart of The Old City, just a stones throw away from St Nicholas Market. With it’s nostalgic interior, battered leather Chesterfield sofas, evocative lighting and charming mismatched crockery, The Birdcage is a welcoming place for everyone, for a feel that is eclectic, yet distinctly British.

Call for Action

What is Gender Online / independent boutique / www.hartzak.com

Paracords (metal clasp)

Gas Mask T Shirt

Bears 69

Created by young people for young people, the film 'What is Gender?' combines animation and documentary interviews to explore how diverse gender can be. Young people share their views on topics such as the gender binary, stereotyping, identity, pronouns and genderbased bullying. The film also uses real-life experiences from participants to think about what it means to be transgender, trans or to identify outside of the binary. 3D OSO

A Thunderclap will support the launch of the film on Trans Day of Visibility (#TDOV), an international event with the purpose of celebrating the achievements of trans and gender diverse people and raising awareness and education through visibility.Pledge your support here: https://www.thunderclap.it/projects/38505-what-is-gender

Retail Therapy Bristol A City of Urban Villages....


Stokes Croft China 35 Jamaica Street, BS2 8JP 01179444540 http://www.prscshop.co.uk Opening Times Mon - Sat 11:00-18:00 Sun 12:00-17:00


192 Cheltenham Road, BS6 5RB 07787712345 www.chattelsfurniture.co.uk Opening Times Tues-Sat 10:00-18:00

Stokes Croft China is a vehicle for political and existential comment and is the primary generator of funding for the work of its parent Community Interest Company, Peoples Republic of Stokes Croft. Uniquely decorated fine English bone china ware: mugs, teacups, teapots, jugs, bowls, plates... and lavatories.

Passionate about beautiful furniture, we supply gorgeous pieces that will enhance your home. Focusing on reclaimed, salvaged and restored furniture to help you bring beauty in to your home with our pieces. Initially established in 1976. Selling a wide variety of furniture and accessories made with reclaimed materials sourced from all over the world that really help each of our pieces tell the story of their history.

Food & Drink

The Old Market Assembly 25 West Street, Old Market Quarter, BS2 0DF www.oldmarketassembly.co.uk / 0117 373 8199 Opening Hours Mon-Thurs 10:00-00:00 Fri-Sat 10:00-01:00 Sun 10:00-23:00

We’re a restaurant serving nutritious, locally sourced affordable food. We’re the new home of the Wardrobe Theatre. We’re a bakery serving freshly baked bread and cakes to eat in or take away. We’re a stage hosting local and touring bands (always free to see). We’re a bar serving local beers, ales and spirits. We’re a cafe offering the finest coffees, teas, herbals and chai’s. We’re 100% independent. We’re whatever you want us to be - an office, a cafe, a meeting room, a den, an escape or just a place to let loose. Follow us on Twitter: @OMABristol Instagram: @OldMarketAssembly

Have you tried our food yet? Why not book a table and come and have a taste. Dinner is served from 5pm so plenty of time to catch a show too! Call 0117 373 8199 or email bookings@oldmarketassembly.co.uk to reserve your table.


Go Euro on Out Bristol www.goeuro.co.uk / www.outbristol.co.uk/goeuro

Naren Shaam, CEO of GoEuro said: “Our goal is to provide the best possible travel planning experience, as well as the most competitive fares, without any additional fees to our users. A key part of this is to become a leader in a new category of online travel that goes beyond the dispersed offerings focused on airlines and airports as the start and end points of the journey. For example, if I want to travel from London to Heidelberg, Germany, GoEuro will give me multiple flight choices together with train connections to and from nearby airports, as well as direct train and bus options, helping me to plan my whole trip quickly and easily. In this way, GoEuro makes travel planning simple, flexible and personal for everyone.�



Our LGBT Manifesto

A manifesto for LGBT communities, developed by LGBT organisations There is real opportunity for full equality of Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual & Trans people in the UK. We ask all political parties to embrace our community messages and sign up to our two main community asks.

