Panoram Italia Luxury 2002

Page 1

Editor’s note / Nota dell’editrice / Note de l’éditrice


vision…A strong connection with our Italian heritage. A sense of belonging to a culture that has had a major impact on the world and has shaped this world in more ways than we can

imagine. A feeling of great pride about who we are and where we come from, and gratitude towards past generations that left Italy and paved the way for us in this country we call "home".


anorama Italiano pays tribute to Italy, to Italian-Canadians, to all that is Italian. There are close to 250,000 Italians in the Greater Montreal area. Statistics show that Italian-Canadians have

one of the highest levels of home ownership. Typically, more Italian-Canadian children attend and graduate from University than other ethnic groups. And, Italian-owned businesses abound. We are no longer "immigrants". We are an integral part of the cloth of this society. We are important contributors to the economic growth of this city, this province and this country. Panorama Italiano is the window into the "Italian way" and I hope that after reading our magazine, you will have a greater understanding of what it means to be Italian.


na visione…Un forte legame col nostro patrimonio italiano. Un sentimento di appartenenza a una cultura che ha avuto una grande importanza in tutto il mondo e che ha lasciato una impronta indelebile ovunque ad un maggior numero di livelli immaginabili. Una

grande fierezza a proposito della nostra identità, dei luoghi di provenienza ed una riconoscenza nei confronti delle generazioni passate che hanno lasciato l’Italia e che hanno tracciato per noi il camino in questo paese che noi oggi chiamiamo "casa nostra".


anorama Italiano rende omaggio all’Italia, agli Italo-Canadesi ed a tutto ciò che è italiano. Nella regione metropolitana di Montréal vivono circa 250 000 italiani. Le statistiche indicano che gli italiani fanno parte del gruppo più numeroso dei proprietari delle loro resi-

denze. Più che ogni altro gruppo etnico, i figli d’italiani s’iscrivono e si graduano nelle università. Innumerevoli sono le imprese di cui i proprietari sono italiani. Noi non siamo più un gruppo di "immigranti", ma facciamo parte integrale del tessuto di questa società. Noi contribuiamo in maniera importante allo sviluppo economico di questa città, di questa provincia, di questo paese. Panorama Italiano vuole essere la finestra che si apre sull’ "italianità" e mi auguro che dopo aver letto la nostra rivista, voi potrete avere una maggiore comprensione di che cosa significa essere italiani.


ne vision…Un lien durable avec notre patrimoine italien. Un sentiment d’appartenance à une culture qui a eu un impact majeur sur le monde entier et qui a

façonné notre monde à plus de niveaux qu’on ne puisse l’imaginer. Une grande fierté pour qui nous sommes, d’où nous venons, et une reconnaissance envers les générations passées qui ont quitté l’Italie et ont tracé le chemin pour nous dans ce pays que nous appelons "chez nous".


anorama Italiano rend hommage à l’Italie, aux Italo-Canadiens et à tout ce qui est italien. Il y a près de 250 000 italiens dans la région métropolitaine de

Montréal. Les statistiques indiquent que les Italo-Canadiens sont parmi les plus nombreux à être propriétaires de leur maison. Typiquement, un plus grand nombre d’enfants italo-canadiens s’inscrivent et graduent de l’université que les enfants des autres groupes ethniques. Et les entreprises dont les propriétaires sont italiens sont innombrables. Nous ne sommes plus des "immigrants". Nous faisons partie intégrale de la toile de cette société. Nous contribuons de façon remarquable à la croissance économique de cette ville, de cette province et de ce pays. Panorama Italiano se veut la fenêtre qui s’ouvre sur "l’Italiennité" et j’espère qu’après avoir lu notre revue, vous aurez une meilleure compréhension de ce que c’est que d’être italien.

Alessandra Gatti

Le seul restaurant panoramique tournant de Montréal Montreal’s only revolving rooftop restaurant

Un périple culinaire aux saveurs du monde ! Buffets thématiques De la Provence à la Riviera Italienne Du 2 avril au 22 juin 2002

A Grand Culinary World Tour! Theme Buffets From Provence to the Italian Riviera April 2 to June 22, 2002

De l’Atlantique au Pacifique (Canada) Du 25 juin au 31 août 2002

From the Atlantic to the Pacific (Canada) June 25 to August 31, 2002

L’Espagne et le Portugal Du 3 septembre au 9 novembre 2002

Spain and Portugal September 3 to November 9, 2002

Les grands Noëls du monde Du 12 novembre au 31 décembre 2002 L’Italie méridionale et insulaire Du 10 janvier au 29 mars 2003 Merveilles du Languedoc-Roussillon Du 1er avril au 14 juin 2003

Christmas around the World November 12 to December 31, 2002 Southern Italy and the Islands January 10 to March 29, 2003 The Languedoc-Roussillon – sunny and exquisite April 1 to June 14, 2003

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Réservations (514) 879-4777

Content / Sommaire


Italy : A country of contrasts and beauty / L’Italie : Pays de contrastes et de beauté


I portabandiera della gloriosa itala-gente


I pionieri dell’emigrazione italiana


The Letter


La Chiesa Madonna della Difesa : La Cattedrale degli Italiani


Madonna della Difesa Church : A historical overview


Listing of Churches – Masses



of Community Services Organizations,


The hidden treasures of Abruzzo and Molise

Business Associations & other useful numbers


PIER 21 - The Gateway to Canada


La Casa d’Italia


Centro Culturale Italiano del Québec


Centro Donne Italiane di Montréal


Centro Leonardo da Vinci


Congresso Nazionale degli Italo-Canadesi


Istituto Italiano di Cultura


Servizi Comunitari Italo-Canadesi del Québec


La Chambre de Commerce de Saint-Leonard


The Montreal Italian Chamber of Commerce



131 Advertisers Directory 135

Student Bursary program


La petite Italie un quartier riche en histoire


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Publishers Founding Editor / Publisher: Tony Zara V.P. Sales: Emilio Zinno Editor : Alessandra Gatti Graphic design : CASSI DESIGN Printer : Accent Impression Inc. Contributors : Writer : Pietro Raffaelli Mr. Raffaelli has three "magda cum laude" degrees from the universities of Florence and Rome. In the past 50 years, ever since he set foot on Canadian soil, more specifically in Montreal, Mr. Pietro Raffaelli has been a witness to the life of Italian immigrants and their struggle and has been actively involved in the ItalianCanadian community. He was Pastor of Madonna della Difesa church for many years. Ever since he retired from his religious duties, Mr. Raffaelli has spent part of his time writing articles for local papers and magazines. Writer : Filippo Salvatore Associate professor of Italian Studies at Concordia University in Montreal, Filippo Salvatore received his Ph.D. from Harvard University. He is a specialist of Italian cinema, which he taught for ten years at the University of Montreal. He is the author of many books, four of which are “Antichi e Moderni in Italia nel 600” (1987), “Le cinéma de Paul Tana” (1997) in collaboration with Anna Gural-Migdal, “Fascism and the Italians of Montreal” (1998), and “Ancient Memories, Modern Identities, Italian Roots in Contemporary Canadian Authors” (1999), and editor of the volume “I protagonisti italiani di Montreal” (2000)

PANORAMA ITALIANO is an annual publication that focuses on Italian culture, providing information on Italy itself as well as on the Italian-Canadian community in Montreal. PANORAMA ITALIANO wishes to promote all that is Italian and generate a sense of belonging and pride in the younger generation of Italian-Canadians. We welcome any comments or suggestions our readers may have that would make upcoming issues even more appealing to read and informative. Is there a topic you would like us to cover? Or maybe you would like to submit an article to us. Whatever the case, please contact us by mail at :

PANORAMA ITALIANO 9300 Henri-Bourassa West, Suite 100 Ville St. Laurent (Qc) H4S 1L5 or by e-mail at :

We look forward to hearing from you!

The Cover "When I was first approached by Tony Zara, founder of Panorama Italiano, I immediately wanted to do the cover. Upon reflection, certain images came to mind. The tomato – one of the most evocative food ingredients when thinking of Italian cuisine – and the olive branch – source of the finest olive oil as well as the ultimate symbol of peace. It didn’t take long for me to put the mental vision together. The following day, I went to the Jean-Talon Market in search of the perfect tomato. As it happens, it was the perfect time of the year to select these beautiful fruits. All the vendors had their stock exposed in baskets and boxes. There, right in front of me, amongst thousands of red symbols of Italy, lay this perfect, heart-shaped tomato, waiting to be taken. The rest is history. As for the olive branch, there were none, and none to be found. I had to have this branch. And then, as if it were destined to be, Tony Zara mentioned that his father owned an olive orchard in Guglionesi, my home town in Italy, and that he was coming to Montreal. The olive branch was now in my hands. The feather was added at the last moment during the shoot. The olive branch could not be without the feather of a Peace Dove. Pax, Pace." Geraldo Pace is a Montreal-based photographer who has worked in New York. He has worked on national advertising campaigns as well as conceptual ads. From cars, portraits, cosmetics, fashion to industrial themes. His latest national campaign was for Roots Olympics and proved to be highly successful. His style has always remained true to lighting and immediate visual impact. His work can be viewed on his website at :

GeraldoPace 514.335.1013

Conceptual Photographer

w w w. g e r a l d o - p a c e . c o m


commandments for the

Global Village:

Understanding the present

driving the future




• Learn from History 2 • Discover the World 3 • Build up Relationships 4 • Welcome the Future • Improve your Performance 6 • Respect Mother Nature 7 • Embrace Innovation • Experience a new way to Communicate 9 • Be able to Change

10 • Choose Burgo The Paper designed to Communicate


L’Italie... un pays de contrastes et de beauté taly forms a boot-like peninsula between two branches of the Mediterranean Sea: the Tyrrhenian Sea on the West Side and the Adriatic Sea on the East Side. Off the toe of the boot is the island of Sicily, and on its western coast lies the island of Sardegna, the two largest islands in the Mediterranean.


Italie est une péninsule qui rappelle la forme d’une botte et est située entre deux branches de la mer Méditerranée: la mer Tyrrhénienne du côté ouest et la mer Adriatique du côté est. Au-delà de la pointe de la botte se trouve l’île de la Sicile, et sur sa côte ouest l’île de la Sardaigne, les deux plus grandes îles de la Méditerranée.

Italy possesses a number of smaller islands: notably Elba in the Tuscan Archipelago, Capri and Ischia in the Bay of Naples, the Aolian Islands, the Egadi Islands, Pantelleria and Ustica off the shores of Sicily, Asinara, La Maddelena and Caprera off Sardegna, and Tremiti off the coast of Puglia.

L’Italie possède un bon nombre d’îles plus petites: notamment l’île d’Elbe dans l’archipel de la Toscane, Capri et Ischia dans la Baie de Naples, les îles Ioniennes, les îles Igadi, Pantelleria et Ustica près de la Sicile, Asinara, La Maddelena et Caprera près de la Sardaigne, Tremiti près des Pouilles.

The towering Alps divide Italy from France in the North-West, Switzerland and Austria in the North, and Slovenia in the NorthEast. A second range of mountains, the Apennines, traverses the entire length of the peninsula and continues into Sicily. 444

Les Alpes majestueuses séparent l’Italie de la France au nordouest, la Suisse et l’Autriche au nord, la Slovénie au nord-est. Une deuxième chaîne de montagnes, les Appennins, longe entièrement la péninsule et se prolonge jusqu’en Sicile. 444


4 Over fifty-seven million Italians live in a country warmed by the waters of the Mediterranean and protected by the Alps, whose remarkable vegetation varies from pine forests to oleanders, palms and subtropical flora. Italy boasts the mighty giants of Mont Blanc and the Matterhorn, and the volcanoes of Mount Etna and Mount Vesuvius, the peaks and precipices of Calabria and the tranquil shores of Lakes Maggiore, Como and Garda. Italy is a land of contrasts and infinite beauty.

Italy is subdivided into 20 regions: Abruzzo, Basilicata, Calabria, Campania, Emilia-Romagna, Friuli-Venezia Giulia, Lazio, Liguria, Lombardia, Marche, Molise, Piemonte, Puglia, Sardegna, Sicilia, Toscana, Trentino-Alto Adige, Umbria, Valle d’Aosta and Veneto. THE CITIES OF


Rome is called the Eternal City because of its place in the history of mankind. Rome, of course, has been the center of Christendom since St. Peter first established the Christian Church. And, before that, with the establishment of the Roman Empire, it was the capital of the western world. Twenty five hundred years of history crowded into its maze of alleys, 444

4 Plus de cinquante sept millions d’Italiens vivent dans un pays réchauffé par les eaux de la Méditerranée et protégé par les Alpes, dont la végétation varie des forêts de pins aux oléandres, des palmiers à la flore subtropicale. L’Italie est fière de ses géants puissants qui sont le Mont Cervin et le Mont Blanc, les volcans du Mont Etna et du Mont Vésuve; les pics et précipices de la Calabre et les rives paisibles des lacs Majeur, Como et de Garde. L’Italie est une terre de contrastes et de beauté infinie. LES VILLES DE


Rome est appelée la Ville Eternelle à cause de la place qu’elle détient dans l’histoire de l’humanité. Rome est le centre de la Chrétienté depuis que St. Pierre y a établi la première église chrétienne. Et, avant cela, avec l’établissement de l’Empire Romain, c’était la capitale du monde occidental. 2500 ans d’histoire comprimée dans un labyrinthe d’allées, ruelles, et places: des anciennes catacombes aux palais du 17e siècle, des églises du 15e siècle, et des monuments et édifices du 20e siècle. Aujourd’hui, comme toujours, Rome est la capitale, non seulement de l’Italie mais de la culture occidentale.

Après Rome, les capitales régionales de l’Italie sont: Milan, Turin, Gênes, Venise, Trieste, Trento, 444








ADIGE Sondrio Udine Belluno Lago di Como Pordenone Trento Gorizia Varese Como AOSTA Treviso Bergamo VENETO Aosta Brescia Vicenza Novara Milano Lido Verona Vercelli Venezia Padova LOMBARDIA Pavia Abano Terme Cremona Torino Mantova Rovigo Piacenza Asti Alessandria Ferrara Parma PIEMONTE Reggio Modena Ravenna Bologna Cuneo LIGURIA Rimini EMILIA-ROMAGNA Savona Genova Portofino Foril Francia S. Margherita SAN MARINO Massa Pistoia Imperia Rapallo La Spezia Montecatini Sestre Levante Pesaro Lucca Bordighera San Remo Cinque Terre Firenze Pisa MARCHE Ancona Livorno Riviera Italiana Arezzo Siena Macerata Perugia TOSCANA




Boznia& Herzegovina

Mar Adriatico


Ascoli Piceno

Orvieto Terni

Teramo Pescara L’Aquila Chieti




LAZIO ✪ Roma

ABRUZZI Frosinone




Isernia Campobasso

Castel Volturno

PUGLIA Selva di Fasano



Ravello Capri Amalfi Positano

Torre Canne

Potenza Matera


Pompei Sorrento



Caserta Benevento




Paestum Cilento



Brindisi Lecce


Mar Tirreno




Cagliari Catanzaro

Mar Mediterraneo

Messina Palermo Taormina


SICILIA Caltanissetta




Siracusa Ragusa

MALTA Valletta

Tu n i s i a

Reggio Calabria

Mar Ionio

4 Bologne, Florence, Ancona, Perugia, Acquila,

Matéra, Campobasso, Naples, Bari, Palerme, Cagliari, Reggio Calabria et Aoste. Chacune des villes principales de l’Italie conserve jalousement son propre caractère. Ses citoyens sont particulièrement orgueuilleux de leur histoire, art, commerce, gastronomie et vie. Milan est la ville industrielle par excellence, un centre bancaire, la capitale de la mode et aussi un centre d’art et de culture. Turin, au pied des Alpes, est reconnue pour ses usines d’automobiles et son architecture baroque. Gênes, lieu de naissance de Christophe Colomb, est le port majeur de l’Italie depuis le temps des Romains. Venise, est la ville "flottante", féérique et romantique avec ses canaux et lagunes. Trieste est un port marin affairé et pittoresque. Trento est une vieille ville historique qui a connu maintes batailles pour son occupation. Bologne, centre de richesse, enseignement et art, est fameuse pour ses universités et sa gastronomie. Florence, berceau de la Renaissance, est un centre artistique qui tient tête à n’importe quel autre centre au monde. Ancona, capitale de la région adriatique des Marches, est un magnifique site de villégiature au bord de la mer. Perugia, la Reine de la plaine du Tiber, est le site de l’Université pour les Étrangers, fondée au 13e siècle. Acquila est un centre montagnais dans les Appennins. 444

4 streets, and squares: from ancient catacombs to 17th century palaces, 15th century churches, and 20th century monuments and buildings. Today, as always, Rome is a capital, not just of Italy, but of western culture. After Rome, the other regional capitals of Italy are: Milan, Turin, Genoa, Venice, Trieste, Trento, Bologna, Florence, Ancona, Perugia, Acquila, Matera, Campobasso, Naples, Bari, Palermo, Cagliari, Reggio Calabria, and Aosta. Each of Italy’s chief cities jealously guards its own character, its citizens taking such special pride in their history, art, commerce, food and life. Sprawling Milan is the industrial, banking, and fashion capital of Italy as well as a center for Art and Culture. Turin, at the foot of the Alps, is renowned for the manufacturing of automobiles and its baroque architecture. Genoa, birthplace of Christopher Columbus, has been Italy’s chief seaport since Roman times. Venice, is Italy’s "floating city", surreal and infinitely romantic with its canals and lagoons. Trieste is a bustling and attractive seaport. Trento is a historic old city that has seen many battles for its occupation. Bologna, center of wealth, learning and Art, is famous for its university and gastronomy. 444




Tremiti Islands

Typical sight of the cost Vue caractéristique de la côte

ROMA The coliseum Le ColisĂŠe

Florence, the "cradle of the Renaissance", is an Art center that rivals any in the world. Ancona, capital of the Adriatic region of the Marche, is a beautifully situated seaside resort city. Perugia, hilltop queen of the Tiber plain, is the site of the University for Foreigners, founded in the 13th century. Acquila is a mountain center in the Apennines. Naples, on its famous blue bay, is the great city of the south. Bari, where the bones of St. Nicholas lie, is a modern city surrounding a tiny medieval town. Palermo, capital of Sicily, merges Norman and Arab history and culture. Cagliari, Chief City of Sardegna, bears the stamp of a long and varied history under the Romans, Carthaginians, Spanish, and French.




Italy is one of the oldest countries where civilization has enjoyed a continuous history. It is also one of the newest, for it united under one government just over 100 years ago. It is generally considered the country of Art. But as you delve into its history, you find that it is also a country of lawmakers, builders, and thinkers.444

Vaticano 4 Naples, sur sa célèbre baie bleue, est la grande ville du sud. Bari, où les os de St. Nicolas reposent, est une ville moderne entourant un petit village médiéval. Palerme, capitale de la Sicile, réunit l’histoire et les cultures Normandes et Arabes. Cagliari, ville chef de la Sardaigne, porte les marques d’une histoire variée sous les Romains, Carthaginois, Espagnols et Français.



L’Italie est un des plus anciens pays dans lequel la civilisation a connu une histoire continue. C’est aussi un des plus nouveaux puisque le pays s’est unifié il y a un peu plus d’un siècle seulement. Généralement, il est vu comme le pays de l’Art. Mais quand on repasse son histoire, l’on trouve que c’est un pays de législateurs, de constructeurs et de penseurs. Un grand nombre des idées qui guident notre monde aujourd’hui sont nées en Italie. Un beau matin de printemps en l’an 753 av. JC, Romulus fonda Rome. Romulus fut le premier des Sept Rois de Rome. Une république suivit. Elle dura pendant 500 ans et fut le premier exemple d’un système de gouvernement démocratique au monde. Deux consuls élus gouvernaient Rome, et un Sénat fit sa loi. Les légions romaines étaient invincibles dans leurs multiples combats et la République continua à grandir de plus en plus au point que lors de la naissance de Jésus Christ, Rome contrôlait le monde connu en entier. À ce moment là, les Empereurs – Auguste César étant le premier – prirent la place des Consuls. En tant qu’Empire universel, Rome continua au courant des 400 prochaines années444



pisA The Tower of Pisa La tour de Pise

4 Many of the great ideas that guide the world today were born in Italy. On a spring morning of the year 753 BC, Rome was founded by Romulus. Romulus was the first of the Seven Kings of Rome. A Republic followed. It lasted for half a millennium and was the first instance of an enduring democratic system of government in the world. Two elected consuls ruled Rome, and a Senate made its law. The Roman legions proved invincible in their many wars and the Republic grew and grew so that by the time Christ was born, it ruled the entire known world. By this time, Emperors – Augustus Caesar being the first – had taken the place of the consuls. As a universal Empire, Rome continued for another 400 years establishing throughout Europe the principles of law by which we still live.

2 of 50

The breakup of the Roman Empire did not mean the end of Italy. Christianity had made its world centre in Rome. Rome converted and absorbed, through the work of the popes of the Middle Ages, the waves of northern barbarians who poured down into Italy. One thousand years after Rome fell, Latin was still the common language of educated people in the West, while all through the Middle Ages the northern Emperors – whether German or Austrian - laid claim to the title of Emperor of the Holy Roman Empire.

Restaurant ouvert à tous / Open to all Fine cuisine italienne - Fine Italian Cuisine Terrasse - Terrace

As far back as the dawn of the last millennium, the Italian citystates – Milan, Venice, Florence, Pisa, and one hundred others emerged from the Middle Ages, and elbowing their way between Empire and Church, asserted their independence. They governed themselves as Republics . Many became highly prosperous, and developed the first banking systems known in the West.

Golf Saint-Raphaël

But while the great nations of Europe were forming, Italy, split up into a dozen separate states, did not achieve political unity until the 19th century. Only then, in three successive wars of the Risorgimento (resurgence), Italy was finally united under the

Salles de réception - Reception halls Tente extérieure - Tent 40 - 300 pers.

1111, rue de l’Église, Île-Bizard, (514) 696-4653 4 à établir les principes de loi à travers l’Europe dont nous nous servons encore aujourd’hui. Le déclin de l’Empire Romain ne fut pas pour autant la fin de l’Italie. Le Christianisme avait fait de Rome son centre mondial. Rome convertissait et absorbait, par l’entremise des papes du Moyen-Âge, les marées de barbares nordiques qui descendaient sur l’Italie. Mille ans après la chute de Rome, le latin était encore la langue utilisée par les personnes éduquées de l’Occident. À travers le Moyen-Âge, les empereurs du nord – allemands et autrichiens – s’accaparaient du titre d’Empereur du Saint Empire Romain.

Venezia Rialto bridge over Canale Grande Pont du Rialto sur le Grand Canal



Aussi loin que l’aube du dernier millénaire, les cités-états de Milan, Venise, Florence, Pise et une centaine d’autres – sortirent du Moyen-Âge et affirmèrent leur indépendance en se bousculant entre l’Empire et l’Église. Ces cités se gouvernaient comme des 444

Toscana Vineyards Vignobles

4 rule of the King of Sardegna. The final unification of Italy brought the country in line with the Western powers. In World War I, Italy fought against the Austrian Empire and, by defeating its armies on the Piave river in 1918, brought about its dissolution. The last two Italian regions, Veneto and Friuli-Venezia Giulia, were thus rejoined to Italy.

4 républiques. Plusieurs devinrent très prospères et développèrent les premiers systèmes banquiers connus en Occident. Cependant, pendant que les grandes nations de l’Europe se formaient, l’Italie, divisée en une douzaine d’états indépendants, n’arriva à atteindre son union politique qu’au 19e siècle. Ce n’est qu’à ce moment, suite à trois guerres successives de Rissurgimento (résurrection), que l’Italie fut finalement unifiée sous le roi de la Sardaigne.


Modern science can be said to stem from Galileo Galilei of Pisa, in the 16th century. He was able to prove the rotation and the movement of the planet around its own axis and the sun. He also invented the telescope and established the law and use of the pendulum to measure time. And let’s not forget Leonardo da Vinci, the great artist, physicist, architect who anticipated so many astonishing inventions. Guglielmo Marconi and Enrico Fermi are the names that first come to mind when one mentions Italian science. These two men stand behind the two major marvels of our age. Because of Marconi, voices first traveled through the air, unaided by any visible link, and radio was born. Because of Fermi, uranium fission was achieved in Rome, in 1930. Then, in Chicago, in 1942, Fermi and his associates set off the first chain reaction opening the atomic age. Over two hundred years ago the experiments of Luigi Galvani led to the discovery that electricity could be 444

L’unification finale de l’Italie ramena le pays au niveau des autres puissances de l’ouest. Lors de la Première Guerre Mondiale, l’Italie lutta contre l’empire Autrichien et, avec la conquête de ses armées sur la rivière Piave en 1918, en provoqua sa dissolution. Les deux dernières régions italiennes, Veneto et FriuliVenezia Giulia, furent enfin annexées à l’Italie. SCIENCE

On peut dire que la science moderne est partie de Galileo Galilei de Pisa, au 16e siècle. Il fut capable de prouver le mouvement et la rotation de la Terre autour de son propre axe et du soleil. Il inventa aussi le téléscope et établit les lois et l’emploi du pendulum pour mesurer le temps. N’oublions pas Léonardo da Vinci, le célèbre artiste, architecte, géomètre qui anticipa tellement d’inventions étonnantes. Guglielmo Marconi et Enrico Fermi sont les noms qui viennent tout de suite à l’esprit quand on parle de science. Ces 444

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1 of 19

Taormina Greco-Roman Theater ( Sicily ) Théâtre Gréco-Romain ( Sicile )

4 produced by chemical action. Alessandro Volta followed by inventing the first battery and condenser for producing electricity.

