வைணைனாகைாழ்ந்திடநாமும்விவைந்திடுவைாம், வைணைத்வைக்காத்திடநாளும்உவைத்திடுவைாம். Estd : 07 – 05 -2004.
Issue dated 08-02- 2015.
Sri. Abhishta Varadaraja Perumal, KarappankaduTemple.
Editor : sri.poigaiadianswamigal. Sub edititor : sri. sridhara srinivasan. EDITORIAL BOARD : SRI. V.C. GOVINDARAJAN & SRI. A.J. RANGARAJAN.
Flower : 11.
Petal : 41.
ஓம் நம
ோ பகவமே விஷ்வக்மேநோய
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Contents – With Page Numbers 1. 2. 3.
Editor’s Page-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------09 Samshepa Ramayanam – Villiambakkam Sri. V.C. Govindarajan Swamigal------------------------------------------------------11 புல்லோணி பக்கங்கள் –ேிருப்பேி ேகுவேேயோள்--------------------------------------------------------------------------------15 ீ - அ
---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -----------------18
5. ஸ்ரீ வவஷ்ணவ குரு பேம்பேோ த்யோனம்-பிரசன்ன வேங்கவேசன்------------------------------------------------------------------23 6. நோடி நோடி நோம் கண்டு சகோண்ம ோம் - கீ தா ராகேன்.----------------------------------------------------------------------------------26 7.
-வே.வக.சிேன் ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------28.
8..யாதோப்யுதயம்—கீ தாராகேன்------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ----------------30 9.. DHARMA STHOTHRAM - Arumbuliyur Jagannathan Rangarajan-----------------------------------------------------------------------------42 10. Yadhavaapyudham – Dr. Saroja Ramanujam--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------44 11. ஸ்ரீவவஷ்ணவ கீ ர்ேவனகள் 12 Nectar /
13. 14.
ன்வன போசந்ேி - -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------46
மேன் துளிகள்.----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------49
Yaksha Prashnam-Sow. Bhargavi (Swetha) & Smt Vijayalakshmi Sundaram------ ---------------------------------------------51 .-
15 Palsuvai Virundhu-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------56. 16. ஐய்யங்கோர் ஆத்து ேிரு வ ப்பள்ளியிலிருந்து—வழங்குபவர்கீ தாராகேன்---------------------------------------.--59 17. போட்டி வவத்ேியம்.-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------61 18. SR RAMA DARSHANAM– BY.Sri.JEGANNAATHAN.K.S --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------62 19. Bhagavath Geetha-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------64 20. Ivargal Thiruvakku-
21. Matrimonial----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------66
ஹரி ப்ரியோ ! ஸ்ரீகூரத்தாழ்ேரும் தம்முடேய “ ஸ்ரீஸ்தேத்தில் “ தாயாரின் அருடை, பபருடைகடைப் பற்றி ேிரிோகச் பசால்லி இருக்கிறார். ஸ்ோைி வதசிகன் தம்முடேய ஸ்ரீபாதுகா ஸஹஸ்ரத்தில் பாதுடகயின் பபருடைடய ைஹாலக்ஷ்ைியுேன் ஒப்பிடும் வபாது – “ பத்வைே ைங்கை ஸரித்பாரம் ஸம்ஸார ஸந்தவத : துரித வேபிகா பூயாத் பாதுகா ரங்க பூபவத :
II “
“ பாதுடகயானது பிராட்டிடயப் வபான்றது.
ஆற்றுபேள்ைம் வபான்று சுபங்கடைப் பபருகச் பசய்ேதில், ஸம்சார சங்கிலிடய அறுப்பதில், பாேங்கடைப் வபாக்குேதில் இடையானது. “ என்கிறார். இத்தயப்பபருடைகடையும், சக்திகடையும் தன்னகத்வத பகாண்ே இந்த ைஹாலக்ஷ்ைிடய, ைக்கள் தங்கள், தங்கள் ேிருப்பம் பூர்த்தியடேய, எண் ேடக பசல்ேங்கடையும் பபற்று ைகிழ உபாஸிக்கிறார்கள்.ைகப்வபறு வேண்டுபேர்கள், சந்தான லக்ஷ்ைிடயயும், நல்ல பதேி வேண்டுபேர்கள் ராஜ்ய லக்ஷ்ைிடயயும், எல்லா சித்திகடையும் பபற ஆதி லக்ஷ்ைிடயயும், தான்யம் ைிகுதியாக ேிடைய தான்ய லக்ஷ்ைிடய-யும்,தங்கள் முய-ற்சிகைில் பேற்றிகிட்ே ேிேய லக்ஷ்-ைிடயயும், தங்களுக்கு சகல பசௌபா-க்யங்களும் கிடேக்க ைஹாலக்ஷ்ைி-டயயும், ேரம் ீ
வபாட்டிகைில் பேற்றிகிட்ே ேரீ லக்ஷ்ைிடயயும் ேைங்குேர். பசல்ேம்வேண்டுவோர்
கீ ழ்கண்ே ஸ்வலாகத்டதச் பசால்லுேர்.
“ கிரீேைகுவோவபதாம் ஸபுர்ைேர்ை ஸைந்ேிதாம் I ஸர்ோபரை ஸம்யுக்தாம் ஸூகாஸந ஸைந்ேிதாம் II பரிபூர்ைம் ச கும்பஞ்ச தேிவைந கரவைது சக்ரம் பாைம் தாம்பூலம்
ததா ோைகரவைது
சங்கம் பத்ைம் ச சாபம் சகண்டி காைபி தாரிைம் ீ
ஸத்கஞ்சு கஸ்தநீம் த்யாவயத் தனலக்ஷ்ைீ ம் ைவனாகரம்
II “
சிரசில் கிரீேமும், எல்லா ஆபரைங்கடை அைிந்தேளும், ஆசனத்தில் ேற்றிருப்பேளும், ீ தன் கரங்கைில் பரிபூர்ை கும்பம், சக்ரம், அம்பு, தாம்பூலம் சங்கு, தாைடரைலர், ேில், கண்டிடக, தாங்கியேைாக எட்டு கரங்களுேன், ைனத்திற்கு இனியேைாக ேிைங்கும் தனலக்ஷ்ைிடய நாம் தியானம் பசய்வோம். ஸ்ரீவதேி தாயார் பாற்கேலிலிருந்து அேதரித்தது பங்குனி ைாதம் உத்திர நேத்திர தினத்தன்று. அன்று அேள் தாைடரைலர் ைீ து அைர்ந்த ேண்ைம் வதான்றித் தம் கரங்கைில் இருந்த ைாடலயுேன் பேைிவய ேந்தாள்.
அேள் அங்கு கூடியிருந்த
ஒவ்போரு வதேர்கடையும் பார்த்துக் பகாண்டு ேந்தவபாது, அேர்கள் அடனேரும் தங்களுக்குத்தான் ைாடலயிே ேரு-கிறாள் என்று ஆேலுேன் எதிர் பார்த்திருந்த வபாது, இது எடதயும் கேனியாதேர் வபான்று எங்வகவயா பார்த்த ேண்ைம் இருந்த ைஹாேிஷ்-ணுேின் கழுத்தில் அந்த ைாடலடய அைிேித்து அேடனவயத் தன் கைேனாக ஏற்றுக்பகாண்ோள்.
அேனும் அேடைத் தன் ைார்பினில் தாங்கிக்
பகாள்ை அேவை “ ஹரி ப்ரிடய ஆனாள் “ ஓம் ைஹாவதவ்டய ச ேித்ைவஹ ேிஷ்ணு பத்ன்டய ச தீைஹி
தந்வநா லக்ஷ்ைீ : ப்ரவசாதயாத்
சேோ ரும்…………
Book I : Bala Kanda - Book Of Youthful Majesties Chapter [Sarga] 1 आत्मवान ् को जित क्रोधो द्युततमान ् कः अनसूयकः | कस्य बिभ्यतत दे वाः च िात रोषस्य संयुगे || १-१-४ 4. aatmavaan = courageous; kaH = who is; jita krodhaH = one who controlled, his ire; dyutimaan = brilliant one; an asuuyakaH = not, jealous; kaH = who is;jaata roSasya = caused, in whom anger - when he is provoked; kasya = whom; saMyuge = in war; devaaH ca = gods, even; bibhyati = are afraid.
"Who is that courageous one, who controlled his ire, who is brilliant, non-jealous and even whom do the gods fear, when provoked to war... [1-1-4] Here the word aatma is not the usual 'soul' but courage aatmaa jive dhR^itau dehe svabhaave paramaatmani - amara kosha and the word krodha is taken as the nominative of other six negative attitudes ari SaT varga upalakshaNa - kaama, krodha, lobha, moha, mada, maatsarya 'desire, ire, avarice, fancy, defiance, conceit...' and by the coupling of word ca with devaaH in devaaH ca it means that, 'not only the enemies like demons and others... but 'also' the friendly gods too are afraid of his ire...' The 'non-jealous nature' is the 'God's tolerance of disloyalty...' and 'unlike the heavenly gods like Indra and others, who will be intolerant of disloyalty...' this man in question shall be tolerant of disloyal persons, subjects, or demons and shall be intolerant of them who go against the established tradition.
एतत ् इच्छामम अहम ् श्रोतुम ् परम ् कौतूहलम ् हह मे | महषे त्वम ् समर्थोऽमस ज्ञातुम ् एवम ् धवधम ् नरम ् || १-१-५ 5. etat aham shrotum icChaami = all this, I, to listen [from you,] wish to; me kautuuhalam param hi = my, inquisitiveness; immense, indeed; mahaa R^irSe= Oh! Great Sage - Narada; tvam = you; evam vidham naram = [about] this, kind of, man; j~nnaatum = to know of [him]; samarthaH asi = competent [mastermind,] you are.
"All this I wish to listen from you, oh! Great Sage, as you are a mastermind to know this kind of man, and indeed my inquisitiveness is immense..." Thus Valmiki enquired with Narada. [1-1-5] Valmiki wanted to know about that man - a man with godly qualities. Valmiki's thinking aloud, about the qualities of his prospective hero of this epic, is the very opening questions put to an Omniscient Sage Narada. Both the sages know of Rama and his deeds. Even then Valmiki
asks Narada, "who is that man with godly qualities?' If Narada tells that Rama is Vishnu Himself, there is nothing left for Valmiki to compose his epic, because there are numerous mythologies, puraaNa-s, that have already adored God Vishnu. If Narada tells that Rama is soand-so king, again Valmiki need not attempt to author about some king, however great that king might be. As such, Valmiki wanted to know about a human being with godly attributes, because many acts of Rama, like killing Vali, testing Seetha's chastity, deserting her at the end etc. are both conducive and contradictory puzzles. The attributes of the hero of Ramayana, as required by Valmiki, are 16; sixteen in number.1 - guNavaan 2 - viryavaan 3 - dharmaj~naH 4 - kR^itaj~naH 5 - satya vaakyaH 6 dhR^iDha vrataH 7 - caaritra vaan 8 - sarva bhuuteShu hitaH 9 - vidvaan 10 - samarthaH - 11 priyadarshana 12 - aatmavaan 13 - jita krodhaH 14 - dyutimaan 15 - anasuuyakaH 16 bibhyatidevaaH These sixteen attributes are attributed to the sixteen phases of the Full Moon, and Valmiki is about to picture Rama to be as pleasant as a full-moon.
श्रत्ु वा च एतत ् बिलोकज्ञो वाल्मीकेः नारदो वचः | श्रय ू ताम ् इतत च आमंत्र्य प्रहृष्टो वाक्यम ् अब्रवीत ् || १-१-६ 6. tri loka j~naH = three, worlds, preceptor of; naaradaH = Narada; vaalmiikeH = of Valmiki; etat vachaH shrutvaa = all those, words, on listening; shruuyataam = let it be heard; iti = thus; aamantrya cha = on beckoning [Valmiki,] also; pra hR^iSTaH = verily, gladly; vaakyam abraviit = sentence [words,] spoke.
