Dubbo Photo News 21.09.2017

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PhotoNews DUBBO


Our language matters Urgently needed: foster carers

I know ICan

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Danc ncer nc ers fr from om Dubbo o Colle l ge Del le elro r y Ca ro amp mpuss a e the fa ar f cee of this year’’s D Du ubbo Ph ho otto Ne News ws’’ NAID ID DOC O ediition, cellebrating g the oldest st cultu ullttu ure re on thee contiinent. Pict ctured are r , back row ow, w, Ja Jai Wilsson Wils Wi o , Rh Rhia i nna Blligh, Adarn nna n Riley-C Col olem man n, L ey Ll eyto ton nW Wiigh g ton, n, middle ro row w, Kyiesha h Edw wards ards ar ds,, Alllliiso A son Sm Smiith Ro R ma mans anss, Sh Shon o te Bower, an nd frron nt r w ro w,, Mol olly ly Murra ray, y Jay a na naya ya Hilill, l, Mal alak a ai Dixon ak ixxon n. PHO HO OTO: TO O D DU UBBO BB PHOTO BB O NE NEWS/ WS/ W S WENDY S/ S/WEN WEN E D DY Y MER M RICK ME

CALL US with your news ideas 6885 4433 | EMAIL photos@dubbophotonews.com.au | VISIT US at 89 Wingewarra St, Dubbo


September 21-27, 2017 Dubbo Photo News


Our new councillors

THE results of the Dubbo Regional Council Election held on Saturday, September 9, have now been officially declared. Our 10 newly elected councillors, in the order released by the Returning Officer, are: Dubbo Central Ward z John Ryan z Vicki Etheridge Dubbo East Ward z Dayne Gumley z Stephen Lawrence Dubbo North Ward z Jane Diffey z Ben Shields Dubbo South Ward z Greg Mohr z Kevin Parker Wellington Ward z David Grant z Anne Jones These 10 citizens will represent us for three years with the next ordinary election scheduled for 2020. I have been asked to include the number of votes each successful candidate received, and I’ve passed that request to our editorial team, however I’m not sure of the relevance of that under the Wards system. If there were only two or three standing in one ward, each of those three are more likely to score a higher vote count that any individual who stood in a Ward against, say, five others. In all likelihood, the available votes, which are roughly equal in each Ward, would be spread more thinly where the number of candidates was higher.

Where to from here?

AS we reported last week, Member for Dubbo Troy Grant is at least one leader who

date – they simply had an axe to grind... apparently. It’s a bit like the spectator sitting in the stands at the footy who yells abuse at the ref or players on the field. Most people nearby the individual would probably put up with it for a while, but if it became too abusive, too personal, too vindictive and too nasty, then the individual would be escorted from the grounds. Ponder this thought for a moment: what would Dubbo be like if we booted over-abusive people out of our city?

Pets galore! The team here at Dubbo Photo News is loving the HUGE number of photos coming in for our annual Pets Photo Competition, including this one of an old girl named Keeta who’s been mistaken for a dingo more than once in her life. She’s a retired farm dog and is enjoying life in Dubbo with her human friend Bev! See inside today’s paper for just a sample of the photos we’ve been receiving, and for details on how you can enter too.

has flagged the possibility of a referendum on the Wards system that proved controversial and confusing to many voters in the local election. There are various theories on how that may pan out, and one of the front-runners is a two-ward system, with Wellington as one ward and the balance falling into the other. The theory with this option is it gives Wellington residents some assurance that they’ll have local representation in a council area that would otherwise by dominated by the larger Dubbo population centre. I have a hunch the ward system could stay, albeit in a revised form. The high level of confusion caused when it was implemented here could have been better handled, but the fact that wards are common in council areas around Australia may be reason enough for the powers-that-be to do their best to keep it in place for the Dubbo Regional Council now that it’s here.

Speaking of consistency... ONE of the other big issues to come out of the September 9 local election is the “how to vote� instructions. When will voting in Australia become consistent? It would be far, far better to have one standardised method of voting for all elections.

Congrats to the Carnival winners

At the moment, depending on whether you’re voting in a federal, state or local election, you do or don’t have to number all squares, you can or can’t just place the number “1� in one box, whether you vote above or below the line may or may not effect how you fill out your ballot paper, and so on. If anyone is looking for a reason for the high informal vote on September 9, start with the inconsistent voting system. Make it consistent so that we don’t have to adapt and retrain ourselves every time we go to the polls.

The very few who tarnish most of us MY comment here last week that the way some people conducted themselves during the local election campaign was “embarrassing for Dubbo� struck chord with our readers. I’ve received more support for that comment in the past week than for any other comment this year. It’s good to know I’m not alone in believing that the behaviour of some people was atrocious. I’m not singling out candidates here – much of the poor conduct came from individuals who weren’t candidates and weren’t backing any particular candi-

WELL done to the Henkes-Jones family who were lucky enough to pick up tickets, courtesy of Dubbo Regional Theatre, to see Carnival of the Animals last Saturday. My family and I went along too – and it was fantastic! There was a fair bit on last weekend, including junior sports grand finals, so it was a smaller crowd than this very family-friendly show deserved. But for those who did go along, we were treated to a great show, complete with highly skilled circus-gymnastics style performers, clever backdrops and some funny moments of interaction with the Dubbo audience. Thumbs up!

Our NAIDOC edition for 2017 LAST, but certainly not least, Dubbo Photo News is very pleased to bring you today’s special NAIDOC themed edition. You’ll find lots of ‘good news’ stories inside, lots of information about services available, and on page 21 there’s a program of major NAIDOC events happening in Dubbo over the next eight days. Get involved and enjoy! My particular thanks to Frances Rowley from Dubbo Photo News who has put a lot of time and effort into making this edition such a success, and to everyone in the wider Dubbo community who has helped along the way too. – Until next week, Keep Smiling!


Keeping it Local Dubbo Private Hospital has proudly provided choice in private health care services to the local community since 1994, with better access to D UDQJHbRI PHGLFDO VXUJLFDO DQG UHKDELOLWDWLRQ services. +RVSLWDO &(2 -XOLH :KLQĆHOG SURXGO\ VD\V ĂŞLWèV DOO DERXW NHHSLQJ LW ORFDO DQG FDULQJ IRU RXU community. Private services enable more choice and allow people to access necessary, non-urgent treatment and care more rapidly.â€? “There can sometimes be the misconception that one has to travel to Sydney to access the best in medical care. At Dubbo Private Hospital ZH SURXGO\ SURYLGH FOLQLFDO H[FHOOHQFH IRU RXU patients, with both local and metropolitan specialists conveniently located onsite.â€?

6SHFLDOLVHG VHUYLFHV DQG IDFLOLWLHV LQFOXGH – Medical, surgical and rehabilitation services ĂĽ ([SHULHQFHG GRFWRUV QXUVHV DQG DOOLHG KHDOWKbVWDII – A new day procedure unit ĂĽ $ SXUSRVH EXLOW UHKDELOLWDWLRQ XQLW ZLWK SULYDWHb URRPV :LĆ DQG )R[WHO – Inpatient and day patient rehabilitation programs, and a dedicated, modern rehabilitation gym – Rehabilitation services including physiotherapy, RFFXSDWLRQDO WKHUDS\ bH[HUFLVH SK\VLRORJ\ DQG nursing care. “Our reputation has been built on providing the YHU\bEHVW LQ FOLQLFDO FDUH ZLWK WKH FKRLFH WR VWD\ localâ€? says Julie.

“Not only can locals access our experienced medical and surgical teams, they can also transition into rehabilitation care locally through our purpose built rehabilitation unit opened HDUOLHU WKLV \HDU ,WèV YHU\ LPSRUWDQW WKDW IURP surgery to recovery, patients stay close to ORYHGbRQHV ĂŤ Dubbo Private Hospital provides inpatient, day SDWLHQW DQG RXWSDWLHQW FDUH IRU SULYDWHO\ LQVXUHG DQGbVHOI IXQGHG SDWLHQWV

Keeping it Local Dubbo Private Hospital has proudly provided choice in private health care to the local community since 1994. With better access to a range of medical, surgical and rehabilitation health care services, you can stay local for your surgery and recovery, with the support of your loved ones nearby. Offering greater choice in inpatient, day patient and outpatient care, we deliver: – General medical, surgical and rehabilitation services – An experienced team of doctors, nursing and allied health staff – A new day procedure unit – A purpose built rehabilitation unit – Private rooms with WiFi and Foxtel – A dedicated, modern rehabilitation gymnasium If you are privately insured or would like to enquire about self funding your admission and are in need of specialised care, contact us today.

For further information call Dubbo Private Hospital on 6841 8800 or visit dubboprivate.com.au



Dubbo Photo News September 21-27, 2017 PAGE 3 COMMENT



HAVE you ever heard a Navajo Indian speak? Not like in old western movies, but on their homelands, in the high desert plains of the USA, quietly amongst themselves? Ironically, for such a land-locked nation in the Utah/Arizona/New Mexico borderlands, where they speak what’s called “DinĂŠ bizaadâ€?, it sounds like the soothing, gentle wash of the sea lapping at a shoreline beach. Lots of ‘sh’ sounds; whispered. It’s really beautiful. Around 150,000 people speak it in the USA but it’s understood in Canada and Alaska where the Navajo are believed to have originated. Oh, the stories they can tell. Our language says a lot about us (pun intended). All the little nuances – those unspoken understandings we have inside our culture – are actually revealed in the words we do – or don’t – say, and how we say them. Take classical Arabic, a language quite literally as old as the hills and spoken long before it was written. It evolved to be really amazing when it is spoken. So when it does get written down, you can use 1000 classical Arab words to say what an Aussie can in 25. That’s a slight exaggeration, but a case in point. Many old languages did have a lot of work to do: be the news, tell stories, remember history, journal memory: in all, they are – or were, if they’re one of the 573 extinct languages – very, very long, spoken books. So, in between checking your phone, watching the footy or trying to un-see your energy bill, what does all this really matter today? Language still defines us and is a badge of honour to our identity. Another case in point: Scrabble has just released an Aussie edition! Strewth! Being understood is at the heart of our language – until cultures cross. Talking with someone who can’t speak your language makes it hard to communicate. It can be comical or frustrating, but without an interpreter or taking the time to learn each other’s language, the gaps in understanding can’t be filled. And we all know what happens when human beings can’t understand something – they fear it. We get busy filling in the gaps to justify that fear and create fictional stories, like, ‘all Muslims are terrorists’ or ‘all Americans are stupid’. Our Language Matters is the 2017 theme for NAIDOC. In this week’s edition, Dubbo Photo News highlights many facets of Indigenous culture including the conservation of the Wiradjuri language which is more like a time capsule or aural tradition. Today, in Australia, there are just 60 from 250 Indigenous languages still considered “aliveâ€?. No matter what the language, however, the true power of words is in the listening. feedback@dubbophotonews.com.au

Majayda Darcy Age: 17 Status: In a relationship I am a... student If I could visit anywhere, it would be... Dubai I am passionate about... sport Comfort or style? Both Three ways to win your heart? Presents, food, animals Something you miss? My pop Who are your top three heroes/inspirations? My pop, mum, dad and nan If you could give one piece of advice to the whole world, what would it be? Everyone love each other My favourite local place to visit is... local sporting grounds A gentleman is someone who... is respectful I spend most of my time... training or playing sport My favourite product is... makeup



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September 21-27, 2017 Dubbo Photo News

Fishing through sliding doors By JOHN RYAN

AT 28, Damian Beveridge is counting his lucky stars that he got involved with the River Repair Bus project. His efforts on the bus have been rewarded with a fulltime job at Indigenous Concepts and Networking’s forestry nursery. He had no idea of the massive change his life would take when he first entered the sliding door on the bus. “I started with the Work-forthe-Dole. I’d had a bit of previous experience planting trees up in Queensland for the forestry and it all sort of fell into place,” Damian said. “The River Repair Bus is a great idea, it gets people out of the house, it gets people on the dole out of the house and out and about, on country and learning about new things. “It’s changed my life. I’m out here working and I enjoy working, I enjoy being in the sun, I don’t like being inside,” he said. Robert Ryan, also 28, is walking tall after getting a similar job straight off the River Repair Bus. “The bus was good. It was good doing the planting and to meet new people,” Robert said. “It’s really... been a turnaround for my life. “To come from nothing to end up here with a job is good – I think the other guys on the bus are looking at what I’ve done,” he said.

Robert Ryan and Damian Beveridge now have fulltime jobs thanks to getting a start on the Inland Waterways River Repair Bus - positive social outcomes thanks to holistic community thinking. PHOTO: DUBBO PHOTO NEWS

Rob Riley runs the nursery as a for-profit business but much of the proceeds go straight back into community programs he personally funds. He says these are the sorts of opportunities that are all around us, we just have to work together and think smarter. “The River Repair Bus hasn’t exceeded my expectations because we knew how good it could be. We did Work-for-the-Dole (WFD) programs in the early days and we had some of the best results that had ever been seen and then the federal government in their wisdom decided that WFD programs could no longer be done by for-profit businesses,” Rob said.

“So we were more than happy when the Inland Waterway guys came on board and said they wanted to regenerate the river because we know that’s where you can have a social impact, it can work hand in hand business-wise. “You only have to look at this program. They’ve planted maybe $50,000 worth of plants in the last 12 months, they’ve done 70 or 80 loads of rubbish which is normally the job of council so not only have council not had to pay wages for their staff to do this job, but they’ve also got an economic benefit from that and we as a nursery have sold the plants to the River Repair Bus,” he said. The profit from those plant

sales has given ICAN the capacity to pour more resources into its self-funded school programs. “And to follow that up, we’ve just formed a link with council where we’re going to take over their bush medicinal garden so that’ll also benefit our young schoolkids who’ll have ownership of that garden,” Rob said. River Repair Bus coordinator David Harris has become a huge fan of all these unintended, and positive, outcomes. Like others on the hard-working Inland Waterways’ committee, he’s been astounded at the social good that’s come directly from a few fishing mates trying to improve the health of the Macquarie River. “It’s fantastic. When we first started out it was mainly about the trees and we were pretty conscious about getting the trees in but since it’s been operating now you can see the cultural and social outcomes other than the purely environmental ones,” David said. “These guys have got new lives, you know, obviously things are looking good for them so let’s hope some of the other guys on the bus could end up following the same path.” If a small bunch of Dubbo fishing mates can generate these outcomes, imagine if all levels of government actually worked together – what we could achieve for the people of Australia would be beyond amazing.


Cultural Tours a walk back in Wiradjuri time FOCUSING on local Wiradjuri Culture, First Lesson Cultural Tours offers a unique experience in traditional Aboriginal Australia. Walk where the Wiradjuri ancestors walked hundreds of years ago including such sites as the Scarred Canoe Tree, Axe Grinding site, Bush Medicine plants and Bush Tucker plants. Every participant is sure to leave the tour with a better understanding of Aboriginal Culture. Tour rates in Dubbo are adults $125 and children $50. Overnight tours can be arranged. For further information contact your tour guide Peter Peckham on 0427 871 418 or visit the website at firstlessonculturaltours.com.au or email firstlessonculturaltours@ gmail.com.au.

DUBBO SNAP The water was clear and the resident fish in the waterway at the Dubbo Regional Botanic Garden were loving the start of Spring when this Dubbo Snap was taken by DPN reader Jonesy. Send your Dubbo snaps any time to photos@ dubbophotonews.com.au

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September 21-27, 2017 Dubbo Photo News

Fostering care to create lives without barriers By YVETTE AUBUSSON-FOLEY

DURING 2014 and 2015, over 3,500 children in New South Wales required foster care and 11,500 nationwide. Plenty more remain in need today. Included in this demographic are Aboriginal children who not only need foster care for the needs of daily life but also connection to family and culture. One organisation which takes the role of foster care for Indigenous children very seriously and offers support throughout the foster care period, is Life Without Barriers. “We’re one of the leaders in the foster care sector so we want to play a part in shaping the future and forging a way forward in partnership with Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people,” Life Without Barriers carer coordinator Jeannine Farrell said. “We support and adhere to the Aboriginal placement principles. For all children in outof-home care. We know past hurt and suffering from government policy has Become a foster carer been caused to Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people and we’re com- Contact Amy Leggatt, Carer mitted to Aboriginal and Torres Strait Support, Life Without Barriers Islander people being able to raise z Phone 6809 9500 their families in their own communi- z westnswcarers@lwb.org.au z www.lwb.org.au ties as part of their own culture. “The fundamental goal is to preserve the Aboriginal children’s connection to their culture and community. For Aboriginal children who can’t remain in the care of their parents, we can place with kin, and family in their network and still keep them connected to country and culture,” she said. Sometimes, however this will mean foster carers or parents won’t be from the Indigenous community. “If we can’t manage to keep children within the family or community, or no-one comes forward from that community then we go outside to another Aboriginal community. We always want to maintain the link to Aboriginal community and culture,” Jeannine said. “You may not be an Aboriginal person but you’re more than willing to provide care for a child with an Aboriginal background or any background, so it’s finding out about what they do know, about Aboriginal community, about networks that they have, whether they can work with the Aboriginal community and help them look after that child, and if they don’t have that network, are they willing to find that network and we can help them with that.” Carers range in age and cultural background and can be single, same sex couples, defacto or married couples, with or without their own Life Without Barriers support carer Amy Leggatt supporting foster families and carers to assist children in need. PHOTO: DUBBO PHOTO NEWS children, skilled or willing to learn.

WHO AM I? z I was born in Brisbane on May 2, 1977. My mother Maggie is a wellknown opera singer. z I studied at the Queensland Conservatorium before fronting the indie-pop group George, a partnership with my brother Tyrone. z I founded the jazz trio Elixir in 1997 which includes my husband Zac Hurren on saxophone. z In 2006, I recorded my solo album Skin, then released Second Skin in 2008. z I have collaborated with the Australian Chamber Orchestra, the Sydney Symphony Orchestra and Sydney Dance Company. z My music partnerships have also included one with Karin Schaupp (guitar); we toured through Central Western NSW in 2011. z I am a four-time ARIA award winner. ANSWER: SEE OUR TV+ GUIDE

Poor NBN connections costing small business DELAYS and disruptions in the rollout of the NBN are costing NSW businesses, on average, more than $9,000, according to a survey by the State’s peak business organisation, the NSW Business Chamber. More than 850 businesses from across NSW took part in the survey, the first time the NSW Business Chamber has asked its members about this specific issue. “It’s a sorry state of affairs when our members are spending their hard earned money to upgrade their internet connection only to be left high and dry without internet for weeks at a time,” said Vicki Seccombe, Regional Manager, Western NSW Business Chamber If you have any questions regarding how your equipment will operate on the NBN get in touch with your equipment provider to ensure it’s NBN ready.

:::NUM3ER5 2000 The initial intake of workers from Pacific Island nations Kiribati, Nauru and Tuvalu who are expected to work in rural and regional Australia as part of the Pacific Island Labour Scheme, according to Member for Parkes Mark Coulton. The scheme starts next year and will help “plug labour shortages”, Mr Coulton said.


Want a higher return from your money? Join the team at Peacocke Accountants for an investment seminar on “Managing Risk in a Low Rate Environment”. The presenter is former Brumby turned strategic financial planning and investment advisor Jon McGrath. The evening will be geared towards Self-Managed Superannuation Funds looking at increasing yield in a low risk environment. As a director with JBWere, Jon advises people on the best ways to grow their wealth in a conservative manner. Jon also looks after investment portfolios for many charities and not for profit retirement homes who need to maximise income without losing any capital. Jon will be joined by fellow JBWere director Adam Lawrance, whose expertise includes strategies for superannuation, succession and retirement planning along with wealth protection and transfer strategies, all geared towards helping clients manage their long-term wealth. Afterwards, Jon and Adam can answer any questions you may have on shares or other investments. Bring a friend for the chance to win a prize!


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Dubbo Photo News September 21-27, 2017

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September 21-27, 2017 Dubbo Photo News

Last resort for Joe turns into a Godsend By JOHN RYAN JOE HUPP loves his job but for a long time he was concerned he wasn’t go to find employment in Dubbo. He got his start at Fletcher International Exports almost 11 years ago and hasn’t looked back. “I was just needing work at the time and Breakthrough People Solutions got me out here,” Joe said. Eleven years ago he had no idea the job would turn into his career. “No, not at all, I was looking at something else and that didn’t turn out to be, so this was the last resort,” Joe said. “I now know this wasn’t the last resort, I’m glad the other thing didn’t work out, and I’ve

realised that Fletchers was a great career choice. I’ve been able to do a lot of things with my life now, and all the training I’ve received has been so helpful. “I’ve done loadout, slaughter floor, cold boning room, hot boning room and the silos and other things, at the moment I’m doing wool classing, machine operations and also help out wherever I’m needed,” he said. Joe’s a huge fan of the vast array of in-house training options and believes many Fletchers workers have benefitted enormously from the help so close at hand, across so many fields of endeavour. “It’s phenomenal. It’s been a Godsend and it’s taught me how to be more resilient as well,” Joe said. “I’ve made a lot of friends,

people from different departments, not just my own, and people from across the world – the multiculturalism here is beyond belief, the two guys working with me here are from South Korea, we’ve got Germans, we had people from all different countries. “It’s opened my eyes to a lot of different countries that I could travel to and I’ve been invited to England and New Zealand just to name two,” he said. Joe said most people consider Fletcher International Exports as an abattoir on the outskirts of the city and have no idea of the company’s importance to Dubbo across the board. “It is vitally important, if it wasn’t for Fletchers there would be a lot of people without work,” Joe said.

Fletcher International Exports’ Joe Hupp, a huge fan of the vast array of in-house training options. PHOTO: DUBBO PHOTO NEWS

Our neck of the woods has got to be one of the prettiest. Pictured here is Coolbaggie Creek after the heavy rain we had in June. Marvellous what a difference rain makes, or the lack of it. PHOTO: Peter Woodward, Canon 450D, 100-400mm lens, f6.3, Exposure 1/500 sec, ISO 800.


Additional safeguards for Marriage Law Postal Survey THE Government is honouring its commitment to give the Australian people a say on whether or not the law should be changed to allow same sex couples to marry through the Australian Marriage Law Postal Survey. The Government has been exploring in good faith how it can complement existing legal protections under current laws further – principally by ensuring that all of the usual relevant safeguards under our Electoral Laws apply to this process as appropriate. That is why the Government introduced into the Senate the Marriage Law Survey (Additional Safeguards) Bill 2017, which will provide for those safeguards.

Top 10 movies es this week at the Aussie box office 1 It 2 The Emoji Movie (pictured) 3 Victoria And Abdul 4 American Assassin 5 Mother! 6 The Hitman’s Bodyguard 7 Girl’s Trip 8 Captain Underpants: s: The First Epic Movie 9 American Made 10 Celebrate Studio Gibili ib bilili SOURCE: MPDAA


Business owners sought for study on rural decline WITH figures released by the Australian Bureau of Statistics as part of the 2016 Census revealing that rural areas in the Orana region are in decline, Regional Development Australia (RDA) has compiled a study which aims to assess issues that a declining population has on employment. The Regional Skills Outlook Unravelling the Skills of the Future for the Orana Region project will include developing a profile of each LGA including major employers and training providers in those areas. Employers are also being targeted to seek information about their present and upcoming labour and skills requirements. Business owners are encouraged to participate in the survey.






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September 21-27, 2017 Dubbo Photo News ICAN

Getting back to nature By SARAH HARVEY

La’Reena, 2 Favourite song? Let it go Favourite colour? Pink Favourite game? Just running Who is your best friend? Ella What makes you laugh? Gemma What makes you sad? When I fall over What are you afraid of? Being sad If you could change your name what would it be? I wouldn’t What are you really good at? Running and painting What is your favourite thing to eat for lunch? Pasta What is your favourite fruit? Bananas, apples and oranges What would you like to be when you grow up? Dancer How old is grown up? I don’t know

‘OPPORTUNITY’ is the word that comes to mind for Robert Riley when speaking about the new ICaN program. Robert and his son Nathan designed the school-based mentoring program in hope of tackling the underlying issues that result in Aboriginal people lagging behind in education, employment and health. Over the years the ICaN program has worked with many schools, teaching students about their culture and identity through a range of educational activities. “We wanted to design a holistic program where we actually go out on country, we talk to the guys about their identity and where they’re from. Everything’s related back to curriculum but it also gives them some of their identity back,� said Robert. The team’s newest project will see Robert and Nathan working in conjunction with

the Dubbo Regional Council and students from Dubbo South Primary School to build a native garden at the Visitor Information Centre. Students recently spent the morning clearing out the garden, making space to begin planting in the coming weeks. “We have a bunch of native plants at the nursery that have been approved by the working party to plant in the garden and these guys are going to be planting them and continue to maintain the garden. It gives the guys a sense of ownership, letting them know they can do anything that they put their mind to. “We love engaging with the kids, they’re always eager to learn and get involved. It’s all about giving them an opportunity and letting them decide what they do with it,� said Robert. To find out how your school can get involved in the program, head to the Ican Growingfutures Facebook page.

Students Lucas Dook and Rome Toomey with Nathan Riley from ICaN and Kailen Towney from the Dubbo Regional Council working on their new garden. PHOTO: DUBBO PHOTO NEWS


Speech pathology screening program a huge success Each year the Aboriginal Children’s Therapy Team (ACTT) take part in a kindergarten speech pathology screening program with West Infants Public School. This project is made possible due to the partnership and hard work of ACTT, Dubbo Primary and Community Health Centre (DPaCH) and The West Infants Public School. Together they are able to screen children who DUH LGHQWL¿HG E\ WKHLU WHDFKHUV DV KDYLQJ GLI¿FXOW\ SURGXFLQJ VRPH VRXQGV 7KH VFUHHQLQJ VHUYLFH SLFNV XS FKLOGUHQ IRU LQWHUYHQWLRQ ZKR ZRXOG QRW always be referred to a Speech Pathologist. The program works by assessing the children’s speech sounds in term one of the school year. Depending on WKH FKLOG QHHGV WKH\ KDYH GDLO\ IROORZ XS DQG VXSSRUW SURYLGHG E\ WKH VFKRROV teachers’ aides. Towards the end of the year ACTT and DPaCH re-screen WKH FKLOGUHQ DQG SURYLGH WKH WHDFKers and parents with a report of their child’s progress. This approach has been hugely successful in identifying and treating children with mild articuODWLRQ GLI¿FXOWLHV $&77 DOVR SURYLGH outreach support programs for Speech Pathology and Occupational Therapy for North Public School, Allira Child Care and Buninyong Preschool. IndiYLGXDO VXSSRUW IRU 6SHHFK 3DWKRORJ\ Occupational Therapy and Psychology LV DOVR DYDLODEOH WR $ERULJLQDO FKLOGUHQ in Dubbo aged birth to eight years at the WACHS Child and Maternal Hub at 157 Brisbane Street. Children can be Tessa Morrissey, Speech Pathologist – ACTT with Xavier Gibbs referred by calling 02 6881 8077.


Dubbo Photo News September 21-27, 2017

YOUR STARS ARIES: You may decide to go on a holiday on the spur of the moment to take advantage of the low cost of travel. You will also make some solid decisions career-wise. TAURUS: Change is in the air at home and at work. You will find better focus and move in the right direction to achieve your true goals. GEMINI: Patience will serve you well. You may finally be able to reach an agreement after a long fight. You will have your rights and those of your group recognised. CANCER: Work could bring its share of stress, but your partner’s love will be all you need to release that tension – but only if you put in the effort to spend quality time together. LEO: You will be challenged in one way or another. You will be on the lookout for some action, or at the very least, try to exercise regularly with friends to get back in shape.

VIRGO: It’s not always easy to reconcile family life and work. Luckily, you should be able to count on your loved ones to help you fulfil all your obligations. LIBRA: Careful on the roads! Also, your friends will invite you to join in many spontaneous activities this week or over the coming weekend.

SCORPIO: Against all expectations, you will find the necessary funds to get a project off the ground or undertake some work on the house that needs to get done before summer. SAGITTARIUS: You will start your week full of energy. You will want to conquer the world. You will have to learn to pace yourself so as not to burn the candle at both ends. CAPRICORN: You will need to stop and reflect before diving headfirst into anything. You will also benefit from making and adhering to a budget if you wish to attain your personal goals. AQUARIUS: You will most likely be surrounded by people, which you will find energising and inspiring. Just remember to rest as well. PISCES: Time will be precious, but you will manage it carefully and accomplish everything you want to. You will even find the time to sit back and relax. The luckiest signs this week: Pisces, Aries and Taurus.


Affordable accommodation hopes to increase indigenous enrolments

Australian Meals on Wheels gets $8 million in new support

A NEW pilot program at Charles Sturt University (CSU) in Dubbo aims to increase the number of Indigenous students in NSW by making accommodation more affordable. The NSW Department of Family and Community Services Aboriginal Housing Office (AHO) will pilot the program − University Accommodation Grants − in conjunction with CSU and two other NSW universities to address Aboriginal student housing affordability. Dean of Students at CSU, Professor Julia Coyle is delighted that CSU will participate in the pilot program, which would assist Indigenous students maintain their enrolment in higher education with the support of this grant.

AUSTRALIAN Meals on Wheels (AMOWA) President, Nelson Mathews, says the announcement of $8 million in new support for the service is “great news”, and the government’s intention to allocate the extra funding in a more equitable way has been welcomed by all the clients, volunteers and staff of AMOWA. Last week the Federal Minister for Aged Care, Ken Wyatt, announced an additional $8 million in government support. “Services struggling with cost pressures have been forced to raise the price of meals to their customers to levels we think are unacceptable, this additional Commonwealth Home Support Program funding will help stall further price hikes for those who can least afford them,” Mr Mathews said.




September 21-27, 2017 Dubbo Photo News

Indigenous health ‘a priority’ for the Orana region HAVE you ever considered how difficult it might be for those of a cultural minority when they begin to experience memory loss and confusion? Catholic Healthcare’s Aboriginal Dementia Advisory Service (ADAS) coordinator, Larissa Cook, knows first-hand what that experience looks and feels like. “There’s a lot of connection issues; our people don’t know what assistance is available and how to receive it. From my own experience growing up in the region and in the culture – I know the feeling of being disconnected and feeling like no one can help.” The ADAS role is extensive, both in travel, and in duties. From helping clients, their carers, acting as referrer, advisor and advocate support-person, Larissa travels up and around the Orana region and never experiences a dull workday. Larissa comes from Wiradjuri and Bundjalung tribe, and grew up in Dubbo where she still resides. With the combination of her culture, connection to the Orana region and 14 years’ experience in aged and community care – Larissa has a true understanding of what Indigenous people need when it comes to their later stages of life.

“Every day I feel like I’m giving back to my clients and the community. You can really see the impact when you’re referring someone onto a doctor or the Aged Care Assessment Team (ACAT) – some of these individuals can go untreated for years without the ADAS intervention.” The 2011 census indicated Aboriginal people made up 12.5 percent of the Dubbo population, a percentage Larissa says is growing, today. She believes caring for the older Indigenous people in a culturally-specific way is imperative to maintaining the overall health of the Orana region and assisting them to stay at home for longer. “There’s a great need in this country for specifically-designed Aboriginal aged care,” she says. “A lot of our people don’t have an understanding of what our services provide. That’s where we step in to assist.” The Catholic Healthcare Community Services team offer home care packages, allied health support services, mobility aids, dementia home club and respite care among many other options. Get in touch with the Orana team today on 1800 225 474 to learn about what services you can utilise on your package.

Larissa Cook works as the Aboriginal Dementia Advisory Service Coordinator at Catholic Healthcare. PHOTO: DUBBO PHOTO NEWS/SARAH HARVEY

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64-70 MACQUARIE ST, DUBBO, PH 6882 6133 Terms and conditions apply. See instore for details. Products on sale until October 1st or until sold out. Limited stock.


Dubbo Photo News September 21-27, 2017

YOU’RE INVITED JOIN US TO WELCOME BRADLEY TREVOR GREIVE At our bookstore 10.30am – 12.30pm, Saturday 23 September

Penguin Bloom

One of the pleasures of being in a bookstore is to have customers comment favourably on their recent purchase. Right now we have a major interest in the book “Penguin Bloom” – winner of the 2017 Australian Book Industry Awards, catogory “Illustrated Book of the Year.” So many who have read the book have commented on the comfort and understanding it has given

them. It is a fascinating book – it even has the subtitle “The odd little bird who saved a family.”

Into their lives comes Penguin, an injured magpie chick abandonded after she feel from her nest.

It is a wonderful combination of deeply personal photographs and short comments of a magpie that the Bloom family fell in love with. It is the true story of hope and courage – it begins with a shocking accident, in which Cameron’s wife, Sam, suffers a near fatal fall that leaves her paralysed and deeply depressed.

This little magpie reminds us, no matter how lost, fragile or damaged we feel, accepting the love of others and loving them in return will help to make us whole. Together, the message of Cameron Bloom and Bradley Trevor Greive brings such comfort and joy.



The Book Connection 178 Macquarie Street, Dubbo • OPEN 7 DAYS ͻ ;ϬϮͿ ϲϴϴϮ ϯϯϭϭ ͻ ǁǁǁ͘ŬĐŽŶŶĞĐƟŽŶ͘ĐŽŵ͘ĂƵ


Resort style living


September 21-27, 2017 Dubbo Photo News






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$380,000 - $480,000


28 Azure Avenue, Southlakes Estate • 6881 9364 • Open 7 Days 9am - 5pm Sales co-ordinators Bill Kelly 0429 159 116 and Maree Egan 0438 845 604

Dubbo Photo News September 21-27, 2017











N artist impression






6JKU OQFGTP UV[NKUJ JQOG JCU DGGP RWTRQUG DWKNV YKVJ UWRGTKQT Ć‚PKUJGU including 40mm stone bench tops, Smeg appliances, ducted reverse cycle air conditioning and professional landscaping with watering system.

Open for LQVSHFWLRQ E\ appointment



WELL POSITIONED - NEW ÂœĂŒ ÓÓÇÓ >}˜œÂ?ˆ> ÂœĂ•Â?iĂ›>Ă€`] >}˜œÂ?ˆ> ĂƒĂŒ>ĂŒi U fĂŽĂˆä]äää This contemporary home will soon be constructed featuring stylish kitchen with Smeg appliances, stone bench tops, walk in robe, undercover patio, zoned ducted air conditioning and low-maintenance landscaping.

Full details from the sales RIĂ€FH

artist impression






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Now under construction this superior property includes walk in robe, designer kitchen with Smeg appliances, stone bench tops, walk in pantry, rear covered indoor/outdoor patio, landscaping and ducted reverse cycle air conditioning.

Full details from the sales RIĂ€FH




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#VVTCEVKXGN[ FGUKIPGF VJKU JQOG DQCUVU UWRGTKQT Ć‚PKUJGU VJTQWIJQWV including walk in robe, designer kitchen with Smeg appliances, stone bench tops, walk in pantry, alfresco area, ducted reverse cycle air conditioning and landscaping.

artist impression




artist impression



1Â˜ÂˆĂŒ Ă“n] >ÂŽiĂ›ÂˆiĂœ ĂƒĂŒ>ĂŒi U f{nä]äää

Located in the prestigious gated Lakeview Estate, Unit 28 includes a walk in robe, designer kitchen with ILVE appliances, stone bench tops, walk in pantry, rear covered patio, landscaping and ducted reverse cycle air conditioning.

Full details from the sales RIĂ€FH




Located in the prestigious gated Lakeview Estate, Unit 54 includes walk in robe, designer kitchen with ILVE appliances, stone bench tops, rear covered patio, landscaping and ducted reverse cycle air conditioning.





Located in the prestigious gated Lakeview Estate, Unit 57 includes walk in robe, designer kitchen with ILVE appliances, stone bench tops, rear covered patio, landscaping and ducted reverse cycle air conditioning.

Full details from the sales RIĂ€FH

Full details from the sales RIĂ€FH

artist impression

artist impression


Open for LQVSHFWLRQ E\ appointment




1Â˜ÂˆĂŒ Ăˆä] >ÂŽiĂ›ÂˆiĂœ ĂƒĂŒ>ĂŒi U f{Ăˆä]äää

Located in the prestigious gated Lakeview Estate, Unit 60 includes a walk in robe, designer kitchen with Smeg appliances, stone bench tops, walk in pantry, rear covered patio, landscaping and ducted reverse cycle air conditioning.

*Listed properties are Stamp Duty exempt for First Home Owners and F.H.O.G of $10,000 applies.

Full details from the sales RIĂ€FH


September 21-27, 2017 Dubbo Photo News


Culture is just one part of creativity By NATALIE HOLMES

ABORIGINAL author Chris Walker has written two fantasy novels for junior readers but says it can be hard when expectations are to write about indigenous culture. “A lot of people have that assumption,” she said. “There’s not that many Aboriginal writers out there, especially for fantasy. They tend to write about traditional stuff. “But I’m not one for that sort of writing, I’ve got my culture but there are a lot of processes involved in writing and I am not a writer in that traditional sense.” Aboriginal society has a strong tradition in oral history, with stories passed from one generation to the next via storytelling. When it came to her writing career, Chris says she never intended to become an author - it was something that just happened. “I never really had any inclination to write, I never really thought about it,” she admits. “I was going through a bullying period at work which didn’t end. I had a dream and it stuck in my head – it was like a movie. I wrote it down and it went from there. It was like someone else had control over my fingers.” Chris’ books The Chase –

The Rescue Mission and The Chase – The Family and the Witch were published independently in 2011 and 2012 respectively. She continues to write and is currently putting together a collection of stories for her nieces and nephews. “They have all put orders in,” she laughs. “I’m writing one at the moment.” Chris would really like to build on the network of Aboriginal writers in a field that can be very isolating. “I’ve never met another Aboriginal author that writes fantasy,” she said. “Everyone I’ve met is a traditional or family history writer. It does make it hard, besides Val (Clark) and the Outback Writers’ group, there’s no-one to talk to about it. Chris would ideally like to see more Aboriginal writers emerge to form a network of like-minded creative people. “I would love to get a group of Aboriginal people involved in a writers’ group,” she said. “I know a few people that have written books. I would love to see more writers in general come out. “It would be awesome if we could get a group together. “I would love for them to come along to the writers’ group to see what they can achieve.”



Sep 21: Jerry Bruckheimer, film-television producer, 73. Stephen King, author, 70. Bill Murray, comedian-actor, 67. Kevin Rudd, former PM, 60. David Wenham, actor, 52. Luke Wilson, US actor, 46. Faith Hill, US country singer, 50. Anna Meares, cyclist, 34. Jason Derulo, US pop singer, 28. Sep 22: Kerri-Anne Kennerley, TV personality, 68. Debby Boone, US singer, 61. Nick Cave, singer-songwriter, 60. Joan Jett, rock singer, 59. Andrea Bocelli, Italian tenor, 59. Scott Baio, US TV actor, 57. Gladys Berejiklian, NSW Premier, 47 (above). Kate Ellis, Labor politician, 40. Harry Kewell, soccer star, 39. Phil Waugh, rugby union player, 38. Billie Piper, British pop singer, actress, 35. Tom Felton, British actor, 30. Sep 23: Julio Iglesias, Spanish crooner, 74. Eric Bogle, singer-songwriter, 73. Bruce Springsteen, ‘The Boss’, 68. Jason Alexander, George Costanza on Seinfeld, 58. Lote Tuqiri, league/union player, 38. John Folau, rugby league player, 23. Sep 24: Fiona Corke, Gail Robinson on Neighbours, 56. Collette Dinnigan, fashion designer, 52. Dean Canto, race car driver, 37. Sep 25: Michael Douglas, US actor, 73. Felicity Kendal, British actress, 71. Anson Williams, ‘Potsie’ on Happy Days, 68. Mark Hamill, Luke Skywalker in Star Wars, 66. Colin Friels, actor, 65. Heather Locklear, US actress, 56. Will Smith, US actor-singer, 49. Catherine Zeta-Jones, Welsh-born actress, 48. Robbie Mears, rugby league player, 43.

Aboriginal author and artist Chris Walker is encouraging more Indigenous Australians to get creative. PHOTO: DUBBO PHOTO NEWS/ YVETTE AUBUSSON-FOLEY

Chris believes that many Aboriginal people have lost their culture and that there are also literary issues within

the community. Fortunately, it is being addressed by a nation-wide Aboriginal literacy program.

