Montreal Vol.6 No. 1

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FEB/MARCH 2011• VOL.6• NO.1







AUGURI, 1861-2011






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HAIR STYLIST & MAKE-UP Nazzareno Salvi - Estetica Emmanuelle Blanchard ADVERTISING - SALES Frank Crisafi PUBLIC RELATIONS Enzo Tirelli COVER PHOTO Farhi Yavuz

ART DIRECTOR Gabriel Riel-Salvatore Manon Massé GRAPHIC DESIGN Manon Massé PROOFREADING Marisa Pellegrino Carlotta Morteo

CONTRIBUTORS Piero Facchin Alexandro Loffredi Francesca L’Orfano Claudia Ficca Sabrina Marandola Chiara Folini Franca Mazza Joey Franco Peter Pomponio Joanne Latimer

Me Pasquale Artuso Sonia Benedetto Laura Casella Aicha Cissé Loretta Di Vita


Giovanni Princigalli Lidia Russo Léa-Catherine Szacka Robert Scalia

Life Style

Comments and opinions ................... 11 Editor’s note: Our community is alive and well! .................................. 12 150o anniversario dell’unità d’Italia .... 13 Politica: Abruzzo e Molise di nuovo insieme? ................................. 15

Cover story Trois fois plus d’amour / Una triplice gioia / Triple Joy .......... 16-17

Italy - 150o Anniversary Risorgimento 1815-1870 .............. 18-19 Una rassegna di film sul Risorgimento .. 20

Life & People Miles apart... but close at heart ....... 21 Gabriel Materassi: There can be no art without personal struggle ...... 22 Nat Di Censo: A Marathon Runner with a Health of Gold ....................... 23 Italo Tiezzi: Ottawa Community Spirit in Action ............................. 24-25

Food and Travel Fingers or Fork? That is the Question ........................................... 27 Vin: Paroles d’amour et d’allégresse ... 28 Recettes: Y a de l’amour dans l’air! .................................... 30-31 Rome et Naples, même l’hiver! ........ 32

Life Style

Fashion: Beyond The Pale Baby clothes no longer default to pink and blue............................ 36-37

Art and Culture Leo Sama: A man for all seasons....... 38 Theatre: Vince Benvenuto: Staging a promising career ................39 Cinema: Steve Galluccio’s ‘Funkytown’ ...................................... 40 Cinema: Sorelle d’Italia ..................... 41

Business Mariano A. De Carolis: Sharing Italian Perspectives .............. 42 Advertorial: TD Bank ......................... 43 Assante: Retirement Savings for Incorporated Business Owners: Looking at RRSPs and beyond ........................ 44 Advertorial: Italbec - craftsmansip at its best .......................................... 45 Pasquale Artuso & Associés: Quali sono e come si costituiscono le società in Italia ....... 46 Cassa Popolare Canadese Italiana: Meet with your financial planner ..... 47

Babies of the year Advertorial: Moi bébé Couture ......... 48 Babies of the year ....................... 49-57

Community Events ............... 58-61 Sports

The Heart of Valentine’s Day ............ 33 Living Italian Style ....................... 34-35

Filomena Cardone: 95-year-old Sports Fanatic ................ 68

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Comments from our readers


Send us your thoughts and stories. Envoyez-nous vos suggestions et commentaires. Inviateci i vostri commenti e suggerimenti. Hello, I find your articles very interesting and well written. I commend your magazine on keeping our Italian heritage alive and well. Keep up your extraordinary dedication to our Italian community. Antonio Mastrangelo, St. Leonard Panoram Italia! What a Beautiful Magazine you keep publishing! You remind all of us Canadian/Italians, time after time, that we are the Children of Michelangelo and Da Vinci and that we have much, so much to be proud of! A special thanks to you, Mr. Zara, for your presence at the 2010 Bursary Recipient Ceremony and for your touching gesture to honour Mr. Di Tempora, our well deserved CIBPA Personality of the Year. Grazie Mille. Barb Pisani I love this magazine! Because it’s made in Montreal and I live in Ottawa. My boyfriend (who works in Montreal and has access to numerous editions) gave me many copies and I in turn, pass them out to all my Italian customers at my work site (SEARS). Enza Palmieri, Ottawa I was surprised -pleasantly surprised- to discover that Panoram Italia’s December issue has two pages of my recipes from my website, What a delight! Thank you so much for using my recipes and letting your readers know of my website. I spend a lot of time collecting material, taking pictures and so on for it, so I’m quite happy when the work I put into it pays off. I hope that at some other point in time your magazine will also do a write up on my book “Italy Revisited, Conversations with my Mother”. Happy Holidays. Mary Melfi, Montreal Buongiorno, I was reading your latest issue and noted that there is a typo, the ferratelle recipe should be from Ascoli Piceno (not Ascali) and I was very disappointed in your last issue when you had a write up of all the Italian wines and you forgot to mention the great wines from Le Marche. Another thing, I do not think that ferratelle originate from

Le Marche in the first place. Pizzelle is a traditional Italian waffle cookie made from flour, eggs, sugar, butter or vegetable oil, and flavoring (often vanilla, anise, or lemon zest.). Pizzelle can be hard and crisp or soft and chewy depending on the ingredients and method of preparation. Pizzelle were originally made in the Abruzzo region of south-central Italy to mark an annual celebration. Over time it became tradition to use pizzelle to celebrate any holiday or festive occasion, but they are especially common in Italian homes at Christmas and Easter. Early pizzelle often were embossed with the family crest or some hint of the village of origin. The name “pizzelle” comes from the Italian word for “round” and “flat” (pizze); this is also the meaning of the word pizza. Many other cultures have developed a pizzelle-type cookie as part of their culture. It is known to be one of the oldest cookies. Traditionally, the cookie dough or batter was put into a pizzelle iron, which resembles a waffle iron. The pizzelle iron was held by hand over an open fire or a hot burner on the stovetop. Giulia Primiani, Montreal Hi, I just wanted to mention that I was (along with the rest of my family) very proud to see my Dad’s town, Muro Lucano, mentioned in your last issue. It’s rare to see such a small town in a magazine. We were so excited and proud to see and read the description of the town in Panoram. You should continue to mention small towns, since they are sometimes overlooked by the big cities. Keep up the great work! Angela Tummillo La rubrica “il peggio evo” è di cattivo gusto... Il ruolo di Panoram Italia, non credo sia di fare gossip ed insultare il primo ministro italiano. Chi ce lo dice a Marcello che “ il Re Silvio “ vuole le elezioni e i simpatici democratici no. Il mondo si è capovolto. Un saluto ammirato... buon lavoro per 2011. Antonio Ranellucci I think your magazine attracts all types of Italians: young and old from all over the world. It brings these two very different generations together with AMAZING articles on real people like, those featured on the cover of the recent issue (Seminarians) and also the italonunavutian family which I adored. As a 15 year old reader, I think this

magazine keeps the Italian community alive. I love your magazine and keep it up!! Amanda Minotti Grazie per il lavoro impeccabile che offrite a noi Italiani all’estero e vi auguriamo che possiate continuare il vostro lavoro professionale per la comunità Italiana ovunque. Distinti saluti. Vittorio Dear Panorama Italia, I read the recent article about “Eating Italian in New York” and I began to wonder if you would be interested in running a piece on “Eating Italian in Hong Kong.” I am a native Montrealer who has been living in Hong Kong for the past two and a half years. Over this period of time I have been asked, on numerous occasions, whether I am fed up of eating Chinese food! I would love to share my experience with the fantastic Italian restaurant options Hong Kong has to offer! I am a huge fan of Panoram Italia - my mom makes sure I keep up with my Italo-Montreal roots by mailing Panoram Italia to my door step! What would we do without our Italian mothers?!? Best. Sonia, Hong Kong v

ERRATUM S. Marandola, Tony Masi: From working-class Brooklyn to McGill Provost, December 2010 / January 2011, Vol. 5, no. 5, p. 39. Dr Tony Masi’s wife, Maria Ardito, speaks English perfectly and completed a Master of Science in Epidemiology at McGill University in 1985, although she did not speak English (and he spoke little Italian) when they met. The steel centre Dr Masi studied for his dissertation was in Taranto, not Bari, but his fellowship from the Ford Foundation and the Social Science Research Council of New York required him to have an affiliation with a university and the closest one to Taranto, at the time, was the University of Bari. Dr Masi has worked closely with the Italian Chamber of Commerce in Canada (Montreal) as a member of its advisory board. He was asked in 2010 to host the fellowship awards ceremony for CIBPA at McGill.

10300, boul Pie-IX - Angolo Fleury




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Publisher’s note

Our community is alive and well!

Auguri ad una comunità piena di vita

The first issue of every year is always special. Special because it is “The Babies of the Year” edition. We, at Panoram Italia, consider it an honour to introduce the new members of our community to you. These much loved children represent the future of a flourishing people that have hope and look at the future with optimism. The newly born babies also represent the pride and joy of every family. Without a doubt, it spurs the most participation of any dossier we publish in the course of the year. Yes, our community is alive and well. Congratulations to you all the proud parents.

È diventata una tradizione ormai. All’Inizio di ogni anno Panoram Italia pubblica un inserto speciale sui neonati dell’anno. Nell’edizione che state per leggere troverete le immagini di tantissimi bambini e bambine nati nel 2010. È la rubrica che suscita maggiore interesse e partecipazione. È con vero piacere che vi facciamo conoscere i nomi ed i volti della nuova generazione della comunità italiana di Montreal. Sono il nostro avvenire: accogliamoli perciò con gioia e diciamo loro: ‘Siamo fieri di voi, perché siete l’avvenire della nostra comunità.’ Agli orgogliosi genitori esprimiamo i nostri più sinceri auguri.

011 marks the 150 th anniversary of Italian unification. Panoram Italia will commemorate this anniversary by publishing articles about the history of Italy throughout the year. Our Editor-in-Chief, Professor Filippo Salvatore, will instruct and entertain you with his stories on the history of our beloved Mother country. Auguri, Italia! Lastly, in 2011 we will be communicating by telephone with as many of you as possible, through our in-house subscriber specialists. They will be conducting surveys on what, you the readers, think on issues related to the magazine and to our community. Therefore, if you receive a call from any of our agents, please, be so kind as to give them five minutes of your time. We care about your views and concerns. My staff and I wish each and every one of you a prosperous and happy New Year. May all your wishes come true.



Tony Zara, Publisher

el 2011 ricorre il 150° anniversario dell’unità d’Italia. La rivista Panoram Italia si associa alle festività e commemora la ricorrenza con degli articoli redatti dal suo direttore, il professor Filippo Salvatore. Sono certo che li troverete istruttivi ed interessanti. Colgo l’occasione per porgere i miei più sinceri auguri alla nostra amata Repubblica. Nel corso dell’anno un membro della redazione contatterà telefonicamente il maggior numero possibile dei nostri abbonati. Se riceverete una chiamata, siete pregati di dedicare cinque minuti del vostro tempo e rispondere alle domande che vi saranno fatte sulla nostra comunità e sui miglioramenti da apportare alla rivista. La vostra opinione conta molto per noi. Anche se un pò in ritardo, esprimo a tutti voi, cari lettori, anche a nome di tutta la redazione di Panoram Italia, l’augurio di un prospero e felice Anno Nuovo. Antonio Zara, editore



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Tanti Auguri,


Filippo Salvatore


l 17 marzo 2011 ricorre il 150o anniversario dell’unità d’Italia. Il 17 marzo 1861 è stato dichiarato il Regno d’Italia con capitale Torino. È una data memorabile anche per gli italiani residenti in Canada o per gli italocanadesi. Ci associamo quindi ai festeggiamenti ed auguriamo all’Italia di restare un paese unito, prospero e democratico, di continuare ad essere uno dei grandi paesi del mondo. Il tricolore verde, bianco e rosso che è stato sventolato a Reggio Emilia il 7 gennaio 1797 per la prima volta e ‘Fratelli d’italia’ le parole dell’inno del ligure Goffredo Mameli, morto poco più che ventenne nella difesa della Repubblica Romana nel 1849, sono capisaldi, pietre angolari della nostra identità, sono il simbolo e le parole che ci definiscono come singola persona e come Paese sia all’interno dei limiti geografici dalle Alpi alla Sicilia, sia all’estero. L’Italia per i circa ottanta milioni di oriundi che vivono in ogni parte del mondo è la ‘terra dei padri’ e merita tanto amore e rispetto quanto quello che noi proviamo qui in Canada nel vedere sventolare la foglia d’acero rossa e nel sentire le note di O Canada. L’Italia è anche la nuova patria per circa cinque milioni di persone che hanno deciso di andare a viverci. Nel 2011 ci sono quindi diversi modi di amare l’Italia e di sentirsi ‘italiano’. Tanta acqua è corsa sotto i ponti dal lontano 1861. La realtà italiana, divisa in sette stati, era per il Cancelliere austriaco Metternich al Congresso di Vienna nel 1815 una ‘semplice espressione geografica’. Quanto si sbagliava! I figli migliori di quella realtà hanno saputo trovare nel corso di alcuni decenni gli stimoli spirituali ed i mezzi politici e militari per farla diventare uno stato-nazione, renderla la ‘patria’, la terra dei padri per tutti gli abitanti di ogni regione, dalle Alpi alla Sicilia, farne il Bel Paese dove ‘il dolce sì suona’. Il Risorgimento, il processo di unificazione politica della penisola italiana, ha costituito nel corso del 1800 uno degli avvenimenti più significativi della storia europea. L’unità d’Italia è stata e rimane dopo un secolo e mezzo una conquista, un risultato positivo. Certo, come faceva notare il presidente della Repubblica Giorgio Napolitano il 7 gennaio scorso a Reggio Emilia: “Non vogliamo fare celebrazioni acritiche o idilliache del Risorgimento, ma ricordare il cammino che portò alla nascita dello Stato unitario, poiché esso segnò un innegabile, decisivo avanzamento storico, l’ingresso dell’Italia nella modernità...” Occorre certo parlare anche ‘dei grandi problemi irrisolti dello Stato unitario (il Centralismo, il Mezzogiorno) ma bisogna parlarne, faceva notare il Presidente, a ragion veduta, senza alimentare spinte nostalgiche, né impulsi disgregativi.’ Una delle tare del Regno d’Italia (e poi della Repubblica) è stato il centralismo di impronta piemontese nel corso del secondo Ottocento che portò alla guerra civile nel Meridione conosciuta come brigandaggio. Lo slogan ‘o briganti o emigranti’ riassume bene i rapporti conflittuali tra Nord e Sud. L’irrisolta ‘questione meridionale’ va strettamente connessa al nuovo centralismo ‘romano’ della prima Repubblica che non ha ottemperato al riconoscimento dei poteri, sanciti nella nuova Costituzione, da delegare alle varie realtà regionali. La rigidità del centralismo e l’inefficienza burocratica ha portato nelle regioni settentrionali più progredite e produttive ad una forma sempre più fortemente



150° anniversario dell’unità d’Italia

sentita di alienazione. Sicchè Roma è diventata sinonimo di ‘ladrona’, una matrigna che impone imposte esose che poi non ridistribuisce in modo equo. La Lega Nord di Umberto Bossi è diventata da due decenni l’espressione di quella che è stata definita nel corso della Seconda Repubblica la ‘Questione Settentrionale’ ancora irrisolta. Il centralismo burocratico romano ha fatto nascere la tentazione secessionistica ed ha esacerbato gli egoismi localistici. Per evitare gli impulsi disgregativi presenti nella realtà politica attuale, che dovrebbero portare alla nascita della Padania, lo Stato italiano deve far valere e rendere operanti i principi contenuti nel Titolo V della Costituzione che definisce il ruolo da assegnare alle Regioni, alle Province ed ai Comuni. Le rivendicazioni della Lega Nord si sono in parte canalizzate nel concetto di federalismo, ossia in una forma di amministrazione in cui le Regioni ed i Comuni ottengono il diritto di imposizione fiscale responsabilizzando così gli amministratori. È questa una versione rivista della concezione di un‘Italia repubblicana e federale già propugnata dai lombardi Carlo Cattaneo e Giuseppe Ferrari nel corso dell’Ottocento, come modello alternativo al centralismo monarchico di Camillo Benso di Cavour cha ha finito per avere la meglio. Nel 1946, l’Italia emersa dalla sconfitta militare della seconda guerra mondiale, dopo la disastrosa parentesi storica del regime dittatoriale di Benito Mussolini, ha inserito e sancito inalienabili principi di democrazia nella nuova Costituzione. Restano principi nobili, tuttavia nel 2011 le esigenze della società italiana sono diverse da quelle del lontano 1946. La Costituzione, il contratto sociale tra il cittadino e lo Stato, deve ‘corrispondere alla qualità dei tempi’. In un mondo post-ideologico, globalizzato e post-industriale sono necessarie repentine modifiche per rendere l’Italia un paese efficiente dal punto di vista amministrativo e capace di rispondere alle esigenze economiche e culturali di ogni parte del suo territorio. Modifica del ruolo del Senato, riduzione del numero degli eletti, limite degli eletti a due soli mandati consecutivi, ineleggibilità alle cariche pubbliche per chi è stato condannato dai tribunali, eliminazione delle province e di tanti enti inutili, meritocrazia come base di mobilità sociale, investimento nella ricerca e in fonti non inquinanti di energia, difesa dell’integrità del territorio, efficienza amministrativa, riduzione delle regioni a soli otto compartimenti di circa 5-8 milioni ognuna, laicità dello stato, riconoscimento dei diritti dei nuovi cittadini ed eliminazione delle circoscrizioni estero, difesa della qualità della lingua parlata e scritta e promozione della lingua e cultura italiane nel mondo: ecco alcuni princìpi che permetterebbero all’Italia nel corso del presente secolo di restare un paese unito e di contare nel mondo. Questa è l’Italia che io amo, questa è l’Italia che celebro, questa è l’Italia a cui auguro lunga vita. E sono certo di essere il portavoce di milioni di altri cittadini. Panoram Italia parteciperà alle celebrazioni del 150° anniversario dell’unità d’Italia consacrando nel corso del 2011 una serie di inserti che faranno rivivere alcuni dei momenti più importanti della storia italiana. Il primo, quello sul Risorgimento, appare in questo numero. Buona lettura e tanti auguri Italia. v



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Abruzzo e Molise di nuovo insieme?

Intervista a Giuseppe Tagliente (Consigliere Regionale d’Abruzzo) sulla possibile riunificazione delle regioni Abruzzo e Molise Sonia Benedetto / Filippo Salvatore

Con l’unità d’Italia nel 1861 l’Abruzzo e il Molise hanno costituito una sola regione, gli Abruzzi. È solo nel 1963 che gli Abruzzi si separano e diventano due regioni autonome, l’Abruzzo e il Molise. Recentemente sono sorti diversi movimenti sia dall’Alto Molise (ad Agnone) che nella Frentania Molisana, che propongono la riunificazione delle due regioni. In un’Italia che si avvia a diventare uno stato federale è opportuno chiedersi se l’esistenza di una piccola regione come il Molise va rimessa in discussione. Ne parliamo con il consigliere d’Abruzzo Giuseppe Tagliente. PI: Dott.Tagliente, lei si è pronunciato a favore dell’idea di riunificare l’Abruzzo e il Molise. Perché ? Tagliente: Sono stato uno tra i primi in Italia a rilanciare un’idea che, seppur non originale rispetto al passato, viene proposta sull’onda di un diverso modo di sentire l’argomento; stiamo parlando di auspicare una riunificazione se non istituzionale almeno sinergica delle due regioni. In termini culturali, storici, sociali e di costume, l’Abruzzo e il Molise hanno sempre condiviso un comune patrimonio. Viste le mutate condizioni economiche, dovrebbero spingere verso una più stretta relazione tra i due territori. PI: Quindi, le principali motivazioni sono di carattere sopratutto economico? Tagliente: La realtà politica italiana sta cambiando. Ci si indirizza verso il federalismo istituzionale dove contano poco le regioni più piccole, in quanto più deboli. L’esigenza principale è di mettere a sistema le due regioni perché insieme abbiano una forza maggiore sia come realtà politica che sociale. Su questa esigenza fa anche leva il comune patrimonio storico che da sempre lega le due regioni. PI: Sempre nell’ottica dell’attualizzazione del federalismo fiscale, può approfondire su quanto significherebbe se una riunificazione avvenisse? Tagliente: Oggi, in una Italia che si sta federalizzando per effetto della modifica del titolo quinto della Costituzione, (anche se non ancora nei termini e nelle forme che si registrano in Canada o negli USA), c’è una dimensione federalista che si va enucleando e che dovrà arrivare a compiutezza con il federalismo fiscale. In questo contesto, le regioni eserciteranno un potere sempre più grosso nei confronti del potere dello stato centrale. Già da oggi, la conferenza Stato-Regioni, vede prevalere le regioni più forti, quelle che hanno un maggior potere di condizionamento e di coalizione nei confronti dello Stato nazionale e dell’Unione Europea. Quindi, sedersi ad un tavolo con una maggiore forza e con una stessa visione strategica, rappresenta per

l’Abruzzo e per il Molise un’occasione unica, se non si vuole rimanere penalizzati. Sostengo, come ho già fatto in occasione di un convegno tenutosi a Termoli nel mese di luglio 2010, che è opportuno alzare lo sguardo a livello europeo. Oggi si rende indispensabile puntare al creare un sistema di macro-regioni. Bisogna alzare lo sguardo coinvolgendo anche altre regioni, sopratutto dell’altra sponda dell’Adriatico.

Poi, si vedrà nel prossimo futuro. Continuare ad avere oggi due regioni, penso possa nuocere complessivamente sopratutto all’economia della regione Molise che è condizionata ad ovest dai Napoletani, a sud dai Pugliesi e a nord dagli Abruzzesi. Io personalmente, in questa ipotesi di raccordo con l’Abruzzo, individuo un motivo di forza sia per il Molise innanzi tutto che per l’Abruzzo. Cioè, occorre ripensare alla scelta della separazione avvenuta nel 1963.

PI: Può elaborare su questo concetto di macro-regione? Tagliente: Macro-regione significa, in una dimensione europea e non più nazionale, creare quelle sinergie a livello periferico-regionale che consentono egualmente di contare ancor di più a livello di Unione Europea. Adesso l’Adriatico non rappresenta più la linea di confine fra due civiltà come lo era nei tempi della cortina di ferro e può tornare ad essere la principale via di comunicazione e di traffico sia di merci che di cultura. La macro-regione adriatica può farci contare di più a livello di Unione Europea. Bisogna individuare insieme all’Abruzzo e al Molise, anche altri territori della sponda slava. Si tratta di intensificare la collaborazione con l’Albania, con il Montenegro e con la Croazia. Su questa ipotesi di macro-regione sta lavorando anche lo Stato Italiano. Parlo ancora di ipotesi che devono trovare a livello periferico e regionale quelle rispondenze e quei coinvolgimenti che fino a questo momento sono solo teorici ed auspicabili.

PI: In che modo gli Abruzzesi ed i Molisani vivono l’ipotesi di un eventuale ricongiungimento? Tagliente: C’è ancora molto da fare sul terreno della discussione e della maturazione di questa idea. Ci sono stati dei convegni e sono nati dei movimenti. È una idea che sta camminando. Certo, rispetto a questo vi sono anche gli egoismi di parte che giocano il loro ruolo: questo è normale, non potrebbe essere diversamente.

PI:Quindi il concetto di macro-regione sarebbe uno degli obiettivi che favorirebbero l’idea della riunificazione? Tagliente: Certo, questo darebbe un supporto ulteriore alla ipotesi di raccordo territoriale, culturale ed economico. Tornando alla questione della riunificazione degli Abruzzi, non parlo tanto di riunificazione perché alla fine giocheranno i soliti campanilismi e i soliti egoismi da parte degli uomini dei comuni e delle città. Parlo sopratutto di arrivare, almeno in una fase iniziale, ad un rapporto stretto, sinergico e strategico. È questo che vorrei capissero sia gli Abruzzesi che i Molisani.

PI: In che modo la riunificazione potrebbe avvantaggiare i giovani ? Tagliente: Dai convegni a cui ho partecipato e anche dalle centinaia di e-mail che ho ricevuto nei giorni più caldi del dibattito prima dell’estate, devo dire che sono soprattutto i giovani che coltivano questa speranza. A mio avviso, ciò è dovuto al fatto che in questa ipotesi individuano anche un motivo di maggiore sviluppo sociale e, in modo particolare, di occupazione. PI: In conclusione, secondo lei l’idea della rinascita degli Abruzzi diventerà realtà ? Tagliente: Auspico e mi auguro che nell’immediato si arrivi a stipulare, a individuare e a concretizzare un rapporto stretto tra le due Regioni in termini di collaborazione e di individuazione di una comune strategia di sviluppo. In questa prima fase mi sto sforzando, insieme ad altri, di richiamare l’attenzione della politica e dell’economia. L’economia è più attenta, la politica è più disattenta rispetto a questa ipotesi. Poi, chi vivrà vedrà. v




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Our Cover

par Laura Casella

Trois fois plus d’amour: Giada, Gabriella et Giuliana

Triple Joy: Giada, Gabriella and Giuliana

Dès que Claudia Antonecchia et Tony Bongiorno ont su qu’ils attendaient des triplets, ils sont tombés sous le choc. Qui ne le serait pas? Mais, pour eux malgré tous les défis que comporte élever des triplets, la joie que cela leur procure en retour en vaut vraiment la chandelle.