On listening all those words of Valmiki, the preceptor of all the three worlds, Sage Narada, said "let it be heard..." and beckoning at Sage Valmiki to listen attentively, he spoke these words very gladly. [1-1-6] The preceptor of three worlds, where the three worlds are bhuu loka, bhuvar loka, suvar loka this world, the intermediary heaven, the heavens themselves.
िहवो दल ल ाः च एव ये त्वया कीततलता गण ु भ ु ाः | मुने वक्ष्षष्यामम अहम ् िुद््वा तः उक्तः श्रय ू ताम ् नरः || १-१-७ 7. mune = oh, sage Valmiki; bahavaH = many [or, infinite merits]; dur labhaaH = not, attainable, [unattainable by conscious development or effort]; ca eva = also, that way [for ordinary humans]; ye guNaaH = which, merits; tvayaa kiirtitaaH = by you, extolled; taiH yuktaH = those [facets,] one who has [the possessor of those merits]; naraH = [of that] man; shruuyataam = I make it clear; aham buddhvaa = I, having known [from Brahma]; vakshyaami = I speak on.
"Oh! Sage Valmiki, the merits which you have extolled are many, and unattainable even for great emperors, let alone ordinary humans, and also infinite are they... but, about such a man with such merits I will speak on... for I, having known from Brahma of such a man, will make clear about that man..." Thus Narada started to say. [1-1-7] Narada came hither to impart the legend of Rama, as Brahma already imparted the same to him, and wanted him to impart these very attributes to Valmiki to compose Ramayana. It is a coincidence of interests Valmiki and those of Narada and Brahma.
इक्ष्षवाकु वंश प्रभवो रामो नाम िनः श्रत ु ः | तनयत आत्मा महावीयो द्युततमान ् धतृ तमान ् वशी || १-१-८ 8. ikshvaaku vamshaH prabhavaH = Ikshwaku, dynasty, as his birthplace [emerged from Ikshvaku dynasty]; raamaH naama = Rama, named; janaiH shrutaH = by people, heard [by that name]; niyata aatmaa = controlled, souled [conscientious]; mahaa viiryaH = highly valorous one; dyutimaan = resplendent one;dhR^ithimaan = steadfast; vashii = controller [of vice and vile [or,] senses.]
"One emerged from Ikshvaku dynasty and known to people as Rama by his name, and he is conscientious, highly valorous, resplendent, steadfast and a controller of vice and vile... and his own senses, as well... [1-1-8] For the attributes explained by Narada there are some Vedanta imports. From niya aatma to vashii these are the attributes of the Supreme Being, Absolute of Brahman.swaruupa nirupaka lakshNaaH . This niyata aatmaa is 'immutable Absolute, this is the postulate of any Upanishad: ya aatmaa apahata paapmaa virajo vimR^ityur vishoko... 8-7-1, Chaandoj~na Upanishad. mahaa viiryaH = acintya vividha vicitra shaktivataH Absolute is Omnicompetent paraa asya shaktiH vividhaa iva shruuyate svaabhaavikii j~naana bala kriyaa ca 6-8, Shwetaashvatara Upanishad. The word dyutimaan is for the attribute of SelfResplendent Absolute, or, Resplendence of Consciousness. tam eva bhaantam anubhaati sarvam tasya bhaasaa sarvam idam bhaati 2-11, Mundaka Upanishad. And the dhR^ithimaan is Sublime Bliss, according to Vyjanti dhR^itiH tu tuSTiH santoSaH and as said inaanando brahama aanandaat eva khalu imaani bhuutaani jaayante 6, Taittariiya Upanishad. Next, vashii Absolute is the Omnipotent on the entire Universe. eko vahii sarva bhuuta antaraatmaa 2-5-12, Katha Upanishad and sarvasya vashii sarvasya iishaanaH and the like. The rest of the attributes of Rama as said by Narada are identifiable with the causative factors of that Absolute in Creation, and the process of Creation is the self-expression of the Absolute.
िुद्धधमान ् नीततमान ् वाङ्ग्मी श्रीमान ् शिु तनिहलणः | धवपल ु ांसो महािाहुः कंिु ग्रीवो महाहनःु || १-१-९ 9. budhimaan = an adept one; niitimaan = moralist; vaagmii = learned one; shriimaan = propitious one; shatru nibharhaNaH = enemy, destroyer; vipula amsaH= broad shouldered; mahaa baahuH = great, [lengthy] arms; kambu griivaH = neck like a conch-shell; mahaa hanuH = high cheek bones.
"He is an adept one, moralist, learned, propitious, and a destroyer of enemies. His arms are lengthy, and his neck is like a conch-shell, and cheekbones high... [1-1-9] The Absolute is an adept one in creating the Creation yat sarvaj~naH sarva vit. He is niitimaan one who maintains the rhythm of universe as said at eSa setuH vidharaNa eSaam loka naama sambhedaaya... He is propitious because shriiH kaanti sampadoH lakshmyaam... gleaming, glistering richness of prosperity emanates from him. The following stanzas describe the physical qualities an Emperor should have by birth, as per saamudrika shaastra, the physiognomic treatise of astroloj~n.
महोरस्को महे ष्वासो गूढ ििःु अररन्दमः | आिानु िाहुः सुमशराः सुललाटः सुधवक्रमः || १-१-१० 10. mahaa uraskaH = broad [lion-like,] chested; mahaa eSvaasaH = [one who handles] long, bow; guuDha jatruH = concealed, collarbones [thick shouldered]; arim damaH = enemy, subjugator; aa jaanu baahuH = up to, knees, his arms [lengthy armed]; su shiraaH = high [crowning] head; su lalaaTaH = with ample, forehead; su vi kramaH = good, verily, pacer [lion -like-pacer.]
"He is lion-chested, thick-shouldered, knee-length are his arms, and his is longbow, an enemy-subjugator, and his emperor's countenance is with a crowning-head with an ample forehead, and his pacing is lion-like... [1-1-10] When his physique is extolled, suddenly a weapon is said, in saying that 'his is longbow...' this is called prakrama bhanga doSa 'jump-cut in narration...' It is not so, his lengthy arms are said firstly and those arms can wield a great bow that can eliminate enemies, both physical and psychological ones like ariSaD varga shatru like desire, ire, avarice, conceit etc., as detailed in verse 4 above.
समः सम धवभक्त अंगः जस्न्ध वणलः प्रतापवान ् | पीन वक्षा धवशालाक्षो लक्ष्षमीवान ् शुभ लक्षणः || १-१-११ 11. samaH = medium-sized [physically]; sama vibhakta aN^gaH = symmetrically, divided [distributed, poised,] limbs; snigdha varNaH = soft [glossily,] coloured [complexioned]; prataapavaan = courageous one [or, resplendent one]; piina vakshaaH = sinew, chested; vishaala akshaH = wide, eyed; lakshmiivaan = prosperous [personality]; shubha lakshaNaH = providential, features.
"He is medium-sized physically, with limbs poised symmetrically, sinew-chested, wideeyed, complexioned glossily... he is a prosperous personality with all the providential features, and thus he is self-resplendent... [1-1-11] Up to here the godly physical aspect bhagavad vigraha is explained that which is perceptible by the adherents as said in Chaandoj~na Upanishad: ya eSo antaraaditye hiraNmayaH puruSo dR^ishyate... 1-6-6. From now on, the features that are reliable for the adherers are said.
Will Continue……
V.C.Govindarajan Swamigal.
From புல்லாைி பக்கங்கள்.
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சேோ ரும்…………
PANCHANGAM FOR THE PERIOD FROM –Thai 26th To Maasi 03rd 09-02-2015 - MON- Thai 26 – Athithi
- Hastam / citirai.
10-02-2015 – TUE - Thai 27 – Sashti
- Citirai / Swati.
11-02-2015- WED - Thai 28 - Saptami
- Swati / Visakam.
12-02-2015 - THU - Thai 29 - Ashtami
- Visakam / Anusham.
13-02-2015 - FRI - Maasi 01 - Soonyam 14-02-2015 - SAT- Maasi 02 – Dasami
15-02-2015 - SUN- Maasi 03 - Ekaadasi -
S / M - Anusham / Kettai. S
- Kettai / MUlam.
A / S - MUlam / PUraadam.
09-02-2015 - Mon – Koorathazhwar tirunakshtram; 12-02-2015 – Thursday – Ashtaka Tarpanam. 13-02-2015 – Fri day – Anvashtaka Tarpanam. 15-02-2015- Sun – Ekaadasi . 12-02-2015 – Thur - Ashtaka Tarpana Sankalpam : Jaya nAma samvatsare UttharAyane Hemanta rudhou Makara mAse Krishnapakshe AshtamyAm punyadhithou Guru vAsara VisakA nakshatra yukthAyAm Druva yoha Koulava karana yEvamguna viseshana visishtAyAm asyAm CaturdhasyAm punyadhithou Sri BhagavadhAgyA Sriman Narayana preethyartham ***-------akshaya thripthyartham AshtakA punyakAla srAadha pradhinidhi tila tharpanam karishyE.
************************************************************************************* 13-02-2015 – Fri - AnvashtakA Tarpana Sankalpam : Jaya nAma samvatsare UttharAyane Sisira rudhou Kumba mAse Krishnapakshe NavamyAm punyadhithou Brugu vAsara AnurAdha nakshatra yukthAyAm VyakyAdhi yoga Gaja karana yEvamguna viseshana visishtAyAm asyAm CaturdhasyAm punyadhithou Sri BhagavadhAgyA Sriman Narayana preethyartham ***------akshaya thripthyartham AnvashtA punyakAla dharsa srAadha pridhinidji tila tharpanam karishyE.
Dasan, Poigaiadian
ஸ்ரீ வவஷ்ணவ குரு பேம்பேோ த்யோனம் -வவளயபுத்தூர் ேட்வ
பிேசன்ன மவங்கம சன்
ஸ்ரீ ேோ
ோநுஜ வவபவம்.
மயோநித்ய ச்சுேபேோம்புஜயுக் ருக்
வ்யோம ோஹேஸ்ேேிேேோனி த்ருனோயம மன
அஸ் த்குமேோ:பகவவேஸ்யேவயகேிந்மேோ: ேோ ோநுஜஸ்ச சேசணௌ சேணம் ப்ேபத்மய
ோனுஜர் இல்லேத்ேில் சவறுப்பு சகோள்ளுேல்:
பபரியநம்பிகடை பசய்கிவறன்
டகங்கர்யம் ேருந்தினார்.
ஆயினும் தன் க்ருஹஸ்த தர்ைத்டதப் பற்றிக் பகாண்டு, வதோதிராேனுக்கு டகங்கர்யம் பசய்து ேந்தார். ஒரு நாள் எண்டை வதய்த்து ேிடும் ஒரு ஸ்ரீ டேஷ்ைே ப்ரஹ்ைச்சாரி ராைானுேடர எதிர்பட்ோன். தனக்கு
உைவு கிடேத்தால்
பகாண்ோன். ராைானுேர் அப்பபாழுது தான் டகங்கர்யத்திற்கு கிைம்பிக்பகாண்டிருந்தார். இேடன ேழியில் சந்தித்ததால் ைீ ண்டும் தம் க்ருஹம் பசன்று ேர தாைதைாகுபைன அேடன தான் பசால்லியதாகச் பசால்லி தம்
சந்வதாஷைாக ராைானுேரின் க்ருஹத்டத அடேந்து ," ைாைீ ைாைீ " என்று குரல் பகாடுத்தான். பேைிவய
ேந்த தஞ்சம்ைாள், அேனிேம் ேிபரைறிந்து, அேடன கடிந்து, ேிரட்டி ேிட்ோர். அேனும் வசார்வுேன் ேதியில் ீ
பகாண்டிருந்தான். ேிோரிக்க,
ராைானுேர் டகயிலுள்ை
ப்ரஸாதத்டத அேனிேம் பகாடுத்து சாப்பிேஸ் பசய்துேிட்டு இல்லம் திரும்பினார்.
பரைாண்ைத்துேன் பிறந்தகத்திலிருந்து
யாருக்வகா ஒரு
தையனுக்கு கல்யாை பசய்தி பகாண்டுேந்திருப்பதாகவும், அேருக்காக ேிருந்து பசய்ேதாகவும் கூறினார். பஸியுேன்
ேட்டு ீ
பிறந்தகத்திலிருந்து ேந்தேருக்கு ேிருந்தா? என ராைானுேர் சிந்தித்தார்.
