Masculine vs. Feminine Fire

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Masculine vs. Feminine Fire March 13, 2020: As I was walking with Lily, in the woods on Wednesday, the thoughts I will share below came to me. This is how my Shamanic trainings play out in me, at this point in my life. I receive wisdom information to share, teach. I cannot sit and drum with someone and go to their past lives, do soul retrievals, etc. My gift is teaching wisdom around herbs, health, yoga, and such.

I want to clearly carry myself in this world as a person who loves and respects both the feminine and masculine energies of the Universe. When I speak of these things it is with deep respect and honor for the feminine and masculine that reside in each gender and in every being on this planet Earth. In class, I spoke of the *Divine Feminine Rising. This can often bring up feelings of discomfort in women as we have squashed this energy, as a global culture, for so long. We have been taught that this is evil. Even if we don’t consciously pull these thoughts up as such, they have been ingrained in us: menstruation is dirty and should be hidden, pregnancy is a pathological problem and must be managed by the male medical field, menopause is a hideous nightmare and women turn into bat shit crazy bitches, then there was the burning times wiping out millions of women who carried the healing wisdom of their communities (because they were witches, correct?!) ‌ the list of our human culture damning feminine energies is literally endless.

*Other words that can bring up feelings of discomfort as we have been socialized to view these words, and the people described by the words, as negative - bad - evil: Pagan, Witch, Goddess, Wicca/Wiccan, Heathen, etc. Look up the history of these words. It is a fun learning experience.

I made the point, in both classes I believe, that the Divine Feminine Rising is not for the purpose of women taking over the world as a now woman ran patriarchy or an equally unbalanced masculine squashing matriarchy. The Divine Feminine, and the Divine Masculine, are both rising in consciousness; this is a return to balance. We need this balance so that all beings can live in peaceful full expression of whom and what we are.

So, this is what flowed into my head as I walked with my dear dog Lily: The characteristics that we have been socialized to believe are specifically either masculine or feminine is bullshit. This socialized idea of what constitutes masculine or feminine qualities and behaviors is part of what divides us as people, as genders, as couples, etc. No characteristic is truly either masculine or feminine. There are societies where the women were the bad ass warriors and they did the fighting, protecting, and the hunting. The men stayed home and nurtured the children with compassion, patience, peace, and love. Both genders were allowed the full range of emotional expression, without thought, it was just the way it was. This is the way we need to be now: both genders expressing the full range of their emotions and being seen, heard, and respected for this. When all human beings can stand up and express themselves in whatever way they need to, to authentically be themselves, we will be happier as a global – Earth culture. As one example, a woman, or man, should be able to stand up in anger and say:  I am angry  this is what angers me  this is what I need to do for myself  this is what I need from you to resolve this anger. It’s direct conversation, it’s truthful, and it’s non-violent communication. I have to admit that I am not fond of the phrase Non-Violent Communication as the very wording implies violence. Possible alternative choices:  Holistic Communication.  Peaceful Communication.  Heart Centered Communication.  Sacred Communication.

How do we use this masculine – feminine energy information to ingest our own energy and take in other’s energy? This energy we create within ourselves or take in from others has to be energetically chewed, digested, burned up, and then we must eliminate the remains (the energetic waste) from our energetic body. This is how we get rid of heavy energy. How can we also use this information to pull up stuffed heavy energy in our energetic body to do the same: chew it up, digest and burn it up, and eliminate it for good? This stuffed energy that I speak of is the energy from past events in our lives that we did not deal with and then let go of. We instead stuffed the energy somewhere in our being and just kept going to keep the peace or whatever we needed to do at the time.

So the elements of Fire and Water can help us here. We can use the element of Water to visualize it pouring over our energetic body and carrying away everything heavy that does not serve us as the light beings that we are. The element of Fire can be used by visualizing fiery sparkles coming down around our energy body to help burn up stagnant, heavy, old, trauma energies. Then we wash them away, again, with the element of Water. These techniques are used in Earth / Nature (shamanism being one) based spiritualities to cleanse the energetic body. I have studied in three types of Shamanic work and each has its own *cleansing rituals for ridding heavy energy. Each tradition’s rituals are very similar. This fact amazes me because the rituals were created long ago before people were moving about the Earth; created by individual cultural groups in their own little corners of the Earth. We are all truly connected and very similar.

*cleansing rituals remove heavy energy (our culture would use the word negative) and restore the balance of light energy (labeled positive energy by our culture) because we are light beings. Positive and negative are not used in Shamanic as these words imply good or bad. Heavy is used as it describes energy that weighs us down as humans. Light energy is that energy that vibrates at high frequency; keeps us light in spirit. We are meant to be Light. We have all used phases such as:  What is weighing heavy on you today?  She is light of spirit today, floating on a cloud. These are the heavy / light concepts in Shamanic teachings.

Yoga poses, breath work, mantras, mudras, chanting, etc. help support lifting these past heavy energies up and out of our energetic body so we can energetically chew them up, digest them, and eliminate them out… get rid of it. Yoga is embodiment work. It is a beautiful addition to traditional talk therapy. Talk therapy does not help move stuck energies from our energetic body or our actual physical body’s cells; cellular memories. Yoga does. Cellular memories can be from our own lifetime and we can carry cellular memories from our ancestor’s lifetimes. Talk about heavy energy possibilities. Keep in mind; we also carry the light energy of our own memories and our ancestors. That is beautiful. We are all beautiful light energy beings on this planet. When we uplift each other, to be the best expression of ourselves, the positive ripples endlessly. *Thanks for being on this journey with me. Love, Paula

*Because Pink IS the color of unconditional Love. Educational Information shared is the Copyright of © Paula Youmell, RN, Wise Woman Nurse® Sacred Circle Wise Women™ Mentorship

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