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29/10/15 17:09

為了令表演者及觀眾不致受到騷擾,請關掉手提電話、其他響鬧及發光的裝置。同時請勿在場內飲食或擅自攝影、錄音及錄影。 多謝合作。 To avoid undue disturbance to the performers and other members of the audience, please switch off your mobile phone and any other sound and light emitting devices before the performance. We also forbid eating and drinking, as well as unauthorized photography, audio and video recording in the auditorium. Thank you for your co-operation. 為愛惜地球,若您不準備保留本節目場刊,請於完場離去前把場刊留在座位,或放入劇院外的回收箱,以便環保回收。 If you do not wish to keep the house programme, please leave it on your seat or return it to the admission point for recycling. 如遇特殊情況,主辦機構保留更換節目及表演者的權利 The presenter reserves the right to substitute artists and change the programme should unavoidable circumstances make it necessary.

演後座談會嘉賓 Guest Speakers of Post-show Talk

演出長約 2 小時 15 分鐘,不設中場休息 Approximately 2 hours 15 minutes without intermission 遲到者須待節目適當時候方可進場 Latecomers will only be admitted until a suitable break in the programme

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6.11.2015 2:30pm : 原著作者 Original Author Helen Tse 7.11.2015 2:30pm : 香港教育學院文學及文化學系助理教授 HKIEd - Dept. of Literature & Cultural Studies Dr. Bidisha Banerjee 7.11.2015 7:45pm : ABC 餅店 ABC Cake House 解淑菁小姐 Ms. Yvonne Kai 香港中文大學人類學 CUHK Dept. of Anthropology 張展鴻教授 Professor Sidney Cheung

30/10/15 13:27

流徙之女 Sweet Mandarin

分場表 Scene List 序幕

1925 年,廣州往香港的小艇上; 2002 年,英國米德爾頓,謝家。

Prologue 1925, A boat from Guangzhou to Hong Kong; 2002, Middleton, UK; Tse’s House.


2003 年,英國米德爾頓,謝家。

Scene 1 2003, Middleton, UK; Tse’s House.


1930 年,廣州。

Scene 2 1930, Guangzhou.


2003 年,英國米德爾頓,謝家。

Scene 3 2003, Middleton, UK; Tse’s House.


1953 年,香港灣仔,瓊家。

Scene 4 1953, Wanchai, Hong Kong; Lily’s House.


2003 年;1959 年,英國米德爾頓,瓊家。

Scene 5 2003; 1959, Middleton, UK; Lily’s House.


1977 年,英國米德爾頓,龍鳳餐館。

Scene 6 1977, Middleton, UK; Lung Fung Restaurant.


2003 年,英國米德爾頓,謝家。

Scene 7 2003, Middleton, UK; Tse’s House.


2002 年,廣州; 1978 年,英國米德爾頓,新龍鳳外賣店。

Scene 8 2002, Guangzhou; 1978, Middleton, UK; New Lung Fung Takeaway.


2005 年,英國曼徹斯特城,Sweet Mandarin 餐館。

Epilogue 2005, Manchester, UK; Sweet Mandarin Restaurant.

故事大綱 Synopsis 「有律師唔做,你走去做廚 ?!」Helen 的父親嘩然。 華人流散異地,往往以食謀生,只求下一代出人頭地,飛出廚 房。英國長大的 Helen 已是執業律師,偏偏逆其道而行。一次 回鄉之旅,燃起 Helen、Janet 及 Liza 承傳祖傳廚藝的決心。她 們毅然放下高薪厚職,拿起鑊鏟,鑽研祖傳珍味,可惜得不到 父母親的支持。Helen 開餐館一事,更挖開母親 Mabel 與祖母 Lily 已癒合多年的傷口。原來餸菜背後不只百味紛陳,還有家族 蜿蜒曲折的流徙歷程,令 Helen 重新品味自己既中且英的雙重 身世。 關於幾代女人,幾代流徙不定的故事。 “You want to be a chef, instead of a lawyer?!” Helen’s father is stunned. Catering is probably the most common business among the overseas Chinese community. The older Chinese generation labors day and night in order to free their younger generation of the chore of the kitchen. Helen, a British born Chinese, against all expectation left her lawyer job to set up her own restaurant. All the ambition and ideas arouse after a family trip back in Hong Kong and China. Together with her sister Janet and Liza, Helen was ready to face any challenges. However, she had never thought that the biggest challenge was coming from her parents. Helen’s decision even opened the long-healed wound between her mother Mabel and grandmother Lily… Helen discovered that her family cuisines were not only tasty but also full of dramatic stories, spanning almost a hundred years and crossing from Guangzhou via Hong Kong to England.

流徙三部曲 Diaspora Trilogy 「流徙」(diaspora)意指脫離母體,流落他方。「Diaspora」的 字源是希臘文,有離散及擴散的意思。流散的僑胞與單純移民 (emigrants)的不同在於,他們有共同的民族認同,並一直懷有 回到祖國的強烈慾望。早期的流散研究(Diaspora Study),主 要關於猶太人被羅馬帝國鎮壓而被迫流亡,直至 1948 年以色列 立國的漫長過程。但自 15 世紀殖民主義興起,及至近代全球化 下帶動人口流動,致使我們的國族、文化認同及身份變得愈來 愈複雜。流散研究甚至擴展至泛指擁有共同背景,但失去或未 知所歸何處的人。 香港無論歷史或地理位置均十分特殊,150 年殖民地背景促成 華洋雜處、中西交融的特性早烙印我們身心,可是香港人此獨 特身份到底如何演化?本團將以三齣獨立成章的戲劇,從不同 角度審視此重大命題,是為「流徙三部曲」。 Diaspora is derived from Greek word, which means “I scatter”. The difference between immigrants and diaspora lies on their ties with the homeland. Most of the diasporas maintain a strong will to return to their root and culture. The origin of Diaspora study mainly focuses on the exile of the Jewish diaspora after the Roman Empire until the establishment of Israel in 1948. However, from 15th century onwards, millions of people were mobilized globally due to imperialism and colonialism. Our globalized world complicates our understanding of nationality and cultural identity. Therefore, more recent diaspora study attenuates the homeland tie; instead it expands the concern to any individuals with similar background, who are lost (both physically and emotionally) together. Hong Kong is unique in its geographical and historical background, being the point of contact between east and west for 150 years. Hong Kongers’ identity was shaped during the colonial period and continues to change in the post-colonial era. Where is our root? Where do we belong? Sweet Mandarin opens the first chapter of our Trilogy of Diaspora, which will introduce three independent plays to discuss diaspora in various contexts. 1

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29/10/15 17:13

流徙之女 Sweet Mandarin

角色表 Character List 謝冰盈

Helen Tse


Mable Kwok/ 太婆 /Janet Tse


婆(Lily 郭梁瑞瓊)


