Summer 2011 Issue - AABTh Beauty Magazine

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The Australian


the voice of the industry Volume 4

Summer 2011


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Up to 63% of consumers will switch to brands that support a worthwhile cause – how can you make sure the brand they switch to is yours? By partnering with Dermalogica. Sales of specially-marked Dermalogica products will help fund women hoping to achieve Financial Independence Through Entrepreneurship (FITE). By working together, we will help 25,000 women around the world start or grow their businesses – all while you pull in a new client base and achieve greater success for your healthiest bottom line. See for yourself what Dermalogica can do for your business, and how FITE will contribute to your healthiest bottom line ever, by visiting, or calling 1800 659 118.

Which entrepreneur will you choose?


Welcome to the Summer 2011 Issue


s we move rapidly towards the festive season and say goodbye to yet another year we would like to take this opportunity to firstly thank you for your continued support of the Association and wish you and your families a safe and happy holiday season. We reflect over the past year as we climb out of the GFC and hope that 2012 will be better for all of us. It has been a difficult time and we understand the financial struggles to find membership fees but we cannot stress enough the importance of belonging to a professional body. In the past the 12 months there have been significant changes to your industry and the AABTh has been working with the various Government bodies to be able to provide you with the most current and up todate information, including the Modern Award and Insurance see page 53 for the benefits of becoming an AABTh member.

The International Spa and Beauty Expo was another great platform for our industry to show case their products and we look for ward to the Melbourne expo in 2012. We have some very interesting articles in this issue, including Preparing for the Long Hot Summer on page 12, Q & A on Waxing on page 35, Great Looking Skin on page 33 and as salons look to recruit staff in the New Year make sure you read Kindred Personnel Solution’s informative article on page 48. We would like to thank all our valued members, advertisers and the entire AABTh team and wish you all a happy and safe holiday period. Looking forward to seeing you all again 2012!

Publishers: Advanced Association of Beauty Therapists CIDESCO SECTION AUSTRALIA PO Box 5463 West Chatswood NSW 1515 Tel: 02 9439 5054 Fax: 02 9437 4761

Editorial Enquiries: The Australian Beauty Therapist Magazine PO BOX 5463 West Chatswood NSW 1515 Tel: 02 9439 5054 Fax: 02 9437 4761

Front Cover: THALGO – BLC Cosmetics Pty Ltd Tel: 02 9477 6900 Email: Website:

Advertising Enquiries: Sue Hannell Tel: 0412 742 094 or 02 9439 5054 Email:

Best wishes, Coleen & Sue

Printing: PLT Print Solutions Tel: 02 9975 2817 Design: Out of White Design Pty Ltd Tel: 02 9924 3319 Email: For membership, subscriptions and contact listings: Contact Coleen Shaw at the AABTh head office on Tel: 02 9439 5054 Email:

© The Advanced Association of Beauty Therapists. CIDESCO SECTION AUSTRALIA. All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced whatsoever without written permission from the publisher. Advertising is accepted for publication on the strict understanding that material does not contravene any law or regulation and complete responsibility remains with the advertiser. Advertisers completely indemnify the publisher, its directors, employees and agents against any claims, cost penalties, suits, expenses, judgements, damages and any other liability, whether caused by or arising whatsoever. The publisher accepts no responsibility for late delivery of publication for whatever reason. In the case of a dispute the publisher’s decision is final and binding to all parties. The views expressed in this publication do not necessarily represent the opinion of the AABTh. The appearance of any advertisement in this publication does not constitute the AABTh endorsement of any product, service or the like, nor does anything contained in this publication represent an endorsement of any person or company which employs any methods or skills described in this publication.

The Australian Beauty Therapist Magazine



Contents Regulars p06 Welcome p08 Industry News Share your social events, educational achievements and business developments p22 Professional Profile Thalgo Australia By BLC Cosmetics p29 Salon Profile Brigitte Academie de Beaute By Lee Manfred p42 Business Matters • Effective Time Management By Sharyn Raiti, Mentor Management • Re-Engineer Yourself for a Brighter Outcome By Phillip Fernandez, Wizard Business Consulting • Training Package Update By Karen Banks, Service Skills Australia • Recruitment of staff By Jennifer Muldoon (AABTh member), Kindred Personnel Solutions • Unfair Dismissal and Termination By Paul Munro • UV Light Cabinets By NSW Health p55 Health & Fitness The 7th Sense By Daniel Diercke, Vision Personal Training p56 Essentials New products and ideas for the beauty industry p59 Directory

Features p12 Preparation for Summer By Alison Yarnold, Advanced School Of Beauty Therapy p16 Stop the Clock By Fiona Tuck, Skinstitut p20 The Easy Guide to Retailing Makeup in Your Salon By Louise Mucha, Natural Compatibles p24 Get Threaded By Liz See, Get Threaded Now p26 Future Trends By Ricky Allen BSc CRN.Dip PA Aesthetic Reconstructions p30 CIDESCO Korea Wrap Up p33 Great Looking Skin By Dr Mark Edinburg, Eden Institute p34 Not all Products are Created Equal By Vanessa Bagley, AABTh Member p35 Q & A On Waxing By Narelle Blinman


p37 Nail Lacquer The New Lipstick Index By Lisa Miller, Maddog Marketing for OPI p38 Why Aren’t my Clients Coming Back By Trish Rock, Nail Salon Succcess Coach p40 UV Lamps – Are you putting your clients at risk By Bio Sculpture


Industry News Our members and those in the beauty industry share their social events, educational achievements and business developments.

On Friday night 23RD September Macquarie Skin & Day Spa won three prestigious awards at the Bathurst Carilon Business Awards Excellence in People Development & Excellence in Lifestyle and Wellbeing. And for the second time in three years Macquarie Skin & Day Spa Bathurst was awarded the Business of the year out of 250 nominated business’s. Macquarie Skin & Day Spa has a team

of 8 therapists. We may not have the flashest day spa in Australia but it comes down to customer service, employee education and delivering results!!

Environ Training Presentation 12th September presents Michelle Woodyard Above left: Michelle Woodyard Environ, Coleen Shaw AABTh, Viviana Scown Exquisite Beauty Salon and Jenny Martins Environ.

Above right: The Environ Team: Vanessa, Sasha, Jenny, Vicki Michelle and Christine.

The Australian Beauty Therapist Magazine


Contact us Send your photos and information to Industry News email

OPI IS TOURING AMERICA Wednesday 3rd August, OPI Australia took more than 80 beauty media and industry professionals on a tour of America, selecting 8 destinations within America to showcase upcoming collections over the next six months. Guests were invited to the media event via a series of postcards

showcasing the new Touring America Collection. The event itself was held at the historic Woollahra Post Office was transformed into a scene out of a US road trip, complete with stops in New York City, Hollywood, Memphis, Arizona, Seattle, new Orleans, Wyoming and Hawaii.


Industry News

Healing Retreat energises spa therapists heritagehealers holistic skincare invited the industry to share two days of health, healing and beauty at their new home on the pristine NSW North Coast. Held by the ocean at the beautiful Pacific Bay Resort, Coffs Harbour, therapists from all across Australia welcomed the chance to take a break from the ‘busy’ ness of running a business … taking the time to step back into nature and breathe, discovering a new holistic focus, energy and passion for their work. Over the two days, sessions included early morning yoga, meditation, working with natural therapies and energetic healing modalities in the spa, business building and motivation, plus lots of demonstrations; These included ayurvedic chakra balancing, oxygen

therapy, and the launch of heritagehealers exciting new Tibetan Healing facial. “WOW better than I ever could imagine, I have walked away with all the tools I need … and feel very supported and so glad and proud to be part of the Heritage healers family … Thank-you again for the motivation and the chance to be a part of a very special Team.xo” – Wendy, Liliydale VIC The feed-back has been so positive that heritagehealers plan to make this an annual event - contact heritagehealers on Freecall 1 800 685 050, or email, if you would like to be on the 2012 guest list !

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Preparation for

Summer Summer is a great time for relaxation, recreation and renewal.


f you’re like most of us, you probably take advantage of the longer days and warm weather to enjoy extra time with family and friends. While enjoying the hot, lazy days of summer, keep in mind that different beauty rules apply. With the gradual changes in weather the skin also changes in order to cope with the climatic conditions. As the winter season ends the temperature of the atmosphere is going to increase and our exposure to environment is also changed. Different ways are used to rejuvenate the body and face skin. • Check your routine products and eliminate where need, as spring arises the temperature becomes warmer and the skin becomes oiler. So if the skin is oily then there is no need to moisturize as lavishly as we did in winter. If your skin is a dry or combination type, moisturizers should be used with care. • Hydration of the body, it is also necessary to keep your body well hydrated as with the change of weather the body’s requirements of water are also increasing. We should be drinking up to 8 glasses of water a day. • Use water based products, in winter most of the cosmetics used are of an oily base, but now the simple dusting of a translucent powder is enough. Or a water based foundation should be used otherwise the skins glands become over active and secrete more oil. • After a harsh winter the skin needs rejuvenation and deep cleansing. It is important to perform a deep exfoliation. Deep exfoliation is required as in winter skin cell repair is much slower. So the removal of dead skin cells is needed to make the skin glow. This will leave the skin feeling revitalised and refreshed for the summer months. • Sunscreens should be used before going outside; the protective layer is applied 10 minutes before going outside, so that it starts working once u are outside. • We can now omit high calorie comfort foods from our diet, which we tend to take in and crave during the winter months. Instead of these high calorie comfort foods we can choose fresh fruits and vegetables and also increase the intake of juices.

• A diet, which is rich in Vitamin A and Vitamin B3. These vitamins help to boast the blood hydration. Vitamin A helps boost the skin to recover and repair from rashes and aging spots. • Steaming or hydrotherapy is useful in removing impurities trapped in pores, this induces the natural sweating process by eliminating toxins from that body that have built up over the winter months. By performing the above skin care treatments and dietary advice, it can give your skin that extra glow. Giving you a radiant look for that spring/summer dress. Therapist 10 summer health and beauty tips Wherever you are in this big country, warmer months are in the post. Its time to get your health and beauty top tips from the people who know best - The Beauty Therapist. Summer health & beauty tip 1: Take the time to treat your body to a pamper session before summer hits. Insure it includes a full body exfoliation, skin specific facial, manicure, and pedicure and spray tan. This combination of treatments will not only relax you from tip to toe but will also buff away all the dead skin that has built up over winter, and plump up your hydration levels. Summer health & beauty tip 2: Summer is a great time of the year for a nice evening beach stroll. Use this time to unwind and refresh the spirit and breathe in the clean ocean air. Also by dipping your feet in the salty water you will feel cleansed as it is know for it’s spiritually clearing powers. Summer health & beauty tip 3: Use a good quality high SPF sunblock on your face and body and reapply regularly. The skin is the body’s largest organ and takes the most amount of punishment during the summer months. Summer health & beauty tip 4: Continue your hair removal routine throughout the winter months. So that when summer arrives you are hairless and sexy for that little summer dress! Summer health & beauty tip 5: At the beach, take more notice of the warm sensations of the sand on your feet and how this makes you feel. (E.g. calm, warm, happy or maybe

a feeling of inner peace. Close your eyes and allow the whole sensation to be felt throughout your body, starting from the top of your head right through to the tip of your toes. Hold onto these positive feelings as long as you can feel it throughout your entire body. This will encourage inner peace and contentment. Summer health & beauty tip 6: Detox - get rid of all the toxins that cause cellulite, dry skin and dullness. Spend a week eating only the freshest and most organic fruit and vegetables. You can combine this with a liver flush tonic as well. Or even treat yourself to a detoxifying body treatment. Summer health & beauty tip 7: Keep fluids topped up. As a rule of thumb drink double what you would normally drink in winter months. 8 Glasses of water a day. Summer health & beauty tip 8: Try to find the time to get a 30 min relaxation massage, you will be surprised what benefits you will reap from a short treatment. This will be especially beneficial with the silly season approaching. Summer health & beauty tip 9: Put a masque on every week; use your favourite television show to remind you that it’s that time again! Sit back relax, unwind and let your mask go to work! Summer health & beauty tip 10: Switch to lighter skin care and beauty products that help to matify and cleanse deeper. Summer health & beauty tip 11: Nothing is more revolting than skin full of little red mosquito or bug bites, so don’t forget the bug spray. You may want to try one of the new two-in-one sunscreen and insect repellents. Summer health & beauty tip 12: For a quick skin boost in the sun, fill a misting bottle with a little bit of toner and water, and spritz your face and body for a quick cool off. Just remember to close your eyes so you don’t risk burning them. By performing the above skin care treatments and adjusting your busy lifestyles we can all be relaxed and rejuvenated for the summer months ahead. Healthy skin, healthy mind, healthy spirit equals a healthy glow! By Alison Yarnold, Advanced School of Beauty Therapy.

The Australian Beauty Therapist Magazine


A professional brow arch lights up your face making you gorgeous and it has never been easier and more convenient than at your local Benefit Browbar. Come in to your nearest Benefit Browbar and let us take you from now to WOW in a few easy steps.

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You don ’t Hav to Enjoy e to be Here a Great Tan Enjoy a Tan all round w Year ith SunZon e Soluti ons premium solution s now also available in 500ml b ottles

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it must be love. What makes Dermalogica the top choice of beauty editors, make-up artists and those in-the-know? Well, it’s certainly not an obsession with fancy packaging or high-paid models! Instead, we use ingredients that we know will deliver results. Our confidence comes from skin care professionals worldwide who use our products in their treatment rooms every day. It’s time you experience the success that comes from having Dermalogica in your business.

Now, growing your business with Dermalogica can help build communities worldwide! Our global FITE campaign will not only promote your business to new consumers, but will also build your bottom line while benefiting women all over the world.

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As a skincare expert our role is to educate our clients on not only how to look after and protect their skin with appropriate skincare products but also to educate our clients on damaging lifestyle and intrinsic factors that may be aggravating their skin concerns.

