Panoram Italia Vol. 3 No.4

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SPRING 2008• VOL.3• NO.1


Q U A R T E R LY • T R I M E S T R A L E • T R I M E S T R I E L












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Our Cover

Filippo Salvatore

Q U A R T E R L Y PUBLISHER AND EDITOR Tony Zara EDITOR-IN-CHIEF Filippo Salvatore MANAGING EDITORS Mario Di Flavio / Gabriel Riel-Salvatore COVER PHOTO Geraldo Pace PRINTING Accent Impression DESIGN - ART DIRECTOR Accent Impression - Manon Massé TRANSLATIONS Filippo Salvatore ADVERTISING - SALES REPRESENTATIVE Frank Crisafi CONTRIBUTORS Claudio Antonelli Angela Marrone Aicha Cissé Sabrina Marandola Mario Di Flavio Stefano Pilotto Roberto DeMinico Peter Pomponio Rolando Del Maestro Gabriel RielSalvatore Annarita Forcione Filippo Sabetti Joey Franco Filippo Salvatore Sergio Gazzola Daniela Scoppa Shauna Hardy Italo Spagnuolo Joanne Latimer Tony Zara Maria Loggia

Index Letters to the Editor ............. 12-13 Editorials.............................. 14-15 Press Releases..................... 16-17 Dossier................................. 18-26 Theatre...................................... 27 Love and war ...................... 28-29 Profile ................................. 30-33 Health ....................................... 34 Babies of the year ............... 36-44 Business .............................. 45-51 Our towns ............................ 52-53 Wine.......................................... 54 Olive Oil..................................... 55 Gastronomy ......................... 56-57 Fashion ................................ 58-59 Books & Cinema ................. 60-63 Events ................................. 64-65 Sports .................................. 66-67 Cartoons ................................... 68

PANORAMITALIA 9300, Henri-Bourassa West, suite 100 Ville St. Laurent (Québec) H4S 1L5 Tel.: 514.337.7870 I Fax: 514.337.6180 or by e-mail at : We look forward to hearing from you!

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orrecuso est un village de l’Italie du Sud, près de Benevento. C’est là que Vittorio Frangiosa , soudeur de profession et sa femme Damiana Corbo sont nés. Ils viennent de célébrer, il y a quelques mois, 50 ans de mariage. Ils sont des personnes qui incarnent des valeurs traditionnelles mais solides, comme la fidélité du couple, l’unité de la famille, l’acharnement au travail, l’amour sans condition de leurs petits-enfants et la fierté pour la réussite professionnelle de leurs enfants dans une société comme la nôtre dominée par la recherche des plaisirs faciles, immédiats et caduques.


orrecuso is a small town in the southern Italian province of Benevento. It is there that Vittorio Frangiosa, a welder, and his wife Damiana Corbo, the couple I am presenting in this issue, were born. A few months ago, they celebrated their 50th wedding anniversary. They embody traditional, solid values like faithfulness between husband and wife, family unity, hard work, unconditional love for their grandchildren and pride in their son’s and daughters’ achievements.

Vittorio, il saldatore.

La liberté, la prospérité et le progrès de notre société sont le résultat cumulatif des bonnes mœurs de chaque citoyen. Les cas comme celui de Vittorio et Damiana sont la norme chez les italo-montréalais, voilà pourquoi notre communauté constitue un modèle pour l’ensemble de la société dans laquelle nous vivons. Le lien entre Vittorio et Damiana existe depuis longtemps et a commencé à l’école dans leur village natal. Un regard, un signe de la main, un sourire, voilà les indices pour comprendre et se faire comprendre. Puis en 1953, à douze ans, le départ douloureux. Damiana a laissé sa patrie et est venue vivre à Montréal. Elle était presqu’une femme. L’image et le souvenir du garçon au sourire radieux qui, tout à coup, la veille du départ lui avait donné son premier baiser, lui sont resté gravés dans la mémoire. Elle demandait de temps en temps de ses nouvelles aux gens qui venaient d’arriver d’Italie. Vittorio était devenu un beau gaillard et était en train de faire son service militaire. Il avait 22 ans. Elle aurait tellement aimé le revoir, lui parler! Et tout à coup, un jour, en 1956, elle reçoit une carte postale d’Italie; c’était Vittorio qui l’avait écrite. Quel bonheur! Il se rappelait d’elle et pensait encore à elle. Damiana lui a répondu tout de suite et dès lors, pendant une année entière, ils se sont écrits. Le ton a été d’abord courtois, surtout de la part de Vittorio qui était et reste timide, puis le sentiment amoureux est ressorti et ils se sont avoué qu’ils s’aimaient. Elle a alors décidé de le faire venir la rejoindre à Montréal. Il a accepté volontiers et est arrivé le 30 aout 1957. Peu de temps après, le 21 septembre, se sont marié à l’église Madonna della Difesa dans la Petite Italie et ils vivent ensemble depuis ce temps-là. Ils ont aujourd’hui trois enfants: Luigi, qui a presque 50 ans, gradué de l’université McGill en gestion et qui est depuis cinq ans propriétaire de l’entreprise de produits chimiques Paul Entreprise. Maria, la deuxième, à 47 ans, mariée avec un anglo-canadien, mère de deux garçons, Steve et Danny. Silvana, la troisième de 43 ans, a deux filles, Cynthia et Jane et un mari d’origine portugaise. ‘Nous sommes, Vittorio et moi-même, dit Damiana, très fiers de nos petits enfants. Le premier a 19 ans et la dernière 3. J’ai un rapport vrai-

La libertà, la prosperità, il progresso di un paese sono il risultato cumulativo di comportamenti morigerati dei singoli cittadini. Proprio perchè i casi come quello di Vittorio e Damiana nella nostra comunità a Montreal sono la norma, noi italocanadesi siamo addidati come un modello da imitare per il resto della società in cui viviamo. Il rapporto tra Damiana e Vittorio è cominciato tanti anni fa nel loro piccolo centro nativo, nel Sannio. La reciproca simpatia risale al momento dei loro primi incontri a scuola. Uno sguardo, un cenno della mano, un sorriso erano bastati per capire e farsi capire. Poi nel 1953 è avvenuto il distacco doloroso. Damiana ha lasciato l’Italia ed è venuta a vivere con i suoi a Montreal. Aveva quasi dodici anni, era quasi una donna.L’immagine ed il ricordo del ragazzo dal sorriso smagliante che le aveva dato all’improvviso, alla vigilia della partenza, il primo bacio erano rimasti indelebili nella sua memoria. Damiana chiedeva e riceveva ogni tanto notizie sul paese e su Vittorio da altri paesani che arrivavano a Montreal. Vittorio era diventato un bel giovane, stava facendo il servizio militare, aveva 22 anni. Come sarebbe stato bello rivederlo, parlargli di nuovo! Ed ecco arrivare, un giorno del 1956, una cartolina dall’Italia. Era di Vittorio! Che gioia! Vittorio si ricordava di lei e pensava ancora a lei! Damiana rispose subito e fu l’inizio di una corrispondenza che durò oltre un anno, grazie alla quale i due giovani osarono rivelarsi prima velatamente, perchè Vittorio era piuttosto timido, poi sempre più chiaramente, l’amore che l’una provava per l’altro e che entrambi portavano nascosto dentro di sè. Damiana decise allora di chiedere a Vittorio di venire a Montreal. Vittorio si disse pron-

Their outlook clashes with easy-to-get and short lasting pleasures, so dominant nowadays in our society. Our country’s freedom, prosperity and progress are the end result of its citizenry’s sober behaviour. People like Vittorio and Damiana constitute the norm amongst Montrealers of Italian origin. That is why our community is perceived as a model worthy of imitation by others. The couple’s relationship began a long time ago in a small town in their native Samnium. They had liked each other since they first attended grade school together. A gaze, a little wave of the hand, a smile had been revealing signals, enough to understand and to be understood. In 1953 Damiana took the hard decision to leave her native country and came to live in Montreal with her family. She was 12, almost a woman. She kept indelibly in her mind the smiling face of the young man who had given her a kiss on the eve of her departure. While in Montreal she asked now and then for news about him from people arriving from her native village. Vittorio had grown to be a handsome young man and was serving in the military. He was 22 years old. She longed so much to see him again, to speak to him again. One day, in 1956, unexpectedly, she received a post card from Italy. It was Vittorio’s! What a joy! He still remembered her! She replied right away and it was the beginning of an exchange of letters that lasted a whole year. At first the tone was formal, cautious, especially Vittorio’s, for he is a shy person, but little by little they revealed the love that each felt deep down for the other. Damiana invited Vittorio to come to Montreal. He was ready and arrived on August 30 1957. A short while after, on September 21, their wedding was celebrated at Madonna della Difesa church, in the heart of Little Italy and have been together ever since. They now have three children; Luigi, almost fifty who has a degree in accounting from McGill university and for the last five years has been the owner of Paul Enterprise, a company of chemical products, located in Laval. Maria is 47, married with an English Canadian, mother of Steve and Danny. Silvana, the youngest, is 43 and has a husband of Portuguese origin and two daughters, Cynthia and Jane. ‘We are very proud of our children and grandchildren, says Damiana. Our first grandson is 19 and our youngest granddaughter is only 3. I feel a very special attachment to Cynthia because I raised her

Suite à page 11, colonne 1

Continua a pag. 11, colonna 2

Continued on page 11, column 3


orrecuso è un piccolo centro del beneventano che ha dato i natali a Vi t t ori o Frangi os a ed a Damiana Corbo, la coppia che abbiamo scelto di farvi conoscere. Vittorio e Damiana hanno celebrato qualche mese fa la bellezza di 50 anni di matrimonio! Nella nostra società dove domina la ricerca di piaceri facili, immediati e caduchi, gente come loro è l’espressione di persone che incarnano valori certo tadizionali ma solidi, come la fedeltà tra i coniugi, l‘unità della famiglia, la laboriosità, l’amore senza condizione per i nipoti e l’orgoglio per le affermazioni sociali e professionali proprie e dei figli.



ment particulier avec Cynthia, car je l’ai élevé pendant 15 ans, comme si elle était ma fille. Je lui ai enseigné à parler l’italien. Chez nous, quand la famille se réunit, je ne parle que l’italien. Certes il est difficile de sauvegarder la langue d’origine avec les petits enfants. Ils comprennent l’italien, mais préfèrent s’exprimer en anglais ou en français. Mais je suis convaincue que quand ils seront adultes, ils voudront garder notre belle langue et nos traditions.’ Même après 50 ans de vie à Montréal Vittorio, le soudeur, parle encore un excellent italien. ‘J’ai travaillé comme soudeur et poseur de structures métalliques pendant 3 5 a n s a v e c l’ e n t r e p r i s e F & L ( Fo s c h i & Liberatore). Je suis vraiment fier du travail accompli. Les propriétaires et les ouvriers de F&L sont des italo-canadiens. Nous avons laissé une trace indélébile dans les infrastructures montréalaises. J’ai contribué avec mon travail à créer toutes les composantes en métal, des poutres, aux rails, aux clôtures, de la ligne de métro Beaugrand. Chaque fois que je prends le métro et je m’arrête aux stations Jean Talon ou Lionel Groulx, je reconnais avec mon regard les morceaux que j’ai soudé et je me souviens de toute la sueur versée et des difficultés qu’on a dû surmonter pour tout mettre en ordre. Je regarde longtemps, le nez levé, le résultat de notre travail et quelques fois d’autres passagers trouvent mon comportement un peu bizarre. Mais je ne peux pas m’en empêcher. J’éprouve le même sentiment lors que je passe en voiture devant la magnifique bâtisse en pierre grise du Centre Canadien d’Architecture sur le boulevard Dorchester. Nous de l’entreprise F&L avons fait un travail remarquable, à l’intérieur comme à l’extérieur. Les passe-mains et les clôtures qui l’entourent sont en fer forgé, vraiment belles à regarder. Elles sont une trace tangible du travail italien à Montréal.’ v

to a farlo ed arrivò il 30 agosto del 1957. Poco dopo, il 21 settembre, si sposarono nella chiesa Madonna della Difesa e da allora vivono sempre insieme. Oggi hanno tre figli: Luigi, quasi cinquantenne, lauretato in economia e commercio all’università McGill, commercialista di professione e proprietario da cinque anni della ditta di prodotti chimici Paul Enterprise a Laval; Maria, di 47 anni, sposata con un anglocanadese e madre di due figli, Steve e Danny e Silvana di 43 anni, che ha un marito d’origine portoghese ed è la madre di Cynthia e Jane. ‘Siamo molto orgogliosi dei nostri nipoti, chiarisce Damiana. Il primo ha diciannove anni e l’ultima tre. Con Cynthia ho un rapporto veramente particolare. Per quasi 15 anni l’ho allevata come fosse mia figlia e le ho insegnato a parlare italiano. Devo dire che a casa nostra la sola lingua che usiamo quando ci riuniamo è l’italiano. E capisce chi capisce! Certo con i nipoti diventa difficile mantenere la lingua. Preferiscono, perchè più naturale per loro, esprimersi in inglese o francese, ma l’italiano lo capiscono ancora e sono convinta che quando saranno più grandi, vorranno mantenere viva la nostra bella lingua e le nostre tradizioni.’ Chi non ha mai cessato di parlare italiano, anzi un ottimo italiano, è Vittorio Frangiosa, saldatore di professione. ‘Ho lavorato come saldatore ed installatore di strutture metalliche per 35 anni con Foschi e Liberatore, una ditta anche conosciuta come F/L. Sono veramente orgoglioso del lavoro svolto in tanti anni. Sia i proprietari che gli operai erano italocanadesi. Abbiamo lasciato un’impronta indelebile nelle infrastrutture di Montreal. Ho contribuito con il mio lavoro a creare tutte le componenti metalliche della linea Beaugrand della metropolitana di Montreal, dalle travi di sostegno, alle rotaie, ai passamano, ai recinti. Ogni volta che prendo il metro alla stazione Jean Talon o Lionel Groulx, spiega Vittorio, riconosco con lo sguardo i pezzi che ho saldato e ricordo il sudore versato e le difficoltà che io e gli altri abbiamo dovuto sormontare. Sto a lungo con il naso all’insù a guardare il risultato del nostro lavoro ed a volte gli altri passeggeri trovano il mio comportamento un pò bizzarro. Ma è più forte di me. Le stazioni della metropolitana fanno parte di me, sono un po’ il frutto del mio lavoro. Lo stesso mi succede ancora di più quando passo con la macchina davanti al Centre Canadien d’Architecture sul boulevard Dorchester. Noi della ditta F|L abbiamo fatto un lavoro stupendo, sia dentro che fuori dello storico palazzo di pietra grigia. Le ringhiere ed i recinti in ferro battuto che lo circondano sono ricami eleganti, belli da vedersi, ad imperitura memoria del lavoro italiano a Montreal.’ v


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Our Cover

for almost 15 years, like another daughter and I taught her to speak Italian. When the whole family gathers at our house the only language I speak is Italian and I do not care if someone does not understand me. It is difficult to keep using the Italian language with my grandchildren, because English is the language they feel most comfortable with, but they still understand Italian and I am convinced they will go back to speaking it once they grow older and will be aware of the importance of keeping alive our language and traditions.’ It is more than 50 years that Vittorio Frangiosa has been living in Montreal, yet his Italian is still impeccable. He has been a welder for the last 35 years. ‘I worked as a welder and installer of metal structures for the F\L (Foschi & Liberatore) Company. I am really proud of all the work I did. Both the owners of the company and the workers are Italian Canadians. We have left a deep trace in so many places in Montreal. We installed all the metal parts of the Beaugrand metro line, from beams to tracks to handrails, everything, you name it and we did it. Every time I take the subway and stop at the Jean Talon or Lionel Groulx stations, “Vittorio explains”, I spot with my gaze the beams I welded and remember how much sweat I shed and how difficult it was to make everything fit. I look upward for a long time and at times some people find my behaviour a bit strange. But I cannot help it. Montreal metro stations are a huge part of me; they are the accomplishment of my lifetime. I feel the same kind of warm feeling when I drive by the Centre Canadien d’Architecture buildings on Dorchester Boulevard. The F\L Company made something truly fantastic, both inside and outside the gray stone historical mansion. The handrails and the banisters inside and the fences outside are artistically wrought. They are a beautiful, concrete, lasting testimonial of the Italian work in Montreal.’ v


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ous remercions tous ceux et celles qui nous ont écrit des lettres de félicitation, ou fait parvenir des suggestions.


I would like to receive the quarterly magazine, as most of my friends, and family already receives it. My home address is as follows: Tony Tedeschi Buongiorno, J'ai eu la grande joie de trouver votre revue dans une salle de banquet de Ville St-Laurent et j'ai beaucoup aimé. Alors ainsi que vous l'indiquez dans le Messagio dell'editore, je vous transmets mon adresse afin de pouvoir recevoir votre revue chez moi. Grazie, Silvia Di Virgilio I have enjoyed the last three issues of your magazine which I took from my mom. I would like to be added to your mailing list so I can have my own copy. Thank you, Frank Todi I enjoy your magazine very much and was wondering if you could add my son to your list of subscribers. Here are his co-ordinates Thank you very much, Joseph D'Abramo I wanted to compliment all the editions you issue out to us. Compliments ! I have kept all the editions (hard and soft cover) since the very beginning ! I'm very happy to receive such a magazine ! Gabriella Di Rico Hello! When I first set eyes on the cover with Virgina Casale & her baby daugther, I felt deeply touched & a warm & very broad smile appeared on my face as I thought to myself, 'This picture has captured complete happiness'. WONDERFUL! Truly, what life is all about! Grazie, Angela Randisi My dad had a subscription to your magazine, Panorama Italia. He passed away in 2005 and I have been reading and enjoying the magazine. I would like to continue the subscription but under my name and new address. Thank you and much appreciated, Lisa I find your magazine refreshing and informative. Your photos exceptional and let's me keep in touch with my Italian heritage. Can you please add me to your mailing list. Thank you. Dario Salvatore I have read your quarterly magazine, Panoram Italia from cover to cover, through a friend and I would appreciate being added to your mailing list: Thank you in advance, H. Tuitt Hi, my name is Michael Picarella, I heard about Panoram Italia magazines and so I would like to subscribe. One question, Is it true that there are no fees involved in order to receive these copies? If not, I would like to subscribe. Michael Picarella If is possible to receive Panoramaitalia. Saw it at my doctor's office. Loved the magazine. Thank you, Diane Tedeschi Please add me to your list of Italian recipients of your magazine. I just love reading it! Lily Giaccari

le courrier des lecteurs


Letters to the editor

ingraziamo i numerosi lettori che ci hanno scritto per felicitarsi con noi e per fornirci argomenti da trattare.

e wish to send a heart-felt thank you to all our readers who sent us letters of congratulation to provide us with topics to deal with in the future.


Hello I was wondering if i could receive your magazine at my new address. I find your magazine wonderful and i would like to continue to receive it if its possible. Thank you again, Antonietta Carriero

Hello, would it be possible to have Panoramitalia delivered to me at the following address? I think it is a great publication for our community, and have enjoyed reading it since its appearance. Regards, Mario Ciaramicoli

Pouvez-vous envoyer PanoramItalia à un de mes amis? Il est très intéressé par votre revue. Grazie tanto! Monique Muzzarelli

Hello, Some of my colleagues tell me that if I ask, you will send me the free “Panorama” magazine. I have seen it at my parents’ home but I did not know I could subscribe to it. They usually pick up their copy at the Fiducie Could you please send to my home? And to my parents’ home as well? Thank you, Best Regards, Josie

I am requesting an address change. I wanted to let you know that it is a joy to receive and read your publication! Best regards, Carla Sabini Dear Panaroma To start, great magazine. My parents are from Guglionesi, Campobasso as well. Although, no one (meaning my aunts & uncles) lives there anymore last time I visited. Everyone moved to Termoli. Great connection to Italy when reading your magazine. Would very much like to receive an issue of your magazine. Vince Travaglini I have just recieved your new issue of the Panoramitalia. We love it and I would like to advise you of our new address Thank you, and very much luck, Alfred Baldassare Can you please include my name on your mailing list to receive “Panoram Italia” magazine? I read it for the first time through a friend and really enjoyed it. Thank you, Mrs. Pina Ricco A friend was flipping through my copy of PanoramItalia a few weeks ago and asked if I would find out how she too can receive a copy of the quarterly at her home. Thank you, Pina Greco I would like to be put on the mailing list for the next release of the magazine. I noticed my parents’, just got the most recent one. It's a great magazine with wonderful stories. Beautifully done. Keep up the great work, Assunta Ruffini Congratulation on an excellent community magazine. I'm writing to include my parents mailing address, they really enjoy reading about the community. Thank-you, Ida Reda Hi I have just come across one of your magazines..... (where have I been????) I think it is beautiful, classy, and what every Italian should have in their home. I would like to subscribe for myself and my family. please see below for address, and keep up the good work!!! We are looking forward to receiving our first issue. The address are as follows. Piera Vellucci

Would it possible to subscribe to Panoram Italia. I enjoy reading your magazine. Your various selection of topics are very well written, and always a pleasure to read. Listed below is my address. Regards, Julia Zenga l y a quelques mois déjà et je n’ai pas reçu de copie de votre revue. Pensez-vous que je la recevrai un jour? Elle est très intéressante car nous la recevons au bureau et je trouve plusieurs articles intéressants. Voici mon adresse encore, Hélène Delmaire Looking forward to receiving our first issue... Great way to promote our Italian heritage/culture...1st class job... Domenic Servello I read your magazine online and what nice articles you have in the magizine, I love your stories, as I a can relate to some of the stories. I would like to subscribe to your magazine, Keep up with the excellent work. I can see the importance in keeping with the Italian heritage and the hard work and the issues that my parents faced when they immagrated to Canada. Thank you, Domenico Ludovico Bonjour! Je reçois votre très belle publication depuis ses débuts et j'aimerais vous faire part de mon changement d'adresse, pour que je puisse continuer à la recevoir! S.V.P., à l'avenir, si c'est possible Bien à vous, Andrée Dami I would greatly appreciate a copy of the PanoramItalia quarterly. I enjoy reading up on the Italian culture in Montreal and elsewhere. Thank you for introducing this newsprint to our younger generation of readers. Angela Antonacci I have been trying to subscribe online for a free subscription but unfortunately to no avail. I am very impressed with the quality of Panoram Italia, congratulations on a wonderful magazine. Thank you! Susan D'Amato-Yalenti My wife and I love your magazine!!

Merci de m'envoyer votre magazine des plus intéressants. Pourriez-vous noter le changement d'adresse suivant. Merci à l'avance, Frank Romanelli Thank you for sending me your Panoramitalia journal, I really enjoy reading it. My sister who lives in St. Leonard however does not receive, but would really love to!! Can you please add her to your subscription list?? Mille grazie, Angelina

Piero Moretti Would love to receive this magazine at my new place as I read it at my parents place, very interesting & beautiful stories Continue with a great magazine. Tina Palazzo

Una mia amica "anglofona" mi ha portato oggi una copia di PanoramItalia (summer 2007 Volume 2 numero 2), dicendomi che lo riceve a casa, e che viene distribuito gratuitamente a tutte le famiglie italiane di Montreal. Viviamo a Montreal dal ' 71, mio marito, Romano, e' professore all'Ecole Polytechnique ed io sono guida volontaria al Museo di Belle Arti e quest'anno Presidente dell'Associazione delle Guide. Mi farebbe molto piacere ricevere la rivista che ho trovato molto interessante e informativa per la comunita' italiana. Sperando di ricevere ben presto riscontro alla presente, invio i miei sentiti saluti e complimenti, Giovanna De Santis

Hello, I receive your wonderful magazine at home and my mom happened to drop by that day, needless to say she really enjoyed reading the articles. Can you please place her on your mailing list... Keep up the great work...regards, Sylvia Lo Bianco

Some friends let me take a look at your latest issue of PanoramItalia (it was the first issue I ever saw) and I am very interested in being added to your mailing list. I just subscribed but I am not sure if I was successful. Is there any way that I can get a confirmation that I have been added to your mailing list? My contact information is: Giovanna Pisano I look forward to hearing from you, Joanne

Good morninig to all and a happy new year! I am writing to you this morning wondering if my mom would be able to receive your magazine through the mail in the near futur. She anxiously awaits your publication and gets to read it at my home as soon as she sees it on the coffee table. She loves to look at all the wonderful pictures and snapshots for your articles and then gets to read your italian columns. She would appreciate a copy of her own because once my family gets done with it, she takes it home with her and again looks through the articles. Hoping you can send her a copy and thanking you in advance for some interesting reading Thank you once again and keep up the fantastic work. Be proud of what you all have put together. Pat Gagliardi

To: Tony Zara, publisher I would truly appreciate receiving the community magazine, "PanoramItalia". A friend gave me her copy and I must say that the magazine is very interesting, informative and well written. I look forwarding to the next issue. Should there be a fee, please let me know. Thank you for your cooperation, Rosa Tana-Neneman I want to congratulate all of you who contribute to PanoramaItalia. It's a great link to keep us informed of our Italian culture-siete tutti grande, grazie molto. Ciao, Mauro Celli

Hi! My name is Rita Di Niro and I would like to know if I could subscribe to your wonderful magazine? It is by far the best magazine I've ever read. It really reflects the Italian community in Montreal. I just love it! Thank-you and hope to hear from you soon! Rita

Bonjour, J’ai lu votre magazine chez mon amie et chez mon beau-frère. C’est très bien fait et très interessant. J’aimerais recevoir votre magazine à la maison. Merci, Gerard Gladu

Letters to the editor


le courrier des lecteurs

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Dear Panoram Italia, My husband and I love your magazine. As mid-twenty italo-canadians, we love the stories and advertisements that remind us so much of our childhood and heritage. We each enjoyed the magazine living in our parents’ homes, but now we are married and would love to receive at our own home. Thank you, Diana and Joey Reda Dear Mr.Zara As a full blooded artistic Italian I can connect to the articles, comments and guest artists in your magazine. I find it to be very inspiring. I received your 2007 fall issue as a gift and would like to get the 2008 issue when it comes out. The detailed ideas and planning are very evident on the page of your publications. Thanks for keeping Italian culture and artistry alive. Regards, Maria Amo la vostra rivista "PANORAM/ITALIA". Ogni volta che la ricevo la divoro in breve tempo perché nutre il mio orgoglio d’Italiano. Gli editoriali rispecchiano l'opinione della comunità e gli articoli dei collaboratori sono di una eccellenza notevole, testimoni della nostra storia. Un grazie infinito a tutti (iclusi gli inserzionisti che con il loro contributo finanziario rendono un grande servizio alla comunità) e un augurio di tanta buona salute per l'anno nuovo. Antonio Zoccoli PS: Mi farebbe piacere se poteste aggiungere alla vostra lista di abbonati questi tre membri della mia famiglia. v



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The need for Italian language schools in Montreal Is the window of opportunity to create daytime private schools for the children of Italo-Quebecers shutting down to the point of no return? by Tony Zara take this opportunity to bring this subject to the forefront on the occasion of “The babies of the Year“ in PanoramItalia. What you will see in the following pages are hundreds of beautiful, innocent faces born to the grandchildren of our immigrant ancestors, those amazingly courageous people that crossed the Atlantic Ocean to seek out a better life for themselves and their families. Their sons and daughters who arrived from Europe or were born after their arrival are the so-called Baby Boomers of today who, in turn, had children who are the parents of most of the young, smiling faces you see on the printed pages. We are dealing with the fourth generation of Italian / Canadians.


