AUG/SEPT 2011• VOL.1• NO.2
B I M O N T H LY • B I M E S T R A L E
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Dear reader, Panoram Italia magazine will be mailed to a selected group of ItalianCanadian households and businesses, in the Greater Toronto Area, for an extended promotional period, free of charge. If you wish to modify your subscription or add someone to our mailing list, please either refer to our website or fill out and mail in the following form to 26 Duncan Street, Toronto, On. M5V 2B9. A one-time $5 (plus HST) administration fee will be charged.
Panoram Italia Subscription Form
Panoram Italia and Transat Holidays, in cooperation with Slow Food Italia, are sending one lucky winner and a guest to beautiful Tuscany, Italy, for a unique one-week experience. The two will be wined and dined throughout the majestic region, with stops including Florence, Siena, San Gimignano, the hills of Chianti, Montepulciano, Pienza and Montalcino.
WIN a trip toTuscany! • • • •
2 roundtrip Air Transat economy class tickets 6 nights in a charming 4-star hotel Buffet breakfast daily 4 meals based on traditional regional dishes, including a selection of regional wines • 4 guided tastings of foods and wines from the Tuscany region • 1 regular visit of Firenze (3 h) • Car rental – 7 days (Class C - Fiat Punto Evo 1200cc or similar)
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Selected in cooperation with
Bruna Ruggiero Vicky Francavilla
Montreal Managing editor Gabriel Riel-Salvatore VICE PRESIDENT – MARKETING & SALES Earl Weiner ADVERTISING SALES EXECUTIVES Dom Fiore
CONTRIBUTORS Sabrina Marandola Dante Di Iulio Laura Ghiandoni Gaia Massai Anja Karisik Monica Gerli
Amanda Fulginiti Laura Nesci Alessandro Bozzelli Daniele Bozzelli Claudia Ficca Bianca Martella
Readers’ Comments ................... 11
Editorial From the Publisher’s Desk ......... 12 Editor-in-Chief ........................... 13 Managing Editor ......................... 14
Anthony Silvestri Serena Battista Sciltian Gastaldi Mara Paolantonio Giulia Scianna Anna Foschi Ciampolini
Food and Wine Cooking for Friends ................34-35 The Wines of Piedmont ..........38-39 Ferragosto Recipes ......................40
Lifestyle Living Italian Style .................42-43 Fiat 500 .......................................46
Cover Story Playing With Fire ........................16 Scherzare Col Fuoco ...................17
Italia 150o Anniversario Italy: 1870-1919 .....................18-19
Life and People The Letter ..............................20-21 Paesano Economics 101 ..............22 Future Leaders: Luciano Volpe .....23 Joe Finamore: Vancouver Cultural Center .........24 Thalassemia ................................25 Enemy Aliens ..............................26 Ristorante grano .........................27 Ralph Chiodo ...............................28 One More Day ............................29
Arts and Culture Recensione Io e te .......................47 Vincenzo Pietropaolo ..................48 La notte della Taranta ................49 Albert Chiarandini ......................50 Carlo Berardinucci ......................51 Venice Biennale ...........................52 Venice Biennale in Toronto .........53
Community and Events Taste of Italy ..........................54-55 Corso Italia .............................56-57 Other Events .........................58-59
Graduates .....................................................60
Travel Teatri delle Marche ......................30 Enjoying ‘la dolce vita’ at Sea 32-33 Cycling in Italy ......................36-37
Toronto Indy ................................61 Soccer Player Annalisa Romano ..61
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Readers ‘ Comments
Send us your thoughts and comments. Inviateci i vostri commenti e suggerimenti. My parents just received the latest issue of your magazine and they phoned me up to tell me about it right away. I would love to receive a subscription. It's exactly the type of magazine I'd be interested in. I hold my Italian heritage close to my heart and maintain it in my life to this day. I'd love to be a part of it if possible. Good luck! Maryanne Aloisio Davis
Dear Tony Zara, I'm very impressed by everything that has to do with Panoram Italia. Your publication is exceptional to say the least, but I've been to your website and I do think that it's one of the best in the industry. I love your blogs, the recipes, etc...I've been a faithful follower of yours since I first laid my hands on one of your publications at my sister's place in Montreal and you've come a long way since then. Your work reeks of excellence. You make all of us proud. It's not at all surprising to me that you've gained such wide notoriety for excellence. Joe Ragonese
I love the magazine because you do a wonderful job presenting all the issues, which makes it interesting to read and the young generation can read up on topics that are intended for them, as well as topics for the older generation. Thank you for this magazine. Mary Maiorano
My wife and I received our copy this afternoon and we were quite pleased and surprised that such a magazine exists. We really enjoyed the layout and articles and definitely look forward to receiving future editions. Well done. Personally having lived in a few cities in this small world of ours, it is always interesting that the Italian communities be it in Toronto, Montreal, NYC, Boston or San Francisco are so filled with vibrancy and pride and have given much to their cities. Francesco Sorbara
Both my husband and I were extremely happy when we saw the magazine and felt an instant connection to the articles as well as the section on Living Italian Style. We are interested in being featured in a photo shoot and hopefully, we can be considered. Anna Maria Orfeo
My dad just received a copy of your magazine in the mail and I was excited to see it sitting on the kitchen table. I recently graduated from the Teachers' College and subscribed to the magazine because I hope one day to be able to use this as a resource in my Italian classroom. Thank you to whoever thought up this amazing idea! Monica Maria
Great magazine! It is wonderful to see a publication that promotes Italians in such a positive way (without the usual stereotypes). Well done! Bravo! I totally enjoyed the Living Italian Style section.
I got my first magazine this week and I was blown away with it. I was very curious to see what it was all about and DIO MIO what a pleasant surprise. The publication is a marvel to be-hold, so very interesting and informative that it was a joy to read and see all different subjects covered on different interests in life. I hope that I 'm still on your mailing list next time and look forward to reading IL GRANDE PANORAMITALIA con gioia e amore come la prima volta che l’ho letto. GRAZIE MILLE! Carmine & Nella Jannetta
I just thought I would send a note that I really appreciate your magazine. I thought it was a wonderful idea to profile the Italian culture and the way younger generations are incorporating it into their lives. I was born and raised in Montreal, however moved to Toronto 4 months ago for an exciting career opportunity. It was nice to see that the culture lives on in this city (with slight differences) and I’m really excited that the magazine has finally come to Toronto! Also, the article about the young woman who moved to Hong Kong to teach English was inspirational. Our culture teaches us young people to stay close to the family and it's nice to know how others have taken the leap for their career. Please keep writing articles on this topic! Thanks. Stefania Galle
Rebecca Paglialunga
We received our first edition of Panoram a few days ago, much to our surprise. I enjoyed this publication immensely, even though I cannot read Italian. I am married to an Italian/English mix husband but his extended family is very much Italian. I have now known them for 20 years and would not trade them for the world. I am always looking for ways to include my children’s heritage in their lives and your magazine helped do just that!
Hello, I would like to extend my thanks in choosing our household for the free subscription. I have enjoyed reading the magazine immensely and look forward to future editions. Thank you. Louisa Perricone
I saw this magazine for the first time today and I love it! This magazine reminds me how proud I am of my Italian culture and traditions. I look forward to seeing the next issue.
Corinne Bean Abbruzzese
Julie Galluzzo
I am delighted (and proud) to have received this beautiful magazine. It is a brief reminder of who we are. I wish the publisher/editor, Tony Zara, all the luck in the world on this important endeavor.
I just picked up your magazine at the Cultural Center in Toronto and love it! Grazie, what more can one say. I like the variety it offers from the article on growing up Italian to history.
Gino Positano
Anna Caliendo
Errata, Vol 1, No. 1: *The exhibition “Fellini: Spectacular Obsessions” is hosted by TIFF Bell Light Box and is not part of the Toronto International Film Festival. *Noah Cowan is the Artistic Director of TIFF Bell Lightbox.
Ed i t o r i a l
From the Tony Zara
Publisher’s Desk
for instance, we highlight the Graduates of the Year. Note that we’ll be extending this section until our October/November edition in order to gather as many graduates as possible. Future sections will feature Newlyweds of the Year (December/January – see p. 47) and Babies of the Year (February/March – see p. 57). With a distribution of 100,000 in the Greater Toronto Area (150,000 nationally), Panoram Italia magazine provides a unique advertising vehicle for businesses catering to Italian-Canadians. Because our magazine lives solely through advertising, your support is imperative. No other publication enables you to reach almost every household of Italian origin based on verifiable circulation numbers. Our brand new, beautiful, comprehensive website, successful Facebook page (5,000+ fans to date), and newsletter (20,000+ recipients) also provide you with the means to reach a huge online audience. If you value our product and recognize its importance, please do your part in maintaining its existence. Another way to contribute is by suggesting interesting topics you’d like us to cover, be it a deserving person, a delicious little-known recipe or a well kept secret. We are also constantly searching for new writers
Dear readers, what an amazing June and July it’s been for Panoram Italia magazine in Toronto! From the moment our first issue hit your mailboxes, the flood of feedback and gratitude has simply been tremendous. Time and time again, you voiced your appreciation towards finally receiving a publication that spoke to you as an ItalianCanadian of the 21st century. Our presence at the Taste of Italy (College Street) and Corso Italia (St. Clair) street festivals also allowed us to meet and greet our new audience and evaluate the response garnered on our first impression. More than ever, we look forward to building a lasting relationship with the Italian community of Toronto and everyone who loves our culture. hile the magazine is currently mailed to 75,000 homes and businesses free of charge for an extended promotional period, we would kindly ask recipients (those who haven’t already done so) to begin confirming their subscriptions by either subscribing to the magazine online at, or sending in the subscription form included on page 9. By doing so, you automatically enter our WIN A TRIP TO TUSCANY contest in collaboration with Transat Holidays and Slow Food Italia. A lucky winner and guest will get the unique opportunity to spend a week in Italy sampling all the finest foods and wines Tuscany has to offer! Not bad! I’d also like to take the chance to mention our special announcement sections that will be included in various issues throughout the year. In our current issue
and online bloggers, so do not hesitate to get in touch if you or someone you know would be interested. This month’s issue features Toronto firefighter Maurizio Cavagna, a regular everyday ItalianTorontonian, who happens to make a difference in people’s lives; various stories on the people that shaped and continue to shape our community; fun summer recipes and wine recommendations; our ever-popular Living Italian Style section, and much more. Enjoy the read and send us your comments! A presto! v
Ed i t o r i a l
Sì all’eliminazione delle circoscrizioni estere Filippo Salvatore bolizione delle circoscrizioni estero, senato federale su base regionale, il Presidente del Consiglio dei Ministri diventa Primo Ministro, sfiducia costruttiva, stipendi dei parlamenA tari basati sulla presenza in Aula: ecco alcuni principi veramente nuovi per l’Italia, ma prassi corrente nel sistema parlamentare canadese, contenuti nel disegno di legge sulle riforme costituzionali che il ministro per la Semplificazione Roberto Calderoli sta discutendo con i suoi colleghi e si appresta a presentare alle Camere il mese di luglio 2011. L’idea di fondo di queste proposte è di rafforzare il ruolo del Primo Ministro e di fare dell’Italia una repubblica federale. È una scelta che, come filosofia politica, mi trova d’accordo. L’Italia può benissimo diventare una repubblica federale piuttosto che unitaria. Era già nell’Ottocento uno dei possibili modelli di unificazione della penisola propugnato da Carlo Cattaneo. Poi le cose sono andate diversamente. É trionfata l’opzione monarchica e dopo il referendum del 1946 la Costituente ha riscritto la Carta Costituzionale in senso repubblicano e unitario, alla Giuseppe Mazzini. Dopo oltre 60 anni i limiti contenuti nella Costituzione italiana sono palesi a tutti.Occorre quindi metterla in sincronia con i cambiamenti avvenuti negli ultimi decenni nella società italiana. Uno dei principi riemersi è il sentimento di appartenenza e di specificità regionale. É un dato di fatto importante, ineliminabile, che ha profonde radici nella storia, nel fatto che per secoli la penisola italiana è rimasta divisa in diversi stati autonomi. Certo bisogna evitare il localismo e il campanilismo, ma non si può scartare facilmente il sentimento di appartenenza territoriale. Proprio questa è l’esigenza che la Lega Nord da decenni persegue. Se la Lega Nord smette di promuovere la secessione e vuole veramente rinnovare il funzionamento delle Stato italiano responsabilizzando le Regioni, ben vengano le innovazioni costituzionali del ministro Calderoli. Se delle critiche gli possono essere fatte è di non andare abbastanza lontano nella riduzione dei senatori (250). Il senato americano è formato da due rappresentanti per ogni Stato, indipendentemente dalla popolazione. E non si dica che gli USA non sono una democrazia. In Canada i senatori sono addirittura nominati dal Primo Ministro. Diversi sono quindi i modelli di funzionamento della democrazia. Quello che conta veramente è snellire l’esercizio del potere ed eliminare gli sprechi e gli enti inutili. Proprio questo è il limite delle proposte del ministro Roberto Calderoli. Non va abbastanza lontano ed a fondo nella eliminazione per esempio delle Province e di tanti altri enti amministrativi che incidono in modo massiccio sul costo della politica e garantiscono solo inaccettabili privilegi per quella che è stata definita ‘ la casta’. Dopo la finanziaria del ministro Tremonti che colpisce direttamente anche chi ha difficoltà a vivere decentemente, l’eliminazione dei privilegi, soprattutto degli eletti, è una necessità sentita profondamente e reclamata ad alta voce dal popolo italiano. Bene la riduzione dell’età, ma perché non limitare a due soli mandati (una normativa che già esiste per i sindaci) l’eligibilità dei parlamentari e dei senatori? Bisogna evitare di permettere agli eletti di diventare dei politici di professione e di vedere la politica come una forma di introito. Va inoltre cambiata al più presto la legge elettorale e renderla unica a tutti i livelli. Il doppio turno secco per il 75% ed il 25% dei seggi assegnati su base proporzionale mi sembra essere un modello che evita sia le storture dell’uninominale unico, sia l’ingovernabilità del semplice proporzionale.
Rimane una questione di fondo. Il governo di Silvio Berlusconi ha l’autorità morale per operare cambiamenti profondi ed il coraggio per eliminare i privilegi della casta su cui si basa per governare? Dopo le sconfitte alle elezioni municipali ed ai referenda il governo Berlusconi è in coma. Sopravvive per inerzia, ma è, a tutti gli effetti, moribondo. É questa l’immagine che si ha dell’Italia dall’estero. La stampa tedesca ha ritratto Silvio Berlusconi come un gondoliere che canta mentre il Paese va a rotoli; quella britannica presenta l’Italia come una realtà che è arrivata “on the edge”, sul precipizio. Quali sono le cause? Il debito pubblico enorme, la mancanza di crescita economica, il ritorno sempre più evidente alla povertà di una percentuale crescente della popolazione, la mancanza di pospettive d’avvenire per la gioventù, la difesa dei privilegi della ‘casta’, fanno sì che il Bel Paese, ancora tra le prime dieci economie del mondo, appare come una società immobile, incapace di rinnovarsi, in decadenza, inaffidabile e quindi ricattabile per mezzo della speculazione. È arrivato il tempo di tagliare gli sprechi, di abolire i privilegi, di responsabilizzare i politici e gli amministratori, di ridurre il debito pubblico che è una vera palla di piombo al piede. Gli attriti tra Silvio Berlusconi ed il ministro Giulio Tremonti non lasciano sperare bene. Migliore invece il comportamento dell’opposizione che sta agendo in modo responsabile dando adito agli appelli del Presidente Giorgio Napolitano che è rimasto, sopratttutto all’estero, il vero garante della affidabilità e della serietà dello Stato italiano. Tra le tante proposte di riforme Costituzionali del Ministro Roberto Calderoli quella che va accettata senza mezzi termini è l’eliminazione delle circoscrizioni elettorali Estero, un pastrocchio costituzionale basato sulla liceità della extraterritorialità del parlamento e del senato italiani. Il governo di Ottawa si è detto contrario all’idea di far eleggere sul suo territorio un parlamentare per un governo straniero con ragioni più che fondate. Plaudo quindi all’idea della eliminazione delle circoscrizioni estere e non la considero affatto una ‘ stupidaggine’, come l’ha definita il deputato Gino Bucchino, eletto grazie alla legge Tremaglia. Occorre però distinguere tra l’elezione degli eletti all’estero ed il diritto di voto dei cittadini italiani residenti all’estero. Questo è un diritto sacrosanto che va mantenuto. Ma va esercitato in modo responsabile. Sono sette le proposte di legge sul voto estero di cui si sta occupando la Commissione Affari Costituzionali del Senato. Sta emergendo l’esigenza, che condivido, che la platea elettorale non può essere quella degli iscritti all’AIRE ( Albo Italiani Residenti Estero). D’ora in poi dovrebbe poter votare solo chi viene a far parte della ‘lista degli elettori’, compilata in base all’espressa volontà di voler esercitare il diritto di voto. In parole semplici: solo chi si iscrive vota. È il cittadino che esige di poter votare e voterà per la circoscrizione di ultima residenza in Italia o per quella di origine per i cittadini italiani nati all’estero. Un lombardo voterà per i candidati al Senato o al Parlamento in Lombardia e così di seguito, regione per regione. Rimane da chiarire se il voto per corrispondenza garantisce la correttezza, la segretezza e la trasparenza. Ma queste sono questioni logistiche che verranno risolte. Va ricordato, per chi ha paura del voto estero, che nelle passate elezioni nazionali solo il 33-34% degli elettori ha votato. Agli ultimi referenda la percentuale è scesa addirittura a meno del 10%. Con le nuove norme la percentuale dei votanti è destinata a ridursi ancora di più e quindi il risultato elettorale del voto estero non inciderà in modo determinante sul risultato. E se lo farà, lo farà solo in piccole regioni come il Molise, l’Umbria o la Basilicata che in una Italia federale non hanno ragione di esistere. La fondazione Agnelli proponeva di ridurre il numero delle regioni da 20 a 12. Se il federalismo fiscale dovrà poter funzionare a me pare che l’Italia dovrebbe essere ridotta a soli 8 compartimenti di 5-8 milioni d’abitanti ognuna, ad eccezione della Sardegna. Ben vengano quindi le riforme costituzionali. Si eviti la contrapposizione demagogica e si pensi al bene della Patria ed allora l’Italia resterà uno dei modelli di democrazia a livello mondiale. v
Ed i t o r i a l
L’identità e il futuro della
comunità italiana in Canada
Viviana Laperchia
Quest’anno, l’alzabandiera della Festa della Repubblica a Queen’s Park ha segnato quel momento di unione celebrativa tra il 150° anniversario dell’Unità e l’Italian Heritage Month, che tradotto in altri termini, consiste in un sostanziale avvicinamento tra una nazione e i suoi cittadini all’estero. distanza di pochi mesi dalla prima proposta del parlamentare Mario Sergio, il disegno di Legge 103 presentato nel settembre 2010 con il supporto di Peter Shurman e di Rosario Marchese, rispettivamente membri del partito conservatore e del NDP, viene recentemente approvato dal Governo dell’Ontario. Il sentimento identitario di un popolo migrante riceve finalmente riconoscimento ufficiale per il proprio operato in terra straniera e per la difficile esperienza di adattamento, di sopravvivenza e di crescita, all’interno di una cornice storica di più di un secolo. Una lunga serie di iniziative culturali, musicali, artistiche e gastronomiche sono state promosse lungo tutto il mese di giugno dai centri culturali e istituzionali della comunità italiana quali il Congresso Nazionale degli Italo-Canadesi, Comites, Centro Scuola e Cultura Italiana, Villa Charities e il Canadian Italian Business and Professional Association (CIBPA). L'esigenza di una continuità tra la nazione di origine dei primi immigrati e il senso di appartenenza etnica delle successive generazioni affonda le sue radici nella storia. Lo studioso e professore di International Studies presso la Cornell University (USA), Benedict Anderson, è spesso ricordato per aver definito il nazionalismo come la “fabbricazione di un’identità nazionale” e per averlo estrapolato dal suo contesto politico e analizzato a livello socio-antropologico.