The Australian Beauty Therapist Magazine



hilst we are passionate about designing treatment plans to regenerate and assist collagen production or resurface and renew ageing skin we also need to be passionate about slowing down premature ageing by looking at our client in a holistic manner. Education is key to solving skincare concerns by not only providing our clients with treatment plans and effective homecare regimes but by also educating our clients on lifestyle factors, diet and medications that may be aggravating their skincare concerns. Ageing skin is the number one consumer skincare concern and the driving force behind the multibillion dollar anti ageing business. Expertise in all areas of the ageing process is essential in order to be successful in our field. We all know that exposure to UV radiation is the primary cause of unwanted lines and wrinkles. We also understand that daily UV protection, avoidance of excessive sun exposure combined with a simple but effective skincare regime is a smart way to keep wrinkles at bay. How many of us actually also take into consideration that what we eat not only affects the general health and look of our bodies but also what we eat is either assisting in either fighting or attracting wrinkles and ageing of the skin? Once of the most important factors in the ageing process is Glycation, a prime cause of intrinsic aging or non-environmental skin aging unable to be prevented by UV protection. Glycation is a chemical reaction that occurs naturally within the body. This process also occurs in cooking as the browning reaction between sugars and proteins due to cooking at high or prolonged temperatures. Caramalised onions, sticky toffee pudding, crispy roasted potatoes, well cooked meats and the brown hue of beer or all involve this chemical process. This process occurs in our bodies slowly over time, in fact the longer a protein lives the more chance it will be exposed to the glycation process. In reality we are all slowly roasting away at 37 degrees C much the same as a rotisserie chicken! When a sugar molecule binds to a protein, lipid or nucleic acid it creates a mutated molecule that is not recognized by the body and therefore cannot be metabolised normally. This reaction results in the formation of Amadori adducts. These Amadori adducts are then acted on by free radicals to form Advanced Glycation End products or AGE’s. These end products are the culprits to the cross linking of protein strands which permanently reduce your skin’s ability to produce and regenerate the proteins responsible for structure and elasticity. Poor quality collagen and elastin is the result giving the appearance of lines, wrinkles and poor skin resilience.

The amount and variety of AGEs and AGE modified tissue progressively increases over a life time of slow cooking. High blood sugar levels, high fat and increased oxidative stress all combine to accelerate the formation of AGE’s and with it lines, wrinkles and sagging skin. Not only do Advanced Glycation End products lead to ageing of the skin they damage the structures in the eyes leading to poor vision and worst yet damage to the blood vessels increasing the risk of strokes, heart attacks and dementia. AGE’s interact with receptors called RAGE’s which are receptors of AGE’s. As the name suggests RAGE’s stimulate a cascade of adverse biochemical reactions such as heightened free radical stress and inflammation. This is what can lead to ageing of the brain cells and atherosclerosis or hardening or the arteries. RAGE’s reduce insulin function therefore making glucose even more available for glycation. This also explains why diabetic clients will experience glycation at a faster rate and why a diabetic skin shows early sign of glycation. Early signs of glycation or cross linking of collagen can be seen as a criss cross or grid like pattern in the skin commonly seen in the corners of the inner eyes or around the sides of the mouth. Skin that has been exposed to extreme oxidative stress such as sun, poor diet, high sugar or processed foods consumption, drugs, alcohol, medication and stress will also show early signs of glycation and pigmentation or browning of the skin. Another way to slow down the ageing process is to limit our intake of AGE’s. Many common foods that we eat on a daily basis contain AGE’s and we are happily eating them oblivious to the fact they may be assisting with the formation of lines and wrinkles. Many foods are made to look appealing due to the browning process to give the food an enticing colour, texture or flavor. There is a strong relationship between the levels of AGE’s in our blood and the AGE’s consumed in our diets. Heating foods at high temperatures increases the production of AGEs in food, and eating heat-treated foods readily transfers AGEs to the body. According to research from the Mount Sinai School of Medicine, 10 percent of AGEs in food are absorbed by your body (where they remain for a long time). In short, the more AGE-rich food you eat, the higher your levels of AGEs will be. Foods that are high in AGEs are those that are grilled, fried, broiled, roasted, pasteurised or sterilised. Any food that is “browned,” particularly high-fat, high-protein food, is also likely to be high in AGEs. Studies have shown that eating a low-AGE diet can reduce levels of inflammation, and chronic disease, in your body. We are what we eat becomes we are as old as what we eat.

Ways to reduce AGE’s and prevent wrinkles • Maintain a healthy weight. • Take regular exercise • Ensure regular intake of omega 3 fatty acids found in fish and flaxseed oils. • Avoid sugar, highly refined foods such as white bread, processed foods, sweets and treats. Eat low sugar fruits in moderation. • Eat a low glycaemic index diet including plenty of whole grains, legumes and raw vegetables. • Tip - Use apple cider vinegar as vinaigrette to lower the GI of foods. • Eat foods high in antioxidants such as garlic, onions, broccoli, tomatoes and capsicum. • Moderate alcohol consumption – have at least 3 alcohol free days per week. • Avoid high trans and saturated fat foods such as pies, cakes and cookies. • Avoid grilling, roasting or barbequed foods where possible. • Tip - Marinating meat prior to grilling will reduce AGE formation. • Remove the skin from poultry and meat before cooking. • Cooking on a slow or low heat in the presence of excess humidity such as boiling, poaching, steaming will prevent the caramalisation or glycation of foods. Hormones and Vitamins that reduce AGE’s Vitamin D, thyroid hormones, melatonin, oestrogen and testosterone assist with healthy insulin function and maintain blood glucose levels. Zinc, magnesium, iodine, B complex vitamins, alpha lipoic acid and chromium assist with healthy skin, may prevent AGE’s and assist insulin function Skincare Once glycation has occurred in the skin it is impossible to reverse however professional treatments such as microdermabrasion, chemical peels and C.I.T treatments such as skin needling will assist with skin regeneration and the appearance of a more radiant, youthful complexion. Regular application of, retinol, vitamin C, vitamin B and antioxidant based skincare products are an essential part of any anti ageing savvy homecare regime. These powerful active ingredients are mandatory to slow the war on ageing and will assist healthy collagen and elastin production and reduce oxidative stress in the skin. Fiona Tuck Managing Director of Skinstitut


Advertising Feature

The easy guide to retailing makeup in your salon Every woman wears some form of makeup, even if it is only foundation, lipstick or mascara.


oday’s’ women is savvy when it comes to spending their disposable income. They are looking for value for money and customer service. Where do they buy their makeup products from…Department stores, Supermarkets or Pharmacy, where there is no personalised service or client rapport. This is where a beauty salon has an advantage, you know your clients and have a relationship with them and are therefore able to identify their needs. There is no better product than makeup to improve a woman’s appearance and give her self-confidence. Makeup gives an instant result. As a Beauty Therapist you need to look at the service that you are providing to your clients, as it is an extremely competitive environment in which you operate. Beauty Therapists have the perfect opportunity to market makeup to all their clients. Clients come to you for your expertise and to educate them on the best products for them. By introducing a professional makeup range you are supporting the professional image you are trying to create for your salon. Clients will always come to you for their special occasion makeup – weddings, formals etc, but don’t forget the rest of your clientele, as they wear makeup too. I hear time and time again that makeup does not sell in salons but I beg to differ – it DOES sell you have to take the time to talk, show and educate your clients. I have conducted numerous tuition days helping salons educate their clients and have found that by spending as little as 15 minutes showing them how to apply their makeup and explaining to them the reason behind WHY you should use lip liner, brow powder, foundation etc all the products are purchased. Ladies have commented to me nobody has bothered to show me how to apply makeup properly before, and they are too embarrassed to ask how to apply makeup or don’t want to sit in the middle of the makeup counter in a department store. HUGE POTENTIAL – YOU ARE MISSING OUT IF YOU DO NOT OFFER THIS SERVICE.

It’s all in the Presentation! In order to sell makeup successfully you and your staff need to wear the makeup and display it attractively. As a stockist of any professional makeup range you are the face of the company to your clients. Your client’s perception of the brand is going to be based on their experience in your salon whether it is good or bad. Your clients start to form their opinions of your salon from the moment they walk through the door. Encourage your staff to have fun with the makeup and to try new shades, as regular clients to your salon will notice when the salon staff are wearing new colours. To provide additional sales to your business, makeup needs be visually appealing to your clients. It is important that you regularly review your makeup display through the eyes of your clients and ask yourself the following questions: 1. Is the makeup stand clean 2. Are all testers stocked and presentable (ie. Are pencils sharpened and longer than just stubs, do the shadows have more than just a few flecks of powder in them). 3. Is the stand in a position where all clients can easily access it? 4. Do you change the makeup products on display to excite your regular clients? 5. Do you use Facebook, e-mail and Twitter to regularly update your clients on new products and specials? 6. Do you have retail stock available to purchase? We constantly get calls from consumers that want to purchase our makeup but their regular salon doesn’t have it in stock to sell them. The salon then misses out on a sale. 7. Have you packaged some of your best selling products together for Christmas? Your time poor clients will like the convenience of purchasing something for that hard to buy for mother in law, child’s teacher etc. when they are in for their summer waxing. Hints on how makeup can complement your salon….they only take an extra few minutes and will result in sales. Clients enjoy the experience of having a

beauty treatment. Use some of the following tips to ensure that the client leaves looking better than when they came in. Eyebrow Tinting: Add brow powder to clients that have just had their brows tinted. Tinting just colours the hair that is there; powder fills in the gaps. Show your client the difference. Facial Waxing: Dab a little wet & dry foundation or anti - red on to the waxed area to reduce the appearance of redness. Facials: Add a little translucent powder to reduce the shine and some lipstick to brighten the appearance. Manicure/Pedicure: Apply lipstick to the client in a shade similar to their polish colour for a co-ordinate look. Choosing a professional makeup range for your salon. Salons are faced with a variety of options when looking for a professional makeup range. Deciding which range is the best for your salon and which one is the most appealing to your clients can be difficult. Choosing a makeup range involves looking beyond the display stand. Following is a checklist of things to consider when evaluating makeup suppliers: 1. Australian Made 2. Do they only supply to beauty professionals or do they also distribute through department stores / pharmacy 3. Do they offer comprehensive training on their products for you and your staff 4. Are their product packages modular so that you can gradually build on the range as your business grows 5. Do they offer prompt delivery of orders 6. Are they willing to assist you with advertising and marketing campaigns in your local area 7. Are the products priced to satisfy even your most price conscious client 8. Do they offer good profit margins to you 9. Are they always able to fulfill your order or do they regularly have out of stocks 10. Do they offer you regular specials By Louise Mucha, National Educator, Natural Compatibles.

AusBeauty_Halfpage_Ad_Summer_2012_Layout 1 24/11/11 9:17 AM Page 1

The Australian Beauty Therapist Magazine


ANESI invites you to travel to a world of pleasure and well-being through nine complete specific skin care lines for face and body. A wide range of appealing


and effective formulas, which have been directly developed and controlled in our laboratories with the latest cosmetic techniques and advanced professional treatments for sublime beauty. Discover the efficency of Anesi....

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Refectocil Starter Kit

The Refectocil Starter Kit is ideal to start working with Refectocil Eyelash and Eyebrow tints. The practical plastic bag contains all the products necessary for a complete treatment. Ideal for beauty students or mobile beauty therapists. Kit contains: 6 Tint colours - Black, Graphite, Blue/Black, Brown, Light Brown & Chestnut, Oxidant Liquid, Papers Extra, Superfat Creme, Mini Application Set (pkt 5), Cosmetic Brush Soft (pkt 5), Eye Make Up Remover, Tint Remover, Longlash Gel, 2 Colour Charts, Brochure & Bag.

Refectocil Tinting Station

The Refectocil Tinting Station is functional and perfect for in salon display and promotion. Contains: 9 Tint Colours (Blonde, Black, Graphite, Blue Black, Blue, Brown, Light Brown, Chestnut, Red), Oxidant Liquid, Oxidant Creme, Eye Pads, Tint Remover, Eye Make Up Remover, Superfat Creme, Long Lash Gel, Glass Mixing Dish, Applicator Sticks Blue & White, Application Brushes Hard & Soft, Mini Colour Charts, Leaflets, Sticker, Base & Backing Board. FOR YOUR NEAREST DISTRIBUTOR CONTACT: LEE FRAN BEAUTY IMPORTS P/L PH: 0755 936 522


Professional Profile

Investing in the Future with Thalgo T

he New Logo - Taking a fresh look at the logo, the oval and wave have been removed and the typography re-worked to give this renowned brand a modern logo that really stands out. New Packaging - As packaging is the first thing the customer sees on the shelf in your salon and it influences their experience of the product and the brand, this was the next thing to consider. The challenge was to improve the packaging whilst keeping it recognisably Thalgo. The new outer packaging is natural and matte with an iridescent effect, making it more high-end and more in keeping with our premium spa brand positioning. Colour segmentation has also been introduced to help consumers navigate the range and to differentiate the product categories on the shelf. Bottles, jars and tubes have also been redesigned. New Samples – Samples will be presented in tubes instead of sachets, a more convenient option for the consumer as they are re-sealable and add a higher perceived value for giveaways.

New Tester Stand – The new tester stand features removable shelves for flexible display options. The shelves have interchangeable colour coded base layers that represent the different ranges, and do not have slots for products, so that the display can be easily updated. A re-moveable visual can also be regularly updated. To celebrate the re-brand of Thalgo, four exciting new ranges are now available; The New Anti-Ageing range It’s time to smooth, fill, lift and regenerate skin with Thalgo’s new Anti-ageing Skincare Programme. In our modern world, young and radiant skin is a sign of good health and vitality. However, as the skin ages over the years, its needs become more intense and changes gradually accumulate such as loss of firmness on the eyelids, facial contours and the neck. The skin loses its original tone, colour and radiance, all heightening the appearance of ageing. Now you can reactivate the regenerating

power of the skin and correct the signs of ageing as they appear with Thalgo’s innovative new Anti-ageing Skincare Programme that is designed to be used both at home and in conjunction with an in-salon Thalgo treatment. After years of research, the programme works on three different levels suited for three different age groups – Collagen for those aged 25 and over; Hyaluronic for those aged 35 and over and Silicium for those aged 40 and over. There are multi benefits to using the new Thalgo anti-ageing Programme: The Collagen Programme is for smoothing fine lines and expression lines. The range acts at the wrinkle formation stage to slow down their appearance. There are two products under this range; the Collagen Cream for wrinkle smoothing, and the Collagen Concentrate for intensive smoothing and cellular booster. The Hyaluronic Programme is used for acting at the heart of wrinkles to reveal visibly younger skin. The range smooths and fills deeper expression lines and noticeable

The Australian Beauty Therapist Magazine


In 2011, Thalgo has commenced a rebrand with a new logo, new packaging, testers, stands and sleek new carry bags, re-presenting Thalgo as a modern and stylish brand – the ideal brand partner for your salon or spa. wrinkles. There are three products in this range; Hyaluronic Filler for very precise, deep wrinkles, Hyaluronic Cream which is smoothing and filling for deep wrinkles, and the Hyaluronic Mask for instant filling of wrinkles. The Silicium Programme is predominantly for filling and lifting the skin. The range is for noticeable wrinkles and loss of firmness due to older age. There are three products in this range; Silicium Cream for wrinkle correction and lifting, Silicium Concentrate for intensive restructuring and cellular booster and Silicium Extracts which has a refining and intense lifting effect for the jaw line and neck. Just as Thalgo is gentle on the skin all Thalgo products are gentle on the environment, with each product in the Thalgo Anti-Ageing Programme being developed under Thalgo’s new formulations charter featuring no parabens, mineral oils, propylene glycol, GMO’s. New Generation Sun Care Bronze and care for your skin with Thalgo’s new Sun Care Range.