梅 /Lisa Tse / 少女 Mable Kwok


Eric Tse


太公 /Jimmy Tse/Arthur Kwok/Peter

Sam Tse

Helen Tse

Ada Wong

Mable Kwok/ Tai Po (Great Grandmother)/Janet Tse

JennyAnya Cheng Grandmother (Lily Kwok) Wing Moa

Mui Leung/Lisa Tse/Young Mable Kwok

Ben So

Eric Tse

Adam Tang

Great Grandfather/Jimmy Tse/ Arthur Kwok/Peter

製作人員表 原著 Original Author: Helen Tse

監製 Producer: 黃懿雯 Gladys Wong

編劇 Playwright: 鄭廸琪 Callas Cheang

助理監製 Assistant Producers: 張佩琪 Alison Cheung、黃潔雯 Vee Wong

導演 Director: 胡海輝 Hoi-fai Wu

舞台監督 Stage Manager: 張詠婷 Carry Cheung

佈景及服裝設計 Set & Costume Designer: 孫詠君 Vanessa Suen

執行舞台監督 Deputy Stage Manager: 張惠婷 Libby Cheung

燈光設計 Lighting Designer: 黃宇恆 Bert Wong

助理舞台監督 Assistant Stage Managers: 范文恩 Man-yan Fan、黃嘉恩 Ka-yan Wong

音響設計及作曲 Sound Designer and Composer: Jacklam Ho

字幕員 Subtitle Operator: 鄭廸琪 Callas Cheang

編舞及形體指導 Choreographer & Movement Coach: 徐奕婕 Ivy Tsui

技術人員 Stage Crew: 鄧偉傑 Wai-kit Tang

助理編舞 Assistant Choreographer: 藍嘉穎 Ka-wing Blue

服裝員 Dresser: 黃迪汶 Tik-men Wong

戲劇文學指導 Dramaturg: 賴閃芳 Sim-fong Lai

平面設計 Graphic Designer: 張惠淳 Terrenz Chang 宣傳攝影 Publicity Photographer: 黃曉初 Yankov Wong 宣傳化妝 Publicity Makeup Artist: 馬穎芝 Joyce Ma


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30/10/15 15:06

流徙之女 Sweet Mandarin

編劇的話 Playwright’s Notes

流徙之女之流徙之旅 尤記得去年五月被邀請改編《Sweet Mandarin》一書為劇本 時,四個字足以形容 ― 受寵若驚。驚喜於能跟自己欣賞的 導演和劇團合作,對一個劇場新丁來說,當然求之不得;同 時亦驚怕自己力所不及:雖則青春不再,但也尚算年輕,我 應如何駕馭一個接近一百年,經歷四代人,跨越中港英的回 憶錄?再者,我這個地獄廚神對著一個個關於甜酸苦辣的廚 房故事,五味紛陳,大概就是我的心情吧。不過,好歹從爺 爺到我這一代,自己也算是個流徙之女,跟原作者 Helen 一 樣,在人生中作過不為別人認同的選擇,原因只為追夢。為 了更真實地呈現故事,我走訪圖書館、博物館、街市、灣仔 的大小街道、甚至遠赴英國跟 Helen 會面,踏上這趟流徙之 旅。 大時代,小人物,情歸何處?原來還是簡單不過的味道。有 一次他煮了蕃茄炒椰菜花,正想跟他說這是媽媽的家常小菜 時,嚐了一口,嗯,味道不一樣的。由椰菜花的口感,蕃茄 的大小,甜酸的程度等,都不一樣,沒有高低之分,只是不 是媽媽的味道,不是家的味道。一想到三四十年後就再嚐不 到家的味道,實在有一刻想跑到廚房去跟媽媽拜師。這想法 隨即變成行動,我到雪櫃取了包媽媽牌鹵水汁給他。傳承, 不一定要有血緣關係的。 《流徙之女》的完結代表另一個旅程的開始。謝謝你,讓我 有次不一樣的創作之旅。


The Sweetness of Sweet Mandarin When I was invited to adapt Sweet Mandarin into a play last year, I was amazed and anxious. It was a great honour to work with the director and theatre company that I appreciated so much as a new playwright. However, I was young (at least I think so), how could I handle a biography about four generations and three different places? Also, the story was about cooking while I could not cook even with recipes for dummies. My grandparents and parents left their homeland as Lily and Mabel in Sweet Mandarin did, and I found myself similar to Helen, the original author, that we sacrificed in pursuit of our dreams. So I started my amazing journey from library, museum, market, Wanchai and even to Manchester. After studying the evocative journey of the generations, what did I discover? Taste was simply the answer. One day, he made the dish stir-fried cauliflowers with tomatoes for dinner. Before I wanted to tell him that it was a common dish at my home, I tried some and...... it was different! From the texture of the cauliflowers, the size of the tomatoes, the degree of the sweetness and sourness...... all were not the same. His dish was good, but it was not the same taste as that of Mum, not as that of family. When I realized the taste of family would be lost after 30 or 40 years, I wanted to rush into the kitchen to learn from Mum. The thought soon turned to action: I took Mum’s homemade sauce from the fridge and gave it to him. Tradition can be passed down outside family. The end of Sweet Mandarin started my new chapter. Thank you for giving me a memorable and sweet journey.

Callas Cheang 3

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29/10/15 17:09

流徙之女 Sweet Mandarin

導演的話 Director’s Notes

2007 年我到英國攻讀碩士課程,曾以一宗外賣店華人東 主被殺案為功課素材,翻查有關英國華人的資料時,碰上 《Sweet Mandarin》這本回憶錄。當時自己人在異地,對書 中女性在陌生環境打拼謀生的艱辛感受殊深,心想 Helen 的 家族故事應能勾起不少人的共鳴,因而萌生改編為舞台劇的 意念。 感謝莊梅岩當時應允改編,甚至李永康及英國的真心劇團曾 在英國作片段試演,令我看見這故事的戲劇潛質,只可惜一 直未有資金,令幾位伙伴的創作熱情也冷卻下來。終於一年 多前,獲得藝發局資助,令我可以重新埋班,完整搬演這故 事。 最後,也是最重要的,讓我遇上編劇鄭廸琪。決定改編時, 我便希望找到一位女性編劇,始終這是一個很女人的故事, 女人的溫柔與強靭,我沒信心男性編劇能掌握。事實證明,

In 2007, when I was studying a master degree in London, one of my assignments was about a murder of a Chinese takeaway owner. When I researched about British Chinese, I came across the memoir Sweet Mandarin. Since I was also away from my homeland at that time, the description about how the female protagonists of the book struggled against all odds in their lives struck me deeply. I thought that the story of Helen’s family should be appealing to not just me. Thus, my wish to adapt it to be a play was born.

我的直覺沒有錯,感謝她給我這一個情理並茂的劇本。導演 就是一位廚師,材料本身好,我的加工便事半工倍,最後結 合我倆心血,還有眾人努力的這一道菜是否美味,便要各位 觀眾來品嘗了!


