Italian Wine Guide 2018

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Boire avec

Bere con passione par / di GABRIEL RIEL-SALVATORE

On n’a, semble-t-il, jamais eu accès à autant de bons vins qu’aujourd’hui. Nous sommes de nos jours bien loin du vin de table élaboré il y a 60 ans dans des chais malpropres et sous-équipés et dont le goût, nonobstant les aléas du millésime, était souvent imprévisible. L’Italie demeure, avec la France, le plus grand producteur de vin au monde. Parmi les dizaines de millions d’hectolitres que le Bel Paese produit chaque année, le meilleur côtoie évidemment le pire. Comment s’y retrouver, demanderez-vous ? Voilà justement la raison pour laquelle nous avons entrepris de publier un guide annuel des vins italiens, qui souffle cette année 11 chandelles. Le goût et les habitudes de consommation des Canadiens en matière de boisson alcoolisée ont beaucoup évolué ces 30 dernières années, et les gens boivent de plus en plus souvent du vin en mangeant. Cette habitude a toujours été bien ancrée chez les Canadiens d’origine italienne, pour qui boire du vin au repas est considéré comme tout à fait normal. Toutefois, bon nombre d’entre nous souscrivent désormais à l’idée qu’il faut boire moins, mais boire mieux. Il est vrai que le vin demeure assez cher ici par rapport à l’Europe. Ceci s’applique toutefois essentiellement aux catégories d’entrée de gamme. Plusieurs vins de tous les jours, vendus ici de 10 $ à 15 $, sont au demeurant tout à fait convenables. D’autres, qui WINE GUIDE 2018

Sembra che finora non ci sia mai stata una scelta di vini così buoni. Oggi siamo ben lontani dal vino da tavola che si produceva 60 anni fa nelle cantine sporche e improvvisate e il cui gusto, rischi della vendemmia a parte, era spesso imprevedibile. L’Italia, insieme alla Francia, rimane il più grande produttore di vino al mondo. Delle decine di milioni di litri che il bel paese produce ogni anno, il migliore va evidentemente di pari passo con il peggiore. Vi domanderete dunque: come orientarsi? Questo è esattamente il motivo per cui abbiamo iniziato a pubblicare una guida annuale di vini italiani che quest’anno spegne 11 candeline. Il gusto e le abitudini dei consumatori canadesi in materia di bevande alcoliche si sono evoluti parecchio negli ultimi 30 anni e sempre più spesso le persone bevono vino a tavola. Quest’abitudine è sempre stata radicata tra i canadesi di origine italiana, i quali considerano del tutto normale bere vino durante i pasti. Tuttavia, molti di noi concordano ormai sul fatto che bisogna bere meno, ma meglio. Bisogna dire che qui in Canada il vino è più costoso rispetto all’Europa. Tuttavia, questo vale soprattutto per le categorie meno pregiate. Molti dei vini “di tutti i giorni,” qui venduti tra i 10 e i 15 dollari, sono peraltro davvero gradevoli. Altri, invece, appartenenti alla categoria dei vini da “weekend,” da consumare tra amici per

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tombent dans la catégorie des vins du week-end ou à boire entre amis pour se faire plaisir et qui exigent des poches un peu plus profondes, ne s’éloignent généralement pas tant que ça sur le plan du prix de ce qu’on trouve à l’étranger. L’important consiste à trouver le vin qui convient à chaque occasion. Par ailleurs, le monde du vin n’est pas à l’abri des modes et louvoie lui aussi au rythme des tendances. Certains sommeliers ne jurent aujourd’hui que par les vins dits « natures » ou « orange ». Des vins exempts le plus possible de tout intrant et pratiquement vierges d’intervention humaine, mais, cela dit, souvent instables étant donné leur faible teneur en sulfites. Certains – pour en avoir goûté plusieurs – ont le mérite d’être bons, mais d’autres sont carrément mauvais, à moins que vous ne soyez de grands amateurs d’odeurs champêtres rappelant l’étable à tous crins. Bref, ne vous en déplaise, nous nous concentrons dans ce guide essentiellement sur les vins dits conventionnels, c’est-à-dire des vins qui répondent aux normes de production en matière de rendement et d’interventions propres à leur lieu d’origine. Plusieurs critères existent pour déterminer la qualité d’un vin. Dans le cas des vins blancs, ces éléments reposent sur l’acidité d’une part et sur l’alcool et le sucre résiduel d’autre part. Dans le cas des rouges, on ajoute un troisième élément lié aux tanins, qui ont la propriété d’évoluer avec le temps. C’est avec ces critères en tête que mon collègue Marco Giovanetti et moi avons cherché à vous présenter le plus objectivement possible les vins contenus dans ce guide. Une récente étude, dont les résultats ont été publiés récemment dans le New York Times, faisait état du fait que les