Our Community Messages Education

Educate all children & young people, at all levels, on gender & sexual diversity


Monitor & address homophobic, biphobic & transphobic hate crime


Improve the mental, emotional & physical health of all LGBT people through increased awareness & improved practice


Ensure LGBT people have equal access to public services

Our Asks of Political Parties

• Ensure all children & young people leave school with a thorough understanding of gender & sexual diversity through age-appropriate teaching at all levels, embedding learning within the curriculum & in particular SRE • Improve the mental health of LGBT people through greater awareness raising of the issues faced, through better access to services & addressing homophobia, biphobia & transphobia within public services This manifesto beenthe developed a collaboration between LGBT organisations fromtheir acrossisthe Following onhas from greataswork on the LGBT National Manifesto, a UK. work We invite you to engage with us to discuss our points and help make our asks a reality being led by Simon Nelson to develop an LGBT Manifesto for the West of England to find out more about the LGBT Manifesto and the West of England Maifesto and to get involved please look at

www.outbristol.co.uk/lgbtmanifesto Talk to us at LGBTmanifesto@lgbtconsortium.org.uk or on 0207 064 6500


HUSH LGBT Event / www.outbristol.co.uk/indigo

The Girls Hijack the Club Hush is the UKs biggest lesbian/LBT+ night outside of London. Every quarter the Hush team takeover the Queenshilling in Bristol for a bustling night of girl DJs, fun, friends & laughter. Fresh-faced with a hint of swagger, Hush promises playful pop, dancefloor indie, RnB and tunes that catch our eyes as they wander. We’ll be running a social Singles Mingle on the night from 9 - 10 pm. Email Anna(at)indigonetwork.co.uk to register. The Night Featuring the best female DJs in the city, this quarterly club night pulls a crowd. Hosted by an all-women team we make it easy to find friendly faces in the bustle. Relax at the bar or head to the floor, the night is yours for the taking. http://www.indigonetwork.co.uk/hush DOOR POLICY Hush is an event primarily for women (LBTQ+) run by an all-lesbian team. We are a friendly bunch and men are welcome, but strictly as guests of women. All guests are required to respect the friendly atmosphere of the events. Hush is organised by the team behind Indigo. When Friday, 15 April 2016 at 21:00 - Saturday, 16 April 2016 at 02:00 (BST) Where Queen Shilling - 9 Frogmore Street, Bristol BS1 5NA, United Kingdom Details (9 pm - 10 pm: Singles Mingle) £6 Door / £5 Advance + BF / £4 Indigo Cardholders* & Bristol LGBTSoc



4-6 DECEMBER 2015






The Lost Hour ft. Mette Sterre

Our first Horseplay of 2016 marks the end of a long dark winter and the beginning of British Summer Time. Join us underground in the old police station and cells for a monstrous collaboration with artist Mette Sterre. E-TICKETS: http://bit.ly/21HKN5A PHYSICAL TICKETS: In store at Bristol Ticket Shop DRESSCODE: Monstrous Mette Sterre is a London/Rotterdam-based visual artist whose sculptural costumes expose the grotesque body, the uncanny and the paradox. Like a Dr Frankenstein, Mette sews body parts together, creating new beings. As the clocks shift forward we sacrifice an hour and time disappears into thin air. In the lost hour, strange characters emerge from the darkness... Mette is a recent MA Graduate from London Central Saint Martins and her work has featured in Vogue, Dazed and Confused, Wallpaper magazine and the Volkskrant Magazine, amongst others. For more info see www.mettesterre.com ABOUT US Described by The Guardian as “Bristol’s best gay dance party” Horseplay has thrown some wild events in amazing spaces and brought some of the best (and weirdest) performance art to queer clubbing. Our unique blend of underground house and disco has brought an old morgue back to life, soaked the walls of an abandoned strip club with sweat and hosted two legendary cell block parties in the old Bridewell police station. Jockeys Pony, Bronco and Jim Carna aurally stimulate with playful sets spanning house, disco, indie-dance and techno, constantly surprising the dancefloor. Have a listen here https://www.mixcloud.com/HorseplayClub/ Twitter @Horseplay_club

Welcome to Out Bristol

Out Bristol is the definitive destination for the LGBT communities in the dual city region of the West of England established in 2008 Out Bristol is the community hub consisting of an online virtual community centre linking to all the support services and social groups for the LGBT communities. The website is the LGBT tourism and visitor centre for the region, with information on where to stay, attractions, festivals and the LGBT Scene. Last but by no means least the website is also home to the Out Bristol magazine and supplements, with features, what’s on, fashion,listings and an extensive community section. Local or visiting Out Bristol curates the contemporary to the cultural. Whether you are a local or visiting Bristol for the first time this guide alongside the website www.outbristol.co.uk has all you need to know about the LGBT communities, the scene, the city and the five LGBT festivals we host in the city through out the year. We would like to thank you for visiting us and supporting Out Bristol.