Thanks to my playwright friend Cancer Chong, who agreed to adapt it at that time. Wing Hong Li and the True Heart Theatre Company in London have also helped workshop some scenes before. Pity was that there was no funding for us to pursue that adaptation. My collaborators have lost their interest in this story later. Finally, more than one year ago, the Arts Development Council has granted a funding, so that I could recruit a new team and present this story in its entity. I would like to dedicate the most sincere and heartfelt gratitude to playwright Callas Cheang. When I decided to adapt this story, I wished that I could find a female playwright. This is a story about women. The tenderness and resilience of women may be out of the grasp of a male playwright. Now it proves that my intuition was right. Thanks to Callas that she has given me a good play of such a breadth of both emotions and ideas. A director is like a chef. If the ingredients are good, my work will enhance its impact. Now, this dish, which is a result of our heart and effort, is ready. Bon appetit!

Hoi-fai Wu 4

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29/10/15 17:09

流徙之女 Sweet Mandarin

原著作者 Original Author 鄭雅芝、謝冰盈 JennyAnya Cheng, Sam Tse

《流徙之女》由《Sweet Mandarin》一書 改編,原著作者為英藉華人 Helen Tse。 Sweet Mandarin 亦是謝氏姊妹所開設的 同名餐館。Helen、Lisa 和 Janet 謝氏三姊 妹本是專業人仕,2004 年,三姊妹決定 放棄於倫敦的高薪厚職,在曼徹斯特開 設了一家中菜館 ― Sweet Mandarin, 又名「甜甜」。有別於一般的中餐廳,她們摒棄了傳統的圓 枱,也拒絕選址於唐人街。Sweet Mandarin 是一所中西合壁 的新派餐館。最特別的是,餐廳仍售賣三姊妹外婆和母親的 招牌菜式:咖喱雞和雞煲。 Sweet Mandarin 至今獲獎無數。英國名廚 Gordon Ramsay 在 他的電視節目《F Word》給予 Sweet Mandarin「當地最好的 中國餐館」的頭銜。Helen 和 Lisa 更獲首相卡梅倫邀請於唐 寧街 10 號為訪英的中國總理李克強設宴。三姊妹更推出共 六款特色醬汁,除了在英國的大型連鎖超級市場有售外,銷 售點更遠至歐洲及亞洲,甚至香港。 2014 年,Helen 及 Lisa 獲英女皇頒授 MBE 勳銜,以表揚她們 對餐飲業的貢獻。

The play is an adaptation of the memoir Sweet Mandarin, which is written by British-born Chinese author Helen Tse. Sweet Mandarin is also the name of their award-winning restaurant located in Manchester. Tse sisters, Helen, Lisa and Janet, were professionals in different fields. A family trip to Hong Kong and a tracing origin journey to Guangzhou, they were touched by the stories of their family. In 2004, Tse sisters decided to give up their jobs with impressive income to be restaurateurs together. The determination of passing on the spirits and history of the three generations of Chinese women in the family led them to open a restaurant called Sweet Mandarin. Sweet Mandarin is a Chinese-Western fusion restaurant. There is no round table and the restaurant is not located at China Town. Most characteristically, the restaurant is still serving Lily's and Mabel's signature dishes: Chicken Curry and Chicken Clay Pot. The restaurant has received numerous awards. Gordan Ramsay, a world famous chef, has awarded Sweet Mandarin with "UK's best Local Chinese Restaurant" in his TV program the "F Word". On behalf of Sweet Mandarin, Helen and Lisa were invited to cook for the Chinese Premier Li KeQiang and Prime Minister David Cameron in 10 Downing Street during Li's visit to the UK. The three sisters have started their sauce business and launched a total of six different sauces. Not only can the sauces be found in big supermarket chains in the UK, they are also sold abroad in Europe and Asia, even Hong Kong. In 2014, Helen and Lisa were awarded MBE (Member of the Most Excellent Order of the British Empire), in recognition of their services to the food and drink sector.


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29/10/15 17:09

流徙之女 Sweet Mandarin

20 世紀中期香港的生活狀況 Hong Kong in mid 20th century 蘇育輝、鄧宇廷 Ben So, Adam Tang

1946 年隨著第二次世界大戰的結束,之前為逃避戰亂的港 人開始回流。加上內地發生內戰,更令大量的難民湧入香 港謀生。因此香港的人口由 1946 年 155 萬激增至 1961 年的 313 萬。短短 15 年間人口竟增加 1 倍,這使得香港的居住需 求大增。由於當時房屋供不應求,很多人因付不起租金而霸 佔大廈天台,天台屋,寮屋,木屋紛紛湧現,這些非法房屋 的建築簡陋,面積細小,衛生情況非常差。 在如此情況,打「住家工」對婦女是不錯的選擇。不少來 自內地農村的婦女湧到香港,她們同樣離鄉背井,在香港無 親無故。因為傳統上會由僱主照顧衣食住行,不愁居住問 題,很多女傭甚至視之為第二個家,不再回鄉。當時打「住 家工」,亦有外國家庭聘用,所以部分女傭會弄西餐又懂說 洋涇濱英文(Chinese Pidgin English)的半鹹淡英文:「例如 同主人講『ten two o'clock Jardine bomb bomb, chow chow quick quick』,即係話 12 點怡和鳴午炮,快啲食飯!」1 雖然隨著香港工業化的推進,經濟發展的速度也開始加快。 許多人選擇到工廠打工。但當時的工人每天工作 10 小時以 上,每週工作7天,但卻收入微薄。普通工人每天人工為4-5 元,大部分工人家庭入息可謂捉襟見肘。再加上中國人的傳 統觀念及缺乏計劃生育的思想,當時一個家庭有 5-6 個小孩 是司空見慣的。因此一些貧困家庭由於無法養育孩子,只有

Following the end of WW2, there was a population boom in Hong Kong. It jumped from 1.5 million in 1945 to 3 million in 1961. Among the immigrants, most of them were Chinese refugees escaping the Chinese civil war; the result was a huge demand in housing. The housing policy failed to meet the supply, people then turned to live in illegal settlement: rooftop houses, wooden houses and squatter along hillside etc. Not only was this kind of settlement small in size, but they also came with poor facilities and unhygienic environment. Thus, working as live-in maid was quite an obvious choice for many Chinese female immigrants. Many of them left their home in China and came alone to Hong Kong. With limited support from families here, they preferred to live with the master families for shelter. Some of them treated the master families as their second home. Many foreigners hired live-in maid, who learned to cook western dishes and speak Chinese Pidgin English, a mixture of Shanghainese and English. For example: “ten two o’clock Jardine bomb bomb, chow chow quick quick”, which means at 12 o’clock there is noon day gun fired by Jardine employee, let’s have your lunch. Hong Kong experienced an economic boom in 60s, when the light industries developed at their quickest speed, factory work attracted lots of young people. However, the paid was 4-5 dollars a day only, for which the workers worked 10 hours a day, 7 days a week. The income was just enough to feed a family. Birth control and family planning were not popular among immigrants, whose families were common to have 5-6 children. Some of the poor families might give away their child to the rich; those unlucky ones might just be abandoned at the gate of those charitable orphanages, like Po Leung Kuk.