The Neptune temple

In medicine: the Salerno School of Medicine was already famous in the Middle Ages. As far back as the 16th century, Fracastoro had discovered the nature of infection, although he had no microscope to prove his point. These are but a few of the great Italian minds that have shaped the world we live in today. ART IN ITALY

For the art lover, Italy has been likened to a vast museum. No other country on earth has such a rich history of creative activity. The oldest works of art are those of the Etruscans dating back to the 9th century BC. This mysterious society, about which little is known has left sculptures, bronzes and other tantalizing evidence of their presence in Lazio, Tuscany, and Umbria. Italy is the greatest repository of Greek art outside of Greece itself. Magnificent ruins of temples and other stone structures exist today in the most important Greek colonies in Sicily and Campania. Everywhere you turn in Italy, you see the Sistine Chapel / Chapelle Sistine imprint of the Roman Empire – in the roads, the bridges, aqueducts, triumphal arches, and theaters – especially in the following cities: Turin, Milan, Aosta, Perugia, Verona, Brescia, Assisi, Naples, and Capri. The most important excavations have been carried out in Rome (the famous Coliseum, for example) and in the cities near Naples that Mount Vesuvius buried (Pompeii and Herculaneum). Christian art was born in Rome, the catacombs and the baptisteries all containing vivid documentation of the rise and fall of the Roman Empire and the triumph of Christianity. During the Gothic period, French influence changed church architecture. Among the many notable Gothic churches are the Cathedrals of Siena and Orvieto, the Churches of Santa Maria del Fiore and Santa Croce in Florence, and the grand cathedral of Milan, Il Duomo. g SOURCE : ENIT 24



Le Temple de Neptune

4 deux hommes sont responsables pour deux des découvertes majeures de nos temps. Grâce à Marconi, les voix purent voyager dans l’espace sans être visiblement liées, ce fut la naissance de la radio. Grâce à Fermi, la fission de l’uranium fut atteinte à Rome en 1930. Et, en 1942, à Chicago, Fermi et son équipe déclenchèrent la première réaction en chaîne de l’ère atomique. Il y a plus de 200 ans, la recherche de Luigi Galvani nous mena à la découverte que l’électricité pouvait être produite par une action chimique. Alessandro Volta suivit et inventa la première pile et le premier condensateur pour la production de l’électricité. En médecine: l’École de Médecine de Salerno était déjà réputée au Moyen-Âge. Aussi loin qu’au 16e siècle, Fracastoro avait découvert la source de l’infection, malgré le fait que le microscope n’avait pas encore été inventé. Ce ne sont que quelques exemples des grands génies d’Italie qui ont aidé à créer le monde dans lequel nous vivons aujourd’hui. L’ART EN ITALIE

Pour le passionné de l’art, l’Italie peut être comparée à un vaste musée. Aucun autre pays au monde a une histoire aussi riche en activité créatrice. Les plus anciennes oeuvres d’art sont celles des Étrusques qui remontent au 9e siècle avant J-C. Cette société mystérieuse, de laquelle nous connaissons très peu, a laissé des sculptures, des bronzes et autres traces impressionnantes de leur présence dans les provinces du Lazio, de la Toscane et de l’Ombrie. L’Italie est le plus grand bassin d’art grec autre que la Grèce elle-même. Des ruines magnifiques de temples et d’autres structures de pierre existent aujourd’hui dans les plus grandes colonies grecques de la Sicile et la Campanie. Partout où on le regarde en Italie, l’on voit les empreintes de l’Empire romain – les routes, les ponts, les aqueducs, les arches triomphaux et les théâtres – particulièrement dans les villes suivantes: Turin, Milan, Aostie, Pérugia, Vérona, Brescia, Assise, Naples et Capri. Les fouilles les plus importantes ont été éxécutées à Rome (le fameux Colisée, par exemple) et dans les villes près de Naples que le Mont Vésuve a ensevelies (Pompéi et Herculanéum). L’art chrétien est né à Rome, les catacombes et les baptistaires contiennent de la documentation frappante sur l’essor et le déclin de l’Empire romain et le triomphe du christianisme.


Pendant la période gothique, l’influence française changea l’architecture des églises. Parmi les églises gothiques les plus remarquables nous retrouvons les cathédrales de Sienne et Orvieto, les églises de Santa Maria del Fiore et Santa Croce à Florence, et la grande cathédrale de Milan, Il Duomo. g SOURCE : ENIT



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anorama Italiano has chosen to present to its readers Abruzzo and Molise, two of the twenty administrative regions into which the Republic of Italy is divided. The choice is obvious. About half of the almost 250,000 strong Montreal Italian community is originally from these two regions. They are located in the central part of the peninsula between the Adriatic sea and the chain of the Apennine mountains that meet with the Gran Sasso d’Italia, the Majella and the Matese.444


From Abruzzi to


the Empire, almost all of Abruzzo and Molise was known as Samnium. and Molise

4 Abruzzo and Molise constituted from 1861, the year the Kingdom of Italy was declared, one single administrative unit with the city of l’Aquila as its administrative capital. It is only in 1963 that Molise acquired an autonomous status and the town of Campobasso became its regional capital. In 1970, Molise was divided into two administrative units and Isernia was chosen as the new provincial centre. Abruzzo is divided into four administrative centers : l’Aquila, Pescara, Teramo and Chieti. A


sketch of Abruzzo and Molise

Both Abruzzo and Molise were already inhabited in the first millennia of prehistory. The most ancient traces of intelligent hominids on Italian soil, Homo Aeserniensis, go back to 700,000 years ago and were found near Isernia. They can be seen in the paleolithic museum of Isernia. From Prehistory to the end of the Roman Empire

During the Bronze Age, new tribes arrived and settled both on the mountain ridges and along the Adriatic coast. In today’s Abruzzo these Italic tribes were the Pretuti, the Vestini, the Marrucini, the Peligni, and in Molise the Caraceni and the Pentri. Along the coast from Amiternum ( Pescara) to Larinum (Larino) the most important tribe was the Frentani. From the third century BC, these tribes formed the Samnite League against Rome. Following a treaty of alliance in 354 BC, the so-called Samnite Wars ( 343-290 BC) culminated with the defeat of Sentinum. For well over fifty years, the Samnites fought the Romans and humiliated them at the battle of Forche Caudine. «Passare sotto le forche caudine» is an expression which indicates acceptance of defeat and submission. Eventually the Romans defeated the Samnites and romanized the territory. During



The Middle Ages

After the fall of the Roman Empire, both Abruzzo and Molise were the scene of strife between Goths and Byzantines. Around the middle of the 6th century AD, the duchy of Teate ( modern day Chieti) was set up. Eventually, the Longobards annexed the whole region of Samnium and divided it between the duchies of Benevento and Spoleto. The northern part of the region was apportioned to the Franks and the term Aprutium began to be used to describe the territory that corresponds to the provinces of Teramo and l’Aquila. During the Middle Ages, the Benedictine monks from Montecassino founded fortified monasteries (San Giovanni in Venere near Fossacesia, San Vincenzo al Volturno, Santa Maria di Canneto, San Clemente a Casauria et coetera) in strategic defensive positions. Both Abruzzo and Molise were subsequently ruled by the Normans and the Swabians, the Angevins from France and the Aragonese from Spain. In the 8th century, Aternum was destroyed by the Longobards and rose again as Piscaria (Pescara), a reference to its fishing activity. Under the Swabian emperor Frederick II, the Abruzzo gained administrative unity and Sulmona became its capital. In 1254, Frederick II decreed the founding of l’Aquila, which soon became the second city in the Kingdom of Naples. The advent of the Angevins in the 14th century marked the beginning of a period of decadence for l’Aquila. During the 17th century the three provinces of Chieti, l’Aquila and Teramo were set up. 444


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CAMOSCIARA National Park of the Abruzzo

4 From Spanish Domination to the Unification of Italy to the 20th century

Abruzzo and Molise remained under Spanish domination until the start of the 18th century. In 1735, both regions were taken over by the Bourbons of Naples who held power until the unification of Italy in 1861. Under Napoleonic rule, at the beginning of the 19th century , precisely in 1806, Molise became an autonomous province with Campobasso as its administrative centre. With the return to power of the Bourbons in 1815 this process came to an abrupt end. With the unification of Italy in the 19th century Molise was joined with Abruzzo only to be separated again , as mentioned, in 1963. A guide to the unknown

natural wonders of Abruzzo

Suggested excursions


Placed at the center of the Italian peninsula, Abruzzo is a compendium of a sandy coastline, of fertile hills covered with vineyards and olive groves, of plateaux where sheep herds still graze, of medieval hamlets, of lakes and of protected natural parks. The vast network of Parks and Nature Reserves ( the Parco Nazionale d’Abruzzo, Parco Nazionale Gran Sasso e Monti della Laga, Parco Nazionale della Majella, Parco Regionale Sirente Velino) make Abruzzo one of the greenest areas of Europe. The natural parks cover about a third of the region’s territory. The preservation of nature’s integrity is viewed as an opportunity for a correct approach to development. The pay-off from this healthy approach to the environment can be seen in the genuine products used in the Abruzzese gastronomy. Traditional industries, intensive agriculture and tourism as well as a pristine environment and a rich, glorious cultural tradition are the traits that define today’s Abruzzo.

The following proposed itineraries lie within the parks and are chosen for their imposing beauty and the natural fauna. From Villeta Barrea to Pescasseroli to Grotta delle Fate, one can follow the deer paths inside the Parco Nazionale d’Abruzzo (about six kms, 3-4 hours on foot). Wild boars, chamois, pilgrine falcons, deers and wild bears can be seen along the Castellano river in the Gran Sasso e Monti della Lega parks as well as in the Majella Natural Park. The town of Lama dei Peligni can be the starting point of this excursion. The caves near Grotta delle Fate and Grotta Beatrice Cenci near Avezzano deserve special attention because of the traces of prehistoric man. An apt definition of Abruzzo is : a great park , filled with historic jewels, facing the Adriatic sea.

TRAVOCCHI Hermitages and Abbeys

Abruzzo is not only a region where pristine nature reigns, but also an area where hermitages, churches and abbeys of various styles abound. Particularly significant are the abbeys of San Giovanni in Venere near Fossacesia and S. Clemente a Casauria near Torre de Passeri, as well as the sanctuary of S. Gabriele dell’Addolorata on the slopes of the Gran Sasso mountain, Miracolo dell’Eucarestia at Lanciano and Madonna dei Miracoli at Casalbordino. Archeological sites

Memories and traces of ancient Abruzzo are still present and alive in towns dating back to Roman times such as Juvanum, Alba Fucens or Cotfinium and in prehistoric archeological finds near the towns of Campovalano, Alfedena and Schiavi d’Abruzzo. 444



4 Sea resorts The coasline of Abruzzo is varied: low-lying and sandy from Giulianova to Pescara, more cragged from Fossacesia Marina to Vasto. The Sette Sorelle resorts in the province of Teramo ( Martinsicuro, Silvi Marina, Pescara, Giulianova, Francavilla al mare) offer high-level accomodations, plenty of leisure facilities, night-clubs and a modern marina in Pescara. To the south of Pescara the scenery changes: from Ortona to Vasto and as far south as San Salvo on the boundary with Molise, sloping shores surrounded by lush Mediterrean vegetation appear on the coastline. Here too a pleasant vacation is assured. Between S.Vito and Fossacesia the travocchi, singular fishing huts built on piles , are to be seen and are still being used by local fishermen who provide their daily catch to local restaurants. Snow and ski resorts

In the region that boasts the highest summits of the Apennines, snow and ski resorts are plentiful. The areas near Roccaraso, Rivisondoli, and the resorts of Gran Sasso and Majella attract thousands of enthusiasts from all over Italy. Besides alpine skiing, other facilities are available: snowboarding and cross-country skiing on the vast plateaux of Campo Imperatore and Cinque Miglia. Art towns in Abruzzo:

Art towns are scattered over the whole region. L’Aquila, the regional capital, is rich in architectural masterpieces , the Basilica of S. Maria di Collemaggio, the SANTA MARIA Fontana delle 99 Cannelle and the Church of San Bernardino are noteworthy. Other important towns rich in artistic treasures are Atri, Campoli, Teramo, Penne, Città Sant’Angelo, Loreto Aprutino, Chieti, Lanciano and Vasto. Food and wines of Abruzzo

The typical expression of gastronomy in a land where the economy has been based on sheep-raising is lamb. Lamb is a specialty prepared in a variety of ways. It may be roasted, fried, or cooked «alla cacciatora» with red peppers or as a fricassé with an egg and lemon sauce. It is then called Agnello cacio e uova (lamb with cheese and eggs), arrosticini (barbecued lamb), castrato, used to prepare sugo in the sauce for maccheroni alla chitarra (homemade pasta using metallic strings that recall a guitar). The local sheperds are masters in making cheese. Besides the world famous pecorino, there is also the scamorza - best tasting if roasted over a fire- from Rivisondoli and Pescocostanzo. Pork sausages and ham occupy a central place in Abruzzese as well as in Molisan gastronomy. Ventricina, a sausage made with pig’s intestines and lean meat, hot paprika, fennel seeds and orange peel, is particularly worth mentionning. In the neighbouring regions of Lazio and Molise, porchetta (roast suckling pig) is a great delicacy. Pescara, the most dynamic of Abruzzo’s cities, the birthplace of the great poet Gabriele d’Annunzio, is well known

as a fishing port. Here they make brodetto alla pescarese, a fish soup which mixes fresh fish with tomato sauce and a red pepper known as diavolillo. Vasto, a rival to Pescara in fish dishes, is renowned for its scapece (fish marinated in vinegar and coloured with saffron). Zafferano is a unique abruzzese product. It is a spice obtained by drying stigmas of the saffron flower. Zafferano enhances the colour of risotto alla milanese. The most famous of Abruzzese desserts is the parrozzo, a soft cake covered with chocolate. Other specialties are the fiadone, the pizzelle, the sise di monaca from Guardiagrele, the cellucci of Villa Santa Maria, the neole of Ortona, the pan dell’orso of Scanno, and finally scrippelle ‘mbusse. Wines and liqueurs

Good dishes are served with good wines. Abruzzo’s wines are excellent. Montepulciano d’Abruzzo, Cerasuolo and Trebbiano are produced on the sunny hills along the Adriatic coast and have recently been awarded important international recognition. Centerbe is the most famous of the liqueurs produced in Abruzzo. It is a potent (70% alchool content) liqueur flavoured with herbs. It is often served flambé with fruit. Abruzzo is also famous for the quality of its excellent olive oil and its pasta products especially Del Verde and Fara San Martino. Confetti di Sulmona (sugar coated almonds) accompany the happiest moments of our lives, weddings, christenings, and communions. Handicrafts

Stone, wood, iron: here are the raw materials skillfully worked and wrought by Abruzzese artisans to obtain small masterpieces for everyday use. Everywhere in Abruzzo local craftsmen use their ingenuity to produce majolicas (Castelli), ceramics (Rapino) wrought irons (Guardiagrele), wood carvings (Pretoro, Castel del Monte), the golden filagree and tombolo at Pescocostanzo and Scanno. Famous names from Abruzzo

Abruzzo has been for millennia the birth place of famous people. Here are some of them: Gabriele d’Annunzio, from Pescara (refined man of letters and fearless soldier), Sallust - Caius Sallustius Crispus - (one of Rome’s leading historians from near l’Aquila), Gaius Asinius Pollio (Latin writer and historian from Chieti), Ovid (famous Latin poet from Sulmona), Tommaso da Celano (disciple of San Francesco) Mario Polmilio (novelist from Orsogna), Edoardo Scarfoglio (journalist); Bertrando Spaventa (philosopher from Bomba, Chieti), Benedetto Croce (one of Italy’s most eminent philosophers, literary critics and politicians of the 20th century from Pescasseroli, L’Aquila), Ignazio Silone (novelist from Pescina dei Marsi, l’Aquila), Gabriele Rossetti (poet from Vasto, exiled in England and father of Dante Gabriele Rossetti, a leading exponent of pre-raphaelite art in 19th century England). g Filippo Salvatore



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Thirty-three kms of white sandy beaches, awe-inspiring mountains (Matese and Mainarde), a wealth of archeological sites, a haven of peace, green hills covered with olive groves and vineyards overlooking the blue Adriatic sea: this is Molise, in a nutshell. From Samnium to Molise

Molise’s territory is small. It corresponds to about 1,5% of the Italian peninsula. Molise’s population of about 340,000 is again small, it corresponds to a tiny fraction of Italy’s 57 million. Molise acquired autonomous administrative status only in 1963 when it was separated from Abruzzo with Campobasso as the regional capital. The ancient name of the region was Samnium. The word Molise is of medieval origin and derives either from the word mola ( a round stone used to crush olives) or , more likely, from Des Moulins, the name of a French dynasty that



ruled over the county around the town of Bojano in the thirteenth century. The Samnite shrine of Pietrabbondante

Evidence of the Samnite presence in the region, especially in the mountainous part, has come to light in the last decades. The most important and historically significant traces of the Samnite civilization are to be found in the shrine of Pietrabbondante where two Italic temples and a magnificent theatre still stand. 444

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4 Roman ruins Another impressive Roman monument is the amphitheater (capable of holding 20,000 spectators) at Larino, not far from the Adriatic coast. Inside the town-hall, a renaissance palazzo with a magnificent cortile, the local museum is to be found where beautiful mosaics and artifacts from the surrounding Roman villas can be admired. While in Larino, a visit of the 14th century cathedral with its impressive and ornate gothic portal is strongly recommended. 444




Saepinum and the tratturi

Another impressive site, the archeological gem of Molise, is the Roman town of Altilia or Saepinum, near present-day Sepino. Impressive walls and gates, the cardo and decumanum, the two most important streets of the town, baths, the temple and the pagan basilica, the forum and private dwellings, as well as a beautifully preserved theatre and intact patrician tombs outside the walls : here are some of the features of the ancient Roman municipium of Altilia. It was for many centuries a resting and trading post for shepherds who followed the tratturi (grazing paths or routes) during the seasonal process of transumanza (taking herds from the mountains to the planes and vice-versa) from Celano in Abruzzo to Foggia in Apulia. Along the tratturi were built the first prehistoric sites, several Samnite villages and important Roman municipia like Terventum (Trivento). The tratturi are between 80 to 120 kms long and are still distinguishable in the countryside. These transhumance routes constituted for over two thousands years a pastoral economy, the basis of Southern Italian economic reality until the middle of the twentieth century. The tratturi allowed herdsmen, shepherds and merchants to exchange and trade thus contributing to the wellbeing of the population, to cultural exchanges and to the reduction of isolation caused by the geographical position of Molise.


Romanesque churches

Between the 11th and 12th centuries, several romanesque churches were built; the most impressive ones are the cathedral of Termoli, the church of San Giorgio Martire at Petrella Tifernina, Santa Maria della Strada at Matrice, Santa Maria di Canneto, San Giorgio in Campobasso, San Nicola in Guglionesi, Sant’Emidio in Agnone and the cathedral of Venafro. Medieval castles

As a result of the feudal economy that lasted for many centuries, Molise is a region of castles, the dwellings of the local lords. The most impressive are the Castello Pandone at Cerro al Volturno, the Castel Monforte in Campobasso, the Castello Pandone at Venafro, the Castello Svevo in Termoli, the Castello Caldora of Carpinone, Castello Pignatelli of Monteroduni and Castello D’Alessandro of Pescolanciano. The neo-gothic shrine of Castelpetroso

Francesco Gualanti, an architect from Bologna, designed the imposing shrine in neo-gothic style at Castelpetroso. The façade cut in white rock was begun in 1890 and it now stands like a shining jewel amid the green mountainous landscape. It is adorned with frescoes by Amedeo Trivisonno. 4 The abbey of San Vincenzo al Volturno After the fall of the Roman empire in the fifth century AD, Molise was invaded by the Visigoths, Ostrogoths and Vandals. At the beginning of the 8th century, monks from nearby Montecassino founded fortified monasteries and abbeys in strategic defensive positions and inhabited settlements intended to be moved uphill from the plains. In the course of the 8th century, Longobards settled in Molise and it is at this time that one of the most important monasteries in Europe, San Vincenzo al Volturno was built. It was attacked by the Sarazins in the 11th century and destroyed by an earthquake in 1349. Remnants of this majestic abbey can still be seen today.

San Vincenzo



Famous artists from Molise

The most important and famous among the painters of Molise is Paolo Gamba (Ripabottoni, 1712-1782) whose works can be admired in many churches of Molise and also of other regions of Southern Italy. Paolo Di Zinno( Campobasso, 1718-1781) has become famous for the ingenious metal structures used during the Corpus Domini procession known as Misteri. Nunzio Margiotta and Bernardino Musenga 444

Larino Cathedral

This festival is held on June 5th on Corpus Domini every year. Its origins date back to the 15th century. It is a re-enactment of miracles and sacred events. Paraders carry 12 steel-framed 18th century tableaux on their backs. On top of the tableaux are small children seemingly suspended in mid-air, their lavish costumes hiding the steel-frames. The effect is one of spectacular moving pictures. Other famous names from Molise

Pietro da Morrone better known as Pope Celestino V (circa 1215. The only pope in the history of the Catholic Church who abdicated); Andrea d’Isernia (a famous law professor and legislator active in the 13th century in Naples); Marino Jonata (a 15th century poet from Agnone); Francesco Longano (from Ripalimosano, economics professor in Naples in the 18th century), Vincenzo Cuoco (historian and journalist from Civitacampomarano (1770-1823) author of the «Saggio Storico sulla Rivoluzione Napoletana» (Historical Essay on the 1799 Neapolitan Revolution.) This book prepared the unification of Italy in the 19th century. Gabriele Pepe (Civitacampomarano, military officer and patriot of the 19th century). Francesco Jovine (Guardialfiera 1908-Roma 1950) author of the epic novel «Le Terre del Sacramento» ( The Estate in Abruzzi), the most important writer from Molise in the 20th century. Antonio Di Pietro (Montenero di Bisaccia 1950-) the Milan public prosecutor and star performer in the Operazione Mani Pulite (Clean hands corruption investigation) which

Festival of Mysteries

The festival of Mysteries in Campobasso

Alpine Skiing

4 are two Molisan architects, active in the 19th century. Arnaldo De Lisio from Castelbottaccio and Pasquale de Curtis are two important Molisan painters of the 19th century, whereas Marcello Scarano (Trivento 1901-Campobasso 1961) and Amedeo Trivisonno from Campobasso lived in the 20th century.

marked in 1992 the end of the First Republic in Italy. Ski and sea resorts

The most famous ski resort of Southern Italy is Campitello Matese near Bojano. Other resorts up in the Mainarde mountains, at the border with Abruzzo are Capracotta, Pietrabbondante and Pescopennataro. Molise’s coast is only 33km long but it is sandy and well frequented by locals and tourists during the summer months (Montenero Marina, Petacciato, Campomarino). The most important sea resort of Molise is Termoli, a bustling and growing town. The coast line of Molise is the cleanest in Italy. Termoli is also the departure point for the boats that take thousands of tourists to the Tremiti Islands. 444



What to eat in Molise

Specialties of Alto Molise : lamb and caciocavallo. The Mainarde Mountains , the natural continuation of the Abruzzo Natural Park, are the most suggestive part of the Molise region. Ecological integrity is still intact, it is a peaceful oasis where peasants and shepherds live according to simple, traditional customs. The mountains with their evergreen pastures offer tender and tasty meat, especially lamb. Barbecued, oven-baked or stewed, lamb is the main course of Alto Molise. Maccheroni alla chitarra with tomato sauce and lamb or cavatelli ( flour or potato dumplings) are a tasty first course especially if cooked in a tiana (a terracotta bowl). In the Mainarde mountains a stop at Scapoli is a must. It is the centre where the zampogna (bagpipes) are made and played. Wild boars, hares and brown trouts abound in the area. At Agnone, Capracotta, Pietrabbondante and Pescopennataro, sheep meat is widely used. Local restaurants serve it barbecued or stewed, according to a old recipe. Lamb meat is called La Pezzata and can be enjoyed at Capracotta during the first fortnight in August. Agnone

Agnone is, along with Isernia, the most important town of Upper Molise. It is known as the Athens of Sannio for its glorious cultural traditions. Agnone is famous for its copper and iron handicrafts and especially as the oldest and most important centre in Italy for bell casting. Agnone’s bells are exported all over the world. Agnone is renowned as well for its cheeses (trecce, caciocavallo) and for its confetti ricci (almonds covered with sugar). Isernia and Campobasso

At Isernia the typical dish is tacconelle e fagioli (hand-made pasta with beans) and roasted mutton on the spit. Mushrooms and lamb are the specialties of Bojano as well as a variety of cheeses. Scamorze alla brace, maccheroni alla chitarra, cavatelli, roasted lamb and sopressate (dried lean pork) and, when in season,



boletus mushrooms and river trouts are the dishes of the Campobasso cuisine. Another local specialty is polenta maritata (corn flour mixed with red beans) whereas in Cantalupo baccalà (stockfish with herbs and spices) is a delicacy. Pizza con le foglie (a pizza made of corn flour with greens) and boiled or fried pork with pickled peppers, especially if eaten with a local red wine called Tintiglia are tasty discoveries. Molisan cheeses include mozzarella, caciocavallo and pecorino. Closer to the Adriatic coast, in villages such as Larino, Casacalenda or Civitacampomarano, the local cuisine offers cavatelli and broccoli di rape (potato dumplings with mustard greens) or fegatini di agnello al pomodoro (lamb’s liver with tomato sauce). What are torcinelli ?

A word about torcinelli, found everywhere in Molise. Torcinelli are made of lamb’s entrails seasoned with garlic, parsley, spicy paprika, pepper, oregano and salt, and wrapped in a rezza (the film around the lambs liver). Torcinelli are cooked slowly over hot coals, sprayed with a little olive oil and vinegar. Tasty and expensive truffles, an odorous bulb found in high places along the Apennine ridge, are a spicy and expensive touch. 444


4 La gastronomia molisana




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Molise is home to two ethnic minorities: one Albanian, the other Croatian. Albanian and Slavic fugitives reached Molise around 1500 to escape the Turkish invasion of their homeland. Today Albanian speaking communities are found in Campomarino, Portocannone, Montecilfone and Ururi. Slavic speaking communities are found at Acquaviva, Montemitro and San Felice. The typical dish of these communities is ventricina (lean pork meat covered with ground hot paprika). Pantiz and calac (pastry stuffed with grape preserves) are the local desserts.