Thalgo’s self-tanning cream for face and body provides a healthy, safe and ultra-natural golden tan whilst the Sun Repair Cream Mask for Face and Neckline and Hydra Soothing Lotion for the Body work to soothe and nourish skin after over exposure to the sun’s rays. Collagen Booster The Age Defying Beauty-Drink featuring Marine Collagen, Hyaluronic Acid and Vitamins C, E and Selenium. A unique concept in a rapidly expanding market, the Collagen Booster Beauty Drink is a supplement designed to assist action at the heart of the cells, reactivating the youthfulness of the skin in the deepest layers of the dermis. A concentrated supply of rejuvenating active ingredients are easily absorbed and highly bioavailable, providing a synergic action with Thalgo Facial Treatments and homecare programmes from complete care for the face and body. The treatment is incredibly easy and convenient to use by taking one dose per day as an intensive course of treatment for

ten days, repeating two to four times a year depending on the needs of the skin. Organic Infus’oceanes’ Tea’s An organic pleasure break. Thalgo introduces an innovative new range of tea’s which combine the potency of marine superfoods and organic plants combined with pleasure for the senses. In this new collection, active ingredients have been identified that are known to be effective are incorporated into a range of varied and delicious tea’s. With respect for the balance of nature and biodiversity, these high quality products do not harm the environment, human, plant or animal health or their well-being . The Organic Infus’oceanes range includes five products, each promoting a unique health benefit and include no GMO’s or GMO derivatives, no irradiation and no artificial colours or preservatives. For further information on the Thalgo range, please call 02 9477 6900 or email


GET THREADED Women all over Australia are turning to cotton to remove their facial hair


ou may have heard the term ‘threading’ being used within the beauty industry in the last few years. Or you may be one of about 99% of Australians who have not. The name threading or eyebrow threading normally conjures up images of a procedure that sounds painful and something you certainly would not want to afflict on your clients. Surprisingly it is not the case and when appropriately trained in the technique, you will find your clients becoming part of the Australian threading convert revolution when they voice to you that it is the most pleasant form of facial hair removal they have ever had. What is threading? Threading is an ancient hair removal technique where an antibacterial cotton thread is used in a special method to remove facial hair and shape beautiful eyebrows. No-one really knows who started removing facial hair with this method first, but it is very popular in countries like India, Egypt and China. In some cultures when a young girl ‘became a woman’, it was tradition that the female members of the family would all get together and thread the girl to mark the occasion. Somewhere along the line, the western world discovered this ancient art and the story of threading has unfolded all over the world. How does it work? An antibacterial cotton thread that is especially designed for threading, is twisted into a special technique and the cotton is rolled across the skin. The ‘coil’ or twisted section of the cotton gently picks up the hair and lifts it from the follicle. Threading is a form of epilation, so it removes the entire hair from the follicle, leaving smooth skin that can last up to 4-6 weeks. The technique is perfect for eyebrows and other facial hair removal. What products are used? The only products that are used in the service is the application of a talc free powder before the threading service (which absorbs oils and residues and prepares the hair for threading) and antibacterial threading cotton. The application of a soothing lotion or aloe vera

gel can be applied after service completion. Vardhman Threads, based in India, manufacture the world’s only antibacterial threading cotton that is specifically designed for the purpose of threading. The product called Vanity Thread is the only product that should be used for the beauty technique and aids in the hygienic and professional delivery of the service. What are the benefits of threading? There are many reasons why women are turning to cotton: • It is a 100% natural form of hair removal as there are no chemicals applied to the skin • Threading only removes the hair so there is no damage to the top layers of the skin • Less redness and associated hair removal adverse effects • Threading is fast, sessions will only take a few minutes for lips and 5-15 minutes of your time for eyebrows. • Threading just pulls the hair, unlike waxing which pulls the skin, over time waxing could cause the skin to loosen and develop premature wrinkles. • Unlike tweezing, threading removes one clean line of hair all at once, making it much quicker and easier to shape the brows. • People on particular medications or with certain skin conditions may turn to threading to remove their facial hair because it’s gentler on the skin than some other types of hair removal. For example, some dermatologists recommend that people who use acne medications, including Roaccutane, choose threading instead of waxing. • Threading is perfect for all facial hair, especially the soft downy hormonal hair on women. Many feel uncomfortable to wax this but as threading is non-invasive it is the second most popular service after brow shaping. • The benefit of threading that most sets it apart from other hair removal techniques, is its precision in eyebrow shaping. The coil that rolls over the skin can remove one hair or a line of hair and hairs that are finer than those that can be removed by waxing or plucking. As these fine hairs are removed it leaves behind beautiful shaped and precise brows.

What are the most common services? The facial area is concentrated on as there as so many benefits for this area. Eyebrows, Lip and Chin, Sides of Face and Full Face are the common services for women. Brow grooming for men is also really popular as the threading can allow natural shaping to occur. Is threading painful? Traditional threading methods can be, but if performed by fully accredited threading artist, threading should not be painful. A combination of technique and the quality of the thread used determines whether the service is pleasant for the client. The lip area is the most sensitive area of the face, which is similar to other forms of hair removal but most clients say even this is not too unpleasant. Can you learn threading in Australia? Threading is an art but an art than can be learnt. Certificate II in Hair Removal (Threading) is a nationally accredited course and is designed for people to work in the beauty industry as a threading artist. Once complete, students will be able to provide advanced service to customers in regards to hair removal using thread and includes knowledge of the different techniques used(there are three), how to perform the techniques, how to apply these techniques in relation to face, eye and eyebrow shapes as well as relevant OH&S and workplace service practices. By Liz See – founder of Get Threaded (a global business specializing in the ancient art of threading, copyright owners and the only registered training organisation in Australia to deliver Certificate II in Hair Removal (Threading), The Eyebrow Experts (a beauty blog and online training all about eyebrows), Get Mineraled Cosmetics (the largest range of brow makeup in the world) and The International Institute of Excellence (recognition for professionals). To find out more visit:

Tibetan Healing Facial Experience a new level of wellness, with this unique ayurvedic inspired healing ritual from heritagehealers, the leaders in holistic beauty therapy. Designed and customised to the unique needs of our client’s skin and lifestyle, this holistic spa facial merges ancient Tibetan healing traditions with professional skin care, taking our clients on a sensory journey through the chakras to enhance skin health, energy and well being.

a sensory journey through the chakras With gentle strokes, Kansa – the sacred ayurvedic healing metal of India – gently harmonises and recharges the aura, smoothing wrinkles and rejuvenating the skin. Mineral rich clays refine and purify the skin while the healing sounds of Tibetan singing bowls fill the room, resonating with your chakras, clearing and energising. The result is a powerful sense of complete healing, that delivers total well being and radiant, silky soft skin. Understanding and learning how to keep your energetic body system in balance is one of the most profound journeys of personal development we can undertake.

Kansa, the healing metal The sacred metal alloy Kansa is made from very high quality copper and tin. This ancient blend of metals is known in Ayurveda as the healing metal. Tools like this have been used in India for centuries to enhance health and strength, increase energy, and support general well being and longevity. In Ayurvedic massage theory, the simple repetitive long strokes and circles of the Kansa Wand work to detoxify, revitalise and balance the skin. On a more subtle level, the high electrical conductivity of the unique metal blend resonates with the subtle electrical (energetic) system that runs through the meridians and chakras, effectively ‘tuning’ the Auric field. Tibetan singing bowls recharge and harmonise the energy body Singing Bowls are widely used in Tibetan Buddhist healing rituals to recharge and harmonise the subtle energies of the body. The sound and vibrations of heritagehealers chakra singing bowls resonate with our energy system, working to clear, purify, balance and energise, for total health and well being. Be one of the first to add this amazing ritual to your Spa menu – contact heritagehealers on Freecall 1800 685 050, or email, or visit


FUTURE TRENDS Still the fastest growing area of science, cosmetic enhancement and the related skincare that supports it, show no sign of slowing down in their ability to come up with more and more effective treatments and products.


recently attended an International Paramedical Aesthetics conference where the talks on future trends were definitely the most talked about of the conference. The attendees and lecturers were a mix of cosmetic doctors and scientists from all over the globe. They were all very excited about the future of the cosmetic enhancement area. I really loved the Contact lenses, which released chemicals, which improved the condition of the skin for the wearer. This one is still only in the embryonic stage. A little less controversial was the home use fractionated laser, which is on the design table as we speak. This may prove to be a negative for the market generally delivering a message that aestheticians and cosmetic doctors are irrelevant and you can do all you need at home yourself. Home hair removal lasers, which are already available in Australia, are in the process of being refined to give better results. Lasers and LEDs that offer a two treatment path through their technology plus the instillation of skin care products which occur at the same time as part of the whole technology are also in the design stage. The products instilled are based on the specific needs being met by the treatment. My favourite is the pill that when you take it stops the greying of the hair-I cannot wait for that-It is still on the drawing board unfortunately. We are going to find there is more

overlapping between medicine and skin care.Our clients will be able to have a DNA swab taken and from those results a prescription will be written that will specifically target that persons own individual skin needs. That prescription will be made of part topical and part tablet treatments. This process will be repeated yearly to ensure that their current skin prescription matches their skin’s current needs. Skin stem cell growth and stimulation was greatly discussed also. This is still a very controversial topic. According to the World Health Organization the only way to really stimulate the activity and growth of skin stem cells is through direct fat transfer, which contains live viable stem cells. In America they are now calling fat transfer procedures –Stem Cell Face Lifts. Doctors started to perform fat transfers many years ago. Sometimes the patients gained big improvements, other times the results were minimal and did not last long. Scientific research has proven that the reason those results were so variable is that each person’s skin stem cells stimulate and reproduce at a different rate. This rate does not always relate to a person’s age either. . This is contrary to the amount of labs being set up all over America where women and men in their late teens and early twenties can have their fat removed and then stored for when they may need it, so that the fat supposedly

contains optimally healthy skin cells. A bit of a gimmick really as some sixty year olds can have more easily stimulated stem cells. The other consideration is that if the fat is not removed properly in the removal process all the stem cells can be destroyed. I think that the Stem Cell Facelift may well become the most performed Cosmetic enhancement procedure of the future as the doctors learn more and more about stem cells generally. The areas that are being researched are the harnessing and stimulation of those stem cells. Dr. Warwick Harper, Cosmetic Plastic Surgeon from Manly NSW. has spent many years researching fat transfer and he has patients who he performed the procedure on more than ten years ago who look younger today than ten years ago. He feels that the results from the fat transfers are only going to get better and better as our understanding of stem cells improves. There are now new centrifuges, which are available, which spin down the fat without causing any damage to the fat and stem cells. There are also new syringes, which allow delivery into areas without causing any damage to the fat being delivered or the area of delivery. Dr. Harper has also found that his younger patients do not necessarily receive the best long-term results. He is always very careful not to over promise as there are so many variables

The Australian Beauty Therapist Magazine


outside of his control that effect the long term result but as the scientific data available improves less and less of those variables will become important. If you were a beauty therapist and you were working in say 1950 and you came back to work now you would feel as if you had really Gone back to the Future. Who would have thought that we would be able to use the technology that we are using today and deliver the results that we are delivering. We should continue to educate ourselves as well as be open to all the changes in treatments and products that are becoming available. All the changes should not frighten us rather they should excite us. All these advances mean one thing they we will be able to deliver continuingly better and longer lasting results for our clients skin. We should also never forget that gentle hands ,a caring compassionate nature and the ability to couple all treatments with relaxation therapies will always deliver the best results and the happiest long –term clients. Science alone will not fill all the needs. MS.RICKY ALLEN BSc CRN.Dip PA. Aesthetic reconstructions MOB. 0412700720 FAX. (02) 99052229

THE COURSE This exclusive for day Advanced Paramedical course bridges the gap between health and beauty. Essential for any one thinking about working with doctors. Learn all the massages necessary to aid healing, general well being and relaxation. Theory and Practical. Certificates are signed by plastic surgeon.

PROGRAMME Timing will vary depending on theatre visit.

THE TRAINER Ms Ricky Allen is an internationally renowned trainer who lectures to doctors, nurses and beauty therapists. She is an internationally accredited paramedical aesthetics trainer, health psychologist, nurse practitioner and beauty therapist. She is also a consultant in Health and Beauty to the media- Vogue, Cosmetic surgery mag., Channel 9, Beauty Watch, etc. Ricky has undergone peel training in the USA and Australia and has worked with many dermatologists and Plastic surgeons and is also a consultant to cosmetic houses in US and Australia. She holds a Science Degree, A nursing Diploma, A Bachelor of Arts (Psychology), a certificate in Cosmetology (Aesthetics), a peeling certificate USA and a number of Post Graduate beauty qualifications from USA.

Day 2 • Pre and Post op care • Theory and practical including • Massages for healing, relaxation, cellulite care, etc.

Day 1 • Medical and surgical lectures from doctors. • Scar Aetiology and care • Ethics • Setting up a clinic and healing mechanisms • Infection Control

Day 3 • Advanced acne care • Menopausal skin care • Medico legal issues • Paramedical camouflage theory and practical Day 4 • Theatre visit • Chemotherapy skincare • Marketing of your paramedical business or medi spa • Consultation practical • Theory assessment • Graduation

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Advertising Feature


n 13th and 14th August the Sydney International Spa & Beauty Expo lit up the Sydney Exhibition and Convention Centre with an enlightening and inspiring display in the Spa Hall. From the Spa Series Education Seminars to the exclusive Platinum Hour event, a strong focus was made on the future of this constantly expanding and evolving industry. Meanwhile feature exhibition Future Spa showcased industry benchmarks for success, encouraging business owners to be inspired and envision their own excellence within the multi-billion dollar Spa Industry and make their mark on a global scale. Future Spa was a magnificent and worthy focal point of the entire Expo. The incredible “white dome” installation was the home to never before seen movie montages of Australian Spa leaders. The videos, complimented by interactive touch screen pads, showcased a behind the scenes look at four wellestablished and highly successful spa and retreat facilities: • Gillian Adams Salon and Spa showed a gold standard in Day Spa, being renowned for the perfect integration of a hairdressing salon and spa. Encompassing a comprehensive range of facilities, including an aquamedic hydrotherapy pool, this true day spa is well appreciated by its local clientele, with success found in a strategy of convenience and comfort to maintain loyalty. • Southern Ocean Lodge demonstrated why they are one of the country’s elite Destination Retreats, offering the ultimate eco-luxe location that is fully sustainable. Guests are treated to a complete sensory experience while they engage in personalised programs amongst the pristine wilderness of Kangaroo Island. Its award winning architecture, with eco-sensitive technologies distinguishes this eco-resort as one of Australia’s best interpretations of the rapidly growing ecoluxe destination and spa market sector.