The most pressing question for us as a community is: how can we ensure that the parents and grandparents of these babies instill in them our wonderful culture of origin so that they too may pass it on to future generations? Assuming that we agree that our culture is worthwhile preserving, the next, logical question is: how can we best accomplish this? We cannot afford to leave it to chance. Hoping that the generation born in the first decade of the new millennium will simply pick up whatever is left of our traditions and Italian mother tongue (often a dialect which barely resembles standard Italian) is simply not enough. Sending some of them to Saturday morning Italian school does not seem to provide the desired results of speaking fluently and writing correctly in standard Italian. Some well-to-do members amongst us sometimes send our kids to Florence, the birthplace of Dante, for a stint to familiarize them with the language. Usually, this turns out to be nothing but a pleasant vacation. What should we do? We are, as a community, at a crucial, irreversible crossroad. What we will become depends upon the decisions we take today. I believe that we should set aside the full integration policy defended and practiced in the past four/five decades. Now is the time to consider seriously, concretely, the creation of our own private, high-quality daytime schools. How did other communities in our midst tackle the question of preserving their language and culture? They understood early on that if one does not preserve the language all will eventually die. The Jewish, Greek and Armenian communities of Quebec have always espoused the notion that it is up to them to preserve their respective cultures. They also understood that the best way to do this is to create their own schools were pupils would not only be imparted a great education but would also graduate being perfectly trilingual. Today, the Armenian community of Quebec, with a population of only 25,000 people has a thriving private school with an enrollment of 650 students. Private school is not an alien concept to most Italian Quebecers. As a matter of fact, many of us choose to send our sons and daughters to private schools. We travel far and wide to make sure they get what we perceive to be a good education. It is not unusual for teenagers from Laval to travel to Montreal to attend private schools such as Villa Maria, Loyola High School, Regina Assumpta, Mont St. Louis, Queen of Angels Academy. These schools rely heavily on Canadian-Italian enrollment. What is the logical conclusion we ought to reach? We as Italian/Montrealers ought to create our own private, high quality learning institutions where teaching would be done in Italian, French and English. Besides receiving top-notch education, our sons and daughters would also come out being fluently trilingual. Let us be aware that Italian culture cannot remain alive without preserving the language that expresses it. Speaking a language is much more than just using words. It is a way of thinking, of shaping one’s mind, a way of being. We as Canadians of Italian origin have the privilege of being the heirs of one of the most illustrious cultural traditions in the world and of speaking one of the most melodious and beautiful existing languages. Let us show appreciation for this unique patrimony our ancestors bequeathed to us. Let us allow the future generations to share it with us. I propose to create in the short term, -next school year or the one after that-, one or more private daytime schools where the Italian language and culture are going to be an important part of the curriculum. These schools should be conceived as elementary/high schools commencing from kindergarden to secondary 5. I believe that an established and prosperous community like ours that numbers almost 300,000 people, has the potential of

La pubblicazione dell’inserto sui neonati dell’anno spinge la rivista Panoramitalia a farsi promotrice di una iniziativa importante: fondare nel prossimo futuro -nel giro di uno o due anni- una o diverse scuole private di lingua italiana. Solo così la quarta generazione degli italo-montrealesi continuerà a parlare la lingua dei loro bisnonni e ad essere fiera della illustre tradizione culturale, quella di Dante, che essi ci hanno tramandato. Nelle scuole private italiane accanto al francese ed all’inglese gli alunni impareranno a parlare, a scrivere, a pensare in italiano e saranno perfettamente trilingui alla fine degli studi. Una comunità come la nostra, ben radicata, integrata e benestante può permetterselo. Tanti sono già i nostri figli o nipoti che frequentano le scuole private. La scelta dell’ubicazione delle scuole è di primaria importanza. Esse dovranno situarsi in zone facilmente accessibili, come la vecchia Pius X High School, sita all’ angolo di Papineau/Sauvé. Noi italo-montrealesi che apparteniamo ad una comunità di quasi 300.000 persone, dovremmo imitare l’esempio di altre comunità più piccole della nostra, come quelle ebrea, greca ed armena che da decenni gestiscono scuole private e permettono ai loro giovani di mantenere viva la lingua dei loro antenati. Abbiamo tutte le carte in regola affinché questa iniziativa diventi un brillante successo. Basta volerlo ed essere pronti a reperire ed investire i fondi necessari. Imparare una lingua non è un semplice fatto verbale. La conoscenza dell’italiano permette a chi lo parla di incarnare la visione del mondo che esso esprime. È quindi un modo particolare di esprimersi ma anche e soprattutto di pensare che la conoscenza di una lingua fornisce.. E noi Italo\canadesi che apparteniamo ad una delle piu illustri tradizioni culturali a livello mondiale, dovremmo impegnarci per trasmettere alle future generazioni un patrimonio unico, ricchissimo, che tanti ci invidiano. Rispettiamoci se vogliamo che gli altri ci rispettino. Panoramitalia lancia un appello ai genitori ed ai leader della nostra comunità per fare della fondazione delle scuole in lingua italiana uno degli obiettivi collettivi prioritari per il prossimo decennio. Ci guadagneremo tutti se riusciremo a restare uniti ed a perseguire obiettivi nobili come questo. L’istruzione dei nostri figli ed il mantenimento della nostra lingua d’origine sono di importanza fondamentale per essere e rimanere fieri di chi siamo. Siete a favore o contro? Rispondere a v (f.s.)

Il Club degli Imbattibili pour enfants de 6 à 11 ans


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Redécouvrez la langue de vos ancêtres...

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an enrollment of several thousand students. Logistics need to be thought out carefully. Geographically convenient and easily accessible locations are a must. There are several empty or almost empty schools that could be recycled and used. The old St. Pius X High School is a case in point. Not only is it centrally located at the intersection of Papineau/Sauvé, close to the subway system, to bridges and to the metropolitan expressway, but it is also a building with a great past for us Italian/Montrealers who attended it in its glory days in the 1960s and 1970s. It was home to 2000 students, mostly of Italian origin. I urge concerned parents and lovers of our illustrious Italian culture as well as our community leaders to give moral and financial support to this needed and inspiring project. The time has come to make it our number one collective priority for the next decade. The dividends in human, social and financial terms are going to be very rewarding. Are you in favour of Italian schools? Please reply to

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Voto in Canada, una vittoria di Pirro Filippo Salvatore Poveri rappresentanti del governo italiano in Canada! I vari consoli ed il personale l 15 febbraio 2008 il governo di Ottawa ha concesso il voto attivo e passivo ai cittaalle loro dipendenze avranno un compito erculeo ed ingrato. Oltre ad occuparsi dell’indini italiani residenti in Canada.Ad una attenta lettura del testo del ministro degli vio e della ricezione delle schede elettorali, dovranno anche per legge monitorare il comaffari esteri Maxime Bernier risulta evidente che il via libera è stato concesso a maportamento dei candidati durante la camlincuore, per semplice calcolo elettorale. pagna, intervenire speditamente ed imporre sanzioni se ci sono infrazioni alle regole imposte dal governo canadese e fare in modo Il beneplacito concesso dal governo conservatore Sì al voto quindi, ma con regole ben precise da che si evitino brogli durante lo svolgimento dello scrutinio. di Stephen Harper è in gran parte una copia conforme rispettare. Assolutamente ingiustificate sono state le Ne vedremo delle belle. A parole tutti i candidati sono per di quello dato dai liberali nel 2006. Va subito specificato reazioni trionfalistiche dei portavoce dei vari partiti politila legalità, ma troveranno il modo per trasformare l’astuzia che si tratta di nuovo di un accordo limitato a questa ci italiani. Se di vittoria si puo’ parlare, si tratta di una vitin furbizia ed escogiteranno mezzi per non rispettare la elezione in Italia. È quindi un accomodamento temporatoria di Pirro. La decisione canadese impugna esplicitasegretezza del voto. A questo proposito vanno accurataneo che non potrà fungere da precedente legale nel futuro. mente la pretesa di extra-territorialità insita nella legge mente monitorati i vari patronati che nella tornata eletL’accordo del 2008 rende ancora più stringenti le conTremaglia.I soli posti dove i candidati potranno incontrare torale del 2006, in tutti i paesi in cui sono presenti, si sono dizioni per l’esercizio del voto. gli elettori e distribuire materiale di propaganda sono le trasformati molto spesso in veri seggi elettorali. Se il corpo I candidati al senato ed al parlamento italiani in sedi dei consolati o gli istituti italiani di cultura. Proibito consolare italiano non riuscirà per mancanza di effettivi a Canada devono rispettare scrupolosamente tre condizioni: quindi manifestazioni pubbliche nelle chiese, nei centri monitorare lo svolgimento legale delle elezioni, se ne occuIl voto e la relativa campagna elettorale possono svolcomunitari, nelle sedi delle varie associazioni e dei perà la polizia nazionale canadese che potrebbe perfino gersi solamente per posta, posta elettronica, internet patronati. Ogni manifestazione pubblica sul territorio obbligare i diversi consoli a squalificare i candidati fedioppure nelle sedi diplomatiche o consolati italiani in canadese è a tutti gli effetti proibita. I candidati non fraghi. E fornire poi al governo federale ragioni concrete Canada. potranno nemmeno servirsi dei mezzi d’informazione per negare il suo consenso al voto passivo e forse anche attiIl governo italiano deve accrescere la sua capacità di tradizionali (giornali, radio, emittenti televisive) per fare vo alle prossime elezioni italiane. monitorare la campagna contro ogni violazione. campagna elettorale. Saggia decisione questa perchè viene Possano le condizioni poste dal governo canadese cosAzioni correttive verranno intraprese dal governo itatolta ai mezzi d’informazione la mangiatoia della pubblicità tituire un monito per evitare brogli. Se alla prova dei fatti liano contro ogni violazione di queste condizioni, fino a elettorale tanto redditizia e la ragion per cui tanti editori e le illegalità nei diversi paesi, in Europa ed in America latigiungere anche alla potenziale squalifica dei candidati. direttori dei mezzi d’informazione in lingua italiana in na in particolare, sono ineliminabili, andrebbe rivisto ed È stata inserita nell’accordo anche una quarta conCanada ed all’estero in genere si sono schierati per il diritto abrogato il diritto di voto passivo. E non sarebbe, a parer dizione che è in realtà piu’ di una tacita minaccia. ‘Il di voto nelle circoscrizioni estero e si limitano ad essere da mio, una grave perdita. v governo canadese monitorerà la campagna elettorale per anni semplici casse di risonanza dei partiti italiani. Questo assicurarsi che le attività elettorali siano condotte in conforè vero in modo particolare per i paesi europei. mità con le predette condizioni’.


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Press Releases


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Elezioni in Italia Ambasciata d’Italia Ottawa, 19 febbraio 2008 Ringrazio per la possibilità che mi è concessa di rivolgermi ai cittadini italiani residenti in Canada in vista delle elezioni politiche che avranno luogo in Italia il 13 e 14 aprile. E’ mio dovere richiamare l’attenzione di tutti, e in particolare modo di coloro che si presenteranno come candidati, sulle condizioni poste dal Governo canadese per lo svolgimento della campagna elettorale. E’ vietato l’acquisto di spazi di propaganda sulla stampa canadese - tutta la stampa canadese, non solo quella in italiano. E’ vietata la diffusione di spots elettorali su radio e televisioni. Sono vietate manifestazioni e comizi elettorali in luoghi pubblici. I candidati e i loro sostenitori possono fare campagna elettorale solo per posta, per e-mail e via internet. Il Governo canadese ha fatto sapere che conta sulla collaborazione del Governo italiano perché tali condizioni siano rispettate e si aspetta che siano adottate sanzioni in caso di violazioni. Una precisazione importante: il divieto di fare campagna sui media canadesi vale anche per sostenitori e candidati residenti negli Stati Uniti, in Messico e nel Centro America, cioè negli altri territori ricompresi nel collegio elettorale estero “Nord e Centro America”. Tutti comprendiamo che le limitazioni imposte non sono abituali in una normale campagna elettorale. Il voto degli Italiani residenti in Canada presuppone tuttavia il massimo rispetto per la volontà espressa dal Governo canadese, che queste elezioni ha autorizzato. Conto sulla collaborazione e sul senso di responsabilità di tutti gli italiani, quelli che voteranno e quelli che saranno votati, affinché sia evitata ogni violazione.


Gabriele Sardo

Ottawa, 22 febbraio 2008 Come noto, il 13 e 14 aprile p. v. avranno luogo in Italia elezioni politiche generali. Anche gli italiani ed italo-canadesi residenti in Canada avranno titolo a partecipare alla consultazione elettorale per eleggere candidati residenti in Canada, Stati Uniti e Messico, vale a dire nella Circoscrizione elettorale “America del Nord e Centrale”, costituita con Legge 459/2001 (cd. “Legge Tremaglia”). Il Goerno canadese ha fissato rigide condizioni per autorizzare le operazioni di voto e lo svolgimento della campagna elettorale da parte dei candidati. La campagna elettorale sarà permessa solo per posta, posta elettronica e per internet. L’acquisto da parte dei candidati di spots televisi vi e spazi sulla stampa non viene pertanto consentito. Nessuma di queste limitazioni sarebbe ammissibile in un processo elettorale canadese, non sono quindi nella condizione di richiederLe di rispettare i termini di tale intesa fra i Governi dei due Paesi. Desiro inoltre farLe presente che candidati residenti negli Stati Uniti e in Messico - all’oscuro di tali restrizioni o semplicemente ignorando la volontà del Governo canadese - potrebbero richiedere l’acquisto di spazi commerciali su televisioni, radio o sulla stampa canadesi. E’ certo in ogni caso che il Governo canadese monitorerà attentamente il rispetto delle condizioni che ha stabilito. Il Governo italiano, da parte sua, ha convenuto che farà quanto nelle sue possibilità per impedire che violazioni abbiano luogo. Faccio pertanto appello alla Sua sensibilità e Le chiedo di voler valutare le eventuali richieste di acquisto di spazi da parte di candidati alla luce delle conseguenze che, attraverso una loro accettazione, finirebbero col prodursi sull’intero processo elettorale. Grato per l’attenzione che vorrà riservare alla presente, Le porgo in più distinti saluti.


Gabriele Sardo


Press Releases

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Consolato Generale d’Italia - Montreal

Elezioni in Italia Voto all’estero per corrispondenza Con Decreto del Presidente della Repubblica in data 6 febbraio 2008 sono state indette per il 13 e 14 aprile 2008 le votazioni per l’elezione della Camera dei Deputati e del Senato della Repubblica. In Italia le votazioni si svolgono presso i seggi istituiti nei Comuni di residenza nei giorni di domenica 13 aprile (dalle ore 8,00 alle ore 22,00) e di lunedì 14 aprile (dalle ore 7,00 alle ore 15,00). All’estero, i cittadini italiani ivi stabilmente residenti, iscritti nelle liste elettorali della Circoscrizione estero, possono partecipare alle elezioni votando PER CORRISPONDENZA. Essi votano per le liste di candidati presentate nella rispettiva ripartizione della Circoscrizione Estero. 16 febbraio, il Consolato Generale invia per posta, entro il 26 marzo, un PLICO contenente: un foglio informativo che spiega come votare, il certificato elettorale, la scheda elettorale (due per chi, avendo compiuto 25 anni, può votare anche per il Senato), una busta completamente bianca, una busta già affrancata recante l’indirizzo dell’Ufficio consolare stesso, le liste dei candidati della propria ripartizione.

L’elettore, utilizzando la busta già affrancata e seguendo attentamente le istruzioni contenute nel foglio informativo, dovrà spedire SENZA RITARDO le schede elettorali votate, in modo che arrivino al Consolato Generale d’Italia in Montreal entro - e non oltre - le ore 16 ora locale del 10 aprile 2008. Il voto è personale e segreto ed è fatto divieto di votare più volte e inoltrare schede per conto di altre persone. Chiunque violi le disposizioni in materia elettorale, sarà punito a norma di legge. L’elettore che alla data del 30 marzo prossimo non avesse ancora ricevuto il plico elettorale, potrà rivolgersi al Consolato Generale per verificare la propria posizione elettorale e chiedere eventualmente un duplicato. Il consolato generale è a disposizione dei cittadini per qualsiasi ulteriore informazione: Tel. 514 849-8351 -int. 0 oppure 514 849-4283; Fax 514 499-9471 Informazioni dettagliate sono inoltre disponibili sul sito “voto all’estero”.


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Accurate Reporting in Canada: The National Post can do better by Filippo Sabetti The article that follows draws attention to some riminality under any name is an evil phenomenon. I applaud efforts by the of the dark sides of the war on crime. First, it urges police to rid our society of criminal elements, regardless of their nationality, journalists and editors to reconsider the media clichés and lazy sensationalism involving the much overethnicity or religion as long as the laws of the land are respected in so doing. worked word “mafia.” The use of the word “mafia” to connote organized crime and illicit, informal networks of power and influence has become such a common usage (e.g. the Saskatchewan mafia in health care) that course of time became corthe police and journalism can hardly be faulted for perpetuating it. But the media in particurupted. Even the most notolar can be faulted for paying little or no attention to the rich mix of facts and fiction about rious mafia village had its organized criminality in Italy and to the obstacles in understanding Canadian criminality that local antimafia group, and such a rich mix has created. Second, the paper reminds the media of their responsibility to often the two groups – mafia report fully, fairly and accurately, and shows what benefits can accrue to the public at large and antimafia – competed when newspaper reporters and academic researchers find common grounds in pursuing truth. and fough t agai ns t one And, finally, it calls for better – honest, accurate - reporting in Canada. another. This story has often The article calls specifically on The National Post to change its ways for some simple reanot been told, or told badly sons. From its beginning, the newspaper has been very innovative in style and content. It chalby postwar reporters. Those lenges conventional or received wisdom on many fronts. Yet it is hard to understand why it has interested may follow these not extended that innovative spirit and openness of inquiry to the use and misuse of the term developments in what was mafia in its pages. once the mafia capital, in my Credible peer-reviewed research on the history of the mafia in Sicily coming from differbook Village Politics and the ent academic disciplines and published in the past twenty years by Harvard University Press, Mafia in Sicily (2004). Yale University Press, Cambridge University Press, McGill-Queen’s University Press, Cornell What has also been happening is that the same people who claim to be fighting crimUniversity Press and Oxford University Press has debunked widely held views and claims. Let inal gangs (namely some prosecuting attorneys, police, reporters) - have been keeping the me emphasize the main points of this research. mafia alive by exaggerating its strength and denying its demise in most West Sicilian towns Contrary to popular wisdom, there has never been – nor there is - a single, centrally and villages. They have acquired a vested interest in the keeping the myth of the mafia alive. directed criminal conspiracy or association known as “the Mafia” in Sicily and elsewhere. To This state of affairs comes as no surprise to classical liberals and those who study how stress this point, researchers have found it useful to put the word mafia in lowercase form. The laws and institutions can generate perverse incentives. Unfortunately, news agency and word mafia is not a proper name. Rather it refers to localized criminal gangs or outlaw regimes. newspaper correspondents working in Italy have almost completely missed these developThe mafia phenomenon has been found to be variable, not constant in origin and duration. It ments. They have failed even to report on the politics of the justice system and the extraoris historically confined only to some villages and towns of Sicily and not others. The mafia has dinary reach of laws designed to bring to justice “mafia-type” activities which really cover disappeared or self-destructed in what were once notorious mafia towns in the West Sicilian almost anything, including most wealth-producing activities. The result is that North interior, like Villalba, Mussomeli and even Corleone. American readers, in particular, are given no clue that the language of public discourse in Local mafias often started as regimes of self reliance (prevented from organizing lawfully, Italy has become so corrupted as to foreclose intelligent communications and public disvillagers went beyond the officials law to handle matters of common concerns) which in the


course. Reporters are fond of quoting publicity seeking prosecuting attorneys in Palermo (or Naples), without asking them any thorough questions. The results are predictable. The blanket use of the term mafia and the unwarranted belief about its durability have continued to gloss over the changed Sicilian reality and to promote stereotypes and misunderstandings. As mafia myths have become entrenched and respectable, they will not easily die. Equally, there is also much research which strongly suggests that the popular view of mafia transplantation to North America is not tenable in most cases. Let me draw attention to some general conclusions. Sicilian immigration to the Americas did not automatically carry on its back the transplantation of mafia groups (witness the case of the large Sicilian immigration to South America). The exceedingly very few immigrants who became criminals did so for local, North American, reasons, like Prohibition. Preconditions or predispositions (if they existed, like someone brought up and socialized by a father with a presumed criminal past) were not sufficient to lead immigrants to a life of crime in North America. Precipitants and triggers must also be there for that transplantation to occur, and what these are and when they actually have effects have been, as a rule, left largely unexplored, or treated simplistically, by journalists. Reporters have not sought answers to the question posed by the prosecuting attorney (not judge!) Giovanni Falcone in 1991, a year before his assassination. Magistrate Falcone put it this way: “Why is it that men like others – some even endowed with real intellectual abilities – are compelled to devise for themselves a criminal career in order to survive with dignity?” When Canadian police and reporters argue that organized crime structure involving Canadians of Italian origin closely matches “the Mafia” in Sicily, they reveal how little they know about patterns of criminality in Sicily in the first place. The current use of the term “Mafia” in Canadian public discourse automatically links criminality with particular ethnic origin, without telling us much about how, when and why some (exceptionally few) people turned to a life of crime and why most others (almost the entire others) did not. There is an odious undertone in this, probably unintended. The labels “mafia” and “mafiosi” should be used to label illicit enterprises and people in Canada only if it can be shown that local criminals are a transplanted branch plant or subsidiary of some criminal organization in Sicily (or Calabria). Otherwise such labels are inappropriate because they skip over the fact that people turned to a life of crime here and because such labels automatically conjure up a link between criminality and ethnic origin. Sicilians have excelled in many other fields. Moreover, people don’t have to be labeled mafiosi to be involved in organized crime. What criteria are used to differentiate what is mafia and what is not remain unclear. The label mafia is recklessly used when you notice reporters writing something like “police say…” The emphasis to “the Mafia” in North America has also tended to obscure two additional facts. First, illegal markets, like legal markets, are by definition inclusive and not exclusive.




Second, interethnic cooperation has existed in the criminal underworld of places like New York and Montreal. The Costello-Lansky network in New York City and the Cotroni-Obront partnership in Montreal have not received the attention they deserve by reporters. In the 1980s and 1990s, an Israeli crime family operated as the sixth family in New York, a fact that seems to have escaped The National Post completely. Italian participation in North American criminal enterprises is following the same patterns of earlier participations by Irish and Jews. But the very use of the label mafia serves to obscure this development. The naming of the 2006 police operations in Montreal after personalities and places of classical Rome like Cicero and the Colosseum revealed a prejudicial mindset. Since when is it appropriate to trivialize the historical, cultural and religious patrimony of any people? The media gave huge coverage to those operations. Yet, I have seen no reporter or editorial questioning this mind set. The media dealt with those operations with great insensitivity. The National Post has been innovative in style and content. Its news reports, editorials and columnists often dissent from official wisdom or received opinion on all sorts of topics – foreign and domestic. The National Post has been most open to findings of reliable academic research covering a variety of topics. Yet, like mainstream media, it has remained closed, if not hostile, to reliable research that challenges the conventional wisdom about Italian involvement in criminal activities. One is entitled to ask, why? This puzzle becomes all the more interesting if put in a comparative context. The National Post has been paying little or no attention to the documented activities of Israeli crime families in Israel and elsewhere. Already by the 1960s, Israeli colleagues were debating how to explain the prevalence of Georgian Jews in Israeli criminal gangs. The report of the judicial inquiry in corruption and organized crime was made public in 2007. Early this year, the Israeli government established a special investigative branch, nicknamed the Israeli FBI, to fight widespread corruption and criminal groups. For more than ten years, reports from American and Canadian law enforcement agencies have identified Israeli crime rings as responsible for more than seventy percent of the illegal Ecstasy trade in North America. But all these developments, readily available in the Israeli press and in reports from American law enforcement agencies have seldom been covered by the National Post, and most other Canadian newspapers. Why then so little coverage of some criminal entrepreneurs and events and so much of others, often exaggerated or mislabeled? My sense is that it will take some time still before the findings from peer-reviewed research about the mafia will reach the wider public. Recasting conventional wisdom is never easy. It is to be hoped that The National Post reconsiders the use and misuse of the label “Mafia” in light of new knowledge and strives to provide coverage appropriate to its journalistic commitments for full, fair and accurate reporting. It can do better. Whether it wants to, remains to be seen. Stay tuned. v



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20 72




Mussolini’s fresco in Montreal

Filippo Salvatore

n November 30, 2002 the Honorable Sheila Copps, former federal minister for Canadian Heritage, in a simple but meaningful ceremony that took place inside the Madonna della Difesa (Our Lady of Defense) church located in the heart of Montreal Little Italy recognized its historical and architectural value and bestowed upon it the status of a National Historic Site.


Detail f the fresco showing il Duce riding a horse with his quadrumviri.

Madonna della Difesa was recognized as a distinct parish in 1910 by Montreal archbishop Paul Bruchesi. Between 1918-1919, the church that bears the same name was built. It is a rare, unique monument and is with Saint- Léon de Westmount, one of the master works of the talented painter, stained glass maker and architect Guido Nincheri (Prato, Tuscany 1886-Montreal, 1972) who had arrived in Montreal in 1912. At the time a sizable number of the parishioners were from the small town of Casacalenda, Molise, where a few years earlier, in a place named Difesa, the Holy Virgin had appeared. The new church was given the name of Difesa as a sign of devotion. In the 1920’s and 1930’s Nincheri covered the walls and the spacious apse vault behind the main altar with frescos, a technique of painting used by the ancient Romans and imitated by Giotto and Quattrocento Tuscan painters. Nincheri’s style is overtly reminiscent of both this tradition and of the Preraphaelite style - a school of painting that Dante Gabriel Rossetti founded in England towards the middle of the 19th century. The Difesa iconography is of course religious, but several figures on the vault illustrate episodes of Canadian history, in particular the role played by missionaries in the christening of the native populations. There is in particular a detail depicting the civil authorities, among them Benito Mussolini riding a horse, painted in 1933 that since 1940 has become a source of controversy. Guido Nincheri was 86 when he died in 1972. His reputation and importance as an artist has grown ever since. He is nowadays considered as the most important practitioner of the fre sco technique in painting and as a major figure in the history of figurative and religious art during the first half of the 20th century both in Canada and in the USA. Nincheri’s frescos and stained glass windows are found in Montreal, Ottawa, Toronto and also in western Canada. In the USA his works can be appreciated at Central Falls, Pawtucket, New Bedford and Woonsocket where he built Saint Anna’s church, another of his masterpieces, with its gigantic frescos depicting The Presentation of the Word to the Angels. Montreal is where Nincheri’s most important works, on Canadian soil, are to be found. The first is the parish church of Saint Leon in Westmount. The second is the Chateau Dufresne- a Renaissance-style palazzo (corner of Sherbrooke and Pie IX) built for a French-Canadian family that had almost a monopoly in shoe-making and accumulated a fortune in the first half of the 20t” century. The third is the Madonna della Difesa church. Other works by Nincheri are in the church Notre Dame de Villeray, Saint Patrick cathedral and Laa Chapelle du Sacré Coeur de Jésus. The common denominator of Nincheri’s works is a mix of sacred and profane iconographic and decorative elements, so typical of the Preraphaelites. Inside Saint Leon’s church, there is a detail on the apse vault that shows Attila the Hun, riding a horse, being stopped from destroying Rome by pope Leo brandishing a cross. (This church as well has been declared in 1999 a National Historic Site). The Chateau Dufresne caters to what must have been the neo-pagan taste of the patrons who had it built. The palazzo is a carbon copy of an Italian Renaissance Fresco of the apse vault-Madonna della Difesa. or baroque mansion; its walls are covered with lascivious nymphs and satyrs in a bucolic landscape reminiscent of the Tuscan countryside. It is used nowadays fittingly as a museum. Inside the Madonna della Difesa there is a really striking, magnificent fresco that covers the apse vault. This church has become known as ‘Mussolini’s church’ because of a detail (that of Benito Mussolini riding a horse surrounded by the quadrumviri who had participated in 1922 in the March on Rome, a coup d’ état which enabled the Duce to seize power and found the illiberal regime called Fascism.) This detail was painted by Nicheri between 1930-33 and illustrates the historical and allegorical meaning that was attributed in the very catholic Quebec to the Patti Lateranensi (Lateran Pact) or Concordato. It was the signing in 1929 of a truce between the Italian State and the Catholic Church which made Catholicism the official religion of Italy and allowed the pope to become the temporal leader of Vatican City. Benito Mussolini is still viewed in North America simply as a dictator and his name is associated with Adolf Hitler’s, his military ally during the Second World War. Between 1922 and 1936 Mussolini’s reputation in Canada was the opposite of what remains to the present. He was viewed as a world-class statesman sent by the Divine Providence to defend the western world against the communist threat. Both Canadian Prime Minister L. Mackenzie-King and his British colleague W. Churchill expressed in the early 1930’s the opinion that Mussolini was the greatest political leader in the world. Canadians of Italian origin numbered in the 1930’s officially 112.000, and constituted the 12th ethnic component of the entire population. Montreal Italian community, about 30,000 strong was then Canada’s biggest. Because of the still prevailing social darwinism, Italian/Canadians were then considered undesirables, just good navvies, and were the target of veiled and even open forms of discrimination. The prestige that Mussolini enjoyed on the world scene became for them a way to be proud of their italianità, until then a source of self-hatred, and




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Church of Madonna della Difesa in Montreal Little Italy.

most of them established a close link between italianità and the fascist régime. It was the officially sanctioned version of reality and identity, especially in the profoundly catholic Quebec. The choice of Mussolini as a symbol of the civic authority by Guido Nincheri and its depiction inside Madonna della Difesa church has to be linked to the mystical fervour that the Concordato had produced worldwide, especially in catholic nations. Benito Mussolini enjoyed for about 15 years in Canada, then still almost a British colony, in the United Kingdom itself and in the United States of America an excellent reputation. It is only in 1936, at the time of Italy’s conquest of Ethiopia, when England’s geopolitical interests in the Horn of Africa were threatened by the Italian presence, that Canadian English-language media began echoing Britain’s anti-Italian propaganda and using harsh words towards fascism. Quebec’s French-language media gave a diametrically opposed interpretation of the Italian conquest of Ethiopia. Mussolini’s and Hitler’s help to Francisco Franco in the Spanish Civil War and the signing of the Pact of Steel between Mussolini and Hitler in 1938 were turning points in shaping public opinion in English Canada. In 1939 came Germany’s invasion of Poland and the declaration of war and the sudden, unexpected defeat of France. This led to Mussolini’s June 10 declaration of war to England, France and Canada. June 10, 1940 remains the darkest day in the history of the Italian presence in Canada. About 700 persons, the élite of the communities from Halifax to Vancouver, most of them naturalized or born Canadian citizens, were arrested and thousands had to report frequently to the police. They were labeled as “enemy aliens”, the habeas corpus, (a precise reason for arrest) was suspended and their civil liberties disregarded. Italian/Canadians became individuals susceptible of forming a fifth column, of committing acts of sabotage. Since they had publically extolled unpatriotic behavior by supporting Mussolini, they were considered ready to betray Canada. The Canadian government invoked the War Measures Act, as it had done during the First World War towards Canadians of Austrian, German and Ukranian origin, arrested the community leaders and put them for years in internments camps. During the 1939-1945 war many atrocities were committed by both sides. The holocaust was particularly brutal and inhuman. The image that we still have of fascism, especially in North America, is conditioned by the outcome of the last world war. Fascism and Nazism are still equated and condemned. European historiography, especially in Italy, thanks to the research of scholars such as Renzo De Felice, has proven the peculiarities of fascism vis-à-vis Nazism and has expressed a less negative judgment of it. The media in the English speaking world are notyet ready to be so subtle in their view of fascism and still give an apodictic interpretation of it. Proof of this attitude is the almost hysterical reaction in some quarters,( the front page article published in The Globe and Mail on August 27 2002 dealing with the Madonna della Difesa church and Mussolini’s fresco.) Blame was expressed that federal funds were going to be given for the restoration and upkeep of the Difesa. Even some Italian-Canadian historians from Toronto and a respected M.P. from the Toronto area expressed their opposition to making the Difesa a national historical site. Historically this opposition is explainable but no longer justifiable, if only one cares to take into account the date and the specific context that produced Mussolini’s fresco. In order to be historically impartial, Mussolini’s image inside the Difesa church has to be seen as the expression of Canadian public opinion towards him in 1933, not as the one that emerged in 1940. This is difficult to do because history rather than magistra vitae is inevitably the version that the winners give of past events. Some people out of coherence, spite, simple ignorance, mental laziness, conformism or self interest, end up accepting or prefer to defend a position that expresses only part of the historical truth. The vast majority of Italian-Canadians sees nowadays the Church of Madonna della Difesa, even with its Mussolini detail, as part of their own history, of Canadian history. v For references on Fascism in Montreal and on Mussolini’s fresco, please see page 60.