將孩子轉送給家庭較富裕的人家,更甚的是將其遺棄於一些 慈善機構的門口,如保良局。

1. " 無合約重情義 媽姐私己救老爺 " 蘋果日報 Apple Daily


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流徙之女 Sweet Mandarin

英國華人生活 Lives of British Born Chinese 毛曄穎 Wing Moa

Dating back to the early 19 th century, there was Chinese immigration to UK. Many of them were seamen. Limehoue area in London became the site of first European Chinatown. The largest wave of Chinese immigrants took place during 1950 and 1960, it increased from 12,523 to 38,750 people. People consisted of refugees escaping the Chinese Civil War and male farmers from Hong Kong. Majority of them were employed in the catering industry or laundry businesses. Today, a significant proportion of British Chinese are second or third generation descendants of these post-World War II immigrants. Chinese born in UK are referred to as British Born Chinese (BBC).

19 世紀初已經有中國人移民英國,大部分是水手。倫敦的 萊姆豪斯是歐洲第一個唐人街。但要到 1950-60 年代才出 現最大的移民潮,當時華人人口由 12,523 人上升至 38,7502 人。當中許多人為逃離中國內戰而移民,亦有不少是來自香 港新界的圍村村民。到埗後多從事飲食或洗衣業。今日的有 大部分華裔英國人是戰後移民的第二或三代。而在英國出生 的華裔英國人被稱為 BBC(British Born Chinese)。 上一代的華裔英國人面對生活艱苦、語言障礙、被歧視等問 題,他們大多從事餐飲業,工作時間長而缺乏生活樂趣,部 份華裔英國人更因而沉迷深夜賭博。 然而新一代在英國出生的華裔英國人同樣面對被種族定型和 種族歧視,甚至種族暴力等問題。面對自己「竹升」的身份, 部分人在成長過程中亦會感到困惑,甚至不想認同自己華人 的身份,但同時亦有不少人卻對自己混合中西文化的身份感 到自豪。也許亦因為在成長過程中要克服種種困難,所以他

The hardships of living, language and racism posed problems to the older generations of British Chinese. Most of them were in the catering trade, working unsociable hours, and the lack of after-hours venues has led to the problem of gambling. For the new generation of British Born Chinese (BBC), they also face the problem of stereotyping, racism or even racism attacks. Some of the BBCs feel confused about their identity as “Jook-sing”, some of them even do not want to accept the identity of being a Chinese; however, at the same time, many of them feel proud to belong both to the Chinese and Western culture. They have to cope with many difficulties growing up as a child or teenage, which is the reason why they are particularly strong and positive, and are motivated to help each other within the Chinese community. School performances of British Born Chinese are outstanding. In 2002, BBCs obtained the best results in UK A-level public examinations compare to other ethnicities. Chinese are generally likely to be admitted to prestigious institutions, as Chinese youth would be expected to study in prestigious institutions for better career prospects in the future in order to obtain a stable salary to support the family, therefore they tend to work in professional field like law or medical industry.

們亦顯得特別堅強及正面,華人社區之間亦守望相助。新一 代華裔英國人在學術成績方面表現卓越,2002 年,華人學 生在英國中學會考中所取得的成績是所有族裔中最好的,他

們亦傾向選擇就讀著名學府及專業學科,是因為華裔年輕人 希望有更好的仕途以獲得穩定收入來支持自己的家庭,所以 就業方面有不少華人從事專業領域,例如在法律、醫藥等行

2. "Chinese Diaspora in Britain.", P. 1-8

業就職。 7

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中式外賣 Chinese Take away 黃安婷 Ada Wong

1880 年開始,倫敦及利物浦已經有中式小店及餐館,服務 華人水手。1884 年倫敦的國際健康展覽正式向群眾介紹中 菜。「炒雜碎」 ,一款只在英美流行的中菜經典,其出現由於 早期華人移民面對中式食材短缺,就地取材而創作。1907 年,在英國首間有紀錄的中式餐館,於倫敦正式啟業。但餐 廳的數目要在第二次世界大戰後才開始逐漸增加,雜碎、 魚餅、炒麵等菜式比較常見。1958 年,第一間中式外賣店 「LOTUS HOUSE」於倫敦開業 3。漸漸地中式餐飲在英國普 及,亦開始提供外賣服務。 Take out or takeout、carry-out、take away 及 parcel,指的是 買家購買一家餐廳的菜餚或其他食品,並準備在其他地方享 用。事實上,早期較低收入的中國家庭到英國後 , 都是以家 庭式經營風險和成本都較低的飲食行業為生,如外賣店。 外賣食物一般都是容易包裝及隨身的快餐熟食,例如盒飯、 漢堡包、披薩或薯條。而現在,因外賣盛載器具有所改良, 湯類或多汁的菜式都可外賣供客人享用。為配合西方人口 味,有時餐館都會調較一下菜餚的味道,又例如引入西方三 道菜的上菜模式。受歡迎的菜式有宮保雞丁、春捲、北京烤 鴨等。

In 1880, Chinese groceries and eating-houses appeared in London and Liverpool, patronized by Chinese seamen, dockworkers and students. In 1884, Chinese food was introduced to the British public at the International Health Exhibition in London. Chop suey, a dish you never find in China, has been an iconic Chinese dishes in the West for a substantial period of time. It was mostly likely a dish created by early immigrations as an adaption to the western palates, or a solution to cover the shortage of raw ingredients at the time. The first recorded Chinese restaurant opened in Glasshouse Street, Piccadilly Circus, London, which was called ‘The Chinese Restaurant’. But not until the end of WW2 there was a steady increase. Chinese food became more popular, chop suey, chow mein and fish cakes were commonly found. In 1958, John Koon’s Lotus House at Bayswater, London, became Britain's first Chinese takeaway. Since then many Chinese restaurants offered takeaway service. Take out or takeout, carry-out, take away and parcel, different names but all refer to freshly-made food that is packed for taking away and eating elsewhere. Working in catering business was in fact very popular among many mid and lowincome Chinese immigrants. With low startup cost and minimal risk, these take away shops are very often family-run. Before the advancement of packaging, the shops offered only dried dishes like pizza, fries and burger. Nowadays we can take away almost anything ranging from saucy dishes to hot soup. Chinese dishes have been westernized to fit the British appetite, for example a three-course meal pattern was established. Well-liked dishes are Kung Pao Chicken, spring rolls and Peking duck etc.

3. "British Chinese Food Timeline 英國中餐發展歷史年表 " British Chinese Food Culture.


