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bruits de palais “One is never entirely finished learning.” André Gide


September 2019 | n°

Tea School Special Edition


Nurturing curiosity Curiosity is like a muscle: the more you use it, the more it develops and grows stronger. The world of tea is an inexhaustible well of knowledge that offers more than enough to satisfy it. We experience this every day through contact with different planters, producers, cultures and traditions, from which we have already learned and will never stop learning. After all, there is no single path that leads to understanding. We have taken one such path, patiently developing and continually enhancing our expertise on tea. We cannot help but be humbled by the infinite store of knowledge to be attained and want to share it. Thanks to the path we have walked, we are now in a position to pass along our knowledge. You can only share what you know: that is what we believe and it is what we strive to teach at the Tea School.

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The Palais des ThĂŠs team



Page 12 GR AN DS CRUS SELECTION September 2019


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Page 18 BR ING TEA TO THE TABLE ! Cocktail creations with La Réserve Paris

B R U I T S D E PA L A I S Photo credits: Palais des Thés photo library: François-Xavier Delmas. Except: Ferrandi Paris p. 9; Julie Limont p. 3, p. 18; Frédéric Lucano p. 1, p. 2, p. 3, p. 6, p. 7, p. 8, p. 9, p. 10, p. 11; Kenyon Manchego p. 3, p. 12 to 15, p. 16, p. 17, p. 19; Riviera & Bar p. 17; illustration Lauriane Tiberghien p. 6. Design and production: Mazarine Image Design.

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Tea School Special Edition

Event: the Tea School turns tuıenty Since it was first founded in Paris in 1999, the Tea School has trained more than 15,000 people and expanded internationally. This 20th anniversary is an opportunity to refocus on its mission and look back at its development over the years. A FLAGSHIP MIS SION Since it was created by François-Xavier Delmas and Mathias Minet, the Tea School has reflected the original vocation of Palais des Thés itself, namely sharing the best of tea and the company’s passion for this age-old beverage with as many people as possible. In 30 years, through contact with farmers, planters and tea pluckers from around the world, Palais des Thés has patiently harvested a store of precious knowledge about tea. It is a very natural pleasure to share this invaluable heritage with our customers, and more generally with everyone who loves tea. We pass on our knowledge through classes that combine theory with tastings, giving everyone a chance to explore this gourmet beverage from both a sensory and flavour perspective.

LEAR NING TO TASTE While tasting may seem to be within easy reach for anyone, it is actually based on a precise mechanism—perhaps you have already had a similar experience with wine. Tasting

We first had the idea for the Tea School in 1999. Our shops were starting to get very popular, so we had less time to spend at the counter with each of our customers, and we thought a Tea School would be the perfect place to share what we had learned. After all, knowledge sharing has always been central to the mission of Palais des Thés. We developed an original teaching method, based on the experience of tasting and a sensory analysis of tea. François-Xavier Delmas and Mathias Minet

tea is a learned skill, not an innate one, and the more you master the art of tasting tea, the more you can appreciate

understand what they are tasting and feeling, and then

its diversity and the riches it offers.

build a vocabulary to talk about it. Indeed, by teaching the art of tasting, the Tea School transcends its initial

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Classes are offered in an intimate, small-group setting

mission of sharing the best of tea to help its students fully

that facilitates discussion and progress. Students taste and

appreciate other foods and drinks. It provides a universal

then share their impressions. Little by little, they learn to

foundation for foodies and epicures of all stripes.

Nepal, tea plantations in Employee visit to 2019 Tea School, May organised by the

Looking back Over the past 20 years, the Tea School has developed alongside Palais des Thés and successfully reached an increasingly diverse audience. In parallel, the role of the School on the gourmet scene has expanded considerably.