Nel libro che lo ha reso famoso, Imagined Communities: reflections on the origin and spread of nationalism (1991), le ‘comunità immaginate’ sono facilmente riconducibili alle comunità diasporiche: immaginate perché, in quanto estensione della nazione stessa, le interrelazioni con essa sono generalmente limitate dalla distanza geografica. La stampa prima e i nuovi media poi, secondo lo studioso, sono alcune delle ragioni intervenute nella ricerca e nel mantenimento di una coscienza etnica da parte delle comunità all’estero che oggi, in Canada come in altri paesi, sentono la necessità di celebrare il proprio patrimonio culturale. La proposta di legge tocca in dettaglio i temi più cari alla comunità dell’Ontario, e in particolare, a quella di Toronto; in primis, i sacrifici degli immigrati italiani che, senza strumenti linguistici ed economici adeguati, hanno contribuito con successo allo sviluppo economico del paese, come per esempio i calabresi, i siciliani e i friuliani affermatisi nel campo dell’edilizia. Una grande conquista, quindi, non solo per gli italiani che hanno scelto il Canada come propria dimora, ma anche per i giovani italo-canadesi che oggi hanno il vantaggio di attingere ad entrambe le culture per realizzarsi come individui nella società. L'obiettivo principale del mese del patrimonio italiano, infatti, è nel concetto stesso di sopravvivenza di una cultura. Tuttavia, una commemorazione etnica annuale senza la partecipazione dei giovani rischierebbe di trasformarsi in mera autocelebrazione, a discapito della crescita culturale della comunità. L’Italian Heritage Month si propone di educare le nuove generazioni alla riflessione e al cambiamento, affinché le cosiddette ‘comunità immaginate’ di Anderson ritrovino e mantengano un contatto costante con le proprie radici, ma la speranza – occorre sottolineare – è che la storia diventi ogni giorno, più che ogni anno, motivo di ispirazione per il futuro. v
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Cover Story
Playing With Fire
Maurizio Cavagna By Bianca Martella
Maurizio Cavagna, like most of us, is a product of his environment. While he didn’t intentionally set out to mimic his father’s life, significant parallels can be drawn between the two. “I don’t know if it’s the genetic link, but it seems our personalities drew us to similar choices,” he admits. aurizio was born in Milan to Rosanna Alexiadis and Alberto Cavagna in 1968, and immigrated to Canada in 1977 at the age of 9, after having briefly lived in Spain and Greece. Like his father, he worked as a lifeguard and swim instructor early in his life, later studying Physical Education. His decision to become a firefighter may have also been subconsciously tied to his father’s path. Instead of the mandatory military service men in Italy were once required to complete, Alberto opted for civil service, spending two years as a firefighter. As a young man, “the idea of going to work never knowing what to expect” is what drew Maurizio to his profession; the sense of excitement and adrenaline rush were incomparable. Another motivator was the inextricable sense of pride linked to being a firefighter. “With every day comes the possibility of saving someone’s life. It’s a pretty nice feeling,” says Maurizio with a humble smile. Ten years ago, moved by an inner struggle with his identity, Maurizio decided to return to Milan to work as a paramedic for the San Carlo Hospital. “It was hard growing up and moving around as much as we did,” says Maurizio. Like many immigrants, his childhood was spent searching for a certain sense of belonging. Back in Canada, he no longer felt torn between his two homes. “My roots, my first language, are Italian and I’ve always felt very Italian” he declares proudly, “but I’m also very happy to be here.” His ties to the Bel Paese remain, yet it is in Canada that he decided to start a family. Maurizio now shares a seven year old son, Cole and two stepchildren, Aaron (17) and Hunter (14), with his wife Jennifer. Reflecting on the links between Maurizio and his father Alberto, it would be natural to wonder how his son Cole, regards his father’s career. “He’s pretty interested in what I do. He’s at the age where he worries, and doesn’t like my job too much,” states Maurizio. “It would be hypocritical of me to say I wouldn’t allow my son to become a firefighter, but it would be difficult knowing the danger involved.” If Cole’s current curiosity ever did grow to a point where he decided to follow the same path, he would certainly have an excellent instructor and teacher. Maurizio also teaches First Aid and a Rapid Intervention Team (RIT) course to “train firefighters how to locate and save other firefighters during emergency situations,” he explains. This highly specialized
Photographer: Giulio Muratori
training is actually mostly done on the scene of a fire and has only been practiced in Canada in the last few years. In addition to teaching within the fire department, he also volunteers his time educating youth on fire safety. As fulfilling as his job may be, Maurizio has also naturally been witness to much hurt and suffering. “It’s not always the most gruesome situation that affects you the most,” he confesses, “when you internalize it, and see something you can relate to, those [moments] are the hardest. Sometimes you just have to do your job and not think twice.” The human element can be
the most distracting on a call, and the discipline needed to detach oneself from certain situations is something most would take for granted. At the end of the day, people like Maurizio have made a conscious decision to selflessly serve their community, regardless of the potentially lifethreatening consequences. For this, society owes them a great debt. “We may be seen as heroes, but we don’t feel that way,” he remarks. The humble firefighter simply relishes the privilege of making a difference in people’s lives – and Toronto’s a safer place because of it. v
Cover Story
Scherzare col fuoco Maurizio Cavagna Bianca Martella
Maurizio Cavagna, come molti di noi, è frutto delle proprie radici. Sebbene non avesse la precisa intenzione di riprodurre la vita di suo padre, i due hanno molto in comune. “Non so se è un collegamento genetico, ma sembra che le nostre personalità ci abbiamo condotto a scelte simili” ammette. iglio di Rosanna Alexiadis e di Alberto Cavagna, Maurizio è nato a Milano nel 1968 ed è emigrato in Canada nel 1977 all’età di 9 anni, dopo aver vissuto per un breve periodo in Spagna e in Grecia. Come suo padre, Maurizio ha lavorato come bagnino e istruttore di nuoto per poi intraprendere i suoi studi universitari in Educazione Fisica. La sua decisione di diventare un vigile del fuoco potrebbe senz’altro essere ricondotta al percorso di suo padre. Invece di prestare servizio militare, come gli italiani erano un tempo obbligati a fare, Alberto aveva optato per il servizio civile, scegliendo, per ben due anni, l’attività di vigile del fuoco. Ancora ragazzo, “l’idea di andare a lavoro senza sapere cosa ti aspetta” è ciò che ha spinto Maurizio a intraprendere questa carriera; l’emozione e il senso di adrenalina sono impareggiabili. Un altro fattore era anche l’orgoglio inestricabilmente legato all’essere un vigile del fuoco. “Ogni giorno c’è la possibilità di salvare la vita di qualcuno. È davvero una bella sensazione” dice Maurizio con un modesto sorriso. Dieci anni fa, mosso da un conflitto interiore con la sua identità, Maurizio ha deciso di ritornare a Milano per lavorare come paramedico presso l’ospedale San Carlo. “È stato difficile crescere viaggiando costantemente”, dice Maurizio. Come molti emigrati, ha trascorso la propria infanzia alla ricerca di quel particolare senso di appartenenza. Una volta tornato in Canada, quella sensazione di essere diviso tra due patrie non è più riemersa. “Le mie radici, la mia lingua materna, sono italiane” dichiara con orgoglio, “ma sono anche molto felice di essere qui”. Pur mantenendo i suoi legami con il Bel Paese, è in Canada che ha deciso di formare la sua famiglia. Oggi, Maurizio vive con sua moglie Jennifer, con la quale ha un figlio, Cole, di 7 anni, e con i figli di Jennifer, Aaron (17) e Hunter (14). Considerando la relazione che accomuna Maurizio e suo padre Alberto, è naturale chiedersi quale sia l’atteggiamento di suo figlio Cole verso la professione del padre. “È piuttosto interessato a quello che faccio. Ha raggiunto un’età in cui inizia a preoccuparsi e non è troppo contento del mio lavoro” confessa Maurizio. “Sarebbe ipocrita da parte mia non permettere che mio figlio diventi un vigile del fuoco, ma sarebbe anche difficile conoscendo i rischi che comporta”. Se l’attuale curiosità di Cole crescesse al punto tale da decidere di seguire lo stesso percorso, avrebbe senza dubbio un maestro e istruttore eccellente. Maurizio è anche insegnante di Pronto Soccorso e di un programma chiamato RIT – Rapid Intervention Team ( squadra di intervento rapido) per “addestrare i vigili del fuoco a localizzare e salvare i propri colleghi in situazioni di emergenza” spiega. Questo training specializzato viene spesso eseguito sui luoghi di intervento ed è stato introdotto in Canada solo recentemente. Per quanto sia gratificante la sua professione, Maurizio è certamente testimone di scene di dolore e sofferenza. “Non è sempre la situazione più spaventosa a colpirti” ammette “ma quando la interiorizzi e trovi degli elementi a cui relazionarti, quelli sono i momenti più difficili. A volte, devi semplicemente fare il tuo lavoro e non pensare due volte”. Il fattore umano può essere di forte distrazione sul luogo di intervento e la disciplina necessaria per distaccarsi da tali tipi di situazione è spesso data per scontata da molti. Alla fine, persone come Maurizio hanno consapevolmente preso la decisione di servire la propria comunità senza compromessi, a prescindere dalle possibili conseguenze pericolose. Questa è la ragione per la quale la società è loro grande debitrice. “Possiamo apparire degli eroi, ma non sentiamo di essere tali” sottolinea. Questo umile vigile del fuoco apprezza semplicemente il privilegio di poter fare la differenza nella vita delle persone – e proprio per questo, Toronto è una città migliore. v
o nni versario Italia 150 A
Italy (1870-1919): From Rome as Capital to the Capture of Fiume By Filippo Salvatore
Part 2 of 4
March 17, 2011 marked the 150th anniversary of the Unification of Italy. With Giuseppe Garibaldi’s Spedizione dei Mille in Sicily and Southern Italy in 1860 and the annexation of the regions of Central Italy through plebiscites, Vittorio Emanuele II di Savoia, King of Piedmont, became the first king of Italy. However, in 1861 the unification of the peninsula had yet to be completed: Veneto would become part of the Italian State in 1866, Rome in 1870, and the territories of Trentino Alto Adige and Venezia Giulia (Friuli, Istria and Dalmatia) only in 1919. “Since we have been united, we have never been so divided”: this sentence summarises the issues the new Kingdom of Italy came to face. Massimo D’Azeglio uttered another sentence that became famous: “We made Italy, now we must make the Italians.”
Agostino Depretis
Francesco Crispi
Giovanni Giolitti
Vittorio Emanuele III
Gen. Armando Diaz
Gabriele D’Annunzio
common people’s diet. Protectionism sets the ground and favours the industrial development in Northern Italy. 1882: In foreign policy, the most important initiative is Italy’s entry into the Triple Alliance with Austria and Germany. The treaty is renewed every five years until 1912. It guarantees territorial concessions (Trento and Trieste are still dominated by the Austrians) in case of Austrian territorial expansions in the Balkans.
The Age of Francesco Crispi (1887-1896) Immigrants in the port of Genoa – 1910
rom 1870, the year Rome became capital to 1918, the end of the World War I, the eight pre-unitarian States must learn to coexist, find a new and common identity, speak the same language, standard Italian, and see parliamentarians sitting in the Senate or Chamber of Deputies as their legitimate representatives. In 1861, only 2% of the population, males at least 25 years of age who were able to read and write and owned property, were entitled to vote. At the time of unification, over 60% of Italians were illiterate. At the end of Giovanni Giolitti’s last government in 1920, over 25% were allowed to vote. In the second half of the nineteenth century, and in the first years of the twentieth, Italy was nicknamed derogatorily as “l’Italietta” and in truth it was in part a state with great ambitions but unable to act as a great nation. Between 1870 and 1919, millions of Italians were forced to emigrate to Europe and the Americas. Here is a chronology of the events that marked the young Italian State from 1870 to 1919.
The ministries of Agostino Depretis 1876: Parliamentary revolution. Liberal centre-right governments come to an end. They are replaced by left leaning ones. Lombard Agostino Depretis and Sicilian Francesco Crispi are the most representative figures of the ‘sinistra storica’ and are in charge of the political life. Umberto I becomes the new king of Italy at the death of his father Vittorio Emanuele II (1878-1900). Depretis is the inventor of trasformismo: the capacity to gain support of all political forces in Parliament, by giving the impression of introducing reforms, without affecting the privileges of the industrial bourgeoisie in the North and landowners in the South. 1882: Depretis introduces electoral reform. He lowers to 21 years, the age to have the right to vote and reduces from 40 to 20 liras of annual taxation the required proof of property. 1887: Depretis pursues protectionist policies and introduces stiff custom duties in the textile, steel and building industries. Taxes are imposed on the import of cereals, resulting in the increasing cost of bread and pasta, basic staples in
FIAT factory – 1903
1887: Francesco Crispi, ex Mazzinian, succeeds Depretis following his death. 1888: Crispi reinforces the executive power and obtains the approval for reform of the administrative system. He widens the right to vote, makes sure that the mayors of the main municipalities elected and not appointed and reinforces the prefects’ control on local administrations. 1888: Approval of the health code and first adjustment of public health care. 1888: Trade war with France on the issue of duties for farm products. 1890: Reform of the charities policy: the anticlericalism of the State becomes stronger and the purchase and seizure of church property is encouraged. A New Criminal Code abolishes the death penalty and grants the right to strike, while preserving public safety and public order comes into force. 1892: The Crispi years correspond to the rising of the labour movement and of socialism. The Italian Workers Party is founded at the Congress of Genoa in August and in 1895, it is renamed the Italian Socialist Party. 1891-1894: Social conflicts increase. In 1893, the uprisings of Lunigiana break out and between 1891-1894 the Fasci Siciliani request the division of usurped state properties and of large landed estates. Crispi unmercifully suppresses these insurgences. 1895: The government of Francesco Crispi falls for reasons related to foreign policy. Italian colonialism begins in 1882. The government obtains the Assab Bay on the Red Sea from the Rubattino shipping company and in 1885 Italy occupies Massawa in Eritrea. In 1887, a contingent of 500 Italian soldiers is exterminated by the Ethiopians of Menelik in Dogali. In the Treaty of Ucciale, Italy is granted possession of the Eritrean colony.
Moti di Milano 1895
1895: Italy enters Ethiopia and annexes the Tigre. In the Adwa basin, Ethiopians defeat the Italians on March 1, 1896: The fallout of the defeat forces Crispi, an old man by then, to resign on March 5, 1896. 1898: The cost of bread increases. Riots break out in several areas of the country, especially in Milan (May 6 to 9). Upon the order of the Prime Minister Antonio Rudini, General Fiorenzo Bava Beccaris brutally suppresses the riots that cause one hundred deaths. Socialist and catholic organizations are dissolved and many leaders are arrested (Socialist leader Filippo Turati and the priest Davide Albertario). 1900-1901: The liberal moderate Giuseppe Saracco succeeds the conservative Luigi Pelloux (1898-1900) and
Attempt on Umberto I in Monza – 1900
takes a more conciliatory attitude towards the right of political activities and extends the freedom of the press. 1900: On July 29, King Umberto I is assassinated in Monza by the anarchist Gaetano Bresci. His son Vittorio Emanuele III (1900-1946) succeeds him.
The Giolittian Age (1900-1914) 1911: Italy declares war on Turkey to take possession of Tripolitania and Cyrenaica (later renamed Libya.) Military operations are also extended to the Aegean Sea where Italy occupies Rhodes Island and the Dodecanese archipelago. The First Treaty of Lausanne (1912) recognizes Italian sovereignty over Libya and the Dodecanese Islands. 1900-1914: Giovanni Giolitti’s personality dominates Italian politics from the beginning of the twentieth century until March of 1914. Giolitti consolidates the liberal functioning of the State. He recognizes the right to form unions as well as the right to strike. Giolitti introduces important reforms at a social level, such as mandatory insurance for work injuries; sets to 12 the maximum numbers of hours to work daily; the minimum age to start working is increased to 12; the nationalization of the telephone (1903) and railways (1905); the municipalisation of transportation, the distribution of gas, water and electricity; the State institution of life insurance (1912). The State also pays the cost for mandatory elementary education in 1911. 1912: Giolitti obtains the approval for male universal suffrage, which raises the number of voters to more than 8 million (25.5% of population). Universal suffrage mainly benefits socialists and Catholics. The election results of 1913 prevent the creation of fluid majorities, a trait of Giolitti’s style in exercising political power till then. He is forced to resign.
o nni versario Italia 150 A
1917: Tenth and eleventh battle on the Isonzo River. The Austrians and the Germans attack the Italians by surprise and enter in Cividale and Caporetto (twelfth battle on the Isonzo). Italian troops withdraw to the Piave River and Monte Grappa. General Cadorna is replaced on November 8 with Armando Diaz, who becomes the new Commander–in-Chief. 1918: The last year of war. Thanks to equipment and weapons provided by the new American ally, the Italian troops manage to resist on Piave and between October 24 and 30 start the counter-offensive and win the battle of Vittorio Veneto. On November 3, Austria signs the Armistice of Villa Giusti, near Padua, with Italy. Italians obtain Trento, Trieste and Gorizia.
Italian colonies in Central Africa
Map of Fiume and Venezia Giulia – 1919
1896-1913: Economy and society in the Giolittian Age: The years of the Italy’s industrial development, mostly in the Northern triangle of Milan, Turin and Genoa. The Questione Meridionale worsens and emigration in 1910 reaches an historical record. Strikes increase, especially in the Pianura Padana. Those of 1904, 1907 and the ‘settimana rossa’ (June 7-14) are most famous. The ideological difference becomes more radical: the maximalist socialists on one side, and nationalists, promoters of a strong State, on the other. The bourgeoisie depicts Giolitti in the daily Corriere della Sera as being irresolute and accuses him of lacking great projects and ideals.
The Big Four at the conference in Versailles – 1919: Orlando, Lloyd George, Clémenceau, Wilson
1914-1918: Italy and World War I 1911 – Libya becomes Italian
Attack of the Austrian army at Caporetto - 1917
A soldier’s life in the trench on the Carso – 1917
Retreat on the Piave after the defeat of Caporetto – 1917
1914: On June 28, 1914 Archduke of Austria Francis Ferdinand and his wife are murdered in Sarajevo by a Serbian irredentist. This act of regicide is the spark for the fire that leads to the declaration of World War I. In reality, the true reasons can be attributed to the imperialistic and economic conflict between Germany and England. Germany was entering South-Eastern Europe and the Ottoman Empire for commercial and economical purposes. The creation of a German hegemony in Balkan Europe was intimidating France and Russia and threatening British interests in the Middle East. Furthermore, France was aiming to reacquire ownership of the Alsace-Lorraine territories from Germany, lost in 1870. The decline of Turkish influence in the Balkans encourages the rivalry between Austria and Russia, which acts to protect the Slavs. Serbian irredentism emerges encouraging revenge against Austria. July 23, 1914: Austria issues an ultimatum to Serbia and five days later war is declared. On August 1, Germany declares war to Russia and France and allies itself with Austria. On August 3, England goes to war on the side of France and Russia. 1914: Italy, still an ally of Austria and Germany, declares its neutrality on August 3. Such declaration provokes heated protests among the interventists, led by the nationalists. Giolitti’s liberals, the socialists and the Catholics, instead, prefer to remain neutral. 1915: The new government of Antonio Salandra opens negotiations with the Entente and signs the Treaty of London on April 26, 1915. By becoming an ally of England, France and Russia, Italy would obtain the unredeemed territories of Trento and Trieste, Istria, Dalmatia, the Albanian port of Valona (already occupied in 1914) and some colonies in Africa. May 24, 1915: Italy exits the Triple Alliance and declares war on Austria and Germany on August 29. The leader of the Italian army is General Luigi Cadorna who concentrates the operations on the Carso (Karst), the South East line. 1916: Four battles are fought on the Isonzo River. Italian troops are unable to break the Austrian defence. The war of movement turns into deadly trench warfare.
Gabriele D’Annunzio speaks to his legionnaires in Fiume – 1920
1919: The Paris Peace Treaty. The representatives of the winning countries, Lloyd George for England, Clémenceau for France, Wilson for United States and Orlando for Italy, meet in Paris. President Wilson criticizes the Italian land claims on Dalmatia and the Balkans. With the Treaty of Versailles a new state is born, Yugoslavia, and the League of Nations is founded to guarantee people’s safety without the use of weapons.
The Fiume question in 1919 - Gabriele D’Annunzio’s role 1919-1920: Disappointment for the missed opportunity to expand in the Balkans and in Africa is strong in Italy. The nationalists define the outcome of WWI as a “mutilated victory”, a victory that caused the death of over 600,000 soldiers. On September 12, 1919, Gabriele D’Annunzio, as a protest against the decisions taken at Versailles leads his volunteer legionnaires and occupies the Dalmatian city of Fiume and declares it a free Italian city. Fiume becomes Italian only in 1924. With the Treaty of Rome, Italy renounces Dalmatia, except for the city of Zara, in favour of Yugoslavia. v
Fiume is Italian – 1919 Second insert on the History of Italy
Li fe &People
The Letter
By Tony Zara
The year was 1994. My wife Angela and I decided that the time had come to take our two boys, Adam and Anthony, then 8 and 6 years old, to Italy. After all, I was 8 years old when we immigrated to Canada.
n 1962, my parents Adamo and Giulia, my little brother Peter and I boarded that great ship "The Vulcania" in the port of Naples and set off for our biggest adventure. Now, 32 years later, we organized this trip to Italy not only to get more of Italy (my wife and I had been back 3 times before this one but we never seem to get enough!) but also to introduce our children to their roots. This is THE trip. You know that trip that many of you made to retrace the steps of your youth. The trip where you showed your kids where you came from, where you were born, where you lived and played, and where you showed them what your front door actually looked like…This vacation exceeded all of our expectations. We had a wonderful time. We did all the things you would expect to do on such a trip. We visited with most of our extended family, we went from table to table… One evening, four weeks into our 6-week vacation, we ran into an old friend. We had spent a lot of time with him on our last trip to Italy. He was surprised to see us again and seemed disappointed that we had not let him know sooner that we were in the
country. He immediately invited us to a party he was throwing at his country place the following day. At the party, Angela and I were mingling and introducing ourselves to the other guests when suddenly I felt a tap on my shoulder. This stranger got my attention, introduced himself and asked me if I was that little boy he had been best friends with over 3 decades earlier. I stared at him for a moment but, I confessed, did not remember him at all. He was astonished that I had forgotten. He then proceeded to recount specific details from my youth in Italy such as where I lived, the colour of my bicycle, etc. to the point that I could no longer doubt him. For the remainder of our vacation, we spent most of our time with him and his family. After returning to Montreal, we kept in touch and we even went on a Caribbean vacation together with our wives. I must confess though, that during all this time I still did not remember him as a child in Italy. In 1997, he gave me a call to let me know that he and his wife would be coming to Montreal to attend a wedding. They would be arriving at the airport very late but he would truly appreciate it if I could pick them up so that we could spend some time together, albeit not much, before going to his relative’s home. Of course, I was glad to oblige.
Naturally, Angela greeted them with a little "spuntino" even though it was 1 o’clock in the morning by the time we got back to my house. While we were enjoying a bite and a drink together, I got up from the table for a second. When I returned, there was and old AIR MAIL letter under my plate. Intrigued, I took it, examined it, and began to open it. Suddenly, an overwhelming rush of emotions came over me. This was no ordinary letter. As I read through it, I could not hold back the tears…I cried uncontrollably. I had written this letter to my best friend shortly after moving to Canada. Yes, my beloved old friend had kept it all these years and had proven beyond the shadow of a doubt that he had indeed been an important part of my life all those years ago. v Want to share a similar story? Scan and send us your old letters and they may be published.