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食物的真義 The Meaning of Food 賴閃芳 Sim-fong Lai

煮食不單單是家常事,食物也不只是果腹之用;正如張展鴻 教授於飲食人類學一文所指,人類的生活由出生到死亡都 離不開飲食。飲食及烹調習慣絕對反映了社會階段、性別權 力、身分及文化認同等。又因著時代及社會轉變,飲食態度 亦隨之而改。就如廚房對於Mabel與Helen這兩代人的象徵, 相差十萬八千里。 劇中由 Lily 的父親、Lily,直到 Mabel 與 Eric 兩代人均流徙至 異地,倚靠為生的就是華人出色的烹飪技巧,它是經濟生 產。可惜及至 Mabel 那一代,「廚房佬」地位並沒有提升, 雖然他們撐起整個倫敦甚至紐約唐人街,讓今時今日中餐 於歐美發揚光大。正如 Mabel 所言,廚房只留給沒有選擇的 人,就好像她。廚房帶給她的,是二等公民的痛苦回憶。 Mabel 又怎會同意當律師的 Helen 開餐館? 但對於第三代的英藉華人 Helen 幾姊妹,食物所象徵的卻是 家族情感的回憶,可惜在回鄉之前,都只是零碎的片段,就 如她說的中文一樣。媽媽的雞煲、爸爸的咖哩及婆婆的小 菜是 Helen 唯一認識家鄉的橋樑。回鄉之旅重整了過往的回 憶,補充了她一直所懸空的華人身份。開餐館當廚子不是為 糊口,是 Helen 重構自己英國華僑身分的一步。 香港也有著與 Helen 相似的背景,華洋雜處,一直以中西 美食創意 FUSION 菜而自豪。90 年代回歸前流行起本地一 日遊,港人對懷舊傳統美食趨之若騖 4。近幾年又再流行起 來,網上紛紛成立群組保護小店老店,若有老店將關閉,就 一窩蜂前往。無獨有偶,兩次都出現在社會政治不明朗的時 刻。從飲食習慣的改變可窺見香港人面對身份認同的問題, 「這可能是全球一體化進程中的本土文化反擊」5。以資本帶 動的全球化正沖擊著我們的社會,本土文化一點一滴地流 失,當下的香港人最能理解不過。我們何時與 Helen 一樣, 能認清自己的過去,重構香港人的身分?

Cooking is not something ordinary; food is not for satiety only. As Prof. Cheung puts it in the article “Food Anthropology”, we are inseparable from the diet through out our lives, be it at the wedding or funeral. Eating and cooking habits definitely reflect the social status, gender and cultural identity. However, it is not stable. Our attitude towards diet will change as the society changes. Just like our characters Mabel and Lily, they represent two generations, whose “kitchen” means something totally different. In the play, from Lily’s father, Lily to Lily’s daughter Mabel, they all emigrated to a foreign country. They could only rely on their excellent culinary skills to make a living, i.e. the kitchen fed all three generations. Kitchen men stayed in the kitchen, even though the Chinese cuisine flourished in Europe all because of them, their status has never improved. As Mable said, “Kitchen is for those with no choice”. Mabel was the one with no choice, what the kitchen brought her was the memories full of pain as a second-class citizen. Would she agree on Helen’s decision? No. For Helen and her sisters, who were the third generation of BBC, food symbolized the memories of the family. The dishes were the only channel that she could understand her family history. Just like her spoken Chinese, these memories were nonetheless fragmented: mum’s Chicken Pot, grandmother’s curry and dad’s dishes. The family trip back in Hong Kong put together all these fragments; the Chinese side of her was filled. Finally she could see the whole picture of who she is. Thus, in Helen’s mind kitchen was not about work, but love instead. Opening a restaurant was in fact her first step to reconstruct her British Born Chinese identity. Hong Kong shares a similar background like Helen. It has been the hub of east meeting west since 1842, where fusion food is easily found. Local day trips were popular in 90s, many Hong Kongers aspired for nostalgic food and culture. This trend is getting popular again this year, facebook groups are set up to “protect” those local or traditional restaurants. Coincidentally, these trends appear when Hong Kong is unstable politically. From the change of eating habits, we can see Hong Kongers are searching for the cultural identity. “It could be a counter attack on the globalization by the local culture”. Capital-driven globalization affects the society, we are losing the local culture bit by bit. Instead of looking forward, shall we take of look of our past? Could we see truly who we are, like Helen did, and are able to rebuild the cultural identity of Hong Kong people one day?

4. 張展鴻,《飲食人類學》P.2 5. 張展鴻,《飲食人類學》P.15


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參考資料 Reference

書本 Books • Cheung, Sidney C. H. International Conference on Foodways and Heritage: A Perspective of Safeguarding the Intangible Cultural Heritage. 2013. Print. • Clayton, Carmen Lau. British Chinese Families: Parenting, Relationships and Childhoods. New York: Palgrave Macmillan, 2014. Print. • Goody, Jack. Cooking, Cuisine, and Class: A Study in Comparative Sociology. Cambridge [Cambridgeshire: Cambridge UP, 1982. Print. • Tse, Helen. Sweet Mandarin: The Courageous True Story of Three Generations of Chinese Women and Their Journey from East to West. New York: Thomas Dunne / St. Martin's, 2008. Print. • Wah, Yung Yung, and Burjor Avari. British Soil, Chinese Roots: Chinese Life in Britain. Liverpool: Countyvise, 1996. Print. • 陳秉安:《大逃港》,(香港,香港中和出版社有限公司,2013 年) • 張展鴻:〈飲食人類學〉,陳剛、招子明編:《人類學》,(北京,中國人民大學出版社,2008) • 蘭靜:《近代香港外來移民與香港社會文化發展》,(台北,花木蘭文化出版社,2013)

影片/網頁 Videos/Websites • " 鏗鏘集:移民何價 1" RTHK Memory. RTHK, 1983. Web. 27 Oct. 2015. • " 鏗鏘集:移民何價 2" RTHK Memory. RTHK, 1983. Web. 27 Oct. 2015. • " 無合約重情義 媽姐私己救老爺 " 蘋果日報 Apple Daily, 2010. Web. 2015. • "British Chinese Food Timeline 英國中餐發展歷史年表 " British Chinese Food Culture. Web. 27 Oct. 2015. • "Cheng, Chung Pun (Catering)" British Chinese Heritage. 2013. Web. 27 Oct. 2015. • "The Chinese in Britain" Post Magazine 2014. Web. 2015. • "Chinese Diaspora in Britain" The British Museum Tour: China, Journey to the East. The British Museum, 2010. Web. 27 Oct. 2015.


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編劇簡介 Playwright’s Biography

演員簡介 Actors’ Biography

鄭廸琪 Callas Cheang

蘇育輝 Ben So

謝冰盈 Sam Tse

正 職 從 事 醫 療,

演 武 者, 劇 場 遊

副業修讀香港演 藝學院藝術碩士 課程,主修編劇。



公演作品有影話 戲《螢火》、同流 《魚躍記》。《香城六六六》曾在「編劇工場 2」 展現。



2015 年畢業於香




學院,獲藝術學 士(榮譽)學位,主修表演。校內演出 包括《娜拉》、《三姊妹》、《深閨大宅》、 《 人 間 煙 火 》 等, 並 憑《 娜 拉 》 及《 看

黃安婷 Ada Wong 畢業於香港演藝

導演簡介 Director’s Biography

學 院 戲 劇 學 院, 獲 藝 術 學 士( 榮 譽 ) 學 位, 主 修 表 演。 在 校 期間獲頒 09-10 年度匯豐銀行慈善基金及

不見的城市》獲傑出演員獎。校外演出 包括中英劇團《馬克白 X 哈姆雷特》、 Theatre Noir 音樂劇《動物農莊 2013 革 新版》等。謝氏能操流利英語,亦熱愛 音樂劇。曾在山頂餐廳擔任駐場演唱及 在多個演出場合擔任現場鋼琴伴奏。現 為一條褲製作的一年制戲劇人才培育計 劃全職演員。

