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Pipeline news
EIA: recent completions of natural gas pipeline projects increase US transportation capacity
From November 2020 through January 2021, approximately Permian Highway Pipeline: Kinder Morgan’s Permian 4.4 billion ft3/d of new natural gas pipeline capacity entered Highway Pipeline (PHP) entered service in early January. The service, according to the US Energy Information Administration’s 430 mile pipeline brings 2.1 billion ft3/d of additional natural (EIA) ‘Natural Gas Pipeline Project Tracker’. gas capacity from the Waha Hub, located in West Texas near
Four projects have recently been completed and entered production activities in the Permian Basin, to Katy, Texas, near service: the Gulf Coast. It has additional connections to Mexico.
Saginaw Trail Pipeline: Consumer Energy’s US$610 million Agua Blanca Expansion Project: Whitewater/MPLX’s Agua intrastate Saginaw Trail Pipeline entered service in late Blanca Expansion Project, which entered service in late January, November 2020. The project replaced and expanded natural connects to nearly 20 natural gas processing sites in the gas pipelines and infrastructure in Saginaw, Genesse, and Delaware Basin. It transports an additional 1.8 billion ft3/d of Oakland Counties in Michigan, increasing natural gas capacity natural gas to the Waha Hub in West Texas. The project will by 0.2 billion ft3/d. also connect with the Whistler Pipeline, which is scheduled to
Buckeye Xpress Project: Columbia Gas Transmission’s (CGT) be completed in 3Q21 and is expected to move 2.0 billion ft3/d 0.3 billion ft3/d Buckeye Xpress Project began operations in of natural gas from the Permian Basin to the Texas Gulf Coast. December 2020. The US$709 million project involved In December, Tellurian withdrew its application to build infrastructure improvements and replaced 66 miles of existing the Permian Global Access Pipeline in Texas and Louisiana, natural gas pipeline with more reliable 36 in. pipe in Ohio and effectively cancelling the project. The proposed West Virginia. The project increases transportation capacity 2.0 billion ft3/d project would have transported natural gas out of the Appalachia Basin into CGT’s interconnection in from the Permian Basin to a proposed LNG facility in Gillis, Leach, Kentucky, and the TCO Pool in West Virginia. Louisiana.
GlobalData: Nigeria to account for 23% of upcoming oil and gas projects in Africa by 2025
Nigeria is expected to have 100 oil and gas projects commencing Development Stage, Capacity, Capex and Contractor Details of operations across the value chain between 2021 and 2025, All New Build and Expansion Projects’. The report reveals that accounting for 23% of the total project starts in Africa. of the 100 projects expected to commence operations during
Newbuild projects dominate the upcoming projects and the outlook period, petrochemicals will have the highest account for around 90% of the total projects commencing count with 28 projects, followed by upstream (25), refinery (24) operations across the value chain, according to GlobalData’s and midstream (23). Midstream projects will account for report, ‘Africa Oil and Gas Projects Outlook to 2025 – around 23% of all oil and gas projects in Nigeria by 2025.
Uganda and Tanzania: final agreements for the Lake Albert resources development project
During a signing ceremony held on 11 April in Entebbe, Uganda, shareholders. in the presence of Yoweri Museveni, President of the Republic The agreements concluded mid April include the of Uganda, Samia Suluhu Hassan, President of the United Shareholders Agreement of EACOP and the Tariff and Republic of Tanzania, Patrick Pouyanné, Chairman and CEO of Transportation Agreement between EACOP and the Lake Albert Total, as well as representatives of China National Offshore Oil oil shippers. Corporation (CNOOC), Uganda National Oil Company (UNOC) These agreements open the way for the commencement of and Tanzania Petroleum Development Corporation (TPDC), the the Lake Albert development project. The main engineering, partners of the Lake Albert development project concluded the procurement and construction contracts will be awarded final agreements required to launch the project. shortly, and construction will start. First oil export is planned in
The Lake Albert development encompasses Tilenga and early 2025. Kingfisher upstream oil projects in Uganda and the construction “The Tilenga development and EACOP pipeline project are of the East African Crude Oil Pipeline (EACOP) in Uganda and major projects for Total and are consistent with our strategy to Tanzania. focus on low breakeven oil projects while lowering the average
The Tilenga project, operated by Total, and the Kingfisher carbon intensity of the Group’s upstream portfolio. These projects project, operated by CNOOC, are expected to deliver a will create significant in-country value for both Uganda and combined production of 230 000 bpd at plateau. Tanzania” said Patrick Pouyanné, Chairman and Chief Executive
The upstream partners are Total (56.67%), CNOOC (28.33%) Officer of Total. “Total is also taking into the highest consideration and UNOC (15%). The production will be transported from the the sensitive environmental context and social stakes of these oilfields in Uganda to the port of Tanga in Tanzania via EACOP onshore projects. Our commitment is to implement these cross-border pipeline, with Total, UNOC, TPDC and CNOOC as projects in an exemplary and fully transparent manner”.