The moment Claudia Antonecchia and To n y B o n g i o r n o l e a r n e d t h e y w e r e having triplets they were shocked. Who wouldn’t be? But even with all the challenges that come with raising triplets, the joys make it all worth it.

mon arrivée chez les Bongiorno on me fait descendre au sous-sol où sont installées leurs trois adorables triplettes habillées de robes assorties roses et grises, prêtes à se faire tirer le portrait pour la prochaine couverture du Panoram Italia. Les filles commencent déjà à s’impatienter et leur père Tony essaie de son mieux de les maintenir toutes ensemble. « C’est presque impossible de les garder groupées pour une photo, » affirme Tony le sourire aux lèvres. On peut voir par leurs étreintes et leurs embrassades à quel point le père adore ses filles et combien elles l’aiment en retour. Après plusieurs tentatives infructueuses de les rassembler assez longtemps pour les immortaliser sur pellicule, on les installe devant leur programme favori : Mickey Mouse Clubhouse, joué sur l’ordinateur portable du photographe. Il installe la machine sur le sol et au son de la première note de musique les triplettes âgées de 18 mois s’approchent instantanément de l’écran. C’est un moment précieux mais qui ne dure pas très longtemps. En moins de deux, Giuliana pleure déjà pour sa tétine (elle est la seule à l’utiliser), Gabriella perd l’équilibre et tombe (elle était debout en train de danser pendant tout ce temps là), et Giada la curieuse appuie sur tous les boutons du portable. « C’est le temps de manger et de faire la sieste, » dit Claudia. Les filles sont emmenées au premier étage pour être changées et installées dans leurs chaises hautes pour le goûter. C’est le 29 juillet 2009 que la vie de ce couple a changé pour toujours. Après des traitements de fertilité pour tomber enceinte, les bébés sont nés prématurément, mais en bonne santé. Giada est arrivée la première et pesait quatre livres et neuf onces. Gabriella a suivi pesant le même poids que sa sœur aînée, et finalement Giuliana la petite dernière est arrivée pesant trois livres et trois onces. La réalité a très vite rattrapé le jeune couple. « Les premiers mois ont été particulièrement difficiles, » admet Claudia. « J’étais comme un zombie ! Mais Dieu merci on a eu beaucoup de soutien de ma mère et de ma belle-mère. On a aussi engagé une nounou pour m’aider avec les tétées nocturnes ». Le couple ne cherche pas à mentir lorsqu’il décrit ce que c’est que d’élever des triplets. « C’est clairement une aven-

Una triplice gioia: Giada, Gabriella e Giuliana


Suite à la page 17, colonne 1

Scoprire che avrebbero avuto tre bambini in un solo parto è stato più che una sorpresa per Claudia Antonecchia e Tony Bongiorno. Per chi non lo sarebbe stato? Malgrado le tante difficoltà nel dover allevare tre bambine, i giovani genitori ne ricavano grande gioia. ntro nella residenza dei Bongiorno che mi fanno scendere nel seminterrato dove stanno fotografando le tre sorelline che, da buone trigemini, portano tutte e tre un vestitino scozzese rosa-grigio. Papà Tony si dà da fare per farle stare ferme. ‘È quasi impossibile metterle insieme per far scattare una foto’, dice sorridendo. È chiaro che adora le sue bambine le quali a loro volta manifestano il loro affetto per lui con abbracci e baci. Dopo diversi e inutili tentativi, -il tempo necessario per scattare le foto- escogitiamo uno stratagemma che risulta vincente. Inseriamo nel portatile del fotografo il programma preferito delle tre sorelline di diciotto mesi ‘Mickey Mouse Clubhouse’ (la casetta di Topolino). Deposto il computer sul pavimento, è con grande sorpresa che, al primo suono, corrono a mettersi davanti allo schermo. Ma è una tregua che non dura molto. Giuliana si mette a piangere per avere il suo ciucciotto, Gabriella che balla continuamente, perde l’equilibrio e cade per terra e Giada, la più curiosa, preme su tutti i tasti del computer. ‘È tempo di mangiare e di far fare loro un pisolino’, dice Claudia che porta le bambine al piano di sopra per cambiarle e sistemarle sui seggioloni apparecchiati per il pasto. Claudia si era sottoposta ad un trattamento di fertilità per rimanere incinta. Le bambine sono nate prematuramente, ma in buona salute, il 29 luglio 2009. Giada è stata la prima a venire al mondo, seguita da Gabriella e finalmente da Giuliana che pesava un pò più di un chilo e mezzo, un mezzo chilo di meno delle due altre sorelline. L’arrivo delle tre bambine ha subito e radicalmente cambiato la vita della coppia. ‘I primi mesi, ricorda Claudia, sono stati particolarmente difficili. Facevo quasi una vita da zombi. Per fortuna sia mia madre che mia suocera in un primo tempo, ed in seguito una bambinaia mi hanno dato un colpo di mano, soprattutto per dar da mangiare alle bimbe durante la notte.’ Ecco come Claudia e Tony spiegano cosa significhi allevare tre figlie allo stesso tempo. `È proprio un’avventura, ammette Claudia. Certo si prova tanta gioia nel veder crescere insieme tre bambine, ma, a dire la verità è una vera sfacchinata!’ Occorre saper gestire bene il tempo e moltiplicare per tre i bisogni della vita quotidiana. Pannolini, biberon, completini, pigiamini... e tante altre incombenze. “Proprio per questo evito di andare in giro nei negozi. Tutto è tanto complicato!...”


Continua a pag. 17, colonna 2

walk into the home of the Bongiorno family and I am led downstairs to where the adorable triplets, dressed in matching pink and gray plaid dresses, are getting their photos taken for the Panoram Italia cover. The girls at this point are starting to get a little restless and dad Tony is trying his best to get them to stay in one spot. “It’s almost impossible to get them together for a picture,” smiles Tony, who you can tell is just in love with his daughters and them with their father as they hug and kiss him. After several unsuccessful attempts to get them together, at least long enough to snap a picture, we put on the babies’ favourite program, Mickey Mouse Clubhouse, on the photographer’s laptop. He sets the computer on the floor and amazingly, at the first sound of the music the 18-month triplets instantly huddle around the screen. It’s a precious moment that doesn’t last too long. Before you know it, Giuliana is crying for her pacifier (she is the only baby who takes it), Gabriella loses her balance and falls (she was up dancing the whole time), and Giada, the curious one, is pressing all the buttons on the laptop. “It’s time for them to eat and take a nap,” says Antonecchia, and the girls are taken upstairs to where they are changed and settled in their high chairs all ready to eat. It was July 29th, 2009 when this couple’s life would change forever. After undergoing fertility treatments to get pregnant, the babies were born premature, but all healthy. Giada came first weighing in at four pounds nine ounces, next came Gabriella weighing the same, and last arrived baby sister Giuliana at three pounds three ounces. It was very soon after that reality set in for this couple. “The first few months were especially difficult,” admits Claudia. “I was a zombie! But thankfully we had a lot of help between my mom and my mother-in-law. We also hired a nanny to help me with the overnight feedings.” The couple is blunt when it comes to describing what it’s like to raise triplets. “It’s definitely an adventure,” Claudia says. “You have a mixture of everything. There’s joy in seeing your babies grow up together, but I’m not going to lie... it’s exhausting!” Managing your time and making sure you always carry three of everything with you are just some of the everyday challenges that come with raising triplets. “Diapers, bottles, pants, tops, pajamas, and the list go on. That’s why we try avoid going to the mall as much as possible,” Claudia laughs. “It’s too complicated!”


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Page 17 ture,» explique Claudia. « C’est un mélange de plusieurs choses. Il y a la joie de voir ses bébés grandir ensemble, mais je ne vous le cacherai pas... c’est très fatiguant ! » Gérer efficacement son temps et s’assurer de toujours avoir avec vous trois exemplaires de tout le nécessaire ne sont que quelques exemples des défis quotidiens associés à élever des triplets. « Couches, biberons, pantalons, camisoles, pyjamas... la liste est longue. C’est pour ça qu’on essaie d’éviter d’aller au centre commercial autant que possible, » affirme Claudia en s’esclaffant. « C’est trop compliqué. » Les bébés ne sont pas identiques et après une heure passée auprès d’eux vous pouvez déceler leurs personnalités respectives. « Giada, avec son petit côté espiègle et rusé, est la petite curieuse des trois » explique Claudia. « Giuliana c’est l’indépendante. Elle adore jouer seule. Mon père l’appelle ‘l’ingeniere’ (l’ingénieure), car elle aime assembler et démonter les choses. Et Gabriella c’est notre petite princesse, très affectueuse et adorable, elle est toujours en train de danser! » Comme tous les parents aimants, Tony et Claudia espèrent offrir à leurs filles un bon système de valeurs, surtout basé sur le respect mutuel et vis-à-vis d’autrui. « Je souhaite qu’elles grandissent reconnaissantes de la chance qu’elles ont. Nous avons une bonne famille et beaucoup de soutien. Leurs grands-parents les gâtent énormément. Elles sont très chanceuses. » Les filles sont aussi exposées à l’italien. « On ne veut pas qu’elles perdent leur héritage linguistique, » explique Claudia, dont la mère est originaire de Caserta et le père de Campobasso. Les parents de Tony Bongiorno eux sont tous les deux d’Agrigento en Sicile. « On veut qu’elles sachent d’où elles viennent et qu’elles développent les mêmes valeurs avec lesquelles nous avons nous-mêmes grandi. » Alors, quel conseil peut offrir ce couple aux autres parents qui attendent des jumeaux, des triplets, ou plus ? « Ne soyez pas gênés d’accepter de l’aide », assure Claudia sans hésitation. « Les premiers deux mois... je ne les souhaite à personne. C’était dur. » Mais ils n’échangeraient ça pour rien au monde. « L’épreuve en vaut tout à fait la peine. Nous avons trois belles filles en bonne santé. » Elle me montre ensuite la première photo d’elles toutes les trois ensembles. On les voit enroulées dans des couvertures, si petites, couchées l’une contre l’autre. « C’était beaucoup plus facile de prendre une photo de groupe à ce moment là, » explique-t-elle en riant. Que souhaitent ces fiers parents pour le futur de leurs filles ? « Si elles pouvaient devenir de meilleures amies pour le restant de leurs jours », affirme Claudia alors qu’elle jette un regard à la photo avec adoration. « Que pourrait-on demander de mieux? ». v

Our Cover Le bambine non sono proprio identiche e basta trascorre un’ora insieme con loro per scoprire le scoprire le loro caratteristiche specifiche. Claudia ride e poi descrive ognuna delle tre bambine: ‘Giada è birichina, curiosa e sorniona. Giada è indipendente e felice di giocare per conto suo. Mio padre la chiama ‘l’ingegnere, perchè a lei piace fare e disfare gli oggetti. Gabriella è la nostra principessina, affettuosissima; le piace tanto ballare.’ Come tutti i genitori Claudia e Tony desiderano che i loro tre gioiellini crescano con principi sani, come il rispetto reciproco e del prossimo. ‘Vorrei tanto che apprezzino tutto quello che hanno. Sono veramente fortunate. Appartengono ad una famiglia unita che ci dà un grande sostegno. I nonni le viziano. “Vorremmo anche che mantengano il loro patrimonio linguistico,” spiega Claudia. Bisogna perciò parlare in italiano alle bambine. I genitori da parte di madre sono originari di Caserta e da parte di padre di Campobasso, mentre i Bongiorno sono entrambi di Agrigento, in Sicilia. ‘Vogliamo che le nostre bambine sappiano da dove provengono e sappiano anche nutrirsi degli stessi valori con i quali siamo cresciuti noi.’ Che consiglio Claudia e Tony si sentono di dare alle coppie in attesa di nascite ‘multiple’? “Siate pronti a farvi aiutare... I primi mesi sono veramente duri.” Malgrado le difficoltà, non cambierebbero per niente al mondo la loro vita di genitori. “Sono proprio le difficoltà che mi consentono,” spiega Claudia, “di apprezzare la fortuna che ho come madre. Ho tre bellissime bambine in ottima salute. Che potrei desiderare di più?” E nel dire queste parole mi fa vedere la prima foto che ritrae Giada, Gabriella e Giuliana insieme, coperte con cura, delicate, l’una accanto all’altra. “Allora era molto più semplIce farle stare insieme per scattare una foto, dice ridendo.” L’augurio semplice e sincero che Claudia come madre rivolge alle sue bambine nel guardare l’immagine con gli occhi brillanti che esprimono il suo amore è che crescano e rimangano buone amiche, oltre ad essere sorelle. “Cosa potrei sperare di meglio?” (F.S.) v


The babies aren’t identical and just by spending an hour with them you can tell that their personalities are also different. “Giada, she’s the mischievous, curious, and sly one,” says Claudia. “Giuliana is the independent one. She is happy playing on her own. My dad calls her “l’ingegnere” because she likes putting things together and taking them apart. And Gabriella is our little princess, very sweet and affectionate, and always dancing!” Like any loving parents, Tony and Claudia want their daughters to grow up with strong values primarily a respect for each other and for other people. “I want them to grow up feeling grateful for what they have. We have a good family and great support. Their grandparents spoil them. They’re very lucky.” The girls are also spoken to in Italian. “We don’t want them to lose their linguistic heritage,” Claudia explains, whose mom’s parents are from Caserta, and her father’s from Campobasso. Bongiorno’s parents meanwhile are both from Agrigento, Sicily. “We want them to know where they come from and to instill in them the values that we grew up with.” So what advice does this couple have for other expecting parents of multiples? “Don’t be scared to accept help,” Claudia says without hesitation. “Those first two months... I wouldn’t wish them upon anyone. It was hard.” But still they wouldn’t change it for the world. “The hardships make it all worth it. We have three, beautiful, healthy daughters.” She then shows me the first picture of them taken together. There they are wrapped up tightly in blankets, so tiny, lying beside each other. “It was much easier to get them together for a picture back then,” she laughs. So what is the hope of these proud parents for their daughters futures? “If they could be each other’s best friends for the rest of their lives,” Claudia says, as she looks at the frame in adoration, “we could not ask for more.” v



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Italy -


150e anniversary

Italy (1815-1870): from a geographical expression to a united country. THE



Giuseppe Mazzini Camillo Benso di Cavour

By Filippo Salvatore

Giuseppe Garibaldi

Here is a chronological presentation of some of the salient dates, events and protagonists that enabled the unification of the Italian peninsula. Four possible models were proposed: a confederation of states under the spiritual and temp o r a l g u i d a n c e o f t h e Po p e b y Vi n c e n z o G i o b e r t i ; a f e d e r a t i o n o f s e c u l a r republics by Carlo Cattaneo, (a model being pursued nowadays by Umberto Bossi’s Lega Nord); a united republic by Giuseppe Mazzini, and a united constitutional monarchy by the Piedmontese diplomat Camillo Benso Count of Cavour. The fourth option, a united and centralized constitutional monarchy under the aegis of the Savoy dynasty, was the one that won out and led to the declaration on March 17 th, 1861 of a united Italy. Traditional patriotic hagiography refers to Giuseppe Mazzini as being il cuore (the heart) of Italy’s unification, Camillo Benso di Cavour as il cervello (the brain), and Giuseppe Garibaldi as la spada (the sword). Italy’s unification, notwithstanding its tortuous path and its resulting shortcomings, has to be viewed, in hindsight, as one of the major accomplishments of 19 th century European history. Knowledge of the past enables a better understanding of the present. This is my aim in presenting in a point form the Risorgimento, the process that led to a national identity that anyone, both on Italian soil or abroad, is so proud of. 1815 - Napoleon Bonaparte is defeated at Waterloo and exiled to the St.Helen island. At the Congress of Vienna (June 1815) Austria, England, Russia and Prussia institute the Concert of Europe, or Holy Alliance, an instrument of antirevolutionary intervention under Austrian Prince Klemens von Metternich’s influence. The Savoy dynasty is brought back to power and Genoa and Liguria are annexed to Piedmont. Milan and Venice become part of the Austrian empire. Three small Italian states (Parma, Modena and Tuscany) are tied to the Austrian dynasty. The papacy views Austria as its prime protector. The King of Naples Ferdinand I of Bourbon is restored to the throne by Austria and is part of its sphere of influence.

Events in Italy during the Risorgimento IMPERO D’AUSTRIA Savoia Magenta Peschiera

Romagna Nizza

Marche Umbria


Talamone Civitavecchia



Acquisti francesi 1859-60 Reggio

Piemontesi Francesi Spedizione dei Mille Insurrezioni


King Victor Emmanuel II of Savoy

Vincenzo Gioberti

Carlo Cattaneo

The political Restoration sanctioned in Vienna that did away with the ideals of the French Revolution found its major challenge on the Italian Peninsula. The conflict caused numerous upheavals and revolutions in the course of the 19th century. The process of Italian political and territorial unification is known as Risorgimento. 1820 - Upheavals organized by Carboneria (a secret political organization) take place in Naples and Sicily led by General Gabriele Pepe. Historian Pietro Colletta gives a detailed account of the events in his Storia del Reame di Napoli. King Ferdinand crushes the revolutions with Austrian help. 1821 - Liberal upheavals take place in Piedmont. Carbonari Piero Maroncelli and Silvio Pellico are arrested and sent to prison. Pellico tells his sufferings in the Spielberg penitentiary in a famous book L e M i e Pietro Colletta Prigioni. 1831 - Upheavals take place in the Duchies of Parma and Modena. Duke Francesco IV seems to favour the revolution, but he reneges and has the leaders of the plot arrested. Ciro Menotti is condemned Silvio Pellico to death. 1831 - A former Carbonaro, the Genoese Giuseppe Mazzini, founds La Giovine Italia, a secret society that advocates a united and republican Italy. In 1833 he is condemned to death in absence for a failed conspiracy in Piedmont. In 1834 he founds La Giovine Europa. In 1837 Mazzini goes in exile to London where he stays till 1848. 1844 - Two Venetian brothers Emilio and Attilio Bandiera, admirCiro Menotti ers of Mazzini, organize an insurrection among the sailors of the Austrian fleet. They land in Calabria and try to begin a revolution. Peasants see them as brigands, not liberators. They are shot to death Emilio and Attilio Bandiera by the Bourbon army. 1846 - Bishop Mastai-Ferretti, who chooses the name of Pius IX, is elected Pope. To begin with, he is viewed as a liberal when he gives freedom to political prisoners. After 1849, he takes a very conservative political stand and defends the Pope’s right to temporal power. 1848 - Insurrections break out throughout Europe (France, Austria, Hungary, Prussia and Italy). King Charles Albert of Savoy concedes the Statuto (constitution). The same happens in the Papal States, in the Pius IX Kingdom of the Two Sicilies and in Tuscany.



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1848 - Le Cinque Giornate di Milano - On March 18th Milanese patriots rise against Austria and during five days freedom reigns in the city. On March 23th Piedmont accepts the patriots’ call and declares war on Austria. The economist Carlo Cattaneo, who favoured a federal republic for a united Italy, is the leader of the Cinque Giornate. On July 25th the Piedmontese army is defeated at Custoza. On August 9th King Charles Albert signs an armistice and the Austrians once more take possession of Milan.

Garibaldi with his Mille embark for Sicily at Quarto in May 1860.

The five days uprising in Milan in 1848.

1849 - Proclamation of a democratic Republic in Rome. Giuseppe Garibaldi assumes command of the republican forces. A young volunteer from Genoa, Goffredo Mameli, composes the poem Fratelli d’Italia which will become the national anthem of Italy. He is wounded and dies in his twenties. A triumvirate (Giuseppe Mazzini, Aurelio Saffi and Carlo Armellini) assumes political power and eliminates the temporal power of the Pope. From his refuge in Gaeta Pope Pius IX calls upon the king of Naples and on France to help him restore his power. On July 1st, the Roman Republic falls. Garibaldi and his volunteers fight gallantly. They manage to flee from Rome. At San Marino, Garibaldi dissolves his army. His wife Anita dies Goffredo Mameli Anita Garibaldi and he leaves Italy and goes to America. 1849 - Fall of the Venetian Republic. Venice that had voted against the Salasco armistice (August 9th, 1848) between Charles Albert and Austria remains the only democratic republic that challenges Austrian domination. Under the valiant command of Daniele Manin and Niccolò Tommaseo the Republic of Saint Mark faces a long siege that comes to an end in August Daniele Manin Niccolò Tommaseo 1849. Manin goes into exile in France and Tommaseo in the Greek island of Corfù. Venezia libera. Stampa del tempo 1849. 1849 - King Charles Albert of Piedmont is convinced by the Piedmontese parliament to resume war against Austria. On March 28th he is defeated at Novara. He abdicates and chooses exile in Oporto. His son Victor Emmanuel II replaces him on the throne. 1854-56 - War in Crimea. The Kingdom of Piedmont sends troops to help France and England against Russia. Piedmont’s status as a belligerent increases its international prestige. At the peace conference of Paris in February 1856, Cavour participates as an equal and focuses European attention on the Italian problem. At Plombières, Cavour signs a secret alliance with Napoleon III of France. France will help Piedmont if it is attacked by Austria. He uses his qualities as a brilliant journalist (in 1847 he founds and directs the daily Il Risorgimento) and diplomat to preserve liberalism and integrate the Savoy dynasty into the Italian national fabric. He also convinces Garibaldi, a former Mazzinian republican, to support the Napoleon III ‘monarchist’ solution to achieve national unity. 1859 - Second War of Independence. Austria sends King Victor Emmanuel an ultimatum asking for disarmament and the disbandment of special corps Cacciatori delle Alpi under Giuseppe Garibaldi’s command. On April 25, 1859 the Austrian army crosses the border and hostilities begin. On May 12, Napoleon III joins forces with the Piedmontese. In the bloody battles of Solferino and San Martino near the Garda lake in Lombardy, the Austrians are defeated by both the French and the Piedmontese. On June 9 th, 1859 Napoleon III and Victor Emmanuel enter Milan. Lombardy is annexed to the Kingdom of Piedmont. When the liberation of Venetia seems imminent, Napoleon III signs an armistice at Villafranca with Austrian Emperor Franz Joseph. During the war petitions had been sent to Cavour by the people of Tuscany, Parma, Modena, Bologna and Romagna asking to be annexed to the constitutional kingdom of Piedmont and they will by plebiscite in March 1860. At the Peace of Zurich, Lombardy becomes part of the Savoy dynasty, Venetia remains Austrian. Nice and Savoy become part of France.

1860 - April 4, a popular insurrection breaks out in Palermo. Giuseppe Garibaldi and his Thousand volunteer Red Shirts, (I Mille) set sail from Quarto, near Genoa towards Sicily. I Mille land at Marsala (May 13) and fight against the Bourbon army at Calatafimi, Milazzo and Palermo. After an irresistible march, they move up from Southern Italy and reach Naples. After the battles of Volturno and Gaeta, the Kingdom of the Two Sicilies is conquered by Garibaldi on behalf of the Piedmontese. King Victor Emmanuel II and Garibaldi meet at Teano, north of Naples (November 8). The regions of central Italy belonging to the Papal States decide by plebiscite to join the kingdom of the Savoy dynasty.

Garibaldi ‘s encounter with King Victor Emmanuel II at Teano in 1860

1861- Official proclamation of the Kingdom of Italy in Torino on March 17th, 1861. Victor Emmanuel II of Savoy becomes king of Italy. Prime Minister Camillo Benso Count of Cavour dies. 1866 - Third War of independence. Italy allies itself with Prussia at war with Austria for the control of Germany. The Italian army is defeated at Custoza on land and at Lissa on the sea. Prussia, however, defeated Austria in the Seven Weeks’ War, and Venice becomes as a result part of Italy. The cities of Trento and Trieste and their surrounding regions remain part of the Austrian Empire till the end of the First World War in 1918. 1861-1875 - Peasant rebellions, known as brigandaggio, take place in Southern Italy against the Piedmontese ’conquest’. The new state levies heavy taxes and imposes compulsory military conscription. 1870 - War between Napoleon III of France and Prussia. The French troops defending the temporal power of the Pope are recalled to France from Rome. Italy takes advantage of the occasion to occupy the Eternal City. General Lamarmora and his bersaglieri enter the city at Porta Pia and annex the city to the Kingdom of Italy. 1872 - Giuseppe Mazzini, who had returned from exile, dies in Pisa under a false identity.