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Fish dishes at Termoli

Along the coast at Termoli fish is the main ingredient of the local cuisine. Local dishes include panezzola (small mullets seasoned with spices and hot peppers) and spaghetti del pescatore (fisherman’s spaghetti). A specialty of Guglionesi served at Christmas is lasagna in bianco (lasagna with mozzarella cheese, turkey meat and tiny veal meat balls). The


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wines from Molise

The Samnite tribes were known as heavy wine drinkers. Many pocilla (cups) were offered to Jupiter and Hercules. Today Molise produces two doc (denominazione di origine controllata) wines : Biferno and Pentro. The Biferno wine is produced in the Cantina Cooperativa Valbiferno in Guglionesi along the Adriatic coast. The Pentro is produced in the mountainous part of Molise, near Isernia. These two names come from Biferno, the river that flows from the Matese to the Adriatic, and from the Samnite tribe called Pentri. Another important wine producer is the De Majo Norante estate located at Ramitelli, near Campomarino. They offer a wine made of montepulciano and aglianico called Molì presented by The Gazette as the discovery of Italian wines in 2001. g Filippo Salvatore

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oi Italo-Canadesi, Italo-Americani, continueremo a batterci sul primato dell’Italia per la scoperta della terra americana e canadese. Dobbiamo ricalcarlo questo storico avvenimento perchè sono un pochino anche "nostre" queste terre perchè per primi l’hanno calcate alcuni della nostra razza, due figli della nostra patria. Cristoforo Colombo – Giovanni Caboto. Non dimenticherò mai le sere del 16 e 17 maggio 1989, quando durante il telegiornale (canale 10 – Télémétropole) il presentatore dichiarò testualmente:"…da quando Jacques Cartier ha scoperto l’America…" Personalmente e tantissimi ascoltatori non potevano rimanere indifferenti a tali dichiarazzioni. Di fronte ad un Jacques Cartier, come era rappresentato, le prestigiose figure di Cristoforo Colombo e Giovanni Caboto restavano completamente dimenticate, per non dire eclissate nelle pagine della storia. Voglio chiarire che il presentatore delle due sere parlava sulla storia della canalizzazione del fiume San Lorenzo, lasciando in errore gli ascoltatori con la frase:"…da quando Jacques Cartier ha scoperto l’America…" 444

4È storico e indiscutibile l’approdo di Jacques Cartier sulle rive del San Lorenzo. È storico e indiscutibile il suo gesto di fede e di patriottismo nel piantare la prima croce sulle coste della Gaspesia, era la primavera del 1534. Giustamente dopo tanti anni, il Canada ed il Québec in particolare, lo ricordano e lo esaltano come l’esploratore tipo che ha aperto la strada alle vaste e immense regioni canadesi. Ne diamo un atto ed onore perchè riconosciamo che aprì la via di accesso all’interno del Nord America e riportò in Europa informazioni geografiche importantissime sulle nuove terre, sui nuovi orizzonti del mondo e sui abitanti.


A Genova, in una "zena" tutta serrata attorno all’arco antico, tra le mura e il seno delle "Grazie", c’è una piccola abitazione su due piani, con un giardino retrostante, nel quartiere poi detto di "Portoria" nella parte orientale della città, subito fuori dalla Porta di Sant’Andrea. È la casetta dove nacque e passò la fanciullezza il piccolo Cristoforo Colombo.

Ma è necessario rimettere in giusto rilievo la verità storica delle imprese di Cristoforo Colombo e Giovanni Caboto.

Sua madre era Susanna di Fontanarubea, suo padre Domenico era un tessitore e custode della Porta di Sant’Andrea. Cristoforo era un bimbo dai capelli rossi, magro, pallido e dalla faccia lunga. Era il primo di cinque fratelli: Cristoforo, Giovanni, Bartolomeo, Giacomo detto anche Diego e Bianchinetta.

Il significato profondo delle due imprese è l’avere presentato una nuova carta geografica del mondo, l’avere messo in contatto grandi civiltà, legate dal mare ma dal mare separate, di aver promosso rapporti tra culture diverse, spazi più ampi tra nord e sud, oriente e occidente.

Con loro e con i suoi coetanei, si muove attorno alla sua casa. Qualche volta è là, non lontano dalla casa, seduto su un mucchio di pietre a guardare con occhi precoci il molo della sua città, il mare di Liguria, e respira avido di un mare che già stà per attirarlo verso altri porti, l’intero Mediterraneo e al di là.

Seguendo il solco tracciato da Cristoforo Colombo e Giovanni Caboto è stato proiettato un interessantissimo aspetto del mondo del mare e della navigazione.

Lo descrive così, un manoscritto degli archivi:"…è là sovente a fissare estasiato il mare della Liguria, la distesa infinita, la distesa infinita tra il cielo e il mare, il mare misterioso che si perde ben lontano, assai lontano nella fantasia di quel fanciullo". Ed ecco a lui, davanti ai suoi occhi: il porto della sua Genova,

le galere, le caravelle, le galeotte, i procancini, i brigantini444 4 da remo e conserva, giunti da ogni parte del Mediterraneo, con le loro vele triangolari ed auriche, pronti a riprendere il mare, sino a sfidare i bordi dell’ignoto oceano. L’oceano era ancora un mistero, era l’ultimo confine.

Dagli archivi sappiamo che Cristoforo cominciò a navigare appena superati i dieci anni. Prima, certo, per brevi tratti, poi via via sempre verso più ampie destinazioni. È sul nostro mare che prende confidenza con le manovre, con le vele e con i venti; fissa gli occhi sui portolani, sui primi rudimentali strumenti, apprende a orientarsi con il sole e con le stelle, impara a leggere sulle carte marinare di quei tempi. È sulle navi della sua città dagli equipaggi multinazionali, che il giovane Cristoforo agguanta i primi rudimenti della lingua portoghese. L’italiano lo mastica poco, parla nel dialetto di Genova, ma anche poco di latino e ha posato le mani su qualche manoscritto, sui libri, i primi libri a stampa del 1400. Poi, altri avventurosi viaggi: una battaglia nel 1486, contro I pirati davanti a Capo San Vincenzo; l’approdo a nuoto in Portogallo; un altro viaggio verso Bristol e, più su, verso l’Islanda, l’ultima terra di quei tempi. Infine la preparazione del "SUO" grande viaggio verso le Indie, da Ponente. E con tre caravelle parte da Palos, verso l’ignoto, verso il mistero ma anche con una convinzione, una sicurezza nella sua mente, e

la sua convinzione, al di là di tutti gli ostacoli, lo porta al suo grande trionfo: LA SCOPERTA DI UN NUOVO MONDO. Arriva ad una nuova terra, quella che aveva indicata, quella che non aveva immaginata, ma "quella" che sapeva che esisteva. Scende a terra la mattina del 12 ottobre 1492 sull’isola "GUAHANANI" che chiamò immediatamente "SAN SALVATORE". I Vichinghi probabilmente arrivarono in America prima di Colombo, ma non abbiamo notizie sicure, mentre sappiamo che Colombo scoprì l’America davvero. La verità storica, dopo tante dispute e tante polemiche, rimane quella appresa in anni lontani sui banchi della scuola: "Salpò da Palos in Spagna, con tre caravelle: la Nina, la Pinta e la Santa Maria" e regalò al mondo il nuovo continente americano. GIOVANNI CABOTO

È necessario mettere in giusto rilievo un’altra verità storica l’impresa ardita di un altro navigatore: Giovanni Caboto che prima di Jacques Cartier, nel 1497, è stato il primo Europeo italiano di nascita a mettere piede nel suolo canadese. È un fatto che rimane chiaro e indiscusso: nel 1497, probabilmente il 24 giugno, una nave proveniente da Bristol, al comando di Giovanni Caboto, approdava in terra canadese alla terra "Prima Vitta", all’attuale Capo Breton. Su questo fatto gli storici seri sono tutti d’accordo. Se qualcuno volesse ricercare tutte le testimonianze, citazioni o racconti del viaggio del 1497 potrebbe scorrere le pagine degli interessanti volumi di Henri Harisse, oppure di C. Raymond Beazley (John and Sebastian Cabot, London 1898). Il primo di questi autori, con molta diligenza e con altrettanto spirito critico, ha messo in lista qualunque accenno trovato su Giovanni Caboto. Il secondo adduce come prove del viaggio molti nomi di storici dell’epoca del 1500. Per I nostri lettori, vale la pena di leggere e confrontare il libro di Padre Mancini della parrocchia della Difesa: "Caboto scopritore del Canada". Nel 1933, a conclusione di una "Campagna Caboto" scopritore del Canada, fu eretta una sua statua, opera di Guido Casini, all’angolo Ste. Catherine e Atwater. Montreal additava a tutti, francesi, inglesi, italiani una conferma più positivamente ufficiale della storica grande impresa di Giovanni Caboto. Di lui e di Cristoforo Colombo, noi italocanadesi dobbiamo essere fieri: sono i portabandiera della gloriosa Itala-Gente! g



Pietro Raffaelli





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LA LORO PRESENZA NEL CORSO DI 4 SECOLI ino al 1600, una vera emigrazione verso questa parte del globo (in Canada) non c’è stata mai, sia per la politica e la gelosia tra nazione e nazione, sia a motivo delle guerre aspre e lunghe tra l’Inghilterra e la Francia prima, e tra gli Stati Uniti e l’Inghilterra dopo, e anche per il fatto che queste regioni, lontane e impervie, erano tutte abitate dagli Indiani che, gelosi delle terre occupate per primi, non permettevano che altri venissero a stabilirsi.


Per trovare una "presenza italiana" nel Canada, bisogna risalire ai primi anni dopo il 1600. Da qui è necessario distinguere le tre fasi immigratorie che hanno caratterizzato le diverse ondate degli italiani in questa parte del Nord America. Tra i primi missionari gesuiti arrivati nei primi decenni del 1600 troviamo un sacerdote italiano, romano di nascita: P. Giuseppe Franscesco Bressani. Nell’impegno di evangelizzare gli irochesi, il sua apostolato lo portò alla prigione e la vita da quel momento rasentò la drammaticità. Lo riscattò il suo coraggio e ritornò in Europa dopo diverse peripezie. 444

4 LA


Una presenza italiana, piuttosto spiccata e di qualità si è verificata dagli inizi del 1650 alla fine del 1800. Fra i primi dei nostri che vediamo spiccare sulla scena di questo continente, troviamo i capitani Carlo, Paolo e Giuseppe Marini, originari di una famiglia della città di Genova. I tre capitani erano stati scelti dal Governatore Montcalm a presiedere le guarnigioni dell’ovest del Quebec e dell’Acadie. Tre eroi, come scrisse di loro Montcalm. L’ultimo dei Marini fu fatto prigioniero nel 1762; morì in esilio in Francia. Più tardi, troviamo i valorosi ufficiali: Enrico, Alfonso e Carlo della famiglia Tonti, originaria di Napoli. Il loro nome è scolpito nelle memorie militari del Québec. Enrico (1650-1704) morto giovanissimo a Montréal fu un orgoglio per tutti. "È morto un italiano incomparabile, un eroe della Nuova Francia". Alfonso Tonti (1659-1727), capitano di una compagnia della Marina, fu nominato Barone di Paludy. Luogotenente e comandante al forte di Detroit, l’ultimo dei fratelli Tonti – Carlo – fu qualificato come uno degli ufficiali più attivi e capaci. Divenne governatore al forte St. Louis nell’Illinois, cavaliere dell’ordine militare di San Luigi. 444

La Gazette di Québec annunciò a quell’epoca la morte del bravo Burlamacchi con queste precise parole: "Nous apprenons que monsieur Bourlamaque, gouverneur de la Guadeloupe, est mort à la dite île, et qu’il est bien regretté de tous les habitants". Così finì, oltre i confini della patria dei suoi antenati, quest’uomo illustre e valoroso che ha giusto titolo potrebbe essere chiamato un secondo Castruccio Castracane, di cui i suoi avi erano stati concittadini. La storia del Canada ricorda il nostre eroe con simpatia e riconoscenza. E da oltre 20 anni nell’Abitibi, in provincia di Québec, è pure sorta una discreta e pittoresca cittadina, la quale in ossequio al nostro ammirabile personaggio, s’intitola appunto Bourlamaque. Agli inizi del 1800, ritroviamo moltissimi italiani nelle truppe a difesa del "Basso Canada", sempre in pericolo di essere occupato dalle truppe americane. Però, non è stata soltanto una presenza militare italiana qualificata che troviamo in questa fase. Dal 1800 al 1900, altri discendenti d’italiani di prestigio li troviamo alla ribalta della storia canadese: i Donegani, i Rusconi, i Catelli, i Bruchesi, i Del Vecchio, i Roncari, i Fragoso, ecc. Questa prima emigrazione fu specializzata. Dei veri e propri reparti di assalto di primo grado; dei veri e propri pionieri, materiale umano di primissima origine. 4 Nel forte di Chambly rimane ancora il ricordo delle sue imprese. Altri due eroi ufficiali, i fratelli Tommaso e Antonio Cristafi, siciliani, originari di Messina, furono destinati a presiedere la difesa di Montréal. Leggendarie le battaglie e le vittorie contro gli irochesi, nemici ostinati e accerimi dei francesi. Dopo la loro morte, anzichè nel cimitero comune, tutti e due le salme furono tumulate nel cripta della Chiesa Notre-Dame nella Vecchia Montréal. Un altro dei valorosi condottieri italiani: Francesco Burlamacchi, originario della Toscana, precisamente di Lucca. Ingeniere militare, capitano, colonello e poi generale a difesa della città di Québec. Le sue imprese rimangono scolpite nelle famose battaglie sulle "Plaines d’Abraham" (1759) dove morirono Wolfe e Montcalm. Il nostro Burlamacchi fu ferito gravemente. Ristabilito, fu nominato governatore dell’isola Guadeloupe, dove morì nel 1764.



Nella collettività italiana dell’inizio del secolo, tra gli uomini illustri che si sono distinti, non possiamo dimenticare l’ingeniere Michele Fragrasso, chiamato espressamente dal governo del Quebec. È passato alla storia come ingeniere-costruttore del famoso ponte di ferro della città di Québec che unisce le due rive sul fiume San Lorenzo. 444

Pour votre journée spéciale For your special day



Dagli anni 1900 fino all’inizio della Seconda Guerra Mondiale, il Canada divenne una vera terra di emigrazione per i nostri italiani.


La Cantina

A questo paese immenso, dalle risorse che si sapevano grandiose fu rivolta l’attenzione e la speranza di tanti che non vedevano, nella loro terra natale, concrete prospettive, non tanto di miglioramento nelle quotidiane condizioni di vita, ma qualche volta anche di soppravivenza. Il Canada divenne la strada della speranza. Nelle statistiche ufficiali, a Montréal, nel 1900 gli italiani ammontavano a circa 4000, nel 1905 a 6000, nel 1910 a circa 11000. Nel 1921, circa 15000 e prima della Seconda Guerra Mondiale, nel 1940, erano circa 22000.

9090 St-Laurent Montréal, Québec

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Sulla "Patrie", uno dei giornali tra i più letti a Montréal, un giornalista inglese annotava nelle sue rubriche queste righe: "Il lavoro invernale di qui atterra le razze le più resistenti. Una sola però continua a lottare e non sa indietreggiare: l’Italiano". Il Canada non era certo, a quei tempi, una "Terra Promessa", anzi veniva considerata una destinazione secondaria rispetto alle altre, ma come si dice: "La fame fa uscire i lupi dal bosco". È stata un’emigrazione d’italiani arrivati in Canada, quasi privi di tutto, forti delle loro braccia e del loro coraggio e sono riusciti a imporsi in tutti i mestieri, a farsi valere in tutti i segmenti della vita quotidiana. Erano note le loro capacità, la loro resistenza, la loro bravura. Purtroppo, nonostante la volontà, è stata un’epoca in cui i nostri connazionali erano rimasti ai piedi della scala sociale canadese. Quando scoppiò la Seconda Guerra Mondiale, gli italiani del Canada, volenti o nolenti, divennero nemici di un paese che li ospitava e che avevano scelto come seconda patria. 444





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4 Gli italiani vennero messi in carcere nel Campo di Concentramento di Petawawa dove trascorsero anni di dolorosa e dura segregazione. Ne uscirono marchiati da un ricordo incancellabile. È con questa pagina triste che termina la seconda fase dell’emigrazione italiana in Canada.


Terza FASE

Finita la guerra, con un’Italia devastata, il Canada fece maggiormente da calamita per moltissimi italiani in cerca di un migliore futuro e di un avvenire più sereno per i figli. Fu l’esodo inesorabile da alcune regioni: la Campania, la Lucania, gli Abruzzi, la Calabria e la Sicilia. Fu la grande ondata migratoria.

più qualificati. Inevitabilmente, la nuova generazione d’emigrati si è trovata in una situazione di obiettiva discriminazione tra vecchi e nuovi emigrati, vecchia e nuova colonia: diversità di mentalità, rivalità regionali, spiacevoli conflitti, disgregazione fra gli stessi italiani, derisioni tra le associazioni diverse. Con il trascorrere degli anni, molte belle caratteristiche dei singoli gruppi regionali si andarono armonizzando, a manifestarsi più distintivamente, e nacquero ufficialmente le diverse associazioni ancorate alle loro 444

Era un distacco doloroso per la maggioranza. Lasciare il Paese, distaccarsi dalla propria terra, dal brillante sole d’Italia, dalle prerogative turistiche della Patria e arrivare poi … La prima impressione fu uno spettacolo quanto mai deprimente. Che strazio! Che angosciante il primo incontro con il Canada con l’attraccamento della nave alla stazione marittima di Halifax…! Una stazione tetra, fredda, squallida, deserta…Fuori una temperatura glaciale, un cielo di piombo, un’atmosfera grigia e pesante. Una buona parte dei nuovi arrivati fu indirizzata verso un treno poco lontano. Quello era veramente squallido, faceva pensare alle tradotte della Guerra. A moltissimi venne il nodo alla gola. Erano le prime ore nel Canada… Fu la grande ondata migratoria, però questa volta con una nuova classe d’italiani, più preparati, Please call for an appointment: (514) 272-5420



tradizioni regionali, con la richezza di molteplici culture italiane.





4 Dal 1960 al 1970, una buona parte d’italiani cominciarono a salire con sicurezza e costanza i primi gradini della scala sociale, a raggiungere posti di lavoro non più generico ma qualificato. La comunità italiana, tra le tante comunità del Canada, cominciò a farsi sentire più presente, a far sentire nell’ingranaggio provinciale e federale il suo peso sociale, politico e finanziario. Non per nulla, con gli anni, nacque l’esigenza di progettare, di preparare, di varare una federazione unitaria italiana, quella che sarebbe stata più tardi: la Federazione delle Associazioni Italiane del Québec.





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Come scrive la rivista dell’Ambasciata Canadese, "Canada Contemporaneo", anche al seguito della Federazione e del Congresso: "Gli italiani del Québec e del Canada hanno oggi una forte dimensione sociale. Una buona parte di loro è costituita da uomini di affari che hanno investito in Canada; da tecnici che lavorano a grandi progetti industriali o nel settore della costruzione; da professori e studenti che fanno parte di scambi culturali e scientifici tra l’Italia e il Canada, proprio in virtù degli antichi vincoli che li uniscono, si sono creati e rafforzati nuovi legami che prevedono un intercambio costante di conoscenze, energie, idee, progetti. Il Canada non è più un paese lontano, coperto di neve e in parte inaccessibile ma una nazione aperta, ospitale e moderna. Gli italiani sono oggi di casa e sempre benvenuti…Garantito benvenuti! Perchè sono una presenza promotrice: quella di ieri, di oggi e del futuro. g Pietro Raffaelli





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The Gateway to Canada for Thousands of Italian Immigrants

Pier 21


or many Italian-Canadians, Pier 21 in Halifax, Nova Scotia, was their introduction to a new country. They came seeking adventure, employment, and greater opportunities for their children. Many newcomers were happy just to be off the ship after a long and harrowing crossing; others were heartbroken as precious homemade food was confiscated by Customs Officers. Nervous and excited at the same time, no matter how much they had heard about Canada no one knew exactly what awaited them. Only that it was a second chance, an opportunity, and for better or for worse everyone seems to remember the moment that they stepped into the shed and knew for certain that they were not in Italy anymore. Bruna Di Giuseppe’s moment of truth arrived when she, then a teenager, realized that she could not pick up Italian stations on her portable radio. It sounds like a small matter but to her it meant the end of a way of life. Her parents had made a decision to emigrate and now it was up to the whole family to stick it out, stick together and thrive in Canada. Italians had been arriving in Canada since the late 1800s. Between 1861 and 1900, seven million people had emigrated from Italy, traditionally radiating towards three major areas; western Europe, South America, and North America. The United States did not open its doors to large-scale immigration from southern and eastern Europe until the 1880s, but accepted nearly four million Italian immigrants between 1880 and 1920. Canada, experiencing an industrial boom, also became a popular destination. The early Italian presence in Canada was generally concentrated in Montreal although smaller communities soon began to appear in other large Canadian cities. The early 1920’s witnessed an increase in Italian immigration numbers, but it was only after the Second World War that it became a major movement. The tremendous expansion of the Canadian labour market in the postwar era contributed to many Italians decision to emigrate. Their decision was also influenced by the policy of sponsorship enacted by the Canadian government whereby prospective immigrants could be admitted to the country as long as residing relatives agreed to act as sponsors and assume financial responsibility for the newcomers during the period of their settlement. Of all immigrant groups, Italians made the most of this system. More

than 90% of the Italians, who entered Canada between 1946 and 1967 were sponsored by Canadian relatives. Gaetano Rossi returned Immigration to Canada to Pier 21 last summer from 1928 to 1971: to celebrate the fiftieth anniversary of his arrival United Kingdom . .1,152,415 in Canada. His nephew, United States . . . . . .527,346 Rocco Rossi, joined him Italy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .471,940 and wrote an account of his uncle’s return as well as his immigration story. The following quote illustrates the significance of the sponsorship program and its legacy: "Despite the hardships, he endured and grew to love his new home and to build a family and a life here. He was the one who encouraged and sponsored others to come to Canada including my father. Today there are over 300 people in the Greater Toronto area of Nzanese descent who can thank my uncle for, directly or indirectly, their being here. Countless others who are touched by those 300 labourers, teachers, lawyers, professors, pharmacists, entrepreneurs, students, fellow citizens and exceptionally cute babies all owe him a debt of gratitude." Unlike earlier waves, Italian immigration to Canada after the Second World War was permanent in nature and was generally composed of families rather than single men. The majority of these immigrants were drawn from the rural and southern areas of Italy and were destined for the 444 PANORAMA ITALIANO


4 province of Ontario, although the prairie provinces and British Columbia also experienced a dramatic increase in their Italian populations.

All immigrants brought little pieces of home with them: a favoured book or snapshot, a family bible. The Italian immigrants that passed through Pier 21 brought all of these things but in addition to them was food and drink. Wine, beautiful breads, cheeses and homemade salami or prosciutto were comfort food as well as gifts for family members already settled in Canada. Stories

about the sweet white bread that the children refused to eat had made their way back to Italy and Italian immigrants were coming prepared. Here Maria Rosaria Pagano describes her adventure at customs: "We had to find our luggage, call a Customs Officer to have him check them and have him mark it as having been checked by Customs. I had put a bag of beans in one of my trunks. I remember seeing beans on the floor around the luggage and thinking that they looked like the beans I had put in my trunk.444



4 Sure enough, when I found my trunk I saw that it was damaged and my beans had leaked out all over the place. I remember people saying "Where are all these beans coming from?"" A passenger who sailed out of Italy aboard the Conte Biancamano described the sights and smells of the crowded Immigration Hall: "Behind long tables immigration personnel directed the newcomers luggage to be put along one wall. Food 444





de la petite Italie of Little Italy

6859, boul. Saint-Laurent, Montréal (Québec) H2S 3C9

Tél.: (514) 270-3715 • Fax: (514) 270-1691 4 belonging to the immigrants was confiscated and piled up in a heap in the middle of the hall. Rays of sunshine painted a colourful still life of that mountain of sausages, loaves of bread, wheels of cheeses, fruits and other perishable items. We had only two suitcases and two handbags. We were allotted to the first group to be seated on rows of chairs. While we were waiting, our vivacious fellow immigrants entertained us: Children were running around the food pile in the center, Girls were fetching little ones who were lost, Mothers tried to clam down crying children, while holding babies in their arms. Men were carrying and pushing luggage, calling to each other across the hall. All these men gesticulated with both hands, trying to make themselves understood by the officials. Finally all immigrants were seated and all was quiet. An immigration officer greeted and welcomed us to Canada. My English was not good enough to understand the exact wording. But the atmosphere of that moment will always be in my mind; everybody was looking up and listening to the speaker, while the rays of the late afternoon sun filled the hall." The numbers of Italian immigrants remained high well into the 1960s but by then more and more immigrants were choosing to fly to Canada rather than make the North Atlantic crossing by ship. Canadian immigration officers were splitting their time between meeting ships at Pier 21 and meeting planes at the airport. It was finally decided that the number of immigrants arriving by sea was not large enough to justify the facility and, on March 28, 1971, almost exactly forty-three years from its official opening, Pier 21 closed.

During the Pier 21 years 471,940 individuals came to Canada from Italy making them the third largest ethnic group to immigrate between 1928 and 1971. Pier 21 National Historic Site reopened to the public on Canada Day 1999. The museum celebrates the immigrant experience and strives to tell the stories of immigrants through multimedia exhibits and films. It is the last standing immigration shed in Canada and has become a touch-stone for thousands of Italians who chose Canada.



Last summer Bruna Di Giuseppe returned to Pier 21 for the first time since she was a frustrated teenager stepping off the Saturnia and attempting to tune in an Italian radio station. She did not expect to be moved, to feel an emotional connection to an old building, but she did. As Bruna explored the exhibit she remembered, not only the crossing and arrival but what it meant, her parents bravery and their sacrifice. Pier 21 is operated by a small non-profit Society that, in addition to educating the public about the significance of immigration, is motivated by a desire to provide Pier 21 alumni with a place to return to. Some sit quietly reflecting on everything that has happened since they were last there, others talk excitedly and relay tales of seasickness and shipboard adventures. Everyone who immigrated through its doors has a story to tell. It was just a beat-up immigration shed on the Halifax waterfront, but for thousands of Italian Canadians it marked a new beginning - the way that all great stories start. Pier 21 is building a collection of the recollections of immigrants. If you or anyone that you know would like to contribute their arrival story, scans of family photographs or passports, home movies, or artifacts please contact : Carrie-Ann Smith, at Resource Centre, Pier 21, 1055 Marginal Road, Halifax, Nova Scotia, B3H 4P6 or e-mail her at : Customized ship photographs, Pier 21 Society memberships, and Wall of Honour plaques are also available. Please visit for details. g Carrie-Ann Smith

Ttalia, Patria Mia Perché T’ho Lasciata? Italia, qual gingillo del mondo mi appari Sospeso dalle Alpi sul mare Che riggetta le sue onde E frastagliata da essi rimani. Non hai il potere di ingrandire. Tu, sei sempre piccola, La più piccola Patria del mondo; Che I tuoi figli emigri lontano per guadagnarsi La vita ed il pane. Umigliati, incompresi da gente dal cuore umano. Ma in alto portiamo la bandiera, E il sacrificio è il nostro motto comune E quotidiano lo portiamo con noi. Noi siamo I figli di quegli uomini grandi Che tu Italia hai posseduto. E col nostro genio, abbiamo ambliato, civilizzato, Modellato, ogni parte di terra da noi posseduta. Sei piccola ma bella, Italia mia Paese del sole e dell’Amore e della canzone. Ti venero per tè e per quel sangue dei miei cari oramai sepolti.