• Peninsula Life was captured as one of Australia’s most respected Medispas integrating medical beauty practices and traditional spa treatments to create a holistic experience. This Medispa encapsulates the standard success model, offering group facilities and an extensive service menu that follows international trends whilst meeting local demand. It is a true industry star, capturing a wide client spectrum with their departmental integration to ensure repeat visits. • Gaia Retreat and Spa represents a leading pioneer in Wellness Retreats, paving its way across the domestic and international circuit with programs that focus on enhancing both the inner and physical journey. This retreat is committed to offering the ultimate holistic wellness experience through their abundant range of supporting services such as naturopathy and acupuncture. Gaia focuses on an importance of ensuring the guest feels truly valued by enhancing their inner wellbeing, making them a highly regarded choice-based lifestyle retreat. Special guests were treated to an intimate presentation as they networked with their industry peers in the dome at Platinum Hour on Saturday afternoon. Event Director Lauren Ebbeck and Publisher of Spa Australasia Kirien Withers explored the global trends in the current multibillion dollar spa industry. “Profitability in this current climate and the ability to read current trends are good indicators of successful spas that stand the test of time”, Withers said before highlighting why the four spas showcased are Australian benchmarks for success. The idea behind Future Spa was to encourage guests to discover the strengths of these businesses and inspire them to develop their own excellence within this expanding market.

Inspiration for success continued in the Spa Series Seminars, where attendees experienced first hand insight on how to drive their business forward in the Australian spa sector. In her Body and Beyond seminar, Petrea King explained “each spa, regardless of its size, can expand its services to better meet the wellness needs of its clientele and, in this way, forge a sustainable path into the future”. Hitting the mark with her extremely relevant content was Caroline Neilson and her Spa Rescue – Making Money in Any Economy seminar. Caroline expressed that it is “essential in the current tight market [to] employ staff who have the drive and passion to provide exceptional customer service and provide the solutions to the clients needs.” Holly Harmon in her Nature Meets Cosmeceutical seminar examined the current market trends of naturals, scientifically natural and organics and how these product portfolios offer optimum efficacy, while Lori Terwilliger discussed competitive advantages and how to reach customers efficiently and effectively within the current spa market in her Global Spa Trends seminar. “The expo stays abreast of the latest trends on the international circuit and brings them to the expo floor in exciting and engaging initiatives” said Lauren Ebbeck, Event Director, and this year the Spa Hall shone brightly beyond expectation, paving the way forward to a bright future for this extraordinary industry. The expo might be over, but inspiration for success continues with the return of Salon Melbourne, the biggest, brightest and boldest hair and beauty trade event in Australia, coming up on 31st March and 1 April 2012 at the Melbourne Convention & Exhibition Centre. For more information head to For further enquiries, please contact: Katrina Goh, Symbol PR PH: 02 9212 1212.

The Australian Beauty Therapist Magazine


Salon Profile



auritian born, Brigitte Marden arrived in Australia in 1969. As a sole parent she was determined to be independent and work for herself. She had an office job but decided to study as a Beauty Therapist at the Dianna Nolan College, Hurstville. She chose Beauty Therapy, because she had problem skin and could not get help. She believed if she understood the science of skincare she could improve her own skin and she would have empathy with her future clients. Brigitte passed through Fivedock everyday on her way to her first job in the Beauty Industry. She loved the suburb for its mixed ethnicity, its great food, patisseries and European flair. Many of the residents were hard working and had become very successful. she loved the ‘soul’ of the place and knew in her heart that this is where she wanted her salon and even dreamed of the exact location. This very shop became available and she set up her first salon, called BRIGITTE ACADEMIE de Beauté. She wanted to use and stock world class products. She was familiar with Payot Paris products from her time in Mauritius and she became the first to stock them in Australia. Brigitte says, “My aim was to gently educate Australian women on skin care starting from the teenage years right through to old age. I suspect my French heritage might have something to do with this!” Seven years ago, Brigitte moved to her second salon. This was purpose designed to suit her specific needs. She chose soft blue and green hues to create a peaceful and soothing

atmosphere. And, her mantra – “rest a while in a gentle ambience”! Brigitte never rests on her laurels. She and her staff have continual training from all her key suppliers. For example, all staff has just had training on the PAYOT PARIS perfect experience treatment. She combines regular training programs with the most advanced technology and machinery. She recently went to Canada to attend the Modern Electrolysis Symposium where she was trained on the use of Apilus Electripil machinery. She admits to being passionate about hygiene within the salon and this is a major KPI for all staff. Plus she insists that all her staff take good care with their own beauty and maintenance regime so they “look like what they do.” Brigitte is also passionate about her clients. She has women and men of all ages – from teenagers to older. She says, “My aim is simple – I want to look after each client’s skin condition and improve it. I get tremendous satisfaction from treating acne skins and from seeing older clients look younger and healthier. I have many clients who started with me when I first opened 30 years ago and now, my team and I, treat their children and grandchildren.” Brigitte’s Academie de Beauté has over 50 treatments for clients to select from. The extensive menu caters for all needs from waxing, electrolysis, bleaching, facials, body treatments, anti-aging, eye treatments including tints, waxing, perming – manicures, including paraffin treatments – pedicures,

de-stress massages and tanning. Plus she specialises in LEG light therapy, uses the Dr. Ho Mayerling Skin Renewal System and has man of the exclusive Payot Signature treatments. Her three most popular treatments are the PAYOT INSTITUTE AOX Perfect Experience facial for anti-aging and destressing; GLB Microdermabrasion (a non-invasive skin resurfacing procedure for the face and body that achieves remarkable results with hyperkeratoisis, sun damaged skin, acne, post acne skins and stretch marks and Fusion MPR TECHNOLOGY that lifts and tightens the skin, stimulates and strengthens the deeper layers of collagen whilst tightening collagen and elastin. Brigitte loves what she does. The thirty years have flown and she says, “I achieved my dream to be a successful, independent woman in a job that I truly enjoy. My key memories are clients who have become personal friends; staff who have supported me over the years – staff whom I’ve seen ‘grow’ and achieve their own successes both at work and in their personal life.” “The future is good. I see the salon continuing to grow through constant updating with state of the art equipment, through ongoing training, through improving the KPI’S of all staff, including myself, through embracing new technology in skincare and through the tremendous satisfaction, my staff and I achieve by seeing our clients leave happy with their treatments and most importantly knowing that they trust us and will come back and they will recommend us to friends and family!”


Pictured clockwise from top left: Kyongbok Palace, Seoul, Korea; 60th CIDESCO World Congress and Exhibition; Joanna Hoare with Kyriacos Poupoutsis (President Cidesco) receives the Medaille du Merite (Professional Standards and Status); Anne Maestrini with Kyriacos Poupoutsis, receives a gift for working for Cidesco for the past 25 years; Ms Dainne Miles of Australia with Kyriacos Poupoutsis, bestowed with an Honorary Board Membership; Emperor Palace, Seoul, Korea.

60th CIDESCO International Word Congress and Exhibition 28th June-3 July 2011 Seoul South Korea


orld Congress and Exhibition, from 28 June to 3 July 2011. What an awesome exposure to the Korean Beauty Industry for the international and local delegates who attended the array of functions so professionally and efficiently presented by the Korean Central Estheticians Association - KCEA. Seoul, the city with Soul in South Korea was the host for the 60th CIDESCO International Word Congress and Exhibition. The Examiners Workshop and Schools Meetings were well attended considering the global economy and concerns surrounding the earthquake in Japan. All concerns were allayed as meetings, exhibition and lectures ran with clockwork precision amidst world class showpieces of excellence. Mr Kyriacos Poupoutsis– President of CIDESCO International welcomed delegates to the Examiners and Schools meetings. Josephine Wackett, CIDESCO Education Board member informed the attendees of the changes in the Aromatherapy Syllabus,

discussed examination procedures and syllabi amendments as well as presented practical demonstrations of Facial and Body Electrical equipment to ensure learners worldwide are performing the correct skills in a consistent and an adequately safe manner. Currently CIDESCO has: 265 CIDESCO accredited Schools and Spa Training Centres, 28 Schools on probation and 77 Beauty Centres worldwide. Representatives of CIDESCO Member Sections from 32 countries were invited to attend the General Assembly where the CIDESCO Board presented the current status of CIDESCO International. It was reported that there were a total of 5009 Candidates during 2010 entering the variety of qualifications on offer by CIDESCO. These examinations range from Beauty Therapy to Spa, Epilation, Aromatherapy, Make up and of course Post-Graduate. What a fine commitment and dedication to CIDESCO as an organisation.

The Australian Beauty Therapist Magazine


A word from Narelle – A CIDESCO Examiner


had the privilege of attending the recent CIDESCO Congress in Seoul, South Korea in June/July.I had conducted an exam and the Suwon Womens’ College. Upon completion of the exam it was on to the Congress Centre for Examiners’ and Schools’ meetings. The opening ceremony of the Congress was a very colourful event with the flags from the representative countries on stage. There were many international visitors from representative countries and it was a good opportunity to meet up with people who you have a common bond with – BEAUTY THERAPY and allied therapies. The drummers who performed at the Opening Ceremony truly gave us all an insight into some of the local entertainment and kept us very much awake and stimulated with their drumming They were enthralling to watch. Mr Kyriacos Popoutsis officially opened the Congress together with the President of the South Korean Section. Of course, as does happen, there were many official people and

politicians who gave greetings of welcome and some comment concerning this International Beauty Congress. The keynote speaker gave a resounding address concerning the beauty industry, more particularly in South Korea and emphasised that the Government should be having more input and asserting some consistent protocols within the industry, as at the present time too many people qualified or unqualified can just open up anywhere and do whatever they wish to do. This of course is not good for the industry and praised the efforts of the training institutions of CIDESCO. This speaker received a resounding appreciation of her speech.I was listening with the earphones to the interpretation. I was very impressed. The actual trade show was very large, with obvious local content. It was very interesting to walk around and observe the interest by the people at the stands. The lectures were varied and very well

presented. Some were on electrical equipment treatments, microdermabrasion, red skin (rosacea), and local treatments. Two of the social events were demonstrating local cultural dancing which were very colourful and elegant. The gala dinner had wonderful entertainment by some of the leading singers and entertainers in South Korea.The energy in the auditorium was electric. It was wonderful to see the local ladies in their “hanboks” (local dress), some with a modern take, most were traditional. I do hope that in the future we will be able to have some more representatives from Australia attend and meet with colleagues from other countries. It is truly a wonderful experience to renew and make new acquaintances. I was so happy to meet with some past students from overseas and also some candidates who I have examined in the past.This is what CIDESCO family is about. By Narelle Blinman


Advertising Feature Hair by Sara Allsop @dharma, model: Imogen@, photographer:


ov 2011, Salon Melbourne HQ; plans are well underway for the ultimate Victorian hair and beauty event with the 2012 show set to be the hub for directional trend setting and inspiration. Taking on a fresh perspective through the eyes of newly appointed Event Director, Julia Erben, Salon Melbourne will prove to be the weekend for all savvy hair and beauty professionals. With over 200 brands exhibiting and the hottest line up of talent, you won’t know where to start! Come and see Caron Laboratories, OPI, Bodyography, Rae Morris, St. Tropez, Minx, Clinical Skincare, Emendee, Crown Brush, Cloud Nine, Moroccanoil and much more. Nicola Burford brings her international expertise for the first time to Salon Melbourne with her main stage demonstration Makeup Update. Keep up to speed with the hottest tips, techniques and trends on the international circuit. Crowd favourite Rae Morris brings two brand new seminars to 2012! Combat real, everyday challenges on how to accentuate your

radiance in Makeup for over-­30s, then blitz through hot tips and tricks to create amazing looks in half the time at Express Makeup. See future trends unfold in an Australian first hair industry exclusive! The haircut makes a come back in All About The Cut with Australian Hair Dresser of the Year Finalists Frank Apostolopoulos, Joey Scandizzo and Damien Rinaldo. Join this intimate presentation and discussion to discover techniques to create strikingly beautiful cuts that have commercial appeal with an edge. Not to be missed! These three faces will be the ones to watch, with their sheer styling and cutting brilliance set to take the industry by storm. Watch the hottest hair trends recreated in Fashion Week Translated with Caterina Dibiase Official Hair Director at L’Oreal Melbourne Fashion Festival 2012 (taking place just weeks before the expo). Bringing the latest techniques and fashion forward styles to the main stage, these recreations with show you what’s hot for 2012-­a must see for all salon owners and hair stylists.

The Versailles Collection comes to life at the expo with Sharon Blain. Be amazed by a world of 40’s glamour in this captivating display of grandeur style, where Sharon’s energy and power to reinvent will have you breathless. Featuring lavish haute couture gowns from Australia’s Project Runway’s Series 3 Finalist, Craig Braybrook, this exclusive collection will throw you into a timeless era with a contemporary twist. Be inspired by this genius at work and ignite your inner passion to create! Salon Melbourne is gearing up to be the trend hub for 2012, with a stellar line up of Australia’s internationally acclaimed talent! The style capital will be buzzing with all the latest and greatest in hair and beauty, it’s almost too hot to handle! Get the latest updates at Say hello on Bookings and Registration open January 2012! For more information visit

The Australian Beauty Therapist Magazine


Advertising Feature

GREAT LOOKING SKIN at 20, 30, 40, 50 and 60+ Believe it or not, with the power of UV rays and the potency of pollution, skin ageing commences in one’s late teens, with real signs starting to appear in one’s twenties.


hese days with the variety of successful treatment options available for facial rejuvenation, the signs of ageing which are dictated either through chronological (hereditary) or environmental factors, can be alleviated, slowed down or in some instances even reversed if a well thought out plan is followed. Even if we follow a trusted and focussed skincare routine from an early age, the inevitable signs of facial skin ageing will take place. Broadly speaking, 20s-30s • early photo-ageing caused by sun • mild pigmentary changes • minimal wrinkles and fine lines • no keratoses 30s-40s • moderate photo-ageing and pigmentary changes • loss of skin elasticity reduces the ability of skin to snap back • early lines around eyes, lips, corners of the mouth, nasolabial folds, malar eminences appear as lines of facial expression when the face is in motion • appearance of heavier lids • early keratoses 50s-60s • advanced photo-ageing • obvious pigmentation, visible small blood vessels, • vertical frown line and deepened smile lines • heavier upper lid skin • keratoses • static wrinkles 60+s • severe photo aging • yellowish-grey skin colour • severe wrinkles • skin malignancies

A COMPLETE APPROACH TO ANTI-AGEING Anti-ageing at its best combines cross consultations between the plastic surgeon and the aesthetician, with the use of non-surgical and surgical methodologies as time passes by. Commencing in one’s 20’s an active skincare maintenance routine combining vitamins A and antioxidants together with a solid exercise routine, will help stave off skin damage delivered by environmental factors such as sun and pollution. Moving into one’s 30’s and 40’s, a good skincare routine, combined with strong sun protection together with some injectable fillers helps to maintain a fresh youthful look. The aesthetician and the plastic surgeon would be in the best position to advise the patient according to the given circumstances. Treatment options may compliment each other, for example skin peels, microdermabrasion, IPL, Botox, fillers and medical- grade laser treatments. 40’s to 50’s At this stage, one sees a definite change in the appearance of upper and lower eyelids, which are easily rectified with precision upper lid blepharoplasty which involves removal of some skin and possibly muscle which minimises the appearance of heaviness and wrinkling. The lower lid likewise has many surgical options, again depending on which ageing signs the patient presents with. Great care must be taken to preserve the lower lid integrity. Fat or skin and muscle can be removed to prevent drooping of the lower lid. Supporting procedures such as muscle relaxants, injectable fillers, peels or medicalgrade lasers may be helpful post-surgery. It is important that surgery is enhanced by post operative ongoing care by the aesthetician, including skin care with active cosmeceuticals containing Vitamin A and antioxidants, chemical peels, pigmentation treatments, fillers and microdermabrasion amongst others.