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Giorno del Ricordo

10 febbraio: Giorno del Ricordo Dal 2005 il 10 febbraio lo Stato italiano commemora un tragico evento, a lungo rimosso dalla memoria collettiva alla fine della seconda guerra mondiale: il massacro delle foibe e l’esodo dei giuliano-dalmati dalla loro terra. Intervengono Claudio Antonelli, istriano di Pisino che ha vissuto di persona gli avvenimenti, il docente universitario triestino Stefano Pilotto e Filippo Salvatore che pubblica in anteprima un trittico poetico scritto dopo la sua visita in Istria durante l’estate del 2007. Ai morti ed ai vivi sparsi per il mondo della Venezia Giulia e della Dalmazia vadano il nostro solidale ricordo e la nostra testimonianza d’amore.


Mio padre e mia madre portarono sempre nell’anima il lutto per la perdita della terra natia, la loro adorata Istria, dove non vollero mai più tornare neanche per una fugace visita. Soprattutto mio padre non si riebbe mai più dal trauma del crollo del proprio mondo e degli inauditi atti di ferocia di cui furono vittime tanti suoi amici, a Pisino, ad opera dei “liberatori” titini. Questo fardello doloroso di memorie e di lutti è stato da loro trasmesso a me. La rinuncia forzata alla terra natale è la perdita di un qualcosa d’insostituibile che aiutava a dar senso all’assurdità della vita. Di qui un sentimento di “destino mancato” che hanno tanti esuli, soprattutto quelli che vivono all’estero. Sconfitta, esodo, perdita della terra natale… Tali parole evocano negli italiani brani lirici, avvenimenti biblici, pagine di storia riguardanti popoli esotici. La parola “esodo”, per noi, non ha invece nulla di indeterminato, di vaporoso, di romantico. Esodo fu la nostra partenza di massa, con la perdita di una delle cose più preziose per l’uomo: il microcosmo che lo ha visto nascere e gli ha riempito l’anima di colori, suoni, sapori, che mai più ritroverà altrove. La tragedia della nostra gente si consumò, in quei lontani giorni, nell’assenza d’ogni segno d’attenzione, di solidarietà, di simpatia, e senza la presenza dei riflettori, delle telecamere e delle cineprese, che invece illumineranno a giorno e riprenderanno per le platee del mondo, i sanguinosi scontri tra le etnie jugoslave, anni dopo. L’Istria si svuotò. Anche l’anima venne strappata ai luoghi. I morti ingoiati dalle foibe sono morti per sempre. Forse è stata la superstizione balcanica di far morire con gli infoibati anche un cane nero ad aver sortito il suo effetto. Nessuno, niente più tornerà. L’estraneità dei luoghi fu suggellata per sempre in quei tragici giorni. La morte delle foibe segnò l’agonia e la fine di un popolo. Questa morte avvenne nell’isolamento, nell’indifferenza, nel silenzio. Fu una morte solitaria, senza funerali, senza segni di lutto, senza cordoglio, senza riti di passaggio. Fu una morte, appunto per questo, che non è mai stata esorcizzata. Una morte rimasta per

sempre in molti sopravvissuti, come purtroppo ho potuto constatare nella mia famiglia, nei miei genitori, in me stesso. Il Presidente più amato dagli italiani, Pertini, non fece mai pericolose confusioni circa i martiri “Doc”. Quando andò a Trieste volle commemorare le vittime della Risiera di San Sabba, ma non le vittime delle foibe. Non confondiamo i cattivi con i buoni. Non confondiamo i morti innocenti... Ai Finzi Contini i loro giardini, sempre al centro della produzione letteraria e cinematografica del mondo intero in un crescendo di cui non si intravede la fine. Silenzio assoluto invece per più di mezzo secolo sui nostri orti dell’Istria, sulle nostre case di pietra occupate da altri, e sullo sradicamento che è stato la peggiore tragedia che poteva toccare a noi, popolo non nomade ma profondamente attaccato alla terra, e popolo di una sola patria. Noi profughi per tanti anni siamo stati ignorati, oppure considerati moralmente come dei nazifascisti. L’avversione del comunismo ha impedito a molti di noi di restare in Italia. Ma, anche all’estero, nei consolati italiani risultavamo “nati in Jugoslavia”. Poi i buoni e magnifici vicini dell’est si sono scannati. E, che Dio mi perdoni, questo mi è apparso come un ritorno alla verità delle cose. Il sangue è ripreso a scorrere. Le foibe hanno ripreso la loro funzione balcanica di carnai comuni. La Jugoslavia, paese costruito anche sul nostro sangue, si è disintegrata. Per noi le cose hanno ripreso il loro senso. Le nuove morti e il nuovo sangue ci hanno dato infine ragione. E finalmente, oggi, la nostra tragedia è stata riconosciuta. Le tante iniziative a nostro favore, tra le quali il “Giorno del Ricordo”, su iniziativa dell’On. Menia, e i francobolli per onorare l’italianità delle terre perdute, dovuti all’On. Gasparri, hanno messo fine all’indifferenza e al silenzio nei nostri confronti. Anche l’attuale presidente della repubblica Giorgio Napolitano, ex comunista, ha fatto un sentito, ammirevole “mea culpa” circa il silenzio che ha avvolto per troppo tempo, in Italia, il dramma delle foibe. Ma questi riconoscimenti giungono dopo mezzo secolo d’indifferenza, troppo tardi per i miei genitori e per tantissimi altri, morti lontani dalle amate terre. Né possono dissipare in noi l’amarezza di tutta una vita. v Claudio Antonelli

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jamais fait si bon ménage !

Trittico poetico dedicato all’Istria 1.Parenzo

dei sogni di tanti tuoi figli esuli che non s’arrendono al presente e, folli d’amore di te, la vita mettono alla diurna prova del nove, il diritto del sangue, l’appartenenza, la violenza, l’esistenza.

Trulli carsici e masiere, sassi bordati da salvia con spighe fiorite di viola, viti di Terrano e di Refosco, dal vivo al fine vi vedo e con te, cara, dialogo nella corriera che da Trieste percorre l’antica via Flavia fino a Pola.

Istria, terra d’Italia che Italia non sei più!

L’alloro sveglia e l’elleboro la brezza, i cespugli di rosmarino, di ginepro e di ginestre, le campanule e le margherite e squarcia, voce viva della pineta, il silenzio dell’afa nella baia di Parenzo, abitata da fantasmi. É terra rossa la tua Istria, terra d’Italia che Italia non è più, lido di bellezza e di dolore, landa di conniventi convivenze, irrorata di sangue sparso tra gramigna e corolle di papaveri, madre invocata sette volte con sorde urla da labbra moriture nel buio di carsici crepacci, nutrice sette volte sette

2. Rovigno

Filippo Salvatore

e le pigre battane che galleggiano nel porto o che al largo, lontano scompaiono nel blu tra le insenature di Caterina, Sant’Andrea e Brioni dove stentano a fruttar gli ulivi, ma s’ergono diritti, schietti i pini. Porporeo s’addormenta il sole in mare, vestito di detriti di conchiglie; è l’ora degli abbracci e presto dell’addio e trionfa ombrosa la bellezza, a te sorella, agognata mèta a me, ostile preda.

3. Pola

E tu, mia dolce tentazione istriana, a Rovigno vivi in Via Val di Bora col suo fulvo leone alato scolpito negli archivolti delle porte. In patria vivi, a Rovigno, presepe sul mare, tra ciclopiche rupi e scogli a piombo sulle onde, e dal davanzale di bianca pietra me, ospite, inviti a decifrare nella luce che si fa rara i fondali trasparenti e la mitica Cissa




Giorno del Ricordo

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Pola, presso del Carnaro ch’Italia chiude e suoi termini bagna, per imposta legge, Pula è oggi e la sua identità latina, oggi per balcanica è venduta; ma, anche se più raro, ancora s’ode nel suo cielo il dolce sì a me sì caro.

Brutti casermoni grigi d’edilizia popolare, insultano, bigi, l’armonia palladiana di facciate fatiscenti, la grazia d’austro-ùngari palazzi. Imponente s’erge l’anfiteatro, pegno d’amore di Vespasiano per Cénide, e si staglia bianca l’incisa Aurea Porta di marmo più in alto, più solida dei verdi bronzi titini alla gloria rossa. Nascosta vive a Prato Grande, lungo il mare, la sua anima antica nei chiusi avelli d’annerita pietra, sepolcro e infernal pena al fiero eresiarca ghibellino che il petto erge tra lingue di fiamma e l’esilio predice al Poeta fiorentino ed amor di patria insegna, esige. E tremola l’onda alla sponda e nella marina placida di Pola, e sempre settantadue sono le finestre, frutto d’amore, della romana, imperiale arena. Testarda bruca la bianca capra. Arido è il crepaccio, poca, secca l’erba, ma rompe e travalica i confini l’effigie sua che memorie nutre d’infinito. v


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Ricordare per vivere in pace Stefano Pilotto



Giorno del Ricordo

l 10 febbraio 1947, l’Italia davanti alle potenze vincitrici e associate firmò il trattato di pace che chiuse il proprio coinvolgimento nella seconda guerra mondiale. Fu un documento duro.

Perdemmo dei territori ad ovest, pochi chilometri quadrati che passarono alla Francia (Tenda, Moncenisio, Piccolo San Bernardo, Monginevro e Monte Tabor) e perdemmo grandi territori che passarono alla Jugoslavia (Istria, Quarnero, con le isole di Cherso e Lussino ed i territori italiani di Dalmazia rappresentati da Zara e dalle isole di Lagosta e Pelagosa). Venne creato inoltre il Territorio libero di Trieste (suddiviso in due zone) che avrebbe dovuto essere amministrato da un governatore nominato dalle Nazioni Unite. Fu una data tristissima per il nostro Paese, in generale, e per le popolazioni dei territori orientali, in particolare. Le rovine romane e veneziane disseminate dall’Istria alla Dalmazia persero il contatto con il tricolore d’Italia e la maggioranza delle popolazioni (circa 350.000 connazionali) dovettero affrontare il calvario dell’esodo, dello spietato sradicamento dalla madre patria. Il resto dell’Italia, malgrado tutto, pur nelle difficoltà del dopoguerra, continuò a vivere secondo i parametri che avevano caratterizzato le generazioni precedenti. Gli italiani d’Istria, Quarnero e Dalmazia, (sia i 350.000 che lasciarono quelle terre, sia i 30.000 che restarono), pagarono duramente il prezzo di una guerra perduta.Solo loro, Loro in particolar modo. Vi fu coinvolgimento nazionale? Poco, troppo poco. Dove andarono gli esuli? Partirono in fretta, per la paura, e lasciarono tutto: case, giardini, libri, ricordi e documenti personali, soldi e valori, cimiteri con le tombe di famiglia, tutto. Molti andarono lontano: Australia, Argentina, Stati Uniti, Canada, Sud Africa. Troncarono di netto.Fu una decisione dettata dal dolore infinito e dalle limitate possibilità dell’Italia di riceverli. Vivono ancora laggiù, parlano sempre il loro amato dialetto triestino, istro-veneto e dalmata, cantano “La mula de Parenzo” ma dal loro cuore pende irreversibilmente una goccia di sangue. E’ la lontananza dalla patria. I loro figli, quando possono, vengono a vedere queste terre, collegano – da Zara a Pola, a Capodistria – i racconti dei nonni ai contorni dei campanili veneziani e delle architetture romane antiche, bevono un sorso di Malvasia, parlano con chi è rimasto.Talvolta capiscono e si commuovono. Coloro che restarono in Istria, Quarnero e Dalmazia, invece, pagarono il prezzo di una guerra perduta, con le indicibili sofferenze di chi deve patire l’arrivo di un’ammnistrazione per esso straniera, di un regime totalitario avente come obiettivo un’ideologica azione di snazionalizzazione di quelle terre che, in virtù di una guerra vinta, entrarono a far parte del territorio di quel Paese. La politica del maresciallo Tito nei confronti dei circa 30.000 italiani d’Istria, Quarnero e Dalmazia, dopo il 19451947, fu perfettamente confrontabile con la dura amministrazione italiana che nel periodo fra le due guerre, tese a nazionalizzare quei territori in nome di un progetto politico illiberale.

Mappa delle principali foibe in Istria

Questa politica dell’Italia fascista viene spesso ricordata e condannata dalle popolazioni della ex Jugoslavia e dalle loro massime autorità. In Italia ciò non viene né negato né è trascurato, né è minimizzato. Ma, in mezzo, vi fu anche la tragedia delle foibe, lo sterminio delle popolazioni italiane dell’Istria e della Venezia Giulia a opera delle forze di occupazione jugoslava prima della firma dei trattati di pace. Fu un atto spaventoso che non può trovare giustificazione nella durezza dell’amministrazione italiana precedente. Fu un atto che mescolò la sete di vendetta con gli scientifici obiettivi di pulizia etnica di Tito, desideroso di ottenere la mèta più ambita, la città bramata, il vecchio e affascinante porto dell’ex impero asburgico, Trieste. Non l’ebbe, malgrado tutto. Ma ciò che venne compiuto con il massacre di 10.000-20.000 italiani nelle foibe rimane in modo imperituro nella memoria della nazione. Furono le foibe ad accelerare l’esodo e a eliminare qualsiasi capacità di opzione per molti italiani dei territori orientali: o si partiva in fretta o si rischiava di sparire in una foiba o in fondo al mare di Dalmazia. Se oggi noi ricordiamo, non è per desiderio di vendetta, bensì per completare una pagina di storia che deve essere conosciuta, per quanto tragica essa sia. Ricordiamo per solidarietà con quelle numerose famiglie di connazionali che hanno avuto uno, due talvolta tre padri, nonni, cugini, zii, fratelli, che in una mattina drammatica della primavera del 1945 sono stati gettati morti o vivi a trecento metri di profondità nell’orrido di una foiba per il fatto di essere scomodi rappresentanti della nazione italiana, viventi in un territorio desiderato dalla Jugoslavia vincitrice. Ricordiamo per dare un senso alla vita e al nostro futuro, in una logica di pace, di desiderata riconciliazione con le popolazioni ex jugoslave, di amicizia europea, di sviluppo economico e morale, di civiltà. Siamo andati al Sacrario di Basovizza per ricordare, per condividere il dolore, per vivere.L’Italia è un Paese che ha molti difetti, ma ha un grande cuore, che sente, che gioisce talvolta in modo incontenibile e che talvolta soffre in silenzio e con una profonda dignità nazionale. Da Trieste a Roma, a Palermo, a Firenze, a Napoli, a Torino, a Milano, a Melbourne, a Buenos Aires, a Johannesburg, a Montreal, vi sia un momento di comune consapevole riflessione: restiamo vicini a chi ha pagato duramente.E’ ciò che possiamo fare con la certezza di non offendere nessuno. Oggi dieci febbraio 2008, esattamente sessantun’ anni or sono, possiamo ricordare e soffrire vicino a qualcuno che visse quei momenti e che è ancora vivo.Fra dieci o vent’anni ciò non sarà più possibile. (si ringrazia Il Piccolo). v




Giorno del Ricordo

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La “caduta” del confine italo-sloveno Claudio Antonelli

difficile condividere il trionfalismo italiano per un avvenimento che, in gran parte, è di natura burocratica. Infatti, la cosiddetta “caduta” del confine tra l’Italia e la Slovenia non è che abolizione dei controlli doganali.


Un tale evento, per me, originario dell’Istria, ha un vago sapore di beffa. Cosa è cambiato in fondo? Per la massa degli italiani i confini della penisola non hanno mai contato più di tanto. D’ora in poi conteranno ancora di meno. Il nostro popolo, infatti, non è dotato di un sano, normale senso di amore per il «suolo patrio» nella sua totalità; sentimento di appartenenza e di fedeltà guerriera che invece i popoli dell’ex Jugoslavia avevano, hanno e continueranno ad avere in dosi massicce; e ciò nonostante la scomparsa dei controlli doganali alla frontiera, e nonostante l’adozione dell’Euro. Il depennamento nella “Gazzetta Ufficiale” – la nostra “Magna Carta” – del confine italiano con la Slovenia, ma non del senso altrui dei confini, non diminuirà nell’animo dei nostri vicini dell’est l’attaccamento spasmodico al suolo patrio, né tampoco disturberà retroattivamente la loro digestione per la grande abbuffata avvenuta a danno delle nostre terre. Stimolerà anzi in loro un ulteriore rutto di soddisfazione. Grande è la differenza tra il senso italiota “dei rapporti di buon vicinato” e il sentimento spasmodico del territorio e dell’identità nazionale che hanno i popoli dei Balcani. Per capirlo basta vedere l’attuale contenzioso sulla linea di confine tra Slovenia e Croazia. O basta ascoltare le dichiarazioni napoleoniche dei governanti sloveni che rimpiangono di non aver trangugiato una fetta ancora più grande delle nostre terre, Trieste e Gorizia incluse. Queste dichiarazioni revansciste vanno poi messe a confronto con quelle del “nostro” Roberto Antonaz (assessore regionale del Friuli-Venezia Giulia), per il quale “I confini sono insopportabili, sono frutto di divisioni, di decisioni prese dall’alto. Le nostre regioni sono particolari proprio perché vedono la presenza di una risorsa così importante come quella delle minoranze.” Ebbene, il nostro San Francesco può rallegrarsi, perché certamente il Friuli-Venezia Giulia si arricchirà di un’ulteriore dose di minoranze. Ad ogni epoca i suoi festeggiamenti. Ieri molti festeggiavano, anche in Italia, il titoismo e i suoi equivalenti, accusando d’involuzioni guerrafondaie e di nazifascismo chiunque provasse nella penisola un normale senso di dignità nazionale. Oggi si celebra l’abbattimento di ciò che è soprattutto una porta d’entrata in Italia. Cosa cambierà? Le menzogne sul passato delle nostre terre continueranno. Gli italiani chiameran-

no, più di prima, la nostra Capodistria “Koper”, la nostra Pola “Pula” e la nostra Pisino “Pazin”. Lo faranno probabilmente con accento slavo migliorato. Continueranno imperterriti a celebrare la sconfitta della patria. Continuerà, vitalissimo, l’antipatriottismo cialtrone dietro un mondialismo di facciata che è in gran parte esterofilia, adesione alle mode, servilismo, opportunismo, mancanza di dignità nazionale. Lo spirito settario dei Guelfi e Ghibellini continuerà più vigoroso di prima. Gli italiani continueranno a portare avanti il discorso, a pieni polmoni, di fronte ai microfoni e in TV, su un immancabile sfondo di tette e di chiappe, parlando tutti insieme. Le comunità di civiltà italiana d’Istria, Fiume, Dalmazia, composte di gente rimasta fedele ai padri e al loro sogno di “redenzione”, sono state travolte e spezzate per sempre. Occorre andare in Australia, in Canada, in Argentina, in capo al mondo, per ritrovare i barlumi di questo mondo annientato e misurare l’entità di quella perdita. Mio zio Oliviero Bresciani è morto a Buenos Aires. Mio cugino Bruno Gherbetti è morto ad Edmonton. I miei genitori sono morti a Montréal; in esilio. E uso la parola esilio con imbarazzo, perché cosciente che per le orecchie italiane termini come questi sono inficiati dalla retorica, dal momento che io non sto parlando di calcio: unico campo, un campo da gioco, dove per gli italiani contano le bandiere e il desiderio di vincere e dove trionfano sdegno e passione. Che mi si permetta un commento sugli esuli che hanno perso beni, sequestrati o distrutti, e sull’atteso indennizzo finale. Nel calcolo del numero di persone che ancora attendono l’indennizzo, si dimentica che vi è gente che vive lontana dall’Italia; gente che non saprebbe dove trovare i documenti necessari; e anche gente che, per amarezza, non è più interessata alla cosa. Sono passati tanti anni... Molti di quelli che sapevano, che si ricordavano, sono morti. I superstiti sono stati spesso inghiottiti da altri universi. Le memorie si spengono. Mia cugina Luisa Gherbetti (Gherbetz), il cui padre, poi infoibato, era proprietario della locanda “L’Aquila Nera” di Pisino, e di altri beni, ricorda ancora bene quel passato. Ma ha messo da tempo una pietra sopra i possibili indennizzi. Io stesso forse avrei dei diritti per quanto riguarda certi beni di mia nonna. Ma chi della mia famiglia sapeva è morto.

Foibe, la tragedia a lungo negata Sono quasi tutti morti. Avevano tanto aspettato un segno di solidarietà, la comprensione, il riconoscimento della loro fedeltà alla patria... Che sono infine arrivati, grazie ai Menia, ai Tremaglia, ai Gasparri, persone meravigliose che meritano una perenne riconoscenza. Ma per molti di loro ciò è giunto troppo tardi... Ci dicono che il confine è caduto. E certamente d’ora in poi le frontiere per gli italiani conteranno ancora meno. Ma solo quelle esterne, non quelle interne – intoccabili – del campanilismo, dell’antagonismo regionale, della divisione tra Nord e Sud, delle varie mafie legate al territorio, e del settarismo viscerale dei partiti. Nell’Italia nata dalla resistenza, ossia nata dalla guerra civile, un certo confine straniero non ha fatto che estendersi all’interno della patria. Noi vorremmo che cadessero i numerosi confini tra italiani. No, non in uno spirito revanscista, ma di solidarietà, di amore e di riconquistata dignità nazionale. v



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Dossier Rector Michael Di Grappa’s lifelong relationship with Concordia

by Shauna Hardy

o say that Concordia University forms an integral part of Michael Di Grappa’s life is a bit of an understatement. Looking at his timeline, Di Grappa has spent 25 out of the past 27 years being involved in the educational organisation. He entered its halls as a young student and presently occupies an eye-catching corner office reserved for the Rector of the university. Speak to Michael Di Grappa about his Alma matter and his voice rings with pride and hope.

T Michael Di Grappa

“I like to joke that I’ve been here for the past 22 years – mostly in the past 3 months,” he jokes. “Being president of the University is like being a cross between a CEO and a mayor. Everything is geared toward making sure that the academic atmosphere flourishes.” Di Grappa is responsible for ensuring that the university fulfills its academic and societal mission. With one foot in the private sector and one in the public sector, he is balancing a $300 million dollar budget, making certain that mind-expanding programmes are maintained and ascertaining that his “town” runs smoothly when it comes to issues such as infrastructure, lighting and security. Then, of course, there is the $400 million construction programme that the university has recently taken on. And while his plate might be heaped high with responsibilities, Di Grappa is always the first to take time to praise his establishment. “Concordia is a microcosm of society. It is

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a dynamic environment in which you learn. It enables you to encounter people outside of your regular social circle and provides you with defining life experiences.” Di Grappa grew up in Montreal North / St-Leonard and attended Laurier MacDonald high school. Convinced that he wanted to enter law school as a student, Di Grappa ended up modifying his plan and opting to attend Concordia’s School of Community and Public Affairs instead. A bilingual college, with a limited number of students, the intimate environment suited Di Grappa perfectly. “It was a way for me to feel connected to a group of people in a sea of faces. Sometimes you need something to root you or one could easily become lost,” he explains. “I was able to meet a lot of friends – those years really opened my mind to different ways of looking at things. It really helped me to believe that anything is possible.” After graduating with a degree in political science, Di Grappa went to Columbia University to obtain a Masters in Public Policy and Administration – it would mark the only two years in his career that he was away from his alma matter. He then returned to Concordia, obtaining what was supposed to be a one year position as the assistant to the office of the President. Throughout his 22-year career at the university, Di Grappa has been mindful of the role that a university plays in society. “We have an important responsibility as we are forming the next generation of leaders,” he says. Indeed, Concordia has taken that role to heart. In a world-wide ranking by the École des Mines de Paris, Concordia has the highest number of Canadian graduates holding a Chief Executive Officer (CEO) position in a leading Global Fortune 500 company, as listed by Fortune magazine in 2006. According to the study, the top three educational institutions with graduates occupying Fortune 500 CEO positions are Harvard, Tokyo University and Stanford. In Canada, eleven universities were ranked, with Concordia occupying the top spot. Di Grappa isn’t surprised that students from 130 different countries flock to Concordia to pursue their higher education. “It is such a welcoming place,” he says. “It is always challenging. It’s never boring – it is always providing the means for personal and professional growth.” While Di Grappa is working to benefit society through his role at the university, he is also turning his energies toward the Italian community by sitting on numerous boards, including the Italian Chamber of Commerce and the Casa d’Italia. He and his wife Mina (whom he met at a cousin’s wedding) have also devoted their energies to raising their two children, Carl and Arianna. It is Di Grappa’s hope that they will be fully aware of their Italian heritage, something that took him slightly longer to appreciate. “I am much more conscious of my Italian heritage than I was when I was growing up. My biggest regret is not having attended Italian school on Saturdays,” he says. “I am becoming more and more aware that we are part of something very special.” But Di Grappa’s enthusiasm carries a double-edged quality. His pride increases with every new thing that he learns about the community and its history, but at the same time, his regret deepens for not having become involved sooner. The recently awakened interested in his cultural roots has led to more profound conversations with his father, Luigi Di Grappa, who had arrived from Benefro Campobasso in 1958. He was only able to send for his family two years later. “I knew some of the stories,” Di Grappa explains, “but my involvement has really sparked deeper conversation about what it was like for him, when he arrived here 50 years ago.” Di Grappa’s moment of epiphany occurred while visiting China seven years ago. “I was standing at an intersection and there wasn’t a sign, not a word, in English. I was absolutely lost and then I thought - this is what it must have been like for my father. That is when I understood the obstacles and the challenges that my parents were facing.” There is a common link threaded throughout the conversation with Michael Di Grappa. Whether he’s concentrating upon his duties as Concordia University’s president, or fund-raising for a cause, Di Grappa is always focused on how he can best serve the need of the community. His mind is always shifting toward the greater good and how he might be helpful in attaining it. His perseverance and commitment are reassuring reminders that his objectives are certainly within reach. v



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Goldoni, Arlecchino ed il Piccolo Teatro di Milano a Montreal l Piccolo Teatro di Milano, sotto la direzione di Ferruccio Soleri, presenterà a Montreal “Arlecchino servitore di due padroni”. Lo spettacolo verrà presentato in cinque serate, dal 7 all’11 maggio 2008 a Place des Arts.