Maria Sorella

The letter T

he year was 1994. My wife Angela and I decided that the time had come to take our two boys, Adam and Anthony, then 8 and 6 years old, to Italy. After all, I was 8 years old when we immigrated to Canada. In 1962, my parents Adamo and Giulia, my little brother Peter and I boarded that great ship "The Vulcania" in the port of Naples and set off for our biggest adventure. Now, 32 years later, we organized this trip to Italy not only to get more of Italy (my wife and I had been back 3 times before this one but we never seem to get enough!) but also to introduce our children to their roots. This is THE trip. You know that trip that many of you made to retrace the steps of your youth. The trip where you showed your kids where you came from, where you were born, where you lived and played, and where you showed them what your front door actually looked like…This vacation exceeded all of our expectations. We had a wonderful time. We did all the things you would expect to do on such a trip. We visited with most of our extended family, we went from table to table…


e vacanze trascorse in Italia nel 1994 furono fatali. Ebbi una piacievole sorpresa che pur lasciandomi per un’attimo costernato mi ha colmato il cuore di gioia.

Difatti, fui invitato ad una festa del figlio di un amico e presentandomi alla comitiva c’era lo zio del festeggiato che stringendomi la mano disse: "Ma tu non sei quel Tony Zara che nel 1962, il mese di agosto, è partito con i suoi genitori ed un fratello piccolo in America? E nel confermarglielo rimase perplesso, ed in più nel parlarmi mi dettagliava con determinatezza alcuni particolari convincenti. 444

One evening, four weeks into our 6-week vacation, we ran into an old friend. We had spent a lot of time with him on our last trip to Italy. He was surprised to see us again and seemed disappointed that we had not let him know sooner that we were in the country. He immediately invited us to a party he was throwing at his country place the following day. At the party, Angela and I were mingling and introducing ourselves to the other guests when suddenly I felt a tap on my shoulder. This stranger got my attention, introduced himself and asked me if I was that little boy he had been best friends with over 3 decades earlier. I stared at him for a moment but, I confessed, did not remember him at all. He was astonished that I had forgotten. He then proceeded to recount specific details from my youth in Italy such as where I lived, the color of my bicycle, etc. to the point that I could no longer doubt him. For the remainder of our vacation, we spent most of our time with him and his family. 444 PANORAMA ITALIANO


4 After returning to Montreal, we kept in touch and we even went on a Carribean vacation together with our wives. I must confess though, that during all this time I still did not remember him as a child in Italy. In 1997, he gave me a call to let me know that he and his wife would be coming to Montreal to attend a wedding. They would be arriving at the airport very late but he would truly appreciate it if I could pick them up so that we could spend some time together, albeit not much, before going to his relative’s home. Of course, I was glad to oblige. 444

4 Mi diceva che era uno dei miei più cari amichetti. Pensate che si ricordava per fino del colore della mia bici! Io cercavo di vagare nel passato ma inutilmente. Tanto da meravigliarmi con mè stesso e mi domandavo ma com’è che si è cancellato in mè un si grande ed importante avvenimento e momento della mia vita? Non sapevo darmi una risposta, forse è stato l’emozione nell’emigrare, i tanti giorni che sembravono eterni dentro a quell’oceano? L’affamigliarmi subito con altri bimbi emigranti come mè? Non lo sò, e questo sarà sempre una domanda come tante nella vita alle quali non si sà dare una risposta. Però, ebbi una conferma di tutto ciò che l’amico mi diceva. Difatti, nel 1997 venne con la sua moglie per alcuni giorni a Montreal e chiamandomi mi chiese se poteva venire trascorrere poche ore a casa mia. Vi lascio immaginare la mia gioia, l’andai 444

4 Naturally, Angela greeted them with a little "spuntino" even though it was 1 o’clock in the morning by the time we got back to my house. While we were enjoying a bite and a drink together, I got up from the table for a second. When I returned, there was and old AIR MAIL letter under my plate. Intrigued, I took it, examined it, and began to open it. Suddenly, an overwhelming rush of emotions came over me. This was no ordinary letter. As I read through it, I could not hold back the tears…I cried uncontrollably. I had written this letter to my best friend shortly after moving to Canada. Yes, my beloved old friend had kept it all these years and had proven beyond the shadow of a doubt that he had indeed been an important part of my life all those years ago. g Tony Zara 4 a prenderlo all’aeroporto. Arrivato a casa, consumammo la cena insieme. Assentandomi per pochi minuti, furtivamente egli collocò sotto il mio piatto una busta aerea sbiadita dal tempo. La scrutai, la presi e nell’aprirla viddi una calligrafia scandita con una data «9-10-1962». Nel rileggermi sentii vibrare tutta la mia vita a non poter trattenere le lacrime; e, in un’istante, come un film riproiettato in mè quell’imagine del passato che nel afferarlo tutto è svanito. Cosa fa il tempo! g Tony Zara PANORAMA ITALIANO


IMPORT J.E.A. POLCARO INC. DESIGNER MEN’S SHOES MEN’S FASHIONS MADE IN ITALY 1470 Peel St., Suite 120 Montreal, Quebec, H3A 1T1 Tel.: (514) 844-3014




uò darsi che nessuno sta pensando ad una ricorrenza, non lontana, che può interessare la comunità italiana: quella del centenario della chiesa-parrocchia della Madonna della Difesa – futuro agosto 2010. Lo notiamo per non dimenticare.

Il 21 ottobre 1910 fu fondata la parrocchia della Madonna della Difesa con decreto dell’Arcivescovo Paolo Bruchesi. Questo vescovo era originario d’Italia. Il suo zio Domenico Bruchesi era venuto dall’Italia in Canada nel 1813 come sergente del reggimento di Wattelville. Un figlio di questo Domenico, certo Paul-Dominique (1819-1881) nato in Canada, era il padre dell’Arcivescovo Paolo Bruchesi. Questo vescovo si interessò moltissimo degli immigrati italiani e volle per loro le due prime parrocchie italiane: la Madonna del Carmine (1905) e quella della Difesa (1910). 444


Julien et Suzanne – questa strada Suzanne, dopo tante proteste dal clero della comunità, fu cambiata con il nome di Dante nel 1922.

50 years of pure “mouth-watering” experience in Italian desserts.

I nostri italiani potevano finalmente sentirsi fieri di possedere in questa città di Montréal un bellissimo tempio degno di tal nome. La costruzione fu realizzata su disegno di Guido Nincheri, illustre architetto-pittore originario di Toscana.

Our Specialities: ❁ Cannoli ❁ Sfogliatelle

Il professore Giuseppe Prezzolini, in un suo articolo su gli italiani del Canada, ha scritto:

❁ Code d’Aragosta ❁ Biscotti Italiani

“We deliver all over the Montreal Metropolitan region.”

"Questa chiesa italiana di Montréal è una delle più gustose ed eleganti che siano state costruite dal clero italiano d’America". "La Presse" del 22 settembre 1933 scriveva in un articolo: "Tutti coloro che visitano la chiesa Madonna della Difesa, trovano una delle più belle di Montréal, amirano la decorazione tutta a fresco, che costituisce il capolavoro di Guido Nincheri, conosciuto per la decorazione di molte tra le grandi chiese della provincia". È indiscutibile! Questa chiesa della Difesa è un gioiello di architettura, un edificio che fa onore al nome italiano e alla patria lontana.

277, Dante, Montréal, Québec, Canada H2S 1K3 Tél.: (514) 271-3013 (514) 277-5860 4 Nel 1918, avvenne la benedizione della prima pietra della futura chiesa della Difesa. Il settimanale italiano di Montréal – "L’Araldo del Canada", novembre 1918 – così riportava l’avvenimento: " Abbiamo assistito alla benedizione della pietra angolare della nuova chiesa parrochiale italiana di Mile-End, la quale era stata annunziata per il 17 novembre; per causa del tempo è stata la domenica 24 corrente." Ai primi di agosto del 1919, esattamente il giorno 10, l’edificio della nuova chiesa si ergeva maestoso all’angolo delle strade Henri-



Con il 1919, è iniziato il cammino della Chiesa e della Parrocchia, un cammino di alti e bassi, di grandi avvenimenti e di spiacievoli situazioni, di sole e di pioggia, ma sopratutto un cammino centrato sull’aiuto morale, sociale, religioso degli immigrati italiani in Canada. La Seconda Guerra Mondiale ha messo la chiesa della Difesa in una situazione poco invidiabile: il contrasto tra la politica e la religione. Il meraviglioso affresco di Nincheri del abside, fu forzato ad essere coperto da un lenzuolo nella parte che rappresentava Mussolini a cavallo con i suoi quadrinveri. Un vero obbrovio a vederlo! Ed è rimasto così per tanti anni. Per molti era divenuta la "Chiesa di Mussolini" e dire che quell’affresco rappresentava una pagina storica incancellabile: il Concordato tra la Chiesa e l’Italia (1929). In rilievo, i due protaggonisti: il papa Pio444

4 XI sulla sedia gestatoria e Mussolini sul suo cavallo. Passando al settore sociale-religioso, dal 1919 la Chiesa della Difesa è divenuta il centro spirituale e socio-culturale della comunità italiana. Per moltissimi anni, questa nostra chiesa è stata un polo di attrazione e anche, per certi momenti, un rifugio materiale per molti italiani. Chi scrive queste righe ricorda benissimo che la Chiesa della Difesa era divenuta il centro motore della comunità italiana di Montréal. Durante la seconda ondata migratoria (1960-70) era una tappa obbligatoria per i nostri arrivati, un punto di riferimento e di guida nella loro nuova condizione di vita all’estero. I padri della Difesa hanno aiutato in mille modi i nuovi arrivati. L’hanno aiutati a non scoraggiarsi, a trovare loro un lavoro, ad assicurarsi un primo pezzo di pane, ad inserirsi in una sicurezza e stabilità. La Chiesa e la Parrocchia della Difesa si avvia al centennario. Quanta storia italiana racchiusa in questo percorso! Vi sono gli avvenimenti più importanti della comunità, il cammino triste e lieto di tante famiglie. Sono migliaia e migliaia di famiglie ancorate affezzionate a questa loro chiesa: è la loro chiesa madre, la loro cattedrale, è stata, è e rimane per altri centenari. g Pietro Raffaelli

Continuando nella cronistoria annotiamo fatti e date della storia della «Difesa» :


Viene donato il Crocifisso di bronzo, opera di Pasquale Sgandurra.


Eseguite le 12 vetrate artistiche da Guido Nincheri.


Inaugurato il grande e bellissimo affresco dell’abside, dipinto da Guido Nincheri. Inaugurato il pulpito di marmo fatto a Firenze su disegno di Guido Nincheri.


L’artista Guido Casini comincia a modellare la "Via Crucis" e la "Via Matris"


È inaugurato il grande e artistico altare di marmo carrarese e la balaustrata su disegno di Guido Nincheri.


Inaugurato il Presbiterio e la Sala Parrocchiale su disegno di Roger Chalifoux.


Eseguita la pittura (a incasto) della Cupola da Guido Nincheri. Eseguiti i tre bassorilievi in marmo alle porte della Chiesa e la statua di bronzo sulla facciata dallo scultore Ercole Drei di Roma.


Costruiti gli 8 lampadari esterni in ferro battuto e base di granito.


L’architetto Pietro Ronco disegna la Cappella dei battesimi e si costruiscono insieme le sale di riunione per l’Azione Cattolica. Il pittore Arnaldo Marchetti eseguisce per la chiesa diverse pitture ad olio rappresentando San Antonio Pucci, Santa Teresa, Santa Franscesca Cabrini, San Giovanni Battista e San Francesco d’Assisi.

MONTRÉAL Céramiques Porcelanosa 8136, boul. Décarie (514) 739-0001 SAINT-LÉONARD Céramiques Royal ltée 8845, Pascal-Gagnon (514) 324-0002 Pour connaître le détaillant le plus près de chez vous, communiquez au 1 877 676-9256




t the turn of the century (early 1900’s), the few thousand Italian immigrants who were residing in Montreal were mostly located in the district neighbouring Our Lady of Mount Carmel church, situated at the corner of St. André and René Lévesque boulevard.


Moreover, towards the North-Western section of the city limits, in the area known as the "Mile-End", about 200 Italian families had scattered here and there, some in the midst of fields, others along the roads that were barely perceptible. These families, originating mostly from Southern Italy, more specifically from the provinces of Campobasso and Caserta, attended St. Edward and St. Jean-de-la-Croix churches. They lived North of the Canadian Pacific railroad tracks on Esplanade, St. Urbain, Clark, Grand’Avenue, Beaumont, St. Laurent, and St. Dominique.


The Actual Church


During that time, there had been considerable talk, even in the newspapers, about certain apparitions of the Madonna, and extraordinary events that seemed to have taken place in Casacalenda (Campobasso). The Virgin had seemingly444

4525, chemin de la Côte-des-Neiges, Montréal (Québec), H3V 1E7, Tél.: (514) 342-8000



4 appeared to various persons and ruins of a chapel had apparently been found in the district of "La Difesa" located a short distance from the village. On January 15, 1898 a decree was issued to authorize the construction of a church on the site in honor of Madonna della Difesa. Back here, in Montreal, the many Italians who had settled in the MileEnd area were extremely excited by the events taking place in their village i.e. Casacalenda. They decided to commission the Carli Company located on Notre-Dame street to sculpt a statue of the Madonna della Difesa which they then placed in the St. Jean-de-la-Croix church.

DIVERSIFOLIO Flavio G. Toich Représentant en épargne collective Mutual Fund Representative

6900, boul. Decarie, suite 3555 Montréal, Québec H3X 2T8 Tél.: 514-731-5592 ext. 209 Fax: 514-731-6448 Cell: 514-898-8186

Meanwhile, the parish priest, displeased with the quarrels taking place in his church between Catholic and Protestant Italians, declared that the Madonna should be removed. It was as a result of this incident that the Italians were prompted to ask for a parish with a church for the Italians living in that area. The Archbishop Mgr. Paolo Bruchesi, of Italian descent, complied with their request and on October 21, 1910 erected the new parish under the name Madonna della Difesa. On December 12, 1910 work began on the construction of a building that would serve as a school and as a church, on the same site where the Madonna della Difesa school still stands today. On May 17, 1918, it was decided to build a church according to the artistic traditions of their native Italy. Prof. Guido Nincheri, a native of Florence, an artist-painter as well as an architect, was entrusted with the preparation of the plans and blueprints for the new church. The solemn blessing of the church took place on August 18, 1919 with Mgr. Paolo Bruchesi officiating. This parish, situated in the heart of the island of Montreal, became the main centre of all the Italians, and before long Little Italy was formed. Over 80 years later, the Madonna della Difesa church still plays a role of primary importance in the religious and civilian training of the Italian community of Montreal. g 84




epuis toujours, l’histoire du quartier de la Petite Italie est intimement liée à celle du Marché JeanTalon. C’est une union naturelle, lorsqu’on pense à la Petite Italie, on pense immanquablement à son marché. Hier comme aujourd’hui, le développement et l’épanouissement de ce quartier, à prédominance italienne, passe encore par son marché. Si l’on dit du boulevard St. Laurent qu’il est l’artère principale de la Petite Italie, le Marché Jean-Talon lui, en est le coeur. Et comme ce fut le cas pour les premiers immigrants arrivés au bout du Mile-End il y a plus de cent ans, les communautés ethniques montréalaises de ce nouveau millénaire ont encore, pour ce quartier et ce marché, un véritable coup de coeur.


C’est au milieu du XIXe siècle que les prémisses du quartier sont mises en place. Certains ouvriers, dont plusieurs sont émigrants, s’établissent dans le secteur nord de la ville, à proximité des carrières de pierre où ils travaillent. De ces immigrants, la communauté irlandaise fonde en 1868 le "Shamrock Amateur Athletic Association" et se cherche un site idéal pour la construction de son club de crosse. Elle construit un terrain et des gradins pour son club sur l’emplacement occupé aujourd’hui par le Marché Jean-Talon. Le chemin de fer inauguré en 1876 favorise l’implantation de plusieurs usines, entrepôts et petits ateliers dans le secteur. À compter de 1892, le tramway Millen de la Montréal Park & Island dessert le secteur empruntant la future rue St. Dominique (plutôt que le chemin St. Laurent), qui conservera d’ailleurs, de cette époque, une largeur inhabituelle pour une rue de quartier. Arrivée à la rue Jean-Talon (alors rue Isabeau), la ligne du tramway bifurquait alors vers l’est pour repartir ensuite vers le nord sur l’actuelle rue Lajeunesse. Ce nouvel accès facilite l’établissement des ouvriers au nord de la voie ferrée qui a longtemps été une barrière physique au développement urbain. En 1895, on compte une centaine de familles dans les environs. C’est à cette époque que la paroisse St. Édouard est fondée. Le tournant du XXe siècle marque également l’arrivée de la communauté italienne dans le quartier. Un nombre considérable d’immigrants italiens viennent s’installer dans le444



4 secteur, attirés par le développement du réseau ferroviaire et du secteur de l’extraction des matières premières (carrières de pierres). Cette première vague d’immigrants est composée de travailleurs du sud de l’Italie. Hommes seuls venus surtout sur une base saisonnière pour l’installation des chemins de fer ou pour des travaux de creusage. Plus de 75% d’entre eux proviennent de la partie sud de l’Italie soit des régions des Pouilles, de Basilicate, de Campanie et de la Sicile. Les autres viennent du nord, de la Ligurie, de la Vénétie et de la région Piémontaise. Contrairement à la croyance générale, les italiens qui s’établissent d’abord à Montréal le font dans le sud de la ville. Entre 1900 et 1910, cinq petites concentrations d’italiens formeront les paroisses de St. Joseph, St. Henri, Point St. Charles (village aux Oies), Mont Carmel et Hochelaga. La Paroisse Mont Carmel devient le premier noyau d’établissement. Situé au sud de la rue SteCatherine entre St. Laurent et Amherst, le quartier Mont Carmel est un concentré de taudis et de maisons de chambre. Les italiens, comme le reste de la population, y vivent pauvrement. Il n’en faudra pas plus pour qu’ils se mettent à espérer un avenir plus intéressant. Ce n’est véritablement qu’à partir de 1910 que les italiens commencent à s’établir dans le nord de la ville. La communauté italienne se dirige alors vers le Mile-End avec d’autres concentrations dans le quartier Montcalm 444




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4 (coin Jean-Talon et Papineau) et Ville Emard à cause de l’industrialisation. D’ailleurs, en 1911, Charles Honoré Catelli ouvre une fabrique de pâtes alimentaires à l’angle des rues Bellechasse et Drolet. Deux facteurs seront déterminants pour favoriser le développement de la Petite Italie: la terre et le coût des matériaux de construction. En effet, les italiens trouvent dans le quartier des petits lopins de terre à jardiner où poussent, à l’état sauvage, des petits fruits et la "verdura" (les feuilles de pissenlits). En plus de la disponibilité de ces terrains peu coûteux, on peut acheter des matériaux de construction usagés des usines CPR (Canadian Pacific Railway). Après les cabanes, les italiens se construisent maintenant des maisons en briques qui sont financées par les banques italiennes ou des amis. C’est le début du sentiment italien à Montréal. 444



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Senior Consultant, CFP, BAdmin. Financial Security Advisor, Advisor in Group Insurance and Group-Annuity plans, Mutual Funds representative,Tax, Retirement & Estate Planning Specialist 4 Westmount Square, Suite 250, Westmount, Quebec H3Z 2S6 Tel.: (514) 935-6048 Ex. 248 Cell. (514) 944-2596 Fax (514) 935-2930

4 Entre 1901 et 1921, le secteur connaît un véritable essor. La population italienne passe de 1 400 à 14 000 habitants. On assiste alors à la véritable naissance d’un quartier avec son ambiance et ses institutions. Rapidement, la présence italienne devient suffisamment importante pour justifier la création de la paroisse autonome de La Madonna della Difesa. Sa construction en 1919 place définitivement la communauté dans le paysage urbain. Le secteur est dès lors surnommé la "Petite Italie". Par ailleurs, plusieurs membres de la communauté investissent leurs économies dans des commerces, fruiteries et restaurants. Déjà la vocation alimentaire du quartier se dessinait. Les années 1930 marquent un tournant décisif dans le développement du quartier. La crise économique et le chômage qu’elles génèrent poussent les institutions publiques à intervenir dans l’économie. C’est dans ce contexte de grands investissements publics, pour contrer le chômage, que la ville de Montréal décide en février 1932 d’exproprier le terrain de crosse (ce sport perdant en popularité au profit du hockey), pour en faire un marché public. Après un peu plus d’un an de travaux, le Marché Jean-Talon fut officiellement inauguré en mai 1933 par le maire Camilien Houde. Le paysage du quartier ne sera plus jamais le même. Entre 1945 et 1982, le marché subit quelques transformations mais sait conserver son offre alimentaire. Le bâtiment du marché sert tour à tour de comptoir de billets d’autobus pour la compagnie Provincial (1945-61) et de bibliothèque et bureau de services sociaux (1961-82).

Cassa popolare Canadese Avanti...insieme Italiana! Siamo in grado di soddisfare tutte le esigenze finanziarie, dal semplice conto agl'investimenti in borsa. Servizi correnti

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Molti altri servizi a vostra disposizione Indirizzi dei nostri centri Montréal



7390, Papineau Tel.: (514) 725-5268 Maria Biondi, direttrice

5620, Henri-Bourassa Est Tel.: (514) 321-8177 Nick Mignacca, direttore

4570, Jarry Est Tel.: (514) 729-2989 Giuseppe Guerrieri, direttore

2401, Fleury Est Tel.: (514) 385-3603 Nick Mignacca, direttore


5680, Jean-Talon Est Tel.: (514) 253-9986 Nick Mignacca, direttore

8275 Maurice-Duplessis Tel.: (514) 643-3482 Carmelo Barbieri, direttore

1590, rue Dollard Tel.: (514) 362-1252 Tony Villani, direttore

Piccola Italia 6995, boul. Saint-Laurent Tel.: (514) 270-4121 Maria Biondi, direttrice

Piccola Italia est devenue un symbole de persévérance et de solidarité. Les vagues d’immigrations successives ont amené un flot constant d’immigrants jusqu’au milieu des années 1970. Puis, l’étalement urbain a fait son oeuvre et les premiers bâtisseurs du quartier ont quitté pour la banlieue.

Aujourd’hui, la Petite Italie renaît. La communauté d’affaires italienne s’est relevée et elle est engagée dans un projet de revitalisation qui vise à stimuler l’activité commerciale du quartier. La Petite Italie construite par En 1983, le marché reçoit des cloisons amovibles nos aieux était belle et prospère, celle qui se construit rendant possible la création d’un mail intérieur. Avant pour demain le sera aussi. Il n’en tient qu’à vous de cette date, l’hiver venu, le marché fermait et les agricul- faire partie de son histoire. g teurs les plus téméraires s’installaient dans les cabanes Photographies par Studio Mario & Jen (voir p.35). de bois. Il ne fait aucun doute que la Petite Italie d’hier a beaucoup changé. Mais ces changements se sont faits dans la continuité. De petit bourg au nord de Mile-End, la PANORAMA ITALIANO


Listing of Churches & Masses Chiesa Italiana Evangelica del Redentore 6980, rue Papineau • Domenica (in italiano) : 11:00 Montréal, H2E 2G5 • Commemorazione della riforma (514) 729-2711 protestante : 31 ottobre 2002 Pastore Pasquale Castelluccio

Missione dell’Annunziata 658, 3e avenue Lachine, H8S 2T8 (514) 634-2174 Padre Giuseppe De Rossi

Missione San Domenico Savio 9190, rue Ste. Claire Montréal, H1L 1Z7 (514) 351-5646 Padre Domenico Britschu

• In settimana dal lunedì al sabato (in italiano) : 19:00 • Samedi (en français) : 18:30 • Domenica (in italiano) : 10:00 • Festa della comunità di Lachine : 25 agosto 2002 • Festa della Madonna di Loreto : 8 dicembre 2002

• Martedì, Giovedì e Sabato (in italiano) : 8:30 • Lunedì e Mercoledì (in italiano) : 19:30 • Domenica (in italiano) : 9:30 • Sunday (in English) : 11:00 am • Festa di Sant’Antonio : 9 giugno 2002 • Festa di San Domenico Savio : 8 settembre 2002

Paroisse Madonna della Difesa 6800, Henri-Julien • Domenica (in italiano) : 8:30 e 10:30 Montréal, H2S 2V4 • Dimanche (en français) : 9h30 (514) 277-6522 • Festa di San Pardo e San Primiano: 18 e 19 maggio 2002 Vicaire/vicario : Padre Michel Sinserny • Festa di Sant’Antonio: e padre Louis Labbé 15 e 16 giugno 2002 • Festa della Madonna della Difesa: 10 e 11 agosto 2002



Paroisse Madonna di Pompei 2875, rue Sauvé Est Montréal, H2B 1C6 (514) 388-9271 Padre Walter Tonelotto • • • • • • •

Sabato (in italiano) : 8:00 e 17:00 Domenica (in italiano) : 8:00, 9:00, 10:00 e 17:00 Sunday (in English) : 11:15 am In settimana (in italiano) : 7:30, 18:45 e 19:30 Festa di Sant’Antonio : 8 e 9 giugno 2002 Festa della Madonna : 17 e 18 agosto 2002 Festival Italiano : dal 12 al 16 agosto 2002 Altre messe organizzate dalla Parrocchia Madonna Di Pompei: Centro Leonardo da Vinci

8370, boul. Lacordaire St-Léonard, H1R 3Y6 (514) 955-8350 • Domenica (in italiano) : 8:00 e 9:00 • Sunday (in English) : 10:00 am and 11:15 am Santa Gertrude

11891, boul. Sainte-Gertrude Montréal-Nord, H1G 5P8 (514) 324-6700

• Domenica (in italiano) : 10:00

Santuario Santa Rita Shrine

655, rue Sauriol Est Montréal, H2C 1T9 (514 387-3220 Paroisse Madre dei Cristiani 7935, Lefebvre Lasalle, H8N 2A9 (514) 365-2830 Padre Ruggiero Dibenedetto

Paroisse Maria Ausiliatrice 8555, Maurice Duplessis Montréal, H1E 4C3 (514) 648-9424 Padre Giuseppe Costamagna



• Domenica (in italiano) : 9:00 • Sunday (in English) : 11:00 am

• • • • • • •

Samedi (en français) : 17h Domenica (in italiano) : 8:45 e 10:00 Sunday (in English) : 11:15 am Festa parrocchiale : 25 e 26 maggio 2002 Bazar : 5 e 6 luglio 2002 Torneo di golf : 8 settembre 2002 Bazar : 4 e 5 ottobre 2002

• Saturday (in English) : 4:00 pm • Domenica (in italiano) : 8:30, 10:00 e 17:00 • Sunday (in English) : 11:30 am • Festa parrocchiale : 10 e 11 agosto 2002 • Festa Racolta di Fondi per la Maratona di Natale : 9 novembre 2002

Paroisse Notre Dame du Carmel 7645, rue du Mans • Domenica (in italiano) : 8:30, St. Léonard, H1S 2A1 10:00, 11:30 e 17:00 (514) 256-3632 • In settimana (in italiano): 8:00 e 19:30 • Sabato (in italiano) : 17:00 Padre Pierangelo Paternieri