Li fe &People
La Lettera
Correva l’anno 1994. Era arrivato il momento, per me e mia moglie Angela, di portare in Italia i nostri ragazzi, Adam e Anthony, allora di 8 e 6 anni. Dopo tutto, io stesso avevo 8 anni quando sono emigrato in Canada.
ro salpato nel 1962 dal porto di Napoli con i miei genitori, Adamo e Giulia e con il mio fratellino Peter, a bordo della gigantesca “Vulcania” verso la mia più grande avventura. A distanza di 32 anni, un viaggio in Italia non era solo una scusa per tornare (io e mia moglie eravamo ritornati già 3 volte, ma non sembra essere mai abbastanza), ma era anche l’occasione per avvicinare i nostri figli alle proprie origini. Quello era IL viaggio. Uno di quei viaggi che molti intraprendono per ripercorrere i momenti della propria gioventù. Quel viaggio in cui mostriamo ai nostri figli da dove proveniamo, dove siamo nati, dove abbiamo vissuto e giocato, e in cui mostriamo persino il nostro vecchio portone di casa... La vacanza è stata incredibile e ha superato ogni aspettativa. Abbiamo fatto tutto ciò che si può fare in un viaggio simile, visitare quasi tutti i nostri parenti, cenare con ciascuno di loro... Una sera, alla quarta delle nostre sei settimane di soggiorno, ho incontrato un vecchio amico. Avevamo trascorso con lui la maggior parte del nostro
ultimo viaggio in Italia. Sembrava sorpreso di rivederci e piuttosto risentito del fatto che non l’avessimo avvisato in tempo del nostro arrivo. Non ha quindi esitato ad invitarci alla festa nella sua casa di campagna il giorno successivo. Mentre io e Angela cercavamo di ambientarci e di fare conoscenza con gli altri ospiti della serata, ho sentito improvvisamente un colpetto sulla spalla. Incuriosito dalla mia presenza, quello sconosciuto si è presentato chiedendomi se fossi quel ragazzino che oltre trent’anni fa era il suo migliore amico. L’ho osservato per un istante, confessandogli di non ricordarmi di lui. Sorpreso dalla mia reazione, egli ha proseguito fornendomi dettagli precisi sulla mia infanzia in Italia, dove avevo vissuto, persino il colore della mia bicicletta, al punto da non poter dubitare delle sue parole. Abbiamo trascorso il resto della vacanza insieme a lui e alla sua famiglia. Una volta ritornati a Montreal, siamo rimasti in contatto e siamo anche andati in vacanza ai Caraibi con le nostre rispettive mogli, pur non ricordandomi ancora completamente di lui. Nel 1997, mi ha telefonato per dirmi che sarebbe venuto a Montreal con sua moglie per un matrimonio. Atterrati all’aeroporto con grande ritardo, non potevano che ringraziarmi per essermi reso disponibile a prenderli per passare del tempo insieme prima che raggiungessero i loro parenti. Angela, come di consueto, li ha accolti con un piccolo “spuntino” nonostante, a causa del lungo tragitto, fosse ormai l’una di notte. Tra un boccone e
un bicchierino mi sono allontanato per un istante e al mio ritorno, c’era una lettera sotto il mio piatto. Incuriosito, l’ho presa, l’ho esaminata e ho iniziato ad aprirla. All’improvviso, un’onda di emozioni mi ha travolto. Mentre leggevo, non riuscivo a trattenere le lacrime...un pianto incontenibile! Avevo scritto questa lettera al mio miglior amico subito dopo essermi trasferito in Canada. Ebbene, il mio caro amico l’aveva conservata per tutti quegli anni provando senza ombra di dubbio di avere avuto davvero un ruolo importante nella mia vita. v Avete una storia simile da raccontare? Inviateci una copia scannerizzata delle vostre vecchie lettere e pubblicheremo le migliori.
Li fe &People
Paesano Economics 101
By Sabrina Marandola Illustrations By David Ferreira
A wave of Italians immigrated to Canada after World War Two, many with just the clothes on their backs, and a few dollars in their pocket. Our parents and grandparents didn’t have MBAs or study economics, yet they managed to save up their earnings, and buy those two-kitchen homes filled with rooms we dare not enter, and sticky, squeaky plastic-covered furniture. oday, a family often has two bread-winners, and yet it still seems to be a struggle and giant stressor to pay those bills every month. So just how did our nonni and parents do it? Let’s explore Paesano Economics 101. Was there a commonality when it came to how Italian immigrants invested their money? “First-generation Italian immigrants accumulated wealth by saving, saving, saving and buying real estate,” says Alessandro Commodari, an investment advisor and partner at the Commodari Antinori Group of BMO Nesbitt Burns Ltd. “Typically, when they got to Montreal via Halifax, they would live with a relative (or with someone from their own paese) who had preceded them to Canada. Often, at this stage they rented accommodation. Once they had saved enough, they would make a down payment on a house – usually a duplex or triplex. They would live in one unit and rent out the others. This way, through rental income and continued saving, they would pay off the property.” Commodari says our parents also adopted the same philosophy when it came to managing money: “Frugality! Spend much less than you earn!” he says. Now, this philosophy is paying off – literally – for the next generation. “The new generation is reaping the rewards of their parents’ mentality,” Commodari says. “They have a great head-start. Often the parents have provided the seed money for the down payment for a home – often a very nice home. Furthermore, over the coming years, there will be a substantial transfer of wealth from parents to children.” But Commodari says the new generation cannot invest in the same manner their parents did. “They will have to follow a different investment approach,” he says. “It’s unlikely that an investment approach based on term deposits, GICs and real estate will yield the same success.” Let’s face it, savings accounts no longer yield the high interest rate returns they once did decades ago. But still Commodari says we can learn a few things from the Italian immigrants’ money philosophy. “Our parents’ money mentality often has timeless advice,” he says.v
Here is some timeless advice from parents and grandparents who came to Canada from Il Bel Paese: SAVE FOR A RAINY DAY Young people today max out their credit cards, and live off credit. Job security these days is not what it used to be. You can lose your job from one day to the next. Save money from each paycheque, and do not live beyond your means. (Antonietta Mignacca, 59) CASH IS KING Don't use credit cards and debit cards, and live solely on cash. Don't spend more than you make. Buy only things that you can afford, and put 10% of your paycheque in the bank for savings. (Antonio Fuoco, 60) PLAN FOR THE FUTURE Today's generation doesn't know how to save because there are too many temptations (vacations, cars, gadgets), so they forget to save for a rainy day. They think that they can put everything on their credit card and they'll just pay it later. They should save their money and invest it wisely. They should plan for their future, including retirement. (Maria Vaccaro, 56)
TRIM THE FAT 1. Eat out less, and make it a point to cook and eat at home more often. Besides, there is nothing better than a home-cooked meal. And that doesn't mean never going out to a restaurant, but do so in moderation. 2. Take advantage of the specials in the stores, using coupons and stocking up on stuff when it's on sale. 3. Be aware of electricity consumption: wash clothes at night, and have the dishwasher running at night. 4. Go to various stores to make sure that you're getting a good deal. For example, a shirt you like may cost less at another store. 5. Eat leftovers and do not immediately throw things in the garbage. 6. Have a fixed amount of money from every paycheque to set aside in a savings account, and that money must not be touched. (Filomena Di Tiello, 64) MAKE PRIORITIES It's all about priorities. When we were younger, the priority was a house or a car...big things. Cell phones and gadgets were not important to us, as they are to young people today. If we couldn't afford to go to a restaurant, we wouldn't go. We didn't go to every concert that came to town or buy the latest fashion craze. Think twice about the way you want to spend your money. You have to think about the future now, even though it might seem far away. (Gorizia Petrone, 64)
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We’ve all heard the “You know you are Italian when…” jokes. • when you have two kitchens. • when you have plastic-covered furniture. • when you have a living room and dining room you are not allowed to use.
Photograper: Giulio Muratori Location: courtesy of Teresa Mercurio at L'Espresso Mercurio
Li fe &People - Future Leaders
“The only way to lead is to be involved” By Viviana Laperchia
Chairman of the Organizing Committee of "Inspire 2011", part-time teacher of Marketing Management and Principles of Marketing at Rotman (University of Toronto) and Managing Partner at SLV International, Luciano Volpe did not know that he was meant to be a future leader. confident motivational speaker, Luciano organizes the Alumni Speaker Series at St. Michael’s College every year, where Grade 11 students have the unique opportunity to meet with 12 alumni and be inspired by their success stories. Last January, when CEO of Chrysler Group & FIAT Sergio Marchionne accepted to be the Key Note speaker, Luciano realized the potential of the event and the necessity to export the initiative outside the academic walls. The purpose of his project, later named ‘Inspire’ was for Italian-Canadian role models to motivate youth within (and outside) the community, creating a program to generate ideas and tighten the connection with our roots. The response to his proposal was tremendous and unexpected. “When I asked my friends to help me, they accepted almost immediately. I realized I was not alone. Even when I approached guest speakers like Rick Campanelli, he was very excited.” Luciano believes in the power of his generation and aims to invest in the preservation of our culture. His parents Giuseppe Volpe and Mirella De Perisisi have always encouraged him to speak Italian, contributing to the development of his enviable linguistic skills. Indeed, his undergraduate courses in Italian linguistics, poetry and translation were the perfect launching pad for his future career in business. “I wanted a better understanding of the world I was about to embrace and I decided to do an International MBA in Milan, but once there, I had a culture shock. My thinking had to be Italian and I had a difficult time making friends with Italian students.”
Coming back to Canada with his Italian baggage meant a definitive change for Luciano. “Getting off the bus, standing in front of the Vary Hall at York University,” Luciano recalls, “I realized my experience was unforgettable and I needed to build on that.” His natural predisposition for public speaking, not only moved Luciano to choose a career in the trades where language is a key element, but also urged him to share his life experience with younger students. When he started to teach in 2004 at York University, he immediately embraced his new mandate to influence and guide his students in their career decisions. “I found that a way to coach and guide them was through my mistakes,” he comments. Luciano was able to use his experience and past errors as a teaching tool, but his ambitions extended beyond the academic field. Luciano witnessed a natural turnover of the leadership of the new generation of Italian-Canadians. Where his parents’ generation had once been able to bring the community from rags to success in many industries in a short period of time, today’s generation seemed to be lacking that same drive to create and innovate. “My generation has always relied on the old generation but we don’t yet fully understand that we will be carrying the torch very soon. The only way to lead is to be involved and I want to be part of this process,” he says. Just like his parents, Luciano and his wife Sandra also encourage their sons Gianluca and Stefano to speak Italian in their everyday activities. In a context where English will always win, Luciano learnt that language is essential to maintaining the legacy of a culture. In business as in life, he says, communication leads to idea generation, but it is his passion for the Italian language that prompted Luciano Volpe to carve out a leading role for the future of our youth. v
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Joe Finamore:
The man who steered Vancouver’s Italian Cultural Centre into the 21st century
By Anna Foschi Ciampolini
In 1977, the official opening of the handsome building housing the Italian Cultural Centre in Vancouver was an epoch-making moment for the local Italian community, an exhilarating experience in which the community’s deep emotions, past tensions and fervent hopes all came together in a cathartic euphoria.
he early Italian settlers arrived at the beginning of the 20th century but most of the Italians who made Vancouver their home came during the mass migration of the 1950s and 60s. By then, the over forty-thousand strong community needed a place to meet, socialize and keep their language and traditions alive. Enter the newly built Italian Centre, a true embodiment of their hopes and dreams. With the passing of the years, a younger generation of Directors and managers joined in and gradually took the place of many of the Centre’s aging founders. Joe Finamore, the Centre’s current President, comes from a family who was always actively involved with the Centre: his father, Rinaldo, served as Board Treasurer for many years. Born in Vancouver to parents who had emigrated from Bagnoli del Trigno in Molise, he graduated from Windermere Secondary High School and obtained a Bachelor Degree in Business Administration from Simon Fraser University. In the 1980s, he founded OGGI, an organization where young, second-generation Italian Canadians could explore new, creative directions for cultural and family-oriented activities. His dynamic approach, professional competence and friendly, unassuming demeanour soon gained him a deep respect. From 1999 to 2001, he served as the Centre’s President, and was then re-elected unanimously from 2003 to 2011. Many credit him for smoothly guiding the Centre through a transition and helping it to become an organization in step with the times. After eleven years of service in a very demanding position, Joe Finamore has decided not to run for President. He will however continue to contribute his experience and insight for the Centre’s growth.
When did you start your involvement with the ICCS? In 1985, as the Founding President of the Italian Cultural Centre’s Young Adults Club – OGGI.
What has the experience of being at the helm of ICCS for eleven years meant to you? It was a tremendously rewarding experience. To have the trust and respect of the membership from the first days to the present has meant a great deal to me. I was able to bring valuable people onto the Board that made working together toward common goals very enjoyable and in the end, to great satisfaction. The experience of being ICCS President is a unique, empowering experience that I will always treasure even though the high level of responsibility and expectation can present a tremendous burden. In my time as President, my life has been incredibly enriched by many great community experiences, and along the way I befriended several high level government leaders, community personalities, and just in general, made many great friends.
What were the major challenges you faced? The major challenges were to reinvigorate the culture and outlook of the organization that had grown rather stale and dated by the late 90s. We needed to find solutions to the problems in the organizational structure and the financial difficulties that we were faced with. Specific challenges in my first couple of years were the changes we made in management and the closure of the daycare.
What were the most important accomplishments? The breaking down of the management structure into specialized positions: Cultural Director, Business Manager, and Catering Manager. As an organization we functioned far better after establishing capable, enthusiastic people to these positions. Also, transforming the ICC into an educational centre, and successfully rezoning the site to permit a full-time elementary school. This permitted the ICC to lease and partner with Stratford Hall School. We were also able
to expand the ICC Italian Language School and establish the ICC as the only school entity in BC recognized by the Italian Government by absorbing the CASI School that had operated at locations throughout Greater Vancouver. Another successful accomplishment was the $2 Million renovation of the ICC Ballroom and state-of-the-art kitchen, combined with the development of a high quality catering service. This was necessary to improve competitiveness and to help fund our cultural activities and maintain our facilities. Other triumphs included the creation of the Italian-Canadian Museum of BC “Il Museo,” to capture the history of our people and to offer an enhanced exhibit space for artists from our community and beyond; the creation of a new library and Italian resource centre “La Biblioteca” that includes a Children’s’ Corner; and lastly the securing of a new school partner Westside Montessori Academy that uniquely features daily Italian instruction from pre-school through each successive grade.
What are the three most important issues for the future of the ICCS? Firstly, the successions of the Board members – finding leaders that are willing to take on the responsibility and development of the most important Italian cultural entity in Western Canada. Secondly, the sustainability and Growth of the ICC – finding financial resources to accomplish the strategic plans of the organization that will hopefully complete the “Italian Village” concept. This includes a multi-purpose gymnasium and fitness facility and a performing arts theatre. And lastly, to develop programs and activities that resonate with the community at all age levels. With our market audience bombarded with information from various media, it will be a challenge to reach them with the message of what the ICC has to offer. v
For more info:
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Nothing is Thicker than Blood By Bianca Martella
A battle with Thalassemia
Stefanie Polsinelli, Marketing and Communication Coordinator at Villa Charities is an attractive, confident, and successful woman. Looking at her, you could never tell that much of her life is spent between medication and blood transfusions. halassemia, also known as Mediterranean Anemia – from the geographical region that is mostly affected – is a genetic blood disorder that impedes the hemoglobin to produce healthy blood cells. Both of Stefanie’s parents, Angela and Ciro Polsinelli, were unaware of being carriers of Thalassemia, especially after having already had a healthy daughter, Kristina. Five months after Stefanie was born she was diagnosed with Thalassemia Major and underwent her first of a life-lasting series of blood transfusions. Every night, Stefanie performs a procedure that allows her to survive between one transfusion and another. She injects herself with a needle that remains inside her for ten to twelve hours, allowing the medication to slowly permeate her entire body. While Stefanie learned to deal with her disease at a very young age - “I try to schedule important meetings or events close to the dates of my blood transfusions,” she says “so that I can look and feel my best.” Her family was forced to drastically change lifestyle: “My parents were great,” she recalls, “they never made me feel like I was
different from any other kid, but it didn’t matter where we were, at 8 o’clock I needed to have my needle.” Moved by her daughter’s experience and by the lack of information she could find about the spreading of this disease in Canada, Angela Polsinelli, took on the large task of starting the first Thalassemia Foundation of Canada (TFC). Basing herself on her counterparts in New York, Ms Polsinelli was able to learn how to create a lasting and successful foundation in Canada. “All of the TFC’s members are volunteers, and the board of directors is made up of Thalassemia patients, while their parents take on roles in the ‘background’,” Angela explains. Very early on, Stefanie’s parents realized how little awareness there was in Canada about the disease, mostly because people are scared to share their experience. “Any disorder with blood is taboo,” says Angela. Stefanie’s parents exposed their daughter to the reality of the disease as a child. She would go to blood banks and personally thank people for donating their blood. She wanted to put a face to the people that so generously provided her with a part of themselves, and let
MAPEI restores the past and innovates for the future. MAPEI installation and restoration systems have been used to renovate architectural and archaeological treasures in all the regions of the world. Today, the world looks to MAPEI to produce the innovative products of the future that will grow the chemical and building industries.
them know that she was alive because of their gesture of love. Stefanie and Angela, who are currently very involved with the Foundation, both declare that learning more about the disease, enabling more research in order to find a cure, and spreading awareness, were and still are the main objective of the TFC. In particular, Stefanie stresses the importance of having oneself and his/her spouse tested for Thalassemia before thinking of having a child, in order to avoid the spread of the disease. Although Mediterranean Anemia is now less prevalent among Italian settlers in Canada, the Italian community continues to lend support and provide information on the Canadian Healthcare System to the new immigrants affected by the disease. Stefanie’s brave and dedicated role in this fight is a testament to her family’s unbridled devotion to her wellbeing. Only through family support and communication, along with the dedication of special people like Angela and Stefanie, can illness be defeated and hope restored. v Donate blood at and visit for more information.
Celebrating Italy’s
years of unification
La Scala Theatre Milan, Italy
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Italian-Canadians as Enemy Aliens By Daniele Bozzelli
June 10, 1940 marked a dark spot in Canadian history for ItalianCanadians. It was on that day that Italy declared war on England and France, countries that were Canadian allies. Almost immediately, Prime Minister Mackenzie King announced the detainment and internment of Italian-Canadians considered to be a threat to the safety of Canada. hey were assumed to be part of the Fascist regime and thus a threat to national security. Approximately 30,000 people, including women and children, were listed as 'enemy aliens' and about 700 out of 112,625 Italian-Canadians were interned in camps. Many of these were photographed, fingerprinted, and ordered to report monthly to the RCMP. On June 9, 2011, the stories of some of the survivors of this tragic experience were disclosed at the Columbus Centre, to mark the 71st anniversary of the event. Antonietta Maria Ciccarelli, now 96 years of age, remembers what happened to her exactly when Italy declared war on the Canadian allies. "I was working at the Post Office when the war was declared at 1:00pm. Within 15 minutes of the announcement I was taken down to the RCMP headquarters. I was to report back to the RCMP headquarters at least once every month for 5 years." When asked why Canadians were suspicious of her and on what reasonable
“After being detained it was hard to find a job anywhere. No one would hire me. Finally, I had to convince a Jewish man to give me a job stitching badges on army uniforms. At
first he wouldn't hire me. I told him that he didn't have to pay me if he didn't think I was doing good work. I worked very hard and eventually earned my spot. I didn't give up.�
grounds she was detained, she answered, "based on the grounds that I volunteered at Casa Italia, the current location of the Consulate General of Italy in Toronto. Casa Italia was a meeting point for Italians in Toronto. We would hang out and share stories. It was basically the gathering point of the Italian community, a sort of Little Italy." Canadian authorities believed that any Italian who frequented Casa Italia was a supporter of Italian fascism. She tried to explain that her brother was a Canadian soldier and that she was a loyal Canadian citizen, but that did not matter to the RCMP. She was now considered an 'enemy alien.' Antonietta had endured continued hardships that followed this experience. "After being detained it was hard to find a job anywhere. No one would hire me. Finally, I had to convince a Jewish man to give me a job stitching badges on army uniforms. At first he wouldn't hire me. I told him that he didn't have to pay me if he didn't think I was doing good work. I worked very hard and eventually earned my spot. I didn't give up."