Bristol’s unconventional urbanity gives the city its distinctive character.

A City Of Urban Villages

Bristol is one of the UK’s eight core cities, home to leading companies from the creative, technological, financial, micro electronics, environmental, aerospace, advanced engineering and service industries. Colston Hall /West End


Bristol is made up of several diverse urban villages with their own distinctive characteristics. The city is constantly evolving, refusing to stand still. It’s unconventional urbanity, young and multi ethnic neighborhoods means that Bristol is a world leading resilient city.

West Street / Old Market Quarter

Stokes Croft

St Nicks Market / Old City

Bristol Shopping Quarter

Bristol is the UK’s Festival City

Carnival / St Pauls

Oh and Bristol also has......

Millenium Square / Harbourside


Gay Village, Old Market Quarter Welcome to the Gay Village in the Old Market Quarter Centrally located within easy walking distance of the Train & Bus Stations & Bristol Shopping Quarter. The village venues are open day & night, the area is well connected & has events planned every night of the week and festival events throughout the year. For all the latest details check www.outbristol.co.uk 1 The Phoenix 1 Wellington Buildings, BS2 9DB Gay run & owned, this is the ONLY openly friendly bar catering to everyone who respects diversity that reflects this amazing city! Relax in a comfy friendly establishment .Opening Hours Mon-Tue 16:00-23:00 Wed-Fri 12:00-23:00 Sat 12:00-Late Sun 12:00-10:00 www.outbristol.co.uk/the-phoenix 2 Old Market Tavern 29-30 Old Market Street, BS2 0BH A traditional pub in the centre of Bristol which serves food and has a beautiful traditional British beer garden. The pub also host quizs and events. Opening Hours Sun-Thurs 11:30-23:00 Fri 11:30-00:00 Sat 16:00-01:00 www.outbristol.co.uk/old-market-tavern 3 Proud Bar 53 Old Market Street, BS2 0ER A friendly, cosy yet stylish venue with something for everyone, steeped in nearly 400 years of history, you’re sure to receive the warmest of welcomes. Opening Hours Mon-Thur 17:00-23:30 Fri 15:00-01:00 Sat13:0001:00 Sun 13:00-23:30 www.outbristol.co.uk/proud-bar 4 The Palace 1-3 West Street, Bristol, BS2 0DF Bristol’s very own Palace with fabulous theatrical & opulent decoration that would put the Moulin Rouge to shame, this place is the party Palace. Opening Hours Sun-Thur 17:00-00:00 Fri 17:00-02:00 Sat 17:00-02:00

www.outbristol.co.uk 6 The Retreat

16 West Street, BS2 0DF Bar & Grill by day & venue at night it is open & welcoming with from cabaret to quiz nights Opening Times Mon 12:00-21:00 Tue 12:00-00:00 Wed 12:00-22:00 Thur-Fri 12:00-0:00 Sat-Sun 12:00-02:00 www.outbristol.co.uk/the-retreat 1 Alfred Street,BS2 0RF Bristol’s premier health spa for men, we offer a unique and tantalising experience in a clean, private location, just 5 minutes walk from Gay Village & Temple Meads with ample parking.

7 Elite Retreat

8 Lads Locker room

www.outbristol.co.uk/the-palace 5 The Bristol Bear Bar 2-4 West Street,Bristol BS2 0BH UK’s only bespoke bear bar, with welcoming & friendly atmostphere it’s a must see for all Bears & non Bears Opening Hours Tue-Thur 19:00-23:00 Fri-Sat 19:0002:00 Sun 17:00-23:00