Sep 26: Ian Chappell, cricketer, 74. Bryan Ferry, British singer, 72. Olivia Newton-John, singer, 69 (below). Linda Hamilton, US actress, 61. Andrew Bolt, columnist, The Bolt Report, 58. Steve Moneghetti, marathon runner, 55. Melissa Sue Anderson, Mary Ingalls on TV’s Little House on the Prairie, 55. Daryl Beattie, motorcycle racer, 47. Serena Williams, US tennis player, 36. Sep 27: Meat Loaf, US singer, 70. Graham Richardson, former politician, 68. John Marsden, author, 67. Ray Hadley, radio broadcaster, 63. Gwyneth Paltrow, US actress, 45. Avril Lavigne, Canadian singer, 33.

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Dubbo Photo News September 21-27, 2017













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A/H Damien Seton 0404 977 607 or Darren McGuire 0409 112 911 Finance to to approved purchasers based on 20% at 10.99% over a 60 month including a $770 origination fee. Please use payments as apayments guide only,as allapayments rounded up to the rounded nearest up Finance approved purchasers based on deposit 20% deposit at 10.99% over a 60term, month term, including a $770 origination fee.these Please use these guide only, all payments to the nearest dollar amount.(H)Total (H) $15, 025 (L)(U) $19,199 (U) $28,589 $29,632 $30,676 (Y) $32,763 (A2) $35,893 (A5) $39,023 (A15) $49,457 Offer ends: 30/09/16 dollar amount. Total (F) $10,990 $12,990 (T) $27,546 $28,589(O) (W)$22,329 $30,676(S) (Y) $26,502 $32,763 (A9) $43,197 (V) Offer ends: (W) 30/09/2017



September 21-27, 2017 Dubbo Photo News IN BRIEF


Expanding entrepreneurial experience

Dubbo urged to help reduce drownings “LAST year there were 29 children between 0 and 4 years, and twelve between the ages of 5 and 14, who drowned in our waterways, which is just tragic,” said local Red Cross First Aid trainer George Chapman. In 2017, 291 people drowned in Australian waterways, up from 282 in 2016 and 266 in 2015. This year Australian Red Cross is encouraging the people of Dubbo to do CPR training so they can be prepared in case of a drowning emergency. Courses are run Monday and Wednesday night, from 6pm, and twice on Saturdays at 8.30am and 1pm. There are also two refresher courses. Bookings are being taken now. Phone 1300 367 428.

IT’S A RECORD! Ayanna Williams of Houston, Texas, USA, (pictured) has been growing her nails for more than 20 years. When Guinness World Records measured them earlier this year, they had a combined total length of 576.4cm, making her the record holder for the Longest fingernails on a pair of hands (female). Cherie’s family support her endeavours. PHOTO: SUPPLIED.


BUILDING on her business experience, Dubbo’s Cherie Thompson has been ably representing both her company and her community. The young mum was a finalist in the product innovation category of the Ausmumpreneur Awards which recognise Australian mums achieving success in business excellence, product development, customer service and digital innovation. They are designed to honour the growing number of women who balance both motherhood and business. While she didn’t bring home a gong, Cherie was proud to be nominated and enjoyed the gala evening in Sydney with her husband and business partner Phil. Together, they run Native Secrets,

a line of natural skincare products which pay homage to their indigenous heritage through traditional ingredients. Of the night, Cherie said it was very exciting to be among dozens of women all making their mark in the business community. “They were really inspiring,” she said. “Just being around like-minded women and all sharing our stories. They are doing so much and to be included, it felt really inspiring.” After arriving home from the awards event, Cherie attended the Walan Mayinygu Indigenous Entrepreneurship Pop Up Innovation Hub which featured sessions on business strategy, people management, digital marketing, knowing your customer and thinking entrepreneurially.

IN BRIEF “The pop up also featured a pre-start up workshop, and ideas for indigenous procurement and small business management,” Cherie said. “I found the session on Legal Issues and Business to be most helpful,” she said, explaining that after pitching ideas to investors, if you are lucky enough to secure a deal, it can be difficult to wade through all the legal jargon of the offer. Cherie said the workshops were presented by university lecturers, who gave the small group of participants a thorough understanding of each area of knowledge. As well, participants also took advantage of the opportunity to get to know one another. “The advice they gave us was really practical and it was a great opportunity for networking.”

Growing futures. ICaN (Indigenous Concepts and Networking) was started as a partnership in 2012 specialising in Aboriginal Employment and Training. Over the years ICaN has expanded into the disability sector as well as working in education, and running the ICaN Growing Futures Nursery here in Dubbo. ICaN is one of the few businesses which is 100% aboriginal owned and staffed. Currently we are running a number of Aboriginal employment and training programs, school cultural and mentoring programs, cultural awareness programs as well as disability programs.

Our Nursery which is open 7 days a week!

Corner Chelmsford St & Cobra St, Dubbo T: 02 6884 5319 Ican Growingfutures

Cherie was also able to use the event as a gauge for the progress made by her own business. “Something which I think we are on the right track with is social media. Something we can improve on is knowing about legal issues and being able to understand the contract before you sign.” All in all, the two events have helped Cherie immensely, both personally and professionally. “It’s building my confidence and my values, being able to get our skincare range out there. It’s just fantastic to meet the people that were there and the time we spent was invaluable.” As well as raising their two young children and running the business with husband Phil, Cherie has also just returned to parttime teaching.

Seeking new apprentices to power regional NSW ESSENTIAL Energy is recruiting new apprentices across regional and rural NSW to operate one their electricity distribution networks during a historic period of industry change. The 31 apprenticeships are open to people of all ages and backgrounds – men, women, school leavers, Indigenous and mature age applicants – in locations across Essential Energy’s footprint. Manager community relations Northern, David Crough, said Essential Energy was seeking to recruit 20 powerline workers and 11 electrical technicians in towns including Barraba, Bourke, Dubbo, Goondiwindi, Inverell, Narrabri, Oberon, Orange, Tamworth and Warren.


September 21-27, 2017 Dubbo Photo News

TRIVIA TEST 1 2 3 4 5 6 7

8 9 10

Anthony Daniels played which character in the Star Wars movies? What is the longest running stage show on Broadway? The London Eye is a giant what? The Berlin Wall was constructed in what year? What is the most common gas in the Earth’s atmosphere? Who was on the cover of the first Rolling Stone magazine? Mike Willesee was the first host of which Australian television program that began in 1971? Who was the director of the movie Platoon? What do you call a group of owls? What is the world’s longest and most venomous snake? TQ384. SEE THE TV+ GUIDE FOR ANSWERS.

Dubbo College Delroy Campus indigenous dancers Jai Wilson, Lleyton Wighton and Malakai Dixon are part of a ground breaking program run at the school by special education teacher, Doug Gordon, who uses the core principle of respect for students to earn their way into the group and keep it. More on this fantastic program to come, in a future edition of Dubbo Photo News. PHOTO:


Have your say on cancer care


Open Day at the Men’s Shed this Saturday By YVETTE AUBUSSON-FOLEY

DON’T you sometimes wish you had a shed full of handymen (and women too!) who could just get those little odd jobs done once and for all, that you keep putting off because you don’t know how or can’t do them yourself? The thing is, you do. We all do. It’s called the Men’s Shed in Victoria Park and this Saturday, September 23, between 10am and 2pm, you can drop in for their open day to find out just what sorts of projects they can help you with. “The purpose of the day is to open the doors of the Shed to allow people who are interested in having little jobs done, to come down to see where we do them and how we do them, and what help we can give to the general public,” said Men’s Shed

member Kevin Sinclair. Woodwork, carpentry, painting, equipment repairs, the list is extensive. If the Shed has to purchase materials to help complete your project, the costs are covered by you but agreed upon in advance. “If it’s a big job we agree on a big overall general cost, but for smaller jobs it’s a cost plus labour donation. There’s no hard

and fast method, just what’s deemed to be fair,” he said. The Open Day on Saturday is also for men who may be interested in joining the Shed. “Perhaps families have a gentleman who may be looking for something to do, for exercise, for health; and he might like to come down to the Shed and see if he can fit in and do little projects for his family.

Dubbo Local Aboriginal Land Council Proudly supporting Dubbo 2017 NAIDOC Celebrations

“It’s somewhere he’s able to come where there are tools and expertise from other men if they’re not qualified to do those jobs.” Membership costs $3 to join and $2 every year after that, from 16-years-old upward. “We ask for a coin in the door to cover costs of our morning teas, that sort of thing. We do trips away, where we subsidise the costs considerably and we have a party at the end of the year, and subsidise very heavily for those costs. We accumulate funds for the Men’s Shed through the projects that we do,” said Kevin.

Men’s Shed Open Day • Victoria Park, Talbragar Street • 10am to 2pm • Barbecue and refreshments available • Bring your wish list of needs and ask the Men’s Shed how they can help

OPTIMISING care for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people with cancer is the aim of a national public consultation program which started this week. Minister for Indigenous Health, Ken Wyatt AM, said the Optimal Care Pathway for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people with cancer (OCP) was focussed on improving cancer outcomes. The Minister encouraged Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peak health bodies, community and consumer organisations, associations and health professionals to provide input into the draft OCP. The national public consultation will close on October 27, 2017.

WHERE ON GOOGLE EARTH ? Where in our region is shown in this satellite image? Clues: A significant place; off Burraway Road; on the riverbank. ANSWER: SEE OUR TV+ GUIDE

WE’RE FOR RECONCILIATION At Life Without Barriers we believe that reconciliation must live in the hearts and minds of all Australians. In Dubbo and the Central West, we partner with people with disability and we support children and young people in out of home care. Contact us today T. 6809 9500 E. dubboadmindesk@lwb.org.au W. www.lwb.org.au

Cnr Darling & Wingewarra St • PO Box: 1565 • 6884 5276

Celebrating Dubbo Community

NAIDOC Program September 2017





FRIDAY 22 11am – 1pm

NAIDOC Week Launch, BBQ and Information stalls

Church St Rotunda

Lionel Wood: 6801 4000 or 0408 689 688 and John Hausia: 0437 626 323


Dubbo Waratahs Rugby League Knockout

Caltex Park

Grace Toomey: 0408 970 630


Rest Day

MONDAY 25 8.30am –12.30pm

Centrelink Open Day

Centrelink Office

Dawn Towney: 6820 5405

TUESDAY 26 11.30am – 1.30pm

CSU event – The Mawang Experience: Aboriginal Cultural Learning

Charles Sturt University

Robert Salt: 6885 7326

Bob Jane T-Marts

Josephine Zola: 5804 5000

Allira Preschool

Shirley Wilson: 6882 9503

DNC Youth Centre

Jimmy Forest /Teagan Martin: 6882 2100

Dubbo Golf Club

Emily Lake and Biddy Havelka: 6884 8526

Hey Dubbo, you are all invited to come along to the 2017 DKIN NAIDOC event to be held on the 22nd of September 2017 at the Rotunda in Church Street. Filled with fun, this event is open to all ages/ Celebrating this year’s national theme “our language matters” there will be plenty of local indigenous culture for all to enjoy. Local elder Aunty Di McNabow will give a wonderful insight on aboriginal language with the Local Cultural Exchange Dance Group and some other special guests to perform. There will be stalls from various agencies around town, set up with all network information along with music and a free BBQ

The Dubbo Waratahs Sports Aboriginal Corporation are in their 5th year of hosting the Knockout to commemorate the Dubbo Waratahs team that played before Group 11 was formed in the 1920s. Each year the main trophy is named in honour of one the players from either First Grade or Reserve Grade teams. This year the trophy will be named the William Hill Memorial Trophy to honour both Billy Hill Snr who was the coach of the Waratahs & his son Willy who played for the Waratahs. There will be the Uncle John Hill Cup comprising the Under 13 boys competition. An exhibition game of the Dubbo Waratahs Old boys V Brewarrina Old boys will be played before the final.

The day will consist of local community service providers setting up info stalls within Centrelink. The overall purpose of the event will be for staff, community and other providers to access information about other agencies that are within our community, referral processes and how we can work together collaboratively, to provide the right services to our customers and clients. It’s about coming together as a community, understanding what services are out there and how people can access those services. During the event, staff will be promoting MyGov and provide assistance in creating MyGov accounts. A tour of the office will be conducted during the day to give an insight into what happens “n the daily at Dubbo’s Department Of Human Services”.

Network, learn and engage at this event held on our beautiful CSU campus. Enquire about studying at CSU. Learn through self-directed cultural knowledge stations, planting of our medicinal and bush tucker garden, children’s activities, face painting, Aboriginal dance workshops, Indigenous games.

WEDNESDAY 27 Fair Trading Family Fun Day 9.30am WALK NSW Fair Trading hosts its annual Indiegnous family fun day as a part of the Dubbo Koori Interagency TO LIONS PARK; NAIDOC Week Celebrations. The family fun day is aimed at getting community members, schools, parents and children out enjoying themselves. There will be activities for the children and a chance for 10am – 2pm parents and community members to gather information about services available through particpating providers.

THURSDAY 28 10am – 12pm

Allira Preschool – Morning Tea and Clothing Market

4pm – 6pm

DNC – Youth Centre NAIDOC celebrations

Our clothing pool operates twice a month which is a program that is sponsored by Clothesline in Sydney and also in partners with Allira and Freemasons Dubbo. Opening our Centre early for this event will provide the clothing market to the community at a low cost. Come in for a morning tea and to view the clothing market.

Karaoke @ the Youth Centre (Across from Centrelink) – this event will have a BBQ along with the opportunity to have a sing. Prizes are available to win so please come on down and sing a tune!

FRIDAY 29 9am – 4pm

Marty Gordon Golf Day – Mission Australia The day is in honour of one of our highly respected Aboriginal community members, Mr Marty Gordon, who lost his battle with cancer in 2006. Proceeds rasied form the event since 2007 have been in excess of $30, 000 and have been donated to the Cardiac Rehabilitaion Unit, Oncology Unit, Neo natal Unit, Dialysis Unit, Palliative Care room and specialist utensils for the Porstate Cancer Unit at Dubbo Base Hospital.


September 21-27, 2017 Dubbo Photo News


TW | LW | TITLE | ARTIST 1 new Slowheart KIP MOORE

2 new Life Changes THOMAS RHETT


4 Ripcord


3 So Country 2017


5 new Current Mood 6

Kori West


2 Men Of Country 2017 VARIOUS


5 The Glen Campbell Collection


8 Montevallo


6 Count On Me


10 12 The Very Best Of Alan Jackson ALAN JACKSON


New data from the Salvos reveals ice’s grip on the nation NEW data from The Salvation Army has uncovered an alarming increase in the number of people seeking treatment at its recovery service centres for the drug Ice. Over a period of five years across The Salvation Army’s Recovery Service Centres in NSW, Queensland and ACT, there has been a 40 per cent increase in the total number of people seeking help for drug and alcohol use. “More and more people are reporting ice as their primary drug of use,” says operations manager of The Salvation Army’s Drug and Alcohol Services, Gerard Byrne. “Many of our clients also have significant mental and physical health problems as a result of ice use.”

Can you, in eight moves, turn the top word into the bottom one? You may alter only one letter at a time to make another word. We have entered the centre word to keep you on the right track.














Age: 27 Status: Single What’s your job? Operations Officer for Clontarf Foundation Best part of your job? Being able to help and support youth Best advice your mother gave you? Be true to you If you could be invisible for one day, what would you do? Hang around in the Clontarf room and find out who’s skulling the OJ Favourite quote/saying? You will get out of life what you yourself put in Something you can’t live without? It may sound quite cliché but I couldn’t live without family and friends Naughtiest thing you did when you were a child? Can’t say... but I did get to know all of my principals on a first name basis Three words to describe me are… honest, respectful, and committed

© australianwordgames.com.au 188

Celebrating NAIDOC Week 2017 at Westhaven

“Living life the way I choose” - Merv

Reprints of your fave photos Most photos published in Dubbo Photo News are available to buy as reprints for private use. Call us during office hours for more details: 6885 4433.

With heart.


Dubbo Photo News September 21-27, 2017




SpringFest Head to dubbo.com.au for more details

Geurie Rodeo starting at 12.00pm at the Geurie Showground


PUBLIC NOTICES PAYMENT OF EXPENSES AND PROVISION OF FACILITIES FOR THE MAYOR AND COUNCILLORS In accordance with Section 253 of the Local Government Act 1993, Public Notice is hereby given of Council’s intention to adopt its Policy for the Payment of Expenses and Provision of Facilities for the Mayor and Councillors. The Policy will be on display at the foyer of Council’s Dubbo Civic Administration Building, Church Street, Dubbo, the Wellington Administration Building, Corner of Nanima Crescent and Warne Street, Wellington and also Council’s website (dubbo.nsw.gov.au) from Thursday 7 September 2017 until Thursday 5 October 2017 inclusive, during which time members of the public may make submissions on the Policy. Submissions are to be addressed to Mr Mark Riley, General Manager, Dubbo Regional Council, PO Box 81, Dubbo, and must be received by 5.00pm on Friday 6 October 2017. Any queries or questions in regard to the Policy may be directed to Council’s Manager Governance and Risk Services, Mr Michael Ferguson, on (02) 6801 4000. THE WELLINGTON CAVES CONCEPT MASTER PLAN The Wellington Caves Concept Master plan is now on public display for submissions regarding the future direction of the Wellington Caves. The draft concept plan includes options for the upgrade to the site and surrounding grounds as well as the development of a Visitor Experience Centre. Dubbo Regional Council is currently requesting input from the community and visitors who have used, or will use the facility and what improvements they would like considered as part of this, or future upgrades. Written or electronic submissions are invited until 5.00pm on 29 September 2017. Electronic submissions can be made at dubbo.nsw.gov.au. Written submissions should be addressed to Dubbo Regional Council, P.O. Box 81, Dubbo NSW 2830. NOTICE OF DETERMINATION OF DEVELOPMENT APPLICATIONS ENVIRONMENTAL PLANNING AND ASSESSMENT ACT, 1979 Notice is hereby given that Dubbo Regional Council, pursuant to the provisions of Section 101 of the Environmental Planning and Assessment (Amendment) Act, 1979, has approved a number of Development Applications between the period 1 August 2017 to 31 August 2017. The development consents for the abovementioned applications are available for inspection without charge, by prior arrangement, at the Dubbo Regional Council, Civic Administration Building, Church Street, between 9.00 am and 5.00 pm, Monday to Friday (public holidays excepted). NOMINATIONS FOR DUBBO DAY AWARDS Nominations are hereby called for the 2017 Dubbo Day Awards. The Dubbo Day Awards will be presented on Thursday 23 November 2017 to mark the anniversary of Dubbo’s gazettal as a Village on 23 November 1849, and to recognise volunteers who are the building blocks of the community. Nomination forms and criteria are available from: • Council’s Civic Administration Building, corner of Church and Darling Streets, Dubbo • Macquarie Regional Library, corner Macquarie and Talbragar Streets, Dubbo • The Western Plains Cultural Centre, Wingewarra Street, Dubbo • The Dubbo Neighbourhood Centre, Gipps Street, Dubbo, and • Online at dubbo.nsw.gov.au Nominations close at 5.00pm Wednesday 25 October 2017. For further information please contact Dubbo Regional Council on (02) 6801 4000.


Salary $78,106-$90,772 per annum plus super Permanent full-time 35 hour week Flexible workplace arrangements are available A pre-employment assessment is required for this position Are you an experienced strategic planner looking for a new challenge? Are you highly skilled and motivated? Do you want to work in a friendly and supportive team environment?

Contact person: Manager Strategic Planning Services – (02) 6801 4000 Closes: 5.00pm 22 September 2017

Council’s Manager Saleyard and Showgrounds, Ross McCarthy, with Stock and Station Agent, Peter Milling, at last week’s cattle sale which saw a yarding of more than 7000.

FINAL TOUCHES ON SALEYARDS UPGRADE The finishing touches have been put on the upgrade to the cattle facility at the Dubbo Regional Livestock Market (DRLM). Shade sails have been installed over the cattle pens just in time for the warmer weather as a part of the $6.6 million upgrade, which was funded in part by the Australian Government’s National Stronger Regions Fund. “The DRLM has one of the largest cattle

selling complexes in in the country and it is important that we provide excellent facilities for everyone who uses the saleyards,” Council’s Manager Saleyard and Showgrounds, Ross McCarthy, said. “DRLM has a high level of commitment to animal welfare that ensures animals remain in the best possible condition for sale and the installation of these shade sails complement that,” Mr McCarthy said.

WELLINGTON DESTINATION BRAND There is one week left to have your say on the destination brand for Wellington. The development of the brand had long been a priority for the former Wellington Council, and now using the resources of the newly merged Council the brand has been designed in-house after extensive research and consultation.

Make your voice heard and have your say on the Wellington Destination Brand.

The design represents the mountains, waterways, agriculture and Indigenous heritage of Wellington. The tagline ‘Start your Adventure’ captures the friendly and adventurous spirit of the town and its people.

across visitation and investment markets and let Council know what you think by filling in the submission form.

Head to dubbo.nsw.gov.au to take a look at the design and its uses and marketing material

Council encourages the community to get involved and have their say.

COUNCIL AND BUSINESSES WORK TOGETHER IN DESTINATION PARTNERSHIP PROGRAM Dubbo Regional Council is inviting business across the Local Government Area to join a collaborative program that promotes the region as a great place for visitors, events and new residents. The 2018/2019 Destination Partnership Program is a holistic approach to increasing visitor appeal, driving investment and attracting events across the Dubbo Regional Council Local Government Area. Dubbo Regional Council’s Manager Economic Development and Marketing, Josie Howard, said the Destination Partnership Program is designed to assist regional businesses gain greater market penetration and reach new audiences by investing in one, cost-effective package.

“By joining the program, businesses across the Local Government area will automatically become a partner in destination marketing and be given the option to feature in either the New Residents Guide, Events Guide or Visitors Guide,” Ms Howard said. Interested businesses need to confirm participation in the 2018/2019 Destination Partnership Program by 5pm, Friday 29 September 2017. For more information and to view the Destination Partnership Program Prospectus, visit www. dubbo.com.au/Invest/destination-partnershipprogram.

For more information regarding the above, phone Dubbo Regional Council on (02) 6801 4000 or head to our website dubbo.nsw.gov.au


September 21-27, 2017 Dubbo Photo News

IN FOCUS THE THUMBS Thumbs up to Spartan’s Pizza for & excellent pizza and excellent service. Thumbs up to Parkside Dental & for taking special care of my terrified 4-year-old with such love and compassion. Also for the follow up call the next day to make sure he was ok. Thumbs up to Ros and the la& dies at Dubbo Sewing Machine and Patchwork in Talbragar Street for going out of their way to help me match some threads for a half finished project of my mums. It meant the world to my mum to continue on with her project with her new threads. Thumbs up to public servants & who do not return emails or messages, it is unprofessional and rude, in many cases you are being paid extremely well, if you worked in private enterprise you may not have a job. Thumbs up to Bridgestone Tyres & Dubbo, Travis, Paulie and the team, who went out of their way to get me back on the road last week. Thumbs up to Denise at the & Dubbo Grove Takeaway: best steak sandwich in Dubbo! Thumbs up to the gentleman & Dave at Wallace’s Convenience Store

YOUR PHOTOS, YOUR NEWS send your contributions to photos@dubbophotonews.com.au mail 89 Wingewarra St, Dubbo NSW 2830 phone 6885 4433 fax 6885 4434

Local kids off to Sydney for a spell Contributed By GRANT HATCH THREE local primary school students have won the regional finals of the Premier’s Spelling Bee conducted at Dubbo West Public School on Wednesday, September 6. All three will compete in the prestigious Spelling Bee State Final in Sydney in November. Junior division winner is Jake Martine from Baradine Central School and runner up from Orana Heights Public School was Sophia Nuguid. Senior Division winners are Madelyn Legget from Wellington Public School and Elinor Wonderley from Dubbo South Public School. To make it to the regional finals, the junior finalists had to correctly spell words such as refugee, raucous and congregate. Meanwhile, senior students were challenged with words like cruciferous, boisterous and tzatziki. The final half hour of the competition will be broadcast live on ABC local radio from 5.30pm, Wednesday, November 8.

Premier’s Spelling Bee regional final senior runner up Elinor Wonderley from Dubbo South Primary School and winner, Madelyn Legget, Wellington Public. PHOTO: SUPPLIED.

Premier’s Spelling Bee regional final junior division winner Jake Martine, Baradine Central, and runner up Sophia Nuguid, Orana Heights. PHOTO: SUPPLIED.

in Boundary Road – you make a fabulous sandwich and you seem very knowledgeable.

Roger and Diane Mackay hand over the keys for City Service Centre Dubbo

Thumbs down to the people who ' speed through the service stations on the corner of Cobra and Fitzroy streets because they are too impatient to wait to go through the roundabout. Not only is it dangerous, it is downright rude.

ROGER and Diane Mackay of City Service Centre Dubbo have decided that after Roger spending nearly 51 years in the motor industry, and working in their own business for just over 37 years, approximately 33 years in the current Darling Street location, it is time for a break. They would like to thank all their many valued customers for their support over the years. Roger and Diane are handing over the keys to David Healey at the end of September who will continue the same old fashioned service City Service Centre is known for. Pictured are Roger and Diane Mackay, owners of the City Service Centre. Roger is retired after 51 years in the automotive trade.

Thumbs up to the Dubbo people & who bring their visitors to the Cottage and she thanks everyone who comes into the Cottage. The Information Centre also sends people there. Thumbs up to Karen and her & staff at Northside Takeaway and Supermarket for catering for our function recently. Thumbs up to Imogen at the & Pharmacy at Orana Mall for helping me install the medi-phone app and showing me how to use it. Thanks for being so patient. Thumbs up to Laser Plumbing for & your attention to detail, and courteous and prompt service. I wish all tradies in Dubbo were the same.


Send your Thumbs up or Thumbs Down via email to photos@ dubbophotonews.com.au, mail to 89 Wingewarra Street Dubbo NSW 2830, phone 6885 4433 or fax 6885 4434.

Freda’s 90 years young Contributed by PHYLLIS YEO THE monthly August meeting of Macquarie Mixed Probus held a special 90th birthday for our member Freda Goodwin. A lovely chocolate cake

was made and donated for the occasion by Ruby Riach was also shared for morning tea. Happy birthday Freda! Pictured is the president, Glenis Iles and Freda Goodwin.


Managing Director Tim Pankhurst

Journalist Yvette Aubusson -Foley

Journalist John Ryan

Journalist Natalie Holmes

Sports “Mann” Geoff Mann

Sports Photographer Mel Pocknall

Graphic Designer Rochelle Hinton

Graphic Designer Hayley Ferris

Sales Consultant Frances Rowley

Sales Consultant Kathy McAneney

Sales Consultant Donna Falconer

Photographer Sarah Harvey

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Photographer Brenda Hutchins

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Published by Panscott Media Pty Ltd (ABN 94 080 152 021) General disclaimer: The publisher accepts no responsibility for letters, notices and other material contributed for publication. The submitter accepts full responsibility for material, warrants that it is accurate, and indemnifies the publisher against any claim or action that may arise from its publication. All advertisers, including those placing display, classified or advertorial material, warrant that such material is true and accurate and meets all applicable laws and indemnifies the publisher against all liabilities that may arise from the publication of such material. Whilst every care is taken in preparing this publication, we cannot be held responsible for errors or omissions. Opinions expressed in this publication are not necessarily those of the publisher. The editor, Tim Pankhurst, accepts responsibility for election comment. Articles contain information of a general nature – readers should always seek professional advice relevant to their particular circumstances. Complaints: Panscott Media has a policy of correcting mistakes promptly. If you have a complaint about published material, contact us in writing. If the matter remains unresolved, you may wish to contact the Australian Press Council. © Copyright 2017 Panscott Media Pty Ltd. Copyright in all material – including photographs and advertisements – is held by Panscott Media Pty Ltd or its providers and must not be reproduced in any form without prior written permission from the Publisher.


Dubbo Photo News September 21-27, 2017


Tracey Piggott, Louise Lawler, Abbie Merritt and Julie Adams. PHOTO: DUBBO PHOTO NEWS

Indigenous students blazing a trail By SARAH HARVEY RESEARCH from the ABS National Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Social Survey shows that Year 12 retention rates for Aboriginal students are 24.9 per cent lower than non-indigenous students. Alarming statistics such as these has seen Dubbo College implement the Clontarf Academy and Girls Academy programs into their schools, in the hope of reducing indigenous dropout rates and increasing employment opportunities. The Clontarf Foundation is a charitable not-for-profit organisation which aims to improve the education and employment opportunities for indigenous boys through their school based programs. The first academy opened in Perth in 2000, with 25 boys enrolled. Since then the Foundation has grown to cater for over 5,700 boys in 92 schools across Australia. The Clontarf Academies came to Dubbo College South and Delroy campuses in mid-2014 and the Senior Campus in 2015. It now has 15 full-time locally based staff who mentor and counsel the year 7 to 12 students on a range of behavioural and lifestyle issues. Members are required to uphold the three rules set in place by the Foundation; attend school regularly, apply themselves to

the study of appropriate courses and embrace the Academy’s requirements for behaviour and self-discipline. Clontarf Foundation regional manager Ryan Woolfe says the academies provide an important school-engaged mechanism for atrisk students who identify as having low school attendance. “(We) use a comprehensive approach of supportive relationships, a welcoming environment, and a diverse range of activities to allow the students develop improved self-esteem and confidence,” Ryan said. “Our activities are planned within the focus areas of education, leadership, employment, healthy lifestyles, life skills and football.” Through these mechanisms the year to year retention rate in

… the year to year retention rate in Dubbo has been 96 per cent, with school attendance rates greater than 84 per cent… the Foundation’s approach has been very successful in not only in attracting young men to school and retaining them …

Clontarf Senior Campus staff members Michael Daly, Ted Bates and Chris Daley. PHOTO: DUBBO PHOTO NEWS

Dubbo has been 96 per cent, with school attendance rates greater than 84 per cent. Ryan says the Foundation’s approach has been very successful in not only attracting young men to school and retaining them but also paving a way for them to lead more disciplined, purposeful and healthy lifestyles into the future. With the current Year 12 graduation rates for young indigenous women 27 per cent lower than the national average and an unemployment rate four times higher than non-indigenous women, the importance of programs such as the Girls Academy cannot be underestimated. The Girls Academy was founded in 2004 by Olympian Ricky Grace

with the hope of being able to support at-risk Aboriginal girls overcome the common barriers that lead to the poor retention and employment rates such as poverty, abuse and teen pregnancy. The program aims to increase the skills, employability, mental health and wellbeing of indigenous girls through a range of community and culturally based activities. The Girls Academy began in Dubbo at all three Dubbo College campuses at the beginning of this year and was greeted with an incredible response from eager students wanting to join the program. In Dubbo, there are 12 staff made up of one regional manag-

er, one post-school options officer, three program managers and six development officers who are based at local schools, mentoring and supporting their students. The four main aims of the academy are ensuring the girls come to school regularly, engage in education and learning continuously, have healthy HSC graduation and enabled them to pursue tertiary studies or engage in life long, meaningful employment. The students undertake a variety of programs that assist in developing their wellbeing, health, cultural connections, future pathways/careers and community engagement and leadership. While it’s too early to calculate the success of the program in Dubbo, national five year results data has shown a 276 percent Year 12 enrolment growth with graduation rates increasing by 76 percent. Girls Academy NSW regional manager Louise Lawler says she hopes there will be more local academies introduced throughout the country in the coming years, allowing more indigenous girls to have access to the program. “We want better out comes for all girls, building a future cohort of female community leaders who are strong in their cultural identity as well as being fully competent and confident in social development, employment, academia and family and community leadership,” Louise said.


September 21-27, 2017 Dubbo Photo News


Special education facility right step for Dubbo John Ryan OPINION & ANALYSIS Send your news tips to john.ryan@panscott.com.au or 0429 452 245 txt is best

Everything old is new again

REMEMBER the old Fairview special needs school in South Dubbo and how it had a hydrotherapy pool? Well, after it was all knocked down for reasons I never really understood, it looks like the city is finally getting a new version. I always felt that the school’s demolition was a cynical land/ cash grab by the then state government and that Dubbo residents were ripped off, so it’s great to see that the current state government is finally fixing up a problem left by a government where disgraced minister Eddie Obeid and his mates had far too much of a say. I’m not suggesting Obeid had anything to do with the decision to bulldoze Fairview and deprive the city of its hydrotherapy pool, but the decision to knock it down has never sat well with me. Dubbo played host to NSW Education Minister Rob Stokes this week as he announced that students with a range of learning needs and disabilities will benefit from a new education and support precinct. “This will aggregate in one facility an array of specialist services for students from Dubbo and the west with a range of learning needs and disabilities,” Mr Stokes said. The current West Dubbo Infants site, opposite Delroy Campus, will be the site of the new school and the Infants School will be installed in new classrooms at West Public School, according to Member for Dubbo Troy Grant. “These projects are further strengthening the asset that this education precinct at Dubbo West offers our community,” Mr Grant said. Troy Grant pointed out that Jane Diffey hammered him so much about the need for this school that he gave her a part-time job, Jane’s going to be a great asset on the new Dubbo Regional Council (DRC). New and refurbished facilities at the precinct include: z A school for specific purposes including four classrooms with practical activities areas, withdrawal spaces and store rooms; a special programs room; a games court and a student drop-off with a porte cochere; z A networked specialist centre, offering a range of multi-disciplinary health and education services with a range of multi-purpose rooms and office space; and z Shared facilities such as multi-purpose spaces, an administration area, high level technology facilities and staff facilities.

Across the university IT’S been a big week for education in Dubbo with Minister Stokes also presiding over the facelift at the Charles Sturt University

Local police suited up this week to join 2000 other riders to pay tribute to police who have lost their lives in the line of duty. PHOTO: DUBBO PHOTO NEWS

(CSU) campus. CSU Vice-Chancellor, Professor Andrew Vann said that the $2.5 million facilities and amenities of the university are designed with students’ needs top of mind. “The refurbishment and upgrades will improve student learning spaces, and ensure there is now 24/7 access for online and on-campus students,” said Professor Vann. Head of Campus Cathy Maginnis said the completed works were part of the second stage of the review to revitalise student spaces at the heart of the campus. “There is a real sense of community on campus in Dubbo and we aim to ensure that not only the students but also community groups can make use of the university as a venue to meet and work, and train,” Ms Maginnis said. “We plan to extend access for our alumni to 24/7 use of spaces such as the gym and meeting rooms.” The upgrade program of works included: z Improving the Learning Commons to enhance student amenity and provide quiet study spaces; this includes an additional quiet study room, a new parent and multi-faith room, and a staff kitchen, as well as two new flat-floor flexible teaching spaces fronting onto the courtyard; z Providing a café in the main space adjacent to the Learning Commons, which incorporates a kitchenette for students to use 24/7; z Relocating the existing computer lab to become a shared space with the Learning Commons (i.e. accessible 24/7).

Top teachers STILL on school and lots of awards for high school teachers in recent times.

Delroy’s Vicki Budden and Rachel Cody along with South Campus’ Susan Yaghjian received minister’s awards for Excellence on Teaching, so Dubbo scored three of just 37 of these awards which were given to teachers across the state. Meantime, St Johns College’s Natalie Polak was presented with a medal highlighting her entry into the exclusive “Highly Accomplished” teaching club – she’s one of just 170 teachers in NSW to receive this honour.

Blue wall IT sounds blasé but when you’re a cop, you never really know what’s around the corner on your next shift, you really are in the front line of the thin blue line that responds to every crappy situation a pretty dysfunctional society throws up.

I caught up with the local contingent as they were suiting up to head off to meet up with 2000odd comrades in the annual wallto-wall ride, a remembrance tribute to police who’ve lost their lives in the course of duty. Justin Knight is a local bloke who’s been recognised for having put his life on the line for the public. He’s now with the Hunter Highway Patrol but came back to Dubbo so he could participate on the ride with his dad Phil, who retired from the force a few years back after serving nearly three decades in the job. “It highlights to the community all the fallen police over the years and also it provides support to the police families who have suffered from their loss, suffering which is still going on through their lives,” Justin said, pleased to see so many of his dad’s mates who have now

left the job, but are still mates through that shared “Blue” bond. “We’ve just had RUOK Day, so that continual catching-up is very good for PTSD (Post-traumatic stress disorder), they can fall back on each other for support, and I fall back on my dad for support during my hard days.” Western Region commander Geoff McKechnie was just another bikie in the gang; he makes sure he joins this ride with old mates. “It’s really important. This time of year we come together for the Wall to Wall, it’s great to come together and ride to Sydney or Canberra, it’s just a chance to reflect, you can relax a bit and we’ve always got our mates and fallen colleagues in our minds of course, but this is a great weekend for remembrance that everyone seems to enjoy,” Geoff said.

A smoking ceremony was held during the unveiling of the $2.5 million dollar refurbishment works of the Charles Sturt University (CSU) Dubbo Campus, watched on by Head of Campus at CSU in Dubbo Cathy Maginnis, Member for Dubbo Troy Grant, CSU vice-chancellor Professor Andrew Vann and the NSW Minister for Education Rob Stokes and on Monday, September 18.


Dubbo Photo News September 21-27, 2017

7 DAYS • ANALYSIS OF THE WEEK’S NEWS Drive-in volunteer VOLUNTEERING is meant to be as Aussie as a yabbie on the barbie but when it comes to the crunch, many people just don’t get involved. For those who do, well done, and especially to those who won acclaim at the Orana Region Volunteer Awards this week at a ceremony held at the Dubbo RSL Club Resort. The top award went to Heather Joy Beams from Dunedoo who received both the Adult 2017 Orana Region Volunteer of the Year Award and the overall regional winner’s award for her work with the Dunedoo Branch of the Country Women’s Association. “Joy always has time to help those in need without asking for anything in return,â€? CEO of the Centre for Volunteering Gemma Rygate said. For anyone who’s unaware of the incredible work done by Dunedoo CWA after the recent bushfires, you really need to crawl out from the rock you’re living under. “In February this year, when fire raged through Warrumbungle Shire, Joy organised donations, clothing and fencing materials for farmers who lost fences and livestock,â€? Ms Rygate said. “Volunteering is a mutual gift, delivering rewards to both the giver and the receiver. Volunteering contributes $290 billion to Australia’s economic and social good.â€? Volunteerism is going strong in

Dubbo with Young Volunteer of the Year being Dubbo’s Lee Hilder and Volunteer Team of the Year being the Dubbo Regional Council Youth Council with their Dubbo Westview Drive-in Youth Week 2017 event. Senior Volunteer of the Year was Warrumbungle local, Sue Armstrong. Well done all!

Phoenix rising from the ashes GREAT to see the Westview DriveIn crew get recognition as the Volunteer Team of the Year – that was a fantastic event. Phoenix Aubusson-Foley was a big part of that project and he’s not stopping there. In the next month he’s off to the Make it Happen NSW Youth Council Conference 2017 at Macquarie University, and he’s also been accepted onto the YMCA NSW-ACYP Children’s Week Youth Parliament which will be staged during late October. He’s also doing a Cert II in Volunteering with some of his Youth Council mates. It’s great to see the volunteer leaders of tomorrow coming through the ranks.

Fish business A LOCAL angler has called for a ban on keeping any fish caught at Lake Burrendong for an extended period. Derryn Sunderland believes the short term pain would be worth


the long term gain in increased native fish stocks. “As a strict catch-and-releaseonly lure fisherman I would like a ban on all taking of native fish at Burrendong Dam for two to five years so the natives could have a chance to pump up in numbers and it could become a decent dam for fishing,� Derryn said. “Dams like Copeton and Windemere are ridiculously good fishing dams and I just don’t bother with Burrendong because it just fishes too hard – a lot of people have

the mindset that it’s okay to take a feed but it’s 1000 blokes per year taking the max bag limit or over.� Given that many native fisheries along the coast have come back strongly after bans on fishing, this viewpoint should certainly stir up some robust debate around the issue.

