October 2016
Upcoming Events Small Business Trade Show October 19
Chairman’s Night Featuring Mike ‘Pinball’ Clemons & Introducing the 2016-17 Chamber of Commerce Board of Directors November 3
Chamber Member Christmas Social December 9
Chamber Board Chair, Gordon Jahn, right, presented a cheque to Brent MacDonald, who accepted on behalf of the Raider Hockey Club. The presentation was made at the 2016 Raider Hockey Luncheon September 14, sponsored by the Northern Lights Casino.
Chamber of Commerce Mayoral Forum Carlton Comprehensive High School Wednesday, October 12 Doors open 6:45 p.m. Prince Albert & District Chamber of Commerce Social Media October 2016 Prince Albert & District Chamber of Commerce www.facebook.com/princealbertanddistrictchamberofcommerce
Get in Touch Tel: 306-764-6221 Email: chamberpa@sasktel.net