"Estella Wong Drama & Theatre Education Scholarships 2010/2011",並於 09-10 年度

胡海輝 Hoi-fai Wu 先後畢業於香港 中 文 大 學( 主 修 英文)及香港演 藝學院戲劇學院 ( 主 修 導 演 ), 二 ○○八年獲英國倫敦大學中央戲劇及語言 學院碩士,同年夏天獲亞洲文化協會基金 獎學金前往美國考察研究。現為一條褲製 作藝術總監,近期為劇團翻譯及導演《快 熟都市》、《同志少年虐殺事件》、《死裡逃 生》及《猥褻-三審王爾德》,導演《走不 出的雨巷》、紀錄劇場《重建菜園村》、《本 來沒有菜園村》及《1967》;《十一騷動- 1967 的短句零章》、人種誌劇場《教育有 戲 》, 翻 譯《 重 見 真 相 - 同 志 虐 殺 十 年 重 訪》。胡氏亦為康樂及文化事務署社區小組

獲得優秀學生獎。近期作品包括:香港話 劇團《俏紅娘》 ;盛世天戲劇團《星海留痕》 ; 一條褲製作讀戲會《死裡逃生》;A2 創作社 主辦小劇場大劇竇《誰想一個人》;天邊外

鄭雅芝 JennyAnya Cheng

劇場《盧亭》( 愛丁堡站 );唯獨舞台《快樂


王子》 ;Theatre Noir《狄更斯的快樂聖誕》、

學 院 戲 劇 學 院,


獲 藝 術 學 士( 榮

《安蒂崗妮》及《中國血腥音》 ;春天舞台《南

譽 ) 學 位, 主 修


表演。在校期間曾獲頒傑出演員獎及獎 學

春天劇團《兩個盛女一個墟》 ;新域劇團《三

金到紐約 SUNY Purchase College 進修。曾

姊妹與哥哥和一隻蟋蟀》 ;香港原創《如果 ‧












賭夫 vs 爛賭妻》。現為自由身演員及配音 員,並於多間中小學及幼稚園任戲劇導師。

委員、香港學校戲劇節首席評判、香港藝 術發展局審批員及香港戲劇協會評審,亦 為香港科技大學、香港演藝學院及恆生管 理學院擔任兼職講師。


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製作人員簡介 Production Team’s Biography 毛曄穎 Wing Moa

的紅樓》、《本來沒有菜園村》、《棋廿三》、 《尋找許仙》、《新中國芭蕾.青蛙王子》、 《大鬧天宮》、《篤數帝國》、《流。白》、《無

畢業於香港大學 文 學 院, 主 修 比 較 文 學, 雙 副 修 德文和傳媒及文 化 研 究, 以 及 畢 業於香港演藝學院戲劇學院,獲藝術學士 (榮譽)學位,主修表演。在校期間曾獲優 秀表現獎及代表學院往北京及上海演出《魚 玄機的狂野派對》,並曾主演《電子城市》, 亦憑《朱莉小姐》獲頒傑出演員獎。近期 演出包括︰前進進戲劇工作坊《電子城市 director’s cut》、《後殖民食神之歌》;浪人劇 場—台北藝穗節《像我這樣的一個女子》; 大細路劇團《安全地帶》;創典舞台《除非 你是我》;中英劇團《孤星淚》 、《大龍鳳》 等。曾任電視台記者及及商業電台主持。 現為自由身戲劇工作者、旅遊節目主持及 活動司儀。同時亦參與電視、電台、電影 及廣告等演出。 Facebook: mosiuwing

鄧宇廷 Adam Tang 曾就讀香港兆基 創 意 書 院, 以 及 畢業於香港演藝 學 院 戲 劇 學 院, 獲 藝 術 學 士( 榮 譽)學位,主修表演。在校期間曾獲優秀 學生獎,並憑校內演出《人間煙火》獲傑 出演員獎,其他校內演出包括:《UBU》、 《造謠學堂》、《彷彿在沙丘上跳舞》、《秀才 與劊子手》、《施卡本的詭計》等。曾為大 細路劇團全職演員,最近演出一髮溪《他 鄉》;7A 班戲劇組《灰闌》(重演);香港藝 術中心《編劇工場》;大細路劇團《贏在起 步線》、《安全地帶》 ;夢飛行合家歡劇團《俠 盜羅賓漢之七彩星塵》;非常道《跑吧 ― 梅 洛 斯, 跑 吧!》; 火 劇 團《 跑 吧! 梅 洛 斯》。現為自由身演員及樂師。

孫詠君 Vanessa Suen

際空境》、《打轉教室》等。現為自由身舞 台工作者。

佈景及服裝設計   Set & Costume Designer

Jacklam Ho 音響設計及作曲 Sound Designer & Composer

畢業於香港演藝 學 院 戲 劇 學 院,


獲 藝 術 學 士( 榮

演 藝 學 院, 獲 藝


術 學 士( 榮 譽 )


學 位, 主 修 舞 台



獎學金、周生生獎學金及舞台及製作藝術 最具潛質設計學生。曾參與舞台設計作品




《Opus 16: Point of Departure》 ;友人創作《情


場摩西》、《順風 ‧ 送水》; 戲劇農莊《浮沙》 ;



村》、《1967》、《十一騷動 ― 1967 的短句



街舞劇場《男人。搞乜鬼?》 ;同流《Live。

― 同志虐殺現場十年重訪》;不加鎖舞踊

In HK》、《魚躍記》等。曾參與舞台助理設

館《游弋蒼穹》;4 度工作室《tringer2.0》、


《RAM》; 天 邊 外 劇 場《 禁 區 廣 場 》; 香 港

術節《金蘭姊妹》 ;中英劇團《復仇者傳聞》 ;


風車草劇團《愛與人渣》;W 創作社《男男


女女男》 、 《小人國5》 《結婚》 等。 ;香港話劇團


徐奕婕 Ivy Tsui

黃宇恆 Bert Wong 燈光設計   Lighting Designer

編舞及形體指導   Choreographer & Movement Coach




學 院。2012 年 獲

哲 學 碩 士 學 位,





II》,而環境舞蹈系列《豆兒》亦於 2014 年


4 月於香港舞蹈團「八樓平台」再度創作及


重演。2015 年全新作品《乾花》為香港康



蕾 舞 團、 盒 子、 三 角 關 係、 一 條 褲 製 作

一、2015 香港藝術節委約作品《雞蛋花》







《空凳上的書簡 2 :繼續書寫》、《森林海中



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流徙之女 Sweet Mandarin

藍嘉穎 Ka-wing Blue

黃氏曾為超過 50 個演出擔任監製,近年製

助理編舞   Assistant Choreographer

褻 ― 三審王爾德》、《本來沒有菜園村》、

左 撇 子、 香 港 獨 立 舞 蹈 人。 十 六 歲 開 始 習 舞, 2010 年 獲 香 港 演 藝 學 院 舞 蹈 藝 術 學 士 學 位, 主 修 現 代 舞 及 編 舞。 曾 於 瑞 典、 曼 谷、上海、廣洲、台灣、北京和日本參與 各個舞蹈節、演出及交流。藍氏熱愛編舞 創作,曾發表的作品包括:東邊舞蹈團《鄰 居 》、《 天 氣 小 姐 》 、《 說 出 來 》 、《 猩 猩 和 人》、《針言.絮語》;動藝白盒子系列《兔 丁丁》;舞蹈新鮮人系列《左撇子》,並連 續兩年於「北京舞蹈雙周」先後發表獨舞