Still truckin’ HUGE congratulations to my old mate John Morris who picked up a prestigious gong when he was awarded the National Road Trans-

port Association (NatRoad) award at the 2017 national conference at Hamilton Island. He was awarded the prestigious Ted Pickering Memorial Award for his Outstanding contribution to the Australian Road Transport Industry. John began advocating for the industry in 1972 and shows no sign of pulling the pin – well done mate, justly deserved. ■z Send your news tips to john.ryan@panscott.com.au or 0429 452 245 txt is best

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September 21-27, 2017 Dubbo Photo News

OPINION & ANALYSIS LETTERS & FEEDBACK Allowing the freedom of speech to both sides Dear Editor, The Toons’ Views were very good [“Are you in favour of marriage equality?”, by Dorin, Dubbo Photo News, September 14]. It was a change to read Tom Volkofsky’s letter in favour of marriage and the way he presented the case for marriage. Also, thanks for allowing the letter to be published in the first place! Will keep an eye out for his next letter. Bruce Coghill, Geurie •••

SSM debate is not divided by the ages

Dear Editor, Those of us who thought, like the old song, that “love and marriage go together like a horse and carriage”, have had a lot of confusing information thrown at us recently about same-sex couples and the way their non-marriages give them all the same rights as married people. My wife and I were surprised, therefore, to attend the Roads and Maritime Service Centre last week to change our car registration, where we were asked to produce our marriage certificate. This led me to wonder what other equal rights might not be there, particularly when my daughter, currently unable to marry her long-time partner, gets to our age. Will she be asked for a marriage certificate if her not-legally-recognised wife is in hospital, or worse? Australia Post apparently charges hundreds of dollars for a name change, but not if you can provide a – you guessed it – marriage certificate. Those who oppose same-sex marriage are resting their hopes on the oldies like me. But if you

think we are going to support discrimination against our own kids and grand-kids, you are about to be very disappointed. My daughter doesn’t need my permission to get married. But she needs yours. Please join me in voting YES. Desmond Bellamy, Byron Bay •••

Pause for thought at WPCC Dear Editor, There’s a beautiful poster hanging outside the Western Plains Cultural Centre (for an exhibition inside, I suppose), and the banner reads, “No human being should be illegal.” Yvette, Dubbo •••

A biblical view of the SSM debate Dear Editor, If we still enjoy the freedom of free speech, please add my feedback to your page. If you believe in our Lord and God, if you believe in our Holy Bible then it is written in Sirach 42:8, “Do not be ashamed to correct the stupid or foolish or the aged who are guilty of sexual immorality. Then you will show your sound training, and will be approved by all.” 1 Corinthians 7:2, “But because of cases of sexual immorality, each man should have his own wife and each woman her own husband.” Genesis 18:20 – “Then the Lord said, ‘How great is the outcry against Sodom and Gomorrah and how very grave their sin!’ or Genesis 19:24, “Then the Lord rained on Sodom and Gomorrah sulphur and fire from the Lord out of heaven.” Jude 1:7, “Likewise, Sodom and Gomorrah and the sur-

THE TOONS’ VIEWS rounding cities, which, in the same manner as they, indulged in sexual immorality and pursued unnatural lust, serve as an example by undergoing a punishment of eternal fire.” When God flooded the earth during Noah’s time, He promised Noah that He will never flood the earth again and gave Noah the Rainbow sign to remind us with His promise, but when God rained on Sodom and Gomorrah sulphur and fire during Abraham’s time He didn’t promise Abraham that He will not repeat His punishment again. I am confident that this idea of changing the marriage laws will definitely fail but we need to pray that God will protect our beautiful country and guide our lost leader who are pushing for the laws to be changed. Let us ask God to open their eyes to our daily problems (such as) house prices, electrical bills, petrol prices, food prices and our well-being. If you don’t believe in our Lord and His Bible, please live your life peacefully without forcing us to recognise it. A. Francis •••

Thanks for our coverage Dear Editor, Just a note to thank journalists Natalie Holmes and Yvette Aubusson-Foley for producing such a moving story about Cheryl Tonkin [“Stroke victim counts her blessings”, Dubbo Photo News, September 14]. It was just lovely. I hope many people see it and will think about how a stroke can change your life very quickly, and how Cheryl is doing something wonderful by volunteering and bequeathing. Kim Carter, Include a Charity

New Dark Age: East Coast of Australia faces the blackouts of the 1940s Tony Morrissey OPINION

IN Federal Parliament Malcolm Turnbull keeps on blaming the South Australia Labor government for the blackout that occurred on September 28, 2016, and the Victoria Labor government for the closure of the 1600MW Hazelworth Power Station. The final technical report by Australia Energy Market Operator said the blackout in SA was caused by two tornados blowing down two high voltage transmission towers resulting in the interconnector between Victoria and SA tripping. In 1997 the South Australia Olsen Liberal Government sold the Electricity Trust of South Australia (ETSA) to a Chinese company, Cheng Kong. Before the sale ETSA had planned to build an interconnector between NSW and SA. But Cheng Kong canned the project as it was not in its charter to improve the reliability of ETSA network.

If this interconnector was installed SA blackouts might not have occurred. In 1921 the Victorian National Coalition Government created the State Electricity Commission of Victoria (SECV). So for the next 70 years residents of Victoria had cheap, reliable power to fuel a growing state. In 1992 Jeff Kennett sold the SECV to various overseas companies declaring it was a basket case despite making a profit of $207 million in 1991. These private companies were not interested in improving the reliability of the system by replacing inefficient and old plant, but focused making a profit for its shareholders. This was highlighted when the French company Engine closed the 1600 MW Hazelworth Power Station on March 31, 2017, instead of the planned date of 2020. The company declared it was not making sufficient profit. The closure of Hazelworth meant that Victoria lost 25 per cent of its base load power. Daily blackouts were a common event in NSW in the 1940s. So in 1950 the then NSW Labor government took over the four pri-

vately owned power companies and formed the Electricity Commission of NSW (ECNSW). The ECNSW replaced the old city power stations e.g. Bunnerong and Pyrmont and replaced them with efficient power stations close to coal fields, such as Liddell and Eraring. The result of state governments taking over the running of the power Industry resulted in prices dropping from 25cent/kWhr in 1950 to eight cents /kWhr in1990. Since the privatisation of the power industry, prices have gone from eight cents/kWhr to 39 cents/ kWhr and reduced reliability. This year NSW Premier Gladys

` By privatising the NSW power industry, the O’Farrell, Baird and Berejiklian governments have destroyed a reliable and profitable service, just as they have wrecked TAFE by substituting it with private providers. a

Berejiklian sold the six power stations with a total output power of 10,000MW for $1.6 billion dollars to Chinese companies. The Chinese company, China Light and Power, that brought 1000MW Wallerawang Power Station in 2013, closed it 2014 as it was not making a profit. Even though the government had spent millions of dollars replacing the generator transformers. In Sydney, Ausgrid, which supplies power to Sydney’s householders was sold in 2016 for $16 billion to Australian Fund managers. This year the company turned the recently completed $70 million apprentice training school into a meter store room and are not going to take on apprentices in 2018. By privatising the NSW power industry, the O’Farrell, Baird and Berejiklian governments have destroyed a reliable and profitable service, just as they have wrecked TAFE by substituting it with private providers. This is dramatically shown by the sacking of 5000 TAFE teachers and the proposed mass sell-off of 27 TAFE colleges. Consequently TAFE enrolments are down by

11.2 per cent to 404,456 in the year 16 July, 2017. No wonder our young people are leaving TAFE colleges in droves and it’s no wonder – The Liberal and National just don’t believe in TAFE Governments like to keep voters in the dark and now that darkness is at serious risk of plunging into regular blackouts in our biggest states. Mr Turnbull should wakeup and switch on his “brights” and hopefully our lights in the process, otherwise he will be facing a power failure all of his own. I was devastated to fine that under the stewardship of O’Farrell/ Baird / Berejiklian Liberal Governments have had the biggest fire sale in Australia history by selling six NSW power stations for just over $ 1.56 billion dollars. It costs taxpayers over $3 billion dollars to build Eraring Power Station. On top of that they sold Transgrid (500Kv and 330Kv high voltage network) for $10.3 billion and Ausgrid (which supplies power to 1.7 million homes and business Sydney) for $16 billion. z Tony Morrissey is the former Commissioning Engineer, Eraring Power Station


Dubbo Photo News September 21-27, 2017


Peter Charles Whiteley, 1928-2017 Peter Charles Whiteley passed away peacefully on September 2, 2017 – the Father’s Day weekend – aged 88 years. The much loved husband of Dawn, father and father-in-law to Sharon, Gail and Brian and their partners, and cherished grandfather and great-grandfather was farewelled at a service on Monday, September 11, in the Chapel of the Western Districts Memorial Gardens. Granddaughter Bethany Simons wrote a poem as a tribute to ‘Pop’ and read it at the funeral. With the family’s permission, we publish it here.

MEMORIES OF POP Tall and dark and handsome Dancing round the floor Walked a young girl home one night... From two came plenty more

King of daily routine He lived a simple life Saleyards, club and mealtimes Searching for his “special” knife Cursing mongrel dogs And racing out the door to shoot Napping on the day bed Sleeping in the ute

A large and sprawling family Because of Nan and Pop A legacy that lives on through And may it never stop

Reading through the paper A cuppa by his side Watching stars and drinking port Outside or by the fire

We carry genes and memories To pass on down the years It’s often just the little things That move us all to tears, like:

Work boots, cap and jumper Car rego always due Dinner on the table Teeth out so he could chew!

Sleeves rolled and collar open Singlets hanging on the line A hankie in the pocket Wrist watch set to his own time Chocolates in the top drawer And money in a tin Raffle tickets, meat trays Talking of a win

Sitting up there on his tractor Or the header for the oats That little orange Datsun Turning onto Peachville Road Peter, Peter pumpkin eater Pumpkin farmer you might say He’d throw the seeds and watch them grow Then give them all away

‘Pop’ with Bethany, in the paddocks on his property. PHOTO: RYAN BARWOOD

Black fella, they called him That dark skin and country blood He was true blue, dinkum Aussie Always right there for a bud

Paraffin oil for thick dark hair That turned as white as snow He lived to 88, my Pop But I never thought he’d go

Man of few words, he was Though he’d often spin a yarn With legs crossed he’d tell stories Of the old days or the farm

The sheep are lost without him The paddocks aren’t the same The ute it sits in one place The tank it needs some rain

Knowing “What you should do” Yet never being told Tough as nails on one hand Then slowly growing old

No longer here to potter Slash the grass and feed the birds We’ll miss his steady presence That deep voice and those

choice words:

“Whatchya doin’, Charlie Brown?” “How’re ya goin’, little mate?” “G’day” and “holy smokes” “Unreal” and “any rate” “I’ll go to town directly Have a middy with me mates Alright then, see ya’s after See you when the weather breaks”

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September 21-27, 2017 Dubbo Photo News


Too Many of Our Mob Behind Bars The Aboriginal Legal Service (NSW/ACT) held a forum in Dubbo recently to discuss the fact that “Too Many of our Mob are Behind Bars”. Calling for community groups and individuals to share their stories, Dubbo Photo News spoke with acting regional community engagement manager at ALS on the issue. As told to Yvette Aubusson-Foley

Why is there a sense the criminal justice system needs to change, with regard to the incarceration of indigenous people? What do the stats say? In NSW, approximately 27 percent of the total adult prison population are Aboriginal. In NSW, Aboriginal women comprise 30 percent - which is currently the fastest growing cohort. For far too many women, their families are greatly impacted as it can also result in child protection intervention with Aboriginal children and youth being removed from their families and placed into state care. This presents a range of short and longer-term grief and trauma for the affected children and family as a whole. The ALS advocates for a greater investment in supporting vulnerable families to ensure the family unit is preserved and children grow up strong and healthy with their families and immersed in their culture. For Aboriginal youth in detention, approximately 50 percent of all detainees are of Aboriginal descent. These disproportionate rates of imprisonment and child removals is higher now than it was when the landmark Royal Commission into Aboriginal Deaths in Custody and Report of the National Inquiry into the Separation of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Children from Their Families (known as Bringing Them Home) were convened over 20 years ago. Many of the recommendations from these two investigations (which are blueprint for addressing the over-representation) have never fully been implemented. There is a strong and urgent need for legislative reform as well as a greater investment in building communities (not gaols) as well as the need to strengthen and preserve Aboriginal families in ways that are heavily lead and guided by local Aboriginal people.

Can you talk about the types of issues people have expressed in the forums?

helping Indigenous people? The ALS is an Aboriginal community controlled legal organisation and one of the very first and therefore one of the oldest services of its kind in Australia The ALS assists Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander adults and children through direct repIn no particular order some of resentation in court proceedings, the key issues/themes and solu- provision of legal advice and information as well as referral to tions included: Increased investment in com- other additional support services munity prevention and early in- across NSW and ACT. This is detervention programs that address livered through our unique Care social disadvantage which are the and Protection, Family, and Crimmajor contributing factors that inal law practices. We work directlead to over representation); i.e. ly with Aboriginal people in ChilJustice Reinvestment – pilot pro- dren’s Courts, Criminal Courts (including Supreme Court work) gram operating in Bourke NSW. Need to develop communi- and, through the federal Family ty-based solutions aimed at pre- Law Courts. We also offer other supports venting Aboriginal people from which makes us differ from your negatively engaging with care and protection and criminal jurisdic- standard legal service provider such as: tions in the first place. We employ Aboriginal field ofSystemic and individual racism and discrimination. Aboriginal ficers who are the cultural conduit between our people describe the legal practices and sense of not feeling the Aboriginal welcome in their community; own community Aboriginal people We operate the by non-Aboriginal do not view police Custody Notificapeople. tion Service which Improving com- of child protection provides timely lemunity relations agencies in gal advice for Abowith police and the particular as a riginal and Torres Aboriginal com- service you would Strait Islander peomunity to build ‘see as someone ple who have been relationships and who would help’ taken into police understanding; custody. This 24 Improving alter- if you were hour service pronative and cultur- having conflict vides initial over ally appropriate or issues due to the phone advice sentencing options this historical as well as a consuch as Koori Court and modern day ducting a ‘wellbeand Care Circles; distrust. ing check’ with our acknowledging that client. immersing people We make educain their culture fational films, brocilitates resilience. Increased access to support chures, educational resources services such as behaviour man- about legal information includagement, grief and loss/trauma ing rights and assist communities counselling, drug and alcohol de- through our community legal edtox and rehabilitation, safe hous- ucation programs. We have 22 offices and eming for domestic violence victims, mental health and disability sup- ploy around 190 Aboriginal and non-Aboriginal staff across NSW port services. Evidence has shown that Abo- and ACT. riginal people involved in the di- Can you say there is prejudice rect design and delivery of servic- against Indigenous people in a dises for Aboriginal people are more proportionate way? Why is that? A majority of Aboriginal and successful in terms of achieving Torres Strait Islander communioutcomes. Facilitating greater self-determination for Aboriginal ty across NSW and the ACT do people is required also in order to not have negative interactions with the justice system however achieve these positive changes. we know that there is a sobering What work does the ALS do to

overrepresentation of our people in these ‘systems’ which is increasing year by year. There are ongoing issues of police harassment and intimidation of Aboriginal people particularly young people. Most of the justice systems in Australia do regard the importance of identity and culture for Aboriginal people. There is minimal understanding of the intergenerational trauma impacting Aboriginal people today that limits our opportunities to participate fully in community life. There is no true understanding of contemporary Aboriginal parenting practices and the definition of family in an Aboriginal community which is far from nuclear. Is it convenient for society to pigeonhole Indigenous people and assume because they are Aboriginal that automatically puts them on the wrong side of the law? Many in the Aboriginal legal services sector describe the justice system as being heavily stacked against Aboriginal people and has been this way for far too long. There is a long history of distrust of government; a distrust of police/courts and child removal agencies. Aboriginal people do not view police of child protection agencies in particular as a service you would ‘see as someone who would help’ if you were having conflict or issues due to this historical and modern day distrust. Mending of these relationships will take time and effort on behalf of those in the position of decision-making. What kinds of challenges does the ALS foresee in changing the system? Obtaining real bi-partisan support to addressing the over-representation. It is hoped that through ALS’ advocacy to the federal government’s Australian Law Reform Commission Inquiry into the Overrepresentation of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples that genuine conversations and investment in Aboriginal communities will take place. There is the call from the ALS to invest differently and be innovative. The sector is also pushing for COAG targets to address the over-representation. This will allow for a coordinated state, territory and commonwealth approach to working alongside Aboriginal

and Torres Strait Islander peoples. Systemic change will offer changes but individual and practice level change is required also to facilitate this. Initial and ongoing cultural awareness/competency/ capability training and supports is required for those working with Aboriginal communities. This is needed to understand the impact of past and current policies on contemporary Aboriginal kinship systems. It’s a paradox that there would be injustice served by the criminal justice system, but can it be argued this is actually the case? Its an absolute paradox. The very systems that are designed to redress social disadvantage and the overrepresentation of our people are contributing directly to this situation we face today. One only has to view the overwhelming statistics released by government agencies to demonstrate that is clearly the case, and has been for some time and unfortunately for Aboriginal people, the light at the end of the tunnel is quite dim indeed. What do Indigenous people say? How do they feel? Are they “over it”? There is the visible distress in Aboriginal communities that things are not going to get better, at least not any time soon. There was a lot of enthusiasm shown in the forums as well even though the forums were discussing ‘whats wrong with the system and what needs to happen to change things’. The ALS was inspired to hear of the strength, resilience and unity that was displayed in the forums we convened. The involvement of Aboriginal elders and leaders in the development of ways forward is critical and needs to be strongly guided by those who have experiences in the justice system such as those who have been imprisoned or those who may have been in state care. Anything else you’d like to add? We advocate for self-determination of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Peoples across NSW and ACT. We are a socially justice driven community legal service provider and not for profit. We work alongside many sector partners to achieve outcomes for the Aboriginal community.

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Dubbo Photo News September 21-27, 2017


Pest animals of every kind wreaking havoc for graziers By JOHN RYAN

DROUGHT may be the focus for landholders this year after a season of almost no rain in some parts of the region. While the big dry is depleting chances of stripping crops for farmers who managed to get some sown, however, the lack of rainfall isn’t the only problem facing primary producers. Pest animals of many varieties are causing havoc amongst graziers, the management of these feral species such as foxes, cats and wild dogs the focus of a recent Wellington workshop run by Mid-Macquarie Landcare in partnership with Central West Local Land Services (CWLLS), Dubbo Regional Council (DRC) and the Department of Primary Industries (DPI). LLS biosecurity officer Jason Gavenlock says it’s a constant battle. “Foxes, we have a lot of sheep in this area that are lambing and foxes take 10 to 20 percent of lambs so it’s very important to do your programs and specially to do it with a group program, if you just do it individually it’s not as effective as a heap of neighbours doing it together,” Mr Gavenlock said. “In Dubbo itself we run 18 groups twice a year, so we’re doing about 36 groups with landholders, we get the landholders’ property and all the neighbours come and they all bait in one big group, that’s been very effective. “I was talking to a landholder the other day and he said his lambing percentages have increased by 20 percent since he’s started to bait,” he said. Mid-Macquarie Landcare is hoping to spark a renewed group effort on fox baiting around Wellington but at the same time threats from pests such as cats and dogs are on the rise. “Dogs – if someone had said three or four years ago that we’ve got dingoes or wild dogs around Dubbo you’d think that’s not right, but we’ve recently had one down near Stuart Town that was killing sheep and we got a trapper in and we caught it and the killing stopped,” Mr Gavenlock said.

Gavin Borham, DRC Ranger, Colleen Carney, DRC Ranger, Troy Hogarth, DPI Game licensing unit compliance team leader, Jason Gavenlock, CWLLS biosecurity officer. PHOTO: DUBBO PHOTO NEWS

“There’s one at the moment at Euchareena which is active , we’ve got two or three out towards Dunedoo which are active at the moment, one has been killing sheep out there, so it’s surprising with the use of the surveillance cameras and people now being a bit aware, we’ve done mapping courses and it makes people aware of dogs’ activities and what to look for, yep, there’s quite a few at the moment around the district,” he said. DPI’s Troy Hogarth says illegal hunting is also causing huge problems across the region, his compliance team is working on education to harness hunters to work with landholders who have pest animal problems.

“If people are going to hunt in NSW we want them to do it the right way, do it legally and ethically and secondly for landholders who are impacted by illegal hunting, they need to make sure they report that to Crimestoppers or to DPI, let us know what’s happening so we can help them with their problems,” Mr Hogarth said. Urban areas and the small landholdings around Dubbo and Wellington create their own animal dramas, the newly amalgamated DRC working on multiple strategies to prevent problems with domestic pets according to ranger Gavin Borham. “There are so many grey areas and that’s why we were pleased to be involved with Mid-Macquarie Landcare’s pest animal

workshop, just to get some of that information out there,” Mr Borham said. “The biggest problem we find is around the Companion Animals Act and the animal ID so the microchipping and registration of cats and dogs, but also just some of your general compliance around illegal dumping and straying stock. “We pick up a lot of cats and dogs that aren’t microchipped and it’s a big problem because it makes it hard for us to find the owners and be able to return the animals – it ties up a lot of resources, the council’s actually got four full time rangers in Dubbo and two in Wellington and it’s a fair part of our workload,” he said.

WACHS gives young mums a helping hand THE Australian Nurse-Family Partnership Program (ANFPP) at Wellington Aboriginal Corporation Health Service (WACHS) is making a difference to the lives of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander babies. ANFPP works with first time Mums having an Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander baby, who live in Dubbo, Wellington, Narromine and Gilgandra. Almost 70 clients have graduated from ANFPP, which accepts referrals for women prior to their 26th week of pregnancy, and works with them until the child turns two. “The Program has recently graduated three clients who joined the ANFPP in January 2015, holding a ceremony at the Buninyong Schools as Community Centre,” said WACHS CEO Darren Ah See. “Our clients come from a variety of backgrounds, and range from young women still attending school, to those who have completed university study,” he said. Clients are allocated a Nurse Home Visitor and Aboriginal Family Partnership Worker, who visit them in the home, or an alternative location. They

work with the client to provide support and education to improve health, build on parenting skills, and work towards life goals. “Some of the successes achieved locally include many clients who reduce, or quit, smoking in pregnancy; and clients who break the cycle of child removal by successfully parenting their own child, when they had been removed as children themselves, or following previous children being removed,” said Mr Ah See. “The ANFPP team are there for the clients to set goals and start taking steps to achieve them, such as getting a drivers licence, commencing study, changing jobs, or moving.” The five client centred principles that the Program is based on result in each and every client celebrating some successes, no matter how small. These principles are: follow you heart’s desire; you are the expert in your own life; focus on solutions; focus on strengths; and only a small change is necessary. For more information on the Australian Nurse Family Partnership Program visit www. wachs.net.au


September 21-27, 2017 Dubbo Photo News

WELLINGTON NEWS A night out at the Wello Services Club By COLIN ROUSE LOCALS enjoyed a night out at the Wellington Services Club enjoying good company, a meal and a few cold ones to farewell the week.

Derek whose mum is from the Bell family and the namesake of the Bell River

Meat tray winner, Lorrain Rouse

Five generations gathered to share a meal, Glenyn Wykes, Ellie IrvingWykes, Beryl Forrest, LillyAnne Robinson, Sarah Robinson, Sheree Wykes

The Rouses: Billy, Emily, Toby, Abram, Miller, Sophia, Anna

7+( :25/' $&&25',1* 72 By SCARLET PASCOE WHAT would it be like to live in a country where people did not get along? Not many people would know but the world according to me is very different. The world is a bizarre place where no one knows you. It’s a world of peace and harmony. But most people do not see what I see, people overseas see a world of terror and horror. The world according to me is a world of knowledge and history. If the world could stop for two minutes and do something wonderful and kind for one another, the world could be brought together by love and happiness. The world can be beautiful and have blue skies DQG À RZLQJ ULYHUV EXW LW LV QRW OLNH that in some places. Somewhere there will always be someone dying in war or suffering from starvation or abuse. The world is a strange place to live, most people do not understand why they are even alive. Take a look in the mirror and thank the world for letting you be in its presence, thank it for the sun and trees, and all the wonderful things around you. That is the world according to me.

If the world could stop for two minutes and do something wonderful and kind for one another, the world could be bRought together by love and happiness.

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Andrew GEE MP


Dubbo Photo News September 21-27, 2017

Your Country Your Voice

Federal Member for Calare


YEOVAL CENTRAL SCHOOL 2017 BIG GIG This week I attended the Yeoval Central School 2017 Big Gig. The Big Gig is a school concert put on every two years and involves Trundle Central School and Yeoval Central School. One concert is held in Yeoval and one is held in Trundle. It was a terrific concert and I’d like to congratulate the teachers and students on a job well done!

HIGHLIGHTS FROM THE MOLONG SHOW September is show season in Calare and on the weekend I attended the 153rd Molong Show. Congratulations to the show committee on a wonderful event. You can’t beat a country show!

] Andrew pictured with Parliamentary colleagues Mark Coulton, Michael McCormack and members of the Primary Health Network Board.

I recently met with the Board of the Primary Health Network to discuss insights and priorities to work with local communities and health services to support, strengthen and shape a world class, person-centred primary health system in Western NSW. The Australian Government established 31 Primary Health

Networks across the country, including the Western NSW Primary Health Network (WNSW PHN), to support frontline health services. The Far West and Western NSW Local Health District are covered by the Western NSW Primary Health Network – the largest Primary Health Network in the state. ] Andrew pictured with Col Woodhouse and Lisa Garlick


GUN AMNESTY REMINDER Calare residents have until the end of the month to hand in unregistered or unwanted firearms and related items under the Federal Government’s National Firearms Amnesty. As of the 25th of August there have been a staggering 25,999 firearms handed in across Australia. There is no cost involved, and no personal details are required. You can do so without being prosecuted, however outside of the amnesty period, anyone caught with an unregistered firearm could face a fine of up to $280,000, up to 14 years in jail, and a criminal record. This is the first nation-wide gun amnesty since 1996, when the Howard Government took decisive action following the devastation of the Port Arthur Massacre. Information about individual state and territory requirements, including how and where to surrender firearms, can be found at firearmsamnesty.ag.gov.au or by calling 1800 909 826.

] Andrew pictured with Lachlan Thompson, his father Michael and MidWestern Regional Council General Manager Brad Cam at the recent Mudgee afternoon tea and presentation.

Round 2 of the 2017-2018 Local Sporting Champions Grant are open, and close on 31 October 2017. There were twenty successful recipients in Calare under Round 1, including Lachlan Thompson from Gulgong. Lachlan is just 12 years old and has only been competing in lawn bowls for two years. Under the Local Sporting Champions Grant, successful applicants receive $500 to help with the associated costs of different sporting endeavours – plus recognition of a terrific achievement. More information can be found at www.ausport.gov.au/lsc


] Andrew pictured with Don Mahoney and Faye Clarke at the Molong Show.

SPRINGFEST This weekend Wellington will come alive for SpringFest! I look forward to this year’s festival and celebrating all things Wellington, including the Wellington Bicentenary SpringFest Parade!

Applications are currently open for the AgriFutures Rural Women’s Award, and close on Sunday, 29 October 2017. Women aged over 18 and involved in rural industries, rural and regional businesses and rural and regional communities are invited to apply. More information is available at http://www.agrifutures. com.au/people-leadership/rural-womens-award/


P: (02) 6361 7138 or 1300 301 740 | F: (02) 6362 3480 | E: andrew.gee.mp@aph.gov.au | POSTAL ADDRESS: PO Box 673 Orange NSW 2800 Authorised by Andrew Gee MP Suite1/179A Anson Street, Orange. Produced and printed using parliamentary entitlements. September 2017.


September 21-27, 2017 Dubbo Photo News

The Book Connection


178 Macquarie Street, Dubbo • OPEN 7 DAYS


HOW TO PLAY: Fill in the grid so that every row, every column, and every 3x3 box GRID616 contains the numbers 1 through 9 only once. Each 3x3 box is outlined with a darker line. You already have a few numbers to get you started. Remember: You must not repeat the numbers 1 through 9 in the same line, column, or 3x3 box.

1. ... Martin, TV journo 4. Scram! 8. Lunar body 12. Wool grower 13. ... mower 14. The ..., aka David Howell Evans of rock band U2 15. Reed instrument 17. Folk legends 18. Do sums 19. Beloved 21. Leg front 24. Love god 26. Charged bit 27. Jam bottle 28. Binding 32. Decay 33. Satellite flight path 35. Pigeon’s

comment 36. Reel 38. “... Dream Will Do” 39. Go astray 40. Hothouse item 42. Military branch 43. Bowling lanes 46. Hearing organ 48. Downfall 49. Make holy 54. One of many tourists visit near Wellington, NSW 55. Different 56. From head to ... 57. Tinted 58. Used to rest gold balls on 59. Replace a button

DOWN 1. VCR button


2. Carpenter’s tool 3. Term of agreement 4. Glided 5. Manual railroad vehicle 6. Be in debt 7. Drawn from a keg: 2 wds. 8. Tune 9. ... Eaters, brand of foot smell fixers 10. Fictional monster 11. Obligation 16. Scurried 20. Song 21. Galahad and Gawain 22. Basketball basket 23. Fascinated by 25. Like a city 27. Merry 29. Bakery

employee 30. Fronted the ‘Life Be In It’ campaign 31. Gruesome 34. Strong 37. Unlocked 41. Piece of property 42. Music or literature 43. Foot part 44. Hawaiian feast 45. Common descriptor for album recorded in concert 47. Serves perfectly 50. Pub specialty 51. “... a Small World” 52. Rival 53. Certain evergreen PUZZ884


This is a theme puzzle with the subject stated below. Find the listed words in the grid. (They may run in any direction but always in a straight line. Some letters are used more than once.) Ring each word as you find it and when you have completed the puzzle, there will be 17 letters left over. They spell out the alternative theme of the puzzle.

Warmer climes

Alice Springs Alpha arid Arnhem Land Ayr Broome Cairns Cape York Cooktown Daintree Dampier Derby dust Elliott Frewena Giru Gove Halls Creek Ingham Innisfail Kakadu Katherine Kynuna

by Wulff & Morgenthaler

lakes Morven Mt Isa Nebo Newman Olio Roma stop sun Tambo Tennant Creek Tolga Tully vast Weipa


by Tony Lopes



1. AUSTRALIAN TRAVEL: Which states does the Gunbarrel Highway run through? 2. ADVERTISING: Who is the cartoon mascot for Kellogg’s Froot Loops cereal? 3. TELEVISION: Who played the patriarch of the Clampett family in “The Beverly Hillbillies”? 4. LITERATURE: What 1969 novel begins with the line, “All of this happened, more or less”? 5. MUSIC: Where did Puff the Magic Dragon live in the Peter, Paul and Mary song? 6. MOVIES: What was the last movie that singer Elvis Presley starred in? 7. GENERAL KNOWLEDGE: Which Queensland city has the postcode of 4350?

8. GEOLOGY: What are the softest and hardest minerals on the Mohs scale? 9. GAMES: What colour is The Strand in the Monopoly game? 10. GEOGRAPHY: What country has the most natural lakes? 11. FLASHBACK: Who wrote and released “Your Mama Don’t Dance,” and when? 12. SPORT: Who was older when he won his last tennis major: Andre Agassi or Pete Sampras (pictured)? 13. LYRICS: Name the song that contains this lyric: “Standing in line, marking time, Waiting for the welfare dime, ‘Cause they can’t buy a job, The man in the silk suit hurries by, As he catches the poor old lady’s eyes, Just for fun he says, ‘Get a job.’”


by Gary Kopervas

SOLUTIONS: Are in the TV+ Guide

You’ll discover a world of

wisdom on our bookshelves

The Book Connection 178 Macquarie Street, Dubbo • OPEN 7 DAYS


Dubbo Photo News September 21-27, 2017


email your photos to photos@dubbophotonews.com.au instagram dubbophotonews facebook.com/dubbophotonews

Created by a Dubbo Photo News staffer, this is a dire warning indeed, but you’d be hard-pressed to find many in the Dubbo region who don’t know that ‘magpie season’ has its hazards.

Thanks to Dubbo Photo News reader “Gossy” for sending in this top shot of a hungry magpie. Gossy had bought some worms for his worm farm and the magpie pounced when he was checking one over for quality.

Dubbo man Samuel Mees caught these beautiful birds on camera while visiting family in Bundaberg. Sam told Paparazzi, “The kookaburra are so tame up here they take food straight out of your hand; same with the magpies.”


We have a wide range of tours, that suit every taste! “Absolutely brilliant way to see the sights of Dubbo, Peter has heaps of information ^Y VV cY_ SX YX ._LLY”. KARYN & PETER GLOVER, 5 STAR FACEBOOK REVIEW



September 21-27, 2017 Dubbo Photo News


(BOY) KARANICOLAS Born 13/09/17 Weight 2700g Parents Jemma Devries and Steven Karanicolas of Coonabarabran Siblings Leonidas (1yr)

Alice May KENNEDY Born 13/09/17 Weight 3040g Parents Anna Kaineder and Matt Kennedy Siblings Joseph (16mths), Salina (9yrs), Hannah (11yrs) Grandparents Karen and Peter Kennedy, Diana Wintle

Photos by Wendy Merrick Photography Dubbo | www.wendymphotography.com.au Contribute your baby photo to photos@dubbophotonews.com.au

Hudson Steven NEALE Born 14/09/17 Weight 3100g Parents Stephanie and Steven Neale of Cobar Siblings Bailey (5yrs), Leo (2yrs) Grandparents Paul and Angela Hay, Jim and Deb Neale, Robyn and Keith Grey

Arthur Joseph Gallen SMITH Born 12/09/17 Weight 3660g Parents Kayleigh Linnane and Lennie Smith of Dubbo Siblings First child Grandparents David and Ann Holby of England, Len and Sharon Smith of Dubbo

Kenneth Lucas HARRISON Born 11/09/17 Weight 2540g Parents Chona and Stephen Harrison of Coonabarabran Siblings First child

Archie Brian PECKHAM Born 14/09/17 Weight 4160g Parents Emily Ling and Thomas Peckham of Wellington Siblings Hope (7yrs), Declan (5yrs) Grandparents Caroline Ling, Brian Ling, Sandra Peckham

Macy Olive LANE Born 12/09/17 Weight 3720g Parents Shona and Matt Lane of Dubbo Siblings Isla (6yrs), Tessa (3yrs) Grandparents Stuart and Jenny McReaddie, Peter and Choc Lane

Wyatt John GREY Born 28/07/2017 Weight 3590g Parents John and Cara Grey of Dubbo Siblings Vin (4 yrs,) Solei (3 yrs) Grandparents Craig and Lisa Johnston, Tony and Sharon Grey Great Grandparents Graham and Margaret Johnston, Katherine Grey Great Great Grandparents Alison Hume



Dubbo Photo News September 21-27, 2017

HITCHES Anna Josh A Dubbo Wedding PHOTOGRAPHY BY SHERI MCMAHON PHOTOGRAPHY x A PREMIUM #TBASUPPLIER ANNA and Josh Williams were married earlier this year, celebrating with the most picturesque country wedding! Anna’s stunning Melanie Ford dress was perfectly complemented by her mix-matched bridesmaid dresses in pastal pinks - talk about chic style! The couple celebrated with their closest friends and family in what was the perfect way to kick start their married life together! Dress // Melanie Ford Design Suits // Connor Bridesmaid Dresses // The Wedding Shoppe Flowers // Floribella flowers and Denise’s Flower Studio Marquee // Adors Hire Catering // TJ’s Catering Bar // Aurevoir Vintage Van x Cake // Cakes By Amy Rutherford x View more // www.thebridesavenue.com.au/ realweddings x = a premium #TBAsupplier

Tips for writing your wedding vows By SHARON FOR THE BRIDE’S AVENUE ONE of the most romantic things you can do is write your own wedding vows, or not. It can actually be a really painful experience particularly if you don’t get it right for you. We are not speaking about perfection here, but if you are writing your vows, you want words that perfectly capture the way you feel. This is not always as easy as it sounds so if you have both decided to write your wedding vows, here are a few tips to help you work through it. z Don’t leave it till the last minute If you are serious about writing your wedding vows, then this is a decision you should take early and you should definitely not leave this till the last minute. There are some people who do literally everything last minute (yeah, I’m guilty as well), but leaving it till late will only put pressure on you. z Clear with your officiant It is easy to overlook this point and yet it is a really important one. What is the point of labouring over heartfelt and meaningful wedding vows only to discover that your wedding officiant vetoes the idea? Exactly, no point at all. Some religious institutions insist on traditional vows. Make sure your officiant gives you the all-clear before you go ahead with writing your vows. z Discuss with your partner It is one thing for you to decide that you are going to write your own vows, but you need to make sure that your partner is also on board with the idea. It is important for you two to sit together and talk about your wedding vows and the type of vows you want. You might also want to talk about the length of your vows as well, just to get that off your mind. To continue reading our helpful tips, check out our “Wedding Tips” blog on the website (www.thebridesavenue.com.au/tipsandinspo/).

If you’re a wedding photographer or have recently been married across Central West NSW, submit your wedding for the opportunity to be featured via www.thebridesavenue.com.au/submityourwedding



September 21-27, 2017 Dubbo Photo News

Shopping News | Business News | Deals | Discounts | Discoveries To feature here phone 6885 4433

Cultural treasures Indigenous art and culture turns to nature for much of its inspiration and heritages fo ras these gorgeous products, available from the Dubbo Visitors Centre on o Macquarie acqua e Street, St eet, demonstrate. de o




6. 2. 3.

1. Quandong and Gumby Gumby with Eucalyptus Blue Mallee Essential Oil handmade Pure Olive Oil Soap, Native Secrets, $8.95, 2. Dubbo Boomerang keychain, $10.95, 3. Handpainted book marks by 8th generation Tubbagah artist, Narrell Boys, $13.95, 4. Hand painted pendent on leather strap by Narell Boys, $17.00, 5. Ngaargoo Kangaroo Hunt – Bidjara Language Group Desert Blossom Soy Wax Candle, Native Secrets, $35, 6. Bohra and Kangaroo and Dinewan the Emu Eyeglass Case, $34.95. Bohra and Kangaroo and Dinewan the Emu is a Dreamtime story about how light came to the world and reason why the emu is a fast and leggy bird, and the kangaroo is a noble spirit. Stockists: Dubbo Visitors Centre, Cnr Macquarie Street and Newell Highway. Soy Candles: also available in Goji and Orange, Coconut and Lime, Sandalwood and Musk. Pure Olive Oil Soap also available with Gidyea (the Gidyea leaf was used by Aboriginal people as a refreshing wash of the skin.)

To feature your weekly specials here, call DUBBO PHOTO NEWS on 02 6885 4433


YUMMYat Jimmy’s

38-40 Victoria Street, West Dubbo Tel: 02 6882 3466


Specials available Thursday 21.09.2017 until Wednesday 27.09.2017

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Uncle Toby Traditional Oats 500gm


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Dewlands Pineapple Juice 1lt


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Dubbo Photo News September 21-27, 2017


MEET THE BOSS Rob Riley, ICAN Position: Owner I got involved in business...in 2014 when I heard the nursery was closing. I thought it would be a great opportunity to buy it Our business is known for...native plants and Aboriginal programs Our bestselling product is...small flowering bird-attracting natives My role in the business is...to look at ways to help people who are disadvantaged through our programs According to my staff, working for me is...reasonably rewarding and enjoyable I spend my down time...looking at what social work is being done out there I’m inspired by...any person with a social conscience On my bedside table are...photos of my two sons In my opinion, the biggest issue facing small business is...having owners who don’t step outside their comfort zone and continue to learn My secret to success is...giving people chances and they help grow the business; always look forward not backwards I’m most proud of...our school programs and putting a smile on the students’ faces If I could, I’d tell my 20-year-old self...to just enjoy every day and do what really makes you happy The best piece of career advice I can offer is.. take a chance and believe you can achieve anything And if I wasn’t in my current role, I’d...be bored and unhappy. I have a job where I do the stuff I love PHOTO: DUBBO PHOTO NEWS/WENDY MERRICK


Murdi Paaki Regional Enterprise Corporation

RTO: Wilcannia White Card Participants

Social Enterprise: BlueRidge Cafe Drive-Thru

MPREC (Murdi Paaki Regional Enterprise Corporation) is the largest organisation of its type in Australia. As a charitable, Aboriginal-run provider of social and economic development programs, MPREC works through partnerships with Government and private industry to achieve employment outcomes for Indigenous people. With a strong focus on partnership, communication is key, and NAIDOC week is exactly the time to get communities talking. “Celebrating our culture also means celebrating the success of our team and the communities that we work with,” said MPREC CEO Paul Newman. “There are so many great stories that demonstrate positive futures for our communities and young people”.