piacere e che esigono un portafoglio più generoso, non hanno generalmente prezzi così lontani da quelli che si trovano all’estero. L’importante è trovare il vino giusto a seconda dell’occasione. Inoltre, il mondo del vino non è immune alle mode e va anche di pari passo con le tendenze. Oggi, alcuni sommelier scommettono solo sui vini definiti “naturali” o “arancioni.” Ossia, dei vini prodotti senza aggiunte e praticamente senza intervento umano, bisogna dire però che sono spesso instabili dato il basso contenuto di solfiti. Alcuni, dopo averne provati molti, hanno il merito di essere buoni ma altri sono decisamente cattivi, a meno che non vi piacciano quei profumi bucolici che sanno eccessivamente di stalla. In breve, se non vi dispiace, nella nostra guida ci concentriamo principalmente sui cosiddetti vini convenzionali, vale a dire quelli che soddisfano gli standard di produzione in termini di resa e interventi adeguati al loro luogo di origine e che altresì mirano, anno dopo anno, a mantenere un livello simile di qualità. Tuttavia, esistono diversi criteri che la determinano. Quello più importante sta nell’equilibrio, in altre parole il compromesso tra i diversi elementi che contribuiscono alla sua struttura. Nel caso dei vini bianchi, questi elementi sono basati sull'acidità da un lato e sull'alcol e sullo zucchero residuo dall'altro. Nel caso dei rossi, va ad aggiungersi un terzo elemento relativo ai tannini, che hanno la proprietà di cambiare nel tempo. È con questi criteri bene a mente che il mio collega Marco Giovanetti ed io abbiamo cercato di presentarvi, il più oggettivamente possibile, i vini contenuti in questa guida.


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“Plus le consommateur se plonge dans le monde du vin, plus il élargit ses horizons et plus il s’éloigne ainsi tout naturellement des vins moins chers.” “Più il consumatore si immerge nel mondo del vino, più allarga i suoi orizzonti e più si allontana naturalmente dai vini meno cari.” consommateurs préfèrent en général les vins moins chers, boudant les plus coûteux en arguant que leur prix n’est qu’une supercherie visant à les faire dépenser davantage. Bref, qu’il vaut mieux se méfier des soi-disant spécialistes. Il ressort néanmoins de cette recherche que plus le consommateur se plonge dans le monde du vin, plus il élargit ses horizons et plus il s’éloigne ainsi tout naturellement des vins moins chers. Tout est une question de connaissances et de curiosité, sans oublier la passion, cette fameuse « piqûre » qui semble gagner bon nombre d’amateurs une fois qu’ils ont finalement trouvé une bouteille vraiment à leur goût. Ceci étant dit, il ne nous reste plus qu’à vous souhaiter de faire de belles découvertes. Cin Cin!


Da uno studio recente, pubblicato nel New York Times, emerge che i consumatori preferiscono generalmente vini più economici e che evitano quelli più costosi, sostenendo che il loro prezzo è solo un trucco per far sì che spendano di più. In breve, è meglio diffidare dei cosiddetti ‘specialisti’. Eppure, da questa ricerca risulta chiaro che più il consumatore si immerge nel mondo del vino, più allarga i suoi orizzonti e più si allontana naturalmente dai vini meno cari. È tutta una questione di conoscenza e curiosità, per non parlare della passione, quel famoso ‘formicolio’ che sembra conquistare molti bevitori occasionali una volta trovata finalmente una bottiglia che sia davvero di loro gradimento. Detto ciò, non ci resta che augurarvi di fare delle belle scoperte. Cin Cin!

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ITALIAN WINE GUIDE 2018 Gabriel Riel-Salvatore is an Italian-Canadian journalist and consultant who holds a WSET advanced level degree. His involvement in the wine industry spans over 15 years and he has been the editor-at-large and resident wine expert at Panoram Italia for the past nine years. He’s collaborated with specialized wine magazines such as Gambero Rosso (Italy), Cellier (Canada) and Wine & Degustation (Czech Republic) and is now living and working in Prague as an Italian Wine Ambassador.

Photo / Fahri Yavus


Marco Giovanetti is an Italian-Venezuelan wine writer based in Montreal. In addition to being a wine blogger for Panoram Italia, he also writes weekly wine chronicles for The Montreal Times as well as for several International digital wine magazines including Gastronomadas in Mexico and Sommelier magazine in Peru. He is also the publisher of two specialized wine blogs: and

Types of wine



DOCG: Vino a Denominazione di Origine Controllata e Garantita

Red wine

Ready to drink

☆ Ordinary (75-79)

DOC: Vino a Denominazione di Origine Controllata

Sparkling wine

White wine Ready to drink or keep until indicated

Liqueur IGT: Vino a Indicazione Geografica Tipica

☆☆ Good (80-84)

☆☆☆ Very good (85-89)

☆☆☆☆ Excellent (90-94)

☆☆☆☆☆ Sublime (95-100)

Start drinking or Keep until indicated

Rosé Organic

N.B.: The prices incidated are subject to changes relative to the SAQ price policy.