Il Piccolo torna a Montreal dopo oltre 15 anni, nel quadro di un insieme di eventi che coronano uno sforzo congiunto delle istituzioni italiane presenti nella città, Consolato Generale, Istituto Italiano di Cultura, Camera di Commercio Italiana e Istituto del Commercio con l’Estero. Eventi che costituiscono una vera “primavera culturale italiana” a Montreal. Oltre all “Arlecchino”, va reCarlo Goldoni gistrato anche, nell’ambito delle celebrazioni del tricentenario goldoniano, l’allestimento dell’ “Impresario di Smirne” ad opera del Théâtre du Nouveau Monde, a cui il Piccolo fornirà consulenza artistica. Vi sarà anche una esposizione di costumi, maschere e scenografie della Commedia dell’Arte, ed incontri con delle scolaresche montrealesi sulla Commedia dell’Arte. Sempre in primavera, avranno luogo una mostra su Giorgio Bassani e la sua opera letteraria e cinematografica; una retrospettiva sui fratelli Taviani e la seconda edizione della rassegna di nuovo cinema italiano in collaborazione con “Annecy Cinéma Italien”. Le due iniziative goldoniane e il loro inserimento nel novero della “primavera culturale italiana” di Montreal sono state presentate alla stampa e ai media canadesi il 20 febbraio scorso.Il ritorno del Piccolo a Montreal è il risultato delle varie espressioni del sistema Italia nella città e delle istituzioni culturali quebecchesi, le quali, aprono i loro prestigiosi spazi alla cultura italiana e rendono omaggio anche alla numerosa comunità italo-quebecchese (oltre 250 mila persone). v

Arlecchino e Colombina




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AMORE E GUERRAamour et guerre

Love and war

Love and war at Borgotaro in 1944

by Rolando Del Maestro

was born in a small village in northern Italy called Borgo Val Di Taro (Borgotaro). It is nestled in a beautiful valley situated amongst a series of rugged hills as the Taro River meanders along its way from its origin on Monte Penne in the Apennine Mountains to the Po River north of Parma. You can still drive the ancient and tortuous road from Parma to Borgotaro as it snakes beside the Taro River along with its unlikely brother the railway. The tracks crisscross both the road and the river at intervals depending on the lay of the banks. Reaching the town on the south side of the river you see the majestic old railway station. Hugging the river, the road quickly reaches the Chiesa di San Rocco; a yellow and white structure with a large, open courtyard. Taking the viale Cimitero to the left of the church leads to the cemetery and farms perched on the hillside. The road to the right allows you to cross 5 the Taro River and enter the town proper. If you idle for a minute in the 194 in g day Luisa and Giuseppe, weddin church courtyard you can gage the pulse of the inhabitants as they take their leisurely stroll along the sidewalk between the church and the railway station... These two passengers in time, the Chiesa and the stazione have seen much of the history of the village and evoke some family memories that I would like to share.


My father, the last of seven children, grew up in a now abandoned farm further along the via le Cimitero. In 1939 my father was drafted into the Italian army. As he left Borgotaro, he walked with his family the distance to the railway station which would catapult him into the theatre of war. He would fight in Albania, Greece and eventually on the strategic Greek island of Corfù. The island, however, had its darker side, as my father would spend much of his time Rolando Del Maestro, a few years ago... there in a military hospital dealing with the ravages of malaria. Later, captured by the Germans, he would end up in a prisoner of war camp on the Greek Mainland. In the camp he would meet another Brug’zan (dialect for a person from Borgotaro) who not only was engaged to my mother but had a picture of her. In jest, as I am sure all soldiers did, my father said that if he got home first he would take that girl away. An impor-

tant pact was made between them. Whoever got home first from the war would visit the other’s friends and family and relay any news of the other. My father, because of his ill health secondary to a heart dysfunction caused by malaria, was sent back to prison in northern Italy. My mother’s fiancé was transferred to the Russian front. In 1944 my father escaped from a prison hospital and hopped a train back to Borgotaro. As the train was nearing Borgotaro, he was suddenly covered with a blanket and hustled off the train by members of the Partigiani (fighters in the Italian underground) who knew that the Germans controlled the railway station in the town. My father would spend the rest of the war fighting along side the Partigiani in and around the village of Borgotaro. My father did, however, find the time to visit my mother’s family to relay the information he knew about her fiancé, Mario. My mother outlined the story many years later telling me that she saw this tall good looking man coming up the laneway to speak to my grandfather. My father, Giuseppe, said that he had news related to his daughter Maria Luisa Spagnoli’s fiancé. They sat around the kitchen table as my father answered anxious questions and relayed the information concerning Mario’s health and transfer to the Russian front. Tears were shed and my father said he would visit again if he heard anything more. Mario would not return at the end of the war in 1945, another year passed without any word from him and when the few soldiers who did return relayed the terror and aftermath

Luisa in 1944 Giuseppe in 1944

of the Battle of Stalingrad all hope for Mario’s return was abandoned. My mother and father began to see each other. I let you imagine what Mario’s return in 1947 must have been like. My mother said that she could only say she was sorry and that she was in love with my father and that they were about to be married. One warm Sunday summer while I was visiting Borgotaro, I at last met Mario while I was on my way to Mass at the Chiesa di San Rocco. We talked of times past and I could still feel his pain, keeping that picture of my mother close, surviving the battles, the Russian winters and imprisonment with the hope of coming home to his fiancé again. I later learned that he had left Borgotaro shortly after arriving home from the war to toil for years in the mines of Belgium. My parents were married in the Chiesa di San Rocco in January of 1948 and I was born in a small house south of the cemetery a year later. I was baptized in the same Chiesa and my name written in the register in the church. After the war Borgotaro was a singularly difficult place to both survive and bring up a family. Canada beckoned to us. All our family walked from our home by the Chiesa to the rail-


Love and war

way station to say goodbye to my father as he took the train to Genoa and sailed on to Canada. My mother and I would follow from the same railway station 7 months later, cross the Atlantic in the dead of winter, and arrive in Halifax on December 24, 1953. Christmas was celebrated with candy and oranges on the train to Toronto where we were reunited with my father. We returned to Italy as a family on a number of occasions and would always attend Sunday Mass in our little Chiesa. In 1979 my father would die from cardiac disease, an unfriendly reminder of heart damage caused by his previous malaria. My father never talked about the war and like many of the soldiers of his time preferred to not stray into that difficult fog of remembrance. In the summer 1994 my wife and children accompanied me to Borgotaro. Again, I took them to our family church, the little Chiesa. As I sat in Mass I imagined my parents being married at the altar, my baptism with all my aunts and uncles present, times spent playing in the courtyard and now my wife and 3 children as they sat with me in the same church. The Mass ended and we walked into the bright Italian sunshine. In the courtyard an older man came up to me and asked if I was the son of Giuseppe Del Maestro. Intrigued, I asked why he wanted to know. He introduced himself as Gino and said he had some very important information to relay concerning my father. Gino spoke slowly, trying to relive the moments involved. Slowly a mist seemed to clear and he then spoke with great strength. The Germans- he told me- were in control of the railway station (He pointed to it, down the road from the church, as he spoke). Your father, myself and other Partigiani, were set to attack the station and this was to be the last battle in the liberation of Borgotaro. Your father had spent many years in the war and knew well how to use a rifle. Your father and I advanced in the battle, shooting as we went. Suddenly I fell to the side and was wounded in the leg from a bullet from somewhere in the railway station. I was bleeding profusely but your father was quickly by my side. He applied a tourniquet to the leg and stopped the bleeding. He cut away my clothes and massaged my wounded leg to remove the large amount of blood trapped inside. He then dragged me to a nearby house and arranged a stretcher to accompany me to a nearby underground field hospital. Your father talked to the surgeon to say what he had done and then left quickly to rejoin the battle. The surgeon later told me that he did not have to amputate my leg because of the quick action of your father in placing a tourniquet and that in fact he had likely saved my life. I can only assume that my father, during his hospital stays, when not shaking from his malaria, had helped the doctors with the wounded and knew how to deal with this type of injury. Gino and I both smiled across a sea of time linked by a distant battle for a railway station that was clearly visible from the Chiesa at the end of the street where the story was told. He had waited many years to share this with Giuseppe’s son. The sun was shining brightly in the church courtyard as Gino walked away. He walked with his head high, his back straight, but with a limp, an old soldier’s walk. v





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29 72

AMORE E GUERRAamour et guerre

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Il genio italiano dei fumetti Benito Jacovitti (Termoli 1923 - Roma 1997) lcuni mesi fa, il 3 dicembre del 2007, è ricorso il primo decennale della morte di Benito Jacovitti, il più geniale fumettista italiano del Novecento. Gli piaceva definirsi “fumetttaro” ed era meglio conosciuto dagli appassionati o collezionisti come “Jac” o “Lisca di Pesce”, a causa del simbolo con cui era solito firmare i suoi disegni.


Jacovitti era nato a Termoli, nel Molise, nel 1923 da padre abruzzese, di Lanciano, e da m adre di o r ig in e a r b res h o albanese. A quindici anni si trasferisce con il padre ferroviere e con il resto della famiglia a Firenze. Nel 1946 si è stabilito a Roma dove ha vissuto e lavorato e dove si è spento a 74 anni. Benito manifesta fin dalla tenera età il suo talento naturale per il disegno. Chi lo ha conosciuto giovane a Termoli ricorda che già alle scuole elementari amava disegnare storie su lastre di pietra o sui muri delle case della città. Colpita dalla icasticità delle forme e dal piglio satirico dei contenuti, la gente si fermava a guardare e ad ammirare i suoi disegni. Anche durante le ore di scuola si dilettava a disegnare vignette o a fare caricature dei suoi compagni di classe e dei suoi insegnanti. Nel 1939 a Firenze frequenta la scuola d’arte ed il liceo artistico dove ha l’occasione di conoscere Franco Zeffirelli e un altro fumettista di talento, poi diventato regista, Federico Fellini. É proprio al liceo artistico di Firenze che gli viene affibbiato il soprannome “ Lisca di Pesce”, poiché era diventato uno spilungone alto alto e magro magro. A soli sedici anni disegna per la casa editrice La Taurina di Torino l’unica storia seria della sua carriera dal titolo ‘L’eroe delle Cinque Giornate’, l’avventura di un ragazzo che partecipa eroicamente alla difesa della repubblica milanese nel 1848. Ma è soprattutto la vena comica, caricaturale che lo ispira e lo caratterizza. Jacovitti pubblica alcune vignette su ‘Il Brivido’, un giornale umoristico fiorentino. Comicia anche verso i vent’anni la sua collaborazioe a ‘Il Vittorioso’, collaborazione che durerà fino al 1967. È un periodo fecondo, creativo. Jacovitti crea e fa vivere sulle pagine de ‘Il Vittorioso’ una quarantina di personaggi. Parallelamente collabora al periodico satirico ‘Il Travaso’. Nel 1957 inizia la sua decennale collaborazione a ‘Il Giorno dei Ragazzi’ il cui frutto migliore, che lo renderà celebre e gli permette di assurgere tra i migliori fumettisti italiani e mondiali, é il personaggio di Cocco Bill. La fama di Jacovitti cresce e diventa fino al 1982 il fumettista per eccellenza, del ‘Corriere dei Piccoli’ e del ‘Corriere dei Ragazzi’, la bibbia italiana delle letture giovanili fino all’avvento dell’era del computer. Nel 1973 collabora anche per breve tempo a ‘Linus’, il cui frutto é il personaggio di Gionni Peppe, un giovane contestatore.

Disegnatore con notevole e vivace estro creativo, Benito Jacovitti possiede uno spiccato gusto per le situazioni paradossali. La sua fantasia galoppante prende lo spunto dalla cronaca giornaliera. Jacovitti, piu’ che giudicare, racconta con distacco satirico. È un saggio che si serve dell’umorismo per sottoli neare le piccolezze e le follie del mondo. È un burattinaio, alla Federico Fellini, alla Ludovico Ariosto. Il tono divertente delle sue parole e la grafica caricaturale delle sue immagini presuppongono l’adesione ad una forma di saggezza eterna, quella del buon senso e della responsabilità individuale e collettiva. ‘La mia comicità, ha detto Benito Jacovitti, vuole essere quella delle torte in faccia del cinema muto. Non mi piace sprecare la carta.’ Il gusto per il paradosso e la mancanza di spazi vuoti nei suoi disegni si spiegano in funzione di questa dichiarazione. Ne sono l’espressione le sue vignette per i periodici satirici ‘Dario Vitt e Il Male, Zut e Tango’. Jacovitti ha lavorato anche per la televisione ed ha realizzato cartoni animati. La sua illustrazione del capolavoro di Carlo Collodi ‘Pinocchio’ è ormai considerato un classico nella storia dei fumetti. Fino alla fine Jacovitti ha preferito usare una boccetta d’inchiostro nero ed un foglio di carta porosa per dare vita ai suoi personaggi, frutto di una fantasia inesauribile ed incontrollabile. È a giusta ragione che Benito Jacovitti è ritenuto al giorno d’oggi uno dei migliori ‘fumettari’italiani. La sua comicità è semplice, accessibile, ma ci obbliga anche a riflettere. L’umorismo, diceva Luigi Pirandello, è ‘la coscienza del contrario.’ E nel rappresentare il mondo con le sue pecche ineliminabili, Jacovitti l’ ha tanto deriso, ma ci ha fatto anche tanto ridere. A Roma esiste oggi l’Associazione Benito Jacovitti che cura anche un sito web, accessibile in rete. Ne è presidente la figlia Silvia. A Termoli, la sua città natale, è esistita il Jacovitti Club dal 2000 al 2007 che gli ha intestato una targa in marmo sulle mura della casa natale.Chi visita il bar-gelateria Cocco Bill nel borgo antico, davanti alla bella cattedrale romanica di San Basso, potrà vedere diversi disegni del Maestro. Il Liceo Artistico Statale di Termoli porta giustamente il nome di Benito Jacovitti. (Filippo Salvatore) v



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Dancing her way through life By Aicha Cissé

he art of dancing goes far beyond an intricate choreography or moves that practically defy gravity. Just ask Sabrina Del Duca, a 25-year-old dance aficionado whose creative and fluid style has garnered her recognition on the Montreal scene. She’s actually one of the few dancers who turned a lifelong passion into a blossoming career. To attribute Del Duca’s success to mere luck would be an understatement. Her accomplishments are the result of years of hard work combined with her easy-going demeanor and integrity.


The only child of Italian natives, Del Duca started with classical ballet lessons at the age of 6 but her love of dance shone through at the age of 8 when she studied classical ballet and street jazz funk. “Like every proud Italian, my dad tried to get me into soccer, but let’s just say dancing was my calling, so I compensated in that category.” explains Del Duca. It wasn’t until the age of 19 that she got to fully develop her potential when The 8 Count Dance Center – a renowned dance school in Montreal (and now worldwide) – opened in 2002 and she joined a Hip Hop group. She also reconnected with 8 Count founder Steve Bolton – the choreographer she proudly refers to as her biggest influence. “As a performer, my biggest influences are Janet Jackson and Mya but I would not have honed my dancing skills without my teachers and Steve is also like a mentor to me. Learning from such a talented person is beyond amazing.” After touring and performing with 8 Count in various venues and a few music videos, Del Duca found a new sense of fulfillment in cultivating young talent. She managed to fit teaching dancing classes into her demanding school schedule. Del Duca even acknowledges the cathartic role that dancing played in her life at that time. “Dancing had such a therapeutic effect on me and it really boosted my self-confidence when I needed it the most. I got the chance to create choreographies based on my personal experiences. It’s amazing to be part of someone’s development and have such an influence on others” Del Duca got her creative big break in 2006 when Montreal was chosen to host the 1st ever Canadian Hip Hop Championships. When the time came to organize the event, she took on the daunting task of Coordinator. This decision proved to be very conducive to her vocation as it sparked an interest in event-planning. “It drove me crazy at times, but once it was done, I was so proud and I couldn’t believe I had won this challenge. My time-management and multi-tasking skills are top notch now thanks to this. It made me realize how much I loved planning, and for people our age, it’s a big deal to finally figure out what you want to do in life. I knew I could survive in that industry.”

Sabrina Del Duca

Sabrina, front and center.

Del Duca is also very proud of her Italian heritage. If her interest in Hip Hop is indicative of her growing up in Montreal, her joie de vivre and optimistic outlook on life stem from her Italian roots. She credits her strong sense of integrity to her upbringing in a traditional Italian home. “My grandparents came from Italy with nothing and they created a home and a family in Canada. I think I inherited their determination. My parents have always been extremely supportive and this helped me thrive in this industry. I don’t pay attention to the ill-will and just focus on improving.” Last summer, 8 count won two Gold Medals for C anada at t h e p res t i gi ous 2007 World Hi p Hop Championships in Los Angeles beating over 35 countries. “It was a great achievement to be acknowledged so highly by our peers in the industry. I can’t express how proud I am to be among such talented individuals. The World Championship event itself is an immediate bond and a way to build friendships on an international level. Winning was simply a bonus!”

Manoir Françoise résidence pour ainés autonome et semi-autonome.

The young dancer and event planner does not worry about ever becoming arrogant. She truly believes in focusing on constantly improving and recognizes that her career is an on-going learning process. As the official event-planner for The 8 Count Dance Center and Hip Hop Dance Canada, Del Duca has many events to look forward to, notably the upcoming and highly anticipated 8 Count Year End Show on the weekend of May 3rd & 4th, as well as the 2008 Canadian Hip Hop Championships on May 17th & 18th, 2008. “I feel very fortunate to have found a job in a field that I love and at such a young age. I work for a company that has raised the standards in the Montreal dance industry and I am looking forward to continuing to raise the bar for years to come.” v TO OUR READERS, PLEASE ADVISE US OF ANY CHANGE OF ADDRESS. THIS IS CRUCIAL IN KEEPING OUR MAILING LISTS UP TO DATE AND ELIMINATES UNNECESSARY EXPENSES. THANK YOU.

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32 72



Rockstar: Dominic Cifarelli

By Aicha Cissé

Dominic and band

Dominic Cifarelli

ike many artists, Cifarelli dreamt of becoming a famous musician since childhood, but unlike most dreamers, he possessed the talent and determination to pursue his interest. It only took a TV performance by Poison to convince a 9-year-old Cifarelli that becoming a guitar player was his calling.


With a plethora of reality shows featuring wannabe stars on a quest for their 15-minutes of fame, the music industry seems to be degrading by the second. Nowadays, every billboard hit consists of catchy formulaic tunes and one-hit wonders. Real musicians appear to be a scarcity because packaging is valued over content. 28-year-old Dominic Cifarelli is far from being the typical rock star in search of a hit song. Hailing from St-Leonard, the young musician is no stranger to performing. He has a devoted following as the guitarist of the now disbanded progressive metal group Pulse Ultra. Cifarelli owns his own record label – Bridge of Hands Entertainment – and has had the chance to complete a longawaited project in the form of a new album: “The Chronicles of Israfel, Starborn Tome I”. Cifarelli is proud to finally present what he deems the result of years of assiduous work. “My older brother was a musician and I used to admire him so much as a kid. He introduced me to Poison and Motley Crue. I wanted to be just like them so I started practicing very hard,” explains Cifarelli. Cifarelli’s parents were initially opposed to his career choice, but that did not discourage the guitar aficionado from studying music at Vanier College and dedicating his time to rehearsals.

“It was very hard to convince my parents. Once they saw my first show, they were sold and they understood how passionate I was about music. My family has been very supportive and I owe them a lot.” Cifarelli got his big break as the guitarist of former Montreal progressive metal band Pulse Ultra. For years, the band presented top-notch demos which they would give out at favorite bands’ concerts. “Coming from Montreal, we did our best to stand out by putting out the best press kits and writing the best songs. I met Taproot’s guitar player and he really liked our demo. He forwarded it to his manager who became very interested in the band. From there, everything just fell into place.” In 2001, Pulse Ultra was signed to Velvet Hammer / Atlantic – the label of Cypress Hill, System of a Down and Deftones. In 2002, the band released their debut album “Headspace”. Their first effort earned them a slot on the second stage of the 2002 Ozzfest alongside famous performers such as Meshuggah, Down and Hatebreed. Unfortunately, lackluster sales and the AOL Time Warner merger resulted in Pulse Ultra being dropped from the label and the group disbanding. The experience only reinforced Cifarelli’s desire to start his own project.

“We never doubted ourselves. We took it as an experience. There was so much pressure to sell and please the label. I just saw the band breaking up as a chance to develop my creativity as an artist.” Cifarelli spent the following years focusing on bringing The Chronicles of Israfel to life. Inspired by jam sessions with his drummer, his own nightmares and Japanese anime, he seamlessly allowed his musical ingenuity to shine through his writing and guitar style. The album mixes various music genres into a solid blend which requires an open-mind to exploring new sounds. Listeners will get to experience the main character’s journey in a pre-apocalyptic world. The story will span over seven albums. “I’m very proud of this project. I’ve worked on it with people I respect and admire. Israfel is like a second persona and my experience as a musician has helped me create a bizarre parallel universe. I think it’s every artist’s duty to be unique. This project is pure and very different. I can’t predict who will like it.” Cifarelli is currently working on producing the first video and getting the album into stores. His advice to aspiring musicians from Montreal? “Always promote yourself. Nobody else will. Write amazing songs and make sure you bring something unique. We are lucky to come from such an eclectic city as Montreal so make the best of it. There’s no formula for success.” The Chronicles of Israfel, Starborn Tome I is available at: + iTunes For news, music clips and more info, visit: Live Performances: March 22nd @ Bar L’Agitee - Quebec City April 26th @ Café Chaos - Montreal v

Montreal’s “Regis”



33 72


by Joey Franco

s Mosé Persico sits in his CTV office on Papineau Av., he recalls his childhood family gatherings with a glimmer of nostalgia in his eyes. Nine-year-old Mosé would congregate his aunts and uncles, grab a wooden spoon, and before you could say here’s Mosé, the show was on! Like a young Johnny Carson, little Mosé would grill his family members and give out awards during his very first variety show; best hairdo, most clean shaven, best dressed.


Moses Persico was born in Sorrento, Naples in 1961 and immigrated to Montreal in 1965 along with his parents and two sisters on board the SS Cristoforo Colombo. In Montreal, he grew up in a Jewish neighbourhood and had many Jewish friends, therefore his name was never a major concern for him, until he began grade school. “My grandfather’s name was Moses. I inherited his name. But growing up, I went to a catholic elementary school; all the boys would make fun of me because I would be chosen to read the Bible passages each day. There was this one kid in my class called José, and I liked the way José sounded so I told my parents I wanted to be called Mosé,” and that’s how he got his name. During his tenure at Champlain College, Mosé began to work at an accounting firm, but he was not meant for a nine to five job. So he paid his dues at the firm, made enough Mosé Persico money to buy himself an MG sports car, and applied for the Communications Studies and Journalism program at Concordia University. Several weeks later, he received a letter of acceptance from Concordia, gave his two weeks notice at the accounting firm, and has never looked back. Mosé’s first job in the media world was in the mailroom at CFCF. On his very first day on the job he met CFCF anchorman Bill Haugland. Haugland approached Mosé, stretched his hand out, and, in his inimitable anchorman voice said, “Hi, I’m Bill Haugland. I want you to know that I was in the mail room too [when I started out], so good luck to you because you won’t be a mailman forever.” Slowly but surely, Haugland was right. Mosé was climbing the television ladder, first by becoming a video tape operator, editor, production assistant, field producer, researcher, and news director. You name it, Mosé has done it. He also began to appear on local television shows such as Mosé’s Kitchen, and Mosé’s Barbeque. His first big break came when he began to host a Hollywood entertainment show called Reel to Reel. Mosé is currently the host and producer of CTV’s Entertainment Spotlight along with his co-host, the radiant Orla Johannes. Mosé and Orla have come to be known as the Regis and Kelly of Montreal, a statement which Mosé considers to be one of the premier compliments he has ever received. The defining moment of his career came during an interview with Oprah Winfrey in the 80’s. “She had trouble with my name,” recalls Mosé, “she called me Mosey.” Towards the end of the interview the star struck Mosé asked the larger-than-life personality to give him some advice. Winfrey looked Mosé in the eyes and said, “Mosey, there are three things to remember,” Number one, don’t be greedy; there’s enough pie to go around. The second thing is; it’s the little things in life that mean the most. The third thing I want you to remember Mosey,” continued Winfrey by holding Mosé’s hand, “treat people like people.” Until this day, whether it be Mosé the producer, the TV personality, the husband, or the friend, he has tried to incorporate these three life lessons to everything he does. Fortysix-year-old Mosé recently tied the knot with Joanne Giove, whom he considers to be his strength both at home and at work. When asked what the next major obstacle he would like to tackle would be, the charismatic silver haired “infotainer” smiles, and simply replies; “fatherhood”. Mosé aspires to one day retire in his native Sorrento, among the palm trees and lemon orchards, surrounded by the salty sea breeze of the Gulf of Naples. But until that dream realizes itself, the show must go on, and as Mosé tells his crew day-in and day-out, you’re only as good as your last show.v


6873, Plaza St-Hubert Montréal, Québec 514.276.1360

Sandra Di Sario

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Sandra Di Sario and her husband Enzo Iacovelli

Stop the taboo of the ‘silent killer’ by Sabrina Marandola

n the summer of 2005, Sandra Di Sario’s future was looking bright. She was in her early 30s, loved her job at Parasuco and had recently met the man of her dreams.


“We met in March, and we were already talking about getting engaged in June. That’s how you know it’s the right person,” she says of her thenboyfriend Enzo Iacovelli. “My mom was in Italy that summer. We were just waiting for her to get back and we got engaged in September. It was September 17th.” What Di Sario was not counting on was the news she received just five days after she got a ring on her finger representing a future only brighter than its diamond. “I found out I had cancer, and I had surgery on September 22 – just days after I got engaged,” Di Sario recalls. My Colonoscopy was in August and I already knew that I had a tumour by the time that I was engaged. I had surgery five days after my engagement but did not know that it was cancerous yet. At that point, the surgery was to remove the tumour that was thought to be benign. What was even more shocking was perhaps the fact that the type of cancer she had is one most people hardly associate with Generation Xers like Di Sario. It was colorectal cancer, and doctors are warning it’s affecting more and more young adults. “About 20 years ago, we used to see people in their 70s and 80s with colon cancer. We’re now seeing younger and younger people – 50 and 60-yearolds with the disease, and also people in their late 20s and early 30s,” says Dr. Julio Faria, a Colorectal Surgeon at the Montreal Jewish General Hospital. Dr. Faria says studies suggest some groups seem to be more predisposed to tumours in their large intestines. “Many people of jewish origin get colon cancer, residents in the Lac St. Jean region for some reason, and in Montreal, there are many younger people with colon cancer,” Faria says. “I am seeing a lot of Italians in my office… some in their late 20s and early 30s.” Di Sario was one of those young Italians who went to Dr. Faria for a colonoscopy after years of stomach discomfort. I did not go to Dr. Faria for a Colonoscopy, I was referred to him after the tumour was found. “I was having some symptoms – a lot of stomach discomfort,” Di Sario says. “I went to see a gastroenterologist, and I also asked for a colonoscopy.” At her own request, Di Sario had a colonoscopy done in August 2005, and it wasn’t just polyps (a growth on the lining of the intestine walls) that Dr. Faria discovered. Instead, he found a big tumour in her rectum. Dr. Cohen, my Gastroenterologist, discovered the tumour during

my Colonoscopy and then referred me to Dr. Faria. Dr. Faria then did further tests and discovered the details of my tumour and where it was situated. It was just after her engagement that she found out it was cancerous and she underwent major surgery in late September to have it removed. “I remember Dr. Faria giving me the news, and it didn’t register. It was all a big blur,” Di Sario says. A few weeks after the major surgery, I had high fever and other symptoms of infection and that is when I was given the news from my Doctor that my tumour was cancerous. The news about the cancer was not sinking in because everything happened so quickly The tumour was removed, but not with some complications following the operation. “I got an infection from the surgery. I got a high fever, and I had to go back into surgery to drain the abscess,” she says. And this was just the beginning of her battle. Di Sario had to have an ileostomy – a pouch stuck to the skin to collect the waste from her intestine. Once that was done, she was ready to begin chemotherapy and radiation treatments – but not before undergoing fertility treatments at the Royal Victoria Hospital. “I had just had pelvic surgery and an ileostomy, and I was going for fertility information sessions so that I could have a family one day – after undergoing chemo and radiation,” Di Sario recalls. “For the fertility treatments, I had to give myself shots everyday, I was bruised and fed up of being poked and prodded, and by November, I was starting chemotherapy.” Di Sario got does of chemotherapy twice a month for a total of six months. “I would go every Wednesday, and go home with my chemo bottle attached to me for two days. I had nausea and massive headaches the first day of each treatment.” By March, the 34-year-old was ready to undergo radiation five times a week for almost six weeks, in addition to a chemo bottle that she had on her for the duration of the radiation. What ensued was the most pain Di Sario has ever lived through. She got scar tissue as a result of the surgery and radiation – so much of it that it completely blocked her intestine. “Doctors can’t do anything about scar tissue, and the pain is atrocious,” she says. “I was nauseous, I couldn’t eat anymore, and I was vomiting and going to the hospital all the time. It was the worst.” Di Sario lost about 40 pounds over the period of two years.