General Lamarmora’s bersaglieri enter in Rome in 1870.

1878 - King Victor Emmanuel II dies. His son Umberto I inherits his throne. 1882 - Giuseppe Garibaldi, who had retired in the small Sardinian Island of Caprera, dies. v




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Italy -

150e anniversary

Una rassegna di film sul Risorgimento In occasione delle celebrazioni per il 150° anniversario dell’Unità d’Italia e della grande mostra “1861: I pittori del Risorgimento” delle Scuderie del Quirinale, il Palazzo delle Esposizioni presenta, in collaborazione con la Fondazione Centro Sperimentale di Cinematografia - Cineteca Nazionale, le migliori pellicole sul Risorgimento. I film seguenti costituiscono documenti preziosi dell’evoluzione della riflessione politica dell’Italia. 1860 (I Mille di Garibaldi) di Alessandro Blasetti, 1934 (80’) L’epopea garibaldina è raccontata con uno stile totalmente originale, fuori dalla retorica magniloquente del ventennio, scegliendo un punto di vista popolare, quello dei picciotti siciliani che combattono insieme ai garibaldini. Un capolavoro della storia cinematografica italiana precursore del Neorealismo. Senso di Luchino Visconti, 1954 (120’) Sullo sfondo della guerra italo-austriaca nel Veneto, Visconti ritaglia un melodramma di sensualità esasperata e morte, sfogando la sua visione critica della storia in una rilettura senza ipocrisie del Risorgimento. Piccolo mondo antico di Mario Soldati, 1941 (107’) Soldati traduce i conflitti amorosi ed esistenziali raccontati da Fogazzaro sullo sfondo della lotta antiaustriaca in Lombardia. L’ambientazione è perfetta; il paesaggio diventa l’espressione del dramma dei protagonisti. Alida Valli, nel suo primo ruolo drammatico, è strepitosa.

Il brigante di Tacca del Lupo di Pietro Germi, 1952 (104’) Con sguardo cinico e realista Pietro Germi esplora le ambiguità del Risorgimento, svelando i difficili retroscena dell’Unità d’Italia, tra guerra civile e brigantaggio. Le immagini si adattano perfettamente agli scenari in un meridione ostile e carico di contrasti. Viva l’Italia! di Roberto Rossellini, 1961 (106’) Nell’anno del centenario, Rossellini affronta la spedizione dei Mille con vocazione antiretorica, libera l’epopea garibaldina dall’alone del mito e dà alla rievocazione storica la spoglia concretezza di una cronaca realistica. La pattuglia sperduta di Piero Nelli, 1952 (74’) Nelli guarda le vicende della prima guerra d’indipendenza a partire dalla partecipazione popolare, seguendo un gruppo di soldati sbandati, che vagano nella nebbia verso un nemico invisibile. Contro la retorica della storia ufficiale che mitizza i protagonisti, riflette sulle conseguenze sociali prodotte da ogni guerra. Allónsanfan di Paolo Taviani, Vittorio Taviani, 1974 (115’) I Taviani indirizzano la loro riflessione sulla Restaurazione e la crisi esistenziale di un nobile lombardo opportunista, che tradisce la lotta rivoluzionaria Quanto è bello lu murire acciso di Ennio Lorenzini, 1975 (85’) La disastrosa impresa di Carlo Pisacane a Sapri, rivisita alla luce della consapevolezza critica contemporanea, in un film che evidenzia gli ideali egualitari e la grande passione rivoluzionaria della vicenda, unitamente alla coscienza dei suoi limiti sociali e storici. I Viceré di Roberto Faenza, 2007 (120’) Ritratto lucidissimo e spietato della nobiltà siciliana nel difficile passaggio all’Italia unita in un affresco di grande suggestione che ha il merito di far riscoprire il romanzo di Federico De Roberto. Il gattopardo di Luchino Visconti, 1963 (190’) Vincitore della Palma d’oro come miglior film al 16º Festival di Cannes. Visconti usa Gramsci per interpretare l’affresco storico di Tomasi di Lampedusa in una Sicilia dove gli sciacalli fanno trionfare il trasformismo.

San Michele aveva un gallo di Vittorio Taviani, Paolo Taviani, 1973 (87’) La crisi irreversibile del movimento anarchico nella società italiana di fine secolo incarnata da un anarchico internazionalista che tenta di provocare un’insurrezione.

Vanina Vanini di Roberto Rossellini, 1961 (109’) L’Amore di una contessa romana per un giovane patriota che deve assassinare un traditore della Massoneria. Stendhal visto da Rossellini.

Bronte - Cronaca di un massacro che i libri di storia non hanno raccontato di Florestano Vancini, 1972 (126’) Una pellicola aspra e sconvolgente su un episodio drammatico dell’impresa dei Mille in Sicilia: l’arresto e la fucilazione di rivoltosi per ordine di Nino Bixio Nell’anno del Signore di Luigi Magni, 1969 (105’) Mosso da una graffiante vocazione anticlericale, Magni dipinge un affresco beffardo della Roma prerisorgimentale, dando voce al malcontento del popolo oppresso.

Cavalcata di eroi di Mario Costa, 1951 (90’) Una tragica storia d’amore a Roma durante i drammatici avvenimenti della Repubblica Romana del 1849 che portano alla sconfitta dei mazziniani. v

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Life & People

Miles apart... but close at heart By Sabrina Marandola

When was the last time you picked up a pen, handwrote a note to someone, stuffed it in an envelope, sealed it with love and a stamp, and dropped it in a mailbox? n today’s age of instantaneous tweets, texts, and Facebook status updates, sending a handwritten letter via snail-mail seems to be as archaic as the abacus. But imagine having no other way to contact a loved one... No other way to share what’s on your mind, or confess what’s in your heart. This was the reality of our parents and grandparents - who were separated from their families, friends and loved ones in Italy - as they searched for a better life in Canada. As they left their native lands, what did our parents and grandparents long for? What were they anxious about? Of what did they dream? Now, for one of the first times ever, you can get a rare glimpse into Italians’ immigration experiences thanks to hundreds of personal, handwritten letters uncovered by Sonia Cancian. Her book is called Families, Lovers and their Letters: Italian Postwar Migration to Canada. It is a revised version of her PhD dissertation that she wrote for Concordia University’s Humanities program. Cancian collected about 800 personal letters that crossed the Atlantic Ocean between 1946 and 1988. Her book narrows in on 400 of those letters. Some are exchanges between parents and their children, others are between siblings, and some are romantic letters exchanged by lovers who found themselves in opposite hemispheres. “I think you think of me as much as I think of you, that you love me as much as I love you, and so this is enough to put my heart at peace and to set aside my worries,” writes Clara in Montreal to her lover Maurizio in Venice (names in the book have been changed for confidentiality purposes). The letter written on January 15th, 1949 continues: “I remember every song, every detail, and while I am forced to face my reality, my gaze and my thoughts are absent... what can I do but remember the past?... I would like to sleep and dream forever and only awaken with you here... Sadly, I need to wait and open my eyes to reality, and accept whatever fate sends our way, hoping that it will bring us well-deserved happiness. I dream to see you again because, believe me, I miss you terribly.” Cancian spent years collecting letters like this one. She went to places like women’s clubs and Bocce clubs, persuading Italian immigrants to search their basements and attics and hand over any old letters they may have hung on to. As her letter collection grew, Cancian says she became completely consumed by the world they unfolded before her eyes. “Ero talmente presa del mondo nel cui entravo,” she says, admitting her eyesight slightly deteriorated as she poured over hundreds of correspondences with cursive letters written in faded ink on wafer-thin paper. As she read through the letters, she realized they opened up a world of knowledge about postwar migration - offering a first-hand account of what 27 million Italians may have been going through when they left the old country. “The letters tell us about the separation between those who left and those who stayed, and their duality,” Cancian says. Three collections of letters analyzed in her book are actually complete collections from both sides of the ocean. “We see the links in which migration operates,” she explains. “What was the role of the family? How were gender roles encouraged? Emotions are very important in these letters. How did they perceive time and distance? The notion of absence made present in the letters is really very intriguing.” Cancian even went to Italy to interview some of the correspondents. “Some people were quite embarrassed that I was bringing up their past, and their intimate moments. I was met with some ambivalence,” she says. Université de Montreal history professor Bruno Ramirez says


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he admires Cancian for tackling this concept. “I was impressed she had the guts to do that kind of project,” Ramirez says. “Original letters are very hard to preserve. People throw them away, or keep them for themselves and don’t want to share them.” But Cancian remained focused on her task, which was actually inspired by her own grandmother 25 years ago. Just a young woman, Cancian went to visit her nonna in Spilimbergo, in north-eastern Italy, in 1986. They were talking about life, as they sipped their caffe latte. Suddenly, her grandmother ran into a room and came back to the table with a shoebox. “Inside, all in order, it was crammed with upright letters,” Cancian recalls. “I gingerly took a letter. It said ‘Tuo per sempre’ in my grandfather’s handwriting. I thought ‘Wow. Even my grandparents were in love.’ Quest’immagine mi è rimasta impressa. ” At the time, Cancian was too embarrassed to ask her grandmother for a copy of the love letters in the white shoebox. She never found them again. Cancian says she hopes more letters like her grandmothers’ are not lost. “We are in a time capsule, in the sense that time is running short. There are more stories we could pick up and history we could be making,” she says, adding that the children of the letter-writing generation often don’t want the letters. As a member of the research team working in collaboration with the Canadian Museum of Civilization in Ottawa, Cancian urges anyone looking to get rid of any postwar letters to submit them to the museum. There, they are properly preserved and studied. “The letters open up a universe of the mental and emotional being of immigrants. They tell us more than we – even historians – ever thought.”

Families, Lovers, and their Letters: Italian Postwar Migration to Canada By: Sonia Cancian, Published by University of Manitoba Press 2010, $34.50 Photo credits: The first one, of the two women, can read: “Ascoli Piceno, Italy, 1960 (Courtesy of Sonia Cancian, Families, Lovers and their Letters) The second pic is: “Friends and coworkers playing bocce in Michel, British Columbia, 1952 (Courtesy of Sonia Cancian, Families, Lovers and their Letters) v

Also on the shelves... A tale of immigration, that begins in Italy and ends in Canada, can now be read for the first time in three languages. Guido: le roman d’un immigrant was first published in 2004 in French. It has since received positive reviews by readers in Canada and Italy. Now, author Rita Amabili-Rivet has brought the book to life in English (Guido: The story of an immigrant) and Italian (In mio figlio vivrai per sempre). Amabili-Rivet was born in Quebec, but her family’ roots lie off the coast of the Adriatic Sea, in Italy’s central region of Le Marche. Her 350-page essay-novel tells the story of her father, Guido Amabili, from 1912 until now. Like many immigrants, Guido left his native land to start anew in faraway Canada. He’s greeted with a harsh climate, humiliation, struggles and sacrifices. But Guido also discovers a sense of belonging, and love for his new home... while always carrying in his heart the affection he feels for the old country. Guido: The story of an immigrant is available at La Libreria Italiana.




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Life & People

Gabriel Materassi: There can be no art without personal struggle By Robert Scalia

“I understand that if you work hard you’re eventually going to get somet h i n g o u t o f i t ,” i n s i s t s a s o f t - s p o ke n G a b r i e l M a t e r a s s i . “ B u t I sometimes feel like I’m constantly doomed - like I’m going to lose no matter how hard I try.” hat one might initially dismiss as the reasonable anxieties of any young adult takes on deeper significance as you run through his poems; the words of a 24-year-old often resigned to the role of outsider on account of a rare genetic disorder known as Sotos Syndrome which affects everything from coordination to concentration and motivation. So learning the guitar or fitting in at high school proved difficult for Gaby. Yet scribbling a heartfelt poem in the heat of the moment seemed to come relatively easy. “When it comes to writing, I can honestly say I don’t feel pressured to become the next Edgar Allan Poe. I don’t want to make it my entire life the way I tried to do with my guitar. Writing just makes me feel better about myself.” Drawing from both his own unique life experience and a rather eclectic taste in classic heavy metal, comics and ancient history, Gaby’s poems thread a fine line between sobering reality and fantasy. He even uses the alias Scare Crow for his darker poems - a nod to the “coolest” Batman villain around. “These poems drew something out of me,” he explains, proudly leafing through a folder of 17 poems he insists would likely not have existed today were it not for the St. Pius X Adult Centre staff who constantly pushed him to get writing again nearly a year ago. “Now, it makes me feel kind of at peace with myself because someone might actually want to read them. I have something to call my own -


The Unsung Hero

Ode to a Woman


- See that man he takes - The abuse of the world - A soldier in the streets - Works hard for what he keeps

- This is my ode to a woman I knew - Does she know that I’m there? - Does she know that I care? - Does she know I’m alive? - Does she know I exist? - Confess to her my love, I do not dare.

- Hello can you hear me? - I’m inside your head - You try to ignore me - But you know that - I’m always there

- No one knows his name - Not a penny to his name - No one knows the fight he fights - People think he’s just a shame - Not many things for him to buy - But he walks with his head held high - He gets ridiculed as People pass him by - See that man he takes - The abuse of the world - Not many things for him to buy - Yet he walks with his head held high

- You’ll fill up on vanity - Just to keep from insanity

- Her hair so long and plenty - Runs across her face so pretty - I cannot let her in, - My world is much too dark and gritty.

- Hear my voice - That you try to ignore - But I’ll send your mind - Through the floor

- She lights up the room - When she comes inside - Her radiance glows like a neon light - She is a spark in the dead of night - She is like a Spanish rose basking in the Sunlight.

- You can’t get rid of me - I’m a part of you - Rain or shine - Good times or bad - I’m living inside you - And I’ll never leave you v

- This is my ode - An ode to a woman I knew.



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Life N a t D i C e n s o , a Marathon Runner with a Heart of Gold - Raising Funds for Blood

Cancer Research

& People


By Chiara Folini

The day I met Nat Di Censo was the day I gained a true appreciation for what is required to be a marathon runner. Dressed in a purple shirt, he was wearing the colour of his cause on his sleeve. Nat has been running marathons to raise proceeds for leukemia, lymphoma and myeloma research, public education and patient services. is journey began in 2008 at the Ottawa Half Marathon, a race that his business partner encouraged him to join. Since that race in Ottawa, he has successfully completed four half marathons. Nat’s involvement in The Leukemia & Lymphoma Society organization and bond to the cause grew stronger in May 2008 when he became a mentor for this society. As a mentor, Nat gives practical fundraising tips to new participants, organizes weekly group training sessions and motivates runners during training. Surprisingly, Nat prefers training in the winter rather than in the summer. “In the winter, I have better control of my body temperature,” he confesses. Running three times per week with “Team in Training,” the world’s largest endurance sports training program, he developed the speed and endurance to run at a comfortable pace. “All participants have b e c o m e a p a r t o f a n e x t e n d e d f a m i l y ; “ Te a m i n Training” sessions has been a gratifying experience,” asserts Nat. He is determined to prove that a 240lb runner with drive and passion can triumph over any course. He modestly states: “Running a marathon is a personal challenge that any person can achieve; there is no athletic skill required to participate.”





Nat’s advice to running a marathon include not starting too fast, but rather to maintain one’s speed and to not introduce any changes on the day of the run. Nat learned this lesson when he changed his pair of socks during his first half marathon, which resulted in painful blisters within the first 5 km of the race. “When you feel like you have hit a wall, just focus on the cause and it will help you overcome the hurdle,” he advises. He has will power, determination and a positive mindset. He is not running for weight loss or a specific individual; he’s running for all the children who are afflicted with this blood cancer disease. Seventy four percent of all funds raised for the society go directly to cancer research. In fact, last year, Montreal was the first city in North America to raise $1 million over the course of the year for blood cancer disease. Through his network of supportive friends and family, he has raised over $10,700 for the Vancouver 2010 race. Aiming to exceed his personal fundraising record, Nat has already registered for his first full 42 km marathon, taking place in Rome. Combining athletic challenges and a run across Rome’s picturesque roads and breathtaking landmarks, it is an ideal sight-seeing experience, shared with runners from all over the world.

As we parted, Nat proudly displayed to me the participation medals received from past marathons. He looks forward to his visit to Rome, which he expects to be a rewarding one and challenges anyone to run with him in Rome. His motivation is infectious and his loyalty to the cause will ensure his successful completion of his first full marathon, an accomplishment to be proud of. v

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Life & People

Italo Tiezzi :

Ottawa Community Spirit in Action By Francesca L’Orfano

My path with Italo Tiezzi has crossed a number of times. In the seventies my sister Rosalba, a student at Immaculata High School, wanted to study Italian and for this she had to take a short daily walk to Ottawa Technical High School where Mr. Tiezzi was teaching Italian and was the department head. While he wasn’t her teacher, she spoke of the high expectations he had for those studying Italian, which of course she met by winning the Italian Department award in 1976 for the top grade in the Italian literature course. few years later during one of my art and the hub of nation building. Additionally they were confronted with complex linguistic issues exhibits, I got a call from Luciano as Italian speakers integrating within the first bilingual setting at the crossroads of two commuPradal, a local arts supporter who wanted to nities: the French in Lowertown and the English in Rochesterville. According to the 1911 Census, bring Italo Tiezzi to my exhibit. At that time the population of Ottawa was 90,779. Approximately 472 were of Italian origin with 334 males we exchanged a few words about my outnumbering 138 women. artwork but few details were exchanged This community was close knit and centred around a chapel on Murray Street where about the man who was interested in art. mass was preached and baptisms and marriages were celebrated. By 1913 a new church was It would not be until earlier in 2010 that our built and consecrated as St. Anthony of Padua on Booth Street. It was during the 1928 paths would cross in a more integral way. St. Anthony’s Day procession when Rosa Stella Di Nardo broke the heel of her shoe and Gino When the Italian Canadian Community Tiezzi took notice. Three months later they were married. Almost six hundred guests attendCentre of Ottawa (ICCCO) applied and ed the wedding, almost the entire Italian-Canadian community. Theirs was a popular and received a Federal Grant from the Community community oriented family, as both parents were involved in organizing many events and Historical Recognition Project (CHRP) to especially helping to get funding to start up sports teams and cultural activities for the youth. research and commemorate the stories of the They eventually had two children, Silvio and Italo. Their community activism would continue Italian Canadians interned during the Second even after Gino was released from internment camp for the second time. However, as he World War, I was asked to help out. This could not find work, the family purchased a provision store and post-office. When the second project is in the process of documenting and wave of immigrants arrived this store acted as a social service centre for them. The Tiezzi recording the experiences and memories of family, including Silvio and Italo, were there to help the newer immigrants settle. Additionally From left: Silvio, Rosa and Italo (1941) the families and of those that were interned they helped prepare at least two thousand landed immigrants to receive Canadian from Ottawa. Gino Tiezzi, Italo’s father, was citizenship. In 1977, for his extensive community work, Gino Tiezzi was awarded the Queen one of the internees. It was during my time spent with Italo recording his memories of that Elizabeth Medal on the occasion of the Queen’s 25th anniversary of her ascendancy to the throne. difficult time that I was to understand the depth of integrity, commitment, and dedication that This family’s dedication and commitment to community was what Italo learned Italo and the Tiezzi family have had to the Ottawa Italian Canadian community. from his parents and he continued in their footsteps but also paved a unique and The Tiezzi family have been long time residents in the Ottawa area and their history can rewarding path of his own. In a 2003 interview he gave to Nicolas Frate of Il Postino be traced back to the first wave of Italian immigrants (1840-1930). While the second wave (an Ottawa Italian Canadian newspaper) Italo said: “If you’re going to belong to society, you of migration after the Second World War was the larger of the two, the foundation for what have to take part. It is up to the individual to has become today’s Ottawa Italian Canadian choose how they get involved.” And involved community was built by this original fledgling and is exactly what Italo did. thriving Italian Canadian community. These first After graduating from St. Patrick’ immigrants integrated College and the University of Toronto, Tiezzi themselves into the city began his teaching career, like his father originally known as before him who taught Italian in elementary Bytown, which by 1857 school at Academie Dante (now St. Anthony’s had become Ottawa and Catholic Elementary School). Italo was the the capital of the Canadian first high school teacher of Italian origin in province. Italian immiOttawa and spent 30 years, from 1959-1988, grants, many of them natuteaching mostly at the Ottawa Technical High ralized, were faced with school, teaching history, georgraphy, Italian, challenges within a larger French and English. He eventually also city that already operated St. Anthony of Padua Church amd procession became the head of the Modern Languages as the seat of government




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Life & People

Department. For Tiezzi, his dedication to teaching is noted in how he considered his students part of his family. When they left his classroom many kept in touch and continued to invite him to their weddings and family events. Today he still receives cards and letters from some. Being a teacher and department head was already a huge challenge, yet for Tiezzi this was only part of his commitment. His extra curricular time and effort in school were spent as a student council advisor for seven years, head of the school library, coaching sports teams, as well as acting as advisor for the debate and yearbook publications. Outside of school his energy and dedication to volunteering were outstanding. In 1960 he helped found the Dante Alighieri Society of Ottawa, becoming the vice-president and is still a member today. With links to the classroom, he was the chairman of the Third Languages Committee of Modern Languages Subject Council and even coordinated a student exchange program for Ontario-Italy. Continuing his ties to his Italian Canadian community he was the president of The Italian Business and Professional Men’s Association of Ottawa and director of Ital-Canada Italian Week in Ottawa. In the mid-eighties Tiezzi served as president of the National Congress of Italian-Canadians for Eastern Ontario and the Outaouais, where he represented approximately thirty thousand Italian-Canadians. Beyond the Italian Canadian community, Tiezzi was the founder of the Ottawa Junior Humane Society, a director of the Kidney Foundation of Canada, a member of the Ottawa University Heart Institute, a life time member of Opera Lyra of Ottawa, a member of the Board of Directors of the Ottawa Congress Centre and a member of Carleton University’s Board of Governors. Tiezzi’s political ties were clear. He was president of the Young Liberals Association for Ottawa West from 1951 to 1953, and from 1965 to 1972 he was president of the Ottawa Centre Provincial Liberal Association. Of note, Tiezzi has met and worked with many political figures, but the one who most stands out is former Prime Minister Pierre Elliott Trudeau. Italo had the pleasure of coaching Trudeau in his pronunciation of Italian in certain speeches. Yet for Tiezzi, as a devout Catholic, the experience he treasures the most took place in 1957 in Italy. His parents and his paternal grandmother Ada sponsored this first trip to Italy as a gift for his graduation. What he most profoundly recollects is having met and being moved by Padre Pio. As a result of this meeting he attended Padre Pio’s canonization in 2002. For all this dedication and commitment to his community, Tiezzi has been duly acknowledged. In 1986 and in 1999 Tiezzi received the Ontario Ministry of Citizenship and Culture Volunteer Service Award. In 1990 he received the Ordine al merito della Repubblica Italiana (Order of Merit of the Republic of Italy). And in 1993 he was honoured with the Canada 125 medal for his “key roles in political and multicultural organizations and as an educator who contributed greatly in his field.” While he has given so much to the city, Italo also feels that the city has enriched his life as well. He is especially proud of the success and growth in the Italian Canadian community. His list of awards and achievements are lengthy, but Tiezzi is a modest and humble man. He is proud to note that he has always worked and lived as part of the ItalianCanadian community and his volunteer work ethic is a testament to Tiezzi’s love for Ottawa and this community. Like his parents before him, Italo Tiezzi’s integrity and dedication to all he has done and continues to do, shows us that one person can make a difference and impact in their society in a positive way. As my sister noted all those years ago, Mr. Tiezzi had high expectations for his students, but no doubt he was the ultimate role model as he set those high expectations for himself too and continues to achieve so much. v

Eugenio Chiarelli Rosina Tiezzi holding Bob Chiarelli (future regional head for Ottawa Carleton; Mayor of Ottawa; MPP for? / Silvio Tiezzi proxy godfather (standing in for Gino his father who was interned at the time) and Mary Asquini.

