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Safety blanket

Bernat Sala, TECAM, Spain, outlines the vital role that environmental technologies have to play in the tank storage sector.

What is environmental technology? The answer to this question can include solar panels, wind turbines, or regenerative thermal oxidiser (RTO) for emissions treatment. In general, environmental technology involves the development and application of products, equipment and systems aimed at reducing the negative impact of human activities on the environment.

Figure 1. Koole's terminal in the port of Rotterdam.

Figure 2. One of TECAM’s RTO systems for emissions treatment.

Thus, the objectives of environmental technology are aligned with almost all current trends at a social, legislative and economic level. Preserving the environment is something that concerns everyone and the business world is not isolated from these demands, much less companies in the industrial sector.

In this sense, either because of their own will or legal imperative, more and more companies from different sectors are incorporating environmental technology into their processes and applications. In addition to the obvious benefi ts for the environment and human health, this may also result in improved energy performance, a very important aspect in industrial processes, as well as a new energy use of the waste originated in the process, contributing to a circular economy. Other benefi ts include anticipation of inevitable legislative changes, which are becoming stricter worldwide, as well as good management of corporate social responsibility in an industrial sector still closely associated with bad practices that generate too much pollution.

The importance of environmental technology is clear in its numbers and expectations. According to a study by Markets and Markets, it was estimated that in 2019 environmental technology represented a value of more than US$8.7 billion, and it is estimated that in 2024 this will reach almost US$30 billion.1 The report affi rms that the CAGR will be almost 30% over the next four years. Projections for the environmental sector remain positive, despite the COVID-19 crisis.

The adoption of green technology and sustainable solutions and services is being driven by a growing awareness of environmental issues and by an ever-increasing number of consumers and industries using clean energy and resources. Initiatives to address climate change by government authorities are a source of growth opportunities.

The environmental impact in the tank storage sector

Concerns to preserve the environment are a growing issue. However, how does this apply to the tank storage sector? Identifi ed emissions and pollutants from the sector include carbon monoxide, sulfur dioxide, hydrogen sulfi de, and the aliphatic or polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) fraction of petroleum. All these pollutants can easily evaporate into the air during the refi nery process. In the case of an incorrect selection of storage tanks, these contaminants would leak into the soil, changing its chemical composition and resulting in enormous biological impacts. Furthermore, it would be very diffi cult to identify residual oil spilled into the environment. This would imply air pollution, economic costs, illnesses and associated costs for health care, loss of productivity, etc. Therefore, it is necessary to take advantage of synergies between human activities for the preservation of natural resources for future generations.

Apart from leaks or spills, in the storage of hydrocarbons the evaporation of hydrocarbons and their products in aboveground storage tanks is also a problem. Storage tanks also release some toxic hydrocarbons such as natural gas (methane) and other volatile organic compounds (VOCs). Evaporation also results in a loss of economic potential.

When released into the air, all of these toxic chemicals can cause health problems such as carcinogens, reproductive problems and respiratory complications. However, environmental technology can offer different solutions for the tank storage sector.

Case studies

Speaking of combining environmental technology and the tank storage sector is not theorising in a future framework, but a reality already alive in the present. For example, environmental technology was implemented at the Koole Tankstorage Minerals company in the port of Rotterdam, the Netherlands. The project, which was carried out by TECAM, prevented 693 t of VOCs from being emitted into the atmosphere during the fi rst year of functioning. Thus, during the useful lifecycle of the terminal, almost 14 000 t of VOCs will be saved.

Koole Tankstorage Minerals is an international tank storage company. In its 101 tanks, the company stores products such as vacuum gasoil, fuel oil and clean petroleum products (gasolina, naphtha, diesel and gasoil). The company focuses on logistic and storage solutions for refi neries and dealers of petrochemical products, oils and other chemicals.

In this environmental project, the emissions generated during gas venting were reduced by 99.9%. Koole needed to eliminate the vapours and odour generated while barge and ship

offl oading for tank farm fi lling purposes with fuel oil, vacuum gasoil and class-3 blend components. These vapours contained highly polluting particles. The vapour fl ow and VOC content of the emissions to be treated were not constant and both the fl ow rate and VOC load were subject to frequent changes.

The technology solution proposed by TECAM was a custom-made RTO system. The system is adaptable to variable air fl ows (low, medium and high) and it treats a wide range of pollutants. It also has low operation and maintenance cost, provides high termal effi ciency, generates no waste, and there may be some heat recovery for external processes.

The assembly and commissioning process for the project was carried out within nine weeks without interrupting the terminal operability at any time. The equipment guarantees the customer a life cycle without any installation problems for more than 20 years.

Another example of improvement in this scope is in BP’s exploration and production business, where steam recovery systems were recently installed in large crude oil tank loading facilities in Alaska and Scotland. BP’s refi ning and marketing operations have installed vapour recovery systems at many gasoline distribution terminals. As such, it is possible to obtain an additional benefi t from the vapour recovery facility at retail automotive fuel refuelling sites that reduce VOC emissions during automotive refuelling by up to 90%.

When a tank storage company incorporates environmental technology, it demonstrates a social and environmental commitment, and it stands to benefi t from energy effi cieny and savings.

Global objective

Institutions and governments are strongly promoting emission reductions in all economic areas. As an example, the UK has set ambitious targets for reducing emissions and pollutants. According to the Climate Change Act of 2008 and the fi fth carbon budget, which covers the period 2028 – 2032, the UK government has set a target for a 57% reduction in greenhouse gas emissions by 2030 compared with 1990. The goal is that by 2050 all greenhouse gas emissions will be zero. In practical terms, this means changes in power generation, industrial processes, transportation, buildings and heat. With only three decades ahead to achieve that goal, it is necessary to highlight the role that all companies in the global tank storage sector have to play to achieve a common objetive worldwide.

Towards a more sustainable and efficient future

The tank storage sector plays an essential role in the daily life of all citizens. After all, this is the industry responsible for the export, import and storage of essential liquids and fuels for society.

Reducing emissions will require cooperation and investment from all the actors involved: governments, companies, supply chains, consumers and other stakeholders. Thus, the sector has to play a role in this environmental challenge.

It is essential that the tank storage sector achieves its sustainability objectives.

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