9 The Local


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Bond Street

www.outbristol.co.uk/elite-retreat 19-21 West Street,BS2 0DF A sauna and venue that caters for all Gay, Bi-sexual and Bi-curious men who wish to have the freedom to relax.Opening Hours Mon 00:00 - 06:00 Tues 12:0000:00 Wed 12:00-06:00 Thur 12:00-00:00 Fri- Sun 00:00 00:00:00 www.outbristol.co.uk/ladslockerroom 42a Old Market Street BS2 0EZ As the name suggests this is the Local store and Off Licence. This store has everything you need whether on a night out, a house party, a quite night in or your weekly shop. LGBT friendly & safe sex supplies sold. Opening Hours 24/7 Monday to Sunday www.oldmarketquarter.co.uk/thelocal

Pe n

Bus Station



Gay Village, West End Welcome to the Gay Village in the West End. Centrally located within easy walking distance of the Train & Bus Stations & Bristol Shopping Quarter. The village venues are open day & night, the area is well connected & has events planned every night of the week. For all the latest details check www.outbristol.co.uk

10 The Pineapple

37 St Georges Road, BS1 5UU

A great place to spend any evening. Comfy surroundings, a quality range of drinks and regular events make The Pineapple VENUE CURRENTLY one very special CLOSED venue. Opening Times Mon - Sun:17:00-00:00 www.outbristol.co.uk/pineapple

11 Bent


4 Frogmore Street, BS1 5UX

Bent combines a stylish, relaxed, yet lively atmosphere, an extensive cocktail menu, competitive pricing, and amazing sound system and light up dancefloor - It really is something special. Opening Times Mon - Sat:20:00-02:00 Sunday Closed www.outbristol.co.uk/bent

12 Queenshilling

13 OMG

12 11


9 Frogmore Street, BS1 5NA

The atmosphere in this Club is truly electric. Visit the website for up to date opening times DJ listings and details of theme nights. From stages and podiums, to comfortable seating areas, with premium drinks at reasonable prices and the friendliest staff around. www.outbristol.co.uk/queenshilling

1 Frog Lane,BS1 5UX

OMG is the South West’s busiest and biggest gay venue. It’s state-of-the-art sound and lighting systems, buzzing atmosphere and competitive pricing have made OMG the incredible, lively club it is today.Opening Times: Wed - Fri:22:00-04:00 Sat:22:00-05:00. www.outbristol.co.uk/omg-club





“The definitive destination for the LGBT communities in the dual city region of the West of England.”

Club Events (Mixed)

Club Events (Mixed)


Leather Wild West



www.outbristol.co.uk/events www.outbristol.co.uk/amour-ami A mixture of RuPaul’s drag race/PartyMonster/ Paris is Burning meets 90’s rave realness - Here is Amour Ami Bristol’s Bi-Monthly night held in Gay Village, Lets Party.... Open Hours 22:00 till Late www.outbristol.co.uk/bearpit Monthly night of fabulousness to support Bristol Bear Fiesta & Southern HiBearnation with DJ daddi turning up the heat with His funky vibe and a few camp classics too Opening Hours 22:00-02:00 www.outbristol.co.uk/digilogue DIGILOGUE - Alternative 80s clubbing, held in various venues in Gay Village, Old Market Quarter. Opening Hours 22:00-02:00


www.outbristol.co.uk/union The ideal night for any man with an interest in leather. It’s the place to meet new guys, to catch up with mates and above all, have fun in leathers. Dresscode is minimum of one item of leather outerwear. South West Rubber Men www.outbristol.co.uk/swrm From the curious to the connoisseur, come rubber up and socialize.

Dont Tell Your Mother www.outbristol.co.uk/DTYM Don’t Tell Your Mother is a Indie LGBT+FRIENDS club night. Opening Hours 22:00-02:00


Horse Play

www.outbristol.co.uk/horseplay A Club transformed into a disco stables; it’s a dirty underground club beneath a metal bar, with cheap beer and an intimate vibe. Opening Hours 22:00- Late

Indigo Bristol


www.outbristol.co.uk/psychodrama Putting the Alt in Alternative this gay night is something very different to what you have seen before. Opening Hours 22:00-Late

People Like Us



People Like Us’ main aim is to create a safe dance space, where people can completely lose themselves to our unique style in dance music. Come n get some….! ;) love love disco love PLU ♥ :) xxxxxxxxxxxxx


HUN nightclub... Energetic homo discotheque for freaks like you. House, electronic and disco music in some of the most unusual venues in Bristol. Sexy and smiley crowd, All welcome. Main party usually on the first Saturday of each month from 10 - late followed by STILL UP! The official Hun afterhours.

