Panaga School Biweekly, Issue 131

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Panaga School Biweekly

6th February
Issue 131

Panaga School Biweekly

Panaga School

IFM/4, BSPCompany Sdn Bhd, Seria, KB, 3534, Negara Brunei Darussalam

Phone: Teraja Office +673 3372139

Rampayoh Office +673 3372694


Cindy Bin Tahal


Mendaram Deputy Principal Donna Bonham donnabonham@

Rampayoh Deputy Principal Claire Richmond clairerichmond@

Teraja Deputy Principal: Mandy Russell amandarussell@

Melilas Deputy Principal: Robert Unsworth robertunsworth@

Business Service Lead: CylaAhmad cylaahmad@

Panaga School Biweekly


Hannah Zakaria

Donovan Dolamit publications@


Welcome to another wonderful edition of Panaga School Biweekly. Chinese New Year, poetry writing, an introduction to our Teraja and Melilas school council, sports achievements, environmental initiatives, digital education learning and international daycelebrationsfillthisweek’spagesofPSB.


InternationalMindednessisfundamentaltoteachingandlearningatPanagaSchool. We are a diverse community of learners, representing more than 28 different nationalities. As an international school, our learning is contextualised to consider ourBruneianhostcountryandlocalarea,whilestudentsalsoreflectontheirlearning through the lenses of home and adopted countries. Thank you to all of our community for bringing together another sensational International Assembly and Day that provides an extension to classroom learning in celebration of diversity.


and Teacher Association (PTA)

PTA would love to hear your ideas for fundraising and events. Lunch orders is a current idea that is growing as part of “Fun Food Days”. PTA is a small group of volunteerswhocometogetherafewtimesayeartoplanfundraisingandcommunity events. So far this year our PTAhas purchased large potted plants to create a safe and aesthetic barrier around the Teraja Tent, replenished all sandpits, provided significant amounts of gardening soil, purchased toys and games for play and lunch times, provided teaching resources and sponsored the Lion Dance at our International Assembly. Our PTA have also coordinated a school disco, 2023 PTA Calendar,classphotosandinternationaldayevents.PTAwillmeetthisThursday9th Februaryat7pminTerajaStaffroom.Wehopetoseeyouthere.


Next week, Panaga School will participate in a Learning Review, lead by Nick Flesher, supported by Jeanne Denyer. Nick is an independent education consultant, based in the United Kingdom. Jeanne is a practicing international school principal whoiscurrentlybasedinMalaysia.

Parents will be sent an invitation to join a conversation with the review team on Wednesday 15th February at 7.45am in Rampayoh. We look forward to welcoming Nick and Jeanne to Panaga School. Their visit is set to provide us with an objective report about the quality of learning at Panaga School, to help us reflect on our improvementagendas.

Enjoy taking a look through this edition of PSB

| 6th February 2023
Issue 131
Nick Flesher Jeanne Denyer

Term 2.1 - 2023

Link to the updated: SchoolAcademic Calendar 2022-2023

Issue 131 | 6th February 2023 WholeSchool Mendaram Rampayoh Teraja Melilas
Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday 6th Feb 7th Feb 8th Feb 9th Feb 10th Feb PTAMeeting at 7pm ISB Presentation to M2 Parents P4TClass Assembly 13th Feb 14th Feb 15th Feb 16th Feb 17th Feb LEARNING REVIEWALLWEEK, VISITING EDUCATION CONSULTANTS P4 Literacy Exit Point U13 Netball @ ISB 20th Feb 21st Feb 22nd Feb 23rd Feb 24th Feb

Thank you to our Chinese Community for making a wonderful creative Chinese New Year celebration in Mendaram.

There were many fun activities for us to do: lantern making and playdough dim sum station, cherry blossom flower and dragon art, printing fireworks, DIY lionhead making and an animals of the Chinese Zodiac race. We performed our own lion dance and listened to a great story about a lion called "Nian" told by Dingeman’s and Roman's mummy. We also joined the whole school assembly where we learnt more about Chinese New Year.

Issue 131 | 6th February 2023
Issue 131 | 6th February 2023 MENDARAM

P3 Have been learning all about descriptive features such as adjectives, verbs, alliteration and similes.

P3 Poetry

A dragon sent us a poem called ‘If I had wings.’ He wanted us to write a similar poem for his dragon friend!

We imagined what it would be like to fly and all the things we would be able to see, hear, feel and smell.

Issue 131 | 6th February 2023 RAMPAYOH
Blake Ferik

These poems are part of a ‘Hot Write’ where children apply all the features learnt independently.

Issue 131 | 6th February 2023 RAMPAYOH Rong Hazel Willow

Well done P3 for your resilience and creativity. We are proud of you all!