Community Project: Cobar Market Garden

Many of these great stories happen through the support of MPREC. The complex labour markets offered by regional and remote Australia make it difficult for job seekers to find and sustain long term employment, while the communities’ young people don’t always see positive work experiences in action. However, MPREC is finding ways to combat this. “We create opportunities for Aboriginal job seekers to build practical pathways to longterm employment,” says Mr Newman. “It starts with education. Each school day, MPREC staff help get kids to school through the Remote Schools Attendance Strategy.” “Our RTO (91444) supports further education and work readiness amongst job seekers, and we offer actual employment and on-the-

job training through our Social Enterprises, including BlueRidge Cafe in Dubbo and Two Eight Three Five clothing store in Cobar. For entrepreneurs, we encourage independence through mentoring and support, to build future leaders and create self-generated employment opportunities.” “I believe that, along with other well recognised and great Aboriginal organisations, together we can change the conversation on employment and Aboriginal people.” MPREC also has a number of Market Gardens in communities such as Cobar and Goodooga, which incorporates cultural heritage aspects into job readiness and community programs, such as increasing knowledge and production of native plants

For more information on MPREC, including filling any staffing needs, please visit www.mprec.org.au

Blueridge Business Park 1 Asset Way, Dubbo Phone: (02) 6841 0111


September 21-27, 2017 Dubbo Photo News

A clear signal with Geffro’s Mobile Communications WHEN you’ve been in the game for as long as Geff Baker, you can almost anticipate the kinds of problems farmers, truck drivers, fleet vehicles, headers, and the like, will develop when it comes to their communication devices. For 26 years, “Geffro” has been installing, repairing and maintaining communication equipment for people and organisations who need reliable ways to communicate. “I do a lot of installations for trucks, visit a lot of farms to maintain equipment, I work with motorbikes, headers and earth moving equipment,” Geffro said. From as far afield as Walgett, Cobar, Orange, Bourke, Coonabarabran, there’s not many places Geffro hasn’t been or isn’t prepared to go to. “I do a bit of work out at Cobar for the Rural Fire Service. I recently set up a new radio system in preparation for the fire season. Smoke blocks the signal which isn’t something you want happening when you’re fighting a bush fire. “I built a repeater on a trailer using solar panels so it’s reliable and mobile. Custom building equipment is sometimes part of the job, as is keeping up with changes to built-in communication devices in modern vehicles like Bluetooth. “In some cases I can help people over the phone, and just talk them through their problem. Nine times out of ten, that works,” he said. Geffro’s does repairs and installations of two way radios, and can provide a range of phone cradles, the antennas and radios. “I’m not fixing or installing mobile communications, I’m mobile too. If you’re coming to Dubbo for example to do the shopping or see a doctor, I can be working on your car while your busy,” Geffro said. “That’s a time saver if you’re not wanting to wait for my service. I can also take Eftpos,” he said. Geffro’s Mobile Communications offers mobile phone kids and two way sales and installation. Call 0428 767 768.


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Dubbo Photo News September 21-27, 2017

MOTORING MASTERS GEFFRO’S MOBILE COMMUNICATIONS Mobile Phone Kits and Two-way sales & installations

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September 21-27, 2017 Dubbo Photo News Peter Muller, Lorraine Scoble, Jack Munro, Cheryl Tonkin, Barbara O’Brien and Ken Windsor

Orana C.P.S.A Meeting By SARAH HARVEY THE Orana Combined Pensioners and Superannuants Association group gathered at the Dubbo Neighbourhood Centre on Friday, September 8, for their monthly meeting. Members enjoyed a cuppa before welcoming guest speaker independent candidate Peter Muller.

President Ken Windsor welcomed the group’s newest secretary Barbara O’Brien

Helen Smith, Joan Boyle, Margaret Hilton and Jack Munro

Lance Thornton and Geoffrey Boyd

Wilma Ryan and Joan Teale

WPCC Handmade Art Markets

G A L L E RY . M U S E U M . C A F E

Saturday 23rd September 2017 | 10.00am – 2.00pm on the grounds of Western Plains Cultural Centre 76 Wingewarra Street, Dubbo If you are interested in attending as a stall holder, please contact Barb on 6801 4444 WE ARE ALSO LOOKING FOR BUSKERS



Dubbo Photo News September 21-27, 2017

Give me 5 for kids By MORGAN WILLIAMS LOTS of families braved the cold on Friday, September 8, to attend the Cinema Under The Stars event at Number 1 oval. The screening of “Moana” was held to raise funds for Give Me 5 For Kids.

Karen, Allen, Zac, Ethan and Siovahn

Briny, Courtney and Jed

Mikaylee, Janya, Navada, Bindy and Marre

Hurriah and Drish

Shannme, Zara and Avon

Holly, Jemma and Merina

Kristen O’Brien and Lacy Fildens

Meet and greet the Inner Wheel Ladies By MORGAN WILLIAMS DUBBO Club Inner Wheel Australia hosted a meet and greet at the back of Myer on Saturday, September 9. The club supports local, national and international fundraising quests.

Meryl Usback, Annette Storer, Cheryl Pfeiffer and Sandra Spackman

Cheryl Pfeiffer, Annette Storer and Meryl Usback


September 21-27, 2017 Dubbo Photo News

Layla, Moodle (Maltese cross miniature poodle): “I’m vicious don’t push me!” - Sheri

Enid the Alpaca: “Can you take my picture… again?” - Skye

Monty - Pip

Harry, Pomeranian: “Excuse me, while I look fabulous.” – Jo

Mickey, Dachshund X: Mickey went missing in April and I wish every day he would come home, though I realise it’s unlikely to happen. He was so patient with my daughter and other kids. When people would ask what kind of dog he was, I’d reply ‘a happy dog’. - Karen

Harley and Duke, Miniature Pony and Wolfhound X: “Guard Dogs” - Jazz

Willow-Weiner: Innocent until proven guilty - Zoey

Jet, Border Collie: “Maybe if I look this cute mum and dad will forget about the massacre of my poor toy” - Aleks


Dubbo Photo News September 21-27, 2017

De-sexing your pets Courtesy of COUNCIL’S RANGER SERVICES

Cleo (short for Cleopatra) prefers to drink her water straight from the vase! - Dawn

Reggie: “Rebel with a pawsâ€? – Reggie sometimes deďŹ es the rules but we love her just the same. - Maree

SelďŹ e with a chook! - Paul

AS an owner of a companion animal, either a dog or a cat, have you considered having your pet de-sexed? If you are not a professional breeder we recommend that your pet is de-sexed to prevent unwanted litters. Having your pet de-sexed will improve their quality of life, and in most cases their life span. De-sexed animals are cleaner, males are less likely to urinate marking their territory and they becomes less aggressive towards other animals, lessening the risk of injury. De-sexing your pet prevents them from straying, both male and female when a female is in season. Male dogs sometimes suffer from testicular cancer. Vets recommend that male dogs be de-sexed to reduce this risk. Female de-sexing is a more complex operation to have done; therefore it is more expensive than males. Too often we see the result of unwanted litters which wind up being dumped or abandoned at animal shelters. The Dubbo City Animal Shelter has an average of 2,500 dogs and cats end up at the Shelter every year. This is a huge expense to the ratepayers, and is very upsetting for staff who have to deal with, these un-wanted dogs and cats. Many of these dogs and cats are rehomed, either from the Shelter, or via the RSPCA who take some of the dogs & cats and rehome through Petbarn in Dubbo. Unfortunately not all dogs & cats can be re-homed, and have to be euthanased, as a last resort. This awful situation can be reduced by de-sexing your pets. The Companion Animals Welfare Scheme (CAWS) which is operated in conjunction with Dubbo Regional Council, the RSPCA and all Dubbo Veterinary Practices is a scheme run every year to enable the de-sexing of dogs or cats at a much reduced rate. The scheme is designed to assist dog and cat owners who are on a Pension, where the pet owner can have their dog de-sexed for $100, or cat for $50 – conditions apply. For more information please contact Council’s Ranger Services on 68014000 or log onto www.dubbo.nsw.gov.au/petsmonth

Each week we will publish your entries, along with great hints and tips for pet ownership, thanks to Dubbo Regional Council and participating sponsors. ii Photos can relate to the best pet/owner look alike, most unique pet, cutest pet or most active pet! It’s entirely up to you... and your pet!

just by submitting a photo of your pet that makes you smile!


myentry@dubbophotonews.com.au or drop into our RIƓ FH DW :LQJHZDUUD 6W 'XEER Ŋ ZH ZLOO VFDQ WKHP while you wait! Include your name, address, daytime phone number, your pet’s name & breed, along with a caption for your photo // One photo per pet // Entries FORVH )UL 6HSWHPEHU DW SP :LQQHUV SXEOLVKHG 7KXUV 6HSWHPEHU LQ WKH 'XEER 3KRWR 1HZV




ii FOR MORE PETS MONTH INFO HEAD TO: dubbo.nsw.gov.au/pets-month & CATTERY

Wellington Veterinary Hospital


September 21-27, 2017 Dubbo Photo News

Adult Learner’s Week By SARAH HARVEY WESTERN College hosted members of the community on Friday, September 8, in recognition of National Adult Learner’s Week. The week aims to celebrate and embrace adults in learning, showcasing all of the opportunities available.

Kerry McMahon and Jen Single

Karen Smith, Katrina Redden and Betty Macarthur

Matt, Michael and Fiona

See old and new Art for $5

Jacqueline Billinghurst, Falguni Solanki and Rene Wykes

Tahlia, Ashley and Wendy

(btw it’s a School Holiday Special, but please keep that to yourself)

76 Wingewarra Street Dubbo . 6801 4444 . westernplainsculturalcentre.org




Homelessness in Dubbo, Wellington and Narromine is growing Homelessness is a silent problem within our community. Homelessness is not defined by people sleeping in a tent on the river bank, curled up in doorways or sleeping under the bridge. While this does occur within all communities the numbers are small compared to the broader definition of homelessness. A family or person can be considered Homeless or at risk of becoming homeless if they are staying with friends and family, couch surfing, in a caravan in a back yard or in their car. Often most of the income is used for rent, leaving little money to provide for the family. Where a family or person has no legal right to occupy a dwelling, they may be considered homeless or at risk of being homeless. A simple disagreement with the family or friends or a financial crisis can put them on the street. These vulnerable men and women, sometimes with young families are often unemployed or on low income or rely on Centrelink payments. Contributing factors to this housing crisis is the cost of private rentals which is being driven up by a shortage of affordable housing stock due to Dubbo’s population growth. Recent investor interest in Dubbo account for more than 50% of housing sales placing further upward pressure on house prices directly contributing to the increased cost of renting. The local homelessness statistics are telling. Over 70% of referrals for support identify as Aboriginal. The service maintains a culturally appropriate service with staff to better assist our client base.

Support is at hand Orana Support Service is a local Dubbo Association which has serviced the local community since 1988. The service has operated Sturt House for 29 years providing crisis accommodation to the Dubbo and surrounding communities. A management committee has been responsi-

ble for the service which is primarily funded by NSW Family and Community Services from the time of its inception. In 2014 Orana Support Service successfully tendered for the Dubbo Women’s refuge and 7 transitional properties owned by the NSW Land and Housing Corporation. In the 2016-2017 financial year Orana Support Service supported 300 families with over 300 accompanying children, 250 single men and 240 single women. A total approaching 1100 people were referred to the service. Of these 290 clients were assisted with crisis accommodation in Sturt House and the Women’s refuge. Another 39 were housed in transitional long term housing. The service delivered a total of 12,900 bed nights supporting Dubbo, Wellington, Narromine and the wider community. This is an average of 35 people every night in accommodation provide by the homeless program in Dubbo, Wellington and Narromine. To assist clients with limited rental history and access to real estate rentals Orana Support Service has rented an 11 bed boarding house and 6 flats. These are sublet to clients who would otherwise be unable to afford or maintain a tenancy. These tenants are case managed by staff on a limited basis as the program is not funded. The success of this program providing a stable environment for clients who have a long history of homelessness is a model Orana Support Service is looking to expand in the next year.

Case Management Support Orana Support Service Case Managers work closely with FaCS and the other community service organisations supporting families and clients delivering client directed, holistic case management. Our partnerships includes Uniting who run the Doorways Youth Homelessness program, Centacare Wilcannia Forbes, Dubbo Neighbourhood Centre, Wellington Information and Neighbourhood Centre, Mission Australia and the community housing providers Housing NSW and Compass. Drug and Alcohol, Mental Health and GP’s as well as numerous government and non-government agencies are also utilised.

Tenancy Support The Tenancy support program assists people who are in need of support to obtain or maintain a tenancy. Clients are given at least 3 months’ case management support from the time of the referral, or the start of their tenancy. The passion and commitment of Orana Support team is reflected in the successful rate of housing clients with more than 100 clients being assisted into long term accommodation in the 12 months to June 30th 2017.

Other programs The Domestic Violence Response Enhancement program in Wellington funded by NSW FaCS provides a safe refuge for families effected by Domestic and Family Violence. Orana Support Service successfully applied for a grant from Dubbo Regional Council to assist Apollo House, Mission Australia, Dubbo Regional Council, Child Services, Doorways in partnership with other agencies to provide a safe place after school for young children to come and enjoy a range of activities focusing around their physical, cultural and imaginative strengths. The program runs every Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday from 3-4.30pm during school term and every Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday 2-4pm during school holidays with an average of 15 children participating. Orana Support Service works closely with, and auspice the Gargamin and Whalan Groups. These groups are engaged in a range of activities. including programs based at the OEC community garden and in the broader community yard maintenance and rubbish removal. Orana Support Service has recently moved to a new spacious office and we are now situated on the first floor, Cnr Macquarie and Talbragar Streets (above Leading Edge Computers). Anyone who needs assistance or would like to know more about our service is welcome to call in. Our new contact number is free call 1800 353 199, please feel free to contact the team.

Dubbo • Wellington • Narromine Client directed, early intervention, rapid rehousing & supporting clients with complex needs Phone: 1800 353 199 After hours crisis accommodation: Link2Home 1800 152 152 Program funded by the NSW Department of Family and Community Services

Ash’s story Ash and her young daughter were living with her family in a sometimes tense atmosphere. On at least one occasion a violent outburst could have injured her child and Ash began to look for a rental property. Ash found a property but could not afford the bond and 2 weeks rent in advance. A friend told Ash about Orana Support Service and she approached Maree, a Case Manager of Orana Support Service. Maree worked with Ash and the real estate agent as well as Housing NSW and established a tenancy. Maree supported Ash for 6 months referring her to counselling and working with her to organise electricity and furniture. Maree was there whenever Ash needed her. “If it wasn’t for Maree’s support and someone to vent to, I wouldn’t be the person I am today”


September 21-27, 2017 Dubbo Photo News

St John’s celebrates NIADOC Day By SARAH HARVEY STUDENTS from St John’s Primary School celebrated NAIDOC Day on Friday, September 8. As a part of their annual event students participated in a variety of activities including indigenous games, dance and painting before enjoying a barbecue lunch.

Jorja Edwards, Tilly Ray, Kate Foley and Holly Bowden

Abe Jones, Ashton Coe, Connor Hallford and Hugo O’Mally

Students participating in dance workshops

Niki, Dimina, Korey, Stevie, Cooper and Kaylah

Tiffany Lucas, Kiara Konz, Imogen Daley, Aspen Moore and Tyrone Smyth

Emmie and Molly

Amoya Quigley, Halle-Jo Sutcliffe and Aidan Webeck


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Eva Osbourne, Lily Sampson and Lainey Hodges

Centacare Wilcannia-Forbes is a proud supporter of the 2017 Dubbo NAIDOC celebrations. At CentaCare Wilcannia-Forbes we provide a broad range of programs and services to encourage and support people living in western NSW by enhancing their social, economic and emotional well-being and strengthening their networks of support. To learn more about how we support individuals, families and the community, come and visit us at 62 Wingewarra St or call 1800 067 067


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T: 6841 6966 W: alsnswact.org.au



Dubbo Photo News September 21-27, 2017

Hop on the train of wellbeing By SARAH HARVEY THE Dubbo Train Station was gleaming with yellow on Thursday, September 14, as the community supported RU OK? Day. RU OK? Day is an annual event that encourages people to ask their loved ones if they’re okay, promoting awareness for mental health and suicide prevention. The XPT train was branded with the RUOK logo as it made its way from Sydney to Dubbo and back again. Camilla Kenny from the Rural Adversity Mental Health Program says it’s a way to get the message out to all of the communities it travels through and getting those on board to have those conservations.

The RUOK XPT pulling into Dubbo Train Station

Graham Parker, Camilla Kenny, Kim Barling and Steven Faggotter

Brett Cook, John Maccallum and Kris Brain

Rodney Smith from Trainlink hosted a free barbecue for all passengers

Trainlink staff members Bernadette Roberts, Graham Parker, Paul O’Rourke and Belinda Roberts

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Beauty and the Beast FREE FOR MEMBERS




September 21-27, 2017 Dubbo Photo News

Pink Ladies keep on giving By SARAH HARVEY THE Dubbo Pink Ladies gathered at the Dubbo Oncology Unit on Friday, September 1, to draw the winners of their raffle. All money raised goes toward the Oncology Unit for the provision of items enhancing patient’s care and comfort. Pictured, is Oncology Unit NUM Tim Williams, Pink Ladies president Jenny Kelly, Eunice Lyons, Bev Hayton, Dubbo Base Hospital acting general manager Reagan Woodman, May Barling, Deidre Walker, Joan Anderson, Judy Huggard and Ronnie Shanks.

Stroke Support marks National Stroke Week By SARAH HARVEY MEMBERS of the Dubbo Stroke Support Group gathered at the David Palmer Centre on Wednesday, September 6, to celebrate National Stroke Week. They were treated to a morning tea before listening to guest speaker Deb Sloane from the Dubbo Base Hospital stroke ward, as she gave an informative talk about the F.A.S.T message and knowing the signs of a stroke. The group meets every month and new members are always welcome.

Jane Attwell, Geoff Atwell, Keith and Elizabeth Job

Terry Ellis and Victor Brook

Elizabeth Job, Michael McIntosh and Rita Hough

Beryl Faber, Tony and Noeline Leonard

Cheryl Tonkin and Victor Brook




98 Erskine St, Dubbo T: 6882 5790 www.kooltrenddubbo.com.au


Dubbo Photo News September 21-27, 2017

Polling Booth at South Primary By MORGAN WILLIAMS SATURDAY, September 9, 2017, was council election day. Voters across the local government area of the Dubbo Regional Council stepped out to register their choice as seen here at the Dubbo South Primary School.

Dave with elected council candidate John Ryan

Darren with council candidate Greg Matthews

Kym, Hana, Abby, Karen “Winning Votes, One Dog at a Time”









ON 6882 4411



September 21-27, 2017 Dubbo Photo News

classiďŹ eds

6885 4433 classies@dubbophotonews.com.au CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING CLOSES AT MIDDAY EACH TUESDAY






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9 Nelson PlBDF, Dubbo 6.30am Start Moving sale! Outdoor statues, linen and lots of good “stuff.�

SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 23RD 42 Baird Street, Dubbo 8am Start

Belinda Tink, Director




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Call Ray on 0427 460 376 or 6886 3517


(Off Pebble Beach Drive) Old tools, tin trunk ports, typewriter, biscuit tins, household items, caravan items, Mag Wheel/Tyre VE Comm.

SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 23RD 12 Bass Place, Dubbo 8am Start Monster Garage Sale! Antique furniture, old collectables, kitchen and linen pieces and lots of tools. Everything must go!





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7 Glen Eagles Way, Dubbo 8am Start

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12ft boat with trailer and 20hp motor, Dual Cab Bravo for parts, MIG welder, Stanley Bostitch nail gun, electrical tools, tool boxes, wall mount first aid box, toys, doll clothes, bikes and more!

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PETER FINN ELECTRIC SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 24TH 105 Gipps Street, Dubbo (Entry from Furney St)

9am Start Antique cast iron fire place insert, marble top wash stand, large mirrors.

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Great service! Best picture!

SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 233% 243 Myall StSFFU, Dubbo 8am Start Tables, chairs, house hold items and bric-a-brac for sale!

Seen a picture you like in our paper? Contact us to puchase your own digital or print copy!

Call James: 0413 104 820

SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 23RD 9 Osborne Place, Dubbo 7am Start

Don’t use it? Turn it into cash

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Moving sale! Lots of things for sale.

Ian Brooks

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0427 487 768

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0448 878 320



Dubbo Photo News September 21-27, 2017








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Dubbo Wagon Wheel Club Luncheon LUNCHEON will be held on Sunday, September 24 at the Masonic Hall in Church Street commencing from 12pm. Cost $12 with a lucky door prize. Trading table competition, Housie will be played. Proceeds go to The Dubbo Wagon Wheel Club for Royal Far West Caring for Country Kids. Enquires Lorraine 6887 8371 or Margaret 6884 6907. Neami National Suicide Prevention Optimal Health Program SEEKING referrals. Our goal is to run this free Optimal Health Program in Dubbo aimed at people whom have tried to attempt or family/friends whom have been impacted around the subject of suicide. OHP helps to improve your wellbeing. It considers the balance of your social, emotional, mental, physical, occupational and spiritual needs. For further information please contact CJ on 0434 331 299 or cassandrawills@neaminational.org.au. Dubbo City Ladies Probus DUBBO City Ladies Probus will meet on Tuesday, October 10, from 10am to 12pm at the Masonic Village Hall, Darby Close (off White Street). Join us for two hours of fellowship, friendship, fun and morning tea. Guest speaker on the day with an interesting and informative talk. Admissions is $6.00. Contact: Nora 6882 0707 or Liz 6885 3542. Talbragar CWA Raffle Winners THE Talbragar CWA would like to congratulate the winners of their fruit basket raffles. 1st prize: K McCarthy, 2nd C. O’Brien. For any enquires phone 6882 5610. Elong Elong Public Hall Monster Garage Sale WILL be held on September 23 from 9am to 1pm. To have a table please ring Jenny 0429 866 205, prices are $10 or $15. Variety of goods on sale - local honey, toys, plants, books, household items, some antiques, materials. Elong hall committee will have coffee, tea, slice, cake for sale. This is a fundraiser for the Elong Hall. Dubbo Arts and Craft Society Fair Dubbo Arts and Craft Society Spring Fair to be held on Saturday, September 23 at 137 Cobra St from 8.00 am to 12 noon. Stall sites are available for $ 10.00 (gazebo size). For bookings and further information please contact 6881 6410 or Julie 0432 765 616. Diners Club WOMEN on their own are welcome to enjoy dining out in a friendly atmosphere. Will meet on Saturday, October 7, at the Maki Teppanyaki Fusion Restaurant, 209 Brisbane Street at 7pm. Contact: Chris 6884 1179. Orana Gardens Retirement Village

September 21-27, 2017 Dubbo Photo News

Send your community event info to diary@dubbophotonews.com.au or phone 6885 4433

Annual Spring Fair THE Orana Gardens Retirement Village Annual Spring Fair is being held on Saturday, September 23 at the Village’s Country Club located in Charles Crescent, East Dubbo. Lucky door prizes, raffles, afternoon tea, spinning demonstrations, candles, soaps, scarves, jewellery and yummy treats available. Adults $10, students $5 with proceeds going to upgrading facilities for residents. Muller Park Tennis Club Inc. Charity Day THE Muller Park Tennis Club Grahame Priest & Warren McLennan Memorial Charity Day is being held on Sunday, September 24 at Muller Park Tennis Club in Brisbane Street between 11am and 4pm. All funds raised are going to Camp Quality Western Region. Adults $10, Under 16 $5. For more information email mullerparktennisclub@gmail.com. Dubbo Support Group of Arthritis NSW JOIN us for our Social Luncheons on the fourth Thursday of each month, from noon. Venue is Sporties, 101 Erskine St. Next one is on 24th August, then 28th September. Contact: Heather on 6887 2359 or 0431 583 128. Transcendental Meditation (TM) MAHARISHI Foundation Australia and Dubbo Transcendental Meditation Centre provide free introductory talks on the scientifically proven benefits of TM every Sunday at 2pm. Contact David on 0424 252 834 or www.tm.org.au to book. Australian Red Cross CPR Course THE Australian Red Cross are hosting night a weekend CPR courses throughout September working with families who are unable to attend day courses. Courses will be run every Monday and Wednesday Night from 6pm and Saturdays from 8.30am to 1pm. Bookings are now being taken. Call 1300 367 428. Annual Spring Fair WILL be held on Saturday, September 23, at Orana Gardens Retirement Village, Cnr of Charles Crescent and Coronation Drive. Australian Air Force Cadets NOW recruiting 13-18 year olds prepared for a challenge and to undertake fun and rewarding activities. Come down to your local unit, 313 “City of Dubbo” Squadron, at the Army Barracks (cnr Kokoda Pl and Wingewarra St). Parade time Mondays 6-9.30pm. Contact: Michael White 0437 997 708 THURSDAY Coffee and Craft CRAFT and morning tea group are meeting Thursdays this month at the Gospel Chapel, 74 Boundary Rd (Cnr

Boundary and Taylor Street) from 9.30am to 12 noon. August meetings will be held on the 3rd, 17th and 31st. Contact: Beth 6885 3153. Clothing Pool SUPPORTED by Clothesline and Freemasons. Fortnightly on Thursdays from July 6. 9am to 11am. 151 Fitzroy Street, Dubbo (Allira Aboriginal Day Care Centre). Free and low cost clothing. Phone: 6882 9503. Seniors Strengthening Exercise Group THURSDAYS from 1.30pm to 2.30pm at St Bridges Hall. Usual arrangements, $2 donation. Contact: Richard and Elva 6888 5656. Woodturning & Carving Evening THURSDAYS, Art & Craft Cottage, 137 Cobra Street Dubbo. Contact: Phil Drew 6887 3257. Dubbo Community Men’s Shed OPEN Monday 9am to 1pm, Thursday and Saturday 1pm-5pm. To become members there is a small joining and annual membership fee, after 3 visits. “All men are welcome”. Contact: 6881 6987. Dubbo War Widows Guild GET together 11am the fourth Thursday of the month. Please register your attendance or apology with Avis 6882 5710 by 12pm the Wednesday prior. South Dubbo Veteran’s & Community Men’s Shed Bingo THURSDAYS, new players welcome. 11-12.30pm, West Dubbo Bowling Club. Walking Group THURSDAYS at 8am, meet corner Macquarie & Tamworth Streets, Contact: May 6882 4371. Dubbo Orana RSL Day Club MEET Thursdays at the Country Club from 10am to 2pm. $5 includes morning tea, card playing, games and light lunch followed by Bingo until 2pm. Transport can be arranged for $2. Contact: Ailsa on 6882 0036. Sugarcraft First Sunday of the month from 1pm-4pm, first and third Thursdays of the month from 10am-1pm and the fourth Monday of the month from 10am-1pm at The Art & Craft Cottage, 137 Cobra Street Dubbo. Contact: Shirley 6887 3150. Dubbo CWA MEET the first Thursday of the month at Sporties in Erskine Street at 9:30am for 10am. New members welcome. Contact: Marion 6884 2957. CWA Wongarbon FIRST Thursday of the month, held at Wongarbon CWA rooms 10am. Contact: Marjorie 6884 5558. Sketch Meet Dubbo FIRST Thursday of the month, 6.30pm8.30pm at the Macquarie Club, Dubbo.

Diary entries need to be 50 words or less, and placement will be at the editors discretion subject to content availability. Diary listings are free. Please include your daytime phone number and/or address. Entries close 10am Tuesday for that Thursday’s edition.

Come along for some sketching and a bit of banter! Find us on Facebook. Conversational English in Dubbo MEET Thursdays at Wesley Community Hall, cnr of Church St and Carrington Ave, 2.00pm to 3.00pm. Attendance is free. All welcome. Contact: Chris Owens 6884 0407. FRIDAY Tai Chi at U3A FRIDAYS from 10am at Community Arts Centre, Western Plains Cultural Centre, 76 Wingewarra Street, Dubbo. Contact: Richard 6888 5656. Central West Makers Place MEET each Friday from midday till 6pm at South Dubbo Veterans and Community Mens Shed property, corner of Palmer and High St’s Dubbo. Other times will be negotiated as member numbers grow. Activities include such things as 3D printing, basic electronics, robotics, silk screening and pottery. Contact: Adam Clark 0431 038 866. Spinning and Weaving FRIDAYS, 10am at The Art & Craft Cottage, 137 Cobra Street, Dubbo. Contact: Jo Thomas 6885 6875. Alzheimers & Dementia Support Group MEET the first Friday of the month at 2pm at The Keith Logan Centre, 2 Tony McGrane Place, Dubbo. Contact: Kath 6881 3704. Western Plains Trefoil Guild MEET second Friday of each month at Dubbo West Guide Hall, 10.30am. Contact: Dorothy 6884 6646 for confirmation of meeting. Everyone welcome. Dubbo Parkinson’s Support Group MEETS at The David Palmer Centre, old Lourdes Hospital on the first Friday of each month at 11.00am. People with Parkinson’s and their Carer’s welcome. Contact: Lorna 0416 240 626. Smart Recovery ASSISTS individuals with changing any problematic behaviour, including alcohol and drugs, gambling, food, shopping, internet and others. The Smart Recovery Group meets at 3pm on Friday afternoons at the Dubbo Neighbourhood Centre. Smart Recovery, changing behaviour for a better life. SATURDAY

Ladies Lawn Bowls LADIES lawn bowls at Sporties Dubbo every Tuesday and Saturday morning from 9.15 am for a 10.00 am start. Learn the game of bowls. Coaching is available and can be arranged by contacting the Bowls

Co-ordinator, Nic Gannon on 6884 2044. There is no need to join the club unless you wish to progress competitively in the future. Experienced bowlers are also welcome to join our ranks. Dubbo Patchwork & Quilters Group MEET on the 2nd & last Saturday monthly in the South Dubbo Guide Hall, Boundary Rd Dubbo from 9.00am. We are noted for our creativity, fun and laughter and welcome new members whether they are ‘old hands’ or ‘newbie’s’. Our members are always ready to point novices in the right direction so if you feel you would like to give this traditional craft a try, why not contact Meg on 0427 471 868. Dubbo & Dist. Kennel Club OBEDIENCE training Saturdays at the big shed, Dubbo Show Ground at 9.30am. No puppies under 14 weeks, must bring up to date vaccination certificates, $5 to join and $5 per session. Contact: Michael 0419 274 632. Old Time/ New Vogue Dance SECOND Saturday of the month. Masonic Hall in Church Street, commencing 7.30pm, $10. BYO supper to share, tea and coffee provided. Contact: Graham 6888 5603. Old Time/ New Vogue Dance SECOND Saturday of the month. Masonic Hall in Church Street, commencing 7.30pm, $10. BYO supper to share, tea and coffee provided. Contact: Graham 6888 5603. Old Time/ New Vogue Dance FIRST and third Saturday of the month, 7.30pm to 11.30pm, Eumungerie RSL Hall, Railway Street, Eumungerie. BYO supper, tea/coffee provided. $10 admission. Music by Tony. Caravan Park with powered sites for travellers across the road. Contact: Tony 0427 472 142 or 6847 2142. Sit ‘n Knit FIRST Saturday of the month, Sit ‘n Knit 11am-1pm. All ages welcome. Macquarie Regional Library, Macquarie St Dubbo. Contact: 6801 4510. Farmers Markets EVERY first and third Saturday of the month. Lions Park adjacent to Visitors Centre, Bligh Street Dubbo. www. dubbofarmersmarket.org.au. Market coordinator 0488 685 006 or enquiries@ dubbofarmersmarket.org.au Dubbo Slot Car Racing Club Seniors (15+) FIRST and third Saturdays, 4pm at 147 Birch Avenue. Contact: Terry 0408 260 965. Narcotics Anonymous NA meets every Saturday at 6pm at St Brigid’s Church, in the old building, entry via Brisbane Street. Identification (ID) Meeting. Contact Linda on 0419 588 086.

Vacation Care for School Holidays 3 CENTRES WILL BE OPEN: •

DNC Central

South Primary School


Our centres fill quickly, be sure to get in and book early. Our team is excited and ready to give your children a fantastic holiday experience.

TO BOOK YOUR PLACE Email: oosh@dnc.org.au or Ph: 6882 2100


Dubbo Photo News September 21-27, 2017 SUNDAY Seventh-day Adventist Church DUBBO Seventh-day Adventist Church, corner Cobra and Sterling Streets, invites you to fellowship on Saturdays. Small group bible study (Sabbath School) and children’s / youth Sabbath School at 9.30am. Divine service at 11am. For further information visit http://dubbo. adventist.org.au R.S.L. Tennis Club THE Dubbo R.S.L. Tennis Club invites locals to join the club for enjoyable social tennis at the RSL Park St courts on Saturdays from 12.45pm each week. Contact: 0428 825 480. Traditional Catholic Latin Mass SECOND Sunday of every month at 9am at the Rawsonville Soldier’s Memorial Hall, Rawsonville Road. Contact: 0429 872 241 or 6887 2241 for more information. Orana Country Music Inc. DUBBO RSL Club, last Sunday of the month, 2-6pm. “Walk up muster” all welcome. Contact: 6885 4995. Hope Christian Fellowship Dubbo NOW at the Girl Guides Hall, Dianne A’Beckett Place, Dubbo. Sunday at 10am. Any further information phone 6884 6287. Dubbo Folk Club SECOND Sunday of each month, 2.306pm at the Western Star Hotel. Come and enjoy an afternoon of all types of acoustic music. Pleasant surroundings and friendly people, sit and sing along or bring and instrument and join in. Contact: Dawn 6889 4427. Dubbo Country Music Hoedown SECOND Sunday of each month. RSL Entertainment Lounge, 2-6pm. All ages welcome. Contact: Shane 0407 022 999. Bicycle User Group Social Ride SUNDAYS, 9am at Wahroonga Park. Contact: Kathy 6882 5533 or Mick 0437 136 169. Orana Pistol Club SUNDAYS, Hyandra Lane, Dubbo at 9am. Contact after 9am at range Sunday only on 6887 3704. Dubbo Junior AFL COME along Sunday mornings for Dubbo Junior AFL. 8am, South Dubbo Oval. Lots of fun for boys and girls playing AFL in Dubbo. Ages 5 to 12. See Dubbo Junior AFL on Facebook. MONDAY Dubbo Camera Club THE Dubbo Camera Club is open to anyone who wants to improve their digital camera skills in a friendly, relaxed setting. We meet in the shed at the rear of the Dubbo Arts and Crafts Cottage, 137 Cobra St Dubbo on the second and fourth Mondays monthly at 7.30pm. Contact: Col 0429 689 158. Rotary Club of Dubbo MEET Monday nights at the Westside Hotel, Whylandra Street, West Dubbo from


The Dubbo Neighbourhood Centre’s Vacation Care Program will be running at three locations during the Sepetmber Holidays. Phone now on 6882 2100 to secure your child’s spot! PHOTO: DUBBO PHOTO NEWS/SARAH HARVEY.

6-8pm. Our President Sandy Birkett can be contacted on nap64@yahoo.com or 0412 158 940. Dubbo Multicultural Women’s Group MEET every third Monday of the month, 10am at the Dubbo Neighbourhood Centre. All women from non-English speaking backgrounds most welcome. Contact: 6882 2100. Monday Cards COME along and enjoy and afternoon of cards at Club Dubbo, 82 Whylandra Street West Dubbo, from 1pm on the fourth Monday of each month. Old Time Dance FIRST Monday of the month at Orana Gardens Country Club, 10am to 12pm. Come and enjoy some old time dance. Contact: Jean on 6882 8867. Dubbo Euchre Club MONDAYS, 6:30pm at the Dubbo City Bowling Club. Everyone is welcome to come along. $5 entry, prizes are won throughout the night. Trivia Night MONDAYS, 7pm, South Dubbo Tavern. Sing Australia Dubbo Choir MONDAYS, 7.30-9.30pm, Bridge Club, Bultje Street. NO auditions, no requirements to read music and no singing experience necessary. Contact: 0428 129 743. Patchwork MONDAYS, 10am-3pm, Art & Craft Cottage, 137 Cobra Street. Contact: June 6882 4677. Cake decorating FIRST Monday of the month at 10am at the Art & Craft Cottage, 137 Cobra Street Dubbo. Contact: Shirley 6887 3150. Anglican Women’s Association MONDAYS, 5.30pm at Holy Trinity. Contact: Dorothy 6884 4990. RFDS Support Group FIRST Monday of the month, 6pm at the RFDS Base Dubbo Airport. Contact: Terry Clark 0407 444 690 (except P/H). Peace and Healing Meditations BEGINNERS meditation classes, every Monday 1-2pm at the Dubbo Neighbourhood Centre 1/80 Gipps St. By donation, beginners welcome. Presented

by Wellington Buddhist Centre. Contact: 6845 4661. TUESDAY Ladies Lawn Bowls LADIES lawn bowls at Sporties Dubbo every Tuesday and Saturday morning from 9.15 am for a 10.00 am start. Learn the game of bowls. Coaching is available and can be arranged by contacting the Bowls Co-ordinator, Nic Gannon on 6884 2044. There is no need to join the club unless you wish to progress competitively in the future. Experienced bowlers are also welcome to join our ranks. Golf Croquet TUESDAY, Thursday and Saturday, 8.30am for 9am start at the Dubbo City Croquet Club (located behind the Dubbo City Bowling Club). Contact: Beth 6884 3015. Bingo TUESDAYS, 1.30pm-3.30pm, Sporties. Contact: Margaret 6882 4737 or Barb 6882 5893. AllAbilitiesDanz TUESDAYS 9.45am at Dubbo RSL Memorial Club. Classes are low impact, work on heart health, flexibility, mobility, coordination and strength. Call Tracy 0416 010 748 for a free trial or to join the free class. Seniors Strengthening Exercise Group TUESDAYS from 1.30pm to 2.30pm at St Bridges Hall. Usual arrangements, $2 donation. Contact: Richard and Elva 6888 5656. Girls Brigade THE Dubbo Girls’ Brigade meets each Tuesday, during school term at the Orana Baptist Church, 4 Palmer St from 6pm to 8pm and is for all school aged girls. Enjoy craft, games, camps, stories, songs, cooking and much more. Contact: Julie 6882 4369. Swing Dancing Classes COME for a dance for great fun and fitness. No need to bring a partner. All ages welcome. Tuesdays 6:30pm at Charles Sturt University. $5. For more


details check out www.facebook.com/ swingdancingdubbo or call 0401 928 998. Dubbo Embroiderer’s MEET the second and fourth Tuesday at the Dubbo Bridge Club, Elston Park from 9:30am to 3pm. All welcome. Contact: Isobel Morgan 6882 3889. For Saturday group information contact Ruth 6882 7336. Badminton TUESDAYS 7.30pm-9.30pm, Delroy High School Auditorium, East Street, West Dubbo. $5 to play ($3 for school students) $22 yearly insurance ($15 for school students). All welcome, great fun and exercise. Contact: Chris 6887 3413. NALAG Centre MENS morning tea on the first Tuesday of the month, women’s morning tea on the third Wednesday of the month. Contact: 6882 9222. South Dubbo Veteran’s & Community Men’s Shed MEET Tuesdays from 9am to 12noon, new members welcome. Rotary Club of Dubbo Macquarie THE club meets at the Westside Hotel 12.30pm until 2.00pm. Contact: Lorna 0408 827 526. Depression Recovery Group TUESDAYS, 10.30am at the Department of Mental Health, 41 Bultje Street Dubbo. Contact: Norm 6882 6081, Brian 6885 6547 or Bill 6882 9826. Rotary Club of Dubbo South MEETS Tuesdays at 6pm for 6.30pm start meeting and Dinner, at the South Dubbo Tavern, Cnr Boundary Rd and Fitzroy St Dubbo. Toastmasters Club MEET at 7-9pm, first and third Tuesday of the month at Dubbo RSL Club, Brisbane St. Visit the club to gain confidence in speaking and leading skills. There are club, area and district competitions to participate in. Contact Sharon Allan 0408 156 015 or email sallan@rhdubbo.com.au for further information. Probus Mens TUESDAYS, 10am Masonic Village Hall, Darby Close, Dubbo. Fellowship and friendship. Morning tea and guest speaker. Contact: Ken 6885 2676. Book Club TUESDAYS, 2pm, Macquarie Regional Library, Macquarie St, Dubbo. Lions Club of Dubbo Inc TUESDAYS, 7pm for 7.30pm start, dinner and meeting at Club Dubbo. Contact: Bob 6882 8746 or 0408 636 953, Hugh 0429 151 348. Dubbo City Ladies Probus TUESDAYS, 10am to 12noon at the Masonic Village Hall, Darby Close (off White Street) Dubbo. All enquires to Liz 6885 3542 or Nora 6882 0707. Dubbo and District Computer Club TUESDAYS, 7pm Akela Place Hall Dubbo. Contact: Daryl 0408 284 300.


