Kylie Jenner's Birthday!
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Your 12 Month Personal Horoscope Forecast & Life Destiny Reports MONTHLY VIDEO HOROSCOPES
| AUGUST 2018
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My Life Destiny Character Analysis Report W e l c o m e . . .
& 12 Month Personal Horoscope Forecast P a g e s
K y l i e
4 - 5
J e n n e r ' s
My 30% off Special Offer is for the COMBINATION of Life Destiny Character Analysis & 12 Month Horoscope Forecast Reports. These will give you stunning insights for the next 12 Months, and help you to time your moves across your life. Understand the deeper patterns at play in your situation and how to tap into your true potential...
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WELCOME Hello and thank you for joining me for the Fifth Edition of my all
FREE Monthly Magazine.
August 2018 sees seven retrogrades (including the North Node) and these can have a major impact for some zodiac signs but it will be Mercury and Mars that will stand out I feel within this, particularly with Mars squaring with Uranus for the first three weeks. Communications are always important of course, but any situation or relationship which is too inflexible or restrictive will come under particular scrutiny. Wishing you a very special August with warm wishes, Patrick
Kylie Jenner Birthday She may not be the Kylie who sang ‘I should be so lucky’, but it seems Kylie Jenner already is! For having risen to prominence as part of the infamous reality TV dynasty, she is no longer ‘Keeping up with the Kardashians’, but taking a lead of her own, influencing a ‘Jenner’-ation’! Her worldwide appeal, largely due to her Sun in the rightful Sign of Leo, means she's naturally at home in the spotlight. While opposition from retrograde Jupiter in Aquarius and governing Uranus too spurs her on to create her own place among the stars. This combination makes social media the perfect platform, bestowing unexpected good fortune in this area and a ‘jenner-ous’ following, evident by her 100 million disciples. As well as putting her ahead on the curve, especially when it comes to trends and her image. Though, this combination also courts controversy, the sunny-side being she is adept at creating media attention. This reinforced by her sexy Scorpio Moon’s house placement, meaning she intuitively knows what the crowd desire, and with a Capricorn Ascendant she possesses the practical skills to achieve this.
This unsurprisingly demonstrated through ‘Kylie cosmetics’ company among others and clothing lines, along with a modelling career. As creative and beguiling Neptune on her Ascendant, coupled with go-doing Mars in aesthetic Libra and everyday Mercury, beautiful Venus and the vocational North Node in Virgo, makes this an ideal choice, allowing her to also serve others. With a challenging Pluto in Sagittarius giving the ability to constantly change it up, as well as the need to constantly delve into unknown realms. As Kylie dips her toe in the acting and musical waters and simultaneously embarks upon motherhood too. For with a retrograde Saturn in Aries, it seems Kylie holds the key to her own success, on course to be the youngest ‘self-made’ billionaire according to Forbes magazine. This up for debate by some, but with stimulating transiting Cardinal Planets and this month’s Solar Eclipse impacting her Natal chart in this area, there is definitely a new chapter in this book of ‘Jenner-sis’!
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August Forecast Love Island may have reached its
This is especially true with six
finale, but as August begins there
Planets experiencing
still seems to be a hot bed of
retrograde periods this
activity when the lights go out,
month, meaning ‘speed
astrologically wise that is! #another
dating’ is not an option this
Eclipse is on its way #blind date!
August, with the majority of Planets remaining in the
So this August, like another island
same Signs or forming past
romance, ‘Mamma Mia, here we go
relationships. As only the Sun
again’! As not only do we find
and Venus are ‘re-coupling’
ourselves facing a new Solar Eclipse
with a new partner this
in Leo on the 11th, but on the
month. So like Narcissus
rebound from the previous ones, as
staring into that pool of
their effects reverberate through
water, most planetary bodies
this month. While, you could say
are ‘not seeing anybody else’,
there is a sense of also going back to
just concentrating on self
an old flame this August, with the
reflection and what appears
month beginning with the Sun,
to be looking back this
North Node and retrograde
Mercury also still in Fire Sign Leo, the ‘Lion King’, bringing up the same issues. So this August, it may feel like it is difficult to move on no matter how much you may want to!