Abruzzo Riparosso 2016 Dino Illuminati Montepulciano d’Abruzzo DOC $13.50 SAQ #10669787 Earthy with amarena and red cherry tones, complemented by dry cranberries and a hint of black licorice. Rustic with muscular tannins. ☆☆84/100

Abruzzo Jorio 2015 Umani Ronchi Montepulciano d’Abruzzo DOC $15.60 SAQ #862078

2024 Calabria Spadafora Peperosso 2017 Cantine Spadafora 1915 Calabria I.G.P. $28.80 SAQ #13765416 (Private Import) UVINU

Alluring blackberry notes, roasted herbs, a hint of tar and tobacco. Full-bodied, vibrant with muscular tannins. Elegant and quite balanced. ☆☆☆88/100

Jammy dark fruit with noble nuances of wood complemented by tones of ripe blackberry fruit. Rich with velvety tannins. ☆☆☆88/100


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2024 Calabria Spadafora Fiegorosso 2016 Cantine Spadafora 1915 Terre di Cosenza D.O.P. $29.60 SAQ #13765424 (Private Import) UVINU

2024 Calabria Spadafora Nerello 2016 Cantine Spadafora 1915 Calabria I.G.P. $34.75 SAQ #13765432 (Private Import) UVINU

Quite aromatic, reminiscent of balsamic cream, chocolate, toffee and ripe blackberries. Powerful with ripe tannins. ☆☆☆ 89/100

Heady aromas of vanilla and banana cream pudding. Fruit driven with ripe, powerful tannins. ☆☆☆87/100

Emilia-Romagna Romio Sangiovese 2015 Caviro Sangiovese di Romagna Superiore Riserva DOC $14.00 SAQ #12203892

Emilia-Romagna Dogheria Pinot Bianco 2017 Poderi Dal Nespoli Rubicone IGT $14.55 SAQ #13425972

Emilia-Romagna Scabi 2016 San Valentino Sangiovese di Romagna DOC $18.45 SAQ #11019831

Very floral, reminiscent of elderflower, acacia and chamomile undertones followed by tones of peach and passion fruit. Elegant with a lime finish. ☆☆☆87/100

Bright red fruit with elegant leather notes and a hint of vanilla bean. Fruity with a juicy acidity. Outstanding finale. ☆☆☆☆90/100

Friuli-Venezia Giulia Soprasasso Chardonnay 2015 M.G.M. Mondo del Vino Delle Venezie IGT $14.55 SAQ #13189009

Friuli-Venezia Giulia Ca’Bolani Pinot Grigio 2017 Tenuta Ca’Bolani - Zonin Friuli Aquileia DOC $16.65 SAQ #10780397

Lovely nose of apple and peach with hints of gooseberry. Spicy yet very fresh in the mouth. Good quality price ratio. ☆☆☆85/100

Subtle mineral touches with exotic fruit undertones recalling passion fruit and papaya. Rich and fresh in the mouth with a sharp cleansing finish. ☆☆☆88/100

Marche Medoro Sangiovese 2016 Umani Ronchi Marche IGT $9.00 SAQ #565283

2024 Marche Il Brecciarolo 2015 Velenosi Rosso Piceno Superiore DOC $15.00 SAQ #10542647

Marche Velenosi Verdicchio 2017 Velenosi Verdicchio dei Castelli di Jesi DOC $15.75 SAQ #11155665

Very light style Sangiovese with cedar and black fruit nuances. Juicy and fleshy with simple red berry undertones. ☆☆82/100

Aromas bringing to mind Montreal steak spice mixed with ripe red berries and beautiful cedar notes. Balanced, very elegant on the palate. ☆☆☆☆90/100

Elegant notes of toasted wood, dry meat and raspberries. Structured, yet balanced with a long lingering finale. ☆☆☆87/100

Emilia-Romagna Prugneto 2016 Poderi Dal Nespoli Sangiovese di Romagna Superiore DOC $18.55 SAQ #11298404


A nice mix of ripe red berries and jammy black fruit. Spicy with undertones of black cherry and violets. Fleshy with a juicy acidity. ☆☆☆89/100


Emilia-Romagna Vintage Collection Albana 2016 Umberto Cesari Albana DOCG $16.95 SAQ #13425606 Aromas of ripe apricots with a touch of honey and vanilla. Fruit driven and quite smooth on the palate with peach jam in the finale. ☆☆☆85/100

Mineral character with peach and peppermint highlights complemented by flint undertones. Long with a caressing finale. ☆☆☆88/100

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Piemonte Costalunga 2015 Bersano Barbera d’Asti DOCG $13.75 SAQ #506824

Piemonte Barbera d’Asti 2014 Castello del Poggio - Zonin Barbera d’Asti DOCG $15.75 SAQ #11676567

Piemonte Moscato d’Asti 2016 Castello del Poggio - Zonin Moscato d’Asti DOCG $16.90 SAQ #11676591

Beautiful Barbera. Inviting notes of raspberry, strawberry with rose petals and licorice. Elegant with a nice acidity. Very well made. ☆☆☆87/100

Light toasted oak character with black cherry and rose peppercorns. Modern yet with a streamlined acidity. ☆☆☆85/100

Exuberant nose: honey with orange blossom water complemented by a touch of lychee and ginger. Fresh and delicate with a creamy finale. ☆☆☆86/100

2024 Piemonte Paisan 2016 Bersano Nebbiolo d’Alba IGP $18.40 SAQ #13594987

2024 Piemonte Fontanafredda Langhe Nebbiolo 2016 Fontanafredda Langhe Nebbiolo DOC $18.60 SAQ #13553392

Piemonte Arneis 2017 Cordero di Montezemolo Langhe Arneis DOC $23.50 SAQ #12796253

A very elegant and classy Nebbiolo. Nuances of dried rose petals, cranberries with a bit of toasted oak. Good acidity with chewy yet soft tannins. ☆☆☆89/100

Tar with dried strawberry and raspberries. Full-bodied with coarse tannins and a very long finale. ☆☆☆87/100

Crisp with green almond undertones. Elegant with delicious flavours of grapefruit and nectarine. Nice mineral finale. ☆☆☆89/100

Distilling good Grappa is easy: one only needs fresh marc and a hundred years of experience.