WEDNESDAY Above Board Gamers GET involved in the fastest growing hobby in the world, board gaming. At Pipe Band Hall the second and fourth Wednesday of each month from 6pm. Bring a board game or borrow from the extensive library No experience needed. Free. Contact: Ala 0432 278 235 or Andrew 0400 014 342 Dundullimal Dubbo Support Crew Inc MEETS the fourth Wednesday of each month at 10am. We support the operation at the Homestead, guiding, tours, gardening, helping in café. Great fun, and friendship, you learn as you go! Come to our next meeting or ring 6884 9984 or email dundullimal@nationaltrust.com.au Geurie Craft Group MEETS every Wednesday at Geurie Bowling Club from 9am-2pm. Everyone welcome. Contact: Thelma 6887 1103. Blood Cancer Support Group MEET first Wednesday of each month. Contact: Louise or Emma on 0412 706 785. Overeaters Anonymous OA meets every Wednesday at 5.30pm at St Brigid’s Church, in the old building, entry via Brisbane Street. Speaker/ Identification Meeting. Contact: Rachel 0476 002 928. Orana Collectables Club MEMBERS of Orana Collectors Club wish to invite new and old members to the monthly meeting held every fourth Wednesday at Sporties on Erskine Street Dubbo. Contact: Peter 0429 844 102. Card & Social Group WEDNESDAYS, 9.30am to 2pm, Community Activities Room, Dubbo Neighbourhood Centre 1/80 Gipps Street, $5 includes morning tea, cuppa, bingo and raffle. Please bring own lunch. New members of all ages welcome. If you need transport call Dubbo Neighbourhood Centre. Contact: Muriel on 6882 5145 or Jan 6884 6080. Old Time New Vogue JOIN us Wednesdays, 7pm at the Masonic Hall, Church St. $6. Contact: Graham 6888 5603. Line Dancing WEDNESDAYS, 9.30 am to 12noon and Thursdays, 6.30-9pm. Carrington Ave RSL Hall Clubhouse. Contact: Kathy 6888 5287. Trivia Night WEDNESDAYS, 7pm at the Western Star Hotel, free, children welcome. West Dubbo Rotary WEDNESDAYS, at the West Dubbo Bowling Club, Whylandra Street Dubbo, 6pm for 6.30pm start. Dubbo Woodturning & Woodcraft Clu CONDUCTS workshops every Wednesday morning from 8am to 12noon at the rear o the Craft Cottage, 137 Cobra Street. New comers welcome. Contact: Paul Nolan 6882 1485.



The idea of Go Figure is to arrive at the figures given at the bottom and right-hand columns of the diagram by following the arithmetic signs in the order they are given (that is, from left to right and top to bottom). Use only the numbers below the diagram to complete its blank squares and use each of the nine numbers only once.

Place a number in the empty boxes in such a way that each row across, each column down and each small 9-box square contains all of the numbers from one to nine.



September 21-27, 2017 Dubbo Photo News


Friday September 22 ABC


6.00 News Breakfast. (CC) 9.00 ABC News. (CC) 10.00 Fake Or Fortune? (R, CC) 11.00 Grand Designs. (R, CC) 12.00 ABC News At Noon. (CC) 1.00 One Plus One. (CC) 1.30 Exhumed. (R, CC) 2.00 Serangoon Road. (M, R, CC) 2.55 The Coroner. (PG, R, CC) 3.40 Eggheads. (R, CC) 4.15 Pointless. (R, CC) 5.00 ABC News: Early Edition. (CC) 5.30 The Drum. (CC)

6.00 9.00 11.30 12.00

6.00 Sideliners. (PG, CC) Sports panel show. 7.00 ABC News. (CC) Coverage of local, national and international news, including the day’s sport and weather updates. 7.30 The Link. (CC) Host Stan Grant connects current topics and major news stories with people’s lives. 8.00 QI. (PG, R, CC) Guests Chris Addison, Jack Dee and Rich Hall join host Stephen Fry for an “I�-themed discussion. 8.30 Thirteen. (M, CC) Part 4 of 5. Ivy is arrested and questioned about the body discovered at Colbridge Road. 9.30 The Ice Cream Girls. (M, CC) Part 2 of 3. With Poppy out for revenge, Serena struggles to block out the disturbing memories from her past. 10.20 Lateline. (R, CC) David Lipson hosts a news analysis program featuring coverage of current events. 10.50 The Business. (R, CC) Hosted by Carrington Clarke. 11.05 Planet America. (R, CC) A look at the US presidency. 11.35 Rage. (MA15+) Continuous music programming.

NINE Today. (CC) Today Extra. (PG, CC) Morning News. (CC) The Ellen DeGeneres Show. (PG, CC) MOVIE: King Ralph. (PG, R, CC) (1991) An entertainer becomes king of England. John Goodman. 3.00 News Now. (CC) 4.00 Afternoon News. (CC) 5.00 Millionaire Hot Seat. (R, CC) Hosted by Eddie McGuire.

6.00 Ent. Tonight. (PG, R, CC) 6.30 Family Feud. (R, CC) 7.00 WIN News. (R, CC) 8.00 The Bold And The Beautiful. (PG, R, CC) 8.30 Studio 10. (PG, CC) 12.00 Dr Phil. (PG, R, CC) 1.00 The Living Room. (PG, R, CC) 2.00 Entertainment Tonight. (PG, CC) 2.30 Ben’s Menu. (R, CC) 3.00 Judge Judy. (PG, CC) 3.30 Alive And Cooking. (CC) 4.00 The Cook’s Pantry With Matt Sinclair. (CC) 4.30 The Bold And The Beautiful. (PG, CC) 5.00 TEN Eyewitness News. (CC)

6.00 PRIME7 News. (CC) 6.30 PRIME7 News @ 6:30. (CC) 7.00 Better Homes And Gardens. (CC) Joh, Sarah and Jason look at how dualoccupancy homes can help make the most of space. Adam makes a table that can be turned into a work of art. Karen makes a roasted carrot salad with several herbs. 8.30 MOVIE: Angels & Demons. (M, R, CC) (2009) On the eve of the election of the new Pope of the Roman Catholic Church, a professor and physicist race against time to find four kidnapped cardinals and stop a terrorist attack on Vatican City. Tom Hanks, Ewan McGregor, Ayelet Zurer. 11.30 The Goldbergs. (PG, CC) Inspired by David Copperfield, Adam becomes a magician in order to impress a girl at school.

6.00 Nine News. (CC) 7.00 A Current Affair. (CC) 7.30 Rugby League. (CC) NRL. First preliminary final. Melbourne Storm v Brisbane Broncos. From AAMI Park, Melbourne. 10.10 MOVIE: Deep Blue Sea. (M, R, CC) (1999) Searching for a cure to Alzheimer’s disease, a group of scientists in an isolated ocean laboratory becomes bait for the very sharks they had been experimenting on by making them smarter and faster. Jacqueline McKenzie, Samuel L Jackson, Thomas Jane.

6.00 WIN News. (CC) 6.30 The Project. (CC) Join the hosts for a look at the day’s news, events and hot topics. 7.30 The Living Room. (CC) Dr Chris brings some cattle dog puppies into the studio. Miguel heads to the Thorpdale Potato Festival. 8.30 Have You Been Paying Attention? (M, R, CC) Guests include Anthony “Lehmo� Lehmann, Rose Matafeo, Anne Edmonds, Marty Sheargold and Sam Pang. 9.30 Shark Tank. (PG, R, CC) A panel of business people is pitched inventions and innovations, including a coconut health business. 10.30 Australian Survivor. (R, CC) A shock display of power at the last Tribal Council places an immediate target on one castaway.

6.00 River Cottage Australia. (CC) 6.30 SBS World News. (CC) 7.30 Great British Railway Journeys: Reading To Alton. (CC) Michael Portillo travels from Reading in Berkshire to Alton in East Hampshire. 8.40 MOVIE: The Talented Mr Ripley. (M, CC) (1999) During the ’50s, a struggling young man is sent to Europe to persuade the son of a wealthy shipbuilder to return home. However, when he fails in his errand, he instead kills the playboy and assumes his identity. Matt Damon, Jude Law. 11.10 SBS World News Late Edition. (CC) 11.40 MOVIE: The Precocious And Brief Life Of Sabina. (MA15+, CC) (2012) A Honduran teenager faces violence and corruption as she tries to fulfil her dream of moving to the US. Greisy Mena, Fernando Moreno, Joaquín Cosio.

12.00 MOVIE: Forgotten Sins. (M, R, CC) (1996) A teenage girl accuses her father, who is a county sheriff, of abusing her as part of a satanic conspiracy. William Devane, John Shea. 2.00 Home Shopping. (R)

12.20 1.30 2.00 3.00 4.00 4.30

12.00 WIN’s All Australian News. (CC) 1.00 The Project. (R, CC) A look at the day’s news. 2.00 The Late Show With Stephen Colbert. (PG, CC) 3.00 Home Shopping. (R)

1.45 Bosch. (MA15+, R, CC) 4.25 Food Lovers’ Guide To Australia. (R, CC) 5.00 CGTN English News. (CC) 5.15 NHK World English News. (CC) 5.30 Deutsche Welle English News. (CC)

2.00 3.00 4.00 5.00

Sunrise. (CC) The Morning Show. (PG, CC) Seven Morning News. (CC) MOVIE: No Way Back. (M, R, CC) (1995) Russell Crowe. The Daily Edition. (CC) The hottest issues from the day’s news. The Chase. (R, CC) Hosted by Bradley Walsh. Seven News At 4. (CC) The Chase Australia. (CC)




6.00 News. (CC) 9.00 News. (CC) 6.00 ABC News National. 6.30 The Drum. (R, CC) 7.00 ABC News With The Business. 9.00 Planet America. 9.30 Lateline. (CC) 10.00 The World. 11.00 ABC News. (CC) 11.30 The Link. (R, CC) 12.00 News. 12.30 Drum. (R, CC) 1.00 Al Jazeera. 2.00 BBC World. 2.30 The Link. (R, CC) 3.00 BBC World. 3.30 Drum. (R, CC) 4.00 Al Jazeera. 5.00 BBC World. 5.30 Lateline. (R, CC)


6.00 Children’s Programs. 11.00 Friends. (PG, R, CC) 12.00 Dawson’s Creek. (PG, R, CC) 1.00 Airplane Repo. (PG, R) 2.00 Children’s Programs. 6.00 Regular Show. (PG, R) 6.30 MOVIE: Stormbreaker. (PG, R) (2006) 8.30 MOVIE: The 5th Wave. (M, CC) (2016) 10.45 WWE Smackdown. (MA15+) 11.45 Two And A Half Men. (PG, R, CC) 12.15 Car SOS. (PG, R) 1.10 Surfing Australia TV. (R, CC) 1.35 Ben 10. (PG, R) 2.00 PokÊmon. (R) 2.30 Uncle Grandpa. (PG, R) 3.00 Children’s Programs.


6.00 Morning Programs. 8.00 Ultimate Fishing. (PG, R) 9.00 Full Metal Jousting. (PG, R) 10.00 NFL This Week. 11.00 Starsky & Hutch. (PG, R) 12.00 Charlie’s Angels. (PG, R) 1.00 Wipeout USA. (PG, R, CC) 2.00 Classic Car Rescue. (PG, R) 3.00 Full Metal Jousting. (PG, R) 4.00 What Went Down. (PG, R) 4.30 Cajun Pawn Stars. (PG) 5.00 MythBusters. (PG, R, CC) 7.00 AFL Pre-Game Show. (CC) 7.30 Football. (CC) AFL. First preliminary final. Adelaide v Geelong. 11.00 Outback Truckers. (M, R) 12.00 Late Programs.


Rizzoli & Isles. (M, R, CC) TV Shop: Home Shopping. (R) Filthy Rich. (MA15+, R, CC) The Avengers. (PG, R) Global Shop. Good Morning America. (CC)


6.00 Morning Programs. 12.00 House Of Wellness. (PG, R, CC) 1.00 Better Homes. (R, CC) 2.00 Deal Or No Deal. (R, CC) 2.30 Million Dollar Minute. (R, CC) 3.00 Medical Rookies. (PG, R, CC) 3.30 60 Minute Makeover. (PG, R) 4.30 Escape To The Country. (R) 6.30 Bargain Hunt. (R) 7.30 Cities Of The Underworld. (PG, R) 8.30 Selling Houses Aust. (PG, CC) 9.30 Selling Houses Aust. (R, CC) 10.30 The House That ÂŁ100K Built: Tricks Of The Trade. (R) 11.30 Bargain Hunt. (R) 12.30 Late Programs.

ABC ME 6.00 Children’s Programs. 5.35 Grojband. (R, CC) 6.00 Camp Lakebottom. (R, CC) 6.10 Slugterra. (R, CC) 6.35 The Next Step. (R, CC) 7.00 Horrible Histories. (PG, R, CC) 7.30 Deadly Pole To Pole. (R, CC) 8.00 BtN Newsbreak. (CC) 8.05 Backstage. (PG, R, CC) 8.30 Dance Academy. (R, CC) 8.55 The Haunting Hour. (PG, R, CC) 9.15 Kamisama Kiss. (PG, R, CC) 9.40 Close. 5.00 Arthur. (R, CC) 5.25 Sally Bollywood. (R, CC) 5.35 Almost Naked Animals. (R, CC) 5.45 Children’s Programs.


6.00 9.00 11.30 12.00 1.00

ABC2 6.00 Children’s Programs. 6.50 Shaun The Sheep. (R) 7.00 Spicks And Specks. (PG, R, CC) 7.30 River Monsters. (PG, R, CC) 8.20 Catfish: The TV Show. (M, R, CC) 9.00 Confessions Of A Sex Addict. (M, R, CC) 10.00 You Can’t Ask That. (R, CC) 10.30 Penn & Teller: Fool Us. 11.10 The Lie Detective. 11.55 Soccer. Women’s International Friendly Series. Australia v Brazil. Game 2. Replay. 1.55 Highway Thru Hell. 3.30 News Update. 3.35 Close. 5.00 Children’s Programs.


Dubbo’s TV Guide

6.00 Morning Programs. 9.00 TV Shop. (R) 10.30 Harry. (PG, CC) 11.30 As Time Goes By. (R) 12.00 MOVIE: Quiet Weekend. (R, CC) (1946) 1.55 David Attenborough’s Life In Cold Blood. (PG, R, CC) 2.55 This Farming Life. (PG) 4.15 Heartbeat. (PG, R) 5.20 Are You Being Served? (PG, R) 6.00 Friends. (PG, R, CC) 7.00 As Time Goes By. (R) 7.30 Monarch Of The Glen. (PG, R) 8.40 The Secret Life Of The Zoo. (PG, CC) 9.40 MOVIE: It’s Complicated. (M, CC) (2009) 12.10 Late Programs.


6.00 Morning Programs. 10.00 James Robison. (PG) 10.30 Travel Oz. (PG, R, CC) 12.00 Grey’s Anatomy. (M, R, CC) 1.00 Marvel’s Agents Of S.H.I.E.L.D. (M, R, CC) 3.00 Gamer’s Guide To Pretty Much Everything. (PG, R) 3.30 Jessie. (R) 4.30 Jabba’s School Holiday Movie Special. (CC) 5.00 To Be Advised. 6.30 MOVIE: Cheaper By The Dozen 2. (PG, R) (2005) 8.30 MOVIE: Nine Months. (M, R) (1995) Hugh Grant. 10.35 MOVIE: The Sweetest Thing. (MA15+, R, CC) (2002) 12.40 Late Programs.

6.00 Morning Programs. 12.00 Million Dollar Listing San Francisco. (M, R) 1.00 Selling New York. (PG, R) 2.00 Postcards. (PG, R, CC) 2.30 Getaway. (PG, R, CC) 3.00 The Block Sky High. (PG, R, CC) 4.00 Come Dine With Me UK. (PG, R) 5.00 First Time Flippers. (PG, R) 6.00 Four In A Bed. (PG) 6.30 House Hunters Int. (R) 7.00 House Hunters. 7.30 Beachfront Bargain Hunt: Renovation. (R) 8.30 Desert Flippers. (R) 9.30 Texas Flip And Move. (R) 10.30 Beachfront Bargain Hunt. (R) 11.30 House Hunters Int. (R) 12.00 Late Programs.

6.00 France 24 English News. (R, CC) 6.30 Al Jazeera English News. (R, CC) 7.00 BBC News. (CC) 7.30 Italian News. 8.10 Filipino News. 8.40 French News. 9.30 Greek News. 10.30 German News. 11.00 Spanish News. 12.00 Arabic News. 12.30 Turkish News. 1.00 PBS NewsHour. (CC) 2.00 Our Stories. (R, CC) 2.30 The Point Review. (R, CC) 3.00 The Marngrook Footy Show. (R, CC) 4.30 Eating History: Italy. (PG, R, CC) 5.30 Letters And Numbers. (R, CC)


6.00 Shopping. (R) 8.00 Motor Racing. (CC) Formula 1. Race 14. Singapore Grand Prix. Replay. 10.30 Hogan’s Heroes. (R) 11.00 M*A*S*H. (PG, R) 12.00 WIN’s All Australian News. (R, CC) 1.00 Nash Bridges. (M, R) 2.00 Matlock. (M, R) 3.00 Get Smart. (PG, R) 4.00 Jake And The Fatman. (PG, R) 5.00 Diagnosis Murder. (PG, R) 6.00 Hogan’s Heroes. (R) Klink and Hogan travel to Paris. 6.30 M*A*S*H. (PG, R) 7.30 MacGyver. (PG, R) 8.30 Walker, Texas Ranger. (M, R) A retired Texas Ranger needs help. 10.30 MOVIE: Ambushed. (MA15+, R) (2013) Dolph Lundgren. 12.35 Shopping. (R) 2.05 Get Smart. (PG, R) 3.05 Walker, Texas Ranger. (M, R) 5.00 Jake And The Fatman. (PG, R)

ELEVEN 6.00 Toasted TV. 6.05 Matt Hatter Chronicles. (R) 6.30 Victorious. (R) 7.05 PokĂŠmon. (R) 7.35 Blazing Team. (R) 8.00 Kuu Kuu Harajuku. (C, R, CC) 8.35 Pound Puppies. (R) 9.00 Super Wings. (R) 9.30 Crocamole. (P, R, CC) 10.00 Touched By An Angel. (PG, R) 11.00 JAG. (PG, R) 12.00 Good Wife. (M, R, CC) 1.00 WIN News. (R, CC) 2.00 Glee. (PG, R) 3.00 King Of Queens. (PG, R) 3.30 Becker. (PG, R, CC) 4.00 Malcolm. (PG, R, CC) 4.30 Raymond. (R, CC) 5.30 Frasier. (PG, R) 6.00 Family Feud. (CC) 6.30 Neighbours. (CC) 7.00 Malcolm. (PG, R, CC) 7.30 Fresh Off The Boat. (PG, R) 8.00 New Girl. (M) 8.30 MOVIE: No Strings Attached. (M, R, CC) (2011) Ashton Kutcher, Natalie Portman. 10.40 To Be Advised. 11.40 James Corden. (M) 12.40 King Of Queens. (PG, R) 1.05 Becker. (PG, R, CC) 1.30 Raymond. (R, CC) 2.30 Frasier. (PG, R) 3.30 Late Programs.

6.00 WorldWatch. 12.00 MOVIE: The Life Coach. (PG, R) (2009) 1.40 States Of Undress. (M, R, CC) 2.30 Huang’s World. (PG, R, CC) 3.20 Tango Underpants. (R, CC) 3.30 The Feed. (R) 4.00 Street Genius. (R) 4.30 Brain Games. (PG, R) 5.00 News. 5.30 If You Are The One. (R) 6.30 Batman. (PG, R) 7.30 Friday Feed. 8.00 News. 8.30 Adam Looking For Eve. (MA15+, R) 9.25 Look Me In The Eye. (PG, R, CC) 10.20 Commando School. (M, R, CC) 11.10 Late Programs.

SBS FOOD 6.00 Morning Programs. 1.00 Mystery Diners. (PG, R) 1.30 Man Vs Food: Carnivore. (R) 2.00 Bizarre Foods. (PG, R) 3.00 Barefoot Contessa. (R) 3.30 Giada At Home. (R) 4.00 The Best In Australia. (PG, R) 5.00 Dinner At Tiffani’s. (PG, R) 5.30 Burgers, Brew & ‘Que. (R) 6.00 African Kitchen. 6.30 Bizarre Foods. (PG, R) 7.30 No Reservations. (PG, R) 8.30 Cupcake Wars. (PG, R) 9.30 Mystery Diners. (PG, R) 10.30 Man Vs Food: Carnivore. 11.00 Restaurant: Impossible. (PG, R) 11.55 Late Programs.

NITV 6.00 Morning Programs. 2.15 Two Cars, One Night. (PG) 2.30 Desperate Measures. 3.00 Aussie Bush Tales. 3.15 Tales Of Tatonka. 3.30 Inuk. 4.00 Cities Of Gold. (PG) 4.30 Kagagi. (PG) 5.00 The Mulka Project. (PG) 5.30 Cafe Niugini. 6.00 Unearthed. (R) 6.30 UnderExposed. (R) 7.00 Our Stories. 7.20 Reflections On Karrawirra Parri. (R) 7.25 News. 7.30 MOVIE: Twice Upon A Time. (PG, R) (2006) 9.00 The Point Review. (R) 9.30 Music Voyager. (PG, R) 10.30 Late Programs.

CLASSIFICATIONS: (P) For preschoolers (C) Children’s programs (G) General viewing (PG) Parental guidance (M) Mature audiences (MA15+) Mature audiences only (AV15+) Extreme violence. (R) Repeat (CC) Closed Captions. Please Note: Listings are correct at the time of print and are subject to late change by networks.


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Dubbo Photo News September 21-27, 2017


Saturday September 23 ABC




Dubbo’s TV Guide


6.00 Rage. (PG, CC) 11.00 Classic Countdown. (R, CC) 12.00 ABC News At Noon. (CC) 12.30 Kangaroo Dundee. (R, CC) 1.00 Miss Fisher’s Murder Mysteries. (M, R, CC) 2.00 Thirteen. (M, R, CC) 3.00 Catalyst: Death Dive – Into The Rings Of Saturn. (R, CC) 4.00 Landline. (R, CC) 4.30 Inspector George Gently. (PG, R, CC)

6.00 Shopping. (R) 7.00 Weekend Sunrise. (CC) 10.00 The Morning Show: Weekend. (PG, CC) 12.00 House Of Wellness. (PG, R, CC) 1.00 Jabba’s School Holiday Movie Special. (CC) 1.30 Bewitched. (R, CC) 2.00 MOVIE: Look Who’s Talking Too. (PG, R, CC) (1990) 4.00 Better Homes And Gardens. (R, CC) 5.00 Seven News At 5. (CC) 5.30 Border Security: Australia’s Front Line. (PG, R, CC)

6.00 PAW Patrol. (R, CC) 6.30 Dora. (R, CC) 7.00 Weekend Today. (CC) 10.00 Today Extra: Saturday. (PG, CC) 12.00 Destination Happiness. (CC) 12.30 Storage Hunters UK. (PG, R, CC) 1.00 Elvis Presley: A Boy From Tupelo. (PG, CC) 1.25 The Block. (PG, R, CC) 4.00 The Travelling Chef. (CC) 4.30 The Garden Gurus. (CC) 5.00 News: First At Five. (CC) 5.30 Getaway. (PG, CC)

6.00 Fishing Edge. (R, CC) 6.30 Everyday Gourmet. (R, CC) 7.00 Weekend Feast. (R, CC) 8.00 Family Feud. (R, CC) 8.30 GCBC. (R, CC) 9.00 Alive And Cooking. (R, CC) 9.30 St10. (PG, CC) 12.00 The Living Room. (R, CC) 1.00 Healthy Homes. (CC) 1.30 Fishing Australia. (CC) (Final) 2.00 Pat Callinan’s 4x4 Adventures. (R, CC) 3.00 iFish. (CC) (Series return) 4.00 What’s Up Down Under. (CC) 4.30 Places We Go With Jennifer Adams. (CC) (Series return) 5.00 TEN Eyewitness News. (CC)

6.00 France 24 English News. (CC) 6.30 Al Jazeera. (CC) 7.00 BBC News. (CC) 7.30 Italian News. 8.10 Filipino News. 8.40 French News. 9.30 Greek News. 10.30 German News. 11.00 Spanish News. 12.00 Arabic News. 12.30 Turkish News. 1.00 PBS NewsHour. (CC) 2.00 Small Business Secrets. (R, CC) 2.30 Rome: The World’s First Superpower. (PG, R, CC) 3.25 Wild Weather With Richard Hammond. (R, CC) 4.30 Sacred Creatures: Egypt’s Darkest Secret. (PG, R, CC) 5.30 The Supervet. (PG, CC)

6.00 Compass. (PG, CC) A look at the LGBTQI rights movement. 6.30 Gardening Australia. (CC) Jane visits Australia’s newest plant quarantine facility. Costa builds a home for his worms. 7.00 ABC News. (CC) Coverage of news, sport and weather. 7.30 Home Fires. (M, CC) News of the Bowers’ divorce hits the papers and Laura’s disgrace becomes public. 8.20 Shetland. (M, CC) After a second body is discovered, DI Jimmy Perez wonders if the two killings are connected. 9.20 Doc Martin. (PG, R, CC) Martin clashes with the local vet after he asks her to put down a stray dog which has been following him. 10.05 The Doctor Blake Mysteries. (M, R, CC) An exhibition boxing match turns sour.

6.00 Seven News. (CC) 7.00 MOVIE: The SpongeBob Movie: Sponge Out Of Water. (PG, CC) (2015) After a pirate steals the secret Krabby Patty formula using a magical book, SpongeBob offers to help Plankton recover it when the Chum Bucket’s owner is blamed for its disappearance. Tom Kenny, Antonio Banderas, Bill Fagerbakke. 9.00 MOVIE: Evan Almighty. (R, CC) (2007) A newly elected US senator’s life is thrown into chaos after God appears and orders him to build an ark. His wife, however, fears he may be undergoing a mid-life crisis, while his peers are even more reluctant to accept his divine explanation of his suddenly bizarre behaviour. Steve Carell, Morgan Freeman, Lauren Graham. 11.00 To Be Advised.

6.00 Nine News. (CC) 7.00 Rugby League. (CC) NRL. Second preliminary final. Sydney Roosters v North Queensland Cowboys. From Allianz Stadium, Sydney. 10.00 MOVIE: The Mexican. (M, R, CC) (2001) Before a reckless criminal can make amends with his girlfriend, he has to take one more wild ride down to Mexico to pick up a priceless antique pistol, known as “the Mexican”, and settle his debts. Brad Pitt, Julia Roberts, James Gandolfini.

6.00 Bondi Rescue. (PG, R, CC) The lifeguards are still coming to terms with the worst tragedy on Bondi Beach in decades when Singlets attempts his first rescue since the incident. 6.30 Gold Coast Cops. (PG, R, CC) A P-plate driver unwittingly gets in the way of the police while they are responding to an urgent call-out. 7.00 MOVIE: Dirty Dancing. (PG, R, CC) (1987) A teenage girl falls in love with a dancing teacher when she spends the summer at a holiday camp in the Catskill Mountains with her family. However, their budding relationship is threatened by parental disapproval and a misunderstanding over a staff member. Patrick Swayze, Jennifer Grey, Jerry Orbach. 9.05 To Be Advised. 10.45 To Be Advised.

6.30 SBS World News. (CC) 7.35 Royal Murder Mysteries: Ludwig II – The Mad King Of Bavaria. (PG, R, CC) Takes a look at the death of King Ludwig of Bavaria in June, 1886. An eccentric who built fairytale castles, he committed suicide after being declared insane and deposed from the throne. 8.30 Travel Man: Venice. (R, CC) Richard Ayoade and comedian Jo Brand spend a fast, funny and efficient 48 hours in Venice. 9.00 Soccer. (CC) EPL. West Ham United v Tottenham Hotspur. From London Stadium. Hosted by Lucy Zelic and Craig Foster. 11.50 MOVIE: Cell 211. (MA15+, R, CC) (2009) The story of two men, an inmate and a young guard, on different sides of a prison riot. Luis Tosar, Alberto Ammann, Antonio Resines.

12.30 Law & Order. (M, R, CC) 1.30 The Travelling Chef. (R, CC) 2.00 TV Shop: Home Shopping. (R) 2.30 Four Weddings. (PG, R, CC) 3.30 The Baron. (PG, R) 4.30 Global Shop. 5.00 TV Shop: Home Shopping. (R) 5.30 Wesley Impact. (CC)

12.00 48 Hours: Gone. (M, R, CC) Takes a look at the disappearance and murder of Michelle Warner in 2012. 2.00 Home Shopping. (R) Shopping program.

1.50 MOVIE: The Rocket. (M, R, CC) (2013) 3.30 How To Find Love Online. (R, CC) 4.30 Food Lovers’ Guide To Australia. (R, CC) 5.00 CGTN English News. (CC) 5.15 NHK World English News. (CC) 5.30 Deutsche Welle English News. (CC)

11.05 Adam Hills: The Last Leg. (M, R, CC) UK-based panel show, featuring special guests Charlotte Ritchie, Simon Bird and Tom Rosenthal. 11.50 Rage. (MA15+) Music videos chosen by Mogwai.


1.00 Home Shopping. (R) Shopping program.


6.00 Children’s Programs. 6.05 Fireman Sam. (R, CC) 6.15 Octonauts. (R, CC) 6.25 Peter Rabbit. (R, CC) 6.35 Ben And Holly. (R, CC) 6.50 Shaun The Sheep. (R, CC) 7.00 Spicks And Specks. (PG, R, CC) 7.30 Penn & Teller: Fool Us. (PG, CC) 8.10 Would I Lie To You? (PG, R, CC) 8.40 Live At The Apollo. (M, R, CC) 9.25 James Galea’s Best Trick Ever. (M, R, CC) 10.30 The IT Crowd. 10.55 Broad City. 11.15 That ’70s Show. 3.10 News Update. 3.15 Close. 5.00 Children’s Programs.



6.00 Shopping. (R) 8.00 Travel Oz. (PG, R, CC) 9.30 NBC Today. (R, CC) 11.00 Sydney Weekender. (R, CC) 11.30 Qld Weekender. (CC) 12.00 Vasili’s Garden. (R) 12.30 The Great Day Out. (CC) 1.00 Creek To Coast. (CC) 1.30 Horse Racing. (CC) Naturalism Stakes Day. Golden Rose Day. 5.30 Cities Of The Underworld. (PG, R) 6.30 Mighty Ships. (PG, R) 7.30 Walking Through History. (PG, R) 8.30 Escape To The Country. 10.30 Escape To The Continent. (R) 11.45 Mighty Ships. (PG, R) 1.00 Late Programs.


6.00 Children’s Programs. 5.35 Grojband. (R, CC) 6.00 Camp Lakebottom. (R, CC) 6.10 Slugterra. (R, CC) 6.35 The Next Step. (R, CC) 7.00 Nippers. (R, CC) 7.25 Kick. (R, CC) 7.30 Deadly Pole To Pole. (R, CC) 8.00 Spawn Point: Scoop. (CC) 8.05 Backstage. (R, CC) 8.30 Dance Academy. (R, CC) 8.55 The Haunting Hour. (PG, R, CC) 9.15 Annoying Orange. (R, CC) 9.30 Close. 5.00 Arthur. (R, CC) 5.25 Sally Bollywood. (R, CC) 5.35 Almost Naked Animals. (R, CC) 5.45 Children’s Programs.

6.00 Morning Programs. 1.00 News. 1.30 Planet America. (R, CC) 2.00 News. (CC) 2.30 One Plus One. (R, CC) 3.00 News. 3.30 The Link. (R, CC) 4.00 News. 4.30 The Breakfast Couch. (R) 5.00 ABC News: NZ Votes. (CC) 6.30 The Mix. (CC) 7.00 ABC News. 7.30 Aust Story. (R, CC) 8.00 News. (CC) 8.15 Four Corners. (R, CC) 9.00 ABC News. 9.30 World This Week. (R, CC) 10.00 News. 10.30 Planet America. (R, CC) 11.00 News. (CC) 11.30 One Plus One. (R, CC) 12.00 Late Programs.

6.00 Children’s Programs. 2.30 Surfing Australia TV. (R, CC) 3.00 Children’s Programs. 5.00 Book Of Dragons. (PG, R) 5.20 MOVIE: Flushed Away. (2006) 7.00 MOVIE: Rise Of The Guardians. (PG, R, CC) (2012) 8.55 MOVIE: Limitless. (M, R, CC) (2011) 11.00 Two And A Half Men. (PG, R, CC) 12.00 Adult Swim. (M, R) 12.30 The Venture Bros. (MA15+, R) 1.00 American Digger. (PG, R) 1.30 Surfing Australia TV. (R, CC) 2.00 Car SOS. (PG, R) 3.00 Children’s Programs.


6.00 Morning Programs. 9.30 My Fishing Place. (PG) 10.00 Cajun Pawn Stars. (PG, R) 10.30 Classic Car Rescue. (PG, R) 11.30 Life Off Road. (PG) 12.00 MotorEx. (PG) 1.30 Blokesworld. (PG) 2.00 Grilled. (PG, R) 3.00 Cajun Pawn Stars. (PG) 3.30 The Kick. (CC) 4.30 Football. (CC) AFL. Second preliminary final. Richmond v GWS. 8.00 To Be Advised. 8.30 MOVIE: Ender’s Game. (M, R) (2013) Asa Butterfield. 10.45 Ultimate Factories. (PG, R) 11.45 Hardcore Pawn. (M, R) 12.15 Late Programs.




6.00 Morning Programs. 8.00 Danoz. 8.30 TV Shop. (R) 10.00 The Baron. (PG, R) 11.00 Monarch Of The Glen. (PG, R) 12.00 MOVIE: The Truth About Women. (PG, R, CC) (1957) 2.10 MOVIE: Spencer’s Mountain. (R, CC) (1963) 4.30 MOVIE: Samson And Delilah. (R, CC) (1949) 7.00 MOVIE: What Happens In Vegas. (PG, R, CC) (2008) 9.00 MOVIE: The Rebound. (M, R, CC) (2009) Catherine ZetaJones. 11.00 MOVIE: A Smile Like Yours. (M, R, CC) (1997) 1.00 Late Programs.

6.00 Shopping. (R) 8.00 Storm Season. (PG, R, CC) 8.30 Whacked Out Sports. (PG, R) 9.00 World Sport. (R) 9.30 Operation Repo. (PG, R) 10.00 Hogan’s Heroes. (R) 10.30 M*A*S*H. (PG, R) 11.30 Moments Of Impact. (PG, R) 12.30 Megastructures Breakdown. (R) 1.30 Escape Fishing. (R, CC) 2.00 Motor Racing. Porsche Carrera Cup Series. Round 6. Highlights. 3.00 Motor Racing. Dunlop Super2 Championship. Round 6. Highlights. 4.00 Fishing. IFS Championship. 4.30 Reel Action. 5.00 MacGyver. (PG, R) 6.00 Undercover Boss. (PG, R) 7.00 David Att’s Planet Earth. (PG, R, CC) 8.00 48 Hours. (M, R, CC) 10.00 VF Confidential. (MA15+, R) 11.00 Car Crash Britain: Heroes And Villains. (M, R) 12.00 Moments Of Impact. (PG, R) 1.00 MOVIE: True Justice: Dead Drop. (M, R) (2012) 3.00 Operation Repo. (PG, R) 3.30 Late Programs.



6.00 Morning Programs. 10.00 Spit It Out. (R, CC) 11.00 Win, Lose Or Draw. (R, CC) 12.00 Jabba’s School Holiday Movie Special. (R, CC) 12.30 Girl Meets World. (R, CC) 1.00 Jessie. (R) 1.30 K.C. Undercover. (PG, R) 2.30 Star Wars Rebels. (PG) 4.00 MOVIE: You Again. (PG, R, CC) (2010) 6.15 MOVIE: You, Me And Dupree. (M, R, CC) (2006) 8.30 MOVIE: Hope Floats. (M, R) (1998) Sandra Bullock. 10.50 MOVIE: Celeste And Jesse Forever. (MA15+, R, CC) (2012) 1.00 Late Programs.


6.00 Morning Programs. 11.00 Postcards. (PG, R, CC) 11.30 Getaway. (PG, R, CC) 12.00 Desert Flippers. (R) 1.00 Beachfront Bargain Hunt. (R) 1.30 Texas Flip And Move. (R) 2.30 Fixer Upper. (PG, R) 3.30 House Hunters Reno. (R) 4.30 Beachfront Bargain Hunt: Renovation. (R) 5.30 Extreme Homes. (R) 6.30 Restoring Charleston. (R) 7.30 House Hunters. 8.30 House Hunters International. 9.30 House Hunters Int Reno. 10.30 Island Hunters. (R) 11.30 House Hunters Int. (R) 12.00 Late Programs.

6.00 Toasted TV. 6.05 Matt Hatter Chronicles. (R) 6.30 Pokémon. (R) 7.00 Mako: Island Of Secrets. (C, R, CC) 7.30 Kuu Kuu Harajuku. (C, CC) 8.00 Totally Wild. (C, R, CC) 8.30 Scope. (C, CC) 9.05 The Loop. (PG) 11.35 To Be Advised. 2.35 Australian Survivor. (PG, R, CC) 5.05 Australian Survivor. (R, CC) 6.00 Frasier. (PG, R) 6.30 MOVIE: Home. (PG, R, CC) (2015) 8.20 Have You Been Paying Attention? (M, R, CC) Hosted by Tom Gleisner. 9.20 MOVIE: Scary Movie. (MA15+, R) (2000) A group of students are stalked by a madman. Anna Faris, Shawn Wayans. 11.05 Frasier. (PG, R) 11.30 The Loop. (PG, R) 2.00 American Horror Story: Coven. (MA15+, R) 5.00 Frasier. (PG, R) 5.30 Shopping. (R)

6.00 WorldWatch. 12.00 News. (R) 1.00 Cyberwar. (PG, R) 1.30 Balls Deep. (PG, R) 2.20 Mario Batali’s Moltissimo. (PG, R) 2.45 Motherboard. (PG, R) 3.15 Close Up Kings. (PG, R) 4.10 States Of Undress. (M, R, CC) 5.05 Jungletown. (PG, R) 5.55 Brooklyn Nine-Nine. (PG, R, CC) 6.45 Daria. (PG, R) 7.40 Ali G: Remixed. (M, R) 8.30 MOVIE: The Man From Nowhere. (MA15+, R) (2010) 10.40 Cycling. UCI Road World Championships. Women’s Road Race. 1.30 Late Programs.

SBS FOOD 6.00 Morning Programs. 1.00 Mystery Diners. (PG, R) 1.30 Man Vs Food: Carnivore. (R) 2.00 African Kitchen. (R) 2.30 Pizza Masters. (R) 3.00 Barefoot Contessa. (R) 3.30 Pizza Masters. (R) 4.00 Greater Mekong. (R, CC) 6.30 People Of The Vines. (R) 7.30 NZ With Nick Honeyman. (R) 8.00 Sean’s Kitchen. (R) 8.30 Mystery Diners. (PG, R) 9.00 Mystery Diners Specials. (PG, R) 9.30 Celebrity Food Fight. (PG, R) 10.30 Greater Mekong. (R, CC) 12.00 Late Programs.

NITV 6.00 Morning Programs. 1.00 MOVIE: Twice Upon A Time. (PG, R) (2006) 2.30 Unearthed. (R) 3.00 On The Road. (R) 4.00 UnderExposed. (R) 4.30 Cultural Flows. (R) 5.00 NITV On The Road: Barunga Festival. (R) 6.00 Maori TV’s Native Affairs. 7.00 City Slickers Rodeo. (PG, R) 7.30 The Coolbaroo Club. (R) 8.30 From The Western Frontier. (R) 9.00 Mohawk Girls. 9.30 Noah’s Arc. (PG, R) 10.00 On The Edge. (PG, R) 10.30 Late Programs.