BP Plc will spend approximately US$1.3 billion to build a network of pipes and other infrastructure to collect and capture natural gas produced as a byproduct from oil wells in the Permian Basin of Texas and New Mexico. The plans will eliminate routine flaring of natural gas in the oilfield by 2025.
Express Engineering has opened its new £3.5 million international assembly and test centre, part of its broader product strategy to supply assembled and tested actuators, connections and tooling for wellheads and subsea production systems for the oil and gas sector. The investment in the centre will contribute to the company’s continued development in key global markets.
Orbital Sidekick, the first US commercial company to deploy hyperspectral sensors in space, has announced a US$16 million Series A funding round led by Temasek, an investment company headquartered in Singapore, to expand its innovative product offerings, new strategic partnerships, and introduce its advanced monitoring technology to new industries.
Composite pipe technology company Strohm has announced a new strategic appointment to support its international growth ambitions. Reporting directly to CEO Oliver Kassam and based in Ijmuiden, the Netherlands, Caroline Justet has been promoted from her key account management position for Strohm to a newly created global executive role, developing the firm’s energy transition strategy.
Nord Stream 2: annual environmental monitoring report 2019 published
The monitoring of Nord Stream 2 offshore monitored through an environmental and construction activities in 2019 shows that social auditing programme. there were no impacts other than those that The monitoring results offshore verified had been predicted. In the Russian onshore that: section, there were no significant impacts on ) In German waters, the impact of the biotic and abiotic environment of the construction activities performed protected area. in 2018 – i.e. dredging, pipelay and In 2019, the monitoring focused on relevant physical-chemical (e.g. water quality and air quality), biotic (e.g. birds and marine mammals) and socio-economic (e.g. backfilling – on the seabed was in line with the assessment as demonstrated by post-construction monitoring of 2019. cultural heritage and ship traffic) ) In Swedish waters, underwater noise environments. The objective was to observe associated with pipelay and rock potential impacts caused by the placement was comparable to or lower construction activities implemented in level and frequency than noise from offshore (in Russia, Finland, Sweden, commercial cargo ships in the area. This Germany) and onshore (in Russia, Germany). supported the initial assessment that no Construction activities included pipelay, harm occurred to the marine mammals. rock placement, cofferdam installation, post-lay trenching and dredging/backfilling. ) Monitoring of third-party shipping
Additional monitoring activities were traffic demonstrated that risk carried out through specialist studies to mitigation measures were successfully enhance scientific knowledge of for implemented during construction in all example the Baltic Sea environment. countries. No incidents were recorded.
Extensive mitigation measures were implemented throughout the construction Up to 40 independent contractors have phase. Conformance to the environmental been monitoring the actual impacts on the and social management system has been environment and marine life.
Gazprom: Mozdok – Grozny gas pipeline launched
Taking part in the opening ceremony on Chechen Republic’s energy system, 7 April were Vitaly Markelov, Deputy including the Grozny TPP, one of its key Chairman of the Gazprom Management components. The facilities will also make Committee, Ramzan Kadyrov, Head of the it possible to bring gas to more Chechen Republic, heads of relevant consumers. subdivisions and subsidiaries of the company, Vitaly Markelov and Muslim Khuchiev, and representatives of the regional Prime Minister of the Chechen Republic, authorities. held a joint meeting on cooperation
The Mozdok – Grozny gas pipeline runs between Gazprom and the Government in the same corridor as the Stavropol – of the Chechen Republic. Grozny gas pipeline. The new gas pipeline It was noted that Gazprom has been with a 720 mm diameter is 101.7 km long. making large-scale efforts for gas supply Only pipes of Russian make were used in and gas infrastructure expansion in the the course of construction, and crossings region since 2008. By the start of this were set up on 13 motor roads and six year, the Company built over 743 km of bodies of water, including the Terek River. A gas pipelines in the Chechen Republic and state-of-the-art gas distribution station created the conditions for connecting named Grozny with an hourly capacity of 11 800 households to gas. 247 000 m3 was created as part of the Currently, the Company and the project. region are cooperating under a new five
The new high-efficiency facilities of year programme for 2021 - 2025. A Gazprom’s gas transmission system will synchronisation plan for gas infrastructure further strengthen the reliability of the expansion in 2021 is in effect.

