The President is primarily responsible for ensuring the club sets and meets their goals and objectives, is administered according to the Club Rules and completes all legal and compliance obligations
An effective president needs to be:
1. Aware of the future directions and plans of the club (e.g. to build new facilities)
Well informed (e.g. know the club’s current financial position, programs run by the club)
2. Have a good working knowledge: familiarity with the constitution, club rules and duties of office bearers and committees.
3. Manage committees and/or executive meetings: ensure all matters are discussed and the best decisions made, without lengthy meetings
4. Chair the club’s annual general meeting: see that the agenda is followed, all business is completed, awards or presentations made and speakers welcomed.
5. Represent the club at local and regional levels (e.g. a meeting called by OEFN or council)
6. A supportive leader for all club members: listen to other people’s suggestions and act on them
7. A facilitator for club activities: encourages/motivate members to ensure that planned activities go ahead
8. Prepared to ensure planning and budgeting occurs: planning and budgeting for the future should be carried out in accordance with the wishes of the club members.
A good president should be able to:
lead without controlling
Involve club members in decisions that affect them
Stimulate balanced discussion
Time meetings to finish on time
Encourage discussion and keep meetings on track
Negotiate successfully between members and listen
ce President is the shadowing leader of the club and will work closely and support the President providing leadership to the club overall including organising the committee and over-seeing the mance of the club. The Vice President will step in and undertake the duties and responsibilities of the resident if the Club President becomes unavailable.
Ensure the effective and efficient operation of the executive and all football operations
Preside over meetings in the absence of the president
Ensure that all sectors of the club are managed effectively and efficiently so that performance is maximised
Ensure that all coaches and support staff are carrying out their duties as required
Oversee recruitment of coaches and players according to policies outlined by the club committee
Assist other committee members in their duties as required
Undertake tasks at the request of the president, executive or general committee
Provide a report on portfolio operations to the monthly committee meetings
seek ratification from the appropriate committee member prior to committing the club to any financial expenditure or action
Reports to the club president and committee
Supports all coaches, players, support staff and volunteers
Liaises with the executive committee
Liaises with official club suppliers and other key stakeholders
re to understand the Club Rules, By Laws, Policies and Procedures, legal compliance
e the club is run accordingly. The Secretary is there to manage, collect, review and information and knowledge.
Inward and Outward correspondence including registrations and clearances
Preparing for meetings (e.g. scheduling, agendas and minutes)
Communication with OEFN
Communication with Local Government Authority (LGA)
Distribution of communications coming into the club, to the correct people within the club
Maintaining club registrations, transfers and permits through PlayHQ
Maintain effective records and administration for the club
Keep up-to-date contact details for the management committee and general committee members
Book venues for training and match day competitions
Maintain confidentiality on relevant matters
Manage and supervise others (in relation to secretary duties)
Organise and delegate tasks
he financial supervision of the club to allow the committee to provide good gularly report on the club’s financial status to both the committee and the
Issuing receipts and promptly depositing all monies received.
Making all payments and keeping accurate, up to date records of income and expenditure
Ensuring that adequate accounts and records exist regarding the club’s financial transactions
Being the signatory on club cheques, with at least one other
Preparing regular bank account reconciliations
Being responsible for the club’s petty cash
Invoicing members for items/services provided (e.g. equipment/uniforms)
Being fully informed about the financial position of the club at all times
Preparing budgets for the forthcoming year describing potential sources of income and expenditure
Presenting regular breakdowns of income and expenditure to the management committee
Preparing and presenting financial statements to committee meeting and for the annual report
Managing club investment programs
Negotiating with banks for loans, overdraft facilities and mortgages
Preparing annual financial accounts for auditing, and providing the auditor with information as required
ll clubs must have a nominated CSO. the role is intended to give members of your club a known point of ontact for matters regarding child safety and to give clubs a liaison for training and infomration regarding he issue. Essentially, having a CSO is intended to ensure that if an incident occurs, people know who to turn o, and that the person they turn to understands what to do. It is hoped, however, that CSO’s will be roactively seeking to make their club safer for the kids in as many ways as they can.
Ensure the club has adopted a Child Safety mission statement
Oversee implementation of the Child Safety Standards in the club
Adopt and implement OEFN Child Safety and Wellbeing Policy
Adopt and implement OEFN Child Safety Code of Conduct
Be a point of contact for child safety concerns for staff, volunteers and children undertake OEFN child safety induction and training
Liaise with OEFN
Educate and promote child safety within the club and its members
Be a point of contact for child safety concerns
Maintain detailed, accurate, secure written records of concerns and referrals
Everyone who volunteers in the club is required to have an up-to-date Working With Children Check, including teachers and police officers. Working With Children Checks notify both clubs and OEFN when a volunteer has breached Child Safety Standards and allow clubs to run reports on those who provide their WWCC number.