CLASSIFICATIONS: (P) For preschoolers (C) Children’s programs (G) General viewing (PG) Parental guidance (M) Mature audiences (MA15+) Mature audiences only (AV15+) Extreme violence. (R) Repeat (CC) Closed Captions. Please Note: Listings are correct at the time of print and are subject to late change by networks.

Pat McGuire Photography


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Sunday September 24 ABC




Dubbo’s TV Guide


6.00 Rage. (PG, CC) 7.00 Weekend Breakfast. (CC) 9.00 Insiders. (CC) 10.00 Offsiders. (CC) 10.30 The World This Week. (R, CC) 11.00 Compass. (PG, R, CC) 11.30 Songs Of Praise. (R, CC) 12.00 Landline. (CC) 1.00 Gardening Australia. (R, CC) 1.30 The Checkout. (PG, R, CC) 2.00 Shetland. (M, R, CC) 3.00 Doc Martin. (PG, R, CC) 3.45 Invictus Games. (CC) Day 1. Highlights. From Toronto, Ontario, Canada. 4.45 Home Fires. (PG, R, CC) 5.30 Hard Quiz. (PG, R, CC)

6.00 Home Shopping. (R) 7.00 Weekend Sunrise. (CC) 10.00 The Morning Show: Weekend. (PG, CC) 12.00 Bewitched. (R, CC) 12.30 To Be Advised. 1.30 MOVIE: City Slickers II: The Legend Of Curly’s Gold. (PG, R, CC) (1994) 4.00 Better Homes And Gardens. (R, CC) 5.00 Seven News At 5. (CC) 5.30 Sydney Weekender. (CC)

6.00 PAW Patrol. (R, CC) 6.30 Dora. (R, CC) 7.00 Weekend Today. (CC) 10.00 Sports Sunday. (PG, CC) 11.00 NRL Sunday Footy Show. (PG, CC) 1.00 Full Cycle. (CC) 1.30 Surfing. (CC) World League. Men’s Championship Tour. Round 7. Billabong Pro Teahupoo. Highlights. 2.30 The Wild Life Of Tim Faulkner. (PG, R, CC) 3.00 The Block. (PG, R, CC) 5.00 News: First At Five. (CC) 5.30 Customs. (PG, R, CC)

6.00 Mass. (CC) 6.30 Hillsong. (CC) 7.00 Fishing Aust. 7.30 Tomorrow’s World. (PG) 8.00 Good Chef Bad Chef. (R, CC) 8.30 Everyday Gourmet With Justine Schofield. (R, CC) 9.00 What’s Up Down Under. (R, CC) 9.30 Studio 10: Sunday. (PG, CC) 12.00 Dr Phil. (PG, R, CC) 1.00 Weekend Feast. (R, CC) 2.00 Australian Survivor. (R, CC) 3.30 The 48 Hour Destination. (CC) 4.00 RPM. (CC) 5.00 TEN Eyewitness News. (CC)

6.00 France 24 English News. (CC) 6.30 Al Jazeera. (CC) 7.30 Italian News. 8.10 Filipino News. 8.40 French News. 9.30 Soccer. EPL. West Ham United v Tottenham Hotspur. Replay. 12.00 Arabic News. 12.30 Turkish News. 1.00 Speedweek. (CC) 3.00 The Bowls Show. (CC) 4.00 Motorcycle Racing. (CC) Superbike World Championship. Round 10. 4.30 FIFA World Cup 2018 Magazine. (CC) 4.55 Small Business Secrets. (CC) 5.30 Neil Oliver: Skye’s Band Of Brothers. (PG, R, CC)

6.00 Classic Countdown: 1976. (PG, CC) Narrated by Wilbur Wilde. 7.00 ABC News. (CC) Coverage of local, national and international news, including the day’s sport and weather updates. 7.40 Grand Designs: House Of The Year. (CC) Part 4 of 4. Kevin McCloud joins architects Damion Burrows and Zac Monro to visit four more properties. 8.30 The Doctor Blake Mysteries. (M, CC) Dr Blake delves inside the intriguing and exotic world of Romani travellers when a gypsy is murdered. 9.30 Fearless. (M, CC) Kevin faces abuse from the public as Emma takes drastic measures to get the case back on track. 10.20 Glitch. (M, R, CC) James and Kate head to Noregard. 11.15 Silent Witness. (MA15+, R, CC) A young woman is found dead.

6.00 Seven News. (CC) 7.00 Little Big Shots. (PG, CC) Performers include a contortionist, an anatomy expert, a reptile ranger, a golfer and a honky tonk pianist. 8.00 Sunday Night. (CC) Current affairs program, hosted by Melissa Doyle. 9.00 Heists That Shook The World: Stealing The Mona Lisa. (PG, CC) Documents stories of some of the world’s most infamous robberies, including the theft of the Mona Lisa. 10.00 Robbie Coltrane’s Critical Evidence: The Hitman And The Hairdresser. (M, CC) Robbie Coltrane examines the death of a hairdresser who was found stabbed on her doorstep, in London. 11.00 Autopsy USA: Bruce Lee. (M, CC) Forensic pathologist Dr Michael Hunter takes a fresh look at the death of Bruce Lee.

6.00 Nine News. (CC) 7.00 The Block. (PG, CC) The couples struggle to reach the finish line as they deliver their hallways and laundries. 8.30 60 Minutes. (CC) Featuring reports from Liz Hayes, Tara Brown, Allison Langdon, Charles Wooley and Ross Coulthart. 9.30 Murder Calls: Margaret Tobin. (M, R, CC) Takes a look at the murder of South Australia’s director of Mental Health Services Dr Margaret Tobin by Jean Eric Gassy. 10.30 See No Evil: Watching Dru. (M, CC) Takes a look at how the disappearance of a university student was solved with the help of surveillance footage. 11.35 House. (M, R, CC) During a meningitis outbreak, House is drawn to a patient whose symptoms do not match everyone else’s.

6.00 Family Feud: Sunday. (CC) Hosted by Grant Denyer. 6.30 The Sunday Project. (CC) Join panellists for a look at the day’s news, events and hot topics. 7.30 Australian Survivor. (CC) A scheming conversation is overheard, putting one contestant in the firing line and shattering an alliance. 8.30 Bull. (M, R, CC) Bull helps a professional video game player who has been accused of deliberately losing a championship game. 9.30 Bull. (M, R, CC) Bull has Benny defend a whistle-blowing army analyst who is being court-martialed. 10.30 The Sunday Project. (R, CC) A look at the day’s news. 11.30 48 Hours: NCIS: NCIS – The Sting. (M, R, CC) A US Navy petty officer is murdered.

6.30 SBS World News. (CC) 7.30 The Ascent Of Civilization: The Germanic Peoples. (PG, CC) Part 2 of 3. An exploration of the truth behind the myths of ancient cultures continues with the Germanic peoples. 8.30 Soundtracks: Space Race. (M, CC) An exploration of the music tied to iconic moments in history continues with a focus on the space race of the late ’60s and ’70s. These events inspired musicians from David Bowie and The Byrds to Sun Ra and Parliament-Funkadelic to imagine a cosmic future for mankind. 10.10 Mankind From Space. (R, CC) Takes a look at how humans have developed from hunter-gatherers to the dominant global species. 11.45 Full Frontal With Samantha Bee. (R, CC) Takes a look at current and relevant issues.

12.15 1.55 2.45 3.35 4.30 5.00

12.00 Cosmetic Coffee. (M) A look at cosmetic surgery. 12.30 Home Shopping. (R) Shopping program. 5.30 Sunrise. (CC) News, sport and weather.

12.30 Full Cycle. (R, CC) 1.00 Getaway. (PG, R, CC) 1.30 The Avengers. (PG, R) 2.30 Global Shop. 3.00 The Baron. (PG, R) 4.00 Good Morning America: Sunday. (CC) 5.00 News Early Edition. (CC) 5.30 Today. (CC)

12.30 48 Hours: Fall From Grace. (M, R, CC) A look at the death of Bethany Deaton. 1.30 Home Shopping. (R) Shopping program. 4.30 CBS This Morning. (CC) Morning news and talk show.

12.15 MOVIE: On The Path. (M, R, CC) (2010) 2.05 MOVIE: Autumn. (M, R, CC) (2010) 3.55 Obama: Eight Years Of Power. (M, R, CC) 5.00 CGTN English News. (CC) 5.15 NHK World English News. (CC) 5.30 Deutsche Welle English News. (CC)

Rage. (MA15+) My Last Summer. (M, R, CC) Fearless. (M, R, CC) Fake Or Fortune? (R, CC) The Bill. (M, R, CC) Insiders. (R, CC)



6.00 Children’s Programs. 6.05 Fireman Sam. (R, CC) 6.15 Octonauts. (R, CC) 6.25 Peter Rabbit. (R, CC) 6.35 Ben And Holly. (R, CC) 6.50 Shaun The Sheep. (R, CC) 7.00 Spicks And Specks. (PG, R, CC) 7.30 River Monsters. (PG, R, CC) 8.20 To Be Advised. 8.30 The Cove. (M, R, CC) 10.00 Louis Theroux: America’s Medicated Kids. (M, R) 11.00 Confessions Of A Sex Addict. (M, R, CC) 12.00 That ’70s Show. (PG, R, CC) 2.40 River Monsters. 3.30 News Update. 3.35 Close. 5.00 Children’s Programs.



6.00 Morning Programs. 12.00 Home And Away Catch-Up. (PG, CC) 2.00 The Great War: The People’s Story. (PG, R) 3.00 Escape To The Country. (R) 4.00 Intolerant Cooks. (PG) 4.30 Adam’s Pasta Pilgrimage. (R, CC) 5.00 One Foot In The Grave. (PG, R, CC) 7.00 Border Security USA. (PG, R, CC) 7.30 Border Security: Int. (PG, R, CC) 8.00 Border Security. (PG, R, CC) 8.30 Air Crash Investigation. (PG, R) 10.30 Border Security USA. (PG, R, CC) 11.00 Border Security: Int. (PG, R, CC) 11.30 Late Programs.


6.00 Children’s Programs. 5.30 News To Me Featurettes. 5.35 Grojband. (R, CC) 6.00 Camp Lakebottom. (R, CC) 6.10 Slugterra. (PG, R, CC) 6.35 The Next Step. (R, CC) 7.00 Nippers. (CC) 7.25 Trip For Biscuits. (PG, R, CC) 7.35 Deadly Pole To Pole. (R, CC) 8.05 Backstage. (R, CC) 8.30 Dance Academy. (R, CC) 8.55 The Haunting Hour. (PG, R, CC) 9.15 Annoying Orange. (R, CC) 9.30 Rage. (PG, R) 2.00 Close. 5.00 Arthur. (R, CC) 5.25 Sally Bollywood. (R, CC) 5.35 Children’s Programs.

ABC NEWS 6.00 Morning Programs. 1.00 News. 1.30 The Mix. (R, CC) 2.00 News. 2.30 The Breakfast Couch. (R) 3.00 News. 3.30 Landline. (R, CC) 4.00 News. 4.30 One Plus One. (R, CC) 5.00 News. 5.30 Compass. (PG, R, CC) 6.00 ABC News. 6.30 Planet America. (R, CC) 7.00 ABC News. 7.30 To Be Advised. 8.00 Insiders. (R, CC) 9.00 ABC News. 9.30 One Plus One. (R, CC) 10.00 News. 10.30 The Drum Weekly. (R) 11.00 News. (CC) 11.30 The Mix. (R, CC) 12.00 Late Programs.


6.00 Children’s Programs. 5.00 MOVIE: Labyrinth. (1986) 7.00 MOVIE: The Legend Of Zorro. (PG, R, CC) (2005) 9.30 MOVIE: Sicario. (MA15+) (2015) 12.00 Adult Swim. (M) 12.05 Aqua Teen Hunger Force. (M) 12.15 Robot Chicken. (M) 12.30 The Venture Bros. (MA15+) 1.00 Step Dave. (M, R, CC) 2.00 Surfing Australia TV. (R, CC) 2.30 Yo-Kai. (PG, R) 3.00 Yu-Gi-Oh! (PG, R) 3.30 My Little Pony: Friendship Is Magic. (R) 4.00 Steven Universe. (PG, R) 4.30 Children’s Programs.


6.00 Morning Programs. 9.30 Adventure Angler. (PG) 10.00 AFL Game Day. (CC) 11.30 Prospectors. (PG, R) 12.00 Fishing The Wild. (PG, R) 12.30 Hook, Line And Sinker. (PG) 1.30 To Be Advised. 2.30 What Went Down. (PG, R) 3.00 Timbersports. Highlights. 3.30 Cajun Pawn Stars. (PG, R) 4.00 Seinfeld. (PG, R, CC) 6.45 MOVIE: Green Lantern. (PG, R) (2011) 9.00 MOVIE: The Bourne Legacy. (M, R, CC) (2012) Jeremy Renner. 11.45 America’s Hardest Prisons. (M, R) 1.00 Late Programs.


6.00 Morning Programs. 8.00 Key Of David. (PG) 8.30 TV Shop. 10.00 Avengers. (PG, R) 11.00 Garden Gurus. (R, CC) 11.30 Getaway. (PG, R, CC) 12.00 MOVIE: Henry VIII And His Six Wives. (PG, R, CC) (1972) 2.30 MOVIE: Mutiny On The Bounty. (PG, R, CC) (1962) 6.00 Secret Dealers. (PG, CC) 7.00 Cosmos: A Spacetime Odyssey. (PG, R, CC) 8.00 Earth’s Great Seasons. 9.10 MOVIE: Octopussy. (PG, R, CC) (1983) 11.50 Footy Classified. (M, CC) 12.50 Late Programs.


6.00 Morning Programs. 9.30 Gamer’s Guide To Pretty Much Everything. (PG, R) 10.00 Girl Meets World. (R, CC) 11.10 House Rules. (PG, R, CC) 1.30 800 Words. (PG, R, CC) 3.30 Jabba’s School Holiday Movie Special. (R, CC) 4.00 Diff’rent Strokes. (R) 4.30 Who’s The Boss? (PG, R, CC) 5.00 Just Shoot Me! (PG, R, CC) 5.30 Married With Children. (PG, R) 6.30 The Nanny. (PG, R) 7.00 Big Bang. (PG, R) 10.35 What Really Happens In Bali. (M, R, CC) 11.35 Bad Teacher. (M) 12.00 Late Programs.

6.00 Morning Programs. 10.30 The Travelling Chef. (R, CC) 11.00 Beachfront Bargain Hunt. 11.30 House Hunters. (R) 12.30 House Hunters Int. (R) 1.30 Restoring Charleston. (R) 2.30 Masters Of Flip. (R) 3.30 Island Hunters. (R) 4.30 Selling New York. (PG, R) 5.30 Extreme Homes. (R) 6.30 First Time Flippers. (PG) 7.30 House Hunters Reno. (PG, R) 8.30 Zombie House Flipping. (PG) 9.30 Ready, Set, Reno. (PG, CC) 10.30 Listed Sisters. (R) 11.30 House Hunters Int. (R) 12.00 Late Programs.


6.00 Shopping. (R) 8.00 Healthy Homes Aust. (R, CC) 8.30 Running. Sydney Festival. Highlights. 9.30 Fishing. IFS Championship. Replay. 10.00 Reel Action. (R) 10.30 Operation Repo. (PG, R) 11.00 World Sport. (R) 11.20 Australian Survivor. (R, CC) 2.00 Motor Racing. Australian GT Championship. Round 11. Highlights. 3.00 Monster Jam. (R) 4.00 Undercover Boss. (PG, R) 5.00 What’s Up Down Under. (R, CC) 5.30 iFish. 6.00 Cheers. (PG, R) 6.30 Scorpion. (PG, CC) 7.30 Australian Survivor. (CC) 8.30 Cops: Adults Only. (PG, R) 9.30 Motorcycle Racing. MotoGP. Race 14. Aragón Grand Prix. From Motorland Aragón, Alcañiz, Spain. 11.00 Megastructures Breakdown. (R) 12.00 World Sport. 12.30 RPM. (R, CC) 1.30 Moments Of Impact. (PG, R) 4.30 Cheers. (PG, R) 5.00 Cops: AO. (PG, R) 5.30 Whacked Out Sports. (PG, R)

ELEVEN 6.00 Toasted TV. 6.05 Matt Hatter Chronicles. (R) 6.30 Victorious. (R) 7.05 Pokémon. (R) 7.35 Treasure Island. 8.05 Jar Dwellers SOS. (R, CC) 8.30 Sanjay And Craig. (R) 9.00 Mako: Island Of Secrets. (R, CC) 10.00 Sherazade: The Untold Stories. (C, CC) 10.30 Mako: Island Of Secrets. (R, CC) 11.00 Charmed. (PG, R, CC) 12.00 Cristela. (PG, R) 12.30 Angel From Hell. (PG, R) 1.00 Neighbours. (R, CC) 3.30 Becker. (PG, R, CC) 4.30 Frasier. (PG, R) 6.30 Futurama. (PG, R, CC) 7.30 Australian Survivor. (CC) 8.30 MOVIE: The Wog Boy. (M, R) (2000) A young Greek man sets out to prove himself. Nick Giannopoulos. 10.30 Frasier. (PG, R) 11.30 Dating Naked. (M, R) 12.30 American Horror Story: Coven. (MA15+, R) 4.30 Mako: Island Of Secrets. (R, CC) 5.30 Shopping. (R)

6.10 WorldWatch. 9.00 PopAsia. (PG) 10.00 WorldWatch. 12.00 News. (R) 12.55 Dead Set On Life. (PG, R) 1.25 VICE World Of Sports. (PG, R) 1.50 Gaycation Presents: Orlando. (PG, R) 2.40 Where Are We Going, Dad? (R) 4.20 Survivor Games. (PG, R) 5.30 Batman. (PG, R) 6.25 Vs Arashi. (PG, R) 7.20 If You Are The One. (PG, R) 8.30 Ninja Warrior Sweden. (PG, R) 9.25 Weediquette. 9.55 Sex War Robots. (MA15+, R) 10.30 Cycling. UCI Road World Championships. Men’s Road Race. 1.30 Late Programs.

SBS FOOD 6.00 Morning Programs. 10.30 Celebrity Food Fight. (PG, R) 11.30 Greater Mekong. (R, CC) 12.30 People Of The Vines. (R) 1.30 NZ With Nick Honeyman. (R) 2.00 Sean’s Kitchen. (R) 2.30 Dinner At Tiffani’s. (R) 3.00 Pizza Masters. (R) 3.30 Giada In Italy. (R) 4.00 Greater Mekong. (R, CC) 6.30 Secret Eats. (R) 7.30 Worst Cooks. (PG, R) 8.30 Mystery Diners Specials. (PG, R) 9.00 Mystery Diners. (PG, R) 9.30 Celebrity Food Fight. (PG, R) 10.30 Greater Mekong. (R, CC) 12.00 Late Programs.

NITV 6.00 Morning Programs. 11.30 City Slickers Rodeo. (PG, R) 12.00 The Coolbaroo Club. (R) 1.00 Rugby Union. SA. Qualifying final. 2.30 Rugby League. 2016 Koori Knockout. Men’s grand final. Redfern All Blacks 1 v Newcastle All Blacks. 3.30 Football. WAWFL. Grand Final. 5.00 Te Kaea. 5.30 The Point Review. (R) 6.00 Matauranga. (R) 6.30 Native Planet. (R) 7.30 First Australians. (PG, R) 8.30 The Drew. (R) 10.00 Venus And Serena. (M, R) 11.45 Therapeutic MMA. 12.00 Volumz. (PG, R)

CLASSIFICATIONS: (P) For preschoolers (C) Children’s programs (G) General viewing (PG) Parental guidance (M) Mature audiences (MA15+) Mature audiences only (AV15+) Extreme violence. (R) Repeat (CC) Closed Captions. Please Note: Listings are correct at the time of print and are subject to late change by networks.






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Dubbo Photo News September 21-27, 2017


Monday September 25 ABC



6.00 News Breakfast. (CC) 9.00 ABC News. (CC) 10.00 Fake Or Fortune? (R, CC) 11.00 Grand Designs: House Of The Year. (R, CC) 12.00 ABC News At Noon. (CC) 1.00 Landline. (R, CC) 2.00 Serangoon Road. (M, R, CC) 2.55 The Coroner. (PG, R, CC) 3.40 Invictus Games. (CC) Day 2. Highlights. 4.30 Eggheads. (R, CC) 5.00 ABC News: Early Edition. (CC) 5.30 The Drum. (CC)

6.00 9.00 11.30 12.00

6.00 The Checkout: Snack Size. (PG, CC) A look at consumer affairs. 6.10 Grand Designs. (R, CC) Hosted by Kevin McCloud. 7.00 ABC News. (CC) Coverage of news, sport and weather. 7.30 7.30. (CC) Presented by Leigh Sales. 8.00 Australian Story. (CC) Australians tell personal stories. 8.30 Four Corners. (CC) Investigative journalism program, presented by Sarah Ferguson. 9.15 Media Watch. (PG, CC) Takes a look at a range of issues affecting media consumers. 9.35 To Be Advised. 10.40 Lateline. (R, CC) Hosted by Emma Alberici. 11.10 The Business. (R, CC) Hosted by Elysse Morgan. 11.30 Trigger Point. (M, R, CC) Part 1 of 2.

6.00 PRIME7 News. (CC) 6.30 PRIME7 News @ 6:30. (CC) 7.00 Home And Away. (PG, CC) Ash considers telling Tori about his feelings. Dylan Carter may have been on the boat with Robbo. 7.30 Highway Patrol. (PG, CC) A drunk driver puts herself and others at risk, and can barely stand after being pulled over. After trying to overtake a car, a motocyclist is left screaming on the ground in agony. 8.30 MOVIE: Mission: Impossible – Rogue Nation. (M, CC) (2015) With their elite organisation shut down by the CIA, secret agent Ethan Hunt and his team must race against time to stop a group called The Syndicate, a deadly network of rogue government operatives. Tom Cruise, Jeremy Renner, Simon Pegg. 11.20 World’s Angriest. (PG, R, CC) Footage of people losing their cool as caught on camera by members of the public.

12.25 Humans. (M, R, CC) Leo sends Niska to George’s house. 1.15 Anatomy: Soul. (PG, R, CC) (Final) 1.45 Rage. (MA15+) 4.05 Fake Or Fortune? Freud. (R, CC) 5.05 The Bill. (PG, R, CC)

12.30 Home Shopping. (R) Shopping program. 5.30 Sunrise. (CC) David Koch and Samantha Armytage present the news, sport and weather, with business and finance updates.


2.00 3.00 4.00 5.00

Sunrise. (CC) The Morning Show. (PG, CC) Seven Morning News. (CC) MOVIE: Liz & Dick. (PG, CC) (2012) Lindsay Lohan. The Daily Edition. (CC) The hottest issues from the day’s news. The Chase. (R, CC) Hosted by Bradley Walsh. Seven News At 4. (CC) The Chase Australia. (CC)


6.00 Children’s Programs. 6.05 Fireman Sam. (R, CC) 6.15 Octonauts. (R, CC) 6.25 Peter Rabbit. (R, CC) 6.35 Ben And Holly. (R, CC) 6.50 Shaun The Sheep. (R, CC) 7.00 Spicks And Specks. (PG, R, CC) 7.30 River Monsters. (PG, R, CC) 8.20 To Be Advised. (R) 8.30 Louis Theroux: The Ultra Zionists. (M, R, CC) 9.30 Ross Kemp: Extreme World. (MA15+, CC) 10.15 The Cove. (M, R, CC) 11.45 9/11: The Lost Hero. 12.35 River Monsters. 1.25 News Update. 1.30 Close. 5.00 Children’s Programs.

ABC ME 6.00 Children’s Programs. 5.30 Break The Future. (R) 5.35 Grojband. (R, CC) 6.00 Camp Lakebottom. (R, CC) 6.10 Slugterra. (R, CC) 6.35 The Next Step. (R, CC) 7.00 Horrible Histories. (R, CC) 7.30 Deadly Pole To Pole. (R, CC) 8.00 BtN Newsbreak. (CC) 8.05 Backstage. (R, CC) 8.30 Dance Academy. (R, CC) 8.55 The Haunting Hour. (PG, R, CC) 9.15 Annoying Orange. (R, CC) 9.30 Rage. (PG, R) 10.30 Close. 5.00 Arthur. (R, CC) 5.25 Sally Bollywood. (R, CC) 5.35 Children’s Programs.

ABC NEWS 6.00 News. (CC) 9.00 News. (CC) 6.00 ABC News National. 6.30 The Drum. (R, CC) 7.00 ABC News With The Business. 9.00 ABC News National. 9.30 Lateline. (CC) 10.00 The World. 11.00 ABC News. (CC) 11.30 7.30. (R, CC) 12.00 News. 12.30 Drum. (R, CC) 1.00 Al Jazeera. 2.00 BBC Global. 2.30 7.30. (R, CC) 3.00 BBC Global. 3.30 Drum. (R, CC) 4.00 Al Jazeera. 5.00 Outside Source. 5.30 Lateline. (R, CC)

6.00 9.00 11.30 12.00 1.00 1.30 3.00 4.00 5.00


Today. (CC) Today Extra. (PG, CC) Morning News. (CC) The Ellen DeGeneres Show. (PG, CC) Extra. (CC) Entertainment news program. The Block. (PG, R, CC) Hosted by Scott Cam. News Now. (CC) Afternoon News. (CC) Millionaire Hot Seat. (CC)

6.00 Nine News. (CC) 7.00 A Current Affair. (CC) 7.30 The Block. (PG, CC) The couples put all of the experience they have gained over the past eight weeks into practice when they tackle the last room inside the houses, the guest bedrooms. The teams also start to plan their backyards. Hosted by Scott Cam. 8.40 MOVIE: Four Weddings And A Funeral. (M, R, CC) (1994) A bachelor who is unable to express his feelings and is often called on to be the best man at friends’ weddings meets an American woman who seems “perfect” at a reception. However, the prospect of a transatlantic relationship succeeding seems slim. Hugh Grant, Andie MacDowell. 11.05 Botched. (M, CC) Dr Nassif fixes the nose of a woman who had her dentist perform her rhinoplasty. 12.05 Law & Order. (M, R, CC) 1.05 Anger Management. (M, R, CC) 1.30 TV Shop: Home Shopping. 2.00 Extra. (R, CC) 2.30 Global Shop. 3.00 Skippy The Bush Kangaroo. (R) 3.30 Good Morning America. (CC) 5.00 News. (CC) 5.30 Today. (CC)


6.00 Morning Programs. 8.00 Toybox. (P, R, CC) 8.30 Harry’s Practice. (R, CC) 9.00 Million Dollar Minute. (R, CC) 9.30 NBC Today. (CC) 10.30 NBC Press. (R, CC) 11.30 Air Crash Investigation. (PG, R) 1.30 One Foot In The Grave. (PG, R, CC) 3.30 60 Minute Makeover. (PG, R) 4.30 Escape To The Country. (R) 6.30 Bargain Hunt. (R) 7.30 Doc Martin. (PG, R, CC) 8.30 Lewis. (M, R, CC) 10.30 Cold Feet. (M, R, CC) 11.30 Bargain Hunt. (R) 12.30 Late Programs.



6.00 Morning Programs. 10.00 HarleyDavidson TV. (PG, R) 10.30 NFL. NFL. Week 3. Washington Redskins v Oakland Raiders. 2.00 What Went Down. (PG, R) 3.00 Blokesworld. (PG, R) 3.30 Brandi And Jarrod: Married To The Job. (PG, R) 4.00 Wipeout USA. (PG, R, CC) 5.00 Swamp People. (PG, R) 6.00 American Pickers. (PG, R) 7.00 Pawn Stars. (PG, CC) 7.30 AFL Brownlow Medal: Red Carpet. (PG, CC) 8.00 AFL Brownlow Medal. (CC) 11.15 Barter Kings. (PG, R) 12.15 Late Programs.


6.00 Morning Programs. 12.00 MOVIE: Nicholas Nickleby. (R) (1947) 2.15 Secret Dealers. (PG, R, CC) 3.15 Cosmos: A Spacetime Odyssey. (PG, R, CC) 4.15 Heartbeat. (PG, R) 5.20 Are You Being Served? (PG, R) 6.00 Friends. (PG, R, CC) 7.00 As Time Goes By. (R) 7.30 The Hunt. (PG, R, CC) 8.40 MOVIE: The Suspicions Of Mr Whicher: Beyond The Pale. (M, R, CC) (2014) 10.40 Death Row Stories. (M, R) 11.40 The Closer. (M, R, CC) 12.35 Late Programs.


6.00 Morning Programs. 12.00 Once Upon A Time In Wonderland. (PG, R) 2.00 Whodunnit? (PG, R) 3.00 Home And Away. (PG, R, CC) 3.30 Trophy Wife. (PG, R) 4.00 Bewitched. (R, CC) 4.30 I Dream Of Jeannie. (R, CC) 5.00 Just Shoot Me! (PG, R, CC) 5.30 Married With Children. (PG, R) 6.30 The Nanny. (PG, R) 7.30 Castle. (M, R, CC) 8.30 Bones. (M, R, CC) 10.30 The Suspects: True Australian Thrillers. (M, R, CC) 11.30 Bad Teacher. (M) 12.00 Late Programs.


6.00 Ent. Tonight. (PG, CC) 6.30 Family Feud. (R, CC) 7.00 WIN News. (R, CC) 8.00 The Bold And The Beautiful. (PG, R, CC) 8.30 Studio 10. (PG, CC) 12.00 Dr Phil. (PG, R, CC) 1.00 Australian Survivor. (R, CC) 2.00 Entertainment Tonight. (CC) 2.30 Ben’s Menu. (R, CC) 3.00 Judge Judy. (PG, CC) 3.30 Alive And Cooking. (CC) 4.00 The Cook’s Pantry With Matt Sinclair. (CC) 4.30 The Bold And The Beautiful. (PG, CC) 5.00 TEN Eyewitness News. (CC)

6.00 France 24 English News. (CC) 6.30 Al Jazeera. (CC) 7.30 Italian News. 8.10 Filipino News. 8.40 French News. 9.30 Greek News. 10.30 German News. 11.00 Spanish News. 12.00 Arabic News. 12.30 Turkish News. 1.00 Al Jazeera News. (CC) 2.00 Celtic Woman: Songs From The Heart. (R, CC) 3.05 Genius. (PG, R, CC) 4.00 Dogs: Their Secret Lives. (R, CC) 4.55 Heston’s In Search Of Perfection. (R, CC) 5.30 Letters And Numbers. (R, CC)

6.00 WIN News. (CC) 6.30 The Project. (CC) Join the hosts for a look at the day’s news, events and hot topics. 7.30 Australian Survivor. (CC) Another alliance is in jeopardy after one contestant decides to flip on a fellow tribesman. 9.00 Have You Been Paying Attention? (M, CC) An irreverent look at news and current affairs featuring celebrity guests, including Ed Kavalee, Rose Matafeo, Susie Yousseff, Glenn Robbins and Sam Pang, competing to see who can remember the most about events of the week. Hosted by Tom Gleisner. Guest quizmaster is Sophie Monk. 10.00 Life In Pieces. (PG, CC) (Final) Colleen and Matt question whether they will ever get married when they miss all the flights to Mexico for their wedding. 10.30 To Be Advised. 11.30 WIN’s All Australian News. (CC)

6.00 River Cottage Australia. (CC) Paul learns how to spin a yarn. 6.30 SBS World News. (CC) 7.30 Michael Mosley: Do We Need Health Tests? (R, CC) Presented by Michael Mosley. 8.30 London’s Super Tunnel: The Final Countdown Pt 1. (CC) Part 1 of 2. Follows engineers and construction workers as they race to complete a new underground railway. 9.40 24 Hours In Emergency: Flesh And Blood. (M, CC) A 53-year-old woman is rushed to St George’s after suffering a suspected heart attack. 10.40 SBS World News Late Edition. (CC) 11.10 The World Game. (CC) Soccer news, features and match results. 11.40 Ouro: Amazon Gold. (M, CC) Two young Brazilians take control of the camp.

12.30 The Project. (R, CC) A look at the day’s news. 1.30 The Late Show With Stephen Colbert. (PG, CC) 2.30 Home Shopping. (R) 4.30 CBS This Morning. (CC)

12.45 Ouro: Amazon Gold. (MA15+, CC) 1.45 Salamander. (MA15+, R, CC) (Final) 2.45 Romanzo Criminale. (MA15+, R, CC) 5.00 CGTN English News. (CC) 5.15 NHK World English News. (CC) 5.30 Deutsche Welle English News. (CC)


6.00 Children’s Programs. 11.00 Friends. (PG, R, CC) 12.00 Dawson’s Creek. (PG, R, CC) 1.00 Airplane Repo. (PG, R) 2.00 Children’s Programs. 6.00 Regular Show. (PG, R) 6.30 Adv Time. 7.00 The Middle. (PG, R, CC) 7.30 Science Of Stupid. (M, CC) 8.00 Top Gear. (PG, R, CC) 9.10 MOVIE: Pulp Fiction. (MA15+, R) (1994) 12.20 Looney Tunes Cartoons. 12.30 Adv Time. (R) 1.00 Regular Show. (PG, R) 1.30 Ben 10. (PG, R) 2.00 Pokémon. (R) 2.30 Uncle Grandpa. (PG, R) 3.00 Children’s Programs.

6.00 Morning Programs. 12.30 Postcards. (PG, R, CC) 1.00 First Time Flippers. (PG, R) 2.00 House Hunters Reno. (PG, R) 3.00 The Block Sky High. (PG, R, CC) 4.00 Come Dine With Me UK. (PG, R) 5.00 House Hunters Int. (R) 6.00 Four In A Bed. (PG) 6.30 House Hunters Int. (R) 7.00 House Hunters. 7.30 Mary Queen Of Shops. (PG) 8.40 Masters Of Flip. (R) 9.40 Million Dollar Listing San Francisco. (M) 10.40 Million Dollar Listing Miami. (PG, R) 11.40 House Hunters Int. (R) 12.10 Late Programs.

Dubbo’s TV Guide


6.00 Shopping. (R) 8.00 RPM. (R, CC) 9.00 iFish. (R, CC) 9.30 Megafactories. (R) 10.30 Megastructures Breakdown. (R) 11.30 Cheers. (PG, R) 12.00 WIN News. (R, CC) 1.00 Monster Jam. (R) 2.00 Star Trek. (PG, R) 3.00 Get Smart. (PG, R) 4.00 Jake And The Fatman. (PG, R) 5.00 Diagnosis Murder. (PG, R) 6.00 Hogan’s Heroes. (R) 6.30 M*A*S*H. (PG, R) 7.30 Hawaii Five-0. (M, R, CC) 8.30 MOVIE: Shaft. (M, R) (2000) A maverick detective quits the force. Samuel L Jackson, Toni Collette. 10.30 The Last Man On Earth. (M) 11.30 Get Smart. (PG, R) 12.30 Motorcycle Racing. MotoGP. Race 14. Aragón Grand Prix. Replay. 2.00 Monster Jam. (R) 3.00 Jake And The Fatman. (PG, R) 4.00 Diagnosis Murder. (PG, R) 5.00 Get Smart. (PG, R)

ELEVEN 6.00 Toasted TV. 6.05 Matt Hatter Chronicles. (R) 6.30 Victorious. (R) 7.05 Pokémon. (R) 7.35 Blazing Team. (R) 8.00 Totally Wild. (C, R, CC) 8.35 Pound Puppies. (R) 9.00 Super Wings. (R) 9.30 Crocamole. (P, R, CC) 10.00 Touched By An Angel. (PG, R) 11.00 JAG. (PG, R) 12.00 Frasier. (PG, R) 1.00 WIN News. (R, CC) 2.00 Glee. (PG, R) 3.00 King Of Queens. (PG, R) 3.30 Becker. (PG, R, CC) 4.00 Malcolm. (PG, R, CC) 4.30 Raymond. (R, CC) 5.30 Frasier. (PG, R) 6.00 Family Feud. (CC) 6.30 Neighbours. (CC) 7.00 Malcolm. (PG, R, CC) 7.30 Fresh Off The Boat. (PG, R) 8.00 Rules Of Engagement. (PG, R, CC) 8.30 MOVIE: View From The Top. (PG, R) (2003) Gwyneth Paltrow, Christina Applegate. 10.15 Raymond. (R, CC) 11.15 James Corden. (M) 12.15 King Of Queens. (PG, R) 12.50 Becker. (PG, R, CC) 1.25 Raymond. (R, CC) 2.30 Frasier. (PG, R) 3.30 Late Programs.

6.00 WorldWatch. 12.00 MOVIE: ParisManhattan. (PG, R, CC) (2012) 1.25 Huang’s World. (PG, R, CC) 2.15 Jungletown. (PG, R) 3.05 Vs Arashi. (PG, R) 4.00 Street Genius. (R) 4.30 Brain Games. (PG, R) 5.00 News. 5.30 If You Are The One. (R) 6.30 MythBusters. (R, CC) 7.30 The Feed. 8.00 Travel Man. 8.30 South Park. 9.00 MOVIE: Be Cool. (R) (2005) 11.15 MOVIE: Di Di Hollywood. (MA15+, R, CC) (2010) 1.00 Desus And Mero. (M) 1.30 The Feed. (R) 2.00 Late Programs.

SBS FOOD 6.00 Morning Programs. 1.00 Secret Eats. (R) 2.00 Worst Cooks. (PG, R) 3.00 Barefoot Contessa. (R) 3.30 Giada At Home. (R) 4.00 The Best In Australia. (PG, R) 5.00 Dinner At Tiffani’s. (R) 5.30 Burgers, Brew & ‘Que. (R) 6.00 Reza: Spice Prince Of India. (R) 6.30 Bizarre Foods. (PG, R) 7.30 Follow Donal To Europe. (R) 8.30 Celebrity Food Fight. (PG) 9.00 Sweet Smarts. (New Series) 9.30 Mystery Diners. (PG, R) 10.30 Man Vs Food: Carnivore. (R) 11.00 Late Programs.

NITV 6.00 Morning Programs. 1.00 Venus And Serena. (M) 2.45 Songlines. (PG) 3.00 Aussie Bush Tales. 3.15 Tales Of Tatonka. 3.30 Inuk. 4.00 Cities Of Gold. (PG) 4.30 Kagagi. (PG) 5.00 In The Frame. 5.30 Cafe Niugini. 6.00 Surviving. (R) 6.30 The Prophets. (PG, R) 7.00 Our Stories. 7.20 The Mulka Project. (PG, R) 7.25 News. 7.30 Jersey Strong. 8.00 The Team That Never Played. (PG, R) 9.00 The Point. 9.30 Get Your Fish On. (R) 10.00 Pro Bull Riding. 11.00 Late Programs.

CLASSIFICATIONS: (P) For preschoolers (C) Children’s programs (G) General viewing (PG) Parental guidance (M) Mature audiences (MA15+) Mature audiences only (AV15+) Extreme violence. (R) Repeat (CC) Closed Captions. Please Note: Listings are correct at the time of print and are subject to late change by networks.

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September 21-27, 2017 Dubbo Photo News


Tuesday September 26 ABC



6.00 News Breakfast. (CC) 9.00 ABC News. (CC) 10.00 Fake Or Fortune? (R, CC) 11.00 Grand Designs. (R, CC) 12.00 ABC News At Noon. (CC) 1.00 ABC News. (CC) 1.30 Australia Remembers: Polygon Wood. (CC) 2.30 ABC News. (CC) 2.55 The Coroner. (PG, R, CC) 3.40 Invictus Games. (CC) Day 3. Highlights. 4.30 Eggheads. (R, CC) 5.00 ABC News: Early Edition. (CC) 5.30 The Drum. (CC)

6.00 9.00 11.30 12.00

6.00 Short Cuts To Glory: Recipes. (CC) Hosted by Matt Okine. 6.10 Grand Designs. (PG, R, CC) Hosted by Kevin McCloud. 7.00 ABC News. (CC) Coverage of news, sport and weather. 7.30 7.30. (CC) Presented by Leigh Sales. 8.05 David Attenborough’s Micro Monsters: Predator. (R, CC) A look at the world of bugs. 8.30 Catalyst: Sit Back, Relax – The Dawn Of The Driverless Car. (CC) Takes a look at driverless cars, which are quickly moving from the realm of science fiction. 9.30 Inside London Fire Brigade. (PG, CC) Part 3 of 3. 10.30 Lateline. (R, CC) Hosted by Emma Alberici. 11.00 The Business. (R, CC) Hosted by Elysse Morgan. 11.15 Trigger Point. (MA15+, R, CC)

6.00 PRIME7 News. (CC) 6.30 PRIME7 News @ 6:30. (CC) 7.00 Home And Away. (PG, CC) Tori struggles with Ash’s feelings. Questions are raised over whether Robbo was involved with Dylan. 7.30 First Dates Australia. (PG, CC) A mother and daughter go on a double date. A gym junkie calls in his big guns to impress his date. 8.40 800 Words. (PG, CC) George is recruited as a reluctant accomplice for a secret mission involving Woody’s past. 9.40 Ramsay’s Kitchen Nightmares USA. (M, CC) With tensions rising and food not up to standards, Chef Ramsay is faced with a sticky situation. 10.40 The Catch. (M, CC) Alice is caught off guard. 11.40 Mistresses. (M, CC) Karen shares her baby news.