Tasting room at the Tea School in Moscow

Initially, the Tea School was designed mainly for individuals. Since then, its scope has expanded to include a professional audience. Today, the School trains restaurant owners, chefs and Palais des Thés partners as well as the company’s own employees who, as its first ambassadors, are required


to take a complete course. To round out their education,

The Tea School owes its continued growth to its ability

the Tea School organises a trip to the tea plantations

to evolve, adopting new approaches and trends by

for employees once a year. The School’s international

incorporating them into its curriculum. One major

expansion serves the same ambition: distributing

development was expanding into the food scene by

knowledge as widely as possible, even beyond borders.

creating classes on tea and food pairings, and on cooking

That’s why the Tea School has opened locations not only

with tea starting in 2001. While it may have seemed

outside the Paris region (in Rennes), but also further afield

progressive a few years ago, the concept has firmly taken

in New York, Moscow and soon Brussels (early 2020).

root since then.

The Tea School: dates and key figures






Tea School founded

Tea Sommelier diploma created

hours of training provided to individuals since 1999

people trained at the Tea School since its founding

classes taught each year

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Tea School Special Edition

Tasting: learning uıith all the senses Because the world’s best teas deserve a proper tasting, the Tea School’s role is to provide the right tools to anyone interested in taking full advantage of the experience. Tasting tea with all five senses is a basic structural tenet of the School’s classes, which guide students to rediscover the art of sensory perception. TASTE Perceived by the tongue and its taste buds, taste tells us when something is sweet, salty, sour, bitter or umami*. All of these tastes occur in tea except for salty, which is not naturally found in tea leaves. * Umami (“savoury taste” in Japanese) is relatively unknown in the West because it is uncommon in Western diets. It is widely used in Chinese and Japanese cuisine, however. This lingering, persistent taste can be found in certain fatty fishes (mackerel and sardines), soy sauces, cheese and meat, for example.

SMELL Taste combines with smell, the other sense that is probably the most intimately involved in tasting, to reveal the full aromatic complexity of the tea. Often, our first contact with a tea is when we breathe in its scent, which allows us to perceive only 10% of the scent molecules. During retronasal olfaction (breathing out through the nose, including the air in the mouth), however, 100% of these molecules are smelled. As a result, our sense of smell allows us to perceive most of what we “taste”.

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Illustration of retronasal olfaction, taken from the book Tea Sommelier: tea in 160 illustrated lessons.

Yann and Manuela, Tea Sommeliers

TOUCH Touch is responsible for perceiving textures in the mouth. The polyphenols present in tea create the effects of different textures, such as astringency or mellowness. This sense also perceives temperatures (hot and cold): the right

Tea Sommeliers

temperature plays an essential role in tasting tea. If it’s too hot, the mouth

At the Tea School, Tea Sommeliers provide students with expert guidance.

contracts to reduce discomfort and all attention is focused on that sensation, effectively muting the other senses.

HEARING The sense of hearing can provide

Created and implemented by Palais des Thés in 2016, the Tea Sommelier diploma recognises the expertise of our employees. While working at Palais des Thés is a prerequisite to taking the exam, there is no guarantee of passing it: only 50% of students succeed the first time, although all of them take a comprehensive practical and theoretical course. The diploma is a true mark of excellence and a requirement for teaching at the Tea School. Since it was created, 20 employees have earned the title of Tea Sommelier. Most of them work in shops helping customers or at the Tea School as teachers.

information that influences perception. For example, you might hear a neighbour express a sensation and then try to perceive it yourself. This is why silence is essential while tasting. It allows everyone to immerse themselves fully in the moment and concentrate on SIGHT

their own sensations.

During a tasting, the first sense to be activated is sight, because it is involved when choosing a tea. It allows you to see what you will be tasting, observe the appearance of the leaves (dry and wet) and the brew, and begin to imagine tastes or flavours. It’s important to learn to avoid common pitfalls, since sight can sometimes feed into preconceived notions and influence or even trick our perceptions. That’s why some tastings are done blind, that is, without knowing in advance which teas are being tasted.

Teas prepared for tasting at the Tea School

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Tea School Special Edition

A school for everyone From novices to professionals, enthusiasts to the simply curious, the Tea School welcomes people from all backgrounds with a broad selection of classes ranging from pure fun to the truly technical. No prerequisites are required except the desire to explore the world of tea and, by extension, the culinary world in general. Introduction to tea: growing, preparing and tasting* Familiarise yourself with the world of tea through a series of classes, experiences and workshops devoted to its history, methods of production and tasting techniques.




