Outdoor Japan Traveler | Issue 80 | Autumn 2021

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dedicated members, with the authority of local law enforcement and the village, were patrolling the coastline every morning and night during nesting season from May to August, making sure people were not disturbing the turtles or nests. “Only one in a thousand turtles survive the journey from hatching to adulthood, so they can use all the help they can get,” Carl notes. “We’ve had nests too close to the shoreline and seen others in vulnerable locations destroyed by typhoons. Relocating the nest is a very slow, difficult process. Eggs have to be marked, numbered and put back in the same order or they won’t hatch,” he continues. Churamura conducts monthly beach cleans at different locations throughout the island to clear the beaches of dangerous debris. They visit schools as part of their community outreach program and talk to students about turtle conservation. They also are starting up an Ocean Rangers program to educate youth about SDGs (sustainable development goals), being environmentally conscious and teaching them valuable ocean skills and responsibility. These grass roots programs are crucial to get the message into people’s homes so kids can put pressure on their parents, local wives can put pressure on their husbands and local politicians feel the pressure and see conservation as good for business and long-term growth of the economy. Okinawa Whale Watching If you are looking for something to do this winter that doesn’t involve sliding down a mountain, whale watching in Okinawa might just be your speed. Witness humpback whales and their calves in their natural habitat with Marine House Seasir’s experienced captains who know the best locations to spot whales while keeping a safe distance so as to not frighten them. Tours include digital copies of photos taken of the whales on your tour (free of charge) and round-trip pickup from your accommodation. Seasir is a Naha-based company guiding fun, safe tours to visitors in Okinawa since 1983. Whale watching boats go out every day from mid-January to March with half-day tours starting at 8 a.m. and 1 p.m. lasting about three hours. Price is ¥4,500 for adults and ¥3,500 for children. To book, call (098) 869-4022 or visit seasir.com.

Over the next five years they plan to create a turtle rescue center that will serve as a hatchery and rehab center. “About 80% of the turtles hatch if the nest is protected—safe from typhoons, camp fires, 4WDs and crabs getting into the nests. Twenty percent need help, which we can provide by nurturing them until they are big enough to avoid predators in the water, such as mahi-mahi which can devour a whole nest,” Carl says. They also hope to help create a ranger network similar to the National Park and Wildlife Service with the power to enforce fines for littering and keeping parks and beaches clean. Ultimately Churamura’s mission is to create the first marine sanctuary dedicated to the protection of critically endangered sea turtles in Japan. It may seem like a long shot, but it is nothing compared to the odds the sea turtles face year after year. If you’d like to help support the cause, Churamura has several ways to get involved. They welcome individual donations and can help facilitate CSR (corporate social responsibility) programs for companies looking to make a difference. For details visit churamura.org or visit their Facebook page for updates at facebook. com/churamura. v

Fun Diving in the Keramas The Kerama National Marine Park features some excellent water visibility (30 to 40 meters), a rich diversity of marine life and is home to 248 species of corals. Join a full-day tour with Seasir, a PADI 5-Star Instructor Dive Resort that is part of the Japan Recreational Diving Association. All instructors are licensed professionals. Fun dive tours are available for first-time to advanced divers (who go out on different boats for increased safety and comfort) and a level check is done if it is your first visit. Advanced divers can opt for drift diving and night diving tours as well. Tours depart at 8 a.m. and are ¥16,480 per person.

Autumn 2021 | 11

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