Petawawa Internment Camp (c. 1941-42), Gino Tiezzi front row 2nd from left

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Food & Travel


Fingers or Fork? That is the Question By Loretta Di Vita

As a professional image and etiquette consultant, my personal appearance and manners are under constant scrutiny. There are certain standards that I must live up to in the eyes of my students and clients since they expect me to project the level of savoir-faire and confidence that I encourage them to master. clearly remember a participant at one of my etiquette workshops asking if I ever wear jeans. “Sure,” I replied. “And, do you eat pizza with your hands?” she pressed. I reflected for a moment and replied that I sometimes do, but only when wearing jeans! When I offer instruction on dining etiquette, learners are always interested in discussing “finger food,” food that doesn’t have to be eaten with a fork and knife. Most finger munchies are easily recognizable, like mini egg rolls, croissants and tea sandwiches, but some ambiguous items can leave even the best etiquette-savvy diner’s stomach twitching with butterflies. Etiquette books devote entire chapters to the issue of what constitutes finger food. In fact, there’s still on-going debate as to whether eating asparagus requires the use of cutlery (Reader’s sideline: The Queen Mum preferred to eat asparagus spears with her hands -pinkie curled, naturally.) Um, let’s return for a moment to pizza. Etiquette experts toss and turn at night wrestling with the thorny wringer: “Is pizza really a finger food?” The question gets tossed around more often than pizza dough at your favourite take-out hut. Many feel that if ever a digit-worthy food existed, it would be the lowly pizza-pie-in-the-sky. But, I beg to differ. Why would you want to subject your bare hands to a blistering, oily triangle of dough (ouch!) that just emerged from the red-hot heart of a brick oven?


Interestingly, there’s a strong correlation between the formality of a dining situation and our approach toward food. It’s undeniable: When the dining ambiance is more informal, so is our behaviour. I suppose pizza is most commonly regarded as finger food because it’s usually served in relaxed settings or fast-food establishments where the use of fork and knife is optional (if not downright discouraged). But just because you use your hands to eat the Italian specialty at a stand-up counter or straight out of a cardboard delivery box on the living-room shag rug, doesn’t mean you have license to ditch cutlery when you’re dining in a proper sit-down restaurant. Remember, a more laid-back approach isn’t always the most efficient way to handle food. Sure, you’ll see the brazen pizza-parlor patron who insists on free styling it sans accoutrements, but the results are inevitably dire: the sizzling slice flops over before reaching the anticipatory mouth, triggering an avalanche of pepperoni and olive toppings to tumble onto the tabletop. And just think of how many diners have been humiliated by that long, resilient string of Mozzarella, the one recoiling from the pizza wedge like a bungee cord... Boing! Boing! Only one thing will disengage its mighty hold, a knife. It’s time for some general advice: when faced with fare that isn’t easily categorized, begin by analyzing its inherent characteristics. Hot, oily or sticky food provided

as a main course is clearly meant to be tackled with a fork. Dry, bite-sized tidbits presented atop a doily-lined silver tray at a cocktail party are, without a doubt, meant to be handheld. Teeny, skewered appetizers warrant hands only; while brochettes, nestled between rice pilaf and grilled veggies on a plate, demand the trusty fork-andknife tool kit. The most important thing to consider is the overall nature of the dining example. Let’s face it, just about anything can be taken directly from our hands to our mouths when our appetites are fierce enough. Often, it’s more a question of context than content. When unsure of how to proceed, ask yourself a few questions: How formal is the dining situation? Have the items been served on a platter with proper accompanying cutlery? How motivated are you to make the best impression? How is your host or the most prominent table-side person eating their food? The more data you collect in your hands (pun intended, of course), the more likely you’ll be able to make the best bon ton decision. In conclusion, the answer to our initial question, “Fingers or fork?” depends on the type of food you’re eating, where you’re eating it, and with whom you’re eating. Ultimately, the choice is yours. Given the option, I prefer to keep my hands clean, since I never know who’ll be watching my manners. v

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Food & Travel


vino - vin - wine

Paroles d’amour et d’allégresse par Gabriel Riel-Salvatore

Selon Brillat-Savarin le plaisir de manger se distingue du plaisir de la table : « On ne mange avec joie, on ne boit avec allégresse que quand on est réuni avec des amis, c’està-dire lorsque, avec la satisfaction du palais et de l’estomac, on trouve celles du cœur et de l’esprit. » Ce plaisir de la table, où l’amour n’est pas en reste, se manifeste surtout lors d’occasions spéciales comme la Saint-Valentin qui suppose un soin particulier à la préparation du repas, pour le choix du lieu et bien évidemment de l’invité. n dit souvent qu’on peut gagner son homme par le ventre, mais le contraire est de plus en plus vrai. Les femmes d’aujourd’hui aiment qu’on les gâte et les traite avec égard. Quoi de mieux pour ce faire qu’un bon repas en tête-à-tête présenté avec soin et mijoté avec amour. Ce plaisir coupable en vaut bien la peine et saura j’en suis sûr en charmer plus d’unes. Maurice Des Ombiaux affirme que : « sans le vin, un repas quel qu’il soit, est un corps sans âme. » Le jour de la Saint-Valentin, il se boit une grande quantité de vin, les yeux dans les yeux. Rappelez-vous toutefois lors du soir en question le proverbe suivant : Qui sait boire sait aimer et qui sait aimer sait boire. En ce jour des attractions amoureuses, les français optent tout naturellement pour le cru du Beaujolais qu’on nomme le Saint-Amour. Les italiens, à défaut d’avoir une appellation particulière évoquant l’amour, possèdent un lexique assez large de termes amoureux propre à la description de leurs vins. On rencontre ainsi en Italie des vins dits amabile, abboccato, gradevole, gentile, morbido, elegante, etc, un glossaire qui sied aussi très bien aux déclarations d’amour. On entend parfois dire d’un rouge qu’il est amoureux. Issu des contrées de Roméo et Juliette, le Valpolicella avec son côté souple et fruité peut très bien être considéré comme un vin amoureux, voire caressant.... Mais ce sont sans conteste le mousseux et le champagne qui accompagnent le plus souvent les mots et les actes d’amour. J’ajouterais ici les vins frizzante, pour les frissons, et les moscato pour leur côté moelleux et sucré. Voici donc une sélection de vins pour la Saint-Valentin qui sauront inspirer vos discussions, car après tout comme disait Nablusi : « Il vino è la bevanda dell’amore divino» (Le vin est la boisson du divin amour). v


Charmant et pétillant!

Quand le coeur vous en dit

Aveuglément ou à la folie

Bellavista Lombardia Franciacorta docg 35,25 $ (SAQ - 340505) ★★★ (88/100) Bouquet charmant évoluant sur la mie de pain et l’amande verte, sur fond d’agrume surtout la lime. Belle mousse, bouche harmonieuse, vive et rafraichissante, avec une finale tout en agrumes.

Langhe rosso 2008 Piemonte Beni di Batasiolo 16.55 $ (SAQ - 00611251) ★★★ (85/100) Beau fruité évoquant le sucre caramélisé et la cerise, appuyé par des notes légèrement florales. Vin affable et accessible. Bouche au fruit un peu mince évoluant sur la prune, mais pourvus de tannins assez souples et soutenus. Préférable en mangeant.

Anthilia 2009 Donnafugata Sicilia Sicilia igt 16.45 $ (SAQ - 10542137) ★★ (84/100) Joli nez de camomille et de fleur d’oranger. Bouche fruitée et savoureuse dotée d’une finale rafraîchissante.

Piccolo Grande Amore Amorino 2009 Podere Castorani Abruzzo Colline Pescaresi igt 22.80 $ (SAQ : 10859249) ★★★ 86/100 Vin intriguant au bouquet intense et singulier de poire et de fruits exotiques suivi de notes de fleurs blanches accompagné d’une belle minéralité. Bouche harmonieuse et onctueuse évoluant sur l’agrume.

Joyeuse découverte Bricco Quaglia 2009 La Spinetta Piemonte Moscato d’Asti doc 19,60 $ (SAQ - 10543746) ★★ 84/100 Vin blanc perlant, à la bulle belle et joyeuse, doté d’un léger côté sucré évoluant sur des nuances de pêche et de poire. Crémeux en bouche, idéal avec un zabayon ou une salade de fruits.

Pour ma promise Possessioni Rosso 2008 Masi / Serego Alighieri Veneto Rosso del Veronese igt 16,95 $ (SAQ - 10202095) ★★ (84/100) Bouquet agréable aux arômes de petits fruits et de réglisse rouge. Un vin axé sur le fruit et muni d’une belle rondeur en bouche.



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Food & Travel


Saffron Risotto with Scampi Risotto con scampi e zafferano In a saucepan over medium heat, sauté garlic in olive oil. Add scampi and cook for 3 minutes. Lower heat and add fish broth and saffron infused water. Simmer for 10 minutes. Stir in risotto, butter, and salt to taste.

• • • • • • • •

250g (9 oz.) risotto (see below) 1/4 cup (60 ml) extra-virgin olive oil 1 garlic clove, minced 1 kg (2.2 lbs) scampi, halved, deveined, and removed from shell 2g saffron, threads soaked in 1 cup hot water 1 cup (250 ml) fish broth 2 tbsp (30 ml) butter coarse sea salt, to taste

Basic Risotto Risotto di base Preheat oven to 450°F. In a saucepan over medium heat, sweat onions in olive oil until tender. Add rice, bay leaves, cooking liquid, and salt to taste. Combine and cook in oven for about 17 minutes or until rice is al dente. Remove from oven and stir in butter. Spread rice into a baking sheet to prevent overcooking. Discard bay leaves.

• • • • • •

250g (9 oz.) short-grain rice onion, small diced 2 tbsp (30 ml) extra-virgin olive oil 2 bay leaves coarse sea salt, to taste 8 cups (2 L) liquid (chicken broth, vegetable broth, water) • 2 tbsp (30 ml) butter

Diluting the saffron in hot water will allow the colour and aroma to infuse with the risotto and scampi.

Le Rosse 2009 Pinot Grigio Tommasi Veneto Delle Venezie igt 16,00 $ (SAQ # 10230555) ★★★ (86/100) Rich and luscious bouquet of ripe apricot. Sweet and unctuous mouth, with a good acidity.

Recipes: Franca Mazza

Love is in the air!

Photos: Farhi Yavus

ricette - recettes - recepies



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Food & Travel


Photos: Farhi Yavus

ricette - recettes - recepies Watercress, Goat Cheese & Walnut Salad Insalata di crescione, caprino e noci Cut cheese into 8 pieces. Lightly flour cheese and pat off excess. In a frying pan over low heat, cook goat cheese rounds in olive oil until golden on both sides and centers are soft. Toss watercress in a bowl with olive oil, lemon, salt and pepper to taste. Top watercress salad with walnuts and goat cheese. • • • • • • • •

1/4 cup (60 ml) all-purpose flour, for dredging 200g (7 oz.) log of goat cheese 1 cup (250 ml) extra-virgin olive oil 600g (20 oz.) watercress 1 lemon 8 walnuts, chopped coarse sea salt, to taste pepper, to taste

Bianco 2009 Regaleali Tasca d’Almerita Sicilia Sicilia igt 14,45 $ (SAQ # 715086) ★★★ (85/100) Voluptuous pear and honeydew nose. Vibrant and tasty, slightly minty mouth.

Strawberry Tiramisù

Tiramisù alla fragola

Using an electric mixer, combine cream, Mascarpone, Gagliano liqueur, and sugar. Scrape vanilla beans and add seeds to mixture. Dip ladyfingers in green tea and layer. Add strawberries and top with cream mixture. Repeat and finish with cream. • • • • • • • •

2 cups (500 ml) 35% cooking cream 500g (18 oz.) Mascarpone cheese 60 ml (2 oz.) Gagliano liqueur 1-1/2 cups (375 ml) granulated sugar 2 vanilla beans, scraped 4 cups (1 L) steeped green tea 12 ladyfinger cookies 1 cup (250 ml) strawberries, sliced

2227 Bélanger est • Montréal • Québec H2G 1C5 T.514.374.5653 •

Nivole 2009

Michele Chiarlo Piemonte Moscato d’Asti doc 10,50 $ (SAQ # 979062) ★★ (84/100) Lovely nose with sweet lychee and ginger aromas. Smooth and creamy mouth that evolves on a nice sweet and mellow ending.



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Food & Travel


viaggio - voyage - travel

Rome et Naples, même l’hiver! par Léa-Catherine Szacka

Durant les mois d’été, les villes de Rome et Naples sont visitées par des millions de touristes. Or qu’en est-il de ce tourisme d’hiver? Comment peut-on visiter, et surtout apprécier, ces deux grandes villes Italiennes pendant les mois plus froids? Quels sont les nouveautés ou encore les petites merveilles commerciales, cultuelles et gastronomiques offertes par ces deux métropoles septentrionales? ’abord et avant tout, il faut savoir qu’à Rome et à Naples, hiver ne rime pas nécessairement avec températures froides. Si les mois d’octobre et de novembre peuvent être très pluvieux, durant les mois de décembre et janvier, les températures grimpent facilement jusqu’à 12, voire même, 15 degrés au-dessus de zéro. Rien à voir avec nos hivers canadiens!


Quoi faire à Rome ? En hiver, à Rome, lorsque le temps est pluvieux, quoi de mieux qu’un bon cappuccino ou encore un chocolat chaud. La maison de torréfaction Tazza d’Oro fondée en 1946 et située tout près de la place du Panthéon (Via degli Orfani, 84) est toujours remplie. Policiers en uniforme se mêlent aux touristes dans un décor rétro fait de pousses de bambous et de décorations métalliques en bas relief. Une autre bonne adresse, près du Campo dei Fiori cette fois, est le Caffé Farnese. En hiver, on peut y déguster un épais et riche chocolat chaud à l’Italienne, de quoi nous fournir assez de calories pour poursuivre la visite du centre historique de Rome. Finalement, aussi surprenant que cela puisse paraître, les Romains adorent manger des glaces en plein hiver! Pour cela, un de leur MAXXI endroit de prédilection est l’historique Gelateria Giolitti, qui a ouvert son premier local (Via Uffici del Vicario, 40) en 1900. Décoré en style néo-liberty, et ouvert tous les jours de l’année de 7h à 1h30, ce lieu historique offre de délicieux gelati pouvant être dégustés à l’année. Rome regorge de musées, galeries et autres attractions culturelles. Or, l’hiver est le moment idéal pour les visiter sans être happé par une horde de touristes, ce qui constitue un avantage non négligeable! À part les incontournables comme le Vatican et sa Chapelle Sixtine, le Panthéon ou la célèbre Galleria Borghese, Rome offre plusieurs bonnes adresses pour les amateurs d’art contemporain. Le MAXXI, aussi appelé Museo Nazionale delle Arti del XXI Secolo, constitue la toute nouvelle attraction romaine. Ouvert au public le 30 mai dernier, il attire les foules de romains ainsi que les touristes curieux qui visitent Rome pour la première fois ou pour ceux qui y retournent pour une deuxième visite. On y vient autant pour voir les œuvres que pour admirer (ou critiquer) le nouveau bâtiment qui porte la signature de l’architecte-star irano-britannique, Zaha Hadid. Formes sinueuses en béton, grandes baies vitrées, et passerelles suspendues qui donnent parfois le vertige, le MAXXI est un bel objet qui pourtant semble parfois peu adapté à la fonction expositive. Le MACRO, Museo di Arte Contemporanea di Roma, présente aussi de l’art contemporain. Avec deux adresses principales situées aux deux extrémités de la ville (le MACRO Via Nizza avec sa toute nouvelle extension signée par l’architecte française Odile Deck, et le MACRO Testaccio, située dans le quartier du même nom et occupant un ancien Mattatoio (abattoir à viande)).

Al servizio della comunità dal 1983

Membre du conseil de la Communauté Métropolitaine de Montréal (CMM) et vice-président de la Commission permanente du logement social Membre de la Commission d’agglomération sur les grands équipements

Depuis le premier décembre 2010, la maison du célèbre écrivain italien Alberto Moravia, mort en 1990, est ouverte au grand public. Située au numéro 1 du Lungotevere della Vittoria, cette maison était le lieu de travail de Moravia, mais également un endroit pour recevoir les amis. Il aura fallu 20 ans pour que la MACRO maison soit finalement ouverte au public. Dacia Maraini, dernière compagne de Moravia, a déclaré au quotidien Il Corriere della Sera qu’elle estimait légitime que la ville de Rome donne la possibilité aux habitants et aux touristes de visiter la maison de l’auteur qui fut, un véritable monument de lettres italiennes. Attention, pour visiter la Casa Museo Moravia il faut réserver et si prendre à l’avance car les visites sont limitées à des groupes de quinze personnes maximum. Finalement, à Rome, plusieurs terrasses sont munies de lampes au propane permettant de manger ou de boire dehors, même au plus creux de l’hiver. Par exemple, le très populaire bar-restaurant Gusto situé sur la Piazza Augusto Imperatore offre plusieurs terrasses en plus de ces espaces intérieurs. Gusto est aussi un endroit de prédilection des Romains branchés. Que ce soit pour les délicieux aperitivo (vous y buvez un cocktail accompagné d’un très généreux buffet pour 10 euro par personne), pour une délicieuse pizza au rez-dechaussée, ou pour des pâtes à la truffe au plus chic restaurant du deuxième étage.

Quoi faire à Naples ?

Via S. Gregorio Armeno

Visitez Naples en hiver est une expérience unique. Bien sûr, vous pouvez profiter des escapades traditionnellement faites l’été, dans le désagrément de la foule de touriste : Une visite de l’île de Capri ou encore un voyage dans le temps à Pompei ou Herculanum, mais si vous y êtes durant la période des fêtes, visitez la Via S. Gregorio Armeno, où vous trouverez de tout pour la traditionnelle crèche de Noël : les fameux Presepi. Certaines boutiques spécialisées, telle Fratelli Capuano, fabriquent et restaurent des personnages de crèche traditionnelle depuis 1840. Une visite au pays féerique de l’enfant Jésus dans cette rue bondée vaut vraiment le détour. Une autre activité qui peut être conseillée tant en hiver qu’en été est la visite du Napoli souterrain. Moins connu, le Naples souterrain vaut tout autant le détour que la Naples hors terre qu’on a l’habitude de voir. On peut effectuer des excursions les lundi et vendredi à 12h00 - 14h00 ou 16h00 et les jeudi à 21h00. La durée des visites guidées est d’environ une heure et demie. Finalement, n’hésitez pas à aller vous réchauffer dans la chapelle-musée Sansevero où l’on peut admirer la magnifique sculpture du Christ voilé, réalisée en 1753. Finalement, l’Italie en hiver c’est tous les avantages de ce beau pays sans les chaleurs accablantes et les foules de touristes. Soyez simplement prévoyants, munissez vous d’un bon parapluie. Et si par malheur vous l’oubliez, vous pourrez toujours en acheter un à l’un des nombreux vendeurs qui sortent par centaine dès que les premières gouttes d’eau commencent à tomber! v Carnet d’adresses Roma

Tazza d’Oro (Via degli Orfani, 84) Caffè Farnese (Piazza Farnese, 106) Gelateria Giolitti (Via Uffici del Vicario, 40) Bar-restaurant Gusto (Piazza Augusto Imperatore, 7) Museo Nazionale delle Arti del XXI Secolo, (MAXXI)

Casa Museo Moravia Museo di Arte Contemporaneo di Roma (MACRO) Napoli Via S.Gregorio Armeno Naples souterrain - Chapelle-musée Sansevero

(514) 336-4840

Membre du Comité industriel en sécurité Membre du Comité ad hoc sur le transport

Alvaro Farinacci Conseiller de ville - Montréal Arrondissement de La Salle District Cecil-P.-Newman

55, avenue Dupras LaSalle H8R 4A8 Tél.: (514) 367-6216

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33 L i f e Style

The Heart of Valentine’s Day By Amanda Fulginiti

Love it or loathe it, there is just no getting around it. Yes, I’m talking about Valentine’s Day folks, a day to commemorate ones love to another with chocolate covered strawberries, long stemmed red roses, teddy bears that say ‘I love you,’ bottles of bubbly, and various other heartfelt gifts. But, did you ever stop and ask yourself how this all came to be? And why name this affection-filled day after a Saint?

ell, the history of Valentine’s Day is impossible to be obtained from any archive and the veil of centuries gone by has made the origin behind this day even more difficult to trace. Today’s celebrations are said to have been derived from both Christian and Roman tradition. As per one legend, the holiday originated from the ancient Roman festival of Lupercalia , a fertility celebration that used to be observed annually on February 15. But the rise of Christianity in Europe saw many pagan holidays being renamed and dedicated to the early Christian martyrs. Lupercalia was no exception. In 496 AD, Pope Gelasius turned Lupercalia into a Christian feast day and set its observance a day earlier, on February 14 in honour of Saint Valentine, a Roman martyr who lived in the 3 rd Century. It is generally agreed that this St. Valentine is whom the modern Valentine’s Day pays tribute to. The Catholic Church recognizes at least three different saints named Valentine or Valentinus, all of whom were martyred. Surprisingly, all three of them were said to have been martyred on February 14th. Pope Gelasius, however, intended to honour the first of these three aforementioned men. Most scholars believe that this St. Valentine was a priest who lived around 270 AD in Rome and attracted the disfavour of the then Roman Emperor Claudius II. So why did V end up on Claudius’ black list? Well, St. Valentine was a bishop who held secret marriage ceremonies despite the Emperor’s edict that prohibited young men to marry.


You see when the Empire had grown too large to be shielded from external aggression naturally more and more capable men were required to be recruited as soldiers and officers to protect the nation from takeover. When Claudius became Emperor, he felt that because married men were more emotionally attached to their families they would not make good soldiers. This is where Valentine stepped in. Whenever lovers thought of marrying, they went to Valentine who met them in a secret place, and joined them in the sacrament of matrimony. Unfortunately for him, such things cannot remain hidden for long. It was only a matter of time before Claudius came to know of this “friend of lovers,” and had him arrested. When Claudius II met Valentine, he was said to have been impressed by his dignity and conviction. However, Valentine refused to agree with the Emperor regarding the ban on marriage. It is also said that the Emperor tried to convert Valentine to the Roman gods but was unsuccessful in his efforts. Valentine refused once again and even attempted to convert the Emperor to Christianity, knowing the consequences fully. This angered Claudius II who gave the order of Valentine’s execution. He is believed to have been executed on February 14, 270 AD. Thus the 14th of February became a day for all lovers and Valentine its Patron Saint. It began to be annually observed by young Romans who offered handwritten greetings of affection, known as Valentines. So whether or not you go out and buy any of the usual suspects for your honey, go and give someone a bacio - it’s the least you can do for Valentine’s sake! v



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Life Style

34 Photos: Vincenzo D’Alto / Make-up: Emmanuelle Blanchard

VIVERE ALL’ITALIANA - Vivre à l’italienne - Living Italian Style

Christian Giacomini Josie Acocella Nickname: Chris Occupation: Graduating May 2011 - Police Technology Age: 21 Generation: Second Dad from: Montréal - Le Marche Mom from: Montréal (Campobasso) Molise Speaks: Italian, English, French Raised in: Saint-Leonard Passion: Law Clothes at the shoot: Dark designer dress pants, button shirt, tie; black cashmere coat Favourite designer: Hugo Boss Boutique: Simons, American Eagle & Mexx Restaurant: Café International, the calamari are to die for! Favourite dish: You can never go wrong with a plate of Lasagna! Absolute must in the pantry: Taralli and a year’s supply of pasta. Type of wine/drink: Sangria and Rosé wine Favourite Italian saying or quote: “Ascoltare nonno, ha sempre ragione!” Dream car: Rolls Royce

What you like most about our magazine: Different spotlights on different people and groups in the ItalianCanadian community. 514 or 450: 514 Best way to feel Italian in Montreal: Attending an Italian feast at a park on a summer Sunday afternoon, you can’t get to feeling more Italian than that. Mare o montagna: Montagna for sure! Thing about you that would surprise most people: I play the accordion Best coffee in Montreal: Ciociaro Pet peeve: Drivers who don’t put their flashers on when they want to turn.

Crescent or St-Laurent: Crescent You know you are Italian when or if: There’s still plastic on the furniture. Your fashion idol: Frank Sinatra; a class act. Favourite thing to do in Montreal: Have a drink with friends on a downtown terrace. You know you were raised Italian when: you have to miss school for one of three reasons; to make cheese, to make tomato sauce or when it’s time to make sausages. Favourite colour: Azzurro Spaghetti o penne: Penne Favourite flavour of gelato: Espresso Crème Brulée

Favourite Italian song: Eh Cumpari! - Julius La Rosa Favourite Italian city. If never visited, which city would you like to visit? Roma! I love history. Best memory growing up as an Italian: Going to all the Italian feasts, parties and weddings... Italians know how to party! Favourite thing about being Italian: Everything this culture has to offer makes being Italian great; the food, the music, the fashion and most importantly, the beautiful women! Plans for Saint Valentine’s Day: None yet! Anyone interested?