Paroisse Notre Dame de la Consolata 1700, rue Jean-Talon est • Domenica (in italiano) : 8:30, Montréal, H2E 1T2 10:00 e 17:00 (514) 374-0122 • Sunday (in English) : 11:20 am • In settimana – dal lunedì al sabato Padre Arturo Tiramani (in italiano) : 8:00 e 19:30 • Festa Della Madonna: 22 e 23 giugno 2002

Paroisse Notre Dame des Écores • Domenica (in italiano) : 9:00 e 11:15 765, rue Roland Forget • Festa Madonna del Divino Amore : Duvernay-Laval, H7E 4C1 19 maggio 2002 (450) 667-9050 Padre Giuseppe Duchini

Paroisse San Giovanni Bosco 2510, rue Springland Montréal, H4E 2G5 (514) 767-1763 Padre Francesco Geremia

• • • • • •

Paroisse Santa Caterina da Siena • 7070, Somerled • Montréal, H4V 1V9 • (514) 484-2168 • Padre Giuseppe Manzini • •

Domenica (italiano) : 8:30 e 10:00 Sunday (English) : 11:15 am Lunedì : 19:00 Martedì al venerdì : 8:00 e 19:00 Sabato : 8:00 Festa di Sant’Antonio : 1 e 2 giugno 2002

Domenica (italiano) : 8:30 e 10:00 Sunday (English) : 11:15 am Lunedì : 19:00 Martedì al venerdì : 8:00 e 19:00 Sabato : 8:00 Festa di Sant’Antonio : 1 e 2 giugno 2002

Spécialistes en restauration de dommages causés par: Feu / Fumée / Eau / Vandalisme / Moisissure Specialists in restoration of damage due to: Fire / Smoke / Water / Vandalism / Mold

Au service de l'industrie de l'assurance Servicing Insurance Industry

Commercial Industriel Résidentiel

Commercial Industrial Residential

9200 Boul. Langelier, St-Léonard (Québec), H1P 2E1 Tél.: (514) 323-5032 / Fax : (514) 323-9323

Directory of community Services Organizations, Business Associations & Other useful numbers Camera di Commercio Italiana 550, Sherbrooke Ouest, suite 680 - Montréal, H1R 3J2 (514) 844-4249

Centro Donne Italiane di Montreal 1586, Fleury Est, suite 100 - Montréal, H2C 1S6 (514) 388-0980

Camera di Commercio di Saint-Léonard 4735, Jarry Est, suite 202 – St. Léonard, H1R 1X7 (514) 325-4232

Centro Leonardo da Vinci 8370, Lacordaire, suite 310 - St. Léonard, H1R 3Y6 (514) 955-8350

Casa d’Italia 505, Jean-Talon Est - Montréal, H2R 1T6 (514) 274-9461

C.I.B.P.A. 8370, Lacordaire - St. Léonard, H1R 3Y6 (514) 254-4929

Centro Culturale Italiano 505, Jean-Talon Est - Montréal, H2R 1T6 (514) 495-4120

COMITAS (Comitato Italiani all’Estero) 6020, Jean-Talon Est, suite 300 - Montréal, H1S 3B1 (514) 255-2800

Centro Donne Italiane di Laval 745, Roland-Forget - Laval, H7E 4C1 (450) 967-4440

Congresso Nazionale degli Italo-Canadesi (Quebec) 8370, Lacordaire – St. Léonard, H1R 3Y6 (514) 279-6357 Consolato Generale d’Italia 3489, Drummond –Montréal, H3G 1X6 (514) 849-8351 Fondazione Comunitaria Italo-Canadese del Quebec 8370, Lacordaire – St. Léonard, H1R 3Y6 (514) 274-6725 Istituto Italiano di Cultura 1200, Dr. Penfield - Montréal, H3A 1A9 (514) 849-3473 Ordine Figli d’Italia 505, Jean-Talon Est - Montréal, H2R 1T6 (514) 271-2281 P.I.C.A.I. Scuola di lingua italiana 6865, rue Christophe Colomb - Montréal, H2S 2H3 (514) 271-5590


Tél.: (514) 648-8520 Fax: (514) 648-9470 1-800-387-8525

Servizi Comunitari Italo-Canadesi del Québec 505, Jean-Talon Est - Montréal, H2R 1T6 (514) 274-9461 8370, Lacordaire – St. Léonard, H1R 3Y6 (514) 274-9462 PANORAMA ITALIANO


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TÉL.: (514) 861-7731 FAX: (514) 861-0798 45 A, ST-JACQUES, MONTRÉAL, QUÉBEC H2Y 1K9 E-MAIL:

LA CASA D’ITALIA 505, Jean-talon est, Montréal (Qc) H2R 1T6,







The idea of the Casa d’Italia was started around 1930 by the Consul General of Italy, Mr. Giuseppe Brigidi, and by the Fronte Unico Morale. Motivated by a great sense of pride for their birthland and generosity towards their adopted land i.e. Canada, they created the plans for the building. The Casa d’Italia was to be a centre of unity and fusion into Canadian life and serve as an ideal link between the Italians residing in Canada and the traditions from their native land. In 1936, the Casa d’Italia was built thanks to the work of our pioneers, thousands of financial contributions, and the hard labor generously volunteered by Italians workers in Montreal. 444

L’idea della Casa d’Italia fu elaborata verso 1930 dal Console Generale d’Italia all’epoca, sig. Giuseppe Brigidi, e dal Fronte Unico Morale. La Casa d’Italia doveva essere un centro di unione e di integrazione nella vita canadese e doveva costituire il legame ideale tra gli Italiani residenti nel paese e la cultura e le tradizioni del paese di origine. Nel 1936, la Casa d’Italia fu costruita grazie al lavoro dei nostri padri pionieri, alle migliaia di contribuzioni finanziarie e ai generosi lavori benevoli dei lavoratori italiani di Montréal. Non dobbiamo dimenticare l’apporto del Sindaco Camilien Houde, che ha ottenuto il terreno su cui costruire la Casa d’Italia all’angolo di Jean-Talon e 444


L’idée de la Casa d’Italia fut élaborée vers 1930 par le Consul Général d’Italie à l’époque, M. Giuseppe Brigidi, et par le Fronte Unico Morale. Animés par un esprit d’orgueil pour la terre natale et de générosité envers la terre adoptive, le Canada, ils élaborèrent les plans de l’édifice. La Casa d’Italia devait être un centre d’unité et de fusion à la vie canadienne et devait servir comme un lien idéal entre les italiens résidants au pays et les traditions du pays d’origine. En 1936, la Casa d’Italia fut érigée grâce au travail de nos pionniers, aux milliers de contributions financières et aux généreux travaux bénévoles des travailleurs italiens de Montréal. 444



4 Let’s not forget the involvement of Mayor Camilien Houde who graciously supplied the land on which to build the Casa at the corner of Jean-Talon and Lajeunesse. The building was designed by Patsy Colangelo (1907-1984), architect of Italian origin and New York native, in the ART DECO style, which originated in the School of Fine Arts in Paris. ART DECO became the dominant architectural style of the thirties which Montreal proudly shows off today. The Casa d’Italia is part of a list of renowned buildings of this style: the CENTRAL PAVILLION of the University of Montreal; the MAISON CORMIER, once Pierre E. Trudeau’s residence; the ALDRED building (or the PRÉVOYANCE) located in Old Montreal. Th official inauguration of the building took place on Sunday, November 1st 1936 in front of a crowd of people including federal and provincial deputies, various Montreal City councilors, the Consul General of Italy, and many more participants. To quote its first 444

4 Lajeunesse. L’edificio è stato disegnato dall’architetto d’origine italiana e newyorchese Patsy Colangelo (1907-1984) nello stile ART-DECO, stile originario delle Belle Arti di Parigi. Lo stile ART-DECO divenne lo stile architetturale dominante degli anni 1930 del quale Montreal dimostra oggi gelosamente le trace. La Casa d’Italia fa parte degli edifici più famosi di questo stile come: il PADILLIONE CENTRALE dell’Università di Montréal; la CASA CORMIER, residenza di Pierre E. Trudeau; l’edificio ALDRED (o LA PREVOYANCE) nel Vieux-Montréal. L’inaugurazzione ufficiale della Casa d’Italia si fece domenica, 1 novembre 1936 davanti ad una folla di gente compresi deputati federali e provinciali, vari consiglieri del municipio di Montréal, il console Generale d’Italia e molti altri partecipanti. Citiamo il suo primo presidente – il Commendatore Alfredo Sebastiani – che disse: "La Casa d’Italia è la conferma della nostra profondissima italianità ed è 444

4 N’oublions pas l’apport du Maire Camilien Houde, qui a obtenu le terrain pour construire la Casa d’Italia au coin de Jean-Talon et de Lajeunesse. Le bâtiment fut dessiné par l’architecte d’origine italienne et new-yorkaise Patsy Colangelo (1907-1984) dans le style ART-DÉCO, style qui origina des Beaux-Arts de Paris. Le style ART-DÉCO devint le style architectural dominant des années 1930 dont Montréal garde aujourd’hui jalousement les traces. La Casa d’Italia compte parmi les bâtiments les plus renommés de ce style: le PAVILLON CENTRAL de l’Université de Montréal; la MAISON CORMIER, ancienne résidence de M. Pierre E, Trudeau,; l’Édifice ALDRED (ou LA PRÉVOYANCE) sis dans le Vieux-Montréal. L’inauguration officielle de la Casa d’Italia se fit dimanche, le 1er novembre 1936 devant une foule de gens dont plusieurs députés fédéraux et provinciaux, divers conseillers de la Ville de Montréal, le Consul Général de l’Italie et bien 444

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4 President, Commander Alfredo Sebastiani: "The Casa d’Italia is a confirmation of our profound "Italianism" and is proof of the fraternal collaboration that will make our country and all Italians proud." Unfortunately World War II marked the beginning of the saddest years in the history of the Casa d’Italia. The building was shut down and subsequently incorporated by the Quebec Government’s private act in 1947. When the Casa d’Italia reopened, its activities picked up progressively. In 1983, with the support of the honorable Senator Pietro Rizzuto, a subsidy from the Federal Government was granted. This allowed the Casa d’Italia to undergo renovations and restructuring work in order to make it more spacious and more welcoming.

4 la prova della collaborazzione fraterna che fa onore al nostro paese ed a tutti gli italiani". Purtroppo, durante la Seconda Guerra Mondiale, hanno iniziato gli anni difficili della storia della Casa d’Italia a causa della chiusura dell’edificio e, di conseguenza, della sua incorporazione in base all’atto privato del Governo del Québec, nel 1947. Quando la Casa d’Italia è stata riaperta, le sue attività hanno ripreso progressivamente. OBIETTIVO DELLA CASA D’ITALIA

Essere un luogo di incontro e di unità dove si può conservare la nostra lingua e le nostre tradizioni e dove si possono fornire dei servizi culturali, educativi e sociali, non soltanto alla collettività italiana, ma a tutta la popolazione locale. OGGI


To be a meeting place place where we can preserve our language and our traditions and where we can render cultural, educational and social services not only to the Italian community, but also to the entire neighbouring population. TODAY

The Casa d’Italia is the head office of various community services organisations: 1. The Italian Cultural Centre of Quebec 2. The Italian-Canadian Community Services 3. The Order of the Sons of Italy A committee has been formed to study the possibility of expanding the Casa d’Italia in order to better respond to the growing demand and needs of the Italian community. The Casa d’Italia will be announcing in the near future its new mission for the years to come which will focus on the history of the Italian community and the Italian-Canadian culture in Quebec. g

La Casa d’Italia è la sede di numerosi organismi comunitari: 1. Il Centro Culturale Italiano del Québec 2. I Servizi Comunitari Italo-Canadesi del Québec 3. L’Ordine dei Figli d’Italia del Canada Un comitato è stato formato per studiare l’ingrandimento della Casa d’Italia per rispondere alle richieste crescenti ed ai bisogni della communità italiana. La Casa d’Italia annuncierà prossimamente la sua nuova missione per gli anni futuri che mettera l’emfasi sulla storia della comunità italiana e la cultura italocanadese nel Québec. g

4 d’autres participants. Citons son premier président, le Commandeur Alfredo Sebastiani, qui dit: "La Casa d’Italia est la confirmation de notre profonde "italiennité" et elle est une preuve de collaboration fraternelle qui fera honneur à notre pays et à tous les italiens." Malheureusement, durant la Deuxième Guerre Mondiale, ont commencé les années les plus tristes de l’histoire de la Casa d’Italia par la fermeture de l’édifice, et subséquemment, son incorporation par l’acte privé du gouvernement québécois en 1947. Lorsque la Casa d’Italia fut réouverte, ses activités reprirent progressivement. En 1983, avec l’appui de l’honorable Sénateur Pietro Rizzuto, une subvention du Gouvernement Fédéral fut consentie. Ceci permit à la Casa d’Italia d’entamer des travaux de restauration et de restructuration de l’édifice pour le rendre plus spacieux et plus accueuillant. OBJECTIF DE LA CASA D’ITALIA

Être un lieu de rencontre et d’unité où on peut conserver notre langue et nos traditions et où on peut rendre des services culturels, éducatifs et sociaux non seulement à la collectivité d’origine italienne, mais aussi à la population environnante entière. AUJOURD’HUI

La Casa d’Italia est le siège de divers organismes communautaires: 1. Le Centre Culturel Italien du Québec 2. Les Services Communautaires Italo-Canadiens 3. L’Ordre des Fils d’Italie du Canada Un comité a été formé pour étudier l’agrandissement éventuel de la Casa d’Italia pour répondre aux demandes croissantes et aux besoins de la communauté italienne. La Casa d’Italia annoncera bientôt sa nouvelle mission pour les années à venir qui mettra l’emphase sur l’historique de la communauté italienne et la culture italo-canadienne au Québec. g PANORAMA ITALIANO



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CENTRO CULTURALE ITALIANO DEL QUEBEC CASA D’ITALIA, 505, Jean-Talon est, Montreal, Quebec (514) 495-4120



Mandate: The Italian Cultural Centre of Quebec is a non-profit cultural and scientific organization, that is in charge of promoting, developing, and diffusing the Italian language and culture in Quebec, in Canada, and in North America. The Centre also has the mandate of promoting, developing and popularizing cultural exchanges between Italy, Quebec, Canada, and North America.

Mandato: il Centro Culturale Italiano del Québec è un organismo culturale e scientifico a scopo non lucrativo, incaricato di promuovere, sviluppare e diffondere la lingua e la cultura italiana nel Québec, in Canada ed il Nord America. Il Centro ha anche lo scopo di promuovere, sviluppare e popolarizzare gli scambi culturali tra l’Italia, il Québec, il Canada ed il Nord America.





Each year, three (3) Dante Alighieri Bursaries worth $ 3000 each are presented to students that have excelled in the study of the Italian language.

Ogni anno, tre (3) borse di studio della Dante Alighieri per un valore di $3000 ciascuna sono conferite a studenti che si sono distinti nello studio della lingua italiana.





The Italian Cultural Centre offers Italian courses (conversation and written) from Beginners to Advanced. Classes have between 10 and 15 students and include a total of 25 hours of lessons spread over a 10-week period. Courses are given quarterly and are therefore offered every Spring, Summer, Fall and Winter. Text books and class material are charged to the students and are available at the Centre. To participate in the courses, a student must be a regular member of the Centre. The Centre is proud of this initiative which sees between 130 and 150 Montreal students annually getting involved in the study of Italian language and culture. 444

Il Centro Culturale Italiano offre dei corsi di lingua italiana che vanno dal livello « Debuttanti » ai corsi « Avanzati » di conversazione e perfezionamento. Le classi sono frequentate da gruppi di 10-15 studenti e comprendono lezioni per un totale di 25 ore di insegnamento distribuite su dieci settimane. I corsi sono trimestrali per cui vengono offerti regolarmente ogni primavera, estate, autunno ed inverno. I testi ed il materiale propedeutico sono a carico degli studenti e sono disponibili nella sede del Centro. Per frequentare i corsi uno studente deve essere Membro regolare del Centro. Il Centro Culturale Italiano del Québec è fiero di questa iniziativa che vede circa 130-150 444


Mandat: Le Centre Culturel Italien du Québec est un organisme culturel et scientifique à but non lucratif, qui s’occupe de promouvoir, développer, et diffuser la langue et la culture italiennes au Québec, au Canada et en Amérique du nord. Le Centre a aussi le mandat de promouvoir, développer et populariser les échanges culturels entre l’Italie, le Québec, le Canada et l’Amérique du nord. ACTIVITÉS DU CENTRE CULTUREL ITALIEN 1. BOURSES D’ÉTUDES

Chaque année, trois (3) Bourses d’études Dante Alighieri d’une valeur approximative de 3000$ chacune sont remises aux étudiants qui se sont parfaits dans l’étude de la langue italienne. 2. CONFÉRENCES, ÉVÉNEMENTS CULTURELS ET SCIENTIFIQUES 3. COURS D’ITALIEN ET DE CULTURE ITALIENNE

Le Centre Culturel Italien offre des cours d’italien (de conversation et de langue écrite) du niveau Débutant au niveau Avancé. Les cours comprennent entre 10 et 15 étudiants et incluent un total de 25 heures de leçons réparties sur une période de 10 semaines. Les cours sont donnés trimestriellement soit au printemps, l’été, l’automne et l’hiver. Les livres d’études et le matériel scolaire sont disponibles au Centre et sont facturés à l’étudiant. Pour assister aux cours, l’étudiant doit être un membre régulier du Centre. Le Centre est fier de cette initiative qui voit entre 130 et 150 étudiants montréalais par année s’impliquer dans l’étude de la langue et de la culture italiennes. 444




Documentation, consultation, and research services are available in the Centre’s library which has approximately 4,800 books. Many students of Italian origin consult these books to prepare their university theses. There are also many older people looking for "popular" books. In fact, everything done by the Centre is there to encourage all people to use the services available. 5. PUBLIC RELATIONS AND RECRUITMENT SERVICES

The directors of the Italian Cultural Centre of Quebec are regularly involved in public relations by participating, upon invitation, to numerous events organized by the great number of Associations in the Italian community. The Centre also organizes recruitment campaigns. To date, the Centre boasts a membership of approximately 300 active members. 6. CONTEMPORARY ART EXHIBITS

Each year, the Italian Cultural Centre sets up a Contemporary Art Exhibit. This important event, organized by a few volunteers, reached its 10th edition in 2001. The exhibit highlights all the most important works produced by local Italian-Canadian artists during the current year. 25 to 30 artists participate in this event which attracts an average of 1000 visitors. 7. POETRY EVENING

The Centre organizes the annual "Tonino Caticchio Poetry Contest". This year’s will be the 11th such contest organized by the Centre. 8. VENETIAN LACE EXHIBIT 9. LEGAL CONFERENCES

The Italian Cultural Centre organizes legal conferences to meet attorneys and discuss the most recent legislation approved by the Canadian and the Italian governments on matters related to property, succession issues, etc. 444 102


4 studenti montrealesi impegnati annualmente nello studio della lingua e letteratura italiana. 4. SERVIZI DI DOCUMENTAZIONE, CONSULTAZIONE E RICERCA

I servizi di documentazione, consultazione e ricerca sono disponibili nella biblioteca del Centro che conta circa 4800 volumi. Moltissimi studenti di origine italiana consultano i volumi presenti nella biblioteca per compilare tesi universitarie. Vi sono anche numerose persone anziane, alla ricerca di libri "popolari". Infatti, tutto nel centro è fatto per incoraggiare la gente ad utilizzare i servizi disponibili. 5. SERVIZI DI RELAZIONI PUBBLICHE E DI RECLUTAMENTO

I direttori del Centro Culturale Italiano del Québec mantengono un regolare servizio di relazioni pubbliche partecipando, su invito, a moltissime manifestazioni organizzate dalle innumerevoli Associazioni della Comunità Italiana. Il Centro a anche perseguito un’attiva campagna di reclutamento. Attualmente, il Centro vanta circa 300 Membri attivi. 6. MOSTRA D’ARTE CONTEMPORANEA

Ogni anno, il Centro Culturale Italiano del Québec organizza la Mostra d’Arte Contemporanea. Questa importante manifestazione, organizzata da pochissimi volontari, è riuscita a raggiungere la decima edizione nel 2001. La mostra valorizza e mette in rilievo tutte le opere più importanti prodotte da artisti locali durante l’anno in corso. Alla manifestazione partecipano circa 25-30 artisti di origine italiana con un’affluenza di pubblico che raggiunge le mille persone. 7. SERATA DI POESIA

Il Centro Culturale Italiano del Québec organizza annualmente il Concorso di Poesia Tonino Caticchio. Quest’anno sarà il XI concorso organizzato dal Centro. 8. GIORNATA DEL MERLETTO VENEZIANO



Des services de documentation, de consultation et de recherche sont disponibles à la bibliothèque du Centre qui compte environ 4 800 livres. Plusieurs étudiants d’origine italienne consulte ces livres pour préparer leurs thèses universitaires. Il y a aussi des personnes plus âgées qui recherche des livres plus "populaires". En effet, le Centre veut encourager la population entière à profiter de ses services. 5. RELATIONS PUBLIQUES ET SERVICES DE RECRUTEMENT

Les directeurs du Centre Culturel Italien du Québec sont régulièrement impliqués dans des activités de relations publiques de par leur participation, sur invitation, à de nombreux événements organisés par le grand nombre d’associations de la communauté italienne. Le Centre organise aussi des campagnes de recrutement. Aujourd’hui le Centre est fier d’avoir près de 300 membres actifs. 6. EXPOSITION D’ART CONTEMPORAIN

Chaque année, le Centre Culturel Italien organise une exposition d’art contemporain. Cet événement important, organisé par quelques volontaires, a atteint sa 10e édition en 2001. L’exposition met en évidence les oeuvres les plus importantes créées par des artistes italo-canadiens locaux pendant l’année en cours. Cet événement voit la participation de 25 à 30 artistes et attire en moyenne un millier de visiteurs. 7. SOIRÉE DE POÉSIE

Le Centre organise annuellement le "Concours de poésie Tonino Caticchio". Cette année marque la 11e édition de ce concours. 8. EXPOSITION DE DENTELLE VÉNITIENNE 9. CONFÉRENCES LÉGALES

Le Centre Culturel Italien organise des conférences légales pour rencontrer des avocats et discuter des toutes dernières 444





This event is organized in conjunction with pharmaceutical companies and doctors to provide information pertaining to diseases such as diabetes, cancer, hypertension, and prevention methods.

Il Centro Culturale Italiano organizza delle conferenze legali per incontrare degli avvocati e discutere delle legislazioni più recenti consentite dai governi Canadesi ed Italiani su soggetti tali proprietà, successioni, ecc.




This upcoming summer, the Italian Cultural Centre is organizing a dinner at Buffet Le Rizz (6630, Jarry East, St. Leonard) on Friday, June 14, 2002 at 6:30 pm followed by an auction of fine jewellery, giftware and paintings. For additional information, please call the Italian Cultural Centre at (514) 495-4120. g

Questa giornata è organizzata con la partecipazione di ditte farmaceutiche e di medici per dare informazioni sulle malattie quali il diabete, il cancro, l’ipertensione e sui metodi di prevenzione. 11. CONCERTI 12. SERATA GASTRONOMICA E ASTA

Quest’estate, il Centro Culturale Italiano organizza una cena al Buffet Rizz (6630, Jarry est, St. Léonard) venerdì, il 14 giugno 2002 alle ore 18:30. Dopo cena, ci sarà un’asta di gioielli, di articoli di regalo, e di quadri. Per più ampie informazioni, vi preghiamo di chiamere il Centro Culturale Italiano al (514) 495-4120. g

4 lois qui ont été passées par les gouvernements canadien et italien portant sur la propriété, la succession, etc. 10. JOURNÉE DE CONSULTATION MÉDICALE/PHARMACEUTIQUE

Cet événement est organisé en collaboration avec des compagnies pharmaceutiques et des médecins pour fournir des renseignements sur diverses maladies telles le diabète, le cancer, l’hypertension et sur les méthodes de prévention. 11. CONCERTS 12. SOIRÉE GASTRONOMIQUE ET ENCAN

Cet été, le Centre Culturel Italien organise un souper au Buffet Rizz (6630, Jarry est, St. Léonard) vendredi, le 14 juin 2002 à 18h30 suivi d’un encan de bijoux, d’articles cadeaux et de tableaux. Pour de plus amples renseignements, veuillez appeler le Centre Culturel Italien au (514) 495-4120. g

Le trésor de la Petite Italie c








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4425 rue Cécile Pierrefonds, Québec H9K 1N1 Tél.: (514) 696-8523 Fax: (514) 696-9581 E-mail:



IL CENTRO DONNE ITALIANE DI MONTRÉAL 1586, rue Fleury est, suite 100 Montréal, H2C 1S6 (514) 388-0980

The Italian Women’s Centre of Montreal is a non-profit organization founded in 1978 to respond to the growing needs of women within the Italian community of Montreal. It serves as a place for women to meet and take action to improve women’s living conditions.

Organismo senza fini di lucro, il Centro Donne Italiane di Montréal è stato fondato nel 1978 per rispondere ai bisogni crescenti delle donne della comunità italiana di Montréal. Il Centro è ancora oggi un luogo di scambio e d’azione per il miglioramento delle condizioni di vita delle donne.

Le Centre des femmes italiennes de Montréal, un organisme à but non lucratif, fut fondé en 1978 pour répondre aux besoins grandissants des femmes de la communauté italienne de Montréal. Le Centre demeure toujours un lieu d’échange et d’action afin d’améliorer les conditions de vie des femmes.


Guided by a holistic approach and the aim of promoting solidarity among women, we work to improve women’s social, economic and political conditions, in particular those of Italian-speaking women.


Attraverso un metodo globale e con una partecipazione solidare, il Centro lavora al miglioramento delle condizioni sociali, economiche e politiche di tutte le donne e in particolare delle donne di lingua italiana.


Par une approche globale et solidaire, travailler à l’amélioration des conditions sociales, économiques et politiques de toutes les femmes et en particulier des femmes italophones.




• End the social isolation of women by offering them a place to meet.

• Rompere l’isolamento delle donne offrendo un luogo sicuro d’incontro.

• Briser l’isolement des femmes en offrant un lieu de rencontre.

• Offer women support, referrals and accompaniment to help them find their own solutions to the problems they face.

• Offrire aiuto alle donne in difficoltà, riferirle alle risorse esistenti e accompagnarle nelle loro ricerche perchè trovino esse stesse delle soluzioni ai loro problemi.

• Offrir du soutien aux femmes en difficulté, les référer aux ressources existantes et les accompagner dans leurs démarches afin qu’elles trouvent ellesmêmes des solutions à leurs problèmes.