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2026 Piemonte La Tota 2016 Marchesi Alfieri Barbera d’Asti DOCG $26.00 SAQ #12102389

Rich with deep notes of black fruit, licorice, dark chocolate and coffee. Modern but well made. ☆☆☆89/100

2024 Piemonte Nebbiolo 2016 Cordero di Montezemolo Langhe Nebbiolo DOC $28.70 SAQ #13551442

Aromas reminiscent of flaked almonds with cranberry confit. On the mouth, smooth, linear with quite accessible tannins. Complex long finale. ☆☆☆☆90/100

2024 Piemonte Dolcetto D’Alba 2016 Aurelio Settimo Dolcetto D’Alba DOC $26.00 SAQ #13810117 (Private Import) VITIS

Nose of ripe red raspberries mixed with red plum aromas. Elegant, with some menthol undertones. Medium finale. ☆☆☆86/100

2030 Piemonte Barbaresco 2014 Produttori del Barbaresco $41.10 SAQ #12558909

Complex tar and wild red berries bouquet with animal undertones. On the mouth, this wine displays a deep complexity with flavours bringing to mind black truffle and kola. Very long with fine and tight tannins. ☆☆☆☆92/100

2028 Piemonte Palas 2014 Michele Chiarlo Barbaresco DOCG $26.35 SAQ #12909625

Very fine nose bringing to mind rose petals, maraschino cherry and black pepper. Structured and quite elegant. Long and sexy with a hint of black truffle in the finale. ☆☆☆☆90/100

2022/2032 Piemonte Barolo Rocche Del’Annunziata 2011 Aurelio Settimo Barolo DOCG $65.00 SAQ #13810141 (Private Import) VITIS

Evolved nose with soft underbrush and dry porcini aromas paired with delicate scents of red cherry. Rich and elegant with a beautiful finish that brings to mind soy and hoisin sauce lingering on a kirsch aftertaste. ☆☆☆☆94/100

Puglia Primitivo 2016 Cantine Sgarzi Luigi Primitivo Del Salento IGT $11.60 SAQ #643544

Puglia Il Pumo Negroamaro 2017 Cantine San Marzano Salento IGP $12.95 SAQ #13692296

Puglia Soprasasso Sangiovese M.G.M. Mondo del Vino Puglia IGT $14.55 SAQ #13358239

Spicy notes bringing to mind strawberry with a soft touch of cloves. Juicy medium-bodied mouth with a nice acidity and soft tannins. ☆☆84/100

Savoury notes of cured meat with dark blackberries and a hint of violets and star anise. Full-bodied with a polished mid palate and a silky finale. Excellent quality for the price. ☆☆☆86/100

Coffee, dark berries with underling herbal tones. Fullbodied, round and structured with round tannins and a finish that brings to mind menthol and earth. Very long finale. ☆☆☆85/100

Puglia Fantini Collezione Primitivo 2016 Farnese Puglia IGT $15.35 SAQ #13358175

Puglia Emporium Appassimento 2016 Enoitalia spa Rosso Salento IGT $17.60 SAQ #13358221

2022 Puglia Mother Zin 2016 Azienda Vinicola Torrevento SRL Primitivo Puglia IGT $19.30 SAQ #905521

A slight hint of barnyard aromas and Corinth raisins. Fruit driven yet displaying a good acidity and a nice floral finale. ☆☆☆85/100

Lots of complexity here. Loads of dry blackberries and hints of sweet spice and fresh tobacco. Round, mouth-filling with a cleansing palate. Long finale. ☆☆☆88/100

Dark chocolate with roasted coffee notes complemented by floral undertones. Flavours consistent with the nose. Powerful in an extracted style. ☆☆82/100


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2026 Puglia Il Falcone 2012 Rivera

Castel del Monte Rosso Riserva DOCG $23.45 SAQ #10675466 Deep and complex. Fantastic aromas of blue fruit with cigar box and earthy black hummus notes. Rich and heady on the palate with flavours bringing to mind roasted herbs and game notes. Persistent finale. Excellent price ratio. ☆☆☆☆92/100

Sicilia Vento di Mare Pinot Grigio 2017 Cantine Ermes Terre Siciliane IGT $8.70 SAQ #12560401 Simple aromas of cantaloupe and nectarine. Medium-bodied with a medium acidity and a short finale. ☆☆80/100

Sicilia Vento di Mare Nero d’Avola / Cabernet Sauvignon 2017 Cantine Ermes Terre Siciliane IGT $11.70 SAQ #12207914