NEW DATES: 25 - 27 May 2021
Subsea Expo
Aberdeen, Scotland
NEW DATES: 13 - 16 September 2021
Gastech Exhibition & Conference 2021
13- 17 September 2021
IPLOCA 54th Annual Convention
Prague, Czech Republic
NEW DATES: 21 - 23 Septmber 2021
Global Energy Show 2021
Alberta, Canada
20 October 2021
OpTech 2021
NEW DATES: 8 - 11 November 2021
Abu Dhabi International Petroleum Exhibition & Conference 2021 (ADIPEC)
Abu Dhabi, UAE
NEW DATES: 5 - 9 December 2021
23rd World Petroleum Congress
Houston, USA
7 - 9 December 2021
15th annual GPCA Forum
Dubai, UAE
Fugro awarded Jumbo positioning contract offshore Brazil
Fugro is providing positioning and infrastructure, an approach which reduces construction support services for Jumbo risk, increases spatial awareness and Maritime, a leading offshore installation streamlines workflows. contractor, on the Mero 1 deepwater field Rogerio Carvalho, Country Manager for development located approximately 180 km Fugro in Brazil, said: “Fugro’s global reach off the coast of Rio de Janeiro. Using its and advanced technology, combined with Starfix®Navigation Suite and augmented our resources and experience from the reality QuickVision® camera system, Fugro is Netherlands and Brazil, were key to supporting Jumbo in the safe and efficient securing this contract. Having overcome installation of 35 subsea torpedo piles and many challenges in planning the operations 24 mooring lines down to water depths of for this project amid the constraints caused 1980 m. This critical infrastructure will be by COVID-19, we’re excited to now be used to anchor the Mero 1 floating supporting Jumbo on this important production unit and associated equipment. deepwater development.”
The work is being performed onboard Mero field is under a Production Jumbo’s Fairplayer heavy lift crane vessel and Sharing Agreement with the Libra is estimated to last six months. In addition Consortium, which comprises Petrobras as to pre- and post-lay surveys of the piles and the operator (40 %share), Shell Brasil mooring lines, Fugro’s Starfix and (20 %), Total (20 %), CNODC (10 %) and QuickVision solutions will provide real-time CNOOC Limited (10 %). The consortium positioning for subsea construction and also includes Pré-Sal Petróleo S.A. (PPSA) as installation activities without needing any manager of the Production Sharing hardware mounted on the subsea Contract.
New offshore project awarded to Corinth Pipeworks
Cenergy Holdings SA has announced that Corinth Pipeworks S.A., its steel pipe segment, signed an agreement to manufacture and supply steel pipes to Israel Natural Gas Lines (INGL), leader in natural gas distribution in Israel, for the offshore section of a new highpressure gas pipeline between the cities of Ashdod and Ashkelon.
Chevron, having recently completed its acquisition of Noble Energy, as the operator of Leviathan and Tamar offshore gas fields, has entered into an agreement with INGL for the provision of transmission services of natural gas.
The new pipeline system, in addition to the expansion of other lines, will enable Chevron and its partners to send as much as 7 billion m3 of gas annually to Egypt.
Corinth Pipework’s contract for approximately 50 km of 36 in. LSAW linepipe also includes anticorrosion coating and concrete weight coating, all of which will be manufactured at Thisvi facility in Greece within 2021. The installation of the pipeline is scheduled to start in 2022. This award is another significant milestone in Corinth Pipeworks’ offshore presence in the South East Mediterranean region.
• Investment spurs Americas growth for STATS Group • Kpler appoints Mark
Cunningham as CFO • Ashtead Technology signs agreement with Zetechtics • Non-metallic Innovation Centre establishes Associate scheme
• Element and Bristol University agree partnership
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