ராைானுேரின் டகயில்
திருைனத்திற்கு பத்நிடய
ேிஷயங்கடை ஆராயத் பதாேங்கினார்.
1. முதல் தரம் ஆச்சார அனுஷ்ோனங்கடை காட்டி திருக்கச்சி நம்பிகைிேம் அபச்சாரப் பட்ேது. அடத ைன்னித்து ேிேலாம். எல்வலாருக்கும் பாகேதர்கைிேம் ப்ரீதி ேருேது கிடேயாது.
2. இரண்ோேது, ஆசார்யனிேத்திலும் அேர் தர்ை பத்னியிேத்திலும் அபச்சாரப்பட்ேது. இடத பபாறுத்துக் பகாள்ேது கடிைம். ஆயினும் க்ருடபயுேன் நேந்து பகாண்ோயிற்று.
3. ஆைால், இல்லரம் என்பது ேடு ீ வதடி ேரும் அதிதிக்கு சத்காரம் பசய்ேதர்க்கன்வறா? குடறந்த பேம் இந்த கருடை கூே இல்லாேிடில் இனி க்ருஹஸ்தனாய் இருப்பதல் பயபனன்ன? நாம் நம் ேழிடய பார்த்துக் பகாண்டு வபாேவத நலம்.
பகவத் போஷ்யகோேர் த்யோனம் சேோ ரும்..............
சேோ ரும்.............. *****************************************************************************************
Sundarakaandam of Valmiki Ramayana.
छाय्तद्धष्ृ ्वा धचन्तयामास मारुततधवलकृताननम ् | कधपरािेन कधर्थतं सत्त्वमद्भुतदशलनम ् || ५-१-१८७ 187. maarutaH = Hanuma; dR^ishhTvaa = saw; tat = that (animal); vikR^itaananam = with a horrible face; chintayaamaasa = and thought; idam = this animal; adbhutadarshhanam = with a strange appearance; mahaaviiryam = with great strength; chaayaagraahi = attracting shadow; tat = (is indeed) that; sattvam = animal; kathitam = as told; kapiraajena = by Sugriva; na = no; saMshayaH = doubt; atra = in this. Hanuma saw that animal with a horrible face and thought: "This animal with a strange appearance, with great strength attracting shadow, is indeed the animal that had been told by Sugriva. There is no doubt in that." आग्राहह महावीयं तहददं नाि संशयः | स तां िुद््वार्थलतत्त्वेन मसंहहकां मततमान्कधपः | व्यवधलत महाकायः प्रवष ृ ीव वलाहकः || ५-१-१८८ 188. saH matimaan = that wise; kapiH = Hanuma; buddhvaa = recognizing; taam = that; artatattvena = correctly; simhikaam = as Simhika; vyavarthata = grew; mahaa kaayaH = (into) one with great body; valaahakaH iva = like a cloud; praavR^ishi = in rainy season. That wise Hanuma recognizing that animal correctly as Simhika, increased His body greatly, like a cloud in rainy season. *********************************************************************************************************
நோடி நோடி நோம் கண்டுசகோண்ம ோம்-72( 5 ). , . .
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“è†ì¬÷ Þ´ƒèœ Hó«ð£” “èîLõù‹ ªê¡Á ܃° ýÂñ£¬ù‚ 致 Þƒ«è ܬöˆ¶ õ£¼ƒèœ” ï£óî˜ ªê¡ø «ð£¶ ýÂñ£¡ õö‚è‹«ð£™ è‡ Í® “ó£ñ ó£ñ ó£ñ” â¡Á üðˆF™ Þ¼‰î£˜. è‡ Fø‰î«ð£¶ “õ£ùó v«ówì«ó A¼wí¡ îƒè¬÷ ܬöˆ¶ õó„ ªê£¡ù£˜” â¡ø£˜ ï£óî˜ “ò£˜ A¼wí¡?” “A¼wí¡î£¡ ó£ñù£è Þ¼‰îõ˜” ýÂñ£¡ è£F™ õ£ƒA‚ªè£œ÷«õ Þ™¬ô. e‡´‹ ó£ñ ªüðˆF™ Ý›‰¶M†ì£˜. “⃫è ýÂñ£¡? ܬöˆ¶ õóM™¬ôò£” â¡Á A¼wí¡ «è†ì«ð£¶ ï£óî˜ ïì‰î¬î„ ªê£¡ù£˜. A¼wí¡ CKˆî£¡. “e‡´‹ ªê¡Á ó£ñ˜ ܬöˆî£˜ â¡Á ªê£™½ƒèœ” ñÁð®»‹ âFK™ ï£óî˜ GŸð¬î‚ è‡ì ýÂñ£¡, MNè¬÷ àò˜ˆF, “â¡ù” â¡Á ü£¬ìò£è‚ «è†è “àƒè¬÷ ó£ñ˜ ܬöˆî£˜” â¡ø Ü´ˆî èí«ñ ¬è ÊH “ó£ñ ó£ñ” üðˆ¶ì¡ H¡ù£«ô«ò ªê¡ø£˜ ýÂñ£¡. ¶õ£ó¬è ï‰îõùˆF™ Üõ¬ó M†´M†´ ï£óî˜ ñ¬ø‰î£˜. “ó£ñ ó£ñ” ªüðˆF™ è‡ Í® G¡ø ýÂñ£¡ è‡ MNˆ¶Š 𣘈î«ð£¶, ã«î£ å¼ õùˆF™ Þ¼Šð¬î‚ è‡ì«ð£¶, Üõ¼‚° ôƒè£M™ ó£õí¡ Üó‡ñ¬ù ï‰îõù‹ G¬ùM™ õó, «è£ðˆ«î£´ ï‰îõùˆ¬î ÜNˆ¶ b Í†ìˆ ªî£ìƒAù£˜. ò£«ó£ å¼ õ£ùó¡ A¼wíQ¡ Üó‡ñ¬ù ï‰îõùˆ¬î ÜNŠð¶ 致 «è£ðˆ¶ì¡ è¼ì¡, ýÂñ£«ù£´ «ñ£F âF˜ªè£œ÷ º®ò£ñ™, è£òºŸÁ «î£™M«ò£´ F¼‹Hù£¡. ió˜èœ ܬùõ¼‹ ð´è£ò ºŸÁ i›õ¬î‚è‡ì ðôó£ñ¡ ù ýÂñ¬ù âF˜ˆ¶ Üõ¬ùŠ H®‚è ºòŸCˆ¶‹, Üõù¶ “ðô‹” õ£»¹ˆFó¡ º¡ ªê™ôM™¬ô. õ£L™ ²¼†® É«ó âP‰î£¡ ýÂñ£¡. “Ý…ê«ïò£!” â¡ø ðö‚èñ£ù °ó™ «è†´ Ý„ê˜òˆ¶ì¡ G¡ø ýÂñ£¡ è‡èœ ó£ñ¬ùˆ «î®ù. âF«ó Y¬î»ì¡, ó£ñ¡ GŸð¬î‚ è‡ì ýÂñ£¡, “â¡ ªîŒõ«ñ! àƒè¬÷‚ è£í â¡ è‡èœ ð£‚Aò‹ ªêŒF¼‚A¡øù” â¡Á W«ö M¿‰¶ õíƒAù£¡. ýÂñ£¡ è‡èÀ‚° ñ†´‹ A¼wí¡ ó£ñù£èˆ «î£¡Pò, ðôó£ñ¡, è¼ì¡, ñŸÁ‹ îJ¼‰«î£ó¬ùõ¼‹ “ý«ó A¼wí£” â¡Á õ£Œ î£ù£è«õ «ð£Ÿø ªê¼‚èN‰îù˜. சேோ ரும்.............
யாதவாப்யுதயம். ஸ்ரீமததநிகமாந்தமஹாததசிகாயநம:
– 15) 121. முஷிேோம்ப4ேம் அஸ்த்ே சஸ்த்ே பூ4ம்நோ ேநுஜோவேர் ே3
மகோ4ஷ ஜந்
அேி ேோக4வ ேோவணம் ேேோ3நீ ம் அப4வத் த்வவேேம் ஆகுமலந்து ேூர்யம் அரக்கபேதிரி அக்கண்ைனும் அேன்படகேன் சிசுபாலனும் பசாரிந்திட்ே அத்திரங்களும் அம்புகளும் பபருகியதால் ோனத்திவல
பரிதிைதிகள் திடகத்திட்ேன!
இராைராேைப் வபார்தனிலும் அதிகைானது இப்வபாவர!
[பரிேி ேிகள் – சூரிய சந்ேிேர்கள்))
( ) .
122. ேேி2மநோர் அே வோேி3மநோர் இவோஸீத் யுேி4 சஸ்த்ேோஸ்த்ே
வய: ப்ே
அபேஸ்பேபோேிபி4: ப்ேபூ4வே: அவேோ4மநந பேஸ்பேம் ஜிகீ 3ஷோ பேற்றிபபறும் வநாக்குேவன ோதம்பசயும் இருோதிகள் பேற்றிபபறா நிடலதன்னில் ோக்குகடைப் பபாழிேர்வபால் அத்திரங்கள் சத்திரங்கள்
ஆனேற்டற அடித்திட்டு
பேற்றியிவல வநாக்குடேயர் ஆகினவர இருேருவை!
123. ப்ேேிசேௌ ேணயக்ஞ யோயஜூசகௌ ே4நுர் ஆம்நோய ே
ோஹிே ப்ேமயோசகௌ3
ேேநந்யேேோந் அமேோஷமயேோம் நேமே3வோந் உபஹூே ேந்நிேோ4த்ருந் வேள்ேியாைர் முடறப்படிவய வேதவைாதி பார்க்கின்ற ஆள்கள்தடை ைகிழ்வுடேயராய் ஆக்குேதுவபால் இவ்ேிருேரும் வபார்ைடறயில் வதர்ந்தேராய் பார்ப்பேடர ைகிழ்ேித்து வபார்தனிவல
சடைக்காைல் பாடுபட்ேனர் சிறப்பாக!
[மபோர் வற – ேநுர்மவேம்] யோகம் சசய்கின்றவர்கள் மவேம் ஓதும் முவறயிமல கவனம் சசலுத்ேி ப்ேேித்ேி சபற்று அவழக்கப்பட்டு வந்து அவ்வனுவபச் சுவவயுவ ய நேமேவர்கவள மவண்டுவன அளித்து ஆனந்ேப்படுத்துவதுமபோல ேநுர்மவேத்ேிமல மேர்ந்ே அவ்விருவரும் மபோவேப் போர்க்கின்ற நேமேவர்களுக்கு ேிருப்ேிவய அளித்ேனர். யோகத்ேிமல நேமேவர்கள் என்மபோர் மேவர்களூம் நேமேவர்கள் என்றோல் அேசர்கள்.
124. யது3ேூர்யம் அவோப்ய வசத்ய சந்த்ே: சநவகர் யத்ே ப3பூ4வ
க3ணநோ ந பபூவ க்ருஷ்ணபமே ஹே ப4க்3நோ ேி3விகல்பிமேபி ேஸ்
னிேர்களூம். மபோரிமல
சந்திரன்வபால் சிசுபாலன் சூரியன்வபால் கண்ைன்தடன சந்தித்திே பநருங்கிேவும் சிறிதுசிறிதாய் ஒைியற்றவன! சந்திரனும் சூரியனிேம் பசல்லச்பசல அைாோடசவய 124
ேந்திடுவை! பரிதிபக்கம் ேந்திோது எக்குடறயுவை!
[பரிேி – சூரியன்]
. . !
125. ேப4ே ப்4ே மணந மஹேிேோஜ: ேணநீ ேோஜநம் ஆசசோே சசௌமே: ேம் அ
ம்ேே வேநிகோஸ் ேேோ3நீ ம்
த்விஷதுத்போேம் அலோே சக்ேரூபம்
! !
. . .