Nickname: Jos, Mamarella Occupation: Dental assistant/student Age: 21 Generation: Third Dad from: Andretta (Avellino), Campania. Mom from: Bisaccia (Avellino), Campania. Speaks: Italian, French and English. Raised in: Rivière-des-Prairies Passion: I love to make people smile. Make up: Dior, Lise Watier, MAC Favourite designer: Michael Kors Boutique: Bebe Restaurant: Piatto Pieno Favourite dish: My mommy’s pasta, to die for! Type of wine/drink: Amaretto sour & Rosé wine. Favourite Italian saying or quote: “Fa bene scordalo, fa male pensarci” & “Chi nasce quadrato non muore rotondo.” Last time you went to Italy: 2007 Place you must go back to at least one more time in your life: New York, the shopping and energy there is amazing.

Dream car: Audi Q8 Best Italian movie: Ciao Professore. What you like most about our magazine: It keeps the Italian community connected. With Panoram Italia we are more aware of what’s happening, it keeps our culture alive. Best way to feel Italian in Montreal: Walking in Little Italy on Grand-Prix weekend. Mare o montagna: Mare all the way! Thing about you that would surprise most people: I have a big heart. I like to spoil the ones I love. Crescent or St-Laurent: St-Laurent. Sexiest Italian: Raoul Bova

514 or 450: 514 Most common name in your family. How many? Giuseppina (4) You know you are Italian when or if: when you can’t help the fact you always speak with your hands. Best nightclub in Montreal: Moomba Your fashion idol: Don’t have one in particular, I simply like nice clothing. Favourite thing to do in Montreal: Go on Mount-Royal and enjoy the scenery. You know you were raised Italian when: Going to kindergarten no one understood what you were saying because you only spoke Italian. (Yup, happened to me!)

Si vous souhaitez être considéré pour paraître dans la section Vivre à l’italienne, joignez-vous à notre page Facebook et envoyez-nous un message nous expliquant pourquoi vous seriez un bon candidat.

Favourite colour: Purple Favourite Italian song: Senza giacca e cravatta Nino D’Angelo Favourite Italian city. If never visited, which city would you like to visit? Capri Best memory growing up as an Italian: Driving my nonna and nonno nuts when they kept me during the day while my parents were working. Favourite flavour of gelato: Nocciola Favourite thing about being Italian: The values my parents taught me, its all about respect and family. Plans for Saint Valentine’s Day: Probably a nice supper with my boyfriend.



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Life Style


Photos: Vincenzo D’Alto / Make-up: Emmanuelle Blanchard

VIVERE ALL’ITALIANA - Vivre à l’italienne - Living Italian Style

Sandy Cavallo Stefano Cimino

Name: Sandy Cavallo Nickname: Sa Occupation: Freelance Graphic Designer (Cavallo Graphic Design) Age: 28 Generation: Second Dad from: Montefalcione (Avellino), Campania Mom from: Atripalda (Avellino), Campania Speaks: English, Italian, French Raised in: Montreal, Villeray

Nickname: Rocky, L`Ultimo Romano Occupation: Student at Concordia University, BA in Commerce and Classics. Works part-time for Menuiserie Artec Inc. Age: 23 Generation: Second Dad from: Sala Consilina (Salerno), Campania Mom from: Sant`Apollinare (Frosinone), Lazio Speaks: Italian, French, English & basic Latin Raised in: Ahuntsic, Montreal

Passion: Any form of art Clothes (at the shoot): Rudsak coat, Mavi Jeans, Aldo shoes Favourite designer: Dolce & Gabbana Boutique: H&M, BCBG Restaurant: Casa Galicia Favourite dish: Osso buco Absolute must in the pantry: Nutella Type of wine/drink: Red wine for dinner, beer with hockey Favourite Italian saying or quote: “Senza il fesso, il furbo non vive!” Last time you went to Italy: Sept. 2006 Place you must go back to at least one more time in your life: Prague

Passion: Roman and Greek Classical Civilization; weight training. Clothes: Shirt: Zara, Jacket: Simons, Jeans: Buffalo, Shoes: Aldo Favourite designer: Cavalli Boutique: Simons Restaurant: Ristorante Meridiana Favourite dish: Lasagna Type of wine/drink: Vino Frascati Favourite Italian saying or quote: "Roma non è stata costruita in un giorno" Place you must go back to at least one more time in your life: La città eterna, Roma. 514 or 450: 514

Favourite band or singer: Bon Jovi Best Italian movie: La Vita è Bella What you like most about our magazine: keeps me in touch with upcoming events and what’s going on in the community Best way to feel Italian in Montreal: Having an espresso and cornetto at La Cornetteria Mare o montagna: Montagna Thing about you that would surprise most people: I pierced my own nose Best coffee in Montreal: My mother in-law’s house Pet peeve: bad drivers

Dream: To have my own Advertising Studio Sexiest Italian: Paolo Maldini You know you are Italian when or if: After a 7 course meal, you’re still thinking of having a panino at midnight. Best pizza in Montreal: Piatto Pieno Favourite thing to do in Montreal: A nice summer walk in Old Montreal You know you were raised Italian when: It’s perfectly normal for a 7 year old to drink wine with SevenUp! Spaghetti o penne: Penne Italian artist or actor you would like to meet: Roberto Benigni

Favourite Italian city. If never visited, which city would you like to visit? Firenze Best memory growing up as an Italian: Sunday morning “spesa” at Milano with my father Favourite flavour of gelato: Nocciola Favourite thing about being Italian: Everything, from our family values, to our artistic, hardworking and ambitious nature, our renowned cuisine, and notable fashion sense. Plans for Saint Valentine’s Day: Spending it at home with my husband and my 2 daughters.

Dream car: Ferrari 458 Italia Favourite band or singer: Toto Cutugno Best Italian movie: Gomorra Italian soccer team: AS Roma What you like most about our magazine: The great effort the Panoram team puts into publishing this magazine and communicating the Italian culture to its readers. Best way to feel Italian in Montreal: Working in construction with Italians who don`t speak English. Thing about you that would surprise most people: My knowledge of Roman history.

Mare o montagna: Mare Best coffee in Montreal: Bocca Crescent or St-Laurent: St. Laurent Most common name in your family. How many? Donato (5) Pet peeve: Those who think that the Italian culture is just about food and clothes. Dream: Move to Rome Sexiest Italian: Federica Ridolfi Best nightclub in Montreal: I can tolerate BSide Best pizza in Montreal: La Pizza Rustica. Favourite thing to do in Montreal: Walking in Little Italy during Grand Prix weekend.

To be considered for a photoshoot in future Living Italian Style sections, simply like Panoram Italian on Facebook, and express your interest on our wall. An administrator will get back to you with further details.

Your fashion idol: My brother Matt You know you were raised Italian when: Your father forces you to zappare all day and your mother’s number one priority is feeding you. Favourite colour: Rosso Spaghetti o penne: Spaghetti Favourite Italian song: Inno di Mameli. Italian artist or actor you would like to meet: If I could meet any Italian in history it would be General Publio Cornelio Scipione. Best memory growing up as an Italian: When my nonno would hug me and say, “Cresci grosso.” His words I will never forget.



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Life Style


moda - mode - Fashion For little girls, the trend is to deepen the traditional pink into a rich shade of cranberry - hold the lace and ruffles. In dresses or sporty two-piece outfits, red is balanced with calming greys, taupe and white. More subtle earth tones are welcome in baby clothes, we say, to mix things up. It’s time to think about which colours best suit each baby’s skin tone and hair colour, instead of defaulting to pink and blue. Newborns with auburn and strawberry blonde hair look lovely in greys, evergreens and beige, while brunettes look striking in red and chocolate brown. Black is chic, yet some style gurus say it’s too glum for newborns unless in a faux tuxedo or suit. We agree, preferring to see babies in all kinds of colours and cuts!

Bey nd The Pale Baby clothes no longer default to pink and blue.

Tru Trussardi

By Joanne Latimer

Old Navy Petit Lem

Petit Lem



3 Sprouts

Petit Lem



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moda - mode - Fashion It’s heresy to suggest that blue and pink are boring baby colours. They’re cute, of course, and they give everyone a helpful clue as to the sex of newborns. But after generations of kids having grown up in these traditional hues, it’s time to embrace some alternative colours. We are not suggesting a ban on baby blue. That will never happen not as long as nonna is buying the presents. We’re suggesting another colour palette for boys that is more like dad’s: earthy browns, greys, beige and even black accents. These “Little Man” outfits are adorable, like the knit biker jacket, with a humourous dash of manly style. v

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Tru Trussardi

Dolce & Gabbana Jr. at Tru Trussardi at



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Mini Mioche

Small Plum




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Arts and Culture


Teatro - Théâtre - Theatre

Leo Sam a : A man for all seasons Interview with LDV Center’s dedicated dramaturge By Lidia Russo

We often hear people say that they wish to motivate the younger generation. Sometimes these are just words. Leo Sama is both a man of words and a man of action. Playwright, director and producer, Leo has had a positive influence on thousands of teenagers through his steady theatrical involvement. Panoram Italia caught up with him to talk about his latest production at the Leonardo da Vinci Centre (LDV) and his upcoming adaption of the 80s cult c l a s s i c “ Th e B r e a k f a s t C l u b ” b y John Hughes.

orn in Calabria, Leo arrived in Montreal at the age of 5. At 12 he discovered his Italian roots and the richness of the Italian culture. From 1988 to 2001 he wrote and staged his own plays in Italian (St-Viateur ‘65, Residenza, Ù Bloccu, Sciampagna, cozzi e..., Briganti si mori, etc.) depicting the Italian-Canadian reality in Quebec. In 2001 he founded Pier21 Productions ( hoping to promote theatre in other languages here in Montreal staging plays such as Addolorata by local playwright Marco Micone and the classic Filumena Marturano by Eduardo De Filippo. The Rose Tattoo by Tennessee Williams was the first of a long series of stage productions in English that also visited works from Neil Simon: I Ought to be in Pictures and Norm Foster: Wrong for Each Other. Leo Sama is also co-founder of the Teatro Stabile Leonardo da Vinci, set up in 2004 to divulge the Italian culture and language through the medium of theatre.


PI: Despite the challenges of the last 20 years your dedication to theatrical production remains unchanged. What is your greatest motivation? LS: Theatre in the Italian community or in the East End of Montreal is practically nonexistent. With Pier21 my challenge is to promote theatre in general, in English or in French. With Teatro Stabile the objective is to promote theatre in Italian.

PI: What are your main sources of inspiration? LS: The Italian community and the younger generation. Our community deserves a presence in Canadian theatre. That’s why I wrote several plays in dialect, in English and partially in French.

PI: You will be presenting in February an adaptation of “The Breakfast Club.” What was it about this script that attracted you? LS: The subject matter. It talks about problems that teenagers are facing in their everyday life. The play was written in 1985 by John Hughes and today in 2010 things have not changed that

much. Young people still face the same problems, however, it is our lack of understanding that we, as adults, have of the younger generation that has unfortunately not changed much. I didn’t have to adapt the play too much because it remains very current.

PI: What is the story’s context? LS: Five high school students: a jock, a nerd (the brain), a princess, a kook and a bum (the criminal), are held for detention on a Saturday morning as they all did something wrong. They each have different backgrounds and don’t associate with each other on an everyday basis. Soon they realize that, in spite of their differences, they have problems in common. The “main” message is that we shouldn’t abandon our youngsters even though we might not fully understand their way of going about things. The play is mostly acted by enthusiastic young actors. Vince Benvenuto, Stephanie CocoPalermo, Anthony Gervasi, Valérie Descheneaux, Sean Curley, Franco Montesano and last but not least, for the Italian flavour, Gian Carlo Biferali, the janitor. We had a tremendous response from schools in the Montreal East End and six shows are just for students.

PI: You recently presented one of Italian theatre’s modern classics Filumena Marturano at the LDV center both in Italian and English. Which version gave you the most satisfaction? LS: They both gave me satisfaction. The English version because we had a large audience of English-speaking students who probably would have never encountered the Italian playwright Eduardo De Filippo; and the Italian version because it gave us the pleasure of using the Neapolitan dialect even though it was challenging to come up with something as close as possible to the real “napoletano.”

PI: In your opinion what is the future of local theatre in Italian? Do you dream the “impossible” dream? LS: I’ve been in the milieu of Italian theatre since 1982 and my optimism of 28 years ago has somehow dwindled. At that time we had several amateur groups with talented actors. Slowly, these groups are disappearing and we are left with very few young actors of Italian origin who can speak well enough to act in Italian. We theatre people, should have joined our forces to develop a new generation of comedians. Today we would have artists and actors ready and able to “deliver” in Italian. The “impossible” dream is to have an Italian theatre of a certain quality. One large “unified” group financed by major institutions and sponsors who really and truly believe in promoting the Italian language, culture and theatre. I know it’s a dream, but it’s a far cry for the leaders of the community. The Breakfast Club Teatro Mirella e Lino Saputo from February 15th to 19 th 2011 (514) 955 8370 v



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Arts and Culture


Teatro - Théâtre - Theatre

Vince Benvenuto : Staging a promising career By Alexandro Loffredi

Some might say that it’s too difficult to make a living out of acting, that it’s impossible to be discovered, or just not “guaranteed”. And while it may be many people’s dream, few are actually chosen. et, Vince Benvenuto will do anything it takes to make it as an actor. “I really love acting. I would sleep in my car if necessary,” he says. Luckily, he hasn’t had to take those drastic measures just yet, as his family has supported him from the very beginning and continues to do so today. Benvenuto first expressed his interest in acting to his mother at the age of fifteen. Maria Morella, an agent at Bellini International, saw his potential immediately and referred the Saint Leonard native to the Dynamic Theater Factory where he started his formal training, sacrificing much of his social life to go to auditions and voice coaching to control his Italian accent. Benvenuto started humbly by doing extra work in shows and commercials, earning his first ACTRA credit on the show “15/Love” and UDA credits on “Virginie”. He later graduated from Concordia University’s Theater program and began working with the renowned voice, speech and acting Coach Tom Todoroff, attending workshops in Montreal, Ottawa, Toronto, and New York. Shortly after he landed his first speaking role in Patrick Huard’s “Taxi 0-22” and the main role in Marco Calliari’s international hit music video “L’Americano”, viewed by millions of people worldwide. During one of his more recent auditions for the role of Tino in Steve Galluccio’s feature film “Funkytown”, released January 28, 2011, he managed to get the producers attention after he danced to a popular disco anthem live in front of them. “It was my best audition ever!” recalls Benvenuto. “I went in with a brand new mentality, one that I picked up from Todoroff’s teachings.” While he didn’t get the role he auditioned for, this eventually led him to land a contract as Tino’s best friend, his first principle role in a feature film, and spent days


on-set with famed Québec actor Patrick Huard and celebrated writer Steve Galluccio. “It was such an incredible learning experience! These were some of the most important days of my career thus far,” remembers Benvenuto. Though movies seem to be the way to go for most actors, Benvenuto still loves the stage. “You learn how to act in a theatre production. The skills you develop are vital and the experience is unmatched,” he explains. The young actor continues to perform in local theater productions and will be performing in Leo Sama’s adaptation of “The Breakfast Club” as John Bender (The Criminal) this February at the Leonardo Da Vinci Center. Motivated and multi-talented, Benvenuto also works as a producer and co-wrote his own short film as well as a web series. He will be funding his own project in hopes of submitting it to film festivals. Hopeful as he is motivated, Benvenuto also started the Montreal division of Actors Fight Club, an acting club where both new and seasoned actors can meet and get feedback from their colleagues. “Everyone gets together once a week,” he explains. “It helps actors practice their monologues and get constructive criticism.” Regardless of his own critiques, Benvenuto never hesitated about acting. Even with a lack of interest from his high school friends, he knew this was what he was meant to do in life. He would love nothing more than to make everyone proud by starring in a Broadway show turned film. “That would be a major accomplishment,” he says excitedly. With his constant determination, undeniable charisma and contagious personality, it is only a matter of time before Benvenuto’s name will be up in lights. v



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Arts and Culture


cinema - cinéma - cinema

Steve Galluccio’s ‘Funkytown’ By Laura Casella

From Mambo Italiano to Ciao Bella, and In Piazza San Domenico , it seems that anything Montreal-born writer Steve Galluccio puts on paper turns to life. In his latest project Funkytown, Galluccio takes us back to a time when bell-bottoms, chest bearing shirts, and short skirts were all the rage. he movie is set in Montreal in the late 1970’s and follows the lives of seven characters that are living and breathing the disco phenomenon. “Disco music was very big in Montreal,” says 50-yearold Galluccio. “Disco songs were hits here first before they were in other parts of the world.” If you lived through the 70’s you would most likely be familiar with club ‘Limelight’ on Stanley Street, once known as the centre of disco mania in Montreal. “Limelight was just as big as Studio 54,” Galluccio claims. “It was the place to go and be seen.” Funkytown, which features a bilingual cast, revives the


magic from Limelight as it chronicles the rise and fall of the disco era and the characters that surround it. Although Galluccio was still just a teenager in the seventies, he was inspired to write the screenplay. “I was very much influenced by disco music in my high school years. Wherever you went you heard disco. In the movies, on TV, everywhere.” The movie is a drama, which was challenging for Galluccio. Anyone familiar with this playwright’s work knows that humor typically plays a big role in his dialogue. “Humour is the way I live my life,” he says. “I try to see the positive in any situation and that’s why drama is a bigger challenge for me.” Born in Montreal’s Little Italy and raised in Ahunstic, his parents were both from Galluccio, Caserta. He says his family has always been a source of inspiration for him. “My parents had a good sense of humour and Italians in general are very funny people. We tend to over-dramatize everything and it’s extremely funny,” he exclaims. While some things may never change, Galluccio says he is amazed at how the young Italian generation has evolved over the years. “Many Italians, as I explored in Mambo Italiano and Ciao Bella, live within this protocol of Italian life. You go to school, get a job, get married, and have kids. But I see that culture changing. Young Italian Montrealers are really doing what they want in their life. They’re becoming writers, fashion designers, journalists, etc... It really warms my heart to see that.” Galluccio had to break down his own barriers with his traditional Italian family who did not quite understand his ambition to become a playwright. “My parents were

convinced I was going to end up on the street,” he laughs. “But they knew how hard-headed I was and that I wasn’t going to give up on my dream. I think they in some way admired my determination but they would remind me from time to time that I was wasting my life.” However, Galluccio’s incredible work ethic paid off and success came knocking at his door with his first hit film- namely Mambo Italiano. “I’ve been very lucky to have Mambo Italiano in my life,” he states. “I’m fine if I never beat its success. I think Mambo comes along once in a lifetime. It was a phenomenal hit. How can you match that?” How does Broadway sound? Galluccio confirms that there are talks going on to bring Mambo Italiano to the big stage in New York City. “It’s a project that’s been in talks for three years now and it’s extremely hard to put together. I’m told it should be on stage in 2013. But until I see it, I won’t believe it,” he says. Until then, get ready for the sequel to Mambo Italiano, which Galluccio is working on right now. “Although I’ve said I’d never write a sequel, it’s been ten years now, and I thought to myself you know what, this could be fun.” A humble man, Galluccio says he doesn’t really think about all the success he’s had. “It’s always funny to me when people recognize me. I don’t think of it in terms of success. I just think it’s so cool that I’ve been able to live off what I love to do. That’s what success really means to me.”

**‘Funkytown’ is now in theatres. v



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Sorelle d’Italia Giovanni Princigalli

Alle Rencontres Internationales du Documentaire de Montréal, sono stati proiettati due documentari italiani : Ragazze, La Vita Trema di Paola Sangiovanni e Videocracy di Erik Grandini. Sono entrambi riflessioni sul ruolo della donna nella società italiana. La Sangiovanni lo fa con sguardo romantico, nostalgico e poetico. Grandini lo fa invece con ironia e cinismo, ma soprattutto con amarezza. agazze, La Vita Trema racconta la storia di quattro ragazze che tra il 1968 ed il 1977 hanno partecipato ai movimenti per l’emancipazione femminile. L’odierna legislazione in tema di aborto, divorzio e violenza sessuale, che ha fatto dell’Italia un paese liberale e civile al pari del resto del mondo democratico ed industrializzato, la dobbiamo a donne come loro. Le storie raccolte dalla Sangiovanni sono personali ed intime ma anche storiche e collettive. Le quattro protagoniste sono il simbolo di un’intera generazione. La regista è abile nel passare dalla sfera privata a quella pubblica. Si può dire che Ragazze, La Vita Trema sia al tempo stesso un diario intimo ed una pagina di storia. Le parole ed i ricordi del diario si intrecciano dolcemente nelle immagini in bianco e nero di manifestazioni, referendum, assemblee pubbliche, ma anche di scontri violenti (basti pensare alla morte della studentessa Giorgina Masi). La Sangiovanni ha voluto finire il film con un messaggio di speranza, mostrando le immagini a colori di girotondi e manifestazioni delle studentesse di oggi. Nel rispondere ad una domanda di uno spettatore,“Le donne italiane sono ancora femministe o tutto è finito?”, la Sangiovanni ha risposto: “Non è un caso che abbia voluto finire il film con le immagini delle studentesse di oggi che hanno dato vita al movimento ‘L’onda’. La speranza è che l’impegno civile delle donne non sia affatto finito con gli anni 70”. Se lo stesso spettatore avesse visto Videocracy di Erik Grandini, avrebbe avuto una risposta più esaustiva. Il film di Grandini, il cui sottotitolo è, non a caso, L’importante è apparire, ricostruisce la storia della TV commerciale di Berlusconi, dagli anni 70 ad oggi. È una TV che ha lanciato la figura della velina, ossia di una ragazza bella e prosperosa, che in bikini balla poco e male, non dice quasi nulla ma sorride molto accanto al presentatore di turno, e tiene alti gli indici di ascolto. Alla Velina il presentatore non risparmia battute provocanti, a doppio senso, vagamente maschiliste o a sfondo sessuale. Nel film di Grandini si mostrano i retroscena : i provini ed i sogni di queste ragazze (essere famosa e sposare un bel e ricco calciatore), ma si mostra altresì la logica di chi tira la fila dello spettacolo servendosi delle veline come delle marionette. Sono uomini scaltri e senza scrupoli, come Lele Mora e Fabrizo Corona, (entrambi con diversi e grossi problemi giudiziari) che realizzano ingenti e rapidi profitti, che passano le loro giornate tra discoteche, ville lussuosissime, come quelle del Presidente del Consiglio Silvio Berlusconi. Per le TV di quest’ultimo il potentissimo Mora trova ragazze in cerca di successo. Cosa c’è in comunque tra queste ragazze veline senza valori e talvolta senza scrupoli e pronta a vendersi per lucro (basti pensare alla Ruby ed alla D’Addario!) con quelle di Ragazze la Vita Trema? Il film di Grandini inizia negli anni 80, epoca in cui finiscono i movimenti femministi raccontati dalla Sangiovanni. Entrambi i film finiscono con immagini recentissime. Grandini ci mostra una fila di ragazze che sperano di apparire in tv. La Sangiovanni, come già ricordato, ci mostra delle ragazze che partecipano ad una manifestazione, (certo per apparire davanti ai media) ma anche per rivendicare i propri diritti. C’è chi a Berlusoni chiede alti ingaggi e successo, ma c’è anche chi urla per avere il diritto ad una borsa di studio o un lavoro. Le une come le altre cantano e ballano. Ma le prime lo fanno in bikini per un guadagno facile e per far contenti gli uomini seduti davanti allo schermo di una TV. Le altre lo fanno vestite per ricordare agli stessi milioni di uomini che vi sono ancora dei diritti da difendere e da migliorare. In fin dei conti quegli uomini che guardano gli show televisivi (le veline quindi) o i telegiornali (le immagini delle manifestazioni di studenti e precari) sono i loro nonni, padri, mariti, fidanzati, e fratelli... già, fratelli d’Italia. I due documentari sono due facce contrastanti della stessa medaglia captata nelle sue contraddizioni e forniscono uno spaccato antitetico del ruolo della donna nella società italiana dopo 150 anni di unificazione. v




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Sharing Italian Perspectives By Amanda Fulginiti

Appointed General Manager of La Caisse Populaire Desjardins Canadienne Italienne in 2001, Mariano A. De Carolis has Italians talking. And I don’t just mean us in Montreal, but even those across the ocean. From October 28 th to the 29 th 2010, De Carolis was invited by the Ministero degli Affari Esteri to attend La Conferenza dei Protagonisti Italiani del Mondo held at the Villa Manin, near Codroipo (Udine), a conference in collaboration with the la Regione Friuli-Venezia Giulia. rom his dynamic greeting by the Frecce Tricolori, that is, the aerobatic demonstration team of the Italian Aeronautic Military, De Carolis was from the get go excited to participate in what was sure to be a historic event. There were 82 Italians from 28 different countries- like Japan, Brazil, Iraq, Czechoslovakia, and Egypt, to name a few- joined minds to discuss current issues about Italy as a modern country. On the top of their list was the economic crisis. The overarching goal of the conference, De Carolis explained, was trying to create a web of communication between the various countries. At the institutional level there have been many attempts to exploit the talents of Italians abroad, not only in order to highlight the success stories of Italian emigration, but also to reflect upon these stories in order to compare ideas, methods and experiences, that are always commonly grounded in Italian origins. And it is this origin, as the key to a common drive for membership in international competition, which the organizers of the conference felt play an important role in supporting the promotion of the economy and Italian culture. In this context, the conference was dedicated to the study and development of successful experiences of Italy’s fellow citizens abroad and marked an important moment of reflection in the definition of strategic directions for the country’s future. Representatives of Italy were curious to know about the systems set in place in each respective country and how in turn they perceive il bel paese. They were very shocked to hear what other countries had to say of them. “They thought they were on top of it,” De Carolis muses. “Italy’s got the arts and culture, no doubt. But it’s time to move forward in all aspects of society.” It is this passion and belief in Italian culture which he strove to develop during his time in Italy. “I feel that the Italians in politics live off this nostalgia of the 50s and 60s and the beauty of the country, culture, and brag about Ferrari, the Vatican in Rome, the major fashion designers, vintage actors such as Marcello Mastroianni, Sophia Loren... wines, food, musica napoletana... All these beauties are still there, but they're still not doing anything for the real problems such as helping out the young minds in universities, helping out the small businesses, and cleaning up their image to the world. The young minds leave the country and businesses are not encouraged to create products and jobs. Meanwhile, they should facilitate to bringing their products to the rest of the world and create a future for our beautiful Italia and get out of this financial crisis.” One thing De Carolis wanted to get across in his involvement with the conference was that Montreal’s successful community built systems that foster a true spirit and awareness of the ever growing and ever evolving Italian culture. He brought with him copies of PanoramItalia, the Corriere and pamphlets from the Leonardo da Vinci center, the CIBPA, the Congresso, the Santa Cabrini hospital, etc, to provide examples of our support and interest for all things Italian. “We amalgamated well with what we have created. In Canada, we’re touched when something happens in Italy. We try to protect our Italianità.” De Carolis’ parents were both born in Caserta; he was born in Montreal’s Little Italy. He speaks very highly of our city: “We have the opportunity to be what we want. My father was not a banker and yet here I am. Over there it is rough because it’s hard to penetrate the market.”