Introduction to tea: producing countries



Explore the prestigious harvests that connoisseurs await with bated breath by tasting rare, limited-edition, incomparably fresh teas.



Explore tea through the lens of the primary tea-producing countries: China, Japan, Nepal, Taiwan and India.


Tea lovers |

Tea cuisine*



Early harvests

Invite tea into the kitchen with classes on pairings, mixology workshop, and classes on cooking with tea led by a Chef and a Tea Sommelier.

Colours of tea: manufacturing processes and flavour nuances Learn to taste green tea, black tea, Oolong, Pu Erh, Grands Crus and flavoured blends.



Tasting talks

Tea rituals: hands-on workshops

Discover the Cha No Yu (Matcha tea ceremony) under the expert guidance of a Japanese tea master, or the history of tea through art with a lecturer.

Learn to prepare teas according to different customs and rituals. Discover Gong Fu Cha, steep Japanese green teas in a Kyusu, and try your hand at preparing Matcha.

Intrigued by the idea of a class on flavoured blends, Grands Crus or mixology? Browse the entire Tea School catalogue in French at (“Les Cours” section). * Some classes also available in English.

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It uıas a uıonderful experience for a novice like me, very informative and uıith lots to discover in the tastings.” Alireza M. – participant in the Flavoured Blends class in April 2019.

Tea Sommelier Oxana teaching a class at the Tea School

W HO IS THE TEA SCHO OL FOR ? The Tea School is open to people of all backgrounds: amateurs and professionals, adults and children. The programme is constantly evolving, adding new classes each year to address the interests of different tea enthusiasts. Starting this autumn, for example, you can stone grind your own Matcha in a class developed at the request of Japanese tea connoisseurs. A class on mixology has also been offered to teach students how to create tea-based

FERRANDI Paris School

cocktails and provide another option for those who enjoyed the workshops on cooking with tea. Other classes

FERRANDI Paris School of Culinary Arts, for example,

familiarise students with the world of tea, deepen their

Tea Sommeliers guided vocational students and their

knowledge through themed weekend seminars led by a

professors through the basics of tea, moving on to cooking

Tea Sommelier, and improve their expertise through

with tea, creating cocktail recipes, and pairing tea with food.

specialised tastings, or simply help children explore **

new flavours with low-caffeine iced herbal teas. The Tea

Finally, everyone at Palais des Thés benefits from the

School can also host special events by request.

training provided by the School, whether or not they work in a shop or come into contact with customers.

While the Tea School offers classes suitable for amateurs,

Every employee must take a required course of five

it is also a gold standard for professionals in the culinary

extremely comprehensive modules. The School’s high

industry, who take customised courses either at the School

standards help them build their expertise and contribute

or within their own establishment. At the prestigious

to knowledge sharing.

A typical class Lessons for tea amateurs are kept small, with an average of 6 to 12 participants, which promotes discussion and learning, and fosters a friendly, relaxed atmosphere. They last from 1.5 to 3 hours depending on the topic. After a brief theoretical introduction, students taste an average of five teas. Participants take the time to explore and evaluate the selected teas individually and note their own impressions and sensations before sharing them with the rest of the group. At the end of the class, each student goes home with tea samples, the course materials, and the Bruits de Palais magazine. ** Classes for children available by request.

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Tea School Special Edition


Which class is right

for me

Ready to take a class at the Tea School but can’t decide where to start? We designed this quiz to help you choose the perfect class based on your personality and interests!

