TO HOUTEN We have found a new building in Houten, about 10 kilometers to the south of our current location. It was built in 2011 and is equipped with a modern infrastructure. The room to expand and it offers us the possibility to bring our showroom and production facilities closer together. since wood is our main resource. The old location was chosen because of its proximity to a canal, which was used for the delivery of wood. Most of our materials now arrive by truck and the new location makes timely delivery a lot easier. The address is Sleepboot 2. The street’s name means “tug boat” and that is what we are; one of the tug boats of
Dutch Design. With this in mind, we chose a boat theme for the layout and the marketing of our new facility.
The new factory is our expedition boat for the next stage of our development. Here, we will introduce new assembly techniques in order to keep up with the increasing demands of our customers. We are introducing robotassisted production methods to reach our goals: 30% faster, 30% less expensive and 30% higher quality. We have already achieved a considerable reduction in the delivery time and the emphasis now is on improving quality. The new factory will have special conditioned rooms to better control the drying process, we have robots to improve the quality of the spray painting, we introduced new assembly techniques and the new factory will offer additional possibilities for further customizing our products according to the wishes of our customers.
THE INTAkE DECk The materials for our products arrive here and most come from suppliers that are as Dutch as we are. We like short distribution lines. They make it possible to respond quickly after you order that one special item and we can have one of our team pick it up from one of our local suppliers. This would be impossible if we bought our materials in China.
THE UPPEr DECk The new factory has more storage. Our Wire collection, the Joost Selection and the Desk have proven to be successful new products that need to be delivered on short notice. As such, Pastoe will have to hold more products in stock in the future and in the new factory, we have the space.
THE AFT DECk This is where the order picking takes place. Here, we store all the basic materials for our products. Over the last year, we reduced the number of products we carry and we increased our stock of materials per product to shorten delivery times. Our goal is to deliver within 6 to 8 weeks, as dictated by our promise to be 30% faster. ENgINE rOOM Here, we produce the customized elements of our furniture, such as that oddly shaped piece of MDF that is required to make a cabinet 83cm high and 134cm wide, because that is what was ordered and that is what we can deliver. We call it ’mass customization’. We use standard elements for our cabinets, which we can customize based on spe-
cial requirements. The Landscape model, for instance, can be produced in any width. 5.
THE SAND BOx Here, the sheets of MDF are sanded before and after the spray painting cycle. This is the hardest part of the process. It requires a specially skilled result that Pastoe is known for. Sometimes, we repeat the cycle three times in order to achieve the desired results. The best paintwork can only be achieved with the proper sanding.
done by a machine and oddly shaped materials will be handled manually. This paint robot will make it possible to offer a much wider variety of colors and almost anything is possible. The robot, we call him Cees Chameleon, can change paint color in just a few minutes. At the old factory, this used to take 30 minutes. Thanks to this innovation, you can expect a wider range of colors from Pastoe in the future. This is a major part of our promise to become 30% better.
THE PAINT rOBOT This is where we will achieve the highest gains in quality improvement. The paint is systematically applied by a robot for much better results. We will
THE DrYINg CHAMBEr This is our own tropical paradise. Here we can maintain an even temperature and high pressure in order to speed up the hardening process of the paint, while at the same time keeping out dust.
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Na meer dan 100 jaar gevestigd te zijn geweest in Utrecht, is de Pastoe-fabriek voor de productie en presentatie van onze meubelen naar een nieuwe locatie verhuisd. Een inspirerende plek met veel ruimte voor experimenten en groeimogelijkheden. De plek te verlaten waar wij zo lang geworteld waren, is een emotionele ervaring. We zullen de stedelijke setting van Utrecht missen, de vriendelijke buren en de unieke architectuur van de fabriek. Het was een inspirerende omgeving, in elke betekenis van het woord. We hebben de buurt gedurende de afgelopen 100 jaar zien veranderen. Aanvankelijk waren wij het enige gebouw net buiten het stadscentrum. De afgelopen 50 jaar hebben we rondom ons huizen, winkels, restaurants, scholen zien verrijzen. Het was tijd voor de volgende stap.
After being anchored in the same place for 100 years, the Pastoe factory has set sail to a new location for the presentation and production of our furniture. It is an inspiringplace with room for experiments and room to grow. Leaving a place that has served us for such a long time is a moving experience. We will never forget the urban setting in Utrecht, with the friendly neighbours, the special architecture of the factory and the many events we organized at this location. In every sense, it was an inspirational environment. We have seen the neighbourhood change over the last 100 years. First, we were the only building just outside the city centre, but in the last 50 years we have seen houses, shops, restaurants and schools all being built around us. The time had come to move on.