黃潔雯 Vee Wong


助理監製   Assistant Producer

《1967》、《 十 一 騷 動 ― 1967 之 短 句 零 章》、《同志少年虐殺事件》、《重見真相-




特斯》 ;鄧樹榮戲劇工作室《泰特斯 2.0》( 首

學 系( 公 關 及 廣

演 );一路青空《囍雙飛》、《雜果兵團》、


《曇花戀》、《魔法豆腐花》、《忍者 BB 班》、


《第拾壹方案 ― 今日城》;役者和戲《胎





曾為《同志少年虐殺事件》、《重見真相 ―








作品《空心隕石》、《轉季 (Part II)》。連續兩 年參與 Art Basel 有關演出,分別為 2013 年 跟美國著名音樂人 Arto Lindsay 合作,並協

張佩琪 Alison Cheung

助創作舞蹈巡遊《Paper Rain》;2014 年跟 來自紐約的編導 Ryan McNamara 和一眾舞

賴閃芳 Sim-fong Lai 戲劇文學指導 Dramaturg

者合作演出《SCORE》。2012 至 2013 年為

助理監製   Assistant Producer






樹 仁 大 學( 新 聞

藝 術 碩 士, 主 修


演 員 訓 練。 於









https://www.facebook.com/ BlueKaWingIsHere


黃懿雯 Gladys Wong 監製 Producer

畢業於香港演藝 學 院 戲 劇 學 院, 獲 藝 術 學 士( 榮 譽 ) 學 位, 主 修 表 演。 就 讀 香 港 演藝學院前,曾任職公關,並畢業於香港 理工大學,主修德文。近年演出包括愛麗



作,曾合作的單位包括 Cosmo Girl!、香港



港話劇團《紅》及《安 ‧ 非她命》的文學




的情詩》及香港話劇團《相請不如偶遇》。 賴氏亦為多間企業及社福機構作企業培 訓。亦於 2012 年創立香港青年戲劇大使, 連續三年帶領香港青少年往巴黎聯合國教 科文總部 (UNESCO),為國際兒童戲劇節表 演,並於研討會就戲劇教育發表演說。

絲劇場實驗室《卡夫卡的七個箱子》、《第 三帝國的恐懼和苦難》 、《女侍 / 侍女》 、《巴 索尼里的一千零一個夜晚》、《百年孤寂》; 顛覆盒子《30 婚限定》;並憑《侍女》獲第 二屆香港小劇場獎優秀女演員獎。


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流徙之女 Sweet Mandarin

張詠婷 Carry Cheung

現場十年重訪》;藝堅峰《Title of Show》;

舞台監督   Stage Manager

羊》 ;國際綜藝合家歡《你?唱得喜!》等。



學 院, 獲 藝 術 學




主 修 藝 術、 項 目


及舞台管理。在校期間曾獲頒滙豐銀行香 港與內地學生交流獎學金,到訪北京及天 津作文化藝術交流。除學院製作外,近期 亦參與不同劇團之製作,包括:一條褲製 作《同志少年虐殺事件》、《十一騷動 ―

助理舞台監督 Assistant Stage Manager



畢業於香港職業 訓練局多媒體設 計及娛樂科高級 文憑。曾參與之製作包括︰楚城《天上人 渣》、《大酒店有個荷李活》( 首演及重演 );




戀》; A2 創作社《波音情人》( 重演 );觀塘


劇團《親》 ;進念.二十面體《華嚴經 3.0》 ; 一條褲製作《十一騷動 ― 1967 的短句零

1967 之短句零章》、《1967》;夢飛行合家

章》 、 《同志少年虐殺事件》 、 《重見真相 - 同

歡 劇團《 木偶奇遇記》、《星仔走天涯》、

志虐殺現場十年重訪》;W 創作社《小人國

《飄零燕》;一路青空《第拾壹方案 ― 今

范文恩 Man-yan Fan

日城》、《忍者 BB 班》、《魔法豆腐花》、《雜 果兵團》、《囍雙飛》 ;W 創作社《Christine Law & Her Three Best Friend》、《愛是雪》、

5》;天邊外劇場《演員的自我搔癢三之天 道英才》;《下迴分解》。

助理舞台監督 Assistant Stage Manager

《攣到爆》( 五度重演 )、《戀愛總是平靜地意 外身亡》 (重演) ;心創作劇場《女煮人》 (首



張惠淳 Terrenz Chang

學 院, 獲 藝 術 學

及五度重演) ;心靈客棧《華佗六頂記》。 現為自由身舞台工作者。

黃嘉恩 Ka-yan Wong



平面設計  Graphic Designer

主修藝術、項目及舞台管理。曾參與製作 包括:神戲劇場《狂揪夫妻》;進劇場《樓


城 2015》、《小島芸香》(澳門及加拿大演

師, 平 面 設 計 作

出 );W 創作社《男男女女男》;風車草劇團

張惠婷 Libby Cheung 執行舞台監督   Deputy Stage Manager

品 包 括: 進 劇 場

《深夜猛鬼食堂》;一條褲製作《1967》;黎 海寧 X 動藝《咏嘆調》;任白慈善基金《再 世紅梅記》(首演、重演及澳門演出)等。 現為自由身舞台工作者。

《 樓 城 立 夏 版 》、 《等待果陀》、《玩偶之家》、《小島芸香》; 愛麗絲劇場實驗室《十方一念》、《伽俐略 傳》、《終局》 ;前進進戲劇工作坊《醜男子》 ;





畢業於香港演藝 學院,獲藝術學士(榮譽)學位,主修藝 術、項目及舞台管理。並於香港大學修讀 社會科學碩士,主修媒體、文化及創意城 市。曾憑《李逵的藍與黑》獲校內最佳舞 台監督及最佳舞台管理獎。 曾參與作品包括新視野藝術節《海達.珈珼 珞》;香港藝術節《森林海中的紅樓》;天

少年虐殺事件》;藝堅峰《Show 名係最難 諗㗎!》;新域劇團《Happy to Gather》;劇 場工作室《夜鷹姊魅》 ;及百老匯音樂劇《吉 屋出租》10 周年世界巡迴香港站等。 張氏的舞台設計作品包括:進劇場《樓城》、 《玩偶之家》、《小島芸香》及《母雞身上的 刀子》 ;不加鎖舞踊館《牆四十四》三部曲; 一張紙劇場《新生活》。