1. YOU HAVE A FREE EVENING ON THE CALENDAR. WHAT ARE YOUR PLANS? A quiet dinner at your neighbourhood restaurant A unique experience An evening at the opera, cinema or theatre

2. WHAT TYPE OF BOOKS CAN BE FOUND ON YOUR SHELVES? An encyclopedia Cookbooks Travel guides

3. YOU CONSIDER A TRIP A SUCCESS WHEN... Y ou taste delicious, unexpected new flavours You experience the local culture You have an adventure

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4. IF YOU COULD SNAP YOUR FINGERS AND SWITCH CAREERS, WHAT WOULD YOU BE? A scientific researcher A head pastry chef An airline pilot

5. DESCRIBE YOUR IDEAL DINNER. Enriching discussions Quirky, captivating anecdotes Surprising recipes and happy friends


The scholar YOU CHOSE MOSTLY You’re a born scholar: there’s nothing you love more than analysing a topic until you understand it from every angle. Curiosity is your motivator. You like to learn new things and understand the world as a whole. Try starting with one of these classes, on the theme “Introduction to tea: growing, preparing and tasting”: The tea plant and how it’s grown; Tasting the best of tea: preparation techniques or The five senses in tasting.

The traveller YOU CHOSE MOSTLY

You have a traveller’s soul. You believe that life should be filled with adventures and discoveries. Not a day passes without planning your next escape, whether it takes you 20 km or 10,000 km from home. “Introduction to tea: producing countries” is the right theme for you, with classes such as: Tea in China, Tea in Japan, Tea in Taiwan, Tea in India or Tea in Nepal. Nepal, tea plantations in Employee visit to 19 20 ay Tea School, M organised by the

The pleasure-seeker YOU CHOSE MOSTLY Your inner pleasure-seeker has spoken. You love the good things in life, and fine food is very important to you. Nothing is more exciting to you than the alchemy of flavours, and you are constantly on the hunt for new culinary experiences. Start with the “Tea cuisine” theme by opting for one of these classes: Cooking with tea or Teabased cocktails.

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Grands Crus Selection


Grands Crus Selection September 2019 Prolong the summer with our multifaceted Himalayan Grands Crus and their endlessly unique flavour profiles, and enjoy a little sunshine this fall with our superb Japanese Ichibancha from the earliest spring harvests. These Sencha teas from the finest terroirs in Kyūshū and Honshū will delight you with their fresh, grassy, marine, and floral notes.

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Nepal: second flush Nepal’s second flush teas are in! This year, we are once again proud to bring you Grands Crus in every colour: black teas, green teas, Oolong, and even white teas. Nepal is a rich terroir, with producers as talented as they are innovative. Initially, almost everything Nepal produced was similar to the teas from Darjeeling. The past 50 years have witnessed rapid diversification inspired by traditional manufacturing techniques from China and Taiwan. The results are not to be missed!

TEENJURE GREEN This Ilam Valley tea is produced by one of the country’s very first cooperatives, founded more than 25 years ago. Nearly 200 farmers banded together to produce a wide variety of fine teas. This particular variety is a superb harvest of green tea, with a mix of delicately twisted leaves and dainty silver tips. The intensely grassy opening of this Grand Cru blossoms into mineral and vanilla notes over a very creamy texture. REF. 0836A19.

MAI POKHARI ANTIQUE OOLONG This Nepalese Oolong also comes from the Ilam Valley. The producer was inspired by the traditional Taiwanese method of manufacturing “antique” teas, meaning Oolong that have been intensely roasted multiple times. The result is an unusual, complex tea with strong toasted, fruity, and honeyed notes and a sweet vanilla closing. This rare and unique vintage is perfectly suited to the Gong Fu Cha method of preparation. REF. 0834A19.

Please note: All the teas featured on these pages are Grands Crus harvested in very small quantities, available for a specific and limited time with no guarantee of future availability. Available until the batch has gone, these teas may suddenly go out of stock. Our selection of Grands Crus is constantly evolving and expanding as we discover new teas and gardens on our travels. To find out about new arrivals as soon as possible, please sign up for our newsletter via our website

* Inspected according to EU regulations on the plant-protection quality of food. More details at

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Grands Crus Selection Japan: Ichibancha 2019 This year, we are proud to offer a selection that includes Japanese new season green teas Grands Crus, with even more rare cultivars offering unique aromatic characteristics. Experience the Saemidori, Meiryoku and Okumidori cultivars grown in Kyūshū, as well as a delicious Yabukita from Shizuoka. Visit our shops and our website for even more surprises, available in very limited quantities!