50’s to 60+ At this stage, one may look at a full face-lift including neck, brow, temples and eyelid surgery together with a combination of injectable fillers and muscle relaxants and medical-grade laser to support the surgical work. Even though time stops for no-one, a well thought out plan with top quality medical expertise can do wonders for ensuring that you look as young as you feel! By Dr Mark Edinburg MBBCH FRACS – Plastic Surgeon & Medical Director at the Eden Institute of Plastic and Cosmetic Surgery. The Eden Institute of Plastic and Cosmetic Surgery is located at C1 Solent Centre, 3 Burbank Place, Norwest Business Park, Baulkham Hills NSW 2153, Sydney, Australia. Tel: (02) 8814 5800 or visit Dr Mark Edinburg, Medical Director of the Eden Institute of Plastic & Cosmetic Surgery brings decades of outstanding surgical experience to his patients. His belief that “outward beauty is based on confidence, self-esteem and a positive outlook on life” is key to success of this practice which delivers a full suite of surgical and non-invasive aesthetic enhancement procedures, using stateof-the-art medical practices, technologies and products. A holistic approach to treatments, including advanced skin care maintenance and a philosophy based on the importance of total wellness, delivered with a genuinely palpable warmth and care for his patients positions Dr Edinburg as a pre-eminent Plastic Surgeon in Australia. The team at The Eden Institute work hard to keep up-to-date with advancements in the industry and to nurture relationships with their patients, enabling them to feel comfortable and safe discussing something as important and personal as their cosmetic procedures. If you have any questions or concerns, please contact the Eden Institute for professional, honest and holistic recommendations and treatments in order to achieve overall face and body health. Call (02) 8814 5800 or



Using totally natural, quality ingredients will result in effective skin care

There has been a lot of hype and misinformation in the media lately regarding the effectiveness of skin care products


hannel 9’s A Current Affair ran a story regarding this very topic. They interviewed a dermatologist and a cosmetic chemist. Their conclusion was that skin care products despite the cost and ingredients all have the same and little if no affect on the skin. Here is one AABTH member and Skin Care manufacturer’s response to ACA. RE: “Beauty insider’s savings secret” A Current Affair. Went to air on Channel 9 Tuesday 13th September I strongly disagree with the views of this story. There is definitely a difference between Skin Care products and it all depends on the products that you’re comparing with the quality of the ingredients they contain. Cosmetics that are genuinely ‘natural and organic’ were not reviewed on your program, yet they provide the fundamental difference in skin care. Therefore the opinions given in this story suggesting that all cosmetics are the same is incorrect. In your story, you have compared ‘like’ products. It is a bit like comparing breakfast cereals. Is ‘Special K’ more nutritious than ‘Cornflakes’? Yet the question should be is ‘Is natural and organic muesli more nutritious than Cornflakes?’ And of course the answer is YES! ‘Cornflakes’ are highly processed which removes the beneficial nutrients in the corn and this product also generally contains added sugar, salt and flavouring etc etc – no great benefit to health; however the muesli contains a combination of wholegrains which

provide important nutrients for the body; fibre, vitamins etc. that are critical for a good health. Yet they are both breakfast ‘cereals’! It is the same in the cosmetic industry. Using totally natural, quality ingredients will result in effective skin care compared to using certain synthetic ingredients that may not be good for the skin and can be downright toxic to your health. The cost of making natural and organic products with natural cosmaceutical ingredients can be far more expensive than manufacturing a ‘general run of the mill’ moisturiser. Yet the products that do contain synthetic, possibly toxic ingredients vary in price to being very cheap to buy (eg. Vitamin E cream from a chemist) to being very expensive (eg. Well known brands advertised on TV and in women’s magazines) With these particular type of products it is often not the cost of the actual cream that determines price. This will give you an idea of what I mean; Cosmetic creams are basically oil, water and emulsifier. HOWEVER, what oil does the moisturiser you’re using contain? Does it contain cheap ‘mineral oil’ that is a by product of petroleum production that provides no nutrient value, doesn’t ‘feed’ the skin and only ‘lubricates’ the skin? OR is the oil from a plant such as avocado or rosehip oil which is full of beneficial vitamin E, lecithin, essential fatty acids, etc that is VITAL for healthy skin and bodies? Do you see now what I’m getting at. The cost of 25 litres of mineral oil is miniscule vs the cost of 25 litres of rosehip oil. And it doesn’t stop there.

There are many other components in cosmetics. Does the product contain CHEAP ‘synthetic’ preservatives that may dubiously be linked to cancerous tumour growth or does the cosmetic cream contain a more natural type of preservative? (the cost of natural preservatives is radically more expensive than using strong, synthetic, manufactured preservatives.) Perfumes are another factor and while perfume may be used in very small amounts, these perfume ingredients can be synthetic & harmful chemicals. The perfume concoction may also contain ‘Phthalates’ which are very toxic and it won’t even be listed on the label of the product. At Beauty By Nature we not only use natural, healthy ingredients, we also use pure essential oils from plants to produce a beautiful aroma in your moisturiser as well as providing healing benefits to the skin and your general wellbeing. Vanessa Bagley manufacturer of Beauty By Nature skin care and member AABTh since 1985 (Advanced Assoc. Beauty Therapists – Cidesco Section Australia). I’m still waiting to hear from A Current Affair! We know as Beauty Therapists; the way to determine if a cosmetic is good quality is not by looking at the price! Study the ingredients on the label and as this can be very confusing, (unless you’re a scientist!) we have made this task easier by creating a basic reference list of ingredients we would definitely NOT USE in Beauty By Nature natural skin care on our website

The Australian Beauty Therapist Magazine




s a client some questions I would ask a therapist at a salon, solarium, a waxing room at a hairdresser or nail salon would be:

Q: What hygiene regime do you have in place? A: Fresh paper covering the bed and pillow; fresh gown; new spatulas for each person; gloves as required for area of work; pre wax preparations and post wax preparations. Q: Which types of wax do you use? A: Warm or strip wax can be used for all areas of the body, preferably legs and arms. Hot wax specifically designed for bikini, underarm or face. Q: What can I expect from being waxed? A: First the skin would be cleansed with pre wax preparation to ensure the skin is clean before the treatment. If using strip wax it is applied very thinly on the area and removed with a specially designed strip. This is pulled off quickly, low to the skin, however it may cause a slight sting momentarily. Upon completion of treatment I will clean the skin again with a post wax preparation to ensure that the hair follicle openings are treated. Q: Am I expected to do anything in particular at home after my waxing treatment? A: I would advise you not to use a loofah, perfumed soaps, lotions or deodorant, not take a hot bath or shower, swim, sunbathe, or do any strenuous sweaty exercise for at least 24 – 48 hours after treatment. This is because the skin has been heated with the wax and the surface layer of the skin has been exfoliated off. Q: If I have any lumps or skin lesions, would you wax over them? A: Waxing over any lump or skin lesion is definitely out. Sometimes a spot of Vaseline over the lump can be applied to prevent any damage. However, if there appears to be a “sinister” spot of any description, I would advise you to visit with your Dr. to ensure that is is OK or not OK. Q: Should I do anything at home after waxing? A: It is advisable to use on the legs and arms a loofah, after about 3 days with a pH balanced body wash, then moisturise the legs. This can keep the skin soft and prevent ingrowing hairs. Of course these items are available at our Reception. Q: How often should I come and have waxing? A: Every 4 weeks seems to be the norm, however, it is a very individual situation as each individual’s hair growth differs. Q: Can my daughter aged 12 have her legs waxed as I don’t want her to shave? A: Yes, particularly if she is exceptionally hairy and is subject to peer pressure. It is quite safe for her and she too must abide by the after waxing instructions that I have given to you verbally and on a written card.


on file: industry nail news

Manicures at the speed of light New Gel Color by OPI


ark your calendars, mani-maniacs, as come January 2012, OPI is launching their new gel technology, a faster-curing and longer lasting technique, Gel Color. OPI’s Gel Color comes in a bottle and is applied like a normal lacquer, and then cures under light emitting diodes (LED) like those used in your TV remote control, for 30 seconds each layer, and lasts up to 2 weeks chip-free. The application is similar to a normal lacquer, not thick like gels. When you are ready to remove your Gel Color, simply soak it off using OPI Expert Touch Polish

Remover in as little as 15 minutes OPI’s Gel Color wears like a gel, yet looks and feels like a lacquer. This new revolutionary application is fully cured from foundation to finish in 4 minutes per set, versus the normal 12 minutes-plus for standard UV cure. Gel Color comes in 38 of your favourite lacquer shade, from neutrals to brights and darks, sheers and shimmers. OPI’s Gel Color will be available in selected beauty salons and spas from January 2012 onwards. For more information contact OPI stockists on 1800 358 999 or or

Fa st Appl ication

S i m p l e R e m oval

Apply Base Coat:

Saturate Expert Touch Remover pad with Expert Touch Remover.

Apply GelColor:

Place over gel & wrap finger.

Apply Top Coat:

Check after 15 minutes; gently push off gel with Reusable Cuticle Stick.

• Polish on • Cap free edges • Cure 30 seconds

• Shake bottle; Polish on thin coat (1st coat may not provide true color coverage) • Cap free edges • Cure 30 seconds* • Repeat application & cure for 30 sec.

• Polish on • Cap free edges • Cure 30 seconds* • Wipe with N.A.S. 99

*Cure 30 seconds using OPI LED Light. If using OPI Axxium UV Light, cure 2 minutes each coat.

*For complete GelColor by OPI Nail Prep, Application and Removal Instructions, view DVD, read instructional brochure, or log on as a professional at

The Australian Beauty Therapist Magazine


on file: industry nail news

Industry insiders predict nail colour will be the fastest growing beauty business in the next few years

Nail lacquer the new lipstick index

Nail lacquer has now replaced lipstick as the most recession-proof cosmetic


n the last year, sales of nail lacquer worldwide have increased by 54 per cent, according to an international market research company, whilst in contrast lipstick sales have risen by just 14 per cent. Nail lacquer has taken over as the heir to lipstick during recessionary times. Recognised as a must-have fashion accessory, nail lacquer is now the official index measurement, replacing lipstick as an affordable indulgence during economic downturns. We used to measure the economy using the lipstick index - when times got tough, we bought a lipstick. Now the economic barometer is measured in nail lacquer. As times get difficult, we seek instant gratification, so we buy a nail lacquer or get a manicure. Whilst this trend is happening across the globe with consumers purchasing more and more brightcoloured nail lacquer, in Australia,

consumers are flocking to nail bars in the pursuit of happiness. Industry insiders predict nail colour will be the fastest-growing beauty business in the next few years, providing a small yet promising pocket of growth for beauty groups. OPI, the world’s leading nail care brand in the professional market, generated over $200 million in sales from over 100 countries in 2010. This year the company anticipate the sales to be close to $300 million. According to OPI US, the sales growth for OPI nail lacquer in 2010, was approximately 20% compared to less than 5% in the make-up category and less than 3% growth in perfumery. The industry experts anticipate the growth to double in 2011. Australians have adopted the trend of pampering themselves with a manicure and pedicure, more so than any other country in world. Australia is one of the

top five highest selling countries worldwide in terms of sales for OPI. The reason for the growth in the nail care category is due to the innovation and celebrity alignments. Indeed, there has been a huge surge of interest in nail lacquer and nail art, which has never been more fashionable. OPI has managed to set themselves apart from the others with their quirky names and more imaginative products, including matte lacquers and shatter-finish treatment products and alignment with high-grossing movies such as Alice in Wonderland and Pirates of the Caribbean. OPI’s next movie alignment is with Disney’s The Muppet movie which will be released in Australia in January 2012. Celebrities are cashing in on this new trend. OPI has collaborated with the well-known celebrities such as Kardashians and Katy Perry, even Justin Bieber had his own line of nail lacquer with

Nicole by OPI, that sold over a million bottles. People have different personalities and nails are an area where you can take a risk and express your own individuality through the colour shade on your nails or through nail art. Invented over 5,000 years ago by the Ming Dynasty, nail lacquer has been one of the longest and most successful fashion trends to this day. Chinese royalty wore colored nail polish in relation to the current dynasty. The ancient Egyptians used nail lacquer to symbolise their rank. Even Cleopatra used a red stain for her nails. Although nail lacquer no longer suggests a statement of rank or royalty, it is still a necessary and affordable fashion accessory for any outfit. OPI is available in leading beauty salons and spas and David Jones stores nationally. For more information on OPI please contact 1800 358 999.


on file: industry nail news

Why aren’t my clients coming back?

Are your clients coming back regularly? Are your clients coming back at all?


any Nail Salons find it easy to get new clients through the door but difficulty in keeping them. Many Nail Salons don’t find this task easy but when the clients do come, they stay. So, what is the difference between these salons and how can YOU keep tabs on the behaviour of your clients?

1. The first thing that is vital in your salon is client records. All salons will have some sort of record keeping system for their client database. There are some that work better than others and depending on the size of your Nail Salon, you will be using the one that suits you best and does the best job for your purposes.