BLUF Bristol

www.outbristol.co.uk/bluf-bristol For many BLUF represents the ultimate gay leatherman fantasy - that Tom of Finland look made real. BLUF Bristol is the west’s very own meeting exclusively for BLUF members

Gear Bristol

www.outbristol.co.uk/gear Gear Bristol is a monthly fetish club for Gay/Bi men.

Leather Market

www.outbristol.co.uk/leather-market A great way to start, expand or refresh your leather wardrobe. Choose from a wide variety of secondhand or nearly new items. The Leather Cafe will be open!

www.outbristol.co.uk/events www.outbristol.co.uk/leather-wild-west LeatherWest’s summer event that encourages all guys to saddle up in their leather chaps, jeans and waistcoats to enjoy the summer, a bbq and maybe a bit of rodeo action!

www.bylaw.org.uk Bringing together lesbian, gay and bisexual people working or intending to work in the legal community in the South West and South Wales

www.indigonetwork.co.uk Run by an all-women team, the sociable Indigo networking group offers lesbian/bi/queer women of the South West the chance to connect in a relaxed and friendly atmosphere. suzanne@indigonetwork.co.uk Members www.outbristol.co.uk/members A friendly, fun events in chic environments for the discerning gay man for business, social & networking opportunities. Events take place throughout the year, & consist of a monthly Drinks Evening, Parties & Dining events. LGBT History Month www.outbristol.co.uk/lgbthistory February each year is LGBT History Month. In Bristol a voluntary group that presents events and information about the lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender history of Bristol. Bear Fiesta

www.outbristol.co.uk/bristol-bear-fiesta Held in the first weekend in June each year Bristol plays host to the Bristol Bear fiesta.these events are always well attended, check out the website for the latest information. www.outbristol.co.uk/bristol-bear-fiesta Bristol Pride www.pridebristol.co.uk A week long festival which goes out with a bang with the Parade & Pride event, hosting music & performances from local and national acts, community stands in the heart of the city. Held first week of July. UK Leather Pride www.ukleatherpride.com A fantastic weekend in of leather fun designed to celebrate the gay leathermen’s community. We’ve lined up a range of events including social and workshops. 6-8 Novemeber 2015 www.outbristol.co.uk/uk-leather-pride. Southern Hibearnation www.outbristol.co.uk/southern-hibearnation Held in the first weekend in December each year Bristol in the Old Market Quarter Gay Village plays host to Southern Hibernation Bear Fesitval. These events are always well attended.

http://www.outbristol.co.uk/listings Bristol Bisons RFC www.bisonsrfc.co.uk Bristol’s first gay and gay-friendly rugby team is always looking for new members, players and supporters. Everyone welcome regardless of experience or ability.

LGBT Services LGBT Bristol

Bristol Panthers


Social Groups

CycleOut Bristol


Bristol’s premier gay friendly football team. Bristol Panthers Football Club is Bristol’s premier openly gay friendly football club. The current incarnation of Bristol Panthers was born on the 28th March 2009, following a advert calling for interested gay footballers and supporters, to come together socially.


The Gay Outdoor Club’s local lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender cycling group for West of England cycleoutbristol@live.co.uk

The Gay Outdoor Club


For gay men and women and their friends. It has national membership and local groups all around the country. There are groups within GOC based around specific activities.

LGBT Fitness Class and Social www.stridefitness.co.uk If you want to look and feel great,improve your fitness, have more energy & meet other LGBT people then join our “LGBT Fitness class & Social” The workout is one hour with the option to stay and socialise Suitable for all levels here: Hamilton House, Stokes Croft, Social for lesbians, meetsmuch: every other When:network Monday, 7-8pm How ClassThurs£3





evenings in Bristol and Weston-super-Mare.

www.outbristol.co.uk gmgsw@hotmail.co.uk http://www.gmgsouthwest.com/

Gay Men’s Book Group


Meeting monthly at a member’s flat in the centre of Bristol to discuss a book written by a gay author or about gay themes.


“The definitive destination for the LGBT communities inwww.outbristol.co.uk/bs3-lgbt the dual city region of Aims to bring together the lesbian, gay, bisexWest of England. ” ual and transthe communities that live, work and play in the Bristol BS3 area.