General Manager of La Caisse Populaire Canadienne Italienne, Mariano A. De Carolis and Debora Lepore, Counsellor Division for Trade and Investment Support Department for Economic Affairs, Rome.

There is just not the same monetary means in Italy as there is in North America. De Carolis remarked that most modern vaccines were discovered by Italians, but they had to leave the country in order to get funding. He also explained that things we may take for granted like the numerous retail jobs available, particularly useful for students, which do not exist in Italy to the same extent as they do here. De Carolis imparted this advice to le nuove generazioni: “Take advantage of what you have. We have one of the world’s best finances, school-wise we have some of the top schools in all of North America. We have high taxation, but it comes with full services. So, go after what you want.” De Carolis has already gotten in contact with many international attendees since being back. He now wishes to promote Italian products outside of Italy to help get them out of the crisis. He is currently networking with a center in New York called Confederazione degli impreditori Italiani nel Mondo. Rest assured, with De Carolis on the job there is no telling what the future has in store for Italians alike. v

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Publireportage - advertorial Une maison modeste peut-elle vous permettre une vie de luxe? aintenant que les enfants ont quitté le foyer, avez-vous l’impression que votre demeure est trop grande pour vous? Si c’est le cas, songez à vous « rajuster » en déménageant dans un endroit plus petit qui correspond mieux à votre mode de vie. « Vos priorités et vos besoins peuvent avoir changé depuis l’achat de votre maison, a affirmé Christine Marchildon, première vice-présidente, région du Québec, TD Canada Trust. Le fait de vendre votre propriété et d’emménager dans un logement plus petit pourrait libérer les fonds qui vous permettront de faire ce qui vous tient vraiment à cœur. » Voici quelques conseils de TD Canada Trust à l’intention des personnes qui songent à vendre leur maison pour emménager dans un foyer plus modeste : Avoir net : l’avoir net que vous détenez dans votre domicile déterminera l’importance du prêt hypothécaire qu’il vous faudra pour votre nouvelle demeure de même que le montant que vous pourrez consacrer à l’achat de celle-ci tout en conservant des fonds pour votre usage personnel. Lors de vos calculs, n’oubliez pas de tenir compte de dépenses comme les frais de clôture et les droits de mutation immobilière. Options de prêts hypothécaires : si votre demeure actuelle est toujours grevée d’une hypothèque, il est possible que vous puissiez faire transférer le prêt à votre nouveau domicile ou alors l’offrir comme un avantage lors de la vente de votre maison. Si vous devez contracter un prêt hypothécaire pour acheter votre nouvelle demeure, évaluez les différentes options offertes (comme un taux d’intérêt variable par rapport à un taux fixe). D’autre part, si vous approchez de la retraite, un prêt hypothécaire à taux fixe est probablement préférable, car vos dépenses mensuelles seront alors prévisibles. Mode de vie : outre les raisons pécuniaires de « rajuster » votre logement, habiter dans un lieu plus modeste pourrait aussi entraîner des retombées positives sur votre mode de vie. Par exemple, si vous prévoyez faire des voyages, un appartement en copropriété peut s’avérer un choix judicieux. De plus, vivre dans un espace plus approprié pourrait libérer des fonds pour vous permettre de rénover votre nouvelle demeure et ainsi vivre dans un endroit un peu plus luxueux. Si vous songez à vous « rajuster », discutez des différentes possibilités qui s’offrent à vous avec un spécialiste hypothécaire. Pour de plus amples renseignements sur l’achat ou la vente d’une propriété et sur les différents types de prêts hypothécaires, visitez le Giuseppe D’Angelo, directeur Giulia Delle Donne, directrice Succursale Jean-Talon & Viau Succursale Centre Langelier (514) 593-6060 poste 250 (514) 259-4608 poste 250


J o i n o u r Te a m BIMESTRIAL




Job Description

The representative’s main objective will be to help increase the growth of our printed and online products (Magazine, Books, Website), through our various advertising channels and offerings. Covering the territory of Montreal, and to a lesser extent Ottawa, the candidate’s mandate will be to prospect new clients and develop the current client bank through integrated publicity campaigns. Excellent remuneration and company benefits.

Skills and qualifications

• Three (3) to five (5) years experience in a relevant sector related to selling • Bilingual French / English both written and spoken -Italian a plus • Comfortable with Ms Office (PowerPoint, Word, Excel, Outlook).


Job Description

We are currently seeking success driven, telemarketers to call on our subscription base. Must be trilingual: English, French, Italian. Excellent remuneration and company benefits.

Skills and qualifications

Experience an asset but not required. After four years of publication, the bimestrial edition of Panoram Italia has been voted the #2 best magazine by the Montreal public, in the 21st annual Best Of Montreal survey of Montreal Mirror’s. Panoram Italia ranked #10 in last year’s poll.

Please send your CV with income expectations to with the mention “Sales Representative” or “Telemarketers”

Pour les boomers et les retraités, la copropriété est un mode de vie elon le Sondage TD Canada Trust annuel sur la copropriété, près de la moitié (48 %) des répondants de 55 ans et plus ont déclaré que, s’ils devaient acheter un nouveau domicile, ils songeraient fort probablement à la copropriété. Bien qu’un appartement en copropriété puisse être plus abordable qu’une maison, ce n’est pas la raison pour laquelle les gens de plus de 55 ans les préfèrent. En effet, moins d’une personne sur dix âgée d’au moins 55 ans a affirmé qu’elle choisirait la copropriété simplement parce qu’elle est plus abordable, contre 34 % des 18 à 34 ans et 23 % des 35 à 54 ans. Les gens de 55 ans et plus préfèrent la copropriété parce qu’elle constitue un choix judicieux pour eux à l’approche de la retraite (42 %) et parce qu’elle nécessite moins d’entretien (37 %). « Si vous envisagez l’achat d’un appartement en copropriété, parlez-en à un spécialiste hypothécaire de votre banque. Ce dernier saura vous aider à choisir les caractéristiques de votre prêt hypothécaire en conséquence », a affirmé Christine Marchildon, première vice-présidente, région du Québec, TD Canada Trust. Voici des raisons qui pourraient motiver les boomers à s’acheter un appartement au moment de leur retraite : Moins d’entretien : les frais de copropriété couvrent les coûts d’entretien, des réparations au déneigement et à la tonte de la pelouse, ce qui réduit grandement les tâches qu’il vous reste à faire. Sécurité accrue : si vous prévoyez voyager pendant votre retraite, les dispositifs de sécurité qu’offrent de nombreux immeubles en copropriété peuvent constituer un avantage très intéressant. Si vous laissez votre logement inoccupé pendant une longue période, vous serez rassuré de savoir que votre appartement est surveillé. Souplesse : même si vous n’utilisez pas régulièrement toutes les pièces de votre maison, vous hésitez peut-être à vous acheter une demeure plus modeste parce que vous aimez pouvoir disposer d’une chambre d’ami pour héberger vos invités. Sachez que de nombreux immeubles offrent aux copropriétaires la possibilité de réserver des chambres pour invités, ce qui vous permet de profiter de pièces additionnelles seulement quand vous en avez besoin. Commodité : de nombreux immeubles mettent à la disposition des copropriétaires des installations comme une piscine et des salles de conditionnement physique et de réception. Phil Andrade, directeur Yvan Gingras, directeur Succursale Bleury & Ste-Catherine Succursale Jean Talon & Querbes (514) 289-8424 poste 250 (514) 273-8680 poste 250 v




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Retirement Savings for Incorporated Business Owners: Looking at RRSPs and beyond Another potential benefit of this strategy is that the corporation may be able to save on “payroll taxes” such as QPP contributions, EI premiums and others. This can result in savings especially since small business owners have to make both employee and employer contributions. For EI however, it’s not really an issue if the business owner owns more than 40% of the voting shares. There are a couple of additional points: as creditor protection can be a concern when funds accumulate in an operating corporation, it would be prudent to consider structures that facilitate the removal of excess funds (such as holding companies or family trusts for example). Also, to qualify for the small business capital gains exemption, the corporation must meet certain tests and professionals should be consulted about the possible impact corporate savings could have on the corporation’s qualification status for the exemption.

Individual Pension Plan (“IPP”)

As an incorporated business owner, you are responsible for taking care of yourself, and a very important consideration is planning for your retirement. One of the advantages of running your own business is that you have a greater number of options when it comes to retirement savings than do salaried employees. The reality, however, is that too few business owners have the time to fully assess the different options and evaluate how these options might specifically affect them. Below are some of the common retirement savings approaches for business owners.

Registered Retirement Savings Plan (RRSP) RRSPs have traditionally been a way that many business owners save for retirement. RRSP contributions reduce taxable income and provide tax-deferred growth. Many business owners will draw enough salary from their corporation to allow them to maximize RRSP contributions, regardless of whether or not it is needed to fund their lifestyle expenses. If you have your own corporation and have no other source of earned income, you will need to have drawn a salary of at least $124,722 to contribute the maximum amount to an RRSP for 2011.

Corporate Savings There is also the option of saving for retirement inside the corporation. This strategy is most often pursued when corporate income is subject to the preferential small business tax rate. If a business owner does not require all of his or her corporation’s income to fund personal lifestyle expenses, he or she may benefit by investing the rest inside the corporation indefinitely. This is because of the tax deferral advantage that results when a corporation earns income taxed at the small business rate and the after tax amount can be left in the company, until it’s needed to be paid out as a dividend.

An IPP is a defined benefit pension plan where the corporation contributes on behalf of the business owner. The use of an IPP can allow greater contributions when compared to the traditional RRSP and the contributions are deductible to the corporation. If investment earnings in the plan are lower than expected, you may be able to make additional contributions and there is a possibility of making lump sum contributions for past service. It is important to note that there is a level of actuarial and administrative complexity and required funding that must be included in the analysis of this alternative.

Retirement Compensation Arrangement (RCA) An RCA involves a special trust created to hold funds for the retirement of key management personnel. If structured properly, payments into the RCA can be tax deductible to the corporation. A refundable tax of approximately 50% is initially paid and the after tax funds are invested inside the RCA. In certain cases, RCA distributions can be taxed in the hands of the beneficiary at favourable tax rates, allowing for efficient retirement income planning. An RCA is a lesser used alternative to an IPP but can be a valuable retirement planning tool in appropriate circumstances.

Which option is right for me? There are no hard and fast answers and no two business owner situations are exactly alike. For some, an RRSP will make sense and for others, corporate savings, an IPP or RCA, or a combination of the different strategies, may be the better alternative. Saving for retirement involves long-term planning that takes into account potential changes in cash flow requirements, family situation, tax status, risk tolerance, not to mention many other personal and economic factors. Sound, professional advice should be the cornerstone of any retirement planning strategy. Peter Pomponio is a Vice-President of Assante Capital Management Ltd. He is the owner of the Ville St-Laurent Branch and practices as a Senior Fully Licensed Representative and Financial Planner from the Ville St-Laurent Office. He can be reached at (514)832-5100, or by email at Assante Capital Management Ltd. is a member of the Canadian Investor Protection Fund and is registered with the Investment Industry Regulatory Organization of Canada. v

Si vous possédez un actif net de 500 000 $ et plus, vous avez besoin d’une gestion financière exceptionnelle. C’est ce que vous offre Peter Pomponio. Sous sa direction, une équipe d’experts en planification financière sera à votre service : avocat, fiscaliste, conseiller en assurance et plus encore. Peter Pomponio a su s’entourer de gestionnaires responsables et transparents qui sauront valoriser vos avoirs pour les générations à venir. Faites appel à une équipe d’experts et à son leader pour la gestion de votre patrimoine. Debout de gauche à droite : DANIEL CONTI, CFA, Conseiller en placements, Financière Unie FAY ZAVOS, Adjointe exécutive de Peter Pomponio THIRI JENNE, BFA, B.Sc., Administratrice du service, Financière Unie MARTIN CLOUTIER, Avocat, M. Fisc., TEP VPR, Planification du patrimoine, Financière Unie

BRENT STEELE, BAA, CA, CFP Comptable, VPR, Planification du patrimoine, Financière Unie Assis : SONIA CONTI, B.A., Directrice, relations avec les conseillers PETER POMPONIO, CFP, RFP, C.Adm. PL.Fin. Planificateur financier, Représentant sénior en plein exercice, Vice-président

Payé en partie par Financière Unie



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Publireportage - advertorial

Craftsmanship at its best By Aïcha Cissé

Italbec was established 26 years ago and, since then, has retained its success by providing an unmatched breadth of products and service. Of its original five founding fathers, the two remaining partners Fiore Vadacchino and Giovanni Testa, are passionate men who worked assiduously to turn a wholesaler and distributor of ceramic tiles into a successful business which boasts a vast selection of products from sleek, ultra-modern to old world charm. As the company transitioned from one generation of ownership to the next, it has kept its focus to offer unparalleled expertise and service. ”

espite considerable growth over the past 26 years, our personalized approach to customer service remains at the core of everything we do. At Italbec, the scale of a project doesn’t matter - only our clients satisfaction,” explains sales and marketing director, Olimpia Testa. Specializing in a full range of ceramic and natural stone products from around the globe, Italbec is a one-stop shop for clients on the lookout for a myriad of possibilities that will bring their ideas to life. “A strong alliance with one of the biggest players in the industry gives us access to magnificent stones from all over the world,” says Testa. The showroom boasts one of the largest variety of tile and stone products that exemplify elegance and luxury at its best. A team of dedicated in-house expertshighly experienced in residential and commercial projects - uphold stringent work ethics geared at providing exceptional results for every customer. From homeowners who dream of redecorating their living space, to professional designers seeking exclusive products from around the world, Italbec’s commitment to the realization of each project is unique.


“We are blessed to have the experience and hard working ethics of our forefathers with both the knowledge and capacity of modern and state-of-the-art technology. At Italbec, it’s still old school respect delivered in a fresh and efficient manner. We have one of the most cutting edge facilities in the city capable of producing any cut to size stone project,” says Testa. The company’s uniqueness is only matched by its “start-to-finish” customized service. With its knowledgeable sales staff and professional installation crews, Italbec can take on the most ambitious projects to achieve outstanding results. The company offers an extensive array of products to accompany all design schemes and works with worldwide suppliers to provide its customers with the latest trends in tiles and stones. Italbec’s products are frequently featured in residential and commercial projects throughout the country. Renowned establishments such as Milos restaurants and Michael Kors boutiques to name a few, have included some of Italbec’s exclusive ceramic and natural stone products in their décor. “We are always on the lookout for new and exciting products to not only satisfy our clients needs but to actually try and surpass their expectations. It is not enough to just follow a trend. To stay ahead of the industry you must be implicated and aware of what’s going on culturally, socially and economically around the world as well as in your own corner of the market and in Quebec we are such a socially diverse people.” Over the years, Italbec has grown rapidly in response to changing trends and technology but their dedication to exceptional quality and unequaled customer service has remained as strong as ever. “Truthfully, as cliché as this sounds, we are passionate about what we do and it reflects in our choice of products and service. Our intention is to keep delivering the fine products and service we have been doing for 26 years and to keep getting better and work even harder to maintain the quality and respect that our clients deserve.” v



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Quali sono e come si costituiscono le società in Italia


Pasquale Artuso Avvocato di Fiducia Consolato Generale d’Italia Caroline Francoeur Avvocatessa Valérie Carrier Avvocatessa

By Me Pasquale Artuso

Quante volte ci si è chiesto se sarebbe interessante, come imprenditore ormai emigrato dall’Italia da tanti anni, ritornarvi e fondarvi un’azienda, addirittura nel paese, città e/o regione natìa. Ma come fare? uali sono le tipologie, i costi e le formalità burocratiche da espletare? Considerando la Q complessità dell’argomento, si cercherà, sommariamente, di riassumerlo chiarendo i punti essenziali della disciplina legislativa italiana. Dapprima, citiamo l’art. 2247 cod. civ. ital. che ci dà la nozione legislativa di società : “Con il contratto di società due o più persone conferiscono beni o servizi per l’esercizio in comune di un’attività economica allo scopo di dividere gli utili”; tuttavia, ai sensi dell’art. 1 d.lgs 3-3-1993, n.88 (Attuazione della Direttiva Europea 89/667/CEE) è possibile costituire società con un unico socio (art : 2328 cod. civ. ital. per le società di azioni e art. 2463 cod. civ. ital. per le società a responsabilità limitata). Tipi di società: Il sistema del codice civile contrappone due tipi, essenzialmente diversi, di società, ossia le società di persone e le società di capitali. Le prime sono organizzate giuridicamente in funzione delle persone dei soci. Le seconde sono organizzate in funzione della quota di partecipazione di ciascun socio, pur essendo, anche in queste ultime, rilevante la persona del socio. Per chiarire meglio il concetto affermiamo che : a) nelle società di persone, i diritti e i poteri del socio sono attribuiti in funzione della persona e inerenti a questa, con la conseguenza che possono essere attribuiti maggiori diritti e poteri al socio che si è obbligato a minori conferimenti, proprio perché, in questo tipo di società, è rilevante la persona del socio; b) nella società di capitali, i diritti e i poteri del socio sono attribuiti in funzione della quota di partecipazione e sono inerenti alla stessa, in modo che, a quote uguali devono necessariamente corrispondere uguali diritti e poteri. Nelle società di persone, la regola è la responsabilità illimitata dei soci per le obbligazioni, nelle società di capitali, la responsabilità dei soci per le obbligazioni sociali è, di norma, limitata alla quota di partecipazione di ognuno alla società. Pertanto, come si è constatato precedentemente il codice civ. ital. prevede due tipi di società :

T.: 514.259.7090

Elena Milioto Avvocatessa

Pierre Fugère Avvocato - diritto criminale e penale

Julie Therrien Avvocatessa

Joseph W. Allen Avvocato dal 1976 diritto dell’immigrazione

Steven Campese Avvocato

F.: 514.256.6907

Complexe Le Baron, 6020, rue Jean-Talon Est, bureau 630 Montréal (Québec) Canada H1S 3B1

• Società di persone : 1) società semplice (artt. 2251-2290); 2) società in nome collettivo - snc (artt. 2291 – 2312); 3) società in accomandita semplice - sas (artt.: 2313-2324); • Società di capitali : 1) società per azioni - spa (artt : 2325-2450); 2) società in accomandita per azioni - saa (art: 2452-2461); 3) società a responsabilità limitata - srl (art. 2462 -2483). Altresì, esiste un terzo tipo di società, meno utilizzato dei due precedenti, è la cosiddetta società mutualistica (cooperativa e mutua d’assicurazione) disciplinata dagli artt. 2511-2548 del cod. civ. ital. e dall’art. 45 della Costituzione italiana. La legge ne promuove e favorisce l’incremento con i mezzi più idonei e ne assicura, con gli opportuni controlli, il carattere e le finalità, pertanto, alle cooperative sono riconosciute certe facilitazioni e notevoli agevolazioni fiscali nei campi a loro pertinenti (credito al consumo, produzione, lavoro, costruzioni, assicurazioni, banche, ecc.). Ci accingiamo, ora, a descrivere i costi e le formalità burocratiche da espletare per costituire una azienda. Innanziatutto, l’unico professionista abilitato a tale compito è, solo ed esclusivamente, il notaio, a differenza di altri Paesi, tra cui il Canada, il quale dopo che ha stipulato l’atto costitutivo della società deve depositarlo entro venti giorni presso l’Ufficio del Registro delle imprese, ubicato presso la locale Camera di Commercio, nella cui Circoscrizione di Tribunale è stabilita la sede sociale, allegando i documenti comprovanti la sussistenza delle condizioni previste dall’art. 2329 cod. civ. ital. Se il notaio o gli amministratori non provvedono al deposito nel termine dei venti giorni ciascun socio può provvedervi a spese della società; l’Ufficio del Registro delle imprese, verificato la regolarità formale della documentazione, iscrive la società nel Registro. I costi tra tasse, imposte ed oneri vari sono circa Euro 1000 oltre agli onorari del Notaio che si possono quantificare, mediamente, fra Euro 2000 ed Euro 3000. Questa rubrica legale contiene dell’informazione giuridica generale e non sostituisce i consigli di un avvocato che terrà conto della particolarità del vostro caso. Lo Studio legale Pasquale Artuso & Soci si avvale della collaborazione di corrispondenti in tutte le regioni d’Italia, coordinati dallo Studio Fallerini. v









TÉL.: (514) 36-ACURA (514) 362-2872 FAX: (514) 493-0609





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Avanti... insieme!

Caisse Populaire Canadienne Italienne Cassa Popolare Canadese Italiana

I’VE ALREADY DECIDED WHERE I’D LIKE TO BE IN 10 YEARS. Desjardins BUT PLANNING THE FINANCIAL ROUTE Caisse Populaire Canadienne Italienne TO GET THERE... THAT I CAN’T DO Cassa Popolare Canadese Italiana ALL ALONE.

ASSET MANAGEMENT GLOBAL PLANNING * The financial planner represents Desjardins Financial Services Firm Inc.

6999, boul. St-Laurent, Montréal, Québec H2S 3E1

514 270-4124 We often meet people like Mr. Moretti, who ask, “Do you think I’ve done everything to ensure that – later on – I’ll be exactly where I wanted, financially?” Our job is to help them find the best way there.

At Desjardins, you benefit from a unique advantage: an entire team to support you and develop financial strategies that maximize your asset management.