Client databases need to include: • Name, address, phone numbers, email, facebook contact, twitter contact • Service provided, when, what occurred at appointment, any problems, treatments etc • Contact requests granted – ie contact regarding specials through email, facebook or twitter

2. Regular database checks. If you have a salon management system in your Nail Salon, you will find this a blessing when it comes to gathering information and database checks. If not, you can just as easily do it manually but it will take a bit more time. The database needs to be checked regularly to see which clients are

The Australian Beauty Therapist Magazine


not returning. You can then get systems in place for contacting these clients with the aim of luring them back to your salon with a special offer. I would only send 3 offers over a space of 3 months and would then forget about them as it would be wasting your time trying to get them back when they are obviously not interested. Harassing them with advertising material will only deepen their resolve to never return so leave it after a few months and maybe one day, when they are ready, they will book in again. If you have a regular newsletter or email send out I would continue with that though as it just keeps you top of mind if they do decide they need your services again. By doing this ‘database check’ regularly (I would recommend every 3 - 6 months) you will determine how many clients you may be losing and then you can figure out WHY. 3. WHY are they not coming back? This is sometimes a tough questions and the answers are not always about you, your Nail Salon or your services. Sometimes people just move on or decide not to have the services done anymore. There are however other clients who do not return due to these exact factors- you, your salon and your services! Probably the best way to get feedback, apart from actually asking the clients face to face, is to do surveys. This can be done in salon, in a special email or mail send out or in your regular newsletter or specials sendout. People are usually quite happy to give you their opinion. Some would prefer it to be anonymous so this may be the best option but you will be able to gauge that from your clientele. These opinions from the survey, if the questions are directed to particular areas, will let you know how you are doing in these areas: • Customer Service • Product satisfaction (in service and retail) • Salon Atmosphere and professionalism

4 pc Mega Mini Color Cube Holds 4 mega mini colors: Braziliant, Smooth • Extra services that could be Sailing, Super Bossa Nova, and Meet Me At Sunset “ifyou youwant want “if introduced to salon Item # P0508400 UPC Code: 884486058126 some color to pick up some colouratatthe thebeach... beach...I say I saygogo 4. The next step is to determine which areas in your salon may be letting you and your clients down and finding ways to improve on them. For instance, if customer service is one of the factors letting your salon down, by: 6 pcimprove Color it Cube Holds one bottle each 6 colors • Training yourself andofyour # P0508500 UPC Code:in 884486058133 staff toItem answer phones a better manner • Answering inquiries from walk-in clients better and more effectively • Talking to the clients in a more friendly and meaningful way so braziliant it instils trust in them. There are many ways to improve if you are12 willing to Designer listen to your Bottle Display Holds 2 bottles each colors up to clients, and others, andof 6step Item # P0508600 Code: 884486058140 offering them what UPC they want in a Nail Salon. Remember, they don’t have to come to your salon. There are many others around summer 2011 that will give them good nails. Available June 1, 2011 What is it about your Nail Salon summer 2011 that makes them want to come, and return time and time again? braziliant too too hot super meet me at smooth absolutely bossa nova sunset sailing shore By finding out exactly what it is 754 759 757 755 756 758 36 Bottle Designer Display about your salon that may be losing DBP, Toluene and Formaldehyde-free Holds 6 bottles each of 6 colors you long term clients and improving Item # P0508700 UPC Code: 884486058157 too too hot smooth sailing these areas, you will eventually have mostly regular, long term devoted clients coming to your Nail Salon For more information, call 1.866.313.7845 or visit which also means less advertising, marketing and money spent! Your clients are the biggest super bossa nova absolutely shore element to your business- without them you do not have a business. I can guarantee if you do these things: • make your clients feel safe, secure and special meet me at sunset braziliant • listen to them and assist where possible • have them walk out of your salon feeling better than when they walked in • give them expert service and attention to detail then you have long term regular BLC Cosmetics Pty Ltd clients. That would have to be the 83 Hunter St - Hornsby NSW 2077 best asset your Nail Salon business Ph: (02) 9477 6900 Fax: (02) 9482 1468 could have.

brazil iant.”

By Trish Rock, The Nail Salon Success Coach Summer 2011 Ad.indd 1


11/2/2011 1:37:17 PM


on file: industry nail news

UV lamps – Are you putting your clients at risk?


he nail industry in Australia is becoming increasingly saturated with new products and concepts yet the industry as a whole remains largely unregulated. This makes it extremely difficult for Salon owners, Beauty Therapists and Nail Technicians to make informed decisions when it comes to recommending products and services that will ensure the health, safety and wellbeing of clients and staff. Currently the most important health issue in the Nail Industry is UVA spectral output for curing nail enhancements. Recent reports linking UV lamps to cancer have caused great confusion within the industry. Most UV curing lamps differ in scale and how they operate. Some lamps are 36 watts, others 48 watts and therefore, one

cannot say confidently that all UV curing lamps are safe. Now with the introduction of LED lamps that cure gel in seconds, one must ask themselves, has anyone done the necessary testing and research into the safety of these curing lamps? Bio Sculpture Australia’s Managing Director Andrew Bergmann offers the following advice to Salon owners and staff – “Start by aligning yourself with a company that has the same ethics that you do. Ask the right questions - Is the equipment I am using safe? Has it been tested for health and safety? Are there any studies to support this research? “Bio Sculpture was the first and only nail care company worldwide to receive a 5 star safety rating” says Andrew. “Before we introduced Bio Sculpture to the Australian market in 1996, we had our UV

Lamps (which are a total of 18 watts) tested independently by the Australian Radiation Laboratory, who deemed that Bio Sculpture UV lamps were safe when used according to the recommended Bio Sculpture guidelines. Again in 2004 we had our Gel System tested, by Farmovs Parexel and were awarded a 5 star health and safety rating for efficacy and tolerability. Furthermore in 2009 ARPANSA (Australian Radiation Protection and Nuclear Safety Agency) again deemed our UV Lamps safe when used accordingly to our recommendations.” As an extra precautionary measure, Bio Sculpture offers special UV safe gloves for those clients who would prefer to cover their skin whilst having a Bio Sculpture Treatment – Just a small example of a company going the extra mile, and taking responsibility

118 High Tea Tulip

119 Sugar Sweet Pea

for health and safety. With the introduction of LED Nail Curing Units into the market, Bio Sculpture have confirmed they will not be introducing this type of technology into Australia until they have commissioned an independent authority (ARPANSA) to undertake the necessary testings to ensure the safety and compliance with regards to emissions. Bio Sculpture as an International leading nail care company, have spent millions of dollars on Research and Development in formulating the Bio Sculpture System to ensure the safety of clients, both from an occupational and retail perspective. Bio Sculpture is available in over 36 countries and prides itself on its health & safety profile. For more information phone 1300 BIO GEL or visit

120 Turquoise Teacup

121 Cupcake Carnation


15/11/11 7:26 PM


Business Matters

Effective Time Management – it’s our biggest asset We all wish we had more hours in the day, more hours to do everything that needs to get done in our busy, out of control lives.

The Australian Beauty Therapist Magazine



ime – it’s our greatest asset & its’ so easy to let it slide by without realising the cost of your precious time when it’s not used effectively. Consider this, if you spend your well earned money you can always find a way to make more, but once you’ve spent your time, it’s gone forever! With that in mind, how valuable is your time, what financial value do you place on your time? How critical is it for you to strategically plan for the best use of your time, for your staff’s time? Put simply vital. Time after all in our business represents money & if you add up all the lost or wasted time by you & your staff you would find yourself with a nice fat bank balance – read on to discover how to best use your time to increase your time management, reduce time wastage & increase business profits. Time ticks by, minute-byminute, hour-by-hour, day after day & it is the same for everyone – we are united regardless of where we live, race, culture, etc. We cannot stop time, reverse time, or step forward to another time & we all have the same amount of time – regardless of our income or status - celebrities, entrepreneurs, people in’s agreed we have the same amount of time available – but it’s how it is used for optimum effectiveness that is the key. Essentially time management is really self management & it means changing your personal habits & using time management tools that will help you to make better use of the time that is available to you. This is a great plan for you & for your staff – better use of time equals better profits & more clients through the door. Time management is about effective planning & it makes good sense to make the most of our most valuable resource - time. Here are some simple and practical tips and tools to make better use of your greatest asset . . . Time 1. Get good at To-Do Lists, Diaries & documenting your thoughts

We have busy minds that can easily cause mental fatigue & confusion – our thoughts can simply be overwhelming with the number of ideas, thoughts, tasks, views & responsibilities that we have circling around in our heads. A simple way of sorting this is to get the thought out of your head & onto paper. This will safely store ideas & thoughts for a later stage, reduce the mental fatigue from the bombardment & allow you to focus on the thoughts that you need now, in the present time to perform a task or activity effectively. Once you have documented all of your thoughts/ tasks/ideas, you can allocate them in order of importance. Create an action plan list today for tomorrow& set the pace based on the following areas of importance: Top Priority: These are really important tasks which should be completed by you before anything else is done. Priority: These are not so important and should only be completed when the Top Priority list has been completed. Reality: These are tasks that are more of an enjoyment & a “nice to do” – there’s no real urgency but you’d like to keep a track of these potential improvements. Low importance: These are tasks that you do not need to complete but which are important. These tasks should be delegated to your team. No Importance: These are tasks which are not important at all and therefore you should delete them! To finalise your day decide what tasks need to roll over into tomorrow and document these into your diary, ready for a new day. It’s also important to take notes daily in your diary, keep track of who you have met, discussions you’ve had, thoughts that have sprung to mind & any important learning’s from the day. 2. How do you ‘spend your time’? This is great for you & your staff with a need for better time management . . . Keep a time

log for a fortnight - this simple exercise will really highlight where you spend your time, down to the minute if you wish, everyday. You’ll be able to sit back and evaluate where the time went & expect surprises with how you spend your time & what you actually do each day. Imagine factual information based on your own personal weekly agenda, written on paper, it doesn’t get any more real than that. You’ll be able to see the quality time spent v’s the interruptions, the phone calls, the time wasted surfing the net – any wonder you’re not getting to what needs doing! Being productive with your time is everything – try tracking your time in a diary & start being wise with your time. Remember time often means money! 3. What is your Ideal Week? Or what would you like your week to look like? Just like creating a budget for the household this is a budget for your time, on a weekly basis & it’s yours to do with as you choose. Document all of your regular tasks, e.g. meetings, appointments, calls, reviewing results, banking, team meetings, etc) & then use week at a glance page on your diary –to allocate out time for each of these regular tasks. Ideally always leave more time than normal for each task to cater for those guaranteed interruptions, phone calls & momentary diversions. The above is a great start to structure & create a direction for your week ahead. By setting aside an allocated amount of time for each major task means that you can focus on getting these tasks done instead of switching from one random task to another. Switching continuously is not good for brain health, it causes confusion, fatigue & is very stressful for you the person trying to juggle all your tasks. Time Management means also looking at the way you manage your email & phone

calls more effectively. Choose 2 or 3 times a day where you will read your emails & stick to it, emails are distracting when you are focussed on a task at hand & you are constantly switching to read them, consider how you take your phone calls as well – can you switch off your phone to get less interruptions & allocate time for your calls as well? Remember you choose how you ‘spend your time’ & sticking to the Ideal Week diary plan is your goal & where possible keep to your plan & you keep on track. Create a Time Management Checklist Where do you place the value of your time now after you have completed your Time Tracker & Your Ideal Week. Do your evaluation& this will keep your tasks, duties & life balance in check. Based on this you can work out which tasks to do, drop, delegate or outsource to free up your time to spend on the important higher valued/ higher skilled tasks that place value on your time of value. Organise staff to have better time management skills by using the same tools – time management is not a trained skill, some are better at utilising time than others, some need guidelines & direction – we are all different so have a think who needs your help that in turn will boost time effectiveness in your business. Remember how you ‘spend your time’ is your choice. Recommended Resources for Time Management Mentor Management’s Powerbooking™ CD is a complete system to maximise therapist productivity & time. Shift from Beauty Therapist to Business Therapist. www. resources.html Written by Sharyn Raiti, Mentor Management – Coach.Trainer. Presenter & Beauty Industry Mentor.


Business Matters


A question that all generations have asked and will continue to ask themselves is, how realistic is our self-belief in our strengths and how do we accept our limitations?

The Australian Beauty Therapist Magazine



his sustainable self-belief is critical in our ability to achieve objectives and personal goals. The other side of the coin is also accepting our limitations and as business owners using this knowledge to achieve positive outcomes. This is even more critical when consumer confidence in the economy is low which also reflects in their spending habits. The question is are we drawn into this downward spiral or do we choose to re-engineer ourselves for a brighter outcome? Why do we act in a certain way? Why do we say and do certain things unconsciously and get the appropriate reactions and results. Some of these reactions are sometimes not exactly what we liked to hear or see and so how do we change that response to the one that we want to hear and witness.

not budge on this issue”. So summarizing this in order to achieve certain desired outcomes we need to change self-belief which in turn affects behaviour and so produces a different desired result or achievement of a goal. In assisting you in understanding your own behaviour or personality and so being able to understand others and thus communicate better and achieve the desired results I want to introduce you to the Dr. David Merrill concept of human behavioural patterns. In order to understand your staff and even your customers we need to understand ourselves first. So you have to ask yourselves the question “What is my personality style”? This of course comes with a certain style of communication. All human beings instinctively fall into one of four personality styles, which determine our

to describe each behaviour. This work became the foundation of the Social Style Model. The original Social Style profiling instrument was a list of adjectives developed from an initial pool of more than 2,300 words. Study of these words revealed adjective clusters that measured dimensions of human behaviour. Through extensive factor and reliability analyses, a total of 150 adjectives measuring three scales were finalized and labelled Assertiveness, Responsiveness and Versatility. By combining the two dimensions of assertiveness and responsiveness, four patterns of behaviour or Social Styles, were identified: Analytical, Driving, Expressive and Amiable. Since then Dr. Merrill`s findings have been used extensively throughout the world in many large corporations. As a Human Strategy Specialist I have always worked with Dr. Merrill`s principles

their concerns. The other type of person is totally interested in people. This person is much more conscious of people`s feelings and someone that would do very well in the front line customer service sector. Then we go across horizontally and look at the introvert and of course the opposite being the extrovert. Society over the decades have usually put more emphasis on being the extrovert and therefore being the opposite does not bring many opportunities and so has been looked upon as more of a negative. However we know that this discriminant view is definitely not the case, as we can have many strengths being an introvert and equal amount of weaknesses being and extrovert. So if we can visualize a vertical line with a person that is number focused on the top and an opposite person being

Behaviour comes from beliefs that are in-grown and create our make-up and so affect our personality We know that it is not that easy as we need to change our behaviour in order to get the desired outcome. Behaviour comes from beliefs that are ingrown and create our make-up and so affect our personality. Personality is a combination of behavioural traits that we carry through life unconsciously. Wow! Imagine a dog chasing its tail. Guess what it never gets the tail. Some people’s lives do resemble this and so we go round in circles doing the same thing every day and expect different results? I call this “insanity”. Self-beliefs come from four main areas in our livesGenerational, Experiential, Cultural and Spiritual. Weather we aware or not, these have had a profound effect in our lives and what we now say and do at times stem back to these self-beliefs. Do we ever hear ourselves at times saying “This is the way I feel about this topic, and I will

communication style. This is not too say that we all also float into each style at different occasions, but we really do act and communicate from one distinctive style unconscious. As early as 400 BC Hippocrates observed similarities and differences in human behaviour and classified four distinct ‘root elements’ or traits. Hippocrates labelled these Fire, Air, Earth and Water. In 1921 Carl Jung developed four ‘types’ into four psychological functions: thinking, feeling, sensation and intuition. He then further divided these four types into ‘introversion’ and ‘extroversion’. In 1964, Dr. David W. Merrill, an industrial psychologist and university professor, began researching predictors of success in selling and management careers. Through his empirical studies, Merrill found that people tend to display consistent, observable behaviors, and that others consistently agree on words

and have spoken on this subject and facilitated many workshops with various companies, small businesses and individuals on behavioural patterns that can be harnessed and ultimately lead to effective work performance. However I have made it more interesting and aligned these four behavioural patters with birds .I have found that most people can easily identify with birds and so find it more easy to associate with their behavioural traits that make up their personality profiles. The first part is to examine the four quadrants in the extreme. The reason being that no one is this extreme in the pure sense. Well I have not met one yet to date. The first part is to look vertically at the two sides of the brain. One type of person is very numbers oriented. This person is only interested with facts and figures and likes detail and systems. However they have little or no regard for people and

people focused at the bottom. We now also know that we have a horizontal line crossing the vertical line with an introvert on one side facing the extrovert on the other. We now have a basis for four quadrants and I will now give you an overview of these four styles. PERSONALITY STYLES Eagle – This style is very much the controller and task orientated. They get the job done at whatever the cost. They have vision and tend to be strong leaders, although they could be autocratic in the pure sense. They are extroverted and have more empathy with facts, systems and procedures rather than people. This style apprears on the top right quadrant between numbers and extrovert. Even though the style is an extrovert, the emphasis is on numbers. Peacock – This style is the showy, promoter who has the natural ability to influence and so