Antonietta Maria Ciccarelli
Antonietta's story, as well as many others, is part of a new national project that aims to collect the personal memories of surviving Italian internees in Canada, their family members, and others also affected by the internment. "Our goal is to inform, sensitize, and share stories so that today's Italian-Canadian generation, especially the youth, can acknowledge, commemorate, and be educated about this episode of our Italian history in Canada," says Pal Di Iulio, President and CEO of Villa Charities and leader in this project's initiative. He continues by stating that, "It is not a question of wanting compensation for harm caused to our relatives and compatriots. That is not the point of this project. The point is that it is a worthwhile experience to remember and to know about." The final project release date is set for April 2012 and a group of dedicated researchers is working tirelessly to collect stories and materials from the internment experience. The evening of the 71st anniversary allowed for a sneak peek into the progress of the project. Video interviews of several former so-called 'enemy aliens' shared their stories of hardship. The project has received federal funding by the Community Historical Recognition Program and is still seeking contribution from volunteers. The life stories and experiences of the Italian-Canadian 'enemy aliens' must be preserved before they are lost. The purpose of oral interviews and an archival collection is to accurately demonstrate the impact of World War II on individuals and their families, and to understand today, in light of last June’s Italian Heritage Month in Ontario and within a general atmosphere of ethnic embrace, their struggles as Italians in Canada. v
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Roberto e Lucia Martella: Non si vive di solo pane By Dante Di Iulio
Running a successful restaurant is hard work. Raising four children in the city is very hard work. Running a successful restaurant and raising four children in the city – all under one roof? It’s just another day for Roberto and Lucia Martella, owners of grano, their home underneath their home for the past 25 years. rano” is the Italian word for grain. To the Martella’s, the simplest and most memorable meal begins with the most basic of ingredients and the cornerstone of the meal is bread. Their philosophy on food is that it is not just what you eat, but how you eat it. At grano, meals are meant to be shared among friends. The restaurant is well known for being a cultural piazza – not only is it known for its warm atmosphere and spectacular food and wine, grano also boasts its renowned Language & Linguine classes as well as the grano Speaker Series. Roberto and Lucia raised their children Bianca, 23, Luca, 22, Dante, 20, and Simona, 17, in their home, a 3,000 square foot apartment above the restaurant – a choice that the couple did not think would last long. However, they note that “As the family and business grew, we were all able to grow together.” Familial relations are an integral part of Italian culture, and much of grano’s success can be attributed to the fact that it’s a family enterprise. Twenty-five years ago, the Martella’s envisioned a piazza, where people could break bread and share ideas around the proverbial Italian table, and of course the Italian cuisine. Grano aimed to blend the Italy of their parents with the modern nation famous for la dolce vita. Roberto and Lucia are very much on the same page when it comes to everything: “We exchange articles, suggest ideas, have the same interests. It’s a give-and-take relationship.” Roberto works the room, with his affable and charming personality while Lucia commands the kitchen, influenced by her Pugliese background with a few references to the various other regions in Italy. Roberto notes how fickle the restaurant business can be, maintaining that the important thing is
upholding its original mission. Roberto looks to Mercedes-Benz, and how “you can look at a car from 2011 and a car from 1978 and see the lineage. The cars may look different but they are all manufactured with the same vision and mission, to provide quality.” Over the years, grano has expanded from one long laneway, into a six-room restaurant, with a private party room and a vicolo in the rear, reminding guests of a Roman courtyard. Roberto tells a tale of one of his friends, a chef, whose son, while being tucked into bed, told his lateworking father, “See you next Sunday.” Roberto and Lucia never wanted to be absentee parents, seeing their kids for a few hours a day, so they decided to create a balanced harmony. Raising four children in downtown Toronto is never easy but with the vibrant neighbourhood, schools and subways surrounding their restaurant/home, it became a match made in heaven. Of course, there were a few hiccups in the beginning. Lucia indicates that in the early years, Roberto had a difficult time separating church and state; inviting guests up to the house, entertaining and managing from the upstairs. Reaching that happy medium took a few years for the Martella’s but they were adamant about being around their children, making sure they were always able to have family
dinners. Like the restaurant below, the table is where all the memories were shared. As advocates of trilingualism, the Martella’s stressed learning French and Italian. They sent all of their children to French Immersion schools and took consistent trips to Italy, even hiring a Tuscan Mormon au pair who spoke no English to strengthen the kids’ Italian. Consequently, the kids never lost a passion for their culture, and whether one or all of them take over or Roberto and Lucia move out, it can be agreed that grano will remain an important cultural institution for Toronto’s Italian-Canadian community. Looking back after 25 years, it’s plain to see that grano has stayed true to its original mission: demonstrating to Toronto that “non si vive di solo pane.”v
Visit and you could win one of the following prizes: • Language & Linguine: 10 lessons at grano’s, 1.5 hour lessons, • 3 dinners and wine for (value of $250.00) • Italy Sends Its Best: a basket with Italian products (value of $250.00)
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Chiodo, la forza della
Con Sergio Marchionne, presidente di Fiat
Viviana Laperchia
Tra i nomi di spicco del Consiglio di amministrazione del Museo dell’Immigrazione Pier 21, c’è quello di un membro importante della nostra comunità. Ralph Chiodo, presidente di Active Green + Ross Tire & Automotive Centre, è molto più di un uomo d’affari. Emigrato ancora adolescente da Catanzaro, oggi il suo più grande successo è il suo impegno verso la comunità italiana di Toronto e con numerevoli organizzazioni di beneficenza e istituzioni, tra le quali, appunto, il Pier 21. Il festival multiculturale di Carassauga in Mississauga ospita anche quest’anno il padiglione italiano e Ralph Chiodo, che ha dato il suo nome a una sala del Museo Nazionale, tra vecchie fotografie e nella visibile atmosfera di festa, decide di celebrare con noi il suo viaggio e i suoi ricordi, affinché le generazioni future ne comprendano il valore.
Siamo circa 50-60 persone e quasi tutti vorrebbero pagare per fare volontriato al Pier 21! Con quali altre organizzazioni è attualmente impegnato? Sono molto coinvolto con il Leonardo Gambin, Villa Charities, Micba, il Consiglo di Amministratone del Trillium Health Centre e Costi. Recentemente, la nostra famiglia ha sponsorizzato il Raph Chiodo Family Centre al centro Costi. Sono centinaia le organizzazioni che continuamente favoriamo e sponsorizziamo. Qual è il suo messaggio per i giovani italo-canadesi?
Cosa significa la presenza del padiglione del Pier 21 al Festival di Carassauga? Carassauga è un’organizzazione che è in funzione a Mississauga da ben 26 anni e il padiglione è sempre stato gestito dal festival. Quest’anno sono il “chairman” di questa organizzazione e dato che il Pier 21 è vicino al mio cuore, così come il Trilluim Health Centre di Mississauga, i fondi di questo weekend verranno destinati a queste due organizzazioni da noi rappresentate. Come si è avvicinato al progetto del Museo dell’Immigrazione Pier 21? Sono sbarcato al Pier 21 nel marzo del ‘57. Ero un ragazzo di 14 anni senza nulla, con la famosa “cascetta di cartone” legata con lo spago, con mia mamma vedova, un fratello e una sorella. Quando sono arrivato ho visto quest’immensità di terra, ma c’è una storia che amo sempre raccontare a chi ha voglia di ascoltarla. Quel giorno, quando siamo sbarcati in quella grande sala, dopo il controllo del passaporto, un signore si è avvicinato e ha detto a mia madre: “signora, sarete sul treno per due giorni e due notti per arrivare a Toronto, e non ci sarà nulla da mangiare” e ci ha indicato un piccolo negozietto nel salone per comprare della carne in scatola e del pane bianco. Quest’uomo ha dato del denaro a mia madre per comprare del cibo e io non l’ho mai dimenticato. Oggi, quella sala ha il mio nome, Ralph and Rose Chiodo
Harbourside Gallery. Sono stato fino a qualche tempo fa membro del Consiglio di amministrazione. Ora che il Pier 21 è un Museo Nazionale, sono orgoglioso di partecipare e lo faccio con tutte le mie forze. La sala del Museo è anche dedicata a sua moglie Rose. Non solo a mia moglie, ma a tutta la mia famiglia. I miei figli Tony, Rita, Sabrina, aiutano tutti in questo progetto. Sono totalmente coinvolti e mio figlio Tony ha aiutato stasera a montare la cucina. Come si può comunicare l’esperienza di immigrazione affinché le nuove generazioni la ricordino? Per questo motivo ho coinvolto i miei figli e le mie nipotine. Lo scorso aprile le ho portate al Pier 21 per far vedere loro dove sono arrivati il nonno, la nonna e persino la bisonnna, nonna Giuditta Vespa! È stato un bellissimo viaggio per l’intera famiglia. Noi tutti continueremo a lavorare per mantenere questi ricordi e per far sì che anche quelli che non sono passati dal Pier 21, sappiano come è avvenuta l’immigrazione in questo paese. Si può diventare volontari per il Museo? Annualmente organizziamo una festa a Toronto, Welcome to Canada per il Pier 21; me ne occupo io con parecchi volontari presenti qui stasera, Gianni Ceschia, Flavio Capobianco, Joe Falcone e altri cari amici che fanno parte delle mie charities preferite.
Bisogna incoraggiare i genitori, i nonni e i bisnonni venuti dal Pier 21 o da Ellis Island a fare un viaggio insieme al museo. Una volta lì, la sensazione è qualcosa di indescrivibile, non posso spiegare le mie emozioni. Siamo partiti da così lontano, viaggiando per 15 giorni in mare senza sapere se e dove saremmo arrivati. Oggi siamo qui e stiamo bene, abbiamo lasciato un bellissimo paese, l’Italia, ma ne abbiamo trovato uno che è meraviglioso... v
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One More Day Dear Mom, “Shall I compare thee to a summer's day? Thou art more lovely and more temperate” - William Shakespeare, Sonnet 18
Your beauty and your class remind me of a summer's day. Your life cut short by the unexpected tide of nature. Even in the last days of your life, your tender ways and light hearted smile were always present. Your death did not conquer your life, however, for a candle of your life will forever burn in my heart and memories of you will guide me through life. If I had one more day with you, just one, what would I do? The first thing that I would do is give you a loving embrace, a kiss on the cheek, and start telling you about what has happened since you've been gone. You always enjoyed the simple things in life and we used to share that quality together. I would take you to grab an ice cream, or a café mocha, or Timbits, as we would regularly do, and just sit and talk. I would tell you about my graduation from university last year because I know you would have loved to be there. I would then tell you about my future aspirations, my hectic work and school schedule, and all my plans. I know that you would
My grandfather, Domenico Bianchi (Tata), was born on September 20, 1904 and passed away on February 3, 2000 at the age of 96. He was a wonderful person, inside and out. He loved to whistle and had a free spirited personality. He was always there to listen to you, especially at the end of your work day, and made sure you had a good one. I incredibly miss my grandfather and if I was granted one wish it would be to have grandparents in my life today. If I was granted that one more day, I would fill it with smiles and laughter, hoping that tomorrow would never come. I would not keep him to myself, but share him with everyone. I would invite the whole family for a reunion and enjoy, for one last time, the great memories that my grandfather has instilled in us. Tata, you are forever and always in my heart. Maria Ferrari
respond, as you always did, with a reassuring and comforting voice that you are very proud of both me and Alessandro, and to take things one step at a time. You would remind me to work hard and that good things will eventually come. I'm sure that this talk would occupy a good portion of the day. I would like to take you to your elementary school, where you taught for the majority of your career. I would organize a day in which you could meet and talk to all the students you taught, to show you that you did not only make a difference in my life, but in the lives of thousands of children. You were not only a French teacher; you were a sports coach, a friend, and a role model. You shaped lives and formed individuals, one student at a time. This would be the best way to quantify the impact you had on the people around you. Lastly, I would take you home, your favourite place. We would either go for a walk around the neighbourhood or just sit and watch some old family movies. There are many things that we did together and there are many more that I would have loved to do. If I had one more day, it would have to last all of eternity because it would not be enough to stop feeling that void
What would you do if you had one more day to spend with a deceased loved one? in my life. But if I had such a day, it would not be anything different from what we did together. I know that you are always watching and that you are always keeping an eye on me. When I look up to the sky I know that you will be smiling back down. To you, mom, I compare a summer's day. I love you and miss you very much. Daniele Bozzelli, for his mother Maria
What would one more day consist of? One simple phrase that expresses what I truly feel: “Thank you!” You left me in limbo, in purgatory, at the beginning of an adult life that I had to figure out on my own. I am a bit more emotionally fragile, but stronger than ever. I am taking on the world in a way I probably would not have been able to do if you had not left me, but I am conquering it with every bit of knowledge you shared. With fortitude that would not be grounding me if it was not for you. It is not the holidays that hurt; it is the everyday little things. I have learned to wash my whites so that they shine and to make my lunch the way that makes everyone still compliment me. When asked why my meals look so appetizing and nourishing, I comment that I learned from the best – thank you! I am the definition of organization at work, home and school – thank you! I have developed unexpected instincts and positive habits – thank you! When asked how I can get through a loss like this, I tell everyone that I learned so much from you that allows me to get through it – thank you! If there is one thing I would do if we had one more day together, it would be to have a proper last dinner and I promise I will not burn my hand this time – but thank you for caring and being concerned when you were in so much pain yourself. There is not one thing we could do and anything else we could discuss but just for you to understand how thankful I am for having you in my life. This is the only thing that I would continuously say. Anonymous
Want to share your story? Send your ‘One More Day’ submission to along with a picture. The best entries will appear in our October/November issue.
Tra vel
Alla scoperta dei teatri delle Marche
Testo e foto Laura Ghiandoni
Dall’esterno non è mai possibile accorgersi di cosa si celi all’interno. Passi in quella via, una, dieci, cento volte e non ti si rivela mai nulla; cerchi di farti un’idea, credi che la crosta possa alludere alla briciola dentro, ma quella che ti si mostra è solo e sempre una buccia: devi bussare, suonare il campanello, attendere che ti aprano, aspettare l’ora in cui l’atmosfera sia quella giusta per muovere un passo oltre la soglia, per sapere che cosa si nasconde dietro. o stesso accade anche qui a Cagli, un paesello sulle colline delle Marche. Le mura antiche e i portoni di legno grandi e spaziosi, che puoi vedere passeggiando per le vie del centro storico, danno qualche indizio su ciò che nascondono, ma non raccontano la storia, nè descrivono la bellezza degli arredi interni. Le scritte esterne in latino e in italiano definiscono sbrigativamente, per sedare i curiosi: uno spazio, un tempo, un nome. Ad una certa ora della sera, le porte del teatro comunale si aprono al pubblico. Donne e uomini vestiti elegantemente, ma anche giovani in jeans, entrano a sciami con il desiderio di essere catapultati in un altro mondo: quello del dramma, dell’opera, della danza. Nonostante sappiano di voler entrare in quell’edificio per godersi uno spettacolo, non conoscono la storia di cui è pregna quel luogo e non s’immaginano il ruolo che il teatro aveva in Italia in passato. Dall’inizio del 1600 nella sola regione Marche ogni paesino in collina o in montagna sentì l’esigenza di possedere il proprio teatro entro le mura del paese. Questo fece sì che alla metà del 1900 fossero costruiti per questo uso ben 113 edifici e che le Marche fossero soprannominate “la regione dei cento teatri”. La maggior parte di questi spazi è ancora in piedi, di dimensione piccola o media, ospita dai 100 ai 1200 posti a sedere e conserva tutt’oggi la stessa bellezza e lo stesso fascino di un tempo, grazie ad un’opera di restauro iniziata negli anni ottanta. Un vizio italiano di campanilismo fece sì inoltre, che ogni paese volesse possedere un teatro più bello di quello nel paese accanto, e che la competizione riguardasse la decorazione del soffitto o del telo principale realizzata dagli artisti allora più in voga, le sculture installate nelle pareti e nelle mura, le
lussuose stoffe con le quali erano tappezzate le sedie e le pareti. La struttura della maggior parte di questi teatri è all’italiana, con andatura a ferro di cavallo e tre ordini di palchi, il loggione e la platea. Il soffitto è impreziosito da eclettiche decorazioni pittoriche, in stile neobarocco, classico e liberty, rappresentanti divinità greche, fiori, cornucopie e putti, ippocampi, statue, busti e sul telone principale è dipinta a volte la veduta della città. A Cagli, sul coprisipario è rappresentato un avvenimento storico svoltosi in città il 7 settembre 1162, quando l’imperatore Federico Barbarossa consegnò a Ludovico Baglioni Duca di Svevia il bastone di comando della nomina a Vicario imperiale della città di Perugia. Nel soffitto sono dipinte le figure simboliche delle sette arti liberali: Grammatica, Dialettica, Retorica, Aritmetica, Geometria, Astrologia e Musica. Vicino al palco in una nicchia vi sono i busti di Goldoni e Alfieri, posti vicino a due statue, rappresentanti la tragedia e la commedia. Entro le mura del teatro, inizialmente recuperate in edifici inutilizzati, la società soddisfava il proprio desiderio di incontrarsi col comune interesse di divertirsi, senza dimenticare la propria classe d’appartenenza. La struttura stessa del teatro, anzi, sottolineava queste differenze: i nobili occupavano i palchi, i borghesi la platea, ed il popolino partecipava alla serata in piedi, o sulle scomode panche nel loggione. Nelle serate straordinarie del Carnevale e dei Veglioni, le dame nobili trovavano l’occasione adatta per mettere in mostra raffinate acconciature, vesti di preziose stoffe, diademi, nei e ciprie. Entravano nella hall accompagnate dai propri cavalieri, dove uno stuolo di
ammiratori le attendeva per rubar loro un sorriso. Nelle serate ordinarie invece, si apprestavano a lavorare il pizzo a lume di candela chiacchierando con le amiche ai tavolini affacciandosi solo per sentire la canzone preferita. I Veglioni e le feste da ballo a quei tempi comiciavano tardissimo: dopo le dieci di sera alla luce delle fiaccole, e finivano in tarda mattinata. Le Mascherate in cui tutti si travestivano, nelle sere di Carnevale, erano accompagnate da “tombolate”, il tipico gioco da tavolo delle feste. Dopo lo spettacolo, la nobiltà, la borghesia e il popolo, si riunivano per danzare ogni tipo di ballo di coppia o di gruppo; dopodichè i signori nobili si dedicavano al gioco d’azzardo nell’apposita sala, mentre il popolino con pochi bajocchi cenava comodamente al bettolino del teatro. Tornando a noi e ai nostri tempi, dopo aver bighellonato a lungo in piazza, entriamo finalmente in questo spazio che dall’esterno non rappresentava per noi, altro che un antico edificio. Stringiamo nelle mani il biglietto d’entrata. Una maschera, in giacca rossa e gonna nera, ci indica la via per arrivare al nostro palchetto. Camminiamo sul parquet scricchiolante. Giunti al terzo piano, bussiamo alla porta con indicato il numero scritto sul nostro biglietto. Con un sorriso accogliente ci apre la porta la signora con la quale condivideremo il palco. Ci sediamo sulla confortevole sedia che cigola leggermente sotto il nostro peso. I graziosi lampadari a forma di ippocampo sono accesi. Ci sembra quasi di vedere le signore vestite in abiti vittoriani, che cuciono al lume di candela. Ci sembra quasi di sentire i sussurri nella platea, come sussurri antichi, in una lingua parzialmente comprensibile. La campanella squilla. I bellissimi lampadari liberty si spengono lentamente; le calde luci retrocedono di fronte al buio che avvolge la sala per il tempo di qualche secondo, e l’oscurità, infine, ci permette di scivolare e immergerci completamente nello spettacolo atemporale dell’imaginazione. v
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Tra vel - Advertorial
“la dolce vita”
at sea
By Laura Casella
Many people will tell you that at least once in your life you must take a cruise. Taking a cruise is a one-stop shop to seeing amazing places, eating great food, relaxing, and enjoying one great show after another. But what if you added Italian food and culture, pizza parties, and tarantellas on the dock? Well, it’s possible with Costa Cruises. s Italian as pasta and pizza, Costa Cruises has been sailing the seas for more than sixty years, offering a cruise experience catered towards Italians. Its motto, “Cruising Italian Style…That’s Amore” shows its deep connection with its Italian heritage that spans more than one hundred years.
History: Founded by Giacomo Costa in 1854, Costa Cruises started off as a small company in Genoa dedicated to the export of olive oil and fabric. It wasn’t until nearly a century later that the Costa family started passenger service. It launched its first transatlantic trip in 1948 with a 768-passenger ship called the Anna C. By the sixties, Costa was the first operator in the world to offer cruises in the Caribbean. Today, Costa Cruises is Europe’s favourite cruise line and by next year it will be the 3rd largest cruise line in the world with sixteen vessels and more than one hundred itineraries to choose from.
Onboard Experience: Walking onto a Costa cruise ship is like walking into your own home. Everything from the décor, to the food, the wine, and the activities is based around the Italian culture. You can wake up to a traditional cappuccino e cornetto, have a pizza for lunch, and for dinner, enjoy a delicious lasagna al forno or osso bucco while the specialty à-la-carte restaurants feature menus created by world-renowned chefs.
Wine aficionados will also get a treat with a special selection of Amarone Wine by Italian winemaker Aneri, bottled exclusively for Costa Cruises. You’ll also be immersed in Italian culture through the boundless activities offered on their fleet of ships. Cruises kick off with a “buon viaggio” party featuring Roman emperors. Other signature events include pizza dough tossing and tarantella dancing during the “Festa Italiana.” Besides all the delicious Italian meals, theme nights and activities, there is also a fitness centre to keep you in shape, and a spa to help you relax. Your kids will also never be bored with features like water slides and video arcades, pizza parties, ice cream socials, and much, much more.
Tra vel - Advertorial
Destinations: Costa Cruises is your ticket to anywhere in the world all the while enjoying a true Italian experience. Your options are limitless with many itineraries available in the Caribbean, the Mediterranean, South America, Dubai, the Baltic, and the list goes on. A Mediterranean journey, for example, will take you to beautiful Italy (Bari), Greece, Turkey, Spain (Barcelona), and Portugal (Lisbon), just to be name a few. If you prefer more beach and white sands, this cruise line has many sumptuous Caribbean itineraries to choose from with stops in Martinique, St. Maarten, Santa Lucia, and Antigua.
Introducing the Costa Luminosa: The Luminosa entered the vast Costa family in 2009, a beautiful ship that features a European décor that includes Murano glass chandeliers, marble floors, and Italian art. If you’re already thinking of your winter holiday vacation plans, this ship offers an amazing 7-night Caribbean cruise that leaves from La Romana, Dominican Republic, and sails away to 6 exotic destinations. Catalina Island, Dominican Republic: Costa Cruises has a private beach here only for you and your fellow passengers to enjoy. Tortola, in beautiful British Virgin Islands: Some of the best beaches you will ever see in your life. St. John’s, Antigua: A great place to do some shopping; the city is famous for its shopping malls as well as boutiques throughout the city. Pointe-à-Pitre in Guadeloupe: Take in the beautiful
beach and outdoor market. Fort de France, Martinique: One of the major cities in
the Caribbean, visit the Balata Gardens and see the most beatiful flowers and trees of the Martinique. Philipsburg, St. Maarten: Famous for the close
proximity of landing planes, watch an airplane land just 10-20 metres overhead as you lay in the beautiful white sands of Maho Beach.
Overview: Costa Cruises is a favourite among Italians because it caters specifically to our likes and comforts. From the food, to the language, the events, and just the overall atmosphere, it’s your way of seeing the world without ever leaving the comforts of your home.