• Incoraggiare la crescita e l’autonomia affettiva, sociale ed economica delle donne.

• Encourager la croissance et l’autonomie affective, sociale et économique des femmes.

• Creare dei legami tra donne di origini diverse.

• Créer des liens entre les femmes ayant des origines diverses.

• Promuovere l’educazione popolare.

• Promouvoir l’éducation populaire.

• Informare, sensibilizzare e offrire un sostegno alle donne vittime di violenza.

• Informer, conscientiser et apporter un appui aux femmes victimes de violence.

• Drop-in



• Active listening in person or by telephone

Tutti i servizi sono confidenziali.

Tous les services sont confidentiels.

• Offrire una buona accoglienza

• Accueil

• Disponibilità all’ascolto sia di presenza che per telefono 444

• Écoute active, en personne et par téléphone 444

• Encourage women’s social and financial autonomy and personal growth. • Establish links between women of different origins. • Promote popular education. • Offer information and support to women who are victims of violence. OUR SERVICES

All services are confidential.

• Information/referrals




4 • Documentation Centre

4 • Informations et références

• Support groups

• Centro di documentazione

• Centre de documentation

• Legal consultation

• Gruppo di sostegno

• Groupes de soutien


• Consultazione giuridica

• Consultation juridique

Regular activities at the Centre include:



• Conferences

Tra le attività abituali del Centro citiamo :

• Literacy courses in French and English

• Conferenze

• Coffee-hour discussions

• Corsi d’alfabetizzazione in lingua francese e in lingua inglese

• Communal meals

Parmi les activités régulières du Centre, mentionnons: • Conférences • Cours d’alphabétisation en langue française et anglaise

• Relaxation courses

• Pomeriggi di discussione e d’informazione

• Inter-cultural activities

• Pranzi comunitari

• Repas communautaires

• Day trips

• Corsi di rilassamento

• Cours de relaxation

• Attività interculturali

• Activités interculturelles

• Gite

• Sorties en plein air




Participation in the different action committees gives women the opportunity for informal discussion about current issues and the chance to develop bonds of mutual comprehension and solidarity.

• Cafés-rencontre

• Journal committee

Discutendo di temi d’attualità, i vari comitati del Centro sono l’occasione per sviluppare la solidarietà tra le donne.

En discutant de sujets d’actualité, les divers comités de travail du Centre développent de la solidarité entre les femmes.

• Fundraising committee

• Comitato giornale

• Comité journal

• Action committee

• Comitato per la ricerca di fondi

• Comité de levée de fonds

• Special events/party committee

• Comitato di vigilanza

• Comité de vigilance


• Comitato organizzatore per attività speciali e feste

• Comité des événements spéciaux/fêtes

The annual membership fee is $10. As a member of the Centre you are entitled to: • Vote at the annual general meeting • Reduced fees for some of the activities • Free activities • Regular updates on the Center’s programming In order to meet its objectives, the Centre is a member of various associations and community groups: • Le Regroupement des centres des femmes du Québec 444 106

4 • Informazioni



La quota annuale d’iscrizione è di $10.00. L’essere membro del Centro vi permette di beneficiare : • Del diritto di voto all’Assemblea Generale annuale • Di costi ridotti per alcune attività • Di attività gratuite • Di essere continuamente informati sul programma del Centro Per raggiungere i suoi obiettivi il Centro è membro di diversi gruppi e tavole di concertazione : 444

La cotisation annuelle est de 10$. Être membre du Centre vous permet de bénéficier des privilèges suivants: • Droit de vote à l’Assemblée générale annuelle • Coûts réduits pour certaines activités • Activités gratuites • Mise à jour régulière de la programmation du Centre Pour atteindre ses objectifs, le Centre est membre de divers regroupements et associations, notamment: 444

4 • La Table des groupes de femmes de Montréal • La Fédération des femmes du Québec • L’Alliance des communautés culturelles pour l’égalité dans la santé et les services sociaux (ACCESSS) • Le Regroupement intersectoriel des organismes communautaires de Montréal (RIOCM) • La Table de concertation sur la violence conjugale du secteur Nord de Montréal Funded by :

• CENTRAIDE of Greater Montreal • La Régie régionale de la santé et des services sociaux de Montréal-centre g

4 • Le Regroupement des centres de femmes du Québec

4 • Le Regroupement des centres des femmes du Québec

• La Table des groupes de femmes de Montréal

• La Table des groupes de femmes de Montréal

• La Fédération des femmes du Québec

• La Fédération des femmes du Québec

• L’Alliance des communautés culturelles pour l’égalité dans la santé et les services sociaux (ACCESSS)

• L’Alliance des communautés culturelles pour l’égalité dans la santé et les services sociaux (ACCESSS)

• Le Regroupement intersectoriel des organismes communautaires de Montréal (RIOCM)

• Le Regroupement intersectoriel des organismes communautaires de Montréal (RIOCM)

• La Table de concertation sur la violence conjugale du secteur Nord de Montréal

• La Table de concertation sur la violence conjugale du secteur Nord de Montréal

Organismo finanziato da :

Organisme financé par :

• CENTRAIDE du Grand Montréal

• CENTRAIDE du Grand Montréal

• La Régie régionale de la santé et des services sociaux de Montréal-Centre


• La Régie régionale de la santé et des services sociaux de Montréal-centre g



CENTRO LEONARDO DA VINCI 8370, boul. Lacordaire, St. Léonard (Qc) H1R 3Y6 (514) 955-8350 (514) 955-8535 A multi-purpose cultural and community centre

Un centro comunitario e culturale multifunzionale

Un centre communautaire et culturel multi-fonctionnel

With an area of 125,000 square feet distributed over four floors, the Leonardo da Vinci Centre was built at a cost of $14.2 million in the City of St. Leonard, at the corner of Lacordaire blvd. and Des Galets street, north of Jarry. It is situated at the heart of an administrative campus bordering City Hall, a municipal library, an arena, a comprehensive high-school, and green spaces.

Il centro ha una superficie di 125.000 piedi quadrati distribuiti su quattro piani, per un valore di 14,2 milioni di dollari. Sorge nella municipalità di Saint Léonard, all’incrocio del Boulevard Lacordaire e della Rue Des Galets, al nord della Rue Jarry. Si trova così al centro di un raggruppamento amministrativo che conta già gli edifici del municipio, la biblioteca municipale, la pista di pattinaggio, la scuola polivalente e un parco con ampi spazi verdi.

D’une superficie de 125 000 pieds carrés répartis sur quatre étages et réalisé au coût de 14.2 millions de dollars, le Centre Leonardo da Vinci se trouve à St. Léonard, à l’angle du boulevard Lacordaire et de la rue des Galets, située au nord de la rue Jarry. Il est au coeur d’une cité administrative où se voisinent déjà Hôtel de Ville, bibliothèque municipale, aréna, polyvalente et espaces verts.

Imagine a lively, creative space that is a meeting place for people of all ages, backgrounds, social strata…A unique destination open to members of the Italian community and all Quebecers of other cultural backgrounds… A multipurpose centre where you can do everything: see a play, watch a movie, play a game of "bocce", attend a conference, entertain your child, drink an espresso on the piazza with its friendly Latin atmosphere, brush up on your Italian, work out in a gym or relax in a sauna, visit one of the associations that provides services to the community, or get information, material support, assistance…

Si tratta di un ambiente pieno di attività, pulsante di iniziative, un luogo d’incontro per persone di tutte le età, ceti sociali e provenienze, un luogo unico di convergenza e di accoglienza aperto a tutti gli appartenenti alla comunità italiana e ai quebecchesi di ogni estrazione. Un centro multifunzionale dove si potranno svolgere un grande numero di attività: spettacoli di teatro, proiezioni cinematografiche, gioco delle bocce, conferenze, svaghi per i piccini, degustazione di specialità italiane, dal caffè alla pizza, su una piazza che ricrea la tipica atmosfera e l’ambiente mediterraneo, traboccante di convivialità. Lì si potrà parlare e perfezionare l’italiano, fare lo sport nel centro di condizionamento fisico, fare la sauna, visitare una delle tante associazioni che rendono servizi alla comunità, ottenere informazioni, fare domanda per l’assistenza sociale, ecc.

Imaginez un lieu vivant, créatif, sorte de carrefour des âges, des provenances, des couches sociales et des groupes, une destination unique ouverte aux membres de la communauté italienne et aux Québécois de toutes les origines. Un centre multifonctionnel où l’on peut tout faire: voir une pièce de théâtre ou écouter un film, pratiquer le "bocce", assister à une conférence, divertir son enfant, déguster un café espresso sur la piazza dans une atmosphère latine, conviviale, différente, perfectionner son italien, faire du conditionnement physique et prendre un sauna, visiter l’une des associations qui offrent des services à la communauté, obtenir des informations, un soutien matériel, de l’aide…

But first and foremost, it is a place where you can live life to the fullest, renew a dialog with other cultural communities, learn more about the Montreal-Italian cultural heritage, and take it home with you… The Leonardo da Vinci Centre is a vibrant and versatile space - a convergence of culture, sports and socio-community life reflecting the needs of contemporary people through its ten programming components. 1. The Piazza represents a place of welcome and camaraderie – the pulse of the 444

Ma, in primissimo luogo, vivere e godere appieno del dialogo con la propria gente e con le svariate comunità etniche e culturali, invitandovi gli altri gruppi a venire a fare la conoscenza del millenario patrimonio culturale delle genti italiane nel contesto della comunità italo-montrealese. Il Centro Leonardo da Vinci si rivelerà un luogo denso d’attività, vero crogiuolo di culture, di attività sociali e sportive, che

Mais d’abord et avant tout vivre pleinement, maintenir et renouveler le dialogue avec les autres communautés culturelles, se sentir chez soi et mieux faire connaître le patrimoine culturel italo-montréalais…




4 community building, with its Italianstyle bistro, its aromas of coffee and hot panini, its light, its music, and its unique ambiance.

4 risponderà a meraviglia alle necessità ed alle aspettative dell’individuo contemporaneo ch’esso tenta di soddisfare grazie alle sue dieci colonne portanti:

2. The Theater footprint is inspired by the floor plan of La Scala in Milan. A versatile space capable of seating 550 people, the theater will have multiple uses, ranging from Sunday mass to grassroots consultations, and conferences. With its exceptional acoustics, organizers will be able to set up jazz shows, comedy acts, musical performances, multi-media presentations and lyrical theater. Films will also be screened there (organizers foresee making Italian cinema come alive in Montreal).

1. La Piazza costituisce un luogo privilegiato d’accoglienza e di convivialità, il cuore di tutto l’edificio comunitario, con il suo caffè all’italiana, i suoi aromi di buone bevande e di piatti caldi, la sua luce, le sue musiche, il suo ambiente unico e affascinante;

3. The Bocciodromo is set up on two floors and includes bleachers for spectators. International bocce matches can be held here – bocce is a favorite sport of ItalianCanadians, and there are more than 350 semi-professional players and thousands of followers of all ages in Montreal. 4. The Sports Club gives members access to multi-purpose rooms used for aerobics, workouts, dance, and lowimpact gymnastics. For cardio-vascular workouts alone, an area of 7,000 square feet is designated for installation of the most technologically advanced equipment on the market. The gymnasium is set up for soccer. The entire necessary infrastructure completes the sports club with: spas, showers, whirlpool baths, saunas, steam baths, and massage and tanning rooms. The club will offer specific programs including fitness evaluations, nutritional advice, and programs to help people get into shape. It will be affiliated with a sports medicine clinic. Special attention will be given to organizing activities for children and teenagers on weekends. The sports club will also provide the ideal framework for organizing specialized day camps over the summer months. 5. The Chapel houses a place of worship 444 110


2. Il Teatro si ispira delle strutture del teatro della Scala di Milano. Può accogliere 550 spettatori e vi potranno avere luogo tanto spettacoli multimediali che opere liriche. Concepito per offrire un’acustica dalla qualità eccezionale, si possono accogliere spettacoli di musica jazz, dei musicals, dei concerti di cantanti ed esibizioni di commedianti. Vi saranno pure proiettate delle pellicole e l’intento è quello di rilanciare tutto il cinema italiano per la comunità montrealese; spazio polivalente, il teatro sarà adibito a svariati usi. Vi si potrà infatti assistere alla messa domenicale come pure organizzarvi delle conferenze; 3. Il Bocciodromo è realizzato su due piani diversi con spalti per gli spettatori. Si possono quindi tenere delle gare internazionali di bocce, uno degli sport preferiti dagli italiani. Non ci scordiamo che Montreal conta più di 250 giocatori semiprofessionisti e migliaia di appassionati di tutte le età; 4. Il Centro Sportivo consente agli iscritti di praticare l’aerobismo, il condizionamento fisico, la danza e la ginnastica in varie sale multifunzionali; specificamente per le attività cardiovascolari è stata riservata un’area di 7.000 piedi quadrati che comprende una gamma completa di attrezzature; ci sono pure aree adeguate per il calcio e una vasta palestra. Per rendere perfetta l’area sportiva non mancano vasche, docce, idromassaggi, sauna, bagni turchi, come pure sale per i massaggi e per l’abbronzatura; Il centro sportivo offre dei programmi personalizzati per la forma fisica, la valutazione del condizionamento fisico e per la pianificazione alimentare. È collegato con un centro di medicina sportiva. Una cura particolare sarà dedicata alla programmazione di attività per i piccini e


4 Le Centre Leonardo da Vinci sera un espace vibrant et complexe, lieu de croisement de la culture, des sports et de la vie socio-communautaire, à l’image des besoins de la personne contemporaine qu’il tente de combler par ses dix composantes: 1. La piazza représente un lieu d’accueil et de camaraderie, le coeur battant de l’édifice communautaire, avec son bistro à l’italienne, ses senteurs de café et de panini chauds, sa lumière, sa musique, son ambiance unique. 2. Le théâtre a été inspiré de la forme de La Scala de Milan. Il comporte 550 places et pourra recevoir tout autant des spectacles multimédias que du théâtre lyrique. D’une acoustique exceptionnelle, on peut y organiser des spectacles de jazz, d’humoristes et de chanteurs. On y projette aussi des films (on envisage y faire le cinéma italien à Montréal). Espace polyvalent, le théâtre multipliera les usages: on pourra tout aussi bien y assister à la messe du dimanche qui y tenir des conférences. 3. Le boulodrome (bocciodromo) est aménagé sur deux étages et comporte des gradins pour les spectateurs: on peut y organiser des compétitions internationales de "bocce", l’un des sports préférés des Italiens. Montréal compte plus de 350 joueurs semi-professionnels de bocce et des milliers d’adeptes de tous les âges. 4. Le club sportif donne aux membres l’accès à des salles multifonctionnelles d’aérobie, de conditionnement physique, de danse et de gymnastique douce. Pour le cardio-vasculaire seulement, une superficie de 7 000 pieds carrés permettra l’installation d’équipement complet ; pour le soccer, il y a un gymnase. Toute l’infrastructure nécessaire complète l’offre sportive: douches, bains tourbillons, sauna, bains vapeur, ainsi que salle de massage et cabine de bronzage. Le club propose des programmes spécifiques de mise en forme, d’évaluation 444

4 and gathering that can accommodate up to 120 people. 6. The Daycare offers arts & crafts workshops every day as well as sports activities and recreational activities, for children who are registered in the programs. It is linked to an educational institution, and provides practical teacher training sessions for students in education. 7. The Cultural and Community Centre is used to store the community’s archives 444

4 gli adolescenti durante la fine settimana. Il centro sportivo costituisce inoltre l’ambiente ideale per giornate di attività speciali nel quadro delle colonie estive per i giovani durante i mesi estivi; 5. La Cappella è un luogo di culto e di incontro che può accogliere fino a 120 persone durante qualsiasi giorno della settimana; 6. L’Asilo-Nido offre ogni giorno a tutti i bimbi debitamente iscritti dei programmi di formazione in arti figurative e delle attività sportive e recreative. Collegato 444

4 physique et de conseils en nutrition; il est rattaché à une clinique de médecine sportive. Une attention particulière sera portée à la programmation destinée aux enfants et aux adolescents, les fins de semaine. Le club sportif est de plus le cadre idéal pour organiser des camps de jour spécialisés durant les mois d’été. 5. La chapelle est un lieu de culte et de rencontre qui peut recevoir jusqu’à 120 personnes.

À votre service depuis 1967

6. La garderie offre chaque jour aux enfants inscrits des ateliers en art plastique et des activités en sport et loisir. Liée à une institution d’enseignement, elle sera un lieu de stages pour les étudiants en éducation. 7. Le centre communautaire et culturel sert de lieu de conservation des archives et du patrimoine artistique de la communauté. Il comporte des salles polyvalentes pour vernissages, rencontres, conférences, bingo, cours de langue, etc. Il peut être loué à un prix abordable comme centre de formation, avec une grande salle pour les assemblées générales, une salle de conférence principale, un local équipé d’ordinateurs et plusieurs salles d’ateliers.

514.725.8311 4270, rue Jarry est, Saint-Léonard (2 rues à l’est de Pie IX)

L’une des vocations majeures du Centre est de faciliter les rencontres entre les associations socio-culturelles et de soutenir leurs activités. 444 PANORAMA ITALIANO


4 and artistic heritage. It includes multipurpose rooms for exhibits, meetings, conferences, bingo, language courses, etc. It can be rented out at a minimal cost as a training centre, with a general assembly hall, a main conference room, a room equipped with computers, and a number of rooms for workshops. One of the main missions of the Centre is to facilitate meetings between the socio-cultural associations using the facilities, and support their activities. 8. The Youth Centre will combine a meeting place, a training area, and a room for games and computer activities for young people. 9. The Community Offices will offer short and long-term leases at affordable rates for interested non-profit organizations and associations from the community – more than 14,000 square feet of office space with complementary services. Tenants will be able to share a secretarial pool, meeting rooms, photocopiers, telephones, post-office boxes, office equipment, etc. thus reducing their operating costs. It is also possible to rent office space on a temporary basis for specific community or cultural projects. 10. The Municipal Court for the City of St. Leonard, with a separate entrance, will hold its proceedings, activities, and regular judicial business in a space rented by City Hall. The Leonardo da Vinci Centre was developed from an integrated, original concept reflecting Italian-style warmth, joie de vivre and family values. Finally, the Centre will be a place of convergence that draws throngs of people, where family involvement more than individual participation is valued and encouraged. The multi-purpose makeup of the Centre will help in this sense, as it will encourage all age groups to be active at the same time under the same roof, in a number of areas: sports, recreation, culture, religion, training, and work. g



4 con un’istituzione di insegnamento, esso è pure un luogo ideale per la formazione di laureandi in insegnamento; 7. Il Centro Comunitario e Culturale è un conservatorio per gli archivi e per il patrimonio artistico della comunità. Sono disponibili delle sale per mostre, incontri, conferenze, gioco del bingo, corsi di lingua, ecc. Detti locali potranno anche essere affittati come centri di formazione, con un’agora, una sala centrale per le conferenze, una sala per l’addestramento informatico e molte sale per gruppi di lavoro. Una delle principali vocazioni del Centro sarà proprio quella di agevolare gli incontri tra le associazioni socioculturali e di sostenerne le attività; 8. Il Centro dei Giovani abbina tra l’altro un luogo d’incontro e di formazione con una sala di giochi e di attività informatiche destinate ai giovani; 9. Gli Uffici Comunitari sono offerti in affitto a breve e a lunga scadenza, a canoni abbordabilissimi, agli organismi a scopo non lucrativo e alle associazioni comunitarie interessate; ci sono a tale scopo ben 14.000 piedi quadrati di spazio con servizi abbinati. Gli affittuari possono condividere le spese di segreteria e i costi relativi a sale d’incontro, fotocopiatrici, telefoni, cassette postali, attrezzature d’ufficio, ecc., al fine di minimizzarne i costi d’utilizzo. C’è pure la possibilità di affittare temporaneamente spazi di lavoro per progetti specifici d’interesse comunitario o culturale; 10. La Corte Municipale di Saint Léonard, con entrata indipendente, vi terrà processi e attività d’ordine giuridico in uno spazio preso in affitto dal municipio. Sarà bene sottolineare infine che il Centro, in quanto luogo di convergenza e di incontro, valorizzerà e animerà la partecipazione familiare più ancora di quella individuale. La strutturazione multifunzionale del Centro coadiuverà questa vocazione, offrendo attività a tutti i gruppi d’età, allo stesso tempo e sotto ad uno stesso tetto, nel quadro di varie sfere d’attività: sport, attività recreative, cultura, religione, formazione, lavoro. g

4 8. Le centre des jeunes est à la fois un lieu de rencontre et de formation ainsi qu’une salle de jeux et d’activités informatiques pour les jeunes. 9. Les bureaux communautaires offrent en location à moyen et à long terme, à des prix abordables, aux organismes sans but lucratif et aux associations de la communauté intéressées, plus de 14 000 pieds carrés d’espace de travail avec des services complémentaires. Les locataires pourront partager secrétariat, salles de réunion, photocopieurs, téléphones, boîtes postales, équipements de bureau, etc. afin de réduire leurs frais d’exploitation. Il est aussi possible de louer sur une base temporaire des espaces de travail pour des projets ponctuels à intérêt communautaire ou culturel. 10. La cour municipale de la ville de St. Léonard, avec son entrée indépendante, tiendra ses procès, activités et affaires juridiques régulières dans un espace loué par l’Hôtel de Ville. Le Centre Leonardo da Vinci a été développé selon un concept intégré et original, qui reflète la chaleur humaine, la joie de vivre et les valeurs familiales à l’italienne. Finalement, le Centre est un lieu de convergence qui attire une foule de gens, où la participation familiale plutôt que strictement individuelle est fortement encouragée. La constitution multi-fonctionnelle du Centre aidera en ce sens, en encourageant tous les groupes d’âge en même temps et sous un même toit, à l’intérieur de nombreux champs d’activités: sport, récréation, culture, religion, formation et travail. g



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(514) 279-6357

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The National Congress of Italian Canadians-Quebec Region - is a nonprofit, apolitical organization founded in 1972 by a group of well-intentioned community leaders who recognized the need to unify the numerous Italian associations and groups of Quebec. In a short period of time, the dynamism of the Congress has established it as the official representative of the Italian community of Quebec. In fact, the Quebec chapter is part of the National Congress which encompasses the many regional and district congresses across the country. COMPOSITION :

The Congress’s membership criteria admits as a member any man or woman of Italian origin who has attained the age of majority and who agrees to abide by the regulations and by-laws of the Congress. Il Congresso Nazionale degli ItaloCanadesi – Regione Québec è un organismo senza fini lucrativi e apolitico fondato nel 1972 da un gruppo di persone di buona volontà che avvevano ravvisato la necessità di creare un organismo che unificasse i diversi gruppi e le diverse associazioni della comunità italiana.

Le Congrès National des Italo-Canadiens - région Québec est un organisme à but non-lucratif et apolitique fondé en 1972 par un groupe de personnes bien intentionnées qui envisageaient la création d’un organisme qui unifierait les divers groupes et associations de la communauté italienne du Québec.

In brevissimo tempo, il dinamismo del Congresso ha fatto che oggi sia riconosciuto come l’organismo che rappresenta la comunità italiana del Québec. Il Congresso – Regione Québec fa parte del Congresso Nazionale degli Italo-Canadesi del Canada che raggruppa su scala nazionale tutti i congressi regionali del paese.

Dans très peu de temps, le dynamisme du Congrès a fait qu’il est aujourd’hui officiellement reconnu comme l’organisme représentatif de la communauté italienne au Québec. En effet, le Congrès (région Québec) fait partie du Congrès National des Italo-Canadiens du Canada, qui regroupe à l’échelle nationale tous les congrès régionaux à travers le pays.


Delegated members include :

Sono automaticamente membri del Congresso uomini o donne di origine italiana dai 18 anni in su, che sono d’accordo con gli obbiettivi e pronti a rispettare i regolamenti del Congresso.

a) Any non-profit Italian organization.

I membri delegati sono:

b) Any Italian parish, be it Catholic or Protestant.

a) Tutte le associazioni italiane a scopo non lucrativo.

c) Twenty-eight (28) members elected at a general election, grouping all of the various regions of Quebec.

b) Tutte le parrocchie italiane, catoliche o protestanti.

d) Unions where the majority of the members are Italian.

c) 28 eletti dal popolo durante un’elezione popolare radunando tutte le varie regioni del Québec.


d) I sindacati o unioni dove la maggioranza dei membri è di origine italiana.

a) To promote and safeguard the interest and the reputation of the Italian community of Quebec.


b) To inspire strong cooperation amongst the various associations that strive to 444

(514) 955-8527

a) Promuovere e salvaguardare l’interesse ed il buon nome della comunità italiana del Québec; 444

Est automatiquement membre du Congrès tout homme ou femme d’origine italienne de 18 ans et plus qui est en accord avec les objectifs et qui consent à respecter les règlements du Congrès. Les membres délégués sont les suivants : a) Toute association apolitique et à but non-lucratif, légalement reconnue par les autorités fédérales, provinciales ou municipales et composée d’au moins 25 membres dont la majorité sont d’origine italienne; b) Toute paroisse italienne, catholique ou protestante; c) Vingt huit (28) élus du peuple, élus lors d’une élection populaire dans les diverses régions du Québec; d) Les syndicats ou unions dont la majorité des membres est d’origine italienne. 444



4 coordinate, encourage, and promote social, cultural, professional, and recreational initiatives. c) To take positive action against discrimination aimed at the Italian community. d) To get involved in establishing educational programs aimed at the promotion and development of the teaching of the Italian language. e) To promote Italian literary, cultural, and professional works. f) To participate in and encourage the study and research of economic and social problems regarding Italian-Canadians. g) To maintain a close rapport with other Italian communities in Canada and abroad.

c) Rispondere e tratare della discriminazione che colpisce la comunità. d) Partecipare e collaborare ai progetti che hanno come scopo di mantenere e sviluppare un miglior insegnamento della lingua italiana. e) Partecipare, coordinare e promuovere le opere letterarie, artistiche, culturali, professionali a carattere italiano. f) Promuovere lo studio e la ricerca dei problemi economici e sociali degli italo-canadesi. g) Mantenere legami e stretti contatti con le altre comunità italiane in Canada.

h) To favor relations with other ethnic groups.

h) Favorire le relazioni con gli altri gruppi etnici.

i) To promote and disseminate information related to Italian traditions and customs.

i) Promuovere un programma d’informazione e far conoscere le migliori tradizioni italiane.





a) Discrimination and Human Rights :

a) Discriminazione e diritti del uomo :

The Congress has assumed the role of defender of the Italian community against discrimination.