Angela Iermieri Financial planner

w w w. d e s j a r d i n s . c o m / c a i s s e c a n a d i e n n e i t a l i e n n e Sede centrale 6999, boul. Saint-Laurent Tel.: 514-270-4124

Servizi di gestione patrimoniale Angela Iermieri, Direttrice Tel.: 514-270-4124 int. 621

Mariano A. De Carolis, Direttore generale

Centro di servizi 6995, boul. Saint-Laurent Tel.: 514-270-4121

7390, av. Papineau Tel.: 514-725-5268

4570, rue Jarry est Tel.: 514-729-2989

5680, rue Jean-Talon est Tel.: 514-253-9986

8275, boul. Maurice-Duplessis Tel.: 514-643-3482

5620, boul. Henri-Bourassa est Tel.: 514-321-8177

170, rue Saint-Zotique est Tel.: 514-273-4431

2401, rue Fleury est Tel.: 514-385-3603

1590, rue Dollard Tel.: 514-364-1252 caissecanadienneitalienne




8:48 AM

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Publireportage - advertorial

Brings Flair to Montreal’s High-End Children’s Fashion

By Chiara Folini

Imagine dressing up your little princess in a MISS GRANT black satin dress assembled with Roberto Cavalli’s leopard-print leggings, a Monnalisa gold studded beret and matching ballerina shoes. It’s easy to fall in love with luxury children’s fashion from Italy and with the launch of Cindy Palmieri’s Montreal store MOI Bébé Couture it will give accessibility to the most exclusive children’s brands from one location. indy was inspired to create MOI Bébé Couture not only because of her passion for fashion but also because of her own daughter Sienna. “In today’s society, balancing a career and being a mom has been a challenge,” Cindy says ambitiously. With hard work and perseverance, she is building a business for Sienna’s future. Cindy grew up admiring the strength, tenacity and powerful nature that Italian women symbolize and it has influenced her own work ethic. Her first visit to Florence was life-altering when she attended Pitti Bimbo the world’s top fashion fair for children. She found a new admiration for workmanship, top quality fabrics and elegant styles in Italian children fashion. On Saturday, December 4, children models were striding the runway in fashionable and fun couture outfits at the grand opening of MOI Bébé Couture boutique. Amongst the models was Cindy’s daughter, head to toe in Roberto Cavalli. The line of clothing caters to both girls and boys from 3 months to 16 years old, ranging from small to medium adults sizes. Just walking through the store you can experience the European elegance, originality and authentic craftsmanship. You will also find exclusive brands that you can’t find anywhere else in Montreal. Down to the last accent on the clothing, whether a particular finish or a bow on a dress, Cindy pays special attention to choosing the finesse of a garment. It is no surprise then that carefully selected brands is part of her store’s philosophy. MOI Bébé Couture has created a new retail experience by integrating customized shopping carts, a concept Cindy designed to accentuate each visit, for both child parent. It is a one-stop shop for children’s clothing, an impressive array of imported children’s clothing of the accessories, cribs and even baptism dresses. And shoes: “Shoes make the outfit,” Cindy says about her much-loved accessory. There is no need to go further for children’s fashion, MOI Bébé Couture carries an average of 1,200 pieces of every brand per season, making it the largest children’s fashion retail store in Canada. A parent purchasing haute couture outfits for their precious child is paying for quality, MOI Bébé Cout ure would like distinction and comfort for their child’s touch and skin. congratulate all t the PANORAM o IT BABIES OF TH “Here in Montreal, the fashion and the clothing culture is much different than it is in Italy,” Cindy compares. “The essence of Italy E YEAR 2010-20 ALIA 11 with a surrounds fashion and over the years, Italian designers have had the ability to modernize the style of fashion. Even though Montreal is $50 MOI bébé GIFT CARD. Come visit us a known as a fashion-savvy city, it still lags in the latest trends and the presence of prominent brands.” Cindy is setting herself apart as a t MOI Bébé Co u pick up your BA BY OF THE YEA ture to leader by planning to bring various European brands to market. Cindy believes in "working" the brands that she carries and not rely on R Gift Card. the brands to work for her and her store's success. Being Italian means more to her than just its fashion and delicious food, it allows her


Babies year

to be grateful for the importance of family. With a high regard for its profound influence on her everyday way of life, she enjoys how fashion brings together families, whether it’s mother-daughter shopping for the perfect dress for a wedding, party or other special occasion. “When I hear an excited child tell their parents that they want to wear the outfit they found in my store, it’s the best part of my job. When it comes to our children, there is no price tag,” Cindy says. She is expecting two other store openings in Canada and one abroad in the next two years. As a pioneer in children’s fashion, Cindy is bringing European high-fashion brands to Montreal, helping to improve their recognition and ultimately making them household names. Without a doubt, MOI Bébé Couture is on its way to becoming a fashionista mom’s favourite shopping destination. LIST OF ALL BRANDS: PAUL & SHARK JUNIOR • D&G JUNIOR • JEAN-PAUL GAULTIER JUNIOR • PAUL SMITH JUNIOR • LITTLE MARC JACOBS • MONNALISA • ROBERTO CAVALLI ANGELS • ROBERTO CAVALLI DEVILS • TRUE RELIGION • MISS GRANT • SONIA RYKIEL ENFANT • SIMONETTA • JOE’S JEANS • TRUSSARDI JUNIOR • CYRUS BAMBINO • IKKS • EUROPEAN CULTURE JUNIOR • ADD JUNIOR • UGGS • CONVERSE • HUNTER • CESARE PACIOTTI KIDS • 3 POMMES • ED HARDY KIDS • JUICY BABY • JUICY KIDS • JEAN-BOURGET • J-BRAND JEANS • FLOWERS BY ZOE • PETIT BATEAU • STEFANIA ORLANDO HAUTE COUTURE (EXCLUSIVE CHRISTENING DRESSES) • ELLA MOSS • SPLENDID • MELISSA SHOES AND MANY MORE v

2050 Rene-Laennec blvd (Unit 8) Vimont-Laval, Quebec H7M-4J8 Canada • 450.933.7227 •



8:49 AM

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Adriano Gianni Sisto April 15th, 2010 Maria Di Genova & Michael Sisto

Domenico Antonio Mendaglio 15 mars 2010 Rosina et Domenico Mendaglio

Matteo Mirabella February 11th, 2010 Judith Poulin & Danny Mirabella

Giuseppe Paparelli 8 luglio 2010 Angela D'Amico e Tommaso Paparelli

Danilo Luscri May 29th, 2010 Nadia Di Sano & Dominic Luscri

Anthony Coirazza January 3rd, 2011 Mary Ann Barillaro & John Coirazza

Marc Anthony Jr. July 6th, 2010 Silvia Marcello & Marc Anthony

Luca Tremblay 1er octobre 2010 Julie Internoscia et Maxime Tremblay

Michael Pierre Trubiano February 28th, 2010 Tania Simoncelli & Yann Trubiano

Oriana Patulli April 10th, 2010 Tania D'Alessandro & Arduino Patulli

Marco Maselli January 12th, 2010 Ida Palazzo & Giovanni Maselli

Siena Bucci February 24th, 2010 Chantal Laforest & Larry Bucci

Carina Cristina Dyett-Carnevale September 11th, 2010 Melina Carnevale & Kamar Dyett


Babies of the year I Neonati dell’anno Les bébés de l’année

2010-2011 Meilleurs voeux / Tanti auguri / Best wishes

Mia Campilii February 21st, 2010 Antonia Geraci & Adriano Campilii

Claudio Zampini March 15th, 2010 Giuseppina Ippolito & Mauro Zampini

Mateo Riel-Salvatore 9 juillet 2010 (Denver) Alejandra Uribe Albornoz et Julien Riel-Salvatore

Isabella Mezzacappa April 25th, 2010 Antonio Mezzacappa & Assunta Piperni

Olivia Maria Viscoso February 5th, 2010 Sylvia Pietrzykowski & Carlo Viscoso

Simona Cristina Falso August 26th, 2010 Rosanna Panichella & Franco Falso

Sophia Si Bao Ciricillo October 3rd, 2009 Lorena Di Benedetto & Leo Ciricillo

Emma Teresa Ricci September 30th, 2010 Lina Racaniello & Claudio Ricci

Jessica Ambrus October 26th, 2010 Irene Saputelli & Tibor Ambrus

Alessio Michele Tatta January 12th, 2010 Donata & Andrea Tatta

Ella Santucci January 13th, 2010 Eve Mamane & Marco Santucci

Vanessa Sofia Paglia August 28th, 2010 Giovanna Sammarco & Mike Paglia

Isabella Lucia Zagari May 6th, 2010 Annie Lorefice & Michael Zagari

Nathan Daniel Polito September 10th, 2010 Sabrina Sabelli & Bruno Polito

Delia Verdone October 12th, 2010 Cinzia & Casimiro Verdone

Vittoria Irena Pisano July 4th, 2010 Anna Camara & Vince Pisano

Gemma Lombardi November 29th, 2010 Melissa Pezzullo & Joe Lombardi



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Siena Faith Tortorici July 29th, 2010 Maria Perrozzi & Gino Tortorici

Delya Joyce Mariotti 1er mars 2010 Tammy Lynn DĂŠry et Ugo-Vincent Mariotti

Sabrina D'Avirro June 22nd, 2010 Elena Mollica & Mike D'Avirro

Alexia Gagliano January 24th, 2010 Kimberly Heron & Matthew Gagliano

Gianfranco Cuglietta October 18th, 2010 Sonya Panzera & Rosario Cuglietta

Massimo Carlini July 7th, 2010 Maria Brugnoni & Antonio Carlini

Massimo Fracasso July 26th, 2010 Barbara Viola & Antonio Fracasso

Eva-Maria Lemmo February 19th, 2010 Connie Mosca & Gabriel Lemmo

Matteo Gallo June 29th, 2010 Laura Monaco & Anthony Gallo

Mirko De Cola May 29th, 2010 Giovanna Carestia & Roberto De Cola

Ava Catherine Louise Corsi December 2nd, 2009 Erin Bradford & Steven Corsi

Adriana Marques August 28th, 2010 Catherine Amorosa & Pedro Marques

Mariano Santino Savo June 2nd, 2010 Anita Evangelista & Domenico Savo

Olivia Perez April 14th, 2010 Nadia Pelosi & Joey Perez

Daniela Maria Di Zazzo September 24th, 2010 Maria Sabrina & Danny Di Zazzo

Anthony Gentile-Patti September 29th, 2010 Claudia Coppola & Salvatore Gentile-Patti

Danica Scalzo January 18th, 2010 Nadia & Mike Scalzo

Alessandra Baltzis April 27th, 2010 Nadia Valerio & Tom Baltzis

Francesco Porco September 18th, 2010 Laura Pecora & Johnny Porco

Sabrina Iorio November 22nd, 2010 Gloria Di Nucci & Tony Iorio

Evelina Malatesta January 17th, 2010. Maria Aprigliano & Patrizio Malatesta

Julian De Sousa May 24th, 2010 Rita Foti & John De Sousa

Sofia Clara Thibault October 11th, 2009 Catherine Caporicci & Marc-AndrĂŠ Thibault

Gabriella Di Nezza September 16th, 2010 Laura Bianchi & Valentino Di Nezza

Alessio-Rocco Aloisi September 27th, 2010 Mimma Fazzino & Rocco Aloisi

Nicola Francesco Carrano 11 Giugno 2010 Marleny Hernandez e Nicola Carrano

Austin Russo July 17th, 2010 Shana Nunes & Anthony Russo

April Marsala April 11th, 2010 Nadia Morello & Salvatore Marsala

Gia Elizabeth Iannotti April 20th, 2010 Josie Martino & Nick Iannotti

Alessandra Bertucci September 9th, 2010 Angela Romanelli & Antonio Bertucci

Laura Carollo September 30th, 2010 Diana Delli Fraine & Francesco Carollo

Noah James D'Amico May 28th, 2010 Jennifer Di Vito & Joseph D`Amico

Damiano Barone Tiberio February 10th, 2010 Carmela Barone & Nunzio Tiberio

Julian Di Criscio April 14th, 2010 Christina Barbore & Victor Di Criscio

Rebecca Nascimento August 22nd, 2010 Marialuisa Guarnieri & Marco Nascimento

Olivia Serafina Iacono August 11th, 2010 Candice Stella & Antonio Iacono



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Cesario Santos Palermo September 26th, 2010 Melanie Santos & Mike Palermo

Damiano Milioto August 12th, 2010 Domenica & Tony Milioto

Luisa Greco March 30th, 2010 Sandra Kozah & Tony Greco

Teo Carozza September 24th, 2010 Pina & Paul Carozza

Joseph Anthony Caprera June 13th, 2010 Maria & Joe Caprera

Rosario Joseph Sammarco August 25th, 2010 Francesca Manno & Joe Sammarco

Giada Fabrizio September 30th, 2010 Sonia Cunsolo & Antonio Fabrizio

Francesca Marrocco June 22nd, 2010 Claudia Tripaldi & Peter Marrocco

Ava Italiano May 14th, 2010 Jenny Broccolini & Giuseppe Italiano

Giuliano Caltagirone October 17th, 2010 Teresa & Pasquale Caltagirone

Olimpia Giuseppina Borsellino April 3rd, 2010 Mary Lobasso & Nino Borsellino

Lorenzo Lamparelli September 27th, 2010 Sandra Lasnier & Luigi Lamparelli

Matteo Esposito October 15th, 2010 Franca Folino & Salvatore Esposito

Giuliana Fiengo September 7th, 2010 Sonia Mangini & Joe Fiengo

Lily Rose Abbruzzese April 10th, 2010 Jimmy Abbruzzese & Geneviève Poirier

Nicholas Arpin July 9th, 2010 Ivana Giumento & Simon Arpin

Matteo James Lastoria August 13th, 2010 Amy & Marco Lastoria

Lorenzo Aurelio Zonin March 25th, 2010 Angela Zampini & John Zonin

Antonio Alberto Gallo October 27th, 2010 Joey Gallo & Karina Perez

Giordano Di Re March 31st, 3010 Kasia Zmuda & Steven Di Re

Stefania Tirelli November 14th, 2010 Sabrina Evangelista & Luigi Tirelli

Michael Marinelli February 15th, 2010 Maria Marinis & Anthony Marinelli

Vanessa Radino February 17th, 2010 Cathy Galati & Joe Radino

Michael-Anthony Demirakos August 4th, 2010 George Demirakos & Anna Franca Falco

Cassandra Zoë LeBel July 5th, 2010 Anna Marinelli & Erik LeBel

Alexander Di Re October 15th, 2010 Joyce Carestia & Richard Di Re

Gina Robin O'Dowd March 6th, 2010 Liza Cioccio & Declan O'Dowd

Luca Di Staulo February 12th, 2010 Olivia Sardelli & Marco Di Staulo

Isabella Spagnuolo April 20th, 2010 Rosilda D'Arienzo & Joseph Spagnuolo

Luca Di Marco 13 giugno 2010 Paola Di Bello e Massimo Di Marco

Olivia Esposito February 27th, 2010 Jennifer Conforti & Roberto Esposito

Giovanni Gaetano April 7th, 2010 Enza & Mario Gaetano

Evan Antonelli September 10th, 2010 Stéphanie LeBlanc & Nicola Antonelli

Emma Malatesta March 15th, 2010 Tania Freire & Daniele Malatesta

Matteo Mattoscio July 24th, 2010 Geneviève Pellerin & Sergio Mattoscio

Sofia Elizabeth Fabrizio August 1st, 2010 Lisa Montesano & Dino Fabrizio



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Thomas Leonard Bonanno December 11th, 2010 Julie Dupont & Vincent Bonanno

Jayden Catania 6 octobre 2010 Nirva Gariché et Enzo Catania

Julia Carla Perillo March 20th, 2010 Linda Gerardo & Perillo

Emma Iacovella June 5th, 2010 Nadia Larotonda & Cosimo Iacovella

Christian Raffaele Iovannone October 23rd, 2010 Patricia Rubano & Domenic Iovannone

Marco Francesco Meunier October 18th, 2010 Stéphane Meunier & Angela Scuralli

Philippe Mastandrea 29 octobre 2010 Julie Renella et John Mastandrea

Matteo & Nico Gualtieri November 15th, 2010 Maria-Angela Vindigni & Michel Gualtieri

Mateo Vernacchia July 19th, 2010 Julie Labelle & Marco Vernacchia

Ariana Piacentini September 21st, 2010 Sabrina Marrone & Mario Piacentini

Santino Poliafico June 21st, 2010 Loredana Palermo & John Poliafico

Veronica Maria Buijs July 8th, 2010, Maria Di Giovanni & Thomas Buijs

Luca Civitarese August 8th, 2010 Laura Gavita & Marco Civitarese

Giada Nilda Teolis January 6th, 2010 Ivana Cribari & Marco Teolis

Noah Melillo April 6th, 2010 Maria Cristina Riccitelli & Antonio Melillo

Alessandro Joe Muoio September 30th, 2010 Angela Dolce & Massimo Muoio

Gianmassimo Antonio Pietrangelo November 4th, 2010 Nadia and Michael Pietrangelo

Kelly Choulouilidis August 21st, 2010 Domenica Cunzo & Tim Choulouilidis

Anthony Reda January 26th, 2010 Rosie Chiazzese & Claudio Reda

Victoria Perrotta December 8th, 2010 Alejandra Galindo & Nicola Perrotta


Isabella Melissa Da Silva June 13th, 2010 Melissa Mercuri & Eric Da Silva

Giulia Mancini July 6th, 2010 Annamaria Miucci & Rudy Mancini

Luca Gabriele Iovannone April 25th, 2010 Zoe Koulouris & Fabio Iovannone

Matteo Scittarelli April 11th, 2010 Emiliana Iovannone & Mark Scittarelli

Raffael Lamberti-Larivière July 31st, 2010 Marisa Lamberti & Sylvain Larivière

Elia Sierra Iannacci July 18th, 2010 Giovanna Vaccaro & Luigi Iannacci



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Sofia Ciaccia February 12th, 2010 Michele Ciaccia & Antonia Mandamadiotis

Noah Francis Vicaretti August 7th, 2010 Sabrina Grasso & Gabriele Vicaretti

Domenico Gianni Crispino November 15th, 2010 Gloria Piperissa & Sergio Crispino

Lia & Eva Mazzilli September 29th, 2010 Giulio Mazzilli & Stefania Molinaro

Myla Rosaria La Fratta November 10th, 2010 Giuliano La Fratta & Nadya Mirarchi

Lia Di Paola Vetro August 20th, 2010 Claudia Di Paola & Anthony Vetro

Aldo Gabriel Dorelas 30 avril 2010 Romina D'Alessandro et Paolo Dorelas

Sienna Amaral August 30th, 2010 Ida & Derek Amaral

David Joseph Di Salvo May 28th, 2010 Rosanna Calderon & Claudio Di Salvo

Alyssa Stella Ruscitto August 4th, 2010 Rosanna Di Pierro & Lino Ruscitto

Eva Iannello November 4th, 2010 Angela Casella & Luigi Iannello

Serena Lobasso August 8th, 2010 Teresa & Gaetano Lobasso

Arianna Lucia Garippo April 19th, 2010 Anna-Maria Occhionero & Mario Garippo

Lorenzo G. Nardi July 28th, 2010 Valerie & Raffaele Nardi

Fabio Luigi Calsi October 13th, 2010 Antonella Antonitti & Claudio Calsi

Nicolas Furgiuele March 22nd, 2010 Anna Esposito & Marcello Furgiuele

Giordano Spinelli July 18th, 2010 Vanessa Amato & Sandro Spinelli

Adriano Dante Valenti December 26th, 2009 Lucia Vellone & Pasquale Valenti

Giuliana Maria Pazzia February 18th, 2010 Sonia Di Sotto & Ivano Pazzia

Matteo Vigliotti June 17th, 2010 Katia & Joey Vigliotti

Vanda Colonna April 23rd, 2010 Eva Palazzo & Gabriele Colonna

Victor Corradini Gagnier October 14th, 2010 Sabrina Corradini & Mathieu Gagnier

Nicholas Alexander Russo February 5th, 2010 Nadine Maglia & Tony Russo

Cristian D'Amata August 4th, 2010 Sabrina Colafabio & Dominic D'Amata

Briana Corica October 23rd, 2010 Sonya Del Papa & Carmelo Corica

Alyssa Verni August 12th, 2010 Angela Triassi & Rubens Verni

Emma Marie Rossi September 10th, 2010 Tanya Mayhew & Carlo Rossi

Venezia Napolitano Iacovella July 20th, 2010 Emilia Napolitano & Marcello Iacovella

Malia Lo Presti June 1st, 2010 Caroline Dandavino & Salvatore Lo Presti

Matteo Giulietti December 24th, 2010 Rachel & Tony Giulietti

Sofia Vignone August 7th, 2010 Adriana Di Paolo & Carlo Vignone

Felice Anthony Zannella April 24th, 2010 Marina & Dino Zannella

Nicolas Velar September 26th, 2010 Nadia Martire & David Velar

Simona Volpicella September 11th, 2010 Maria Villani & Nick Jr Volpicella

Giada Maiorano November 6th, 2010 Mimma Sollecito & Joey Maiorano



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Julia Tarantino September 2nd, 2010 Jennifer Storto & Jimmy Tarantino

Luca Ciaramella June 1st, 2010 Melissa Falciani & Pasquale Ciaramella

Gianaldo Leonidas Gentile July 31st, 2010 Evangelia Pavlakos & Enzo Gentile

Madden Michael Castelli July 3rd, 2010 Tina & Paul Castelli

Olivia D'Agata January 13th, 2010 Liboria Marsala & David D'Agata

Ethan Profetto January 16th, 2010 Rosanne Renda & Paolo Profetto

Emilio Guerra 19 dicembre 2010 Stéphanie Boisvert e Raphaël Guerra

Valentina Marivelia Vasile April 25th, 2010 Stefania Ercolano & Pino Vasile

Sofia Gioia Cioffi March 3rd, 2010 Lora Discenza & Nunzio Cioffi

Emilia Filomena Koutrias June 30th, 2010 Angela Lobasso & Constantin Koutrias

Sofia Campopiano May 6th 2010 Geneviève Chevalier & Rossano Campopiano

Luciano F. Di Vagno January 29th, 2010 Josie Sciortino & Pat Di Vagno

Sofia Minotti November 25th, 2010 Linda Gugliotti & Emilio Minotti

Michael Strizzi January 13th, 2010 Rebecca Santori & Mario Strizzi

Giuseppe Gabriel Fazio 25 settembre 2010 Claudio Fazio e Christina Maurice

Kaitlin Hope D`Elia January 26th, 2010 Wendy Longlade & Derek D`Elia

Noah Nicholas D`Elia February 17th, 2010 Julie Quenneville & Darren D`Elia

Pina La Rocca October 8th, 2010 Antonella & Tony La Rocca

Adriano Fanelli October 8th, 2010 Marisa Rodi & Giovanni Fanelli

Adriano Volpe July 4th, 2010 Lucy Lombardo & Marco Volpe

Juliano Joseph Ojeil August 25th, 2010 Sonya Legault-Cesta & Joseph Ojeil

Maximo Joseph Totaro January 27th, 2010 Annalisa Loffreda & Flavio Totaro

Alessandro Michele Mossa January 28th, 2010 Maria Grazia & Vito Mossa

Anthony Grimaldi October 2nd, 2010 Justine & Joe Grimaldi

Giulio De Luca August 8th, 2010 Mirella Dell'Aquila & Anthony De Luca

Matteo Simonelli December 21st, 2010 Nadia DelleDonne & Angelo Simonelli

Clara Sydney Sicoli June 16th, 2010 Rachele Fiore & Carlo Sicoli



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Julia Lo Bianco October 16th, 2010 Cristina Ballerini & Pasquale Lo Bianco

Michael Joseph Piccolo October 23rd, 2010 Nadia Lapolla & Pino Piccolo

Daniela & Ava Ciavaglia May 7th, 2010 Cynthia Tiberio & Daniele Ciavaglia

Zachary John DeLuca December 13th, 2010 Daniela & Bruno DeLuca

Naomi Sticozzi September 19th, 2010 Maria Anna Petrotta & Giovanni Sticozzi

Sofia Cutrone August 18th, 2010 Clara Salguero & Tony Cutrone

Lydia Gioia 19 novembre 2010 Nancy Landry e Carlo Gioia

Anthony Vince Campisi April 19th, 2010 Debora Giannini & Enzo Campisi

Henrik José Santana September 10th, 2010 Jackie Iannotti & Roberto Santana

Alessandro Petruccelli June 14th, 2010 Antonia Nadile & Marco Petruccelli

Adriano De Nittis Mendolia November 23rd, 2010 Diana Mendolia & Dino De Nittis

Kaylee Ciampanelli November 30th, 2010 Deborah Lee & Donato Ciampanelli

Giuliano Cecere April 6th, 2010 Lara & Massimo Cecere

Emilia Nigro February 18th, 2010 Melissa Moriello & Gennaro Nigro

Tristan Fortunato Mendicino August 29th, 2010 Sabrina Corsi & Bruno Mendicino

William Michael Bodnarok November 13th, 2010 Maria Troiano & Jeff Bodnarok

Adriano Miniaci January 3rd, 2011 Annelisa Rende & Giovanni Miniaci

Simona Giovanna Pedone October 22nd, 2010 Sara Solazzo & Giacomo Pedone

Tristan Michael Caporicci October 7th, 2010 Sylvie Beaudin & Nando Caporicci

Simona Pacicco February 23rd, 2010 Nadia Fusco & Enrico Pacicco

Sofia La Fratta May 21st, 2010 Julie Tiberio & Giuliano La Fratta

Cara Paulozza April 29th, 2010 Nadia Zingaro & David Paulozza

Gabriel (Lucciola) Loomis July 11th, 2010 Josee Lucciola & Michael Loomis

Joseph Evan Mignacca August 8th, 2010 Connie Campisi & Pat Mignacca

Domenico Arcuri November 5th, 2010 Antonella & Giacinto (Jason) Arcuri

Elsa Josephine Horvat August 31st, 2010 Laura Gioia & Peter Horvat

Kaitlyn Ciampini-Tannenbaum August 5th, 2010 Caroline Ciampini & Daniel Tannenbaum

