Scott Moreland, Quadax Valves Inc., outlines the various tests that Quadax’s valves underwent before they were installed at an LNG terminal in Europe.
atural gas is often described as the cleanest fossil fuel. As such, the demand for LNG is steadily rising and will become increasingly important for many countries who want to add additional sources of supply. At LNG terminals, the imported LNG is unloaded from gas tankers at special berthing facilities and stored in large LNG storage tanks. In order to keep the gas liquefied, the pipelines and the storage tanks withstand a temperature of
-162°C. Before delivering to the transmission network, the liquefied gas will then be warmed up and evaporated.
Case study Top entry valves are preferred for these applications, since the central top flange can be removed and all internal components can be easily extracted from the body. Müller Quadax GmbH was awarded a large contract to replace side entry valves with top entry butterfly valves at HYDROCARBON 55
June 2021