12.15 Inside London Fire Brigade. (PG, R, CC) Part 3 of 3. 1.15 The Punk Singer. (M, R, CC) 2.35 Rage. (MA15+) 4.05 Fake Or Fortune? Delaroche. (R, CC) 5.05 The Bill. (PG, R, CC)

1.00 Home Shopping. (R) Shopping program. 5.30 Sunrise. (CC) David Koch and Samantha Armytage present the news, sport and weather, with business and finance updates.


2.00 3.00 4.00 5.00

Sunrise. (CC) The Morning Show. (PG, CC) Seven Morning News. (CC) MOVIE: A Child Lost Forever. (PG, R, CC) (1992) Beverly D’Angelo. The Daily Edition. (CC) The hottest issues from the day’s news. The Chase. (R, CC) Hosted by Bradley Walsh. Seven News At 4. (CC) The Chase Australia. (CC)


6.00 Children’s Programs. 6.05 Fireman Sam. (R, CC) 6.15 Octonauts. (R, CC) 6.25 Peter Rabbit. (R, CC) 6.35 Ben And Holly. (R, CC) 6.50 Shaun The Sheep. (R, CC) 7.00 Spicks And Specks. (R, CC) 7.30 River Monsters. (PG, R, CC) 8.20 Hard Quiz. (PG, R, CC) 8.50 Anthony Bourdain: Parts Unknown. (PG, CC) 9.35 Banged Up Abroad. (M, R, CC) 10.20 Ross Kemp: Extreme World. (MA15+, R, CC) 11.05 That ’70s Show. 1.45 River Monsters. 2.35 News Update. 2.40 Close. 5.00 Children’s Programs.

ABC ME 6.00 Children’s Programs. 5.35 Grojband. (R, CC) 6.00 Camp Lakebottom. (R, CC) 6.10 Slugterra. (R, CC) 6.35 The Next Step. (R, CC) 7.00 Horrible Histories. (R, CC) 7.30 Deadly Pole To Pole. (R, CC) 8.00 BtN Newsbreak. (CC) 8.05 Backstage. (PG, R, CC) 8.30 Dance Academy. (R, CC) 8.55 The Haunting Hour. (PG, R, CC) 9.15 Annoying Orange. (R, CC) 9.30 Rage. (PG, R) 10.30 Close. 5.00 Arthur. (R, CC) 5.25 Sally Bollywood. (R, CC) 5.35 Children’s Programs.

ABC NEWS 6.00 News. (CC) 9.00 News. (CC) 1.30 Australia Remembers: Polygon Wood. (CC) 2.30 News. 6.00 ABC News National. 6.30 Drum. (R, CC) 7.00 The Business. 9.00 ABC News National. 9.30 Lateline. (CC) 10.00 The World. 11.00 News. (CC) 11.25 7.30. (R, CC) 12.00 News. 12.30 Drum. (R, CC) 1.00 Al Jazeera. 2.00 BBC Global. 2.25 7.30. (R, CC) 3.00 BBC Global. 3.30 Drum. (R, CC) 4.00 Al Jazeera. 5.00 Outside Source. 5.30 Lateline. (R, CC)

6.00 9.00 11.30 12.00 1.00

Today. (CC) Today Extra. (PG, CC) Morning News. (CC) The Ellen DeGeneres Show. (PG, CC) Extra. (CC) Entertainment news program. Hot In Cleveland. (PG, R, CC) The Block. (PG, R, CC) News Now. (CC) Afternoon News. (CC) Millionaire Hot Seat. (CC)


6.00 France 24 English News. (CC) 6.30 Al Jazeera. (CC) 7.00 BBC News. (CC) 7.30 Italian News. 8.10 Filipino News. 8.40 French News. 9.30 Greek News. 10.30 German News. 11.00 Spanish News. 12.00 Arabic News. 12.30 Turkish News. 1.00 PBS NewsHour. (CC) 2.00 Celtic Woman: The Greatest Journey. (R, CC) 3.00 My Restaurant In India. (PG, R, CC) 3.30 Weirdest Weather In The Universe. (R, CC) 4.30 Operation Grand Canyon With Dan Snow. (R, CC) 5.30 Letters And Numbers. (R, CC)

6.00 Nine News. (CC) 7.00 A Current Affair. (CC) 7.30 The Block. (PG, CC) The teams continue with the demolition of their guest bedrooms, along with planning their backyards. 8.40 The Big Bang Theory. (PG, CC) Leonard is less than thrilled when Penny considers accepting a job offer from Zack, her ex-boyfriend. Fearing his great mind is letting him down, Sheldon vows to improve his cognitive function by learning new tasks. 9.10 Kath & Kim. (PG, R, CC) Kath’s first husband and Kim’s dad, Gary, moves back in claiming to be broke and homeless. 10.20 2 Broke Girls. (M, CC) Sophie and Oleg decide to go out on a date. 11.20 Cold Case. (M, R, CC) A young man’s murder is reopened.

6.00 WIN News. (CC) 6.30 The Project. (CC) Join the hosts for a look at the day’s news, events and hot topics. 7.30 Australian Survivor. (CC) The contestants compete in a fast-paced memory challenge to secure their safety for another Tribal Council. 8.30 NCIS. (M, R, CC) After a missing MI6 officer is linked to a murdered petty officer, Gibbs sends Quinn and Bishop to Philadelphia to investigate. 9.30 NCIS: Los Angeles. (M, R, CC) Sam partners with Anna, and Callen goes with Deeks, as the team investigates the disappearance of a US Navy lieutenant commander who was working with the NSA on foreign cyber threats. 10.30 NCIS: Los Angeles. (M, R, CC) Sam is sent undercover in a private security firm with links to several criminal organisations. 11.30 WIN’s All Australian News. (CC)

6.00 River Cottage Australia. (CC) Digger brings joy to some people in need. Darcy returns to solve a long time problem on the farm. 6.30 SBS World News. (CC) 7.30 Secrets Of Our Cities. (CC) Part 1 of 3. Greig Pickhaver sets out to discover the secrets of some of Australia’s most iconic cities. 8.30 Insight. (R, CC) Current affairs forum program, focusing on the issue of tickborne diseases in Australia. 9.30 Dateline. (CC) Documentary-style look at all-manner of international current affairs. 10.00 SBS World News Late Edition. (CC) 10.30 Miniseries: The Girl With The Dragon Tattoo. (MA15+, R, CC) Part 2 of 2. A journalist and a hacker continue to explore a young woman’s disappearance.

12.15 20/20. (CC) 1.10 Anger Management. (M, R, CC) 1.35 Destination Happiness. (R, CC) 2.00 Extra. (R, CC) 2.30 Global Shop. 3.00 Skippy The Bush Kangaroo. (R) 3.30 Good Morning America. (CC) 5.00 News Early Edition. (CC) 5.30 Today. (CC)

12.30 The Project. (R, CC) A look at the day’s news. 1.30 The Late Show With Stephen Colbert. (PG, CC) 2.30 Home Shopping. (R) 4.30 CBS This Morning. (CC)

12.10 MOVIE: If You Are The One. (M, R, CC) (2008) 2.20 How Safe Are My Drugs? (MA15+, R, CC) 3.25 Crazy For Party Drugs. (M, R, CC) 4.30 Soccer. UEFA Champions League. Matchday 2.

1.30 2.00 3.00 4.00 5.00

6.00 Children’s Programs. 11.00 Friends. (PG, R, CC) 12.00 Dawson’s Creek. (PG, R, CC) 1.00 Airplane Repo. (PG, R) 2.00 Children’s Programs. 6.00 Regular Show. (PG, R) 6.30 Adv Time. 7.00 The Middle. (PG, R, CC) 7.30 RBT. (PG, CC) 8.30 MOVIE: Gravity. (M, R, CC) (2013) 10.30 Balls Of Steel Australia. (MA15+, R) 11.30 Two And A Half Men. (PG, R, CC) 12.00 Rick And Morty. (M, R) 12.30 Adv Time. (R) 1.00 Regular Show. (PG, R) 1.30 Ben 10. (PG, R) 2.00 Pokémon. (R) 2.30 Children’s Programs.


6.00 Morning Programs. 12.00 Charlie’s Angels. (PG, R) 1.00 Wipeout USA. (PG, R, CC) 2.00 What Went Down. (PG, R) 2.30 Brandi And Jarrod: Married To The Job. (PG, R) 3.00 Swamp People. (PG, R) 4.00 American Pickers. (PG, R) 5.00 Ultimate Factories. (PG, R) 6.00 American Pickers. (PG, R) 7.00 Pawn Stars. (PG, CC) 7.30 Highway Patrol. (PG, R, CC) 8.30 Towies. (PG) 9.00 Highway Thru Hell USA. (M) 10.00 Ice Road Truckers. (M) 11.00 Strip N’ Rip. (M, R) 12.00 Late Programs.


6.00 Morning Programs. 7.30 TV Shop. (R) 8.00 Ellen DeGeneres. (PG, R, CC) 9.00 TV Shop. (R) 9.30 Danoz. 10.30 Harry. (PG, CC) 11.30 As Time Goes By. (R) 12.00 MOVIE: Two Way Stretch. (R, CC) (1960) 1.45 The Hunt. (PG, R, CC) 2.55 This Farming Life. (PG) 4.15 Heartbeat. (PG, R) 5.20 Are You Being Served? (PG, R) 6.00 Friends. (PG, R, CC) 7.00 To The Manor Born. (R) 7.30 New Tricks. (M, R) 8.40 Midsomer Murders. (M, R, CC) 10.50 Hurricane 360. (PG, R, CC) 12.00 Late Programs.


6.00 Morning Programs. 10.00 James Robison. (PG) 10.30 Travel Oz. (PG, R, CC) 12.00 Once Upon A Time In Wonderland. (PG, R) 2.00 Whodunnit? (PG, R) 3.00 Home And Away. (PG, R, CC) 3.30 Trophy Wife. (PG, R) 4.00 Bewitched. (R, CC) 4.30 I Dream Of Jeannie. (R, CC) 5.00 Just Shoot Me! (PG, R, CC) 5.30 Married With Children. (PG, R) 6.30 The Nanny. (PG, R) 7.30 Castle. (M, R, CC) 8.30 Bones. (M, R, CC) 10.30 Blindspot. (M, R, CC) 11.30 The Goldbergs. (PG, R, CC) 12.00 Late Programs.


6.00 Ent. Tonight. (PG, CC) 6.30 Family Feud. (R, CC) 7.00 WIN News. (R, CC) 8.00 The Bold And The Beautiful. (PG, R, CC) 8.30 Studio 10. (PG, CC) 12.00 Dr Phil. (PG, R, CC) 1.00 Australian Survivor. (R, CC) 2.30 Ben’s Menu. (R, CC) 3.00 Judge Judy. (PG, CC) 3.30 Alive And Cooking. (CC) 4.00 The Cook’s Pantry With Matt Sinclair. (CC) 4.30 The Bold And The Beautiful. (PG, CC) 5.00 TEN Eyewitness News. (CC)


6.00 Morning Programs. 9.00 Million Dollar Minute. (R, CC) 9.30 NBC Today. (R, CC) 12.00 New Zealand On A Plate. (R, CC) 12.30 Intolerant Cooks. (R) 1.00 Mr Selfridge. (PG, R, CC) 2.00 Deal Or No Deal. (R, CC) 2.30 Million Dollar Minute. (R, CC) 3.00 Medical Rookies. (PG, R, CC) 3.30 60 Minute Makeover. (PG, R) 4.30 Escape To The Country. (R) 6.30 Bargain Hunt. (R) 7.30 Islands Of Britain. (R) 8.30 Prime Suspect. (M, R, CC) 10.45 All Round To Mrs Brown’s. (M, R, CC) 12.00 Late Programs.


Dubbo’s TV Guide

6.00 Morning Programs. 12.00 Ready, Set, Reno. (PG, R, CC) 1.00 Masters Of Flip. (R) 2.00 Food Fighters. (PG, R) 3.00 The Block Sky High. (PG, R, CC) 4.00 Come Dine With Me UK. (PG, R) 5.00 Beachfront Bargain Hunt: Renovation. (R) 6.00 Four In A Bed. (PG) 6.30 House Hunters Int. (R) 7.00 House Hunters. 7.30 Botched. (M, R, CC) 8.30 The Real Housewives Of Cheshire. (M) 9.30 Ladies Of London. (M) 10.30 My Big Fat Gypsy Valentine. (M) 11.30 House Hunters Int. (R) 12.00 Late Programs.



6.00 Shopping. (R) 8.00 Extreme Fisherman. (PG, R) 9.00 Reel Action. (R) 9.30 Jake And The Fatman. (PG, R) 10.30 Hogan’s Heroes. (R) 11.00 M*A*S*H. (PG, R) 12.00 WIN News. (R, CC) 1.00 Monster Jam. (R) 2.00 Star Trek. (PG, R) 3.00 Get Smart. (PG, R) 4.00 Jake And The Fatman. (PG, R) 5.00 Diagnosis Murder. (PG, R) 6.00 Hogan’s Heroes. (R) Camp security is raised. 6.30 M*A*S*H. (PG, R) 7.30 48 Hours. (M, R, CC) 9.30 VF Confidential: Prisoner Of Denver. (M, R) 10.30 Highlander. (M, R) 11.30 Diagnosis Murder. (M, R) 12.30 Shopping. (R) 2.00 Get Smart. (PG, R) 3.00 Jake And The Fatman. (PG, R) 4.00 Diagnosis Murder. (PG, R) 5.00 Highlander. (M, R)

ELEVEN 6.00 Toasted TV. 6.05 Matt Hatter Chronicles. (R) 6.30 Victorious. (R) 7.05 Pokémon. (R) 7.35 Blazing Team. (R) 8.00 Totally Wild. (C, R, CC) 8.35 Pound Puppies. (R) 9.00 Super Wings. (R) 9.30 Crocamole. (P, R, CC) 10.00 Touched By An Angel. (PG, R) 11.00 JAG. (PG, R) 12.00 Frasier. (PG, R) 1.00 WIN News. (R, CC) 2.00 Glee. (PG, R) 3.00 King Of Queens. (PG, R) 3.30 Becker. (PG, R, CC) 4.00 Malcolm. (PG, R, CC) 4.30 Raymond. (R, CC) 5.30 Frasier. (PG, R) 6.00 Family Feud. (CC) 6.30 Neighbours. (CC) 7.00 Malcolm. (PG, R, CC) 7.30 Fresh Off The Boat. (R) 8.00 Rules Of Engagement. (PG, R, CC) 8.30 MOVIE: Tomorrow, When The War Began. (M, R, CC) (2010) Caitlin Stasey, Rachel Hurd-Wood. 10.30 Raymond. (R, CC) 11.30 James Corden. (M) 12.30 King Of Queens. (PG, R) 1.00 Becker. (PG, R, CC) 1.30 Raymond. (R, CC) 2.30 Frasier. (PG, R) 3.30 Late Programs.

6.00 WorldWatch. 12.00 MOVIE: The Orator. (PG, R) (2011) 1.55 Huang’s World. (PG, R, CC) 2.45 Jungletown. (PG, R) 3.35 The Feed. (R) 4.10 Street Genius. (R) 4.35 Brain Games. (R) 5.05 Balls Deep. (PG, R) 5.35 If You Are The One. (R) 6.35 MythBusters. (PG, R, CC) 7.30 The Feed. 8.00 Adam Ruins Everything. (M) 8.30 The Real True Detective. 8.55 How Narcissists Took Over The World. 9.25 UnREAL. (Series return) 10.15 The Mindy Project. (M) 10.40 Late Programs.

SBS FOOD 6.00 Morning Programs. 1.00 Mystery Diners. (PG, R) 1.30 Man Vs Food: Carnivore. (R) 2.00 Bizarre Foods. (PG, R) 3.00 Barefoot Contessa. (R) 3.30 Giada At Home. (R) 4.00 The Best In Australia. (PG, R) 5.00 Dinner At Tiffani’s. (R) 5.30 Burgers, Brew & ‘Que. (R) 6.00 Reza: Spice Prince Of India. (R) 6.30 Bizarre Foods. (PG, R) 7.30 Secret Eats. (R) 8.30 People Of The Vines. 9.30 Mystery Diners. (PG, R) 10.30 Man Vs Food: Carnivore. (R) 11.00 Restaurant: Impossible. (PG, R) 11.55 Late Programs.

NITV 6.00 Morning Programs. 1.30 Pro Bull Riding. (M, R) 2.30 Surviving. (R) 3.00 Aussie Bush Tales. (R) 3.15 Tales Of Tatonka. (R) 3.30 Inuk. (R) 4.00 Cities Of Gold. (PG, R) 4.30 Kagagi. (PG, R) 5.00 In The Frame. (PG, R) 5.30 Kriol Kitchen. (R) 6.00 Campfire. (R) 6.30 One With Nature. (R) 7.00 Our Stories. 7.20 The Mulka Project. (R) 7.25 News. 7.30 The Other Side. (M) 8.00 UnderExposed. (PG, R) 9.00 The Point. 9.30 Football. Grand Final. From Cairns. 11.00 Late Programs.

CLASSIFICATIONS: (P) For preschoolers (C) Children’s programs (G) General viewing (PG) Parental guidance (M) Mature audiences (MA15+) Mature audiences only (AV15+) Extreme violence. (R) Repeat (CC) Closed Captions. Please Note: Listings are correct at the time of print and are subject to late change by networks.

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Dubbo Photo News September 21-27, 2017


Wednesday September 27 ABC



6.00 News Breakfast. (CC) 9.00 ABC News. (CC) 10.00 Fake Or Fortune? (R, CC) 11.00 Grand Designs. (PG, R, CC) 12.00 ABC News At Noon. (CC) 12.30 National Press Club Address. (CC) 1.30 Australian Story. (R, CC) 2.00 Serangoon Road. (M, R, CC) 2.55 The Coroner. (PG, R, CC) 3.40 Invictus Games. (CC) Day 4. Highlights. 4.30 Eggheads. (R, CC) 5.00 ABC News: Early Edition. (CC) 5.30 The Drum. (CC)

6.00 9.00 11.30 12.00

6.00 Short Cuts To Glory: Recipes. (CC) 6.10 Grand Designs. (R, CC) 7.00 ABC News. (CC) Coverage of news, sport and weather. 7.30 7.30. (CC) Presented by Leigh Sales. 8.00 Hard Quiz. (PG, CC) Presented by Tom Gleeson. 8.30 Gruen. (CC) Wil Anderson, Russel Howcroft and Todd Sampson analyse the advertising industry and consumerism. 9.05 Get Krack!n. (MA15+, CC) McLennan apologises for a joke. 9.35 The Edge Of The Bush. (M, CC) Part 3 of 5. 9.45 Adam Hills: The Last Leg. (M, R, CC) Guests include Ed Miliband and Aisling Bea. 10.30 Lateline. (R, CC) 11.00 The Business. (R, CC) 11.15 Four Corners. (R, CC)

6.00 PRIME7 News. (CC) 6.30 PRIME7 News @ 6:30. (CC) 7.00 Home And Away. (PG, CC) Ben considers forgiving Brody and giving him a second chance. Mason may be falling too quickly for Beth. 7.30 Cannonball. (PG, CC) (New Series) Outdoor game show where young couples compete in a series of water battles set on a lake. 8.30 Criminal Minds. (M, CC) The team believes two killers may be operating at the same time, when victims murdered in two drastically different ways are discovered in the same city. 10.30 Chicago Fire. (M, CC) Herrmann embarks on a mission to catch a mystery tagger that keeps targeting their firehouse. 11.30 Motive. (M, CC) Angie and the team investigate the murder of a suburban mother and abduction of her child.

12.05 Media Watch. (PG, R, CC) 12.20 National Press Club Address. (R, CC) 1.20 Adam Hills: The Last Leg. (M, R, CC) 2.05 Rage. (MA15+) 4.05 Fake Or Fortune? (R, CC) 5.05 The Bill. (PG, R, CC)

12.30 Home Shopping. (R) Shopping program. 5.30 Sunrise. (CC) David Koch and Samantha Armytage present the news, sport and weather, with business and finance updates.


2.00 3.00 4.00 5.00

Sunrise. (CC) The Morning Show. (PG, CC) Seven Morning News. (CC) MOVIE: Toni Braxton: Unbreak My Heart. (PG, CC) (2016) Lex Scott Davis. The Daily Edition. (CC) The hottest issues from the day’s news. The Chase. (R, CC) Hosted by Bradley Walsh. Seven News At 4. (CC) The Chase Australia. (CC)


6.00 Children’s Programs. 6.15 Octonauts. (R, CC) 6.25 Peter Rabbit. (R, CC) 6.35 Ben And Holly. (R, CC) 6.50 Shaun The Sheep. (R, CC) 7.00 Spicks And Specks. (PG, R, CC) 7.30 River Monsters. (PG, R, CC) 8.20 The Checkout. (R, CC) 8.30 The Insider. (MA15+, R, CC) 9.20 The Lie Detective. (PG, CC) (Final) 10.05 Head First. (M, R, CC) 11.05 Catfish: The TV Show. 11.50 I Took My Baby’s Life. 12.40 Wild Things With Dom Monaghan. 1.25 River Monsters. 2.15 News Update. 2.20 Close. 5.00 Children’s Programs.

ABC ME 6.00 Children’s Programs. 5.40 Grojband. (R, CC) 6.00 Camp Lakebottom. (R, CC) 6.10 Slugterra. (R, CC) 6.35 The Next Step. (R, CC) 7.00 Horrible Histories. (R, CC) 7.30 Deadly Pole To Pole. (R, CC) 8.00 BtN Newsbreak. (CC) 8.05 Backstage. (PG, R, CC) 8.30 Dance Academy. (R, CC) 8.55 The Haunting Hour. (PG, R, CC) 9.15 Annoying Orange. (R, CC) 9.30 Rage. (PG, R) 10.30 Close. 5.00 Arthur. (R, CC) 5.25 Sally Bollywood. (R, CC) 5.35 Children’s Programs.

ABC NEWS 6.00 News. (CC) 9.00 News. (CC) 12.30 Press Club. (CC) 1.30 News. (CC) 6.00 ABC News National. 6.30 Drum. (R, CC) 7.00 The Business. 9.00 ABC News National. 9.30 Lateline. (CC) 10.00 The World. 11.00 News. (CC) 11.30 7.30. (R, CC) 12.00 News. 12.30 Drum. (R, CC) 1.00 Al Jazeera. 2.00 BBC Global. 2.30 7.30. (R, CC) 3.00 BBC Global. 3.30 Drum. (R, CC) 4.00 Al Jazeera. 5.00 Outside Source. 5.30 Lateline. (R, CC)

6.00 9.00 11.30 12.00 1.00


Today. (CC) Today Extra. (PG, CC) Morning News. (CC) The Ellen DeGeneres Show. (PG, CC) Extra. (CC) Entertainment news program. Hot In Cleveland. (PG, R, CC) The Block. (PG, R, CC) News Now. (CC) Afternoon News. (CC) Millionaire Hot Seat. (CC)


6.00 Soccer. UEFA Champions League. Matchday 2. Continued. 7.00 BBC News. (CC) 7.30 Italian News. 8.10 Filipino News. 8.40 French News. 9.30 Greek News. 10.30 German News. 11.00 Spanish News. 12.00 Arabic News. 12.30 Turkish News. 1.00 PBS NewsHour. (CC) 2.00 Who Do You Think You Are? (PG, R, CC) 3.05 Dateline. (R, CC) 3.30 Insight. (R, CC) 4.30 Wild Sri Lanka. (R, CC) 5.30 Letters And Numbers. (R, CC)

6.00 Nine News. (CC) 7.00 A Current Affair. (CC) 7.30 The Block. (PG, CC) The teams return from a challenge in the ski fields with just a couple of days to finish their rooms. 8.40 Doctor Doctor. (CC) Hugh struggles to prove his innocence and win back Penny after failing a drug test. Meryl and Charlie lock horns over Hayley’s entry in the Miss Whyhope competition. Ajax makes the worst decision of his life. 9.40 Embarrassing Bodies. (M, CC) Patients who were previously seen by the doctors “remotely” pay a return visit. 10.40 Chicago Med. (M, CC) Will fights to save his former teacher, who faces a lifethreatening disease. 11.40 The Closer. (M, R, CC) Brenda and her team investigate the murder of an esteemed Hollywood producer.

6.00 WIN News. (CC) 6.30 The Project. (CC) Join the hosts for a look at the day’s news, events and hot topics. 7.30 The Bachelorette Australia. (CC) In a group date like no other, Sophie’s family go undercover to get unfiltered access to the men. 8.30 MOVIE: The Second Best Exotic Marigold Hotel. (PG, R, CC) (2015) A young Indian hotelier with expansionist dreams tries to juggle a full house, his upcoming marriage and concerns about a rival for his affections, all while the elderly residents of his hotel look on. Judi Dench, Bill Nighy, Maggie Smith. 10.55 Hawaii Five-0. (M, R, CC) McGarrett and the team become entangled in the twisted mind games of serial killer Dr Madison Gray. 11.55 WIN’s All Australian News. (CC)

6.00 River Cottage Australia. (CC) Paul takes part in a species eradication program. 6.30 SBS World News. (CC) 7.35 Railways That Built Britain: Boom, Bust And Blood. (CC) Part 1 of 3. Chris Tarrant explores how the railways have helped shape the world. 8.30 Look Me In The Eye. (PG, CC) Host Ray Martin explores what happens when two estranged people come face-to-face. 9.30 The Good Fight. (M, CC) (Final) Diane takes on a new client who is accused of cyber-terrorism, resulting in unforeseen repercussions. 10.25 The Handmaid’s Tale. (MA15+, CC) Offred has a shocking revelation. 11.20 SBS World News Late Edition. (CC) 11.55 MOVIE: Bodkin Ras. (CC) (2016) Lily Szramko.

12.40 20/20. (CC) 1.30 Postcards. (PG, CC) 2.00 Extra. (R, CC) 2.30 Global Shop. 3.00 Skippy The Bush Kangaroo. (R) 3.30 Good Morning America. (CC) 5.00 News Early Edition. (CC) 5.30 Today. (CC)

12.55 The Project. (R, CC) A look at the day’s news. 1.55 The Late Show With Stephen Colbert. (PG, CC) 3.00 Home Shopping. (R) 4.30 CBS This Morning. (CC)

1.20 MOVIE: Barney’s Version. (M, R, CC) (2010) 3.45 Trawlermen: The Catch. (MA15+, R, CC) 4.40 Destination Flavour: Japan Bitesize. (R, CC) 4.50 SBS Flashback. (R, CC) 5.00 CGTN English News. (R, CC) 5.15 NHK World English News. (CC) 5.30 Deutsche Welle. (CC)

1.30 2.00 3.00 4.00 5.00


6.00 Children’s Programs. 11.00 Friends. (PG, R, CC) 12.00 Dawson’s Creek. (PG, R, CC) 1.00 Airplane Repo. (PG, R) 2.00 Children’s Programs. 6.00 Regular Show. (PG, R) 6.30 Adv Time. 7.00 The Middle. (PG, R, CC) 7.30 Big Bang. (PG, R, CC) 8.30 MOVIE: Ferris Bueller’s Day Off. (PG, R) (1986) 10.45 MOVIE: The Perks Of Being A Wallflower. (M, R, CC) (2012) 12.50 Looney Tunes Cartoons. (R) 1.00 Regular Show. (PG, R) 1.30 Ben 10. (PG, R) 2.00 Pokémon. (R) 2.30 Children’s Programs.


6.00 Morning Programs. 10.00 A Football Life. (PG, R) 11.00 Starsky & Hutch. (PG, R) 12.00 Charlie’s Angels. (PG, R) 1.00 Wipeout USA. (PG, R, CC) 2.00 Timbersports. Highlights. 2.30 What Went Down. (PG, R) 3.00 Ultimate Factories. (PG, R) 4.00 Grilled. (PG) 5.00 American Pickers. (PG, R) 7.00 Pawn Stars. (PG, CC) 7.30 Highway Cops. (PG, R, CC) 8.30 American Restoration. (PG) 9.30 American Pickers. (PG) 10.30 Ax Men. (M) 11.30 Hardcore Pawn. (M, R) 12.00 Late Programs.


6.00 Morning Programs. 8.00 Ellen DeGeneres. (PG, R, CC) 9.00 TV Shop. (R) 10.30 Harry. (PG, CC) 11.30 To The Manor Born. (R) 12.00 MOVIE: Floating Dutchman. (PG, R, CC) (1952) 1.35 The Hairy Bikers: Mums Know Best. (PG, R) 2.55 This Farming Life. (PG) 4.15 Heartbeat. (PG, R) 5.20 Are You Being Served? (PG, R) 6.00 Friends. (PG, R, CC) 7.00 To The Manor Born. (R) 7.30 Call The Midwife. (M, R) 8.45 Agatha Christie’s Poirot. (PG, R) 11.00 Silent Witness. (MA15+, R) 12.10 Late Programs.


6.00 Morning Programs. 10.30 Travel Oz. (PG, R, CC) 12.00 Once Upon A Time In Wonderland. (PG, R) 2.00 Whodunnit? (PG, R) 3.00 Home And Away. (PG, R, CC) 3.30 Trophy Wife. (PG, R) 4.00 Bewitched. (R, CC) 4.30 I Dream Of Jeannie. (R, CC) 5.00 Just Shoot Me! (PG, R, CC) 5.30 Married With Children. (PG, R) 6.30 The Nanny. (PG, R) 7.30 Castle. (M, R, CC) 8.30 The Big Bang Theory. (PG, R) 11.00 MOVIE: Panic Room. (MA15+, R, CC) (2002) 1.20 Late Programs.


6.00 Ent. Tonight. (PG, R, CC) 6.30 Family Feud. (R, CC) 7.00 WIN News. (R, CC) 8.00 The Bold And The Beautiful. (PG, R, CC) 8.30 Studio 10. (PG, CC) 12.00 Dr Phil. (PG, R, CC) 1.00 To Be Advised. 2.00 Entertainment Tonight. (PG, CC) 2.30 Ben’s Menu. (R, CC) 3.00 Judge Judy. (PG, CC) 3.30 Alive And Cooking. (CC) 4.00 The Cook’s Pantry With Matt Sinclair. (CC) 4.30 The Bold And The Beautiful. (PG, CC) 5.00 TEN Eyewitness News. (CC)


6.00 Morning Programs. 9.00 Million Dollar Minute. (R, CC) 9.30 NBC Today. (R, CC) 12.00 The Great Outdoors. (R, CC) 2.00 Deal Or No Deal. (R, CC) 2.30 Million Dollar Minute. (R, CC) 3.00 Medical Rookies. (PG, R, CC) 3.30 60 Minute Makeover. (PG, R) 4.30 Escape To The Country. (R) 6.30 Bargain Hunt. (R) 7.30 Vicar Of Dibley. (PG, R, CC) 8.00 Fawlty Towers. (PG, R) 8.30 The Inspector Lynley Mysteries. (M, R, CC) 10.30 Border Patrol. (PG, R) 11.30 Bargain Hunt. (R) 12.30 Late Programs.

Dubbo’s TV Guide

6.00 Morning Programs. 12.00 The Travelling Chef. (R, CC) 12.30 Destination Happiness. (R, CC) 1.00 House Hunters Int Reno. (R) 2.00 The Block Sky High. (PG, R, CC) 4.00 Come Dine With Me UK. (PG, R) 5.00 Masters Of Flip. (R) 6.00 Four In A Bed. (PG) 6.30 House Hunters Int. (R) 7.00 House Hunters. 7.30 Fixer Upper. (PG, R) 8.30 Flip Or Flop. (R) 9.30 Million Dollar Listing NY. (M) 10.30 Selling New York. (PG) 11.30 House Hunters Int. (R) 12.00 Late Programs.


6.00 Shopping. (R) 8.00 Snap Happy. (R) 8.30 Merv Hughes Fishing. (R) 9.00 Fishing Edge. (R, CC) 9.30 Jake And The Fatman. (PG, R) 10.30 Hogan’s Heroes. (R) 11.00 M*A*S*H. (PG, R) 12.00 WIN News. (R, CC) 1.00 Monster Jam. (R) 2.00 Star Trek. (PG, R) 3.00 Get Smart. (PG, R) 4.00 Jake And The Fatman. (PG, R) 5.00 Diagnosis Murder. (PG, R) 6.00 Hogan’s Heroes. (R) 6.30 M*A*S*H. (PG, R) 7.30 David Attenborough’s Planet Earth. (PG, R, CC) 8.30 Undercover Boss. (PG, R) Meet Geoff Zeidler of Securitas. 9.30 Shark Tank. (PG, R, CC) 10.30 VF Confidential. (M, R) 11.30 Car Crash Britain: Heroes And Villains. (M, R) 12.30 Shopping. (R) 2.00 Get Smart. (PG, R) 3.00 Jake And The Fatman. (PG, R) 4.00 Diagnosis Murder. (PG, R) 5.00 Megafactories. (R)

ELEVEN 6.00 Toasted TV. 6.05 Matt Hatter Chronicles. (R) 6.30 Victorious. (R) 7.05 Pokémon. (R) 7.35 Cardfight!! Vanguard G: GIRS Crisis. (Series return) 8.00 Totally Wild. (C, R, CC) 8.35 Pound Puppies. (R) 9.00 Super Wings. (R) 9.30 Crocamole. (P, R, CC) 10.00 Touched By An Angel. (PG, R) 11.00 JAG. (PG, R) 12.00 Frasier. (PG, R) 1.00 WIN News. (R, CC) 2.00 Glee. (PG, R) 3.00 King Of Queens. (PG, R) 3.30 Becker. (PG, R, CC) 4.00 Malcolm. (PG, R, CC) 4.30 Raymond. (R, CC) 5.30 Frasier. (PG, R) 6.00 Family Feud. (CC) 6.30 Neighbours. (CC) 7.00 Malcolm. (PG, R, CC) 7.30 Fresh Off The Boat. (PG, R) 8.00 Rules Of Engagement. (PG, R, CC) 8.30 Futurama. (PG, R, CC) 10.00 Bob’s Burgers. (PG) 11.00 Duckman. (M, R) 11.30 James Corden. (M) 12.30 King Of Queens. (PG, R) 1.00 Becker. (PG, R, CC) 1.30 Raymond. (R, CC) 2.30 Frasier. (PG, R) 3.30 Late Programs.

6.00 WorldWatch. 12.00 MOVIE: Son Of Babylon. (PG, R) (2009) 1.40 Huang’s World. (PG, R, CC) 2.35 365: Every Day Docos. 2.40 Jungletown. (PG, R) 3.30 The Feed. (R) 4.05 Street Genius. (R) 4.35 Brain Games. (PG, R) 5.05 News. 5.35 If You Are The One. (R) 6.35 MythBusters. (PG, R, CC) 7.35 The Feed. 8.05 Brooklyn Nine-Nine. (Series return) 8.30 MOVIE: Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon. (M, R) (2000) 10.45 MOVIE: Detective Dee And The Mystery Of The Phantom Flame. (M, R) (2010) 1.05 Late Programs.

SBS FOOD 6.00 Morning Programs. 1.00 Mystery Diners. (PG, R) 1.30 Man Vs Food: Carnivore. (R) 2.00 Bizarre Foods. (PG, R) 3.00 Barefoot Contessa. (R) 3.30 Giada At Home. (R) 4.00 The Best In Australia. (R) 5.00 Dinner At Tiffani’s. (R) 5.30 Burgers, Brew & ‘Que. (R) 6.00 Reza: Spice Prince Of India. (R) 6.30 Bizarre Foods. (PG, R) 7.30 No Reservations. (PG, R) 8.30 The Best Of My Sri Lanka With Peter Kuruvita. (R, CC) 9.30 Mystery Diners. (PG, R) 10.30 Man Vs Food: Carnivore. (R) 11.00 Late Programs.

NITV 6.00 Morning Programs. 1.30 Haunting: Australia. (M) 2.30 Campfire. 3.00 Aussie Bush Tales. 3.15 Tales Of Tatonka. 3.30 Inuk. 4.00 Cities Of Gold. (PG) 4.30 Kagagi. (PG) 5.00 In The Frame. 5.30 Kriol Kitchen. 6.00 Our Footprint. (PG, R) 6.30 Real Pasifik. (R) 7.00 Our Stories. 7.20 The Mulka Project. (R) 7.25 News. 7.30 Designing Africa. 8.00 Gulpilil: One Red Blood. (M, R) 9.00 The Point. 9.30 Over The Black Dot. 10.00 We Shall Remain. (PG, R) 11.30 Late Programs.

CLASSIFICATIONS: (P) For preschoolers (C) Children’s programs (G) General viewing (PG) Parental guidance (M) Mature audiences (MA15+) Mature audiences only (AV15+) Extreme violence. (R) Repeat (CC) Closed Captions. Please Note: Listings are correct at the time of print and are subject to late change by networks.




Baker’s Dozen Trivia Test. 1. Northern Territory, South Australia and Western Australia. 2. Toucan Sam. 3. Buddy Ebsen (Jed). 4. “Slaughterhouse-Five”, by Kurt Vonnegut. 5. The land of Honalee. 6. “Change of Habit”. 7. Toowoomba. 8. Talc and diamond. 9. Red. 10. Canada. 11. Loggins and Messina, SUDOKU EXTRA

in 1972. Australian group Bootleg Family had a hit with a debut single cover in 1973, as did Poison in 1989. 12. Andre Agassi was 32 when he won the Australian Open in 2003; Pete Sampras was 31 when he won the US Open in 2002. 13. “The Way It Is”, the 1986 hit by Bruce Hornsby and the Range. The song tackles social issues including the divide between rich and poor, and racial segregation.

FIND THE WORDS solution 970 Overland adventure GO FIGURE

Where on Google Earth: Terramungamine Reserve, about 10km north of Dubbo, and west of Brocklehurst. It’s an Aboriginal Heritage site and a tourist attraction offering fishing and canoeing.

TRIVIA TEST ANSWERS #384 1 C-3PO, 2 The Phantom of The Opera, 3 ferris wheel, 4 1961, 5 Nitrogen, 6 John Lennon, 7 A Current Affair, 8 Oliver Stone, 9 a parliament, 10 King Cobra. Matchmaker solution 188 Hide, wide, wine, wind, wild, weld, weed, seed, seek.

WHO AM I? I am Australian singersongwriter Katie Noonan.

problem solved!