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But she kept her morale high. Surrounded by her fiancé, her family and friends who called her three times a day, Di Sario was getting better. These scar tissues and stomach pains still plague her today but have been kept under control thanks to the help of a Naturopath through special massage. “I’m very into natural medicine. I ate well, I started doing yoga, and I read so many books and watched documentaries to find ways to help myself,” she says. “A lot of Italians believe in ‘il destino’, but I don’t believe in that. I think a lot in your life has to do with your emotional state and your attitude. I’ve always been resourceful, and that’s what got me out.” But no matter how resourceful or positive Di Sario was, not even this self-described “tough cookie” had an easy time with what happened once she was doing better. Her ileostomy was finally removed with a surgery that sealed her intestine and closed the skin incision. However, there was a leak. “It didn’t work,” she recalls. Di Sario had to have another surgery to put an ileostomy back on. “I thought, ‘You gotta be kidding me. This is a joke.’ It was really bad.” But, she says she’s come to terms with having an ileostomy – again. “You learn so many tricks and ways to dress to hide it that it really doesn’t show. When you have no choice, you adapt easily,” says Di Sario, who may soon be able to have her ileostomy removed for good. Di Sario, now 36, is cancer-free. She says she learned a lot about herself throughout her journey. She hopes she’ll also help others along the way. She already did – beginning with her own family. “I made sure everyone in my family had a colonoscopy,” she said. “I told them, ‘Either you go, or I will call Dr. Faria and take an appointment for you.’” Her parents, aunts, uncles and cousins all agreed to go for colonoscopies. That’s where they discovered the family is predisposed to polyps. “My father had a lot of polyps,” Di Sario says. “It’s so important for everyone to know their family history. If I would have known my dad had polyps, I would have gone for a colonoscopy a long time ago.” Dr. Faria agrees. “Everybody should be checked,” he says. “Colon cancer is a silent killer. Young people with rectal bleeding can’t think it’s hemorrhoids. Don’t

wait. Get checked - and people who have a history of colon cancer or polyps in their families need to get checked at 40, not 50. We, as doctors, are getting ourselves checked before 50.” And both Dr. Faria and Di Sario say getting a colonoscopy is not as bad as the wrap it gets. “A colonoscopy is the least of your worries,” Di Sario says. “Any one of the other tests I’ve had was way worse… For a colonoscopy, they give you drugs that put you under, so it’s not bad at all.” Dr. Faria says the actual colonoscopy takes anywhere between 15 and 30 minutes, all while the patient is on painkillers and sedatives. During a colonoscopy, a fibre optic camera on a flexible tube is inserted into the colon. It is then slowly removed, as doctors examine the lining of the large intestine to look for any growths. “The patient will have cramps because we have to blow air into the colon to stretch it. If a polyp is burned or cut off, there is zero pain. The patient doesn’t feel a thing. And after the colonoscopy, some air is left in the colon. This could be painful with cramps until the air is expelled,” Dr. Faria says. “But after the exam, you can eat again, and go back to your normal routine.” Both Dr. Faria and Di Sario say prepping for the exam, which involves drinking clear liquids only along with two sachets of a special lemonflavoured blend to clean out the colon, is the worst part. But that’s a small sacrifice to make, urge Dr. Faria and Di Sario – and the numbers prove it. Of all cancers, colorectal cancer is the number two killer of Canadians, right after lung cancer. Almost 9,000 Canadians die every year of the disease. Yet, in spite of this, 90 per cent of family doctors don’t send their patients for colonoscopies, estimates Dr. Faria, adding that the disease is still very taboo. “Colon cancer is still in the closet,” he says, adding that many people are ashamed to talk about it. “Get over it.” And this month would be the perfect time to do so, since March is Colorectal Cancer Awareness Month. “Stop the taboo,” says Di Sario. “People talk about sex so openly, and they can’t get a colonoscopy? People need to get their heads out of their you know what. It’s all about prevention. Know your family history, and take your health into your own hands.” Di Sario did, and two years and a blissful wedding day later, the future is looking bright again for this colorectal cancer survivor. v



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Les bébés de l’année I Neonati dell’anno Babies of the year

2007- 2008

by Mario Di Flavio

he time has come once again to welcome our new-borns to our beloved Italian community. A new “batch” if you will, of precious little gifts that will put joy and promise into our lives, and smiles on our faces. Benvenuti carissimi bambini!


Opinion about tradition We have asked mothers and fathers of a new generation their opinion about tradition and culture when it comes to our babies. Are we continuing with certain customs when it comes to things like baptism and naming our children after our parents and grandparents? “As a Canadian woman born to a French Canadian mother and Sicilian father, and married to an Italian man, I recognize the importance of keeping our culture alive. However, I do believe that nowadays many young new parents have decided to choose their children’s names together as a couple rather than going the traditional route of naming their children after the grandparents. Many of these grandparents have been in Canada many years and they too have “softened up” their views on the naming of their grandchildren, although they have probably named their own children after their parents!

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Young Italians today seem to be going back to the more traditional Italian names of yesterday. The 90s seemed to have been the period where many couples chose original names for their children, especially their daughters ( although they seem to have kept the tradition of naming the boys after their grandfather). How many 18 year old Italian young girls do we know named Stephanie , Amanda etc? Nowadays, we are hearing more traditional names being called on the soccer field : Gianluca, Dante, Maria, Antonio, Giuseppe… In regards to baptism, I truly believe that most Italian parents today, regardless of their age, or whether they are practicing Catholics or not, will indeed have their children baptized. It is very important in the eyes of the grandparents and one view that they will not “soften up” on!” Josie Morello “It was important to my husband and I to name our children with Italian names, considering that we are both of Italian descent. Their middle names are after their grandparents , we wanted them to have a part of their Italian culture with them forever.” Ida nardi

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Valerio D'Iorio February 21 st, 2007

Lucas Anthony Sorgini October 26 th, 2007

Massimo Anthony Gentile February 14 th, 2007

Michael Anthony Pineda June 17 th, 2007

Luca John Oliveri June 10 th, 2007

Rosalia Bentivegna & Luciano D'Iorio

Imma & Anthony Sorgini

Maura Di Blasio & Massimo Gentile

Francesca La Para & Denver Pineda

Vira Reda & John Oliveri

Alyssa Di Lella March 17 th, 2007

Gianni Dilazzaro April 10 th, 2007

Alessandro Colaciello January 11th, 2007

James Luciano March 17 th, 2007

Matthew Fiorenzo Giunti March 4 th, 2007

Tina Longobardi & Roberto Di Lella

Sandra & Pasquale Dilazzaro

Pasqualina Petteruti & Joe Colaciello

Kathy Giangaspero & Nick Luciano

Teresa Di Nardo & Franco Giunti

Luca Bilotto September 22 nd, 2007

Julian Anthony Campione September 21st, 2007

Alexia Carina Mardakis August, 24th, 2007

Gabriel Duchesne June 22 th, 2007

Gianna Salvatore May 1st, 2007

Annie-Hélène Samson & Luigi Bilotto

Catherine Campanile & Tony Campione

Adelina Mancini and Tom Mardakis

Valérie Palma & Sébastien Duchesne

Lilly Campanella & Phil Salvatore

Emma Raquel Varano June 7 th, 2007

Matteo Rechichi January 5 th, 2007

Alessandro & Massimo Mazzariello May 11th, 2007

Isabella Iadeluca July 24 th, 2007

Anthony Campitelli October 19 th, 2007

Anna Angelica Bracaglia & Marcello Varano

Nadia Borrega & Mark Rechichi

Nadia Forgione & Vito Mazzariello

Lina Martucci & Marco Iadeluca

Anna & Vincenzo Campitelli

Gabriel Giovanni Tilli May 14 th, 2007

Nicola Iacono August 9 th, 2007

Marianne Casale September 16 th, 2007

Evan Francesco Manco May 11 th, 2007

Luca Palacios Di Stefano February 2 nd, 2007

Maria T Gentile & Vincenzo Tilli

Assunta Iasenzaniro & Joe Iacono

Sonia Lanzilli & Giuseppe Casale

Vanessa Manco & Martin Larose

Patrizia Di Stefano & Juan Pablo Palacios

Martino Salvatore Sincovich August 21 th, 2007

Emma Giovanna Tarasco August 7 th, 2007

Carina Isabella Ciardullo April 25 th, 2007

Damiano Franco Petrella April 22 nd, 2007

Mario Leonardo Mastrangelo October 14 th, 2007

Patricia Sasso & Albert Sincovich

Giovanna Fundaro & Raffaele Tarasco

Cathy & Sandro Ciardullo

Lucy Scuralli & Frank Petrella

Gelsy & Joe Mastrangelo

w w w . p a n o r a m i t a l i a . c o m

37 72




38 72



Julian Tristan Argento June 20 th, 2007

Eliana Campanella May 8 th, 2007

Joshua Joseph Machado August 13 th, 2007

Siena Giada Guerrera September 5 th, 2007

Samuele Bonofiglio June 27 rd, 2007

Claudia Campanella & Peter Argento

Loredana Ruso & Danny Campanella

Jennifer Petraglia & Stephe

Edda Naccarato & Giovanni Guerrera

Martine Arcand & Franco Bonofiglio

Alessia Auciello July 26 th 2007

Sofia Gabriella Buijs April 13 th, 2007

Luca Pietraroia February 20 th, 2007

Victoria Bondi October 18 th, 2007

Philip Bianco May 7 th, 2007

Carmelina Ciarlillo & Antonio Auciello

Maria Di Giovanni & Thomas Buijs

Sabrina D'Ovidio & Joe Pietraroia

Joseph Bondi & Lori Ann Tagliamonti

Filomena and Nicolas Bianco

Luca and Alessio Macri January 12 th, 2007

Megan Richard January 26 th, 2007

Dalia Piazza April 12 th, 2007

Sofia Abbatiello January 21th, 2007

Luca Iazurlo May 5 th, 2007

Nada Orsini and Sam Macri

Annie Sciotto & Sylvain Richard

Linda Mignelli & Joey Piazza

Melissa Fratangelo & Tony Abbatiello

Olga & Vincenzo

Gianni Reda March 21st, 2007

Marco Ciampanelli January 11th, 2007

Giuliano Proietti April 19 th, 2007

Anthony Vincent Patone August 14 th, 2007

Emma Buono March 29 th, 2007

Marie-Josée Roy & Robert Reda

Nick & Nancy Ciampanelli

Melissa Liberatore & Sandro Proietti

Mylene & Mark Patone

Sabrina Guadagnano & Vincenzo Buono

Luciano Ferraro May 17 th, 2007

Savannah Hajjar December 20 th, 2007

Alessandro Paulozza March 13 th, 2007

Giuliano Zampini January 14 th, 2007

Eva Sophia Mascioli February 2 nd, 2007

Ida Nardi & Riccardo Ferraro

Roger Hajjar & Sabrina Clarizio

Laura Girolami & Anthony Paulozza

Giuseppina Ippolito & Mauro Zampini

Jessica & Patrick Mascioli

Liana Emma Tarasco April 14 th, 2007

Rafael Conte October 19 th, 2007

Gabrielle Galletta Octobre 2 nd, 2007

Christian and Carlo Baldassarra. November 23 rd, 2007

Emily and Elizabeth La Para October 16 th, 2007

Antonella Niro & Joe Tarasco

Michele & Valerie Conte

Nancy Côté & Marco Galletta

Feliciana Baldassarra & Marco Baldassarra

Rosario La Para & Maria Messina

w w w . p a n o r a




Danica Di Sandro April 4 th, 2007

Alexis Tommas Murrin September 4 th, 2007

Michael Anthony Arpino April 27 th, 2007

Carina Maragno April 16 th, 2007

Luca Maiolo August 11th, 2007

Chiara Parisi & Jerry Di Sandro

Anna Mariani & Adam Murrin

Lucia & Silvestro Arpino

Jennifer & Gianfranco Maragno

Dina & Vito Maiolo

Graziano & Alessio Marricco April 16 th, 2007

Hugo Busca-Allara June 3 rd, 2007

Mario Luca Carlomusto November 24 th, 2007

James Alfredo Iannotti July 25 th, 2007

Dario Luca Picciano November 16 th, 2007

Loredana Ramacieri & Alessandro Marricco

Joelle Busca & Claude Allara

Rachel & Enrico Carlomusto

Josie Martino & Nicolino Iannotti

Emy Manzo & Johnny Picciano

Domenico Giolti October 12 th, 2007

Clarissa Chiovitti May 18 th, 2007

Stella Anne & Vincenzo Benjamin Paolella January 29 th, 2007

Gabriel Di Maio July 4 th, 2007

Serina Rose Pagliuca May 4 th, 2007

Rosalia Vaccaro & Roberto Giolti

Christine Strychowsky & Gaudenzio Chiovitti

Anna Agostino & Franco Paolella

Marisa Ruscitti & Enrico Di Maio

Pina Paccione & Joey Pagliuca

Fabiana Santella January 24 th, 2007

Eva Rosalie Bolanis May 19 th, 2007

Gabriel Ficara January 28 th, 2007

Daniel Filippo Carlisi October 2 nd, 2007

Matthew Steven Arcaro June 23 rd, 2007

Dina Paparelli & Pat Santella

Mirella Teoli and Kevin Bolanis

Giuseppe Ficara & Natalina Medeiros

Tracy Giordano & Decimo Carlisi

Nick Arcaro and Lisa Fidanza

Maya D'Agata May 25 th, 2007

Christos Enzo Christopoulos April 28th, 2007

Chiara Azzurra LoManto June 6 th, 2007

Eva Maria Perrazzino April 26 th, 2007

Isabella Nigro June 21st, 2007

Liboria Marsala & David D'Agata

Sonya Bertoli & Kimon Christopoulos

Pina Primiano & Vince Fabiano LoManto

Carolina Gallo & Elio Perrazzino

Melissa Moriello & Gennaro Nigro

Jason Gabriel Barbieri September 7 th, 2007

Gianfranco Colozza February 15, 2007

Elisa Viviani Jan 9, 2008

Jacob Ciampini-Tannenbaum May 1st, 2007

Liliana Pennimpede October 2nd, 2007

Anna Gagliardi & Michael Barbieri

Mary Jo Raitano & Antonio Colozza

Tania Martone & Frank Viviani

Caroline Ciampini & Daniel Tannenbaum

Rosanna Barrafato & Gerardo Pennimpede

m i t a l i a . c o m

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40 72



Marco Harvey June 19 th, 2007

Victoria Mia Frenza April 21st, 2007

Emma Rabuano-Zibreira February 27 th, 2007

Drea Della Rocca June 2 nd, 2007

Fiona Cutrona July 27 th, 2007

Sofia Coretti & Ben Harvey

Parents: Rosanna Bruno & Leo Frenza

Dora Rabuano & Steve Zibreira

Andrea Perillo & Davide Della Rocca

Tanya Perillo and Salvatore Cutrona

Gabriella Maria Servello August 14 th, 2007

Chelsea and Calista Settino February 28 th, 2007

Cedalia Vittoria Mignelli March 22 th, 2007

Dante Giovanni Marcogliese May 4 th, 2007

Sabrina D'Eramo September 20 th, 2007

Silvana DiPasquale & Saverio Servello

Karen Tucci & Tony Settino

Yasmine Mazni & Giovanni Mignelli

Kerrie & Nick Marcogliese

Barbara Imbrogno & Alberto D'Eramo

Katelyn (left) & Elysa Persichino (right) March 28 th, 2007

Gianluca Garippo May 6 th, 2007

Maria Antonietta Greco November 22 nd, 2007

Mia Gioia July 5 th, 2007

Kiara Dulude November 12 th, 2007

Sonia & Domenic Persichino

Anna-maria Occhionero and Mario Garippo

Roberta and Danny Greco

Annick Landry & Santino Gioia

Giacomina Schiralli and Daniel Dulude

Clara Ciraulo December 24 th, 2006

Angelica Tagliamonti July 18 th, 2007

Kayla Amethyst D'Addario February 12 th, 2007

Justin Joseph Iannetti July 29 th, 2007

Veronica Cammisano October 2 nd, 2007

Diane Courchesne & Gino Ciraulo

Rina Picciano & Tony Tagliamonti

Milena Mignacca & Carlo D'Addario

Santina Pendino & Gabriel Iannetti

Maria Tarantino & Tony Cammisano

Gianni La Rocca May 29 th, 2007

Alexander De Chiara August 31th, 2007

Loredana Di Cerbo July 23 rd, 2007

Eliana Napoletano October 1st, 2007

Ilaria Viscoso July 29 th, 2007

Antonella Piazza & Tony La Rocca

Franca Zaccagna & Sebastiano De Chiara

Milena & Massimo Di Cerbo

Marisa Di Zazzo & Luigi Napoletano

Angela Giorgio & Mario Viscoso

Alexia Gabriella Frascione March 8 th, 2007

Alessia Trivellizzi August 26 th, 2007

Lola Giorgi March 14 th, 2007

Alessio Bruno Falso November 14 th, 2007

Piera Triassi March 24 th, 2007

Rina Frascione & Sero Frascione

Sophia Grasso & Carlo Trivellizzi

Carla Caon & David Giorgi

Rosanna Panichella & Franco Falso

Angela Antonacci & Pietro Triassi

w w w . p a n o r a


Demie et Lisa Banousis August 4 th, 2007

Leila Grosso October 23 rd, 2007

Giancarlo Bocchino August 19 th, 2007

Eva Taddeo January 8 th, 2007

Laura Ferraro September 27 th, 2007

Antonella DiLella & Alex Banousis

Josee Morello & Guido Grosso

Anna & Carlo Bocchino

Laura & Arnaldo Taddeo

Leonor Paixao & Roberto Ferraro

Stefano Antinori December 10 th, 2007

Ariana Mannetta April 17 th, 2007

Domenico Del Coro April 2 nd, 2007

Alessandro Gualtieri August 8 th, 2007

Dario Ettore Lanni April 19 th, 2007

Fabiola Barone & Mario Antinori

Laura D’Adamo & Angelo Mannetta

Stella Argento & Agostino Del Coro

Maria-Angela Vindigni & Michel Gualtieri

Lori Skarogiannis & John Lanni

Matteo Ivano Pazzia August 20 th, 2007

Fabiano Corica July 11th, 2007

Christopher Sacco July 15 th, 2007

Isabella Maia Piccinini July 16 th, 2007

Sienna Maria Helena Gaeta Avril 2 nd, 2007

Sonia Di Sotto & Ivano Pazzia

Sonya Del Papa & Carmelo Corica

Silvana Cafazzo & Angelo Sacco

Lucia Corrente & Danny Piccinini

Elana Madejchuk & Davide Gaeta

Stefania Delfina Antonucci May 16 th, 2007

Marino Delle Donne Robert and Maricarmen Delle Donne

Matteo Giuseppe Panunto March 14 th, 2007

Nicholas Michael Alberga June 3 rd, 2007

Madeleine Anna D'Abramo November 20 th, 2007

Michael Panunto & Elena Tutino

Antonia Marzano & Antonio Alberga

Shannon Ryan & Rodney D'Abramo

Matilda Racaniello & Saverio Antonucci

Justin C. Jovi & Della Vecchia August 8 th, 2007

Giada Rose Stabile March 31 th, 2007

Adriano Pellegrino September 25 th, 2007

Angelo Addesso March 23 rd 2007

Luca Guarino November 5 th, 2007

Angela Burrascano & Mario Della Vecchia

Marla Di Monte & Claudio Stabile

Stefanie Del Rosso & Ernesto Pellegrino

Judy & Joe Addesso

Melissa Russello & Libby Guarino

Emma Baccega September 24 th, 2007

Ariana Mucciacciaro January 23 rd, 2007

Francesco Colombo October 23 rd, 2007

Jordana Michelle Zimmerman March 7 th, 2007

Olivia Maria Palucci May 8 th, 2007

Milly Dal Bello & Roberto Baccega

Luisa Dodaro & Rudy Mucciacciaro

Sandra Martello & Alessandro Colombo

Rita Politi & Jonathan Zimmerman

Vanessa Ventura & Anthony Palucci

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41 72




42 72



Simona Pagliaro January 17th,2007

Sofia Miozzi February 9 th, 2007

Matthew Joseph Scarpato January 6 th, 2007

Giordano Antonio Aliberti May 18 th, 2007

Isabella DeStefano June 2nd, 2007

MaryAnn & Luigi Pagliaro

Giosi Nizzola & Frank Miozzi

Franca Pizzini and Ernesto Scarpato

Letizia & Michael Aliberti

Sandra & Nick DeStefano

Rosina Ficocelli July 4 th, 2007

Jason Anthony & Alison Emma Fuoco November 21st, 2007

Alessia Raffaela Perrotta May 17 th, 2007

Mikaela Annina Gerontakos May 12, 2007

Madison Lauren Di Lillo April 19 th, 2007

Laura Teoli & Tony Ficocelli

Fannie Paquette & Joseph Fuoco

Roberta & Raffaele Perrotta

Sabrina & Andrew Gerontakos

Sylvie & Pat Di Lillo

Alexandra Moriello August 7 th, 2007

Jason Alejandro Perez - De Michele June 22 th, 2007

Luca Fabre-Barile November 8 th 2007

James Chioda July 13 rd 2007

Gabriella Maria Bonilla Vittorio October 29 th 2007

Jacinthe Lessard & Antonio Moriello

Gabriella De Michele & Karel Perez Castillo

Sylvie Fabre & Gino Barile

Sabrina Accardi & Eric Chioda

Rosaria Vittorio & Allan Javier Bonilla Velasquez

Melissa Mastroeni June 16 th, 2007

Isabella Carozza March 6 th, 2007

Julia Brooke Casacalenda July 7 th, 2007

Carmine Rocco Gioiosa January 9th, 2007

Clara D'Amelio August 29th 2007

Mary Agiomavritis & Joey Mastroeni

Patricia Ruffolo & Michael Carozza

Maria D'Amelio & Antonio Casacalenda

Melissa Nisivoccia & Roberto Gioiosa

Lily-Cara Ricard & Fincenzo D'Amelio

Alessio Stefano Gentile August 1st 2007

Giuseppa Sacco March 23 rd 2007

Amanda Sammarco June 24 th, 2007

Angelica Crescenzi April 22nd, 2007

Aldo Perrino December 28, 2007

Anna Colella & Roberto Gentile

Roula & Peter Sacco

Anna Crescenzi & Mario Sammarco

Iolanda Froncioni & Antonio Crescenzi

Agata Greco & Alberto Perrino























Joey Emiliano Argento October 6 th, 2007

Olivia Bianca Zakutansky June 27 th, 2007

Matteo, Antonio Russo June 27 th, 2007

Tristan Villella March 31st, 2007

Carlo Franco Caucci September 12 th, 2007

Lisa & Joey Argento

Lucia Reali & Miroslav Zakutansky

Anna Norcia & Joe Russo

Hind Ellougani & Antonio Villella

Angela Cocchianella & Frank Caucci

Francesco Borsellino January 5 th, 2005

Giordano Ortona April 16 th 2007

Thomas Italo Carriero November 3 rd, 2007

David Preston Andradi October 19 th, 2007

Teresa Campanella & Federico Borsellino

Carmelina Iavarone & Bruno Ortona

Mischa Di Guglielmo Simoncic January 17 th, 2007 Valerie Di Guglielmo & Janko Simoncic

Claudia Sollazzo & Sergio Carriero

Carmela Furfaro & Leslie Andradi

Briana Nicole Mucci May 8th, 2007

Aliana Nicoletta Dell'Orefice October 13 th, 2007

Élizabeth Pisano August 22 nd, 2007

David Iacobo August 27 th, 2007

Emily Ciricillo June 29 th, 2007

Mima Argento & Nick Mucci

Maria & Andrea Dell'Orefice

Stéphanie Béchara & Silvio Pisano

Giovanna Mascaro & Dario Iacobo

Lorena Di Benedetto & Leo Ciricillo



43 72


2522, Daniel Johnson Laval, Québec (en face du Carrefour Laval)

(450) 681-7267 Fermé le dimanche

La plus grande sélection d’importations 0 / 16 ans.

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44 72



Rosalie Campanella February 22 nd, 2007

Paolo James Gurreri January 5 th, 2007

Diego Marchetta June, 20, 2007

Teresa Carvelli August 29 th, 2007

Micheal Anthony Caruso July 11, 2007

Katia Piccolino and Rosario Campanella

Paola Oliverio & Robert Gurreri

Carmela Chiappetta & Francesco Marchetta

Francesca Sacco & Nicola Carvelli

Joise Iacono & Domenic Caruso

Michael Pompeo October 31th, 2007

Alex James Melihersik March 2rd, 2007

Jason Rocco Howard January 13th, 2007

Marco Jr Ciocca Novembrer 10th, 2007

Luka Ilias Moriello December 4th, 2007

Michela D'aloia & Modesto Pompeo

Onesta Di Paola & Robert Melihersik

Liliana Pompeo & William Howard

Silvana Pompeo & Marco Ciocca

Helen Veroutis & Giovanni Moriello

Luca Anthony Biferali September 25th, 2007

Kyra Ava Albanese April 22th, 2007

Joey Vaccaro September 22nd, 2007

Nicholas Luca Cesta October 29 th, 2007

Alessandro Katona October 14th, 2007

Son of Mario Biferali & Gianna Belluso

Rosie Minello & Vince Albanese

Nicky Giulietti & Mario Vaccaro

Johanne & Nino Cesta

Teresa Sauro & Steve Katona

LES DIPLOMÉS ET LES GRADUÉS DE L’ANNÉE 2007-2008 I DIPLOMATI E LAUREATI DELL’ANNO 2007-2008 GRADUATES OF THE YEAR 2007-2008 T o u s le s é t u di a n t s a y a n t c o m p l é t é l e u r s c o u rs s e c o n d a i r e s , l e CE G EP , o u u n pr o gr a m m e universitaire au niveau du bac, de la maitrîse ou du doctorat au cours de l’année académique 2007-2008 sont priés de nous faire parvenir une photo, (préférablement par courriel) avec nom, prénom, programme d’études completé et institution scolaire ou université de provenance. Nous publieront gratuitement toutes les photos dans l’édition estivale 2008.

Tutti gli studenti che avranno completato gli studi a livello di scuola media superiore, di CEGEP, di laurea universitaria breve, o a livello di master e di dottorato nell’anno accademico 2007-2008 sono pregati di inviarci (preferibilmente tramite messaggio elettronico) una foto con nome, cognome, titolo di studio ed istituto o università di provenienza. Panoramitalia pubblicherà gratis le foto nell’edizione estiva 2008.


Please send us (preferably by e-mail) your graduating picture, name, title of study and school. High school-Trade school-University-Postgraduate studies. We will publish it free of charge in our summer 2008 edition. Prénom Nom École Diplôme obtenu Année

PanoramItalia 9300, Henri-Bourassa ouest, bureau 100 St-Laurent (Québec) H4S 1L5

When it matters most...




Established in 1998, Junior Furniture strives to offer parents only the very best of what is available for today’s children. Junior provides its clientele with a vast selection of high quality baby and juvenile furniture, as well as an extensive assortment of baby strollers, car seats, high chairs and bedding. Ingenious concepts, such as cribs that evolve into full single or double beds, allow parents to invest in bedroom sets that are both beautiful to look at and built to last. With the help of Junior Furniture, parents can create the perfect environment to nurture their child in, making it a comfortable and pleasant place to grow. One visit will convince you that Junior Furniture is a step above the rest. Dynamic sales staff, such as store manager Framary Messina, takes all the care and time needed to help future parents make knowledgeable choices based on their individual needs. “When I help a customer complete a baby registry, I stay by their side and answer all of their questions no matter how long it takes,” states tti ra fa Ms. Messina. “First time parents have many concerns and we work hard to provide the Ce re Salvato Store Owner answers.” New parents are invited to make a registry appointment with one of Junior’s knowledgeable staff members. In a market saturated with big Framary M box stores, Junior Furniture disessina Store Man ager tinguishes itself by offering specialized, friendly, and personalized service. “We have always believed that the success of any business relies in its ability to provide superior customer service,” explains owner Sammy Cefaratti.

“We strongly believe in educating our customers and making them feel that they are making an informed decision.” With many young parents leading hectic lives, it is very difficult to be properly informed of the current safety regulations and latest styles. Junior Furniture takes the guesswork out of shopping for your precious little one. It makes sure that everything it offers follows the strictest safety standards and is of the latest trend or fashion. It is this attention to detail that keeps clients coming back and referring Junior to their friends and family. “Our business has grown significantly throughout the years due to our referral network of satisfied customers,” states Mr. Cefaratti. “We would like to thank all our customers for being an influential part of Junior’s success.” Junior Furniture has also taken a strong initiative with its online presence. Now consumers can purchase baby products online with the simple click of a mouse. The online store has been optimized to make shopping from the comfort of your own home convenient, simple, and above all, easy. “Our goal is to offer the “Junior” shopping experience to consumers across Canada,” states online store manager Piero Cervini. Junior has also equipped its online store with Live Support software. Online visitors can get quick responses to their inquires without having to email and wait several days to receive answers to their questions. Consumers throughout the country can now receive the same quality service offered in store. “We envision ourselves being the premier online source for superior baby products across Canada,” explains Mr. Cervini. Junior Furniture takes great pride in quickly responding to the ever-changing needs of parents. In fact was already offering glass baby bottles before the media warned the public about the dangers of plastic. Parents are encouraged to visit the online store and browse through the extensive list of quality baby products available. The team at Junior Furniture looks forward to welcoming you into their growing family of satisfied customers.

“Our goal is to offer the Junior shopping experience to consumers across Canada.” Meubles JUNIOR Furniture

Piero Cervini Online Store Manager

9520 Maurice-Duplessis Riviere-Des-Prairies, Quebec H1E 1N1 514.643.1450

W W W . J U N I O R B A B Y. C O M


46 72



Au Fil de l’Eau

Making Retirement a Family Affair By Daniela Scoppa / Gabriel Riel-Salvatore

esidence Au Fil de l’Eau, a luxurious and cozy residential and retirement home complex along the Rivière-desPrairies, is a true testament to Calogero Migliara’s dream vision of a family-run business. The project of building an inviting residential complex located in one of Montreal’s most appealing settings started in 1976 when he was joined by his son Salvatore. Mr Migliara had been involved in the construction and real-estate business since 1962. “Ever since I was a young boy, I always wanted to work with my father” Salvatore Migliara proudly says sitting back comfortably in his office chair, where he now keeps on running his late father’s business.