For retrograde Planets may feel
This stoked up by fiery Mars in
like stagnant waters, but there are
opposing Aquarius, which
times when it is necessary to stop
electrifies matters further,
and as Trump puts it ‘drain the
bringing with it an
swamp’ in order to see clearly.
unpredictable and
Therefore, utilised retrograde
uncontrollable element also,
episodes can be very beneficial,
akin to Icarus flying too close to
providing a pause for thought, to
the Sun!
confront what is ‘hiding in the attic’ so to speak, and alter the
This manifested in anything
past, like that picture of Dorian
from high winds and electrical
storms or faults sparking up and computer melt downs, to
The upside of this being that
radical attacks or air incidents
around the time of Eclipses, it is
and unfavourable activity
advisable to do nothing, as
concerning children and the
ecliptic energy can distort
entertainment industry. While,
perceptions. However, this
surprising events linked to
charged atmosphere promotes
royalty or whirlwind celebrity
the opposite, so things can boil
affairs may come out, as well as
over. This clearly observed in the
further violence or protests
environment, as this Summer
against ruling governments. As
there is a ‘real hot show’ in town,
this combination means there is
with Sun ruled Leo dominating, it
a lot of hot air going around,
is between ‘Tell me on a Sunday’
though with communicative
and ‘Cat on a hot tin roof’.
Mercury and action orientated Mars both being retrograde for
As heat-waves and wildfires
most of August,
continue, while the earth cracks,
miscommunications and
droughts occur and volcanic lava
wrongdoing abounds.
pours on.
Therefore, Trump may feel some of
For confusion, restrictions and
that ‘fire and fury’ rain down on
not enough money to go around
him, whereas in Europe, ‘brexit’
leave questions hanging in the
negotiations seem more like a
air, reinforced by secure Venus
‘Chess’ standoff. However, by the
ruled Taurus in shocking Uranus
13th, there is ‘a whistle down the
retrograding from the 8th. As like
wind’ aspect so to speak, as Mars
opening Pandora’s Box, there
reverts back into earthy Capricorn,
may be a few hidden surprises
shifting the emphasis, as institutions
brought to light, with this
and authority issues become the
Planet’s backward motion.
focus. This not offering much of a reprieve though, as ‘Wicked’,
Therefore, once seen they cannot
malefic Mars now retrogrades
be unseen, or put back in the
alongside Capricorn Saturn and
box, as other Fixed Signs cause a
Pluto, creating ‘Les Miserables’! As
reaction. This reaching ‘Saturday
further anxiety and anger over these
Night Fever’ pitch with the 11th’s
matters is ramped up, unaided by a
Solar Eclipse, amplified by an
jarring Venus, having left Virgo and
expanding Jupiter in
entered Libra from the 7th.
incompatible Scorpio. For it can bring fortuitous new starts, but
The silver lining being that it is now
also crisis points too, as this Leo
a case of ‘My Fair Lady’, as
eclipse this month is literally ‘a
reasonable Libra finds herself in her
Total Eclipse of the Heart’,
own home in Venus. This appearing
meaning heartbreak for some
to promise diplomatic, balanced
and legal entanglements. This
interactions, as this couple desire
being the last of this year’s
harmony, but with clashing Planets
Eclipses, offering a fresh start
this pleasing Sign finds itself
after last month’s finalising lunar
literally on a ‘charm offensive’.
blood Moon Eclipse encouraged removing any of life’s toxic elements.