MEIRYOKU KAGOSHIMA SHINCHA This superb spring flush Sencha comes from Kagoshima, at the south western tip of the volcanic island of Kyūshū. It is made from a rare cultivar, Meiryoku, which has a particularly high concentration of caffeine and amino acids. An Ichibancha with intense grassy and marine notes, it is supported by a subtly powdery texture and a persistent umami flavour. A tea with a robust and refreshing profile. REF. 3067A19.

Organically farmed

OKUMIDORI KAGOSHIMA SHINCHA This Grand Cru from the island of Kyūshū also benefits from the rich volcanic soil of Kagoshima. It is produced from an uncommon cultivar called Okumidori. It is characterised by a late harvest of high quality leaves with a rich flavour profile. This green tea has an umami flavour and a broad palette of grassy, fruity and marine notes over a subtly powdery texture. A complex, intense tea. REF. 3069A19.

Organically farmed

SAEMIDORI KAGOSHIMA SHINCHA This sublime first flush Sencha comes from Kirishima, in Kagoshima. It is harvested at an altitude of 350 metres. The cultivar is named Saemidori (“clear green”) in tribute to the beautiful green colour of the leaves. This low-tannin cultivar, a cross between the renowned Yabukita and Asatsuyu, is especially prized in manufacturing shade-grown teas. A Grand Cru with a very creamy texture and an umami flavour that develops elegant and complex grassy, buttery, and fruity notes. REF. 3066A19.

Organically farmed

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Tasting notes

Yabukita Ryogôchi Shincha

Origin: Shizuoka, Japan Colour: green Water temperature: 70°C (160°F) Steeping time in the pot: 2 min. Amount of tea leaves per pot: 6 g for 300 ml REF. 3071A19.

A lovely Ichibancha from Shizuoka, the most prestigious region producing Sencha teas. This tea is harvested in Ryogôchi, in the village of Shimizu, near the Okitsu River. Our Yabukita Ryogôchi Shincha perfectly illustrates the characteristics of the renowned Yabukita cultivar, which is appreciated for its flavours and sturdiness. Dry leaves Appearance: fine needles with remarkable regularity. Colour: dark green, very glossy leaves. Scents: grassy, vanilla. Steeping Aromas: fresh grassy, floral, fruity. Brew Colour: light green. Texture: silky. Flavours: umami, with subtle acidity. Aromas: grassy, fruity (zest), floral, marine, buttery. Aromatic profile and length in the mouth: a silky, umamirich Grand Cru with a vivid opening of grassy notes and a dessert-like finale featuring buttery notes. Our opinion: experience an Ichibancha with a complex flavour profile that embodies all the quintessential qualities of Yabukita and an elegant texture that feels like touching silk. This Sencha is perfect for learning the Kyusu technique, which reveals the full depth of flavour of this Grand Cru with each steeping.

Learn more about the Kyusu technique Explore this traditional method for preparing tea, inspired by Senchadō, by visiting our website at

* Inspected according to EU regulations on the plant-protection quality of food. More details at

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1. The rich depths of green tea, in miniature Discover Iconic Green Teas, an elegant set containing four Japanese, Chinese and Korean green teas. Sencha Ariake, Genmaicha Yama, Long Jing and Jejudo Impérial are the perfect varieties to experience the rich depths of this colour of tea. An ideal gift. REF. DBM12.

2. Big blends in small packages Most Famous Flavoured Teas set contains four quintessential Palais des Thés blends in miniatures—the perfect way to experience Thé du Hammam, Thé des Moines, Fleur de Geisha, and Thé des Lords. A wonderful gift idea guaranteed to delight the recipient! REF. DBM11.