Issue 131 | 6th February 2023 RAMPAYOH
Farida Amaira Rowan

Welldonetoourcross-country runners who represented the school at the BJSL Cross-Country Event at Hornbill on Friday, 27th February. There were some fantastic results with many of ourstudentsinbothTerajaand Melilas winning individual medals for finishing 1st, 2nd and 3rd. Panaga school also wontheoveralltrophyfinishing aheadofJIS,ISBandHornbill.

Issue 131 | 6th February 2023 TERAJA

Last week, two great rival teams were battling it out in the P6PanagaWorldCup.Itwasa very tough game with the P6K teamleading2:1atthehalftime mark. In the last round, both teamsdrewat2:2,soapenalty knock-out secured P6K as the victorious team with a 3:2 score.Bothteamsshookhands in good sportsmanship as they walked from the field. A rematch will be arranged at the endofterm.

Issue 131 | 6th February 2023

I felt nervous but also confident -Maelle

I felt happy and it was really fun to have a sport game for our WOW!Sophia

I found it competitive, challenging and stressful. The penalties was the hardest part of it! I also had to adapt to the hot weather that time. -James

The football match against P6M was fun and exciting!The score was 2 to 2 so it went to penalties and for the last penalties we scored a goal and we won! -Alexander

Issue 131 | 6th February 2023

Melilas Tree Nursery

M1 and M2 students have started their mission to plant over 600 trees in Panaga over the next few years. During the initial weeks, the children have begun to build a nursery where they will grow and look after the trees. Look out for more updates!

Issue 131 | 6th February 2023 MELILAS

Teraja & Melilas School Council

The Panaga School Council in Teraja and Melilas was launched by class assemblies, introducing what a school council does and the key qualities of a school councillor. Interested students were then invited to do a short presentation or to create a short application to their class (age appropriate). Positions were popular and all candidates provided excellent speeches and blind applications. This was a great opportunity for students to experience the election process with each member of a class/form posting their vote in the ballot box. Teraja School Council Representative were announced on Friday and Melilas on Wednesday respectively.

Issue 131 | 6th February 2023 TERAJA & MELILAS

Teraja & Melilas School Council

Issue 131 | 6th February 2023 TERAJA & MELILAS

Teraja & Melilas School Council

Issue 131 | 6th February 2023

TheM2studentshavebeenlearningabout computational thinking and how it is appliedineverydayanddigitalscenarios. To demonstrate their understanding they have created websites about the four aspects of computational thinking: Decomposition, Abstraction, Pattern Recognition and Algorithms. Additionally, they have created teaching resources, such as videos and diagrams that they have embedded on their sites. Their websites will be shared with the students inM1andP7.

Issue 131 | 6th February 2023

Making cross-curricular links is a valuable learning experience for students. In M1,thestudentshavedevelopedinteractiveScratchpresentationstosharetheir knowledge and understanding of the human body systems that they have been learning about in Science. Embedded in the task was learning about and applying machine learning to create an algorithm to use in their coding of their presentations.

As part of P5’s investigation into natural disasters they have been engaging in a series of natural disaster simulations. The simulations provide an opportunity to explore the impact of a variety of disasters. The students have learned about high and low risk locations and how town planners can improve the outcomes of the communitythroughrelocationandreinforcementofstructures.

Issue 131 | 6th February 2023
P5 M1

A special whole school assembly was held on the 27th of January at Rampayoh where the Panaga Chinese community showcased amazing talents from across generations. Among them was a presentation set in the Tang Dynasty (Time period 618 – 907) with Felix (M1) assuming the role of a Mandarin teacher to the younger students of Panaga School, teaching them beautiful Tang Poetry followed by a gripping live performance by Mr Zeng (Ferik’s grandad) playing the Chinese string instrumentcalledJinghu.Whatasplendidwaytowelcometheyearoftherabbit!

More Photos here:

Issue 131 | 6th February 2023 WHOLE SCHOOL

International Day is a sensational day on our Panaga School calendar, where we take the opportunity to celebrate who we are and where we have similarities and differences to others. This is International Mindedness in action. Acceptance of self and others helps build a more peaceful world. International Mindedness is fundamental to all teaching and learning at Panaga School.

Thank you to everybody in the Panaga School community for contributing to a wonderful InternationalAssembly and Day. Special thanks to our Parent andTeacherAssociation (PTA) for your organisation and donation, that enable the attendance of Lion Dancers.

More Photos here:

Issue 131 | 6th February 2023
Issue 131 | 6th February 2023
More Photos here:

Congratulations to Saul who is the winner of the Canadian Skittles game. Saul guessed that Brunei fits intoCanada1732times.

Issue 131 | 6th February 2023


| 6th
Issue 131
February 2023

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