The Migliaras’ involvement in the construction business in Montreal North and Rivièredes-Prairies began with three residential high-rises: Condominium Domaine des Prairies and Cascades des Prairies, and Residence Chateau Beaurivage. The portion of land they had purchased, located in RDP on the border of the Rivière- des-Prairies, was subject to city bylaws and zoning which prevented further development and put an end to the completion of a residential and retirement- home complex. In order to abide by the City of Montreal zoning requirements, Mr Migliara father revised his development plans and divided the land he owned into ten smaller lots to be sold for the building of residential homes, which two of the lots were sold and two bungalows were built. In 1984, the City of Montreal changed its zoning bylaws and allowed the construction of 8- to- 12 storey buildings on the Migliara’s property. The Migliaras started to believe once again in the long-term development of a three -stages complex on their property. Two years later, the Tour Félix Leclerc, the first phase of the Residence Au Fil de l’Eau, was completed. By the fall of 1986, the first residents of what had become a magnificent 80 units retirement home started moving in. Eager to expand, Salvatore and his father immediately started to negotiate with a neighbour located on the east side of phase one. An agreement was reached after long negotiations and in 1988 the next phase of the project was proposed to the City of Montreal and quickly approved. In July 1990, the Tour Tivoli, the second phase of the project, was inaugurated. Always aggressive, the Migliaras had an eye on other bordering properties. It took them nine more years to buy the adjacent lots to the east of Tour Tivoli (phase two), before they got the city permit to start building the third phase of their construction project, the 21 storey high Tour Fontainebleau, inaugurated in 2000. Finally, in 2003 intensive negotiation began with the owners of the two bungalows and Salvatore Migliara purchased the properties and immediately began to relocate them on another site to give way to another twenty storey building that was adjoined to the existing phase one tower, carrying on the dream of the Migliara family to become their most beautiful project. . Today, the Migliaras are proud of their project which counts 580 luxurious apartments and hosts 800 happy residents. “One cannot be bored here, claims proudly Salvatore Migliara. The list of services offered at Au Fil de L’eau residence is truly impressive beginning with its 50 seats cinema, its arts and crafts room, its exercise room (complete with personal trainer), its chapel (offering three masses a week), hairdresser, depanneur, pharmacy, clinic, bank services provided by Laurentian bank, Internet room, completed with a swimming pool, whirlpool, billiard room and an eighteen-hole mini-golf course. There is even a wine cellar where Salvatore and his tenants make their own wine which they use during the parties held by the residence social club. A beautiful restaurant, La Riviera, overlooking the river and operated by chef Franco Petrozza’s family, offers an excellent assortment of French and Italian cuisine and a variety of meals. There is indoor and outdoor parking and a shuttle service that takes the residents grocery shopping or across different malls and shopping centers (Carrefour Laval, SaintBruno, Rockland, etc.) every week. No wonder many residents do not hesitate to say that life at the Au fil de l’Eau residence is like living in a resort that includes a complete range of amenities. These luxurious retirement homes cater to retirees who enjoy autonomous living by providing spacious and fully equipped apartments that have the great advantage of including a laundry room in each unit. For seniors with special needs, assisted living and long term care are available on two full floors of the phase two tower (Tour Tivoli). The Centre Garant CHSLD (short and Long-Term Care Centre) provides 24 hours a day professional and nursing services. Keeping his tenants happy is what counts most for Salvatore Migliara. His secret to success is simple: a family- oriented business and friendly, caring personnel. “Our apartments, he explains, are very warm and cozy. We want residents to feel as comfortable as possible. That was my father’s dream and this is what I’ll continue doing. Our residents are an extension of our family and that’s how we treat them. My wife Johanne and I make sure that we are present at every significant event.” If senior Calogero Migliara were still alive he could see his dream come true. Now his grandson Charlie has become Director and general manager and will eventually take over the company. Salvatore Migliara and his wife are slowly phasing out from the accounting and managing of their magnificent retirement complex. They prefer now to concentrate on the social activities that go on. This semi-retirement stage gives Salvatore more time to pursue and enjoy his hobbies such as golf (he sometimes takes a group from the residence with him) and for his implication in the Club Fiat de Montreal inc. and his involvement in the fundraising of the Fondation de l’Institut de Cardiologie de Montréal and the Fondation de l’Hôpital de Montréal pour Enfants. “Charlie loves being involved in this kind of business,” Salvatore says. Service à la clientele, customer satisfaction, has been my number one priority and remains his as well.” Salvatore and Johanne have another son, 23-year-old Anthony, who decided to pursue another line of work. “This was my father’s dream, sums up Salvatore with a glimmer in his eyes. I hope it stays a family-run business, because that’s how we, the Migliaras, became successful and prosperous.” To contact us or for more information please visit our web site at or call at 514-327-4411. v



47 72


Caisse Populaire Canadienne Italienne

More Than Just a financial institution! By Daniela Scoppa

inding a trust-worthy financial institution can sometimes be a difficult task. For most, making sure their hard-earned money is safe is a very important issue in their lives. The Caisse Populaire Canadienne Italienne is a financial institution that understands every one of its member’s financial concerns and the latest addition to their services only makes things easier.


About a year ago, the Wealth Management team was added to the services provided by the personnel of the caisse that was founded in1974. It started out as Fiducie Canadienne Italienne and then transformed into Caisse Populaire Canadienne Italienne in 1997, joining the Desjardins Financial group, the biggest financial institution in Québec. “All of a sudden we became so much more for our customers,” says Mariano De Carolis General Manager of the Caisse. And now with the Wealth Management team, the Caisse Populaire Canadienne Italienne has become an even better resource for its members. The Wealth Management team offers effective strategies and closely collaborates with a team of experts from various Desjardins subsidiaries to help you reduce your taxes, diversify your investment portfolio, plan your retirement, manage your retirement income, estate planning, advice on legal fiscal matters and protect your wealth in case of serious illness, disability or death. People of all ages rely on these services. It may be someone who has just inherited a large sum and needs advice on investments, or someone who is changing jobs and has decisions to make regarding their pension fund. It could be a couple who is a few years from retirement and

needs to know if their dreams are attainable or for retirees who want to secure their egg nest. Services cater to individuals as well as corporations. For example, trust accounts may be put in place for corporate investors for fiscal or legal purposes. Advice is available for owners and administrators of companies who plan on retiring and would need to transfer the company assets, either to their children or to their associates. “We dress our customers from head to toe,” De Carolis says of the complete array of financial products and services offered. “Our slogan is: Money working for people.” The goal of this department is to sustain and realize long-term wealth. Angela Iermieri manages the new team and says, “Our personalized approach will net you a comprehensive financial portrait of your assets and a straight forward action plan to grow your capital providing you with the luxury of our attentive follow-up”. Angela Iermieri, who has been working at the Caisse for 6 years, says her team along with the rest of the employees understands the needs of the community. “We’re a big institution but we’re still small enough to know everyone’s name,” she says. “When members walk into our branches, they are greeted by one of our employees by their name.”

Mariano De Carolis General Manager of the Caisse Populaire Canadienne Italienne

That personal touch is one of the many secrets to the caisse’s long success. “We’ve been here for a long time and people trust us,” says De Carolis, who manages the caisse’s eight branches located from LaSalle to Riviere des Prairies. “We make people feel at ease by offering them the products and services that they want and need.” One way they help people feel comfortable is by having 95 per cent of their employees speak three languages: English, French and Italian. “80 per cent of our clientele is Italian, De Carolis says. If one of their employees doesn’t speak Italian, they have a solution. “We offer them Italian courses.” Another distinction where Desjardins is more than a bank is the patronage allocation known as “ristourne”. Being a cooperative institution, Desjardins distributes part of its profits to its members. The Cassa Popolare Canadese Italiana has distributed in the past 5 years a total of 9.1 million dollars to its members. De Carolis also makes sure that the Cassa Popolare Canadese Italiana has a big presence in the community. The Cassa donates to non-profit organizations, as well as to different schools for bursaries. The Cassa also contributes to numerous cultural and educational activities that help reconnect with the Italian roots. Among some of the activities were the students from Laurier MacDonald High School engaging in a trip to Italy. “We want to be a social-economic motor for the community,” De Carolis says. As for Angela Iermieri, her new department promises to help make financial decisions easier for those who require the services of the Wealth Management team, which includes herself, Diane Rouleau, Santo Benenati and Silvia Jimenez. “We want people to know that when they come to us, along with the Italian touch, they will get good, sound, professional advice.” Avanti…insieme ! v

Wealth Management team, Diane Rouleau, Silvia Jimenez, Angela Iermieri and Santo Benenati.


48 72



Grand Vitara

Suzuki de Laval n operation since 1993, Suzuki de Laval is under exciting new ownership with the return of founder and former owner Tony Vinci, joined by a winning management team. Tony’s partners and co-owners include Nicola (Nicky) Ruccolo, a retired pastPresident at Pirelli Tire Canada and currently managing another Italian tire brand (Marangoni) with Grand Prix Import, and Pina Gurreri, the dealership’s new General Manager. With over 25 years experience in automotive sales and service, the three partners have assembled a professional staff focused on providing clients with a superior customer experience.

I Siete tutti invitati a venire a prendere un caffe il 9-10-11 Aprile dalle 17:00 alle 20:00.

Aside from sales of the Suzuki line of automobiles, the dealership also offers mechanical servicing for all brands. Tony, Nicky and Pina invite you to visit their dealership located at 1750 boul. Chomedey in Laval (between boul. St. Martin and Highway 440), in order to meet with them and discuss your automotive needs. This Laval dealership is the leading Montreal area representative for the Suzuki brand of automobiles. Long known for its dominance in the motorcycle, ATV and marine sectors, Suzuki has made a strategic decision to extend its success and become a major force in the automotive world. Suzuki is already leading automotive manufacturer in several global markets, notably being the #1 auto retailer in the emerging Indian market where it will attain sales of 700,000 cars in 2008, slightly surpassing even its sales in its Japanese home market. Historically known for its durable compact cars and small SUV’s, Suzuki is currently in the process of expanding its offerings to include a full line of automotive products for North America. In addition to the economical Swift compact and sleek Grand Vitara SUV, 2007 saw the introduction a new roomy full size XL7 SUV, which earned 5-Star front and side impact safety rating. The other recent additions in 2007 were the sexy SX4 Crossover hatchback and sedan, designed by Giorgetto Giugiaro’s renown Italdesign studio in Turin, Italy. Since introduction, the compact yet roomy SX4 has been a hot seller, being the least expensive all-wheel-drive car sold in Canada. Soon joining the model lineup later this year is the 2009 Suzuki Equator, a mid-size pickup truck which was unveiled at last month’s Chicago Auto Show. The 2010 model year will also see the introduction of a new mid size sport sedan based on the stunning Suzuki Kizashi concept car which debuted to rave reviews at the 2007 Frankfurt Auto Show. Other new models are also planned for introduction over the next few years. With a longstanding reputation for providing superior product value and manufacturing solid and dependable automobiles, Suzuki is confident in achieving its goal to double North American sales by 2010. Coupled with the winning team assembled at Suzuki de Laval, there’s no doubt that we’ll be seeing many more of these quality cars on the road. Suzuki de Laval will be holding its inaugural open house week from April 9-11th, from 5-8PM, when they invite you to drop in for coffee and refreshments as well as a chance to win door prizes to be drawn. Tony, Nicky and Pina look forward to meeting with you at Suzuki de Laval, and have you experience the Suzuki “Way of Life”. v



1750, boul. Chomedey, Laval, Québec H7T 2W3

Tél.: 450.682.4000 w w w. s u z u k i d e l a va l . c o m

Official tire brands of Suzuki de Laval ®

Les Carreaux Metro Inc. Quality Tiles at Affordable Prices By Daniela Scoppa

heir slogan represents the philosophy that has been the driving force of this successful tile company for over two decades — Où l’élégance est abordable or Quality tiles at affordable prices. No matter the language their mission has been to offer their clientele the latest trends of the ever changing flooring market. “We are always trying to give more to our customer’’, says Steve Zampini, owner and director of Les Carreaux Metro Inc.


The family tradition was instilled in Steve by his late father Tony Zampini, the founder of Metro Tile and Marble Limited in 1964. An installation company that focused on commercial and residential projects with a team of 15 tile setters began with a 1000 square foot storefront and a 9000 square foot warehouse. Since joining forces with his father in 1984, many changes have occurred, mainly the expansion of the location. The 7000 square feet showroom and their whopping 30 000 square feet warehouse represent the commitment to their clients to maintain inventory of the stock whenever needed. Since 1984 Les Carreaux Metro Inc. concentrated primarily in the importation and retail sale of ceramic tiles. However, always responding to the demands of the market, Steve has embarked in a new endeavour ‘’We’ve gone full circle, once again offering our clients installation services with the new branch of our company Carrelage Metro within one store location’’ He continues by saying “Our customers would like us to offer a more complete service from conception of design, selection of materials and finally installation.’’ Steve Zampini One thing Zampini always has to clear up is the misconception of the company’s name. “It’s funny because everyone gets the meaning of the store name wrong,” he says with a chuckle of the word Metro, which has been around since the very beginning. “The word ‘metro’ is Italian for measuring tape. That’s why my father chose that name.” Walking into Les Carreaux Metro is a treat in itself. Their showroom spotlights not only the latest models but displays the different installation patterns. The professional sales staff are certified designers who are qualified to draw designs to match the clients’ desires — all free of charge. They’ll match the tile to kitchen tiles, paint colours and fabric swatches. Another strength of this company is the fact that they import tiles directly from Italy, Spain, Brazil, China, Uruauay, Malaysia and even Dubai. In doing, so they can offer the best prices to their customer. “We understand that everyone has a budget — that is why we cater to any clientele by offering a range of tiles from 99 cents to $8.00 a square foot without compromising style” They offer modular tiles, granite tiles, porcelain, ceramic, marble and much more in many different formats. The other unique feature found at Les Carreaux Metro is the vast array of wall tiles. “We’re one of the few stores that still sell wall tiles,” Steve says. The reason, according to Steve is because they’re too expensive to import but because he is a direct importer, he can sell them at a reasonable price. The evolution of Les Carreaux Metro Inc. is not limited to the retail expansion. Steve has aggressively pursued the commercial aspects of the business. Taking full advantage of the growth of the construction industry in Quebec — he is able to offer a great prices and unbeatable service. We don’t just dump it there and leave it for the construction workers to carry it up, we place the merchandise in the specific condo unit” Zampini says of his unique delivery method. “We offer a full-scale service.” Along with his wife Pina Innamorato, he is proud to say that the construction sales now represent 60% of the business. She oversees the bookings, scheduling, inventory availability, and deliveries in addition to customer service to a demanding clientele. “Without her, we definitely would not be where we are today,” says Zampini. For the future, Zampini would like to take his $5 million a year company to new heights. “I would like to open a second store soon,” he says. No matter what expansion happens to this award-winning company (they won Petite Entreprise, Detail de L’Annee in 2005, much to Zampini’s surprise), he is taking his small staff of 18 with him. “We’re a team,” he says of his employees. Zampini would also like to see his two daughters, Melissa and Tiffany, one day take over the company. “They have to finish their studies first and I definitely will not push them into doing anything they don’t want to do,” he says. When asked to describe his company, Zampini says, “I will always honour the inheritance my father gave me. His legacy of hard work and commitment to success will never be forgotten. It is a privilege to continue in this wonderful business. When something is built on a strong foundation, it can only succeed. When you give it your best, people see the quality and that’s what we do. Quality tiles at affordable prices.” v



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Is your retirement income secure?


ou could spend as much as one third of your life in retirement and that means many of the financial decisions you make at age 60 or 65 (or earlier) could affect your standard of living for the next two or three decades. That’s because financially, retirement is unlike any other period for investors. During this stage of life, your primary objective will likely change, from growing your portfolio to managing risk. Retirement is a time when it’s likely there will be less new money added to your portfolio. Instead, you will be withdrawing funds. During this time, the most important objective will be to avoid outliving your investment portfolio, which means that growth, along with low volatility, will become a key consideration. It is also a time when you’ll need a steady source of predictable income that is protected against the erosion of inflation. While all investors face these obstacles to a certain degree, they take on a greater significance when it comes to investing for retirement income.

Three key risks There are three major risks that individuals face when it comes to retirement income: Longevity Since Quebeckers are living longer, they must finance a retirement that could last 25 years or more. Today, there is a one-in-three chance that a 65-year-old male will survive until he’s 85; for women, the odds are about one in two. By comparison, 50 years ago the average life expectancy was about 68 for men and 74 for women. Inflation This threat can have a devastating effect on retirement assets. Even at the relatively low level of 2%, the purchasing power of

By Peter Pomponio

a dollar is reduced by close to 40% over a 20-year span. This means that individuals must focus on real returns after inflation and find asset classes which can keep up with the cost of living. Market risk The “sequence of returns,” or the order of investment returns you receive, affects your retirement assets. The order of investment returns is a primary concern in retirement because it has a significant effect on how long your money will last. Let’s look at an example to demonstrate this. You establish a $100,000 portfolio at age 65, and in that year you start withdrawing $9,000 annually for retirement needs. Assume the portfolio has an average annual return of 7%. If the returns are constant – that is, you earn a steady 7% each year – your investment will last until about age 86. However, if investment losses are incurred at the beginning of the period, for example a -13% return, followed by +7% and +27% (which still averages 7%), then the length of time the money will last could become significantly shorter, easily depleting your money by age 81. On the other hand, when good returns are received at the beginning, your assets will last longer. Newer products geared to retirement income help address the retirement risks. They recognize the need to balance principal protection with the growth of your investment. The newest entrant into the market is the Guaranteed Minimum Withdrawal Benefit (GMWB). Since it was launched in the U.S. in 2002, the GMWB has grown into a US$400 billion market. The GMWB has been available in Canada since 2006. The Guaranteed Minimum Withdrawal Benefit is not an investment per se, but rather an optional rider on a segregated fund policy that can provide the guaranteed income for life. A segregated fund policy combines an investment in a mutual fund with an insurance component that provides principal pro-

tection for deposit maturity and death, possible creditor protection, and estate planning benefits. The GMWB rider is purchased in addition to the segregated fund. Available investments cover the full range of asset classes. The GMWB enables you to select portfolios based on your risk tolerance, rather than seeking out more conservative investments that might otherwise be used for retirement income. The rider guarantees an annual retirement income in the form of return of capital (which does not attract tax) of up to 5% of the investment for a minimum of 20 years. Other benefits available with the GMWB include market resets every three years, which can potentially increase the income available and an annual 5% bonus in the years prior to withdrawals, to guarantee the risk-free growth of assets prior to retirement. The GMWB reduces longevity risk, provides a potential hedge against inflation, and protects against market volatility so you can benefit from any upside gains without experiencing the downside risk. In addition, your capital is accessible at any time. The information in this article is provided solely for informational and educational purposes and is not intended to provide individual financial, investment, tax, legal or accounting advice. Professional advice should be obtained prior to acting on the basis of this information. Peter Pomponio is a Vice-President of Assante Capital Management Ltd (Member CIPF). He is the owner of the Ville StLaurent Branch and practices as a Senior Fully Licensed Financial Planner from the Ville St-Laurent office. He can be reached at (514) 832-5100, or by e-mail at v

Be tax savvy. It’s not what you make that counts. It’s what you keep. We can help keep the taxman’s hand out of your pocket. There are tax implications to every element of your financial affairs, from risk management and insurance to investments and estate planning. By working together, we can develop strategies to maximize your net worth and minimize your tax burden.

For a free consulation, please call... Peter Pomponio, CFP, RFP, C.Adm., Fin. PL. Financial Planner Senior Fully Licensed Representative Vice-President Owner, Ville St-Laurent Branch Assante Capital Management Ltd. (Member CIPF) 8301 Trans-Canada Highway St-Laurent, QC H4S 1Z1 Tel: 514.832.5100

Le bail de logement (suite de l’article précédent)

par Roberto T. De Minico Tel que nous vous le mentionnions dans notre article précédent, des règles particulières s’appliquent au bail de logement, à savoir un local destiné à l’habitation. Ces règles sont impératives, d’ordre public et on ne peut y déroger. Ce sont ces particularités qui feront l’objet du présent article. La Régie du logement a prévu des formulaires de baux qui doivent être utilisés dépendamment du type de logements loués et qui contiennent le contenu requis par la loi. Lorsque le propriétaire rempli ce formulaire, il doit en remettre un exemplaire au locataire dans les 10 jours de sa conclusion. Dans un bail de logement, il est notamment interdit de limiter la responsabilité du locateur, de rendre un locataire responsable d’un préjudice causé sans sa faute ou de modifier les droits d’un locataire en raison de l’augmentation du nombre d’occupants, sous réserve que chacun de ces occupants puissent vivre dans des conditions normales de confort et de salubrité. Également, le bail ne pourrait contenir des clauses discriminatoires sous peine de dommages-intérêts punitifs. De façon générale et sous réserves d’exceptions, lorsqu’un nouveau locataire loue un logement, le propriétaire doit, lors de la conclusion du bail, donner un avis indiquant le loyer le plus bas payé au cours des 12 derniers mois précédant le début du nouveau bail. Par ailleurs, tout avis au bail, sauf celui donné par le locateur afin d’avoir accès au logement, doit être donné par écrit au locataire et dans les délais prévus par la loi.



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En ce qui a trait au loyer, il doit être convenu et indiqué au bail. Il est payable par versement égaux et le premier jour de chaque terme, à moins qu’il n’en soit convenu autrement. Chaque versement ne peut excéder un mois de loyer et ne peut être exigé d’avance. En conséquence, le propriétaire ne pourrait exiger des chèques post-datés. À moins que le bail soit d’une durée de plus de 12 mois où une exception existe, le loyer ne peut être réajusté en cours de bail. Le locateur a l’obligation de délivrer un logement en bon état d’habitabilité et de propriété et de le maintenir ainsi pendant toute la durée du bail. Un logement est impropre à l’habitation lorsque son état constitue une menace sérieuse pour la santé ou la sécurité des occupants ou du public ou avoir été déclaré comme tel par le tribunal ou des autorités compétentes. S’il est impropre, un locataire peut refuser d’en prendre possession et le bail est résilié de plein droit. S’il devient impropre pendant la durée du bail, le locataire peut alors abandonner le logement et en aviser le propriétaire avant l’abandon ou dans les 10 jours qui suivent. Le locataire a alors le droit de réintégrer son logement lorsqu’il redevient propre ou même avant s’il a avisé le propriétaire de son intention de le réintégrer et s’il a donné sa nouvelle adresse. Le locataire qui a avisé son propriétaire de la non-reconduction du bail ou sa résiliation est tenu de permettre l’accès et la visite du logement et l’affichage dès qu’il a donné son avis. Le locateur doit donner au locataire un préavis de 24 heures de son intention de vérifier l’état du logement ou de faire visiter un acquéreur éventuel, sauf urgence. Cette visite devra avoir lieu entre 9h00 et 21h00 et le locateur devra être présent, à moins que le locataire accepte qu’il en soit autrement. Lorsque le propriétaire doit effectuer des travaux dans le logement, sauf urgence, le même préavis doit être donné et l’accès doit avoir lieu entre 7h00 et 19h00. Également, un locataire ne peut changer les serrures ou autre mécanisme restreignant l’accès du logement sans le consentement du locateur. En vertu du Code civil du Québec, le locataire a un droit personnel au maintien dans les lieux et ne pourra être évincé que dans les cas prévus par la loi, ce qui veut dire qu’un locataire a droit de demeurer dans son logement tant qu’il le désire s’il respecte ses obligations. Dans ce cas, le bail de logement est donc reconduit de plein droit avec ou sans modification. Même lorsqu’une modification est contestée par le locataire, telle une augmentation de loyer, ce dernier a droit de demeurer dans son logement. Lorsqu’un locateur désire modifier le bail il doit aviser le locataire à cet effet dans les délais prescrits dépendamment de la durée du bail. Lorsque le bail est de 12 mois, l’avis du locateur doit être donné entre 3 et 6 mois avant la fin du bail et le locataire aura un mois suivant la réception de cet avis afin de répondre s’il refuse la modification. Dans ce cas, le locateur aura un mois de la réception du refus pour s’adresser à la Régie du logement à défaut de quoi le bail sera reconduit aux mêmes conditions que le bail initial. Dans l’éventualité où un conflit survenait entre un locataire et un locateur, l’une ou l’autre des parties pourra s’adresser à la Régie du logement qui est l’instance compétente en matière de bail de logement. v

Nancy Nerone, LL.M. fisc. Director of the Tax Department

Mrs Nancy Nerone holds a Master’s degree in taxation from HEC Montréal after completing the tax course offered by the CICA. She has fifteen years of experience in taxation in national and international firms. She is currently the Director of the Tax Department at Villeneuve Venne, LLP. She is a lecturer and tax trainer. She is a member of both Canadian Tax Foundation and «Association de planification fiscale et financière» (APFF) as well as the Chairman of the BKR International Canadian Tax Group.

Villeneuve Venne, LLP offers various tax services such as: Corporate reorganizations • Estate planning Purchase and sale of businesses • Expatriate taxation International taxation • Specialization in Real Estate, Mining corporations and the Film industry.

Contact info: Office: 450.585.5503 • Cell.: 514.792.1433 E-mail:

w w w. v v b k r. c o m


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I NOSTRI PAESInos villages


Our towns

Angela e Nicola Marrone

dagiata tra filari di ulivi, che degradano fino al mare Adriatico, Fossacesia,cittadina in provincia di Chieti, sorge sulla collina di Venere, dove il ricordo della regola benedettina è impresso nel paese, Un connubio speciale tra sacro e profano che si perpetua nel silenzio di un colle fiorito.


Abitata già in epoca preromana dai Frentani, nel medioevo Fossa Cecca divenne parte del monastero benedettino di San Giovanni in Venere e ne segui le alterne vicende storiche. L’impianto urbanistico attuale conserva palazzi pubblici nobiliari costruiti a partire dal 1600 e si articola in propaggini insediative sparse nelle frazioni Marina e Villa Scorciosa. Da visitare: la Fontana delle cinque Cannelle; i palazzi nobiliari Contini e Mayer; la Chiesa del SS. Rosario, realizzata nel 1876; la chiesa parrocchiale, dedicata a San Donato Martire, del 1290 distrutta durante i bombardamenti della Seconda Mondiale e successivamente ricostruita. Il territorio comunale si estende dalla costa, lungo la piana del fiume Sangro, e lambisce con lo sguardo la mole possente della Maiella. Colline fertili, che permettono di imbandire la tavola di sapori forti e genuini: vini da Montepulciano d’Abruzzo d.o.c., Tre d’Abruzzo d.o.c., Pecorino, Passerina, Cococciola e altri vitigni; olio extravergine d’oliva, proveniente dalla molitura di olive Gentile di Chieti e Crognalegno; frutta e ortaggi, che riforniscono i principali mercati regionali. La popolazione ha superato i 5600 abitanti e nel periodo estivo si triplica, all’arrivo di numerosi villeggianti che soggiornano nelle strutture ricettive vicino ai famosi Trabocchi.

Il litorale presenta una vegetazione ricca e spiagge di ciottoli e sabbia; il paesaggio costiero del medio Adriatico é ricco di baie e insenature. Sugli scogli che affiorano a pochi metri dalla riva, costruzioni in legno dominano gli alti fondali con pennacchi e impalcature: sono i trabocchi celebrati dal poeta Gabriele D’Annunzio per il loro fascino misterioso; queste piattaforme sono oggi tutelate da leggi regionali come beni culturali primari. Il turismo balneare è una tradizione consolidata e il flusso di visitatori a Fossacesia è in continua espansione, alimentato anche dai pellegrini diretti alla Abbazia San Giovanni in Venere. Il complesso monastico fu costruito nel VI secolo sui ruderi dove in epoca romana sorgeva un tempio dedicato a Venere. Conserva un prospetto monumentale e la pianta basilicale a tre navate risalenti all’ampliamento avviato nel 1165 e completato nel corso del XII secolo, in stile gotico- cistercense.La facciata è decorata da un portale in marmo del 1230, detto della luna, scolpito con altorilievi che raffigurano storie della vita di Giovanni Battista. Le decorazioni policrome di ispirazione islamico- siciliana, guardano il Golfo di Vasto. L’Abbazia fu per secoli il punto di incontro di movimenti culturali, religiosi e politici che hanno valorizzato

Abbazia di San Giovanni in Venere.

Trabocchi, lido di Fossacesia.