126. ேுக்ருமேந புேோக்ருமேந வசத்ய: ப்ேேிபந்ந ப்ேக்ருேி: ப்ேசோந்ேவவே: ேணம் அத்பு4ே க்ருஷ்ணரூப ேர்ஷீ ேிேிலோக்ருஷ்
127. ே
மயோேய ேம்ப்4ருே ப்ேேோே3:
த்ரிகு3ண க்3ேந்ேி சிகித்ேக: ச்ரிேோநோம் விலுலோவ ேுேர்சமநந க்ருஷ்ண: சிசுபோலஸ்ய சிே: கிரீ ஜுஷ் ம் ஸ்ரீ
த் போகவேம் 10/74/43-46
. 128. ேஹ ப்4ருஜ்யக3வண: ே
நிஹமே மசேி3பசேௌ நிவ்ருத்ேமக2ேோ3: அபி4துஷ்டுவுர் ஆே3மேண மேவோ நேமேவோச்ச ே ீ ட்யம் ஆேிமேவம்
, ஆ
129. ஹரிணோ நிே4நம் ேேீேணம் ச ப்ேயேோம் அப்ேேிமபோ3ே4 ேம்ப்ேயுக்ேம் ஜக3த் அத்பு4ே ேிவ்யமபோ4க3மஹது: ப்ேேிமபோ3மே4 து து3ேத்யயோ விமுக்ேி:
! !
. . ( .)
130. ேஹேோ ஹரிசக்ே ேம்ப்ேமயோக3 – ேண ேம்ப்ேோப்ே விபோகயோ நியந்த்யோ அநக4ஸ்ேிேிம் அந்ேி ே ேேோ3 ேம்ய
ோம் அவஸ்ேோம்
ிநோம் அவோப வசத்ய:
! ! !
131. ேப4மேந ேேோங்க3லூநகண் ோத் வபுஷ: மசேிபமே: உேீ3ய
ேபநோயுே ேந்நிப4 ப்ேகோஷம் யது3வேஸ்ய ீ ேநும் விமவச மேஜ:
132. அவமலோக்ய ேேத்பு4ேம் ேிேிபோவலர் அ
வே: ேமலோகபோவல:
முநிபிச்ச முஹு: க்ருேோவ இே3
ித்ேம் த்வவிநிச்ச்ேமயோ ந மலமப4
] , ,
ஆ .
133. இேி ேம்ப்ருே வேீ ேப்ேேந்து: க்ருேிநோ ே4ர்
பு4வோ க்ருேோநுயோத்ே:
விநிவர்த்ய ேம் அக்3ேஜோநுவர்ேீ பேம
ச: ஸ்வபுரீம் புந: ப்ேேஸ்மே
, .
134. ஜகத்வந்த்ய: ப்ேோப்மேோ ஜலேி4 ேசநோம் ஆத்
யேோர்ஹம் ஸ்ம்ஸ்ருஷ்ம ோ யதுபி4ர் அகிவலர் அர்ச்சிேபே3: ே4ரித்ரீபோ4ேோர்ே4 வ்யபநயந ே4ர்ம ஹிஷ்யோ ருக்
ஹிேசரிே: ேோது4 முமுமே3
135. அலகு4பி4ர் அபேோவே4ர் ஆசரீேம் ப்ேவ்ருத்வே: ச்ரிேம் அபி சிசுபோலம் ச்ருண்வேோம் அப்யேஹ்வய: விேி4வச நியமேந வ்யோஜ
ோத்மேண முச்சந்
அஜநி பரிஜநோநோம் சசௌரி: ஆஸ்வோே போத்ேம்
! 135
, .
ேோஜேூய யோகத்ேில் ஆேம்பித்து சிசுபோல வேத்ேில் நிவறவுற்றது. சுபம்
1436 - 1570 = 135
இேி ஸ்ரீ கவிேோர்க்கிக ேிம்ஹஸ்ய ேர்வேந்த்ே ஸ்வேந்த்ேஸ்ய ஸ்ரீ
த் மவேோந்ேோசோர்யஸ்ய க்ருேீஷு யோேவோப்யுேய கோவ்யம்
பஞ்சேே: ேர்க:
ிழில் கவிவேகள் ேிரு. அன்பில் ஸ்ரீநிவோேன்ஸ்வோ ிகள்
கீ தாராகேன். *************************************************************************************
Arumbuliyur Jagannathan Rangarajan
Part 249.
Gabhastinemih ,Sattvasthah It is seen that many wants to own a small flat or house of 500 sq ft initially right from the young age. . They gradually like to have three bed roomed flats or a big bungalow to reside. But it is found that the area allocated for pooja or meditation in any residence is for about 40 sq ft in a room inside a kitchen or even in any pathways. Whatever the size, it is better to take that there be no idle talk or any activities to side track the prayer. Avoiding a vain talk, idle criticism and abuse of others in that place is better, otherwise it becomes contaminated. All sorts of bad thoughts will then float in the mind in that atmosphere. Hence filling the place with small light and lighting a fragmenting incense makes one to think about God fully. Doing Nama sankeertanam and repeated uttering of hymns, .pasurams and slokams in that place is ever good. Without any other thoughts and not entertaining others unnecessarily in prayer room will automatically have the holy effect. This will cause everyone to make a natural tendency for all to meditate by merely entering that place. Through this method one can make his house itself as iruppidam vaikuntham. In old age or during ill health period one need not worry for not in a position to worship in all the temples if followed this practice right from the youth. A study indicated that the largest increases in belief in God most often occurs among those 58 years of age and older, but they could not come out successful in life with a feeling that their prayers are not answered. Hence to cultivate namasankeerthanam right from the young age in a secluded area is always good. Now on Dharma Sthothram.. The next 52nd sloka in Sri Vishnu Sahasranamam is
Gabhastinemih sattvasthah simho bhootamahesvarah/ Aaadidevo mahaadevo deveso devabhrit guruh.// In 486th nama Gabhasthinemih, gabhasti is meant as rays, and nemih meant as spokes. Sriman Narayana is one who is the hub of the light in which the spokes are His brilliance of rays. He is the centre of the rays of the sun,. He is the hub of the wheel of light with His own rays of effulgence and the centre of the planetary system. His possession of chakram is informed in many pasurams in Nalayira Divya Prabhandam. Andal in Thiruppavai says in two pasurams about the possession of Sankham and Chakram as " Sangodu chakkaram enthum thadakkaiyan,and as Pazhiyan tholudai padmanabhan kaiyil " . Periazhwar in Thiruppallandu says this as Vadivar sothi valathuraiyum sudar aazhiyum pallandu. His auspicious discus dazzles over a multi sharp edges. Poigai Azhwar in Mudal Thiruvanthathi says this as kaiya valampuriyum nemiyum which means He is in the shape of a wind and holding the shanakam and chakram in His two hands. Nammazhwar in Thiruvaimozhi says as Sanghu sakram angaiyil kondan informing Sriman Narayana’s hands being adored with Panchaanyam named sankham and sudarsanam named Chakram. All these inform the splendid glorious features of chakram. Hence this nama confers on all His possessions as Gabhastinemih. In 487th nama Sattvasthah, it is meant as pure and truthfulness in nature . Sriman Narayana is with Sathva guna and so He is Suddha Sathya swaroopa. His presence is felt in all beings .He is seated in the heart of all His devotees and protecting them even from the call of Yama. Nammazhwar's Thiruvaimozhi 8.8.1 pasuram says about the possession of shankham, chakram, gathai, sword and His glittering with white teeth, ear ring and broad red eyes. In the next pasuram Azhwar says about this Sathva nature as inba perumaiyon . His intellectual knowledge and ever happiness trend makes Him as Supreme personality. He is present in all beings in both as soul and body. His presence in all beings as Antharathma cannot be compared to anything as He is holding the supreme position. Thirumangai Azhwar in Peria Thirumozhi 7.10 pasuram on Thirukkanna mangai mentions as amutham pothi insuvai karumbu and as Mei nalath thavathai. Azhwar meant His nature of sweet sugarcane taste and as one in true nature in bakthiyogam. Andal in Nachiar Thirumozhi says as Semmai udaiya Thiruvarangar. Andal confirms that Sri Ranganathar is unique and ever good in mind, in talk, and in action. In Gita 17.17 Sri Krishna indicates the satva nature is not expecting any material benefits in the world but doing every actions and completely engaged only for the sake of Supreme. Thus He is called as sattvasthah.
To be continued.....
Chapter 4
45 avadhoothbhujangasangadhoshaa- the impurity from the association of the serpents being removed
Sloka : 127. avaDhoothabhujngasangadhoshaa
pavithrithaacha – and purified
hariNaa sooryasuthaa pavithrithaacha
hariNaa- by Lord hari
api thathpadhajanmanaH sapatnyaa
babhoova – became
bahumanthavyatharaa brSam babhoova
brSam – very much11111
The river Yamuna became purified by Lord hari removing the impurity from the association of the serpent and became much more praise worthy than Ganges which rose from the feet of the Lord.
bahumanthavyatharaa- more praiseworthy
End of fourth chapter
sapathnyaaH api- even than her rival Ganges thathpadhajanmanaH – who originated from His feet got rid of the views of those outside the pale of it.
Sooryasuthaa- the river Yamuna , the daughter of theSun
Chapter 4 Ends
Nectar / மேன் துளிகள். .
Based on a discourse in Tamil by
Sri U.Ve. Karunakaran Swamin
What does a person obtain by speaking only agreeable words?
A person who always speak agreeable words will be loved by all but a person should speak for the benefit of the listener. If agreeable words will not bring benefit to the listener, then the person, must try to sugar coat his/her words or speak disagreeable words even if it means losing the favour of the listener. Ravana gathered a meeting to discuss about the impending war. He wanted ideas on saving his kingdom while retaining Sita. As the criteria of the meeting had been set as “retaining Sita & yet win the war”, his advisers tried to encourage him by commenting on his prowess. However, Vibhishana was the only person who advised with the intention to save Ravana. Vibhishana asked Ravana to return Sita as this was the only alternative left in order to save the kingdom. As Vibhishana’s words were not accepted by Ravana, Ravana cast Vibhishana out of his kingdom. In spite of knowing that he would have to lose his position in the kingdom, Vibhishana spoke words for the benefit of Ravana.
By acting with good judgment after analyzing the situation? A person who acts with good judgment after analyzing the situation will always be successful. There was once a poet called Bharavi. He was very famous. The people appreciated his poems but Bharavi’s father always spoke harshly to him and mocked his poetry. Bharavi’s anger against his father slowly built up till one day when Bharavi decided to murder his father. The poet climbed on top of the roof and removed the tiles over his parents’ bedroom. After making an opening the poet was about to drop a boulder on his father when he heard is mother speak. His mother asked Bharavi’s father why he always made fun of Bharavi. Bharavi immediately stood still and waited to hear his father’s answer. Bharavi’s father stated that he was very proud of Bharavi. He was afraid that if everyone praised Bharavi it may cause Bharavi to suffer from the influence of evil eye (dhrishti). He also wanted to make sure that Bharavi did not become arrogant. Once Bharavi heard his father’s word he felt sorry that he had wanted to kill his father. The nest day he confessed to his father and asked for a suitable punishment. His father asked him to go live with his in-laws till the day when his mother in law served him salt using her left hand. According to his father’s orders Bharavi went to live with his in-laws. The first day Bharavi’s in-laws held a feast in his honour. The very next day his brother-in-law wanted to know how long he intended to stay with them. When they found out that he did won’t be returning to his parents’ home in the near future, they started making ordinary meals for him. After a month his mother in law asked him to graze their cattle so that they could save the salary paid to the cowherds. Bharavi grazed the cattle every day and he would write poems while looking after the cattle. His in-laws neighbour was a woman whose husband was a rich
travelling business man. The woman collected Bharavi’s poems and kept them inside an iron pipe in her home. Bharavi’s mother-in-law would wait for him to return before having her meals but soon she started to have her meals before Bharavi returned home. One day Bharavi returned early while his mother in law was having her meal. As he sat down next to her to have his meal, she gave him very sour curd. Bharavi asked for some salt to neutralize the sour taste. As his mother in law was eating, she grabbed some salt with her left hand and passed it to him. Happy that he had full filled his father’s order, Bharavi left his in-laws home immediately. The woman who had collected Bharavi’s poem was living alone with her son. Her husband had gone to a foreign country just before the birth of their son and he hadn’t come home for a visit yet. After twenty long years the husband returned home. He knocked on the door but as there was no answer he let himself inside. As he went into the bedroom he found his wife sleeping next to a twenty year old man. Jumping to conclusion that his wife was involved in inappropriate behaviour with the stranger, the man grabbed an iron pipe from the cupboard to smash his wife’s brains. As he swung the pipe, a few scrolls fell down. Curious to see the content of the scrolls, the man picked them up. The scrolls contained the poems written by Bharavi. The first poem advised people to act only after they have all the facts. Taking this to be a sign the man dropped the pipe and awoke his wife. She was happy to see him and woke their son who had never met his father. The man felt relieved that he had not acted rashly. Thus a person who acts after analyzing all the facts will always be happy and successful .