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* Inspected according to EU regulations on the plant-protection quality of food. More details at

3. The 2-in-1 teapot The Fujian teapot is part kettle, part teapot. Its three preset programmes (75°C/165°F for green tea, 85°C/185°F for black tea and 95°C/200°F for Oolong) plus its “boil” (100°C/212°F) feature make steeping the perfect tea a breeze. REF. M189L. 0.8 L KETTLE TEAPOT FUJIAN - RIVIERA & BAR

4. Delicate Thé Guimet Composed in 2012 for the Musée Guimet in honour of the largest exhibit on tea ever held in France, Thé Guimet is an exclusive blend of green tea with fresh and floral flavours, evoking cherry blossoms and the zesty notes of citrus. REF. 852. LOOSE TEA

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Bring tea to the table!

Cocktail creations uıith La Réserve Paris In the plush atmosphere of one of the most prestigious luxury hotels in Paris, the talented Roxanne Remmery created Balade Scandinave, Paris pour elle, and Paris pour lui, evocative names for three delicious tea-based cocktails. Paris pour elle cocktail recipe MAKES 1 COCKTAIL STEEP TIME: 3 MINUTES PR EPAR ATION: 5 MINUTES DIFFICULTY: EASY

La Réserve Paris is one of the most talked-of destinations on the Champs-Élysées. Named the number-one hotel in the world by Condé Nast Traveler’s Readers’ Choice Awards, the establishment is a model of excellence that perfectly embodies the Palais des Thés commitment to offering


the very best. It was only natural that the two companies

16 g Paris for her tea • 1 fresh raspberry • 1 cucumber slice • 20 ml (0.7 oz) fresh lime juice • 30 ml (1 oz) elderf lower liqueur • 40 ml (1.4 oz) gin • 1 white egg

would choose to work together, and Palais des Thés invited award-winning bar manager Roxanne Remmery to create


two cocktails inspired by its Thés de Paris blends. The

Steep 16 g of Paris for her in 1 L of water at 80°C (175°F) for 3 minutes, then refrigerate for one hour.

more floral of the cocktails, Paris pour elle, features gin, cucumber, elderflower liqueur and Paris for her * tea. The more intense cocktail, Paris pour lui, mixes champagne and Angostura bitters** with a touch of ginger-infused cognac and Paris for him*** tea. A third, more summery cocktail named Balade Scandinave blends the fresh flavour of lime with the sweetness of raspberries and Scandinavian Detox. This alcohol-free mocktail is a perfect thirst quencher for

MIX THE COCKTAIL Muddle the fresh raspberry with the cucumber slice • Add 20 ml fresh lime juice, 30 ml elderflower liqueur and 40 ml gin • Pour in 80 ml (3 oz) steeped tea • Add one white egg • Shake with ice cubes, then remove them to achieve a fine foam • Pour into a cocktail glass • Serve!

Prepared in a shaker and served without ice. Serving suggestion: decorate with rose petals.

those long summer evenings.

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* Paris for her: a green tea with notes of rose and raspberry. ** Angostura bitters: this botanically infused alcoholic mixture, produced in Trinidad, is made of spices, plant extracts, natural herbs, and orange peel. *** Paris for him: a black tea with notes of citrus and coriander.