Packages and itineraries are available with Transat Holidays. Plan your European or Caribbean cruise vacation at
Tra vel
Biking the Boot: The Best Cycling Routes in Italy By Dante Di Iulio
The recent addition of BIXI Bikes has seen an increase of cyclists in Toronto. Whether for exercise, enjoying the weather or saving on gas, bikes are a great way to see a city. Even though Mayor Ford’s recent BikePlan has received mixed reviews, it is a step in the right direction for a city that was previously unreceptive towards cyclists. hereas Torontonians are slowly rediscovering their passion for bicycles, Italians have never lost it. In a country that produces some of the greatest bikes (Bianchi, Pinarello, Tonelli) as well as the second-most important cycling race, Il Giro d’Italia, it is clear to see the roots of this passion. Italy has some of the finest roads in Europe, taking you through breathtaking scenery. The great thing about cycling through Italy is all of the sites you will see, people you will meet, and yeah, the food and wine are pretty amazing too. To discover the most scenic and enchanting Italian cycling routes, I consulted Toronto’s Butterfield & Robinson, the world’s premier biking and walking company, for their expert advice on cycling in Il Bel Paese. Their motto since 1966 remains “Slow down to see the world.”v
Stretching from Alps to Apennines, high peaks to river valleys, Piemonte is one of those corners of Europe where life is still connected to the land and its rhythms. Riding the rolling hills of the Roero and Langhe from hill town to castle to echoing horizon of hills, the absolute beauty of the land seeps in deep. Moscato d’Asti, Roero Arneis, Barbaresco and the Barolo are just some of the magnificent wines that hail from this region. With each pedal-stroke, cyclists are able to forge their own link from bottle back to vineyard. With its gorgeous scenery, royal history, quiet medieval towns, superb cuisine and fine wine, there is no better to way to explore Piemonte than on two-wheels.
Dating back to the 1700s, the Via Chiantigiana crosses the Chianti region between Florence and Siena, west of the Pesa valley and the Elsa valley. With its swaying cypress trees, rolling hills, wooded grooves and hilltop vineyards, it seems as if you’re in a painting. The region is very hilly but cyclists are always surrounded by charming restaurants, caffè and world-renowned vineyards to give a jolt to the legs. Contrary to the old adage, in Tuscany, all roads lead to wine.
Piemonte: Truffle season
Chianti: Serenity Now
Tra vel
Ferrara: The Bicycle Capital of Italy One cannot go cycling in Italy without visiting the country’s “Bicycle Capital.” The setting of Visconti’s The Garden of the Finzi-Contini,
Ferrara’s rest stops include the Jewish Museum, Synagogue and the grandiose Castello Estense, situated in the city centre. Aside from a few main streets, Ferrara's city center is off-limits to motor traffic. Visitors will discover the most amazing collection of bicycles at the train station, where commuters literally leave thousands of bicycles locked up, awaiting their return. Hill-lovers will be disappointed but the Ferrarese terrain (or lack of it) makes it ideal for bicycle touring inside and outside the city limits.
Puglia: The Trulli district With one of the most dramatic landscapes in Italy, Puglia offers a mix of rolling coastal and flat interior roads through vineyards and groves. Imagine biking past thousand-year-old silver-green olive groves standing in brilliant red soil dotted with white trulli as the beautiful, mare d’azzurro sits in the backdrop and you’ll only begin to imagine the sublime beauty of the Giardino d’Italia. Whether passing through Lecce, nicknamed the “Florence of the South,” the wine country of Salento or the cobblestones of Bari Vecchia, Puglia offers some of the
Passo dello Stelvio
best and quietest biking in Italy.
Passo di Stelvio: “See you around the bend” The highest mountain pass in Italy, and the second highest in Europe, these are definitely the most dramatic and challenging roads to bike in Italy, with 60 hairpin bends forming the pass up and down the mountain. Originally built in 1820-25 by the Austrian Empire, little has changed along the route, except today you can expect to see an impressive array of fast cars and out-of-breath cyclists navigating the repetitive twists and turns. The pleasure of the Stelvio is in its natural beauty and the breathtaking view of the Alps.
For more information, check out:
Food & Wine
For Friends Recipes and Photography by Claudia Ficca
Tomato and Ricotta Tart This tomato tart is fresh and colourful plus it travels well. It’s a perfect starter to bring over at a friend’s BBQ.
Ingredients • 5 mixed tomatoes, thickly sliced • 10 mixed cherry tomatoes, halved • 10 sheets store-bought phyllo dough, thawed * Tip: When working with tissue-thin phyllo sheets, it is recommended to keep the dough covered with a damp tea towel so it does not dry out and crack while you are handling it.
• • • • • • •
Extra Virgin Olive oil, for bushing plus 2 tablespoons for drizzling 500 gr sheep’s milk ricotta Zest of 1 lemon 1 1/2 cup grated ricotta salata 5 leaves of fresh basil 1 garlic clove, minced Salt and cracked black pepper to taste
Directions Preheat oven at 400ʼF. In a large bowl, place ricotta, lemon zest, 1 cup of grated ricotta salata, cracked black pepper and mix to combine. Set aside. Line a greased 10x15” cookie sheet with parchment paper. Lay one sheet of phyllo on the prepared pan and brush with olive oil. Repeat this step with the remaining phyllo sheets. Evenly spread the ricotta mixture over the pastry and bake for 20 minutes or until the pasty is golden; keep a close eye on it. Top with tomatoes, fresh basil, minced garlic, a sprinkle of salt, cracked black pepper, a drizzle of extra virgin olive oil, and the remaining grated ricotta salata. Serve warm or at room temperature.
Food & Wine
Grilled Peaches with Red Wine Granita
Ingredients (serves 4): • • • • •
2 peaches, halved with pits removed olive oil for brushing 1 1/4 cup red wine 1/3 cup sugar Zest of 1 lemon
Directions: Bring the wine and sugar to a boil in a medium saucepan. Add the lemon zest and let simmer for 3 minutes. Strain out the lemon zest and poor wine mixture into a freezer safe glass dish. Freeze until firm about 5 hours. When you are ready to serve, grill fruit by brushing the open face of the peaches with olive oil and placing them face down on a preheated med-high grill. Grill for 5-7 minutes remove from heat and top with red wine granita.
Peaches in wine are a tradition in many Italian homes during summer months when stone fruits are perfectly ripe. This is my take on that tradition, I stayed true to the main ingredients: pesche e vino, but added a touch of freshness to this classic fruit dish.
Mediterranean Potato Salad I love making this potato salad. It’s perfect for lunch or it can be served for dinner alongside a nice grilled steak. I always make a little extra because it’s the type of dish that gets tastier after a day or two. It can be served warm or at room temperature.
Ingredients (serves 4) • 1 1/2 pounds red mini potatoes, halved • 3/4 pound fresh green beans, trimmed and snapped • 1/4 cup capers • 2 finely sliced shallots • 1/4 cup extra virgin olive oil • salt and pepper to taste
Directions Boil potatoes in salted water until tender when pierced with a fork. Drain well. Boil or steam the green beans until tender. Drain and rinse under cold running water to set the colour. While still warm, toss potatoes with capers, green beans, olive oil and shallots. Season with salt and pepper to taste.
Food & Wine
The Wines
of Piedmont
Visit the Langhe Territory View from the Wine bar (the Grape) Village of Ceretto
Story and photography by Gabriel Riel-Salvatore
Near the end of October, the wine-producing backcountry of Piedmont offers an impressive visual spectacle - the region’s thousands of hectares of vine transform into a symphony of colours truly worthy of 19th century impressionist canvases. The panorama displays rows of plants revealing tones of yellow, orange and red that take on the steep curves of the hills of the region. These characteristic alignments, locally called rittochino or girapoggio, as they slide down the slopes or groove them in steps, are the traditional signature of the Langhe, in the province of Cuneo. t is in this historic area that the best terroirs of Piedmont are found. Nestled at the foot of the Alps, about an hour from Turin, the Langhe benefit from an ideal microclimate for wine production. Split in half by the Tanaro River, the north forms a zone called Roero, renowned mostly for its white wines made from Arneis, while the south, the Langa, includes the famous appellations of Barolo and Barbaresco made from Nebbiolo at the base of some of Italy’s finest red wines. On the international market, the wines from the Langhe region distinguish themselves thanks to their strong personality. Nebbiolo is without a doubt the varietal that yields the most interesting wines of the region. It is on the slopes surrounding the villages of Barolo and Barbaresco that this grape, locally called Spanna, Chiavennasca or Picotener, expresses itself with the most eloquence. The terms sorì or bricco that often go along the names of the wines of Barolo and Barbaresco relate to a “cru” or a specific soil type that belongs to one or more wineries of the region. (Brunate, Cerequio and Cannubi; Asili, Martinenga and Sori Tildin) are amongst the greatest parcels of Barolo and Barbaresco. v
Wine Reviews
BARBARESCO ASIJ 2005 Ceretto Piemonte Barbaresco Docg $ 52.95 (Vintages # 726133) Charming, fresh and refined bouquet evolving on nice sents of cherry with notes of balsamic, underbrush and a touch of spices. Ample and spheric mouth with coating tannins and a good acidity. *** 89/100
Visit the Langhe The Langhe are filled with activities for history, outdoors and gastronomy lovers. While it is possible to visit the region in a few days, it is however recommended to spend at least a week in order to fully grasp the splendours of the area.
Alba and its surroundings Halfway between Barolo and Barbaresco, the city of Alba - a lovely, posh and sophisticated little town hosts Vinum every year in the month of April, an event that brings close to 200 wine producers together for a grand, open-air tasting. I also recommend visiting Alba in the fall for the famous Fiera del Tartufo (truffle fair), the most sought after in the world. You will then be able to purchase the legendary Alba white truffle, which releases a delightfully unique sent when fresh. But beware , at 1000 Euro per Kilo, the famous mushroom is well worth its weight in gold!Shopping lovers will also appreciate the luxury boutiques of the via Maestra that leads to Piazza Risorgimento, commonly called Piazza del Duomo, where you’ll find the lovely Romanesque cathedral of San Lorenzo. This public square hosts two restaurants: Trattoria La Piola and Piazza Duomo that both belong to the Ceretto family,
VIGNETO CAMPÈ BAROLO 2004 La Spinetta Piemonte Barbaresco Docg $ 189.00 (Vintages # 146308) Powerful nose with brown sugar, figs, cinnamon and chocolate aromas combined with complex licorice, cedar and mineral undertones. Rich, powerful and complex wine with chalky tannins and a nice mineral lingering finish. **** 92/100
also renowned for its wines. The philosophy of the two restaurants looks to promote the incredible gastronomic heritage of the Roero and Langhe territory - the former thanks to a more traditional and accessible wine bar formula and the latter through a more experimental and researched setting. Playground of chef Enrico Crippa, restaurant Piazza Duomo offers a menu that cleverly deconstructs and reconstructs local dishes and ingredients in a supreme culinary alchemy, pairing tastes and colours with a refreshing and comforting harmony worthy of the two Michelin Stars it was awarded. Alba offers various types of accommodations and has the advantage of being easy to tour by foot. However, for those who prefer the country-style atmosphere to the city, it is recommended to find a room in one of the surrounding villages of the area. Generally perched on top of a hill, they offer an impressive view of the region, that largely compensate for the additional time required to move up or down from them. You will be particularly amazed with a stay at the Case della Saracca in Monforte d’Alba. Located in the historic center of the village, this hotel is composed of three ancient medieval houses completely restored and designed following a successful marriage between modern architecture and the original materials of the buildings. The unique complex counts six rooms, as well as a wine bar and a restaurant which are both frequented and supplied by the best wine producers of the region.
Follow the wine route A vacation in the Langa obviously means discovering great wines. Many producers offer guided tours of
Barbaresco Asilo 2005 Bruno Giacosa - Azienda Agricola Falletto Piemonte Barbaresco Docg $ 189.00 (Vintages # 145599) Flawless, clean, fresh and elegant bouquet of delicate red berries with hints of vanilla and cinnamon. Rich and powerful body with a vibrant acidity and velvety tannins. **** 94/100
More wine reviews @
Food & Wine
Marchesi Alfieri Villa
their property combined with wine tastings. The Strade del Barolo e grandi vini di Langa’s official website highlights a series of itineraries that follow the region’s wine routes. It is always preferable to book in advance and to plan a budget for your visits and purchases.
Barolo: south of Alba Eleven villages make up the region of Barolo of which La Morra, Serralunga d’Alba and Monforte d’Alba are amongst the more renowned. Perched on a hill slope, the Castle of Barolo dominates the village of the same name. Property of the Falletti marquis from the 13th to the 19th century, it now hosts the regional enoteca (wine bar) where it is possible to taste and buy wines of the area. The village of Barolo also counts the Corkscrew Museum with its 500 different types of bottle openers dating from the 17th century to present day, as well as many restaurants and souvenir shops. Recommended visit: Ceretto A stone’s throw away from Alba, the property of Monforte Berardina of the Ceretto winery offers a unique experience with its Californian style wine bar (dangling in the air like a springboard hooked to an impressive ancient medieval warehouse) that houses the head office of the business. Conceived by architect Giuseppe Blengini, the platform, nicknamed the ‘grape’, has a retractable roof that gives an exclusive view on the surrounding vineyards. In the heart of Barolo near Castiglione Falletto, their famous tasting room nicknamed the ‘Cube’ located on their Bricco Rocche property, is also worth seeing. Inspired by the concept of the Louvre’s pyramid, it was conceived by architect David Tremlett. Similar to a greenhouse, it is entirely made out of glass.
This audacious architecture reflects the image of the Ceretto family that mixes eccentricity with tradition in its business philosophy - a signature that Alessandro, Marcello Ceretto’s son and in-house winemaker, also tries to express through his wines thanks to exceptional raw materials and state-of-the-art technology. The winery has various ‘crus’ in Barolo as well as Barbaresco. Their Barolo Bricco Rocche Prapò and Bricco Rocche Brunate distinguish themselves from the other Barolos with their smoother and refined character tied to their unique terroir. Producers to watch for: Prunotto (Barolo Brunate), La Spinetta (Barolo Campè), Michele Chiarlo (Barolo Cannubi, Cerequio, Brunate), Aldo Conterno (Barolo Granbussia) Barbaresco: North of Alba The steep flanks of the villages of Barbaresco, Neive and Treiso (determine) the territory of Barbaresco. Recognisable because of its tower, the little village of Barbaresco has its own regional enoteca (wine bar), a few restaurants and holds the head office of the Cantina Sociale dei Produttori del Barbaresco. Recommended visit: Gaja If the wines of Barbaresco now enjoy an equal reputation to that of their Barolo counterparts, it is mostly thanks to Angelo Gaja. A visionary and formidable businessman, he was able to emulate the French classification model of the great Bordeaux wines hoisting his wines to the top of the Barbaresco appellation prestige pyramid. Like it is commonly accepted that a Château Latour sells for a far higher price than a simple Bordeaux, in addition to their taste, what distinguishes the wines of Angelo Gaja from the other producers is their prohibitive prices. Bruno Giacosa from Neive is
one of the rare producers whose wines enjoy a similar standing to those of Gaja’s best labels. Even though Angelo Gaja became famous worldwide for his exceptional Barbarescos, he did not hesitate to downgrade his best crus such as the Sori San Lorenzo or the Sori Tildin to experiment with new blends, pairing Nebbiolo with great international vintages like Cabernet Sauvignon or Merlot, thus ignoring the regional controlled denomination system’s regulations (DOCG). An appointment is absolutely mandatory to get through the iron door of the winery located right in the heart of Barbaresco. If you manage to enter the dragon’s den, sumptuous cellars and an exceptional tasting room will be awaiting you. Producers to watch for: Bruno Giacosa (Barbaresco Asili et Rabajà), Pio Cesare (Barbaresco il Bricco), Marchesi du Gresy (Barbaresco Martinenga) Recommended visit: Marchesi Alfieri If Nebbiolo is king in Piemonte, it is however Barbera that dominates the region. Capable of the best and the worst, this grape type planted around the end of the 18th century, is easier to cultivate and more at ease in the flat lands surrounding the cities of Asti and Alba that each carry a specific appellation (Barbera d’Asti and Barbera d’Alba). Strongly recommended is a visit to Marchesi Alfieri which excel in the production of high-end Barbera. Their historic cellars in the basement of the Alfieri Castle in San Martino Alfieri are simply beautiful and their winemaker Mario Olivero is as intriguing and affable as his wines. The property also owns villas and rooms for rent. On your way back towards Alba, stop by the small village of Prioca to experience the cuisine of the Cordero family at Il Centro restaurant. Their exquisite dishes such as the pancetta di maialino caramellata con purea or the pesche al forno ripiene con cacao e amaretti combined with a selection of close to 600 labels of the area will definitely make you appreciate the splendours of Piemonte even more. Producers to watch for: Prunotto (Barbera d’Asti Costamiole), Vietti (Barbera d’Alba Scarrone), Olim Bauda (Barbera d’Asti Superiore Nizza)
Information: Restaurants and accommodations:
Tourism boards:
Fairs and museums:
Village of Barbaresco
Food & Wine
Eating Ferragosto By Gaia Massai
August 15th is a very important date on the Italian calendar: most of the country stops for a day and enjoys an outdoor lunch or dinner. Ferragosto is an ancient holiday that takes its name from Latin Feriae Augusti. In the year 18 BCE the Roman Emperor Augustus declared the month of August to be a month to honour the gods - in particular Diana - and the cycle of fertility and ripening. hether soaking up the sun on a beach or strolling on the hilly countryside, this ancient holiday is all about relaxation - and food! Picnic style dishes, easy to transport and delicious at room temperature are the perfect choice for this day. With plenty of fresh,
in-season fruits and vegetables, the possibilities are almost endless. Enjoy these variations of the popular stuffed vegetables and remember: there is no Ferragosto without a classic cocomerata (watermelon feast)!
Buon Ferragosto!
Summer Cocomerata with mint sauce Ingredients: • 1 small watermelon (better if seedless) • 1 cantaloupe • Raspberries • Strawberries • Kiwis • Grapes
Mixed pan from the vegetable garden Servings 4 Preparation time: 35 min Cooking time: 70 min Ingredients: • 2 eggplants • 2 peppers • 2 zucchini • 2 white or yellow onions • 2 tomatoes • 2.5 cups of potatoes- peeled and diced • 1 egg • ½ cup of minced thyme, basil and marjoram • ½ cup of Parmesan cheese- grated • Extra virgin olive oil • Salt 1. Boil the onions for 35 min, the eggplant for 20 min, the potatoes for 10 min and the zucchini for 10 min. Drain the vegetables, cut them in half and let them dry on a dish cloth with the cut side facing down. Take some of the interior pulp of all vegetables and chop it. In a blender, puree the potatoes and then add the vegetable pulp. 2. Cut the tomatoes in half, remove the pulp and chop it, then add it to the other vegetables’ pulp. Rinse the peppers, cut the top that will be used as a “hat” and remove the seeds. 3. Mix the vegetables’ pulp with the egg, Parmesan cheese, minced herbs and salt. Fill the vegetables with the mix, sprinkling some olive oil on top. Place the peppers in the oven in a baking pan at 425°F and, after 15 min, add the eggplants and the onions. After another 10 min, add the tomatoes and zucchini and let it bake for 10 min more. To get a crispy top, turn the oven on broil or 2 min.
For the sauce: • 40 mint leaves • 8 tablespoons of lemon juice • 8 tablespoons of white sugar Cut the watermelon and the cantaloupe in half and remove seeds; peel the kiwis and rinse the grapes. Using a melon baller, make little watermelon, cantaloupe and kiwi balls. Remove the whole interior of the watermelon and use its skin as a bowl. To prepare the mint sauce: in a food processor, blend the mint leaves, sugar and lemon juice. Pour the sauce into the watermelon, stir carefully and keep it in the fridge. Serving suggestion: use the watermelon bowl as a centrepiece and distribute long wooden skewers for a fun sharing experience!
Stuffed peppers with rice Servings 4 Preparation time: 15 min Cooking time: 1 hour Ingredients: • 2 big yellow peppers • 4 tablespoons of parboiled rice • 3 ripe red tomatoes • 4 ounces of black olives- minced • 1 tablespoon of basil- minced • 1 tablespoon of Italian parsley- minced • 1 shallot- chopped • 2 tablespoons of bread crumbs • 6 tablespoons of extra virgin olive oil • salt and pepper 1. Set the oven at 380° F. Rinse the peppers cut them in half lengthwise removing all seeds. Put the tomatoes in boiling water for 2 min, then get rid of the skin and chop them coarsely. Boil the rice in salted water for 15 min. 2. In a frying pan, fry the shallot with two tablespoons of olive oil, add the tomatoes and stir on high heat for 2 min (then keep aside two tablespoons that you will use later). Add rice, basil and parsley stirring for few minutes and then add salt and pepper. Turn off the heat and add the minced olives. 3. Fill up the peppers with the mix and place them on a baking pan after you have sprinkled some olive oil on the bottom, then sprinkle the remaining olive oil and tomato sauce on the peppers and place them in the oven for 45 min (covered with aluminium foil). In the meantime toast the breadcrumbs in a nonstick pan, stirring for few minutes. 4. On the last 10 min of baking, remove the aluminium foil, sprinkle the breadcrumbs on top and raise the temperature to 425° F. Serve the peppers lukewarm to better enjoy the flavour. More recipes @
For more Suzy Shier, turn the page.