Acharyan Thiruvadigale Saranam.Namo Narayanaya
Kumari Swetha
ே³ஶகம்-47. கிருஷ்ைாேதாரம்
யவசாடத கண்ைடன உரலில் கட்டி டேத்தல் एकदा दधधधवमार्थकाररणीं मातरं समुपसेहदवान ् भवान ् ।
स्तन्यलोलुपतया तनवारयन्नङ्गकमेत्य पधपवान ् पयोधरौ ॥१॥ ஏகதா₃ த₃தி₄ேிைாத₂காரிை ீம் ைாதரம் ஸமுபவஸதி₃ோந் ப₄ோந் | ஸ்தந்யவலாலுபதயா நிோரயந்நங்கவைத்ய பபிோந் பவயாத₄பரௌ || 1|| 1. யவசாடத ஒரு முடற தயிர் கடேந்து பகாண்டிருந்தபபாழுது, பால் குடிக்க ஆடச ஏற்பட்ேதால், தாங்கள் அேள் ைடியின்ைீ து ஏறி, தயிர் கடேேடதத் தடுத்து, பால் குடித்தீர்கள். अधलपीतकुचकुड्मले त्वतय जस्न्धहासमधुराननाम्िि ु े ।
द्ु धमीश दहने पररस्रत ु ं धतुलमाशु िननी िगाम ते ॥२॥ அர்த₄பீதகுசகுட்₃ைவல த்ேயி ஸ்நிக்₃த₄ஹாஸைது₄ராநநாம்பு₃வே | து₃க்₃த₄ைீ ஶ த₃ஹவந பரிஸ்ருதம் த₄ர்துைாஶு ேநநீ ேகா₃ை வத || 2|| 2. தாைடரபைாட்டுக்கள் வபான்ற ைார்பில், தாைடர முகத்துேன் நீ ர் பால் குடித்துக் பகாண்டிருந்தபபாழுது, அடுப்பில் பால் பபாங்கியதால் யவசாடத உம்டை ேிட்டுச் பசன்றாள். साममपीतरसभङ्गगसङ्गगतक्रोधभारपररभत ू चेतसा।
मन्र्थदण्डमप ु गह् ृ य पाहटतं हन्त दे व दधधभािनं त्वया ॥३॥ ஸாைிபீதரஸப₄ங்க₃ஸங்க₃தக்வராத₄பா₄ரபரிபூ₄தவசதஸா|
ைந்த₂த₃ண்ே₃முபக்₃ருஹ்ய பாடிதம் ஹந்த வத₃ே த₃தி₄பா₄ேநம் த்ேயா || 3|| 3. பாதி பால் குடித்துக் பகாண்டிருக்கும்வபாது தடே ஏற்பட்ேதால், தாங்கள் வகாபம் பகாண்டு ைத்டத எடுத்து தயிர்ப் பாடனடய உடேத்தீர்கள். उच्चलद््वतनतमच् ु चकस्तदा सजन्नशम्य िननी समाद्रत ु ा ।
त्वद्यशोधवसरवद्ददशल सा सद्य एव दधध धवस्तत ृ ं क्षक्षतौ ॥४॥ உச்சலத்₃த்₄ேநிதமுச்சடகஸ்ததா₃ ஸந்நிஶம்ய ேநநீ ஸைாத்₃ருதா | த்ேத்₃யவஶாேிஸரேத்₃த₃த₃ர்ஶ ஸா ஸத்₃ய ஏே த₃தி₄ ேிஸ்த்ருதம் ேிபதௌ || 4|| 4. பாடன உடேந்த சத்தம் வகட்டு வேகைாக ேந்த யவசாடத, உலபகங்கும் பரேிய உைது புகடழப் வபால், கீ வழ சிதறிக் கிேந்த தயிடரக் கண்ோள்.
55 वेदमागलपररमाधगलतं रुषा त्वमवीक्ष्षय पररमागलयन्त्यसौ । सन्ददशल सुकृततन्युलख ू ले दीयमाननवनीतमोतवे ॥५॥ வேத₃ைார்க₃பரிைார்கி₃தம் ருஷா த்ேைேக்ஷ்ய ீ பரிைார்க₃யந்த்யபஸௌ | ஸந்த₃த₃ர்ஶ ஸுக்ருதிந்யுலூக₂வல தீ ₃யைாநநேநீதவைாதவே || 5|| 5. முனிேர்கைால் வேதைார்க்கைாய்த் வதேப்படும் உம்டைக் காைாைல் யவசாடத வதடினாள். பிறகு, உரலில் அைர்ந்துபகாண்டு பூடனக்கு பேண்டை பகாடுத்துக்பகாண்டிருந்த தங்கடைக் கண்ோள். त्वां प्रगह् ृ य ित भीततभावनाभासरु ाननसरोिमाशु सा । रोषरूधषतमख ु ी सखीपरु ो िन्धनाय रशनामप ु ाददे ॥६॥
த்ோம் ப்ரக்₃ருஹ்ய ப₃த பீ₄திபா₄ேநாபா₄ஸுராநநஸவராேைாஶு ஸா | வராஷரூஷிதமுகீ ₂ ஸகீ ₂புவரா ப₃ந்த₄நாய ரஶநாமுபாத₃வத₃ || 6|| 6. பயத்டதப் பிரதிபலிக்கும் முகத்தாைடரடய உடேய தங்கடைக் டகயில் பிடித்து, வகாபத்துேன் உம்டைக் கட்டிப்வபாே கயிற்டற எடுத்தாள். िन्धमु मच्छतत यमेव सज्िनस्तं भवन्तमतय िन्धमु मच्छती ।
सा तनयुज्य रशनागुणान ् िहून ् द्व्यङ्गगुलोनमखखलं ककलक्षत ॥७॥ ப₃ந்து₄ைிச்ச₂தி யவைே ஸஜ்ேநஸ்தம் ப₄ேந்தையி ப₃ந்து₄ைிச்ச₂தீ | ஸா நியுஜ்ய ரஶநாகு₃ைாந் ப₃ஹூந் த்₃வ்யங்கு₃வலாநைகி₂லம் கிடலேத || 7|| 7. பந்தங்கைாகிற கட்டுக்கடை அறுக்கும் உம்டைக் கயிற்றால் கட்ே நிடனத்தாள். ஆச்சர்யம்! பல கயிறுகடை ஒன்றாக இடைத்தும், உம்டைக் கட்ே இரண்ேங்குலம் கயிறு குடறோக இருக்கக் கண்ோள். धवजस्मतोजत्स्मतसखीिनेक्षक्षतां जस्वन्नसन्नवपुषं तनरीक्ष्षय ताम ् । तनत्यमक् ु तवपरु प्यहो हरे िन्धमेव कृपयाऽन्वमन्यर्था: ॥८॥
ேிஸ்ைிவதாத்ஸ்ைிதஸகீ ₂ேவநேிதாம் ஸ்ேிந்நஸந்நேபுஷம் நிரீக்ஷ்ய தாம் | நித்யமுக்தேபுரப்யவஹா ஹவர ப₃ந்த₄வைே க்ருபயா(அ)ந்ேைந்யதா₂: || 8|| 8. தாயின் வதாழிகள் பரிகாசைாய்ப் பார்ப்படதயும், தாயின் உேல் ேியர்ப்படதயும் கண்ே பற்றற்றேரான தாங்கள், கருடை பகாண்டு கயிற்றால் உரலில் கட்ே உேன்பட்டீர்கள். स्र्थीयतां धचरमल ु ख ू ले खलेत्यागता भवनमेव सा यदा।
प्रागुलख ू लबिलान्तरे तदा सधपलरधपलतमदन्नवाजस्र्थर्था: ॥९॥ ஸ்தீ ₂யதாம் சிரமுலூக₂வல க₂வலத்யாக₃தா ப₄ேநவைே ஸா யதா₃| ப்ராகு₃லூக₂லபி₃லாந்தவர ததா₃ ஸர்பிரர்பிதைத₃ந்நோஸ்தி₂தா₂: || 9||
9. “துஷ்ேவன! இந்த உரலிவலவய கட்டுப்பட்டு இரு” என்று பசால்லி யவசாடத ேட்டிற்குள் ீ பசன்றாள். அேன் பசன்றவுேன், முன்வப உரலில் ைடறத்து டேக்கப்பட்டிருந்த பேண்டைடயத் தின்னத் பதாேங்கின ீர்கள். यद्यपाशसग ु मो धवभो भवान ् संयत: ककमु सपाशयाऽनया ।
एवमाहद हदधविरमभष्टुतो वातनार्थ पररपाहह मां गदात ् ॥१०॥ யத்₃யபாஶஸுக₃வைா ேிவபா₄ ப₄ோந் ஸம்யத: கிமு ஸபாஶயா(அ)நயா | ஏேைாதி₃ தி₃ேிடேரபி₄ஷ்டுவதா ோதநாத₂ பரிபாஹி ைாம் க₃தா₃த் || 10|| 10. பிரபுவே! பாசைற்றேர்கைால் சுலபைாக அடேயக்கூடிய தாங்கள், பாசம் உள்ை யவசாடதயால் ஏன் கட்ேப்பட்டீர்கள்? வதேர்கைால் துதிக்கப்படும் குருோயூரப்பா! தாங்கள் என்டன வநாய்கைிலிருந்து காப்பாற்றி அருள் புரிேராக. ீ
பல்சுவவ விருந்து.
Uttara Ahobilam at Nymisaranyam hoomi oo ai held on an
Video & hotos
Earlier a writre up on Uttara Ahobilam Project ,Conceived by H H Srimad Azaghiyasingar was circulated to all. The Bhoomi Poojai took place on 26 Jan 2015 at Naimisaranyam. The Project is coming up at the Location of Brindavan of H H Sri Veeraraghava Sathakopa Yatindra Maha Desikan. The main Temple & Othet buldings to be constructed are; 1. Temple Block: This block comprises of 10 Sannidhis - Nava Nrisimhars & Sri Devaraja Perumal ( Kshetra Perumal ) 2. Madaipalli Block 3. Malolan Block - Veda Patashala 4. Quarters Block 5. Guest House Block 6. Ashramam Block- H H on Vijaya yatra to stay here 7. Mandap for Brindavanam ;For Events such as Thirunakshhtrams etc.
Brahmothsavam Sri Balaji Dom
ஐய்யங்கோர் ஆத்து ேிரு
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பாட்டி டேத்தியம்
By sujatha .
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Sri Rama Darshanam
Sri Rama Darshanam – 09 Thillaivilagam
Srimadh Bhagavad Gita CHAPTER: 15.
SLOKAS –01&02.
sri-bhagavan uvaca urdhva-mulam adhah-sakham asvattham prahur avyayam l chandamsi yasya parnani yas tam veda sa veda-vit ll TRANSLATION The Blessed Lord said: There is a banyan tree which has its roots upward and its branches down and whose leaves are the Vedic hymns. One who knows this tree is the knower of the Vedas. adhas cordhvam prasrtas tasya sakha guna-pravrddha visaya-pravalah l adhas ca mulany anusantatani karmanubandhini manusya-loke ll TRANSLATION The branches of this tree extend downward and upward, nourished by the three modes of material nature. The twigs are the objects of the senses. This tree also has roots going down, and these are bound to the fruitive actions of human society.