September 21-27, 2017 Dubbo Photo News


Thursday September 28 ABC



6.00 News Breakfast. (CC) 9.00 ABC News. (CC) 10.00 Fake Or Fortune? (R, CC) 11.00 Grand Designs. (R, CC) 12.00 ABC News At Noon. (CC) 1.00 Human Universe With Brian Cox. (R, CC) 2.00 Serangoon Road. (M, R, CC) 2.55 The Coroner. (PG, R, CC) 3.40 Invictus Games. (CC) Day 5. Highlights. 4.30 Eggheads. (R, CC) (Final) 5.00 ABC News: Early Edition. (CC) 5.30 The Drum. (CC)

6.00 9.00 11.30 12.00

6.00 The Checkout: Snack Size. (PG, CC) A look at consumer affairs. 6.05 Grand Designs. (PG, R, CC) Hosted by Kevin McCloud. 6.55 Clarke And Dawe: From The Archives. (CC) A look back at classic episodes. 7.00 ABC News. (CC) Coverage of news, sport and weather. 7.30 7.30. (CC) Presented by Leigh Sales. 8.00 Short Cuts To Glory: Matt Okine Vs Food. (CC) Josh Niland teaches Matt about seafood. 8.30 Glitch. (M, CC) William and Elisha rekindle their love. James finally tells Sarah the truth but all is not what it seems. 9.25 To Be Advised. 10.25 Lateline. (R, CC) 10.55 The Business. (R, CC) 11.10 QI. (PG, R, CC)

6.00 PRIME7 News. (CC) 6.30 PRIME7 News @ 6:30. (CC) 7.00 Home And Away. (PG, CC) Olivia’s fashion label struggles to recover from a disastrous launch party. 7.30 Cannonball. (PG, CC) Outdoor game show where young couples compete in a series of water battles set on a lake. Each pair will attempt to prove they can jump the highest, slide the furthest and fly the highest in order to be crowned champion. 8.30 MOVIE: The Blind Side. (PG, R, CC) (2009) A homeless teenager is taken under the wing of a kindly woman and her family, who help him to realise his dream of becoming an All-American gridiron player and first round NFL draft pick. Sandra Bullock, Tim McGraw. 11.15 Royal Pains. (M, CC) (Final) The summer comes to an end as everyone begins to move on.

12.15 Michael Hutchence: The Loved One. (M, R, CC) 1.10 Human Universe With Brian Cox. (R, CC) 2.10 To Be Advised. 3.10 Don’t Miss Da Bus. (PG, R, CC) 3.40 The Hunter. (PG, R, CC) 3.50 In The Air. (M, R, CC) 4.05 Fake Or Fortune? (R, CC) 5.05 The Bill. (PG, R, CC)

12.30 Home Shopping. (R) Shopping program. 5.30 Sunrise. (CC) David Koch and Samantha Armytage present the news, sport and weather, with business and finance updates.


2.00 3.00 4.00 5.00

Sunrise. (CC) The Morning Show. (PG, CC) Seven Morning News. (CC) MOVIE: Dear Prudence. (PG, R, CC) (2009) Jane Seymour. The Daily Edition. (CC) The hottest issues from the day’s news. The Chase. (R, CC) Hosted by Bradley Walsh. Seven News At 4. (CC) The Chase Australia. (CC)


6.00 Children’s Programs. 6.05 Fireman Sam. (R, CC) 6.15 Octonauts. (R, CC) 6.25 Peter Rabbit. (R, CC) 6.35 Ben And Holly. (R, CC) 6.50 Shaun The Sheep. (R, CC) 7.00 Spicks And Specks. (PG, R, CC) 7.30 River Monsters. (PG, R, CC) 8.20 Gruen XL. (CC) 9.05 James Galea’s Best Trick Ever. (M, CC) 10.05 The IT Crowd. (PG, R, CC) 10.30 Live At The Apollo. 11.15 Broad City. 11.35 Arrested Development. 1.20 River Monsters. 2.15 News Update. 2.20 Close. 5.00 Children’s Programs.

ABC ME 6.00 Children’s Programs. 5.35 Grojband. (R, CC) 6.00 Camp Lakebottom. (R, CC) 6.10 Slugterra. (R, CC) 6.35 The Next Step. (R, CC) 7.00 Horrible Histories. (R, CC) 7.30 Deadly Pole To Pole. (R, CC) 8.00 BtN Newsbreak. (CC) 8.05 Backstage. (PG, R, CC) 8.30 Dance Academy. (R, CC) 8.55 The Haunting Hour. (PG, R, CC) 9.15 Annoying Orange. (R, CC) 9.30 Rage. (PG, R) 10.30 Close. 5.00 Arthur. (R, CC) 5.25 Sally Bollywood. (R, CC) 5.35 Children’s Programs.

ABC NEWS 6.00 News. (CC) 9.00 News. (CC) 6.00 ABC News National. 6.30 The Drum. (R, CC) 7.00 ABC News With The Business. 9.00 ABC News National. 9.30 Lateline. (CC) 10.00 The World. 11.00 ABC News. (CC) 11.30 7.30. (R, CC) 12.00 News. 12.30 Drum. (R, CC) 1.00 Al Jazeera. 2.00 BBC Global. 2.30 7.30. (R, CC) 3.00 BBC Global. 3.30 Drum. (R, CC) 4.00 Al Jazeera. 5.00 Outside Source. 5.30 Lateline. (R, CC)

6.00 9.00 11.30 12.00 1.00

Today. (CC) Today Extra. (PG, CC) Morning News. (CC) The Ellen DeGeneres Show. (PG, CC) Doctor Doctor. (R, CC) Hugh struggles to prove his innocence. The Block. (PG, R, CC) Hosted by Scott Cam. News Now. (CC) Afternoon News. (CC) Millionaire Hot Seat. (CC)


6.00 France 24 English News. (CC) 6.30 Al Jazeera. (CC) 7.00 BBC News. (CC) 7.30 Italian News. 8.10 Filipino News. 8.40 French News. 9.30 Greek News. 10.30 German News. 11.00 Spanish News. 12.00 Arabic News. 12.30 Turkish News. 1.00 PBS NewsHour. (CC) 2.00 Poh’s Kitchen. (R, CC) 2.55 Nigella Feasts. (R, CC) 3.25 The Inca: Masters Of The Clouds. (R, CC) 4.25 British Gardens In Time. (R, CC) 5.30 Letters And Numbers. (R, CC)

6.00 Nine News. (CC) 7.00 A Current Affair. (CC) 7.30 The NRL Footy Show. (M, CC) Paul “Fatty” Vautin, Erin Molan, Beau Ryan and Darryl Brohman are joined by a host of guests, including players from both teams, at the Sydney’s International Convention Centre to discuss the upcoming NRL Grand Final. Features performances from Everclear and Delta Goodrem. 10.00 World’s Funniest Videos Top 10 Countdown. (PG, CC) 11.00 The AFL Footy Show. (M, CC) Join Sam Newman, Eddie McGuire and Rebecca Maddern for the grand final edition of The Footy Show. Featuring some of the greatest moments of the 2017 AFL season, performances from Jimmy Barnes, as well as the player revue. From Rod Laver Arena, Melbourne.

6.00 WIN News. (CC) 6.30 The Project. (CC) Join the hosts for a look at the day’s news, events and hot topics. 7.30 The Bachelorette Australia. (CC) It is time to separate the boys from the men as the bachelors compete in the “Real Man Games”. 8.30 The Wrong Girl. (CC) A disagreement between Lily and Jack is captured by the paparazzi. Eric makes an enlightened decision which compromises his job on The Breakfast Bar. 9.30 Blue Bloods. (M, R, CC) Jamie is investigated for police brutality, during a protest rally, after an incident was caught on camera. 10.30 Blue Bloods. (M, R, CC) Danny and Baez investigate after the last remaining Mustang used in the film Bullitt is stolen. 11.30 WIN’s All Australian News. (CC)

6.00 River Cottage Australia. (CC) (Final) As a way of celebrating the talent, artists and producers in the area, Paul hosts a field day on the farm. 6.30 SBS World News. (CC) 7.30 Great British Railway Journeys: Brockenhurst To Poole. (PG, CC) Michael Portillo travels from Brockenhurst in Hampshire to the coastal town of Poole in Dorset. 8.05 Gourmet Farmer. (CC) Fat Pig Farm is now open for business, with a Friday service, a market stall and a sausagemaking workshop. 8.35 Bosch. (CC) (Series return) LAPD homicide detective Harry Bosch investigates the murder of a homeless veteran. 10.30 Outlander. (MA15+, CC) Jamie leads the Jacobite army. 11.40 SBS World News Late Edition. (CC)

2.00 2.30 3.00 3.30 5.00 5.30

12.30 The Project. (R, CC) A look at the day’s news. 1.30 The Late Show With Stephen Colbert. (PG, CC) 2.30 Home Shopping. (R) 4.30 CBS This Morning. (CC)

12.10 MOVIE: Bald Mountain. (MA15+, R, CC) (2013) 2.10 One Born Every Minute. (M, CC) 5.00 CGTN English News. (CC) 5.15 NHK World English News. (CC) 5.30 Deutsche Welle English News. (CC)

2.00 3.00 4.00 5.00

Extra. (CC) Global Shop. Skippy The Bush Kangaroo. (R) Good Morning America. (CC) News Early Edition. (CC) Today. (CC)

6.00 Children’s Programs. 11.00 Friends. (PG, R, CC) 12.00 Dawson’s Creek. (PG, R, CC) 1.00 Airplane Repo. (PG, R) 2.00 Children’s Programs. 6.00 Regular Show. (PG, R) 6.30 Adv Time. 7.00 The Middle. (PG, R, CC) 7.30 Survivor: Heroes V Healers V Hustlers. (Series return) 8.30 MOVIE: Congo. (M) (1995) 10.45 WWE Raw. (MA15+) 11.45 Two And A Half Men. (PG, R, CC) 12.15 Rick And Morty. (M, R) 12.40 Adv Time. (R) 1.05 Regular Show. (PG, R) 1.30 Ben 10. (PG, R) 2.00 Children’s Programs.


6.00 Morning Programs. 12.00 Charlie’s Angels. (PG, R) 1.00 Wipeout USA. (PG, R, CC) 2.00 Grilled. (PG, R) 3.00 Brandi And Jarrod: Married To The Job. (PG, R) 4.00 American Restoration. (PG, R) 5.00 American Pickers. (PG, R) 7.00 American Restoration. (PG, R) 7.30 Bloopers. (PG) 8.00 Big Bang. (PG, R) 9.00 Family Guy. (M) 9.30 American Dad! (M, CC) 10.00 ScreenPLAY. (MA15+) 10.30 Family Guy. (M, R) 11.00 American Dad! (M, R) 11.30 Big Bang. (PG, R) 12.00 Late Programs.


6.00 Morning Programs. 10.30 Harry. (PG, CC) 11.30 To The Manor Born. (R) 12.00 MOVIE: Law And Disorder. (R, CC) (1958) 1.35 The Hairy Bikers: Mums Know Best. (PG, R) 2.55 This Farming Life. (PG) 4.15 Heartbeat. (PG, R) 5.20 Are You Being Served? (PG, R) 6.00 Friends. (PG, R, CC) 7.00 To The Manor Born. (R) 7.30 David Attenborough’s Life In Cold Blood. (PG, R, CC) 8.40 MOVIE: Contact. (M, R, CC) (1997) Jodie Foster. 11.45 Person Of Interest. (MA15+, R, CC) 12.45 Late Programs.


6.00 Morning Programs. 11.00 To Be Advised. 12.00 Once Upon A Time In Wonderland. (PG, R) 2.00 Whodunnit? (PG, R) 3.00 Home And Away. (PG, R, CC) 3.30 Trophy Wife. (PG, R) 4.00 Bewitched. (R, CC) 4.30 I Dream Of Jeannie. (R, CC) 5.00 Just Shoot Me! (PG, R, CC) 5.30 Married With Children. (PG, R) 6.30 The Nanny. (PG, R) 7.30 Criminal Minds: Beyond Borders. (M, R, CC) 8.30 Criminal Minds. (M, R, CC) 11.30 The Blacklist. (M, R, CC) 12.30 Late Programs.


6.00 Entertainment Tonight. (PG, R, CC) 6.30 Family Feud. (R, CC) 7.00 WIN’s All Australian News. (CC) 8.00 The Bold And The Beautiful. (PG, R, CC) 8.30 Studio 10. (PG, CC) 12.00 Dr Phil. (PG, R, CC) 1.00 To Be Advised. 3.00 Judge Judy. (PG, CC) 3.30 Alive And Cooking. (CC) 4.00 The Cook’s Pantry With Matt Sinclair. (CC) 4.30 The Bold And The Beautiful. (PG, CC) 5.00 TEN Eyewitness News. (CC)


6.00 Morning Programs. 8.00 Toybox. (P, R, CC) 8.30 Morning Programs. 9.00 Million Dollar Minute. (R, CC) 9.30 Morning Programs. 12.00 Lovejoy. (PG, R) 2.00 Deal Or No Deal. (R, CC) 2.30 Million Dollar Minute. (R, CC) 3.00 Medical Rookies. (PG, R, CC) 3.30 60 Minute Makeover. (PG, R) 4.30 Escape To The Country. (R) 6.30 Bargain Hunt. (R) 7.30 Father Brown. (M, CC) 8.30 Murdoch Mysteries. (M, R) 11.30 Bargain Hunt. (R) 12.30 Late Programs. 2.30 The Great Outdoors. (R, CC) 3.30 Late Programs.


Dubbo’s TV Guide

6.00 Morning Programs. 12.00 Fixer Upper. (PG, R) 1.00 Million Dollar Listing NY. (M, R) 2.00 Flip Or Flop. (R) 3.00 The Block. (PG, R, CC) 4.00 Come Dine With Me UK. (PG, R) 5.00 House Hunters Reno. (PG, R) 6.00 Four In A Bed. (PG) 6.30 House Hunters Int. (R) 7.00 House Hunters. 7.30 Dance Moms. (PG) 8.30 Arranged. (PG) (Series return) 9.30 Below Deck. (M) 10.30 The Real Housewives Of Orange County. (M) 11.30 House Hunters Int. (R) 12.00 Late Programs.

ONE 6.00 Shopping. (R) 8.00 Snap Happy. (R) 8.30 Merv Hughes Fishing. (R) 9.00 iFish. (R, CC) 9.30 Jake And The Fatman. (PG, R) 10.30 Hogan’s Heroes. (R) 11.00 M*A*S*H. (PG, R) 12.00 WIN News. (R, CC) 1.00 Monster Jam. (R) 2.00 Star Trek. (PG, R) 3.00 Get Smart. (PG, R) 4.00 Jake And The Fatman. (PG, R) 5.00 Diagnosis Murder. (PG, R) 6.00 Hogan’s Heroes. (R) 6.30 M*A*S*H. (PG, R) 7.30 Car Crash Britain: Heroes And Villains. (M, R) 8.30 Cops: Adults Only. (M, R) Follows police officers on patrol. 9.00 MOVIE: Invasion USA. (MA15+, R) (1985) Chuck Norris. 11.15 Diagnosis Murder. (M, R) 12.15 Shopping. (R) 2.15 Cops: AO. (M, R) 2.45 Get Smart. (PG, R) 3.45 Jake And The Fatman. (PG, R) 4.45 Diagnosis Murder. (PG, R) 5.45 World Sport. (R)

ELEVEN 6.00 Toasted TV. 6.05 Matt Hatter Chronicles. (R) 6.30 Victorious. (R) 7.05 Pokémon. (R) 7.35 Cardfight!! Vanguard G: GIRS Crisis. 8.00 Scope. (C, R, CC) 8.35 Pound Puppies. (R) 9.00 Super Wings. (R) 9.30 Crocamole. (P, R, CC) 10.00 Touched By An Angel. (PG, R) 11.00 JAG. (PG, R) 12.00 Frasier. (PG, R) 1.00 WIN News. (R, CC) 2.00 Glee. (PG, R) 3.00 King Of Queens. (PG, R) 3.30 Becker. (PG, R, CC) 4.00 Malcolm. (PG, R, CC) 4.30 Raymond. (PG, R, CC) 5.30 Frasier. (PG, R) 6.00 Family Feud. (CC) 6.30 Neighbours. (CC) 7.00 Malcolm. (PG, R, CC) 7.30 Fresh Off The Boat. (PG, R) 8.00 Rules Of Engagement. (PG, R, CC) 8.30 MOVIE: Coach Carter. (M, R) (2005) Samuel L Jackson, Rob Brown. 11.15 James Corden. (M) 12.15 King Of Queens. (PG, R) 12.50 Becker. (PG, R, CC) 1.25 Raymond. (PG, R, CC) 2.30 Frasier. (PG, R) 3.30 Late Programs.

SBS VICELAND 6.00 WorldWatch. 12.00 MOVIE: The Secret Of Kells. (PG, R) (2009) 1.25 Rivals. (PG, R) 2.15 Mario Batali’s Moltissimo. (PG, R) 2.40 Jungletown. (PG, R) 3.30 The Feed. 4.00 Street Genius. (PG, R) 4.30 Brain Games. (R) 5.00 News. 5.30 If You Are The One. (R) 6.35 MythBusters. (PG, R, CC) 7.30 The Feed. 8.00 Full Frontal. (M, CC) 8.30 States Of Undress. (M, CC) 9.20 Undressed. (M, R, CC) 10.20 UEFA Champions League Highlights. 11.20 Late Programs.

SBS FOOD 6.00 Morning Programs. 1.00 Mystery Diners. (PG, R) 1.30 Man Vs Food: Carnivore. (R) 2.00 Bizarre Foods. (PG, R) 3.00 Barefoot Contessa. (R) 3.30 Giada At Home. (R) 4.00 The Best In Australia. (PG, R) 5.00 Dinner At Tiffani’s. (R) 5.30 Burgers, Brew & ‘Que. (R) 6.00 Reza: Spice Prince Of India. (R) 6.30 Bizarre Foods. (PG, R) 7.30 Worst Cooks. (PG, R) 8.30 NZ With Nick Honeyman. 9.00 Sean’s Kitchen. 9.30 Mystery Diners. (PG, R) 10.30 Man Vs Food: Carnivore. (R) 11.00 Late Programs.

NITV 6.00 Morning Programs. 1.45 Gulpilil: One Red Blood. (M, R) 2.45 Our Footprint. (PG, R) 3.00 Aussie Bush Tales. (R) 3.15 Tales Of Tatonka. (R) 3.30 Inuk. (R) 4.00 Cities Of Gold. (PG, R) 4.30 Kagagi. (PG, R) 5.00 In The Frame. (PG, R) 5.30 Kriol Kitchen. (R) 6.00 Desperate Measures. (PG, R) 6.30 Real Pasifik. (R) 7.00 Our Stories. 7.20 The Mulka Project. (R) 7.25 News. 7.30 The Marngrook Footy Show. 9.00 The Point. 9.30 MOVIE: The Tracker. (MAV, R) (2002) 11.30 Late Programs.

CLASSIFICATIONS: (P) For preschoolers (C) Children’s programs (G) General viewing (PG) Parental guidance (M) Mature audiences (MA15+) Mature audiences only (AV15+) Extreme violence. (R) Repeat (CC) Closed Captions. Please Note: Listings are correct at the time of print and are subject to late change by networks.


z Coke has the honour of being the first soft drink in z It was American author space. Members of the Space and political activist Barbara Shuttle Challenger drank the Ehrenreich who made the folbeverage from a specially delowing sage observation: “No signed “Coca-Cola Space Can”. matter that patriotism is too z If you’re like the typical huoften the refuge of scoundrels. man, it takes your brain about Dissent, rebellion and all-around 0.0004 seconds to retrieve any hell-raising remain the true duty given memory. of patriots.” z Even in these modern days, z Earle Christmas Grafton Page certain maritime traditions hold on. For instance, when a was Prime Minister of Australia new ship is launched for the for only 20 days, in 1939, but he first time, the water that first served as Deputy for six years. touches the ship is caught in a Political cartoonists of that bottle. Once sealed, that bottle era went to town with politistays with the ship; it’s typically cal partnership that Page had displayed in the captain’s office, as Deputy to Prime Minister Stanley Melbourne Bruce. During near the bridge. the 1920s, they typically depict- z On a per-capita basis, resied Bruce as a dapper gentleman dents of Mexico consume more and Page as ‘a rather riotouscarbonated drinks than people looking lady’. in any other country on Earth.


There’s no bad smells in my closet, even with a hamper full of workout z Stuffed peppers bake nicely when gear.” – contributed E.L. put into the wells of a greased muf- z “Pickle juice: What is it good for? fin tin. Lots! You can drink it if you have z Wondering which loan you should a muscle cramp, or in the summer focus on first in your debt-free strat- when it’s really hot and you’re workegy? Shoot for the one with the ing out to keep from getting dehyhighest interest rate, generally. Or, if drated. But I sometimes like lightly you’re the type who needs motivapickled veggies (carrots, cukes and tion beyond the knowledge that you peppers), so when I’m done with the are freeing yourself financially, stack last pickle, I pour the juice and some them smallest to largest. When you rough chopped veggies in a saucepay off the balance on the smallest pot, bring it to a boil and put them loan, fold that extra payment up to right back in the pickle jar. Put it in the next smallest loan and so on un- the fridge, and you’ll have pickled til you are debt-free! veggies in a few days!” – M.A. z Toothpaste is a mild abrasive, z D.M. writes: “If you are making and it’s suitable to buff out small chocolate cake, replace the water scratches in a CD. Just dab a bit on, in the recipe with an equal amount rub lightly with a soft cloth and rinse. of chocolate syrup for a good, deep chocolate flavour.” Yummy! Or, z “Want a nice smelling hamjust add a squirt to a box mix. That per? I give a coffee filter a spritz of works, too. perfume and put it in the bottom.

...inspiringly local!


Dubbo Photo News September 21-27, 2017


Send your Sport news to Contact our Sports photographer geoff.mann@dubbophotonews.com.au mel.pocknall@dubbophotonews.com.au

Warren Bulldogs toughest team in Under-12s Warren coach Danny Hunt is all smiles after his Under 12s won 18-6 against St Johns. Skipper Fletcher Hunt hoists the trophy as Koby Kilgour, Braith Boyd and Elias Kennedy (right) share the feeling. Tom Williams (yellow First Receiver)

Braith Boyd celebrates one of his team’s three match-winning tries! The St John’s tacklers are Braith Carroll, Zane Carr and Harrison Quinn, who is left hanging his head. Toby Cosgrove (Warren) taken low by St Johns’ captain Latrell Fing (low) and Zane Carr

Bulldog Elias Kennedy was hard to stop as Zane Carr found out!

Hugh Gibbons wears the Dummy Half shirt proudly

Free stuff to win! 2 x Mia’s Magic Wand by Peter Volkofsky

1 x $50 lunch voucher at One7Eight Restaurant Thanks to the Dubbo RSL Club

HOW TO ENTER: MIA’S MAGIC WAND: Who is the author? One7Eight VOUCHER: Where is One7Eight located? Send your entry/entries, with your name & contact, details via EMAIL: myentry@panscott.com.au | PH: 6885 4433 | MAIL/DELIVER: 89 Wingewarra Street, Dubbo. Entries close, 10am Tuesday, October 10, 2017. Winners announced in the Dubbo Photo News Thursday, October 12, 2017.

LAST GIVEAWAY’S WINNERS: Taronga Western Plains Zoo Family Pass: Judith Davey Moorambilla Voices Gala Concert tickets: David McLennan Norb O’Reilly by Steve Hodder: Heather Fogett & Robert Foster


September 21-27, 2017 Dubbo Photo News

Dubbo Netball crowns champions for 2017 FOR the first time since 1971, Dubbo Netball grand finals were played without “The Matriarch” scanning her knowing eye across proceedings. Nita McGrath lives on through the courts that bear her name. Her loss late last year along with the passing of the tireless administrator Alison Cullen has left a hole in the sports ranks, however the legacy of these generous spirits was in show last Saturday. Mel captured action across the grades and has many more great action shots available. We have chosen a selection and thanks to DNA’s Karen Weekes we have been able to identify most of the players. 2017 Dubbo Netball Association Grand Final results A Grade - Fusion Heat 56 d Fusion Fire 37 A Reserve - Fusion Vixens 37 d Narromine Hawks 33 B Grade - Fusion Magic 56 d Nyngan Tigers 24 C Grade: Trangie Thunder 36 d Trangie Lightning 29 D Grade - Apollo Hotshots 37 d Apollo Diggers 35 E Grade: Narromine Sea Fury 35 d St Starfire 31 Div 1 - Apollo Fireflies 35 d Fusion Fury 19 Div 2 - Deadly Dragonflies Pink 42 d WMPD Diamonds 40 Div 3 - St Kaos 28 d St Meerkats 27 Div 4 Nyngan Tigers 40 d Narromine Hornets 20 12 Years Blue - Nyngan Tigers 30 d Deadly Dragonflies 25 12 Years White - Fusion Blossoms 23 d Trangie 15 11 Years - St Magic 44 d Trangie 10 Khyarne Biles

Brittany Hill (GD), Brooke Galley (GA) and Hannah Allen (C)

Khyarne Biles

Brittany Hill (GD) and Maddison Croft (WA)

Karen Weekes (GK) and Rebecca May (C)

Brittany Hill (GD) and Hannah Sluiter

Rebecca May and umpire Penny Sawtell


Dubbo Photo News September 21-27, 2017

Natasha Janetski (catching the ball) and Monique May (GD)

Brittany Hill

Brittany Hill

Bec Weekes


September 21-27, 2017 Dubbo Photo News

Narromine vs Nyngan NARROMINE and Nyngan thrilled the crowd in their 12-all draw, broken by an extra time golden try by the Tigers. Coaches and parents from the towns surrounding Dubbo put in a lot of extra time with travel during the season so results such as was achieved by the Tigers, Jets and Bulldogs are perhaps even more keenly felt. A huge vote of thanks goes to the people in each of these communities for going the extra mile – or in most cases, the hundreds of additional kilometres – to create opportunities for their kids.

Harrison Gudgeon (DH) and Darby Gordon (black headgear)

Nyngan Tigers Harry Gudgeon, Darcy Yeomans, Jack Finlay - Coach Ron Finlay

Zeke Heterick (Narromine) and Cooper Black (Nyngan)

Cooper Black

Zeke Heterick from the Jets taken in a perfect tackle by Cooper Black

Future NRL stars take centre stage at Apex Oval PLAYERS from Under 8 to 16 presented themselves in peak condition for their “one day of the year” on Sat. Some left smiling, others a little less excited but all gave it their best shot and some brilliant action ensued. Premierships were shared around with new club Dubbo City Magpies securing a win and teams from Nyngan,

Warren, Forbes and Narromine joined with long-serving clubs St John's and South Dubbo in taking a share of the spoils. The only blight on a superbly organised event conducted in spirited fashion, occurred towards the end and immediately following the Under 15s match. DDJRL officials are holding ongoing in-

Future first graders DUBBO’S youngest had their day in the sun during the Group XI Senior Grand Finals at Apex Oval on Sep 4. The boys and girls appeared in all colours, shapes and sizes and played with the passion of the seniors striving to win premierships for their clubs. I was particularly amused when one tiny sprocket re-

trieved the ball after his opponent had scored a try and was heading to half-way to kick off when a much bigger tea mate “stole” it from him. Not to be outdone the little fella reminded me of Tommy Raudonikis as he followe him all the way practising his goal-kicking on the big fellas backside!

vestigations into the behaviour of some parents, players, spectators and officials and some strong action will be taken to try and prevent any recurrence of this type of behaviour. Congratulations to long-serving president Neil Milgate and his generous, hard-working committee on the conduct of another highly successful season.

Results Dubbo & District Rugby League Grand Finals 2017 10 years - St Johns Gold 18 d St Johns Maroon 16 11 years - Narromine 16 d Nyngan 12 (golden point try) 12 years - Warren 18 d St Johns 16 13 years - St Johns 40 d South Dubbo 34 14 years - Dubbo City 26 d South Dubbo 24 15 years - St Johns 50 d Dubbo City 6 16 years - Forbes Red Bend 28 d St Johns 20


Dubbo Photo News September 21-27, 2017

Sammy Hampton Memorial Cup By SARAH HARVEY THE grandstands at Caltex Park are set to be packed this Saturday, September 23, as footy lovers from near and far gather in Dubbo for the annual Dubbo Rugby League Knockout hosted by the Dubbo Waratahs Sports Aboriginal Corporation as teams compete for the Sammy Hampton Memorial Cup. Sammy Hampton was born and raised in Dubbo and was an original Dubbo Waratah’s player before Group XI was introduced. His children recall him celebrating many big wins over the years with his fellow teammates and are looking forward to honouring him over the weekend. This year 24 teams from as far as Tamworth and the Hunter Valley will take to the field from 9am in what is expected to be a day of actioned pack and fast paced football as teams battle it out to make it into the grand final. The Old Boys Exhibition Game between the Dubbo Waratahs and Brewarrina is set to be another crowd favourite at this year’s event, taking place before the Men’s Open final. Canteen facilities and the Elders Room will be available on the day, guests are reminded that this is a drug and alcohol free event. After the day of footy wraps up, everyone is invited back to the Garden Hotel to enjoy drinks and a meal with performances by The Donovan Brothers throughout the night. Lucky door prizes will be given out on the night to those in attendance. Please note: Roger Knox has cancelled due to health reasons and will be replaced by The Donovan Brothers band to play at the Garden Hotel on Saturday 23 September 2017, 7pm- 11pm, lucky door prizes will be given out on the night to those in attendance also.

Sammy Hampton’s sons Alfred Hampton, Trevor Elemes and Ray Hampton with this year’s cup. PHOTO: DUBBO PHOTO NEWS







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September 21-27, 2017 Dubbo Photo News

Central West Rugby Grand Finals

FORBES Platypii took their first Blowes Cup in 14 years, reversing a heartbreaking three-point loss to Orange Emus in last year’s decider, when all the grand finals were played at Endeavour Oval, Orange In a remarkable game the Platypii came from behind on a couple of occasions to grab the points and the trophy 28-20. It capped a remarkable week for popular half Mahe Fangupo and hooker Jarrod Hall who had played in last week’s gripping preliminary final win against Bathurst Bulldogs then backed up with Trundle Boomers on the Sunday to claim Woodbridge Cup rugby league winners’ medals. The occasion marked the end of the remarkable career of coach Hare Lavaka, a former Tongan World Cup and Test prop forward. Hare’s experience and calm demeanour off the field orchestrated the victory that ended a premiership drought that had lasted since 2003. Remarkably, Forbes defeated Bathurst Bulldogs (grand final) and Emus (final) on their way to that 2003 premiership, an emotional win that was built around

the tragic deaths of three of their players just 11 months earlier in the Bali bombings. It also put the icing on the cake of a memorable 40th anniversary year for the southern club. In other grand final news: Andrew Selwood (Emus) was awarded Central West Player of the Year; Emus took Second Grade after playing with only 13 men at one stage; Orange City claimed their first Third grade title since 1991; Bathurst Bulldogs Colts scored a converted try on the bell to snatch a win from Orange City and The Bulldogs were victors over Cowra in the Women’s Tens Former Dubbo Kangaroos players Peter Thomas (first grade) and Jarrod Simpson (Colts) were rewarded for their outstanding work throughout the season when they took the whistle for their respective grand finals. And long-serving CEO Peter Veenstra, oversighted his last CWRU official function at Endeavour Oval. “PV” has hung up his boots after 31 years of service to the game he proudly proclaims “is the one they play in heaven.”

Central West Women’s 7s Country Champions Krystal Fyfe (Cowra), Brodie Ford (WW), Brittany Thurlow (Mudg), Roxanne Dougall (Temora), front, Taneille Michael (Cowra), Nicole Schneider (Bath), Mandy Scott (Bath), Marita Shoulders (Bath), Inge Visser (Cowra). Absent Sharnah Stevens and Amanda Bergin both WW and Danielle Plummer from Bath.

Forbes Platypii beside a despondent Emu and a beaten Bulldog. PHOTO: FORBES RUGBY CLUB

Reg breaks Ducks drought but also breaks his time! REG FERGUSON is a Ducking legend! For over 50 years he has been stroking his way up and down the Dubbo RSL Pools (yes there was once an outdoor 33 metre version) and over that time he has set and broken many records. On Sunday, he smashed one he wished he hadn’t! Competing against the clock, Reg finished first in the 25 metres freestyle only to have his smile erased by “The Table” which adjudicated he had “broken” his set time and was therefore “DQ’d)! Never mind, there will be another day for

a wise old Duck Reg. Now that the days are getting longer and the sun warmer it is time for Ducks young and old to begin pulling out the togs and returning to the pond. Last Sunday was fairly quiet with only 12 splashers but the Duck-ficials have begun gathering the flock with the promise of sun and warmer water. Stalwarts Henry and Carol Willcockson who have been on the caravan track for the past 6 months, are back from the Wallaby and ready to hit the water again. They

will have plenty of tall tales - some true! Also Xanthe Clark who has been out of the pool lately made a welcome return last Sunday. There is talk that the above-mentioned trio, along with senior member Don Attenborough and his wife Betty join us were motivated by the prospect of a lovely lunch and catch up after the swim! Publicity Officer Judy Walsh will use the next couple of weeks of enforced deck duties to snap some of the happy quackers so expect a few shots on next week’s pages.

Dubbo Ducks Results 17th September 25 Metre Freestyle - Reg Ferguson (B), Glenn Smith (1), Greg Salmon (2), Xanthe Clarke (3), Henry Willcockson (4) 2x25 Backstroke/ Freestyle Brace Relay Roger Mackay/ Peter Smith, Robert Rich/ Greg Salmon (2), Reg Ferguson/ Ian Henderson (3), Nicole Johnstone/ John Wherritt (4) 75 Metre Freestyle (closest to time) - Greg Salmon (-0.26), 2nd Peter Smith (1.74), 3rd John Wherritt -2.13 -B), 4th Glenn Smith (-3.01 B), 5th Nicole Johnstone (-3.32 B)

Big money for local racing identities Little Athletics registrations continue THE Trojans of the turf were into the bookies early on Saturday with trainer Clint Lundholm welcoming top hoop Greg Ryan back to the saddle on the biggest stage in NSW Racing. Lundholm and Ryan combined to guide Larlabrook to a win in the $60,000 Highway Handicap at the famed Royal Randwick home of racing. Dunedoo jockey Hugh Bowman continued his love affair with a champion, piloting Winx to an almost unprecedented 20th straight win and his fourteenth Group One

victory. Security Code had Nyngan Tigers number one fan, Rodney Robb leaping around the mounting yard. Security Code took claimed the big dollars in the inaugural Picnic Cup final. Picnic’s specialist Maddison Wright was the celebrated jockey when she steered the hose, more used to galloping on sand and red dirt tracks out west to victory in the $50,000 final. Next up “Somebody” won the Dubbo Gold Cup and “Didyahearme” won the last on a brilliant day for the Dubbo Turf Club.

OUR photos show aspiring athletes Grace Peters, throwing the discus and Olivia Hall, getting in some speed work as the summer season approaches. Dubbo Athletics Club has been holding registration days over the past couple of weeks and are encouraging anyone who would like to get involved to contact them via the Facebook page or by simply going to Athletics NSW and following the links.

JOIN THE WINNING TEAM Dubbo CYMS are looking for additional sponsors for the 2018 Season. Put your business in 1st by supporting Dubbo CYMS, Group 11 Premiers. For a sponsorship pack contact Damien Porter: damienporter@maasgroup.com.au THANK YOU TO OUR SPONSORS





Dubbo Photo News September 21-27, 2017


Send your Sport news to geoff.mann@dubbophotonews.com.au

Sports editor

Sports photography



Ashleigh ying the cause for Frisbee DUBBO Ultimate Frisbee Federation (DUFF) has its first state-level representative coach. Ashleigh Boatman has been will coach the NSW under-22s men’s side, alongside Sydney’s Mitch Sutton in the lead-up to the 2017 Australian U22 Ultimate Championships in November. Ashleigh is excited to take the step up to elite-level coaching. “It was good to get the opportunity to do something like this because it is difficult to get a start in these kind of things when all of the training, all of the tryouts and all of the people involved are based in Sydney,â€? she said. “It makes it very difficult to network or get your foot in the door and I feel privileged to have earned my spot in this elite group. Hopefully I’ll be able to pave the way for other regional Frisbee people in the future.â€? Ashleigh is no stranger to representative sport. She has coached high-level representative teams in sports and

helped establish and coach, such as the Western NSW Wanderers (mixed) and Inland Gypsies (women’s) representative Frisbee sides. “The U22s campaign is a major development pathway for Australia’s up-and-coming ultimate players and coaches and a significant achievement for Ashleigh who has been based in regional NSW for her entire ultimate career� according to DUFF president, Tim Hosking. Ashleigh told Dubbo Photo News she is looking forward to coaching a men’s team. “I feel I can bring something different to the role. As a female I have the opportunity to push the men well beyond what I could push a women’s team. I’m going to be able to extend them to do things that I can’t do,� Ashleigh said. “I can only run so fast, but I can expect the men to run twice as fast. In that age group the sky really is the limit so there is plenty of scope for me to challenge the boys.�

Roosters to ďŹ ght for NSW honour!

Regional Disability Expressions of Carnival interest AFTER a successful carnival last year, Breakthru will be once again hosting the Dubbo Regional Disability Carnival in association with the Dubbo Athletic Club for 2017. The Dubbo Regional Disability Carnival 2017 will be open to all competitors, no matter what their ability, with all disability providers in Dubbo and surrounds invited to attend and participate with their clients / customers. This day has been arranged as a wonderful inclusive event for every-

one, with no cost to participants or supporters. Everyone that competes will receive a Blue Ribbon for participating, and there will be a Trophy for Overall Male and Overall Female, sponsored by the Dubbo Athletics Club.

Regional Disability Carnival Sunday, October 15, 2017 9am, events start at 10 am Dubbo Athletics Oval, Barden Park 33 Gipps, Street Dubbo Food: barbecue sausage sizzle lunch for all attending

ARE now open for players wanting to take part in the 2017 under-22s campaign. Men’s, women’s and mixed sides will all compete at the national championships at Castle Hill on November 24, 25 and 26. Boatman said there were some promising players in the Dubbo region, and encouraged anyone interested in playing ultimate at a higher level to attend the try outs in Sydney on September 16. “Even if they’re a little bit young still for under-22s, or not expect-

ing to make the team this year, you can learn so much from the coaching and the drills and the game play just at the try outs,â€? she said. “Just come down and experience what that next level of ultimate Frisbee is like. “As it’s a limited campaign we’ll really be looking for people who can do the fundamentals really, really well ‌ people that are very self-motivated, that are really going to put in the hard work on their own.â€?

EVERYONE needs to get cheering for local boy Conor Watson when he runs out for the Roosters this weekend. Conor is the last local standing in the toughest competition in the world

but he and his teammates are also carrying the flag for the Blues! If the Roosters become feather-dusters then the Provan-Summons trophy will be held on foreign soil for at least 12 months!

Locals to play in NSWRL Finals AT least three locals will be engaged in premiership deciders at Leichhardt Oval on Sat. Amy Broadhead (Dubbo) and Skye Lovett (Narromine) are in the North Newcastle team while Kayde Ellis and Lithgow’s Wayde Egan will run out for the Panthers in the NSW Cup.

Also, Taleisha Quinn from Parkes made her debut for the Jillaroos in their Test match against the PNG Orchids in Port Moresby on Sunday. Taleisha was a popular guest speaker at the Group XI Presentation Night held on the eve of the grand finals recently.

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Share your sports news email geoff.mann@ dubbophotonews. com.au

SESSIONS FROM THU 21 SEPT UNTIL WED 27 SEP THE LEGO NINJAGO MOVIE (G) THU - SAT MON - WED: 10.40 1.00 3.45 5.00 SUN: 10.40 1.00 3.45 CAPTAIN UNDERPANTS (G) THU - SAT MON - WED: 11.00 1.30 6.30 SUN: 11.00 6.30 KINGSMAN: THE GOLDEN CIRCLE (MA15+) DAILY: 11.00 2.00 6.00 8.30 THE EMOJI MOVIE (G) DAILY: 10.30 12.40 2.50 AMERICAN ASSASSIN (MA15+) DAILY: 3.45 6.15 9.00 VICTORIA & ABDUL (PG) DAILY: 10.20 1.00 6.15 IT (MA15+) THU - SAT MON - WED: 3.30 7.30 8.40 SUN: 3.30 8.40 THE HITMANS BODYGUARD (MA15+) DAILY: 8.50PM


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September 21-27, 2017 Dubbo Photo News

SPORT Best of the best! FOURTEEN-YEAR-OLD referee Aston Warwick is in a perfect position as Nyngan five-eighth Hunter Carter is tackled by Narromine Jets’ centre, Rubin Gill during the under-11s Grand Final at Caltex Park’s Apex Oval last Saturday.

On a glorious day, seven matches involving nearly 200 players were played to decide the winners of grades from 10s to 16s. One of the outstanding features of the day was the involvement of young players like Aston who are broadening their skills by officiating on a regular basis. There are any number of teenagers taking on roles such as First Aid Officers, runners, and with the mentoring and support of parents and other adults rugby league supporters they are becoming engrossed in the spirit of the game. More photos inside! PHOTO: MEL POCKNALL

Dubbo Photo News September 21-27, 2017



September 21-27, 2017 Dubbo Photo News


























































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