Fossacesia. Ha avuto l’ammirazione di personalità piû vicino a noi, come Gabriele d’Annunzio, Francesco Paolo Michetti, Franceso Paolo Tosti, Eduardo Scarfoglio, il generale medico Alfredo Bucciante ed il generale dell’ottava armata inglese Montgomery che la vide colpita dai bombardamenti nel 1943. Sede istituzionale dell’Unione dei Comuni della Frentania Fossacesia è stata recentemente insignita della Medaglia d’Argento al Valore Civile, per il coraggioso apporto della popolazione locale alla Resistenza contro le truppe di occupazione durante la Seconda Guerra Mondiale. L’Associazione Famiglie Fossacesiane a Montreal dagli anni Cinquanta si diede da fare per fare restare uniti i fossace-

siani e per promuovere attività socio- culturali, folkloristiche, teatrali e ricreative come la pesca nel nome di Fossacesia. Negli anni 1960 è nato il Piccolo Coro Abruzzese che ha vinto il primo premio per il bel canto corale al festival italiano al Park Belmont, organizzato dall’Ordine Figli d’Italia. L’Associazione esiste ancora, diretta dalla seconda e terza generazione. La maggior parte delle loro attività si realizzano all’Oratorio San Gabriele, Parco d’Abruzzo a Saint-Julienne. Un meritato omaggio vada ai fondatori dell’Oratorio per il dono dei propri terreni, oggi luogo di fede ed attività ricreative, religiose e culturali durante l’estate. L’Associazione Famiglie Fossacesiane fa parte della Federazione delle Associazioni Regionali d’Abruzzo del Quebec Inc. fondata con un’assemblea generale, il 26 settembre 1993. Tante sono state negli anni le attività della FARAQ. Basta qui ricordarne alcune tra le più significative. Scopo della FARAQ è di conservare le tradizioni abruzzesi ed essere il punto di riferimento nel Quebec per il governo regionale. Raggruppa le associazioni abruzzesi che rappresentano una città o un paese delle quattro provincie della Regione Abruzzo: L’Aquila, Pescara, Teramo e Chieti. La Faraq organizza attività senza scopo di lucro ed opera in campi si carattere culturale, sportivo, educativo,ricreativo e religioso. La Faraq fa da tramite nelle relazioni con le Istituzioni Abruzesi regionali, provinciali e comunali, con le Istituzioni del Quebec, e con il governo italiano tramite il Consolato Generale di Montreal. Nel 1993 organizza il colloquio “La Famiglia Italiana nella Società Quebecchese”, il rapporto tra genitori e figli, integrazione e problemi culturali. 1995: accoglienza di una delegazione diretta dal presidente del consiglio regionale Onorevole Giovanni Melilla e di un’ altra delegzione di 21 persone diretta dal presidente della Regione Abruzzo Onorevole Antonio Falconio. 2003: accoglienza del presidente del Consiglio Regionale abruzzese, Onorevole Giuseppe Tagliente, rice-

vuto all’Assemblea Nazionale del Quebec dal Presidente l’Onorevole Michel Bissonnet. (Vedere sventolare la bandiera regionale per la prima all’Assemblée Nationale a Quebec come omaggio agli ospiti, ci ha commossi) Attività musicali: “Una Serata all’ Opera” in collaborazione con l’ Istituto Italiano di Cultura e il Consolato. Omaggio al grande musicista e compositore abruzzese, Cecco Paolo Tosti. Ripetuta l’esperienza con l’istituto italiano di cultura per accogliere i solisti Aquilani che diedero un Concerto memorabile al Centro Peladeau a Montreal. Promozione della prima Settembrata Abruzesse a Montreal con fiera artistica di ceramiche e di merletti con il tombolo. Simposio sul fenomeno emigratorio ed il trapianto nel paese di adozione, ‘La Nostra Eredità Culturale’, al Collège Marie Victorin. Inaugurazione del Parco D’Abruzzo dove è costruito l’Oratorio San Gabriele alla presenza del presidente del Governo Regionale d’Abruzzo, Onorevole Antonio Falconio. Vendemmiata nel Parco D’Abruzzo a SainteJulienne. Presentazione del volume ‘Partenze e Ritorni di un Italiano all’Estero’ del Prof. Claudio Antonelli. Simposio,’Gli Italiani nella Società Canadese ‘con interventi del Prof. Filippo Salvatore e del Prof. Claudio Antonelli pubblicati nel volume ‘Gli Italiani Nella Società Canadese’ presentato nella biblioteca a St. Léonard. Conferenz a, ‘L o Svago nel Temp o L i bero’. Celebrazione del centenario della nascita di Ignazio Silone e presentazione del film Fontamara. Conferenza su “Gabriele D’Annunzio e L’ impresa di Fiume”, e sul ‘Cardinale Giulio Mazzarino’, nato a Pescina, Aquila. Due spettacoli di bel canto corale e patriottico al Centro Leonardo da Vinci del Coro Alpino di Montreal “Omaggio alla bandiera tricolore italiana” adottata il 7 gennaio 1797. Conferenzea ‘Una Reinterpretazione del pensiero di Giuseppe Mazzini’, e presentazione del volume Dante Istoriato del Prof. Corrado Gizzi, presidente della Casa di Dante in Abruzzo a Torre dei Passeri.


Our towns

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I NOSTRI PAESInos villages

Delegazione del governo regionale d’Abruzzo ricevuta all’Assemblée Nationale a Quebec dal presidente Michel Bissonnet.

Visita dell’Onorevole Antonio Menna vice-presidente del Consiglio D’Abruzzo accolto dal COMITES di Montreal,dal rappresentante al CGIE Giovanni Rapanà e dal presidente dell’Assemblea Nazionale Onorevole Michel Bissonnet. Settembrata organizzata congiuntamente con la Federazione Molisana per la presentazione del libro ‘Ideologie e Civiltà’, del Prof. Filippo Salvatore. Organizzazione del simposio “La medicina sportiva e attività fisica competitiva e i suoi problemi specifici”in collaborazione con l’Ospedale Santa Cabrini. Conferenziere invitato Dottor Francois Croteau. Buon Pomeriggio Culturale al Centro Leonardo Da Vinci, con l’Arrondissement St. Léonard. Cconcerto “L’Avventura Italiana” con la rinomata Orchestra Amati e il Coro Alpino di Montreal. Partecipazione nel 2005, 2006 e 2007 nella città di Laval al festival mondiale Canti Corali con il Coro Alpino di Montreal, membro della F.A.R.A.Q. v


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Wine Castello Fonterutoli, Mazzei Family

Castello di Brolio, Brolio in Chianti

Barone Mazzei escutcheon, Fonterutoli

Chianti, the Black Rooster and the Cypresses Gabriel Riel-Salvatore, journalist with Barone Francesco Ricasoli

ppreciated worldwide for its medium-to-full body character and for its rich red berry aromas, typical of the Sangiovese grape, Chianti is probably Italy’s most famous and known wine. It is also one of the best examples of the country’s success at promoting its unique terroir through effective marketing strategies similar to those used for the promotion of Bordeaux wines. Chianti producers worked hard to convince people that behind their labels lies more than just wine.


by Gabriel Riel-Salvatore

It is Tuscany with its specific splendours that can be appreciated when savouring a bottle of Castello di Brolio, Fonterutoli or Badia a Coltibuono. The ever increasing numbers of tourists flowing in the region wineries as well as the excellent export figures registered for 2006 and 2007 listed at last VinItaly, clearly express the enthusiasm for the Black Rooster, the symbol of Chianti wines. Chianti is produced right in the center of Dante’s home region, in a large territory that stretches from Pisa to Florence, Siena and Arezzo, and their surrounding sub zones called Colli (hills), towns and villages such as, Chianti Colli Aretini, Chianti Colli Fiorentini, Chianti Colli Senesi, Chianti Colline Pisane, Chianti Montalbano, Chianti Rufina, and Chianti Montispertoli. Right in the heart of it all, stands the Chianti Classico area, the oldest of the appellation. This is where Chianti was originally produced before the production zone was extended to answer the needs of the growing international demand of the past decades. Although both Chianti and Chianti Classico now carry the upscale Denominazione di Origine Controlata e Garantita (DOCG), the latter includes the best vineyards, the most renowned producers and is considered since 1996 an independent appellation of the other Chianti wines, generally much cheaper. As the Black Rooster Consortium, Chianti Classico’s promotional body, puts it: È la terra che fa la differenza (It’s the land that makes the difference). Hence, the Chianti hillsides with their castles, villas and monasteries immersed into green waves of vineyards and olive groves, separated by rows of cypresses pointing at the sky like dark green obelisks, easily reveal how terroir does influence taste in this part of the world. Sampling some of the finest bottles of Chianti or Chianti Classico helps one’s senses to connect literally with the suggestive and charming landscapes these wines are the product of. When paired with local delicacies such as Fiorentina di Chianina, Risotto al Chianti Classico or Cinghiale alla cacciatore, these wines reveal even more deeply how closely connected they are to their surroundings and their ancestral Tuscan culture. For generations the Marchesi Mazzei familly has been producing wines in the beautiful village of Fonterutoli near Castellina in Chianti in the very heart of the Chianti Classico. Their awe-inspiring domain produces some of the best Chianti of the region, mixing tradition and modernity with ultra sophisticated cellars located amidst century old buildings. Try their Fonterutoli Chianti Classico D.O.C.G. 2006, (25,35$ 750ml) SAQ: 00856484, a tasty Sangiovese based wine combined with small quantities of Malvasia Nera, Colorino and Merlot. It is rich and flavourful with hints of roasted wood and leather elegantly integrated with red berry aromas. His older brother, the Castello di Fonterutoli Chianti Classico D.O.C.G. 2004, (42,75$ 750 ml) SAQ: 10813769, is a superb expression of Sangiovese blended with a small percentage of Cabernet Sauvignon raised in the best terroirs of the property. Just like a Riserva, it has been aged for 16 to 18 months in French oak barrels before being bottled. The quality of this amazing vintage reveals a distinguished and lovely personality expressing fragrances of cherry, rose flower, vanilla, hints of blackberries, violets and underbrush tones endorsed by well tamed tannins (use of barrels). It is fresh and amazingly balanced with a smooth lingering finish.

The Barone Ricasoli winery, another milestone of Tuscany, located in Brolio, has been tied to wine making in Chianti Classico for almost 1000 years. Barone Bettino Ricasoli (Prime Minister of united Italy after Cavour) introduced the present expression of Chianti Classico; for he was the first to promote the idea of Chianti prominently made with Sangiovese, Tuscany’s flagship variety. His formula also recommended making wines strictly using red grapes, anticipating by a century the 1996 regulations for the production of Chianti Classico. Try their classic Brolio Chianti Classico Mazzei tratoria, Fonterutoli D.O.C.G. 2005, (23,75$ 750 ml) SAQ: 00003962, a clear expression of pure Sangiovese. Its harmonious nose offers a pleasant mix of ripe cherry and violets with discrete tones of barrique wood on a slightly spicy finish making it a nice medium body wine especially suited for poultry, barbeque, stews and spicy cheese. The Castello di Brolio Chianti Classico D.O.C.G. 2003, (44$ 750 ml) SAQ: 00703223 clearly expresses fully ripe Sangiovese selected from the best parcels. Classier than the Brolio, the Castello still offers characteristic red berries aromas, while more towards cooked fruits, with a typical scent of violets. Tannins are especially smooth for a wine coming from such a dry vintage. Hence, finesse is what best describes this mouth filling, unctuous and amazingly balanced wine. To taste another example of Tuscany’s finest terroirs, I recommend trying Il Molino di Grace Riserva Chianti Classico 2003, (33$ 750 ml) SAQ : 1084330 a newcomer on Québec’s market and a stunning bargain. Produced in Panzano, this Riserva is a formidable expression of what the soils of Chianti Classico have best to offer. With the help of superstar winemaker Franco Barnabei, this young estate has been able to reach amazing levels of quality and notoriety in less than ten years of operation. Their Riserva combines an ample structure with smooth and velvety tannins as well as a bouquet carrying recurrent jammy red berries fragrances and a nice spicy finish of amazing complexity. Here are a few more names to bear in mind that I have tasted lately. For a simple, smooth unchallenging Chianti: Fontella Chianti 2006 (14,60 $ SAQ: 10382081) Gabbiano Chianti 2006 (14,75$ SAQ: 10754279) Ruffino Chianti 2006 (15,80 SAQ: 00001743) For more great Chianti Classico: Berardenga Felsina Chianti Classico 2005 (22.65$ SAQ: 00898122) Isole e Olena Chianti Classico 2005 (25.75$ SAQ: 00515296) Castello di Ama Chianti Classico 2004 (42.75$ SAQ: 10663810). v

2227 Bélanger est • Montréal • Québec H2G 1C5 T.514.374.5653 •

Castello di Ama Olive Groves


Olive oil

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OLIO D’OLIVAhuile d’olive

Prodotti Gastronomici Italiani By Gabriel-Riel Salvatore

n the last two decades North Americans have come to appreciate more and more the virtues of extra virgin olive oil. As a result, an increased number of quality olive oils is available in Montreal. Prices can be stiff, in some cases.


Castello di Ama, Chianti Classico, Tuscany

Italy and Spain are the two main olive producers in the world and the largest olive oil consumers. Italy has the best olive oils, despite the fact that a good share of its harvest ends up being transformed or processed into big factories or large cooperatives or mixed with olives from other European countries such as Spain or Greece. Recent regulations implemented by the European Union on protected appellations have gone a long way in favouring and guarantying the quality of extra virgin olive oil. In Italy, many producers have managed to build a good reputation for the quality of their products, bottling them localy and selling them under specific property labels such as Denominazione di Origine Protetta (DOP). These high quality oils go often hand in hand with wine production as olive groves and vineyards share a common ground and are often grown side by side. This is especially the case in the best wineries of central Italy. Tuscany is the number one leader in quality olive oil and, just like its wines, some of its best oils are anything but cheap. Castello di Ama, also one of Chianti Classico finest winemakers, is no exception. Cold pressed from three distinct olive varieties (Leccino, Moraiolo, and Correggiolo) View of Tuscan Landscape from Castello di Ama this extra virgin oil is labelled under the appellation Chianti Classico D.O.P. It is fruity and elegant, harmonious, yet showing verve and character with savoury vegetable notes and a light, peppery finish. This is an expensive oil for special occasions. Yet, bear in mind that, contrary to wine, olive oil does not improve with time and must be consumed preferably within a year or two of its bottling. Castello di Ama, Olio Extra Vergine di Oliva Chianti Classico D.O.P. 2005 (Suggested 30$, 500 ml). Tuscany is the reference in fine oil, as it makes more extra virgin olive oil than anywhere else in Italy. Its production only accounts however for two to three percent of the entire national output. The southern regions are really the ones responsible for Italy’s massive production, especially Puglia and Calabria (70%), followed by Sicilia (10-15%) and Campania (5%). In the past, most of these oils were blended with others and sold under given brand names. Today, oil producers make better quality oil which they commercialize under their own brand names. Regulations in labelling make it an obligation in specifying that the products are 100% Italian. This means that both the olives and the equipment used during the extraction process are exclusively from Italy. For everyday culinary consumption I recommend Borgo di Ama the Sicilian extra vergin olive oil Fragranza Nostrana Castello di Ama, Fragranza from Oleificio “Al Mulino.” It is a 100% Prodotto Olio Extra Vergine Nostrana Italiano made with local Nocellara, Cerasuola and di Oliva Chianti Olio Extra Biancolina olives and is bottled without any filtering which helps in keeping maintain its original fragrance, fruitiness and intense greenish colour. Classico D.O.P. Vergine Fragranza Nostrana Olio Extra Vergine di Oliva (Suggested 12$, 1 L). v 2005

di Oliva

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56 72


Breaking Bread... with friends


lthough the expression originally had religious meaning, todays definition still has many of the same connotations... people eating a meal together and partaking in conversations and conviviality (unless you’re a monk and have taken a vow of silence!).

Osso Buco al Limone e Marsala Lemon and Marsala Flavoured Veal Shanks

by Maria Loggia


There are many forms to “breaking bread”. We can imagine a casual meal surrounded by family to a much more elaborate, formal dinner party. Both extremes hopefully feature spiritually satisfying, body nurturing food. This ritual was traditionally performed in households in the past, however with the plethora of fine, affordable restaurants, we are entertaining more and more outside the home. Irrelevant of the location, the key ingredients are always good food, good friends, all spiced with laughter and banter and a little wine never hurts! Nowadays, we seem to fabricate reasons to get together with friends as our lives are not as interweaved as they once were. To that end, we get together and have pottery parties, wine and cheese parties, tail-gate parties, cooking parties, actually most any reason is good enough to share a meal! The common goal of breaking bread is not only to share a meal but to reaffirm our relationship with our friends and family. Recently a group of friends decided to do just that. So group leader Olga (see photograph) set about organizing a class with friends. She selected dishes her group would be interested in learning (and reproducing at home) and then the class was booked for the five couples. Although everyone had differing degrees of experience in the kitchen, they all participated to varying degrees. There are the observers... they unobtrusively listen to everything being said, reserving judgment till the end. The doer that quickly offers to help and wants to be very involved and of course the always funny friend that injects humor into every situation. No matter how involved they were, they all had a fun! So whenever the urge to be with friends seizes you, get together and raise your glasses! Enjoy! Recipes provided by Tavola Mia Culinary School visit

Puglia tour

Photos: Helen Henshaw

For the ossibuchi • 6 medium size veal shanks, cut approx. 1-1/2- inch thick (Pino at Fruiterie Milano ties mine up with string) • 1\3 cup olive oil • 1 cup all purpose flour • grated zest of 1 lemon • juice of 1/2 lemon • juice of 1 orange • 1 cup dry Marsala wine • 1 to 2 cups chicken stock preferably homemade, completely defatted • Sea salt and freshly ground black pepper to taste. For the sauce • 2 medium-size carrots, peeled • 1 medium-size red onion, peeled • 2 celery stalks • 8 sprigs fresh Ialian parsley, leaves only • 6 fresh sage leaves • 1 sprig fresh rosemary, stem removed • 1 large bay leaf • 1/4 cup olive oil • Sea salt and freshly ground black pepper.

For the gremolata • 10 sprigs fresh Italian parsley, leaves only • 1 sprig fresh rosemary, stem removed • 10 fresh sage leaves • grated zest of 1 lemon • 1/4 cup best-quality extra-virgin olive oil (I used Planeta, refer to favorite find) • 1 tbsp freshly squeezed lemon juice • Salt and freshly ground black pepper, to taste.

Offering food lovers a culinary tour of Puglia August 30 - September 6, 2008 Shop for fava beans and pecorino cheese at the Monday market. Learn to make orecchiette pasta with the flick of a wrist. Dance the tarantella. Help the local winemaker harvest grapes. Eat dinner by candlelight on the terrace of your 16th century palazzo. All part of an inclusive, unforgettable culinary tour of Puglia from August 30th through September 6th 2008. Puglia tour features luxury accomodations in a beautiful manor house owned by a baron whose family has inhabited the place for five centuries. Learn traditional Puglian cuisine. Visit local markets, shops, farms & picturesque Baroque, Byzantine and medieval villages.

Fo r m o r e i n f o r ma ti o n , vi s i t w ww . t av o l am i a. co m



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Olga salting some fennel slices

Preparation Preheat oven to 375 deg F. In the bowl of food processor combine the carrots, onion, celery, parsley, sage and rosemary, and coarsely chop. Heat the oil in a medium-size skillet over medium heat. When the oil is warm add the chopped ingredients and the bay leaf. Season with salt and pepper and sauté until soft, 8 to 10 minutes, stirring often. Meanwhile, dredge the veal shanks in flour and shake off excess. Set aside. Heat the oil in a large skillet over medium high heat. When the oil is warm add the shanks and sauté until well browned, about 3 to 4 minutes per side. Season with salt and pepper. Transfer the vegetables and their juices over the meat. Add the lemon zest, as well as the lemon and orange juice. Cook together for 2 minutes, turning the veal shanks over once. Add the Marsala and cook until most of the wine has evaporated. Transfer the contents to an oven-proof casserole. Add enough broth to cover 2/3 of the meat. Cover the casserole and bake for at least 1-1/2 to 2 hours or until meat is almost falling off the bone. Add stock as necessary to keep the pan moist. Transfer the veal shanks to a serving dish and cover to keep warm. Remove bay leaf and pass the sauce from the casserole through a food mill, using the disc with the smallest holes, into a medium-size saucepan. Adjust seasoning, reduce sauce if necessary,and set aside. Meanwhile, prepare the gremolata; Finely chop the parsley, rosemary and sage. Transfer to a bowl,add the lemon zest, lemon juice and olive oil. Season with salt and pepper. Mix well. Remove the strings from the veal shanks. Serve on preheated dishes, spooning the sauce over the veal, and garnishing with the gremolata. Yield; 6 servings



Planeta Extra-virgin olive oil This delectable Sicilian oil is brought to us from the Santi Planeta family, they are most known for their wines. This oil has deep green reflections and a bouquet of fresh herbs,with citrus, artichoke and pistachio notes. Drizzle on soups, grilled fish, braised dishes, and vegetable dishes such as Caponata. Retail price: $21

Available at Fruiterie Milano 6862 St. Laurent Montréal, Québec T: 514 273-8558 Douceurs du Marché Marché Atwater Montréal, Québec T: 514 939-3902 Dolce Grano 10 494, boul. Perras (Rivière-des-Praires) Montréal, Québec T: 514 678-1571

Crema di Finocchi con Aglio Arrostito Cream of Fennel & Roasted Garlic Ingredients • 2 fennel bulbs, trimmed • 6 tbsp extra virgin olive oil • 2 tablespoons unsalted butter • 1 large onion, peeled • 1 large shallot, peeled • 1 head garlic, unpeeled • 2 large potatoes • 1 bay leaf • 2 tsp fresh thyme, finely chopped • 5 cups chicken stock, preferably homemade, completely defatted

• 1/4 cup 35% cream (optional) • Sea salt & freshly ground black pepper to taste To serve • 2-3 tbsp fennel leaves, finely chopped • 6-8 slices of crusty country bread, 1 inch thick, slightly toasted • Extra-virgin olive oil, for drizzling ( I used Planeta)

Preparation Remove the outside layer from the fennel and reserve the leaves. Soak in a bowl of cold water for 30 minutes. Remove from water, dry well, and cut each bulb lengthwise in half. Reserve 1/4 piece of fennel and cut into very thin slices. Transfer to a baking sheet and drizzle with 2 tbsp of olive oil. Season with salt and pepper and set aside. Cut the remaining fennel into 1/2 inch thick slices. Add the onions, shallots and potatoes to another bowl of cold water. Let soak 30 minutes. Drain and dry the potatoes, cut into 1/2 inch pieces. Drain and dry the onion and shallot, and coarsely chop. In a medium-size saucepan heat 2 tbsp of olive oil and butter over medium heat. Add the onions, shallots, thyme, and bay leaf. Season with salt and pepper, stirring occasionally every 5 to 7 minutes or until translucent. Add the fennel, potatoes and stir 1 to 2 minutes. Add the broth and adjust seasoning. Bring to a boil then lower the heat to a gentle simmer, partially covered for 45 to 55 minutes. Meanwhile preheat oven to 400 deg. F. Slice top of garlic head. Arrange on a piece of foil paper, drizzle the remaining 2 tbsp of extra-virgin olive oil over top and enclose the garlic with the foil. Roast for 35 to 40 minutes or until tender. Squeeze the roasted flesh from the garlic skins and reserve oil and garlic. Roast reserved fennel slices for 6-8 minutes or until fennel is golden brown. Set aside. Remove bay leaf and pass the soup and the reserved roasted garlic and oil through a food mill, using the disc with the smallest holes, into a medium-size bowl. Return to saucepan adjust seasoning, add cream if using and simmer gently 2 to 3 minutes or until heated through. Adjust seasoning. Remove from heat. Place the toasted bread into heated soup bowls and pour the soup directly over the bread. Garnish with the roasted fennel, fennel leaves, and a grinding of fresh black pepper. Drizzle with good quality extra-virgin olive oil if desired. YIELD 6-8 servings. v


58 72

Spring: Stand and Deliver

Ève Gravel Ève Gravel Ève Gravel

Rush Couture Marie SaintPierre Muse

Mélanie Lyne Mélanie Lyne

Black meets White This colour combination puts a stamp in your fashion passport. Black and white outfits are classic, but easy to update with edgy accessories. The checkerboard palette makes a carefree traveling wardrobe for those who want to make an impression abroad or at the local bistro.

Feet First Raymond Weil Browns

Lollipops Michel Desjardins




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Wake up from winter hibernation in cobalt blue, grass green and crisp combinations of black and white. by Joanne Latimer

Cobalt Voltage Is this the new neutral for spring? No way. Cobalt is never neutral and it’s not for the meek. Electrifying and fun, this vivid shade of blue is a gutsy alternative to black, brown and gray. Wear it boldly, in big blocks of colour, for maximum impact.


Greener Pastures Fresh as a dewy meadow, this vibrant shade of green is the best way to shake off winter. It’s all about renewal. Think sprouts. Think salads. Why not meet the girls for a cocktail wearing a grass green mini dress? Make a statement in satin shorts or get the jump on fitness in a grass green tank.


MSiamo MSiamo Muse Estee Lauder






Muse H&M




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La Fresque de Mussolini Filippo SALVATORE, La Fresque de Mussolini, Guernica, Montréal,1992, pp.66 ISBN 2-89135-029-4, $12. Commandes:


ussolini sur son cheval domine la fresque de la voûte dans l’église NotreDame de la Défence (Madonna della Difesa) à Montréal. Pourquoi a-t-on peint le Duce dans une église? Comment au Québec des années 30 le fascisme a permis l’allaince entre l’église et l’état? La pièce de Filippo SALVATORE trace l’histoire d’amour entre le peintre de cette fresque Fabrizio Tincheri et une jeune italomontréalaise Cathy De Marinis et l’insère dans le contexte plus large de l’Histoire où des personnages tels le chanoine Lionel Groulx et le docteur Norman Bethune jouent un rôle de premier plan.


Le Fascisme et les Italiens à Montréal Filippo SALVATORE, Le Fascisme et les Italiens à Montréal, une histoire orale,Guernica Montréal,1994, ISBN 2-89135-037-5, $15. Commandes à (available also in English).


ugh MacLennan, l’un des grands écrivains canadiens de langue anglaise; Maurice Riel, ancient président du Sénat canadien; André-Marie Cimichella, évêque auxiliare de Montréal; John Ciaccia, ancient ministre des affaires internationales du Québec, Antonino Spada, journaliste et chef de file des anti-fascistes italo-canadiens; Dieni Gentile, restaurateur et fasciste impénitent; Carmela Galardo-Frascarelli, amie de Thérèse Casgrain, suffragette et militante feministe; voilà quelques-unes des voix qui recomposent la mosaïque humaine et sociale pendant la première moitié du 20e siècle à Montréal. Comme dans une symphonie, les voix sont contrapuntiques et finissent par présenter une autobiographie historique collective. On obtient ainsi un portrait saisissant de la vie réelle de la communauté italienne de Montréal qui, en se racontant, nous fait revivre les grands enjeux historiques au Canada et en Europe de 1922 à 1945: de la Marche sur Rome de Mussolini au Concordat entre l’Eglise et l’Etat italien: de de guere en Ethiopie au Pacte d’Acier entre Mussolini et Hitler; de la guerre civile en Espagne à la déclaration de guerre entre l’Italie et le Canada le 10 juin 1940 et à l’internement des Italo-canadiens à Petawawa.


