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ÁM÷¿ ¿‰flVÀ˘flÌ

No. 31. Vol. XVIII. November 25, 2016. $1.00 Published by Parikh Worldwide Media, LLC.



Published from New York and Chicago

‹˘ÿÌfiÌ Ω’Îfi ‹·Î¿Î÷— ¤Îfl÷-Ω’Îfi ‰E«ı ±ˆÏ÷ËÎÏÁ¿ ’fl‹Îb ¿flÎfl

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’Îfi_ 14

’Îfi_ 4

fi˘À ‹ÎÀı ÿ˘À ÷_hÎ ±V÷T›V÷, ’˛Ω ±Áfl√˛V÷! ’Îfi_ 12-13

(Œ˘À˘Á˙…L›— ÏËLÿV÷ÎfiÀÎ≥QÁ)

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