LGBT Brunch

Rainbow Group

www.outbristol.co.uk/LGBTbruch First Saturday of every month at Coniston Community Centre, a great way to kick start the weekend & meet new friends. Contact David Sully email rainbow@bristol.gov.uk

Bristol City Council employees LGBT group Call Equalities on 0117 922 4446

We work in partnership with Bristol City Council to empower lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender people to become actively involved in community life. We pride ourselves in challenging homophobia and transphobia in the wider community and help promote understanding of equality and inclusion.

www.each.education EACH is the award-winning charity: affirming the lives of gay & transgender people & reducing discrimination. Mon-Fri: 9:00 am-5:00 pm info@each.education 0808 1000 143

The Diversity Trust www.diversitytrust.org.uk The Diversity Trust is a specialist in equality, diversity and inclusion and has a wealth of knowledge and experience in project management, evaluation, policy, research and training. Avon & Somerset Police


Official Police account for Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender Liaison Officers @ASPOLICELGBT Avon & somerset police LGBT Liaison Team can be found at all community events and follow their work on the main website or via twitter.


day evening at 8:30. Also bowling, cinema, coffee bars, theatre, concerts, discos, cycling, walks, meals out and more. www.outbristol.co.uk/pinkherrings

LGBT GUIDE FOR THE WEST ENGLAND SocialOFgroup for LGBT people. Regular social

www.outbristol.co.uk lgbtbristol.org.uk

Trans Info

www.gaydio.co.uk Gaydio is the world’s biggest LGB&T radio station. You can get Gaydio on DAB Digital Radio (London, Sussex, Glasgow, Edinburgh), 88.4FM (Greater Manchester), on mobile apps gaydio.co.uk.

http://uktrans.info Advice with practical problems such as access to healthcare & legal issues. We can guide you towards information you need and on occasion we can (with your consent) contact organizations on your behalf to resolve issues. Bristol Crossroads http://bristol-crossroads.org.uk Meetings at Wick Village Hall Contact: Liz or Tania Informal opportunity for all transgendered people, partners & family to meet & dress in a safe and supportive environment. Phone: 01453 757110 The Bridge, Sexual Assault Referral Centre 0117 342 6999 A support service for victims of sexual crime & provides a range of services. If you are a victim, we can tell you your options and help you in making your own decisions about your care. www.thebridgecanhelp.org.uk Survivors UK www.survivorsuk.org Survivors UK support adult men who have experienced sexual violation at any time in their lives. Their Helpline Webchat service is open Monday & Tuesday 6-9pm, Wednesday 122.30pm & 6-9pm, and Thursday 12-2.30pm. Bristol Women’s Voice www.bristolwomensvoice.org.uk Bristol Women’s Voice (BWV) provides a way for women to influence the public authorities, for example the Council, health bodies and the police in how they meet women’s needs and promote women’s equality.

Social Groups Missing Lesbians

Bi Visible Bristol


Sing Out Bristol

http://www.outbristol.co.uk/listings www.missinglesbians.co.uk A free listing guide for lesbian events, social groups and organizations of interest to lesbians and within reach of Bristol UK.

www.outbristol.co.uk/bivisible We promote the presence of the bisexual community in Bristol and provide meet-ups as a safe space for bi people to meet, network and exchange ideas. Café Kino on Stokes Croft, on the 2nd Tuesday of each month. www.gaywest.org.uk A social group covering the South West supporting the LGBTQIAPD Community, providing a safe and secure place to meet every Saturday morning. www.singoutbristol.com A choir run by and for LGBT people who enjoy singing. We are a very social group and musical experience is not needed.

LGBT Support Services Proud 2 Serve

www.outbristol.co.uk www.proud2serve.net

Our aim is to provide support, information and networking for Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual and Transgender serving, ex-serving personnel and their families both at home and abroad.

Lesbian & Gay Christian Movement, Bristol lgcm.org.uk LGCM is working for love, for peace, for justice, and for the promotion of the Christian faith especially within the LGBT community.


www.imaan.org.uk Social Support for Lesbian, Gay Bisexual and Trans Muslims. Imaan supports LGBT Muslim people, their families and friends, to address issues of sexual orientation within Islam.