Il Congresso si è sempre considerato il difensore della comunità italiana contro la discriminazione.

b) Education :

b) Educazione :

The Congress has always been a fervent participant in education-related matters in Quebec. Education is seen as an important socialization mechanism by which Italian children may improve their social and economic condition.

Il Congresso è stato sempre presente al problema dell’educazione nella provincia del Québec. L’educazione è un meccanismo importante di socializzazione attraverso il quale i bambini italiani possono ottenere un miglioramento delle loro condizioni sociali ed economiche.

c) Immigration : Being a representative of an immigrant class of people, the Congress has tremendous input in the formulation of immigration and citizenship policies at both levels of government. 444 116

4 b) Suscitare una stretta collaborazione fra le diverse associazioni al fine di coordinare, incoraggiare e promuovere le iniziative a scopi sociali, culturali, artistici, professionali e ricreativi.


c) Immigrazione : Essendo un organismo che rappresenta gli interessi di un gruppo di immigrati, figli di immigrati, e nuovi cittadini il Congresso ha sempire contribuito alla 444

4 OBJECTIFS : a) Promouvoir et sauvegarder l’intérêt et la renommée de la communauté italienne du Québec. b) Susciter une étroite collaboration entre les diverses associations afin de coordonner, encourager et promouvoir les initiatives à but social, culturel, artistique, professionnel et récréatif. c) Agir concrètement contre la discrimination visant la communauté italienne. d) Participer et collaborer dans les projets qui visent à maintenir et à développer l’enseignement de la langue italienne. e) Participer, coordonner et promouvoir les œuvres littéraires, artistiques, sportives, culturelles et professionnelles à caractère italien. f) Participer et encourager l’étude et la recherche portant sur les problèmes économiques et sociaux des italo-canadiens. g) Maintenir des liens et des contacts étroits avec les autres communautés italiennes au Canada et à l’étranger; h) Favoriser les échanges avec d’autres groupes ethniques; i) Promouvoir et publiciser un programme visant à faire connaître les traditions et coutumes italiennes. ACTIVITÉS DU CONGRÈS I . ACTIVITÉS SOCIALES

a) Discrimination et droits de l’homme : Le Congrès a toujours assumé le rôle de défenseur de la communauté italienne contre la discrimination. b) Éducation : Le Congrès a toujours été un intervenant fervent en ce qui concerne l’éducation au Québec. Cet intérêt s’explique par le fait que l’éducation est un mécanisme important de socialisation par lequel les enfants italiens peuvent obtenir une amélioration 444

4 d) The Constitution and National Unity : The Congress was an active participant in the debate on the constitution and on national unity. II. CULTURAL ACTIVITIES

a) Settimana Italiana : A yearly week-long celebration of all that is Italian in Quebec and Canada. The main objective is to share our wonderful Italian heritage with all Montrealers by organizing interactive activities that allow all who participate to discover what it means to be Italian. The activities include : concerts by Italian artists, showings of Italian films, a historical tour of Little Italy, "Bocce" tournaments, Italian comedians, fashion shows by Italian designers (local and from abroad), a sampling of different Italian foods, art exhibits, just to name a few. b) Christopher Columbus Parade : Since 1976, in collaboration with its member associations, the Congress has been organizing an annual parade in honor of Christopher Columbus. This historic parade has become a tradition for Montrealers of Italian origin, uniting them in celebrating the discovery of America. c) Multiculturalism : The Congress is the spokesperson for the Italian community at conferences held on multiculturalism. It is through this channel that the Congress has input on policies related to immigration, subsidies, language and culture, and human rights. g

4 formulazione di pratiche d’immigrazione ai due livelli governativi.

4de leurs conditions sociales et économiques.

d) Costituzione ed Unità Nazionale :

c) Immigration :

Il Congresso ha inoltre partecipato per degli anni alle continue modifiche sulla riforma costituzionale del Canada e dell’unità nazionale.

Étant un organisme représentant les intérêts d’un groupe d’immigrants, le Congrès joue un rôle important dans la formulation de politiques d’immigration et de citoyenneté aux deux niveaux gouvernementaux.


a) Settimana Italiana : Una settimana intera di festività per celebrare tutto ciò che è italiano nel Québec e nel Canada. L’obbiettivo principale è di condividere con i montrealesi il nostro magnifico patrimonio italiano con l’organizzazione di attività interattive che permettono a tutti che partecipano di scoprire l’italianità. Le attività includono: concerti dati da artisti italiani, presentazioni di film italiani, un giro storico della Piccola Italia, dei tornei di bocce, dei comici italiani, delle sfilate di moda presentate da sarti italiani (locali e del’estero), un’assagio di vari mangiari italiani, esposizione d’arte, e tante ancora. b) La parata Cristoforo Colombo: Dal 1976, il Congresso organizza con le associazioni membri una parata in onore di Cristoforo Colombo. Questa sfilata storica è divenuta ormai una tradizione presso gli Italiani-Montrealesi e permette di celebrare tutti insieme la scoperta dell’America. c) Multiculturalismo: Il Congresso è il portavoce della comunità italiana alle conferenze sul multiculturalismo dove offre suggerimenti sull’immigrazione, sovvenzioni, la lingua e la cultura, ed i diritti dell’uomo. g




d) La constitution et l’unité nationale : Le Congrès a participé activement aux processus continuel sur la réforme constitutionnelle du Canada et sur l’unité nationale. II. ACTIVITÉS CULTURELLES

a) Settimana Italiana : Une célébration d’une semaine entière de tout ce qui est italien au Québec et au Canada. L’objectif premier est de partager notre magnifique patrimoine italien avec tous les montréalais en organisant des activités interactives qui permettent à tout participant de découvrir ce que c’est d’être italien. Les activités comprennent: des concerts d’artistes italiens, la présentation 4de films italiens, une tournée historique de la Petite Italie, des tournois de "Bocce", des comiques italiens, des défilés de mode présentés par des couturiers italiens (locaux et provenant de l’étranger), un échantillonnage de mets italiens, des expositions d’art, et bien d’autres encore. b) La parade Christophe Colomb : Depuis 1976, en collaboration avec les associations-membres, le Congrès organise annuellement une parade en l’honneur de Christophe Colomb. Cette parade historique est devenue une tradition pour les montréalais d’origine italienne en les unissant pour célébrer la découverte de l’Amérique. c) Multiculturalisme : Le Congrès a été le porte-parole de la communauté italienne aux conférences portant sur le multiculturalisme. Les recommandations du Congrès touchent en particulier les secteurs de l’immigration, les subventions, la langue et la culture, et les droits de l’homme. g PANORAMA ITALIANO


Istituto Italiano di Cultura 1200 Dr. Penfield, Montréal, Qc, H3A 1A9 (514) 849-3473

(514) 849-2569

Functions of the Italian Cultural Institute

Fonctions de l’Institut Culturel Italien

The Italian Cultural Institute is a peripheral organism of the Italian Ministry of Foreign Affairs. Its institutional tasks are assigned to it by Italian Law No. 401 dated 12/22/1990.

L’Istituto Italiano di Cultura è un organo periferico del Ministero degli Affari Esteri Italiano e svolge i compiti istituzionali previsti dalla Legge n. 401 del 22/12/1990.

L’Institut Culturel Italien est un organisme périphérique du Ministère des Affaires Étrangères d’Italie. Ses tâches institutionnelles lui sont assignées par la Loi italienne n. 401 du 22/12/1990.

Its main functions are as follows :

Le funzioni dell’Istituto sono le seguenti:

Ses principales fonctions sont les suivantes:

1. Promote and spread the Italian language and culture abroad;

1. Promuovere e diffondere la lingua, la cultura, l’arte e la scienza italiane nell’area di sua competenza;

1. Promouvoir et diffuser la langue et la culture italiennes à l’étranger;

2. Supply information and offer cultural assistance to Italian or foreign students and researchers;

2. Fornire informazioni e prestare consulenza ed assistenza a studenti e studiosi stranieri o italiani;

2. Fournir des informations et offrir de l’assistance culturelle aux étudiants et aux chercheurs italiens ou étrangers;

3. Stabilire contatti con istituzioni, enti e personalità del mondo culturale e scientifico del paese ospitante e favorire le proposte e i progetti per la conoscenza della cultura e della realtà italiane;

3. Établir des contacts avec les institutions, les organismes et les personnalités du milieu culturel et scientifique du pays hôte. Favoriser la réalisation de projets finalisés à la connaissance de la culture et de la réalité italiennes;

4. Supply documentation and information about Italian cultural life and its relative institutions;

4. Fornire la documentazione e l’informazione sulla vita culturale italiana e sulle relative istituzioni;

4. Fournir au public de la documentation et de l’information sur la vie culturelle italienne et sur les institutions relatives;

5. Organize, directly or in collaboration with the cultural institutions of the host country, cultural events with an Italian flavor pertaining to the visual arts, performing arts, music, cinema, litterature and science sectors;

5. Organizzare, in proprio o in collaborazione con le istituzioni culturali del paese ospitante, eventi culturali a carattere italiano nel campo delle arti visive, del teatro, della musica, del cinema, della letteratura e della scienza;

5. Organiser, directement ou en collaboration avec les institutions culturelles du pays hôte, des événements culturels à caractère italien dans les domaines des arts visuels, des arts de la scène, de la musique, du cinéma, de la littérature et de la science;

6. Collaborate with Federations and Associations of the Italian community towards the realization of projects that are aiming to culturally promote Italians or people of Italian origin living in the host country;

6. Collaborare con le associazioni di connazionali alla realizzazione di idonee iniziative per la promozione culturale delle comunità italiane all’estero;

6. Collaborer avec les Fédérations et les Associations de la communauté italienne pour la réalisation de projets visant la promotion culturelle des personnes italiennes ou d’origine italienne résidentes dans le pays hôte;

3. Establish contacts with institutions, entities and personalities of the cultural and scientific community of the host country. Encourage proposals and projects that promote Italian culture and the Italian way of life;

7. Set up in its head office or in decentralized sites courses on Italian culture and language.


Funzioni dell’Istituto Italiano di Cultura


7. Organizzare nella sua sede o in sed decentrate corsi di lingua e di cultura italiana.

7. Organiser dans son siège social ou dans des sites décentrés des cours de langue et de culture italiennes.

ACTIVITIES – ATTIVITÀ – ACTIVITÉS ART EXHIBITION – MOSTRA – EXPOSITION D’ART « DA RAFFAELLO A TIEPOLO » April 25 to August 4, 2002 – dal 25 aprile al 4 agosto 2002 – du 25 avril au 4 août 2002

CONFERENCE – CONFERENZA – CONFÉRENCE « LA DIVINA COMMEDIA » DI FEDERICO SANGUINETI May 23, 2002 at 7pm – 23 maggio 2002 alle ore 19 – 23 mai 2002 à 19h

SERVIZI COMUNITARI ITALO-CANADESI DEL QUÉBEC 1. Casa d’Italia - 505, Jean-Talon East, Montreal, Quebec (514) 274-9461

(514) 274-9733 2. CENTRO LEONARDO DA VINCI - 8370, boul. Lacordaire St. Léonard, Québec, H1R 3Y6 (514) 274-9462



The Italian-Canadian Community Services of Quebec were founded in 1978 as a non-profit charitable organization in order to meet the needs of people of Italian origin living in Montreal and its surrounding areas. With the goal of fostering the full integration of ItalianCanadians into the socio-economic life of Quebec, the Italian-Canadian Community Services offer comprehensive educational, social and community services to individuals and groups. In addition, through various activities, the Italian-Canadian Community Services aim to spark interest for the Italian language and culture. 444


I Servizi Comunitari Italo-Canadesi del Quebec sono nati nel 1978 in quanto organismo a scopo non lucrativo di carità al fine di venire incontro ai bisogni delle persone d’origine italiana che vivono a Montreal e dintorni. Nello scopo di favorire la piena integrazione degli italocanadesi alla vita socio-economica del Quebec, i Servizi Comunitari ItaloCanadesi offrono un insieme di servizi di natura educativa, sociale e comunitaria agli individui ed alla collettività. Inoltre, attraverso diverse attività, i Servizi Comunitari Italo-Canadesi mirano a suscitare l’interesse per la lingua e la cultura italiane. 444

Les Services Communautaires CanadiensItaliens du Québec ont été fondés en 1978 en tant qu’organisme charitable sans but lucratif afin de subvenir aux besoins des personnes d’origine italienne vivant à Montréal et ses environs. Dans le but de favoriser la pleine intégration des italocanadiens à la vie socio-économique du Québec, les Services Communautaires Canadiens-Italiens offrent un ensemble de services de nature éducative, sociale et communautaire aux individus et à la collectivité. De plus, par le biais de diverses activités, les Services Communautaires Canadiens-Italiens visent à susciter de l’intérêt pour la langue et la culture italiennes. 444

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1. Receiving people, active listening, orientation and referrals i.e. family issues, mental health problems, conjugal violence, substance abuse, etc.

1. Accoglienza, ascolto, orientamento e riferimenti ad esempio: problemi di famiglia, di salute mentale, di violenza coniugale, di dipendenza alla droga o alcool, ecc.

1. Accueil, écoute, orientation et références par exemple: problèmes familiaux, de santé mentale, de violence conjugale, de dépendance à la drogue ou à l’alcool.

2. Assistance in applying for pensions in Quebec, Canada or Italy. 3. Assistance in filling out various forms i.e. disability, low-income housing, social assistance, unemployment, immigration, citizenship, etc. 4. Information and meetings on social and healthcare programs available in Montreal i.e. the role of the CLSC, how to prepare for retirement, the rights of homeowners, etc. 5. Translation services 6. Official certification of documents 7. French and English language courses 8. Free legal consultation with appointment 9. Income-tax clinics 10. Mentor program for youth between 18 and 25 years of age 11. Home modification program for autonomous seniors 12. Support programs for families who care for sick, elderly and/or disabled persons in their home. WHO CAN BENEFIT FROM OUR SERVICES?

The Italian-Canadian Community Services of Quebec have a long-standing tradition of helping everyone who makes a request. We offer assistance directly or by referring people to other organizations. Anyone with a problem can come to our office. To ensure that you get optimal service, please call to make an appointment. Even if you simply need someone to listen to you, the Italian-Canadian Community Services are always available to lend you an ear! 2002-03 PROJECTS

1. Cultural Comfort Project: with the support of the Régie Régionale de la Santé 444 122


2. Assistenza per ottenere le pensioni del Quebec, dal Canada o dall’Italia. 3. Aiuto a riempire formulari diversi ad esempio: invalidità, affitti ridotti, benessere sociale, disoccupazione, immigrazione, cittadinanza, ecc. 4. Informazioni ed incontri sui programmi sociali e sanitari disponibili a Montreal ad esempio : il ruolo dei CLSC, come prepararsi alla pensione, i diritti dei proprietari di casa, ecc.

2. Assistance avec les demandes de pensions du Québec, du Canada et de l’Italie. 3. Aide à remplir divers formulaires par exemple: invalidité, loyers à prix modique, assistance sociale, chômage, immigration, citoyenneté, etc. 4. Informations et rencontres sur les programmes sociaux et de la santé offerts à Montréal par exemple: le rôle des CLSC, comment se préparer pour la retraite, les droits des propriétaires, etc. 5. Service de traduction

5. Servizio di traduzione

6. Service de documents assermentés

6. Servizio di autentica dei documenti

7. Cours de langues française et anglaise

7. Corsi di lingua francese ed inglese

8. Consultation légale gratuite avec rendez-vous

8. Consultazione legale gratuita con appuntamento

9. Clinique de rapports d’impôt

9. Assistenza nella preparazione e compilazione dei redditi annuali

10. Programme de parrainage pour jeunes de 18 à 25 ans

10. Programma di mentori per i giovani dai 18 ai 25 anni

11. Programme de logements adaptés pour personnes âgées autonomes

11. Programma d’addattamenti a domicilio per persone anziane autonome

12. Programme de soutien aux familles qui s’occupent de personnes malades, handicapées et /ou âgées à domicile.

12. Programma di supporto per le famiglie che si occupano di persone ammalate, handicappate e/o anziane a casa. CHI PUÒ BENEFICIARE DEI NOSTRI SERVIZI?

I Servizi Comunitari Italo-Canadesi del Quebec hanno una lunga tradizione nel’aiutare tutte le persone che lo richiedono. Offriamo aiuto direttamente o attraverso referenze ad altri organismi. Chiunque abbia un problema può presentarsi al nostro ufficio. Per assicurare un migliore servizio, si prega di chiamare per fissare un appuntamento. Anche se avete soltanto bisogno di qualcuno che vi ascolta, i Servizi Comunitari ItaloCanadesi sono sempre disponibili ad esservi d’aiuto. 444


Les Services Communautaires Canadiens-Italiens du Québec ont une longue tradition d’aide à toutes les personnes qui en font la demande. Nous offrons de l’aide directe ou nous référons les gens aux autres organismes. Quiconque vit un problème peut se présenter à notre bureau. Afin de vous assurer un service de qualité, nous vous demandons de bien vouloir nous appeler et fixer un rendez-vous. Même si vous n’avez que le besoin de vous sentir écouté, les Services Communautaires CanadiensItaliens sont toujours à l’écoute! PROJETS 2002-03

1. Le projet de confort culturel: avec l’appui de la Régie Régionale de la Santé et des Services Sociaux de Montréal 444

4 et des Services Sociaux de Montréal Métropolitain and the Italian-Canadian Community Foundation of Quebec, this project aims to adapt the services offered in long-term care centres to the needs of the elderly population of Montreal’s Italian community. Besides sensitising already 4 long-term care hospital centres in Montreal to their particular needs, the project also anticipates the expansion of the Dante Centre in order to respond to the growing numbers of our senior citizens. These culturally adapted centres will be equipped to offer a warm and familiar environment where our loved ones will feel at home and benefit from a milieu which caters to their cultural and spiritual needs. 2. Consolidation of our frontline services in the CASA D’ITALIA 3. The creation of a working committee to set up an educational, sensitisation, and intervention program on the matter of Hepatitis C which greatly affects the Italian community 4. The creation of a working committee to put together a mentorship program to guide the young people of our community 5. A fundraising campaign to ensure that the Italian-Canadian Community Services organization may continue to serve the community 6. The creation and implementation of a communication plan to increase the visibility of the Italian-Canadian Community Services organization and its initiatives. g

4 PROGETTI 2002-03 1. Progetto di conforto culturale: con il supporto della Régie Régionale de la Santé et des Services Sociaux de Montréal Métropolitain e la Fondazione Comunitaria Italo-Canadese del Quebec, lo scopo di questo progetto è di addattare i servizi dei centri di cura a lungo termine ai bisogni della popolazione anziana della comunità italiana di Montreal. Oltre al lavoro di sensibilizzazione di già 4 centri ospitalieri di lunga durata di Montreal ai loro bisogni particolari, il progetto provvede anche all’espanzione del Centro Dante per potere rispondere così al numero crescente dei nostri anziani. Questi centri addattati offriranno un’atmosfera calorosa e familiare dove i nostri cari si sentiranno a loro agio, avendo la possibilità di vivere nel loro ambiente culturale e spirituale. 2. La consolidazione dei nostri servizi di prima linea alla Casa d’Italia 3. La creazione d’un comitato di lavoro aggrandito per l’elaborazione di un programma di educazione, sensibilizzazione ed intervento per quello che riguarda l’epatite C nella comunità italiana

4 Métropolitain et de la Fondation Communautaire Canadienne-Italienne du Québec, le but de ce programme est d’adapter les services offerts au sein des centres de soins à long terme aux besoins de la population âgée de la communauté italienne de Montréal. En plus de sensibiliser déjà 4 centres hospitaliers de soins à long terme à Montréal à ces besoins particuliers, le projet prévoit aussi l’expansion du Centre Dante afin de répondre au nombre croissant de personnes âgées dans notre communauté. Ces centres adaptés offriront une atmosphère chaleureuse et familière où nos chers se sentiront à l’aise, en ayant la possibilité de vivre dans l’ambiance culturelle et spirituelle qui leur est propre. 2. Consolidation de nos services de première ligne à la CASA D’ITALIA 3. La création d’un comité de travail plus grand pour l’élaboration d’un programme d’éducation, de sensibilisation et d’intervention portant sur l’Hépatite C qui affecte particulièrement la communauté italienne 4. La création d’un comité de travail pour entamer le développement d’un projet de parrainage pour les jeunes de la communauté italienne

4. La creazione di un comitato di lavoro per cominciare lo sviluppo di un progetto di mentorato per guidare i giovani della comunità italiana

5. Une campagne de levée de fonds pour assurer la continuité des services offerts par les Services Communautaires Canadiens-Italiens

5. Il lancio di attività di raccolta di fondi per assicurare la continuazione dei servizi offerti dal SCIC

6. La création et l’implantation d’un plan de communication pour augmenter la visibilité des Services Communautaires Canadiens-Italiens et de ses initiatives. g

6. La creazione e l’impianto di un piano di comunicazioni per aumentare la visibilità del SCIC e delle sue iniziative. g

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CHAMBRE DE COMMERCE DE SAINT-LÉONARD 4735, rue Jarry Est, bureau 201, Saint-Léonard (Qc) H1R 1X7 (514) 325-4532

(514) 325-8980

Chers gens d’affaires, Vous n’êtes certes sans savoir que Saint-Léonard, aujourd’hui l’arrondissement Saint-Léonard, peut s’enorgueillir du fait qu’il y a sur son territoire une chambre de commerce bien vivante et fort dynamique, du reste. Il s’agit de la Chambre de commerce de Saint-Léonard. Fondée en 1979, la Chambre de commerce de Saint-Léonard a su, tout au long de son existence, stimuler et promouvoir l’économie de la région, d’abord et avant tout en rapprochant sa communauté d’affaires. Pour ce faire, elle a créé un système de réseautage permettant à ses membres d’élargir leurs horizons, favorisant de la sorte l’expansion de leur propre entreprise. Dans sa mission, la Chambre de commerce de Saint-Léonard défend les intérêts de ses membres et de la communauté d’affaires de son territoire, cela surtout en intervenant auprès des différents gouvernements. Elle prend aussi position dans certains dossiers relatifs à l’essor économique de la région, de même qu’à son développement social. La Chambre de commerce de Saint-Léonard est, vous le savez certainement aussi, un organisme reconnu et lui-même membre de la Chambre de commerce du Québec, une chambre qui regroupe plus de 200 autres chambres de commerce locales et qui compte plus de 50 000 membres. Cela dit, la participation à nos activités vous permettra de bénéficier d’une bonne visibilité et de rencontrer des gens avec qui vous pourrez établir et maintenir des relations d’affaires intéressantes. Pouvoir vous compter parmi nos membres serait pour nous un honneur maintes fois partagé. Rappelons que la vitalité et le succès d’une chambre de commerce locale reposent essentiellement sur la participation de ceux qui la constituent, ses membres.

Jean Touchette Président



The Montreal Italian Chamber of Commerce The Chamber is a privileged and prestigious meeting point for the leaders of the Italian Canadian business community. Membership in the Chamber is extremely useful for contacts, activities, information, ideas and services available for the Members. The Chamber provides an information and documentation service, including an extensive commercial library, well-stocked with publications in all aspects of Italy-Canada business. The Chamber assists Italy-Canada trade by: • Guidance and assistance for companies seeking agents, distributors, licensing, joint ventures, or to establish operations in Italy and Canada;

and to develop commercial relations with the United States of America and Canada. With the collaboration of a network of Italian and North American consultants specialized in the distribution of quality Italian-made products, companies will have the opportunity to operate in new types of markets. They will also receive personalized assistance and information to succeed in these markets. TRADE IN USA AND CANADA has involved many companies from different sectors interested in promoting their products in the North American market. They are looking forward to establishing and develop business relations with Canada. SAGSA Spa: office furniture

• Information on updated duty tariffs and regulations;

GARDA Spa: men's and women's underwear

• Telephone hot line with experts for immediate reply on legal, fiscal, commercial, judicial matters;

C.R.E. Calzifici Riuniti Elly Srl: pantyhose MARIFLOS Spa: pantyhose

• The Italian Chamber of Commerce of Canada (Montreal) site contains the complete list of members and different theme areas of interest; • Information and data on Italy-Canada trade and direct investments;

DORATEX Spa: men's wear CIRCEO FILATI Srl: Acrylic and blended yarn. The consultants of TRADE IN USA AND CANADA offer:

• Trade opportunities published regularly in the Italcommerce magazine;

• Research on business opportunities

• Consultations on investment matters;

• Presentation of the product to companies in the USA and Canada in their specific sector

• Conferences and seminars; • Monthly luncheons with relevant guest speakers; • Job search data bank; • Extensive library containing updated material on legal, fiscal and commercial matters. TRADE IN USA AND CANADA deals with medium-sized companies located in the Lombardy region of Italy. Their goal is to promote products, to find interesting selling opportunities

• A selection of the most suitable channels of distribution • Marketing strategies • Product testing • Proposals and recommendations for the commercialization of the product For more information please contact Rossana Sommaruga at 514-844-4249 ext. 226 444



4 Our core activities focus on business exchanges with Italian companies, but the Chamber links 60,000 corporate members in a growing network of contacts and alliances that literally spans the globe - we're already represented in 60 countries, and that's just the beginning of our worldwide activities. How would you like to have access - privileged access - to the most vibrant, productive and active marketplaces on the planet? The Italian Chamber of Commerce in Canada has the contacts, the people power, the years of experience and the expertise to help make that happen for your company. These are just some of the expert services the Chamber offers its members: • We help producers source out materials and suppliers. • We identify importers and agents for Italian manufacturers.