Living Italian Style
Adam Bellissimo Nickname: B Occupation: Chartered Accountant Age: 28 Generation: Second Dad from: Vallelonga, Calabria Mom from: Pietrabbondante, Molise Speaks: English, very little Italian and French Raised in: Toronto Passion: Motorcycles Clothes: Hugo Boss Suit, White Dress Shirt and Belt, Prada Shoes Favourite designer: Giorgio Armani Boutique: Harry Rosen Restaurant: Harbour 60 Favourite dish: Filet Mignon Absolute must in the pantry: Nutella Type of wine/drink: Amarone Favourite Italian saying or quote: “Meglio tardi che mai” Last time you went to Italy: 10 years ago Place you must go back to at least one more time in your life: Amalfi Coast
Favourite band or singer: Eros Ramazzotti Italian soccer team: Juventus Sexiest Italian: Elisabetta Canalis Dream car: Bugatti Veyron What you like most about our magazine: As a member of the Italian Chamber of Commerce (ICCO), I can both understand and appreciate that this magazine continues to support and foster unity in the Italian community, in order to maintain the presence of Italian culture in our communities for generations to come. Best way to feel Italian in Toronto: Take a walk down on College street
Mare o montagna: Mare Thing about you that would surprise most people: I’m an accountant Best coffee in Toronto: Faema Best pizza in Toronto: (Take out) Vesuvios, (Dine-in) Capitol Pet peeve: Fingerprints on a computer screen You know you are Italian when or if: You’ve made tomato sauce with all of your relatives at least once in your life. Your fashion idol: Giorgio Armani Favourite thing to do in Toronto: Long motorcycle rides (when there is no traffic of course)
Photographer: Giulio Muratori Make-up Artist: Adrienne Lauren Duncan Hair-Stylist: Laura Francoueur, Avola College of Hair styling Make-up and Hair space: courtesy of Mercatto restaurant
Most common name in your family: Stefano (3 of them) You know you were raised Italian when: While other children ate peanut butter and jam my lunches consisted of panini filled with chicken cutlet, fries and peppers Spaghetti o penne: Spaghetti Favourite flavour of gelato: Stracciatella Favourite Italian song: Cose della vita Favourite Italian city: Venice If never visited, which city would you like to visit: Tropea, Calabria Best memory growing up Italian: Nonna’s house on Sundays
Katie Reszitnyk Nickname: Katie Occupation: Student at McMaster in the Arts and Science Age: 19 Generation: Third Dad from: Thunder Bay, Ontario Mom from: Hamilton, Ontario ( Parents from Calabria and Sicilia) Speaks: English and Italian Raised in: Burlington Passion: Art, Art History and Music Clothes: Courtesy of Suzy Shier Favourite designer: Betsey Johnson Boutique: Joelle’s in Burlington Restaurant: Mercatto Favourite dish: Fettuccine Alfredo Absolute must in the pantry: Balsamic vinegar Type of wine/drink: Bellini Favourite Italian saying or quote: “Onesta con gentilezza, supera ogni bellezza” Last time you went to Italy: July 2008 Place you must go back to at least one more time:
Florence Best Italian movie: La Vita è Bella Italian soccer team: Juventus Sexiest Italian: Claudio Marchisio Dream car: Volkswagon Beetle What you like most about our magazine: That it makes the Italian language and culture accessible to young ItalianCanadians Best way to feel Italian in Toronto: Sitting at a café in Little Italy Thing about you that would surprise most people: I know everything there is to know about Sailor Moon Best coffee in Toronto: Williams
Coffee Pub Best pizza in Toronto: Bar Mercurio on Bloor Street Pet peeve: Poor spelling You know you are Italian when or if: Instead of the Christmas turkey you have the Christmas lasagna Your fashion idol: Giorgio Armani Favourite thing to do in Toronto: Go to see plays Most common name in your family: George (4) You know you were raised Italian when: Your great dilemma was choosing between farfalle and orecchiette for dinner Italian artist or actor
you would like to meet: Andrea Bocelli Spaghetti o penne: Penne Favourite flavour of gelato: Cioccolato Favourite Italian song: Il Volo - Un amore così grande Favourite Italian city: Venice If never visited, which city would you like to visit: Taormina, Sicilia Favourite thing about being Italian: Being connected to the great tradition of Italian art, architecture and culture Plans for the summer: Working and saving enough money to go to Italy!
See all past profiles on
Marco Margani
Stephanie Provato
Nickname: Hammer Occupation: Project Manager Age: 27 Generation: Second Dad from: Balsorano, Abruzzo Mom from: Roma Speaks: English and Italian Raised in: Toronto Passion: Motorcycle and Soccer...and more Soccer Clothes: Dolce & Gabbana Favourite designer: Boss Boutique: Holt Renfrew Restaurant: Cavalli (in Montreal) Favourite dish: Pasta all’olio Absolute must in the pantry: Nutella Type of wine/drink: Valpolicella Ripasso Favourite Italian saying or quote: “E daaaiiiiii” Last time you went to Italy: Two years ago Place you must go back to at least one more time: Rimini (beach party!!!)
Favourite band or singer: Tiziano Ferro Best Italian movie: Johnny Stecchino Italian soccer team: Roma Sexiest Italian: Anna Tatangelo What you like most about our magazine: Brings awareness about Italian culture and what we offer Best way to feel Italian in Toronto: Listening to Celentano on my Ipod while on a patio having an espresso Thing about you that would surprise most people: Believe it or not, I’m not very graceful Best coffee in Toronto: Moonbean in Kensington Market
downtown Toronto Best pizza in Toronto: Panino Cappuccino hands down (the prosciutto and arugula with parmigiano is amazing) You know you are Italian when or if: You actually enjoy watching RAI with nonna after work You know you were raised Italian when: You put parmigiano on everything, and everything tastes better with vino Most common name in your family: George (4) Italian artist or actor you would like to meet: Monica Bellucci, hoping for the best of that encounter
Favourite colour: Giallo-Rossi Spaghetti o penne: Spaghetti - but penne rigate comes close on that one Favourite flavour of gelato: Stracciatella Favourite Italian song: Toto Cutugno – Emozioni Favourite Italian city: Impossible If never visited, which city would you like to visit: Venice Favourite thing about being Italian: Music, style, culture – the list goes on Plans for the summer: Motorcycle, soccer, golf, friends, patiochill, clubs
Nickname: Steph Occupation: Student at U of T in Urban Studies and Criminology Age: 23 Generation: Third Dad from: Cosenza, Calabria Mom from: Catanzaro, Calabria Speaks: English, Italian, French Raised in: Woodbridge Passion: Travel, reading and clothes Clothes: Courtesy of Suzy Shier Favourite designer: Marc Jacobs & Alexander McQueen Boutique: Anthropologie Restaurant: Dimmi’s in Yorkville Favourite dish: Gnocchi Absolute must in the pantry: Nutella Type of wine/drink: My grandfather’s home-made wine Favourite Italian saying or quote: “Mangia, mangia!” Last time you went to Italy: Summer 2008
Favourite band or singer: Adele Best Italian movie: La Vita è Bella Sexiest Italian: Steve Bortolotti Dream car: Aston Martin What you like most about our magazine: It has something for everyone! And the fact that it is written in both Italian and English appeals to every generation Best way to feel Italian in Toronto: Shopping on St. Clair Mare o montagna: Mare! Thing about you that would surprise most people: I’ve never had my ears pierced
To be considered for a photoshoot in future Living Italian Style sections, simply like Panoram Italian on Facebook, and express your interest on our wall. An administrator will get back to you with further details.
Best pizza in Toronto: Queen Margherita Pet peeve: Waking up early You know you raised Italian when: Your late-night snack consists of cheese, bread, and soppressata Your fashion idol: Blake Lively (and most recently, Kate Middleton) Favourite thing to do in Toronto: Bike ride along the lakeshore & walk around Yorkville You know you are Italian when or if: When it’s September and you can’t keep your cars in the garage because the tomatoes are laid out, ripening to make sauce.
Most common name in your family: Joe (at least 8!) Italian artist or actor you would like to meet: Lady Gaga Spaghetti o penne: Penne Favourite flavour of gelato: Chocolate mint & limone Favourite Italian city: Venice If never visited, which city would you like to visit: Sydney, Australia Best memory growing up Italian: Italy winning the World Cup in 2006 Plans for the summer: Italy in August!
Russet Revolution
Burnt shades of red and brown dominate the runways By Joanne Latimer
Rust is getting its day in the late-summer sun. Auburn hair is making a strong comeback for autumn and fashion designers are following suit. The runways are dominated by warm shades of rust, burnt sienna, and rich russet. Roberto Cavalli and Albino set the trend, as do Emilio Pucci’s print dresses and Aquilano. Rimondi’s structured separates. Rust looks great with denim and black boots, but it’s also seductive in suede and heavy tweed (think riding jacket). Rusty leather brings unexpected personality to shoulder bags and boots, without being a novelty colour lacking mileage for next year. Earthy tones of burnt sienna harmonize well with beige, fur and chocolates browns, or provide a subtle contrast to all your black separates. Gold accessories look great on russet satin for a dramatic evening look. Le Château Matt & Nat
Stacey Zhang
Stacey Zhang
Stacey Zhang
Aquilano Rimondi
Aquilano Rimondi
Aquilano Rimondi
Lifestyle Agatha Paris
John Frieda
Smart Set
Yves Rocher Smart Set Versace Smart Set
Smart Set
Web Sites
Le Château
Alberta Ferretti
Roberto Cavalli
Lorenzo Riva
Roberto Cavalli
Fiat 500:
The international return of a national icon
By Alessandro Bozzelli
Seemingly growing in popularity with every passing day, Fiat’s new 500 is capturing the hearts and capitalizing on the nostalgia of many North Americans. Unbeknownst to many, the 2011 Fiat 500 is actually the third in a long and successful line of Cinquecento’s dating back to 1936. The first Fiat 500 was nicknamed the “Topolino” and was one of the smallest cars available when it was released in 1936. n 1957, Fiat launched what most people mistakenly refer to as the “old 500”. In reality the model name was actually the “nuova (new) 500”. Even the name was created to be economical: It was called the 500 because the engine displacement was 494cc. Designed by Dante Giacosa, who created it on the pattern and premise of the overwhelmingly successful Volkswagen Beetle (1945), it went on to have a lifespan of 18 years (1957-1975) and with seven different model iterations, over 5 million were produced and sold. Fast forward to 2007 and the “nuova nuova 500”, officially simply called the “Fiat 500”, is released in Italy and four years later we are welcoming it, along with the iconic Fiat brand, onto North American soil. If you had the chance to take long road trips in Italy, you probably remember yelling out loud “Cinquecento!” every time you would see one. Now it is slowly beginning to populate our streets in the GTA, and we see ourselves caught in the same nostalgic habit. You cannot think about the 500 without thinking about Italy (nor of Italy without the 500). Like The Globe and Mail’s Pietrina Gentile writes, “It’s as much a part of Italy as red wine.” This vehicle seems to transcend time by building an emotional and a sort of patriotic sentiment. But is the car as relevant today as the “nuova 500” was in 1957? In a word: yes. There are three models currently available: the Lounge, Pop, and Sport versions; and during the summer, the 500 Convertible will be available. Next year will see the re-introduction of the Abarth brand in North America, with the launch of the 500 Abarth, a sportier version which will produce at least 160 horsepower from its 1.4L turbocharged engine. It has already been able to almost single-handedly resurrect the Fiat brand in Europe and it appears poised to do the same in North America. Why? There are a few reasons. First, it recalls the “nuova 500” of the 1950s, a car that many people feel a very strong emotional attachment too and it will also allow a new generation to express their national pride through a vehicle. Second, it is being marketed at the right time. The trend of high gas prices and the theme of environmental protection have never been in the limelight more so than today. The Fiat 500 provides fuel mileage of about 5.1L / 100 km (45 mpg) and with a fuel tank capacity of 40L, you could theoretically drive 780 km on one tank of gas at a cost of approximately $50 (with gas at $1.29/L). Not bad. Critics argue that it will be difficult to convince many suburbanites to abandon their $100,000 SUVs that average gas mileage little better than a Ferrari at full throttle, and cost over $150 per fill-up, but this vehicle is not meant for them. Many people also question the Fiat 500’s safety because of its size. All crash tests have shown that it is a safety leader in its class. Will it withstand a head-on collision with a tractor trailer? Probably not, but then again, neither would a 6 ton, 5.2 mt long Cadillac Escalade. In the true spirit of the original “nuova 500” and the “500 Topolino” before it, this vehicle is meant to be a practical, economical means of getting from point A to point B with a pinch of Italian style and a dash of verve. v
Do you own a Fiat 500? Let us know what you think by posting on our Facebook page or tweeting to @ PanoramItalia.
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“Io e te”
Recensione di di Niccolò Ammaniti Sciltian Gastaldi
L’adolescenza spesso ci mette addosso i vestiti smessi dei nostri fratelli maggiori. Nell’ultimo romanzo breve di Niccolò Ammaniti è questa la lezione che possiamo trarre. È la storia di Lorenzo, un trentenne romano che ricorda e racconta in prima persona - attraverso una narrazione ciclica che si apre e si chiude a Cividale nel Friuli, contenendo un lungo flashback - un episodio topico della sua crescita. La volta in cui, per sottrarsi alle apprensioni di sua madre e per evadere dalla cornice di nerd della sua classe di liceo, s’inventò di essere stato invitato a passare una settimana in montagna a Cortina in casa di amici assai popolari. n realtà dietro quella apparentemente semplice bugia da bambino più che da adolescente, si nasconde un piano quasi criminale, per quanto studiato in ogni suo dettaglio. Lorenzo ha infatti deciso di trascorrere la settimana nella cantina semi-abbandonata del suo palazzo, dove spera di poter passare un po’ di tempo solo con se stesso, mentre tutti lo credono felice in montagna con gli amici. In cantina, in una penombra forse un po’ malata ma quieta, lontano dalle cattiverie dei suoi compagni di scuola e soprattutto fuori dalle ansie dei suoi genitori, che cominciano a temere di avere un figlio “coi problemi”. In cantina, con una scorta di bibite e cibo in scatolette, con un cellulare come mezzo di contatto col resto del mondo. “Poggiato su una cassa, un piccolo televisore, la playstation, tre romanzi di Stephen King e un po’ di fumetti della Marvel. Ho chiuso la porta. Quella era la mia settimana bianca.” (23) Il piano di Lorenzo non è perfetto, potrebbe essere scoperto in diverse circostanze, ma regge. Regge alle orecchie della mamma, sempre più sospettosa, agli occhi del portiere dello stabile, il Cercopiteco, ma non può nulla contro un grosso imprevisto: la visita clandestina di Olivia, la sua semi-sconosciuta sorellastra, di pochi anni più grande. La giovane arriva di soppiatto, nel tentativo di ritrovare del denaro d’emergenza rimasto negli scatoloni della cantina dopo un trasloco. Ne ha bisogno per comprarsi la dose di eroina: Olivia infatti è tossicodipendente ed è in crisi d’astinenza, e questa per Lorenzo è una paura tutta nuova da gestire. Ma il denaro non c’è e i due hanno così l’obbligo, più che l’occasione, di parlarsi e di scoprirsi. Inizia dunque una rocambolesca convivenza di queste due anime penose e solitarie: all’inizio una convivenza fatta solo di reciproche insofferenze, paure e incomprensioni, poi a poco a poco i due si amalgamano e riescono a gettare un po’ di luce uno sulle oscurità dell’altra, fino a quando Olivia esce dalla cantina lasciando un biglietto di saluti al fratellastro ritrovato, con il quale ha stretto una promessa reciproca: lei non si drogherà più, e loro due si rivedranno. Ammaniti dipinge due personaggi forse un po’ troppo netti nelle loro rispettive problematiche, e il personaggio di Lorenzo è parso ad alcuni fan di Branchie e Fango come troppo buonista e vicino a un io morale. A mio parere questo è invece un piccolo capolavoro dello scrittore romano, un racconto di appena 116 pagine che cattura il lettore e lo porta giù in cantina fino all’ultima pagina. La sorellastra trascina Lorenzo nelle varie fasi della sua sofferenza, fra astinenza e incomprensione, ingredienti duri da digerire anche per un adulto. Il bambino la segue in questi passaggi sconosciuti e dolorosi, scoprendo via via una inaspettata forza di sé e un vero affetto nei confronti di questo membro sconosciuto e lontano della sua famiglia allargata. La cantina sarà come la buca in cui è sequestrato il bambino di Io non ho paura e Lorenzo è come il figlio dei sequestratori alla ricerca di una via di fuga. Anche lui, al termine della storia, “non ha più paura” di affrontare la vita. La metafora del passaggio dall’infanzia alla vita adulta, ma anche il dolore che questo passaggio comporta, è ancora una volta sapientemente affrescata da una delle migliori penne italiane in circolazione. v
Giudizio in stelle (da 0 a 5): 4 stelle e mezza
Please submit your baby’s picture online at by clicking on ‘Magazine’ followed by ‘Babies of the Year,’ or by mail, and include the child’s and parents’ names along with the date of birth. Cost: $30 Pictures will appear in our February/March 2012 issue. Deadline: January 6, 2012 Si prega di inviare la foto e cliccare prima su ‘Magazine’ e poi su ‘Babies of the Year,’ oppure spedirla per posta con i nomi del bambino e dei genitori e la data di nascita. Prezzo : $30 Le foto saranno pubblicate nell’edizione di febbraio/marzo 2012. Scadenza : 6 gennaio 2012
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& Cu l tu re
Vincenzo Giulia Scianna
Testimonianza e potere evocativo negli scatti del fotografo italo-canadese
C’è una foto, tra le tante di Vincenzo Pietropaolo, in cui le parole, solitamente poste ad accompagnamento dei suoi lavori, scivolano per una volta dentro i confini della pellicola. In Migrant Farm Worker’s Letter to his Wife, su due pezzi di carta sgualciti, nella scrittura incerta e imperfetta di un migrante leggiamo quell’istinto alla rassicurazione e quell’ansia di avere notizie che ogni separazione imprime ai messaggi di chi è lontano. E siamo naturalmente portati a costruire un’intera storia dietro quelle righe, così come ci succederà di fronte allo sguardo di un lavoratore rubato alla ritualità delle fatiche quotidiane o vedendo spuntare dal buio l’abbraccio di un bambino che si aggrappa ad un altro corpo. e foto di Pietropaolo suggeriscono intere esistenze, cogliendo attimi capaci di innescare l’immaginazione di chi guarda, e pur nella loro vocazione documentaristica trasudano empatia nei confronti dell’umanità e dei mondi di cui sono testimoni. Alla base del lavoro di Pietropaolo, di cui la De Luca Fine Art Gallery di Toronto ha ospitato una retrospettiva dal 16 giugno al 2 luglio scorsi, sta infatti la volontà di documentare persone e luoghi nascosti e di fungere da “strumento sociale che riesca ad indurre alla consapevolezza di realtà invisibili agli occhi di molti”. A questa concezione della fotografia, e al credo mutuato dal maestro americano Lewis Hine che essa fondamentalmente mostri “le cose da cambiare e le cose da apprezzare”, Pietropaolo aggiunge la ricerca di soggetti che abbiano un legame con il suo vissuto, che siano densi di significato se rapportati alla sua esperienza di vita. Non a caso l’artista, nel suo percorso da autodidatta, sceglie già da adolescente la direzione che seguirà per tutta la sua carriera. Rapito dalla “magia della camera oscura”, si affranca presto dai classici soggetti che attraggano i principianti della fotografia e decide di dedicarsi alla documentazione della sua comunità, di quella Little Italy torontina in cui si trasferisce ancora bambino dalla Calabria. L’esperienza dell’emigrazione ed il senso di
Foto 1: Migrant Farm Worker's Letter to his Wife (Harvest Pilgrims)
Foto 3: Cement Finisher, Track Replacement, College Street (Not Paved With Gold)
appartenenza a due universi che nega una visione netta della propria identità lo portano a vedere nella macchina fotografica un mezzo per “arrivare alla comprensione di sè ricercandola in persone che vivono la stessa condizione di sdoppiamento, in bilico tra due mondi”. Si spiegano così libri come Not Paved With Gold, raccolta di foto degli anni ’70 che ritraggono gli italiani emigrati in Canada e ne testimoniano la capacità di reagire alla disillusione nei confronti di un mondo che la fantasia aveva dipinto con il colore dell’oro e che in realtà aspettava ancora di essere costruito. Pietropaolo fotografa uomini e donne al lavoro: nello sguardo timido di alcuni c’è riluttanza, nel sorriso di altri l’orgoglio di essere al centro dell’attenzione. Oltre ai riti e alle tradizioni di un popolo legato alle sue radici, le immagini mostrano la costruzione di una città che si accompagna a quella di una comunità, ed il duro lavoro che sta alla base di entrambe. Lavoratori sono anche i protagonisti di Harvest Pilgrims, i “migranti di professione” che stagione dopo stagione popolano le fattorie e le campagne canadesi viaggiando dal centro America, in un pellegrinaggio silenzioso che sfila inosservato. Un’umanità che attira l’interesse di Pietropaolo per la sua “condizione di eterna instabilità, per l’impossibilità di stabilire un punto fermo”, in un nomadismo che
fa seguire ad ogni ritorno un nuovo viaggio. Nel tentativo di svelare quella trama celata fatta di braccia e di sacrifici quotidiani su cui si regge il Canada senza che gran parte della gente ne sia consapevole, queste foto assumono il valore di un tributo alla fatica di tanti lavoratori nell’ombra che sono parte integrante della struttura del Paese. Lo stesso spirito anima Canadians at Work, in cui Pietropaolo apre le porte di altre realtà invisibili e di nuovo la macchina fotografica dimostra di non avere bisogno di costruire nulla, ma di essere uno strumento capace di penetrare il buio, di ricercare la vita nelle zone d’ombra e di farla emergere per consegnarla alla luce. Tra i vari luoghi in cui il fotografo ci porta, entriamo allora in quelle fabbriche, nascoste tra le grandi città e la natura canadesi, di cui è facile perdere di vista e dimenticare l’esistenza. Ambienti popolati da persone abituate ad essere ignorate, che “mostrano sospetto nei confronti della macchina fotografica e di cui si vince la diffidenza lentamente, spiegando loro i motivi del tuo lavoro e assistendo alla loro quotidianità”. L’artista deve infatti saper aspettare e “agire senza far sentire la sua presenza, per non alterare la verità di quello che si svolge davanti ai suoi occhi, in attesa di un momento che potrebbe anche non arrivare”, ma che, se colto, racchiude nell’immediatezza di un ’immagine vite intere.v