Business Matters

are also natural leaders. They like to be noticed and also work on others liking them. They are great motivators, have the “gift of the gab” and are usually the life of the party. They are very extroverted and have a strong empathy with people versus systems and procedures. They also have vision and always paint the big picture but not too well with detail. This style appears in the bottom right hand quadrant between people and extrovert. This style is also extroverted but with the emphasis on people. Owl – This style is the analyst. A detail, observant and very much the one people turn to for the facts. They thrive on their logical, numbering skills and usually dominant in the background of most businesses. Hence this style is more introverted and would communicate well if the other person had similar interests and level of intelligence. They are not natural leaders but are sometimes put in senior positions, for their

knowledge and logical reasoning. Strong affiliation with facts, systems and procedures, but not with people. This style appears in the top left hand quadrant between numbers and introvert. This style is numbers driven but more of an introvert. Dove – This is the true supporter. “A friend in need is the friend indeed”. This style of person is the worker and the one that listens to orders and carries them out. They can be talkative or quiet but one thing is definite and that is they have a strong affinity with people, even if they have good analytical skills. Hence they tend to be more introverted. Some people see this side and so they can be used by others or walked on by bad managers. This style appears in the bottom left hand quadrant between people and introvert. This style is definitely very people focused but is more introverted. The above four behavioural styles as I said earlier is in the

pure sense and after reading them we can all put ourselves in all of the four categories at varying degrees. So the question you ask your self is then “What is my true personality style”? Well, the answer is that we all are born with a more dominant style and we do act in this style when we are under pressure or stress, in the unconscious state. So let’s take a helicopter view and look at these four quadrants. The varying combinations of the four quadrants with a dominant or more than one dominant make up the personalities of the entire earth’s population. What an interesting planet we live in. So each individual has a different mix that appears in a form of a graph. So we could have our two equal dominant strengths in the extrovert and the other two or one that is less dominant in the introvert. Or vice versa with only three active quadrants. The combinations are endless. In a commercial sense we

can also begin to use this knowledge to understand what the customer’s personality profile might be by what they say and how they behave. We can then begin to talk their language and the outcome is a surprisingly positive one. It doesn’t matter what we are but more importantly understanding and accepting ourselves – strengths and limitations and understanding and accepting our family, friends and customers for who they are. We can then have the ability to understand and communicate more effectively which in turn leads to a more congenial relationship whether it is business or personal with brighter outcomes. For further information on this topic or any people performance related topics, please contact the writer Phillip FernandezHuman Strategist on phillip@ or visit O: 1300 747 389 M: 0402 213 81

The Australian Beauty Therapist Magazine


Update on the Training Package for Beauty Therapists The introduction of a new or updated training framework, known as a training package, is a time of change for any industry, but the updates to the national beauty qualifications will provide an opportunity to skill new therapists in current industry practices, as well as increase professionalism in the industry through the introduction of new qualifications.


wo new qualifications have been developed to address the rapidly growing beauty industry, and to provide therapists with an opportunity to train in post-graduate qualifications that are nationally recognised. The introduction of a qualification to train therapists in the safe use of intense pulsed light (IPL) and laser for hair reduction builds up existing state accredited courses to a national qualification. This training for this qualification, the Vocational Graduate Certificate in Intense Pulsed Light and Laser Hair Reduction, not only includes how to use the modalities, but also the all important theory that underpins is safe use. Ensuring that all therapists understand how the modalities work, the risks involved, and the importance of regular servicing and maintenance, along with the in depth knowledge of anatomy and physiology, including the Fitzpatrick scale, to ensure they are able to make informed decision on client treatments at all stages. The delivery of training for this qualification should ensure that therapists are exposed to a range of clients over a significant period of time, providing them with the skills and knowledge required to operate effectively in a clinic or salon. Training providers will employ a variety of methods to achieve this and may look to industry partners for support. Key to ensuring the successful implementation of this qualification by training providers, and it’s take up by therapists and employers, is a mutual understanding of its intent and purpose. This is the first

post-graduate qualification to be included in the Training Package, its quality implementation will be a key to determining the future direction of the national training framework at a post-graduate level. The second new qualification that has been developed focuses on business and management skills in the industry. The Diploma of Salon Management provides training in human resources, leading teams, marketing, financial and business practices in a beauty or hairdressing environment. With the constant state of change in the industry, the development of sound and savy business skills will provide salon and clinic owners and managers to not only survive, but also grow during this time. The two most common qualifications sought by employers in the industry are the Certificate IV in Beauty Therapy and the Diploma of Beauty Therapy. The content of both qualifications has been updated to better reflect current practises in salons in Australia. We see the introduction of training in new areas such as cosmetic tanning and microdermabrasion, as well the focusing of both qualifications on the technical skills required to be a beauty therapist. In this Training Package we recognise the importance of nail technicians, make-up artists, beauticians and beauty therapists being trained in current industry practices. We have included new requirements to ensure that all trainers and assessors of beauty training from the national training framework keep current with what is happening in industry. This is

paramount for all qualifications, and even more so for the postgraduate qualifications. We have also developed an industry recognition program to acknowledge quality training providers of training in the beauty industry. Keep an eye out for the Right Way logo on any marketing material from your local training provider. If this logo is present,

it means that the college has undergone an evaluation from the national skills council and industry practitioners to have their facilities, trainers or assessors, or learning resources acknowledged as meeting industry standards. Karen Banks, Senior Project Officer, Training Packages, Service Skills Australia.


Business Matters

Common questions about the recruitment of staff

The Australian Beauty Therapist Magazine


The most frustrating issue most employers and business owners face today is sourcing the appropriate staff for their needs


very business is different. Every employer has very specific criteria for their business. The biggest problem facing this issue is where do to find the right candidate and how does the recruitment process work. So let’s address this very problem! Client Profile and Position Brief Our process begins with a detailed and thorough understanding of what you, the client, wants: • Products and services • Key and emerging markets • Major customers, suppliers and competitors • Future company direction and strategy • Past hiring and staffing experiences • Company culture • Reporting processes Creating a Candidate Blueprint • To create a “blueprint” of our candidates we require a detailed understanding of their skills and experience. We will also discuss the description of the position and the salary package with the focus on the attitude and aptitude requirements of the ideal candidate. • Our Candidate Blueprint process covers a variety of occupational categories within the broad industries we represent and we believe that this very thorough preliminary collection of information facilitates the better outcome for all concerned. • Our Recruitment Process is designed to give our consultants the intelligence to become an integral extension of your business. Sourcing the Candidates We use a variety of methods to locate potential candidates. Both

active and passive. These include: • Database search • By developing an extensive candidate database of qualified and active job seekers • By continuously updating our database to ensure the candidate information is current • By performing a multi-layered search which will enable us to identify and isolate a particular skill set, experience or the credentials your company requires Industry Networking Our recruitment consultants are well connected within their industries and have many years experience in the field. We are proud members of many of the Professional Associations which give us valuable contacts and networking events to participate in. Print and Internet Marketing State and National printed media and the largest internet jobsites remain the best picks here. We are regularly advertising in industry publications and have an extensive professional network at our fingertips to ensure that the position being advertised, reaches the specific market and the industries we serve. The Screening Process All candidate applications within 24 hours are screened and a large portion of theses are contacted personally for an initial telephone interview. Communication is paramount to us and our advanced candidate management and mentoring system ensures that candidates receive an acknowledgement when an application is received and a prompt response and feedback via phone or email to update the status of the candidate. Interview Our primary aim at the time

of interview is to evaluate the candidate’s employment history, skills, qualifications and education. We also assess the candidate’s short, medium and long term objectives. In order to get the “right fit” we aim to gain a detailed portrait of the candidate’s motivations, career goals, and behavioural tendencies inside and outside the workplace. We do this by utilising psychometric evaluation and finally by faceto-face interview. When we are satisfied that the candidate meets the selection criteria and is appropriate for the role, we will provide a brief overview of our final shortlist for you to consider. If you require a further skills test by way of a practical demonstration, we also have the ability to conduct this on your behalf. We can then organise the final deciding interview with you, at your convenience. Job Offer and Acceptance Once a suitable candidate has been agreed upon, the standard workplace induction/ probation begins. All workplace contracts and agreements between you and the candidate upon engagement are usually dealt with by your Human Resources division or yourself. If you wish for this process to be undertaken by Kindred Personnel Solutions, then we have a legal representative able to assist you. Progress Report During the induction/probation stage of employment we will liaise with you regularly to maintain a smooth transition for both you and the new employee. Retaining new staff is paramount for a successful business and we are able to assist with on-site training and support to ensure a positive result for all involved.

Placement Review A placement review meeting is scheduled with the hiring manager and the candidate at the end of the induction period to evaluate the candidates first 3 months of employment. This can be a useful meeting for all because it can reinforce to the candidate the commitment you have to ensuring an honest and constructive working relationship; with a strong focus on maintaining the level of support which will give the candidate a sense of belonging and job security. Our innovation is delivered as a fresh approach to the traditional Human Resources based recruitment model: • we believe that the Aesthetics, Natural Therapies and Allied Health industries are incredibly personal and highly specialised. • as active participants in our relevant fields, we can better identify the nature of your business’ needs and the selection criteria that is specific to your individual requirements and business models. • we understand our industries standards and endeavour to get it right...first time! Kindred Personnel Solutions serves not only the Therapist-based community of these industries but also the large scope of: • suppliers • account managers • trainers • representatives • managers • executives If you are in need of support in the areas of employing, retaining and training staff, then Kindred Personnel Solutions is here to help you achieve the most productive outcome for you and your business.


Business Matters

Unfair dismissal

and valid reasons for termination 23 August 2011

In determining the fairness, or otherwise, of an applicant’s dismissal, Fair Work Australia (FWA) is required under the Fair Work Act 2009 to consider a number of issues in relation to the dismissal, including whether there was a valid reason for the dismissal.

The Australian Beauty Therapist Magazine



he consideration of whether there was a valid reason for termination is a separate issue from the determination of whether the termination was harsh, unjust or unreasonable. The absence of a valid reason for terminating an employee’s employment, however, will almost invariably render the termination unfair. As soon as, however, a valid reason for termination has been determined, the next consideration for a court or tribunal is whether the dismissal was harsh, unjust or unreasonable. This article analyses some of the reasons for termination that have been deemed valid by the relevant industrial court or tribunal. This is the second article published by Workplace Info on the reasons for dismissal and FWA’s determination of the fairness, or otherwise, of the dismissal. For the first article, see Reasons for dismissal assessed. Valid reason The courts and industrial tribunals have generally determined that a ‘valid reason’ for termination of employment is ‘sound, defensible or wellfounded’ and not ‘capricious, fanciful, spiteful or prejudiced’. The reason for termination must also be defensible or justifiable on the basis of an objective analysis of the relevant facts, and the validity is judged by reference to the tribunal’s assessment of the factual circumstances as to what the employee is capable of doing or has done. The reason would be valid because the conduct occurred and justified termination. The reason might not be valid because the conduct did not occur or it did occur but it did not justify termination. Serious misconduct The Fair Work Regulations 2009 define ‘serious misconduct’ to mean wilful or deliberate behaviour by an employee that is inconsistent with the continuation of the contract of employment; conduct that causes serious an imminent risk to the health and safety of a person, or the reputation, viability

or profitability of the employer’s business; theft, fraud, assault, the employee being intoxicated (alcohol or drugs, other than prescribed drugs) at work; the employee refusing to carry out a lawful and reasonable instruction that is consistent with the employee’s contract of employment. Having found a valid reason for terminating amounting to serious misconduct and compliance with the statutory requirements for procedural fairness, it would only be if significant mitigating factors are present that a conclusion of harshness is open. Notified of reason for termination Under s387(b) of the Fair Work Act, there is a requirement that the employee is notified of the reason for the dismissal. As a matter of logic, procedural fairness would require that an employee be notified of a valid reason for their termination before any decision is taken to terminate their employment in order to provide them with an opportunity respond to the reason identified. The relevant provisions of the Act would have very little (if any) practical effect if it was sufficient to notify employees and give them an opportunity to respond after a decision had been taken to terminate their employment. Employee conduct When a reason for termination is based on the conduct of the employee, FWA must, if it is an issue in the proceedings challenging the termination, determine whether the conduct occurred and what it involved. This is to be determined by FWA on the basis of the evidence in the proceedings before it. The test is not whether the employer believed, on reasonable grounds after sufficient enquiry, that the employee was guilty of the conduct which resulted in the termination. Breach of employer’s policy A breach of an employer’s policy involving or amounting

to a failure to obey a lawful and reasonable direction of the employer is sufficient to justify a dismissal at common law and will amount to a valid reason for termination. A failure to comply with a direction to do or refrain from doing something in compliance with an employer’s policy will NOT provide a valid reason for termination of employment where: • the policy, or a direction to comply with the policy, is illegal • the policy does not relate to the subject matter of the employment or matters affecting the work of the employee; or • the policy, or a direction to comply with the policy, is unreasonable. Employers can promulgate policies and give directions to employees as they see fit, but they cannot exclude the possibility that instant dismissal of an individual for non-compliance may, in particular circumstances of an individual case, be harsh, unjust or unreasonable. Reason related to employment The reason for terminating an employee’s employment must be related to the employer–employee relationship. There are principles applied by FWA when considering the extent to which an employer can discipline, or dismiss, an employee in relation to out-ofhours conduct. There must be a clear and relevant connection between the employee’s outof-hours conduct and the employee’s employment. In order for this connection to exist, the conduct must be of such gravity or importance as to indicate a rejection or repudiation of the employment contract by the employee. The circumstances in which conduct may be considered as such are limited to circumstances where: • the conduct, when viewed objectively, is likely to cause serious damage to the

relationship between the employer and employee (eg behaviour which tarnishes the relationship of trust and confidence on which the employment relationship is based —‘a breach of trust and confidence’); or • the conduct damages the employer’s interests (eg behaviour which significantly undermines management), creates fear in the workplace, or gives rise to negative publicity — ‘a breach of the employer’s interests’); or • the conduct is incompatible with the employee’s duty as an employee (eg a police officer engaging in criminal activity, or a teacher engaging in sexual activity with a student, would be incompatible with the employment duties of a police officer or teacher respectively — ‘a breach of duties’). Medical incapacity A plant operator dismissed after a medical assessment concluded he was unable to safely perform the inherent parts of his job was deemed a valid reason for dismissal by FWA. It was determined that the employer may have been negligent in its duty of care to other employees had it not sought to determine the employees capacity. There were no other alternative jobs within the employer’s business that the employee was medically fit to perform. An inability to perform the inherent requirements of a position will generally provide a valid reason for dismissal, although this will not invariably be so. For example, the dismissal may be prohibited by state or territory workers compensation law or otherwise be unlawful. In such an event, there could be no valid reason for dismissal. There can be, however, a valid reason for the dismissal of an employee where he or she simply does not have the capacity (or ability) to do their job. By Paul Munro, IR Consultant.