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Our Palais des Thés shops IN FRANCE AIX-EN-PROVENCE - 1 rue Chabrier - 13100 ANGERS - 3 rue d’Alsace - 49100 AVIGNON - 15 rue des Marchands - 84000 BÉZIERS - CC Polygone, 3 Carrefour de L’hours - 34500 BLAGNAC - CC Toulouse Blagnac, 2 allée Émile Zola - 31700 BORDEAUX - 55 cours de l’Intendance - 33000 BOULOGNE-BILLANCOURT - 69 boulevard Jean Jaurès - 92100 BREST - 71 rue Jean Jaurès - 29200 CAEN - 12 rue du Moulin - 14000 CANNES - 3 rue du Maréchal Foch - 06400 CLERMONT-FERRAND - 21 rue des Gras - 63000 COLMAR - 7 rue des Serruriers - 68000 DIJON - CC La Toison d’Or, Route de Langres - 21078 GRENOBLE - 18 rue Saint-Jacques - 38000 LA ROCHELLE - 42 bis rue des Merciers - 17000 LE CHESNAY - CC Parly 2, 2 avenue Charles de Gaulle - 78150 LE MANS - 20 rue de Bolton - 72100 LEVALLOIS-PERRET - CC So Ouest, 31 rue d’Alsace - 92300 LIEUSAINT - CC Carré Sénart, 3 allée du Préambule - 77127 LILLE - 6-8 rue du Curé Saint-Étienne - 59800 LILLE - Gare de Lille Flandres, place des Buisses - 59000 LYON 3 place Saint-Nizier - 69001 MARSEILLE - CC Terrasses du Port, 9 quai du Lazaret - 13002 MARSEILLE - 57 rue Paradis - 13006 METZ - 9 rue de Ladoucette - 57000 MONTPELLIER - 37 rue Saint Guilhem - 34000 MULHOUSE - La Galerie, 54 rue du Sauvage - 68100 MUNDOLSHEIM - CC Cora Mundo, 63 Route Nationale - 67452 NANCY - 23 rue des Dominicains - 54000 NANTES - 35 rue de Verdun - 44000 NEUILLY-SUR-SEINE - 26 rue Madeleine Michelis - 92200 NICE - 3 rue de la Liberté - 06000 NIMES - 2 plan de l’Aspic - 30000 PARIS 3 - 64 rue Vieille du Temple - 75003 PARIS 6 - 61 rue du Cherche-Midi - 75006 PARIS 8 - 18 rue Tronchet - 75008 PARIS 9 - 13 rue des Martyrs - 75009

PARIS 11 - 81 rue du Faubourg Saint-Antoine - 75011 PARIS 14 - 25 rue Raymond Losserand - 75014 PARIS 15 - 58 rue du Commerce - 75015 PARIS 16 - 21 rue de l’Annonciation - 75016 PARIS 17 - 36 rue de Lévis - 75017 QUIMPER - 15 rue Kéréon - 29000 REIMS - 14 rue de l’étape - 51100 RENNES - 3 rue Jules Simon - 35000 ROUEN - 60/62 rue de la Champmesle - 76000 SAINT-GERMAIN-EN-LAYE - 1 rue des Louviers - 78100 SAINT-LAURENT-DU-VAR - CC Cap 3000, Avenue Eugène Donadeï - 06700 STRASBOURG - 124 Grand’Rue - 67000 TOULON - 10 rue Berthelot - 83000 TOULOUSE - 63 rue de la Pomme - 31000 TOULOUSE - (Pop-up Store until November 30, 2019) Airport Toulouse-Blagnac - 31703 TOURS - 26 rue Nationale - 37000 VILLENEUVE D’ASCQ - CC V2, Boulevard de Valmy - 59650 VINCENNES - 21 rue du Midi - 94300

INTERNATIONAL BRUSSELS (Belgium) - Chaussée de Charleroi 25 - 1060 BRUSSELS (Belgium) - Place de la Vieille Halle aux Blés 45 - 1000 BRUSSELS (Belgium) - Rue Froissart 91 - 1040 BRUSSELS (Belgium) - Rue des Fripiers 10 - 1000 LIEGE (Belgium) - Rue du Pot d’Or 30 - 4000 LOUVAIN-LA-NEUVE (Belgium) - Rue Charlemagne 11 - 1348 NAMUR (Belgium) - Rue du Collège 7 - 5000 LUXEMBOURG (Luxembourg) - 6 rue Chimay - L-1333 OSLO (Norway) - Bogstadveien 31 - 0366 OSLO (Norway) - Grensen 10 - 0159 SANDVIKA (Norway) - Sandvika Storsenter Brodtkorpsgate 7 - 1338 TEL AVIV (Israel) - Rehov Dizengoff 131 - 63461 TEL AVIV (Israel) - Sarona Market store 71, Aluf Kalman Magen 3 SAINT-DENIS (La Réunion) - 110 rue Jean Chatel - 97400 SAINTE-MARIE (La Réunion) - CC Sainte-Marie - 97438 MOSCOW (Russia) - rue Pokrovka 4, bat.1 - 101 000 TBILISI (Georgia) - Chavchavadze Ave, No 33

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