Dubbo Photo News 02.08.2018

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PhotoNews Photo News DUBBO


It’s all in the jeans JE E AN NS FOR GE ENE NES S is the e iconn ic f un undr drraising g cam amp am paign n of Chil Ch illdr dren en n’s Med e ic ical al Research Inst In stit st itut u e in Westm mea ead. d. By wea By aring yourr je ean a s on Friday y, Au A gustt 3, an and d do dona natting to t he he cause, yo y u’ll be helping a camp mpai a gn which ch has funded incredible advancement ntss in gen enet etic ic res esea earc rch h whic wh ich h ha hass pi pinp npoi oint nted ed gen enes es caus ca usin ing g bl b in indn dnes esss an and d cl clef eftt li lip p and an d pa pala late te,, cu cure red d ge gene neti ticc li live verr dise di seas ases es and so mu much ch mor ore. e. Givi Gi ving ng gen ener erou ousl sly y he help lpss ki kids ds everywhere. Thes Th ese e ha happ ppy y li litt ttle le t yk ykes es from fr om Pla laym ymat ates es Cot otta tage ge are full fu lly y on boa oard rd in th thei eirr je jean anss forr th fo the e da day. y. From Fr om lef eftt to rig ight ht f ro rom m th the e fron fr ontt ar are, e, Leo Dar arli ling ngto ton, n, Madi Ma diso on Di Dixo xon, n, Pop oppy py Job ob,, Vera Ve ra Mor orle ley y Pa Pauc uco o an and d Ho Holl lly y Dixo Di xon. n. PHOTO: PHO TO: WE WENDY NDY ME MERRI RRICK CK

Wingewarra Street’s once in HOUSE FIRE: Family’s a hundred year facelift. PAGE 6 very lucky escape. PAGE16 CALL US with your news ideas 6885 4433 | EMAIL photos@dubbophotonews.com.au | VISIT US at 89 Wingewarra St, Dubbo

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