Sicilia Sirocco Nero d’Avola / Cabernet Sauvignon 2016 Cantine Ermes Sicilia DOC $12.55 SAQ #13188719

Leafy blackberry nose with sawdust undertones. Simple, straightforward. Lacks complexity and character. ☆☆80/100

Dark fruit reminiscent of cassis and blackberry notes with toasted, charred wood undertones. One-dimensional, mediumbodied with a toasted finish. ☆☆81/100

Sicilia Nero D’Avola Merlot 2016 Cantine Sgarzi Luigi Sicilia DOC $10.60 SAQ #12479792 A nose that brings to mind aromas of blackberry, wood and cedar. Fruity with a good acidity. Medium finale. ☆☆82/100

Sicilia Sirocco Pinot Grigio 2017 Cantine Ermes Terre Siciliane IGT $12.55 SAQ #13360283 Pear with vanilla pudding and toffee character. Mediumbodied, has some elegance with a crisp finale and a peach aftertaste. ☆☆81/100


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Sicilia Rapitala CatarattoChardonnay 2016 Rapitala Terre Siciliane IGT $13.35 SAQ #613208 Slightly buttery nose with marzipan and toffee aromas with herbal undertones. Medium-bodied with a cleansing finale. ☆☆☆85/100

Sicilia Anthilia 2017 Donnafugata Sicilia DOC $17.60 SAQ #10542137 Chamomile undertones with pineapple and rock candy. Fresh and zesty with a long finale. ☆☆☆88/100

Sicilia Syrah Cusumano 2016 Cusumano Terre Siciliane IGT $13.60 SAQ #10960777

Sicilia Alastro 2016 Planeta Sicilia DOC $15.55 SAQ #11034361

Lovely bouquet of Golia licorice candy with hints of black olives and wild blackberries. Fleshy, medium to full-bodied with a good acidity and chewy tannins. Vibrant, spicy finish. ☆☆☆85/100

Mineral-driven nose with fruit nuances bringing to mind yellow apple and white orchard fruit. Dry and saline with an oily finale. ☆☆☆87/100

Sicilia Lignum Vitis Frappato Shiraz 2016 Enoitalia spa Terre Siciliane IGT $17.55 SAQ #13590450

Sicilia Sherazade Nero d’Avola 2016 Donnafugata Sicilia DOC $19.55 SAQ #13536306

Fresh with aromas that bring to mind ripe raspberries with a hint of pepper. Mediumbodied with grainy tannins and a bell pepper finale. ☆☆☆85/100

A nose recalling autumn leaves, barnyard aromas, blackberries and bush berries. Earthy with a good acidity and firm tannins. Red plum finale. ☆☆☆86/100

Sicilia La Segreta Il Bianco 2017 Planeta Sicilia DOC $19.95 SAQ #741264

2024 Sicilia Frappato 2016 Tami’ Terre Siciliane $21.00 SAQ #11635423

Toscana Chianti 2016 Cecchi Chianti DOCG $13.70 SAQ #642561

Peach with honeysuckle and exotic fruits, like passion fruit. Refreshing with a zesty mineral finale. ☆☆☆87/100

Fresh with nuances of ripe red berries and delicate vegetable notes. On the palate, digest with spicy aromas and soft tannins. Excellent wine. ☆☆☆☆90/100

Traditional style Chianti with nuances of mineral dust and old tanned leather. A bit acidic with a sour cherry finale. Lacks some cohesion. ☆☆80/100

Toscana Le Focaie 2016 Rocca di Montemassi - Zonin Maremma Toscana DOC $14.55 SAQ #11184968

Toscana Chianti Riserva 2015 Rocca delle Macie Chianti Riserva DOCG $15.95 SAQ #12989750

Toscana Val delle Rose Litorale 2017 Famiglia Cecchi Maremma Toscana DOC $16.95 SAQ #13755437

Delicious flavours of blackcurrants with confit raspberry. Polished texture with smooth tannins. ☆☆☆87/100

Aromas of field berries with licorice and white pepper. On the mouth, medium-bodied, yet falling short in the finale. ☆☆83/100

Aromas of quince and green apple. Creamy with a refreshing finale. ☆☆☆85/100


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Toscana Ruffino Mousseux rosé NA Ruffino SRL Vino Spumante $17.10 SAQ #13330682

Toscana Ruffino Aziano 2016 Ruffino SRL Chianti Classico DOCG $17.70 SAQ #12990128

Aromas of strawberry and blood orange. Refreshing acidity with a medium-size bubble and nectarine finale. ☆☆83/100

A medium-bodied Chianti Classico that showcases herbal and red fruit aromas with rustic tannins. Medium finale. ☆☆84/100

Toscana Governo all’uso toscano 2016 San Leonino - Bertani Domains Toscana IGT $19.00 SAQ #13578071 Coffee with dark plums and strawberry jam aromas intertwine with hints of balsamic undertones (eucalyptus). Rich on the palate with a great tannic backbone. ☆☆☆89/100

Spicy nose bringing to mind nutmeg and ginger with tones of stewed black fruits. Ripe tannins with a medium finale. ☆☆☆87/100