However, one should not forget that this feminine Moon Eclipse continues to wield its power this month too, being something of a ‘Woman in Black’ due to its connection with Mars and the South Node. Therefore, it is necessary to tread carefully in her presence, in order to avoid accidents, incidents, losses or even a ‘War of the Worlds’! Though we may find ourselves on more solid ground as the month draws to an end, as the Sun progresses into practical Virgo from the 23rd. This calming matters somewhat, as this Sign enjoys painstakingly looking at the finer details. While, everyday Mercury moving forward from the 19th, means daily life becomes a little less complicated. Though, retrograde Neptune now opposes this Sun Sign, creating some confusion, but the 26th’s Pisces Full Moon should provide some clarity in this respect. As a ‘Chorus Line’ or more aptly ‘lion’ of previous opposed Leo Planets created a ‘King and I’ or fat ‘Cats’ mentality, but Earth and Water Signs now promise more down to earth, empathic solutions. Thus, defining who is suffering in society and who has the resources to help, particularly regarding money shortages in health sectors, highlighted at the month’s opening. So this hot month, may find us experiencing mania, not just the ABBA kind, but it seems, in order to move forward this month we cannot go from A to B before B to A!
Monthly Horoscopes for all Signs - August 2018 Aries 21 March - 20 April Venus moves into a lovely location on the 7th, giving you a fabulous opportunity to relate more harmoniously to others. But with your ruler Mars spending much of the month retracing his steps, and Mercury in retrograde until the start of week three, communication is still going to need some care. The vibrant Partial Solar Eclipse on the 11th, also sees you needing to balance your passions and desires with how these are perceived by those in positions of influence or older family members. Call one of our team to find out more and get the most out of this exciting time…
Taurus 21 April - 21 May Uranus hasn't been with you for long Taurus, but begins a retrograde on the 11th. From now until the 5th November, any constraints to your ability to be a free spirit, and especially if you're born in the early part of your sign, can really be hard to take. There could be crossed wires with someone close to you through to the 19th of this month. And in general, emotional, family and security needs will be at the centre of your thinking. If tensions have been bubbling, they can peak in week two. Contact one of our sincere team of psychics for greater insights…
Gemini 22 May - 21 June Your natural flair for communication can be boosted by this month's sparkling Partial Solar Eclipse and also the arrival of Venus in the most glamorous part of your situation on the 7th. But with your ruler retracing his steps for the first three weeks of this month, precision is the order of the month. The more you take care to ensure that others understand where you're coming from, the easier things can be. A point of principal can burst into the open in week two however. Call us to understand your romantic situation in full. There could be a surprise on the astral cards…
Cancer 22 June - 23 July How the foundations of your situation, in terms of security and stability, knits in with those closest to you is really going to come under the astral spotlight this month. This is going to be particularly the case in week two, when you can become more conscious of any injustices or find yourself penned in by cloying demands. Still, once the Sun reaches Virgo on the 23rd, things will start to make more sense and the Full Moon of the 26th gives you an opportunity to reconfigure things in a more satisfactory way. Our sensitive team is waiting to guide you...
Leo 24 July - 23 August The Partial Solar Eclipse in your zodiac sign is definitely an opportunity to radiate your qualities to a wider audience. It's also a time to take seriously any untapped potential that you're not deploying at the present. But your thinking can be quite fluid, and it won't necessarily be just one plan that sticks, you could have several ideas before you really settle on what you like. But by the time of the Full Moon of the 26th, things can start to shape up really positively. Then you'll be wanting to see tangible results emerge. Call our gifted team to gain insight on how to deal with any uncomfortable situations...
Virgo 24 August - 23 September Your financial situation can pick up from the 7th, and you may even find yourself in the mood to splash out a little bit and have some treats. Any plans you had to explore on a wider basis, or to learn new skills or travel, may however need some rethinking. It's possible that someone can confront you with some doubts or objections that you're not anticipating. Your thinking can be slightly more introspective, but all of this can be boosted hugely when the Sun arrives in your zodiac sign on the 23rd. Call one of our supportive team of psychics to unlock this month’s true potential...
