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Are you looking your internal process?

What is a GIFT? A gift or a present is an object given without the expectation of payment. The act of giving helps to think of others. When we think of others and put them ahead of ourselves, we reduce our thoughts about ourselves and thereby our ego. This is especially so if the act is done without expectations. Similarly, when we accept gifts with genuine gratitude irrespective of whether we like it or not, we reduce thoughts about ourselves and thereby our ego. This is a spiritual benefit of giving and receiving..

My GIFTS 1. When was the last time I received a gift? (by whom?) 2. Why did I get it?

3. When was the last time I give someone a gift? (to whom?) 3. Why did I give it?

4. How did I feel after I give it?

¿Porque es Importante que haga alineación de expectativas en TLP/TMP?



Marketing Area = Advertisement Advertising is a form of communication for marketing and used to encourage or persuade an audience (viewers, readers or listeners; sometimes a specific group) to continue or take some new action. Most commonly, the desired result is to drive consumer behavior with respect to a commercial offering. The purpose of advertising may also be to reassure employees or shareholders that a company is viable or successful. A significant trend regarding future of advertising is the growing importance of the niche market using niche or targeted ads. Also brought about by the Internet and the theory of The Long Tail, advertisers will have an increasing ability to reach specific audiences.


Flow in LC Product selection

Operations MKT


ĂĄrea de mercadeo debe trabajar como una agencia de publicidad dentro del comitĂŠ local. Definiendo cuales son las mejores estrategias y evaluando la efectividad de las mismas.

Promotion feedback

Audience Targeting

Promotion execution

Promotion Brief Promotion Timeline

3 tipos de promoción Relaciones Publicas Todas las actividades enfocadas al posicionamiento externo de la organización. La efectividad de estas actividades, por general, son medibles a medio / largo plazo a través del conocimiento de la marca. Como ejemplos están las apariciones en medios masivos, los premios recibidos, actividades de showcasing. Marketing De forma general, es este punto estamos hablando de todas as estrategias de vendas directas. Son ejemplos stands en ferias, material impreso, acciones BTL, etc... Micro XPs od En este punto están todas las

Relaciones publicas


Micro XPs

actividades que tienen como objetivo presentar de forma practica un poco de los productos que ofrecemos. Esa estrategia pude ser comparada con los stands de pruebas disponibles en los mercados. Son ejemplos acá el Y2B, Global Villages y charlas conectadas a showcasing de experiencias. Importante w hay algunas actividades en el Comité que pueden estar conectadas a mas de un tipo de promoción. Como por ejemplo un Global Village que presente un stand de inscripción puede estar entre Micro XP y MKT.

Which platform are you using to track and select your applicants?

PODIO is giving you complete reports about the profile that you are recruiting. Are you using the information in a strategic way?

Synergy Process



December: planning and launch National promo materials

Jan - Feb: logistics and Chiva Viajera (Virtual showcasing) April: Final Sprint

Feb - April: Physical promo with peaks

Q0: planning and segmentations (NPS, Podio)

Jan: logistics and search for databasis Feb – April: Opportunities Newsletter, Events, Touch points


MKT KPIs • # Subscriptions • % selection rate • % NPS filling rate Operations MKT OP + MKT

Feedback Process

Student Market

OGX Normal Sales Strategy

Operations KPIs • # Ra • # Ma • # Re • Matching time

• • • •

Realization time % Match rate % Realization rate Others based on programs


MKT KPIs • # Subscriptions • % selection rate • % NPS filling rate Operations MKT OP + MKT

Feedback Process

Operations KPIs • # Ra • # Ma • # Re • Matching time


ER Strategy

• • • •

Realization time % Match rate % Realization rate Others based on programs


MKT KPIs • # Subscriptions • % selection rate • % NPS filling rate Operations MKT OP + MKT

Feedback Process

Operations KPIs • # Ra • # Ma • # Re • Matching time


• • • •

Realization time % Match rate % Realization rate Others based on programs


Synergy 2 - Attract

ďƒŹ Going for action! MKT Adapt the promo material Support and train members for promotion Align BTL strategies Guarantee materials for stands Guarantee brand aligned presentations for info sessions

COMM Run Referidos campaign Align general membership to join and contribute with campaign

TM Support COMM and MKT with all needed information Guarantee members alignment with campaign strategy Execute promotion campaign

IMP: Have a timeline with set dates and final responsibles for all of this!


MKT KPIs • # Subscriptions • % selection rate • # external channel appearance • # event AIESEC is present Operations MKT OP + MKT

Feedback Process

External Market ICX Normal Sales Strategy

Operations KPIs • # Sales meetings • # Ra • # Ma • # Re

• • • • •

Matching time Realization time % Match rate % Realization rate Others based on programs

Segmentación: Realizar segmentación general (Segmento que se pretende tocar, lista de empresas que corresponden a ese segmento) Realizar segmentación específica (Estudiar segmento de mercado y generar lista de empresas estratégicas y potenciales TN Takers)

Portafolio: Definir información requerida para la generación del portafolio Recolectar información solicitada (Contenido, objetivo, cantidad requerida, tiempo de entrega, etc).