Ivargal Tiruvaakku. Dharma, the highest goal In the Mahabharata, Vyasa has spoken about the Purusharthas — dharma (righteousness), artha (wealth), kama (desire) and moksha (liberation). He has established beyond doubt that dharma is the most indispensible goal and is the only path to salvation, pointed out Sri O. R. Devanathan in a discourse. Vyasa has captured the essence of the teachings of the Vedas which are not easily accessible to all, since their import remains hidden. It is held that ‘there is no Sastra greater than the Vedas and no God greater than Kesava.’ The greatness of dharma is pitted against the entire range of forces in life that run counter to it in many forms and ways. Surprisingly, it is shown that ‘Santi Rasa’ emerges from this work that so vividly portrays the din and fury of war. The main teaching is simple. Sorrow and joy are not permanent. Human life is very temporary and the body succumbs to old age, disease and death. The story illustrates that all fights have their source in the desire for material gains. With incredible effort and Krishna’s assistance, the andavas gain the kingdom. ut Yudhishtira is unhappy and restless. He knows only too well that this kingdom thus won is not the end of life which is to seek true and permanent happiness. But his commitment to dharma is extraordinary. That is why he could tell Arjuna to assist Duryodhana in dire straits, though he is their sworn enemy. Yudhishtira sees the hostile Duryodhana as his own brother and points out that though this fight is between the five of them and the hundred brothers, they would certainly join hands if a situation arose when Hastinapura had to fight a common enemy. Dharma survives when the moral conduct shown by the sastras is upheld.
,CHENNAI, DATED Jan 28th , 2015
Matr imonial WantedBridegroom. Name : S Vaishnavi ;Date of Birth
: 7th April 1991. (5.57 pm Thiruppathur)
Education : B.Tech (Sastra University) Job : Employed in TCS Chennai and Compensation is about Rs 4.00 lacs P A Parents
: Father R Seshadri Retd from Canara Bank ; : Mother S Jayalakshmi Home Maker
: Tiruchirappalli ;Family details : only daughter to parents;. Sannidhi Sishyas.
Contact Numbers
: 0431-2441634, 09488391653, 09443592229.
: anushrangan13@gmail.com;
: Srivatsam ; Star
: Pooradam (4th Padam)
Wanted well qualified, highly placed Vadagalai bridegroom for girl Vadagalai, Sadamarshana, January 1988,Rohini,5'4", fair,BE, Officer in nationalised Bank (Chennai). Contact 8056166380. ======================================================= Name S Ramya NAITHRUVAKASHYABA KOTHRAM; Moolam 2nd Padam, 15/11/1985 5'4"; B.Tech (IT) from Madras University Working at Infosys Technologies, Ltd, Chennai as Technology Analyst ; Native of Kumbakonam,Sishyas of Srimad Andavan Swamigl , Poorvigam Poundarikapuram, Near Uppliappan koil, Kumbakonam, Expectation: Age diff upto 5 years , BE, MBA, (from well university eg. not from Madurai ,
Annamalai,etc) M.com with CA,ICWAI,ACS, Salary not less than Rs 60,000/- p.m and above , Decent family , The boy from anywhere in India, if abroad,only from, USA, SINGAPORE, AUSTRALIA , More information about the girl: Father S Sarangapani Mother S Lakshmi Having one elder sister S Ranjani got married and now at Tambaram,chennai Address: Door No.5,Plot No 12, G1, SS Flats, State Bank colony, Alwarthirunagar, Chennai 600087 Ph. 9840731172/9600017921 044 42647792 ********************************************************************************
Name : Aarti Varadan ; Date of Birth : 3/7/1990 7:16 PM ; Gothram : Sub-Sect Srivatsa gothram, Vadagalai ; Star Visakam, Padam 3 ; Parents Father : N.V.Varadan, Qualification ; B.A. (English and Economics); Pursuing P.G. in HRM ; Present Job Working in Mumbai ; Salary ------/ Contact About Girl ’4” tall, fair complexion, Relations Only daughter ; Other Details Working in Mumbai; Father also employed, As Regs Boy Employed , Graduate , Contact Ph. No.09867839341 (father) or 022-28798875 (Res Varadan.nv@mahindra.com)Details filled by: K.Veeraraghavan (9750873432) **************************************************************************** Father's name: S. Vjayaraghavan (In Bahrain for the past 20 years as sales manager in a printing press), Mother's name : Rekha Vijayaraghavan (working with the government of Bahrain for 14 years) , Bride's name: Sri Vaishnavi (Completed her ACCA London University equivalent to CA in india and working as a senior auditor in a private firm) , Son: V. Abhilash (currently doing his final year MBA); Gothram: Sri Vatsa ; Height : 5'4 ; Complexion: Wheatish ; Body: Althletic ; DOB: 6 December 1989 Chennai at 8;55am, Contact: Mother Rekha on +973 33331198 or email: krekha1964@gmail.com.
1) Name; Kum. S.Arathi 2) DOB; 04.12.1984 3) Star; Aswini 1padam 4) Qualification; B.Tech (I.T.) 5) working in Infoysis, chennai 6) ht. 5' 2" vrey fair We require suitable match.Boy should be 2 to 3 years age difference.He should have B.Tech above qualification.He should be a software engineer. good family surrounding required. We are Vadakalai Iyyengar and chandilyam gotharam My Address: K.Soundararajan, Flat- J, Bala ganesh flats, no,4, 14 street, Nanganallur, chennai-600061. Mobile no. 9444908115 ********************************************************************************** FATHER NAME : R.Kannan Ramanujadasan, M.A, Mphil ; Achariyar Thirunamam : Sri Sri Sri Devaraja Ramanuja jeer Swami- Alwarthirunagari ; Working : Ministry Of Defense, Ordnance Clothing Factory, Avadi-54; NAME : MISS K.VIJAYALAKSHMI ;DATE OF BIRTH : 08.04.1992 NATCHATHIRAM : Rohini – 4 Paatham, Birth Time - 2.56 A.M;CASTE : Hindu, Vannia Kula Shatria (Pure Veg); STUDYING : B.Sc., Food and Science Mgt – II Year at MOP
68 (Vaishnava College);Extracurricular Activity : Sports (Athlete-Participated In the School Events); Baratha Nat yam –Classical dance ;MOTHER : Rk.Geetha Ramanujadasyai, DCP;WORKING : Jolly kids Abacus Institution Chennai ; BROTHER: G.K Sri Vishnu, B.com (CS). (Both are twins);NATIVE : Chennai;CONTACT ADDRESS : NO.13/6, Lakshmi Amman Kovil Street, Perambur, Ch-11;MOBILE NO : 750233957, 9710743730 ;E-MAIL ID : rkannan621@yahoo.com
Name:G.Deepika ; DOB :26/02/1991 ; AGE:23 Yrs old , B.Tech Bio-Engineering Working in IT company Hgt: - 5'3" ; Looking for a groom from well educated and well disciplined family. Father: professor in Indian Statistical Institute, Mother: House wife Sister:- studying B.E final year. Poorveegam:- kaanjeepuram, Thenkalai Iyengar. Cell: 9962389082 / 044 2452 0038 Iyengar/Ms. S. NARAYANI/27.06.1988/POB:Trichy/Time:13.11Hrs/Kaundinya/163 Cm/Anusham-2/BE(EEE)-Studying MS(Elec.&Comp.Engg.)-Georgia Tech.Atlanta/Parents Both employed (F-NLC::MIOB)/Neyveli/9443079884/n_praman@bsnl.in
Girl’s name: Sou. S Apoorva ; Father: (not alive), Mother: 45, home maker Brother: 12, living in own house in T Nagar, Chennai ; Star: Poorattadhi (3rd Pada) ; Caste: Iyengar, Vadakalai ; Date of birth: 16-Mar-1991 ; Gothra: Bharathwaja ; Qualification: B.E. ; Work: TCS, Chennai ; Looks: Fair, Good Looking, Medium Built, 167 cm ; Believes in good family values ; Expectation: Vadakalai, educated, matching star, Chennai resident ; Contact: Sundararajan S (sunsesh@gmail.com), (044) 2834 5873
Thenkalai ; 4.Acharyan :Dhodaiachariyar, Sholingapuram
5. Star:Thiruvathirai ;
6.Gothram:Naithruba Kasyaba
7.Qualification:B.Com., MBA.,
8.Employed in: M/s. CMA CGM Shared Centre P. Ltd., Ambattur IT Park, Chennai.600053
9. Salary : Rs.3,00,000/- p.a. ; 10.Expectation: Graduate/PG .( Rs.5,000 -10,000/- p.m) 11.Father’s name: M.K. Srinivasan (Manager, FCI, Retd); 12.Mother’s name: Nirmala Srinivasan (House Wife); 13.Contact No.9566159474. Boy has got an elder sister who is married and Residing in Chennai
********************************************************************************************************************************* Name : R.Rangachari ; Sect - Gothram - Star
Date of Birth : 05.08.1979, Thenkalai - Kuthsa – Moolam,
Height :
152 cm ;
Qualification : Diploma in Co-op. Management, M.Com studying , Occupation : Senior Technician in Altek Beissel Needles Ltd , Salary : Rs.15,000/=per month , Family : One elder sister married , One younger brother unmarried , Mother alive , Expectation : No sub sect ; Contact : S.Balaji - 94449 45693 e-mail : ramaranga1978@gmail.com,
BIO DATA Name: KRISHNAN SRINIVASAN, DOB: 20.5.1980, Qualification: M.C.A (University of Madras), Designation: Working with an I.T Major in USA as LEAD TECHNICAL CONSULTANT, Native Place: KAMBARNATHAM, THANJAVUR DIST, Place of Birth: CHENNAI, TAMIL NADU, Religion: HINDU, Caste: BRAHMIN IYENGAR, Sub-Caste: VADAKALAI, Gothram: SRI VATSA, Star: AYILYAM, Height: 5 Ft 9 Inches, Complexion: GOOD, ’ N : MR.K.R.SRINIVASAN (Retd. T.V.S), M ’ Name: MRS.VIJAYALAKSHMI SRINIVASAN (Retd. LIC), Expectation: Seeking an educated and cultured girl from a good family. Contact Phone: 044-24848567 (Chennai), Contact Email ID: skrish80@yahoo.com
Name: Narayanan; Date of birth: 21 May 1976, Age: 38; Father’s name: Devarajan (retired); Mother’s name: Vijaya (late); Elder sister’s name: Amirthavalli, married and settled with 3 kids. Height: 6 feet 3 inches (190 cms);First marriage: 29-Nov-2009; Lived together for: 3 months; Current status: Divorced on Jan 2014, court order available. Sect and subsect: Iyengar, vadakalai; Gothram: Barathwajam; Nakshathram: Sadhayam ; Qualification: B.E. Mechanical; Employed at: Manager, Changepond Technologies; Contact phone: Narayanan’s – 9444 99 1270, Sister’s 9600 154 516 Contact email: SendToNarayanan@Gmail.com; Contact address: 14/6, Annie Besant street, Vijayalakshmipuram, Ambathur, Chennai 600053 ************************************************************************* 1986 December born, 183 (6') cms,, Moolam 2nd Paadham, Dhanusu Rasi, Sri Vaishnava, Thenkalai - non-smoker, non-drinker. PGDM from IIM., Bangalore - Senior Consultant in a top four US firm in Hyderabad with 18 lakhs./pa Looking for MBAs (preferably IIMs) from top business schools / C As. - Non-Sri Vathsas, with traditional values. S. Sarangapani (09445030001)
Name: Kasturi Rangan ,Date of Birth: 12/05/1988 Time 7: 07am ; Place of Birth: Muscat Gotram: Nydrupa Kashyapa ; Caste: Vadagalai Iyengar ; Mother Tongue: Tamil Height: 5 Feet 7inches ; Complexion: Fair ; Education: M.S. Salary per month: UAE AED. 18,000/= per month. after finishing his M.S. in U.S. in Aerospace at the GeorgiaTech Institute of Technology, ATLANTA is now working in Abu Dhabi. He also did his B.S. in the same college. contact number : T.M.Ravi (dubai) ; +971506440539 ; ravi@xyzprint.com
Name -- R.Jaganathan ; Qualification - B.Com., MBA. ; Job - Working in a private company- Salary Rs. 30,000/- ; Height - 5 feet 6 inches ; Gothram - Athreya Gothram ; Star - Visakam ; Caste - Vadakalai Iyengar ; Expectation - No Expectation - Only good looking girl with good character because his father is no more and I am only with me. He is having a clubbed foot i.e. a slight bend in his right leg but because of that he has no problem in walking, etc. He is playing cricket very well.