Libra 24 September - 23 October Your popularity can absolutely soar this month especially from week two, and whilst there may be some passionate sparks around your love life and particularly in week two, in general, you can be fêted for your ability to get on with lots of different types of people and network. However, equally possible is a transition in some group situations or even key friendships. Imaginative plans that are well thought through around property, moving, redecoration or working from home can also make strides forwards. Call for a one to one reading to find out what’s in store for you...
Scorpio 24 October - 22 November You may find yourself feeling restless in week two, and it could be linked to your home environment or even those you live with. Though others may seem to create the reality, it could be that you're simply changing your outlook about what you expect in terms of your personal space, and needs around any kind of close bonds. This is a month however, when you should take your key goals and ambitions really seriously. Although there can be some frustrations, the big picture is bright. Call one of our gifted team to discover your destiny...
Sagittarius 23 November - 21 December When you're on top form Sagittarius, you can certainly be at the heart of things socially or in any kind of situation where you are with likeminded souls and upbeat people. The journey of Venus from the 7th through to the end of the month will certainly help this, as can the Partial Solar Eclipse of the 11th, when your love of exploration, fresh ideas and concepts, or meeting new people, is certainly boosted. Professional hopes, goals and ambitions come sharply into focus from the 23rd however. Call for a confidential chat to help you stay focused...
Capricorn 22 December - 20 January If you're needing to be ultra disciplined about your expenditure, you may feel a little bit frustrated with the situation in week two. All through this month your ruler Saturn is forging a glorious angle with Uranus. If you initiate new plans, which are creative but also highly practical, there is a lot to be optimistic about. It's true that you could be waiting to find out a key piece of information through to mid month, but once you have this you can really get on the front foot, and particularly from the 26th August. Call us now for help and guidance around finances...
Aquarius 21 January - 19 February Your relating sector really takes centre stage this month, but in week two it can seem that however hard you try to cooperate, as you often do, someone can seem resolutely determined not to. Actually, there is a tremendous opportunity to improve your relationships over the next six months, but being more closely in touch with your deepest needs can help steer your decision-making more astutely. Look for equity in all you do, be it close ties, friendships or at work Aquarius. Contact one of our tested psychics for in-depth enlightenment...
Pisces 20 February - 20 March You have probably found yourself being a bit more outspoken in recent months, and that's no bad thing at all. But the ironic thing is Pisces, others may have also not held back from telling you how they feel. There could be an element of that again this month, but also this can be a time when as much as others' opinions are obviously important, try to focus your mind on all the things that preserve your vitality, well-being, peace of mind and organisation. A relationship matter reaches a peak on the 26th. Call one of our insightful psychics to find out if there's even more in store...
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Welcome to my Monthly Horoscope Videos. Please CLICK on your ZODIAC SIGN BELOW for your FREE Horoscope Video Reading. Aries, Taurus, Gemini, Cancer, Leo, Virgo, Libra, Scorpio, Sagittarius, Capricorn, Aquarius and Pisces...
August MONTHLY TAROT CARD READING Welcome to August Tarot Card Reading Each zodiac sign is linked to one of the Tarot cards in the Major Arcana. August's Tarot Card is STRENGTH Sometimes the most obvious answer is the right one, and yes, when the Strength card appears, it can simply be that our physical condition is improving, which is why it is so welcome to those who have suffered poor health. Of course, if tarot cards were that straight forward everyone would be a tarot reader, so we need to think about strength in a more profound way.
The Strength card can refer to mental strength - it could be telling us that we need to confront any issues that are troubling us, not in an arrogant or aggressive way, but by using reason and compassion. Strength asks us to appreciate that whilst some compromise may be valuable, backing down to the point where we are sacrificing our goals or morals is not. In love matters, gentle persuasion is the key to soothing any troubled waters. However, we shouldn't forget to examine our own motives and emotional responses too.
Sometimes the most obvious answer is the right one, and yes, when the Strength card appears, it can simply be that our physical condition is improving, which is why it is so welcome to those who have suffered poor health. Of course, if tarot cards were that straight forward everyone would be a tarot reader, so we need to think about strength in a more profound way.
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