Danika Giuliana Puma February 15th, 2010 Mimma Scarola & Frank Puma

Sofia Angela De Rose November 7th, 2010 Sabrina Polletta & Giuliano De Rose

Massimo Vitale July 30th, 2010 Pina Casale & Steven Vitale

Erica Aurora Tortorici September 7th, 2010 Claudia Calderon & Giuseppe Tortorici

Marco Andrea Perrazzino April 16th, 2010 Carolina Gallo & Elio Perrazzino

Daniela Del Gaudio Dubé March 6th, 2010 Sandra Del Gaudio & Marc Dubé

Domenic Ienaro October 18th, 2010 Finella Rizzuto & Riccardo Ienaro

Nicholas Giuseppe Fusco June 3rd, 2010 Lidia Giubilaro & Nick Fusco



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Stella-Jade De Rubertis August 24th, 2010 Natalie Nudelman & Nicola De Rubertis

Luca Delli Colli August 10th, 2010 Santa Ciocca & Michael Delli Colli

Alessandro Di Stefano August 15th, 2010 Sandra Rosado & Tim Di Stefano

Maya Trionfo September 26th, 2010 Karen Di Perna & Erasmo Trionfo

Jason Vincent Sorice January 18th, 2010 Tania Conforti & Bruno Sorice

Erica Iaciofano June 2nd, 2010 Christina Benedetti & Joey Iaciofano

Ricardo Xenos April 12th, 2010 Rosalba & Spiro Xenos

Michela Colozza December 12th, 2010 Mary Jo Raitano & Antonio Colozza

Nico David Carlomusto January 5th, 2010 Rachel Naimi & Enrico Carlomusto

Siena Valentina Agostino February 11th, 2010 Tanya Coladonato & Joe Agostino

Alicia Sperandeo January 31st, 2010 Anna Mancini & Steven Sperandeo

Gianluca Napolitano November 25th, 2010 Rosemary Lapolla & Carmine Napolitano

Gabriella Lapolla November 7th, 2010 Francesca Accardi & Anthony Lapolla

Briana Corica October 23rd, 2010 Sonya Del Papa & Carmelo Corica

Riana Milena Renda February 19th, 2010 Antoinette Gurreri & Lenny Renda

Sarah Josiane Leone 10 aprile 2010 Katrina Trihey e Sergio Leone

Dia Sara Nardelli May 23rd, 2010 MĂŠlanie Lalonde & Filippo Nardelli

Gabriele Nardi May 2nd, 2010 Patrizia Di Donato & Antonio Nardi

Julian Richard Amoroso, Alessia Sofia Amoroso & David Angelo Amoroso July 6th, 2010 Vanessa Di Pisa & Francesco Amoroso

Fabio De Cicco April 11th, 2010 Matilde Santella & Carlo De Cicco

Giulia Montecalvo January 13th, 2010 Tania Romano & Dominic Montecalvo

Sam Raco October 17th, 2010 Nadia Gasparini & Dominic Raco

Gianluca Gatto August 10th, 2010 Claudia Valentina Amato & Francesco Joseph Gatto

Emily Suriano January 10th, 2010 Julia Di Paolo & Joe Suriano

Ella Currier 1 settembre 2010 Tina Miletti e Nathan Currier

Milo Taverna June 19th, 2010 Ines Della Valle & Paolo Taverna

Alessio Lipari September 17th, 2010 Tania Filippone & Salvatore Lipari

Stefano Nicola Resciniti Adamo Claudio Resciniti May 3rd, 2010 Mariam Julia Farella & Claudio Resciniti

Panoram Italia ne peut ĂŞtre tenu responsable des erreurs et des omissions. Panoram Italia non va tenuto responsabile di eventuali errori ed omissioni. Panoram Italia declines any responsibility for omissions or errors.



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Prima fila da sinistra: Luigi Piperni, Nicole Vincelli, Salvatore Cabizzosu, Angelina Molino, Pietro Molino, Romano Bino (Presidente), Marco Gagliardi Sindaco di Casacalenda), Antonio Marro. Dietro, in piedi da sinistra: Carmine Ruscitto, Antonio Vincelli, Rosina Vincelli, Pasquale Marcogliese, Vincenzo Ranellucci.

Tra le numerose attività dell’Associazione Casacalendese di Montréal, il banchetto annuale rimane il più importante. Nella recente edizione (novembre 2010), si è celebrato l’ottantaseiesimo anno della nascita dell’associazione. Soci e simpatizzanti si sono riuniti per onorare la personalità dell’anno Joseph Biello, direttore della residenza “Les Jardins d’Italie”

Il Consiglio d’amministrazione consegna la Targa di Riconoscimento alla Personalità Lucana dell’anno 2010, Roberto Cardone, padre di Muro Lucano e madre di Baragiano, Provincia Di Potenza. Da sinistra: Pasquale Cifarelli, Maria Cardone, Roberto Cardone (Personalità Lucana dell’anno 2010), Donato Caivano (Presidente), Michele Faggella (Vice Presidente), Pasquale Cardone, Marlene Laurenzana, Biagio Latocca, Rachele Angiletta e Salvatore Abarno. Sabato 30 Ottobre 2010, oltre trecento basilucani si sono riuniti a Le Châteaubriand per festeggiare i ventisei anni di fondazione della loro associazione. Sotto la presidenza onoraria del deputato di Jeanne-Mance Viger, l’On. Filomena Rotiroti, hanno partecipato alla serata anche il Console Generale d’Italia a Montréal il Dott.Giulio Picheca e il Consigliere Giovanni Rapanà del C.G.I.E. Come la tradizione vuole, alcuni giovani studenti originari della basilucania hanno ricevuto in premio una borsa di studio offerta dalle persone seguenti: Mario

Galella (Vice-Presidente Banque Laurentienne du Canada), Mariano De Carolis (Direttore Generale Caisse-Populaire CanadienneItalienne di Montréal), il Sindaco Gerardo Fasanella del Comune di San Fele, il Comune di Melfi e il Sindaco di Muro Lucano Gerardo Mariani. Inoltre, è stato consegnato loro un attestato di benemerenza da parte del governo federale rappresentato per l’occasione dall’On. Massimo Pacetti. Una targa di riconoscimento è stata assegnata all’assicuratore e uomo d’affari Roberto Cardone come personalità basilucana dell’anno. v


e alcuni giovani vincitori di una borsa di studio del valore di $1500.00 ciascuna. Durante la serata è stato presentato anche il calendario dedicato a Casacalenda. La partecipazione del Sindaco del paese molisano Marco Gagliardi è stata sottolineata con la consegna di una targa ricordo da parte dell’Associazione. v


Un gruppo del Centro Donne Italiane di Montréal

Per commemorare le vittime della sparatoria avvenuta nella Scuola Politecnica di Montréal, un gruppo del Centro Donne Italiane di Montréal ha partecipato ad un raduno tenutosi a Place Émilie-Gamelin. Erano più di centole donne riunite in’occasione del 21o anniversario del tragico evento che ha costato la vita a quattordici donne. Il raduno si è svolto il 6 dicembre scor-

so e ha portato a conclusione la campagna annuale di dodici giorni per l’eliminazione della violenza sulle donne. Con l’obbiettivo di denunciare ogni forma di violenza, è già dà diversi anni che attraverso numerose campagne di sensibilizazione ed incontri, il Centro Donne si da il compito di educare la gente sul fenomeno della violenza subìta dalle donne e come agire per combatterla. v


Dévoilement de la sculpture - À droite, Mmes Irène Giannetti et Katherina Minardo

Michael Ignatieff : Chef du parti Libéral du Canada

« The Guardian », statue exposée à l’entrée principale de l’Hôpital Santa Cabrini rue St-Zotique, au milieu de la «Piazzetta du 50e »

Photo souvenir, de gauche à droite: Mmes/M. Emilio B., Imbriglio, président du conseil d’administration, William Barrett conjoint de l’artiste, Irène Giannetti, directrice générale, l’artiste Katherina Minardo et Claudio Sabatino.

C’est le Jeudi 18 novembre 2010 que le dévoilement de l’œuvre « The Guardian » de Katherina Minardo a eu lieu à l’entrée principale de l’hôpital Santa Cabrini ainsi que l’inauguration de la Piazzetta du 50 e . Sculpture en marbre de carrare, cette œuvre majestueuse exprime un souhait qu’avait son auteure « un gardien, qui défende et protège

l’hôpital et ses patients » a-t-elle déclaré à la foule Autre moment rempli d’émotions : des messages de la part de membres du personnel ont été insérés dans la capsule témoin située dans le socle. La capsule sera ouverte uniquement en 2035. C’est ainsi qu’un autre chapitre du cinquantenaire de l’Hôpital Santa Cabrini s’est conclu. v

Da Sinistra: Gaby Mancini (Presidente della Casa d’Italia), Vittorio Rossi (Autore “Paradise by the River”), Angela Minicucci Presidente del 74° Banchetto.

“La Salle de Bal” del Crown Plaza ha ospitato lo scorso 6 Novembre l’annuale Gala della Casa D’Italia. Con oltre 750 invitati, non è mancata la presenza di rappresentanti politici e dei principali organismi comunitari. Sotto la presidenza della Sig.ra Angela Minicucci, l’appuntamento del 2010 è coinciso con la fine dei lavori di restaurazione ed espansione della Casa D’Italia, permettendo anche la raccolta di $100 000 per il finanziamento dell’opera. Durante la serata sono state assegnate due onorificenze: una

allo scrittore e drammaturgo Vittorio Rossi per il contributo culturale e filantropico, l’altra, al costruttore Mario Barone per l’ambito imprenditoriale. Un altro momento da ricordare è stata la proiezione delle immagini di alcuni italiani deportati nel campo di internamento e lavoro di Petawawa. Un plauso al comitato organizzatore: Direttore Generale Pasquale L. Iacobacci, presidente Gaby Mancini e tutta l’équipe della Casa D’Italia. v



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“Simplicity is the ultimate sophistication,” Leonardo Da Vinci. With this quote in mind, the people at FerrariMaserati Quebec officially launched their exquisite new showroom on Monday December 13th 2010 with their Grand Opening event. Over 400 guests including VIP’s and the media attended the much anticipated affair. Guests enjoyed delicious hors d’oeuvres and sipped on prosecco. Ferrari North America’s President and CEO, Marco Mattiacci presented a chromed plated exhaust of the 2004 Ferrari Formula One car, as a gift to Ferrari Maserati Quebec in honour of their grand opening. Also on hand for the unveiling of Ferrari-Maserati Quebec’s new home, were the president and owner of the dealership Mr. Lawrence Stroll, as well as Ferrari Québec’s president, Umberto Bonfa, who spoke eloquently about Ferrari’s new facilities, which are sure to enhance the experience of acquiring one of these prestigious and unique automobiles. v


Seated front row from left: Marianna Simeone, Dr. Anthony Masi, Line Carbonneau, Attorney Rita Lc De Santis, Attorney Angela Di Virgilio, Giovanni Chieffallo (President of the CIBPA), Carole Gagliardi, Gian Carlo Biferali. Standing bursary recipients.

968 D epuis 1

On Wednesday November 24th 2010, the CanadianItalian Business and Professional Association (CIBPA) granted thirty-six bursaries to deserving university students. The selection was made on the basis of both academic excellence and financial need at the bachelor, masters and doctorate level. Held at the McGill Faculty Club, the ceremony also marked the 49th edition of the Bursary Program’s achievement in surpassing the $2.7 million milestone. The yearly

success of such an initiative would not be possible without the continuous efforts of its advocates. Together with the leadership of the community, they ensure the availability of funds, counting CIBPA among the largest private donors of bursaries in Canada. Moreover, through diversified services and activities, this non-profit organization continues to be a strong voice and an effective networking channel for business people and professionals of Italian origin. v


Vincitori della Borsa di Studio “Don Aurelio Pulla”: Nadia Passarelli, Veronica Carbonaro, Alex Loffredi

Seduti da sinistra: Alex Loffredi (Studente), Michele Passarelli (Presidente dell’Associazione) In piedi da sinistra: Carmine Loffredi e Giuseppina Mucci (Genitori di Alex), Gennaro Panzera (Responsabile PR dell’Associazione)

L’Associazione Jelsese di Montréal, ha organizzato il 28 Novembre scorso, una festa in’onore di Sant’Andrea Apostolo. Il Santo Patrono di Jelsi, cittadina molisana conosciuta anche per la festa del grano in onore di Sant’Anna, è stato commemorato presso la chiesa “Santa Famiglia” a Saint-Léonard. Oltre ai festeggiamenti con un pranzo tipicamente

jelsese, i presenti hanno anche assistito alla premiazione di tre giovani studenti universitari. È già da diversi anni che l’Associazione offre la borsa di studio “Don Aurelio Pulla” a giovani meritevoli di origine Jelsese. I vincitori dell’edizione 2010, sono Veronica Carbonaro, Alex Loffredi e Nadia Passarelli. v




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News & Events

SECOND ANNUAL GOLF TOURNAMENT GIUSEPPE BRUNO UROLOGIC ONCOLOGY CENTRE Honorary Patrons From left to right: Mr. Yvan Cournoyer, Montreal Canadians Legend and Mr. Glenn Rourke Honorary Patron, President Royal Montreal Golf Club & Patient of The Giuseppe Bruno Urologic Oncology Centre.

Proud winners of The Giuseppe Bruno Second Annual Golf Tournament 2010 (From left to right: Christos Kritsidimas, Fred Pye, Lynn Panneton, and Michael Russell)

Golfers joined together for the Giuseppe Bruno Urologic Oncology Center’s Second Annual Golf Tournament. Dr. Armen Aprikian, Michel Vennat, Dr. Arthur T. Porter, Frank Bruno, Dr. Simon Tanguay and Ron Collett celebrate the inauguration of the Giuseppe Bruno Urologic Oncology Centre at the Montreal General Hospital of the McGill University Health Centre. This project was made possible thanks to the remarkable contribution of Frank Bruno, his family and friends and the Montreal General Hospital Foundation.

From left to right: Mr. & Mrs. Robert Lamarre, SAQ, Mr. Luc Quenneville, President, Les Enterprises QMD, Mr. Ron Collett, President, Montreal General Hospital Foundation, Mr. Raphael Leclaire, Patient Montreal General Hospital, Mr. Yvan Cournoyer, Honorary Patron & Montreal Canadians Legend, Mr. Glenn Rourke, Honorary Patron, President Royal Montreal Golf Club & Patient of The Giuseppe Bruno Urologic Oncology Centre.

Special honours and recognition presented to Mr. Francesco Bruno for his ongoing support and generosity for kidney cancer. From left to right: Dr. Armen Aprikian, Director, MUHC Cancer Care Mission & Chief Division of Urology, McGill University Health Centre, Mr. Francesco Bruno, Event Chair and President of BT Céramiques Inc., Dr. Simon Tanguay, Event Co-Chair and Head of Urological Oncology at the McGill University Health Centre

On Wednesday September 29th, 2010, the Giuseppe Bruno Urologic Oncology Centre’s Second Annual Golf Tournament, in association with the Montreal General Hospital Foundation took place at the prestigious Royal Montreal Golf Club. The aim was to raise funds for the establishment of a Chair in Kidney Cancer Research for the Urologic Oncology Division of the MUHC (McGill University Health Centre). Friends, colleagues, and healthcare professionals were welcome to slide on their golf shoes and join forces for the cause. The tournament also featured a 19th hole along with a live auction and dinner. Over two hundred and fifty guests attended and more than $600 000 was raised. Along with the support of major

sponsors, the event could not have taken place without the ongoing generosity of the Event Chair Mr. Francesco Bruno of BT Céramiques Inc. After being deeply affected by the loss of his brother Giuseppe to kidney cancer six years ago, Mr. Bruno decided to continue the battle in honour of his brother’s memory. The Urologic Oncology Centre is named after his late brother. Honourary patrons present at the event were Montreal Canadiens legend Mr. Yvan Cournoyer and Mr. Glenn Rourke, president of the Royal Montreal Golf club. Approximately five thousand Canadians are diagnosed with kidney cancer each year. It is fatal for one third of the population, making this disease a significant cause of mortal-

From left to right: Mrs. Aprikian, Dr. Armen Aprikian, Mrs. Dominique Page, Dr. Simon Tanguay, Mrs. Gisella Bruno, Mr. Francesco Bruno, Dr. Arthur Porter, Mrs. Ann Lynch, Mrs. Bizzoto

ity. Much research is needed and financial resources are indispensable. For this reason, the research chair in kidney cancer focuses on the development of new treatments for the affected patients. The Giuseppe Bruno Urologic Oncology Center takes pride in its multidisciplinary team of healthcare professionals. Urologic oncology surgeons, radiation oncologists, medical oncologists, nurses, palliative care physicians, geneticists, psychologists and volunteers are fully committed and dedicated in developing cuttingedge treatments. Providing a state-of the art environment with follow-up care for prostate, kidney, bladder and testicular cancers is also part of their goal. The centre is a headquarter located on the L8 floor at

the Montreal General Hospital for all patients with urologic cancers. Mr. Francesco Bruno and Dr. Simon Tanguay (Head of Urological Oncology McGill University Health Centre) and the Honourable Arthur T. Porter (Director and CEO of the the Mcgill University Health Centre) joined their efforts in promoting major fundraising for the Montreal General Hospital Foundation. Their objective? To raise $3 000 000 dollars over the next few years for the creation of one of the first Urologic Oncology Research Centre in the three most common urologic malignancies (prostate, bladder and kidney cancer) for decades to come. v



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News & Events



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Ciot Staff Aerial Ballet Dancers


Joe Panzera (President and CEO) and Mike Panzera (VP of finances an C.F.O.)

On January 12th, 2011, Antonio Confente (born in Verona, Italy), a great husband, father, grandfather, father-in-law and brother passed away after many years of struggle with his health. Antonio was a generous man, a hard worker and extremely devoted to his family and the Church. He will be greatly missed. Rest in peace. The Confente Family. v

CONGRATULATIONS JOSEPH! Joseph Anthony Vitulli, age 17, of Montreal, graduate from Vincent Massey Collegiate, has received the prestigious Bronze Medals for Academics bestowed by the Governor General of Canada and Lieutenant-Governor of Quebec. These medals are awarded to the student graduating with the highest average from a high school. Joseph Anthony graduated with highest honours, was awarded the Overall Academic Achievement Award, elected VMC’s class Valedictorian 2010 by his peers, and most recently the recipient of the Dawson College Entrance Award. Proud parents Angela and Giovanni, and younger brother Vincent, wish you continued success and happiness. Your hard work and dedication will surely take you far. Take pride in your accomplishments and pride in who you are. May you achieve all that you want in life. Congratulations on a job well done!

Happy 60th Wedding Anniversary September 4th, 2010, Philomena & Paul Sorbini celebrated their 60th Wedding Anniversary amongst relatives and friends Many Thanks

From left: Remo Zeppilli, Tony Zara and Bruno Ciolfi

The fairy tale characters from Ciot ads

Pierre Gagnier (Le Maire d’Ahuntsic-Cartierville) et Joe Panzera (President and CEO of Ciot)

Excerpt from the Phantom of the Opera

“Be part of our fairy tale...” are the exact words that welcomed more than 500 guests at Ciot’s 60 year Celebration Gala on November 10th, 2010. Clients, suppliers and media representatives, architects, designers and employees gathered for an enchanting evening with Cinderella and Sleeping Beauty just to name a few. A fairy tale is also the theme describing the success story behind this family-run business. The glamorous soirée took place at the Just for Laughs Museum’s Temple Room. After cocktails, a four course meal was served while guests enjoyed performances by aerial ballet dancers and an excerpt from the Phantom of the Opera. Founded in 1950 by Giovanni Battista Ciot, the story began with the manufacturing and installation of marble and terrazzo at the workshop’s present location on Saint-

Laurent Boulevard. Later on in 1967, Giovanni’s son-in-law Giuseppe Panzera, President and CEO, took over the company. With time, not only did Ciot become a leading importer of stone tiles and slabs but also of high-end ceramic tiles and private imports. In 2010 alone, the company’s professionals paved their way into major projects such as the Museum of Fine Arts, the Champlain Mall, and the George Simpson Condominiums. With an ongoing dedication to meeting customers’ needs in the residential and commercial markets, Ciot is present in several Canadian cities and Detroit. The current 22,000 square-foot expansion of the Montreal showroom, along with the 60th anniversary celebrations, marked another important milestone for this dynamic team of skilled craftsmen. v



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Filomena Cardone : 95-year-old Sports Fanatic By Adam Zara

Working at Panoram Italia magazine involves routinely answering a diversity of phone calls. While conversations may range in topic, tone, language, emotion, length, and importance, every now and then a really special one stands out from the rest. On occasion, we’re treated to a discussion with a complete stranger that makes this gig well worth our while. everal months ago, a certain Miss Filomena Cardone called us to relay her delight at seeing her Doctor Leopoldo Tarantino on the cover of our magazine (August 2010). That phone call lasted roughly half an hour; I just couldn’t get her to hang up! The frail voice coming from the other side of the line, I’d soon learn, was that of a 94-year-old woman. We spoke about everything: from her life in Canada since she emigrated from Italy to her experience with Santa Cabrini Hospital and Dr Tarantino. Filomena would call once more after that, and during Italian week on Saint-Laurent I had the pleasure of meeting her son who let me in on something I didn’t know about his mother: it turns out Filomena Cardone was a bona fide sports fanatic. Following two more phone conversations with her over the next months, mostly involving sports-talk, I felt the time had come to pay Miss Cardone a visit. On a cold December afternoon, I make my way to the Saint-Michel district of Montreal and ring her doorbell. Her son René lets me in and takes me to the basement where Filomena has her private quarters. There, she greets me with a smile and fresh cannoli. She then recounts the story of her life (again, although this time more in detail), the Canadian part of which commences in rough circumstances. Briefly put, Filomena explains how her father left her family in Muro Lucano, Potenza for America when she was five, met a woman and never came back. “When I arrived in Montreal for the first time, I made my way down to the Bronx, New York where my father was supposedly buried, because the woman he was with promised me the inheritance he had left her. Well it was all lies. The custodian brought me to his grave, and there was nothing there, not even a tombstone or a crucifix. I never met her there, she never showed up.” Talk about a harsh reality. Despite that tragic set-back, Filomena would make her way back to Montreal and immediately find employment at a clothing manufacturer downtown, like so many other immigrants of the day. She would later marry Vittorio Febbraro from Calabria and bear one child. As we inevitably begin to talk sports at her kitchen table, it’s hard to believe the person sitting across from me just celebrated her 95th birthday on December 17th. Miss Cardone sure knows her stuff. To give you an idea of what I was up against, here are a few snippets of my conversation with the spunky Signora: NHL hockey: “Prima era (una) cosa brutta! I take for Montreal of course. One night, my cousin and his two sons came over to watch the game - Montreal was playing against Boston, and the Canadiens were doing badly. The two boys, Boston fans, started laughing and celebrating the fact that Boston was winning. So I went next to them and said: ‘Adesso uscite fuori! Siete venuti qua per prendermi in giro? O state quiet (sic), o uscite!’ And they watched the game in silence.” Serie A soccer: “Quando perde la Roma non mangio!... è (una) cosa brutta... speriamo che si aggiusta durante il campionato. When I watch them play, I become a pack of nerves, and it’s not like I’m doing it on purpose! I get so worked up that I sometimes have to leave the room and go for a calming walk... But I love watching Totti play and I watch every game.” The Italian national soccer team: “Madonna! Sono rimasta tanto delusa l’estate scorsa. Ma si rimetteranno di nuovo. The one that just joined Milan, quello ch’è un pò pazzo in testa, what’s his name again? He would take his shirt off and throw it on the ground. He once played for Roma and was Totti’s friend... Oh yes, Cassano. I don’t like him. He’s too crazy. He shouldn’t join the team.” Formula One racing: “I watch every race. When it happens to be in Japan, I don’t sleep. I wait until it comes on at 1-2am. I support Ferrari, ma hanno fatto schifo questa stagione. Even Schumacher had a bad season. He should have stopped racing after leaving Ferrari. Non lo posso vedere più a quel Schumacher!” Two cannoli and two espressi later, it’s time to wrap things up and hit the road. While driving away, as the sugar rush (or caffeine high) subsides, I can’t help thinking how funny it is that nearly a year ago, Filomena was just another caller in my office. The resulting turn of events certainly gave me a newfound appreciation for my job. Here’s wishing Miss Cardone many healthy years to come - and perhaps a Roman scudetto or two. v


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