M Nikil Srivatsan
Father’s Name
V Mukunthamani
Father’s Occupation
Retd from Pvt Company
Mother’s Name
M Pattammal
Mother’s Occupation
House Wife -
Date & Time of Birth
Place Birth
Mambalam, Chennai
Star / Gothram
Mirugasirudam 4th patham / SRIVATSA
Caste / Sub sect / Sampradhayam
Iyengar – Vadakalai – Andavan Asramam
Educational Qualification
B. E Mech, M S Auto(UK) and 3 yrs work@Potugease
Doing Research work @ M/S Linnhoff India ,Pune
Address for communication
A5,Kailash Flats,19 & 20 , Station Road,West Mambalam , Ch 600033
Email id
Contact Numbers
9003117810 / 9840061876
Graduate, Employed
Wanted 22 to 25 years old, qualified and employed girl for a boy 26,height 5' 11'' BE MBA employed in Chennai drawing 8 lakhs per annum.Kousika,Needamangalamnative, vadakalai, Pooradam 4th padam . Contact 2811 1485 ,99401 39056 needalsr@rediffmail.com . ********************************************************************************** Profile of Chiranjeevi Ashok Vasudevan Date of Birth :
07 Aug 1985 (09.10 p.m. ) Place of Birth :Chennai (Mylapore) India;
Gothram: Srivatsam ; Birth Star: Ashwini ; Raasi : Mesham Religion : Hindu Brahmin Vadakalai Iyengar ; Shisyas of : HH Jeer of Ahobila Math
72 Education: B. Sc. (CT) from Sri Krishna College of Engg.& Tech.Coimbatore, 2007 MBA from SRM College, Chennai , 2009 Work : usiness Analyst in IT Company angalore
’ ”
Complexion: Wheatish ; Interests : Photography, Travel and Games Father : Sri N. Vasudevan , F.C.A. +9 7
’ Mother: Smt. Sabitha Vasudevan, .Com.
M.A. +91 94434 38065; Brother : Sri Ashwin Vasudevan - Married and presently living in CA, USA Residence : ‘UMA SREE DREAM WORLD’ C-505
MAIN ROAD (Kudlu Gate Signal Jn. ) .BA NGALORE 560 068 (ph: +91 80 42047255) Family background: Paternal family are from Neduntheru Thirupathi. Father - CFO of a private group of companies. Mother - home maker. Father’s two elder brothers are retired respectively from Kotharis and Canara Bank. Father has two sisters – both B-I-Ls again are retired and live in Chennai. Maternal family are from Kanjankollai, near Uppiliappan Koil. Grand father - retd. DCOS from Indian Railway and settled in Chennai post retirement. Mother has three younger sisters and an younger brother. Sisters’ spouses respectively in H CL, Commercial Bank of Dubai and Suzlon; brother is a Boston based IT consultant.
Name : Anand.; Date of Birth : x/x1/1969 ; Gothram: Sub-Sect Naithru kashyapa gothram, Vadagalai ; Star : Poosam, Kataka lagnam ; Parents Father : K.S.Ramasamy, Mother : Rukmani ; Qualification : +2 Present Job Working in India Cements, Tirunelveli, Salary Rs. , /p.m.About boy ’ ” tall, fair complexion Relations : One sister married; One sister handicapped, but self employed and self sustained. Other Details : Father is in-charge of a Vaishnava temple, trustee. Owns a house in Tiruneleveli, Junction. As Regs Girl, Employed or unemployed Contact Ph. No. 9894347720 (mother) or 9750873432 (Uncle) ************************************************************************************************* Name : Vijay Anand. M ; Date of Birth 24/11/1980 11:45 PM ; Gothram : Sub-Sect AAthreya gothram, Vadagalai ; Star : Thiruvadhirai ; Parents Father : (Late) Madanagopalan, Mother: M.Prema ; Qualification : M.Sc.; Present Job : Workingas Sr. Production Engineer in a MNC ; company at Oragadam, near Chennai ; Salary : Rs.45,000/p.m. About boy ’ . ” tall, fair complexion Relations One sister married Other Details : Mother is a Pensioner. Owns a house in Ettayapuram, Tutiocorin Dt. As Regs Girl, Employed or unemployed, Graduate Contact Ph. No. 9894231099 (mother) or 9750873432 (Uncle) *********************************************************************************
NAME : V.HARIHARAN ; FATHERS NAME : N.VARADHARAJAN; MOTHER’S NAME : S.VASANTHA. DATE OF BIRTH : 1.10.1987 ; TIME OF BIRTH : 00.38A.M ; PLACE OF BIRTH : HYDERABAD. STAR AT THE TIME OF BIRTH : POORADAM – PADHAM -2 ; BALANCE OF DASA AT THE TIME OF BIRTH : SUKRA 12 YEARS, 11 MONTHS, 14 DAYS ; GOTHRAM : BHARADH WAJAM. VADAGALAI : AHOBILA MADAM ; NATIVE PLACE : VELAMUR/VANKIPURAM- SIRUDHAMUR – NEAR TINDIVANAM.; FATHER - CONSULTANT IN COPPER WINDING WIRES.- MARKETING. MOTHER - RETIRED FROM VIJAYA BANK.; ELDER BROTHER MARRIED & WELL SETTLED. M.C.A. WORKING IN DELOITE – HYDERABAD. ;BROTHER WIFE - SAP CONSULTANT - TECH MAHENDRAHYDERABAD.-SRIDEVI- B.TECH IN EEE&PSSSED SAP COMPUTER TRAINING COURSE- FROM GUNTUR AT PRESENT THROUGH COMPANY GOT H1B VISA AND TRANSFERRED TO ATLANTA – TO CLIENT UPS LOGISTICS. ABOUT CHI. V. HARIHARAN. HEIGHT – 5’.11” ; WEIGHT- 65-70KGS, ; COLOURWHEATISH . BROWN. ; QUALIFICATION - B.TECH FROM HYDERABAD JNTU. DONE PGDMS THROUGH SYMBIOSYS. PUNE- IST CLASS.; WORKING EXPERIENCE – JOINED WITH INFOSYS- CAMPUS INTERVIEW SELECTION IN 2010.NOW SELECTED IN ACCUNTURE – HYDERABAD AS Sr. ANALYST AND JOINED ON APRIL -17 TH 2014. SALARY IN NEW JOB – 7 LACS P.A. CONTACT NOS : N.VARADHARAJAN – 08106305175 –EMAIL: vhvconsultants@gmail.com S.VASANTHA : 09989393031 - EMAIL:vasantha1953@yahoo.co.in. Groom: S.R. Balaji 10/5/1985 BE.,MBA. Fair . 5.11 Associate manager,MNC Bangalore. Having H1B visa Kaundinya Gothram, thiruvonam star Both parents alive. Father retired. Mother working in central govt. Younger brother B.E. Working in Singapore Email expressramanujam@ gmail.com Phone 9282438190 and 9840974065 Boy name:R.Ramanujam. Date of birth : 18 - 12 - 1987.; Time : 1.10am. Gothram : Koundinyam ; Birth star : Vishakam ; .Qualification : B.com. CA. Doing ICWA. Employment : Doing own practice along with partner ; Salary : Rs.35ooo p.m. K.V.Raghavan. 26583452 9043981189 1)Name: P.T. SRIVATSAKUMAR.;2)D.O.B: 19-11-1983..3)star : BHARANI 2- m Padam; 4) Kothram : SRIVATSAM. 5) kALAI : Thenkalai ; 6) Time of Birth : 11.55 AM 7) P.O.B. Kumbakonam. 8) Qualification : B.E. 9) JOB : MNC company. Sr. Testing Engineer.10) One Younger Brother : Finished B.E. 11) Parents both alive. Contact : 96000 95438 ptkdeep@gmail.com
Name - V.Sriram ; DOB - 25.12.1977 ; Star - Thiruvadhirai Goth ram - Sadamashna Goth ram ; Company - Hot Courses India Pvt Ltd Designation - Senior Data Analyst ; Salary - 25000 Per Month Annual Income - 3 lac's Per Ann um Address - No. 14 / 6 NH2 Nanmullaiyar street, Marai Malai Nagar Kancheepuram District - 603209. Contact No - 044 – 27452540
Name : S.S.Satyanarayana ; Gothram : Srivatsa ; Star : Hastam Height : 170 CM ; Qualification : B.COM GNIIT ; Job : Consultant in HCL Comnet Phone # : 044 24741874 ; Mobile # : 9444641326/9940583319
Name : Sriram rangachary ; Gowthram : GARGEYA ; Star : UTHRATADHI ; Date of birth : 29-03-1987 ; Qualification : BCOM(Comp.science), MBA (Banking and Finance) ; Height : 5 ft 11inches ; Occupation: Working as Associate at Mavericks. Salary : 7 Lacs/annum.; Details: Father is retired state government employee. Mother is retired central government employee. One elder sister married. Expectations: Any suitably qualified and employed girl from respectable family. my contact detail are as below : M.S.Rangachary , HNO: 5-1-234/18 , Sundarbhavan, Jambagh, Hyderabad-500195, Contact No :04066788466/9052165226/9502338455 Contact Email : rangachary.ms@gmail.com
************************************************************************************************* Gothram: Vadhoolam ; Cult: Vadagalai Iyengar; Qualification: BA, MCA ; Employment: employed in MNC at Chennai ; Family: Father has just expired at his age of 83 ; Mother is alive ; Sibblings: 3 sisters- all married and settled well in their life. Contact: Mother Pankajam 97104 24301; Sister Anusha 978905 51172
**************************************************************************** Chi Badri Padhukasahasram / 23rd Oct 1980/ Garga/ Revathi/ Vadakalai/ Phd, Scientist working for a non-profit in Detroit, USA, green card holder, $90000 pa/ Innocent Divorcee with no liabilities/ 85 kg/6 feet 1 inch/Very fair, Handsome/ Father Retired from Government job & mother homemaker/ Elder brother married and settled in US/ Contact details - Father P.C. Kothandaraman, Email: ramanpck@yahoo.com, USA contact phone number: 248 525 0313 1. Name: Deepak Seshadri (Son) ; 2. Address: C/O Col KP Seshadri, Military Hospital, Jodhpur 342010, Rajasthan ; 3. Date/Time/Place of birth: 11 - 03 – 1987; 4. 5.31pm (1731 hrs.), Mysore ; 5. Gothram: Srivatasa Gothram ; 6. Nakshatram: Pushyam ; 7. Padam: Third (3rd) Padam ; 8. Sec: Iyengar / Sub _ Sect: Vadagalai; 9. Height: 5’ 7”; 10. Qualification: B.Sc. (Hotel Management – IHM – Bangalore) ; 11. Occupation: Marketing & Operations Manager, Marbella Beach Resort, Goa. 12. Salary: Rs. 70,000/= pm.; 13. Expectations: Graduate girl, Iyengar sect, sub-sect-any, 14. Contact details: a. mobile: +91 8400482482 b. e-mail: kp_seshadri@yahoo.co.in, kpseshadri@gmail.com
Vadakalai; sadamarshanam ; Uthiratathi(4thPadam); November 1986 ; 5'9"; doing Ph.D in Ohio State University, columbus, USA seeks alliance from girl doing Ph.D/ MS or employed in USA. Contact: 09491199521, 08179658328. E.mail: sugandril@gmail.com ********************************************************************************************************** Name.: Mr.M.Shyam.; Fathers Name Mr.S.Mohan ; D.O,B.24.05.1987 ; Nakshatram Revathi ; Gothram.Srivatsa Gothram ; Qualification. B.E CEG Anna University, M.E.IISc. Bangalore, Doing Ph.D in London Business School London, Job Income: Doing doctorate with full scholarship funding , Height.5.6; Expectation from girlWell educated.and well placed , ew number 7/old number 484, second Floor,24th Street,TNHB Colony, Korattur,Chennai 80.Mobile Number 9500059809