Jewish Lesbian and Gay Group


The longest established Jewish LGBT group in the world. Our membership is open to Jewish men and women who areLGBT including people from many different backgrounds. We welcome non-Jewish partners to all events and non-LGBT & non-Jewish guests to certain events.

Out Stories Bristol www.outstoriesbristol.org.uk We are a group who are interested in discussing and collating information about LGBT History in Bristol. admin@outstoriesbristol.org.uk

Avon Trans Women www.avontranswomen.org.uk We are a self help group serving Bristol and the surrounding area for male-to-female transsexuals & others undergoing gender reassignment.

Pink Herrings

Trans Bristol



Social network for lesbians, meets every other Thursday evening at 8:30. Also bowling, cinema, coffee bars, theatre, concerts, discos, cycling, walks, meals out and more. www.outbristol.co.uk/pinkherrings

www.gmgsouthwest.com Social group for LGBT people. Regular social evenings in Bristol and Weston-super-Mare. gmgsw@hotmail.co.uk http://www.gmgsouthwest.com/

Gay Men’s Book Group


Meeting monthly at a member’s flat in the centre of Bristol to discuss a book written by a gay author or about gay themes.


www.outbristol.co.uk/bs3-lgbt Aims to bring together the lesbian, gay, bisexual and trans communities that live, work and play in the Bristol BS3 area.

LGBT Brunch

www.outbristol.co.uk/LGBTbruch First Saturday of every month at Coniston Community Centre, a great way to kick start the weekend & meet new friends. Contact David Sully

Rainbow Group

email rainbow@bristol.gov.uk

Bristol City Council employees LGBT group Call Equalities on 0117 922 4446

http://transbristol.wordpress.com A safe space where trans identified people in the Bristol area can share ideas, provide support and plan things. Anything under the trans umbrella should belong here. Email:transbristol@gmail.com Trans Info http://uktrans.info Advice with practical problems such as access to healthcare & legal issues. We can guide you towards information you need and on occasion we can (with your consent) contact organizations on your behalf to resolve issues. Bristol Crossroads http://bristol-crossroads.org.uk Meetings at Wick Village Hall Contact: Liz or Tania Informal opportunity for all transgendered people, partners & family to meet & dress in a safe and supportive environment. Phone: 01453 757110 The Bridge, Sexual Assault Referral Centre 0117 342 6999 A support service for victims of sexual crime & provides a range of services. If you are a victim, we can tell you your options and help you in making your own decisions about your care. www.thebridgecanhelp.org.uk Survivors UK www.survivorsuk.org Survivors UK support adult men who have experienced sexual violation at any time in their lives. Their Helpline Webchat service is open Monday & Tuesday 6-9pm, Wednesday 122.30pm & 6-9pm, and Thursday 12-2.30pm. Bristol Women’s Voice www.bristolwomensvoice.org.uk Bristol Women’s Voice (BWV) provides a way for women to influence the public authorities, for example the Council, health bodies and the police in how they meet women’s needs and promote women’s equality.

LGBT Support Services www.outbristol.co.uk Switchboard LGBT+ Helpline www.switchboard.lgbt Our helpline operates from 10am to 11pm daily on 0300 330 0630. You can also access Switchboard Instant Messaging through the following link when someone is available online - www.switchboard.lgbt Stonewall

www.stonewall.org.uk An organisation working for equality and justice for Lesbian, Gay and Bisexuals.From our Diversity Champions programme offering advice to over 600 companies to our information line on 08000 50 20 20 Bristol Drugs Project www.bdp.org.uk Whether it is Alcohol, Heroin or Ketamine, Cocaine or Cannabis, Ecstasy or Amphetamine, we can help you make the changes you want reducing the risks, controlling your use or stopping using. 0117 987 6000