2028 Toscana Citto 2016 Castello di Volpaia Toscana IGT $19.90 (Private Import) Groupe Rézin

2026 Toscana Leonardo Chianti Riserva 2014 Cantine Leonardo da Vinci Chianti Riserva DOCG $19.25 SAQ #13524479

Nose reminiscent of red plums with streams of dark figs and blueberry compote. Balanced with firm tannins and a lingering finale. ☆☆☆89/100

Fine Cuisine Italienne

443 rue Saint-Vincent

Toscana Piccini Chianti Classico Riserva 2012 Tenute Piccini Chianti Classico DOCG $18.75 SAQ #11768795

Montreal, QC H2Y 3A6

Fragrant plum nuances with cherry amarena and roasted endive notes. A bit spicy, bringing to mind Criollo cacao. On the mouth, the wine displays a suave mouthfeel with ripe tannins. Gracious and long finale with a hint of black pepper. ☆☆☆☆92/100

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2028 Toscana Chianti Classico 2014 Tenuta Carobbio Chianti Classico DOCG $23.00 13694486 (Private Import) VITIS

Juicy red plum aromas mixed with notes of cedar wood and graceful streaks of tar in the background. Dense on the mouth with austere and linear tannins. Needs 2-3 years to open up. ☆☆☆88/100

Toscana Farnito Chardonnay Brut NM Casa Vinicola Carpineto Vino Spumante di Qualità $23.85 SAQ #11341855 Exuberant aromatics. Bakers yeast with McIntosh apple and buttery edges. A bit of brioche as well. Classy, elegant finale. ☆☆☆☆90/100

2028 Toscana Birillo 2014 Tenuta Marsiliana Costa Toscana DOC $24.40 (Private Import) Authentic Vins et Spiritueux

Lead pencil with graphite, blackberry and cedar edges. Menthol notes as well. Racy and structured. Round with fleshy tannins and a green pepper finale. ☆☆☆☆91/100

2028 Toscana Tre 2015 Casa Brancaia Toscana IGT $23.55 SAQ #10503963

2028 Toscana Brolio Chianti 2015 Barone Ricasoli Chianti Classico DOCG $23.60 SAQ #3962

Attractive nose of blackcurrant paired with complex graphite undertones and well integrated oak. Full-bodied and rich with fleshy tannins and a good acidity. ☆☆☆☆90/100

Great Chianti Classico. Very elegant red berry nose with a touch of blackcurrants mixed with velvety vanilla undertones. Fleshy with a long, elegant and racy finish. ☆☆☆☆91/100

2024 Toscana Rosso di Montalcino 2015 Casa Vinicola Carpineto Rosso di Montalcino DOCG $23.95 SAQ #13385288

Smoke, blackcurrant with gamey undertones and hints of black fruit. Nice inviting warm mouth. Good balance with elegant and fine tannins. ☆☆☆☆90/100

2020/2028 Toscana Ruffino Riserva Ducale 2014 Ruffino SRL Chianti Classico DOCG $24.65 SAQ #45195

Austere nose of dry red berries with charcuterie animal tones, tobacco and autumn leaves. Closed at the moment with linear and tight tannins. Needs time in the cellar. ☆☆☆88/100

2026 Toscana Ruffino Modus 2015 Ruffino SRL Toscana IGT $28.55 SAQ #11442664

2028 Toscana Crognolo 2015 Tenuta Sette Ponti Toscana IGT $30.60 SAQ #11915038

Aromas of dark chocolate, plums with figs and roasted coconut. Rich, full-bodied with an extracted style. Will please the oaky wine drinker. ☆☆☆89/100

Alluring bouquet with aromatic scents of coffee, cacao powder, cumin and fig jam. On the mouth, the wine is quite modern with powerful tannins. Although, very well made, it will please the drinkers of modern Italian wine. ☆☆☆☆92/100


2026 Toscana Chianti Classico 2015 Lamole Di Lamole Chianti Classico DOCG $24.00 SAQ #13426001

Ripe black fruits with vegetal and complex mineral nuances. Good structure and acidity. Grippy tannins with a dry finale. ☆☆☆88/100

2026 Toscana Le Corti 2015 Principe Corsini Chianti Classico DOCG $27.05 (Private Import) Authentic Vins et Spiritueux

Graceful wine. Enticing bouquet of red berries, plums and eucalyptus with soft tannins and a delicate finale. ☆☆☆88/100

2020/2030 Toscana Leone Sangiovese 2013 Tenuta Carobbio Toscana IGT $105.00 SAQ #13810088 (Private Import) VITIS

Lofty, complex bouquet of blueberries with streaks of dry oriental fruits and floral lavender undertones. Silky and elegant on the palate with powerful tannins and a classy floral finish. Still young, needs some time to settle. ☆☆☆☆94/100

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Trentino-Alto Adige Pinot Grigio 2017 Mezzacorona Trentino DOC $14.55 SAQ #302380

Trentino-Alto Adige Pinot Noir 2016 Mezzacorona Dolomiti IGT $14.55 SAQ #10780311

Trentino-Alto Adige Mezzacorona Teroldego Rotaliano Riserva 2014 Teroldego Rotaliano DOC $17.55 SAQ #964593

Fragrant yellow and red apple with delicious exotic orchard fruit tones. Creamy with a nice acidity. ☆☆☆87/100