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Claudio Antonelli, Espatrio, fedeltà, identità. Omaggio all’Istria e al Canada, Edarc Edizioni, Bagno Ripoli, Firenze, 2007, pp.222,, ISBN 978-88-86428-36-1, 13 Euro. La capra Bianca dell’Istria e la foglia rossa d’acero canadese sono i due punti di riferimento spirituali, esistenziali e geografici dell’ultimo libro “Espatrio, fedeltà, identità, omaggio all’Istria e al Canada” di Claudio Antonelli, noto giornalista italo-montrealese originario di Pisino d’Istria, ora parte della Croazia. Il volume si divide in quattro parti: Omaggio all’Istria, a Fiume, alla Dalmazia; il mondo dei trapiantati; il multiculturalismo e il ritorno in Italia. La chiave di lettura del libro ci viene offerta dall’autore stesso nella introduzione: ‘Il libro è costituito da articoli, saggi, discorsi. I temi trattati sono lo sradicamento, l’appartenenza, l’identità nazionale, l’amor patrio, la fedeltà

CENTRE D’ENTREPOSAGE D’ARMES enr. Roland Bertoldi Tél.: (450) 668-4321 Cell.: (514) 386-2381 Fax: (450) 668-1039 Courriel:

a Pisino e all’Istria, l’italia, il Canada, il mondo degli emigrati, i pregiudizi antitaliani’. In un paese d’immigrazione come il Canada, Antonelli trova nella vita quotidiana e nell’interazione tra la gente di diverse origini gli spunti per riflettere sulla questione dei conflitti di identità. Nella terra dei trapianti, piu’ particolarmente in una città come Montreal, tanta gente vive quotidianamente il contrasto di culture e il conflitto di fedeltà a mondi divergenti. Alla base e come molla continua della riflessione dell’autore si trova il ’ rimpianto del prima’, del luogo abbandonato o costretti a lasciare dalle vicissitudini storiche, - come è stato il caso degli Istriani alla fine della secona guerra mondiale e della giovinezza. Il prima viene così’ proiettato e rivissuto mentalmente in un meta-tempo, non piu’ cronologico, ma psicologico. Il prima diventa una realtà dello spirito, un valore assoluto, assente fisicamente, ma presentissimo nel (ri)creare il passato. Nella dialettica tra presente fisico problematico, (far fronte a tutta una serie di pregiudizi antitaliani per esempio) e passato accarezzato ed abbellito con il ricordo e proiettato nei luoghi dell’anima, è da cercare l’ispirazione ed il filo conduttore del libro. In uno dei testi che potrebbero prestarsi maggiormente ad incomprensioni intitolato ‘Il fascismo degli esuli ‘fascisti’ e il fascismo degli antifascisti’, Antonelli tiene a chiarire in modo lapidare che se la storiografia italiana ha bollato e fino ad un certo punto condonato il trattamento riservato ai Giuliano-Dalmati per le loro simpatie fasciste, ‘nessuno ha chiesto ai comunisti dell’ex Jugoslavia i conti. In Italia i comunisti pontificano ancora, gran moralizzatori con l’erre moscia’. ‘Il fascismo dei nostri genitori, chiarisce Antonelli,... non era basato sull’odio. Era basato sull’amore per Roma, per Dante, per l’italia’. Gli Istriani non avevano odi forti, non hanno mai praticato la pulizia etnica, non hanno cioè svuotato un territorio per appropriarsene, cosa che invece, i comunisti di Tito hanno praticato sistematicamente. ‘Il nostro patriottismo, continua Antonelli, è basato sul rapporto sacro con la terra di nascita, non sulla razza e sul sangue’. Egli se la prende con gli Italiani di oggi per la loro mancanza di ‘coscienza nazionale’, che però, avverte, non va confusa con il tribalismo. Gli italiani hanno tendenza a rinunciare all’idea di patria per un fasul-




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lo e vuoto internazionalismo da salotto, un sentimento ecumenico ed esterofilo che dovrebbe superare le frontiere e le caratteristiche nazionali. È questa un’accusa ricorrente nel libro. La elezione di Giorgio Napolitano a presidente della Repubblica, spinge Antonelli a questa considerazione: ‘Chi aveva avuto come scuola l’Italia dei figli della lupa non ha dovuto frequentare corsi accelerati nell’Italia nata dalla resistenza per imparare concetti come dignità, responsabilità, dirittura’. Un altro tema ricorrentenel libro è che la perdita dell’Istria è dovuta al ‘PCI che fu complice di Tito, il nostro carnefice’. Questa complicità viene fatta rivivere nel ricordo di Monsignor Raffaele Radossi, che si battè contro il crimine da qualsiasi parte esso provenisse’ in pieno regime di terrore titino. Una delle accuse piu’ gravi lanciate è che ‘l’Italia ufficiale celebra da decenni ‘la liberazione che ha visto i massacri delle foibe e l’amputazione del territorio nazionale’. Va detto però’ che dal 2005 il 10 febbraio si commemora anche Il Giorno del Ricordo. La Liberazione è diventata per gli esuli giulianodalmati sinonimo di esodo, di esilio forzato, irriversibile. Questo spiega anche la critica all’ex presidente Pertini. Quando va a Trieste visita la Risiera di San Sabba, l’unico campo di sterminio in Italia, ma nulla dice sulle vittime delle foibe. Nella terza e quarta parte del volume Antonelli affronta questioni ancora irrisolte. È contro la creazione di circoscrizioni estero, perchè obbligo precipuo è di rispettare la lealtà verso il paese in cui si vive. Diversi scritti sono poi dedicati alla politica del multiculturalismo, cosi’ come esso viene praticato in Canada. L’autore è critico di tale politica che ‘tende a favorire sviluppi separati, i ghetti’. Per quanto riguarda il fenomeno immigratorio in Italia negli ultimi due-tre decenni, Antonelli propone meno indulgenza verso l’arrivo indiscriminato ed illegale e propone l’obbligo di sottomersi a regole vigenti nei paesi di accoglienza. Ma per fare rispettare le regole sono gli italiani stessi a dover imparare a fare la fila, ad avere un maggiore senso civico, tanto latitante ed evidente a chi torna in visita in Italia. Questo è un libro duro, controcorrente, agli antipodi della political correctness, provocante, ma proprio per questo stimolante. v Filippo Salvatore

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Zabriskie Point una favola apocalittica sull’America di Michelangelo Antonioni Filippo Salvatore Il decennio che va dal 1963 al 1973 ha profondamente scosso le basi del sistema di valori della società americana. Dall’asssassinio di John F. Kennedy, alla contestazione giovanile, alla campagna per i diritti civili dei neri, al rischio di impeachment ed alle dimissioni del Presidente Richard Nixon, al ritiro delle truppe americane sconfitte in Vietnam, gli USA hanno dovuto far fronte ad una serie di profonde lacerazioni interne ed esterne. Prima di tutto è esploso il problema razziale che ha rivelato che l’America non era solo la grande democrazia vincitrice della seconda guerra mondiale. Era anche una società razzista dove la popolazione nera, guidata da leader carismatici come MalcomX, ma soprattutto da Martin Luther King, esprimeva in modo sempre piu’ insistente ed esplicito la propria condizione di popolo discriminato ed umiliato. I militanti armati Black Panthers, lo slogan ‘Black is Beautiful’, il recupero delle radici africane, la supremazia in campo atletico degli atleti di colore e l’orgoglio ricavatone, sono diverse componenti del fenomeno. Anche la popolazione di razza bianca contesta negli stessi anni la legittimità del sistema sociale ed economico statunitense. Sorge e si afferma il movimento degli hippies che con il suo sogno utopico del ritorno alla terra, il ripudio della proprietà privata, il free love e l’uso di stupefacenti, ripudia i valori del sistema: Dio, patria, famiglia e carriera. L’incapacità delle autorità costituite e dell’esercito di vincere in Vietnam, spinge tanti giovani all’obiezione di coscienza, alle manifestazioni per la pace, al rifiuto di partecipare ad una guerra

vista sempre di piu’ come Zabriskie Point: immagine della Death Valley al tramonto. Foto di Annarita Forcione ingiusta ed immorale. Questi sono i tratti un piano preciso di lavoro, hanno provocato incomprensioni salienti dell’America a chi come Michelangelo Antonioni la e problemi anche con gli attori che non riuscivano ad interaguarda in quegli anni dall’esterno. Prima di occuparsi della gire in modo convincente con l’improvvisazione quotidiana. contestazione negli USA, egli era stato affascinato dalla crisi Questa incomprensione spiega l’interpretazione abbastanza del sistema di valori nel mondo tecnologico, dalla reificazione stucchevole degli attori principali del film che racconta l’indell’individuo, dall’alienazione esistenziale. Ma l’aveva fatto contro fortuito di due giovani nel deserto dell’ Arizona che fino ad allora, la fine anni sessanta, a partire da un ambiente, vivono una breve, intensa e tragica storia d’amore in fondo al che gli era familiare. A parte l’Avventura che si svolge in Sicilia canyon della Death Valley, vicino ad un posto denominato e Blow UP, ambientato a Londra e girato in inglese, i suoi film Zabriskie Point. Sia Daria Halprin che Mark Frechette, i proper quasi due decenni hanno come sfondo la pianura padana. tagonisti, non riescono a dare intensità drammatica e profon(Cronaca di un amore, Il Grido, Le Amiche, L’Eclisse, dità psicologica al personaggio che interpretano, contrariaLa Notte, Il Deserto Rosso). In Blow Up quello che conta mente a quanto era avvenuto con Monica Vitti, Eleonora veramente non è tanto il contesto sociale londinese (la musiRossi Drago o Alain Delon neile opere precedenti di ca rock, i Beatles, la beat generation) quanto la ricerca ontoAntonioni. logica sulla natura del cinema come arte, sulla immagine capDifferenza di mentalità, incomprensioni e conflitti con tata da una lente per arrivare ad una conoscenza irrefutabile i produttori, scarto tra le intenzioni del regista e la resa degli della percezione del reale e la conseguente scoperta dell’imattori e delle maestranze tecniche: da tutto cio’ derivano i possibilità di riuscirci. limiti della pellicola che finisce con l’essere una brutta Nel 1969 Antonioni decide di girare Zabriskie Point copia ridotta del progetto iniziale. negli USA. Subito ha dovuto far fronte ad una serie di proÈ Vincent Canby, il critico del New York Times, che stablemi. I produttori e le maestranze tecniche esigevano un bilisce i parametri interpretativi nelle sue recensioni dopo la orario di lavoro preciso ed un copione altrettanto preciso. prima al Coronet Theatre di New York. ‘Credenziali rivoNon riusciva ad accontentarli perchè le scene per lui erano luzionarie fasulle, scrive, sono scaraventate a profusione sullo spesso il risultato di una spontanea ricerca di immagini e di schermo’. A causa della vuotaggine di fondo della sua visione sensazioni. Egli si limitava,come era sua abitudine, a suggerire dell’America, i difetti di Antonioni, tollerabili in altri suoi il tema generale e qualche battuta di dialogo. La mancanza di

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Come puo’ essere visto e (re)interpretato il fim al giorno d’oggi, all’inizio del terzo millennio? Lo storico del cinema Peter Bondanella ritiene che se ‘Blow Up è stato sopravvalutato, Zabriskie Point è stato non solo sttovalutato, ma violentemente criticato.’ A lui il film sembra possedere un ‘grande potenziale non realizzato’. L’interferenza dei produttori, e g l i c r e d e , h a i m p e d i t o a d Antonioni di esprimere una convincente visione italiana di un emergente mito americano, quello di un nuovo Adamo e di nuova Eva che tornano a nuova vita dall’aridità del deserto in un contesto rivoluzionario. Questo mito non risalta in maniera convincente e costituisce il limite principale dell’opera, secondo Bondanella. Antonioni con Daria Halprin e Mark Frechette sul set di Zabriski Point. Ed ora un mio giudizio. Zabriskie Point non va considerato il capolavoro della produzione antoniofilm, diventano in Zabriskie Point appariscenti ed insopportaniana. Tuttavia, col senno di quasi quarant’anni dopo, bili. Nei film precedenti il sostrato psicologico andava, conl’opera acquista un suo particolare valore e spessore se vista ed tinua il Canby, di pari passo con la sovrastruttura intelletinterpretata come una favola, un’epifania delle sue intuizioni tuale.’ In questo film, egli crede, non c’é che sovrastruttura di sugli aspetti deteriori della società pacchiana e consumistica cui sono esempi calzanti la tempesta di sabbia in fondo al americana. Nel suo insieme, anch’io credo che non sia un film canyon di Zabriskie Point e l’allucinazione della distruzione riuscito. È il contesto onirico piu’ che lo sviluppo drammatidel mondo capitalistico allorché alla fine Daria, sentita alla co della trama che svolge un ruolo predominante. Antonioni radio la notizia dell’uccisione da parte della polizia del ragazriesce a captare e sottolineare gli aspetti appariscenti, zo che aveva amato, fa scoppiare mentalmente e ripetutagrotteschi della società dei consumi. Perchè ha tanto insistito mente la casa di Taylor, lo speculatore edilizio per il quale sulla banalità e la bruttezza? Perchè, Antonioni, nato e crelavora. sciuto a Ferrara, in una realtà urbana caratterizzata dalla raffiAnche Pauline Kael, Stanley Kaufman e C.T. Samuels, natezza estetica, da un mondo costruito a misura d’uomo, è tre altri importanti critici, abbondano nel sottolineare i difetstato essenzialmente un acuto interprete delle forze esterne ti di Zabriskie Point. Michelangelo Antonion ammette che è che impediscono all’essere contemporaneo di giore di un facile criticarlo e si difende dicendo che il suo scopo nel girare equilibrio mentale paragonabile all’ aurea mediocritas, l’ideale il film non è stato quello di spiegare accuratamente i difetti proposto dall’altro grande ferrarese attivo nella corte estense, sociali degli Stati Uniti; egli s’era semplicemente limitato ad Ludovico Ariosto. afferrare, ad intuire qualcosa della realtà americana che gli Antonioni, nel mettere i piedi sul suolo americano deve stava davanti e l’aveva espresso da un’ottica diversa da chi in essere rimasto colpito, scandalizzato dall’impront banale, tenquella realtà viveva e conosceva profondamente. L’interesse e tacolare, unidimensionale, appiattita dei sobborghi americani l’importanza del film, fa valere Antonioni, andava dunque oppure, nei downtowns, dalla dimensione spericolatamente, cercata proprio in questa differenza di percezione delle cose. mostruosamente verticale dei grattacieli nel nuovo conti-

nente. Quello di Antonioni finisce con l’essere il rifiuto del cattivo gusto, del kitch, del cheap, che sommergono l’individuo, lo stordiscono e gli impediscono di avere una lucida percezione del rapporto che dovrebbe esistere tra le cose e tra gli esseri umani. Il consumismo che detta legge, fa dire Antonioni ad un gruppo di studenti universitari nella prima sequenza, ha un potere ottundente, impedisce la comprensione delle cause che agiscono su ognuno di noi e ci condizionano e ci rendono succubi del potere. C’è, in fin dei conti, in Zabriskie Point una condanna dell’America basata sulla mancanza di un principio di bellezza. La bruttezza dominante è l’espressione della violenza che la produce. Ecco perchè l’America che gli interessa è quella che rifiuta il sistema, appunto con la sua bruttezza e violenza, oppure è la realtà fisica, geologica, incontaminata, pur nelle sue forme tormentate, avulsa dalla presenza umana. Simbolicamente quindi fa molto senso, a livello intenzionale per lo meno, che la giovane coppia, Mark e Daria facciano scaturire un rinalto élan vitale accoppiandosi n el fondo della Valle della Morte (la Death Valley) con lo scopo di produrre metaforicamente una reazione biologica a catena capace di risanare il continente in via di autodistruzione. Antonioni ha stabilito una dialettica sproporzionata tra la forza d’urto della contestazione giovanile e la capacità di resistenza, di autodifesa e di recupero del sistema di potere costituito. A causa di questa sua premessa erronea l’analisi sociale e politica è troppo dicotomica e resta superficiale.I momenti piu’ forti di Zabriskie Point sono quelli onirici, quando è la favola piuttosto che l’analisi che prende il sopravvento. Lo scoppio della villa di Taylor ed i frantumi che volano in aria e riempiono lo schermo al rallentatore producono ancora un impatto visivo potente. Zabriskie Point è, in fin di conti, una favola che termina in apocalissi. Dopo questa sua parentesi americana e dopo il film-documentario sulla Cina, Antonioni è tornato con Professione Reporter, Identificazione di una Donna ed Eros, alla sua tematica prediletta: il gioco delle illusioni con l’inevitabile alienazione, nella vita come nell’arte. v

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Passion napolitaine Bal annuel de la Chambre de commerce italienne au Canada


’ambiance chaleureuse, la culture légendaire et la gastronomie réputée de la région de la Campanie étaient à l’honneur lors du récent Bal annuel de fin d’année de la Chambre de commerce italienne au Canada. La 20ième édition de ce prestigieux événement se tenait le 23 novembre dernier dans l’édifice patrimonial Le Windsor. Près de 350 convives de marque, membres de la Chambre, partenaires et amis, avaient répondu favorablement à l’invitation du président d’honneur de cette soirée, M. Tony Loffreda, vice-président régional, Services financiers commerciaux, Québec ouest, RBC Banque Royale et administrateur de la Chambre. C’est sous le thème Napoli, une histoire de passion, que les représentants des communautés d’affaires, politique et culturelle du Québec furent invités à vivre l’incroyable culture, la luxuriante atmosphère et la passion de l’expérience napolitaine, en plus de découvrir la richesse, l’excellence et le savoir-faire de la région à l’honneur. Comme le soulignait en début de soirée M. Albert De Luca, président de la Chambre de commerce italienne au Canada, «Notre objectif ce soir était de vous transporter au cœur de la région de Naples et je crois maintenant pouvoir affirmer en toute confiance: Benvenuti a Napoli!».

Pleins feux sur la culture et la gastronomie Cette soirée haute en couleur et en saveur a suscité émotions et ravissements grâce au talent remarquable du Chef invité Antonio Pisaniello, mondialement réputé pour sa façon à la fois exclusive et exquise de réinventer la cuisine de la Campanie. Ce dernier a usé de toute sa créativité et de son originalité pour rendre hommage à la gastronomie de la Campanie et aux grands vins de la région, sélectionnés pour l’occasion, en élaborant un menu entre tradition et innovation. Parions que les passata di fagioli con verdure, cavatelli con pomodorini, filetti di maiale et tartufi di castagnaccio resteront longtemps gravés dans les mémoires des convives! Lors de cette soirée raffinée, chaleureuse et amicale, la culture n’était évidemment pas en reste: la célèbre et talentueuse soprano québécoise, Mme Nathalie Choquette, a d’ailleurs agi comme maître de cérémonie lors de ce gala planifié avec attention. Elle a alors tenu à évoquer avec émotion les années où elle a eu la chance de vivre dans la région de la Campanie, où elle a «laissé une partie de son cœur». La cantatrice a aussi touché la corde sensible des invités en interprétant brillamment, et avec la passion qui la caractérise, différents airs napolitains célèbres.

2007: une année faste pour les collaborations Québec - Italie Au-delà d’une soirée mémorable, le Bal de fin d’année visait à mettre en valeur la grande qualité des collaborations Québec-Italie mises en place ou approfondies en 2007, et à souligner le succès des stratégies concertées dans divers secteurs de pointe. La Chambre a d’ailleurs profité de l’occasion pour rendre hommage au directeur de Sprint Campania, M. Edoardo Imperiale, pour son rôle de premier plan dans le développement de relations économiques durables des deux côtés de l’Atlantique au cours des dernières

années. La collaboration entre la Chambre de commerce italienne au Canada et Sprint Campania a permis aux stratégies d’internationalisation de la région de la Campanie de prendre une forme concrète et de surpasser les objectifs initiaux. Signe de la force et du dynamisme des relations bilatérales, une importante délégation italienne composée de représentants de la Confindustria et de l’Associazione distretti tecnologici participait également à la soirée, le Bal annuel de la Chambre venant clôturer pour eux une fructueuse mission portant sur les technologies innovantes au cours des jours précédants. Lors de cette mission, la vingtaine de représentants italiens des centres de recherche industrielle et de secteurs d’activités tels que l’aéronautique, les technologies des communications et les biotechnologies, ont profité, avec leurs homologues québécois, d’un atelier portant sur les stratégies d’innovation et les collaborations d’affaires entre le Québec e t l’It ali e, organi s é dans les bureaux de Sams on Bélair/Deloitte & Touche le 23 novembre en matinée. Lors de cet atelier, des invités de marque tels que le conseiller diplomatique au ministre italien de la Réforme et de l’Innovation dans l’Administration Publique, M. Gianluigi Benedetti, et l’Assessore Alla Programmazione, Ricerca & Innovazione, Ass. Gianluca Salvatori, prirent la parole. Outre les représentants de la Confindustria et de l’Associazione distretti tecnologici, le Bal accueillit plusieurs personnalités des corps diplomatique et politique, dont le consul général d’Italie, Francesco Paolo Venier, le député libéral de LaFontaine et adjoint parlementaire au premier ministre, M. Tony Tomassi, le député libéral de SaintLéonard, M. Massimo Pacetti, ainsi que le maire de l’arrondissement de Saint-Léonard, président du comité exécutif de la Ville de Montréal et membre du comité exécutif de la Communauté métropolitaine de Montréal, M. Frank Zampino. Les administrateurs et membres du conseil d’administration de la Chambre de commerce italienne au Canada, dont le président de TEQ Construction et président du conseil d’administration de la Chambre, M. Emanuele Triassi, la directrice générale des opérations chez Bell Canada et viceprésidente du conseil, Mme Marie Anna Bacchi, le recteur de l’Université Concordia et administrateur de la Chambre, M. Michael Di Grappa, ainsi que la directrice générale d’Aéro Montréal et administratrice de la Chambre, Mme Suzanne Benoît, étaient également présents. Plusieurs grands donneurs d’ordres québécois et représentants de la communauté d’affaires italienne se sont aussi déplacés pour souligner en beauté la fin d’une année marquée par la réussite et la collaboration. Citons entre autres la présence du président de BMW Laval & président de la Fondation Communautaire Italienne, M. Carmine D’Argenio, du président de l’Impact de Montréal et du Stade Saputo, M. Joey Saputo, ainsi que celle du directeur général

M. Tony Loffreda, vice-président régional, Services financiers commerciaux, Québec ouest, RBC Banque Royale et administrateur de la Chambre

M. Emanuele Triassi, président de TEQ Construction et président du conseil d’administration de la Chambre

Mme Nathalie Choquette

de MAPEI Canada, Luigi Di Geso, aussi administrateur de la Chambre. To read this article in English or Italian, or to see more pictures from the Gala, please visit the Chamber’s website at v




Frank Cavallaro Foundation

Accesss’ First Ethnocultural Event

By Mario Di Flavio

By Mario Di Flavio


t was first class all the way on January 26th, 2008 when Montreal’s favorite weather man, Frank Cavallaro, invited over 800 guests to enjoy an evening of music, food and fun while supporting not one, but several important causes. The event was held at Le Madison, a reception hall known for its outstanding food and great service. Entertainment was provided by The Showmen, certainly one of the best orchestras around. Over $80 000 was raised for charities such as The Arthritis Society, The Canadian Liver Foundation, and Big Brothers West Island to name but a few. A silent sports memorabilia auction took place and numerous prizes were raffled off. Frank would like to thank major sponsors CTV, Q-92 and RBC as well as everyone else who participated in making his 8th Annual “Super Party” a smashing success. Many thanks, and see you next year! v

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What an event it will be. Saturday April 5th, 2008. The venue: Plaza Holiday Inn. The entertainment: The Showmen. The Honorary President and Master of Ceremonies: Justin Trudeau. It’s been a long time coming but the time has arrived for the spotlight to shine on the organization called ACCESSS. ACCESSS (Alliance des communautes culturelles pour l’egalite dans la sante et les services sociaux) was founded in 1984 and its objective has always been to serve immigrants and members of the ethnocultural communities with healthcare and social services. ACCESSS strives to help these communities to help themselves by training, teaching and educating them about their own specific needs focusing on preventive healthcare and healthy lifestyle choices. Leonardo Ciarla, Director of fundraising and development at ACCESSS, who is responsible for organizing the event, met with Justin Trudeau at Pasta Coloccia last month. Owners Antonio and Lucia Coloccia were more than happy to welcome them and help out by sponsoring the ACCESSS’ first time major event by supplying them with their famous “fusili italiani” pasta. What is important to understand about ACCESSS (which is the only organization of its kind in Quebec) is that we as Italians were once immigrants ourselves in this country and province and had to struggle with figuring out what services were available to us regarding healthcare. Today, ACCESSS is there to help immigrants comprehend and benefit from the best possible services that our country and province have to offer. For more information about ACCESSS’ multiethnic event please contact Leonardo Ciarla at (514) 287-1106 or email: v

Il Gruppo Alpini di Laval commemora il Giorno del Ricordo e celebra la San Valentino Il 10 febbraio scorso l’Associazione Nazionale Alpini, Gruppo di Laval,in collaborazione della Federazione delle Associazioni Regionali d’Abruzzo del Qubec, ha organizzato al buffet Costa del Mare a Montreal Nord l’annuale Festa delle Penne Nere che è stata abbinata quest’anno anche alla festa di San Valentino ed alla Giornata del Ricordo. La celebrazione alla quale hanno partecipatooltre trecento persone è cominciata con l’entrata degli alpini con in testa le bandiere italiana, canadese e quebecchese ed il gaghiardetto nella sala gremita con le note de ‘Sul Cappello’. Il capogruppo Italo Spagnuolo ha preso la parola ed ha messo in rilievo il sentimento patriottico che ha sempre animato il corpo degli alpini, da quelli che hanno partecipato alle due grandi guerre del Novecento, fino ai nostri giorni, come dimostra la presenza militare italiana in Afghanistan.Ha anche ricordato l’impegno dei soldati canadesi nel corso della Campagna d’Italia, soprattutto in Abruzzo e nelle Marche. Dopo un minuto di raccogliento per i defunti ed i malati sono stati suonati gli inni nazionali canadese ed italiano.Prima di rompere le righe il Cav. Prof. Filippo SALVATORE, figlio di un alpino, Antonio SALVATORE, reduce della Campagna di Russia, ha preso la parola ed ha ricordato la memoria delle vittime delle foibe ed ha letto un suo componimentopoetico sull’argomento, risultato di una sua visita in Istria durante l’estate del 2007. Le sue parole semplici ma sentite hanno toccato e commosso gli astanti. Dal 2005 lo Stato Italiano ha istituito il ‘ Giorno del Ricordo’ che commemora le migliaia di vittime italiane della Venezia Giulia e della

L’Associazione Nazionale Alpini, Gruppo di Laval.

Dalmazia, territori passati dalla fine delle ostilità sotto il controllo della Slovenia e della Croazia.Va ricordato che oltre 300.000 Giuliano-Dalmati hanno dovuto lasciare la loro terra ed i loro beni ed affrontare la dura prova dell’esodo e dell’esilio per evitare di diventare vittime delle truppe del Maresciallo Tito. Un ringraziamento particolare è stato poi rivolto in occasione della festa degli innamorati alle gentili signore, il vincolo dell’amore e della fratellanza e lo sprone a continuare degli alpini del Gruppo Laval.Un plauso va anche al direttivo che ha dimostrato ancora una volta spirito di corpo ed una impeccabile capacità organizzativa. Va notata la presenza nella sala anche di numerosi amici e simpatizzanti franco-canadesi che hanno apprezzato la squisita cucina ed hanno ballato fino alle ore piccole. All’anno prossimo, se Dio lo vuole. Italo Spaguolo, capo gruppo v


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Soccer Roundup By: Joey Franco

Group of Death Once again, the Azzurri have been drawn into the Group of death for the Euro’08 competition this summer being held in Austria and Switzerland. Donadoni’s men will face France, Holland, and Romania. Although it is a tough challenge for the Azzurri, it is even a tougher challenge for the rest of the teams who will have to face the world champions. Even Raymond Domenech, the French coach will be praying to come out of the game with the Italians with a tie. I might be up on my high horse, but I’m sure no one in group C is thrilled with having to go up against the Azzurri, whether they’ll admit it or not…

“Il Terzo Tempo” I have been playing soccer ever since I was a scrawny little five year old. Ever since that very first game I disputed at the tender age of five wearing my sky blue jersey and playing on a small dirt field in RDP, to this very day, one thing has not changed. After every game, win or loose, we would line up in single file formation and shake hands with the other team. After one hundred and ten years of Italian league competition, the Serie A decided to adopt the post game handshakes. On December 2nd 2007, at the end of Fiorentina-Inter (0-2), both teams lined up and exchanged handshakes. Impressed by this act of fair play, Lega Calcio president Antonio Matarrese instituted a rule that makes it obligatory for the players to shake hands in both Serie A and B. This post game act of fair play has become known as “il terzo tempo”. Kudos to Matarrese and the Italian teams.

Capello Fabio Capello’s career as a player allowed him to wear the colors of Roma, Juventus, and AC Milan. He will forever be remembered for scoring the goal with which Italy beat England 1-0 at Wembley for the first time in its history. Nearly thirty-five years after scoring that historic goal at Wembley, Capello returns to England as the Coach of the national team. As a manager, Capello has won everywhere he has gone; AC MIilan, Real Madrid, Roma, Juventus. Hopefully this will come to an end. Ex- Chelsea coach Jose Murinho declined the position of English head coach in fear that he might one day face his native Portugal during a matchup. Of course for Capello, hearing the sound of the Italian national anthem and sitting on the opposite bench seems to have no effect on the San Canzian d’Isonzo native. The only sound that reaches Capello’s soul is the sound of British Pounds clinging in his well-endowed pockets. Twenty-six million pounds to be exact! (6.5 a year for four years). FIFA President Sepp Blatter commented on Capello’s move to the England bench. “I would say it is a little surprising that the motherland of football has ignored a sacrosanct law or belief that the national team manager should be from the same country as the players.” For once Blatter is right. v





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F1 2008



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by Joey Franco

hen Aldo Costa, the technical director of Scuderia Ferrari was asked what the main characteristics of the new F2008 were, he stressed the main improvements made in the aerodynamics of the new single-seater from Maranello.


“All the aerodynamic surfaces have been completely updated. The body is more concave, the engine cover has a different profile to improve the efficiency and resolve problems we had on circuits such as Monte Carlo, Hungary and Canada,” said Costa. The design of the fifty-fourth single-seater built by Ferrari specifically Ferrari Drivers Kimi Raikkonen and Felipe Massa to take part in the Formula 1 World Championship is codenamed internally, as the 659. Changes in the F1 rulebook will see that every vehicle must use the same gearbox for four consecutive races. Other results of the rule changes include the introduction of higher side protection around the driver’s helmet, and a strict limit to the amount of composite materials to be used. In order to meet the standards of these new regulations, the overall weight of the carbon-fibre and honeycomb composite F2008 has increased in comparison to the double-championship winning F2007. The weight of the vehicle, with water, lubricant, and driver, is approximately 1330 pounds (605 Kg), roughly seven pounds heavier than the F2007. The F2008’s nose cone is also higher than its predisessor, providing better management of the airflow passing underneath it and resulting in an increase of the car’s overall aerodynamic efficiency. The removal of several driving aids such as traction control, engine breaking and the electronically assisted starting system, will force the teams to rely on the skills of their drivers rather than technology. “Seeing the car for the first time is like welcoming a boy in a family. It is important to work to make him grow in the best way,” said Felipe Massa at the presentation of the F2008. When questioned about his expectations for the upcoming season, current world champion Kimi Raikkonen said, “we will definitely try to win the Drivers’ and Constructors’ Championship again. It’s my second year at Ferrari. I can feel that everything is going really well. I know the people I am working with and I really like the team.” Ferrari President Luca di Montezemolo is optimistic about the upcoming season. “This year the driver plays a much more important role and we have two drivers plus one, with Michael [Schumacher], who has done some tests during the winter with the new car and who can give us some important support, also thanks to the experience he has driving cars without traction control.” v

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