LGBT Support Services www.outbristol.co.uk Pace www.pacehealth.org.uk PACE is a charity promoting the mental health and emotional well-being of the lesbian, gay, bisexual and trans* community. PACE provides online services that can be accessed nationally. LGBTQ Emotional Wellness lgbthealthforumbristol.co.uk A group aimed CURRENTLY NOT atMEETING Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender and Queer(LGBTQ) people over 18, who are experiencing emotional distress, or coping with enduring mental health challenges. info@lgbthealthforumbristol.co.uk Fastest at Terrence Higgins Trust Call 0117 955 1000 Rapid 1 hour HIV testing and same day results, testing for Chlamydia, Gonorrhoea, Syphilis, Hepatitis B and C with results within a 10 days. Confidential walk in service every Monday from 5-7:30pm (ex bank holidays). Bookable appointments Friday afternoons. . 8-10 West Street, Bristol, BS2 0BH. www.tht.org.uk

www.brokenrainbow.org.uk If you’re in a violent relationship, or care about someone who is, call Broken Rainbow on 0300 999 5428 or 0800 999 5428. The helpline is open on Mondays and Thursdays 10am–8pm and Tuesdays and Wednesdays 10am–5 pm www.facebook.com/freedomyouthlgbtq

Brigstowe Project www.brigstowe.org Housing project for people living with HIV,providing support, advice and advocacy. 176 Easton Rd, Easton, Bristol. Call 0117 9415188 Mon-Fri: 9:00 am-5:00 pm THT Direct Helpline Call us on 0808 802 1221

LGBTQ Youth Cafe Yate facebook.com/groups/LGBTQyate Aged 14-19yrs old, an LGBTQ youth café in Yate on the last Sunday of every month from 19:00-21:00. Come along & find out more. Contact Phone 01454 869 441 Email info@ yatearmadillo.co.uk University of Bath LGBT www.bathlgbt.co.uk

GMFA - the gay men’s health charity www.gmfa.org.uk The UK’s leading charity dedicated to gay men’s health. Our mission is to improve gay men’s health by increasing the control they have over their own lives. www.gmfa.org.uk

UWE LGBT Society

Stop Hate UK

Broken Rainbow

Freedom Youth

A weekly group for LGBTQ young people aged 14-25, held in central Bristol every Tuesday from 7-9.30pm You can contact Hannah at hannah@otrbristol.org.uk or call 07814 250 751.

A social & welfare student group here to help you get the most out of your university life & wheather you identify as gay,straight, bisexual, trans or are unsure of your sexuality or gender Join our Facebook group for all discussions and social events


Social group for LGBT students. The LGBT Society has a great line up of events through out the year what ever your interests we are sure you can find something that appeals to you. Join our Facebook group for all discussions and social events.

University of Bristol LGBT+ Society


We organise regular social events for all LGBT students at Bristol University Keep up to date with cultural/ recruitment events at the Bristol University LGBT+ Society. Join our Facebook group for all discussions and social events Email ubu-lgbtplus@bristol.ac.uk

The Albert Kennedy Trust


1625 Independent People


AKT supports LGBT young people (aged 16-25) who are homeless or living in a hostile environment. London: 020 7831 6562 Manchester: 0161 228 3308 Newcastle: 0191 281 0099

Independent People actively prevents youth homelessness and promotes a planned approach to independent living. By meeting young people’s needs, every young person achieves a positive outcome as a result of contacting us. 0117 317 8800

For information and support about your sexual health and for information and concerns about HIV. Lines open Monday to Friday 10am to 8pm. Free to call from landlines and mobiles in the UK.

Bristol Sexual Health Centre


Bristol Sexual Health Centre provides a confidential service which anyone can self-refer to (or your GP may wish to refer you here if needed), for advice, tests and treatment if needed. Appointments: 0117 342 69 00 Advice: 0117 342 6944

www.stophateuk.org Independent & confidential information, advice and support to anybody affected by LGB and T Hate Crime. Available across England, Wales & Scotland. We are here 24 hours a day: 08088010661 CALM www.theCALMzone.net/get-help A charity dedicated to preventing male suicide. Helpline & webchat service for men of all ages that’s free, confidential & anonymous. 0800 585858 (national) Open 5pm-midnight, every day of the year. NO GOING BACK http://nogoingback.org.uk A charity dedicated to helping LGBT people who may have fled their country due to persecution for their sexual orientation or gender identity. Bristol Families & Friends bristolfamiliesandfriends.org.uk BFF is a support group for families & friends of LGB people. We meet on the third Wednesday of every month at 7pm at the Terrence Higgins Trust. Call Sue Allen on 01454 852 418. sueallenfflag@blueyonder.co.uk


JUNE 2016

www.outbristol.co.uk/bristolbearfiesta FEBRUARY


4-6 DECEMBER 2015





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