Narromine Star 31.01.2025

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Friday, January 31, 2025


French-born Melissa now calls Narromine home STORY: PAGE 10

Vale, Les McKinnon STORY & PHOTOS: PAGE 8

Michael and Viv! Our 2025 Citizens of the Year Michael Welch (far right) — Trangie 2025 Citizen of the Year — cutting the lamington cake alongside Gerry Tatrai and Trangie 2025 Senior Citizen of the Year, Garry Fitzgerald.

By SOPHIA MCCAUGHAN CIVIC and community awards are a way of recognising those in our community who go above and beyond in helping their fellow residents. In this spirit, each year on Australia Day, Citizen of the Year awards are presented to worthy winners in both Narromine and Trangie to honour the exceptional contributions, achievements, and community spirit of individuals in our Local Government Area.

Trangie Citizen of the Year IN 2025, Michael Welch has been honoured for his unwavering dedication, generosity, and tireless contributions to Trangie — particularly through his steadfast support of local initiatives such as the Challenge facility and the Trangie District Recreation Centre. His efforts have not only improved vital community services, but have also fostered a sense of belonging among residents.

Viv Halbisch — Narromine 2025 Citizen of the Year — alongside Gerry Tatrai and Narromine Mayor, Councillor Ewen Jones. PHOTOS: NARROMINE STAR.

Michael’s leadership has inspired others in the community to get involved in projects in Trangie to strengthen community spirit. Michael truly embodies the values of community spirit, commitment, and selfless service to Trangie. His recognition as Citizen of the Year is a testament to the lasting impact he has made on the many lives of those in the community.

Narromine Citizen of the Year THIS Australia Day, Viv Halbisch was also recognised for her decades of selfless service, active participation, and unwavering dedication to the Narromine community through her involvement in numerous initiatives. From her tireless work with the Narromine Lions Club, Meals on Wheels, Narromine Show Society, Uniting Church, Dolly Parton Festival, and Narromine Golf Ladies’ Committee, Viv has touched count-

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less lives with her generosity and commitment. Her willingness to lend a helping hand, no matter the task, has made her an invaluable member of the community. Beyond her hard work, Viv is known for her warm personality and the genuine connections she builds with those around her. Viv said, upon accepting her award, that this honour was a complete surprise. “I did not expect to get anything like this today,” she exclaimed.

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