15 Foods that contain vitamin D naturally

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What is vitamin D? • Vitamin D is a fat-soluble nutrient that is crucial for good overall health and strong bones. It is also an essential factor that makes sure the proper working of your heart, brain, muscles and lungs. • Therefore, you need to eat fat to absorb this vitamin, so that your body can fight against infection and also remain absolutely fit.

Why is Vitamin D important for you? • Vitamin D deficiency can lead several minor and major ailments, such as skeletal diseases, metabolic disorders, a weakened immune system, various kinds of cancer, poor hair growth, cardiovascular disease, infections and cognitive disorders • Without an appropriate amount of vitamin D, bones can become brittle and thin, brittle. •

So, it is necessary to maintain the amount of Vitamin D in your body

Here are some major benefits of this nutrient that lead a healthy life • Improves immune system

Here are some major benefits of this nutrient that lead a healthy life • Promotes calcium absorption for bones

Here are some major benefits of this nutrient that lead a healthy life • Strengthens the muscles

Here are some major benefits of this nutrient that lead a healthy life •

cardiovascular function for a healthy heart

Here are some major benefits of this nutrient that lead a healthy life Alleviation of inflammation

Here are some major benefits of this nutrient that lead a healthy life

Controls lower and high blood pressure

Here are some major benefits of this nutrient that lead a healthy life

Relieves stress and depression

Here are some major benefits of this nutrient that lead a healthy life

Maintains blood sugar level to control diabetes

Here are some major benefits of this nutrient that lead a healthy life Controls cellular growth in body

How can we get vitamin d? • Vitamin D is typically called the sunshine vitamin because our body naturally produces it in the sunlight through the skin.

How can we get vitamin d? • You can also get vitamin D from various types of supplements that are easily available in the market

How can we get vitamin d? • you can get about 20% of vitamin D from your diet

15 Foods that contain vitamin D

• Salmon

• Milk

15 Foods that contain vitamin D

• Ricotta

• Orange

15 Foods that contain vitamin D

Cod Liver Oil • Tuna

15 Foods that contain vitamin D

• Mushrooms

• Oysters

15 Foods that contain vitamin D

• Tofu

• Cereals

15 Foods that contain vitamin D

• Caviar

• Eggs

15 Foods that contain vitamin D

• Pork

• Oats

15 Foods that contain vitamin D • Yogurt

Conclusion • vitamin D is one of the most central vitamins that are required your body to stay healthy and fit •

It can give health and strength to your bones by absorbing the excess amount of calcium.

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