邊外劇場《漁港夢百年》、《盧亭》(香港重 演)、《Seek and Hide》;一條褲製作《同志 少年虐殺事件》、《重見真相 ― 同志虐殺


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流徙之女 Sweet Mandarin

一條褲製作簡介 Introduction of Pants Theatre Production 成立於 1995 年 12 月。創團成員包括資深戲劇工作者張棪祥(滿 道)、鄭振初、周偉強及胡海輝,希望以專業才能及態度推展原 創舞台作品,透過實踐試驗,發掘戲劇表演的可能性。演出一 方面堅持有堅實的思想內涵,另一方面運用豐富的舞台表現形 式,令思想內涵更深刻清晰傳遞給觀眾。近年的原創劇目包括 《野孩子》、《學良事變》、《走不出的雨巷》、《最危險的時候》、 董事局主席: 鄭尚榮 董事局成員: 李浩儀、吳杏冰、 吳國坤博士、黃婉萍 藝術總監: 胡海輝

《重建菜園村》及《十一騷動 — 1967 的短句零章》等。本著「一 不做,二不休」的精神,劇團於 2000 年開拓二不休系列,為本 地劇壇引入風格及視野獨特的翻譯劇,曾經上演《黑暗燃燒》、 《將 D 細路趕盡殺絕》、《亂世浮花》、《篤數帝國》及《猥褻 — 三審王爾德》。劇團更於 2014 年開始製作本土的紀錄劇場作品,

駐團編劇: 滿道


戲劇研究室: 滿道、周偉強、胡海輝

2012 年,劇團進行重組,由胡海輝擔任藝術總監,滿道任駐

應用戲劇及戲劇文學主任: 賴閃芳 高級行政主任: 張佩琪 行政主任: 黃潔雯 ^ 見習演員: 謝冰盈 * ^ 藝術行政人才培育計劃由香港藝術發展局資助 * 人才培育計劃是由香港藝術發展局資助

網頁: www.pants.org.hk 電郵: info@pants.org.hk

團編劇,另外亦設立戲劇研究室,由周偉強、滿道與胡海輝組 成。同年首次獲得藝術發展局的一年資助,邁向成為全職劇 團,後於 2015 年躍升為兩年資助團體。劇團秉承多年來開拓的 成績與方向,本著立足舞台,放眼社會的精神,全面投入本地 劇壇,推出更多內容與形式同樣鮮活而有意義的作品,期盼以 戲劇回應、回饋、改變社會。因此,劇團朝著三個主要方向發 展:演出、應用戲劇及研究與保存,深化提升藝術水平外,亦 以所知所長,令本地劇壇更百花齊放,進一步令戲劇與社會有 更緊密的關係。 Pants Theatre Production was established in December 1995 and since 2015, has been receiving two-year grant from Hong Kong Arts Development Council. With years of development, Pants Theatre Production has gained a foothold in Hong Kong theatre. Pants Theatre Production acts as the catalyst to produce works that reflect and respond to the Hong Kong society. Pants Theatre Production believes that theatre can be the witness of our time, as well as advocating changes for a better world. 15

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流徙之女 Sweet Mandarin

一條褲之友 About Friends of Pants

支持一條褲製作 Support Us

入會費用全免 ! 會員盡享優惠包括:

一條褲製作本著立足舞台,放眼社會的精神,期盼以戲劇回應、回饋、 改變社會。您的支持將有助本團更全面地發展「戲劇演出」、「應用戲劇」 及「研究與保存」三大方向。 Pants Theatre Production acts as the catalyst to produce works that reflect and respond to the Hong Kong society. We believe that theatre can be the witness of our time, as well as advocating changes for a better world. Your support will help us grow and develop in diverse aspects.

- 定期透過電郵收取一條褲製作的最新 資訊及優惠 - 憑「一條褲之友」會員卡於城市售票 處購買本團主辦之演出門票,即享折 扣優惠 # - 會員租用「胡胡研習室」(1000 尺排 練室)可享折扣優惠 - 會員參加本團舉辦的工作坊可專享折扣優惠 #

Join Friends of Pants for FREE and enjoy the following privileges: - Receive newsletter about our latest activities & promotions - Enjoy ticket discounts for Pants Theatre Production presented shows by presenting the card at sales counter of URBTIX Outlets upon purchase# - Enjoy discounts on booking of Wu Wu Theatre Hub (1000ft Rehearsal Studio) - Enjoy discount on workshops presented by Pants Theatre Production# # 折扣優惠請參閱有關宣傳單張 Detailed discount offers please refer to the related publicity pamphlets

捐款 HK$500 或以上者:我們將於同年的各演出場刊中作特別鳴謝 Donations of HK$500 or above will be acknowledged in our house programmes of the year. 捐款 HK$100 或以上者:將獲發捐款收據申請扣稅 Donations of HK$100 or above are tax deductible with the official donation receipt. 歡迎閣下以劃線支票(抬頭為「一條褲製作有限公司」)或銀行戶口轉 賬(匯豐銀行戶口 499-825941-838)向我們捐助。 You are welcome to make your donation by a crossed cheque made payable to“Pants Theatre Production Limited"or to deposit the donation into our HSBC Bank Account: 499-825941-838.

登記方法 Application Method: 請填妥問卷下方的表格,並以電郵 、傳真或郵寄方式交回,或到 www. pants.org.hk 填妥網上入會表格。本團將於七日內回覆確認,會員卡將 會於兩星期內郵寄予閣下。 Please fill in the information at the bottom of the questionnaire, and return to us by e-mail / fax / mailing, or complete the online application form at www.pants.org.hk. We will confirm your application within 7 days, and membership card will be mailed to the correspondence address within 2 weeks.

請於 www.pants.org.hk 下載及填妥捐款表格,連同捐款支票或存款收據 寄回一條褲製作:新界葵涌葵豐街25至31號華業工業大廈A座6樓F室; 或傳真至 2419-9789;或電郵至 info@pants.org.hk. Please download the form at www.pants.org.hk and return the completed form with the donation cheque or bank receipt to Pants Theatre Production. Flat F, 6/F, Block A, Marvel Industrial Building, 25-31 Kwai Fung Street, Kwai Chung, NT; or fax to 2419 9789; or email to info@pants.org.hk.


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流徙之女 Sweet Mandarin

鳴謝 Acknowledgement ( 排名不分先後 )

Ms. Helen Tse

HK Shadow Players

3rd Space

Dr. Bidisha Banerjee


Art Supermarket


MQ Musical Theatre

caffe HABITU


Stylus Productions

com n' sense 嘗 . 式

The Hong Kong Singers

Corner Kitchen Café



Homei Café




Stage TV


Mayfair Coffee



Nardo's Café



Opendoor Cafe + Courtyard

Ms. Kate Allert


Take Out Comedy



TC2 cafe & workshop














小時光 scoool



劇場空間及 Arts' Options





樂文書店 牧羊少年咖啡.茶.酒館 綠野仙蹤書店 茶。家 teakha 談風:vs:再說


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