Name K Koushik ; Age 26 years ; Date of birth 24.3.1988 ; Gothram Koushiga gothram; Star Rihini 4 th padam ; Height 5 ft 4 inches ; Qualification B E Csc Employment Workling as Associate in Cognisamt Technologies ; Phone no. 044 22482492 ; Expectations Any graduate girl (preferable non IT) working/not working from decent family background. Should respect family traditions *********************************************************************************************** Name of the Bride Groom : Deepak K Vasudevan ; Father's Name : Vasudevan S ; Mother's Name : Jayalakshmi V ; Address : 5 Vasantham Sri Vidya, Gurunathar Street, Maruthy Nagar , Rajakilpakkam , Chennai 600 073 , Tamil Nadu. INDIA ; Scholastic Skills : 1) BE (Computer Science and Engineering)2) MBA (Systems); Work : Tech Architect in Mumbai ; Annual Pay : 9.5 L ; Date of Birth : 10 November 1977 ; Place of Birth : Pulgaon, Wardha, Maharastra ; Marital Status : Issueless Divorcee ; Contact Numbers : 1) Parents: 98400 26014/94449 62839 , 2) Groom: 9423 9478 56. th
Name – R.Balaji ; DOB – 9 SEP 1981 ; Qualification – B.E(Mechanical)K.J Somaiya college Mumbai.Gothram – Bharadwajam ; Kalai – Thenkalai ; Employment – Consultant,Capgemini –MumbaiAnnual Income - 8,40,000 PA ; Father – A.Ramanujam (Retired as Director Finance,Lakhanpal Pvt Ltd);Native – Vilangulam near Pattukottai ; Mother – Rajalakshmi (Housewife) ; Achariyan – Malliam Rengachari ; Sister – One elder sister Married and settled in Singapore. Brother – Nil ; Height – 175cms ; Weight – 62 kg slim whitish Brown ; Mail ID – rajimadurai56@gmail.com ‘ Mobile – 09870262054/7200457684/7200765899/02228767957 ; Partner Expectation – Graduate with clean habits,Iyengar girls ; Address – A/12 Ganga Jyothi ,Bangur Nagar, Goregaon West , Mumbai – 400090
Chi Sriram / 09th May 1982/ Bhardwajam/ Anusham/ Vadakalai/ B Com, M.Fin Mgt/ Admin Officer in a reputed bank in Toronto, Canada/ Innocent Divorcee/ Father Retd from private employment & mother homemaker/ Elder brother married and settled in UK/ Contact details - D.Gopalan, Phone 0431-4020900, Mobile: 09841329739 & dgopalan2@yahoo.com
Name: S R BharathKirishnan, Date of Birth: 26.05.1986, Age: 28 years, Star : Pooradam (2), Gothram: Koundinyam, Sect: Vadakalai, Qualification: B.E, MBA (SP Jain, Mumbai), Employment: Deputy Manager, Tata Power Solar, Bangalore, Height: 5.9.6 – Fair Complexion, Father’s Name: V S Rankanathan, Chief Manager, Canara ank (Rtd), Mother’s Name: S Hemalatha, Lakshmi Vilas Bank, Chennai, Siblings: One younger sister, doing M.Phil – Classical music, Native: Tirumali Mupoor, Address: 1A, First Floor, Kameshwari Apartments, Old No 23, N No 35, Desika Road, Mylapore, Chennai-600004, Landline: 04424660525, Mobile: 08754401950, Email ID: vsranka5@gmail.com
Name : A.Aravindh ; D,O.B: 23/04/1974 ; Star: Barani ; Gothram : Srivastha Emp : Working at Bangalore System domain ; Salary : 3,60,000/pa Achariyan . Swyam(Erumbil Appan Vamsavali)(Koilkandhadai ; Father : T.A.Alagar Retd. ftrom TNEB ; Mother : Home maker.; Nucliyar family with four members .Sister married and well settled and now in US, having own house at Royapettah
Alliance invited from well qualified and musically inclined Iyengar girl , sub-sect no bar, for Chiranjeevi Krishna/ Tenkalai/ Bharadwaja Gotram, Sadayam, DOB: 24-Oct-1985, Ph D in Bio-Technology from Illinois, Chicago working as a Scientist in a Bio-Tech firm in San Diego, California. Boy's details: 5' 11", fair complexion, trained Carnatic vocalist; father: Retd General Manager, TVS settled in Srirangam, mother: homemaker, one elder brother married & working in DuPont. Boy owns an apartment in Chennai. Contact: R. Kannan, email: kannan0309@gmail.com, Ph: 9894619812
Name : Karthik Rajagopalan l Personal Details: Home phone - 044-24475640 / 98408 87983,Father - Retired Chemical Engineer ; Mother - Retired Doctor ; Sai Devotee Working in a MNC (Petrofac Information Services India Pvt Ltd) ; Department - IT Salary - 40K per month ; DOB - 26-10-1976 ; Hindu / Brahmin - Iyengar - Vadagalai We go to both Shirdhi and Puttaparthi. He is service coordinator in Kotturpuram Samithi - (Chennai South).He goes to Sundaram on Saturdays and Sundays for service. He does not drink. Non Smoker,Father : R. Rajagopalan, +91 44 24475640 Name. S.Balaji, Fathers Name N.Srinivasan Caste Brahmin, Iyangar. Vadagalai; Gotheram Athreya Qualification Nalayira Diviyaprabhantham Course passed at Ahobila mutt Patasalai.Selaiyure Pass Mumbai.Occupation Archagar in Ahobila Mutt Sri Lakshmi Narasimha Temple at hembure Mumba 25000/-p.m; Expectation : Vadakalai or Tenkalai ; 10th r + passes. Hight : ’4” to ’7”
Gothram - Naithruba Kashyappa, Vadagalai, Iyengar, ; Star: Anusham ; Height: 177cm or 5'7'' Qualification: BSc, MBA, & MCA ; Job: Chennai, Private company ; Expectation : Graduate, Iyer or Iyengar - No Demands; Contact Address: New 4, Old 27, Second Street, Dhandayutha Pani Nagar Kotturpuram, Chennai 600 085 Contact: 044 24475640 or +91 98408 87983
Personal Information : Name : K.Srinivasarengan; Date of Birth : 05/12/1986 ; Height : 178cm Complexion : Fair ; Place of Birth : Srirangam ; Religion : Thenkalai Iyengar Educational Qualification : BE (E&I); Job : Instrumentation Engineer. Company : Tecton Engineering and Construction, LLC ; Hobbies : Football, listening to music.; Habits : Non-Smoker, Non-Drinker, Pure Vegetarian Family Details : Father's Name : L.Krishnan ; Native Place : Srirangam, Trichy Job Status : VRS, retired from Department of Atomic Energy as Purchase Officer. Mother's Name : K.Komalam ; Native place: Alwar Thirunagari. Job Description : Home maker ; Sister's Name : K.Gayathri, MSc. Mathematics (Final year) Aachaariyan : Vaanamamalai madam. We have our own apartment at Virugambakkam, Chennai, and a flat at Melur Road, Srirangam. Contact Details : Address: L.Krishnan , 163, G-2, Srinivas Apartments, Bhaskar Colony, First Street, Virugambakkam, Chennai-600092. Mobile : L.Krishnan: 9600102987 ; Landline: 044-23762987, Email: l.krishnan1958@gmail.com
NAME : J.MUKUNTHAN ; DATE OF BIRTH : 07.09.1979. BIRTH PLACE : SRIRANGAM ; FATHER’S NAME : P.JAGATH RAKSHAGAN MOTHER’S NAME : .R.KAMALA VASINI ;KOTHRAM : VADAKALAI- KOUSIGAM COMPLEXION : Very Fair ,Good Looking ; HEIGHT : 172cms QUALIFICATION : B.E.CIVIL PLACE OF WORK : SOUTHERN RAILWAY (JEWORKS) HEAD QUARTERS CHENNAI. ( salary 4.2 Lakh/Annum) FAMILY DETAILS : Two Elder Sisters, Married and Settled ADDRESS : 42, Chakrapani street , A-5, Rams Appartments, Westmambalam.. CONTACT NO. : 044-24831151,9884862473 & 9444162288. mukunthanchennai@gmail.com
Name : V.Krishnakumar ; Date of Birth: 01.10.1985 ; Star: Bharani Gothram: Vathula Gothram Vadakalai ; Place of Birth: Ambattur, Chennai Time 08.30 pm. Height: 5.11 ; Complexion: Fair ;Qualification: B.Tech in Bio Technology, Jeppiar Engg. College,Ch. Now doing Ph.D. in Cell Biology in University of Georgia, Athens, USA, In June'14 will be completing Ph.D. He is in the process of applying for Post Doctorate Fellowship. Father: K.Vasudevan ‘ Retd. as Asst.Manager (Dispensary) in RBI, Chennai, Mother: Anusuya Vasudevan, Housewife, Younger Brother: V.Praveen, After B.Tech finished his M.S. in University of Dresden, now joined Ph.D. in Rosdock university, Germany. Details: Own house at Chennai ; Contact address: 119, V cross street, Ellaiamman Colony, Chennai 600 086, Contact Nos. Landline: 044 24334806 Mobile:99402 ; 9444232236
Vadakali, Athreya Gothram, Mirugasirisham Nakshatram, Feb 1989, BE (College of Engg, Guindy), MS (Ohio state university), currently working in USA ,170 cms, fair seeks professionally qualified Iyengar girl studying or employed in US. Email :oksmadhavan@yahoo.com
1. Name : Sriraman Soundararajan.; 2. Gothram : Athreyam 3. Sect : Iyengar ; 4. Sub-sect : Vadagalai-Ahobilamadam 5. Star : Uthiratadhi, Ist, Patham ; 6. Date of Birth : 19-05-1982. 7. Height : 5-feet- 5-Inches ( 165 cm ). 8. Qualification : B.E. ( Hons. ) E.E.E. – BITS, PILANI 9. Salary : Rs. 9, lakhs per annam. 10.Expectations :Any Engineering Graduate, Any Science ,Graduate, Any Post Graduate, Any Arts Graduate, Employed at Chennai or Bengaluru. 11. Contact address : Old. No. 33, New. No. 20, First floor, Balaji street, Sri VenkatesaPerumal Nagar, Arumbakkam, Chennai – 600 106. 12. Phone No. : 044-23636783, 43556646, Mob: 9790822750.
Name : A.S.Nandagopalan ; D.O.B : 21-7-1983; Gothram : Srivatsam Star : Kettai 3rd Padam ; Height : 5' 10" ; Qualification : B Tech.MS Engg,(Texas) Job : Aviation Engineer.MNC B'lore.Seeking an educated and cultured girl from a traditional and good family. Kalai no bar./ Followers of Ahobila Mutt Sampradhayams Contact person is AVS.Raghavan/Rohini Raghavan. 09396487826/09949210047 ; Contact mail ID is : raghavan.avs@gmail.com ******************************************************************************* Name : V.S.Shree ; Date of Birth : 11th May 1974 ; Star : Poorvasada ; Gothram : Kowsigam ; Native : Chennai ; Education : B Com (M Com) ; Employment : IIJT ,
Bangalore ; Height :5.7 Ft.Complextion : Fair ; Family back ground : Middle class , Moderate, religious minded.Sibling : 1 sister - Younger Married & 1 Brother - Younger Unmarried Parents : Father - Retd. Teacher & Mother - Retd. Manager Corpn. Of Chennai. Sub sect : Tenkalai Expections :Looking for a bride , educated preferably from a middle class family. Age : 33 to 38 . Contact details : Phone : 044-43589713 , 9884504491 / 9962231211 Mail ID : prabavathypn@gmail.com