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Il morso della taranta nella magica notte di Melpignano Manifestazione “giovane” di un patrimonio culturale “antico”
Piazza Melpignano
Serena Battista
È notte e, su un grande palco, un maestro dirige una vivace e composita orchestra di una ventina di elementi. Circa centomila spettatori di ogni età ballano e cantano aspettando le prime luci dell’alba. L’atmosfera è quella di una grande festa, si percepisce gioia. Si trovano in una grande piazza antistante una vecchia chiesa sulle cui fragili strutture, in pietra, sono poste delle calde luci che esaltano, con effetti chiaroscurali, il meraviglioso binomio scultura-architettura del barocco leccese. Si tratta dell’ex convento agostiniano di Melpignano (Le), luogo oggi divenuto un simbolo del Salento in quanto ogni anno, alla sua destra, viene montato il palco della manifestazione estiva più attesa, vale a dire il concertone finale della Notte della Taranta. E la scena fin qui descritta è sempre la stessa ogni anno, con le dovute differenze determinate in primis dal maestro concertatore e dagli ospiti dell’evento. a Notte della Taranta è un festival itinerante di musica popolare che, organizzato in tappe che toccano alcuni comuni salentini, si conclude ogni anno a fine agosto col concertone di Melpignano. Qui si susseguono sul palco le performances di artisti provenienti dai più disparati background musicali, chiamati a eseguire brani del loro repertorio e a confrontarsi con la pizzica, e quindi a un vero e proprio incontro tra culture, uno scambio felice con cui potremmo parafrasare la famosa strofa di una canzone dei Sud Sound System (non a caso band leccese): “se nu te scierri mai delle radici ca tieni, rispetti puru quiddre de li paesi lontani” (“se non dimentichi mai le tue radici, rispetti anche quelle dei paesi lontani”). La grande protagonista del festival è la “pizzica”, un genere coreo-musicale salentino le cui radici sono così profonde da chiamare all’appello la mitologia greca. La “pizzica” (da non confondere con la “tarantella”, a cui pure rinvia per alcune caratteristiche e per le sue radici antropologiche, ma da cui si differenzia in termini coreografici e melodici) era infatti una danza popolare frenetica, ballata su canzoni eseguite da orchestrine composte da vari strumenti, in particolare da violino e tamburelli. Un rito, il cui scopo era
terapeutico: le credenze popolari tendevano a interpretare molti disturbi psico-fisici femminili (angosce, deliri, convulsioni, ecc.) come effetti del morso della tarantola, un ragno velenoso particolarmente comune nell’Europa meridionale. Si riteneva che alcune donne fossero state “pizzicate” (da cui il termine) dal veleno e si ricorreva a danze tumultuose, spesso di coppia, nella convinzione che, muovendosi e sudando, il veleno venisse espulso, e con esso tutte le angosce; il perdurare nei secoli di queste pratiche le ha poi trasformate in tradizione e spesso in occasione ludica pagana. I testi delle canzoni avevano contenuti non solo amorosi, ma anche sociopolitici, a testimonianza di una sensibilità popolare profonda che sceglieva di cantare le sofferenze di un popolo vessato dalla povertà, dalle malattie e dai vari dominatori stranieri (compresi i “piemontesi”) che si erano succeduti nel Regno delle Due Sicilie, ed è per questo che la pizzica oggi è riconsiderata soprattutto alla luce della sua forte rilevanza storica. La Notte della Taranta è nata da un’idea di alcuni giovani amministratori che, nel 1998, avviarono i lavori per una manifestazione dagli intenti ambiziosi: riportare alla luce una tradizione viva ancora tra i più
anziani; mettere questa tradizione in contatto con altre e farle dialogare; portare questa operazione fuori dalla Puglia, darle risonanza nazionale e internazionale. Presupposto di questa idea è che le tradizioni popolari non sono obsoleti oggetti di interesse di una ristretta cerchia, bensì costituiscono un prezioso patrimonio da cui attingere per ricercare identità e, perché no, anche per sfuggire per un momento a un concetto di economia voluto dall’alto e dalla logica della globalizzazione. Quest’anno il festival giunge alla sua quattordicesima edizione e il concertone di Melpignano, fissato per sabato 27 agosto, ospiterà Dulce Pontes, Savina Yannatou, Mercan Dede, i Sud sound System, Les Tambours du Burundi, Taraf de Haïdouks, Ballaké Sissoko, tutti musicisti accomunati da un contatto con la tradizione musicale del loro paese che strizza l’occhio alla sperimentazione, pronti a essere guidati dall’orchestra popolare della Notte della Taranta, diretta per la seconda volta dal pianista e compositore Ludovico Einaudi. L’operazione, a quanto pare, è felicemente riuscita e non si può che augurare lunga vita alla Notte della Taranta. v
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t ini lber and A hiar C The
Albert Chiarandini - David Fennario 1969
By Anja Karisik
Beards, beads, and long hair. With their free love and illicit drugs, a new generation of youth infests Toronto’s Yorkville. The wind carries the persistent beat of rock & roll music, and the scent of revolution. The "Village", as Yorkville was called then, became the destination for anyone wanting to take part in 1960's bohemian culture. "The people congregated here because it had become a music centre for the Toronto sound," says Joan Tadier, the daughter of the Italian-Canadian artist, Albert Chiarandini (1915-2007). hiarandini, a distinguished member of the Ontario Society of Artists, is known for his vivid impressions of the Canadian landscape. He shared exhibition space with members of the Group of Seven, including A.J. Casson, Lawren Harris, A.Y.Jackson, and Franklin Carmichael. “As a member of the O.S.A. my father is documented in that period of Canadian history," says Joan. Chiarandini established himself as a maestro with his portraits of Yorkville’s rebellious youth. His strong socialist background made it easy for him to relate to the subjects who sat for him. Born in Udine in 1915, Chiarandini experienced a harsh reality in a refugee camp, while his father fought in the First World War. His artistic training started with an apprenticeship to a local sculptor, Luigi Moro (1881-1946). In the company of his mother and brother, Chiarandini left Italy in 1932 and joined his father in Canada. Although he spoke no English, Chiarandini pursued his passion for art, registering himself that September at the Ontario College of Art in Toronto. There he studied under the tutelage of celebrated Canadian artists such as Frederick Challener and John Alfsen. Despite his feverish desire to paint, Chiarandini felt morally obliged to contribute to the family income, and enrolled in night classes while taking up various day jobs in the field of construction. He never gave up schooling, eventually completing his program with honours. “[He] had even been invited by the Italian Government to further his studies in Italy,” explains Joan, “but because the war had developed, it became impossible for him to do so.” Life as an artist was difficult during all those years, especially as an Italian immigrant. However, Chiarandini's determined spirit persevered. The 1960’s brought significant change to the artist’s career, and it was in these years that he dedicated himself fulltime to art. He achieved this as an art instructor at the Ontario College of Art, teaching portraiture in the evening. Chiarandini started selling his landscapes at this time, too. Several portrait commissions from Toronto’s social elite, such as Anne Mirvish, and notable figures from the city’s public institu-
painter of the “Village”
revolution. tions, established the artist’s status as a master of the genre. "This is when he took an interest in the hippies," explains Joan. With his studio at the corner of Bloor and Yonge, Chiarandini would stroll to Yorkville to choose his models off the street. The artist sought subjects with strong character, explaining his preference for real people. He found inspiration in outsiders who struggled to support a cause. “I was selling copies of my poems outside the Grab Bag (a convenience store) on Yorkville Avenue in August 1967 when Albert approached me and asked if he could do my portrait," recalls David Fennario. Now an award-winning playwright in Montreal, David was one of Chiarandini's hippie subjects, and his portrait hangs in the Carrier Gallery at the Columbus Centre. David wears a blue outfit with an unbuttoned red vest, revealing a heart-shaped locket. His elbows support his slouched frame. A heaviness weighs down the youthful figure. The sitter's gaunt face is tinged with despair, and he gazes into the distance. An ashtray packed with butts reveals both determination and frustration. "We were artists from a working class background with a strong anti-capitalist critique," says David of his connection to Chiarandini. The hippies of Yorkville were at odds with the establishment. They were against the Vietnam War and for civil rights. These nonconformists wanted to claim a space of their own to legitimize their movement. Their campaign to close Yorkville Avenue to vehicular traffic led to a series of sit-in protests, followed by mass arrests. The villagers' pedestrian safe haven was never realized. Chiarandini painted some of their portraits because he saw in them a universal suffering that was unmistakably human. Whether painting impressionist landscapes of rural Ontario or portraits of Yorkville’s hippies, Chiarandini was able to be himself. "This is what my father wanted," recalls Joan, "for his work to be recognizable," Joan remembers with a nostalgic smile. v
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Da Montreal a Toronto sulle note della vita
Monica Gerli
Incontro Carlo Berardinucci una domenica pomeriggio, e subito mi catturano l’entusiasmo e l’energia che emana questo giovane italocanadese che è tantissime cose in una sola persona. ttore, impiegato e padre di famiglia, dopo diverse partecipazioni a spot pubblicitari, tra cui una clip per la LCBO sponsorizzata in parte da MADD, e con alle spalle esperienze di rilievo in “Confessioni di una mente pericolosa” di George Clooney e nel cult “Il giorno di Ognissanti” di Troy Duffy, Berardinucci è oggi anche un cantante jazz. Figlio di padre abruzzese e di madre campana, Carlo è nato e cresciuto a Montreal, vive a Toronto con la sua famiglia da ormai nove anni e parla perfettamente francese, inglese e italiano. Appassionato di motori e di auto (italiane), si diploma in ingegneria illudendo tuttti che quella sarà la sua strada. Al momento però di decidere gli studi universitari, Carlo è coinvolto in un progetto di recitazione a livello amatoriale con il “Gruppo Teatrale Romano” di Montreal e la stessa direttrice, Renata Venarelli, gli consiglia di pensare seriamente ad una carriera artistica. Detto fatto, Berardinucci presenta domanda di studi presso la Concordia University e, con grande disappunto del padre che perde il suo futuro ingegnere in famiglia, sarà accettato nel programma “Theatre Performance and Voice”. Saranno i tre anni più duri per il Berardinucci perché, contemporaneamente, decide di sposarsi con Johanna e il primo figlio arriverà praticamente subito. Carlo si trova quindi impegnato a studiare a tempo pieno, ma anche a lavorare il più possibile per il mantenimento della sua nuova famiglia. Prima ancora di terminare i suoi studi, ha l’opportunità di recitare in lingua inglese a Montreal, occasione che lo porterà a far decollare la sua carriera di attore, non solo teatrale, ma anche cinematografica
e nel settore pubblicitario. Nove anni fa, il salto a Toronto. Carlo e sua moglie trascorrono un fine settimana in città, con l’occasione di un’audizione. Piacevolmente colpiti dal downtown, dalla multiculturalità e dalle diverse forme di arte e di divertimento che la città offre, i Berardinucci decidono di trasferirsi. È al Girl’s Night Out, locale jazz torontino gestito da Lisa Particelli, che Carlo ha la fortuna di conoscere Jen Sagar, cantante locale che lo spingerà verso la carriera musicale. Incoraggiato a salire sul palco fin dalla prima sera, Carlo preferisce seguire i concerti e le esibizioni seduto tra il pubblico del Ten Feet Tall Restaurant e dovranno trascorrere ben 8 mesi prima di convincersi al grande passo. Data la sua preparazione artistica e vocale, chiedo al Berardinucci perché abbia esitato così tanto prima di esibirsi come cantante. In fondo, in quanto attore di teatro, dovrebbe essere già avvezzo alle platee e sono numerose le occasioni in cui ha prestato la sua voce per serie televisive, tra le quali “Puppets Who Kill” e “Rent-A-Goalie”. La sua risposta è semplice e molto chiara: “quando reciti, esprimi sentimenti che sono di un personaggio, non sono mai i tuoi. Quando canti invece, sei te stesso ed esprimi quello che realmente senti. Io non mi sentivo pronto a farlo”. Quando, finalmente Carlo si esibisce sul palco con una lodevole "The More I See You" di Harry Warren, sembra proprio che il momento sia arrivato. Il pubblico gradisce molto la sua interpretazione e da allora, possiamo ascoltare Carlo Berardinucci ogni martedì sera all’Alleycats e in altri famosi locali tra i quali il Lula Lounge e il The Old Mill Inn. Il suo primo album, che raccoglie composizioni originali e cover di grandi successi jazz, si intitola She made me do it, dove “she” (lei) è dedicato a sua moglie Johanna e a tutte le donne che – in un modo o nell’altro – l’hanno spinto a cantare la prima volta. Il progetto televisivo più recente, il primo episodio della popolare serie televisiva “The Kennedys”
trasmessa lo scorso 8 aprile 2011, vede il Berardinucci nei panni di Joseph Russo. Candidato alle elezioni americane del 1946, Joseph Russo avrebbe potuto ottenere la maggioranza dei voti degli italo-americani, compromettendo la vittoria di John Kennedy, ma venne prontamente messo fuori gioco dall’improvvisa apparizione di un secondo Joseph Russo nella lista dei candidati. Orgoglioso di questa sua ultima interpretazione, lontana dai ruoli stereotipati del passato, Carlo Berardinucci nel suo futuro ha ancora tanta musica, due progetti televisivi in corso e un progetto di arrangiamento di famose canzoni napoletane in versione jazz.. In fondo, commenta Carlo, le sue radici italiane sono quello che lo hanno avvicinato all’arte e per le quali, ogni giorno, si sente profondamente grato. v
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Venice Biennale
Bridging the gap between the old and the new world of art Truly a city like no other, Venice is much more than anything a history book or a travel guide can illustrate. More than some archaic pilgrimage site, it exudes a vital mass of artistic energy that makes it one of the most important hot spots for contemporary arts in the world. Far from the image of a static museum city locked in its past glory, Venice hosts, for six months every two years, the international contemporary arts festival known as the Venice Biennale. By Amanda Fulginiti his year the 54th International Art Exhibition of the Venice Biennale is open from the 4th of June to the 27th and is directed by the Swiss art historian and critic Bice Curiger and chaired by Paolo Baratta, Director of Telecom Italia. While there are many exhibitions that occur around the city, it is the site known as the Giardini that attracts the most attention. There are 28 permanent pavilions inside the Giardini used by 30 owner countries, who are considered permanent participants. Other countries that are invited to participate in the Exhibition find space in the Arsenale. The participating countries this year number 89 (there were 77 at the last Biennale). This year, Curiger has chosen ILLUMInations as her title for the exhibition. This title is meant to literally and figuratively shed light on the institution of the Biennale itself by drawing attention to all the nations and their socio-political dimensions which make up this internationally recognized and attended event. ILLUMInations also hopes to direct its viewers to the idea of light, a classical theme in art which is particularly poignant in the history of Venetian art. Three works by Tintoretto, known as the painter of light, are featured at this years show: The Last Supper (from san Giorgio Maggiore Basilica), The Stealing of the Body of St. Mark and The Creation of the Animals (housed in the Gallerie dell’Accademia). The three canvases, granted as a loan by the board of Venetian museums, are on display in the main room of the Central Pavilion in the Giardini. “Tintoretto’s art is unorthodox and experimental, distinguished by dramatic lighting. The inclusion of these paintings in the Biennale is founded on the conviction that, with their visual and expressive directness, they still possess the power to engage a contemporary audience,” Curiger remarked to the press on the show’s opening weekend. In some sense the show really bridges the gap between the old and the new world of art. Every Biennale, three prizes are given out to those pavilions and/or artists which best articulate the spirit of the exhibition. This year the Golden Lion for Best National Participation was given to Germany and the pavilions featured artist Christoph Schlingensief (Pavilion at the Giardini; the Golden Lion for the best artist at the ILLUMInations Exhibition was granted to Christian Marclay (United States, 1955; on display at the Corderie, Arsenale) The Clock, 2010; and lastly the Silver Lion for a promising young artist at the ILLUMInations Exhibition to Haroon Mirza (United Kingdom, 1977; on display at the Corderie, Arsenale and at the Central Pavilion, Giardini). This year the official jury of the Biennale decided to assign two Special Mentions to the Lithuania Pavilion, Behind the White Curtain Darius Miksys (Pavilion in town; Scuola S. Pasquale, Castello 278) and to the artist Klara Lidén (Sweden, 1979; on display at the Arsenale) Untitled, (Trashcan), 2011.
Haroon Mirza’s, “The national Apavilion of then and now.”
Tintoretto’s paintings in the Giardini’s Central Pavilion Fabrizio Plessi, Mariverticali
Christoph Schlingensief, German Pavilion
A special mention must be made about this year’s Venetian Pavilion which presents the work of Fabrizio Plessi, recognized as one of the greatest contemporary video artists, with MARIVERTICALI, a work executed for Louis Vuitton. There Plessi displays inside the semi-circular structure of the Venice Pavilion with a grandiose concert of six black steel vessels which seem to emerge from the darkness, while sounds, currents and waves from symbolic seas appear on the video screens on their hulls. The Canadian pavilion coordinated by The National Gallery of Canada and led by the museum’s director, Marc Mayer, and its senior curator of contemporary art, Josée Drouin-Brisebois, chose to feature the Vancouver artist Steven Shearer. He is best known for his engagements with near and distant pasts, particularly with the hard-rock and heavy-metal iconography of the 1970s and 1980s. Central to the exhibition is an engagement with the space of the pavilion, often proved frustrating to contemporary artists and curators. On the approach to the Canada Pavilion, Shearer has created a ninemetre-high free-standing mural in response to the architecture of the adjacent British and German Pavilions. The mural is part of an alternate entrance to the Pavilion via a toolshed-like structure, one of Shearer’s signature motifs. This monumental facade features a new poem written by the artist, drawing from the vocabulary of Black and Death metal music and which seeks to provoke a visceral response in viewers. So throw away your travel guides and just lose yourself in the city of Venice because every bridge you cross will surely lead to an exciting piece of work, new or old, to discover. v
Steven Shearer, Canadian Pavilion
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By Anja Karisik
To commemorate the 150th anniversary of the Unification of Italy, the Venice Biennale 2011 will extend beyond the geographical borders of Italy to map out Italian creativity abroad; disparate worlds will converge and distances will shrink. ith video projections, the Biennale will create intimate dialogues and allow for ever closer encounters between artists living on opposing ends of the globe. Italian Cultural Institutes worldwide will curate exhibitions of works by Italian artists or artists of Italian origin living and working abroad. Each Cultural Institute will film its exhibition, which will then be screened on a multimedia installation at the Padiglione Italia. Orchestrated by the Italian art critic and historian, Vittorio Sgarbi, the aim of this project is to “start a dialogue between artists living abroad and artists in Italy, both of whom are representing the Padiglione Italia," explains Adriana Frisenna, Acting Director of the Italian Cultural Institute (IIC) in Toronto. On the eve of the Biennale, the IIC has launched its own exhibition featuring the works of three Italian-Canadian artists. Frisenna invited Corrado De Luca to co-curate this tremendous exhibition. "For Italy, it's vital to know and cherish the talents that represent Italian culture abroad," states De Luca. As the director of De Luca Fine Art gallery in Toronto, he has focused on introducing Italian artists to Canadian audiences for over a decade. "Corrado was the right person for this project because his gallery is known as the bridge between the two cultures," says Frisenna. If De Luca was an obvious choice, then the selection of artists was a long and arduous process. "One of the challenges was to include artists active in different disciplines," says De Luca. Francesca Vivenza creates site-specific installations; Tony Calzetta is a painter, and Vincenzo Pietropaolo, a photographer. This event is a singular opportunity for the diverse trio who will represent Ontario at the Biennale’s Padiglione Italia. Since her arrival in Canada in the 1970’s, Italian-born Francesca Vivenza has been divided between two worlds. It is no wonder that themes of distance, travel, and disorientation are prevalent in her site-specific installations. As part of the Biennale exhibition, Vivenza is showing works that explicitly deal with the theme of "the house". Little House in Orbit is an installation made of a long piece of wood, which Vivenza found in her garden as a crumbling flower-bed border. A small house is precariously positioned on top of the wood, which rotates 360 degrees when pushed. The work becomes activated by the public's participation, allowing us to feel the instability of taken-for-granted sites of personal identity such as home. "The house does not represent a fixed, nostalgic point of reference," explains Vivenza, adding that "it has no fixed address, and in such a way produces multiple perspectives and geographies." Personal geography, manoeuvred by others, is unstable. Tony Calzetta hails from Windsor, Ontario, and is an elected member of the Royal Canadian Academy of Arts (R.C.A.). In paintings such as Cry! Cry! Cry!, Calzetta combines charcoal and acrylic on canvas, and creates a unique vocabulary of shapes and forms. "My work is about drawing mostly and letting the viewer create their own narrative," explains Calzetta. He believes that the line defines the image, and supplies the energy, while colour supplies the mood. The artist’s bold palette and playful contrasts are hypnotic. "Calzetta does not feed us with explanations," says Frisenna, adding that "his work is captivating because it can be anything you want to see."