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Après avoir été installée 100 ans dans les mêmes locaux, l’usine Pastoe déménage dans un nouveau site pour assurer la production et la présentation de ses produits. Dans un lieu stimulant qui offre tout l’espace nécessaire pour se développer et faire des expériences. Mais laisser derrière soi un lieu qui nous a servis depuis de si nombreuses années est émouvant. Nous n’oublierons jamais le cadre urbain d’Utrecht, avec ses sympathiques voisins, l’architecture particulière de l’usine et les nombreux événements que nous y avons organisés. Dans tous les sens du terme, un environnement qui donne de l’inspiration. Nous avons vu le quartier changer au cours de ces 100 ans. Au début, nous étions installés dans le seul bâtiment construit juste à l’extérieur du centre-ville. Au long des 50 dernières années, nous avons vu les maisons, les boutiques, les restaurants et les écoles se construire tout autour de nous. Il est à présent temps de changer d’air.
Dopo essere rimasta ancorata nello stesso luogo per 100 anni, la fabbrica Pastoe salpa alla volta di una nuova sede per la presentazione e la produzione dei suoi mobili. Un luogo ricco di ispirazione con ambienti idonei alla sperimentazione ed ambienti adatti alla crescita. Lasciare un luogo che ci ha ospitato per così tanto tempo è un’esperienza toccante. Non dimenticheremo mai la nostra sede nel centro di Utrecht, con i vicini amichevoli, la sua architettura particolare ed i molti eventi che vi abbiamo organizzato. Un luogo di ispirazione, in tutti i sensi. Abbiamo assistito ai cambiamenti del vicinato negli ultimi 100 anni. Inizialmen-
dal cuore della città. Negli ultimi 50 anni abbiamo visto costruire intorno a noi molte case, negozi, ristoranti e scuole. Ora è giunto il tempo di andare.
VON UTrECHT Nachdem wir 100 Jahre am gleichen Ort verankert gewesen sind, bereitet sich die Pastoe-Fabrik nun auf den Umzug an einen neuen Standort für die Präsentation und Produktion unserer Möbel vor. An einen inspirierenden Ort mit Platz für Experimente und für Wachstum. Einen Ort zu verlassen, an dem wir so lange beheimatet waren, ist eine bewegende Erfahrung. Wir werden die urbane Atmosphäre in Utrecht nie vergessen, auch nicht die netten Nachbarn, die besondere Architektur der Fabrik und die vielen Events, die wir an diesem Ort veranstaltet haben. Eine in jeder Hinsicht inspirierende Umgebung. Wir haben miterlebt, wie sich die Nachbarschaft in den letzten 100 Jahren verändert hat. Zuerst war unser Werk das einzige gebäude etwas außerhalb des Stadtzentrums. In den letzten 50 Jahren haben wir gesehen, wie Häuser, geschäfte, restaurants und Schulen um uns herum gebaut wurden. Jetzt ist die Zeit gekommen, weiterzuziehen.
The core of our local production strategy in the Netherlands is to achieve the perfect balance between the and to respond to customer demands in composition, color and materials. This can only be done locally, close to the market. But most of all, we feel responsible for maintaining the long tradition of innovative design at the highest level of quality, which characterises Pastoe’s history and leaves no room for compromise. We hope that you will join us on this voyage towards new horizons, which we are starting in an optimistic mood, while being aware of the many challenges ahead.
Factory showroom: Sleepboot 2, 3991CN Houten , +31(0)30 258 55 55
Utrecht — Houten
This used to be our biggest challenge at the old factory, where dust played a major role in the rejection of panels. This room is also pressurised to keep dust particles out. This technique is borrowed from chipmakers. Utrecht
SPrAY PAINT CELLS Here, our master painters perform the more complicated paint jobs. An abundance of light guarantees they don’t miss anything. INSPECTION ArEA This is where the ultimate inspection takes place. the production process. rejected panels are sent back to the previous phase until they meet our quality criteria. Our goal is to reduce costs
by 30%, mostly by striving towards an almost error-free production process. However, it will never be possible to completely eliminate errors. To err is human, after all. 10. ASSEMBLY ZONE Our master cabinet makers have 10 tables at their disposal and you can watch your furniture being assembled directly from the showroom. 11. PACkINg AND CrATINg We ship our furniture all over the globe and that starts here. All our products are carefully packed and crated. We do not want to waste all our effort in building a beautiful cabinet by leaving room for accidents to happen during shipping. We now have the space to improve the packing process.
12. HArDWArE SUPPLIES Here we keep all the small materials necessary to complete our furniture.
STUDIO PASTOE This is our showroom, where all our products are displayed. We welcome visitors and are more than happy to explain the endless compositions possible with our furniture. The showroom also provides a great view of the factory. There is also a virtual Studio Pastoe available that allows you to work at home on your new cabinet before coming to Studio Pastoe with your sketches, which we can then turn into a new cabinet.
THE BrIDgE This is where we work on product development, marketing, ordering, planning and after sales. From here, we oversee the whole factory. We have a special room for idea development, photography and testing. The bridge, studio and factory are all part of a single working environment that we intend to be around for the next 100 years.
THE gALLEY This is where we all eat during lunch hour. It has a spectacular view of the factory, so we are planning on placing a bench here for our visitors, in order to let them enjoy the view of the beehive that is the Pastoe factory.