Notes of black cherry, kirsch and candied violets. A bit spicy. Medium-bodied, juicy and fluid with soft tannins. ☆☆83/100

Ripe blackberries with a hint of dark chocolate complemented by toasted oak notes. Silky mid palate with a juicy acidity and a fruity finale recalling cherry and dark plums. Generous finish. ☆☆☆86/100

Veneto Corvina 2017 Cantina di Negrar Veneto IGT $9.95 SAQ #1337594

Veneto Allegrini Di Fumane Azienda Agricola Allegrini Veneto Rosso IGT $15.50 SAQ #13358247

Veneto Corte Giara Valpolicella Azienda Agricola Allegrini Valpolicella DOC $15.65 SAQ #13190317

Fun nose of red berries with a hint of smoke and floral highlights. Juicy and easy to drink, medium-bodied wine with a smooth finish. ☆☆83/100

Nose of wild black fruits with slightly rustic edges mixed with smoke, cacao and violet undertones. Medium to full-bodied with chewy tannins and a dry finale. ☆☆☆85/100

Fresh raspberry nose with herbaceous undertones. Spicy on the palate, bringing to mind cloves, star anise and licorice. Very accessible Valpolicella with a pretty acidity and a refreshing finish. Well made. ☆☆☆87/100

Veneto Zonin Prosecco Cuvée 1821 Casa Vinicola Zonin SPA Prosecco DOC $15.70 SAQ #10540721 Green apple with lemon and a hint of pear. Creamy with flavours reminiscent of fruit preserves. ☆☆82/100

Veneto Bonacosta 2016 Masi Agricola Valpolicella Classico DOC $15.70 SAQ #285585 Leafy blackberry fruit with overtones of licorice and nutmeg. Medium-bodied with soft tannins and a spicy finale. ☆☆☆85/100

Veneto Zonin Prosecco Cuvée 1821 (200 ml) Casa Vinicola Zonin SPA Prosecco DOC $5.05 SAQ #13535389

Veneto Masianco 2017 Masi Agricola Pinot Grigio delle Venezie DOC $15.70 SAQ #10439404

Green apple with lemon and a hint of pear. Creamy with flavours reminiscent of fruit preserves. ☆☆82/100

Fruity nose bringing to mind maple butter, apple, peach with a nice hint of grapefruit and lemon peel. Medium-bodied with a good acidity and fresh racy finale. ☆☆84/100

Veneto Bolla retro Pinot Grigio 2016 Bolla Delle Venezie IGT Valdadige DOC $15.80 SAQ #12494714

Veneto Pinot Grigio Le Rosse 2017 Agricola Tommasi Viticoltori Delle Venezie IGT $16.25 SAQ #10230555

Cortland apple notes with a hint of citrus fruit. Good concentration and freshness. Good acidity with a textbook, refreshing finale. ☆☆☆86/100

Decadent nose with hints of dry apricots and peach jam. On the mouth, buttery with a medium acidity complemented by flavours of apple strudel. Well balanced and quite elegant. ☆☆☆87/100


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Veneto Palanca 2016 Agricola Tommasi Viticoltori Rosso Delle Venezie IGT $16.60 SAQ #11770756

Veneto Modello Prosecco Brut Masi Agricola Prosecco DOC $16.95 SAQ #13572729

Veneto San Vincenzo 2017 Anselmi Veneto IGT $17.05 SAQ #585422

Ripe and concentrated with heady flavours of red fruit and pleasant herbal nuances. Balanced with soft tannins. ☆☆☆86/100

Floral with aromas of lemon wafers. Medium-bodied, easy going with chamomile nuances and a refreshing finale. ☆☆82/100

Complex nose evocative of grapefruit, lime and green bell pepper. Elegant with a superb tension between fruit and acidity. Lingering finale with a slight aftertaste of orange blossom water. ☆☆☆87/100

Veneto Capitel della Crosara 2015 Cantine Giacomo Montresor Rosso Verona IGP $17.20 SAQ #13189711

Veneto La Bragia 2015 Azienda Agricola Allegrini Veneto IGT $18.60 SAQ #13419441

2024 Veneto Zonin Valpolicella Ripasso Superiore 2015 Casa Vinicola Zonin SPA Valpolicella Ripasso DOC $18.90 SAQ #13358992

Aromas redolent of figs and prunes with hints of tobacco pipe and autumn leaves. Balanced with a pleasant oxidative note. ☆☆☆85/100

Jammy dark fruit with peppery herbaceous edges. Full-bodied, inviting and generous with a touch of bell pepper and candied violets. Round, mouth-filling with a warm finish. ☆☆☆87/100

Maraschino cherries with raspberry undertones topped off by leafy redcurrant highlights. Medium to full-bodied, with good tannins and a vibrant acidity. ☆☆☆88/100

2024 Veneto Montecorna Ripasso 2016 Azienda Vinicola Farina Valpolicella Ripasso DOC $19.20 SAQ #908269

2026 Veneto Bolla Ripasso 2015 Bolla Valpolicella Ripasso DOC $19.50 SAQ #11570682

2024 Veneto Mara Ripasso 2015 Gerardo Cesari Valpolicella Ripasso DOC $19.90 SAQ #10703834

Raspberry yogurt, vanilla, tomato leaf and cacao aromas. Fleshy medium to full-bodied with chewy tanins. ☆☆☆85/100