Pietropaolo's 14th floor
The Venice Biennale in Toronto
Francesca Vivenza,s Little House in Orbit
adiglione P Italia
As a contrast to Calzetta’s enigmatic canvases, Italian-born Vincenzo Pietropaolo is best known for his empathetic photography, documenting Italian immigrant life in Canada, political protest, and the labour movement. His images reveal individuals and groups overlooked by history books. Pietropaolo’s journalistic approach to photography is strikingly poetic. Characterized by a simple and direct approach, Pietropaolo is an honest observer. "He doesn't stage, personalize, or embellish," comments De Luca. In his major book-work, Not Paved with Gold, Pietropaolo documents the instants of Italian immigrants' challenging everyday life. From working long shifts at the McGregor Socks Factory to paving the 14th Floor of the Harbour Castle Hotel, Pietropaolo immortalized in photographs the history of a people who built Toronto. He offers an objective window into Italian-Canadian society to Italian audiences at the Biennale. Tony Calzetta’s Cry!Cry!Cry! Whether born in Canada of Italian background, living here since early childhood, or faced with immigrating to this country as an adult, this exhibition is a tribute to the three Italian artists whose work is a product of their lived experience and deserves to be internationally recognized. v
College Street
under the Italian Sun: June 17-19, 2011
It is a hot and humid Friday afternoon when College Street starts to bristle with the hustle and bustle of workers, trucks, and patrons. Sound checks juxtapose noise from surrounding restaurants, as young volunteers rush boxes and tables across the street. Little Italy’s charm is overflowing, with its boot-shaped street lamps under the June sun. t 6:00 pm, a drummer gives the tempo, opening the street to the Taste of Little Italy festival, a celebration of Italian flavours with a
touch of multiculturalism. Quickly people flood College Street, from Ossington to Bathurst and beyond, inebriated by the smell of spieducci and charcoal. The 32° temperature does not seem to stop Torontonians from queuing for gelato or poking through some of the fabrics sold by street venders. For the whole weekend, families, friends, couples and tourists share the street where many Italians worked, shopped, played and ate in the 60’s, just like we romantically remember today. Amongst the myriad of white and green food tents, Panoram Italia’s booth stands out, with its welcoming team of volunteers greeting the sea of passers-by as they discover the publication for the first time.
Looking forward to next year’s festa! More pics @
Corso Italia: July 2-3, 2011
Summer blooms on
If you happen to be an Italian in Toronto, you’ve definitely been in the spotlight this summer. The first weekend of July saw St. Clair between Dufferin and Lansdowne turn red, white and green for the annual Corso Italia - Toronto Fiesta. The multicultural family summer festival organized by the local BIA opened its doors to many Italians living in the area and their Latin neighbours for a celebration of music, cuisine and culture. Known as Toronto’s second Little Italy, following College Street’s, Corso Italia welcomed
thousands of Italians in the 60’s and set memorable scenery for the Italian World Cup victory of 1982. While an incredibly growing community moved further north around Dufferin and Lawrence, and later to the Vaughan region, the geographical expansion still left pockets of Italian culture in the first downtown settlements. On July 2 and 3, a vibrant St. Clair street was flooded with rhythms of salsa, swing and Italian oldies, as well as street vendors catering to every taste, reminding us that there is still strong cultural appeal in the area. As the sparkling summer sun shone down on Corso Italia, hundreds of Panoram Italia subscribers passed by our booth to take pictures and say hello.
More pics @
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Si prega di inviare la foto e cliccare prima su ‘Magazine’ e poi su ‘Newlyweds,’ oppure spedirla per posta con i nomi della coppia e la data di matrimonio.
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Pictures will appear in our December 2011/January 2012 issue. Deadline: November 4, 2011
Le foto saranno pubblicate nell’edizione di dicembre 2011/gennaio 2012. Scadenza : 4 novembre 2011
924 Brimorton Drive Toronto, Ontario, M1G 2T9
Toronto Taste for Second Harvest
On June 12th 2011, 1,475 tasters across the city had the chance to take a gastronomic journey at the Royal Ontario Museum to support Second Harvest – a charitable organization that for 25 years has been delivering food to more than 200 social service agencies in Toronto. In collaboration with 60 of Toronto’s top chefs and 30 beverage purveyors, guests indulged and spoiled their palates with different flavours for a cause all in the name of food! With appearances by celebrity chefs such as Michael Smith (Chef at Home), Mark McEwan (Top Chef Canada), Bob Blumer (Glutton for Punishment), combined with the help of over 400 volunteers, the event was able to exceed their fundraising goal of $300,000. The sum will be able to provide more than 600,000 much needed meals to those in need across the city. v (Laura Nesci) For more information about the event visit: or
Send us your events:
Centro Scuola Turns 40!
Centro Scuola marked its 40th anniversary on May 12th, 2011 with nearly 400 guests in attendance in the Joseph D. Carrier Gallery at Columbus Centre. For 40 years it has held Italian education programs organized by Alberto Di Giovanni and Centro Scuola e Cultura Italiana. The night was shared with many, including past and present teachers and students. Representatives from various school boards across the city that have developed a partnership with Centro Scuola were also there to show their gratitude. Guests were entertained by a sound that developed close to home with performances by past musical students. In the spirit of the event, a total of $30,000 worth of scholarships was awarded to university students and young artists. Auguri! v (Laura Nesci) For additional information please visit or call 416.789.4970
Firenze Art at Columbus Centre
From June 3rd to June 30th, in celebration of the Italian Heritage Month, The Carrier Gallery at Columbus Centre hosted the exhibition Firenze Art, presented by Viva Vitalità Italiana in collaboration with Marcello Tarantino and Galleria Firenze Art, by Cav. Andrea Tirinnanzi and curator Dott. Gabriella Gentilini. Founded in 1999 with Laboratorio Artigiano Cornici in Florence, the Galleria Firenze Art became the establishment for many renowned Italian and foreign artists in the last 30 years. In Florence, the Laboratorio Artigiano Cornici hosts the artisan traditional production of valuable gold and silver leaf hand-decorated frames. In the S. Frediano's quarter, personal and collective exhibitions are occasionally displayed amidst permanent art exhibits. In the Isolotto quarter, visitors can find gifts as well as pre-made or custom frames. The Firenze Art exhibition at Columbus Centre hosted many of the highlights of the Galleria Firenze Art, such as works by Guido Borgianni, Rodolfo Marma and Gianfranco Frezzolini, but also aimed to introduce new artists, with proceeds donated to Villa Charities and Caritas. v (Laura Nesci) For more information about the gallery, please visit: For current or future events please visit:
Italian Walk of Fame
On September 5th, 2011, The Italian Walk of Fame will be celebrating its 3rd year by honouring individuals with both an unveiling ceremony and awards gala in the evening. One of the main objectives of the Italian Walk of Fame is to preserve as well as contribute to Italian heritage by recognizing those who are distinguished in their respective fields across an array of professions. It aims to celebrate these individuals but also to promote and preserve a culture dear to the Italian community. The event this year will begin with the unveiling of the new addition of inductees on College Street at 1pm. The celebrations will continue with the Common Spirit Awards Gala to be held that evening at Riviera Parque Banquet and Convention Centre starting at 6pm. The evening will also include performances by award winning singer/songwriter Carlo Coppola and pop sensation Laura Palumbo. v (Laura Nesci) To reserve gala tickets please call 416.941.9905 and for additional information please visit:
Inspiring ItalianCanadian youth "Success is what happens when preparation meets opportunity." Seneca’s words were echoed by Michael Tibollo, President of the National Congress of Italian Canadians – Toronto District on June 25, 2011 during the opening speech of Inspire 2011. he first of its kind in Ontario's inaugural Italian Heritage Month, the goal of the event was to inspire young adults, through similar ItalianCanadians success stories, that dreams can be transformed into concrete realities. The organizing committee composed of young Italian-Canadian entrepreneurs, including Luciano Volpe, Gianni Creta, Rino Spano, Robert Grossi, and Lawrence LaPianta, invited well known guests speakers to a Q&A and to share enjoyable moments from their upbringing: Rick Campanelli (Reporter for ET Canada), Enrico Colantoni (actor on the hit show Flashpoint), Nick Di Donato (President and CEO of Liberty Entertainment Group), Anthony Lacavera (Chairman of Wind Mobile and CEO of Globalive
Youth Day and Family Day
Keeping with the celebrations of Italian Heritage Month, June 25th and 26th proved to be an entertaining weekend for the entire family with festivities by Villa Charities on the grounds of the Columbus Centre. “The Best of Youth” on June 25th aimed at celebrating Italian culture for young adults in the community. The day consisted of beach soccer tournaments, performances by artists such as the Doo Wops, and a fashion show in the evening by various designers. Participants were also treated with a sampling of food from Camarra Pizzeria, Ristorante Boccaccio and Vincentina Meats. Family Day on June 26th had events and entertainment for the entire family as well as food and ice cream by Sicilian Ice Cream to keep everyone energized and refreshed. Live entertainment was provided by Stars Academy Company Dancers with Myles Erlick, the current star of Billy Elliot the Musical, as well as comedian Antonio Cardulli and Nostalgia Trio. v (Laura Nesci)
Rick Campanelli, Cristina Lio & John DiGiacomo Rick Campanelli addressing Enrico Colantoni
Communications), and Ivana Santilli (Juno award winning singer/songwriter). Their common denominator is not only success, but a common Italian heritage. The guests spoke of their experiences of overcoming adversity, just like their parents who came to Canada as immigrants. Enrico Colantoni shocked his relatives when he decided to forego university studies for an acting career. It was the fear of disappointing his parents that motivated him to work hard and to succeed as an actor. Nick Di Donato shared a similar story about his decision to leave a promising career at Imperial Oil after graduating with an engineering degree from the University of Toronto to pursue a career in the hospitality industry. Rick Campanelli, accompanied by his family, stressed the perseverance he needed to make his way into the television world. His father was visibly emotional when listening to his son's long road to success. An audience of over 150 people was exposed to the different paths of success in which education, preparation, family, hard work, and a vision played a key role. Young adults are the future and Inspire 2011 was the best conclusion to this first Italian Heritage Month in Ontario. v (Daniele Bozzelli)
UTICA celebrates another ItalianCanadian milestone in 2011 In conjunction with Italian Heritage Month and the 150th Anniversary of the Unification of Italy, another important milestone is about to take place with the University of Toronto ItalianCanadian Association (UTICA) celebrating its 65th Anniversary. Since 1946, the University of Toronto ItalianCanadian Association has been the largest cultural club on the Toronto campus. Its mission: to celebrate, promote and maintain Italian culture, language and history within the University of Toronto, and the Italian-Canadian community at large. Organizing both cultural and social events and programs, UTICA aims to enrich campus-life by providing students with a piazza under the backdrop of Italian culture. Preliminary planning for the 65th Anniversary Gala is underway while other plans include: a donation of Italian literature to John M. Kelly library, Italian tutoring, cooking classes and an exciting party. The 2011/12 scholastic year will see an addition of five events/programs to UTICA’s already packed schedule representing another key milestone for Italian-Canadians in 2011. v (Dante Di Iulio) If you would like to support, sponsor or get involved with UTICA and the 65th Anniversary celebrations, please contact: Joseph Frascà, President (647) 625 7566 or Victor Dri, Treasurer (416) 318 4225 or
Liberty Group CEO, Nick DiDonato
Yonge and Dundas Square Turns Into Piazza Italia for the day On June 2, 2011, Italy celebrated the Festa della Repubblica and so did the people of Toronto. For one day, Yonge and Dundas Square in the heart of downtown Toronto was transformed and aptly renamed Piazza Italia. The concept, designed by the Italian Chamber of Commerce of Ontario (ICCO) in collaboration with the Consulate General of Italy, was to allow a gathering point through which a celebration could take place. As ICCO explains, "In any Italian city the piazza is the hub of life for the community, the place where everyone meets to share a gelato, play a hearty game of briscola and generally enjoy a bit of la dolce vita." While what la dolce vita really is may be up for interpretation, the event represented a contemporary approach to the idea of an Italian public square in an urban environment surrounded by shopping centres, skyscrapers and illuminated billboards. Food, entertainment, and special attractions celebrated Italian culture and innovation. This first-time event differed from the traditional formal celebrations in the confines of the gardens of the Italian Consulate. The hope is that this sense of community gathering around the urban Piazza Italia, even for only one day, continues for years to come. v (Daniele Bozzelli)
Congratulations to all our graduates! / Auguri ai nostri laureati e diplomati!
Anna Maria Elisa Giammarco McMaster University Philosophy and Psychology 2011
Daniel Fiore Niagara University Bachelor of Education 2011
GianCarlo Mauro Robert F Hall Catholic Secondary School 2011
Joseph Alexander Filice McMaster University Political Science 2011
Laura Delgado York University Communications and Fine Arts Cultural Studies 2011
Sabrina Anna Salituro York University Honours B.A. Classical Studies 2011
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in the Garden series
By Clelia Farrugia
f Italy’s Risorgimento was a movie, Giuseppe Verdi (1813- 1901) would have undoubtedly provided the soundtrack. This summer, let the Istituto Italiano di Cultura’s (IIC) Opera in the Garden series be your soundtrack, as it celebrates the 150th anniversary of the Unification of Italy presenting Verdi’s operas with three appointments running on July 29 (Nabucco), August 12 (I Vespri Siciliani), and August 26 (Falstaff). The masterpieces will be presented on a giant screen with English subtitles, free of charge in the Garden of Toronto’s Consulate General of Italy.
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I Vespri Siciliani
The IIC’s
Vince Rosanova York University Bachelor of Arts, Summa Cum Laude, Economics (major)
I Vespri Siciliani (1855) was originally composed for the Paris Opera with a French libretto. Its political message is as strong as Nabucco’s, reflecting Sicily’s successful uprising against French domination in the 13th century and drawing a parallel with events contemporary to Verdi, a few years before Vittorio Emanuele II would become the first King of a united Italy.
Nicola Vescio York University Bachelor of Kinesiology Honours Specialist + Bachelor of Education 2011
When it premiered in 1842, Nabucco immediately made Verdi a renowned composer. Famous for its main chorus Va Pensiero, Nabucco still resonates today with populations facing oppression and looking for liberation and unity. When Verdi passed away 110 years ago, conductor Arturo Toscanini directed a choir singing Va Pensiero made up of 820 singers!
Stephanie Venturo York University Bachelor of Arts in Humanities 2011
Falstaff (1893) was Verdi’s very last opera. Contrary to Nabucco and I Vespri, it is an opera buffa, far less political and simply celebrating the joy of life. Based on Shakespeare’s Merry Wives of Windsor, Verdi was 80 when he composed this very modern opera for the time.
Orchestra & Coro del Teatro Alla Scala - Garden of the Consulate General of Italy 136 Beverley St., Toronto (Dundas entrance)
2 0 1 1 By Anthony Silvestri
in Toronto
Alex Tagliani
Photography by: Mike Marino
From July 8 to July 10, Italian-Canadians celebrated their passion for motors at the Honda Indy Toronto, Ontario’s largest annual sporting event, which took place on the streets surrounding Exhibition Place near Lake Ontario. With more than two decades of Indy car racing history in Toronto, the Honda Indy Toronto is amongst the most respected motorsport events in North America and features a festival-like atmosphere that includes the fastest racing series on the planet, celebrity athletes and three action-packed days of live entertainment and interactive activities. n addition to English and/or their native tongue, Italian is among the languages spoken by many race car drivers such as Alex Tagliani, Ryan Briscoe, Tony Kanaan and Simona De Silvestro. Driver Alex Tagliani was very excited for the event. “It’s not just the race itself,” he comments, “but all of the events of the weekend – especially the parties,” elaborating on what makes the Honda Indy Toronto a race to look forward to. The director of the Honda Indy Toronto, Charlie Johnstone explains that the drivers enjoy this race in part because of the track itself. “It’s a fast track and it’s right through downtown Toronto. When can you
ever drive 160 mph down the Lakeshore without getting a speeding ticket?” he asks. This year’s race includes the addition of the Ferrari Challenge; the first ever foreign car series in Toronto. “The Ferrari Challenge is a premium series with universal appeal,” says Kim Green, co-owner of Green Savoree Toronto, ULC, promoters of the Honda Indy Toronto. “Its addition to our schedule speaks volumes to the prestige and heritage of this Toronto hallmark event.” The Ferrari 458 Italia is among the best road cars ever made despite its fiery temperament, and the racing version of the car, the 458 Challenge, made its racing debut at the 2011 Ferrari Challenge series. The
schedule for the series, announced early this year includes six dates across North America, including the Canadian F1 Grand Prix and the Toronto Honda Indy. To celebrate the three-day event, held in Toronto since 1986, fans were treated to free admission, courtesy of Ontario Honda dealers. The races took place on a 2.84 km street course surrounding Exhibition Place. Italian-Canadian Mario Andretti, owner of Andretti Green Racing Team, says a big part of his commitment to the event stems from a love for Toronto. "From the first time we were up here in 1986 for the first race it felt special. Everybody just seemed to be really supportive of us. You felt that bond right away. The weekend’s final race ended up being a crashfilled affair, with eight yellow cautions and more collisions. It was won by Italian-Scottish driver Dario Franchitti of Target Chip Ganassi Racing, with his teammate Scott Dixon finishing second. Ryan HunterReay of Andretti Autosport finished third and Alex Tagliani was unable to finish due to contact. v
Annalisa Romano Dreams do come true – with work!
By Mara Paolantonio
Having exceptional soccer talent, a supportive family and team along with the desire to succeed, Annalisa Romano is living her dream of becoming a pro soccer player.
ports were always a part of Annalisa’s life. From early on, the young Italian-Torontonian would watch her father play soccer and would participate in many other sports, including baseball and hockey. “I began playing soccer at the age of nine, an age considered late for most people,” says Annalisa. “It’s a beautiful game that has taught me discipline and responsibility, and has allowed me to coach children as well,” she says proudly. At 23 years of age, she currently plays with G.S. United from Scarborough, a team in the Ontario Women’s League. Most notably, however, her possession of both Canadian and Italian passports has allowed her to play at a professional level in Italy on two occasions. “I ended up travelling to Abruzzo when I was sixteen for a Serie A division team. In February of this year, I went to Verona for a week to play again in Serie A,” Annalisa says enthusiastically. “It was an amazing experience. I got to live my dream and prove to myself that I was able to keep up with their level of fitness.” The relentless athlete is planning to return to Italy in a few months and try out for another team. Annalisa’s unquestionable talent has also allowed her to gain international awards as well as academic merits. She was awarded in Barcelona for scoring the most goals during a championship and had the opportunity to play against Venezuela and Spain. Schools all over the United States have offered
Annalisa scholarships – twenty five in total – for a four year academic or professional program. However, Annalisa’s ultimate goal is to go pro overseas. A role model for aspiring soccer players on the field, Annalisa also inspires children in an instructional role. For a few summers, she coached children from the age of five to eight in King City, Ontario. Her favourite part, she admits, is seeing the kids succeed, learn new things, and improve at every practice session. The way they trust her and look up to her builds her own confidence as well. “I’d encourage soccer 100% for kids. It’s a great atmosphere – mentally and physically. It keeps them active and gives them the opportunity to travel.” It is not unlikely for kids to injure themselves on the field, but Annalisa believes that with a great support system from the team and parents, there is no reason to be concerned. “Being mentally prepared, warming up, eating a balanced diet, and keeping your body hydrated” says the young athlete, are some of the best ways to be alert and avoid injuries. Dreams are attainable with hard work and determination, and Annalisa Romano is a prime example. Her athleticism, charisma and unstoppable desire to succeed will not only propel her to great heights, but also help younger children become the future of soccer. v
Standard Life has style By Anthony Reed
Everyone has heard the expression “Don’t put all your eggs in one basket”. The same applies to building an investment portfolio. By diversifying amongst different asset classes such as stocks, bonds, real estate, and commodities, you can spread out and reduce your overall risk.
GARP–style fund now available:
Another important, but sometimes overlooked technique is to diversify by portfolio manager investment style.
Three new value-style funds
Guardian Capital manages this fund for Standard Life Mutual Funds Ltd. using its GARP approach. Servicing investors since 1962, Guardian manages $15.1 billion for both institutional and retail clients with the confidence that comes from a highly disciplined investment process and a constant awareness of risk and fiduciary responsibility.
Value-style fund management focuses on investments that are believed to be undervalued by the current market.
Our core offering
Standard Life Mutual Funds Ltd. has recently added two new portfolio managers to complement the style of their principal manager, Standard Life Investments Inc.
*Commissions, trailing commissions, management fees and expenses may all be associated with mutual fund investments. Please read the simplified prospectus before investing. Mutual funds are not guaranteed, their values change frequently and past performance may not be repeated.
Now available: Standard Life Canadian Equity Value Fund Standard Life U.S. Equity Value Fund Standard Life Global Equity Value Fund These funds focus primarily on quality companies with stable, growing businesses and strong balance sheets. The value investing approach should result in funds that perform defensively in volatile markets, while capturing a significant portion of the market’s upside. Standard Life Mutual Funds Ltd. has designated Beutel Goodman Investment Counsel as portfolio manager of these funds. Serving investors since 1967, they specialize in applying a value approach to the management of domestic and global equity, balanced and fixed income mandates. They manage over $20 billion for institutional and individual investors.
A new GARP–style fund The GARP (Growth at a Reasonable Price) strategy is a combination of value and growth investing. While value managers search for stocks that are undervalued, GARP managers look for companies that are undervalued and have solid sustainable growth potential.
Standard Life Canadian Equity Growth Fund focuses on companies using fundamental analysis to evaluate growth potential, financial condition and management. It invests in those securities which have the potential for long-term capital growth that can be obtained at a reasonable price.
These new funds and managers were carefully selected to ensure they complement our core offering, which is managed by Standard Life Investments, an affiliated company and premier asset manager with an expanding global reach. Standard Life Investments’ wide range of investment solutions is backed by its distinctive Focus on Change investment philosophy, disciplined risk management and shared commitment to a culture of investment excellence. As at December 31, 2010, Standard Life Investments managed CDN $244.0 billion on behalf of clients worldwide and CDN $30.5 billion in Canada, including twenty eight funds for Standard Life Mutual Funds covering Fixed Income, Monthly Income and Balanced, Canadian Equity, U.S. Equity, Global Equity, Focus and Portrait Portfolio Funds.
Now available: Standard Life Tactical Income Fund – Focuses on generating income, with the potential for long term capital growth, by actively adjusting the portfolio’s asset allocation among various fixed income and equity asset classes in keeping with the market outlook. Ask your investment advisor about diversifying your portfolio. Anthony Reed is a senior consultant for Standard Life’s individual investments communications team. Standard Life Mutual Funds Ltd.
1 888 484 5981
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