The Advanced Association of Beauty Therapists (AABTh), Australia’s premier beauty therapy association, dedicated to the promotion of high standards and professionalism in beauty therapy. With an AABTh certified therapist and salon, you can be confident in your beauty professional. Our members are trained to the highest industry standards. How do you find an AABTh certified therapist and salon? Look for the logo – it’s the only beauty mark you can trust. Membership certificates are provided to all members ensuring the credibility and integrity of members by the Association. To find out more about what your expectations from your therapist and salon should be, contact the AABTh today. Email: Phone: +61 2 9415 4633 Web: CIDESCO Section Australia Membership is security. Membership is recognition. Membership is support.

The Australian Beauty Therapist Magazine


Business Matters

The benefits of being in the AABTh The Advanced Association of Beauty Therapists CIDESCO Section Australia (AABTh) is acknowledged as the leading body upholding professional associations with government and industry benchmarks including State Departments of Education and Training, Health Departments and advanced wellness companies. STATUS Only qualified persons gain full professional membership- your clients will respect the fact that you have attained the membership on your knowledge and skills. Clients need to have confidence in those to whom they entrust their personal welfare. INSURANCE Professional Indemnity Insurance may provide indemnity against civil liability for compensation arising from any

claim as a result of a breach of a professional duty in the conduct of a profession (such as a Beauty Therapist) and/or costs and expenses incurred in the defence or settlement of any claim. The costs and expenses to defend a claim for an alleged breach of a professional duty can be very high, and this may occur even when the professional in question has not done anything wrong. Few Insurance Companies provide Professional Indemnity

at reasonable cost unless the applicant is a member of a professional Association, such as the AABTh. Marsh is the preferred broker for members of the AABTh and are committed to providing tailored insurance solutions for Beauty Therapist’s and Salons. 1300 817 013 beauty. OTHER BENEFITS • Membership Certificate with an allocated Member Number

• Membership Badge • Logo and door sticker available on request • Your salon listed on the website • The Australian Beauty Therapists magazine 4 times per year • Updates on training and industry information • Participation in the continuous improvement of the Beauty Training Package • MEMBERSHIP IS TAX DEDUCTIBLE


Business Matters An Important message from NSW Health

The Australian Beauty Therapist Magazine


Health & Fitness

The 7th S

cenario - 5:20am Angela gets a rude awakening from the alarm on her phone. dreary eyed, she leans over with haste and without second thought hits the snooze button. Before she drifts off back into her deep slumber a conversation begins in her head “ I should get up and get to the gym, but I’m so tired, oh I know! I’ll go this afternoon, besides I’ll have more energy if I sleep more now and I’ll work out better, yeah that’s what I’ll do. Done!!!“ back to sleep. And then guess what happens afterwork, yep stuck back,oh well I know, I’ll get up earlier tomorrow morning to make up for it. 5:00am, snooze button.... I know exactly what she feels like. How good is more sleep! The snooze button is my best friend on a cold morning. Or is it really? It doesn’t help my health and fitness goals by me staying in bed, it doesn’t get me closer to the summer body I want. So what do I do to help avoid this situation? A very important part of goal setting is identifying and

emphasizing your when. When do I have to achieve this by? What is the specific date? And what happens if I don’t, if I fail what are the consequences? How will I feel? All are very important questions that need to be addressed, which in turn will help us overcome barriers, like the snooze button , to our health and fitness goals. So, what do I start with then? Firstly, we need to create a strong enough why for you. A person with a strong enough why will overcome any how. Why do we get up and go to work on the days that we feel like doing nothing at all? Because without working we can’t pay the bills, eat, or enjoy the luxuries of life that we are blessed with. A roof over your head is a pretty compelling reason to get up isn’t it! It works the same way with health and fitness goals. You won’t even consider sleeping in an extra 20 minutes and the cold weather outside won’t even come into mind when your why is so powerful. You know the extra

wines you have, the extra slice of pizza or scoop of ice cream that we all love to indulge in won’t even be missed, I promise you that. Barriers are what we see when we take our eyes off our goals, and so far In my experience in the fitness industry its hard to find someone as driven and motivated and willing to anything to reach their goal than a women with a dress to fit into. What? More motivated than an elite athlete? More driven an olympian? I’m serious, hours of cardio, the strictest of diets, all just to fit into a dress on a night or event. I think it’s fantastic, it just goes to show you what’s possible when we put our minds to something and focus on what we want. And what about summer? Ever notice the sudden urge to get up and go to the gym or find yourself reading toning tips in the months leading up to this period? You don’t know when it happens sometimes, it just happens. I once heard that change doesn’t happen over a period of

months,days or years, it happens in an instant. It takes a comment from someone, or a significant turning point to happen for us to make a promise to ourselves that something will change. Summer, a holiday or the zip on your favourite jeans not making the top can be the main motivator in that decision, and be the reason why you won’t fail. So next to your why you need your when! This will create a sense of urgency, which without, why would we need to start it now? Create a deadline for what you want to achieve, and ask yourself what will happen if I fail? If you shrug your shoulders and say “ it wouldn’t make a difference” then your goal isn’t compelling enough for you to make a change. Alternatively if you say”I’ll be miserable, empty, disappointed etc “ your creating a path to long term success. And you’ll appreciate every second of it!! Dan Diercke – 0403 107 549.


Essentials Lycogel: makeup to disguise any skin problem New to Australia, Lycogel is a range of breathable camouflage foundations and concealers that provide fantastic coverage and real therapeutic results. The range is able to conceal skin conditions such as eczema, acne and rosacea, making it an ideal makeup base for those who suffer from sensitive or probelmatic skin. Lycogel was originally developed as an effective cover-up for patients directly after cosmetic procedures such as fractional laser, skin needling and microdermabrasion. However, patients who tried Lycogel after their procedure continued to repurchase Lycogel due to its unique finish and anti-ageing benefits. Lycogel products have been proven to effectively conceal eczema, acne psoriasis, vitiligo and rosacea in addition to other skin complaints. For stockist information please call 1300 668 755. For more information please visit GOLD FINGER Nail Art is the new fashion statement accessory and what better way to add a touch of glamour to your hands and accentuate all your gold rings and bracelets than with the new Gold Shatter by OPI. The colour of the gold has more depth, an opaque gold with a delicate iridescent glittery sparkle, not unlike Christmas. The colour for Summer 2011 is coral, orange and tangerine. Try one of these bold colours as the base colour for a truly sparkling nail art designer. Not dissimilar to a Tequila Sunrise. The revolutionary new Shatter by OPI is a texturing treatment product that transforms as it dries on your nails. When applied over your favourite OPI lacquer shade, Shatter begins to crack and disappear, leaving behind a shattered effect in matte, within minutes of it being applied. For nearest OPI stockists contact 1 800 358 999 or visit

Bio Sculpture Garden Party Collection Explosive colour is this season’s biggest style story, Bio Sculpture Gel are excited to offer party perfect nails with a beautiful collection of Garden Party shades. The Garden Party Collection has been developed to match the latest runway trends for Summer 2011/12. Featuring hues High Tea Tulip (118), Sugar Sweet Pea (119), Turquoise Teacup (120) and Cupcake Carnation (121). Discover the difference of a unique nail treatment – Bio Sculpture… a New! Skinstitut Enzymatic Micro Peel, the most soothing, hydrating, calming and gentle exfoliating treatment mask you have ever tried! Ultra gentle skin exfoliation with Papaya, Passion Fruit and Niacinamide for a smoother, brighter complexion. Hydrates and softens. Refreshes and re-vitalises. Perfect for use after dermal therapy modalities such as IPL, Laser, chemical peels, skin needling and microdermabrasion to remove dry, rough or peeling skin. 75ml W/S $18 75 ml RRP $45 200ml Professional W/S $49.95 Contact 02 9460 7559

non-chip coating that can be applied to your clients’ natural nails to strengthen, protect and condition them. Bio Sculpture 1300 bio gel

The Australian Beauty Therapist Magazine


Wet & Dry Foundation Duo Enhance by Natural Compatibles have packaged their best selling Wet & Dry Foundation compact with a refill to offer this fabulous Christmas Gift Pack. Wet & Dry is the perfect gift for any sun lover as it contains the most natural sun block ingredients available- titanium

and zinc oxide. It is suitable for all skin types, especially oily to normal skin. The smooth natural finish will last all day in even the most humid climates. Wet & Dry Foundation available in 3 shades, RRP $65.00 (normal RRP $83.00 SAVE $18.00) For stockists call 03 9764 0966

CELL REGENERATING COMPLEX Stress is one of the leading factors in skin dehydration which then in turn leads to skin ageing coupled with environmental conditions, skin can become parched and wrinkled. Cell Regenerating Complex ensures instant epidermal hydration over the entire face and neck including the eye area. It is also ideal for the prevention of further skin degradation from over exposure to the sun, wind and air conditioning. Beauty By Nature

Perfect Lip Pack Enhance by Natural Compatibles have packaged some of their best selling lip products to get ready to chat, drink and kiss their way thru the festive season. Each Perfect lip pack contains a best selling lipstick shade a

complementary lip pencil, lipgloss and lipseal. Perfect Lip Pack available in 4 different combinations, RRP $49.00 (normal RRP $87.00 SAVE $38.00). For stockists call 03 9764 0966

Aspect Fruit Enzyme Mask is a potent antioxidant-rich exfoliation mask that has been carefully formulated to gently digest and eliminate dead skin buildup without irritating or harming sensitive or post procedure skin. Packed with a blend of powerful antioxidants including Coffee, Green Tea, Pomegranate and Acai Berry, Aspect Fruit Enzyme Mask aids new

skin cell production by clearing away the old skin cells. Offering remarkable skin rejuvenation benefits for a more radiant, smooth and healthy skin, Aspect Fruit Enzyme Mask is free of pesticides, parabens, perfumes or dyes. Aspect Fruit Enzyme Mask RRP $44 and is available at selected skin rejuvenation centres nationally. For stockists telephone 1800 648 851.



MUPPET MANIA COMES TO AUSTRALIA It’s time to play the music ... It’s time to light the lights ... It’s time to meet the Muppets in the new Muppet Movie tonight ! Hang onto your hats, as OPI embarks on a glittery show stopping range of lacquers in collaboration with The Muppets and their upcoming The Muppets movie. The dazzling Muppets lacquer collection is not something to miss, featuring 6 bright sequined glittery lacquers, four metallic shades and 2 rich shades of

burgundy red. The partnership between The Muppets and OPI, both icon brands, is in their ability to be fun, creative, quirky and passionate. The collection is an epic spray of colour, glitter and fantasy, in true Muppet style, OPI’s The Muppet Collection will not disappoint. This limited-edition The Muppets collection will be available from November 2011 at selected salons and $19.95 RRP incl. GST. For stockist please contact 1800 358 999 or visit

SUNFX NOW OFFERS 19 DIFFERENT SOLUTIONS Not all clients have the same tanning requirements. Therefore, there is no one solution that can meet every client’s needs. Understanding this, SunFX have designed 19 different tanning solutions to enable you to meet, and even exceed, your clients’

expectations. Each solution creates a different shade or intensity of tan, from the subtle to the more dramatic. Across SunFX’s ranges, they offer a variety of levels to cater for clients with different skin types. SunFX Group 1300 132 005

Mineralogie – A Colourful Quad Mineralogie rolls out their newest product, the Quad Eye Shadow Compact Champagne Collection. This gorgeous palette of rich new shadows includes four of our most luxurious pressed mineral eye shadows. Mix and match to your heart’s content for shades that will take you from day to night. RRP $65.00. Mineralogie Tel: 03 9545 0073 Sanctum Organic Skincare’s Body Balm is now available in a convenient 150gm tube Also available in a 250gm tub. The popular product boasts a vanilla inspired aroma that contains rich coca and shea betters to hydrate and protect the skin. For your nearest stockist Stageline presents the vintage style Spring-Summer Collection - PIN UP. With neutral tones for the foundation, focusing on the eyes and lips, with false eyelashes, large blue and orange eyeshadows that embellish the look together with fuschia lips, highlighting the smile. Step by Step DVD also available. Lee Fran Beauty Imports P/L Ph. 07 5593 6522

The Australian Beauty Therapist Magazine







ESSIE (BLC Cosmetics Pty. Ltd) 02 9477 6900





SERVICE SKILLS AUSTRALIA 02 8243 1200 ST TROPEZ (International Beauty Supplies) 1800 358 999


SUN FX 1300 132 005

OPI (International Beauty Supplies) 1800 358 999

SUNZONE 1 300 366 418


SYDNEY COLLEGE OF SKIN CARE 02 9481 7811 THALGO AUSTRALIA (BLC Cosmetics Pty Ltd) 02 9477 6900

RICKY ALLEN 0412 700 720


SALONS GROUP 1 800 655 814


You date your eyeshadow... ... but you marry your foundation! and we have a match made in heaven ... just for you. Prime for Face & Eyes - silky smooth clear formula Skin Tint Creme - luxurious full coverage mineral-based foundation Skin Tint Creme to Powder - luxurious light coverage mineral-based foundation Diminish Conceal - mineral-based concealer perfectly compliments foundation Pure Press - pressed mineral powder foundation infused with vitamins & minerals that offer anti-aging properites Pure Shade - loose mineral powder foundation infused with vitamins & minerals Pure Finish - creates a refined finish adding subtle sheen Pure Sun - Loose bronzing powder creates a perfectly natural sun-kissed look Pure Bronze - pressed mineral bronzing powder with a hint of shimmer Blush Colour Duos PLUS a Complete range of clean, richly coloured, long lasting products for Eyes and Lips, and a quality range of accessory products & high quality tools to aid in your application 1300 262 275

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