Dry red berries such as goji with hints of tart rhubarb undertones. Medium to full-bodied. Dry finale. ☆☆☆87/100

Delicious stewed fruit character with a hint of coffee and vanilla bean. Juicy with lots of character. Lingering finale. ☆☆☆88/100

Veneto Prosecco Brut NV Foss Marai Prosecco DOC $19.90 SAQ #12580250

2026 Veneto Vigneto di Torbe Valpolicella Domini Veneti Valpolicella Ripasso DOC Classico $20.00 SAQ #13425569

2026 Veneto Campofiorin 2014 Masi Agricola Rosso del Veronese IGT $20.60 SAQ #155051

Very fresh with almond and tangerine character. Honest with delicious flavours. ☆☆☆86/100


Very charming with red berry, rhubarb, toasty wood and spice character. Powerful and structured yet velvety with soft tannins. Elegant, almost with a feminine side to it. ☆☆☆89/100

Dry Corinth raisin, dry blackberries complemented by Kahlua liqueur, mocha cake and fig jam. Structured in the mouth with silky tannins. ☆☆☆88/100

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2026 Veneto Capitel San Rocco 2016 Tedeschi Valpolicella Ripasso DOC $21.00 SAQ #972216

Peppery with dark plum, dates and fig character. On the palate, fleshy with muscular tannins. Very well made. ☆☆☆☆90/100

2024 Veneto Serego Alighieri Monte Piazzo 2014 Masi Agricola Valpolicella Classico Superiore DOC $23.55 SAQ #10543404

Chocolate ganache with fig and hazelnut cream. Firm with polished tannins. Serious structure. Great finale. ☆☆☆89/100

2028 Veneto La Casetta Valpolicella Ripasso 2015 Domini Veneti Valpolicella Ripasso Classico DOC $26.95 SAQ #12027171

Alluring bouquet of blueberry with red plums filled with streams of dark chocolate and dry violet. Silky, round, well-balanced with an elegant finale. ☆☆☆☆91/100

2032 Veneto Remo Farina Amarone Classico 2015 Azienda Vinicola Farina Amarone della Valpolicella Classico DOCG $39.35 SAQ #10271904

Attractive bouquet of candied red fruits paired with complex stewed prunes and chocolate cake undertones. Dense and well structured with muscular tannins. ☆☆☆☆92/100

Veneto Crede Brut 2017 Bisol Prosecco Superiore Valdobbiadene DOCG $22.25 SAQ #10839168

2026 Veneto Toar 2014 Masi Agricola Valpolicella Classico Superiore DOC $22.95 SAQ #10749736

Floral with acacia and pear notes. Dry and very elegant. Charming Prosecco with a crisp, mineral finish. ☆☆☆87/100

Ripe blueberry and blackberry highlights intertwine with soft tones of licorice, charred wood and coffee aromas. Rich, on the sweet side, but well balanced. ☆☆☆88/100

2028 Veneto Palazzo della Torre 2014 Allegrini Veronese IGT $23.65 SAQ #907477

2028 Veneto Brolo Campofiorin Oro 2014 Masi Agricola Rosso del Veronese IGT $25.75 SAQ #11836364

Attractive bouquet of red berries with hints of black pepper and complex smoked meat and candied violets undertones. Full-bodied with chunky tannins and a great finish. ☆☆☆☆90/100

Powerful yet elegant nose of ripe dark berries with hints of leather and tobacco. Silky palate with loads of black cherry fruit balanced by a vibrant acidity. Good lingering finish ending in apricot kernels. ☆☆☆☆90/100

Veneto Prosecco Superiore Brut NM Tenuta Lovia Prosecco Superiore Conegliano Valdobbiadene DOCG $28.85 SAQ #12385382

2030 Veneto Montresor Amarone 2015 Cantine Giacomo Montresor Amarone della Valpolicella DOCG $35.10 SAQ #240416

Graceful notes of pineapple, lemon and mint. Creamy texture with lively bubbles and soft herbal notes at the finish. ☆☆☆88/100

Maraschino cherry with shades of bright raspberry fruit and coconut oil. Powerful mouth filled with fruity, mintyeucalyptus fragrances and chewy tannins. ☆☆☆☆90/100

2030 Veneto Costasera 2012 Masi Agricola Amarone della Valpolicella Classico DOCG $39.60 SAQ #317057

Complex nose mixing sweet ripe red cherry and cocoa aromas with tertiary highlights of coffee, dry leaves and porcini mushrooms. Meaty and elegant with a touch of tobacco and menthol in the finale. ☆☆☆☆92/100

2030 Veneto Amarone della Valpolicella 2014 Tedeschi Amarone della Valpolicella DOCG $41.35 SAQ #522763

Lofty bouquet of dark fig and red berry fruit compote. Complex streams of clay, cured meat, cocoa, black pepper and gunpowder. Rich, alluring mouth with polished tannins and a warm, lingering finale. ☆☆☆☆93/100


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