• We supply contacts for joint-venture researches and technological exchanges. • We coordinate market research in Italy and Canada. • We organize participation at trade shows notably Fiera Milano. • We operate a business reference library and maintain specialized databases. As a member of the Chamber, you will have the opportunity to participate in a wide variety of activities offering direct, face to-face personal contacts with potential clients. You can attend business seminars and meetings and take part in trade missions organized by the Chamber. And you can have some fun too! Our social activities include luncheons, wine and food tastings, galas and dinners that have earned a reputation as events where it is truly a pleasure doing business. g

C.I.B.P.A. Montreal 8370, boulevard Lacordaire, Bureau 310, Montréal (Québec) H1R 3Y6 (514) 254-4929

(514) 254-4920 The First Half-Century

The Canadian-Italian Business and Professional Association (CIBPA) is a non-profit community oriented organization that both serves and represents the Canadian-Italian Community in Montreal. We are an organization that provides: a key network for our Professionals, our Entrepreneurs and our Young Adults whether working or still pursuing University studies; an almost singular presence in the corridors of government on behalf of our community; and a pivot around which much of our cultural, social, and business events occur. The Montreal CIBPA is one of eight CIBPA chapters across Canada. With its 600 members, it is the largest and has the longest history of the Members of the National Federation of CIBPAs. Our organization has been a hallmark for the highest level of professional and business ethics. The Montreal CIBPA was granted its Charter by the Government of Quebec on June 10th, 1949. Our original members worked at helping fellow newcomers to establish businesses, grow together, and keep the traditions of family and community alive. Our members come from all walks of life. We help each other grow and prosper. We work hard at preserving our heritage and values. Our organization was one of the first to develop a scholarship program, which to date has raised and awarded close to a million and a half dollars to young Italian-Canadians allowing them to pursue University studies - whether baccalaureate, graduate or post-graduate studies. Our history in Canada has deep roots. Italians have been immigrating to Canada since the early 1600’s. In the 1830’s Jacques Viger, Montreal’s first mayor, not only worked with key Montreal businessmen from the Anglo-Saxon Community such as Councillor Peter McGill, but also a very successful ItalianCanadian Councillor and Viger supporter Giovanni Donegani. The large migrations of Italians to Canada and Quebec occurred in the late 19th century, and in the early 1920’s and after World War II. It is from amongst the group that arrived after World War I 444

Les cinquante premières années

L’Association des gens d’affaires et professionnels italo-canadiens (CIBPA) est un organisme sans but lucratif orienté sur la communauté dont la double mission est de desservir et de représenter la communauté italo-canadienne de Montréal. Notre association constitue un important réseau pour nos professionnels, nos entrepreneurs et nos jeunes adultes qui commencent leur carrière ou qui poursuivent encore leurs études universitaires. Elle représente une présence presque critique auprès des paliers gouvernementaux au nom de notre communauté et est devenue un pivot autour duquel une grande part de nos événements culturels, sociaux et commerciaux se déroulent. La CIBPA de Montréal est l’une des huit sections de la CIBPA établies à l’échelle du Canada. Avec ses 600 membres, elle est la plus importante de celles-ci et compte la plus longue histoire parmi les membres de la Fédération nationale des CIBPA. Notre organisme est le jalon auquel se mesure le degré le plus élevé d’éthique commerciale et professionnelle. Le gouvernement du Québec a octroyé sa charte à la CIBPA de Montréal le 10 juin 1949. Nos premiers membres ont aidé leurs compatriotes nouvellement arrivés à établir leurs entreprises, à prospérer ensemble, et à perpétuer les traditions de la famille et de la communauté. Nos membres sont des gens de toutes sortes de milieux. Nous nous entraidons, ce qui nous permet de croître et de prospérer. Nous travaillons avec acharnement à préserver notre patrimoine et nos valeurs. Notre organisme a été l’un des premiers à instaurer un programme de bourses d’études qui, à ce jour, a permis de mobiliser et d’octroyer près d’un million cinq cent mille dollars à de jeunes Italo-Canadiens, leur permettant ainsi de poursuivre des études universitaires – de premier, deuxième ou troisième cycle. Nous avons établi nos racines au Canada il y a fort longtemps – les Italiens ont en effet commencé à immigrer au Canada au début du 17e siècle. Durant les années 1830, Jacques Viger, le premier maire de Montréal, a travaillé non seulement avec des gens d’affaires montréalais d’origine anglo-saxonne comme le conseiller Peter McGill, mais également avec un conseiller d’origine italienne, partisan de Viger, Giovanni Donegani. Les vastes migrations d’Italiens au Canada et au Québec ont eu lieu vers la fin du 19e siècle, au début des années 1920 et après la Seconde Guerre mondiale. 444 PANORAMA ITALIANO


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4 C’est grâce au groupe arrivé après la Première Guerre mondiale que la connaissance de la communauté a porté fruit car, en deux brèves décennies, ces nouveaux arrivants se sont unis pour fonder la première association de gens d’affaires italo-canadiens, il y a plus de cinquante ans. Ces fondateurs voulaient rassembler notre communauté pour relever les nouveaux défis que nous offrait ce pays. Leurs réalisations sont hors pair – le couronnement du travail assidu de ceux et celles qui avaient de l’espoir, qui croyaient en l’effort, qui ne craignaient pas le risque et qui accueillaient à bras ouverts l’occasion de se tailler une place à leur mesure. L’association a progressé et évolué au fil des ans pour se concrétiser en l’Association des gens d’affaires et professionnels italocanadiens que l’on connaît aujourd’hui – la CIBPA. Célébrons ensemble ses cinquante premières années. MISSION ET OBJECTIFS

Et de plus: • vous pouvez étaler les paiements de votre assurance en plusieurs versements mensuels, sans intérêts • grâce à Notre engagement en cas de réclamation*, votre prime annuelle pourrait vous être remboursée en cas de litige De la tranquillité d'esprit sur toute la ligne! * Certaines conditions s'appliquent.



Juliano Starnino

C. D'A. Ass.

4735, Jarry Est, Bureau 201, Saint-Léonard (Québec) H1R 1X7 Téléphone: (514) 325-7000 Télécopieur: (514) 325-8980 Courriel :

osez la tranquillité

• La mission de la CIBPA est d’offrir aux gens d’affaires et professionnels d’origine italienne une gamme de services et d’activités pour encourager le développement et la croissance de leurs relations professionnelles et interpersonnelles. • Notre objectif premier est d’être l’association de gens d’affaires la mieux administrée et la plus respectée non seulement au Québec, mais ou Canada. • Pour atteindre cet objectif, nous porterons nos efforts sur le recrutement de nouveaux membres attirés par une organisation qui encourage l’initiative et la participation individuelle et corporative qui sont les raisons principales de nos succès. C’est de cette façon que se construit un esprit d’appartenance où tous les membres se sentent appréciés et mis en valeur, et sont motivés à participer à toutes les activités. • Nous développerons un modèle de croissance à long terme qui aura pour objectif de réinvestir les profits réalisés dans la création et l’implantation de nouveaux services à l’intention de nos membres et de notre communauté. • Nous diversifierons et améliorerons la qualité et la quantité des services disponibles, de même que la fréquence des événements spéciaux, en nous concentrant sur différents sujets d’intérêt pour nos membres qui seront présentés par des conférenciers invités et des experts dans différents champs d’activité. • Notre expansion sera la résultante des efforts, de la compétence, de l’habileté, de l’expérience et surtout du dynamisme et du dévouement de l’ensemble de nos membres. • Nous demeurerons toujours vigilants et surveillerons attentivement toute activité et politique qui pourraient affecter directement ou indirectement l’ensemble de nos membres et nous prendrons les actions appropriées pour faire valoir nos positions et protéger nos droits, intérêts et libertés. 444

4 that the seeds of Community Awareness flowered. For within a short two decades, these new arrivals coalesced to form the first Canadian-Italian Businessmen’s Association over fifty years ago. These founders aspired to gather our community together to face new challenges in this country. Their accomplishments have been outstanding - a true crowning achievement for those who had hope, belief in hard work, who were unafraid of risk, and welcomed opportunity. The Association grew and evolved into the present day Canadian Italian Business and Professional Association - CIBPA.


We are here to celebrate its first half century. OBJECTIVES & MISSION STATEMENT

• The mission of the CIBPA is to offer to business people and professionals of Italian origin a complete range of services and activities to encourage the development and growth of their professional and interpersonal relationships. • Our main objective is to be the best-managed and most respected business association in the Province of Québec and in Canada. • To accomplish this goal we will improve our financial performance by encouraging membership growth through an organization that encourages individual and corporate members to contribute to our success and create an environment where all members are appreciated and feel valued and are motivated to participate in all activities. • We will achieve a long-term pattern of growth in profitability re-invested into additional services for our membership and for our community. • We will strengthen and improve the quality and quantity of our events and services by focusing on diversified topics of interest to our members, that will be presented by guest speakers and experts in various fields.

commission fee (Direct sale)



commission fee



• We will build the ressources and strength of our own membership, on each other’s knowledge, skills and the dedication of all our members. • We will judiciously scrutinize events and policies which have a direct or indirect impact on our general membership and take appropriate action to voice our concerns and protect our rights, interests and freedoms. • We will encourage from all members, board members and executives innovation and constructive creativity into new events and activities. 444

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4 • We will ensure that integrity and the highest ethical standards guide all our actions. • We will foster a spirit of teamwork throughout the association and remain committed to the development of all our members. CIBPA CALENDAR OF EVENTS:

The CIBPA organizes a series of activities yearly such as dinnerconferences, industrial visits, golf tournaments and the Premio Award Ball every 2 years. This year’s upcoming events are: June (date tbc)

Annual General Meeting

July (date tbc)

Golf Tournament

Please check with the CIBPA to confirm times and dates of above-mentioned events and find out about other activities in the future. g



4 • Nous encouragerons, dans le cadre de nos événements et activités, l’innovation et la créativité constructive de nos membres, de nos administrateurs et de nos dirigeants. • Nous nous assurerons que l’intégrité et les plus hauts standards d’éthique guident toutes nos actions. • Nous continuerons de développer et maintiendrons un esprit d’équipe au sein de notre association en recherchant constamment la satisfaction et l’épanouissement de tous nos membres. CALENDRIER DES ÉVÉNEMENTS DE LA CIBPA:

La CIBPA organise annuellement une série d’activités telles que des dîner-conférences, des séminaires, des visites industrielles, des tournois de golf et le Bal du Président (Le Prémio) tous les deux ans. Les événements de cette année sont: Juin (date à déterminer)

Assemblée Générale Annuelle

Juillet (date à déterminer)

Tournoi de golf

Veuillez consulter la CIBPA pour confirmer les dates et les heures des événements ci-hauts et vous informer sur les autres activités à venir au courant de l’année. g

Advertisers Directory ACCOUNTING SERVICES


DAOUST, PERREAULT INC. (p.45) 3056, Dagenais O., Laval, H7P 1T6 (450) 628-9575

SALON ESTETICA (p.63) 2175, Crescent, Montreal, H3G 2C1 (514) 849-9231

PAOLETTI, GRACIOPPO, PANARELLO (p.137) 6520, Beaubien E., suite 106, Montreal, H1M 1A9 (514) 252-8202


BASTONE & ASSOCIÉS,CA (p.137) 8397, St-Michel, Montréal, H1Z 3E7 ADMINISTRATIVE CONSULTANTS DAOUST, PERREAULT INC. (p.45) 3056, Dagenais O., Laval, H7P 1T6 (450) 628-9575 AIR TREATMENT, HEATING & COOLING SYSTEMS QUALI-AIR (p.114) 1805-A Le Royer St., Laval, H7M 2R9 (514) 990-2395 SYNERGIE FUTURE (p.16) 6816, St. Laurent, Montreal, H2S 3C7 (514) 762-1697 ARCHITECTURAL DESIGN QUALIZZA, SICILIANO DESIGN (p.58) 263, boul. Graham, Ville Mont Royal, H3P 2C7 (514) 736-3030 ATTORNEYS CORDEAU, ANDRÉ (p.44) 1155, René-Lévesque W., suite 2810, Montreal H3B 2L2 (514) 396-5005 DOYON, IZZI, NIVOIX (p.44) 6455, Jean-Talon E., suite 501, Montreal, H1S 3E8 (514) 253-3338


INVESTORS GROUP (p.88) 4, Westmount Square, suite 250, Westmount, H3Z 2S6 (514) 935-6048



BRÛLERIE AUX QUATRE VENTS (p.56) 270 Pl. du Marché du Nord, Montreal H2S 1A1 (514) 276-4000

POISSONNERIE BARI LTÉE. (p.68) 4403, Denis Papin, St. Leonard, H1R 3J8 (514) 728-5055

CAFFÈ EPOCA (p.56) 6778, St. Laurent, Montreal, H2S 3C7 (514) 276-6569


CAFÉ INTERNATIONAL (p.103) 6714, St. Laurent, Montreal, H2S 3C7 (514) 495-0067 CELLULAR / TELECOMMUNICATION SERVICES CELLULAND (p.65) 5110, Jean-Talon E., St. Leonard H1S 1K7 (514) 723-4258 DISCO MOBILE MAESTRO (p.60) (514) 591-6844 DISTRIBUTOR

AUTOMOTIVE AUTO LUX (p.123) 8305, St. Laurent Blvd. Montreal, H2P 2M7 (514) 387-7133



TD COMMERCIAL BANKING (p.120) (514) 289-8165

BOULANGERIE PINA (p.56) 5990, Jean-Talon E., St. Leonard, H1S 1M2 (514) 257-8321


BANKRUPTCY TRUSTEE LE GROUPE SERPONE INC. (p.119) 7100, Jean-Talon E., Suite 600, Anjou, H1M 3S3 (514) 355-6553

CAMBIEX FINANCIAL SERVICES (p.31) 2000, McGill College, Montreal, H3A 3H3 (514) 844-1414 DIVERSIFOLIO (p.84) 6900, Decarie, suite 3555, Montreal, H3X 2T8 (514) 731-5592

SALERNO CHEESE PRODUCTS (p.95) 11495, 4th avenue, R.D.P., H1E 2Y8 (514) 648-8520

BOULEVARD ST. MARTIN AUTO INC. (p.136) 2450, Boul. Chomedey, Laval, H7T 2X3 (450) 682-1212

AVERE LA FINANCIÈRE (p.45) 100, Croissant de Callières, Laval, H7E 3N1 (450) 661-1653

ALEXIS INSURANCE & FINANCIAL SERVICES (p.45) 100, Croissant de Callières, Laval, H7E 3N1 (450) 661-1653 (514) 990-6050

IL PARADISO (p.104) 40B, de la Concorde E., Laval, H7G 4Y1 (450) 663-3825 FUNERAL SERVICES CENTRE FUNERAIRE CÔTE-DES-NEIGES (p.83)

4525, Côte des Neiges, Montreal, H3V 1E7 (514) 342-8000 FURNITURE LIDA (p.111) 4270, Jarry E., St. Leonard, H1R 1X1 (514) 725-8311 LES MOUSQUETAIRES DU MEUBLE INC. (p.121)

2485, Leclaire, Montreal, H1V 3A6 (514) 253-8424 GENERAL CONTRACTOR CHEMTECH CONSTRUCTION INC. (p.58) 1680, Lincoln, Montreal, H3H 1G9 (514) 931-8080 GI2 GROUPE LTÉE (P.58) 263, boul. Graham, Ville Mont Royal, H3P 2C7 (514) 735-5000 LES ENTREPRISES VIANPANI INC. (p.65) 7285, 8e rue, Montreal, H1E 1N6 (514) 643-0944 RODIMAX (p.100) 7030, Henri-Bourassa W., Montreal (514) 336-1811 (514) 832-0494



GENERAL CONTRACTOR (cont.) SAJO CONSTRUCTION INC. (p.27) 1212, de Louvain W., Montreal, H4N 1G5 (514) 385-0333 GIFTWARE COLLECTIONS SILVIO (p.90) 6271, Jean-Talon E., St. Leonard, H1S 3E7 (514) 256-3813 GOLF CLUB CLUB DE GOLF ST. RAPHAËL (p.20) 1111, de l’Église, Ile Bizard, H9C 1H2 (514) 696-4653 GRAPHIC DESIGNADVERTISINGCOMMUNICATION CASSI DESIGN (p.47) 6100, des Grandes Prairies, suite 203, St. Leonard, H1P 1A2 (514) 327-4404 HOME IMPROVEMENTS ALUMINIUM DI FRANCO 2000 (p.114) 9875, Parc-Georges, Montreal N., H1H 4X6 (514) 321-5858

ALEXIS INSURANCE & FINANCIAL SERVICES (p.45) 100, Croissant de Callières, Laval, H7E 3N1 (450) 661-1653 P.A. CARON (p.45) 42, Carmel, Hudson Heights, J0P 1J0 (450) 458-0866 INSURANCE EVALUATORS SRI INC. (p.94) 9200, Langelier, St. Leonard, H1P 2E1 (514) 323-5032 JEWELLERS BERTUCCI (p.64) 7152-B, St. Laurent, Montreal, H2S 3E2 (514) 272-5420 CHEMIN D’OR INC. (p.28) 5837, Jean-Talon E., Montreal, H1S 1M4 (514) 254-0761 EX AURUM (p.12) 620, Cathcart, suite 300, Montreal, H3B 1M1 (514) 874-1720

MONDO UNITO (p.52) 7152, St. Laurent Blvd., Montreal, H2S 3E2 (514) 274-8694 MUSEUM - HISTORIC SITE PIER 21 (p.66) 1055, Marginal, Halifax, B3H 4P6 (902) 425-7700 MUSIC STORE ITALMELODIE INC. (p.60) 274, Jean-Talon E., Montreal, H2R 1S7 (514) 273-3224 OFFICE SUPPLIES AND FURNITURE PAPETERIE LES ENTREPRISES INC. (p.96) 2915, Botham, St. Laurent, H4S 1H8 (514) 333-8719 OPTICAL SOFTWARE & WEB SITE DEVELOPPERS

LIMOUSINES ALLANTE LIMOUSINES (p.113) 11 530, Narcisse Dionne, Montreal, H1E 7C9 (514) 643-0262

PERFORMANCE OPTICAL SOFTWARE (p.48) 8636, Pie IX, Montreal, H1Z 4G2 (514) 725-1515



CONCEPT CÉRAMIQUE INC. (p.98) 1160, Lacasse, Laval, H7L 1K5 (514) 824-4551

FEN-NELLI (p.48) 9400, St. Laurent, suite 600, Montreal, H2N 1P3 (514) 858-0440

CARTIERE BURGO s.p.a. (p.10) e-mail

IMPORTATIONS CIOT IMPORTS LTD. (p.50) 9151, St. Laurent, Montreal, H2N 1N2 (514) 382-7330



TERRASSEMENT EURO (p.65) 830, Provencher, P.O. 86034, Brossard, J4W 1Y1 (450) 447-8886 (514) 254-6956

BOULANGERIE PINA (p.56) 5980, Jean-Talon E., St. Leonard H1S 1M2 (514) 257-8321


LES DESSERTS ALATI-CASERTA INC. (p.80) 277, Dante, Montreal, H2S 1K3 (514) 271-3013

CERAMIQUES ROYAL (p.82) 8845, Pascal Gagnon, St. Leonard, H1P 1Z4 (514) 324-0002

LES CARREAUX MÉTRO INC. (p.98) 4755, Industriel, Montreal N. (514) 321-0605 (514) 321-0609 PORTES & FENÊTRES CHARLAND (p.126) 1825, Charland, Montreal, H1Z 1A1 (514) 387-8080

BENCILA (p.126) 7197 Blondin, St. Leonard, H1S 2C1 (514) 914-2730

PVC ALUMINIUM (p.53) 450, Bombardier, Mascouche, J7K 3G5 (450) 474-5442


HOTELS MENSWEAR – FORMAL WEAR DELTA CENTRE-VILLE (p.5) 777, University, Montreal, H3C 2Z7 (514) 879-4733 INSURANCE STARNINO & ASSOC. INSURANCE (p.128) 4735, Jarry E., suite 201, St. Leonard, H1R 1X7 (514) 325-7000


IMPORT J.E.A. POLCARO INC (p.78) 1470, Peel, suite 120, Montreal, H3A 1T1 (514) 844-3014


AVANTI TENUE DE GALA INC. (p.48) 6905, St. Hubert, Montreal, H2S 2M7 (514) 276-2320 CLUB UOMO (p.54-55) 5692, Jean-Talon E., St. Leonard, H1S 1M2 (514) 252-9922 CRÉATIONS MARIO TÉLARO (p.48) 3543, de la Concorde, Duvernay, Laval, H7E 2C6 (450) 661-1691 (450) 661-2491

PÂTISSERIE ST. MARTIN (p.113) 2495, St. Martin E., Val des Arbres-Laval, H7E 4X6 (450) 629-6202 PÂTISSERIE SAN MARCO (p.11) 1581, Jean-Talon E., Montreal, H2E 1S9 (514) 727-5401 PHOTO STUDIOS GERALDO PACE STUDIO INC. (p.9) 2491, Guénette, St. Laurent, H4R 2E9 (514) 335-1013 PHOTOGRAPHY BY MARIO & JEN (p.35) 8990, Lacordaire, St. Leonard, H1R 2B3 (514) 326-8729

PRINTING EQUIPMENT SALES & REPAIR MG SERVICE MÉCANIQUE D’IMPRIMERIE INC. (p.130) 5695, des Grandes Prairies, suite 120, St. Léonard, H1R 1B3 (514) 733-0198

PLAZA VOLARE (p.3) 6600, Côte de Liesse, Montreal, H4T 1E3 (514) 735-5150 REPAIRS - MACHINERY MONTREAL TRACTEUR INC. (p.130) 21601 Clark Graham, Baie d’Urfé, H9X 3T5 (514) 457-8100

PRINTING SERVICES RESTAURANTS ACCENT IMPRESSION (p.46) 9300, Henri-Bourassa W., suite 100, St. Laurent, H4S 1L5 (514) 337-7870

CHEZ MAGNANI (p.37) 9245, Lajeunesse, Montreal, H2M 1S3 (514) 387-5959

J.C. LITHO (p.96) 9675, Papineau, Montreal, suite 90, H2B 1Z6 (514) 387-3434

RISTORANTE JOYA (p.68) 6918, St. Laurent, Montreal, H2S 3C7 (514) 271-3840

PROMO-NATIONAL INC. (p.96) 241, Dante, Montreal, H2S 1K2 (514) 271-3030

LA MOLISANA (p.56) 1014, Fleury E., Montreal, H2C 1P7 (514) 382-7100


MIKE’S RESTAURANT (p.37) 3032, des Aristocrates, Laval, H7E 5H3 (514) 781-6593

SAJO CONSTRUCTION INC. (p.27) 1212, De Louvain W., Montreal, H4N 1G5 (514) 385-0333 REAL ESTATE AGENCIES LA CAPITALE EST DE MONTREAL INC. MARIO DI SANO (p.107) 7440, les Galeries d’Anjou, Anjou, H1M 1W5 (514) 353-9942 PROPRIO DIRECT (p.88,129) 2345, Autoroute des Laurentides, off. 100, Laval, H7S 1Z7 (450) 973-7777 (514) 856-4444 RECEPTION HALLS BARON ROYALE (p.62) 6020, Jean-Talon E, St. Leonard, H1S 3B1 (514) 254-3509 BUFFET CRYSTAL (p.138) 5285, Henri-Bourassa W., St. Laurent, H4R 1B7 (514) 337-8160 LA PLAZA (p.2) 420, Sherbrooke W., Montreal, H3A 1B4 (514) 499-7777 LE CHALLENGER (p.139) 2525, des Nations, St. Laurent, H4R 3C8 (514) 337-8160

VINO ROSSO (p.74) 5291, Henri-Bourassa W., St. Laurent, H4R 1B7 (514) 337-6664 RISTORANTE LUCCA (p.37) 12, Dante, Montreal, H2S 1J5 (514) 278-6502

SPORTING GOODS FOOT ZONE (p.100) 9031 Boul. St.Michel, Montréal, H1Z 3G3 (514) 955-3363 STAMPS & SEALS ESTAMPE ET SCEAU CENTRAL INC. (p.96) 45A, St. Jacques, Montreal, H2Y 1K9 (514) 861-7731 STATIONERY SUPPLIES PAPETERIE LES ENTREPRISES INC. (p.96) 2915, Botham, St. Laurent, H4S 1H8 (514) 333-8719 SARVANCO INC. (p.104) 4425, Cécile, Pierrefonds, H9K 1N1 (514) 696-8523 TRANSPORT & FREIGHT FORWARDERS COMMERCIAL DEPARTMENT CONTAINERS CANDA LTD. (p.104) 6455, Jean-Talon E., suite 903, Montreal, H1S 3E8 (514) 252-8929 EXEL GLOBAL LOGISTICS CANADA (p.108) 555, Montée de Liesse, St. Laurent, H4T 1P5 (514) 734-4546 TRANSPORTATION-TRAVEL

RISTORANTE QUELLI DELLA NOTTE (p.113) 6834, Boul. St. Laurent, Montreal (514) 271-3929 RISTORANTE-TRATTORIA LA CANTINA (p.62) 9090, St. Laurent, Montreal, H2N 1M7 (514) 382-3618 TRATTORIA DAI BAFFONI (p.72) 11, Dante, Montreal, H2S 1J6 (514) 270-3715 SANITARY PRODUCTS & SERVICES

VIA RAIL (p.22) 3, Place Ville Marie, suite 500, Montreal, H3B 2C9 (514) 871-6618 TRAVEL AGENCY SOLEX TRAVEL (p.57) 6796, St-Laurent, Montréal (514) 277-5252 WAREHOUSE SUPPLIES SARVANCO INC. (p.104) 4425, Cécile, Pierrefonds, H9K 1N1 (514) 696-9581

PRODUITS SANITAIRES XTRA (p.100) 7262, Bonpart, St. Leonard, H1S 1Y3 (514) 251-1858 SHOES CORTINA (p.70) 7100, St. Laurent, Montreal, H2S 3E2 (514) 277-2637





STUDENT BURSARY PROGRAM PANORAMA ITALIANO in collaboration with the CIBPA announces its participation in the 2002/03 Student Bursary Program Full-time university students in the Bachelor, Masters or Ph.D. program are eligible to participate if they are Canadian citizens, of Italian descent, residing in the province of Quebec.

The CIBPA’s Student Bursary Program is well established and very successful. Thanks to this program, the CIBPA has awarded over 1.7 million dollars in bursaries to university students since its creation. PANORAMA ITALIANO is proud to participate by offering a $2000 Student Bursary to the 2002/03 program. Selection of the winner is done by the CIBPA’s Selection Committee and is based on academic performance and the financial needs of the student. Candidates wanting to apply for a bursary should do so by contacting the CIBPA offices and filling out a Bursary Request Form.

For additional information, please call (514) 254-4929. Requests must be submitted no later than September 30th, 2002.

PROGRAMME DE BOURSES D’ÉTUDES PANORAMA ITALIANO en collaboration avec la CIBPA annonce sa participation au programme de bourses d’études 2002-2003 Les étudiants à temps plein à l'Université au premier ou deuxième cycle ou au niveau du doctorat, sont admissibles s'ils sont citoyens canadiens, résidents reconnus de la province de Québec et d'origine italienne.

Le programme de bourses d'études de la CIBPA est bien établi et jouit de beaucoup de succès; grâce à ce programme, la CIBPA a distribué depuis sa création plus de 1,7 million de dollars en bourses d'études aux étudiants universitaires. PANORAMA ITALIANO est fier de participer en offrant une bourse d’études d’une valeur de 2000$ pour le programme 2002/03. La sélection des récipiendaires est faite par le comité de sélection de la CIBPA et prend en considération, en particulier, le dossier académique et les besoins financiers de l’étudiant. Tout candidat désirant faire une demande de bourse doit s'adresser au bureau CIBPA afin d'obtenir le formulaire de demande de bourse.

Pour les renseignements supplémentaires, veuillez composer le (514) 254-4929. Date limite pour poser sa candidature: le 30 septembre 2002.



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