Organizar información y redactarla teniendo en cuenta el target y el tono de comunicación que se pretende transmitir Diseñar e imprimir portafolio

Ventas: Definir el plan de ventas (material, tono de comunicación, protocolo, presentación personal) Obtener citas por llamadas, referidos, visitas. Obtener citas por asistencia a eventos, contactos estratégicos, red alumni. Asistir a citas y lograr la venta

Seguimiento de TN Takers:

Visitas a la empresa de seguimiento (sin casos especiales)

Visitas a la empresa de seguimiento con casos especiales. (Es responsabilidad de MKT O hacer seguimiento a casos específicos pero deben asistir ambos ICX-MKT O). Realización de la encuesta de satisfacción a TN Taker Crear y ejecutar plan de fidelización

Seguimiento Trainees: Realizar plan de match: Información de perfiles de Trainees requeridos, TN Code, Job Description, contactos cooperación internacional, base de datos para envíar la promoción de TN’s, etc. Realizar estrategia virtual de match y piezas gráficas. Enviar correos y hacer seguimiento a los aplicantes.

Hacer proceso de match con los aplicantes seleccionados. Enviar newsletter con información de Medellín, del comité e intereses afines a los trainees desde su estado en Match. Realizar encuesta de satisfacción (NPS)

Showcasing Trainees: Generar guión de showcasing (preguntas especificas y medios) Generar cita para hablar sobre la experiencia Grabar la experiencia (escritura, fotografía, filmanción, etc) Crear estrategias para capitalizar la experiencia

Relaciones Publicas: Asistencia a eventos haciendo Lobby (en algunos eventos las áreas operativas también deberán asistir, tendrán previo aviso)

Asistencia a eventos con stand: Logística, diseño, ubicación, etc. Asistencia a eventos con stand: Brindar la información en el stand Generar contactos estratégicos y/o citas con Tn Takers potenciales Contactar y asistir a citas obtenidas con Tn Takers potenciales

Contactar y asistir a citas con Aliados potenciales

Cambios en la estructura


Promotion Synergy



(Paula Oviedo)

OGX Support Manager (Josue Pallares) COMM Manager

(Jhon Olea) ICX Support Manager

(Yesid Guiterrez)

1. Strategic Planning:  To lead the local Marketing Team, and the local initiatives related with the area.  To work aligned with the National Marketing Structure, in order to support the National.  To define a Local Media Plan, a Local Marketing Plan and a Local Public Relations

2. Customer focus:  Plan and create fidelity plans for TN Takers

3. Showcase impact:  To generate endorsement strategies to verify our products.  Plan and track showcasing strategies to position Incoming Projects.

4. Events management:  To manage Local External Events calendar to capitalize Market opportunities.

5. Market Segmentation: 6. Brand positioning:  To generate brand awareness in focused segments  Guarantee sales material and portfolio alignment with sales strategies

7. Leader of the area:


Main Funtions!!

ICX Support manager

 To lead local planning for posicionating ICX Programs at local level  To generate endorsement strategies to verify our products with local and new parthens.  To garantie current portfolios and virtual material in every Leads and approach market  To track showcasing strategies to position Incoming Projects every Quarter.  To track and make strongth fidelity plans for TN Takers  Promoción y Posicionamiento de Trainee Cases Customer focus  Liderar estrategias de Fidelización EPs y externos para ser Familias Globales.

Main Funtions!!

Internal Communication:  To apply the Comm model completely aligned between the local and national levels to get a professionalism and strong area  To implement the Brand Experience and Internal Communication for AIESEC in Colombia. It means Brand Effectiveness, Brand Audit, Defining Channels, Internal Communication, culture and organizational climate.  To Develop Local News weekly and Conversion Reports in OGX aplicants  To organize and implement LC Calendar with every exchange program and LC event.  To guarantee weekly 2.0 Web publications and Brand posicionating @MT at National Level.  TM Conversion Rate, Template for mailing, CRM Strategy for TM

COMM Manager

Main Funtions!!

OGX Support Manager

 Positioning the product «The best option»  Opportunity Local Newsletter alineado Con MC Strategies  Track for interesados, applicants, asistentes a MRB’s  Garantee Customer Orientation  Interested or Gdocs intern Link  Follow Up Doubts Link  PODIO Update  Conversion Embassador  To garantie current portfolios and virtual material  To track showcasing strategies to position outgoing Projects every Quarter

English level Listening








Specific Knowledge •AIESEC Way •AIESEC 2015 •Team Management (Building, Training,, Motivating and Tracking, LCVP ) •National compendium and strategy •Marketing Basics •Selling process and skills •Media Management •PR Management •AIESEC as a System Software •Microsoft Office (Word, Excel, Power Point, Access) •PODIO •Internet • •Wiziq • Google Basic tools (Mail, Calendar, Docs) •Basic Design Approved by Position

Paula Oviedo LCVP Marketing

How are you working these points?  How many meetings you have made on last month between MKT and OGCDP? Are your members involved on it?  How often do you track your applicants?  How often do you give or receive feedbacks about applicants profile?  How many times did you talked about required profiles and main targeting?  How are you working with promotion strategies creation and execution in Local level?  For how long an EP has to wait to be contacted by your local committee?  Are you planning wekly goals for aplicants?  Are youi tracking this weekly?

多Porque es Importante que este en el presente en el acercamiento Lidel Global? The two programs are not competing but complementing each other !!

多Porque es Importante que este en el presente en el acercamiento GCDP/GIP?

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